HomeMy WebLinkAbout070124 agenda packet
Date: Monday, July 1, 2024
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Location: Commissioners Meeting Room Harnett County Resource Center & Library 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington
Harnett County Board of Commissioners
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1. Call to order – Chairman William Morris
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation – Vice Chairman Brooks Matthews
3. Consider additions and deletions to the published agenda
4. Consent Agenda A. Minutes i. Work Session Minutes of June 11, 2024 ii. Regular Meeting Minutes of June 17, 2024 iii. Work Session Minutes of June 25, 2024 B. Legal requests the Board of Commissioners approve the conveyance of an approximate 10.16 acre real property tract located on Ponderosa Road to Ray Holder as described in the Resolution dated April 15, 2024. C. Development Services requests the Board of Commissioners approve an amendment to the Town of Angier’s Building Inspection Contract. D. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners reappoint Ken Adelberg as a lodging appointee and reappoint Evan Budrovich as a business/tourism appointee to the Harnett County District H Tourism Development Authority. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners would also like to appoint Punitha Srini to serve as serve as a lodging appointee on the Harnett County District H Tourism Development Authority.
5. Public Comment Period Period of up to 30 minutes for informal comments allowing 3 minutes for each presentation.
6. County Manager’s Report – Brent Trout, County Manager A. Harnett County DSS Monthly Report
B. Interdepartmental Budget Amendments C. Budget Amendments – Motion to approve budget amendments as requested by the
Finance Officer.
7. New Business
8. Closed Session
9. Adjourn
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Live audio of the meeting will be streamed on the Harnett County Government’s YouTube Channel
at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU7mTF6HTD65x_98EhAMeMg/featured.
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Harnett County Board of Commissioners
Work Session Minutes
June 11, 2024
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Minutes of Work Session
June 11, 2024
The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in work session on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, at
9:00 am, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, Harnett County Resource Center and Library, 455
McKinney Parkway, Lillington, North Carolina.
Members present: W. Brooks Matthews, Vice Chairman
Barbara McKoy, Commissioner
Lewis W. Weatherspoon, Commissioner
Matthew B. Nicol, Commissioner
Staff present: Dwight Snow, County Attorney
Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer
Brent Trout, County Manager
Jaime Bell-Raig, Deputy Clerk
Rebecca Aul, Staff Attorney
Vice Chairman Matthews called the Harnett County Board of Commissioners meeting to order
at 9:00 am. Commissioner McKoy led the Pledge of Allegiance and invocation.
The following agenda was before the Board of Commissioners:
1.Call to order – Chairman William Morris
2.Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation – Commissioner Barbara McKoy
3.Discuss a request for Board approval of a change to Summerville Bunnlevel Fire
Department Relief Fund Board membership; Larry Smith, Emergency Services
4.Discuss a request to approve an amendment to the current services agreement with
Republic Services; Chad Beane, Solid Waste Director
5.Discuss Proposed Text Amendment: Case #PLAN2404-00001 Applicant: George &
Claudia Elliott; 10.62 +/- acres; Pin #0663-13-8211.000; From RA-30 to RA-20M
Zoning District; Black River Township; SR # 2230 (Tylerstone Drive); Mark
Locklear, Development Services Director
6.Discuss proposed updates to the Personnel Ordinance; Janice Lane, HR Director
7.Discuss the revised Nonprofit Committee bylaws, policies, and funding; Brent Trout,
County Manager
8.Discuss FY 2024-25 Recommended Budget; Lisa McFadden, Budget Director, Brent
Trout, County Manager and Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer
9.County Manager’s Report – Brent Trout, County Manager
•June 17, 2024 Regular Meeting Agenda Review
•Upcoming meetings and invitations
10.Closed Session
Item 4Ai
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Mr. Smith stated there is a request to change the Summerville Bunnlevel Fire Department Relief
Fund Board membership from Mr. Harry Korner to Mr. Rodney Gregory. The consensus of the
Board was to add this item to the consent agenda.
Mr. Bean stated the Solid Waste Department seeks approval of an amendment to Republic
Services’ current contract. Republic Services currently operates all seven of the County’s
convenience sites, including providing staff, maintenance of equipment and grounds and hauling
waste and recycling for each site. All necessary reporting goes to Solid Waste. The amendment
would extend the terms for an additional three years, which the parties have agreed. There is a
one-time rate adjustment of 11.49% that equates to $73,587 to cover hauling costs and a
Consumer Price Index cap of 4% was included in this amendment. The consensus of the Board
was to add this item to the consent agenda.
Ms. Arbor stated there was a small typo to the item and it was a rezoning request, not a text
amendment. Ms. Arbor states the requestor is requesting to rezone a 10.62 +/- acre site from RA-
30 to RA-20M. The property is environmentally sensitive due to wetlands and the proximity to
Neills Creek. Ms. Arbor went on to explain the permitted uses in the two zoning districts as well
as the Land Use Classification Compatibility. Ms. Arbor stated the request is not completely
compatible with the Land Use Classifications. The staff’s evaluation was not able to support the
request. The Planning Board found the request for the small-scale rezoning to be unreasonable
due to the potential impact on the surrounding community and the immediate neighbors. There
were several citizens that spoke in opposition to the request at the Planning Board meeting with
concerns about potential impacts. Commissioner Weatherspoon questioned whether the property
was land locked. Ms. Arbor stated there was a private easement allowing access to the property.
Ms. Lane went through the updates to the Personnel Ordinance line by line, mentioning there
were several updates to the Personnel Ordinance to bring the Ordinance current and add new
legislative changes to the Ordinance. Throughout the ordinance the mention of Deputy County
Manager to update for all the positions in administration. The introduction to the Personnel
Ordinance integrated to match the new strategic plan mission, vision and goals. Commissioner
McKoy asked what was added as it relates to the Board of Commissioners responsibilities with
regard to the Board of Elections. Ms. Lane stated that it was updated to reflect the statute.
Commissioner McKoy questioned if the cell phone use policy was removed from the ordinance,
who would be responsible for making the decisions. Ms. Lane stated that each department head
would have to create a policy, which would all be provided to the Board for approval of the
policy. Commissioner McKoy questioned whether the State allowed employees time off for
Juneteenth, which Ms. Lane confirmed was a floating holiday at the State level for employees.
Ms. Lane went over the updates regarding discipline for unsatisfactory job performance.
Commissioner McKoy mentioned a verbal warning will sometimes straighten an individual out
and asked why the need to remove the verbal warning. Commissioner McKoy questioned why
we are eliminating the verbal warning, stating that the verbal warning would help the employee
recognize they need to do better. Ms. Lane stated that the verbal warnings were not being
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documented properly, which Commissioner McKoy responded that is a manager issue. Ms. Lane
mentioned that there is still encouragement for coaching before a warning takes place and there
are still Performance Improvement Plans in place. Commissioner McKoy stated she would like
for the oral warning to remain because it may eliminate a termination. Commissioner Matthews
questioned the oral warning and the form necessary when the second warning is issued and
whether the oral warning is noted, and Ms. Lane confirmed that the form provides the date and
check box of the oral warning while providing the date of the second warning. Ms. Lane
confirmed the preference of the Board would be to keep the oral warning intact in the Personnel
Ordinance. Commissioner Matthews stated keeping the oral warning would allow for verbal
conversation about any deficiencies in the employee's performance. Commissioner McKoy
questioned where the anti-nepotism policy was in the Personnel Ordinance. Ms. Lane stated it
was not added to the policy and referred to page 31, Section 6, The Employment of Relatives.
Commissioner McKoy stated she did not find it appropriate that department heads should not be
hiring their family members. Ms. Lane stated that a department head should not be able to
supervise a family member; the existing policy prohibits it. Mr. Trout suggested that the
department head fill out a form to request the hiring of a family member of the County Manager.
This form would state that a supervisory relationship would not exist. Mr. Trout stated he agreed
that family members supervising family members can become problematic. Commissioner
McKoy reiterated the need for a policy against nepotism. Mr. Trout stated they needed to go
down three levels of relation. Vice Chairman Matthews stated he would like the item on as a
separate item to address the two revisions.
Mr. Trout stated the company Carolina Community Foundation has a 10% administrative fee to
manage the nonprofit funds. If the decision is to go to in-house and have the County making
decisions and receiving funds, the money received from individuals is not tax deductible. Mr.
Trout’s recommendation would be to manage the nonprofit funds in-house rather than pay
another foundation to manage those funds. If the in-house management of nonprofit funds
became too much to handle internally, the option to have them managed by another entity could
be revisited. Commissioner McKoy stated that in-house management would be ideal, with the
final decisions regarding nonprofit funding coming from the Board. Each organization should be
set up as a 501(c)(3) and reporting requirements should be implemented. Vice Chairman
Matthews would like to explore the idea of a public/private partnership and would like to see
some options regarding that design as a brand-new organization. Mr. Trout stated he would bring
an option to the board for consideration.
Mr. Trout stated there a several items that need guidance from the Board.
•The decision on the West Area tax levy rate increase and whether the increase should be
two cents or four cents increase. Commissioner Weatherspoon recommended two cents.
Vice Chairman Matthews noted the rate in the districts adjacent were higher and he
questioned whether this was a matter of equity or a matter of need. Mr. Trout stated it is a
matter of equity, but that there was an expression of a need. The consensus of the Board
was a two-cent increase and continue as an incremental increase rather than four cents at
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•The Boys and Girls Club allocation of $50,000, and whether the Board would approve or
eliminate the request from the budget. Commissioner Weatherspoon noted there have
been two $50,000 appropriations from the State, his recommendation was to eliminate it.
Vice Chairman Matthews mentioned the two appropriations coming from the State. Mr.
Trout confirmed the two appropriations from the State. Commissioner McKoy stated she
would like to see a policy in place prior to releasing any nonprofit funding.
Commissioner Weatherspoon concurred. The consensus of the Board was to eliminate the
•The $75,000 allocation for Nonprofits. The consensus of the Board was to eliminate the
•Guidance was needed from the Board regarding the cost-of-living increase.
Commissioner Weatherspoon stated 3% was what the State was providing to its
employees as a cost-of-living increase. The consensus of the Board regarding the cost-of-
living increase was 3% across the board.
•Guidance was needed from the Board regarding the refundable deposit requirement to use
the new room at the Jetport. The consensus of the Board was to approve the refundable
deposit for the use of the new room at the Jetport.
•Guidance was needed from the Board regarding the additional animal shelter attendant
position. This position would create a $54,000 increase in our current budget.
Commissioner Weatherspoon mentioned a 12-month hiring freeze and creating a savings
of almost $4.9 million dollars to make up for the almost $6 million shortfall in education.
Mr. Trout stated during the preparation of the budget all positions are funded. Mr. Trout
stated there are no true savings because the positions that remain unfilled is money that
remains in the fund balance. Commissioner McKoy noted the staffing issues are dire at
the animal shelter. The consensus of a majority of the Board was to approve the one
animal shelter attendant position.
•Guidance was needed from the Board regarding Solid Waste roadside cleaning crew.
This funding comes from our enterprise fund and keeps our roadsides clean. The
consensus of the Board was to approve the Solid Waste roadside cleaning crew.
•Guidance was needed from the Board regarding the Low Wealth Funding for the Board
of Education. Mr. Trout stated the last item relates to the determination of the covering of
the low wealth funding that was not provided by the State this year based on the formula.
Management spent time trying to figure out this formula. Provided in a memo, were the
basic tenants of what that formula relates to, and it relates to three factors. We first look
at our property values, those are unfortunately two years behind, they lag as one of the
inputs into the formula. We had a large jump in property values with gain from our
revaluation and so that revaluation increased our numbers. They then have a weighted
sales assessment number that is added into their formula. Ours was 88.12, that is
important because that reduces how much our effected tax levy ends up being. Thirdly, it
takes our .591 per 100 assessed tax levy and add that 88.12 to it, it reduces and provides a
modified tax levy rate of .5210 which ends up being below the State average tax levy rate
of .5420. It ends up being a combination of higher valuations which caused a
modification to our weighted sales assessment which caused our tax levy rate to drop
below the State average. When you are below the State average, the State says you
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should be helping more with your schools based on this formula. Ms. McFadden dug
even deeper, she talked with some staff at the Department of Public Instruction and was
able to tell us exactly where we could have done things differently and what the impact
would have been. Ms. Honeycutt stated it came down to a few factors, the property value
and the market value played in. Through assistance from Department of Public
Instruction, we were able to take that long calculation that she had printed out and
provided to the Commissioners. There are a lot of items that go into that calculation but
there are two items that basically we were able to go back and drop in the change so had
the tax rate been shifted from .591 to .616, that would have given us the tax rate average
that we would have been equal to the State average and that would have kept the full
funding in place. The other side of that would have been the year of that levy, when we
set that tax rate had we left the tax rate at .591, had we given the schools an additional
$11,876,834 to meet the average State pupil allocation that would have saved us the $5.8
million in funding, so it came down to what we gave and the tax rate. Throughout the
PowerPoint presentation provided, the County has been trying to go up on the per pupil
count to provide more current expense, but we are also putting an additional $2.4 million
over for capital maintenance items to assist schools. Those are items that the County does
not get credit for and that does not tie into any projects expense funding calculations. In
addition, we are also continuing to set aside our reserves of our fund balance so that we
could go in and instruct schools because the County through the Statute is responsible for
the instruction of capital buildings for the school system and that includes schools. With
the market the way it has been, the cost of construction is going up. The projections we
have for the cost have exceeded exponentially as well as our borrowing rate. So, as we
had talked about, everything ties into it but the two main factors when we were
discussing with Department of Public Instruction it came back to the tax rate and/or the
levy. In the end, it just boiled down to those two items increasing the levy a little bit or
increasing the current expense allocation over $11 million. Mr. Trout stated the
calculations that had been pulled together were about $5.8 million short. We have right
now in the budget in order to put a number in, we currently have $5,882,183 million
placed in our budget, in contingency and the reason at that this point unless a decision is
made regarding any cuts of the budget or any tax increase is decided on. It is put in there
as use of fund balance, and we put that number in contingency because we know from
discussions with our Legislators that it is still being pursued as to whether the State will
assist us. If we have it in contingency and the state decides to provide some funding back
to us, then we do not need to pull it all out of contingency and it would just go back to
our fund balance. This way we ensure that the amount is there in the event the state does
not provide additional funding. Ms. Honeycutt did a calculation, and we are around 23 %
of fund balance if we were to us the full amount in contingency right now. We would still
be above our policy of 20% mentioned by the Vice Chairman. Mr. Trout noted the
enormity of this decision by the Board. If there is any additional information needed, we
will be happy to work on that. Vice Chairman stated he would hate to give more work to
do, and he realizes this is an unusual time. He realizes the initial budget draft was done
before we were aware of this but as he worked through some of the projected budget. He
couldn’t help but come across some things that made him wonder if they were really
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needed for next year. One example, we have in the budget to provide funding to repaint
the inside of a building and he questioned if that could wait another year. Vice Chairman
questioned if there would be an opportunity to go through and look some of those things,
that may be able to wait another year, to reduce the hit to the fund balance. Mr. Trout
stated they could go through the budget but wanted to know what the target amount
would be satisfactory. Mr. Trout stated if the target was $5.8 million, that would change
our service level and that would be major changes. He proposed a $1 million and $2
million target. Commissioner McKoy mentioned the risk of reducing the fund balance
and the additional problems it could cause in the event of an emergency. Commissioner
McKoy stated we need to maintain County services to keep the County in operation.
Commissioner Nicol made the recommendation to add this for further discussion on June
25, 2024. He questioned the possibility of an emergency meeting in the event of
continued revisions to the budget. Commissioner Weatherspoon noted that June 25, 2024,
could be a voting meeting and if there was a need for an emergency meeting it would be
determined at that meeting. Mr. Trout stated that he preferred that because there are a
couple of things that he was informed of as he walked into the meeting. The budget
director will not be available on June 28 and the information must be in the system and
there was a mention of the system being down for some time for upgrades as well. Mr.
Trout confirmed that you can annotate an action item on the work session.
Mr. Trout shared he will be leaving for a leadership training event beginning June 11, 2024 and
through Friday, June 15. He noted he received a scholarship to be able to attend this training
Commissioner Weatherspoon made a motion to go into Closed Session to instruct the County
staff concerning the position to be taken by the County in negotiating a contract for the
acquisition of real property. This motion is made pursuant to NC General Statute Section 143-
318.11 (a)(5). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nicol and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Nicol made a motion to adjourn the Board of Commissioners at 11:55 am.
Commissioner McKoy seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
____________________________________ ___________________________________
William Morris, Chairman Jaime Bell-Raig, Deputy Clerk
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Harnett County Board of Commissioners
Regular Meeting Minutes
June 17, 2024
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Regular Meeting Minutes
June 17, 2024
The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, June 17, 2024 at 6:00
pm, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, Harnett County Resource Center and Library, 455 McKinney
Parkway, Lillington, North Carolina.
Members present: William Morris, Chairman
W. Brooks Matthews, Vice Chairman
Barbara McKoy, Commissioner
Lewis W. Weatherspoon, Commissioner
Matthew B. Nicol, Commissioner
Staff present: Brent Trout, County Manager
Dwight Snow, County Attorney
Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer
Melissa Capps, Clerk
Chairman Morris called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
Commissioner McKoy led the Pledge of Allegiance and provided the invocation.
Chairman Morris called for any additions or deletions to the published agenda. Vice Chairman Matthews
made a motion to approve the agenda as published. The motion was seconded by Commissioner
Weatherspoon. The motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Nicol made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Vice Chairman Matthews seconded
the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The items on the consent agenda were as follows:
i.Regular Meeting Minutes of June 3, 2024
B.Emergency Services requests on behalf of Summerville Bunnlevel Fire Department Board
approval of a change to Summerville Bunnlevel Fire Department Relief Fund Board
membership. The department is requesting to change 1 position on their Board. Mr. Harry
Korner to be replaced by Mr. Rodney Gregory.
C.Solid Waste requests the Board of Commissioners approve an amendment to the current
services agreement with Republic Services. Harnett County Solid Waste currently has a
contract with Republic Services to operate all seven of the county's Convenient Centers. This
entails providing trained staff to operate, maintenance of equipment & grounds, hauling of
waste and recycling for each site as well as providing necessary reports to Solid Waste
administration. The current contract states the option to extend the agreement an additional
three (3) years if both parties agree to the terms. Negotiations were made through Solid
Waste Department and Legal providing the agreement that you have before you today. There
Item 4Aii
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is a one-year one- time rate adjustment or increase of 11.49% that equates to $73,587 to
cover hauling costs and also a CPI Consumer Price Index cap of 4% in this amendment. We
have planned and budgeted for this item for FY 2024-2025, and we respectfully ask for
Board approval to approve this service agreement.
Chairman Morris opened the meeting for informal comments by the public, allowing up to 3 minutes for
each presentation up to 30 minutes. The following people provided comments:
1.Bob Wheeler of Pine Hills Subdivision, Lillington, NC.
2.Marge Morton of 86 Gwendolyn Way, Fuquay-Varnia, NC.
3.Joe Langley of 298 Kirk Adams Road, Angier, NC.
4.Kate Reichert of 6711 River Road, Fuquay-Varina, NC.
5.Elizabeth Longman of 234 Hamilton Road, Bunnlevel, NC.
6.Alan Longman of 234 Hamilton Road, Bunnlevel, NC.
7.Angela Scarborough of Lillington, NC.
8.Jerry Rivas of 364 Twin Ponds Road, Sanford, NC.
9.Richard Chapman of 5220 Christian Light Road, Fuquay-Varnia, NC.
10.Steven Reeves of 21 Ithica Lane, Bunnlevel, NC.
No one else spoke. The public comment period was closed.
Janice Lane, HR Director, provided a copy and reviewed proposed changes to Section 6. Anti-Nepotism
Policy section of the Personnel Policy.
Option 1.
The purpose of the Anti-Nepotism Policy is to ensure that all hiring, promotion, and other employment-
related decisions within the County are made based on merit, qualifications, and the best interests of the
county. This policy aims to prevent conflicts of interest, favoritism, and any appearance of impropriety
in county employment practices. The employment of members of the same immediate family within the
same County department is discouraged and should be avoided when at all possible. Such relationships
put a strain on the work environment for the related employees and those working with and around
them. As an exception to this general rule, members of the same immediate family may be considered
for employment within the same County department where two (2) current County employees marry or
if significant recruiting problems exist. For the purposes of this policy, a relative (immediate family
member) includes three levels of a family relationship whether by blood, marriage or adoption.
Hiring, Employment and Promotions and Transfers:
•No employee or official of the County shall participate in the hiring process or employment
decision-making for a position for which a relative has applied.
•Relatives of current employees or officials may be considered for employment, provided they
meet all qualifications and are selected through the standard competitive hiring process.
•Under no circumstances shall a relative be hired into a position where they would directly or
indirectly supervise or be supervised by another relative.
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•Relatives may apply for promotions or transfers within the county, but the same restrictions on
supervision and influence apply. Employees may not be promoted or transferred into a position
where they would directly or indirectly supervise or be supervised by a relative.
Employees and officials must disclose any potential nepotism situation to the Human Resources
Department immediately upon becoming aware of it by completing an Anti-Nepotism Exception Form.
Any exception to this policy must be approved by the County Manager before the relative may be hired.
Ms. Lane stated Option 2 is the same policy as I just read with the addition of: Members of the same
immediate family may not be considered for employment within the same County department.
Commissioner McKoy made a motion to approve Option 2. The motion was seconded by Commissioner
Nicol and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Nicol made a motion to approve the Personnel Ordinance as proposed with the
amendment. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Weatherspoon and carried unanimously.
Chairman Morris stated I assume since no one has stated, we will let the manager come back with an
effective date when to implement this. Mr. Trout stated yes will do.
Chairman Morris opened the public hearing for a requested rezoning from RA-30 to the RA-20M
Zoning District: Case #PLAN2404-0001 Applicant: George & Claudia Elliott; 10.62 +/- acres; Pin
#0663-13-8211.000; From RA-30 to RA-20M Zoning District; Black River Township; SR # 2230
(Tylerstone Drive). Sarah Arbour, Planner II, reviewed the following information regarding the
requested rezoning:
The property is a densely wooded, unimproved tract of land located in between the Victoria Hills
subdivision and Neills Creek. The property has extensive wetland coverage and is located within the
100-year floodplain. Surrounding land uses consist of single-family residences and unimproved land.
The tract is accessed via an easement which connects to Tylerstone Drive, a state-maintained road from
the adjoining Victoria Hills subdivision. Within the easement is an approximately 18' wide drive aisle
with varying depths of compacted gravel. Ms. Arbour reviewed the zoning district compatibility, land
use classification compatibility and site photographs. Ms. Arbour shared staff’s evaluation:
•The impact on the adjacent property owners Is unreasonable and the potential inconvenience or
harm to the community outweighs the potential benefits. The uses permitted under the proposed
district are incompatible with the surrounding land uses and the uses permitted in the adjacent,
more restrictive residential zoning districts, RA-30 and RA-40.
•The requested zoning district is partially compatible with the land use classifications. The
property has two land use classifications, Medium Density Residential and Environmentally
Sensitive Areas. A change of zoning to the RA-20M zoning district would potentially allow
more intense uses than the current zoning, which would be less compatible with the
Environmentally Sensitive Areas land use classification.
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•The requested zoning would not enhance or maintain the health, safety and general welfare
because of the potential impacts caused by rezoning the property to a less restrictive zoning
•The request to rezone the parcel from RA-30 to RA-20M should be evaluated for reasonableness.
The subject property is located in an area zoned RA- 30, RA-40, and Conservation, and the
requested zoning classification is not present in the area.
At the June 3, 2024 Planning Board meeting, the Planning Board voted unanimously (5-0) to
recommend denial of the requested rezoning of the property to the RA-20M zoning district. Based on
staff's evaluation, the Planning Board found the request for the small-scale rezoning to be unreasonable
due to the potential impact on the surrounding community and the immediate neighbors.
There were numerous residents from the surrounding community who attended the public hearing, and
several spoke in opposition. The residents expressed concerns about the potential impacts if the property
were to be developed into a manufactured home park, which is an allowable special use in the requested
zoning district; the potential impacts on property values, public safety, the environment, and private
property matters.
Staff concludes: As stated in the evaluation, the requested rezoning to RA-20M would have an
unreasonable impact on the surrounding community based on the incompatibility of the permitted uses
in the requested zoning district with the surrounding land uses and more restrictive residential zoning
districts. It is recommended that this rezoning request be DENIED.
Chairman Morris asked if there was anyone who would like to speak in favor of the request and the
following people spoke:
1.Dr. Claudia Elliot, applicant, spoke in favor of the requested rezoning.
2.Elizabeth Longman spoke in favor of affordable housing in Harnett County.
3.Alan Longman spoke in favor of the requested rezoning.
4.George Elliott spoke in favor of the requested rezoning.
5.Sparkle Bass spoke in favor of the requested rezoning.
Chairman Morris asked if there was anyone that would like to speak in opposition of the request and the
following people spoke:
1.William Grimme spoke in opposition to the requested rezoning.
2.April Peguero spoke in opposition to the requested rezoning.
3.Scott Schanberg, resident and HOA President for Victoria Hills II, spoke in opposition to the
requested rezoning.
4.Carlos Lopez spoke in opposition to the requested rezoning. Mr. Lopez also submitted a petition
to decline the rezoning request. A copy is on file in the Clerk’s Office.
5.Juan Peguero spoke in opposition to the requested rezoning.
6.Dawn Gentry spoke in opposition to the requested rezoning.
7.Angela Scarborough spoke in opposition to the requested rezoning.
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8.Christine Bailey spoke in opposition to the requested rezoning.
Chairman Morris requested those in support of the rezoning to raise their hands.
Chairman Morris requested those in opposition to the rezoning raise their hands.
No one else spoke, Chairman Morris closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Weatherspoon stated I have been sitting here looking at the property, at the wetlands and
the flood plain, I’m guessing about 75% of the property is wetlands and flood plain. I do not know how
they would be able to use that. Commissioner Weatherspoon stated based on the findings of the
Planning Board and staff, I move that we deny this rezoning request. The motion was seconded by
Commissioner Nicol and carried unanimously. Commissioner McKoy stated I am in favor of affordable
housing, but I am against changing rezoning from RA30 to RA20. (Attachment 1)
Brent Trout, County Manager, stated at the request of the Board to look at potential ways to cut the
budget in order to be able to reduce the amount of funded balance that was utilized in order to balance
the budget and providing funds to the School District, we went back to look at a couple of different
options. Mr Trout reviewed Option 1 and Option 2 for proposed budget revisions. Commissioner
McKoy asked Mr. Trout did he felt these recommendations were enough. Mr. Trout stated I feel at a
minimum we should do Option 1. Additional discussion included one-time supplanted ARPA funds and
CCCC requests for $184,000. Consensus of the Board was to go with Option 1 plus reducing the amount
to CCCC by $184,000 thereby reducing the 500,000 cut of Harnett County Schools and transfer
supplanted ARPA funds to reduce use of Fund Balance. Mr. Trout asked do we want to reduce anymore
what we’re going to give the school system, or we hold at this point using fund balance to make up the
rest of the budget shortfall. Chairman Morris stated if you can find some more to reduce that I would
like to see that. Mr. Trout stated not to take any further reductions on what we provide to the school is
what I am hearing and do half of the desks for DSS. Mr. Trout stated we will bring back an updated
budget for the next Board meeting and any changes from that point forward would need to be made by
amendment by a commissioner in order to make the change based on what we present and that is still an
option if you have an item. If you have an item you want more information on before that meeting,
please send me an email. Thank you.
Mr. Trout stated I did respond back to Mr. Reeves Saturday relating to the dog issue. I had a little bit of
trouble and delay with getting the answers but I take full responsibility for not having got back to him
sooner. It is an item that has been on my list that I just have not got to and I apologize for that. I reached
out to Mr. Reeves and I’m hoping there will be an opportunity to meet with him before I leave for a
conference, if not, I will forward him a written response and meet with him when I return.
Mr. Trout stated there is one budget amendment we need to add, 157B, that was put on your desk
tonight. Commissioner Nicol made a motion to approve the budget amendments as requested by the
Finance Officer including 157B. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Weatherspoon and carried
unanimously. (Attachment 2)
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Harnett County Board of Commissioners
Regular Meeting Minutes
June 17, 2024
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Commissioner Nicol made a motion to approve the tax rebates, refunds and releases as requested by the
Tax Administrator. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Weatherspoon and carried
unanimously. (Attachment 3)
Larry Smith, Emergency Services Director, requested the Board consider the approval of the fireworks
application from Ryder Rosacker McCue & Huston for a fireworks shoot for Carolina Lakes on July 4,
2024. This display is scheduled for 9:15 p.m. They meet all requirements and have met fire code
compliance for the event. Commissioner Nicol made a motion to approve the fireworks application from
Ryder Rosacker McCue & Huston for a fireworks shoot for Carolina Lakes on July 4, 2024. This display
is scheduled for 9:15 p.m. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Matthews and carried
Commissioner Nicol made a motion to adjourn at 8:06 pm. The motion was seconded by Commissioner
Weatherspoon and carried unanimously.
____________________________________ ___________________________________
William Morris, Chairman Melissa Capps, Clerk
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Harnett County Board of Commissioners
Work Session Minutes
June 25, 2024
Page 1 of 3
Minutes of Work Session
June 25, 2024
The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in work session on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at
9:00 am, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, Harnett County Resource Center and Library, 455
McKinney Parkway, Lillington, North Carolina.
Members present: William Morris, Chairman
W. Brooks Matthews, Vice Chairman
Barbara McKoy, Commissioner
Lewis W. Weatherspoon, Commissioner
Matthew B. Nicol, Commissioner
Staff present: Christopher Appel, Senior Staff Attorney
Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer
Brent Trout, County Manager
Melissa Capps, Clerk
Chairman Morris called the Harnett County Board of Commissioners meeting to order at 9:00
Commissioner McKoy led the Pledge of Allegiance and invocation.
Mr. Trout stated we ask that the Board consider adding budget amendments that we need to
consider approval of today 687b, 688b, 717b and one for change orders for the Jetport Project
under the County Manager’s report. Commissioner Weatherspoon made a motion to approve the
agenda as amended. Vice Chairman Matthews seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The following agenda was before the Board of Commissioners:
1.Call to order – Chairman William Morris
2.Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation – Commissioner McKoy
3.Consider additions and deletions to the published agenda.
4.Discuss an amendment to the Town of Angier’s building inspection contract; Mark
Locklear, Development Services Director
5.Discuss conveyance of real property tract on Ponderosa Road; Christopher Appel,
Senior Staff Attorney
6.Discuss and consider approval of the Harnett County Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget
and Budget Ordinance. ***Please note – action will be taken on this item***
7.Review applications to serve on Boards & Committees.
8.County Manager’s Report – Brent Trout, County Manager
•July 1, 2024 Regular Meeting Agenda Review
•Upcoming meetings and invitations
Item 4Aiii
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Harnett County Board of Commissioners
Work Session Minutes
June 25, 2024
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9.Closed Session
Brad Sutton, Manager of Building Services, reviewed a request for approval of an amendment to
the Town of Angier’s building inspection contract. The Town of Angier has hired staff and
would like to take over building inspection services within its jurisdiction and terminate the
agreement to transition services from Harnett to the Town over the next three months.
Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda.
Christopher Appel, Senior Staff Attorney, reviewed a request to convey a real property tract on
Ponderosa Road. On April 15, 2024 the Board of Commissioner adopted a Resolution to begin
the upset bid process. We received an initial offer of $100,000. We did receive one upset bid and
then the original bidder upset that bid. The final amount that we will sell the property for is
$110,352.50, plus the cost of publication of $825.75 for a total of $111,178.25. Consensus of the
Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda.
Brent Trout, County Manager, staff has made the changes to the budget at the request of the
board from the last meeting and we present to you for approval, the 2024-25 Fiscal Year budget
ordinance. I appreciate the feedback and the assistance from the board to get to this number. As
we go throughout the year, we will obviously have to make amendments to it but this is our
starting point as we begin to start this fiscal year. A summary of the changes from the Manager’s
Recommended Budget was provided. (Attachment 1)
Commissioner Nicol made a motion to approve the Harnett County Fiscal Year 2024-25 Budget
and Budget Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Matthews and carried
unanimously. (Attachment 2)
The Board of Commissioners reviewed applications received to serve on the Harnett County
District H Tourism Development Authority. Commissioner Nicol recommended reappointments
of Ken Adelberg as a lodging appointee and Evan Budrovich as a business/tourism appointee.
Commissioner Nicol also recommended the appointment of Punitha Srini to serve as serve as a
lodging appointee. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda.
Commissioner Nicol made a motion to approve budget amendments as requested by the Finance
Officer. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Weatherspoon and carried unanimously.
(Attachment 3)
Commissioner Weatherspoon made a motion to go into Closed Session for the following
purpose: to consult with the County’s legal counsel in order to preserve the attorney-client
privilege concerning a potential claim, and the handling of certain litigation including the
following case: Workers Compensation Claim of Ray P. Thomas Industrial Commission File No.
23-023937. This motion is made pursuant to NC General Statute Section 143-318.11 (a)(3).The
motion was seconded by Commissioner Nicol and the motion carried unanimously.
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Harnett County Board of Commissioners
Work Session Minutes
June 25, 2024
Page 3 of 3
Following a motion to come out of Closed Session, Chairman Morris called the meeting back
into open session.
Commissioner Nicol made a motion to adjourn the Board of Commissioners at 9:26 am.
Commissioner Weatherspoon seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
____________________________________ ___________________________________
William Morris, Chairman Melissa Capps, Clerk
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Attachment 3
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Prepared by: Christopher W. Appel, PO Box 238, Lillington, NC 27546
Return to: Ray Holder, 149 ON Rock Lane, Lillington, NC 27546
The attorney preparing this instrument has made no record search or title examination of the property described
herein, and expresses no opinion at to title or tax consequences, unless contained in a separate written certificate.
EXCISE TAX: None (Exempt per N.C. General Statutes §105-228.28)
Parcel ID No.: 099566 9001 02
THIS DEED made this 1st day of July 2024, by and between COUNTY OF
HARNETT, a municipal corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State
of North Carolina, P.O. Box 759, Lillington, NC 27546 (hereinafter referred to as “Grantor”).,
and RAY HOLDER of 149 ON Rock Lane, Lillington, NC 27546 (hereinafter referred to as
The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties and their
successors and assigns.
That the Grantor, for and in the valuable consideration of the sum of One Hundred
Eleven Thousand, One Hundred Seventy-Eight Dollars and Twenty-Five Cents ($111,178.25),
paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents
does grant, bargain, sell, and convey unto Grantee in fee simple, all of that certain lot or parcel
of land situated in Johnsonville Township, Harnett County, North Carolina, the same being that
parcel of land conveyed identified as “Tract II” to Grantor by deed recorded in Deed Book
1711, Page 807, Harnett County Registry, reference to which is hereby made for greater
certainty of description and being described as follows:
See EXHIBIT “A” attached hereto and made a parte hereof.
All or a portion of the property herein conveyed does not include the primary residence
of Grantor. (N.C. Gen Stat. §105-317.2).
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid parcel or tract of land together with all
privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging unto Grantee forever in fee simple.
And Grantor covenants with Grantee that Grantor has done nothing to impair such title as
Grantor received, and Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all
persons claiming by, under or through Grantor, except for the exceptions hereinafter stated.
Title to the property hereinabove described is subject to the following exceptions:
1.Utility Easements of record.
2.Roadways and rights of way of record and those visible by inspection of the premises.
Item 4B
HCBOC 070124 Pg. 210
3.Such facts as an environmental study on the subject property by an environmental
engineer would reveal.
4.Such facts as would be disclosed by a current survey of the subject tract by a
registered land surveyor.
5. 2025 and subsequent years ad valorem taxes, if any, which will be the responsibility
of Grantee to pay when due.
This conveyance is made pursuant to the provisions of North Carolina General Statute
§160A-269. A Resolution authorizing this conveyance was unanimously adopted by the Harnett
County Board of Commissioners at its regular meeting on April 15, 2024. A notice summarizing
the Resolution contents was published in the Daily Record newspaper on April 19, 2024 and two
upset bids were received within the prescribed upset bid periods. Final action by the Harnett
County Board of Commissioners approving this conveyance occurred at its regular meeting on
July 1, 2024.
EXECUTED on the date set forth in the acknowledgment attached hereto pursuant to an
action of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners.
William Morris, Chairman
Harnett County Board of Commissioners
I, _______________, a Notary Public for Harnett County and State of North Carolina,
do hereby certify that William Morris personally came before me this day and acknowledged
that he is the Chairman of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners and that he, as
Chairman being authorized to do so, executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of the
Witness my hand and official seal, this the _____ day of July 2024.
Notary Public
My Commission Expires: ________________
HCBOC 070124 Pg. 211
Being a portion of the 100.06 acre tract of land conveyed to North Carolina State
Highway Commission (now Department of Transportation) by Sarah Catherine
McLauchlin and Martha Margaret McLauchlin on March 9, 1964, in Deed Book
449 at page 76 of the Harnett County Registry and described as, Beginning at a
motor grader blade; thence South 33o 28’ 09” East 1026.49 feet to a set rebar and
disk on the northwestern line of Lot 27, Section 5 MIRE BRANCH ESTATES,
Plat Cabinet F, Slide 228 C, said rebar and disk being located North 33o 28’ 09”
West 2.69 feet from an existing motor grader blade; running thence with Lot 27,
South 23o 18’ 30” West 56.49 feet to an existing rebar, the corner of Lot 26
MIRE BRANCH ESTATES, Section 3, Plat Cabinet F, Slide 30D; thence with
Lot 26 South 23o 17’ 45” West 206.40 to an existing rebar on the eastern margin
of SR 1201; thence running with the margin of SR 1201 North 34o 27’ 45” West
253.89 feet; North 34o 32’ 06” West 242.44 feet; North 33o 57’ 37” West 456.21
feet; North 34o 04’ 21” West 474.40 feet; North 34o 16’ 37” West 462.37 feet to
an existing iron pipe at a right of way monument, a corner with William H. Dull,
Jr. Deed Book 622, Page 209; thence running with Dull’s line North 50o 32’ 41”
East 278.11 to the point and place of Beginning and containing 10.16 acres more
or less.
The above-described tract is a portion of the real property conveyed to the
County of Harnett in that deed dated January 14, 2003 and recorded in Book
1711, Page 807, Harnett County Registry.
Property address: Ponderosa Road, Cameron, Harnett County, NC 28326
Parcel ID No.: 099566 9001 002
HCBOC 070124 Pg. 212
("Amendment #1 ") is made and entered into with an effective date of June , 2024 by and
between the COUNTY OF HARNETT, a body politic and corporate of the State of North Carolina
(hereinafter referred to as "Harnett"), and TOWN OF ANGIER, a municipal corporation,
organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina., (hereinafter referred to as
WHEREAS, Harnett and Town entered into an Agreement on July 1, 2021 (hereinafter
referred to as the "Agreement") where HARNETT is to provide Building Inspection Services for
the Town; and
WHEREAS, the Town desires to take over building inspection services within its
jurisdiction; and
WHEREAS, the Parties desire to terminate the Agreement to effectuate an orderly
transition of services from Harnett to the Town.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits, representations, and
agreements contained herein and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency
of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:
1.Section 2. Definitions., The following shall be added:
G."Rough-in inspection" means the inspection to be performed when all building
framing and parts of the electrical, plumbing, fire protection, heating-ventilation or
cooling system that will be hidden from view in the finished building have been
placed, but before any wall, ceiling, finish, or building insulation is installed.
2.Section 3. Services Provided by Inspections Department. The following paragraph
shall be added to the end of the Section:
Harnett shall cease reviewing plans for all new building projects and performing
building inspections for building projects that have not yet conducted its Rough-in
inspection as of close of business on June 30, 2024. Hamett shall continue to
conduct inspections for the Town after June 30, 2024 on building projects for which
it has performed a Rough-in inspection but have yet to pass their final inspection,
(hereinafter referred to as "close out period"). In the event that a Rough-in
Item 4C
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Board Meeting
Agenda Item
MEETING DATE: July 1, 2024
SUBJECT: Boards and Committees
REQUESTED BY: Administration
As discussed at the work session on June 25, 2024, the Harnett County Board of
Commissioners reappoint Ken Adelberg as a lodging appointee and reappoint Evan
Budrovich as a business/tourism appointee to the Harnett County District H Tourism
Development Authority. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners would also like
to appoint Punitha Srini to serve as serve as a lodging appointee on the Harnett County
District H Tourism Development Authority.
Item 4D
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Page 1
There is one (1) vacancy for an alternate on this Board. The vacancy is not district sensitive.
There is one (1) vacancy for an older consumer on this Board.
There are two (2) vacancies on this Board, District 3 and 4.
We have received an application from Ken Adelberg for consideration for reappointment to this
Board. His term expires June 30, 2024.
Mr. Adelberg currently serves as a lodging appointee. His seat is specific as per the bylaws
that require this member shall be affiliated with businesses that collect the occupancy tax in
the district.
We have received an application from Evan Budrovich for consideration for reappointment to this
Board. His term expires June 30, 2024.
Mr. Budrovich currently serves as a business/tourism appointee. His seat is specific as per
the bylaws that require this member shall be active in the promotion of travel and tourism in
Harnett County District H.
We have received an application from Punitha Srini for consideration for appointment to this Board. If
appointed Ms. Srini would serve as the lodging appointee, which carries specific requirements. Per the
bylaws, this member shall be affiliated with businesses that collect the occupancy tax in the district.
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July August September October November December Jauary 2023 February March April May June Totals
Children's Services
CPS Reports Received 140 117 145 152 131 119 177 157 154 167 178 1637
Reports Accepted 87 70 71 76 56 46 84 71 63 84 74 782
Total children in CPS cases 260 203 260 267 287 287
Total children in Plc/Custody 232 229 229 229 239 227 225 225 223 230 227
FC Money expended $248,899.34 232,156.28$ 248,233.27$ 250,014.74$ 265,031.13$ 245,899.89$ 252,023.77$ 253,620.64$ 253,092.35$ 254,724.71$ 202,377.61$
Adult Services
APS Reports Received 23 13 16 12 20 13 11 14 11 20 21 174
# of trips scheduled 906 897 869 926 882 787 887 866 786 897 852 9555
Total Cases 163 152 153 147 160 157 157 163 167 166 181
Work First
Energy Expenditures $64,712.89 $96,754.09 $117,801.86 $120,924.02 $87,184.05 $79,899.88 $137,700.00 $79,162.17 $50,485.23 $3,300.00 $0.00 $837,924.19
Total cases 118 113 116 107 113 119 120 118 114 109 107
Food & Nutrition Services
Apps Approved 472 685 528 524 566 506 665 341 510 504 454 5755
Total Cases (households)10,177 10116 9940 9,399 9,549 9,281 9,060 8,953 8,677 8,487 8,674
Benefits Issued $2,956,572.00 $3,411,600.00 $3,361,988.00 $3,485,902.00 $3,453,822.00 $3,325,120.00 $3,187,765.00 $3,127,692.00 $3,109,179.00 $3,058,766.00 $3,457,825.00 $35,936,231.00
Timeliness 95.33%98.92%97.39%96.91%97.20%93.36%96.36%97.21%95.44%93.91%95.75%
Adult Medicaid
Apps Approved 93 121 93 84 101 72 92 74 78 84 89 981
Total Cases 11,292 11,389 11,296 11,210 11,011 10,746 10,680 10,841 11,036 11,222 11,403 122126
Family & Children's Medicaid
Apps Approved 208 191 200 160 185 394 633 431 365 312 299 3378
Total Cases 25,541 25,309 24,898 24,640 24,887 28,524 29,028 35,688 36,802 37,673 38,882 331872
Medicaid Timeliness 97.2%99%99%98%99.25%97.25%98%88%91.00%94.20%94.00%
Fraud Total Collections $11,569.00 $13,002.05 $13,943.27 $13,233.76 $13,604.00 $14,878.09 $20,307.99 $14,674.00 $14,153.56 $14,403.66 $134,139.07 $277,908.45
Children Served 769 762 802 799 832 839 823 839 855 837 826
Total Expenditures $433,804.00 $412,238.00 $444,775.00 $472,857.00 $490,471.00 $526,722.00 $488,813.00 $505,687.00 $547,495.00 $526,073.00 $538,614.00
HC providers 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 61 61
Child Support
Total Collections $729,715 $743,352 $780,438 $816,277 $733,387.00 $801,786.00 $773,456.00 $797,242.00 $871,662.00 $914,251.00 $865,986.00 $8,827,552.00
Total Cases 4426 4419 4373 4357 4328 4251 4256 4251 4238 4214 4188
Harnett County DSS Monthly Report Totals 2023-24
Item 6A
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Item 6B
HCBOC 070124 Pg. 222
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Item 6C
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