HomeMy WebLinkAbout022724 ws packetWORK SESSION AGENDA
Date: Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Location: Commissioners Meeting Room Harnett County Resource Center & Library 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington
Harnett County Board of Commissioners
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1.Call to order – Chairman William Morris
2.Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation – Commissioner Barbara McKoy
3.Riverside Community Drainage Project Update; Lynn Lambert, Natural Resources Director and ColeyPrice, Deputy County Manager
4.ARPA Funding Update; Ally Fouts Gaines, Management Analyst
5.Discuss a request to approve an update to the Airport Emergency Plan (AEP); Greg Frank, HarnettRegional Jetport Director
6.Discuss the ribbon cutting event for the Jetport Terminal; Greg Frank, Harnett Regional JetportDirector
7.Discuss a request to approve a five-year renewal with Patagonia Health; Debra Hawkins, InterimHealth Director
8.Discuss a request to approve an amendment to Library Board of Trustees Bylaws; AngelaMcCauley, Library Director
9.Discuss a request to approve a revised Title VI Program Plan for Harnett Area Rural TransitSystem (HARTS); Barry Blevins, General Services Director
10.Discuss a request to approve a lease agreement for the Snack Bar in the Resource Center andLibrary (RCL); Carl Davis, Parks and Recreation Director and Thomas Royer, Assistant Staff Attorney
11.Discuss a request to approve an amendment to the Resolution for the Expenditure of OpioidSettlement Funds; Thomas Royer, Assistant Staff Attorney
12.FY24 Quarter 2 Performance Management Update and Strategic Plan Modifications; Mike Morrow,Assistant County Manager
13.Discuss water line upgrades needed to meet the minimum fire flow requirements for theCokesbury/Ball Road area off of Hwy 42 in NW Harnett; Lewis Weatherspoon, Commissioner
14.Discuss water line upgrades needed for Carolina Seasons neighborhood off of Ponderosa Road;Lewis Weatherspoon, Commissioner
15.Discuss a request to approve an amendment to the SRO agreements; Brent Trout, County Manager
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Harnett County Board of Commissioners
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16. Discuss Alliance Board of Directors allocation of two board seats for Harnett County residents; Brent Trout, County Manager
17. Discuss Alliance Health Commissioners Group member; Brent Trout, County Manager
18. Appointments
19. County Manager’s Report – Brent Trout, County Manager
• Citizen Information Session – February 29, 2024 6 to 7:30 pm
• March 4, 2024 Regular Meeting Agenda Review
• Upcoming meetings and invitations
20. Closed Session
21. Adjourn
A livestream of the meeting will be on the Harnett County Government’s YouTube Channel
at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU7mTF6HTD65x_98EhAMeMg/featured.
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Board Meeting
Agenda Item
MEETING DATE: March 4, 2024
SUBJECT: ARPA Funding Plan Update
REQUESTED BY: Administration
Of our $26,411,744 total ARPA allocation, the County has allocated $25,058,359,
leaving just over $1 million for contingency. It is recommended to maintain this amount
for contingency until the broadband grants are finalized and any leftover ARPA-
eligible monies may be added to the North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant
upgrade contribution.
If we were to receive the maximum amount of broadband grant funding, there is a
potential that we would need to use displaced funding to fill the gaps on some ARPA-
eligible projects. To free up some funds for contingency, management strongly
recommends utilizing displaced funding to complete the Department of Social Services
second-floor upfit. We chose this project due to the strict requirements associated with
capital projects using federal money.
Administration is requesting approval of the updated ARPA funding plan reflecting
this change.
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ARPA Updates – FYE 2024 Quarter 2
January 31, 2024
Of our $26,411,744 total ARPA allocation, the County has allocated $25,058,359,
leaving just over $1 million for contingency. It is recommended to maintain this amount
for contingency until the broadband grants are finalized and any leftover ARPA-eligible
monies may be added to the North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade
contribution. The County reported $17,308,359 obligated and $16,515,995 expended
during Quarter 2 of FYE 2024.
If we were to receive the maximum amount of broadband grant funding, there is a
potential that we would need to use displaced funding to fill the gaps on some ARPA-
eligible projects. In order to free up some funds for contingency, management has
decided to utilize displaced funding for the Department of Social Services second-floor
upfit. We chose this project due to the strict requirements associated with capital
projects using federal money.
The Board of Commissioners awarded the bid for the North Harnett Wastewater
Treatment Plant upgrade on December 4, 2023, but the contract was not finalized
during this quarter so this obligation will be reported to Treasury next quarter.
On December 18, 2023, the Board authorized the County to enter a three-way
agreement with NCDIT Broadband Infrastructure Office and Brightspeed. This obligates
the County to provide a $375,000 match for this project. The contract was not finalized
by all parties until January, so this obligation will be reported to Treasury next quarter.
There are two potential broadband grant opportunities for which we are still awaiting
announcements: a second round of GREAT Grant (County match not to exceed
$375,000) and a CAB Grant (County match not to exceed $2,000,000).
This quarter, we closed out the first VIPER Radio project. The final expenditure of
ARPA funds for this project was $5,619,227. This project provided new portable and
stationary radios for all fire/rescue departments in the County, as well as County Sheriff,
HARTS, and Harnett Regional Water employees. Keeping radios updated to the State
of North Carolina’s standards ensures seamless communication across the County and
across the State during emergency events.
This quarter, we began reporting for a new VIPER project to provide radios to all police
departments in the county. This project is estimated to use about $1.5 million of ARPA
funds, $778,945 of which was paid to Motorola this quarter.
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Project Status Allocated Obligated Expended
North Harnett WWTP Upgrade Contribution In Progress 5,000,000$ -$ -$
GREAT Grant 1 (Brightspeed Cloudwyze)In Progress 375,000$ 375,000$ -$
GREAT Grant 2 (Awaiting Announcement)Not Started 375,000$ -$ -$
CAB Grant (Awaiting Announcement)Not Started 2,000,000$ -$ -$
VIPER Radios for Police Departments In Progress 1,571,309$ 1,571,309$ 778,945$
VIPER Radios for Emergency Staff Completed 5,619,227$ 5,619,227$ 5,619,227$
Premium Pay for EMS Employees Completed 117,823$ 117,823$ 117,823$
Eligible Employee Salaries (Revenue Replacement)Completed 10,000,000$ 10,000,000$ 10,000,000$
Totals:25,058,359$ 17,683,359$ 16,515,995$
Remaining Funds for Contingency for ARPA-Eligible Projects: *1,353,385$
Project Total:26,411,744$
*any remaining ARPA contingency funds will be added to the North Harnett WWTP upgrade contribution
Project Status Allocated Obligated Expended
Funding for Harnett Regional Jetport In Progress 2,500,000$ 1,853,705$ -$
CloudWyze Fiber Phase 2 Match In Progress 2,000,000$ 2,000,000$ 1,200,000$
DSS 2nd Floor Upfit In Progress 1,200,000$ 112,064$ 47,426$
Office 365 Cloud Migration In Progress 1,043,259$ 1,043,259$ 66,201$
Riverside Flood Project In Progress 750,000$ 152,025$ 152,025$
Retention Pay for EMS Employees In Progress 382,177$ 382,177$ 201,250$
Contribution to Saleeby YMCA In Progress 295,000$ 295,000$ -$
Management Analyst In Progress 100,000$ 100,000$ 33,390$
Digital Literacy Training (CloudWyze)In Progress 5,000$ 5,000$ -$
IT River Fiber Extension Completed 149,332$ 149,332$ 149,332$
Lead for NC Fellow Completed 15,000$ 15,000$ 15,000$
Totals:8,439,768$ 6,107,562$ 1,864,624$
Remaining Funds for Contingency for Supplanted Projects: **1,560,232$
Project Total:10,000,000$
**there are no timeline requirements for supplanted funds
Funds remaining for ARPA-eligible projects 16,411,744$
Displaced Funding
GENERAL FUNDS--not subject to federal requirements
Total ARPA Allocation 26,411,744$
ARPA-Eligible Projects
DEADLINE: Obligate by December 31, 2024; Expend by December 31, 2026
Harnett County ARPA Funding Overview
January 31, 2024
Project Overview
Revenue Replacement (reimbursed general fund for employee salaries)10,000,000$
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Board Meeting
Agenda Item
MEETING DATE: March 4, 2024
SUBJECT: Updated Airport Emergency Plan Approval
REQUESTED BY: Greg Frank, HRJ Director
HRJ is seeking the Board of Commissioners approval and subsequent implementation
to the updated Airport Emergency Plan for Harnett Regional Jetport. The previous
AEP was created and implemented in May of 2008 and has since seen numerous
updates. This revision was created with references to the currently established AEP,
the NC Airport Technical Assistance Program Emergency Guidebook, and various
stakeholders within the County as well as regional and State partners.
Item 5
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Board Meeting
Agenda Item
MEETING DATE: March 4, 2024
SUBJECT: Harnett Regional Jetport Ribbon-Cutting Event
REQUESTED BY: Greg Frank, HRJ Director
Harnett Regional Jetport and Harnett Regional Jetport Advisory Board seek the Board
of Commissioners approval for a ribbon-cutting event planned for May 18, 2024 at
Harnett Regional Jetport. This ribbon-cutting event is intended to celebrate Harnett
County's new terminal, and all that Harnett Regional Jetport has to offer its citizens
and general aviation enthusiates from across the State and Country!
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Board Meeting
Agenda Item
MEETING DATE: March 4, 2024
SUBJECT: Harnett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) Title VI Progam Plan
REQUESTED BY: Barry A. Blevins, General Services Director
General Services Director / Harnett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) requests the
Board of Commissioner consider and approve a revised Title VI Progam Plan as
required by Federal Transportation Administration and North Carolina Department of
Transportation / Integrated Mobility Division (NCDOT/IMD. The plan specifically
addresses compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related to grant
assurances & certifications.
This document details the nondiscrimination program, policies, and practices
administered by HARTS and will be submitted to NCDOT or FTA upon request.
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Revision Date 3/2024
Harnett Area Rural Transit
System (HARTS)
Title VI Program Plan
civil rights
EJ race gender
Title VI MPO
national origin
public participation
equal opportunity
light rail
Title VI Program Plan
Date Adopted
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On behalf of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners, I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Title VI
Nondiscrimination Plan. We, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners, have reviewed and hereby adopt this Plan.
We are committed to ensuring that all decisions are made in accordance with the nondiscrimination guidelines of this
Plan, to the end the no person is excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to
discrimination under any Harnett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) services and activities on the basis of race, color,
national origin, sex, age, creed (religion), or disability, as protected by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the
nondiscrimination provisions of the Federal Transit Administration.
____________________________________________ ___________________________
William Morris, Chairman DATE
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Table of Contents
Title VI Nondiscrimination Agreement ................................................................................................................ 6
1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.0 Description of Programs and Services .......................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Program(s) and Services Administered ...................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Funding Sources / Tables ........................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Decision-Making Process ........................................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Title VI Coordinator .................................................................................................................................... 9
2.5 Change of Title VI Coordinator and/or Head of Decision-making Body .................................................... 9
2.6 Organizational Chart .................................................................................................................................. 9
2.7 Sub recipients ............................................................................................................................................ 9
3.0 Title VI Nondiscrimination Policy Statement ............................................................................................. 10
4.0 Notice of Nondiscrimination ....................................................................................................................... 11
5.0 Procedures to Ensure Nondiscriminatory Administration of Programs and Services .............................. 12
6.0 Contract Administration ............................................................................................................................. 13
6.1 Contract Language ................................................................................................................................... 13
6.2 Nondiscrimination Notice to Prospective Bidders ................................................................................... 14
7.0 External Discrimination Complaint Procedures ......................................................................................... 15
Discrimination Complaint Form ...................................................................................................................... 17
Discrimination Complaints Log ....................................................................................................................... 19
Investigative Guidance.................................................................................................................................... 20
SAMPLE Investigative Report Template ......................................................................................................... 21
9.0 Title VI Equity Analyses (and Environmental Justice Assessments) .......................................................... 22
10.0 Public Involvement .................................................................................................................................... 23
10.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 23
10.2 Public Notification .................................................................................................................................. 23
10.3 Dissemination of Information ................................................................................................................ 23
10.4 Meetings and Outreach ......................................................................................................................... 24
10.5 Limited English Proficiency .................................................................................................................... 25
10.6 Demographic Requests .......................................................................................................................... 26
10.7 Key Community Contacts ....................................................................................................................... 27
10.8 Summary of Outreach Efforts Since the Last Title VI Program Submission ........................................... 27
11.0 Staff Training ............................................................................................................................................. 27
12.0 Nonelected Boards and Committees – By Race and Gender ................................................................... 28
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13.0 Record-Keeping and Reports .................................................................................................................... 28
14.0 Transit Providers ....................................................................................................................................... 29
14.1 Service Standards ................................................................................................................................... 34
14.2 Service Policies ....................................................................................................................................... 34
Appendices ......................................................................................................................................................... 36
Appendix A – Applicable Nondiscrimination Authorities
Appendix B – Organizational Chart
Appendix C– NCDOT’s Transit Review Checklist
Appendix D – 8.6 Limited English Proficiency Populations
Type chapter title (level 2)
Type chapter title (level 2)
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In accordance with DOT Order 1050.2A, Harnett Area Rural Transit System ( HARTS) assures the North Carolina
Department of Transportation (NCDOT) that no person shall, on the ground of race, color, national origin, sex, creed,
age, or disability, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 and related
nondiscrimination authorities, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to
discrimination or retaliation under any program or activity undertaken by ( HARTS ).
Further, HARTS hereby agrees to:
1. Designate a Title VI Coordinator that has a responsible position within the organization and easy access to the
Director of the organization.
2. Issue a policy statement, signed by the Director of the organization, which expresses a commitment to the
nondiscrimination provisions of Title VI and related applicable statutes. The signed policy statement shall be posted
and circulated throughout the organization and to the general public, and published where appropriate in languages
other than English. The policy statement will be re-signed when there is a change of Director.
3. Insert the clauses of the contract language from Section 6.1 in every contract awarded by the organization. Ensure
that every contract awarded by the organization’s contractors or consultants also includes the contract language.
4. Process all and, when required, investigate complaints of discrimination consistent with the procedures contained
within this Plan. Log all complaints for the administrative record.
5. Collect statistical data (race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability) on participants in, and beneficiaries of,
programs and activities carried out by the organization.
6. Participate in training offered on Title VI and other nondiscrimination requirements. Conduct or request training for
employees or the organization’s subrecipients.
7. Take affirmative action, if reviewed or investigated by NCDOT, to correct any deficiencies found within a reasonable
time period, not to exceed 90 calendar days, unless reasonable provisions are granted by NCDOT.
8. Document all Title VI nondiscrimination-related activities as evidence of compliance. Submit information and
reports to NCDOT on a schedule outlined by NCDOT.
THIS AGREEMENT is given in consideration of, and for the purpose of obtaining, any and all federal funds, grants, loans,
contracts, properties, discounts or other federal financial assistance under all programs and activities and is binding.
Authorized Signature
William Morris
Chairman, Harnett County Board of Commissioners
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Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, 42 U.S.C. 2000d provides that: “No person in the United States shall,
on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits
of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”
The broader application of nondiscrimination law is found in other statutes, executive orders, and
regulations, which provide additional protections based on age, sex, creed (religion), and disability,
including the 1987 Civil Rights Restoration Act, which extended nondiscrimination coverage to all
programs and activities of federal-aid recipients, subrecipients, and contractors, including those that are
not federally-funded (see Appendix A – Applicable Nondiscrimination Authorities).
(HARTS) is a recipient of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds from the North Carolina Department
of Transportation (NCDOT). (HARTS) establishes this Title VI Nondiscrimination Plan for the purpose of
complying with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as required by FTA Circular 4702.1B, and related
requirements outlined within the FTA Certifications & Assurances, “Nondiscrimination Assurance.” This
document details the nondiscrimination program, policies, and practices administered by HARTS, and will
be updated periodically to incorporate changes and additional responsibilities as they are made. This
Plan will be submitted to NCDOT or FTA, upon request.
HARTS provides public transportation options to its customers within Harnett County, North Carolina.
Overall transportation types of service, days of week, times and fare are outlined below:
Type of Service Days of week Times Fare (if applicable)
Daily Dialysis 6 3:30am -5:00pm
Seniors 5 8:00am – 5:00pm
Employment 5 7:00am -5:00pm
Medical 5 7:00am – 5:00pm
Out of County 5 8:30 – 11:00am $5 one way / $10 round trip
Wake, Orange, & Durham
Mon & Wed 8:30am- 11:00am $5 one way / $10 round trip
Cumberland, Lee, Moore,
Sampson &Chatham County
Tues. & Thurs. 8:30am- 11:00am $5 one way / $10 round trip
Johnston &Sampson County Mon. , Tues., & Thurs. 8:30am- 11:00am $5 one way / $10 round trip
For the purpose of federally-assisted programs, "federal assistance" shall include:
1. grants and loans of Federal funds;
2. the grant or donation of Federal property and interest in property;
3. the detail of Federal personnel;
4. the sale and lease of, and the permission to use (on other than a casual or transient basis),
Federal property or any interest in such property without consideration or at a nominal
consideration, or at a consideration which is reduced for the purpose of assisting the recipient, or
in recognition of the public interest to be served by such sale or lease to the recipient; and
5. any Federal agreement, arrangement, or other contract which has, as one of its purposes, the
provision of assistance.
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Each FTA Formula Grant received by our system during the past year, and whether the funds were
received through NCDOT or directly from FTA, is checked below. [To check a box, double click on the
check box. In the pop up select “Checked.” Delete the rows for any grants you do not receive.]
Grant Title NCDOT FTA Details
(i.e., purpose, frequency, and duration of receipt)
5307 (Urbanized Area Formula) X If offered by MPO(s)
5309 (b)(2) (Fixed Guideway Modernization)
5310 (Transportation for Elderly Persons and
Persons with Disabilities) X If offered by MPO(s)
5311 (Formula Grants for Other than
Urbanized Areas)
5311 (b)(3) (Rural Transit Assistance) X Annual Funds received annually for both Admin & Capital
5316 (Job Access and Reverse Commute)
5317 (New Freedom)
5303, 5304 and/or 5305 (Metropolitan &
Statewide Planning)
5339 (Bus and Bus Facilities Formula) X
[Summarize how your agency makes final decisions like adopting program documents, including whether
there is a voting or board approval process with timeframes, different committees that address different
types of issues, and set dates for meetings]
[List the different committees that are part of your decision-making process and whether they are elected
or appointed/unelected in the table below. Add or delete rows, as needed.]
Board or Committee Name Appointed Elected # of Members
Transit Advisory Board X 17
Board of Commissioners X 5
The individual below has been designated as the Title VI Coordinator for the Organization, and is
empowered with sufficient authority and responsibility to implement the Title VI Nondiscrimination
Name: Barry A. Blevins
Official Title: Director, General Services / Harnett Area Rural Transit System
Address: 250 Alexander Drive Lillington, NC, 27546
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Phone: 910-814-6152
Email: bblevins@harnett.org
Key responsibilities of the Coordinator include:
Maintaining knowledge of Title VI and related requirements.
Attending civil rights training when offered by NCDOT or any other regulatory agency.
Administering the Title VI Nondiscrimination Program and coordinating implementation of this Plan.
Training internal staff and officials on their Title VI nondiscrimination obligations.
Disseminating Title VI information internally and to the general public, including in languages other
than English.
Presenting Title VI-related information to decision-making bodies for input and approval.
Ensuring Title VI-related posters are prominently and publicly displayed.
Developing a process to collect data related to race, national origin, sex, age, and disability to ensure
minority, low-income, and other underserved groups are included and not discriminated against.
Ensuring that non-elected boards and committees reflect the service area and minorities are
Implementing procedures for prompt processing (receiving, logging, investigating and/or forwarding) of
discrimination complaints.
Coordinating with, and providing information to, NCDOT and other regulatory agencies during
compliance reviews or complaint investigations.
Promptly resolving areas of deficiency to ensure compliance with Title VI nondiscrimination
If Title VI Coordinator or HARTS Director changes, this document and all other documents that name the
Coordinator, will immediately be updated, and an updated policy statement will be signed by the new
HARTS Director.
HARTS currently employs NUMBER staff which consist of the following job categories:
Transit Manager
Operations Supervisor
Transit Assistant
Administrative Assistant (1)
Dispatcher / Scheduler
Drivers (24)
An organizational chart showing the Title VI Coordinator’s place within the organization is located in
Appendix B.
Harnett Area Rural Transit System does not have pass through funds to any other organizations and,
therefore, does not have any subrecipients.
It is the policy of HARTS, as a federal-aid recipient, to ensure that no person shall, on
the ground of race, color, national origin, sex, creed (religion), age or disability, be
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excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to
discrimination under any of our programs and activities, as provided by Title VI of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, and all other related
nondiscrimination laws and requirements.
Barry A. Blevins, Director
Title VI and Related Authorities
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. Section 2000d) provides that, “No person in the United States
shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of,
or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.” The 1987
Civil Rights Restoration Act (P.L. 100-259) clarified and restored the original intent of Title VI by expanding the
definition of “programs and activities” to include all programs and activities of federal-aid recipients,
subrecipients, and contractors, whether such programs and activities are federally -assisted or not.
Related nondiscrimination authorities include, but are not limited to: U.S. DOT regulation, 49 CF R part 21,
“Nondiscrimination in Federally-assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation–Effectuation of Title
VI of the Civil Rights Act”; 49 U.S.C. 5332, “Nondiscrimination (Public Transportation)”; FTA Circular 4702.1B
- Title VI Requirements and Guidelines for Federal Transit Administration Recipients; DOT Order 5610.2a,
“Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations”; FTA C
4703.1 - Environmental Justice Policy Guidance For Federal Transit Administration Recipients; Policy Guidance
Concerning (DOT) Recipient's Responsibilities to Limited English Proficient (LEP) Persons, 74 FR 74087; The
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, P.L. 101-336; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973, 29 U.S.C. 790; Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended 42 U.S.C. 6101; Title IX of the Education
Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. 1681; Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies
Act of 1970, 42 U.S.C. 4601; Section 508 of the Re habilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. 794d
This statement will be signed by the Director of Harnett Area Transit System , and re-signed
whenever a new person assumes that position.
The signed statement will be posted on office bulletin boards, near the receptionist’s desk, in
meeting rooms, inside vehicles, and disseminated within brochures and other written materials.
The core of the statement (signature excluded) will circulate internally within annual
acknowledgement forms.
The statement will be posted or provided in languages other than English, when appropriate.
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Harnett Area Rural Transit System operates its programs and services without regard to race, color,
national origin, sex, creed (religion), age, and disability in accordance with Title VI of the Civil
Rights Act and related statutes. Any person who believes she or he has been aggrieved by any unlawful
discriminatory practice may file a complaint with Harnett Area Rural Transit.
For more information on the Organization’s civil rights program, and the procedures to file a complaint,
contact 800-555-1212, (TTY 800-555-1111); email: bblevin@harnett.org; or visit our administrative
office at250 Alexander Drive, Lillington, NC 27546. For more information, visit www.harnett.org.
If information is needed in another language, contact 800-555-1212.
A complainant may file a complaint directly with the North Carolina Department of Transportation by
filing with the Office of Civil Rights, External Civil Rights Section, 1511 Mail Service Center, Raleigh,
NC 27699-1511, Attention: Title VI Nondiscrimination Program; phone: 919-508-1808 or 800-522-0453,
or TDD/TTY: 800-735-2962.
A complainant may file a complaint directly with the Federal Transit Administration by filing a complaint
with the Office of Civil Rights, Attention: Title VI Program Coordinator, East Building, 5th Floor -TCR,
1200 New Jersey Ave., SE, Washington, DC 20590.
The notice will be posted in its entirety on our website and in any documents and reports we
The notice will be posted in our offices and inside our vehicles.
Ads in newspapers and other publications shall include the following: “Harnett Area Rural Transit
System operates without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, creed (religion), age or
disability. For more information on Harnett Area Rural Transit System Title VI program or how to
file a discrimination complaint, please contact Barry Blevins @ 910-814-6152; email :
The statement will be posted or provided in languages other than English and Spanish.
We are committed to nondiscrim inatory administration of our programs and services, organization-wide.
HARTS will remind employees of Title VI nondiscrimination obligations through staff training and use of
the Annual Education and Acknowledgment Form below. The Title VI Coordinator will periodically
assess program operations to ensure this policy is being followed.
Annual Education and Acknowledgement Form
Title VI Nondiscrimination Policy
No person shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, creed, or disability, be
excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any
program or activity of a Federal-aid recipient.
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All employees and representatives of HARTS are expected to consider, respect, and observe this policy
in their daily work and duties. If any person approaches you with a civil rights-related question or
complaint, please direct him or her to Barry Blevins at bblevin@harnett.org.
In all dealings with the public, use courtesy titles (e.g., Mr., Mrs., Miss, Dr.) to address or refer to them
without regard to their race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.
Acknowledgement of Receipt of Title VI Program
I hereby acknowledge receipt of HARTS Title VI Program and other nondiscrimination guidelines. I
have read the Title VI Program and I am committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from
participation in or denied the benefits of HARTS programs, policies, services and activities on the basis
of race, color, national origin, sex, age, creed (religion), or disability, as provided by Title VI of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964 and related nondiscrimination statutes.
__________________________________________ ____________________
Signature Date
Periodically, but not more than once a year, employees and representatives will receive, review
and certify commitment to the Title VI Program .
New employees shall be informed of Title VI provisions and expectations to perform their duties
accordingly, asked to review the Title VI Program, and required to sign the acknowledgement
Periodic review of operational practices and guidelines by the Title VI Coordinator to verify
compliance with the Title VI Program. Maintain documents of each review on file.
Signed acknowledgement forms and records of internal assessments will remain on file for at least
three years.
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Harnett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) ensures all contractors will fulfill their contracts in a
nondiscriminatory manner. While contractors are not required to prepare a Title VI Program, they must
comply with the nondiscrimination requirements of the organization to which they are contracted. HARTS
and its contractors will not discriminate in the selection and retention of contractors (at any level) or
discriminate in employment practices in connection with any of our projects.
I. During the performance of this contract, the contractor, for itself, its assignees, and successors in interest
(hereinafter referred to as the "contractor") agrees as follows:
(1) Compliance with Regulations: The contractor
(hereinafter includes consultants) will comply with the
Acts and the Regulations relative to Nondiscrimination
in Federally-assisted programs of the U.S. Department
of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration
(FTA), as they may be amended from time to time,
which are herein incorporated by reference and made
a part of this contract.
(2) Nondiscrimination: The contractor, with regard to
the work performed by it during the contract, will not
discriminate on the grounds of race, color, national
origin, sex, age, creed (religion), low-income, limited
English proficiency, or disability in the selection and
retention of subcontractors, including procurements of
materials and leases of equipment. The contractor will
not participate directly or indirectly in the discrimination
prohibited by the Acts and the Regulations, including
employment practices when the contract covers any
activity, project, or program set forth in Appendix B of
49 CFR Part 21.
(3) Solicitations for Subcontractors, Including
Procurements of Materials and Equipment: In all
solicitations, either by competitive bidding, or
negotiation made by the contractor for work to be
performed under a subcontract, including
procurements of materials, or leases of equipment,
each potential subcontractor or supplier will be notified
by the contractor of the contractor's obligations under
this contract and the Acts and the Regulations relative
to Nondiscrimination on the grounds of race, color, or
national origin.
(4) Information and Reports: The contractor will
provide all information and reports required by the
Acts, the Regulations, and directives issued pursuant
thereto and will permit access to its books, records,
accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities
as may be determined by the Recipient or the FTA to
be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Acts,
Regulations, and instructions. Where any information
required of a contractor is in the exclusive possession
of another who fails or refuses to furnish the
information, the contractor will so certify to the
Recipient or the FTA, as appropriate, and will set forth
what efforts it has made to obtain the information.
(5) Sanctions for Noncompliance: In the event of a
contractor's noncompliance with the Non-
discrimination provisions of this contract, the Recipient
will impose such contract sanctions as it or the FTA
may determine to be appropriate, including, but not
limited to:
(a) withholding payments to the contractor under
the contract until the contractor complies; and/or
(b) cancelling, terminating, or suspending a
contract, in whole or in part.
(6) Incorporation of Provisions: The contractor will
include the provisions of paragraphs one through six in
every subcontract, including procurements of materials
and leases of equipment, unless exempt by the Acts,
the Regulations and directives issued pursuant thereto.
The contractor will take action with respect to any
subcontract or procurement as the Recipient or the
FTA may direct as a means of enforcing such
provisions including sanctions for noncompliance.
Provided, that if the contractor becomes involved in, or
is threatened with litigation by a subcontractor, or
supplier because of such direction, the contractor may
request the Recipient to enter into any litigation to
protect the interests of the Recipient. In addition, the
contractor may request the United States to enter into
the litigation to protect the interests of the United
II. During the performance of this contract, the
contractor, for itself, its assignees, and successors
in interest (hereinafter referred to as the
"contractor") agrees to comply with the following
nondiscrimination statutes and authorities;
including but not limited to:
Pertinent Nondiscrimination Authorities
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. §
2000d et seq., 78 stat. 252), (prohibits
discrimination on the basis of race, color, national
origin); and 49 CFR Part 21.
The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real
Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, (42
U.S.C. § 4601), (prohibits unfair treatment of
persons displaced or whose property has been
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acquired because of Federal or Federal-aid
programs and projects);
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1973, (23 U.S.C. §
324 et seq.), (prohibits discrimination on the basis
of sex);
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, (29
U.S.C. § 794 et seq.), as amended, (prohibits
discrimination on the basis of disability); and 49
CFR Part 27;
The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended,
(42 U.S.C. § 6101 et seq.), (prohibits
discrimination on the basis of age);
Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982, (49
USC § 471, Section 47123), as amended,
(prohibits discrimination based on race, creed,
color, national origin, or sex);
The Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, (PL 100-
209), (Broadened the scope, coverage and
applicability of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of
1964, The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 and
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, by
expanding the definition of the terms "programs or
activities" to include all of the programs or
activities of the Federal-aid recipients, sub-
recipients and contractors, whether such
programs or activities are Federally funded or not);
Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities
Act, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of
disability in the operation of public entities, public
and private transportation systems, places of
public accommodation, and certain testing entities
(42 U.S.C. §§ 12131-12189) as implemented by
Department of Transportation regulations at 49
C.F.R. parts 37 and 38;
The Federal Aviation Administration's
Nondiscrimination statute (49 U.S.C. § 47123)
(prohibits discrimination on the basis of race,
color, national origin, and sex);
Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to
Address Environmental Justice in Minority
Populations and Low-Income Populations, which
ensures Nondiscrimination against minority
populations by discouraging programs, policies,
and activities with disproportionately high and
adverse human health or environmental effects on
minority and low-income populations;
Executive Order 13166, Improving Access to
Services for Persons with Limited English
Proficiency, and resulting agency guidance,
national origin discrimination includes
discrimination because of Limited English
proficiency (LEP). To ensure compliance with Title
VI, you must take reasonable steps to ensure that
LEP persons have meaningful access to your
programs (70 Fed. Reg. at 74087 to 74100);
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as
amended, which prohibits you from discriminating
because of sex in education programs or activities
(20 U.S.C. 1681 et seq);
Federal transit laws, specifically 49 U.S.C. § 5332
(prohibiting discrimination based on race, color,
religion, national origin, sex (including gender
identity), disability, age, employment, or business
*The Contractor has read and is familiar with the terms
Contractor’s Initials
The nondiscrimination language above (with initials line) will be appended to any existing contracts,
purchase orders, and agreements that do not include it, and initialed by the responsible official of
the other organization.
The nondiscrimination language above (without initials line) will be incorporated as standard
language before the signature page of our standard contracts, purchase orders, and agreements.
The Title VI Coordinator will review existing contracts to ensure the language has been added.
The HARTS, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related
nondiscrimination authorities, and Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 21 and 26,
hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contact entered in to
pursuant to this advertisement, minority and women business enterprises will be afforded full
opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against
on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, creed, limited English proficiency,
low-income, or disability in consideration for an award.
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The nondiscrimination language above will be included in all solicitations for bids for work or
material and proposals for negotiated agreements to assure interested firms that we provide equal
opportunity and do not discriminate.
Outreach efforts will be made to minority and women-owned firms that work in requested fields, and
Unless specifically required under Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) or Affirmative Action
programs, all contractors will be selected without regard to their race, color, national origin, or sex .
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These discrimination complaint procedures outline the process used by HARTS to process complaints of
alleged discrimination filed under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related nondiscrimination
laws that are applicable to HARTS programs, services, and activities. Complaints will be investigated by
the appropriate authority. Upon completion of an investigation, the complainant will be informed of all
avenues of appeal. Every effort will be made to obtain early resolution of complaints at the low est level
possible by informal means.
1. Applicability – These procedures apply to the beneficiaries of our programs, activities, and services,
such as the members of the public and any consultants/contractors we hire.
2. Eligibility – Any person or class of persons who believes that he/she has been subjected to
discrimination or retaliation prohibited by any of the Civil Rights authorities based upon race, color,
sex, age, national origin, creed (religion) or disability, m ay file a written complaint. The law prohibits
intimidation or retaliation of any sort. The complaint may be filed by the affected individual or a
representative, and must be in writing.
3. Time Limits and Filing Options – A complaint must be filed no later than 180 calendar days after
the following:
The date of the alleged act of discrimination; or
The date when the person(s) became aware of the alleged discrimination; or
Where there has been a continuing course of conduct, the date on which that conduct was
discontinued or the latest instance of the conduct.
Complaints may be submitted to the following entities:
Harnett Area Rural Transit System 250 Alexander Drive , Lillington, NC 27546
North Carolina Department of Transportation, Office of Civil Rights, External Civil Rights
Section, 1511 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1511; 919-508-1830 or toll free 800-522-
US Department of Transportation, Departmental Office of Civil Rights, External Civil Rights
Programs Division, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590; 202-366-4070
Federal Transit Administration, Office of Civil Rights, ATTN: Title VI Program Coordinator, East
Bldg. 5th Floor – TCR, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590
US Department of Justice, Special Litigation Section, Civil Rights Division, 950 Pennsylvania
Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20530, 202-514-6255 or toll free 877-218-5228
4. Format for Complaints – Complaints shall be in writing and signed by the complainant(s) or a
representative and include the complainant’s name, address, and telephone number. Complaints
received by fax or e-mail will be acknowledged and processed. Allegations received by telephone or
in person will be reduced to writing, may be recorded and will be provided to the complainant for
confirmation or revision before processing. Complaints will be accepted in other languages, including
5. Discrimination Complaint Form – The Discrimination Complaint Form is consistent with the FTA
Certifications & Assurances, “Nondiscrimination Assurance.”
6. Complaint Basis – Allegations must be based on issues involving race, color, national origin, sex,
age, creed (religion) or disability. The term “basis” refers to the complainant’s membership in a
protected group category.
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Definition Examples Applicable Statutes and
Race An individual belonging to one of the accepted
racial groups; or the perception, based usually on
physical characteristics that a person is a member
of a racial group
Black/African American,
Hispanic/Latino, Asian,
American Indian/Alaska
Native, Native
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander,
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of
49 CFR Part 21;
49 U.S.C. 5332(b);
FTA Circular 4702.1B
Color Color of skin, including shade of skin within a
racial group
Black, White, brown, yellow,
Place of birth. Citizenship is not a factor.
Discrimination based on language or a person’s
accent is also covered.
Mexican, Cuban, Japanese,
Vietnamese, Chinese
Sex Gender Women and Men 49 U.S.C. 5332(b); Title IX of the
Education Amendments of 1972
Age Persons of any age 21 year old person Age Discrimination Act of 1975
Disability Physical or mental impairment, permanent or
temporary, or perceived.
Blind, alcoholic, para-
amputee, epileptic, diabetic,
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973; Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990
Creed Religion. Muslim, Christian, Hindu,
49 U.S.C. 5332(b)
Complaint Processing
1. When a complaint is received, an Acknowledgment Letter and a Complainant Consent/Release Form
will be mailed to the complainant within ten (10) business days by registered mail.
2. We will consult with the NCDOT Title VI Program to determine the acceptability and jurisdiction of all
complaints received. (Note: If NCDOT will investigate, the Title VI Program will be responsible for the
remainder of this process. We will record the transfer of responsibility in our complaints log).
3. Additional information will be requested if the complaint is incomplete. The complainant will be
provided 15 business days to submit any requested information and the signed Consent Release
form. Failure to do so may be considered good cause for a determination of no investigative merit.
4. Upon receipt of the requested information and determination of jurisdiction, we will notify the
complainant and respondent of whether the complaint has sufficient merit to warrant investigation.
5. If the complaint is investigated, the notification shall state the grounds of our jurisdiction, while
informing the parties that their full cooperation will be required in gathering additional information and
assisting the investigator.
6. If the complaint does not warrant investigation, the notification to the complainant shall specifically
state the reason for the decision.
Complaint Log
1. When a complaint is received, the complaint will be entered into the Discrimination Complaints Log
with other pertinent information, and assigned a Case Number. (Note: All complaints must be
2. The complaints log will be submitted to the NCDOT’s Civil Rights office during Title VI compliance
reviews. (Note: NCDOT may also be request the complaints log during pre-grant approval
3. The Log Year(s) since the last submittal will be entered (e.g., 2015-2018, 2017-2018, FFY 2018, or
2018) and the complaints log will be signed before submitting the log to NCDOT.
4. When reporting no complaints, check the No Complaints or Lawsuits box and sign the log.
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Any person who believes that he/she has been subjected to discrimination based upon race, color, creed, sex, age, national origin, or disability
may file a written complaint with HARTS, within 180 days after the discrimination occurred.
Last Name: First Name: Male
Mailing Address: City State Zip
Home Telephone: Work Telephone: E-mail Address
Identify the Category of Discrimination:
*NOTE: Title VI bases are race, color, national origin. All other bases are found in the “Nondiscrimination Assurance” of the FTA Certifications & Assurances.
Identify the Race of the Complainant
Black White Hispanic Asian American
American Indian Alaskan Native Pacific Islander Other _________________
Date and place of alleged discriminatory action(s). Please include earliest date of discrimination and most recent date of discrimination.
Names of individuals responsible for the discriminatory action(s):
How were you discriminated against? Describe the nature of the action, decision, or conditions of the alleged discrimination. Explain as clearly
as possible what happened and why you believe your protected status (basis) was a factor in the discrimination. Include how other persons
were treated differently from you. (Attach additional page(s), if necessary).
The law prohibits intimidation or retaliation against anyone because he/she has either taken action, or participated in action, to secure rights
protected by these laws. If you feel that you have been retaliated against, separate from the discrimination alleged above, p lease explain the
circumstances below. Explain what action you took which you believe was the cause for the alleged retaliation.
Names of persons (witnesses, fellow employees, supervisors, or others) whom we may contact for additional information to supp ort or clarify
your complaint: (Attached additional page(s), if necessary).
Name Address Telephone
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Have you filed, or intend to file, a complaint regarding the matter raised with any of the following? If yes, please provide the filing dates. Check
all that apply.
NC Department of Transportation
Federal Transit Administration
US Department of Transportation
US Department of Justice
Federal or State Court
Have you discussed the complaint with any HARTS representative? If yes, provide the name, position, and date of discussion.
Please provide any additional information that you believe would assist with an investigation.
Briefly explain what remedy, or action, are you seeking for the alleged discrimination.
Harnett Area Rural Transit System
250 Alexander Drive
Lillington, NC 27546
Date Complaint Received:
Processed by:
Case #:
Referred to: NCDOT FTA Date Referred:
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Log Year(s):
No Complaints or Lawsuits
I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the above described complaints or lawsuits alleging discrimination, or no complaints or lawsuits
alleging discrimination, have been filed with or against Harnett Area Rural Transit System since the previous Title VI Program submission to
_______________________________________________________________ ______________________________
Signature of Title VI Coordinator or Other Authorized Official Date
Print Name and Title of Authorized Official
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A. Scope of Investigation – An investigation should be confined to the issues and facts relevant to the
allegations in the complaint, unless evidence shows the need to extend the issues.
B. Developing an Investigative Plan – It is recommended that the investigator prepares an Investigative
Plan (IP) to define the issues and lay out the blueprint to complete the investigation. The IP should
follow the outline below:
1. Complainant(s) Name and Address (Attorney name and address if applicable)
2. Respondent(s) Name and Address (Attorney for the Respondent(s) name and address)
3. Applicable Law(s)
4. Basis/(es)
5. Allegation(s)/Issue(s)
6. Background
7. Name of Persons to be interviewed
a. Questions for the complainant(s)
b. Questions for the respondent(s)
c. Questions for witness(es)
8. Evidence to be obtained during the investigation
a. Issue – e.g., Complainant alleges his predominantly African American community was
excluded from a meeting concerning a future project which could affect the community.
i. Documents needed: e.g., mailing list which shows all physical addresses, P.O. Box
numbers, property owner names, and dates when the meeting notification was mailed;
other methods used by the RPO to advertise the meeting.
C. Request for Information – The investigator should gather data and information pertinent to the issues
raised in the complaint.
D. Interviews – Interviews should be conducted with the complainant, respondent, and appropriate
witnesses during the investigative process. Interviews are conducted to gain a better understanding of
the situation outlined in the complaint of discrimination. The main objective during the interview is to
obtain information that will either support or refute the allegations.
E. Developing an Investigative Report – The investigator should prepare an investigative report setting
forth all relevant facts obtained during the investigation. The report should include a finding for each
issue. A sample investigative report is provided below.
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HARTS Investigative Report
I. COMPLAINANT(S) NAME (or attorney for the complainant(s) – name and address if applicable
Name, Address, Phone:
II. RESPONDENT(S) (or attorney for the respondent(s) – name and address if applicable)
Name, Address, Phone:
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To ensure that Title VI reporting requirements are met, we will collect and maintain population data on
potential and actual beneficiaries of our programs and services. This section contains relevant population
data for our overall service area. This data provides context for the Title VI Nondiscrimination Program and
will be used to ensure nondiscrimination in public outreach and delivery of our programs and services.
The following table was completed using data from Census Table QT -P3, Race and Hispanic or Latino
Origin: 2020:
Race and Ethnicity Number Percent
Total Population 134,328 100
White 89,770 69
Black or African American 28,169 21
American Indian or Alaska Native 1,316 .98
Asian 1,810 1.35
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 364 .27
Some other Race 6,920 5.1
Two or More Races 5,979 4.4
HISPANIC OR LATINO (of any race)
Puerto Rican
Other Hispanic or Latino
8.2 AGE & SEX
The following table was completed using data from Census Table QT -P1, Age Groups and Sex: 2020:
Number Percent
Both sexes Male Female Both sexes Male Female
Total Population 134,328 66,571 67,757 X X X
Under 5 years 9,844 5,098 4,746 X X X
Under 18 years 35,003 17,962 17,042 X X X
18 to 64 years 87,788 44,042 43,746 X X X
65 years and over 16,882 7,315 9,547 X X X
Median Age 34.7 X 35.4
The following table was completed using data from Census Table S1810, Disability Characteristics:
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Total With a Disability Percent with a Disability
Margin of
Error +/- Estimate
Margin of
Error +/- Estimate
Margin of
Error +/-
Total civilian noninstitutionalized population 131,786 1,359 22,394 2,450 17.0 1.8
Population under 5 years 9,657 178 0 221 0.0 2.1
Population 5 to 17 years 25,390 179 1,468 855 5.8 3.4
Population 18 to 64 years 78,009 X 13,579 X 33.0 X
Population 65 years and over 18,730 X 7,347 X 83.70 X
Male 62,938 1,713 12,773 1,845 20.3 2.8
Female 68,848 1,173 9,621 1,371 14.0 2.0
White 85,046 3,050 15,965 1,975 18.0\8 2.3
Black or African American 26,187 1,848 4,678 1,186 17.9 4.3
American Indian and Alaska Native N N N N N N
Asian N N N N N N
Native American and Other Pacific
Islander N N N N N N
Some other Race N N N N N N
Two or more races 8,526 1,668 838 549 9.8 6.2
Hispanic or Latino 19,343 582 1,247 647 6.4 3.2
The following table was completed using data from Census Table S1701, Poverty Status in the Past 12
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Total Below poverty level Percent below poverty
Margin of
Error +/- Estimate
Margin of
Error +/- Estimate
Margin of
Error +/-
Population for whom poverty status is
determined 123,309 579 25,999 2,945 21.1% 2.4
Under 18 33,752 356 9,900 1,538 29.3 4.6
18 to 64 76,361 444 14,233 1,728 18.6 2.3
65 years and over 13,196 251 1,886 577 14.1 4.4
Male 60,246 518 12,061 1618 20.0 2.7
Female 63,063 514 13,938 1,705 22.1 2.7
White 85,022 1,761 14,809 2,359 17.4 2.7
Black or African American 25,380 1,343 7,652 1,656 30.1 5.8
American Indian and Alaska Native N N N N N N
Asian N N N N N N
Native American and Other Pacific Islander N N N N N N
Some other Race N N N N N N
Two or more races 6,259 1,367 2,670 1,316 42.7 18.6
Hispanic or Latino 14,681 214 5,897 1,316 40.2 11.9
All individuals below:
50 percent of poverty level 9414 2,406 (X) (X) (X) (X)
125 percent of poverty level 33,310 3,285 (X) (X) (X) (X)
150 percent of poverty level 41,018 3,867 (X) (X) (X) (X)
185 percent of poverty level 49,875 4,454 (X) (X) (X) (X)
200 percent of poverty level 53,621 4,521 (X) (X) (X) (X)
The following table was completed using data from Census Table S1901, Income in the Past 12 Months
(In 2022 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars):
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Estimate Margin of Error +/-
Total 50,584 1,302
Less than $10,000 7.1% 2.2
$10,000 to $14,999 3.9% 1.3
$15,000 to $24,999 8.3% 2.0
$25,000 to $34,999 8.2% 2.2
$35,000 to $49,999 9.5% 1.8
$50,000 to $74,999 19.4% 2.6
$75,000 to $99,999 14.8% 2.4
$100,000 to $149,999 15.2% 2.6
$150,000 to $199,999 8.5% 1.9
$200,000 or more 5.1% 2.0
Median income (dollars) 65,778 5,310
Mean income (dollars) 81,491 6,116
Federal-aid recipients are required to identify the characteristics and locations of populations they serve,
particularly by race/ethnicity, poverty and limited English proficiency. We will document this narratively or
through maps that overlay boundaries and demographic features on specific communities, and provide this
information to NCDOT, upon request.
Title VI Equity Analyses. In accordance with FTA Circular 4702.1B, a Title VI equity analysis will
be conducted whenever we construct a facility, such as a vehicle storage facility, maintenance
facility, or operation center. The equity analysis will be conducted during the planning stage, with
regard to the location of the facility, to determine if the project could result in a disparate impact to
minority communities based on race, color or national origin. Accordingly, we will look at various
alternatives before selecting a site for the facility. Project-specific demographic data on potentially
affected communities and their involvement in decision-making activities will be documented. Title
VI Equity Analyses will remain on file
Federal-aid recipients are required to identify the characteristics and locations of populations they serve,
particularly by race/ethnicity, poverty and limited English proficiency. We will document this narratively or
through maps that overlay boundaries and demographic features on specific communities, and provide this
information to NCDOT, upon request.
Title VI Equity Analyses. In accordance with FTA Circular 4702.1B, a Title VI equity analysis will be
conducted whenever we construct a facility, such as a vehicle storage facility, maintenance facility, or
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operation center. The equity analysis will be conducted during the planning stage, with regard to the
location of the facility, to determine if the project could result in a disparate impact to minority communities
based on race, color or national origin. Accordingly, we will look at various alternatives before selecting a
site for the facility. Project-specific demographic data on potentially affected communities and their
involvement in decision-making activities will be documented. Title VI Equity Analyses will remain on file
indefinitely, and copies will be provided to NCDOT, upon request, during compliance reviews or complaint
Environmental Justice Analyses. As required by FTA C 4703.1, environmental justice (EJ) analyses will
be conducted to determine if our programs, policies, or activities will result in disproportionately high and
adverse human health and environmental effects on minority populations and low-income populations. EJ
applies to our projects, such as when we construct or modify a facility, and our policies, such as when
there will be a change in service, amenities or fares. Thus, we will look at various alternatives and seek
input from potentially affected communities before making a final decision. Demographic data will be
collected to document their involvement in the decision-making process. EJ analyses will remain on file
indefinitely, and copies will be provided to NCDOT, upon request, during compliance reviews or complaint
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Effective public involvement is a key element in addressing Title VI in decision-making. This Public
Participation Plan describes how Harnett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) will disseminate vital
agency information and engage the public. We will seek out and consider the input and needs of interested
parties and groups traditionally underserved by transportation systems who may face challenges
accessing our services, such as minority and limited English proficient (LEP) persons. Underlying these
efforts is our commitment to determining the most effective outreach methods for a given project or
General public involvement practices will include:
Expanding traditional outreach methods. Think outside the box: Go to hair salons, barbershops, street
fairs, etc.
Providing for early, frequent and continuous engagement by the public.
Use of social media and other resources as a way to gain public involvement.
Coordinating with community- and faith-based organizations such as the Hispanic Liaison, educational
institutions, and other entities to implement public engagement strategies that reach out specifically to
members of affected minority and/or LEP communities.
Providing opportunities for public participation through means other than written communication, such
as personal interviews or use of audio or video recording devices to capture oral comments.
Considering radio, television, or newspaper ads on stations and in publications that serve LEP
populations. Outreach to LEP persons could also include audio programming available on podcasts .
Passengers and other interested persons will be informed of their rights under Title VI and related
authorities with regard to our program. The primary means of achieving this will be posting and
disseminating the policy statement and notice as stipulated in Sections 3.0 and 4.0, respectively.
Additional measures may include verbally announcing our obligations and the public’s rights at meetings,
placing flyers at places frequented by targeted populations, and an equal opportunity tag-on at the end of
radio announcements. The method of notification will be determined through an initial screening of the
Information on Title VI and other programs will be crafted and disseminated to employees, contractors and
subrecipients, stakeholders, and the general public. Public dissemination efforts may vary depending on
factors present, but will generally include: posting public statements setting forth our nondiscrimination
policy in eye-catching designs and locations; placing brochures in public places, such as government
offices, transit facilities, and libraries; having nondiscrimination lang uage within contracts; including
nondiscrimination notices in meeting announcements and handouts; and displaying our Notice of
Nondiscrimination at all our public meetings.
At a minimum, nondiscrimination information will be disseminated on our website an d on posters in
conspicuous areas at our office(s). Project-related information and our most current Title VI-related
information will be maintained online.
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There is no one-size-fits-all approach to public involvement. A variety of comprehensive and targeted
public participation methods will be used to facilitate meaningful public involvement. Methods for engaging
stakeholders and target audiences, including traditionally underserved and excluded populations (i.e.,
minorities, youth, low-income, the disabled, etc.) will include the following:
Public Relations and Outreach
Public relations and outreach (PRO) strategies aim to conduct well-planned, inclusive and meaningful
public participation events that foster good relations and mutual trust through shared decision-making with
the communities we serve.
We will seek out and facilitate the involvement of those potentially affected.
Public events will aim to be collaborative, fun, and educational for all, rather than confrontational and
Media plans will typically involve multiple channels of communication like mailings, radio, TV, and
newspaper ads.
Abstract objectives will be avoided in meeting anno uncements. Specific “attention-grabbing” reasons
to attend will be used, such as “Help us figure out how to relieve congestion on [corridor name]” or
“How much should it cost to ride the bus? Let us know on [date].”
Efforts will be made to show how the input of participants can, or did, influence final decisions.
We will do our best to form decision-making committees that look like and relate to the populations we
We will seek out and identify community contacts and partner with local community- and faith-based
organizations that can represent, and help us disseminate information to, target constituencies.
Demographic data will be requested during public meetings, surveys, and from community contacts
and committee members.
Public Meetings
“Public meeting” refers to any meeting open to the public, such as hearings, charrettes, open house and
board meetings.
Public meetings will be conducted at times, locations, and facilities that are convenient and accessible .
Meeting materials will be available in a variety of predetermined formats to serve diverse audiences.
An assortment of advertising means may be employed to inform the community of public meetings.
Assistance to persons with disabilities or limited English proficiency will be provided, as required.
Small Group Meetings
A small group meeting is a targeted measure where a meeting is held with a specific group, usually at their
request or consent. These are often closed meetings, as they will typically occur on private property at the
owner’s request.
If it is determined that a targeted group has not been afforded adequate opportunities to participate,
the group will be contacted to inquire about possible participation methods, including a group meeting
with them individually.
Unless unusual circumstances or safety concerns exist, hold the meeting at a location of the target
group’s choosing.
Share facilitation duties or relinquish them to members of the target group.
Small group discussion formats may be integrated into larger group public meetings and workshops.
When this occurs, the smaller groups will be as diverse as the participants in the room.
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Community Surveying
Opinion surveys will occasionally be used to obtain input from targeted groups or th e general public on
their transportation needs, the quality or costs of our services, and feedback on our public outreach
Surveys may be conducted via telephone, door-to-door canvassing, at community fairs, by placing
drop boxes in ideal locations, or with assistance from other local agencies like social services.
Surveys will be translated into languages other than English, when appropriate .
Limited English Proficient (LEP) persons refers to persons for whom English is not their primary language
who have a limited ability to read, write, speak, or understand English. It includes people who reported to
the U.S. Census that they speak English less than very well, not well, or not at all.
In an effort to comply with DOT’s LEP policy guidance and Executive Order 13166, this section of our
public participation plan outlines the steps we will take to ensure meaningful access to all benefits,
services, information, and other important portions of our programs and activities by individuals who are
LEP. Accordingly, a Four Factor Analysis was conducted to determine the specific language services
appropriate to provide, to whom, and to determine if our communication with LEP persons is effective.
Four Factor Analysis
This Four Factor Analysis is an individualized assessment that balances the following four factors:
(1) The number or proportion of LEP persons eligible to be served or likely to be encountered by a
program, activity, or service of the recipient or grantee;
(2) The frequency with which LEP individuals come in contact with the program;
(3) The nature and importance of the program, activity, or service provided by the recipient to people’s
lives; and
(4) The resources available to the recipient and costs.
Factor #1: The number or proportion of LEP persons eligible to be served or likely to be
encountered by the program, activity, or service of the recipient.
Percent of
Margin of
Total (population 5 years and over): +/- 100% (X)
Speak only English 102,683 27 % +/- %
Spanish or Spanish Creole: 9,960 684 % +/- %
Speak English "very well" 6,200 647 % +/- %
Speak English less than "very
well" N N % +/- %
Spanish or Spanish Creole: +/- % +/- %
Speak English "very well" +/- % +/- %
Speak English less than "very
well" +/- % +/- %
Spanish or Spanish Creole: +/- % +/- %
Speak English "very well" +/- % +/- %
Speak English less than "very
well" +/- % +/- %
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Factor #2: The frequency with which LEP individuals come in contact with the program.
Factor #3: The nature and importance of the program, activity, or service provided by the recipient
to people’s lives.
Factor #4: The resources available to the recipient and costs.
As a result of the above four factor analysis, a Language Assistance Plan (Plan) was required. This Plan
represents our commitment to ensuring nondiscrimination and meaningful access by persons who are
Limited English Proficient (LEP). This Plan also details the mechanisms we will use to reach LEP persons
and the language assistance services we provide. We will provide services to any person, upon request. If
an individual is LEP, we will work with the individual to ensure they receive the needed transportation
service. Our employees will be routinely oriented on the principles and practices of Title VI and LEP to
ensure fairness in the administration of this Plan.
As a result of the above four factor analysis, a Language Assistance Plan (LAP) was not required.
However, reasonable attempts will be made to accommodate any persons encountered who require
written translation or oral interpretation services.
Language Assistance Measures
The following general language assistance measures are reasonable and achievable for our organization
at this time:
Translating public notices posted in the local paper and at stations, stops, and in vehicles into any
languages that meet the safe harbor threshold in Factor 1.
Vital documents—such as brochures with service times and routes—are translated into Name
languages across the entire service area, and available in our facilities, doctor’s offices and shopping
Making a concerted effort to inform LEP persons of available language assistance via staff, broadcast
media, relationship-building with organizations, and our website.
Posting vital bulletin board information and disseminating community surveys in various languages.
Providing translation and interpretive services when appropriate (upon request or predetermined) at
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Determining how best to take public involvement to LEP groups directly, including through small group
Language line translation services at our call center.
Where possible, utilizing or hiring staff who speak a language other than English and can provide
competent language assistance.
o Note: We will not ask community-based organizations (CBO) to provide, or serve as,
interpreters at our meetings. Relying upon CBOs in that capacity could raise ethical concerns.
If a CBO decides (on its own) to translate any materials for its constituents, or bring
interpreters it trusts to our meetings, we will not object. That is their right.
Using language identification flashcards to determ ine appropriate services.
Establishing a process to obtain feedback on our language assistance measures
Specific Measures by Language Group – NOTE: THIS SECTION DOES NOT HAVE TO BE COMPLETED
[For this part, specify the measures you have determined are most effective to involve each language
group that met the safe harbor thresholds in Factor #1 of the Four Factor Analysis beyond the general list
directly above. Delete this whole part if no language groups met the thresholds.]
Written Translation and Oral Interpretation
Vital documents will be translated for each eligible LEP language group in our service area that constitutes
5% or 1,000, whichever is less, of the population of persons eligible to be served or likely to be
encountered. Translated materials will be placed online and in appropriate public (or private) places
accessible to LEP persons. The safe harbor provisions apply to the translation of written documents only,
and do not affect the requirement to provide meaningful access to LEP individuals through competent oral
interpreters where oral language services are needed and are reasonable. When appropriate, translation
of any document will be communicated orally in the appropriate language.
In the event that the 5% trigger is reached for a LEP language group that is fewer than 50 persons, written
notice will be provided in the primary language of that group of the right to receive competent oral
interpretation of vital written materials, free of cost. The most effective method of notice, which could be an
ad in the local newspaper or other publication, a radio commercial, or door hangers, will be determined in
consideration of the circumstances on the ground and in coordination with LEP community contacts .
Staff Support for Language Assistance
Agency staff (HARTS ) will be provided a list of referral resources that can assist LEP persons with
written translation and oral interpretation, including the Title VI Officer and any outside consultant
contracted to provide language services. This list will be updated as needed to remain current.
All main offices and vehicles will have on hand a supply of language assistance flashcards and
materials translated into the languages of the largest LEP language groups. When encountered by an
LEP person, staff (including drivers) should present the individual with a flashcard and let them choose
the language. Do not assume you know their preferred language. Drivers are permitted to seek
volunteer assistance from other passengers before contacting a referral resource. Docum ent the
encounter and report it to the Title VI Coordinator.
Training: All employees will be instructed on our procedures for providing timely and reasonable
assistance to LEP persons. New employee orientation will also explain these procedures to new hires.
Staff routinely encountering LEP persons by telephone or in person will receive annual refresher
training. All other employees will be reminded of LEP through annual Title VI program
acknowledgements (Section 5.0) and basic Title VI trainings (Section 11.0).
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Project-Specific LEP Outreach
A project-specific four factor analysis will be conducted for any project or outreach event limited to a
specific geographical area (i.e., the project study area or outreach area, respectively). Language
assistance will be provided in accordance with the measures already outlined, including translating written
materials for each LEP language group that is 5% or 1,000, whichever is less, of the project or outreach
area population.
Monitoring and Updating the LAP
Monitoring of daily interactions with LEP persons will be continuous, thus language assistance techniques
may be refined at any time. This Plan will be periodically reviewed—at least annually—to determine if our
assistance measures and staff training are working. Resource availability and feedback from agency staff
and the general public will be factors in the evaluation and any proposed updates. Among other practices,
this process will include working with LEP community contacts to determine if our employe es are
responding appropriately to requests made with limited English or in languages other than English, and
observing how agency staff responds to requests, including observing drivers or surveying riders. To the
best of our ability, we will attempt to never eliminate a successful existing LEP service. Significant LEP
program revisions will be approved or adopted by our board or designated official and dated accordingly.
LEP data and procedures will be reviewed and updated at least once every three years .
The following form was used to collect required data on Key Community Contacts and nonelected
committee members.
HARTS is required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related authorities to record demographic information on members of its boards
and committees. Please provide the following information:
Black/African American
American Indian/Alaskan Native
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
Other (please specify): __________________
National Origin: (if born outside the U.S.)
Central American: _____________________
South American: ____________________
Puerto Rican
Other (please specify): __________________
Gender: Male Female Age:
Less than 18 45-64
18-29 65 and older
30-44 Disability: Yes No
I choose not to provide any of the information requested above:
Completed forms will remain on file as part of the public record. For more information regarding Title VI or this request, please contact the
HARTS at [910-419-4019] or by email at [www.harnett .org].
Please sign below acknowledging that you have completed this form.
Thank you for your participation!
Name (print): _________________________________________________________
Signature: ___________________________________________________________
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Forms will be completed prior to NCDOT Title VI reviews and remain on file for three years.
All new and existing members of appointed decision-making boards or committees will be required
to complete this form for reporting purposes.
If a member, for whatever reason, selects “I choose not to provide any of the information requested
above,” this will be accepted as a completed form.
If a member chooses not to provide any of the information on the form, the Title VI Coordinator will
be permitted to indicate that member’s race and gender, based on the Coordinator’s best guess.
Data from these forms will be used to complete the Demographic Request Table.
Once a new member submits this form, the Demographic Request Table for the associated
committee will be updated.
Contact Name Community Name Interest or Affiliation Also a Committee
Member? (Y/N)
Brooks Mathews Harnett County
Commissioner Elected Official Yes
Brent Trout County Manager All Residents Yes
Coley Price Deputy County Manager All Residents Yes
Barry Blevins General Services Director All Residents Yes
Eric Truesdale Veterans Director All Residents Yes
Lisa Guy Dept. of Social Services All Residents Yes
Larry T. Smith Director EMS All Residents Yes
Debra Hawkins Intern Director Health
Department All Residents No
Desiree Patrick Public Information Officer All Residents No
Contact information for key community contacts is not public information and is maintained outside of this
document. Any staff member who wishes to contact any individual listed above must request that
information from the Title VI Coordinator.
The following format is used to document URTS outreach efforts in reports to NCDOT. All meetings and
disseminations of information capture information for the table below:
Meeting Date Meeting Time Meeting Purpose Target Audience Information Disseminated
2nd Tuesday of
January, April,
July, October
9:00AM Transit Advisory
Board Meeting
General Public ,
any person
interested in the
services available
through HARTS
Information varies based on current
events relevant to HARTS , we
recommend the board and public
comments , input or recommendations
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All employees will receive basic Title VI training at least once every three years. New hires will receive this
training within 15 days of their start date. Basic training will cover all sections of this Plan and our overall
Title VI obligations. Staff may receive specialized training on how Title VI applies to their specific work
areas. Those who routinely encounter the public, such as office personnel, call center staff, and vehicle
drivers, will receive annual refresher training. Trainings will be provided or organized by the Title VI
Coordinator and will often coincide with updates to our nondiscrimination policies and procedures. Records
of staff trainings, such as agendas, sign-in sheets, copies of calendars, and certificates, will remain on file
for at least three years (and in personnel files).
The table below depicts race and gender compositions for each of our nonelected (appointed) decision -
making bodies. Member names and full demographics for each committee are available, upon request.
Strategies for Representative Committees
Diversification goals will be provided to our nonelected boards and committees to help ensure that their
membership mirrors our service area demographics, as adequately as possible. We will provide periodic
updates on our outreach efforts at meetings. When there is an opening on a board or committee, we will
ensure the following:
Current members will be made aware of diversity goals and polled for nominees.
Officials from local minority groups will be made aware of the diversity goals and polled for nominees.
Key Contacts from LEP groups will be contacted and polled for nominees.
A recruitment notice for a Board Member opening will be posted on our website.
An advertisement of recruitment notice for a Board Member will be placed with the local newspaper
and other publications popular with minorities and other protected groups .
As a subrecipient of FTA funds through NCDOT, we are required to submit a Title VI Program update to
NCDOT every three years, on a schedule determined by NCDOT. Records will be kept to document
compliance with the requirements of the Title VI Program. Unless otherwise spec ified, Title VI-related
records shall be retained indefinitely. These records will made available for inspection by authorized
officials of the NCDOT and/or FTA. Reports on Title VI-related activities and progress to address findings
identified during Title VI compliance reviews may also be provided, upon request. It will occasionally be
necessary to update this Title VI Plan or any of its components (e.g., complaints, Public Involvement, and
LEP). Updates will be submitted to NCDOT for review and approval, and adopted by our Board when
In addition to items documented throughout this Plan, records and reports due at the time of compliance
reviews or investigations may include:
Compliance Reviews
Title VI Program Plan
List of civil rights trainings provided or
Summaries from any internal reviews
Ads and notices for specific meetings
Findings from reviews by any other external
Title VI equity analyses and EJ assessments
Discrimination Complaints Log
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Complaint Investigations
Investigative Reports
Discrimination complaint, as filed
List of interviewees (names and affiliations)
Supporting Documentation (e.g., requested
items, photos taken, dates and methods of
contact, etc.)
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[This section applies to providers of fixed route public transportation only (also referred to as transit
providers). All transit providers must complete this section and include in the Title VI Plan you submit to
NCDOT. This section should be scaled based on your size as a fixed route transit provider, as explained
in Chapter IV of FTA Circular 4702.1B. Do not complete this section if you do not provide any fixed route
service. Providers of public transportation that only operate demand response service should not
complete this section, such providers of general public paratransit, ADA complementary paratransit,
vanpools, and Section 5310 closed door service.
NCDOT’s Public Transportation Division (PTD) will assist transit providers with completing this Section.
Please contact your PTD Mobility Specialist for further assistance.]
Vehicle load
Vehicle headway
On time performance
Service availability
Transit Amenities for each mode
Vehicle Assignment for each mode
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Appendix A
Applicable Nondiscrimination Authorities
During the implementation of this Title VI Program, the organization, for itself, its assignees and successors
in interest, is reminded that it has agreed to comply with the following non -discrimination statutes and
authorities, including but not limited to:
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq., 78 stat. 252), (prohibits discrimination
on the basis of race, color, national origin); and 49 CFR Part 21.
The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, (42 U.S.C. §
4601), (prohibits unfair treatment of persons displaced or whose property has been acquired because
of Federal or Federal-aid programs and projects);
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, (29 U.S.C. § 794 et seq.), as amended, (prohibits
discrimination on the basis of disability); and 49 CFR Part 27;
The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, (42 U.S.C. § 6101 et seq.), (prohibits discrimination
on the basis of age);
The Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, (PL 100-209), (Broadened the scope, coverage and
applicability of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 and Section
504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, by expanding the definition of the te rms "programs or activities"
to include all of the programs or activities of the Federal-aid recipients, sub-recipients and contractors,
whether such programs or activities are Federally funded or not);
Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of
disability in the operation of public entities, public and private transportation systems, places of public
accommodation, and certain testing entities (42 U.S.C. §§ 12131 -12189) as implemented by
Department of Transportation regulations at 49 C.P.R. parts 37 and 38;
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended, which prohibits you from discriminating
because of sex in education programs or activities (20 U.S.C. 1681 et seq).
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000e et seq., Pub. L. 88-352), (prohibits
employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed (religion), sex, or national origin);
49 CFR Part 26, regulation to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and admin istration of DOT-
assisted contracts in the Department's highway, transit, and airport financial assistance programs;
Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and
Low-Income Populations, which ensures discrimination against minority populations by discouraging
programs, policies, and activities with disproportionately high and adverse human health or
environmental effects on minority and low-income populations;
Executive Order 13166, Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency,
and resulting agency guidance, national origin discrimination includes discrimination because of limited
English proficiency (LEP). To ensure compliance with Title VI, you must take reasonable steps to
ensure that LEP persons have meaningful access to your programs (70 Fed. Reg. at 74087 to 74100);
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1973, (23 U.S.C. § 324 et seq.), (prohibits discrimination on the basis of
Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982, (49 USC § 4 71, Section 4 7123), as amended, (prohibits
discrimination based on race, creed (religion), color, national origin, or sex);
The Federal Aviation Administration's Non-discrimination statute (49 U.S.C. § 47123) (prohibits
discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, and sex);
Federal transit laws, specifically 49 U.S.C. § 5332 (prohibiting discrimination based on race, color,
religion, national origin, sex (including gender identity), disability, age, employment, or business
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Appendix B
Organizational Chart
Harnett County
Board Of Commissioners
Bill Morris (Chairman)
Harnett County Manger
Brent Trout
Harnett Deputy Manager
Coley Price
Transit Assistant
Valencia Bell
Harnett County Transit Director
Barry Blevins
Operations Supervisor
Candace Cameron
Administrative Assistant
Pam Goodman-Amerson
Harnett Area Rural Transit Manager
Chance Torain
Process Assistant III
Pamela Bennett
Dispatcher / Scheduler
Tabetha Austin
Transportation Operators
11 Full time/ 12Part time
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Appendix C
NCDOT’s Compliance Review Checklist for Transit
I. Program Administration (General Requirements)
Requirement: FTA C 4702.1B – Title VI Requirements and Guidelines for FTA Recipients, Chapter III – General Requirements and Guidelines.
Note: Every NCDOT subrecipient receiving any of the FTA Formula Grants listed above must complete this section.
Requested Items
(Please attach electronic documents (.pdf, .doc, etc.) or provide links to online versions) Completed
1. A copy of the recipient’s signed NCDOT’s Title VI Nondiscrimination Agreement
2. Title VI Policy Statement (signed)
3. Title VI Notice to the Public, including a list of locations where the notice is posted
4. Type the name and title of your Title VI Coordinator and attach a list of their Title VI duties
5. Title VI Complaint Procedures (i.e., instructions to the public regarding how to file a Title VI
discrimination complaint)
6. Title VI Complaint Form
7. List of transit-related Title VI investigations, complaints, and lawsuits (i.e., discrimination
complaints log)
8. Public Participation Plan, including information about outreach methods to engage traditionally
underserved constituencies (e.g., minorities, limited English proficient populations (LEP), low-
income, disabled), as well as a summary of outreach efforts made since the last Title VI Program
9. Language Assistance Plan for providing language assistance to persons with limited English
proficiency (LEP), based on the DOT LEP Guidance, which requires conducting four-factor
10. A table depicting the membership of non-elected committees and councils, the membership of
which is selected by the recipient, broken down by race, and a description of the process the
agency uses to encourage the participation of minorities on such committees
11. A copy of board meeting minutes, resolution, or other appropriate documentation showing the
board of directors or appropriate governing entity or official(s) responsible for policy decisions
reviewed and approved the Title VI Program
12. A description of the procedures the agency uses to ensure nondiscriminatory administration of
programs and services
13. If you pass through FTA funds to other organizations, include a description of how you
monitor your subrecipients for compliance with Title VI, and a schedule for your subrecipients’
Title VI Program submissions.
No Subrecipients
14. A Title VI equity analysis if you have constructed or conducted planning for a facility, such
as a vehicle storage facility, maintenance facility, operation center, etc.
No Facilities Planned or Constructed
15. Copies of environmental justice assessments conducted for any construction projects during
the past three years and, if needed based on the results, a description of the program or other
measures used or planned to mitigate any identified adverse impact on the minority or low-
income communities
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No Construction Projects
16. If the recipient has undergone a Title VI Compliance Review in the last 3 years, please indicate
the year of the last review and who conducted it. Year/Agency:
II. Transit Providers
Requirement: FTA C 4702.1B, Chapter IV – Requirements and Guidelines for Fixed Route Transit Providers.
Note: All NCDOT subrecipients that provide fixed route public transportation services (e.g., local, express or commuter bus; bus rapid
transit; commuter rail; passenger ferry) must complete this section.
Not Applicable (Check this box if you do not provide fixed route services, and skip questions 17 and 18. This section
does not apply to you if you only provide demand response services.)
Requested Items
(Please attach electronic documents (.pdf, .doc, etc.) or provide links to online versions) Completed
17. Service standards (quantitative measures) developed for each specific fixed route mode that the
recipient provides (standards may vary by mode) must be submitted for each of the following
Vehicle load for each mode (Can be expressed as the ratio of passengers to the total number of seats on a
vehicle. For example, on a 40-seat bus, a vehicle load of 1.3 means all seats are filled and there are approximately 12
Vehicle headway for each mode (Measured in minutes (e.g., every 15 minutes), headway refers to the
amount of time between two vehicles traveling in the same direction on a given line or combination of lines. A shorter
headway corresponds to more frequent service. Service frequency is measured in vehicles per hour (e.g., 4 buses per
On time performance for each mode (Expressed as a percentage, this is a measure of runs completed as
scheduled. The recipient must define what is considered to be “on time.” Performance can be measured against route
origins and destinations only, or against origins and destinations as well as specified time points along a route.)
Service availability for each mode (Refers to a general measure of the distribution of routes within a transit
provider’s service area, such as setting the maximum distance between bus stops or train stations, or requiring that a
percentage of all residents in the service area be within a one-quarter mile walk of bus service. )
18. Service policies (system-wide policies) adopted to ensure that service design and operations
practices do not result in discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin, must be
submitted for each of the following:
Transit amenities for each mode (e.g., benches, shelters/canopies, printed materials, escalators/elevators,
and waste receptacles. NOTE: Attach this information only if you have decision-making authority over siting transit
amenities or you set policies to determine the siting of amenities.)
Vehicle assignment for each mode (Refers to the process by which transit vehicles are placed into service
throughout a system. Policies for vehicle assignment may be based on the type or age of the vehicle, where age
would be a proxy for condition, or on the type of service offered.)
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\\lecfile\department\Admin\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2024\022724 ws\10.1 agendaform2024_RCL Snack Bar
Lease.docx Page 1 of 1
Board Meeting
Agenda Item
MEETING DATE: March 18, 2024
SUBJECT: Resource Center and Library Snack Bar Lease
REQUESTED BY: Carl Davis, Parks and Recreation Director
Staff requests the acceptance of a Lease Agreement with Stick Boy Bread Company to
operate a food and beverage business specializing in coffee beverages, smoothies and
pastries in the Resource Center and Library Snack Bar, Room 131. The lease is for 126
square feet of space at a rate of $250 per month ($3000 annually) for one (1) year. The
Lessee may exercise two (2) two-year options to extend the lease. The lease reate would
increase by 10% upon exercise of those options.
Item 10
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\\lecfile\department\Admin\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2024\022724 ws\11.1 3.4.24 Agenda Form Opioid Res
Amendment.docx Page 1 of 1
Board Meeting
Agenda Item
MEETING DATE: March 4, 2024
SUBJECT: Amendment to Resolution of Opioid Funds
REQUESTED BY: Christopher Appel - Senior Staff Attorney
In June 2023, the Board approved a resolution to authorize the County to expend funds
in the amount not to exceed $215,000 from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2025 for the
purposes of implementing addiction treatment for incarcerated persons by hiring a
Clinical Social Worker as part of the Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD)
program at the Harnett County Detention Center.
Legal Department requests the approval of an amendment to this resolution to expand
the resolution to include the outsourcing of services to provide treatment for the
Detention Center's MOUD program.
Item 11
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 87
WHEREAS, the County of Harnett (the “County”) has joined national settlement
agreements with companies engaged in the manufacturing, distribution, and dispensing of
opioids, including settlements with drug distributors Cardinal, McKesson, and
AmerisourceBergen, and the drug maker Johnson & Johnson and its subsidiary Janssen
Pharmaceuticals; and
WHEREAS, the allocation, use, and reporting of funds stemming from these national
settlement agreements and certain bankruptcy resolutions (“Opioid Settlement Funds”) are
governed by the Memorandum of Agreement Between the State of North Carolina and Local
Governments on Proceeds Relating to the Settlement of Opioid Litigation (“MOA”); and
WHEREAS, the County has received Opioid Settlement Funds pursuant to these national
settlement agreements and deposited the Opioid Settlement Funds in a separate special revenue
fund as required by section D of the MOA; and
WHEREAS, section E.6 of the MOA states:
E.6. Process for drawing from special revenue funds.
a.Budget item or resolution required. Opioid Settlement Funds can be used for a purpose
when the Governing Body includes in its budget or passes a separate resolution
authorizing the expenditure of a stated amount of Opioid Settlement Funds for that
purpose or those purposes during a specified period of time.
b.Budget item or resolution details. The budget or resolution should (i) indicate that it is an
authorization for expenditure of opioid settlement funds; (ii) state the specific strategy or
strategies the county or municipality intends to fund pursuant to Option A or Option B,
using the item letter and/or number in Exhibit A or Exhibit B to identify each funded
strategy, and (iii) state the amount dedicated to each strategy for a stated period of time.
WHEREAS, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners (hereinafter the “Board”)
adopted a resolution on June 19, 2023 to direct the expenditure of Opioid Settlement Funds for
the purpose of hiring a Clinical Social Worker (hereinafter referred to as the “Jail Reentry
Navigator”) as part of the Medications for Opioid Use Disorder program at the Harnett County
Jail; and
WHEREAS, the County received a grant of $98,000.00 issued by the Institute for
Intergovernmental Research (hereinafter referred to as the “IRR Grant”) as part of its
Item 12
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 88
participation in the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistant’s Reaching Rural
Initiative to fund the Jail Reentry Navigator; and
WHEREAS, the Board desires to amend the June 19, 2023 resolution to direct the
expenditure of the Opioid Settlement Funds supplanted by the IRR Grant for the purpose of
providing treatment services for the Medications for Opioid Use Disorder program.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, in alignment with the NC MOA, the County of
Harnett amends the June 19, 2023 resolution and authorizes the expenditure of opioid settlement
funds as follows:
1. Strategy authorized
a. Name of strategy: Addiction treatment for incarcerated persons.
b. Strategy is included in Exhibit A.
c. Item letter and/or number in Exhibit A or Exhibit B to the MOA: Strategy 11
d. Amounted authorized for this strategy: a total amount not to exceed $215,000.00
e. Period of time during which expenditure may take pace:
Start date: July 1, 2023 through End date : June 30, 2025
f. Description of the program, project, or activity: The settlement funds will be
expended to hire a Jail Reentry Navigator as part of Medications for Opioid Use
Disorder (“MOUD”) program at the Harnett County Jail. This position will provide
interventions to reduce symptoms and connect individuals to resources as part of the
treatment of incarcerated individuals at the jail. The settlement funds will also be used
to contract with a health care provider to provide addiction treatment services for
incarcerated persons in the MOUD program.
g. Provider: Harnett County
The total dollar amount of Opioid Settlement Funds appropriated across the above named and
authorized strategy shall not exceed $215,000.00.
Adopted this the 4th day of March 2024.
William Morris, Chairman
Harnett County Board of Commissioners
Melissa Capps, Clerk to the Board
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 89
February 27, 2023
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 90
Status of Key Strategic Actions and Critical Projects for 2nd Quarter FY 2024
•For FY2024, 31 Key Strategic Actions and Other Strategic Actions directly related to Harnett County Strategic Plan will be reviewed
•Status as of September 30, 2023, Quarter 1:
16% are pending action
68% are In-Process
16% are Completed
•Status as of December 31, 2023, Quarter 2:
13% are pending action
71% are In-Process
16% are Completed
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 91
Business Plan Creation for FY2025 Update
•All Departments will be developing Business Plans with our UNC School of Government partners anticipated for FY2025 (July 2024)
•Business Plans focus on short-term, and the day-to-day operational and functional results of a department.
•Aligned to the overall organizational strategic plan
•Business plan should execute, implement and integrate services to meet the intended outcomes of the Harnett County strategic plan.
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 92
Strategic Plans Modification for FY2025
•As discussed at the Planning Retreat, the existing Harnett County Strategic Plan needs to be updated for FY2025 based on the interview information from each Commissioner
•Reviewed the Goals, Objectives and Key Strategic Actions
•Board of Commissioners agreed with the findings and directed staff to update the Strategic Plan to reflect the new and continued Key Strategic Actions
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 93
Harnett County Strategic Plan Goals
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 94
Goal 1 Superior Education
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 95
Goal 2 Organizational Excellence
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 96
Goal 3 Healthy and Safe Community
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 97
Goal 4 Economic Strength
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 98
Goal 5 Informed & Engaged Citizens
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 99
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Date: February 27, 2024
To: Harnett County Board of Commissioners
Through: Brent Trout, County Manager
From: Mike Morrow, Assistant County Manager
Subject: FY2024 Quarter 2 TEAM Harnett Performance Management Update and
Strategic Plan Modifications for FY2025
As you know, on July 17, 2023, the Board of Commissioners adopted a resolution supporting high
performance and government innovation with the TEAM Harnett Performance Management Plan.
The 2nd Quarter FY2024 TEAM Harnett Performance Management report is attached for your
review. A summary of the findings over the last quarter are below:
For FY2024, TEAM Harnett will review thirty-one (31) Key Strategic Actions and Other
Strategic Actions directly related to the Harnett County Strategic Plan.
Status of 31 action items as of September 30, 2023
o 16% are pending action
o 68% are In-Process
o 16% are Completed
Status of 31 action items as of December 31,2023
o 13% are pending action
o 71% are In-Process
o 16% are Completed
In the next quarter, the development of departmental business plans with our partners from the
UNC School of Government is underway. As mentioned previously, business plans will be directly
related to the Strategic Plan and the TEAM Harnett Performance Management plan showing how
the departments relates to the business of the County. TEAM Harnett has scheduled four (4)
training sessions to build the departmental business plans in February and March, 2024 for the
3rd quarter.
On January 23, 2024 at the Board of Commissioners Planning Retreat, Rebecca Jackson with
the UNC School of Government presented an update to the existing Strategic Plan for FY2025
based on the information that she collected from each Commissioner. This information update
included a review of the Goals, Objectives, and the alignment of key strategic actions for FY2025.
At the Planning Retreat, the Board of Commissioners agreed with the findings and directed staff
to update the Harnett County Strategic Plan to reflect the new and continued Key Strategic Actions
as presented.
If you have any questions regarding this information, please feel free to contact me to discuss.
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 101
Goal Obj. #Strategic Objective KPI ID #Strategic Level KPIs Why is this KPI Important?KPI Type KPI Researcher Data Source Data Definition/Calculation KPI Approver
When will KPI be
measurable? FY20 Actuals FY21 Actuals FY22 Actuals
FY23 Actuals FY24 Actuals
Target for FY 2025
1.1.1 # of meetings conducted To maintain communication Workload Executive Assistant Calendar County Manager 30-Jun-23
1.1.2 % of BOC and BOE that are satisfied with
the level of coordination
To maintain communication Effective Executive Assistant Survey 95% satisfaction rating
1.1.3 # enrolled under the Harnett Promise
Collaboration with the County, the Schools
and the College Insures that an educated
and qualified workforce is available for
industry looking to locate in Harnett County.
Encourages graduates to remain and invest
in the County rather than moving to other
Workload Budget Director Central Carolina
Community College
County Manager 118 122 98
1.1.4 Graduation rate of the Harnett Promise
Collaboration with the County, the Schools
and the College Insures that an educated
and qualified workforce is available for
industry looking to locate in Harnett County.
Encourages graduates to remain and invest
in the County rather than moving to other
Effective Budget Director Central Carolina
Community College
County Manager 80% graduation rate
1.2.1 # of capital projects funded for HCS Allows County/School to maintain a planned
funding schedule of projects; keeps
strategic plan on track for both Boards and
eliminates diversions.
Finance Officer and Budget
Debt Affordability
Analysis/Project Ledger -
Finance Officer and
Budget Director
1 0 1
4 4
1.2.2 # of schools constructed for HCS To maintain proper school student ratio in
the system; To address overcrowding as the
population in the County grows
Finance Officer Debt Affordability
County Manager 0 0 1 Construct one school
every 4 years
1.3.1 Turnover rate for instructional staff Provides indication of staffing levels and if
funding meets or has positive impact on
teacher retention
Budget Director Department of Public
Instruction website
County Manager 10.00%11.20%No greater than the
state average rate
1.3.2 % vacancies on first day of school for
instructional staff
Provides indication of staffing levels and if
funding meets or has positive impact on
teacher retention
Budget Director Department of Public
Instruction website
County Manager 2.50%2.40%No greater than the
state average rate
1.3.3 % of instructional staff that transfers to
another county
Provides indication of staffing levels and if
funding meets or has positive impact on
teacher retention
Budget Director Department of Public
Instruction website
County Manager 6.70%4.50%No greater than the
state average rate
1.3.4 Student/teacher ratio for Harnett County
Schools Met (Yes or No)
Provides indication of staffing levels and if
funding meets or has positive impact on
teacher retention.
Budget Director School Human Resources
Department/NC School
Report Cards Website
County Manager Unknown -
Y Y 1:18-K; 1:16-1; 1:17 2-
3 (Y or N); 1:24 - 4-12
(Y or N)
1.4.1 % increase in state funding for Harnett
County Schools (Operating)
Need to ensure proper state funding for
education purposes to relieve burden on HC
tax payers.
Harnett County Schools
Finance Officer
Harnett County Schools
Finance Officer
Calculate the percent change
County Manager 3% increase in state
1.4.2 Adoption of state advocacy agenda (Yes
or No)
To have proper policies and regulation to
govern the school district's operations
Lobbying Firm Lobbying firm reports County Manager Yes
1.2 Maintain a long-term
funding plan for
capital needs
FY 2024 Harnett County Strategic Performance Scorecard
Maintain effective
collaboration with
Harnett County
Schools to coordinate
budget process,
capital projects, and
other initiatives
Attract, support, and
retain highly qualified
and experienced
public school teachers
and staff
Advocate for
appropriate allocation
of school funding from
federal and state
Goal 1: Superior EducationHCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 102
Goal Obj. #Strategic Objective KPI ID #Strategic Level KPIs Why is this KPI Important?KPI Type KPI Researcher Data Source Data Definition/Calculation KPI Approver
When will KPI be
measurable? FY20 Actuals FY21 Actuals FY22 Actuals
FY23 Actuals FY24 Actuals
Target for FY 2025
FY 2024 Harnett County Strategic Performance Scorecard
2.1.1 # of days to fill a vacant position Working to reduce the time it takes to fill a
position will assist in tracking the efficiency
of the hiring process and how our hiring
resources are being used in the situations of
unforeseen vacancies.
Efficiency Recruiting Specialist/ HR
Neogov Calculate the staff time for hiring
HR Director 12/31/2023
2.1.2 Countywide overall turnover rate Loss of employees is a revenue loss to the
County (resources, training, time)
Effective HR Director Tyler ERP Resignations/Terminations
against total employee population
HR Director Ongoing 11.35%17.58%15.37%
Overall employee satisfaction Improve employee retention, morale, and
to know the climate of the employee
Effective HR Director Employee Survey last
conducted 2019
Repeat previous questions to
gauge employee feedback and
HR Director 12/31/2023
2.1.3 % of supervisors trained Employees moving up to a supervisory role
from a peer role needs the tools and KSAs
to be successful in the role. Investment in
Effective HR Director Neogov
Supervisors trained against total
HR Director 12/31/2023
2.2.1 Harnett County received a clean audit To meet fiduciary responsibilities to citizens Finance Officer, Budget
Officer, HR Manager
GFOA, ICMA County Manager
2.2.2 % of Undesignated Fund Balance Board policy. Bond Ratings Finance Officer, Budget
Officer, HR Manager
GFOA, ICMA County Manager
2.2.3 County Bond Rating Finance Officer, Budget
Officer, HR Manager
GFOA, ICMA County Manager
2.2.4 % variance actual annual expenditure to
To meet fiduciary responsibilities to citizens Finance Officer, Budget
Officer, HR Manager
GFOA, ICMA County Manager
2.3.1 % of Key Performance Indicators meeting
established targets
Validate the performance metrics of depts
in coordination with the strategic plan
Efficiency County Manager, Dept
Harnett County Annual
KPIs in development. Targets will
be established in FY 24.
County Manager 6/30/2024
2.3.2 % of Key Strategic Actions completed on
Validate schedules of projects and task
associated with milestones
Efficiency County Manager, Dept
Harnett County Key
Strategic Action Report
KPIs in development. Targets will
be established in FY 24.
County Manager 6/30/2024
2.3.3 % departments with Policies/ Standard
Operating Procedures reviewed annually
Internal review of processes affords
accountability to the organization
Efficiency County Manager, Dept
Individual departments
conduct annual reviews.
KPIs in development. Targets will
be established in FY 24.
County Manager 6/30/2024
2.3.4 % of Harnett employees acknowledging
updated Policies/ Standard Operating
Internal information on expectations for
County staff
Efficiency County Manager, Dept
Individual departments
conduct annual reviews.
KPIs in development. Targets will
be established in FY 24.
County Manager 6/30/2024
2.3.5 % of employees meeting or exceeding
performance standards
Management practices and HR assistance to
lead and coach staff on work performance
in organization
Efficiency County Manager, Dept
Individual departments
conduct annual reviews.
KPIs in development. Targets will
be established in FY 24.
County Manager 6/30/2024
2.4.1 % of technology requests completed
within a 4 day period.
Provide excellent services to the internal
and external customers
Efficiency CIO Request Tracking
CIO 1/1/2024 90% within assigned
SLA based on priority
rating of requests
2.4.2 % of uptime for Core technology systems Application and technology must be
available to provide efficient and timely
services to our customers
Effective CIO Network monitoring
CIO 1/1/2024 99% uptime of
systems outside of
normal maintenance
windows2.5.1 # of continuous improvement projects
implemented by the County
Improvement Effective County Assistant Manager Rapid Process
Improvement project
Total number of projects closed in
the FY.
Assistant County
2.5.2 # of cyber security incidents Determine our core data and network
security stance year over year
IT Dept SEIM/SOC system along
with actual incidents
2.5.3 % of customers or citizens satisfied with
overall county services
Measures and provides a process for
resident feedback for County services and
provide levels of satisfaction and opinions.
Community Relations Annual Citizens Survey County Manager,
Department Heads
Attract, retain and
grow high performing
2.3 Foster culture of
accountability through
management and
adherence to internal
2.5Goal 2: Organizational Excellence2.2 Lead the organization
with best finance and
budget practices
2.4 Seek new and best
practice technology to
improve processes in
all operational areas
Improve resident and
customer experiences
through efficient, high
quality service delivery
and continuous
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 103
Goal Obj. #Strategic Objective KPI ID #Strategic Level KPIs Why is this KPI Important?KPI Type KPI Researcher Data Source Data Definition/Calculation KPI Approver
When will KPI be
measurable? FY20 Actuals FY21 Actuals FY22 Actuals
FY23 Actuals FY24 Actuals
Target for FY 2025
FY 2024 Harnett County Strategic Performance Scorecard
3.1.1 # of acreage of Park Land To provide quality of life, health, and
recreation of all citizens in all areas of the
Workload Parks and Recreation
GIS Data in a excel
Totals the acreage of all parcels Parks and Recreation
6/30/2023 1222 1426 1426
3.1.2 # of annual visitors to Harnett County
To provide accurate data in park usage rates
to assist in determining park traffic and
future planning.
Workload Parks and Recreation
trafffic counters at each
park- Departmental
Reports- excel
Adds total per park (with
multipliers per park)
Parks and Recreation
6/30/2023 193517 235016 240767
3.1.3 % of satisfied Parks and Recreation
Effective citizen survey
3.1.4 # of miles of Greenway/Connector Trails To provide quality of life, health, and
recreation for all citizens connecting all
areas of the county and beyond.
Workload Parks and Recreation
GIS Data Parks and Recreation
6/30/2023 9.65 17.02 17.02
3.2.1 # of tons of soil saved from erosion Indicator of protection of water quality and
soil health.
Effective Natural Resource
CS2 Report out of system Soil and Water Director 6/30/2023 809 1858 1331
3.2.2 # of acreage of conservation easement Indicator of conservation of natural
resources and bolstering of agricultural
economy and impacts on food supply and
health and human safety.
Effective Soil and Water Director VAD Enrollment/GIS
Data/Deeds/ Farm
Service Agency Field
Spreadsheet report and GIS Soil and Water Director 6/30/2023 23930 - VAD
333 - Cost Share
24219 - VAD
789 - Cost Share
25094 - VAD
702 - Cost Share 25311- VAD
1413 - Cost
# of families utilizing the Women's Infants
and Children program
Providing access to food and nutrition. Workload Public Health
Administrator: Debra
Case loads Health Director
# of Health and Nutrition programs taught
to adults
Providing education on how to increase
access to healthy food and nutrition.
Workload Family and Consumer
Sciences Agent: Greg
Extension Reporting
Cooperative Extension
# of Health and Nutrition programs taught
to youth
Providing education on how to increase
access to healthy food and nutrition.
Workload 4-H Agent: Jackie Helton Extension Reporting
System/4-H Online
Cooperative Extension
# of new beginning farmers Indicator of growing local food resources +
economic viability of farming
Workload Horticulture Agent: Selena
McKoy; Agriculture Agent:
Brian Parrish
Extension Reporting
Cooperative Extension
# of individuals who begin home food
production by utilizing Cooperative
Extension resources
Providing education on growing your own
Workload Horticulture Agent: Selena
Extension Reporting
Cooperative Extension
# of individuals gaining knowledge of fruit
and vegetable gardening
Providing education on growing your own
Workload Horticulture Agent: Selena
Extension Reporting
Cooperative Extension
# of pounds of locally grown food
donated to the local food pantries
Access to healthy local foods is important to
underserved audiences
Workload Family and Consumer
Sciences Agent, Agriculture
Agent, 4-H Agent
Extension Reporting
Cooperative Extension
# of seniors utilizing the Elderly Nutrition
Providing access to food and nutrition. Workload Public Health
Administrator: Aging
State reports Health Director
# of electronic Food and Nutrition Service
Provide easy access to apply for the Food
and Nutrition Service Program through E-
Workload DSS Program Administrator NC FAST system DSS Director
# of residents suffering from opiod abuse
who receive service created from the
Opiod Taskforce programs
The more substance abuse patients we are
able to provide support and resources to,
the higher likelihood these patients will
seek help and decrease abuse across the
Workload Program Coordinator Future Program Records County Opioid/Substance
Abuse Committee
# of opiod abuse education opportunities
Increased substance abuse education in the
community will help residents not suffering
from abuse assist their friends and loved
ones who are, in turn decreased abuse
Workload Program Coordinator Future Program Records County Opioid/Substance
Abuse Committee
% of opiod recidivism (repeat calls to
Opiod Taskfoce)
This percentage will tell the effectiveness of
the program and allow program operations
to assess and revise as needed to provide
the most beneficial service.
Effective Program Coordinator Future Program Records County Opioid/Substance
Abuse Committee
n/a n/a n/a
Number of in-home Narcan kits provided
to patients treated for overdose
The more Narcan distributed to the
population will help reduce the overall
overdose mortality rate in Harnett County.
Workload Community Paramedics Community Paramedic
EMS Chief 7/31/2023 n/a n/a n/a
% of emergency and public safety vehicles
in preventive maintenance compliance
Fiscal responsibility and safety of employees
and citizens. Emergency vehicles need to
be operational for instant response. All fleet
vehicles, emergency and non-emergency,
need to be serviced every 5,000 miles.
Effective Fleet Mtnc. Supervisor TEAM Software System Reporting- EMS,
Emergency Services, Sheriff,
Animal Services
Fleet Manager 30-Jun-23 Data Unavailable
(old software)
Data Unavailable
(old software)
Data Unavailable
vehicles to Tyler
100% - 233
vehicles from 4
divisions in
Number of rabies shots conducted per
calendar year
Rabies control is a pillar function of Animal
Services - bite animals are a primary vector
for potential rabies exposure
Animal Services Manager PetPoint Software -
Percentage of 'bite
animals' compared to
total # of calls
Total # of rabies shots conducted
per calendar year. Shorts are
tracked on calendar year based
General Services Director 853 709 1057
# of aggressive or dangerous dogs calls Public safety is elevated by aggressive
and/or dangerous dogs. This data gives
future planning in reference to Law
Enforcement field responses.
Animal Services Manager PetPoint Software -
Percentage of LE request
& reported
dog call to total calls
General Services Director N/A N/A 32.1%
Average EMS reponse time to calls from
dispatch to on scene.
The quicker EMS units and providers can
arrive to the scene of calls, the quicker life-
saving care can be administered to patients.
Reducing these times by mere seconds can
mean the difference between life and death
for the residents of Harnett County.
EMS Compliance Division ESO Sum of all response times / total
number of calls
EMS Chief Ongoing
11:10 11:42 11:08 10:24
Preserve and enhance
County residents'
quality of life through
open space, parks,
recreation resources
and greenways
Goal 3: Healthy & Safe Community3.2 Protect open space
and natural resources
Improve access to
healthy food
3.5 Provide high quality
emergency response
and public safety
Decrease alcohol and
drug abuse
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 104
Goal Obj. #Strategic Objective KPI ID #Strategic Level KPIs Why is this KPI Important?KPI Type KPI Researcher Data Source Data Definition/Calculation KPI Approver
When will KPI be
measurable? FY20 Actuals FY21 Actuals FY22 Actuals
FY23 Actuals FY24 Actuals
Target for FY 2025
FY 2024 Harnett County Strategic Performance Scorecard
Percentage of "alive at discharge"
rescuccitation patients.
"Alive at dishcarge" percentages allow us to
know if our protocols and procudures are
effective. This allows us to track trends and
assess and adjust our training as needed to
EMS Compliance Division ESO EMS Chief Ongoing
% of successful completion to total
referred youth offenders
Youth offender crime unchecked has a
propensity to lead to adult crimes at higher
increasing levels. Holding offenders
accountable earlier, providing mentorship &
counseling helps mitigate potential negative
future impact.
Effectiveness Youth Restitution
NC Dept of Public Safety -
NC ALLIES Client Tracking
Successful termination = "Clients
will complete restitution or
community services within the
timeframe permitted by JCPC
policy". - goals set annually
General Services Director-
Program Manager
# of art programs offered by or in
partnership with Harnett County
These activities enhance the quality of life,
bring about personal enjoyment, enriching
perspectives, intellectual stimulation, and
opportunities for public involvement.
Program Providers in
County Departments
Community Relations
4 27 49
# of participants attending or participating
in arts related programs offered by or in
partnership with Harnett County
These activities enhance the quality of life,
bring about personal enjoyment, enriching
perspectives, intellectual stimulation, and
opportunities for public involvement.
Program Providers in
County Departments
Departmental Reports Community Relations
2294 16981 11318
Average cost per mile Access to public transportation is a
fundamental component for healthy living,
medical access and overall wellness seniors
and low-income persons -
monitoring/reduction of costs helps
support overall system reliance.
Efficency HARTS Transportation
CTS software / Required
NCDOT Reporting
Operation Stats (OpStats)
(Cost per Mile )
General Services Director $1.56 $1.87 $2.73
% of trip denials Trip denials are largely due to resource
shortage. Our target is to fulfill all customer
requests for service on a timely basis.
Workload HARTS Transportation
CTS software / Required
NCDOT Reporting
Operation Stats &
Manager Monthly
General Services Director N/A N/A N/A
% of satisfied customers Satisfied customers percentile indicates
how well staff are meeting passenger
expectations and the 'pulse' of the system
Effectiveness HARTS Transportation
SURVEY General Services Director Dec-23 N/A N/A N/A
# of tonnage received To track future needs of solid waste site and
available landfill space and to meet
regulation requirements.
Admin Asst (Solid Waste)Material Analysis Report
and inspections, annual
landfill capacity study
Solid Waste Director 36407 tons C&D 47942 tons C&D 46458 tons C&D
46313 tons C&D
# of landfill users identifying # of users is critical in making
sure we can continue to accomodate and
provide adequate space and resources to
make sure citizens can utilize the facility
Traffic counters were
ordered & received but
haven't been installed at
all sites
Solid Waste Director
# of pounds of pesticide containers
Extension Reporting
Cooperative Extension Director
# of pounds of pesticide collected Farmers and agricultural businesses need a
place to safely dispose of materials
Extension Reporting
Cooperative Extension Director
3.7 Support and promote
transit system that
allows citizen access to
health, food and
employmentGoal 3: Healthy & Safe CommunitySupport, promote and
celebrate arts and
3.5 Provide high quality emergency response and public safety
3.8 Maintain a balanced
solid waste
management system
of efficient and
economical refuse
collection, recycling
and disposal services
which benefits the
citizens while
following regulatory
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 105
Goal Obj. #Strategic Objective KPI ID #Strategic Level KPIs Why is this KPI Important?KPI Type KPI Researcher Data Source Data Definition/Calculation KPI Approver
When will KPI be
measurable? FY20 Actuals FY21 Actuals FY22 Actuals
FY23 Actuals FY24 Actuals
Target for FY 2025
FY 2024 Harnett County Strategic Performance Scorecard
4.1.1 # of Business Retention and Expansion
Identifies opportunities in which to support
existing businesses and industries
Workload Business Retention and
Expansion Director
ED Staff tracking ED Director 6/30/2024
8 15 12
4.1.2 # and type of company Requests for
Provides insight into market demand and
product needs
Workload ED Director & Business
Retention and Expansion
ED Staff tracking ED Director 06/30/24 62 (90.3%
Scientific and
Technical; 3.2%
Distribution &
# of permits issued for residential
Shows community is growing Workload Manager of Building
Trakit Software Development Services
Director 667 1,181 1,267 3,652
# of new preliminary major subdivisions shows number of planned developments Workload Manager of Planning
Trakit Software Development Services
Director 24 25 35 19
# of commercial permits issued Shows number of businesses coming to the
Workload Manager of Building
TBD Development Services
Director 346
# of introductory and repeat product
familiarization visits to include
information requests
Quantify potential business or commercial
interest in Harnett County
Workload ED Team ED Team staff tracking ED Director
Amount of money allocated for CIP Shows commitment towards new
Effective HRW Admin/Staff HRWCIP HRW Director
June 30, 2023 $7,948,752 $13,925,108.00 $16,254,205.00 $17,078,580.00
# of active commercial water and sewer
(utility accounts)
Show business and industry growth Workload HRW Customer Svc Mgr.AUS Monthly Report HRW Director
621 618 633 674
# of take offs and landings Show usage of airfield which also helps with
grant requests from the Division of Aviation
Workload HRJ Director 1200 Aero HRJ Director
19,424 22,273
Track number of based aircraft at HRJ More aircraft equal more tax revenue and
fuel sales
Workload HRJ Director National Based Aircraft
HRJ Director
38 40
Measure the amount of affordable
Helps community members achieve
affordable homes.
Effective General Services TBD General Svcs Director
Track average home value vs. median
Shows if community members economic
status is improving
Effective HUD TBD HUD
# of resource partner engagement
Connects employers and support
ED Team ED staff tracking ED Director
# of grants sought for funding
Increase funding opportunities for Harnett
ED Team ED staff tracking `
4.7 Leverage partners and
stakeholders to
enhance economic
development capacity
Provide well-planned
communities with
smart and sustainable
growth strategies
Attract and retain a
diverse and viable tax
base with increased
commercial and retail
Provide strategically-
placed infrastructure
for business and
industry growth and
Goal 4: Economic Strength4.5 Enhance Harnett
Regional Jetport's
function as an
economic engine for
the county
4.6 Foster upward
mobility and reduce
Provide an effective
development program
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 106
Goal Obj. #Strategic Objective KPI ID #Strategic Level KPIs Why is this KPI Important?KPI Type KPI Researcher Data Source Data Definition/Calculation KPI Approver
When will KPI be
measurable? FY20 Actuals FY21 Actuals FY22 Actuals
FY23 Actuals FY24 Actuals
Target for FY 2025
FY 2024 Harnett County Strategic Performance Scorecard
5.1.1 # of opens for monthly citizen newsletter Informed citizens will be more engaged in
community events and programs.
Demonstrates how many citizens are engaged
with County Government.
Workload Community Relations Director
with help from departments
Mailchimp Analytics On June 30 (Yr. End) ALL open
rates for each email sent to get
the total for the FY. June 30, 2023 9646 7471 6622 6512
Open Rate for citizen newsletter
Informed citizens will be more engaged in
community events and programs.
Demonstrates how many citizens are
engaged with County Government.
Community Relations
Mailchimp Analytics
On June 30 (Yr. End) Calculate the
total # of opens divided by total
recipeients X 100 37.22%30.17%27.27%
5.1.3 Total number of social media engagements
for the Harnett County Government social
media platforms
Keeps citizens updated on emergent and time
sensitive information. Shows real-time
engagement. Helps conveny information in a
controlled and encourages public participation.
Effective Community Relations Director Hootsuite Analytics- data
pulls from the Harnett
County Government
Facebook, Twitter, and
Instagram social media
On June 30 (Yr. End) Calculate the
total # of opens divided by total
recipeients X 100
Twitter: 3.85%
Instagram: 4.3k
& 0.81%
5.03% & 109k
Twitter: 2.72%
Instagram: 2.2k
& 1.36%
3.30% and 57k
Twitter: 6.04%
Instagra: 1.7k &
10.54% & 32k
Twitter: 3.55%
Instagram: 1.7k
& 1.28%
4.75% & 33k
5.1.4 Total number of unique website views Keeps citizens updated on emergent and time
sensitive information. Shows real-time
Workload IT Department Google Analytics Hootsuite Analytics- data pulls
metric from the Harnett County
Government Facebook, Twitter,
and Instagram social media
948,743 945,740 1,098,575
5.1.5 % of citizens satisfied with County
communication efforts (Ratings 3-5)
Keeps citizens updated on emergent and time
sensitive information. Shows real-time
engagement. Helps County know
Workload Community Relations Director
with help from departments
(working on pulling actuals f
Citzen Communication
Survey on Google Forms
How many users visited a specific
page where as pageviews display
the total number of times any
pages were visited, including
multiple views from the same
5.1.6 % of eligible veterans receiving benefits This measure helps us to understand the
effectiveness of our outreach efforts
Effective Director of Veteran
Dept. of Veteran Affairs % taken from a state report Director of Veteran
Services June 30, 2023
5.1.7 % of citizens satisfied with County
communication efforts (Ratings 3-5)
Keeps citizens updated on emergent and
time sensitive information. Shows real-time
engagement. Helps County know
Workload Community Relations
Director with help from
departments (working on
pulling actuals f
Citizen Communication
Survey on Google Forms
Citizens are asked to rate on a
scale of 1 to 5 (1 being bad and 5
being excellent) the County's
communication with its citizens.
Google forms then runs analytics
to give a percentage on each scale
rating based on all survey
3= 74, 4=45,
5=5: 3= 44%, 4=
27%, 5= 3%=
total: 74%
5.2.1 # of county events publicized on the
community calendar and social media
Allows citizens to interact face-to-face or
virtually with county staff in smaller group
settings to discuss specific county initiatives.
Allows departments to target specific
program participants.
Workload Community Relations
Harnett County Event
tracker maintained by
Community Relations.
Survey Monkey---
Hootsuite tracks this
information as well 'how
many post'
Total the number of events
tracked annually.
Community Relations
30-Jun-23 N/A N/A N/A
5.2.2 # of participants in citizen information
Shows the number of citizens that want to
engage and learn more about County
Workload Community Relations
Harnett County Event
tracker maintained by
Community Relations.
Survey Monkey
System will calculate the total # of
individuals that attended both the
in person session and virtual
Community Relations
Beginning FY 2024 N/A N/A N/A
27 registered:
22 in-person, 3
October event:
24 Registered: 6
attended in
person ||
February event:
5.2.3 % of Harnett County population that are
registered voters
Measures civic engagement Effective Board of Elections staff State Board of Elections
Website, US Census
Registered voters from SEIMS
divided by HC Population from
Board of Elections Director30-Jun-23 57%58%59%
5.2.4 % of voter turnout for Harnett County
registered voters
Measures civic engagement Effective Board of Elections staff State Board of Elections
Website, US Census
# of voter turnout divided by # of
registered voters for that election -
calculate percentage for the FY.
Board of Elections Director30-Jun-23 24.61%71.02%15.45%
5.2.5 % of Harnett County citizens with active
Library cards
Citizens participating and engaging with
library resources
Effective Library Director Evergreen Software # of active library accounts
divided by # of citizens from
Library Director 30-Jun-23 67.91%71.27%75.14%
5.2.6 % of citizens satisfied with County
engagement efforts
The County distributes a communication
survey which tracks satisfaction with
communication efforts. Allows citizens to
provide feedback so the County can make
changes to increase citizen satisfaction.
Effective Community Relations
Google Analytics- Google
Form Survey. Citizens are
asked to rate on a scale
of 1 to 5 (1 being bad and
5 being excellent) the
County's level of
engagement with its
Google forms runs analytics to
give a percentage on each scale
rating based on all survey
"Satisfied"= 3 or above
Community Relations
30-Jun-23 3= 41, 4=20,
5=8. 3=42%,
4=12%, 5=4.7%=
TOTAL 64.7%
5.3.1 # of opens for monthly employee
Shows the number of employees who are
engaged with and knowledgably about
County Government.
Workload IT Department Microsoft Outlook Total number of opens Community Relations
5.3.2 Open Rate for employee newsletter Effective IT Department Microsoft Outlook Community Relations
5.3.3 % of employees satisfied with internal
county communications efforts with
Shows the number of employees who are
satisfied with county community efforts
Allows employees to provide anonymous
feedback and input for added programs and
services. Allows County to make needed
changes to increase employee satisfaction.
Effective Community Relations
Director with help from
Microsoft Outlook
Google Forms.
Employees are asked to
rate on a scale of 1 to 5
(1 being bad and 5 being
excellent) the County's
internal communication
with its employees.
Google forms runs analytics to
give a % on each scale rating
based on survey responses. Add
3 or greater together
Community Relations
Director with help from
30-Jun-23 87.50%
Provide effective
communication to
citizens and
Goal 5: Informed & Engaged Citizens5.3 Provide effective
communications and
engagement with
5.2 Provide opportunities
for citizens to engage
meaningfully with
County government
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 107
Goal Obj. #Strategic Objective KPI ID #Strategic Level KPIs Why is this KPI Important?KPI Type KPI Researcher Data Source Data Definition/Calculation KPI Approver
When will KPI be
measurable? FY20 Actuals FY21 Actuals FY22 Actuals
FY23 Actuals FY24 Actuals
Target for FY 2025
FY 2024 Harnett County Strategic Performance Scorecard
5.3.4 # of participants in employee information
Shows the number of employees that want
to engage and learn more about County
Government and policies
Workload Community Relations
Director with help from
Communications Survey
via Google forms
Number of individuals that
attended both the in person
session and virtual session for
each quarter. Calculated by
adding up total number of
attendees throughout the year.
No event was
No event was
5.4.1 # of Citizens serving on Appointed Boards
and Committees Annually
Shows citizens commitment to public
service and support for operational decision
Workload Legal Department Master tracking list Add total Clerk to the Board 30-Jun-23
5.4.2 # of Applications to serve on County
Boards or committee received.
Shows the level of interest among the
Workload Legal Department Excel tracker / Review of
BOC Agenda form for
Previous Actuals
Add total Clerk to the Board 30-Jun-23
5.4.3 # of citizens appointed to County Boards
or committees.
Shows citizens commitment to public
service and support for operational decision
Workload Legal Department Excel Tracker Add total Clerk to the Board 30-Jun-23 14 73 75 56
Strengthen Citizen
Advisory Boards and
Committees program
5.4Goal 5: Informed & Engaged Citizens5.3 Provide effective internal communications and engagement with employees
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 108
Key Strategic Action: Engage school administration proactively to discuss and coordinate
budget priorities and funding for FY2024
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget &
Type & Priority Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 1: Superior Education
Objective 1.1: Maintain effective collaboration
with Harnett County Schools to coordinate
budget process, capital projects, and other
Staff Assigned:
Representatives from
various departments
Board Key Strategic
In process
Project Description (Scope Statement):
To maintain communication between County and Harnett
County Schools staff and between both Board of Commissioners
and Board of Education and County. This includes in - person
meetings, virtual meetings, phone calls, and email exchanges.
By maintaining open communication regarding budget
priorities, the County and Harnett County Schools can focus on
the needs of students in order to provide high quality
This project will also engage Central Carolina Community
College to coordinate budget priorities of the Harnett Promise
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
•Strategic Key Performance Indicator is to maintain a
95% satisfaction rating from elected officials that we
collaborated and are well coordinated with the
budget process, capital projects and other initiatives.
•Strategic Key Performance Indicator is # enrolled and
% of students that graduated from Harnett Promise
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 109
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Action Item Update as of December 31,
1 Quarterly collaborative
meetings with County
Manager and
7/1/23 6/30/24 Various staff from
and Harnett
County Schools
Number of Meetings as of 12/31/23
County Manager/Superintendent – 1
Harnett County Schools Finance/County
Finance & Budget- 1
2 Elected officials and
administration staff Survey
Est 3/1/24 Est 6/30/24 Public Information
Developing a customer survey
3 Engage Central Carolina
Community College budget
requests for Harnett Promise
for FY24
Est 3/1/24 Est 6/30/24 Budget Director Planning to collect data at the end of
Spring semester 2024
Project Leader:
Budget Director
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators:
County Administration, Board of Commissioners, Board of Education,
Central Carolina Community College
Key Strategic Action: Engage school administration proactively to discuss and coordinate
budget priorities and funding for FY2023
Project Sponsor:
County Manager
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 110
Key Strategic Action: Restore County involvement in capital planning and architectural
committee for ongoing and upcoming projects
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget &
Type & Priority Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 1: Superior Education
Objective 1.2: Maintain a long-term funding
plan for capital needs
Staff Assigned:
County Administration
Board Key Strategic
Ongoing project, in process
Project Description (Scope Statement):
Harnett County Schools has 28 schools. Provide funding
for Capital Improvement Projects throughout the County
for Harnett County Schools.
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
•Funding of Flatwoods Middle School
•Funding of Lillington -Shawtown Elementary School
Gym addition
•Funding of Child Nutrition Freezer Unit
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 111
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Action Item Update as of
December 31, 2023
1 Quotes submitted by
Harnett County Schools
to County Administration
8/4/23 8/23/23 Harnett County
2 Board approved Project
8/30/23 6/30/24 Board of
Upon Budget Approval
3 Funding of Projects 8/30/23 6/30/24 Board of
Upon Budget Approval
Project Leader:
Budget Director
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators:
County Administration, Harnett County Schools maintenance
Key Strategic Action: Restore County involvement in capital planning and architectural
committee for ongoing and upcoming projects
Project Sponsor:
Finance Officer
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 112
Key Strategic Action: Create and adopt a long-term plan for funding new schools based on
Board of Education priorities
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget &
Type & Priority Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 1: Superior Education
Objective 1.2: Maintain a long-term funding
plan for capital needs
$10,000 for contract
Staff Assigned: County
Board Key Strategic
Ongoing and in process
Project Description (Scope Statement):
•Create a debt affordability plan. Davenport Public Finance
created a 20 -year debt schedule plan to allow expenditure
up to $320M in school construction projects.
•This project is to address our debt affordability plan. This
plan is important to the Board of Commissioners because it
shows how the County is able to fund the construction of
new schools.
•The Board of Commissioners plans to construct a minimum
of five schools over the next 20 years to address the rapid
growth in Harnett County.
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
•To ensure funding is available for school construction
projects over the next 20 years.
•Harnett County’s goal is to construct one school every
four years.
•Strategic Key Performance Indicator is # of schools
constructed .
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 113
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Action Item Update as of
December 31, 2023
1 Consultant is developing
the debt affordability
12/13/23 Est 1/23/24 Davenport Ongoing
2 Present debt affordability
plan to Board of
Est 1/23/24 Est 1/23/24 Davenport Ongoing
Project Leader:
Finance Officer
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators:
County Administration, Board of Commissioners, Davenport, Harnett
County Schools
Key Strategic Action: Create and adopt a long-term plan for funding new schools based on
Board of Education priorities
Project Sponsor:
County Manager
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 114
Key Strategic Action: Address teacher supplements to increase competitiveness in the
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget &
Type & Priority Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 1: Superior Education
Objective 1.4: Advocate for appropriate
allocation of school funding from federal and
state sources
Budget will be based
on request and
available funding.
Staff Assigned:
County Administration
Board Key Strategic
Ongoing, and in process
Project Description (Scope Statement):
This project will improve the current process of addressing
teacher supplement in our overall budget process. The Board of
Education will submit a request for teacher supplement in
April. The County anticipates an increase for FY 2025 and will
bring their request to the board during deliberation to have a
discussion about the process about addressing the Board’s
interest. The process will be complete at the end of the fiscal
year/budget completion.
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
This project strengthens the ability to recruit and retain qualified teacher
for the county’s students.
•The project will address recruiting and retaining teachers for the
Harnett County Schools district.
•Strategic Key Performance Indicator is to reduce turnover rate for
instructional staff and number of vacancies for instructional staff.
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 115
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Action Item Update as of
December 31, 2023
1 Increase funding for
teacher supplement
Est 4/15/24 Est 6/30/24 Budget
Funding request will be considered
in FY2025 budget.
Project Leader:
Budget Director
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators:
County Administration, Harnett County Schools, Board of
Key Strategic Action: Address teacher supplements to increase competitiveness in the
Project Sponsor:
Finance Officer
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 116
Key Strategic Action: Adopt Legislative Priorities for FY 2024 that includes advocacy for
increased funding for schools
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget &
Type & Priority Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 1: Superior Education
Objective 1.4: Advocate for appropriate
allocation of school funding from federal and
state sources
Staff Assigned: County
Board Key Strategic
Project is
complete. Planning for FY
2025 Legislative Priorities
meeting with Board of
Commissioners in April
Project Description (Scope Statement):
Each year, County Commissioners develop a list of
legislative priorities to discuss with our state and federal
legislative representatives to continue to support our
citizens' needs.
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
•Harnett County has an adopted state legislative
agenda that advocates for increased funding for
schools. (lead measure - Key Performance Indicator)
•% increase of funding for Harnett County Schools (lag
measure – Key Performance Indicator)
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 117
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Action Item Update as of
December 31, 2023
1 Adopted Legislative
Priorities for 2024
January 2024 April 2024 Brent Trout Ongoing
2 Develop Legislative
Priorities for 2024
January 2024 March 2024 Brent Trout Planning to review current and
future Legislative priorities at the
Board of Commissioners work
session during March 2024
Project Leader:
County Manager
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators:
County Administration, Board of Commissioners, Harnett County
Key Strategic Action: Adopt Legislative Priorities for FY 2025 that includes advocacy for
increased funding for schools
Project Sponsor:
Board of Commissioners
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 118
Other Strategic Action: Office 365 Migration
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget &
Type & Priority Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 2: Organization al Excellence
Objective 2.4: Seek new and best practice
technology to improve
processes in all operational areas.
$1.04M ARPA
Replacement Revenue
Staff Assigned: IT
MNG Project
High Priority - YES
In process for migration –
50% of our users have
been migrated.
Project Description (Scope Statement):
Migration to MS Office 365 from On -premise Solutions
to improve security stance and remote accessibility.
This will allow employees access to county resources
wherever they are. Increases opportunities for a more
efficient workforce.
Enables Multi -Factor authentication capabilities to add
another layer of security. Also provides data
redundancy across multiple Microsoft datacenters
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
Increasing security of community and employee data.
Less concern about cyber instances allows employees to
focus on customer satisfaction
Gives employees access to data in the field or wherever
the work may be completed.
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 119
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Action Item Update as of
December 31, 2023
1 Pricing/Quotes per
1/1/2022 5/1/2022 CIO Complete
2 Determine migration
process, discover
potential issues
5/1/2022 11/1/2022 CIO Complete
3 Migration of email 11/1/2022 7/31/23 CIO Complete
4 Complete Migration –
groups and public folders
4/1/2023 12/31/2023 CIO In Process – 50% done
Project Leader:
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators:
IT Dept., All EEs
Other Strategic Action: Office 365 Migration
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 120
Other Strategic Action : Space Needs
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget &
Type & Priority Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 2: Organizational Excellence
Objective 2.5: Improve resident and customer
experiences through efficient,
high quality service delivery and continuous
$258,920 Direct
Staff Assigned: Dept
MNG Project
High Priority - Yes
This project is in process.
Project Description (Scope Statement):
The County is reviewing future facility planning to
include an analysis of the current condition and capacity
of the County’s facilities along with an assessment of
future staffing needs and recommendations on how the
County can best address future growth needs through
the planning of County facilities.
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
A.Facility Space Assessment – data collection
B.Facility Condition Assessment – data forecasting
C.Condition Assessment and Space Needs Plan –
Guidance for future County space needs
D.Feasibility Study for Priority Projects – individual sites
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 121
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Action Item Update as of
December 31, 2023
1 Meet with Staff September
Meetings complete.
2 Facility Space Assessment
March 15,
Draft deliverable to County on
12/21, meet January 2023 for final
3 Adoption by BOC for
Spring 2023 March 15,
4 Fund Assessment March 15,
6/30/24 County
In progress
Project Leader:
Brent Trout
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators:
Department Heads
Other Strategic Action : Space Needs
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 122
Key Strategic Action: 2.1 Complete Compensation Study to assess competitiveness of
employee pay and salary compression for existing County employees
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget &
Type & Priority Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 2: Organizational Excellence
Objective 2.1: Attract, retain and grow high
performing employees
$TBD Direct funding
Staff Assigned: HR
Board KSA
High Priority - Yes
This project is in process.
Project Description (Scope Statement):
The purpose of the Compensation Strategy Study is to
assist the County in reviewing and analyzing the current
staff compensation structure and obtain
recommendations for improvements to the existing
structure to ensure internal equity and external
competitiveness. All regular, full -time and part-time staff
positions will be included in the study. The County’s goal
is to provide competitive pay levels to its current
employees and future prospective employees.
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
Project objectives should ensure program outcomes and
recommendations that are internally equitable,
externally competitive, understandable, legally
defensible, easily maintained and administered by the
County staff, flexible to change as market conditions
evolve, and appropriate for the County’s goals, structure,
and reward system.
This KSA will move us forward in reducing the County
wide overall turnover rate and will attract, retain and
grow high performing employees.HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 123
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Action Item Update as of
December 31, 2023
1 RFP 11/01/2022 11/28/2022 HR Director Complete
2 Consultant to complete
the study
01/23/2022 04/30/2023 HR Director Complete
3 HR to study follow up
items from report
10/1/2023 01/30/2024 HR Director/
Dept Heads
In process
4 Present information
during budget cycle
3/1/24 06/30/2024 HR Director/
In process
Project Leader:
HR Director
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators:
HR Dept., Selected Committee, Dept. Heads
Key Strategic Action: 2.1 Complete Compensation Study to assess competitiveness of
employee pay and salary compression for existing County employees
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 124
Key Strategic Action: 2.2 Review and revise employee performance evaluation process to
encourage culture of accountability.
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget &
Type & Priority Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 2: Organizational Excellence
Objective 2.1 Attract, retain and grow high
performing employees
$TBD Direct funding
Staff Assigned: HR
Dept/Dept Heads
Board KSA
High Priority - Yes
This project is in process.
Project Description (Scope Statement):
Develop a new performance evaluation process that will
align with the goal objectives and key strategic actions of
the county.
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
This will help in educating employees the goals and
objectives they are expected to meet by having
measurable objectives in place. Employees will
understand how their daily work and projects are a part of
working towards larger goals of the county as a whole.
This will also assist the Department Directors and
Supervisors in giving sound and objective feedback on
performance evaluations.
This KSA will move us forward in reducing the County wide
overall turnover rate and will help with retention and
growth of high performing employees.HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 125
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Action Item Update as of
December 31, 2023
1 Meet with Dept Heads
to discuss proposed
8/15/2023 12/30/2023 HR Director/
Dept Heads
Make proposed changes to the
evaluation process and provide
2 Communicate changes
to employees by training
1/1/2024 4/1/2024 HR Director/
Dept Heads
Meet with each department and
employees via training.
3 Implementation 7/1/2024 7/1/2024 HR Director/
Dept. Heads
Implement new performance
evaluation process.
Project Leader:
HR Director
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators:
HR Team, Dept. Heads, Supervisors
Key Strategic Action: 2.2 Review and revise employee performance evaluation process to
encourage culture of accountability.
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 126
Key Strategic Action: 2.3 Engage County employees in improving internal processes and
provide regular education on adherence (R.P.I)
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget &
Type & Priority Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 2: Organizational Excellence
Objective 2.5: Improve resident and customer
experiences through efficient,
high quality service delivery and continuous
Direct funding; No
funding available to date
Staff Assigned: Dept
Board KSA Project
High Priority - Yes
This project is currently being
Project Description (Scope Statement):
An analysis that will provide a methodical approach to identify,
map, and improve processes organization wide to improve
efficiency and effectiveness by eliminating waste, reducing
costs, improving communication and collaboration with regular
updates using Rapid Process Improvement (RPI) strategies with
our performance management program . The review parameters
have not been developed at this time due to the ongoing
performance management program activities.
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
•Percentage of staff training opportunities for RPI
•Percentage of feedback and ideas from project teams for
•Decrease project time due to inefficiencies found by project
•Increase communications and responses from project teams
on work efficiencies
•Increase collaboration and communication across project
teams through regular interaction (monthly, quarterly)
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 127
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Action Item Update as of December 31,
1 Meet with Staff July 2023 December 31,
County Manager Confirm Performance Plan and RPI
project scope. Form RPI Team
2 Develop Scope of Work RPI September 30,
March 31,
County Manager Finalize Scope and RFP Process
3 Select Vendor April 1, 2024 County Manager Include budget for FY 2025
4 Launch January 1,
County Manager Implement program and staff training
Project Leader:
Brent Trout
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators:
Department Heads, Department Leadership
Key Strategic Action: 2.3 Engage County employees in improving internal processes and
provide regular education on adherence (R.P.I.)
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 128
Key Strategic Action: 2.4 Develop and implement an organizational training and
development program
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget &
Type & Priority Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 2: Organizational Excellence
Objective 2.1: Attract, retain and grow high
performing employees
$TBD Direct funding
Staff Assigned: HR
Board KSA Project
High Priority - Yes
This project is in process.
Project Description (Scope Statement):
An analysis of effective employee training and professional
development strategies (workshops, webinars, professional
association training opportunities) that will benefit the organization
now and in the future. These approaches will enable employees to
potentially be trained for future career enhancements or
advancements. The scope parameters have not been developed at
this time.
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
Employees will have on demand training in Neogov- Learn that will help the
access training and development courses at a pace they are comfortable with.
Employees who are new to a supervisory role will have the necessary skills and
tools to be successful in their new role in leading their team.
This KSA will move us forward in retaining and growing high performing
employees who will be a part of the succession plan for the County.
•Percentage of employees actively engaged in training
•Percentage of employees actively engaged in professional development
•Percentage of attendees at Countywide training opportunities
•Percentage of attendees at Countywide online training opportunities
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 129
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Action Item Update as of
December 31, 2023
1 Implemented Neogov Learn 10/31/2022 IT, Safety & Risk
2 Develop Program for
employees going into a
supervisory role
6/1/2023 7/30/2023 HR Director Complete
3 Develop method to identify
employees to complete the
8/1/2023 11/30/2023 HR Director/
Work with Depts for early
identification for employees who will
move into supervisory role.
4 Roll out training course/
evaluate success rate
12/1/2023 8/1/2024 HR Director/ CCCC Conduct training class for employees
and gather feedback/success rate
Project Leader:
HR Director/CIO
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators:
HR, IT, Dept Heads
Key Strategic Action: 2.4 Develop and implement an organizational training and
development program
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 130
Key Strategic Action: 2.5 Research, develop, and implement a holistic performance
management program
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget &
Type & Priority Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 2: Organizational Excellence
Objective 2.5: Improve resident and customer
experiences through efficient,
high quality service delivery and continuous
$57,000 Direct
Staff Assigned:
Manager &Dept
Board KSA Project
High Priority - Yes
This project is in process.
Project Description (Scope Statement):
The UNC School of Government’s Center for Public
Leadership and Governance will support Harnett
County’s strategic planning process. The process will
occur in three phases. This Scope of Work includes
preparation of plan elements for phase I, and phase II for
the development of the Strategic Plan . Phase III of the
plan will be for the Performance Management Program.
Phase IV to begin November 2023.
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
•Percentage of performance indicators from County
•Number of Departments tracking customer service
data for residents and businesses
•Number of Departments providing quality services to
residents and businesses
•Number of Departments providing quality customer
services to internal customers
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 131
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion Date Person Responsible Action Item Update as of December 31, 2023
1 Phase 1 – Plan elements Fall 2021 November 1,
County Manager’s
Work Complete.
2 Phase 2 – Strategic Plan Fall 2021 February 1, 2022 County Manager’s
Work Complete.
3 Phase 3 – Performance
Management Plan
October 2022 June 30, 2023 County Manager’s
Work Complete.
4 Phase 4 – Business Plan
Development for Departments
November 2023 June 30, 2024 County Manager's
Planning for sessions with UNC School of
Government for business plan creation for
County Departments.
Project Leader:
Mike Morrow
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators:
County Manager, Department Heads, Department Leadership
Key Strategic Action: 2.5 Research, develop, and implement a holistic performance
management program
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 132
Key Strategic Action: 2.6 Implement process for obtaining citizen feedback on County
service provision
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget &
Type & Priority Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 2: Organizational Excellence
Objective 2.5: Improve resident and customer
experiences through efficient,
high quality service delivery and continuous
Direct funding: No
funding available to date
Staff Assigned: Dept
Board KSA Project
High Priority - Yes
This project is currently
being developed.
Project Description (Scope Statement):
An analysis that will provide a methodical approach for a
process for obtaining feedback on County services through
administered surveys to gather information on residents’ level
of satisfaction with County provided services and gather
residents’ opinions regarding other topics. This feedback will be
in support of the County’s ongoing strategic planning process in
the future. Most surveys would be administered using a
combination of mail, phone, and internet to gather a random
sample. The scope parameters have not been developed at this
time due to the ongoing performance management program
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
•Percentage of satisfaction with major County services
•Percentage of satisfaction with perceptions of safety
in the County
•Percentage of satisfaction with County
communication with public
•Percentage of customer satisfaction with County
employee interactions for questions
•Percentage of customer satisfaction with County
employee interactions for problems
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 133
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Action Item Update as of
December 31, 2023
1 Meet with staff Oct 2023 County
Plan to meet with staff with completion
of performance management plan.
2 Develop Scope of Work County
Plan to develop scope with completion
of performance management plan.
3 Select Vendor
4 Conduct Survey and
Incorporate Results into
Performance and RPI
Project Leader:
Brent Trout
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators:
Department Heads, Department Leadership
Key Strategic Action: 2.6 Implement process for obtaining citizen feedback on County
service provision
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 134
Key Strategic Action: 2.7 Provide County employees with enrichment opportunities
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget &
Type & Priority Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 2: Organizational Excellence
Objective 2.5: Improve resident and customer
experiences through efficient,
high quality service delivery and continuous
Direct funding: No
funding available to date.
Staff Assigned: Dept
Board KSA Project
High Priority - Yes
This item is being tracked
as a part of 2.4
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 135
Key Strategic Action 3.1: Prioritize parks and greenway projects for development through
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget &
Type & Priority Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 3: Safe & Healthy Community
Objective 3.1: Preserve and enhance County
residents’ quality of life through open space,
parks, recreation resources, and greenways.
Staff Assigned: Parks
and Recreation,
Development Services
Board KSA In process for FY 24: PR
prioritizes projects through
CIP and update each year
through CIP process.
Project Description (Scope Statement):
Parks and Recreation will update requested funding for
various park projects for the Capital Improvement
Program which are all in different stages. These projects
are located throughout the County and range from small
projects to full park development. Parks and Amenities
are planned based on community input, staff knowledge,
and recreational trends. Greenways planning is
following the recommendations of the 2021 Bicycle,
Pedestrian, and Greenway Plan with dedicated funding
in the Capital Improvement Program.
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
•Additional facilities and park land for Harnett County
•Planned amenities to meet benchmarking data from
the Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation
Plan (SCORP)
•Additional Segments of Greenways and Trails
connecting schools, municipalities, parks, and points
of interest.
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 136
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Action Item Update as of December 31,
1 Submit projects for CIP.8/23/23 9/29/23 Parks and Rec
Projects have been submitted and
updated to County Admin and Board
2 Plan for implementation of
approved/ recommended
12/1/23 6/30/24 Parks and Rec
Planning has begun with several
projects working on design and
construction contract approvals.
3 Begin next fiscal year
projects: Plan, Design,
Construction. Plan for future
CIP Process.
7/1/24 6/30/25 Parks and Rec
Following action item completion,
prioritizing projects for CIP will be
2024-2031 CIP had seven new
recommended projects, two under
contract, and 3 slated for future funding.
Project Leader/Manager:
Carl Davis
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators:
Parks and Recreation, Development Services, County Administration
Key Strategic Action 3.1: Prioritize parks and greenway projects for development through
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 137
Key Strategic Action 3.2: Provide support for local farmer’s markets and community gardens
at County locations to support healthy food options for residents.
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget & Resources Type &
Project Overall Update
as of December 31,
Goal 3: Safe & Healthy Community
Objective 3.3: Improve access to
healthy food
Budget: Undetermined
Staff Assigned: Cooperative Extension, Soil
and Water Conservation
Board KSA
In Process
Project Description (Scope Statement):
The proposed project will determine need and a County level
comprehensive plan for support of a local foods system. By
supporting local farmer’s needs for accessibility to the public for
sales in addition to resources for the production of value added
goods, we will provide a path to a strong local foods
system. This will in turn promote economic prosperity for small
farmers, encourage healthy eating, and support long term food
security for our citizens.
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
•Number of small farmers and community gardens
•Number of local vendors conducting on farm and
market stand sales.
•Number of local food pantries supported by locally
grown food.
•Percent increase in vendor sales from local market
•Attendance at special events hosted at market
•Number of value-added products produced for sale or
individual family consumption.HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 138
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Person Responsible Action Item Update as of December 31, 2023
1 Compile a workgroup of local market
organizers, local farmers and County
1/2023 3/31/2023 Selena McKoy & Greg
List of local farmers and municipal market
organizers started
2 Develop assessment plan, analyze
budget needs, and request funding.
3/2023 4/30/2023 Tim Mathews
Lynn Lambert
Briefed County Board on…. And received
direction. Action plan adjusted per their
direction. Research to see whether or not there is
support. Reaching out to local farmers and
vendors and planning a citizen survey.
3 Research local market and producer
needs for local foods system
7/2023 12/31/2023 Tim Mathews
Lynn Lambert
Survey results collected (500+ responses).
Positive community and farmers response for
farmer's market.
4 Analyze data, develop program,
delivery strategy, and budget needs
9/2023 2/28/2024 Tim Mathews
Lynn Lambert
In process.
5 Present feedback, program and
budget to the Board.
4/2024 5/31/2024 Tim Mathews
Lynn Lambert
Est. April 2024. Plan to submit grant application
for funding.
Project Sponsor:
Tim Mathews
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators:
Soil and Water Conservation, Cooperative Extension, Parks and Recreation, Agricultural Advisory Board, Farm Service Agency, Master
Gardeners, Livestock Association, Sandhills Antique Farm Equipment Club, Harnett County Schools, Farm Bureau, Farm Credit
Key Strategic Action 3.2: Provide support for local farmer’s markets and community gardens
at County locations to support healthy food options for residents.
Project Manager:
Tim Mathews
Lynn Lambert
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 139
Key Strategic Action 3.3: Assess most pressing issues surrounding substance abuse and
engage stakeholders to develop plan to curb problems.
Harnett County Strategic Goal
Objective Alignment
Project Budget & Resources Type &
Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 3: Safe & Healthy
Objective 3.4: Decrease alcohol
and drug abuse.
Budget: Undetermined
Staff Assigned: County Manager’s Office,
Legal, Health, Sheriff’s Office, Harnett
County Schools, Campbell University, Good
Hope Hospital
Board KSA
In Process
Project Description (Scope Statement):
The proposed project will provide a fully-developed,
comprehensive County-wide program to address substance
abuse in Harnett County. By expanding our current programs
and pooling the resources of County departments and
community partners, we will provide access to a “one-stop
shopping” source of information, resources, and support to the
residents of Harnett County. This will in turn promote healthy
behaviors and lifestyles allowing our residents to live high
quality and productive lives.
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
•Decrease the substance abuse problem in Harnett County.
•Number of residents suffering from substance abuse who
received information from the program.
•Number of substance abuse education opportunities
•Percentage of residents who participated in the program
versus residents with repeat drug issues.
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 140
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Action Item Update as of
December 31, 2023
1 Develop a taskforce of pertinent Harnett County
staff and community stakeholders.
07/2021 09/12/22 Coley Price/Chris Appel Opioid Settlement Funding taskforce created and
began meetings.
2 Create a charter and research current substance
abuse issues in Harnett County.
09/12/22 07/31/23 Coley Price Taskforce meetings are underway to discuss strategic
plan and research avenues.
3 Compile and analyze data to identify most
pressing issues and determine where program
should focus.
07/01/2023 01/26/2024 Coley Price Needs have been identified, and three subcommittees
have been made to address them.
4 Develop program to curb substance abuse and
present to County Manager for approval with
needed resources and budget.
01/26/2024 07/31/24 Coley Price Goals have been established for each subcommittee.
They will begin program development and working
towards implementation.
5 Implement approved program and begin tracking
Est 07/24 01/31/25 Coley Price Not yet started.
Project Sponsor:
Coley Price
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators:
County Manager’s Office, Legal, Health, Sheriff’s Office, Harnett County Schools, Campbell University, Good
Hope Hospital
Key Strategic Action 3.3: Assess most pressing issues surrounding substance abuse and
engage stakeholders to develop plan to curb problems.
Project Manager:
Coley Price
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 141
Key Strategic Action 3.4: Increase provision of County programs and initiatives aimed at
encouraging healthy lifestyles and outdoor activity.
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget & Resources Type & Priority Project Overall Update
as of December 31, 2023
Goal 3: Safe & Healthy Community
Objective 3.1: Preserve and enhance County
residents’ quality of life through open space,
parks, recreation resources, and greenways.
Budget: Undetermined
Staff Assigned: Parks & Recreation,
Cooperative Extension, Soil & Water,
Health, Emergency Management
Board KSA This project is pending.
Project Description (Scope Statement):
This proposed project will see what programs are currently being offered
across the different departments. Based on current successful programs the
project task force will look for ways to replicate current program in
communities across the county by identify potential infrastructure needs.
This proposed project will also identify programming deficiencies and gaps
to develop a wide variety of programming and community outreach to offer
County citizens an environment for safe and educational opportunities. The
task force will also assess current staffing and volunteer capacity. This will
allow for us to determine the need for additional resources and potential
trainings. The proposed programming will include active and passive
programs providing nutrition education, physical activity, nature education,
wellness benefits, and community engagement.
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
•Increase program offerings
•Expand reach of current programming through creation and
utilization of county buildings as well as potential partnerships
with local municipalities and their facilities
•Identify citizen wants and needs through citizen engagement
•Increase participation and citizen awareness with stronger
marketing strategies.
•Develop of standard evaluation to be used across all healthy
lifestyle and outdoor activity program to measure impacts of our
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 142
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Action Item Update as of
December 31, 2023
1 Coordinate stakeholder meeting to
access current program offerings
Jan 2023 Feb 2023 Project Leaders
2 Gather programming wants and
needs through the most recent
community and health needs
Feb 2023 Feb 2023 Project Leaders
3 Analyze Engagement results and plan
for future programming.
Mar 2023 Mar 2023 Project Team
4 Implement Programming Plan and
prioritize replication of highest need
and impact programs
Apr 2023 Individual
Departmental Staff and
Trained Volunteers
through supervision of
Department Leaders
Project Leader:
Jackie Helton /
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators:
Cooperative Extension, Soil & Water, Health, Emergency Services,
Parks and Recreation, Manager’s Office
Key Strategic Action 3.4: Increase provision of County programs and initiatives aimed at
encouraging healthy lifestyles and outdoor activity.
Project Sponsor:
Tim Mathews
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 143
Key Strategic Action 3.5: Meet regularly with local arts organizations to generate and
implement ideas for celebrating arts and culture.
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget &
Type & Priority Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 3: Safe & Healthy Community
Objective 3.6: Support, promote, and
celebrate arts and culture.
Budget: NC Arts
Grassroots Grant
Staff Assigned: County
Admin & Finance
Board KSA County Administration
currently serves as Fiscal
Agent and grantee for
State Arts Council
allocations. Completed.
Project Description (Scope Statement):
Harnett County Administration will collaborate and coordinate
with local arts organizations to secure, manage, and allocate
funding to Harnett County organizations, institutions,
municipalities, schools, and local artists to strengthen the arts in
Harnett County communities and to provide opportunities for
community members to experience the arts, both local cultural
and artistic assets as well as new arts experiences from outside
their home regions.
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
•Increase the number of arts related programs and activities
offered in Harnett County.
•Increase the number of Harnett County citizens attending or
participating in arts related programs and activities.
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 144
Action Item or Task Start
Action Item Update as
of December 31, 2023
1 Identify local arts organizations, artists, and other partners.January 2022 February 28, 2022 County Admin Identified 9 organizations to provide
funding to.
2 Meet with project team, stakeholders, and collaborators to
identify funding sources and develop programming ideas.
March 31, 2022 County Admin Completed.
3 Submit State Arts Grant application February
February 28, 2023 County Admin Grant submitted.
4 Award Sub-Grant applicants January,
January, 2023 County Admin Awards were provided: Received
$46,556.00 from State and
$63,997.00 from ARPA
3 Implement arts programs and activities and begin tracking
July 1, 2022 June 30, 2023 County Admin Data has been reviewed and added
to the scorecard.
Project Leader /Manager:
Community Relations
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators:
County Admin, Municipal Administration, Parks & Rec, Library, Cooperative Extension,
NC Arts Council, Harnett County Arts Council, Harnett County Schools Administration.
Key Strategic Action 3.5: Meet regularly with local arts organizations to generate and
implement ideas for celebrating arts and culture.
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 145
Other Strategic Action: Assess landfill airspace capacity along with assuring appropriate,
adequate coverage and availability of convenient sites for disposal services to meet the
needs of the citizens.
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget & Resources Type &
Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 3: Safe & Healthy Community
Objective 3.7: Maintain a balanced solid waste
management system of efficient and economical
refuse collection, recycling and disposal services
which benefits the citizens while following
regulatory requirements.
1) $500,000 North West Conv. Site
Staff Assigned: HDR Engineering, Landfill
Equipment Operators and necessary sub -
contractors for electrical, etc…
2) Landfill Equipment Operators and
landfill engineering services (work to be
done “in house” under current operations
Board KSA
Staff has constructed cell
for additional Landfill
capacity and will begin on
NW Conv. Site as soon as
staffing issues are resolved.
Project is in process.
Project Description (Scope Statement):
The proposed projects will provide the following:
1)North West Convenient Site construction will offer a safer
and more user friendly alternative for waste disposal
services for the citizens in that area
2)Cell expansion projects at the landfill assures continued
efficient operations of the landfill so as not to interrupt any
waste collection from our users
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
•Provide a safer, more efficient and user friendly convenient site
for the citizens of the North West area
•Continued operations at landfill by provided additional area for
disposal and uninterrupted waste collection.
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 146
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Action Item Update as
of December 31, 2023
1 Continue construction of cell
expansion project at Dunn Erwin
10/01/22 2/1/23 Chad Beane Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan permit has
been obtained and cell expansion is completed -
2 Plans submitted to NCDEQ for final
approval on cell construction at Dunn
Erwin landfill
2/1/23 3/20/23 North Carolina
Department of
Environmental Quality:
approval process
Permit has been obtained from NCDEQ. Few punch
list items need to be addressed before we utilize the
new cell for Construction and Demolition debris.
3 North West Convenient Site plans in
hand and permit request has been
sent to NCDEQ for ESC permit
11/15/22 3/1/23 North Carolina
Department of
Environmental Quality
Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan permit has
been obtained. Done
4 North West Convenient Site: landfill
equipment operators can clear the site
as we wait on permit. Equipment
operators will work as availability of
personnel will allow.
1/9/23 12/1/24 Chad Beane Clearing has not yet begun due to availability of
personnel shortage.
Other Strategic Action: Assess landfill airspace capacity along with assuring appropriate,
adequate coverage and availability of convenient sites for disposal services to meet the
needs of the citizens.
Project Sponsor:
Chad Beane
Project Manager:
Chad Beane
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators:
Landfill Equipment Operators, HDR Engineering, NC State inspectors, Sub-contractors
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 147
Other Strategic Action: Provide education and resources to citizens to promote
conservation of working farmland and stewardship of natural resources.
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget & Resources Type &
Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 3: Safe & Healthy Community
Objective 3.2: Protect open spaces and
natural resources
Budget: Undetermined
Staff Assigned: Soil and Water Conservation, Parks and
Recreation, Cooperative Extension
Board KSA
The Agricultural Advisory Board has
strengthened VAD enrollment and
conservation program funds are
currently being assigned to Harnett
farmland owners. In process.
Project Description (Scope Statement):
Farmland preservation programming will encourage the conservation of
working farmland while promoting stewardship of natural resources and
diverse agricultural practices. Strengthening agricultural and natural
resource program efforts will in turn secure productive farmland and
empower citizens to implement natural resource best management and
innovative agricultural practices. This will promote stewardship to ensure
productive farmland resulting in reinforcement of our strong agricultural
economic impact, provide long term food security, and protect natural
resources which contribute to active lifestyles and a high quality of life
for citizens.
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
•Number of acres in conservation easements and farmland
preservation programs.
•Number of acres as working agricultural lands (food and
•Best Management Practice Impact Data.
•Number of agriculture and natural resources conservation
educational opportunities conducted.
•Number of residential landowners impacted by installation
of best management practices (special projects)
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 148
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Person Responsible Action Item Update as of December 31 , 2023
1 Set Ag Team meeting dates for
1/2023 1/31/2023 Lynn Lambert Ag Team meeting set for January 26, 2023
2 Research citizen needs for
educational opportunities and
resources in agriculture and
natural resources.
2/2023 3/31/2023 Lynn Lambert
Tim Mathews
and Extension Agents
Client list and methods of data collection
3 Analyze data, develop program,
delivery strategy, and budget
3/2023 3/31/2023 Lynn Lambert
Tim Mathews
Will build on current programming and new
education and resource needs will be
4 Secure budget needs County and
potential stakeholders
4/2023 6/30/2024 Lynn Lambert
Tim Mathews
Not yet started.
5 Implement program and track KPI’s 7/2023 6/30/2024 Soil & Water Staff
Coop Extension Staff
Not yet started.
Project Sponsor:
Lynn Lambert
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators:
Soil and Water Conservation, Cooperative Extension, Parks and Recreation, Agricultural Advisory Board, Master Gardeners, Farm
Service Agency, Livestock Association, Sandhills Antique Farm Equipment Club, Harnett County Schools, Farm Bureau, Farm Credit
Other Strategic Action: Provide education and resources to citizens to promote conservation
of working farmland and stewardship of natural resources.
Project Manager:
Lynn Lambert
Tim Mathews
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 149
Other Strategic Action: Build new modern Animal Shelter to replace existing small
capacity shelter to meet growing demand for increased services
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget &
Type & Priority Project Overall Update as of
December 31, 2023
Goal 3: Safe and Healthy Community
Objective 3.5: Provide high quality emergency response
and public safety
Budget: TBD
Project submitted to FY25-
31 CIP; BOC approved
project for funding
Staff Assigned: General
Services Director, Animal
Services staff
Board KSA
High Priority - Yes
Completed needs and
Conceptual Design Study in
October 2022; Staff submitted
project to CIP process.
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 150
Other Strategic Action: Build new modern Animal Shelter to replace existing small
capacity shelter to meet growing demand for increased services
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Action Item Update as
of December 31, 2023
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 151
Key Strategic Action: 4.1 Revise development and incentive policies to support thriving
business and job creation
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget &
Type & Priority Project Overall Update as
of December 31,2023
Goal 4: Economic Strength
Objective 4.1: Provide an effective economic
development program
Staff Assigned:
Board KSA In process.
Project Description (Scope Statement):
This project involves an examination of our existing
economic development incentive guidelines to ensure to
legal compliance with the general statues that govern
economic development expenditures, and levels of
investment and jobs created.
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
An up -to-date and effective incentive policy ensures that
business attraction is prioritized, providing a competitive
environment for the attraction of jobs and investment.
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 152
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Action Item Update as of
December 31, 2023
1 Review and update
existing economic
development incentive
Fall 2023 Spring 2024 ED Director In process.
2 Outline and streamline
development process
Spring 2024 Fall 2024 Development
Services Director
Not started yet
Project Leader:
ED Director & Development
Services Director
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators:
Economic Development & Development Services
Key Strategic Action: 4.1 Revise development and incentive policies to support thriving
business and job creation
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 153
Key Strategic Action: 4.2 Increase availability of highspeed broadband throughout County
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget &
Type & Priority Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 2: Economic Strength
Objective 4.2: Provide strategically -placed
infrastructure for business and
industry growth and attraction
$6.5M Direct funding
Staff Assigned: CIO
Board KSA Project
High Priority - Yes
This project is in process.
Project Description (Scope Statement):
Expand access to broadband across the county. % access
Improve broadband and accessibility for residents and
businesses within the county.
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
Improve broadband and accessibility for residents and
businesses within the county.
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 154
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Action Item Update as of
December 31, 2023
1 RFP 7/1/2020 10/1/2020 CIO Complete
2 Phase 1 Fixed Wireless
1/1/2021 9/30/2023 CIO Complete
3 Great Grant Award 9/30/2023 1/1/2025 CIO Complete – Awarded to
4 Phase 2 Implementation 1/1/2024 1/1/2025 CIO Entered into Phase 2 agreement
with CloudWyze
Project Leader:
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators:
IT Dept., Admin, CloudWyze
Key Strategic Action: 4.2 Increase availability of highspeed Broadband throughout County
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 155
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Action Item Update as of
December 31, 2023
5 GREAT grant 2024 Not started
6 CAB grant – state funded Not started
Project Leader:
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators:
IT Dept., Admin, Cloudwise
Key Strategic Action: 4.2 Increase availability of highspeed Broadband throughout County
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 156
Key Strategic Action: 4.3 Seek to extend natural gas availability along strategic corridors
identified for commercial growth
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget &
Type & Priority Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 1: Economic Strength
Objective 4.4: Provide strategically -placed
infrastructure for business and industry
growth and attraction
Not Funded
Staff Assigned:
Administration / Ed
Board KSA
High Priority?
This project has not started
Project Description (Scope Statement):
This is to enhance the economic development
opportunities for commercial/industrial growth and
spark more activity on the 87 corridor and WHIP
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
The hope is to increase the number of new businesses or
existing businesses who can expand, due to the
availability of natural gas to the corridor.
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 157
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Action Item Update as of
December 31, 2023
1 Meet with Gas Company
to determine location &
Spring 2023 On going Admin Staff &
ED Director
2 Perform feasibility Study
to determine cost &
Completion of
task 1
N/A Admin Staff &
ED Director
Project Leader:
County Manager
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators:
Gas Company, ED, Development Services, & Ft. Liberty
Key Strategic Action: 4.3 Seek to extend natural gas availability along strategic
corridors identified for commercial growth
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 158
Key Strategic Action: 4.4 Pursue enhanced transportation infrastructure to reduce
congestion and increase access throughout the county
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget &
Type & Priority Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 1: Economic Strength
Objective 4.4: Pursue enhanced transportation
infrastructure to reduce congestion and increase
access throughout the county
Funded 100% by CAMPO
Assigned: Development
Service Department.
MNG Project
High Priority?
Project work is completed and
preferred alignment will
connect to Hwy 55 bypass.
Public meetings complete for
Harnett County. In process.
Project Description (Scope Statement):
The Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) is
conducting a corridor study of U.S. 401. This study is approximately 19 miles
of the U.S. 401 Corridor from Banks Road in Wake County through the Town
of Fuquay-Varina to the N.C. 210 and U.S. 421 intersection in the Town of
Lillington in Harnett County; and about seven miles for the proposed Future
U.S. 401. This study will build off of previous studies in the area. It will focus
on planning and design for the study area to determine the proposed
ultimate cross-section and alignment of U.S. 401 by developing a vision for
the study area, analyzing short- and long-term solutions, and developing
realistic, implementable and prioritized projects.
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
The primary goal of this project is to develop solutions for current
and future growth that achieve the following goals while reflecting
the diversity of communities, land uses, and transportation aspects
within the study area and beyond.
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 159
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Action Item Update as of
December 31, 2023
1 Phase 1 Existing Conditions
1/1/2021 4/1/2021 CAMPO STAFF Completed
2 Phase 2 Develop Solutions 5/1/2021 11/1/2022 CAMPO STAFF Completed
3 Phase 3 Develop Preferred
12/1/2022 3/1/2023 CAMPO STAFF Completed
4 Phase 4 Project Adoption 4/1/2023 5/1/2024 CAMPO & Local
Recommendation will be sent to
CAMPO and to be added to the MTP
Project Leader:
Development Services
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators: CAMPO, Development Services
Director & Planning Manager, Board of Commissioners. Town of Angier,
Lillington, & Fuquay-Varina, Wake County.
Key Strategic Action: 4.4 Pursue enhanced transportation infrastructure to reduce congestion
and increase access throughout the county
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 160
Key Strategic Action:4.5 Plan water and wastewater infrastructure to direct and attract
residential, commercial and industrial growth toward targeted areas
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget &
Type & Priority Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 1: Economic Strength
Objective 4.5:Provide strategically -placed
infrastructure for business and industry
growth and attraction
$8,618,000 estimated
cost; HRW Reserved
Board KSA Project is in the plan design
& permitting stage with an
expected bid date of Feb
2024. Estimate time of
completion of Oct 2025.
Project Description (Scope Statement):
Consists of construction of approx. 5 miles of 20” force
main along HWY 87 and the renovation of sewer lift
station #57 in Spout Springs.
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
To provide more wastewater capacity to accommodate
residential, commercial, and industrial growth in the
South West & South Central areas of Harnett County.
KPI=3 of active utility customers.
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 161
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Action Item Update as of
December 31, 2023
1 Submit plans for NCDEQ Sept 2022 April 30.
Steve Ward
MBD Consulting
In process
2 Rcv. Authorization to
Construct (ATC) permit
Sept 2022 January 1,
Steve Ward
MBD Consulting
In process
3 Advertise & Bid Project Estimated
January 2024
April 1, 2024 Steve Ward
MBD Consulting
Waiting on ATC Issuance NCDEQ
4 Construction June 30,
Project Leader:
HRW Director
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators:
HRW Mngt, County Admin/Support Staff, HC Board of Commissioners
Key Strategic Action: 4.5 Plan water and wastewater infrastructure to direct and attract
residential, commercial and industrial growth toward targeted areas
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 162
Key Strategic Action: 4.6 Educate County departments about economic development
priorities and their role in advancing those priorities
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget &
Type & Priority Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 4: Economic Strength
Objective 4.6: Provide an effective economic
development program
Staff Assigned:
Board KSA This project is in process.
Website launch February
2023. Quarterly report
started in July 2023. In
Project Description (Scope Statement):
Creating a new economic development website offers a
clear and concise look at our strategies and focus areas
to understand priorities of the County. The creation of a
quarterly newsletter allows the Partnership
(department) to share company successes stories, grant
opportunities, and other initiatives and resources that
allow audiences to learn about economic development
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
The new website and quarterly newsletter identifies our
community’s economic development program, focus
areas, target sectors, and resources for better
collaboration and economic outcomes.
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 163
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Action Item Update as of
December 31, 2023
1 Create a new economic
development website
July 2022 February
ED Director &
Website launch complete and
2 Create a new quarterly
economic development
July 2023 Economic
New Quarterly newsletter
Project Leader:
Existing Industries Director
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators:
Economic Development
Key Strategic Action: 4.6 Educate County departments about economic development
priorities and their role in advancing those priorities
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 164
Key Strategic Action 5.1: Launch program to provide presentations to community groups
and organizations from County staff on requested topics
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget &
Type & Priority Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 5: Informed & Engaged Citizens
Objective 5.1: Provide effective
communication to citizens and businesses
Objective 5.2: Provide opportunities for
citizens to engage meaningfully with
County government
Direct Funding: $0
Staff Assigned: Public
Information, with
support from various
Board KSA This item is in process.
Project Description (Scope Statement):
This project seeks to expand and improve public outreach for
community information.The Public Information Office
provides a community engagement opportunities. County
departments also participate in various outreach opportunities
at schools, clubs, community organizations, businesses, etc. by
providing presentations or hosting booths to hand out
information on county services.
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
This project is in process for this fiscal year and effectiveness
will be measured ongoing by the following KPI:
% of citizens satisfied with County engagement efforts
Engage with and build rapport with citizens, special interest
groups, businesses, and organizations.
Build partnerships and encourage collaboration with outside
groups and organizations to make community improvements.
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 165
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Action Item Update as of
December 31, 2023
1 Provide quarterly
information sessions for
July 2023 June 2024 County
office/ PIO
Held Community Outreach Session
for June 2023.
2 Represent County at local
fairs and festivals for
outreach opportunities
July 2023 June 2024 County
Attended 5 events over this
reporting period.
3 Request a speaker
July 2023 June 2024 PIO Ongoing process.
Project Leader:
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators:
PIO, County Manager's Office, and various other departments
Key Strategic Action 5.1: Launch program to provide presentations to community
groups and organizations from County staff on requested topics
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 166
Key Strategic Action 5.2: Create and distribute bimonthly County newsletter in Harnett
Regional Water bills
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget &
Type & Priority Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 5: Informed & Engaged Citizens
Objective 5.1: Provide effective
communication to citizens and businesses
Objective 5.2: Provide opportunities for
citizens to engage meaningfully with
County government
Direct Funding:
$16,800- PIO budget
Staff Assigned: Public
Information, Harnett
Regional Water
Board KSA Project is in process.
Project Description (Scope Statement):
The project seeks to expand and improve external
communications to citizens. The Public Information
Office launched the “County Roots” Newsletter in May
2022. This bi -monthly 1 page newsletter is included in
the Harnett Regional water printed water bills and is
sent to nearly 40,000 customers. Information from
several county departments is included in the
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
This project is in process and effectiveness will be
measured ongoing by the following KPI:
% of citizens satisfied with County communication
Will help County engage with and provide important
information to more citizens.
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 167
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Action Item Update as of
December 31, 2023
1 Provide bimonthly inserts
to HRW Water bills
July 2023 June 2024 County
office/ PIO
2 inserts over last reporting period
Project Leader:
Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators:
PIO, Harnett Regional Water
Key Strategic Action 5.2:Create and distribute bimonthly County newsletter in Harnett
Regional Water bills
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 168
Key Strategic Action 5.3: Implement use of video and storyboards to promote County
events and educate citizens on County services and initiatives
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget &
Type & Priority Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 5: Informed & Engaged Citizens
Objective 5.1: Provide effective
communication to citizens and businesses
Direct Funding: $0
Staff Assigned: Public
Information, IT,
Cooperative Extension,
various departments
Board KSA
Complete and operational
Project Description (Scope Statement):
This project seeks to provide resources and direction for
the use of video and storyboards to promote County
services. Currently, the County utilizes videos via its
various social media channels to engage and encourage
participation in County services. Various departments,
such as cooperative extension, county manager’s office,
and library, create storyboards for specific initiatives.
Live streams of the Board of Commissioners regular
meetings and work session are also posted weekly to the
County’s youtube channel.
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
This project is complete, and effectiveness will be measured
ongoing by the following KPIs:
Total number of social media engagement for the Harnett
County Government social media platforms
% of citizens satisfied with County communication efforts
Keeps citizens engaged in real time and demonstrates
transparency and integrity resulting in increased trust of
government processes.
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 169
Key Strategic Action 5.4: Launch new engagement initiative to inform citizens and County
employees through quarterly update meetings
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget &
Type & Priority Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 5: Informed & Engaged Citizens
Objective 5.2: Provide opportunities for citizens to
engage meaningfully with
County government
Objective 5.3: Provide effective internal
communications and engagement
with employees
Direct Funding: $0
Staff Assigned: Public
Information, with
support from various
Department staff
Board KSA Complete and operational
Project Description (Scope Statement):
This project seeks to expand and improve internal and external
communications. The Public Information Office coordinated quarterly
information sessions for citizens and employees beginning in July
2022. Each quarter, an in -person session and a virtual session has
been offered to employees and citizens to learn more about County
initiatives, services, and programs. Each session has allowed for Q&A
session at the end, and has included a different Department
Director(s) and/or representative from the County Manager’s office
to provide information.
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
This project is complete and effectiveness will be
measured ongoing by the following KPIs:
Total attendance for quarterly citizen information
Total attendance for quarterly employee information
Gives citizens the opportunity to learn more about
specific topics or issues.HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 170
Key Strategic Action 5.5: Redesign County website with citizen dashboard to
create more user-friendly experience
Harnett County Strategic Goal &
Objective Alignment
Project Budget &
Type & Priority Project Overall Update as
of December 31, 2023
Goal 5: Informed & Engaged Citizens
Objective 5.1: Provide effective
communication to citizens and businesses
Direct Funding: $16,000 – IT
Staff Assigned: Desiree
Patrick, Ira Hall, Greg
Jackson, with support from
Board KSA Complete and operational
as of October 9, 2023
Project Description (Scope Statement):
This project seeks to expand and improve external communications. Harnett County
Information Technology and Public Information Office launched this project in July 2022. The
project includes the redevelopment of all pages on our existing website (www.harnett.org)
that will target several major areas for improvement. These areas include a refreshed,
mobile-first website design, new graphical content layout options, automated social media
sharing for all content types, and a simplified content management experience for
department-led website updating. All improvements must deliver a better experience for
both end-users and managers alike, making it easier to find, share and post information while
still enforcing site-wide standards. The project is currently in design phase, with the
estimated launch date of the new website in January 2023.
Community Outcomes (Performance Results):
This project is in progress and once complete, its
effectiveness will be measured ongoing by the following
Total number of unique website views
% of citizens satisfied with County communication
Citizens will have an improved online experience and
user friendly mobile access to county information and
services. Website managers will be able to more easily
share, post, and update information. HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 171
Action Item or Task Start Date Completion
Person Responsible Action Item Update as
of December 31, 2023
1 Meet with website developer July 1, 2022 7/1/2022 Ashley, Ira, Greg,
2 Review current webpage
content and determine new
content for new website
July 2022 December
Ashley, Ira, Greg,
Department Directors,
various Dept. staff
3 Create design and layout for
new website
April 2023 June 2023 Jaime and Desiree Complete
4 Training staff and launch of
new website
June 2023 October 9,
Jaime, Ira, Greg,
Department Directors,
various Dept. staff
Project Leaders: Desiree Patrick/Ira
Hall Project Team, Stakeholders and Collaborators: Desiree Patrick, Ira Hall, Greg Jackson,
Jaime Keagy (KV ventures), Department Directors, various department staff
Key Strategic Action
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 172
Project Type (KSA or Other)Goal Team Person Responsible Due Date for Completion Action Item Update QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4
County Administration and
Harnett County Schools 6/30/2024
Quarterly collaborative meetings with County Manager and
Number of Meetings as of 12/31/23
County Manager/Superintendent– 1
Harnett County Schools Finance/County Finance & Budget- 1
Public Information Officer 6/30/2024 Elected officials and administration staff survey Developing a customer survey completed
Budget Director 6/30/2024 Engage Central Carolina Community College budget
requests for Harnett Promise for FY24
Planning to collect data at the end of Spring semester 2024
Harnett County Schools 8/23/2023
Quotes submitted by Harnett County Schools to County
Board of Commissioners 6/30/2024 Board approved Project Ordinance Upon Budget Approval
Harnett County Schools 6/30/2024 Installation of Electronic Door Locks Upon Budget Approval
Davenport 1/23/2024 Consultant is developing the debt affordability plan Ongoing
Davenport 1/23/2024
Present debt affordability plan to Board of Commissioners Ongoing
Address teacher supplements to increase
Key Strategic
1 Budget Director 6/30/2024 Increase funding for teacher supplement Funding request will be considered in FY2025 budget
County Manager 1/23/2024 Adopted Legislative Priorities for 2024 Complete
County Manager 1/23/2024
Develop Legislative Priorities for 2024 Complete - Board of Commissioners Work Session January 2024
Finance 11/7/2022 Issue RFP Complete
County Manager 2/13/2023 Selection of lobbying firm Complete - Kairos Government Affairs
Board of Commissioners 2/28/2023 Board approval of lobbying firm Complete
Board of Commissioners 6/30/2023 Board adoption of state and federal agendas Estimated to be complete by 6/30/23
CIO 5/21/2022 Pricing/Quotes per license Complete
CIO 11/1/2022 Determine migration process, discover potential issues Complete
CIO 7/31/2023 Migration of email Complete
CIO 12/31/2023 Complete migration In process - 50% done
Library Consolidation COMPLETE
Other Strategic
Library Director 10/1/2022
Create a single, County-operated library system Complete
Job Descriptions/Reclassification Project
Other Strategic
2 Human Resources
Director 12/1/2022
Position analysis and job description revision project Complete
County Manager 10/1/2022 Meet with staff Complete
Davenport 3/15/2023 Facility Space Assesment study Complete
County Manager 3/15/2023 Adoption by Board of Commissioners for study Complete
County Manager 6/30/2024 Fund Assessment In progress
CIO 9/30/2022 RFP issued Complete
CIO 12/30/2022 Working with vendor on performance bond Complete
CIO 1/9/2023 Review project with vendor fiber crew onsite Complete
CIO 5/19/2023 Vendor install fiber In progress
CIO 5/31/2023 Testing and acceptance In progress
Status Update FY 2024
Status Update FY 2023
Engage school administration proactively
to discuss and coordinate budget
priorities and funding for FY2023
Restore County involvement in capital
planning and architectural committee for
ongoing and upcoming projects
Create and adopt a long-term plan for
funding new schools based on Board of
Education priorities
Key Strategic
Key Strategic
Key Strategic
Office 365 Migration Other Strategic
Adopt Legislative Priorities for FY2024
that includes advocacy for increased
funding for schools
Contract with Lobbying Firm to address
priorities with state and federal elected
officials during the upcoming calendar
year- COMPLETE FY2023
Other Strategic
Key Strategic
Harnett County owned fiber across the
rive for County internal network
redundancy COMPLETE FY2023
Other Strategic
Space Needs Other Strategic
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 173
Animal Shelter Needs Assessment
Other Strategic
General Services
Director 12/1/2022
Detailed and completed needs study with Animal Shelter
Conceptual Floor Plan including estimated building
construction costs
Human Resources
Director 11/28/2022
RFP issued Complete
Human Resources
Director 4/30/2023
Selection of Consulting Company Complete
Human Resources
Director 1/30/2024
HR to study follow up items from report In process
Human Resources
Director 4/24/2023
Consultant to complete the study In process
Human Resources
Meet with Department Heads to discuss proposed changes Make proposed changes to the evaluation process.
Human Resources
Communicate changes to employees Meet with each department and employees
Human Resources
Implementation Implement new performance evaluation process
County Manager 12/31/2023
Meet with staff Confirm Performance Plan and RPI project scope. Form RPI team.
RPI Team/Finance 3/1/2024 Develop scope of work RPI Finalize Scope and RFP process
RPI Team/Finance 4/1/2024 Select Vendor Include in FY 24/25 budget
RPI Team 1/1/2025
Launch program Implement program and staff training
IT. Safety & Risk
Manager 10/31/2022
Implement Neogov Learn Complete
HR Director/CCCC 7/30/2023
Develop Program for employees going into a supervisory
HR Director/CCCC 11/30/2023
Develop method to indentify employees to complete the
Works with Departments for early identification for employees who
will move into supervisory role
HR Director/CCCC 12/30/2023
Roll out training course/evaluate success rate Conduct training class for employees and gather feedback/success
County Manager's office 11/1/2021
Plan elements Complete
County Manager's office 2/1/2022
Strategic Plan Complete
County Manager's office 6/30/2023
Performance Management Plan Complete
County Manager's office 6/30/2023
Business Plan for Departments Planning for sessions with UNC School of Government for business
plan creation for County Departments.
County Manager's office TBD
Meet with staff Plan to meet with staff with completion of performance
management plan.
2.3 Engage County employees in
improving internal processes and provide
regular education on adherence (RPI)
Key Strategic
2.1 Complete Compensation Study to
assess competitiveness of employee pay
and salary compression for existing
County employees
Key Strategic
2Key Strategic
2.2 Review and revise employee
performance evaluation process to
encourage culture of accountability
2.4 Develop and implement an
organizational training and development
Key Strategic
2.5 Research, develop, and implement a
holistic performance management
Key Strategic
2.6 Implement process for obtaining
citizen feedback on County service
Key Strategic
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 174
County Manager's office TBD
Develop scope of work RPI Plan to develop scope with completion of performance management
County Manager's office TBD
Select Vendor
County Manager's office TBD
Conduct Survey and Incorporate Results into Performance
and RPI
Parks and Recreation
Director 9/29/2023
Submit projects for CIP Projects have been submitted to County administration and Board
of Commisssioners.
Parks and Recreation
Director 6/30/2024
Plan for implementation of approved/recommended
Planning has begun with several projects working on design and
construction contract approvals.
Parks and Recreation
Director 6/30/2025
Begin next fiscal year projects: Plan, Design, Construction,
and plan for future CIP process
Following action item completion, prioritizing projects for CIP will
be operational. 2024-2031 CIP has seven new recommended
projects, two under contract, and three slated for future funding.
Selena McKoy & Greg
Huneycutt 3/31/2023
Compile a workgroup of local market organizers, local
farmers and County staff
List of local farmers and municipal market organizers started.
Tim Mathews/ Lynn
Lambert 4/30/2023
Develop assessment plan, analyze budget needs, and
request funding
Briefed Board of Commissioners and received direction. Action
plan adjusted per their direction. Research to see whether or not
there is support. Reaching out to local farmers and vendors and
planning a citizen survey.
Tim Mathews/ Lynn
Lambert 12/31/2023
Research local market and producer needs for local foods
system sustainability
Survey results collected (500+ responses). Positive community and
farmers response for farmer's market.
Tim Mathews/ Lynn
Lambert 2/28/2024
Analyze data, develop program, delivery strategy, and
budget needs
Not yet started.
Tim Mathews/ Lynn
Lambert 5/31/2024
Present feedback, program and budget to the Board of
Estimated completion April 2024
Coley Price/Chris Appel 9/12/2022
Develop a task force of pertinent Harnett County staff and
community stakeholders
Opioid Settlement Funding taskforce created and began meetings.
Coley Price 7/31/2023
Create a charter and research current substance abuse
issues in Harnett County
Taskforce meetings are underway to discuss strategic plan and
research avenues.
Coley Price 10/31/2023
Compile and analyze data to identify most pressing issues
and determine where program should focus.
Needs have been identified, and three subcommittees have been
created to address them.
Coley Price 7/31/2024
Develop program to curb substance abuse and present to
County Manager for approval with needed resources and
Goals have been established for each subcommittee. They will
begin program development and working towards implementation.
Health Department 1/31/2025
Implement approved program and begin tracking KPIs Not yet started.
Project Leaders 2/28/2023
Coordinate stakeholder meetings to access current program
Project is pending.
Project Leaders 2/28/2023
Gather programming wants and needs through the most
recent community and health needs assessments
Project is pending.
Project Team 3/31/2023
Analyze engagement results and plan for future
Project is pending.
Key Strategic
2.6 Implement process for obtaining
citizen feedback on County service
Key Strategic
3.1 Prioritize parks and greenway projects
for development through CIP
3.4 Increase provision of County
programs and initiatives aimed at
encouraging healthy lifestyles and
outdoor activities
Key Strategic
3.2 Provide support for local farmer's
markets and community gardens at
County locations to support healthy food
options for residents
Key Strategic
3.3 Assess most pressing issues
surrounding substance abuse and engage
stakeholders to develop plan to curb
Key Strategic
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 175
Individual departmental
staff and trained
volunteers thorugh
supervision of
department leaders
Implement programming plan and prioritize replication of
highest need and impact programs
Project is pending.
County Administration 2/28/2022
Identify local arts organzations, artists, and other partners Identified nine (9) organizations to provide funding.
County Administration 3/31/2022
Meet with project team, stakeholders, and collaborators to
identify funding sources and develop programming ideas.
County Administration 2/28/2023
Submit State Arts Grant application Grant application submitted on 2/14/2023.
County Administration 1/1/2023
Award Sub-Grant applicants Awards were provided: Received $46,556.00 from State and
$63,997.00 from ARPA
County Administration 6/30/2023
Implement arts programs and activities and begin tracking
Data has been reviewed and added to the scorecard.
Fleet Analysis Study to ensure funding
assumptions of the fleet model to replace
its non-emergency fleet through a vehicle
leasing program and internal service fund
Other Strategic
Budget Director/Fleet
Manager 6/30/2021
A funding model was developed to project future vehicle
purchases, values of cars being sold, and insurance costs.
Able to reduce the General Fund contribution to $100,000
for each of the next two years and still maintain a targeted
fund balance of approximately $500,000. This level of fund
balance gives enough cushion to make adjustments for
significant factors such as inflation or resale value
assumptions needing adjustment or a number of vehicles
being in accidents within one year.
Vehicles replaced using a point system plus Garage
Supervisor knowledge. Department lease rates based on
using a straightforward approach to estimate the
replacement cost of the vehicle in five years and service
trucks eight years.
Sedans, small SUVs, and pickup trucks will be sold when
they are five years old with approx. 60,000 miles to
minimize repairs and maximize resale value. Vehicles
should be driven approximately 12,000 miles per year.
Departments to monitor mileage and Fleet Manager can
rotate vehicles, where practical, to meet the mileage target.
Chad Beane 2/1/2023
Continue construction of cell expansion project at Dunn
Erwin landfill
Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan permit has been obtained
and cell expansion is approximately 75% completed.
North Carolina
Department of
Environmental Quality:
approval process
Plans submitted to NCDEQ for final approval on cell
construction at Dunn Erwin landfill
Once construction is completed, plans will be submitted for final
permit approval.
North Carolina
Department of
Environmental Quality 3/1/2023
North West Convenient Site plans in hand and permit
request has been sent to NCDEQ for ESC permit
Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan permit paperwork was
submitted to North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality.
Waiting on notification for approval.
Assess landfill airspace capacity along
with assuring appropriate, adequate
coverage and availability of convenient
sites for disposal services to meet the
needs of the citizens
Other Strategic
3.5 Meet regularly with local arts
organizations to generate and implement
ideas for celebrating arts and culture
Key Strategic
3.4 Increase provision of County programs and initiatives aimed at encouraging healthy lifestyles and
outdoor activities
Key Strategic Action 3
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 176
Chad Beane 12/1/2023
Northwest Convenient Site: landfill equipment operators
can clear the site as we wait on the permit. Equipment
operators will work as availability of personnel will allow.
Clearing has not yet begun due to availability of personnel shortage
and concerns of inadequate fire flow capacity to support the
facility. Currently working with Fire Marshal to address these
Lynn Lambert 1/31/2023 Set Ag Team meeting dates for 2023 Ag Team meeting set for January 26, 2023.
Lynn Lambert/Tim
Research citizen needs for educational opportunities and
resources in the area of agriculture and natural resources
Client list and methods of data collection identified.
Lynn Lambert/Tim
Mathews 3/31/2023
Analyze data, develop program, delivery strategy, and
budget needs
Will build on current programming and new education and resource
needs will be identified.
Lynn Lambert/Tim
Mathews 6/30/2024
Secure budget needs County and potential stakeholders Not yet started.
Soil & Water Staff/Coop
Extension Staff 6/30/2024
Implement program and track KPI’s Not yet started.
4.1 Revise development and incentive
policies to support thriving business and
job creation
Key Strategic
Economic Development
Director Spring 2024
Review and update existing economic development
incentive guidelines
In process.
Development Services
Director Spring 2024
Outline and streamline process.Not yet started.
CIO 10/1/2020 RFP Complete
CIO 9/30/2023 Fixed Wireless Implementation Complete
CIO 1/1/2025 Great Grant Award Complete. Awarded to Brightspeed.
CIO 1/1/2025 Phase 2 Implementation Entered into Phase 2 agreement with Cloudwyze
CIO TBD CAB grant - state funded Not yet started.
CIO TBD Great Grant Award 2023 Not yet started.
County Administration
and Economic
Development Director
Meet with Gas Company to determine location &
Not yet started.
County Administration
and Economic
Development Director
Perform feasibility Study to determine cost & location Not yet started.
CAMPO Staff 4/1/2021 Phase 1 Existing Conditions Analysis Complete
CAMPO Staff 11/1/2022 Phase 2 Develop Solutions Complete
CAMPO Staff 3/1/2023 Phase 3 Develop Preferred Alternatives Complete
CAMPO Staff & Local
Staff 5/1/2023
Phase 4 Project Adoption Recommendation will be sent to CAMPO and to be added to the
Steve Ward/MBD
Consulting 4/30/2023
Submit plans for NCDEQ In progress
Steve Ward/MBD
Consulting 11/30/2023
Receive authorization to Construct (ATC) permit In progress
Steve Ward/MBD
Consulting 2/28/2024
Advertise and Bid Project Waiting on ATC Issuance from NCDEQ
6/30/2025 Construction
4.4 Pursue enhanced transportation
infrastructure to reduce congestion and
increase access throughout the county
Key Strategic
4.5 Plan water and wastewater
infrastructure to direct and attract
residential, commercial and industrial
growth toward targeted areas
Key Strategic
4.2 Increase availability of high speed
Broadband throughout County
Key Strategic
4.3 Seek to extend natural gas availability
along strategic corridors identified for
commercial growth
Key Strategic
Provide education and resources to
citizens to promote conservation of
working farmland and stewardship of
natural resources
Other Strategic
Assess landfill airspace capacity along with assuring appropriate, adequate coverage and availability of convenient sites for disposal services to meet the needs of the citizens Other Strategic Action 3
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 177
Economic Development
Director & Staff 1/31/2023
Create a new economic development website Website launch complete and underway
Existing Industries
Director 3/31/2023
Creeate a new quarterly economic development newsletter New quarterly newsletter launched
County Manager's
Office/PIO 6/30/2024
Provide quarterly information sessions for residents Held Community Outreach Session for June 2023
County Manager's
Office/PIO 6/30/2024
Represent Harnett County at local fairs and festivals for
outreach opportunities
Attended 5 events over last reporting period
Public Information
Officer 6/30/2024
Request a speaker program Ongoing process
5.2: Create and distribute bimonthly
County newsletter in Harnett Regional
Water bills
Key Strategic
5 County Manager's
Office/PIO/HRW 6/30/2024
Provide bimonthly inserts to HRW water bills 2 inserts provided over last reporting period
5.3: Implement use of video and
storyboards to promote County events
and educate citizens on County services
and initiatives
Key Strategic
Public Information, IT,
Cooperative Extension,
various departments
This project is complete and effectiveness will be measured
ongoing by the following KPIs:
Total number of social media engagement for the Harnett
County Government social media platforms
% of citizens satisfied with County communication efforts
Keeps citizens engaged in real time and demonstrates
transparency and integrity resulting in increased trust of
government processes.
5.4: Launch new engagement initiative to
inform citizens and County employees
through quarterly update meetings
Key Strategic
Public Information and
various other
This project is complete and effectiveness will be measured
ongoing by the following KPIs:
Total attendance for quarterly citizen information sessions
Total attendance for quarterly employee information
Gives citizens the opportunity to learn more about specific
topics or issues.
Ashley, Ira, Greg, Jaime 7/1/2022
Meet with website developer Complete
Ashley, Ira, Greg,
Department Directors,
various Dept. staff 12/31/2022
Review current webpage content and determine new
content for new website
Jaime 6/30/2023 Create design and layout for new website Complete
Jaime, Ira, Greg,
Department Directors,
various Dept. staff 10/9/2023 Training staff and launch of new website
Blue = Pending/ Not Yet Started
Green = In-Process and On Target
Yellow = Ongoing and Behind Target
Red = Stopped/ Barrier to Completion
Purple = Complete
5.5: Redesign County website with citizen
dashboard to create more user-friendly
Key Strategic
4.6 Educate County departments about
economic development priorities and their
role in advancing those priorities
Key Strategic
5.1: Launch program to provide
presentations to community groups and
organizations from County staff on
requested topics
Key Strategic
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 178
Strategic Plan
Updated July 1, 2024
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 179
Prepared by Harnett County in collaboration with the UNC School of Government,
Center for Public Leadership and Governance
Lead Consultants:
Rebecca Jackson, Consultant, True North Performance Group, LLC
Lydian Altman, Senior Manager for Leadership Curriculum Development,
UNC School of Government Center for Public Leadership and Governance
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 180
Barbara McKoy
District 1
William Morris
District 2
Brooks Matthews
District 3
Lewis Weatherspoon
District 4
Matthew Nicol
District 5
County Commissioners
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 181
I am pleased to present Harnett County’s inaugural Strategic Plan. This plan comes at a time of
tremendous opportunity for Harnett County, and our goal is for the Strategic Plan to play a key role in
helping the Board of Commissioners, County management, and staff seize that opportunity.
Harnett County has grown considerably over the past several decades, and is continuing to change
rapidly. The County’s population has nearly doubled since 1990, and Harnett is among the fastest
growing counties in North Carolina over the past 10 years. If anything, this growth is only expected to
accelerate going forward. There are currently more than 11,700 new homes in development across
Harnett County. All of this growth means more citizens with more needs, priorities, and expectations for
County government. Our job, and the job of all County employees, is to engage, listen to, and serve all of
those citizens.
This Strategic Plan establishes explicit priorities that will serve as a roadmap for the County moving
forward. It will allow us to move forward together in one direction for the betterment of Harnett County
and all of its citizens.
The Plan articulates a dynamic and exciting vision for the future of Harnett County, along with a mission
for County Government and five strategic goals that are intended to make that vision a reality. The plan
also includes a set of shared core values for Harnett County Government, and objectives under each goal
with key strategic actions aimed at accomplishing those objectives.
The process of developing this Strategic Plan was an inclusive one that offered opportunities for both
County employees and the County’s citizens to provide feedback, which informed the plan. We wanted to
develop Strategic Goals that every County department and employee can see their role in accomplishing,
and that every citizen feels will improve their lives.
I want to take this opportunity to thank my fellow commissioners for their leadership and direction in
making this plan a reality; our County employees and citizens for their participation and input into this
process; and our consultants, Rebecca Jackson and Lydian Altman, with the UNC School of Government’s
Center for Public Leadership and Governance for their support in the County’s strategic planning efforts.
As the County transitions from plan development and adoption to execution and implementation, we
intend to share our progress and successes by creating an annual performance report that will be
available to the public to highlight our accomplishments and track progress towards accomplishing the
goals set out in this plan.
Thank you again for your participation in this process and for your commitment to the success of
Harnett County. We look forward to what lies ahead.
Lewis W. Weatherspoon, Chairman
Harnett County Board of Commissioners
Message from the Board Chairman
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 182
Foundation for High Performing Framework
Strategic Planning Process
Citizen & Employee Engagement Mission and Vision
Core Values
Strategic Goals
Superior Education
Organizational Excellence
Healthy & Safe Community
Economic Strength
Informed and Engaged Citizens
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 183
Foundation for High Performing Framework
Understanding what the County wishes to achieve by having a clear focus is foundational for
building a culture of high performance and essential for making a positive impact in the
community. That is what a strategic plan provides.
Once a strategic plan is in place, it is not meant to be a static document that sits on a shelf. It is a
living document that must be evaluated and updated as priorities and needs change.
Long-term strategic planning provides direction, identifies desired outcomes, and is the basis for
performance analysis.
Core Values
Core ValuesCore ValuesVision & Mission
Strategy: Goals &
Action Agenda:
Policy Review &
Targets for Action
Vision: What do we want
our community to be like
for future generations?
Mission: What is our
purpose for existence?
Core Values: What are our
beliefs and attitudes that
guide behavior and our
relationships with others?
Strategy: What are our
goals, objectives and
Performance: What are
our one-year plans and
how will we track our
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 184
Foundation for High Performing Framework
Strategic plans improve transparency and accountability. They align community values with
strategies and priorities, transforming ideas into action.
This Plan will provide clarity to our organization and the community. It will guide our efforts and
help make sure resources are allocated in the right areas. Strategic plans lay a foundation for
engaging employees and citizens with clear communication, and they provide a basis for
performance management.
Tactical PlanningExecution: Delivering
High Quality Services
Better Results
for Citizens
Set Direction, Define Mission,
Vision, Values, and Goals
Strategic Planning
Define Objectives,
Performance Targets
and Targets for Action
Set PrioritiesCommunicate
Results, Engage and
Empower Customers
and Employees
& Innovation
Align Budget to
Programs and
Performance Targets
Allocate ResourcesPerformance Stat:
Identify Results and
Commit to Data
Driven Evaluation
and Improvement
Provide World Class Services and
Ensure Excellent Customer Service
Implement & Integrate
Feedback from Citizens,
Data Driven Decisions and
Continuous Improvement
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 185
The strategic planning process kicked off in June 2021 with a retreat for County Department
Heads where they were introduced to strategic planning and high performance structures, and
where they identified strategic priorities for the County. A retreat was held for the Board of
Commissioners in August 2021, during which the Board identified vision, mission, and core value
themes along with strategic goals and priority themes.
County leaders recognized that input from citizens, partner organizations, and the business
community was critical to the success of the strategic plan and launched a public engagement
campaign in October 2021. Citizens and County employees were given an opportunity to weigh in
on the themes the Board identified and provide their feedback during multiple virtual and in-
person engagement sessions, and by participating in a strategic planning survey. The results of
the survey and engagement sessions were then used to inform the draft Strategic Plan, which
was presented to the Board of Commissioners for adoption in February 2022.
Strategic Planning Process
JUNE 2021
Introduction to
strategic planning
and high
Environmental scan
History of Harnett
Vision, Mission and
Core Value Themes
Strategic Goals and
priority themes
Employee survey
and workshops
Citizen survey and
NOV 2021-FEB 2022
Board of
review of input
Refinement of
Introduction to
strategic planning
and high
Celebrating success
Changing times and
Environmental Scan
Harnett County
strategic priorities
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 186
Following strategic planning workshops held with Harnett County Department Heads and the
Board of Commissioners, the County sought input from the public, as well as County employees.
Harnett County invited residents to participate in one of three community workshops in October
2021 to learn more about the strategic planning process and provide feedback. The County held
two virtual workshops and one in-person workshop in the Harnett County Resource Center and
Library in Lillington. County employees were also invited to attend one of two 30-minute
employee engagement workshops to share priorities and to learn more about the process.
In addition to the workshops, citizens and employees were asked to complete a short survey to
provide input on the Strategic Plan, which was incorporated into the draft Plan. The surveys
contained demographic questions to help ensure the County received diverse perspectives. The
County received 776 survey responses from citizens and 263 survey responses from employees
within several departments with various years of experience.
Capturing the voice of employees and the community within the Strategic Plan helps to ensure
alignment with organizational priorities and community expectations. In addition to being
incorporated in the draft plan, the feedback from the workshops and surveys was compiled into
an Engagement Report and provided to County Commissioners to show community and
employee priorities for the County's vision, mission, and goals.
Citizen & Employee Engagement
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 187
Harnett County will effectively and efficiently deliver high
quality County services and public infrastructure with smart
growth strategies and through a responsive Board and
workforce who are committed to excellence and ensuring the
public trust with dedication, leadership and governance.
Our mission imparts our organization’s purpose. It describes why we exist and defines our
organization’s role in pursuing the community vision.
Harnett County is a unified, safe, healthy, and engaged
community that is culturally vibrant, well-planned with a
thriving economy and a high-quality educational system, in
harmony with its environment and beautiful natural
resources, and with strong leadership ensuring equitable
services so that all citizens will prosper.
Our vision tells us where we are going. It describes the ideal state of Harnett County in 10 years
and is focused on the community’s future.
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 188
Our Core Values inform how we will make decisions and fulfill our mission to serve the public.
They define our standards of behavior. Harnett County employees are public servants whose
purpose is to CREATE a better Harnett County.
Working together to get the job done, communicating clearly and proactively,
engaging community partners and stakeholders, and recognizing the benefits of
diverse views and opinions in decision-making.
Committing to making processes more efficient and effective, asking how can we
make things better, and seeking continued professional development.
Recognizing your actions and behaviors reflect on the organization, taking
responsibility when things don't go as planned, doing what you say you will do, and
being good stewards of the public trust.
Seeking to provide citizens and coworkers with the highest level of service possible,
taking the time to listen and respond to their needs, and engaging in problem-solving.
Doing what's right even when nobody's watching, having concern for others, and
serving with integrity, honesty and consistency.
Valuing other people's beliefs and treating them with kindness and courtesy.
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 189
Harnett County’s Strategic Plan is designed to provide a clear vision for the future along with
direction for turning that vision into a reality. The Plan includes five Strategic Goals that reflect the
County’s priorities for the next three years. Goal statements define what the organization intends
to accomplish and lays out a path to follow in order to realize the vision.
Each Goal includes a set of Objectives that further define the Goal, along with Key Strategic
Actions that should be undertaken in the coming year to make progress toward the County's
Objectives. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will also be developed following Strategic Plan
adoption that will assist the County in tracking progress toward accomplishing each Goal.
Strategic Goals
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 190
Objective 1.4
Advocate for appropriate allocation of school funding from
federal and state sources
Objective 1.3
Attract, support, and retain highly qualified and
experienced public school teachers and staff
Objective 1.2 Maintain a long-term funding plan for capital needs
Objective 1.1
Maintain effective collaboration with Harnett County Schools to
coordinate budget process, capital projects, and other initiatives
A strong public school system is essential for the development of
children into productive adults who contribute to the overall success
of Harnett County. It is critical that Harnett County Government
partner with the Harnett County School System to ensure all students
in Harnett County are provided with a high quality education.
Action 1.1.1: Engage school administration proactively to discuss and
coordinate budget priorities and funding for fiscal year
Action 1.1.2: Adopt long-term plan for funding new schools based oneducation priorities
Action 1.2.1: Maintain County involvement in capital planning andarchitectural committee for ongoing and upcoming projects
Action 1.3.1: Continue to monitor and address teacher supplements toincrease competitiveness in the region
Action 1.4.1: Adopt Legislative Priorities for FY 2025 that includes advocacy forincreased funding for schools
Key Performance Indicators will be developed for each Strategic Goal following
Strategic Plan adoption to measure and track progress towards accomplishing
each goal.
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 191
Objective 2.4
Seek new and best practice technology to improve
processes in all operational areas
Objective 2.3
Foster culture of accountability through performance
management and adherence to internal processes
Objective 2.1 Attract, retain and grow high performing employees
Harnett County’s greatest asset is its employees. The County desires to
become an employer of choice, growing a culture that values high
performance and embraces diversity. A positive workplace environment
increases productivity and reduces employee stress levels, empowering staff
to perform at their peak and provide top-notch service to residents. The
County seeks to implement a culture of accountability where staff at every
level look for ways to improve and innovate operations and service delivery.
Action 2.1.1: Complete and implement Compensation Study to assess competitiveness
of employee pay and salary compression for existing County employees
Action 2.1.2: Review Develop a strategy for replacing future retiring key leadershippositions in the organization
Action 2.2.1: Develop and implement a holistic performance management program
Action 2.2.2: Reduce government redundancy with process improvement to findefficiencies and fee schedule improvements to reduce overall government, wherepossible and reduce the financial burden on tax payers
Action 2.3.1: Review and revise employee performance evaluation and trainingprograms to encourage culture of empowerment and accountability, to fosteremployee development and to provide enrichment opportunities.
Objective 2.2 Lead the organization with best finance and budget
Objective 2.5
Improve resident and customer experiences through efficient,
high quality service delivery and continuous improvement
Action 2.4.1: Engage County employees in improving internal processes andprovide regular education on adherence
Action 2.5.1: Implement process for obtaining citizen feedback on County service provision
Key Performance Indicators will be developed for each Strategic Goal following
Strategic Plan adoption to measure and track progress towards accomplishing
each goal.
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 192
Harnett County is committed to ensuring that all residents have
opportunities to live healthy and productive lives, and that they feel safe.
This commitment is shown through the provision of services and
programs that enhance residents' lives and promote healthy behaviors
and lifestyles. The County is also committed to providing strong public
safety and emergency response services.
Objective 3.4 Decrease alcohol and drug abuse
Objective 3.3 Improve access to healthy food
Objective 3.2 Protect open space and natural resources
Objective 3.1
Preserve and enhance County residents' quality of life through
open space, parks, recreation resources and greenways
Objective 3.5
Provide high quality emergency response and public
Objective 3.6 Support, promote and celebrate arts and culture
Key Performance Indicators will be developed for each Strategic Goal following
Strategic Plan adoption to measure and track progress towards accomplishing
each goal.
Action 3.1.1: Prioritize parks and greenway projects for development through
Capital Improvements Program
Action 3.1.2: Increase provision of County programs and initiatives aimed atencouraging healthy lifestyles and outdoor activity to include a focus on seniorcitizens and other special populations
Action 3.2.1: Acquire Johnson Farm for future generations
Action 3.3.1: Medicaid expansion (State Mandate)
Action 3.3.2: Provide support for local farmer’s markets and community gardensat County locations to support healthy food options for residents
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 193
Key Performance Indicators will be developed for each Strategic Goal following
Strategic Plan adoption to measure and track progress towards accomplishing
each goal.
Action 3.3.3: Research and discuss strategy to address mental health concernsfor County residents and bring back to Board for consideration
Action 3.4.1: Assess most pressing issues surrounding substance abuse andengage stakeholder to develop plan to curb problems
Action 3.4.2: Collaborate with Sherriff Office to eradicate drugs in schools (opioidoffense) ensuring clean and safe schools. Provide additional resources
Action 3.6.1: Meet regularly with the local arts organizations to generate andimplement ideas for celebrating arts and culture
Action 3.8.1: Create a northwest convenience site for public use
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 194
Harnett County is committed to creating economic opportunity for our
residents. The County is working to strengthen its economic development
program to position the County for success. This includes providing well-
planned infrastructure to recruit business and industry, working with our
educational partners to ensure a highly-skilled workforce, and leveraging our
resources to ensure residents share in the prosperity generated through these
Objective 4.4
Provide strategically-placed infrastructure for business and
industry growth and attraction
Objective 4.5 Enhance Harnett Regional Jetport's function as an economic
engine for the county
Objective 4.1 Provide an effective economic development program
Objective 4.6 Foster upward mobility and reduce poverty
Objective 4.2
Provide well-planned communities with smart and
sustainable growth strategies
Objective 4.3
Attract and retain a diverse and viable tax base with
increased commercial and retail
Objective 4.7
Leverage partners and stakeholders to enhance economic
development capacity
Key Performance Indicators will be developed for each Strategic Goal following
Strategic Plan adoption to measure and track progress towards accomplishing
each goal.
Action 4.1.1: Revise development and incentive policies to support thriving
businesses and job creation and implement
Action 4.1.2: Educate County departments about economic development
priorities and their role in advancing those priorities
Action 4.2.1: Implementation and completion of a comprehensive growth plan
for the County
Action 4.3.1: Expand and diversify tax base with strategic and major retail and
commercial development in key corridors, especially those with high population
centers with sales tax leakage in concert with the comprehensive growth plan for
the County
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 195
Key Performance Indicators will be developed for each Strategic Goal following
Strategic Plan adoption to measure and track progress towards accomplishing
each goal.
Action 4.4.4: Plan water and wastewater infrastructure to direct and attract
residential, commercial and industrial growth toward targeted areas
Action 4.4.1: Increase availability of high-speed Broadband through County
Action 4.3.2: Diversify the tax base by attracting business and industry to bring inhigher paying jobs to the County with key businesses that make substantialdevelopment investments in the County
Action 4.4.2: Seek to extend natural gas availability along strategic corridorsidentified for commercial growth
Action 4.4.3: Advocate and coordinate with NCDOT and CAMPO and pursueenhanced transportation infrastructure to reduce congestion and increase accessthroughout the County
Action 4.5.1: Complete the Jetport runway
Action 4.5.2: Create strategic growth plan for the HR Jetport
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 196
Harnett County Government exists to serve the citizens of Harnett County. It
is vitally important that the public have access to information about County
services and programs, and are given an opportunity to provide feedback to
the County. Citizens also need to have the capacity and knowledge to
effectively engage with County government.
Action 5.2.1: Develop an effective resident engagement strategy focused oncreating a positive image for the County and promoting excellent customer service
Action 5.4.1: Create and implement a new program which tracks participation andengagement levels of the Citizen Advisory Boards
Objective 5.3 Provide effective internal communications and engagementwith employees
Objective 5.2
Provide opportunities for citizens to engage meaningfully with
County government
Objective 5.4 Strengthen Citizen Advisory Boards and Committees program
Objective 5.1 Provide effective communication to citizens and businesses
Key Performance Indicators will be developed for each Strategic Goal following
Strategic Plan adoption to measure and track progress towards accomplishing
each goal.
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 197
For more information, contact:
Harnett County Manager's Office
455 McKinney Parkway
Lillington, NC 27546
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 198
\\lecfile\department\Admin\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2024\022724 ws\15.1 SRO Amendment agenda form.docx
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Board Meeting
Agenda Item
MEETING DATE: March 4, 2024
SUBJECT: SRO Agreement Amendments
REQUESTED BY: Brent Trout, County Manager
At the direction of the board I have prepared the amendment to the SRO Agreements
with each town. The amendment provides for a $5,000 bonus to be paid to each SRO in
this fiscal year. Harnett County will reimburse the payment of this bonus payment.
The payment will be made in two equal parts after each semester is completed by the
Harnett County is currently waiting to receive information from the Town of Lillington
regarding their SRO costs. Once we receive those costs we will bring their agreement
forward for Board approval.
Item 15
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 199
SCHOOLS is made and entered into as of the ___ day of ______, 2024 (hereinafter referred to as
the “Effective Date”), by and between the Harnett County Board of Education (hereinafter
“Board”), the governing body of the Harnett County Schools (hereinafter “HCS”), the County of
Harnett (hereinafter “County”) and Town of Angier (hereinafter “Town”).
WHEREAS, the Board and the Town entered into a School Resource Officer Program
Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter referred to as the “MOU”) effective October 1, 2018;
WHEREAS, Article V of the MOU states that the Board and governing body of the Town
agree to enter into a separate contract to address the assignment of School Resource Officers
(hereinafter referred to as “SRO” or collectively “SROs”) to specific HCS schools and payment
for SRO services during each fiscal year; and
WHEREAS, the Board, the County, and the Town entered into the School Resource Officer
Program Reimbursement Agreement for Elementary and Primary Schools (hereinafter referred to
as the “Agreement”), effective July 1, 2023; and
WHEREAS, County agreed to provide funding for the SRO positions to the Board for
reimbursement of SRO services as described in the MOU.
WHEREAS, the Town agreed to provide one (1) SRO to be placed at Angier Elementary
WHEREAS, the Board, County, and Town desire to provide for a one-time $5,000.00
bonus to SRO’s during the FY 2024, encompassing July 1, 2023- June 30, 2024.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and consideration herein
contained, the parties hereby agree as follows:
1. Article II entitled “Compensation for SRO Services” of the Agreement is hereby
amended as follows:
Add the following paragraph:
The County shall provide a one-time bonus of five-thousand dollars ($5,000.00) for the
SRO position identified Article I of the Agreement, independent of the compensation for
the annual law enforcement officers performing SRO services. The one-time bonus shall
be paid to the Town in two (2) two-thousand five-hundred dollars ($2,500.00) payments,
payable upon invoicing by the municipalities at the conclusion of each semester of the
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 200
2023-2024 academic year. The one-time bonus of $5,000.00 shall be excluded in
calculating the 3% annual increase in compensation to municipalities for law enforcement
officers performing SRO services.
2. All other terms of the July 1, 2023 Agreement will remain unchanged.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, through their duly authorized representatives or
officers, have executed this First Amendment to the School Resource Officer Program
Reimbursement Agreement for Elementary and Primary Schools as of the Effective Date:
William Morris, Chairman
Harnett County Board of Commissioners
Melissa Capps, Clerk
Robert M. Jusnes, Sr., Mayor
Veronica Hardaway, Town Clerk
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 201
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 202
SCHOOLS is made and entered into as of the ___ day of ______, 2024 (hereinafter referred to as
the “Effective Date”), by and between the Harnett County Board of Education (hereinafter
“Board”), the governing body of the Harnett County Schools (hereinafter “HCS”), the County of
Harnett (hereinafter “County”) and Town of Coats (hereinafter “Town”).
WHEREAS, the Board and the Town entered into a School Resource Officer Program
Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter referred to as the “MOU”) effective October 1, 2018;
WHEREAS, Article V of the MOU states that the Board and governing body of the Town
agree to enter into a separate contract to address the assignment of School Resource Officers
(hereinafter referred to as “SRO” or collectively “SROs”) to specific HCS schools and payment
for SRO services during each fiscal year; and
WHEREAS, the Board, the County, and the Town entered into the School Resource Officer
Program Reimbursement Agreement for Elementary and Primary Schools (hereinafter referred to
as the “Agreement”), effective July 1, 2023; and
WHEREAS, County agreed to provide funding for the SRO positions to the Board for
reimbursement of SRO services as described in the MOU.
WHEREAS, the Town agreed to provide one (1) SRO to be placed at Coats Elementary
WHEREAS, the Board, County, and Town desire to provide for a one-time $5,000.00
bonus to SRO’s during the FY 2024, encompassing July 1, 2023- June 30, 2024.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and consideration herein
contained, the parties hereby agree as follows:
1. Article II entitled “Compensation for SRO Services” of the Agreement is hereby
amended as follows:
Add the following paragraph:
The County shall provide a one-time bonus of five-thousand dollars ($5,000.00) for the
SRO position identified Article I of the Agreement, independent of the compensation for
the annual law enforcement officers performing SRO services. The one-time bonus shall
be paid to the Town in two (2) two-thousand five-hundred dollars ($2,500.00) payments,
payable upon invoicing by the municipalities at the conclusion of each semester of the
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 203
2023-2024 academic year. The one-time bonus of $5,000.00 shall be excluded in
calculating the 3% annual increase in compensation to municipalities for law enforcement
officers performing SRO services.
2. All other terms of the July 1, 2023 Agreement will remain unchanged.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, through their duly authorized representatives or
officers, have executed this First Amendment to the School Resource Officer Program
Reimbursement Agreement for Elementary and Primary Schools as of the Effective Date:
William Morris, Chairman
Harnett County Board of Commissioners
Melissa Capps, Clerk
Chris Coats, Mayor
Connie Lassiter, Town Clerk
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 204
SCHOOLS is made and entered into as of the ___ day of ______, 2024 (hereinafter referred to as
the “Effective Date”), by and between the Harnett County Board of Education (hereinafter
“Board”), the governing body of the Harnett County Schools (hereinafter “HCS”), the County of
Harnett (hereinafter “County”) and City of Dunn (hereinafter “City”).
WHEREAS, the Board and the City entered into a School Resource Officer Program
Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter referred to as the “MOU”) effective October 1, 2018;
WHEREAS, Article V of the MOU states that the Board and governing body of the City
agree to enter into a separate contract to address the assignment of School Resource Officers
(hereinafter referred to as “SRO” or collectively “SROs”) to specific HCS schools and payment
for SRO services during each fiscal year; and
WHEREAS, the Board, the County, and the City entered into the School Resource Officer
Program Reimbursement Agreement for Elementary and Primary Schools (hereinafter referred to
as the “Agreement”), effective July 1, 2023; and
WHEREAS, County agreed to provide funding for the SRO positions to the Board for
reimbursement of SRO services as described in the MOU.
WHEREAS, the City agreed to provide two (2) SRO s, one to be placed at Harnett Primary
School and one to be placed at Wayne Avenue Elementary School;
WHEREAS, the Board, County, and City desire to provide for a one-time $5,000.00 bonus
for each SRO position during the FY 2024, encompassing July 1, 2023- June 30, 2024.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and consideration herein
contained, the parties hereby agree as follows:
1. Article II entitled “Compensation for SRO Services” of the Agreement is hereby
amended as follows:
Add the following paragraph:
The County shall provide a one-time bonus of five-thousand dollars ($5,000.00) for
each SRO position identified Article I of the Agreement with a not to exceed total of ten
thousand dollars ($10,000.00), independent of the compensation for the annual law
enforcement officers performing SRO services. Each one-time bonus shall be paid to the
City in two (2) two-thousand five-hundred dollars ($2,500.00) payments, payable upon
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 205
invoicing by the municipalities at the conclusion of each semester of the 2023-2024
academic year. The one-time bonus shall be excluded in calculating the 3% annual increase
in compensation to municipalities for law enforcement officers performing SRO services.
2. All other terms of the July 1, 2023 Agreement will remain unchanged.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, through their duly authorized representatives or
officers, have executed this First Amendment to the School Resource Officer Program
Reimbursement Agreement for Elementary and Primary Schools as of the Effective Date:
William Morris, Chairman
Harnett County Board of Commissioners
Melissa Capps, Clerk
William P. Elmore Jr.., Mayor
Tammy Williams, City Clerk
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 206
SCHOOLS is made and entered into as of the ___ day of ______, 2024 (hereinafter referred to as
the “Effective Date”), by and between the Harnett County Board of Education (hereinafter
“Board”), the governing body of the Harnett County Schools (hereinafter “HCS”), the County of
Harnett (hereinafter “County”) and Town of Erwin (hereinafter “Town”).
WHEREAS, the Board and the Town entered into a School Resource Officer Program
Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter referred to as the “MOU”) effective October 1, 2018;
WHEREAS, Article V of the MOU states that the Board and governing body of the Town
agree to enter into a separate contract to address the assignment of School Resource Officers
(hereinafter referred to as “SRO” or collectively “SROs”) to specific HCS schools and payment
for SRO services during each fiscal year; and
WHEREAS, the Board, the County, and the Town entered into the School Resource Officer
Program Reimbursement Agreement for Elementary and Primary Schools (hereinafter referred to
as the “Agreement”), effective July 1, 2023; and
WHEREAS, County agreed to provide funding for the SRO positions to the Board for
reimbursement of SRO services as described in the MOU.
WHEREAS, the Town agreed to provide one (1) SRO to be placed at Erwin Elementary
WHEREAS, the Board, County, and Town desire to provide for a one-time $5,000.00
bonus to SRO’s during the FY 2024, encompassing July 1, 2023- June 30, 2024.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and consideration herein
contained, the parties hereby agree as follows:
1. Article II entitled “Compensation for SRO Services” of the Agreement is hereby
amended as follows:
Add the following paragraph:
The County shall provide a one-time bonus of five-thousand dollars ($5,000.00) for the
SRO position identified Article I of the Agreement, independent of the compensation for
the annual law enforcement officers performing SRO services. The one-time bonus shall
be paid to the Town in two (2) two-thousand five-hundred dollars ($2,500.00) payments,
payable upon invoicing by the municipalities at the conclusion of each semester of the
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 207
2023-2024 academic year. The one-time bonus of $5,000.00 shall be excluded in
calculating the 3% annual increase in compensation to municipalities for law enforcement
officers performing SRO services.
2. All other terms of the July 1, 2023 Agreement will remain unchanged.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, through their duly authorized representatives or
officers, have executed this First Amendment to the School Resource Officer Program
Reimbursement Agreement for Elementary and Primary Schools as of the Effective Date:
William Morris, Chairman
Harnett County Board of Commissioners
Melissa Capps, Clerk
Randy L. Baker, Mayor
Lauren Evans, Town Clerk
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 208
Page 1
There is one (1) vacancy for an alternate on this Board. The vacancy is not district sensitive.
There are four (4) vacancies on this Board, District 2, 3, 4, and 5.
There is one (1) vacancy for an older consumer on this Board.
There are two (2) vacancies on this Board. The vacancies are not district sensitive but are position
specific, as County Commissioner Appointee.
We have received a recommendation to reappoint Dr. Evans from the Interim Health Director. She
serves on this Board as the Dentist Representative and her term expires March 31, 2024.
Item 18
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 209
HCBOC 022724 ws Pg. 210