HomeMy WebLinkAbout060523 agenda packet REGULAR MEETING Date: Monday, June 5, 2023 Time: 9:00 a.m. Location: Commissioners Meeting Room Harnett County Resource Center & Library 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page | 1 1. Call to order – Chairman Matthew Nicol 2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation – Vice Chairman William Morris 3. Consider additions and deletions to the published agenda 4. Consent Agenda A. Minutes i. Regular Meeting Minutes of May 15, 2023 ii. Work Session Minutes of May 30, 2023 B. Emergency Services requests the Harnett County Board of Commissioners approve the fireworks application from Pyro Shows East Coast for a fireworks shoot at Anderson Creek POA on July 1, 2023 this display is scheduled for 9:30 p.m. Pyro Shows East Coast meets all requirements and has met fire code compliance for the events. C. Emergency Services requests the Harnett County Board of Commissioners approve the fireworks application from Pyro Shows East Coast for a fireworks shoot for the Town of Lillington on July 4, 2023 this display is scheduled for 9:00 p.m. Pyro Shows East Coast meets all requirements and has met fire code compliance for the events. D. Harnett County Emergency Services is seeking Board approval to move forward with the Motorola Letter of Intent for the ARPA Municipal Law Enforcement Agencies VIPER Radio Replacement project. This letter of intent provides a set cost from Motorola for our project and we will not face a cost increase by utilizing this process. Costs are expected to increase July 1st. A letter of Intent was utilized for the County VIPER Project. E. The Tax Department is requesting the Harnett County Board of Commissioners approve an agreement with BI-TEK, LLC as part of the conversion for the personal property and collections division. The software conversion was approved as part of the FY2023 CIP. The projected cost of this conversion was $273,203 and the final contracted cost is $262,255. F. The Sheriff’s Office is requesting the Harnett County Board of Commissioners approve an agreement with Tritech Software System. The contract includes software maintenance for Sheriff's Office report management system (RMS), Jail record management system (JMS), 911 Communications Automated Dispatch (CAD). The contract is in the amount of $ 250,912.00 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 1 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page | 2 G. Harnett Regional Water requests approval of Chemical Supply Vendors that have requested chemical contract extensions for Harnett County Regional Water Treatment Plants and Wastewater Treatment Plants. H. The Development Services Department requests approval of a contract for planning consulting services with Stewart, Inc. to update the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The contract amount for the Comprehensive Land Use Plan is $219,000.00 and will be paid from the Capital Reserve Fund. The Board approved the request to accept the Request for Proposal bid from Stewart Inc. on April 17, 2023. I. Soil and Water Conservation is requesting permission to apply for the USDA-NRCS Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) as part of the Preserving Upriver Farms to Reduce Flooding in NC proposal. The project is intended to place conservation easements on working agricultural lands in order to reduce negative impacts of soil erosion and runoff in the Cape Fear River Basin. Matching funds would be provided by the NC Agricultural Development and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund in addition to a landowner donation towards the value of the conservation easement. The proposed conservation easement consists of 330 acres adjacent to the Cape Fear River in NW Harnett currently managed as working forestland for timber production and wildlife habitat. RCPP requests will be made in two separate applications with a value of approximately $1,416,360. The partnering landowner has signed a letter of commitment to support the landowner donation valued at $932,560. The balance of the conservation easement funding will come from NC ADFP funding. J. Harnett County Health Department requests the approval of updated to the Clinical Fee Policy. K. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners appoint Chris Hawk to the Cemetery Board of Trustees and accepts the resignation of Roger Brown from the Home and Community Block Grant Committee. 5. Public Comment Period Period of up to 30 minutes for informal comments allowing 3 minutes for each presentation. 6. Public Hearing on Harnett County’s FY 2023-2024 Water and Sewer System Development Fees. Following the public hearing, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners and the governing body of all Water and Sewer Districts of Harnett County may consider adopting a Resolution to adopt the Water and Sewer System Development Fees. 7. Approval of the Harnett County Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget and Budget Ordinance. 8. Consider the reappointment of Commissioner Brooks Matthews and Commissioner Lewis Weatherspoon to the Harnett County Economic Development Partnership Board. 9. Consider the appointment and approval of employment contract for Christine Wallace as Tax Administrator for 4 years. 10. County Manager’s Report – Brent Trout, County Manager A. Harnett County DSS Monthly Report HCBOC 060523 Pg. 2 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page | 3 B. Interdepartmental Budget Amendments C. Budget Amendments – Motion to approve budget amendments as requested by the Finance Director. D. Tax Rebates, Refunds and Releases – Motion to approve tax rebates, refunds and releases as requested by the Tax Administrator. 11. New Business 12. Closed Session 13. Adjourn CONDUCT OF THE JUNE 5, 2023 MEETING Live audio of the meeting will be streamed on the Harnett County Government’s YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU7mTF6HTD65x_98EhAMeMg/featured. HCBOC 060523 Pg. 3 Harnett County Board of Commissioners May 17, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 9 HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Regular Meeting Minutes May 15, 2023 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, May 15, 2023 at 6:00 pm, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, Harnett County Resource Center and Library, 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: Matthew B. Nicol, Chairman William Morris, Vice Chairman Barbara McKoy, Commissioner W. Brooks Matthews, Commissioner Lewis W. Weatherspoon, Commissioner Staff present: Brent Trout, County Manager Dwight Snow, County Attorney Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer Melissa Capps, Clerk Chairman Nicol called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Commissioner McKoy led the Pledge of Allegiance and provided the invocation. Chairman Nicol called for any additions or deletions to the published agenda. Commissioner Weatherspoon made a motion to approve the agenda as published. Vice Chairman Morris seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Vice Chairman Morris made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner McKoy seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The items on the consent agenda were as follows: A.Minutes i. Regular Meeting Minutes of May 1, 2023 ii.Work Session Minutes of May 9, 2023 B.Adopt a Resolution requesting NCDOT add Summerlin Drive, Apache Trail, Beautiful Lane, Oak Forest Drive, Navaho Trail, White Cloud Lane in Summerlin to the State’s Secondary Road Systems. (Attachment 1) C.Adopt a Resolution requesting NCDOT add Planters Glen, Golden Oats Drive, Rice Drive, and Wheat Drive in Planters Glen to the State’s Secondary Road Systems. (Attachment 2) D.General Services / Community Development requests the Board of Commissioners approve a request to apply for 2023 USDA Rural Housing Preservation Grant (HPG) funds. The proposed grant amount of $85,000 will be used to provide rehabilitation and general repairs to owner-occupied homes for homeowners who meet US Item 4Ai HCBOC 060523 Pg. 4 Harnett County Board of Commissioners May 17, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 9 Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) very-low-income and low-income standards. USDA Housing Preservation Grant (HPG) serves households with needs which cannot be met through other state or federally funded housing assistance programs. General Services is partnering with the Department of Social Services & the Health Department. General Services will administer program. There are NO matching funds required nor requested. E. Due to increases in manufacturer's vehicle costs, General Services/Harnett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS) requests the Board of Commissioners consider and approve additional funding in the amount of $167,610 for the North Carolina Department of Transportation FY2023 5311/5339 Capital Grant (23-CT-040-01), bringing the total Capital Grant amount to $526,478. The Board of Commissioners approved the original agreement on August 1, 2022. There are no additional matching funds required, total local match remains $35,888. F. The Cooperative Extension Department requests the Board of Commissioners approve the acceptance of the AgVentures Grant for Mobile Poultry Processing Equipment. This grant will allow us to serve more producers, and in the event of an equipment failure requiring repairs, we would have the capacity to continue this service. This grant does require a 15% match ($1,200) that we would like to use current Ag program funds to cover. These matching funds would be used toward the purchase of an enclosed trailer similar to the current MPU (Mobil Processing Unit). G. The Finance Department requests the Board of Commissioners approve the proposed updates under Cash Management / Investment Policies within the Fiscal Policy. H. Harnett County Board of Commissioners appoint Dr. Lori Langdon to fill the Physician position and Dr. Brandon Washington to fill the Public Member position on the Board of Health and appoint Gordon Springle to the Johnston-Lee-Harnett Community Action Board. Commissioner Matthews read a Proclamation honoring Geraldine Stephenson Honeycutt on her 100th Birthday. A framed copy of the Proclamation was presented to Ms. Honeycutt’s family. Chairman Nicol read a Proclamation recognizing and congratulating the Overhills High School Marching Jaguars for their outstanding accomplishments and their representation of the County of Harnett with pride and dignity. A framed copy of the Proclamation was presented to members of the Overhills High School Marching Jaguars. Chairman Nicol opened the meeting for informal comments by the public, allowing up to 3 minutes for each presentation up to 30 minutes. The following people provided comments: 1. Jerry Rivas of 364 Twin Ponds Road, Sanford, NC. 2. Alan Longman of 234 Hamilton Road, Bunnlevel, NC. 3. Elizabeth Longman of 234 Hamilton Road, Bunnlevel, NC. No one else spoke. The public comment period was closed. Coley Price, Deputy County Manager, Christopher Appel, Senior Staff Attorney, and Dr. Tillman, Campbell University provided information regarding the Opioid Task Force and HCBOC 060523 Pg. 5 Harnett County Board of Commissioners May 17, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 9 reviewed the strategic planning process and the priorities identified. Chairman Nicol opened the public input session and the following people spoke: 1. Elizabeth Longman of 234 Hamilton Road, Bunnlevel, NC. 2. Alan Longman of 234 Hamilton Road, Bunnlevel, NC. 3. Yvette Watson of 1082 Melody Lane, Cameron, NC. 4. Joe Langley of 297 Kirk Adams Road, Angier, NC. 5. Sarah Womack of 2138 Southern Road, Sanford, NC. Chairman Nicol expressed appreciation to Ms. Womack for her hard work with the Boys and Girls Club. Commissioner McKoy applauded Ms. Womack for the work she does at the Boys and Girls Club. Following some discussion from the audience, no one else spoke and the public input session was closed. Sarah Arbor, Planner II, Development Services petitioned the Board for a public hearing on a proposed Zoning Change: Case # PLAN2303-0001 Landowner / Applicant: Mary Ruth Baucom, Jewel Brett & Kim Matthews / James Moore; 17.90 +/- acres; Pin # 0655-53-1330.000; From RA-30 to Commercial Zoning District; US Hwy 401 N; Hector’s Creek Township. Ms. Arbor stated staff’s evaluation is: • The requested zoning change to Commercial will not have a negative impact on the community based on its location along a major thoroughfare as well as the presence of several nonresidential uses in this area. • The requested zoning district is not fully compatible with the existing land use classification of Medium Density Residential. However, this site is in close proximity of the Employment Mixed Use development node as identified on the County’s land use map. The property has direct access to US 401, which allows for uses that would make the most of important public infrastructure. When the County updates the Land Use Plan in the near future, a recommendation will be made to amend the Land Use map by extending the development node to include this parcel, and all of US 401. • The requested zoning would enhance or maintain public health, safety and general welfare due to a nonresidential growth patterns along US 401 and required site improvements once developed for commercial use. • Due the size of this parcel and existing Zoning, this application does not need to be considered for Small Scale Rezoning. On May 1, 2023 the Harnett County Planning Board voted unanimously (4-1) to recommend approval of this rezoning due to the existing businesses in the area, access to US 401, and the potential site improvements that would be required. One person spoke in opposition. Concerns included: HCBOC 060523 Pg. 6 Harnett County Board of Commissioners May 17, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 9 -An increase in traffic along US 401 could cause safety concerns due to a curve in the road in front of the property as well as increased travel times -Use of a septic system instead of sewer for a commercial uses such as the proposed recreational vehicle wash area could cause potential environmental issues. Chairman Nicol opened the public hearing and the following people spoke: 1. Jim Moore (applicant) of 461 Cedar Rock Trail, Fuquay Varina, NC. 2. Alan Longman of 234 Hamilton Road, Bunnlevel, NC. Commissioner Weatherspoon stated Mr. Moore mentioned flexible office space, which is sorely needed. No one else spoke and the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Weatherspoon made a motion to approve the Proposed Zoning Change: Case # PLAN2303-0001 from RA-30 to Commercial Zoning District. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Morris and carried unanimously. (Attachment 3) Ms. Arbor also petitioned the Board for a public hearing on a Proposed Zoning Change: Case # PLAN2303-0002 Landowner / Applicant: Forest Ridge Subdivision, Inc.; 16.1 +/- acres; Pin # 9594-15-8719.000; From RA-20R/Commercial to Commercial Zoning District; NC Hwy 24/87; Anderson Creek Township. Ms. Arbor stated staff’s evaluation is: • The impact on the adjacent property owners and the surrounding community is reasonable as there are several non-residential uses in the area. • The requested zoning district is compatible with the existing land use classification, Compact Mixed Use. The Compact Mixed Use land use classification encourages commercial uses near concentrations of existing residences and areas with access to major thoroughfares and utilities. • The requested zoning would maintain the public health, safety and general welfare. The uses permitted in the requested zoning district are compatible with the surrounding non-residential uses in the area. Additionally, parcels along the Highway 87 corridor are becoming predominately non-residential, and development in the vicinity of the subject property has continued at a steady pace. • Due to the compatibility of the requested zoning with the land use classification and the NC 87 Highway Corridor Overlay District, and the proximity to properties zoned Commercial, the request to rezone the property should not be evaluated for reasonableness. On May 1, 2023, the Harnett County Planning Board voted 4-1 to recommend approval of this rezoning due to the compatibility with the land use plan and existing nonresidential zoned parcels in this area. The Planning Board members had concerns that this section of NC 24-87 requires better traffic enforcement in order to promote highway safety. One area resident spoke with concerns relating to traffic safety and congestion on Melody Lane, as well as the existing and potential storm water runoff issues. HCBOC 060523 Pg. 7 Harnett County Board of Commissioners May 17, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 9 Chairman Nicol opened the public hearing and the following people spoke: 1. Jeremy Garcia of 102 Melody Lane, Cameron, NC. 2. Camilo Del Rosario of 34 Dry Spring Court, Cameron, NC. 3. Rita Rice of 102 Melody Lane, Cameron, NC. 4. Beth Watson of 1082 Melody Lane, Cameron, NC. 5. Elizabeth Longman of 234 Hamilton Road, Bunnlevel, NC. 6. Alan Longman of 234 Hamilton Road, Bunnlevel, NC. 7. Theresa Churilla of 803 Melody Lane, Cameron, NC. 8. Danny Cooper of 915 Melody Lane, Cameron, NC. 9. Linda William of 1007 Melody Lane, Cameron, NC. 10. Kenneth Smith, Sr. of 1084 Elliot Farm Road, Fayetteville, NC. 11. Kenneth Smith, Jr. of 121 Bulittle Drive, Linden, NC. 12. Richard Vincent of 130 Short Road, Pinehurst, NC. No one else spoke and the public hearing was closed. Vice Chairman Morris made a motion to approve the Proposed Zoning Change: Case # PLAN2303-0002 from RA-20R/Commercial to Commercial Zoning District. Commissioner Weatherspoon seconded the motion. Commissioner McKoy voted against the motion. Commissioner Matthews stated I do appreciate the concerns of the homeowners and are dealing with the issues outlined tonight; based on the proximity of commercial currently there and the compatibility with the existing land use classification, I would have to vote in favor of the request. Chairman Nicol stated I would like to echo some of those comments by Commissioner Matthews; the area is growing, I understand your concerns and I will speak with NCDOT regarding the traffic concerns and encourage more police enforcement in that area, I would have to vote in favor of the request. Chairman Nicol called for a vote. Chairman Nicol, Vice Chairman Morris, Commissioners Matthews and Weatherspoon voted in favor of the rezoning request. Commissioner McKoy voted against the motion. Motion carried 4:1. (Attachment 4) Chairman Nicol recessed the meeting at 8:10 pm. Chairman Nicol called the meeting back to order at 8:22 pm. Ms. Arbor also petitioned the Board for a public hearing on a Proposed Zoning Change: Case # PLAN2303-0003 Landowner / Applicant: 54 Melody Partners, LLC; .92 +/- acres; Pin # 9594- 16-6513.000; From RA-20R to Commercial Zoning District; NC Hwy 24/87; Anderson Creek Township. Ms. Arbor stated staff’s evaluation is: • The impact on the adjacent property owners and the surrounding community is reasonable as there are several non-residential uses in the area. • The requested zoning district is compatible with the existing land use classification, Compact Mixed Use. The Compact Mixed Use land use classification is a development node which encourages commercial uses near concentrations of existing residences and areas with access to major thoroughfares and utilities. HCBOC 060523 Pg. 8 Harnett County Board of Commissioners May 17, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 9 • The requested zoning would maintain the public health, safety, and general welfare due to existing commercial uses in the area. Additionally, the property is located in the Highway 87 Corridor Overlay district, and in this vicinity adjacent parcels are predominately non-residential in nature. • The request to rezone the parcel to Commercial is not a small-scale rezoning and does not require an evaluation for reasonableness. There are adjacent properties zoned Commercial, and the uses permitted in the requested zoning district are compatible with the Compact Mixed Use land use classification. On May 1, the Harnett County Planning Board voted, 4-1, to recommend approval of this rezoning due to the compatibility with the Land Use Plan as well as the existing nonresidential uses in this area. The Planning Board members stated concerns about traffic safety along this section of NC 24-87. One citizen spoke in opposition with concerns related to traffic safety (congestion & speeding) concerns, as well as existing & potential future storm water issues. Chairman Nicol opened the public hearing. The following people spoke: 1. Beth Watson of 1082 Melody Lane, Cameron, NC. 2. Richard Vincent of 130 Short Road, Pinehurst, NC. No one else spoke and the public hearing was closed. Vice Chairman Morris made a motion to approve the Proposed Zoning Change: Case # PLAN2303-0003 from RA-20R to Commercial Zoning District. Commissioner Weatherspoon seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. (Attachment 5) Jay Sikes, Assistant Development Services Director/ Manager of Planning Services, petitioned the Board for a public hearing Proposed Zoning Change: Case # PLAN2304-0001 Landowner / Applicant: Claudia Dove & Deborah Smith / Mattamy Homes/George Young; 140.59 +/- acres (out of 187 acre tract); Pin # 0654-24-3186.000; From RA-40 to RA-30 Zoning District; SR # 1416 (Spence Mill Road); Hector’s Creek Township. Mr. Sikes stated staff’s evaluation is: • The impact to the surrounding community is unreasonable as the proposed rezoning could potentially be an inconvenience to adjacent property owners. The RA-30 zoning district could allow for higher density developments in an area with limited road network and available utilities. RA-30, which is not adjacent to this tract could also allow for a variety of uses that are not permitted within RA-40. • The requested rezoning is not compatible with the existing Land Use classification as it is predominately located within the Agricultural & Rural Residential land use classification. The Agricultural and Rural Residential land use classification is designed for agricultural and forestry uses, and low density residential development with a maximum density of up to 1 unit per acre. • The proposal does not enhance the public health, safety, and general welfare as a higher density development could lead to issues within the existing transportation network and additional traffic congestion. Additionally, public sewer service is not available in this area, which often leads to low density development. HCBOC 060523 Pg. 9 Harnett County Board of Commissioners May 17, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 7 of 9 • Due to the size of this parcel and the similarities in the zoning districts, this application does need to be considered a Small Scale Rezoning. On 12/18/17, the Board of Commissioners voted 4-1 to deny a requested zoning change for this property from RA-40 to RA-30. The Board found that the requested rezoning would result in an unreasonable impact on the surrounding community and would not enhance or maintain the public health, safety, and general welfare due to: • Concerns from area residents consisted of potential issues from increased in traffic congestion, particularly at Spence Mill & Hwy 401 intersection, as well as railroad crossing safety. • Potential school impacts or the existing, overburdened school system in the area. Therefore, a precedence has been set that this area should remain RA-40. On May 1, the Harnett County Planning Board voted 4-1 to recommend approval of this rezoning due to similarity with existing zoning district and residential nature of this area. • The Board also discussed traffic issues at the Spence Mill & 401 intersection, this being within the Water Supply Watershed district thus low density development is often required, as well as the addition of an elementary school in this region of the County. • One citizen spoke in opposition with overall concerns with development in this rural area, including traffic and safety concerns. Vice Chairman Morris asked how many additional lots if the proposed zoning change passed. Mr. Sikes stated based on what the developer has shared, approximately 20 lots. Chairman Nicol opened the public hearing and the following people spoke: 1. Richard Chapman of 5220 Christian Light Road, Fuquay-Varina, NC. 2. Josh Smith of 1091 Spence Mill Road, Fuquay-Varina, NC. 3. Alan Longman of 234 Hamilton Road, Bunnlevel, NC. 4. George Young with Mattamy Homes, 11000 Regency Parkway, Cary, NC. No one else spoke and the public hearing was closed. Additional discussion included the number of homes that could be built, schools, road improvements and railroad tracks. Commissioner Weatherspoon made a motion to approve the Proposed Zoning Change: Case # PLAN 2304-0001 from RA-40 to RA-30 Zoning District. Vice Chairman Morris seconded the motion. Vice Chairman Morris asked about a timeline to begin construction. Mr. Young stated about six months. Commissioner Weatherspoon expressed a concern regarding when the train stops at a multi-modal lay down yard, sits there for half an hour and there is an emergency, and the road is blocked. Chairman Nicol called for a vote. Chairman Nicol, Vice Chairman Morris, Commissioners Matthews and Weatherspoon voted in favor of the rezoning request. Commissioner McKoy voted against the motion. Motion carried 4:1. (Attachment 6) HCBOC 060523 Pg. 10 Harnett County Board of Commissioners May 17, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 8 of 9 Lisa McFadden, Budget Director, petitioned the Board for a Public Hearing on Harnett County’s FY 2023-24 Budget. A proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023, for Harnett County, North Carolina, was presented to the Harnett County Board of Commissioners on May 1, 2023. The proposed budget, including expenditures for the Harnett County Economic Development Department as well as appropriations for specific economic development incentives, is available in the office of Clerk to the Board, 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington, North Carolina, for public inspection. The proposed budget is also available for public inspection online at www.harnett.org under “Harnett Happenings”. The total expenditures budgeted for economic development matters is $1,088,781, including $50,000 budgeted in contingency for possible economic development grant matches. Included are specific incentive grant disbursements pursuant to previously adopted Economic Development Incentive Agreements. Grants are performance based and calculated as eighty percent (80%) of property taxes paid by the company attributable to its direct investments. Specific incentive is as follows: • Rooms to Go: $356,739 Chairman Nicol opened the public hearing and the following people spoke: 1. Elizabeth Longman of 234 Hamilton Road, Bunnlevel, NC. 2. Alan Longman of 234 Hamilton Road, Bunnlevel, NC. 3. Charity Barbee with the Small Business Center - Harnett County, NC & Triangle South Enterprise Center. No one else spoke and the public hearing was closed. Christopher Appel, Senior Staff Attorney, reviewed a proposal by Swaroopa Gadusu to purchase real property owned by Harnett County pursuant to a deed recorded January 12, 1995 in Book 1082, Page 79, Harnett County Registry. The property is described as a 13 acre tract located in Little River Township off Lawrence Road, Broadway, NC 27505 with Parcel ID No. 139691012801. The tract is a wooded lot upon which is located a public utility easement and a creek. The Harnett County Tax Department assigned value on this lot pursuant to the 2022 revaluation is $78,880.00. Ms. Gadusu has made an offer on this property of $78,880.00 which is based on the county tax value plus any additional amount which would be needed to cover the County's advertising cost with a local newspaper pursuant to the General Statute requirements. Vice Chairman Morris made a motion to adopt a Resolution to start the upset bid process. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Matthews and carried unanimously. (Attachment 7) Vice Chairman Morris made a motion to approve the budget amendments as requested by the Finance Director. The motion was seconded by Commissioner McKoy and carried unanimously. (Attachment 8) HCBOC 060523 Pg. 11 Harnett County Board of Commissioners May 17, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 9 of 9 Vice Chairman Morris asked that Item A. Ordinance clarification on zoning issues under new business be moved to June 13th. Consensus of the Board was to move it to the June 13th work session. Vice Chairman Morris shared he had had a number of complaints regarding dry tap fees. Steve Ward, Harnett Regional Water Director shared he and County Manager, Brent Trout, had discussed during budget initiatives several months ago, as an offset to rate increases in the proposed budget, eliminating availability fees. Commissioner McKoy made a motion to cancel availability fees effective July 1, 2023. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Weatherspoon and carried unanimously. Commissioner Weatherspoon made a motion to adjourn at 9:43 pm. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Matthews and carried unanimously. ____________________________________ ___________________________________ Matthew B. Nicol, Chairman Melissa D. Capps, Clerk HCBOC 060523 Pg. 12 Attachment 1 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 13 Attachment 2 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 14 Attachment 3 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 15 Attachment 4 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 16 Attachment 5 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 17 Attachment 6 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 18 Attachment 7 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 19 Attachment 8 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 20 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 21 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 22 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 23 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 24 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 25 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 26 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 27 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 28 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 29 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 30 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Minutes May 30, 2023 Page 1 of 5 HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Work Session May 30, 2023 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in work session on Tuesday, May 30, 2023 at 9:00 am, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, Harnett County Resource Center and Library, 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: Matthew B. Nicol, Chairman William Morris, Vice Chairman Barbara McKoy, Commissioner Lewis W. Weatherspoon, Commissioner Member absent: W. Brooks Matthews, Commissioner Staff present: Dwight Snow, County Attorney Brent Trout, County Manager Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer Melissa Capps, County Clerk Chairman Nicol called the Harnett County Board of Commissioners meeting to order at 9:00 am. Commissioner McKoy led the Pledge of Allegiance and invocation. The following agenda was before the Board of Commissioners: 1.Call to order – Chairman Matt Nicol 2.Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation – Commissioner Barbara McKoy 3.GREAT Grant update; Ira Hall, Chief Information Officer 4.Discuss a request to approve a Fireworks Permit for Anderson Creek POA; Larry Smith, Emergency Services Director 5.Discuss a request to approve a Fireworks Permit for the Town of Lillington; Larry Smith, Emergency Services Director 6.Discuss a request to move forward with the Motorola Letter of Intent for the ARPA Municipal Law Enforcement Agencies VIPER Radio Replacement project; Larry Smith, Emergency Services Director 7.Discuss a request to approve the Bi-Tek Tax Office Software System Master Agreement; Christine Wallace, Acting Tax Administrator 8.Discuss a request to approve the Tritech Software Systems Software Maintenance and Support contract; Gary McNeill, Sheriff’s Department 9.Discuss a request to approve contract extensions for Chemical Supply Vendor contracts for Harnett County Regional WTP & WWTP’s; Steve Ward, Harnett Regional Water Director Item 4Aii HCBOC 060523 Pg. 31 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Minutes May 30, 2023 Page 2 of 5 10. Discuss a request to approve a contract for planning consulting services with Stewart, Inc. to update the Comprehensive Land Use Plan; Mark Locklear, Director, Development Services 11. Discuss a request to apply for USDA-NRCS Regional Conservation Partnership Program Funds for a Conservation Easement on 330 Acres in NW Harnett; Lynn Lambert, Natural Resources Director/Conservation Education Coordinator 12. Discuss a request to update the Clinical Patient Fee Policy; John Rouse, Health Director 13. Discuss the appointment of two commissioners to the Harnett County Economic Development Partnership Board; Brent Trout, County Manager 14. Discuss FY 2023-24 Recommended Budget; Brent Trout, County Manager 15. Review applications to serve on Boards and Committees. 16. County Manager’s Report – Brent Trout, County Manager • June 5, 2023 Regular Meeting Agenda Review • Upcoming meetings and invitations 17. Closed Session 18. Adjourn Ira Hall, Chief Information Officer, provided an update on the GREAT grant, an introduction of Brightspeed and their plan to expand broadband in Harnett County. On April 20, 2023 NCDIT Broadband Office awarded Brightspeed the GREAT grant for Harnett County. Mr. Hall also reviewed Exhibit J and Harnett County's matching contribution of ARP funds for the current GREAT grant. He introduced Steve Brewer with Brightspeed who provided information on the company to the Board. Larry Smith, Emergency Services Director, reviewed a request for approval of the fireworks application from Pyro Shows East Coast for a Fireworks shoot at Anderson Creek POA on July 1, 2023 this display is scheduled for 9:30 p.m. Pyro Shows East Coast meets all requirements and has met fire code compliance for the events. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. Mr. Smith also reviewed a request for approval of the fireworks application from Pyro Shows East Coast for a fireworks shoot for the Town of Lillington on July 4, 2023 this display is scheduled for 9:00 p.m. Pyro Shows East Coast meets all requirements and has met fire code compliance for the events. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. Mr. Smith also reviewed a request seeking Board approval to move forward with the Motorola Letter of Intent for the ARPA Municipal Law Enforcement Agencies VIPER Radio Replacement project. This letter of intent provides a set cost from Motorola for our project and we will not face a cost increase by utilizing this process. Costs are expected to increase July 1st. A letter of Intent was utilized for the County VIPER Project. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. HCBOC 060523 Pg. 32 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Minutes May 30, 2023 Page 3 of 5 Christine Wallace, Acting Tax Administrator, reviewed a request for approval of an agreement with BI-TEK, LLC as part of the conversion for the personal property and collections division. The software conversion was approved as part of the FY2023 CIP. The projected cost of this conversion was $273,203 and the final contracted cost is $262,255. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. Major McNeill, Sheriff’s Office, reviewed a request for approval of an agreement with Tritech Software System. The contract includes software maintenance for Sheriff's Office report management system (RMS), Jail record management system (JMS), 911 Communications Automated Dispatch (CAD). The contract is in the amount of $ 250,912. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. Steve Ward, Harnett Regional Water Director, reviewed a request for approval of Chemical Supply Vendors that have requested chemical contract extensions for Harnett County Regional Water Treatment Plants and Wastewater Treatment Plants. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. Mark Locklear, Development Services Director, reviewed a request for approval of a contract for planning consulting services with Stewart, Inc. to update the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The contract amount for the Comprehensive Land Use Plan is $219,000.00 and will be paid from the Capital Reserve Fund. The Board approved the request to accept the Request for Proposal bid from Stewart Inc. on April 17, 2023. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. Lynn Lambert, Natural Resources Director/Conservation Education Coordinator, reviewed a request for permission to apply for the USDA-NRCS Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) as part of the Preserving Upriver Farms to Reduce Flooding in NC proposal. The project is intended to place conservation easements on working agricultural lands in order to reduce negative impacts of soil erosion and runoff in the Cape Fear River Basin. Matching funds would be provided by the NC Agricultural Development and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund in addition to a landowner donation towards the value of the conservation easement. The proposed conservation easement consists of 330 acres adjacent to the Cape Fear River in NW Harnett currently managed as working forestland for timber production and wildlife habitat. RCPP requests will be made in two separate applications with a value of approximately $1,416,360. The partnering landowner has signed a letter of commitment to support the landowner donation valued at $932,560. The balance of the conservation easement funding will come from NC ADFP funding. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. John Rouse, Health Director, reviewed a request for the approval of updates to the Clinical Fee Policy. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. Brent Trout, County Manager, reviewed a request for the appointment of two commissioners to the Harnett County Economic Development Partnership Board. These are one year HCBOC 060523 Pg. 33 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Minutes May 30, 2023 Page 4 of 5 appointments. Vice Chairman Morris nominated Commissioner Weatherspoon and Commissioner Matthews. There were no other nominations. Chairman Nicol shared he had received interest from both Commissioner Weatherspoon and Commissioner Matthews to be reappointed to the Board. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next agenda as a individual action item. Mr. Trout reviewed changes from the FY2023-2024 Manager's Recommended Budget which included the following: Board directed changes: General Fund: Revenues • Increase Social Services expansion budget to account for reimbursement funds [+209,791] • Increase Appropriated Fund Balance to balance the budget [+$1,138,323] Expense • Increase Social Services/Energy Program expansion budget [+$21,516] • Increase Social Services/Food and Nutrition Services expansion budget [+$89,654] • Increase Social Services/Foster Care expansion budget [+$75,984] • Increase Social Services/Family & Children's Medicaid expansion budget [+$54,082] • Increase Social Services/Administration Legal expansion budget [+$73,038] • Increase Development Services - Building Inspections expansion budget [+$148,544] • Increase Board of Elections expansion budget [+$56,881] • Increase Sheriff’s Office/School Resources Officers expansion budget [+$136,623) • Increase Sheriff’s Office expansion budget [+$683,469] Staff initiated changes to correct errors and omissions: General Fund: Revenue • Increase General Services - Restitution Program to account for a grant increase [+$3,500] • Increase Health Department to account for omitted Federal funds [+$25,032] Expense • Increase Parks & Recreation continuation budget to correct omitted outsourcing of services [+$6,300] • Increase Facilities continuation budget to correct omitted benefit cost [+$815) • Increase Board of Elections budget to correct software maintenance costs [$111] • Increase Angier Branch Library to cover cost of omitted utilities [+900] • Increase Health Department to cover cost of omitted salary and benefit costs [$4,559] • Increase Health Department - Senior Services to cover cost of omitted salary and benefit costs [$4,255] • Increase Emergency Medical Services continuation budget to account for increased rental costs [+$2,000) • Increase Library continuation budget to account for increased salary and benefits due to a recent reclassification [+$8,125] • Decrease Detention Center continuation budget to account for decreased salary and benefits due to a recent reclassification of four positions [-$10,210] HCBOC 060523 Pg. 34 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Minutes May 30, 2023 Page 5 of 5 Capital Reserve Revenue • Increase Emergency Services Capital Reserve Fund Balance Appropriated [+$201,226] Expense • Increase Emergency Services Capital Reserve Capital Outlay-Vehicles appropriation to account for an ambulance that was not available in FY 2023 [+$201,226] Special Revenue Revenue • Increase projected revenue for Emergency Telephone 911 Charges [+$247,582] • Decrease projected Fund Balance Appropriated for Emergency Telephone [-$247,582] Consensus of the Board was to place the FY2023-2024 Budget as an individual action item at the next meeting. Applications for Boards and Commissions were received. Consensus of the Board was to appoint Chris Hawk to the Cemetery Board of Trustees and accept the resignation of Roger Brown from the Home and Community Block Grant Committee and place this item on the next consent agenda. Mr. Trout shared the advertisement has been put out for the Economic Development Director. In a couple of weeks, we will get out the advertisement for the Jetport Manager. Commissioner Weatherspoon made a motion to convene into closed session for the following purposes: 1. To discuss certain personnel matters; and 2. To consult with the County’s legal staff in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege concerning the handling of certain litigation including the following case: “Frank McDonald, Jr. vs. Lt. Michael Pittman” File No. 5:22-CT-3424-D. This motion is made pursuant to NC General Statute Section 143-318.11 (a)(6) & 143-318.11 (a)(3). The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Morris and carried unanimously. Following a motion to come out of closed session, Chairman Nicol called the meeting back into open session. Vice Chairman Morris made a motion to adjourn at 10:40 am. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Weatherspoon. The motion carried unanimously. ____________________________________ ___________________________________ Matthew B. Nicol, Chairman Melissa D. Capps, Clerk HCBOC 060523 Pg. 35 S:\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2023\060523\4B.1 Anderson Creek Fireworks Permit 23.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: June 5, 2023 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Anderson Creek POA Fireworks Permit Approval REQUESTED BY: Larry Smith, Emergency Services REQUEST: Emergency Services is requesting the approval of the fireworks application from East Coast Pyrotechnics for a Fireworks shoot at Anderson Creek POA on July 1, 2023 this display is scheduled for 9:30p.m. Pyro Shows East Coast meets all requirements and has met fire code compliance for the events, we recommend approval. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 4B HCBOC 060523 Pg. 36 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 37 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 38 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 39 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 40 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 41 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 42 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 43 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 44 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 45 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 46 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 47 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 48 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 49 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 50 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 51 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 52 S:\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2023\060523\4C.1 Lillington July 4 Fireworks.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: June 5, 2023 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Town of Lillington Fireworks Permit Approval REQUESTED BY: Larry Smith, Emergency Services REQUEST: Emergency Services is requesting the approval of the fireworks application from Pyro Shows East Coast for a fireworks shoot for the Town of Lillington on July 4, 2023 this display is scheduled for 9:00p.m. Pyro Shows East Coast meets all requirements and has met fire code compliance for the events, we recommend approval. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 4C HCBOC 060523 Pg. 53 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 54 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 55 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 56 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 57 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 58 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 59 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 60 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 61 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 62 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 63 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 64 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 65 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 66 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 67 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 68 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 69 S:\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2023\060523\4D.1 VIPER Municipal LE.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: June 5, 2023 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: ARPA VIPER Radio Municipal Law Enforcement Motorola Letter of Intent REQUESTED BY: Larry Smith, Emergency Services REQUEST: Harnett County Emergency Services is seeking Board approval to move forward with the Motorola Letter of Intent for the ARPA Municpal Law Enforcement Agencies VIPER Radio Replacement project. This letter of intent provides a set cost from Motorola for our project and we will not face a cost increase by utilizing this process. Costs are expected to increase July 1st. A letter of Intent was utilized for the County VIPER Project. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 4D HCBOC 060523 Pg. 70 QUOTE-2169521 HARNETT COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES 05/18/2023 The design, technical, pricing, and other information (“Information”) furnished with this submission is confidential proprietary information of Motorola Solutions, Inc. or the Motorola Solutions entity providing this quote(“Motorola”) and is submitted with the restriction that it is to be used for evaluation purposes only. To the fullest extent allowed by applicable law, the Information is not to be disclosed publicly or in any manner toanyone other than those required to evaluate the Information without the express written permission of Motorola.MOTOROLA, MOTO, MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS, and the Stylized M Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLC and are used under license. All other trademarks are theproperty of their respective owners. © 2020 Motorola Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. HCBOC 060523 Pg. 71 Billing Address: HARNETT COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES 1005 EDWARDS BROS DR LILLINGTON, NC 27546 US Shipping Address: HARNETT COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES 1005 EDWARDS BROS DR LILLINGTON, NC 27546 US Quote Date:05/18/2023 Expiration Date:07/01/2023 Quote Created By: John Briggs MR johnbriggs@callmc.com 910 237 2635 End Customer: HARNETT COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES Larry Smith ltsmith@harnett.org 910 984 6297 Contract: 19144 - 725G NORTH CAROLINA, STATE OF (NON-ARIBA BASED POS) Payment Terms:30 NET Line # Item Number Description Qty List Price Contract Price Ext. Sale Price APX™ 6500 / Enh Series ENHANCEDAPX6500 1 M25URS9PW1BN APX6500 ENHANCED 7/800 MHZ MOBILE 121 $9,027.12 $6,548.46 $792,363.66 1a GA00318AF ENH: 5 YEAR ESSENTIAL SVC 121 1b G831AD ADD: SPKR 15W WATER RESISTANT 121 1c GA00580AA ADD: TDMA OPERATION 121 1d G51AU ENH: SMARTZONE OPERATION APX6500 121 1e G67DT ADD: REMOTE MOUNT E5 APXM 121 1f GA01606AA ADD: NO GPS/WI-FI ANTENNA NEEDED 121 1g GA09001AA ADD: WI-FI CAPABILITY 121 1h G843AH ADD: AES ENCRYPTION AND ADP 121 QUOTE-2169521 Any sales transaction following Motorola's quote is based on and subject to the terms and conditions of the valid and executed written contract between Customer and Motorola (the ""UnderlyingAgreement"") that authorizes Customer to purchase equipment and/or services or license software (collectively ""Products""). If no Underlying Agreement exists between Motorola and Customer, thenMotorola's Standard Terms of Use and Motorola's Standard Terms and Conditions of Sales and Supply shall govern the purchase of the Products. Motorola Solutions, Inc.: 500 West Monroe, United States - 60661 ~ #: 36-1115800 Page 2 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 72 Line # Item Number Description Qty List Price Contract Price Ext. Sale Price 1i G444AH ADD: APX CONTROL HEAD SOFTWARE 121 1j G806BL ENH: ASTRO DIGITAL CAI OP APX 121 1k GA01670AA ADD: APX E5 CONTROL HEAD 121 1l W22BA ADD: STD PALM MICROPHONE APX 121 1m GA01630AA ADD: SMARTCONNECT 121 1n W969BG ADD: MULTIKEY OPERATION 121 1o G174AD ADD: ANT 3DB LOW-PROFILE 762-870 121 1p G361AH ENH: P25 TRUNKING SOFTWARE APX 121 APX™ 6000 Series APX6000 2 H98UCF9PW6BN APX6000 700/800 MODEL 2.5 PORTABLE 121 $7,857.00 $5,667.21 $685,732.41 2a H869BZ ENH: MULTIKEY 121 2b QA01833AH ADD: EXTREME 1-SIDED NOISE REDUCTION 121 2c Q361AR ADD: P25 9600 BAUD TRUNKING 121 2d QA00580AC ADD: TDMA OPERATION 121 2e Q887AU ADD: 5Y ESSENTIAL SERVICE 121 2f QA09001AB ADD: WIFI CAPABILITY 121 2g H38BT ADD: SMARTZONE OPERATION 121 2h QA07682AA ADD: SMARTCONNECT 121 2i Q806BM ADD: ASTRO DIGITAL CAI OPERATION 121 2j Q629AK ENH: AES ENCRYPTION AND ADP 121 QUOTE-2169521 Any sales transaction following Motorola's quote is based on and subject to the terms and conditions of the valid and executed written contract between Customer and Motorola (the ""UnderlyingAgreement"") that authorizes Customer to purchase equipment and/or services or license software (collectively ""Products""). If no Underlying Agreement exists between Motorola and Customer, thenMotorola's Standard Terms of Use and Motorola's Standard Terms and Conditions of Sales and Supply shall govern the purchase of the Products. Motorola Solutions, Inc.: 500 West Monroe, United States - 60661 ~ #: 36-1115800 Page 3 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 73 Line # Item Number Description Qty List Price Contract Price Ext. Sale Price 3 PMNN4485A BATT IMPRES 2 LIION R IP68 2550T 121 $168.63 $119.73 $14,487.33 4 NNTN8860A CHARGER, SINGLE-UNIT, IMPRES 2, 3A, 115VAC, US/NA 121 $186.50 $132.42 $16,022.82 5 HLN6875A BELT CLIP 3 INCH 121 $14.04 $9.97 $1,206.37 6 PMMN4099CL AUDIO ACCESSORY- REMOTE SPEAKER MICROPHONE,IP68 REMOTE SPEAKER MICROPHONE,3.5MM,UL 121 $142.56 $101.22 $12,247.62 Product Services 7 LSV00Q00202A DEVICE PROGRAMMING 246 $50.00 $48.00 $11,808.00 8 LSV00Q00203A DEVICE INSTALLATION 121 $275.00 $264.00 $31,944.00 9 LSV01Q00387A ASTRO TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 5 $336.88 $323.40 $1,617.00 FLASHport Series APX6000FLASHPORT 10 T7664A DIGITAL SMARTZONE 1 $1,366.00 $969.86 $3,879.44 10a QA07682AB ADD: SMARTCONNECT 4 10b QA09001AC ENH: WI-FI CAPABILITY FLP 4 10c H869CC ENH: MULTIKEY 4 10d QA00580AE ENH: TDMA OPERATION 4 Subtotal $1,571,308.65 Estimated Tax $109,991.61 Grand Total $1,681,300.26(USD) Notes: QUOTE-2169521 Any sales transaction following Motorola's quote is based on and subject to the terms and conditions of the valid and executed written contract between Customer and Motorola (the ""UnderlyingAgreement"") that authorizes Customer to purchase equipment and/or services or license software (collectively ""Products""). If no Underlying Agreement exists between Motorola and Customer, thenMotorola's Standard Terms of Use and Motorola's Standard Terms and Conditions of Sales and Supply shall govern the purchase of the Products. Motorola Solutions, Inc.: 500 West Monroe, United States - 60661 ~ #: 36-1115800 Page 4 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 74 Purchase Order Checklist Purchase Order Checklist Marked as PO/ Contract/ Notice to Proceed on Company Letterhead (PO will not be processed without this) PO Number/ Contract Number PO Date Vendor = Motorola Solutions, Inc. Payment (Billing) Terms/ State Contract Number Bill-To Name on PO must be equal to the Legal Bill-To Name Bill-To Address Ship-To Address (If we are shipping to a MR location, it must be documented on PO) Ultimate Address (If the Ship-To address is the MR location then the Ultimate Destination address must be documented on PO ) PO Amount must be equal to or greater than Order Total Non-Editable Format (Word/ Excel templates cannot be accepted) Bill To Contact Name & Phone # and EMAIL for customer accounts payable dept Ship To Contact Name & Phone # Tax Exemption Status Signatures (As required) HCBOC 060523 Pg. 75 June 5, 2023 To: Motorola Solutions, Inc. (“Motorola”) 500 W. Monroe St. Chicago, IL 60661 Re: Motorola Solutions APX Subscriber Purchase Proposal / Quote Ref (required): Quote- 2169521 Harnett County does not require a formal purchase order for this order. This Notice to Proceed (NTP) serves as authorization for Motorola Solutions to place an order and invoice for the communication equipment and services as referenced on Quote 2169521 dated 06/09/2023 for the purchase price of $1,681,300.26 (includes tax), subject to the terms and conditions of NC State Contract 725G. Harnett County agrees to pay Motorola Solutions “Net 30 days from receiving an invoice” for the equipment and services. Title and Risk of Loss to Equipment shall pass to Customer upon shipment from Motorola. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties in writing, shipment will be made in a manner determined by Motorola. This NTP will take precedence with respect to conflicting or ambiguous terms. Customer affirms that execution of this Agreement is the only Notice to Proceed that Motorola will receive for the term of this Agreement. Customer will not issue a purchase order or other funding documentation in order to pay Motorola per this Agreement. Customer affirms funding has been encumbered for this order in accordance with applicable law and will pay all proper invoices as received from Motorola solely against this Agreement. Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, invoices will be billed based on equipment shipped, services rendered, and standard payment terms and milestones. Once billed, invoices shall be sent and emailed to the Customer at the following address: P.O. Box 370, Lillington, N.C. 27546 ltsmith@harnett.org Invoices should reference Harnett County Municipal Police Departments The Equipment will be shipped to the Customer at the following address: Harnett County Emergency Services 420 McKinney Parkway Lillington, N.C. 27546 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 76 The ultimate destination address (if different from the ship to above) where the Equipment will be delivered to Customer is: Harnett County Emergency Services 1005 Edwards Brothers Drive Lillington, N.C. 27546 Customer may change shipment information by giving written or electronic notice to Motorola.  If you have any questions regarding this order, please feel free to contact Larry Smith at 910 984 6297 Sincerely yours, By: _________________________ Brent Trout County Manager HCBOC 060523 Pg. 77 S:\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2023\060523\4E.1 Agenda Item for Bitek Contract Approval 2023.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: June 5, 2023 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Approval of Bitek software contract REQUESTED BY: Christine Wallace, Acting Tax Administrator REQUEST: The Acting Tax Administrator requests approval of the final contract for Bitek software as part of the conversion for the personal property and collections division. The software conversion was approved as part of the FY2023 CIP. The projected cost of this conversion was $273,203 and the final contracted cost is $262,255. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 4E HCBOC 060523 Pg. 78 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 79 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 80 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 81 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 82 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 83 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 84 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 85 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 86 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 87 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 88 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 89 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 90 C:\Users\drbyrd\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\OD2OT7XE\Tritech Software Contract agenda.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: June 5, 2023 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Tritech Software REQUESTED BY: Sheriff Office REQUEST: The Sheriff's Office is request approval of an Tritech contract. The contract includes software maintenance for Sheriff's Office report management system (RMS), Jail record management system (JMS), 911 Communications Automated Dispatch (CAD). The contract is in the amount of $ 250,912.00 FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 4F HCBOC 060523 Pg. 91 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 92 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 93 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 94 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 95 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 96 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 97 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 98 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 99 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 100 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 101 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 102 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 103 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 104 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 105 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 106 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 107 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 108 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 109 Item 4G HCBOC 060523 Pg. 110 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 111 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 112 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 113 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 114 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 115 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 116 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 117 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 118 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 119 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 120 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 121 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 122 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 123 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 124 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 125 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 126 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 127 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 128 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 129 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 130 S:\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2023\060523\4H.1 Stewart Contract agendaform2023.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: June 5, 2023 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update -- Contract Approval REQUESTED BY: Mark Locklear, Director, Development Services REQUEST: The Development Services Department is requesting the approval of a contract for planning consulting services with Stewart, Inc. to update the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The contract amount for the Comprehensive Land Use Plan will be $219,000.00 and will be paid from the Capital Reserve Fund. The Board approved the request to accept the Request for Proposal bid from Stewart Inc. on April 17, 2023. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 4H HCBOC 060523 Pg. 131 1 | Page May 10, 2023 Mark Locklear Director of Development Services Harnett County 420 McKinney Parkway (Phys) Lillington, NC 27546 RE: Harnett County Comprehensive Land Use Plan Services Dear Mark: STEWART is pleased to provide Harnett County with a scope of services and fee to complete a new Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Stewart will facilitate the planning process with a community-focused, data-driven approach. Our process will allow the County to establish a vision for the future, develop goals and objectives, and recommend forward-thinking policies and planning tools that ensure effective implementation of a new Comprehensive Land Use Plan. In addition, our team will ensure all required Plan elements are integrated while incorporating flexibility to allow focus on elements of unique importance to Harnett County. SCOPE OF SERVICES This scope of services is based on our current understanding of the County’s desire to re-examine its Comprehensive Land Use Plan to address emerging issues, update development policies and develop smart ways to accommodate growth while preserving the overall quality of life for residents. Stewart will lead the County through the following 3-part process: PHASE 1: PROJECT INITIATION & ANALYSIS Internal Kick-off and Community Tour Prior to beginning the planning process, our team will meet virtually with County staff to refine the scope, create a Public Engagement Plan, develop a schedule, discuss communication methods, and other items related to project execution. The team will conduct tour with County staff to document, inventory, and view key areas and features such as County owned land and buildings, protected and unprotected natural resource areas, housing, recently approved developments (or areas proposed/being considered for development), and infrastructure. Existing Plan & Document Review/Data Collection The team will work with County staff to identify and assemble relevant background documents for review. Spatial data and adopted plans will be collected from the County, State, and federal agencies as appropriate. Highlights from the plan assessment will be incorporated into steering committee presentations, content for public meetings, and the final document. Approach and Progress Reports Our team will work with County staff to refine and present the project approach to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Committee and Board of Commissioners. The project manager will provide project reports on a regular basis (monthly). The team will also schedule bi-monthly coordination calls with the County Planning Team to discuss plan progress and milestones. Public Engagement Plan Early in the planning process, a Public Engagement Plan (PEP) will be developed to provide a schedule of key public outreach efforts including meetings, social media pushes, workshops and presentations. This document will include contact HCBOC 060523 Pg. 132 2 | Page information and outline the responsibilities of the consultant and County staff. It will also identify target populations and engagement goals for the project. Community Profile & Existing Conditions Mapping Stewart will prepare a Community Profile (CP), incorporating updated statistics and findings from recent County efforts. The CP will include the County history, baseline demographic and economic data (population, employment, income, socioeconomic data, retail trends, etc). We will use data from Harnett County, US Census Bureau, State of North Carolina, ESRI and other available sources. Information collected regarding the economy, business patterns, employment and demographics will provide insight into potential issues and opportunities. The data will be studied to benchmark progress and provide context to policy recommendations developed later in the process. During this phase, a series of maps will be created to highlight existing conditions. Maps will convey property ownership, environmental constraints, natural resources, parks and open space, infrastructure, and cultural and historical resources. Other Comprehensive Land Use Plan elements will also be explored such as transportation, environmental hazards, and projected future conditions. Existing land use and land supply maps and data will be developed to understand capacity for growth in the County. A Suitability Analysis will be conducted to create maps showing areas most suitable for different types of growth and development or conservation. Exact land use types and inputs will be determined based on consultation with County staff. A Smart Growth Audit will be conducted for the county as a whole or for up to three subareas. This audit will inform land use recommendations later in the process. Stakeholder Meetings The Project Team will coordinate with County staff to meet with stakeholder groups over the course of a day to discuss key issues and priorities to be addressed in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Meetings and Deliverables Phase 1 Meetings • Staff (bi-weekly, up to one hour each, virtual, in-person as needed) • Steering Committee (meetings #1 and #2, in-person) • Stakeholder Groups (Up to 5 meetings, 1.25 hours each, in-person) • Planning Board Meeting & Board of Commissioners Meeting to present project approach and gather initial feedback on priorities. Phase 1 Deliverables • Project Schedule • Public Engagement Plan • Data Request • Stakeholder Interview Schedule and Invitation Template • Meeting Materials for Steering Committee Meetings #1 and #2 • Community Profile (PowerPoint / pdf format) • Smart Growth Audit • Website materials PHASE 2: VISIONING & PLAN DEVELOPMENT Community Survey The team will work closely with County staff to develop a Community Survey to gather feedback from the public regarding community vision, goals, and key issues to be addressed by plan policies, future regulatory efforts, and investment decisions. The survey may include a visual preference survey that provides images of a variety of different development types or elements. The Community Survey will be made available on-line and in print form in English and Spanish. The survey will be conducted to ensure results accurately represent a sampling of the population, including vulnerable populations, so that the analysis of results can be segmented by race, gender, age, and other demographic groups. HCBOC 060523 Pg. 133 3 | Page Online Engagement and Communications Platform The Project Team will use an interactive, online platform called PublicInput to provide more community members with information and engagement opportunities in the comprehensive planning process. The suite of tools available in the platform includes general information posts, targeted social media posts, project timelines, map-based survey tools, question-based survey tools, discussion forums, online polls, project phone lines, offline survey-by-text message, story-telling opportunities, and videos. Additionally, PublicInput can be used to complement in-person events and also enables online virtual public meetings in a manner that is secure yet accessible to the public. The platform can include the ability to acquire or gather subscribers and perform email and text message communication increasing community engagement throughout the process. The Project Team will choose the type and number of features included on the platform for this Project with input from the Client. The Project Team will purchase a URL for the project engagement platform for a one-year period. Ownership of the URL will be transferred to the Client at the completion of the project. The Client may decide to maintain the project website independent of the Consultant following the initial project license term, and if so, may engage PublicInput for this service. Visioning Workshops and Pop-up Meeting Key team members will conduct two public visioning workshops. The workshops will focus on issues, opportunities, visioning, recommendations, concepts, and action items. In addition to the public workshops, staff will attend one pop-up meeting to coincide with a public event or community forum. Land Use & Community Design The Stewart team will conduct a detailed analysis of issues and opportunities in various portions of the County. Residential growth areas, redevelopment and commercial opportunities, transportation corridors, economic development opportunities (such as the area adjacent to the Harnett Regional Jetport), and conservation priorities will be studied. We will conduct an analysis of existing land use and quantify the land supply to understand the capacity for growth in key areas of the county. It is anticipated that data related to recently approved development will be compiled and used to inform the land supply map. A build-out capacity estimate will be created based on zoning or future land use. Capacity for residential growth will be quantified for the county as a whole and for key subareas. A county-side suitability analysis will determine areas most suitable for different types of development based on a variety of inputs. It is anticipated that suitability maps will be created for residential, commercial, industrial, and conservation/open spaces. Exact land use types and inputs will be determined by consultation with county staff. Typical inputs include proximity to existing and proposed roadways and utility infrastructure; proximity to schools and/or school capacity (to be provided by county based on districts), parks, and commercial areas; adjacent land uses; and understanding of existing land use patterns and environmental constraints. This task will also include a Smart Growth Audit to identify areas where growth could be accommodated based on smart growth principles. This audit will include an analysis of infrastructure availability, policies and the regulatory framework and is expected to lead to potential recommendations. The suitability analysis, Smart Growth Audit, and input from public meetings will be utilized by the Steering Committee, county staff, and the consultant team to inform future land use preferences, including use-mix, scale, and design character. Deliverables for this task will be utilized to formulate the future land use map and associated character area recommendations. Future Land Use HCBOC 060523 Pg. 134 4 | Page The project team will provide guidance on the future land use recommendations for different areas of the county. A growth framework map will be developed and revised to update the adopted Future Land Use Map. This will be a graphic representation of the County’s vision as to where growth should occur as well as how agricultural and natural resources can be protected from development. The map will be supplemented with descriptions of land use character areas that will be brought to life using precedent imagery and/or conceptual diagrams that specify intended use mix, scale, density, and other physical design characteristics. A new character area will be developed to describe urban development nodes (or 15 minute villages) that are already or anticipated to grow beyond typical crossroads / rural commercial development nodes. Up to two small-area concept plans will be created to show the intended development pattern in key areas of the county. These concepts may illustrate growth strategies, land use character areas, building placement, open space reservation and/or key transportation improvements. Development of the Future Land Use Map and associated character areas will be guided and informed by local goals, technical analysis, staff, and Steering Committee perspective. Ultimately, these character areas might be used to update existing development ordinances, overlay districts, or achieve other economic or conservation goals. Regional and national best practices will be reviewed, and recommendations will provide guidance for future updates to the county’s land use and development regulations. Economic Development The plan will address the characteristics of the workforce, local and regional employment factors, recent trends, and an assessment of major employers. The economic development strategy will identify new and existing activities and policies to move the County towards achieving its economic development goals for the expansion of the local economic base and employment opportunities. Our team will build on previous work conducted in Harnett County related to anticipating growth impacts and opportunities stemming from recent announcements welcoming large employers. Jetport The Stewart team will coordinate with county and airport staff to analyze the Jetport area and its operations. Planned and potential improvements will be documented based on the outcome of the ongoing Airport Master Plan. Existing customers, lease-holders and users will be noted, a comparison of peer airports will be made and economic development opportunities will be explored. The Team will develop recommendations for adjacent development and land use regulations in the vicinity of the Harnett County Jetport with a focus on protecting land adjacent to the jetport from uses that may present conflicts with air traffic or airport expansion. Recommendations will include overlay language that specifies design standards and permitted uses, those permitted with additional standards or those that require a special use permit. In addition, the team will explore the viability of enhancing and attracting different types of aircraft based on potential runway lengthening and will assess the market demand. The team will also explore aeronautical and non- aeronautical land development alternatives that relate to the economic drivers of the local, state and national needs. Affordable / Workforce Housing This element will assess the location, type, age, and condition of existing housing stock, including demand for new housing, density, and occupancy characteristics. The analysis will define affordable and workforce housing price-points for Harnett County based on median income or salaries of employees in key jobs (i.e. teacher, firefighter, deputy). We expect to learn about housing issues, quantify demands and address them through recommendations including how to harness emerging market trends, provide more housing options, and address quality and affordability through land use policies. Housing recommendations will also address potential code updates to define/refine character of residential in different parts of county. It is anticipated that some areas will be denser and allow for more housing types, while HCBOC 060523 Pg. 135 5 | Page others will be more rural in nature and design may incentivize conservation style development (with and without sewer). Transportation Harnett County has witnessed high levels of population growth in the last few decades, with more growth expected in the future. While the County’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan and more recent regional efforts have attempted to address infrastructure improvements needed to accommodate this growth, many efforts are dated or focused on regional mobility only. Harnett County needs to identify local priorities for targeted transportation network improvements to accommodate additional travel demand. Priority intersection improvements, widenings and collector-level roadways will be identified and referenced in the plan. Priorities will be informed by analyzing existing travel demand and taking into account recent trends in development to identify hot spots that may not be showing up in the latest regional travel model runs due to outdated socio-economic forecasts. Analyzing key greenway, bicycle and pedestrian connections will also be part of this task. Context-specific cross-sections may be needed for key streets. The recently adopted greenway plan will also be consulted. Coordination with DOT and regional transportation planning organizations will be necessary during this task. Our team has collaborated on a county-level transportation planning efforts in the past with success. The team will coordinate with Harnett County, regional and NCDOT staff and incorporate major projects and relevant information that is developed during the new Comprehensive Transportation Plan update that may coincide with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Public Infrastructure Our analysis and recommendations will address constraints as it relates to potential growth in Harnett County. A framework for public and privately funded infrastructure improvements needs to be updated regularly to ensure that it is in line with the type of growth that is envisioned as part of the land use element of the plan. This plan element will include a summary of service areas and agreements, current facilities, planned facilities, and issues and trends. The team will develop a map of easily served catchments (subsets of sub-watersheds) using a digital elevation model (DEM) and ArcHydro tools in ArcGIS. This map will be utilized during conversations with Harnett Regional Water and to make land use recommendations. This analysis will also be utilized to create an Urban Services Area Map. Parks & Natural Resources Open space, recreation facilities and natural resources are important not only to residents and visitors but also the economic competitiveness of the county. This element of the Plan will focus on how the County can meet its current and future recreation and open space needs. In addition, we will provide guidance on how the County can protect sensitive areas and promote recreational opportunities that could facilitate economic development. We will coordinate with County staff to obtain GIS mapping of existing facilities, information on park level-of-service and maintenance needs, priority park improvements, greenway corridors, regional park locations, interconnection opportunities, and strategic open space priorities. The team will ensure consistency between adopted plans and implementation steps. The plan will include recommendations on how to improve resiliency and address the need for land use policies to include open space preservation. Optionally, the Project Team will produce a standalone deliverable that summarizes natural resources, discuss environmental trends or concerns in the study area, and/or showcases key recommendations in the plan related to parks, open space and natural resources. This could include a “State of the County” report, brochure or ArcGIS Story Map. HCBOC 060523 Pg. 136 6 | Page Regional and Inter-Jurisdictional Coordination The Stewart team will assist County staff in developing recommendations on how to increase collaboration with nearby jurisdictions and agencies. Recommendations could include policies related to annexation, utility service and transportation improvements. Focus group meetings with regional planning agencies and the five municipalities are included in this task. Plan Development Our team will prepare and submit the draft Comprehensive Land Use Plan (to be delivered in batches of chapters for ease of review) to County staff and the Steering Committee. Upon completion of the review and first round of revisions (if necessary), the draft document will be posted on the County’s website for public comment. County staff and the Stewart team will also conduct a community open house to reveal the full plan. During the plan development process our team will assist the County staff in preparing materials for meetings with key County committees to discuss draft recommendations. A team member will also be available to provide an update presentation to the Planning Board and Board of Commissioners during this phase. All comments received from staff, boards, the Steering Committee, and the public will be cataloged by staff and responses made in consultation with the project team. This careful tracking of comments will allow the identification of common themes in feedback/comments for discussion with staff and elected/appointed officials during the adoption process. The draft document will be revised based on three-four rounds of staff review and comments (draft, draft for public review/planning board, draft for BOC review, final document). Phase 2 Meetings • Staff (bi-weekly, up to one hour each, virtual, in-person as needed) • Steering Committee (meeting #3 and #4 in-person) • Two in-person public workshops • Up to two virtual public meetings or webinars • Pop-up Event or attendance at a community forum • Draft Plan public meeting / open house Phase 2 Deliverables • Community Survey (English and Spanish version) • Public Workshop Advertisements and Materials • Meeting Summaries • Draft Vision and Goals • Materials for Steering Committee Meetings #3 and #4 • Character Area Descriptions and Future Land Use Map • Draft Small Area Conceptual Plan(s) • Draft Comprehensive Land Use Plan • Website Information and Updates PHASE 3: IMPLEMENTATION & ADOPTION Implementation After the plan is in draft format, the Stewart team will conduct a work-session with County staff to discuss strategic goals, capital resources, and implementation steps. Potential amendments to existing development regulations and other design standards recommended during the Plan process may also be discussed. An Implementation chapter or “Action Plan” will be prepared noting time frame for priority implementation steps as they relate to plan topics. Implementation recommendations may be a standalone chapter in the plan, integrated by topic area, or a exist as separate memo, depending on staff preference. Executive Summary An executive summary will be produced to compliment or as a component of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. This will include a summary of the process, goals and highlights of key recommendations/takeaways. HCBOC 060523 Pg. 137 7 | Page Plan Adoption Plan adoption will be a collaborative process between County staff and the Stewart team to work through the adoption process of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Stewart staff will be available to present the plan to elected leadership. Following the public hearing process, a final set of plan documents in printed and an electronic format will be provided to the County. The final plan will be presented to the Planning Board and Board of Commissioners during the review and adoption process. Final Plan Document Following the public hearing process, a final set of plan documents will be provided to the County including plan document, any relevant appendices, maps and novel map data generated as part of the plan update, etc. The plan document will be provided in native format, as agreed by in initiation phase, so that it can be easily maintained by County staff. Phase 3 Meetings • Planning Board Meeting • Board of Commissioners Meeting • Monthly coordination calls with County staff Phase 3 Deliverables • Meeting Notes • Executive Summary (pdf deliverable) • Final Adopted Plan (20 Printed - bound copies) and Electronic Versions(Indesign Package, PDF and Microsoft Word formats), including supporting data and documentation) • Transfer of Data and Deliverables • Website Information and Updates SCHEDULE Stewart shall complete the services outlined in this proposal within twelve (12) months after receiving Client approval of the contract and notice to proceed. The schedule may be modified at the beginning of the process with County staff and again throughout the project as needed (with County approval). COMPENSATION Stewart will complete the services outlined in this proposal for the following fees: This fee is inclusive of printing of public meeting boards, meals, travel, & lodging for the meetings outlined in the scope of services. OPTIONAL TASKS: 1 – Project Initiation & Analysis $50,000.00 2 – Visioning & Plan Development $75,000.00 Virtual Meetings/Webinars (2) $10,000.00 Public Input.com Platform $15,000.00 3 – Implementation & Adoption $25,000.00 Expenses $4,000 Conceptual Small Area Plans (2) $40,000 Total Fee $219,000.00 Additional Conceptual Small Area Plan(s) $15,000-$20,000 CommunityViz and/or ArcGIS Modeling $10,000-$25,000 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 138 8 | Page CONTINUING SERVICE: As part of our continuing service promise, Stewart will be available by phone or email for a period of six (6) months following plan adoption to assist staff with questions about the plan and associated implementation. This continuing service is included is not an additional cost to the County and stems from Stewart’s desire to remain a community partner, even after the contract has been fulfilled. CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES: It is understood that it is the responsibility of the Client to provide the following items in a timely fashion: • Formatting, transfer of documents: o Provide any available electronic information or data. o GIS files assembled and delivered in an industry standard format with associated symbology and at the appropriate geographic scale, where applicable, including zoning and adopted Future Land Use Map files. o Current Land Use Plan in PDF format. o Other plans and documents in their native format (most likely pdf). o Pictures and character images of the community, as needed (jpeg preferred). • Meetings and gatherings: o Assist with facilitation of meetings (sign-in sheet, note-taking, meeting summaries, etc.). o Provide notice of scheduled meetings (with reasonable advance notice) to consultant and meeting attendees. o Secure meeting spaces and coordinate and advertise meetings, including refreshments. o Record and provide meeting minutes or summaries, as appropriate, to maintain the public record. o Advertise meetings to the public. o Identify, coordinate information flow, and contact with boards, staff, stakeholders, and other focus groups, as needed. o Facilitate communication between the Stewart team and other County staff, as needed. o Coordination with outside agencies. • Decision-making: o Provide decisions on critical issues as necessary in a timely manner with actionable comments and revisions. o Research or investigation of items raised by the Planning Board or other deliberative body relative to benchmarking regulations, relative position, or other comparative analyses of neighboring or cohort communities. o Compilation and communication of key issues or comments related to plan topics throughout the planning process. o Delivery of actionable review comments and any local direction for revisions to the plan document. ADDITIONAL SERVICES: Any request by the Client to complete items not contained in the scope of services, or items outlined as exclusions, will be deemed as Additional Services to this Agreement. Additional Services will be provided if requested by the Client for a negotiated lump sum fee or at our Standard Hourly Billing Rates. Additional Public Meeting $8,000 Additional In-person Meeting Attendance $1,500 per person Additional Virtual Meeting Attendance $500 per person Additional Virtual Public Meeting / Webinar $5,000 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 139 9 | Page Significant delays in schedule milestones or public engagement events or deviations from the detailed project schedule (from the administrative kickoff meeting) that are not the result of actions or omissions by the project team may incur additional expenses. CONCLUSION: This document may serve as a Client-Consultant Agreement. Included in the agreement are the standard Hourly Rate Schedule and Conditions of the Agreement. The terms presented herein are valid for up to 3 months from time of delivery and will remain valid upon Stewart receipt of a fully executed contract and notice to proceed within that time period. If this proposal is acceptable, please execute and return a copy of the Agreement and the Project Information Form to this office. If this scope of services and fee proposal meets with your approval, we have attached our standard contract terms and conditions so we can execute this contract proposal as presented. Respectfully Submitted, Doug Taylor, PE, CPM Vice President Practice Leader, Transportation & Planning Stewart APPROVED: Harnett County Doug Taylor Print Name Print Name Vice President Title Title Signature Signature May 10, 2023 Date Date HCBOC 060523 Pg. 140 Corporate Office T 919.380.8750 F 919.380.8752 223 S. West Street Suite 1100 Raleigh, NC 27603 WWW.STEWARTINC.COM CHARLOTTE / DURHAM / RALEIGH / WILMINGTON / COLUMBIA ATTACHMENT - 1 STEWART ENGINEERING, INC. General Conditions (As of March 1, 2022) 1.01 Standard of Care A. The standard of care of all professional services performed or furnished by Stewart under this Agreement will be performed with the same degree of care, skill and diligence in the performance of the services as is ordinarily provided by a reputable professional under similar circumstances practicing in the same or similar locality and shall conform to professional standards. 2.01 Additions/Change to Scope of Services A. Change orders, whether reflecting a reduction or increase in contract price, shall be submitted to Stewart in writing and requires Stewart’s written approval prior to services being performed. 3.01 Payment A. Invoices: Invoices for Stewart’s services shall be submitted, at Stewart’s option, either upon completion of the phase of service or on a monthly basis. Invoices are due net 30 days. If Client fails to make any payment due Stewart for Services, extra services, or expenses within thirty (30) days after receipt of Stewart’s invoice, then Stewart may, after giving three days written notice to Client, suspend Services under this Agreement until Stewart has been paid in full all amounts due for Services, extra services, expenses, and other related charges. Client waives any and all claims against Stewart for any such suspension. B. Payment: As compensation for Stewart providing or furnishing Services and extra services, Client shall pay Stewart as set forth herein. If Client disputes an invoice, either as to amount or entitlement, then Client shall promptly advise Stewart in writing of the specific basis for doing so, may withhold only that portion so disputed, and must pay the undisputed portion. 4.01 Termination A. The obligation to continue performance under this Agreement may be terminated for cause: 1. By either party upon 14 days written notice in the event of substantial failure by the other party to perform in accordance with the Agreement’s terms through no fault of the terminating party. Failure to pay Stewart for its Services shall constitute a substantial failure to perform and a basis for termination. 2. By Stewart: a. upon seven days written notice if Client demands that Stewart furnish or perform services contrary to Stewart’s responsibilities as a licensed professional: or b. upon seven days written notice if Stewart’s Services are suspended for more than 30 days for reasons beyond Stewart’s control. B. Stewart shall have no liability to Client on account of a termination for cause by Stewart. HCBOC 060523 Pg. 141 Corporate Office T 919.380.8750 F 919.380.8752 223 S. West Street Suite 1100 Raleigh, NC 27603 WWW.STEWARTINC.COM CHARLOTTE / DURHAM / RALEIGH / WILMINGTON / COLUMBIA C. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Agreement will not terminate as a result of a substantial failure under Paragraph 4.01.A.1 if the party receiving such notice begins, within three days of receipt of such notice, to correct its substantial failure to perform, proceeds diligently to cure such failure, and does cure such failure within no more than 14 days of receipt of notice; provided, however, that if and to the extent such substantial failure cannot be reasonably cured within such 14-day period, and if such party has diligently attempted to cure the same and thereafter continues diligently to cure the same, then the cure period provided for herein shall extend up to, but in no case more than, 30 days after the date of receipt of the notice. D. The Agreement may be terminated for convenience by either party upon 14 days written notice. E. In the event of any termination under Paragraph 4.01.D, Stewart will be entitled to invoice Client and to receive full payment for all Services and extra services performed or furnished in accordance with this Agreement, plus reimbursement of expenses incurred through the effective date of termination in connection with providing the Services and extra services, Stewart’s consultants’ charges, if any, and any other reasonable costs incurred by Stewart as a result of such termination. 5.01 Indemnification and Insurance A. The Client shall indemnify and hold harmless Stewart and all of its personnel from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) (collectively the “Claims”) to the extend the Claims are proximately caused by a) Client’s breach of contract, b) any negligent, reckless, or intentional act or omission of Client or Client’s subcontractors, agents, or employees or c) any violation of applicable statutes or regulations by Client or Client’s subcontractors, agents, or employees. B. Stewart shall indemnify and hold harmless the Client and its personnel from and against any and all claims, damages, losses and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) (collectively the “Claims”) to the extent the Claims are proximately caused by a) Stewart’s breach of contract, b) any negligent, reckless, or intentional act or omission of Stewart or Stewart’s subcontractors, agents, or employees or c) any violations of applicable statutes or regulations by Stewart or Stewart’s subcontractors, agents or employees, subject to the limitation of liability provisions herein. C. Stewart shall secure and endeavor to maintain professional liability insurance and commercial general liability insurance to protect Stewart from claims for negligence, bodily injury, death or property damage which may arise out of the performance of Stewart’s services under this Agreement, and from claims under the Worker’s Compensation Acts. Stewart shall, if requested in writing, issue certificates confirming such insurance to the Client. 6.01 Delay A. Should completion of any portion of the Services by Stewart be delayed, suspended, or impaired, through no fault of Stewart, then the time for completion of Stewart’s Services, and the rates and amounts of Stewart’s compensation, shall be adjusted equitably. 7.01 Instruments of Service A. All documents prepared or furnished by Stewart are instruments of service, and Stewart retains all ownership and property interest (including the copyright and the right of reuse) in such documents, whether HCBOC 060523 Pg. 142 Corporate Office T 919.380.8750 F 919.380.8752 223 S. West Street Suite 1100 Raleigh, NC 27603 WWW.STEWARTINC.COM CHARLOTTE / DURHAM / RALEIGH / WILMINGTON / COLUMBIA or not the Project is completed. Client shall have a limited license to use the documents on the Project, subject to receipt by Stewart of full payment due and owing for all Services and extra services relating to preparation of the documents and subject to the following limitations: 1. Client acknowledges that such documents are not intended or represented to be suitable for use on the Project unless completed by Stewart, or for use or reuse by Client or others on extensions of the Project, on any other project, or for any other use or purpose, without written verification or adaptation by Stewart; 2. Any such use or reuse, or any modification of the documents, without written verification, completion, or adaptation by Stewart, as appropriate for the specific purpose intended, will be at Client’s sole risk; 3. Client shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Stewart and its officers, directors, members, partners, agents, employees, and consultants from all claims, damages, losses, and expenses, , arising out of or resulting from any use, reuse, or modification of the documents without written verification, completion, or adaptation by Stewart; and such limited license to Client shall not create any rights in third parties. 8.01 Waiver of Consequential Damages A. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Client and Stewart waive against each other, and the other’s employees, officers, directors, members, agents, insurers, partners, and consultants, any and all claims for or entitlement to special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages arising out of, resulting from, or in any way related to this Agreement or the Project. 9.01 Limitation of Liability A. STEWART AND CLIENT AGREE THAT STEWART’S (INCLUDING STEWART’S OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, MEMBERS, PARTNERS, AGENTS, AND EMPLOYEES) TOTAL LIABILITY TO THE CLIENT AND TO ANYONE CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, OR UNDER THE CLIENT FOR ANY AND ALL INJURIES, CLAIMS, LOSSES, COSTS, DAMAGES, AND EXPENSES ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT OR THE SERVICES PERFORMED HEREUNDER, WHETHER ARISING IN CONTRACT, TORT, EQUITY, STRICT LIABILITY, BY STATUTE, OR OTHERWISE, SHALL BE LIMITED TO $25,000.00 FOR PROJECTS WITH A TOTAL FEE UNDER $25,000.00 OR $250,000.00 FOR PROJECTS WITH A TOTAL FEE OVER $25,000.00. 10.01 Disputes A. Any disputes relating to or arising out of this Agreement or Stewart’s Services shall be subject to mandatory mediation, which shall be a condition precedent to any form of binding dispute resolution. Client and Stewart shall endeavor to resolve claims, disputes and other matters in question between them by mediation which, unless the parties mutually agree otherwise, shall be in accordance with the North Carolina Rules Implementing Statewide Mediated Settlement Conferences in Superior Court Civil Actions currently in effect and administered by counsel for the parties. A request for mediation shall be made in writing and delivered to the other party to the Agreement. The request may be made concurrently with the filing of a complaint or other appropriate demand for binding dispute resolution but, in such event, mediation shall proceed in advance of binding dispute resolution proceedings, which shall be stayed pending mediation for a period of 60 days from the date of filing, unless stayed for a longer period by agreement of the parties or court order. If an arbitration proceeding is stayed pursuant to this section, the parties may nonetheless proceed to the selection of the arbitrator(s) and agree upon a schedule for HCBOC 060523 Pg. 143 Corporate Office T 919.380.8750 F 919.380.8752 223 S. West Street Suite 1100 Raleigh, NC 27603 WWW.STEWARTINC.COM CHARLOTTE / DURHAM / RALEIGH / WILMINGTON / COLUMBIA later proceedings. The Parties shall select a mutually agreeable mediator for any such dispute and the Parties agree to split the mediator’s costs evenly. The Parties may mutually agree to waive mediation. If such matter relates to or is the subject of a lien arising out of Stewart’s performance of services, Stewart may proceed in accordance with applicable law to comply with the lien notice or filing deadline prior to resolution of the matter by mediation or by binding dispute resolution. B. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State where the Project is located. The Parties agree that any dispute or other legal action relating to this Agreement shall be conducted only in the country where the Project is located unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties or provided by law. 11.01 General Considerations A. Stewart shall not be responsible for any decision made regarding the construction contract requirements including but not limited to contractor means, methods, techniques, sequences, procedures of construction, any application, interpretation, clarification, or modification of the construction contract documents other than those made by Stewart or its consultants, any environmental hazards or pollutants at the Project site, or jobsite safety requirements. B. The Client shall not assign this Agreement without first obtaining the written consent of Stewart, and Stewart has no obligation to accept performance of this Agreement from anyone other than Client. Any purported assignment by Client in contravention of the terms of this Paragraph may be voided at Stewart’s sole election. In the event Stewart provides written consent to an assignment, Client agrees that prior to the assignment Stewart shall be paid in full for all services performed up to the effective date of the assignment. C. A party’s non-enforcement of any provision in the Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of that provision, nor shall it affect the enforceability of that provision or the remainder of this Agreement. D. This Agreement (including any expressly referenced Contract and incorporated attachments) constitutes the entire agreement between Stewart and Client and supersedes all prior written or oral understanding. This Agreement may only be amended, supplemented, modified, or canceled by a duly executed written instrument. Client Initials: HCBOC 060523 Pg. 144 S:\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2023\060523\4I.1 Apply_RCPP_Cotton_AgendaRequest2023.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: June 5, 2023 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Request to Apply for USDA-NRCS Regional Conservation Partnership Program Funds for a Conservation Easement on 330 Acres in NW Harnett. REQUESTED BY: Lynn Lambert, Soil and Water Conservation REQUEST: Soil and Water Conservation is requesting permission to apply for the USDA-NRCS Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) as part of the Preserving Upriver Farms to Reduce Flooding in NC proposal. The project is intended to place conservation easements on working agricultural lands in order to reduce negative impacts of soil erosion and runoff in the Cape Fear River Basin. Matching funds would be provided by the NC Agricultural Development and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund in additon to a landowner donation towards the value of the conservtion easement. The proposed conservation easement consists of 330 acres adjacent to the Cape Fear River in NW Harnett currently managed as working forestland for timber production and wildlife habitat. RCPP requests will be made in two separate applications with a value of approximately $1,416,360. The partnering landowner has signed a letter of commitment to support the landowner donation valued at $932,560. The balance of the conservation easement funding will come from NC ADFP funding. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 4I HCBOC 060523 Pg. 145 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 146 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 147 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 148 Item 4J HCBOC 060523 Pg. 149 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 150 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 151 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 152 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 153 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 154 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 155 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 156 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 157 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 158 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 159 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 160 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 161 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 162 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 163 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 164 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 165 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 166 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 167 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 168 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 169 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 170 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 171 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 172 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 173 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 174 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 175 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 176 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 177 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 178 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 179 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 180 S:\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2023\060523\4K.1 Board Appointment memo.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: June 5, 2023 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Harnett County Boards and Committees REQUESTED BY: Administration REQUEST: As discussed at the May 30, 2023 work session, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners appoint Chris Hawk to the Cemetery Board of Trustees and accepts the resignation of Roger Brown from the Home and Community Block Grant Committee. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 4K HCBOC 060523 Pg. 181 Page 1 JUNE 5, 2023 APPOINTMENTS NEEDED TRIANGLE SOUTH WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD Harnett County needs to replace one (1) non-participatory member on this Board for a Joint Labor- Management, or union affiliated, registered apprenticeship program representative. HARNETT COUNTY COMMISSION FOR WOMEN AND YOUTH There are two (2) vacancies on this Board, District 2 and District 3. HISTORIC PROPERTIES COMMISSION There are two (2) vacancies on this Board, District 1 and District 2. MID-CAROLINA AGING ADVISORY COMMITTEE There is one (1) vacancy for an older consumer on this Board. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW There is one (1) vacancy on this Board, an at-large member. DANGEROUS DOG COMMITTEE There is one (1) vacancy on this Board, 1 alternate that are not district sensitive. CEMETERY BOARD OF TRUSTEES There is one (1) vacancy on this Board. Chris Hawk would like to be considered for appointment. The vacancy is not district sensitive. Application is attached. HOME & COMMUNITY BLOCK GRANT COMMITTEE We have received word that Roger Brown will be resigning from this Committee. He is the Older Consumer on the Committee. HCBOC 060523 Pg. 182 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 183 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 184 HARNETT REGIONAL WATER W A T E R & W A S T E W AT E R S Y S T E M D E V E L O P M E N T F E E S T U D Y – MAY 2 0 2 3 Item 6 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 185 407.872.2467 | fax: 888-326-6864 | 200 South Orange Avenue, Suite 1550, Orlando, Florida 32801 | www.willdan.com May 18, 2023 Steve Ward, Director Harnett Regional Water PO Box 1119 700 McKinney Parkway Lillington, NC 27546 Subject: Water and Wastewater System Development Fee Study - 2023 Dear Mr. Ward, WILLDAN FINANCIAL SERVICES (“Willdan”) is pleased to submit to Harnett Regional Water ("HRW") the Water and Wastewater System Development Fee Study report (the "Report") for your consideration. We have completed the analyses for the review and development of water and wastewater system development fees and have summarized the results herein. GENERAL System Development Fees (“SDF” or “SDFs”) and other comparable charges are often referred to by various terms including impact fees, capacity fees, system expansion fees, availability fees, connection fees, capacity reservation charges, facility fees, capital connection charges or other such terminology. In general, an SDF is a one-time charge implemented to recover (in whole or part) the costs associated with capital investments made by a utility system to make service available to future users of the system. Such capital costs include the construction of facilities as well as engineering, surveys, land, financing, legal and administrative costs. It has become customary practice for water and wastewater utility systems to implement SDFs (or other similar charges) to establish a supplemental source of funding for future capital projects. This practice helps to mitigate the need for existing customers to pay for system expansions entirely through increased user rates. CRITERIA FOR SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEES CAPACITY FEES The purpose of a SDF is to assign, to the extent practical, growth-related capital costs to those customers responsible for such additional costs. To the extent that new population growth imposes identifiable additional capital costs to municipal services, equity and prudent financial practice necessitate the assignment of such costs to those customers or system users responsible for the HCBOC 060523 Pg. 186 HARNETT REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEE STUDY PAGE 2 Willdan Financial Services additional costs rather than the existing user base. Generally, this practice has been labeled as “growth paying for growth” without placing the full cost burden on existing users. It is important to note that an SDF is different than an assessment or tax. A special assessment is predicated upon an estimated increment in value to the property assessed by virtue of the improvement being constructed in the vicinity of the property. Further, the assessment must be directly and reasonably related to the benefit of which the property receives. SDFs are not directly related to the value of the improvement to the property but rather to the usage of the facilities required by the property. Until the property is put to use (i.e., developed), there is no burden placed upon the servicing facilities and the land use may be entirely unrelated to the value of the assessment basis of the underlying land. With respect to a comparison to taxes, SDFs are distinguishable primarily in the direct relationship between the amount charged and the measurable quantity of public facilities required. In the case of taxation, there is no requirement that the payment be in proportion to the quantity of public services consumed, and funds received by a municipality from taxes can be expended for any legitimate public purpose. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS Court Proceedings - General Generally, courts throughout the United States have found that capacity-related fees associated with new customer connections to utility systems are legal as long as they meet a Rational Nexus Test. In accordance with common court rulings, the rational nexus test requires that certain conditions be met in order to have a valid capacity-related fee. Typically, the court decisions have found that such fees are valid if the following standards are met: 1. The required payment should primarily benefit those who must pay it because they receive a special benefit or service as a result of improvements made with the proceeds. 2. Proceeds from the required SDF payments are dedicated solely to the capital improvement projects (i.e., proceeds are not placed in a general fund to be spent on ongoing expenses and maintenance, which characterizes a tax, but are set aside in a restricted reserve fund). 3. The revenue generated by the required payment should not exceed the cost of capital improvements to the system; and 4. The required payments are imposed uniformly and equitably on all new customers based on their anticipated usage (i.e., a relationship between the fees paid and the benefits received). In general, most courts have found that it is reasonable for utility systems to take steps to ensure that there are adequate funds for capital projects, and to set aside collected fees in a special account for that purpose. Additionally, new customers are treated alike in that all must pay a fee based on HCBOC 060523 Pg. 187 HARNETT REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEE STUDY PAGE 3 Willdan Financial Services anticipated usage and/or potential demand. Finally, courts have reasoned that it is rational for a utility system to prepare to pay for future capital projects and, while imposing a capacity -related fee may not be the only way to raise such funds, it is a reasonable and legitimate method of accruing funds. Court Proceedings – North Carolina In 1990, a precedent was set in the State of North Carolina in a decision by the United States Court of Appeals, Fourth District for the case of Shell Island Investment v. Town of Wrightsville Beach North Carolina (900 F.2d 255), regarding the right of the Town of Wrightsville Beach to impose utility system impact fees to fund the expansion of the water and sewer facilities. The Court of Appeals upheld the decision of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina that the Town of Wrightsville Beach had “authority to impose impact and tap fees under the Public Enterprise statute and that no specific enabling legislation is necessary.” Pursuant to the ruling of the District Court and the Court of Appeals, it was concluded that “despite the absence of any express authorization in the Public Enterprise Statute for municipalities to establish or increase utility fees in order to offset future capital improvements to their sewer and water infrastructures, general authority to do so is implicit in relevant state law, limited only by the requirement that any discrimination among users be not based on arbitrary or unreasonable classifications.” Court Proceedings – Town of Carthage Case On April 8, 2016, in the case of Quality Built Homes, Inc. v. Town of Carthage, (766 S.E. 2d 897) the North Carolina Court of Appeals held that the Town of Carthage possessed authority to charge “impact fees” for water and sewer services. However, on August 16, 2016, the North Carolina Supreme Court reversed the North Carolina Court of Appeals’ decision and held that the Town did not possess authority to charge impact fees for water and sewer services. Although there were many different factors influencing this decision, the result generated a significant amount of confusion and concern for governmental utility systems within the State. House Bill 436 In 2017, the General Assembly of North Carolina enacted House Bill 436, which included a general statute under Section 1, Chapter 162A, Article 8 for the development of “System Development Fees” (herein referred to as “Chapter 162A”) that impacts all governmental entities in North Carolina who currently assess fees for the recovery of capital costs associated with new development and system growth. As defined in Chapter 162A, a system development fee is a charge or assessment for service imposed with respect to new development to fund costs of capital improvements necessitated by and attributable to such new development, to recoup costs of existing facilities which serve such new development, or a combination of those costs. Based on requirements of Chapter 162A, the calculation of the SDFs, must employ generally accepted accounting, engineering, and planning methodologies. Defined methodologies include the buy-in method, incremental or marginal cost method, and combined cost method. A brief description of each of these methods as defined in American Water Works Association Manual M1 is provided below. HCBOC 060523 Pg. 188 HARNETT REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEE STUDY PAGE 4 Willdan Financial Services o Buy-in Method. Based on the value of the existing system’s capacity. Under this method, new development “buys” a proportionate share of capacity at the cost (value) of the existing facilities. o Incremental/Marginal Cost Method. Based on the value or cost to expand the existing system’s capacity. This method assigns to new development the incremental cost of future system expansion needed to serve new development. o Combined Cost Method. Based on blended value of both the existing and expanded system capacity. This method uses a combination of the buy-in and incremental/marginal cost methods. Chapter 162A allows a governmental unit to utilize any of the three methods described above depending on the availability of information from the governmental unit, i.e., a detailed listing of asset data (buy-in method) or a five to twenty-year capital improvement plan (incremental method). The combined method includes both existing assets and future capital projects required to serve growth. Based on the direction of staff, the analysis developed herein for calculation of the SDFs utilizes the buy-in method. Chapter 162A states that an SDF shall be calculated based on a written analysis, which may constitute or be included in a capital plan, that: 1. Is prepared by a financial professional or a licensed professional engineer qualified by experience and training or education to employ generally accepted accounting, engineering, and planning methodologies to calculate system development fees for public water and sewer systems. 2. Documents in reasonable detail the facts and data used in the analysis and their sufficiency and reliability. 3. Employs generally accepted accounting, engineering, and planning methodologies, including the buy-in, incremental cost or marginal cost, and combined cost methods for each service, setting forth appropriate analysis as to the consideration and selection of a method appropriate to the circumstances and adapted as necessary to satisfy all requirements of this Article. 4. Documents and demonstrates the reliable application of the methodologies to the facts and data, including all reasoning, analysis, and interim calculations underlying each identifiable component of the system development fee and the aggregate thereof. 5. Identifies all assumptions and limiting conditions affecting the analysis and demonstrates that they do not materially undermine the reliability of conclusions reached. 6. Calculates a final system development fee per service unit of new development and includes an equivalency or conversion table for use in determining the fees applicable for various categories of demand. 7. Covers a planning horizon of not less than 5 years nor more than 20 years. 8. Is adopted by resolution or ordinance of the local governmental unit in accordance with G.S. 162A-209. 9. Uses the gallons per day per service unit that the local governmental unit applies to its water or sewer system engineering or planning purposes for water or sewer, as appropriate, in calculating the system development fee. (2017-138, s. 1; 2018-34, s. 1(a); 2021-76, s. 2.) HCBOC 060523 Pg. 189 HARNETT REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEE STUDY PAGE 5 Willdan Financial Services Further, Chapter 162A includes certain other minimum requirements as follows: 1. A system development fee shall not exceed that calculated based on the system development fee analysis. 2. Credits must be included no matter which methodology is used. A more detailed discussion on the applicable credits will be included in later sections of this Report. 3. A construction or contribution credit shall be given with respect to new development such that the governmental unit will credit the value of costs in excess of a development’s proportionate share of connecting facilities required to be oversized for the use of others outside the development. As such, this Report is intended to address the legal requirements set forth above to develop fees in accordance with Chapter 162A. ADOPTION AND PERIODIC REVIEW OF SDF ANALYSIS Upon completion of the SDF analysis, Chapter 162A sets forth certain criteria regarding the adoption and periodic review of SDFs. These include the following: 1. For not less than 45 days prior to consideration for adoption of the SDF analysis, the governmental unit shall post the analysis on its website a nd solicit and furnish a means to submit written comments which shall be considered by the preparer for possible modifications or revisions to the analysis. 2. Following expiration of the 45 days posting period, the governing body shall conduct a public hearing prior to considering adopting the analysis with any modifications. 3. The governmental unit shall publish the SDFs in its annual budget, rate plan or ordinance. Further, the SDF analysis shall be updated at least every five years. EXISTING SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEES HRW currently imposes SDFs on new customers requiring water and/or wastewater utility service. The current fees are $2,000 and $2,500 per residential dwelling unit, for water and wastewater, respectively. For new, nonresidential/commercial customers, the fee is based on the SDF per residential dwelling unit and calculated on an equivalency basis. It is understood that the current fees and fee structure are in accordance with the Chapter 162A requirements. Since it has been almost 5 years from the time the existing fees were adopted, to remain in compliance with Chapter 162A, it is time for the fees to be updated. HCBOC 060523 Pg. 190 HARNETT REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEE STUDY PAGE 6 Willdan Financial Services EXISTING TAP FEES HRW currently imposes tap fees to new customers connecting to the water and wastewater systems. However, it is important to note that such connection-related fees are different than the SDFs developed and proposed herein. The distinguishing characteristic is that the tap fees are established for the purpose of recovering the costs associated with performing the customer service act of physically making a new system connection (i.e., meter, labor, equipment, vehicles, etc.) SDFs, on the other hand, are established for the purpose of recovering the major capital costs incurred in making water and wastewater utility services available to the public. The proposed fees designed herein are intended to be in addition to the existing tap fees. As such, it is proposed that the existing tap fees continue to be imposed. It should be noted that, for the purpose of the Report, the existing tap fees are assumed to recover the costs associated with these items. A review of these fees in relation to actual costs incurred is beyond the scope of this Report. EXISTING CAPITAL FACILITIES In considering the recovery of existing asset costs under the buy-in method, the general concept is that new customers “buy” a proportionate share of system capacity at the value of the existing facilities. It is important to note that while this methodology is labeled as buy-in, payment of an SDF does not transfer any ownership of the assets to the customer. Rather, such payment provides access to capacity at a status equal to that of existing customers of the system. While there are different methods that can be used to establish a value to the existing facilities, a common approach is to value the existing assets at a replacement cost amount. According to the replacement cost method, the existing system components are valued at the estimated current cost of replacing the facilities. The analysis developed herein uses an approach referred to as Replacement Cost New Less Depreciation (RCNLD). Applying the RCNLD method, the original costs are escalated to current dollars by means of construction cost indices, and then the result is adjusted down for the accumulated depreciation, which is also adjusted by the construction cost indices. This approach results in a replacement cost valuation that reflects the remaining depreciable life of the facilities. In performing the RCNLD analysis, HRW provided a detailed listing of the current water and wastewater system facilities (the “Asset Listing”). The Asset Listing contained the original cost, the date placed in service and the accumulated depreciation for each asset. The replacement cost of each asset is estimated by using construction cost indices information contained in the Handy- Whitman Index of Public Utility Construction Costs for the South Atlantic Region. The Handy- Whitman Index calculates the cost trends for different types of utility construction, including water systems. The published indices are used by regulatory bodies, operating entities, utility systems, service companies, valuation experts and insurance companies. The Handy-Whitman Index values are widely used to trend earlier valuations and original cost records to estimate replacement cost at prices prevailing at a certain date or to the present. While many general construction cost HCBOC 060523 Pg. 191 HARNETT REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEE STUDY PAGE 7 Willdan Financial Services indexes are published, the Handy-Whitman Index is used in this analysis because it is specifically tailored to the utility industry. After the replacement cost is calculated for each individual asset item, the adjusted accumulated depreciation is deducted for each asset item. The result is the RCNLD. The asset data and applicable recoverable cost allocations are provided in Exhibit 1 at the end of this Report. The existing capital facilities and RCNLD calculations are summarized in Table 1. For SDF analyses, the existing assets are categorized based on the major components of Treatment and Transmission. The treatment category includes the treatment plant facilities (water and wastewater) and accompanying supply and storage facilities (water only), as well as wastewater effluent disposal facilities. The transmission/collection category consists of major water mains, water pumping facilities, sewer lift stations and collection lines. Since the localized distribution and collection facilities are generally contributed by developers or funded from other sources (i.e., assessments, direct customer payments, etc.), these facilities are not included for recovery through the SDFs. Additionally, a cost limit or threshold has been set at $100,000 as a condition of inclusion of the asset items in the SDF calculation. The cost limit assumes that any asset item that costs less than the limit amount is not a major facility that provides a system -wide benefit. A final adjustment was made to exclude certain asset items that were identified as projects that only restored existing capacity rather than provided system upgrades or additional system capacity. The existing recoverable water and wastewater capital asset cost allocations included in the analysis are summarized in Table 2. Total Utility Assets: Land 1,125,507$ 1,125,507$ 0$ 1,125,507$ Plant, Distribution, And Collection Systems 466,121,896 1,004,585,708 (374,252,893) 630,332,815 Buildings And Building Improvements 14,801,751 23,862,369 (5,125,758) 18,736,611 Furniture, Fixtures, And Equipment 4,133,678 6,834,014 (6,755,826) 78,188 Vehicles 3,553,086 3,553,085 (3,381,749) 171,336 Total 489,735,918$ 1,039,960,683$ (389,516,226)$ 650,444,457$ TABLE 1 RCNLD OF EXISTING UTILITY ASSETS Description Original Cost Replacement Cost New Accumulated Depreciation RCNLD HCBOC 060523 Pg. 192 HARNETT REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEE STUDY PAGE 8 Willdan Financial Services DEBT SERVICE CREDIT It is common practice for utilities to fund major capital improvements and expansion projects with debt (i.e., bond issues). Typically, debt service payments associated with bond issues are recovered through the monthly user rates and charges applied to all system customers, as well as from other available revenue sources (including SDFs). To mitigate the potential for new customers to pay twice for capital facilities (i.e., paying an SDF for facilities that may have been debt funded, and then paying for debt service in their monthly user rates), the SDF analysis developed herein includes a debt service credit to the existing facilities (buy-in method). The credit on the existing facilities is equal to the outstanding principal remaining on all utility related debt. The debt service credit amount for the existing facilities is allocated between water and wastewater based on information provided by staff related to the capital projects that were funded from proceeds of each individual debt instrument. A summary of the recoverable capital facilities as adjusted for the applicable credit is provided in Table 3. Water Wastewater Total Total Recoverable Assets: Land 452,764$ 452,764$ 905,528$ Plant, Distribution, And Collection Systems 312,114,769 222,426,043 534,540,812 Buildings And Building Improvements 0 18,643,889 18,643,889 Furniture, Fixtures, And Equipment 0 0 0 Vehicles 0 0 0 Total 312,567,533$ 241,522,696$ 554,090,229$ Allocation of Recoverable Assets: Treatment Facilities 223,366,052$ 117,282,287$ 340,648,339$ Transmission Facilities 89,201,481 124,240,409 213,441,890 Total 312,567,533$ 241,522,696$ 554,090,229$ TABLE 2 ALLOCATION OF EXISTING RECOVERABLE FACILITIES Description RCNLD Included for Recovery HCBOC 060523 Pg. 193 HARNETT REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEE STUDY PAGE 9 Willdan Financial Services SYSTEM CAPACITIES As previously addressed, the purpose of the SDF is to have new customers pay for their proportionate share of system capacity. This concept implies that the fee is based on a unit cost of capacity. To apply a fee based on the unit cost of capacity, it is necessary to identify the capacities of the facilities for which cost recovery is assigned. As such, the methodology applied herein relies upon identifying the water and wastewater treatment capacities as well as estimating the capacities of the major transmission facilities. Due to the regulatory and design requirements for water and wastewater treatment plants, the capacity of treatment facilities is generally well documented. However, the volumetric capacity of the major transmission facilities is often more difficult to determine. For this reason, in performing an analysis of this nature, the assumed capacity of the transmission facilities is commonly based on a factor of the associated treatment capacities. In developing the estimated amount of capacity for each respective category, the analysis relies on information provided by utility staff and included in master planning documents, as well as assumptions based on common industry standards. Water Treatment HRW owns and operates the Harnett Regional Water Treatment Plant with a total design capacity of 42.00 MGD (million gallons per day). While the permitted flow capacity is provided in terms of the maximum daily flow amount, the development and application of SDFs are based on average flow requirements. As such, it is necessary to convert the maximum daily flow (MDF) capacity to an estimated average daily flow (ADF) capacity. Pursuant to general industry standards and Water Wastewater Total Existing Facilities: Treatment Facilities 223,366,052$ 117,282,287$ 340,648,339$ Transmission Facilities 89,201,481 124,240,409 213,441,890 Subtotal 312,567,533$ 241,522,696$ 554,090,229$ Less Debt Principal Balance: Treatment Facilities (8,097,408)$ (12,152,438)$ (20,249,846)$ Transmission Facilities (3,233,978) (12,873,176) (16,107,154) Subtotal (11,331,386)$ (25,025,614)$ (36,357,000)$ Combined Recoverable Costs: Treatment Facilities 215,268,644$ 105,129,849$ 320,398,493$ Transmission Facilities 85,967,503 111,367,233 197,334,736 Total 301,236,147$ 216,497,082$ 517,733,229$ Description TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF NET RECOVERABLE FACILITIES Recoverable Facilities HCBOC 060523 Pg. 194 HARNETT REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEE STUDY PAGE 10 Willdan Financial Services discussions with staff, it is assumed herein that the rated MDF is approximately 1.5 times the available capacity on an ADF basis. Applying this factor to the rated capacity for the water treatment plant and other water supply sources results in an average daily flow capacity of 28.00 MGD. An additional adjustment is made based on the assumed amount of unaccounted-for water (i.e., system flushing and backwashing, testing, line loss, etc.). The unaccounted-for water reduces the amount of capacity available to existing and future customers. Based on information provided by staff, the analysis performed herein assumes an average unaccounted-for water factor of 14.0% to adjust for the unaccounted-for water flows at the treatment plant. This final adjustment results in an estimated average daily treatment plant capacity of 24.080 MGD. Water Transmission Unlike the treatment facilities, the capacity information for major transmission facilities is very difficult to determine and quantify. Such transmission capacity estimates are typically not even developed in engineering documents such as master plans or Consulting Engineer’s Reports. Based on discussions with staff, it is assumed that the transmission facilities can provide average water flow at least equal to 2.00 times the average day treatment capacity, resulting in 56.000 MGD. In addition, similar to the methodology utilized for water treatment, an adjustment is made for unaccounted-for water. This final adjustment results in an estimated average daily treatment plant capacity of 48.160 MGD. Wastewater Treatment Due to the regulatory and design requirements for wastewater treatment plants, the capacity of treatment facilities is generally well documented. The wastewater treatment facilities are designed and permitted in accordance with published hydraulic standards adopted by Section 15A NCAC 02T .0114 of the North Carolina Administrative Code regulations. HRW owns and operates the North Harnett and South Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plants with permitted capacities of 7.50 and 15.00 MGD, respectively, totaling 22.50 MGD of existing treatment capacity. Unlike the application for water, due to the nature of the operations, the wastewater treatment capacity is permitted at average daily flow levels. As such, it is not necessary to convert the capacity. However, as with the unaccounted-for flows in the water system, wastewater systems are impacted by inflow and infiltration (I&I) into the wastewater collection facilities. The impact of I&I reduces the level of capacity that is available for use by existing and future system customers. Pursuant to discussions with staff, the wastewater treatment capacity is adjusted for an assumed I&I impact of 20.0%, resulting in an adjusted average daily treatment capacity of 18.000 MGD. Wastewater Transmission Like the discussion provided above for the determination of water transmission capacity, it is difficult to identify the capacity of the wastewater transmission facilities. Although an exact capacity number is difficult to determine, for the purpose of this analysis, it is assumed that the wastewater trunk lines and pumping facilities are designed to provide capacity at least equal to the permitted plant capacities, or 22.500 MGD. As with the adjustment made to the wastewater HCBOC 060523 Pg. 195 HARNETT REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEE STUDY PAGE 11 Willdan Financial Services treatment capacity, the transmission capacity is adjusted for an assumed I&I impact of 20.0%, resulting in an adjusted average daily treatment capacity of 18.000 MGD. DEVELOPMENT OF SDFs The methodology utilized herein for developing the water and wastewater SDFs relies upon the cost of major system facilities as well as the existing system capacities to calculate an estimated cost per unit (gallon) of capacity. Based on this methodology, it is estimated that the water facility costs are $10.73 per gallon of water capacity (combined treatment and transmission). Additionally, it is estimated that the wastewater facility costs are $12.03 per gallon of wastewater capacity. In developing the SDFs, the unit costs per gallon of capacity are applied to a common Level of Service (LOS) standard to establish the applicable fee per Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU). For purposes of applying the LOS, an ERU is representative of a single-family residential dwelling unit receiving water service from a 5/8 x 3/4-inch metered connection and discharging normal domestic-strength wastewater through a comparably sized sewer connection. Based on common industry standards for the development and application of capacity-related charges, a typical residential water connection is generally assumed to require average service availability in the range of 350 to 450 gallons per day (gpd) of system capacity. The State of North Carolina (the “State”) has established flow standards for purposes of planning and engineering design. In accordance with daily water flow capacity design standards defined in the North Carolina Administrative Codes (15A NCAC 18C .0409), the level of service requirement for a residential connection is 400 gallons per day (gpd). Based on HRW's existing planning methodology, it is assumed that 1 ERU requires a standard level of service of 360 gpd of water system capacity. Similar to the water system, the SDFs for wastewater are to be applied on an equivalent residential unit (ERU) basis such that 1 ERU is equal to the estimated capacity requirements for a typical single family residential connection with a 5/8-inch X 3/4-inch water meter. In accordance with wastewater flow design standards adopted by the State and defined by the North Carolina Administrative Codes (15A NCAC 02T .0114), the level of service requirement is based on 120 gallons of capacity per day per bedroom for a residential home. This analysis assumes an average of 3 bedrooms per new home constructed. Applying the State's flow standard to the average number of bedrooms, it is assumed that 1 ERU requires a standard level of service of 360 gpd of wastewater system capacity. Applying the average day LOS amounts to the estimated unit costs per gallon of capacity and adjusting for the applicable debt service credits results in the proposed water and wastewater SDFs of $3,850 and $4,320, respectively, for a typical single-family residential connection (i.e., per ERU). The development of the proposed water and wastewater SDFs is detailed in Exhibits 2 and 3, respectively. A summary of the existing and proposed SDFs for a typical new residential connection is provided in Table 4. HCBOC 060523 Pg. 196 HARNETT REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEE STUDY PAGE 12 Willdan Financial Services APPLICATION OF SDFs An ERU provides a standard unit of measure such that fees for connections with larger than average demand requirements can be calculated on an equivalency basis. One ERU is equal to the average anticipated flow for a single-family dwelling. New connections with greater water requirements have the potential of placing more demand on the system (i.e., require more capacity) and are assessed ERU factors accordingly. Under HRW’s current methodology, ERU factors for new non-residential connections are determined by comparing the average daily usage/flow requirement to the daily LOS requirements per ERU as previously addressed. It is not suggested that HRW change its current methodology for calculating the SDFs applied to non-residential customers. However, this Report gives consideration to a potentially more administratively efficient fee structure. It is common practice in the utility industry to charge capacity-related fees based upon the size of the water meter. The concept is that the meter size is directly correlated to the potential demand a customer can place on the system. With a meter- based fee structure, one ERU is equal to the average anticipated flow for a single-family dwelling unit with a standard 5/8 x 3/4-inch water meter. New connections with larger water meters have the potential of placing more demand on the system (i.e., require more capacity) and are assessed ERU factors accordingly. The methodology for incrementing the fees for larger connection sizes is based on standardized demand criteria established by the American Water Works Association Existing Calculated Difference System Development Fees: Water 2,000$ 3,850$ 1,850$ Wastewater 2,500 4,320 1,820 Total 4,500$ 8,170$ 3,670$ TABLE 4 COMPARISON OF SDFs PER ERU Description System Development Fee Per ERU Water Wastewater Total Proposed/Calculated 3,850$ 4,320$ 8,170$ TABLE 5 PROPOSED/CALCULATED SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEES Description System Development Fee Per ERU HCBOC 060523 Pg. 197 HARNETT REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEE STUDY PAGE 13 Willdan Financial Services (AWWA) and the Water Environment Federation (WEF) pursuant to the size of the water meter. Utilizing the AWWA/WEF demand criteria, the applicable ERU factors for larger water meters are based on the incremental increase in potential demand as compared to the standard meter size. If HRW chooses to go this direction, the meter-based fees displayed below utilize the AWWA/WEF meter equivalency methodology. Since wastewater flow is generally a direct function of water flow, applying the water and wastewater SDFs based upon the size of the water meter is equitable, administratively efficient, and consistent with industry standards. The applicable meter-based fees are summarized in Table 6. In situations where the application of the meter-based fees will result in the collection of fees significantly different than the potential demand requirement of a new customer requesting service, a special calculation methodology may be applied at the discretion of HRW’s Utility Department. For such situations, it is important for the utility to have the flexibility to utilize an ER U methodology for individual accounts based on specific capacity requirements. This alternative methodology is to apply the calculated unit costs per gallon of capacity as provided in Exhibits 2 and 3 times the capacity requirement for the customer. This type of situation will be uncommon and will typically only involve larger commercial and industrial connections. It is anticipated that, in such situations, HRW will require certified engineering documentation defining the capacity utilization needs for the new customer. Based on information provided by staff, the SDFs that will be presented to the Board of Commissioners for adoption will be lower than the fees calculated in this Report. The fees that will be proposed by staff are provided in Table 7. Water Wastewater Total Meter Size: 5/8 x 3/4 Inch 1.00 3,850$ 4,320$ 8,170$ 1.0 Inch 2.50 9,625$ 10,800$ 20,425$ 1.5 Inch 5.00 19,250$ 21,600$ 40,850$ 2.0 Inch 8.00 30,800$ 34,560$ 65,360$ 3.0 Inch 16.00 61,600$ 69,120$ 130,720$ 4.0 Inch 25.00 96,250$ 108,000$ 204,250$ 6.0 Inch 50.00 192,500$ 216,000$ 408,500$ 8.0 Inch 80.00 308,000$ 345,600$ 653,600$ (1)Meter-size equivalency factors established by the AWWA and identified in AWWA Standards C700,M1 and M22. Such factors are commonly applied consistently for both water and wastewater fee calculations. TABLE 6 METER-BASED SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEES Description Calculated Max Fees By Meter SizeMeter Factor (1) HCBOC 060523 Pg. 198 HARNETT REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEE STUDY PAGE 14 Willdan Financial Services COMPARISON WITH NEIGHBORING UTILITIES To provide HRW with additional insight regarding the development and application of the SDFs, a comparison is often included to show the level of such fees as imposed by several other utility systems in North Carolina. The comparison would typically show the capacity-related fees for a new residential water and wastewater connection that receives service (from the subject utility or other local provider) through a standard residential-sized water meter (representative of 1 ERU) calculated under the existing and proposed fees of HRW, and those of the other utility systems. However, given the current timing requirements of Chapter 162A, and the fact that numerous utility systems in the State are in the process of performing fee studies comparable to the one addressed in this Report, including a neighboring utility comparison at this time will provide somewhat meaningless information. If HRW would like to get a better idea of how its SDFs compare to other systems, it is suggested that such a comparison be performed after July 1, 2023. GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS AND CONSIDERATIONS In the preparation of this Report, certain information has been used and relied upon that was provided to Willdan by other entities. Such information includes, but is not limited to, audited financial statements, annual operating budgets, capital information, asset listings, cost data, system Water Wastewater Total Meter Size: 5/8 x 3/4 Inch 1.00 3,000$ 4,000$ 7,000$ 1.0 Inch 2.50 7,500$ 10,000$ 17,500$ 1.5 Inch 5.00 15,000$ 20,000$ 35,000$ 2.0 Inch 8.00 24,000$ 32,000$ 56,000$ 3.0 Inch 16.00 48,000$ 64,000$ 112,000$ 4.0 Inch 25.00 75,000$ 100,000$ 175,000$ 6.0 Inch 50.00 150,000$ 200,000$ 350,000$ 8.0 Inch 80.00 240,000$ 320,000$ 560,000$ (1)Meter-size equivalency factors established by the AWWA and identified in AWWA Standards C700,M1 and M22. Such factors are commonly applied consistently for both water and wastewater fee calculations. TABLE 7 METER-BASED SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEES Description Meter Factor (1) Proposed/Calculated Fees By Meter Size HCBOC 060523 Pg. 199 HARNETT REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEE STUDY PAGE 15 Willdan Financial Services capacities, fee schedules for other utilities, and other information provided during the study. While the sources and applicable information are believed to be reliable, no independent verification of the information has been made and no assurances are offered with respect to the accuracy of the applicable information. To the extent that information used to develop the assumptions applied in the Report differs from actual results, the analyses developed herein could be impacted accordingly. CONCLUSIONS This study has found a need for HRW to maintain a mechanism for recovering the capital costs associated with system growth and expansion. Based on the reviews, analyses and assumptions provided herein, it is concluded that: 1. The application of capital recovery fees for new system connections is becoming more common for public utility systems in North Carolina. As growth continues to impact the region, and as state and federal funding programs are reduced or eliminated, it is prudent management practice to adopt mechanisms to recover capital costs incurred by the utility for making service available to future customers. 2. Through Chapter 162A, the North Carolina legislature has found that it is prudent to require new customers to bear a portion of the costs of current capacity and future expansions their presence will demand. It should be noted that Willdan is not attempting to issue a legal opinion regarding Chapter 162A or any court proceedings leading to the enactment of Chapter 162A. The summary discussion of the bill and any prior court rulings is intended for informational purposes only. Any questions regarding the legal considerations provided herein should be directed to HRW’s legal counsel. 3. The SDFs developed herein are equitable and provide for reasonable recovery of the capital costs associated with providing service to new customers. 4. The SDFs proposed herein are developed in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 162A and utilize methodologies that are consistent with industry standards. 5. The water and wastewater LOS standards proposed herein for establishing an ERU basis are based on flow standards utilized by HRW for system planning and design purposes and are consistent with common industry standards. 6. HRW currently imposes tap fees and other related operational charges for new customer connections. Since these other charges are intended to recover operating costs for providing incident-specific services, the SDFs developed herein will have no effect on the level or application methodology for these other connection-related fees. HCBOC 060523 Pg. 200 HARNETT REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEE STUDY PAGE 16 Willdan Financial Services RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the reviews, analyses and assumptions discussed herein, as well as the resulting conclusions provided above, it is respectfully recommended that HRW: 1. Adopt the proposed SDFs and application methodology as developed in this Report; 2. Enact the proposed SDFs to become effective on July 1, 2023 or other such date as determined appropriate by the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County; and 3. Readdress the SDF study within the next 5 years, or at such times as future capital budgets are developed and additional capital costs are incurred that may result in material adjustments to the SDF as adopted. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to HRW in this matter. In addition, we would like to thank you and the other members of HRW staff for the valuable assistance and cooperation provided during the preparation of the Report. We look forward to working with you on future projects and continuing a successful professional relationship. Respectfully Yours, WILLDAN FINANCIAL SERVICES. Daryll B. Parker Principal HCBOC 060523 Pg. 201 EXHIBITS 1-4 SUPPORTING OUTPUT FOR THE WATER & WASTEWATER SDF STUDY WATER & WASTEWATER SDF STUDY FOR HARNETT REGIONAL WATER Prepared by Willdan Financial Services HCBOC 060523 Pg. 202 Exhibit 1 System Development Fee Analysis Existing Capital Costs Recoverable From SDFs Water & Wastewater Systems WATER SYSTEM ASSETS Water Assets by Category: 1 Land 642,107$ 642,107$ 0$ 642,107$ 2 Plant, distribution, and collection sys.255,105,923 636,332,517 (255,228,384) 381,104,133 3 Buildings and building improvements 88,616 240,608 (195,954) 44,654 4 Furniture, fixtures, and equipment 2,019,684 3,329,106 (3,290,012) 39,094 5 Vehicles 1,740,812 1,740,811 (1,655,143) 85,668 6 Total 259,597,142$ 642,285,149$ (260,369,493)$ 381,915,656$ Adjusted For Assumed Cost Limit ($): 7 Land 452,764$ 452,764$ 0$ 452,764$ 8 Plant, distribution, and collection sys.193,048,913 494,776,152 (182,661,383) 312,114,769 9 Buildings and building improvements 0 0 0 0 10 Furniture, fixtures, and equipment 444,849 568,385 (568,385) 0 11 Vehicles 258,099 258,100 (255,847) 2,253 12 Total 194,204,625$ 496,055,401$ (183,485,615)$ 312,569,786$ WASTEWATER SYSTEM ASSETS Wastewater Assets by Category: 13 Land 483,400$ 483,400$ 0$ 483,400$ 14 Plant, distribution, and collection sys.211,015,973 368,253,191 (119,024,509) 249,228,682 15 Buildings and building improvements 14,713,135 23,621,761 (4,929,804) 18,691,957 16 Furniture, fixtures, and equipment 2,113,994 3,504,908 (3,465,814) 39,094 17 Vehicles 1,812,274 1,812,274 (1,726,606) 85,668 18 Total 230,138,776$ 397,675,534$ (129,146,733)$ 268,528,801$ Adjusted For Assumed Cost Limit ($): 19 Land 452,764$ 452,764$ 0$ 452,764$ 20 Plant, distribution, and collection sys.184,565,333 307,103,548 (84,677,505) 222,426,043 21 Buildings and building improvements 14,595,384 23,332,657 (4,688,768) 18,643,889 22 Furniture, fixtures, and equipment 444,849 568,385 (568,385) 0 23 Vehicles 258,099 258,100 (255,847) 2,253 0 24 Total 200,316,429$ 331,715,454$ (90,190,505)$ 241,524,949$ Line Description Original Cost Replacement Cost New RCNLDAccumulated Depreciation Willdan Financial Services Page 18 of 28 5/18/2023 Harnett Regional Water - SDF Study - V3.xlsx HCBOC 060523 Pg. 203 Exhibit 1 System Development Fee Analysis Existing Capital Costs Recoverable From SDFs Water & Wastewater Systems Line Description Original Cost Replacement Cost New RCNLDAccumulated Depreciation TOTAL SYSTEM ASSETS Total Assets by Category: 25 Land 1,125,507$ 1,125,507$ 0$ 1,125,507$ 26 Plant, distribution, and collection sys.466,121,896 1,004,585,708 (374,252,893) 630,332,815 27 Buildings and building improvements 14,801,751 23,862,369 (5,125,758) 18,736,611 28 Furniture, fixtures, and equipment 4,133,678 6,834,014 (6,755,826) 78,188 29 Vehicles 3,553,086 3,553,085 (3,381,749) 171,336 30 Total 489,735,918$ 1,039,960,683$ (389,516,226)$ 650,444,457$ Adjusted For Assumed Cost Limit ($): 31 Land 905,528$ 905,528$ 0$ 905,528$ 32 Plant, distribution, and collection sys.377,614,246 801,879,700 (267,338,888) 534,540,812 33 Buildings and building improvements 14,595,384 23,332,657 (4,688,768) 18,643,889 34 Furniture, fixtures, and equipment 889,698 1,136,770 (1,136,770) 0 35 Vehicles 516,198 516,200 (511,694) 4,506 36 Total 394,521,054$ 827,770,855$ (273,676,120)$ 554,094,735$ Recoverable Allocation - Water (%): 37 Land 100% 38 Plant, distribution, and collection sys.100% 39 Buildings and building improvements 100% 40 Furniture, fixtures, and equipment 0% 41 Vehicles 0% Recoverable Allocation - Wastewater (%): 42 Land 100% 43 Plant, distribution, and collection sys.100% 44 Buildings and building improvements 100% 45 Furniture, fixtures, and equipment 0% 46 Vehicles 0% Willdan Financial Services Page 19 of 28 5/18/2023 Harnett Regional Water - SDF Study - V3.xlsx HCBOC 060523 Pg. 204 Exhibit 1 System Development Fee Analysis Existing Capital Costs Recoverable From SDFs Water & Wastewater Systems Line Description Original Cost Replacement Cost New RCNLDAccumulated Depreciation System Allocation - Water ($): 47 Land 452,764$ 48 Plant, distribution, and collection sys.312,114,769 49 Buildings and building improvements 0 50 Furniture, fixtures, and equipment 0 51 Vehicles 0 52 Total 312,567,533$ System Allocation - Wastewater ($): 53 Land 452,764$ 54 Plant, distribution, and collection sys.222,426,043 55 Buildings and building improvements 18,643,889 56 Furniture, fixtures, and equipment 0 57 Vehicles 0 58 Total 241,522,696$ 59 Grand Total Recoverable Assets 554,090,229$ COMPONENT ALLOCATION Total Recoverable Water Facilities: 60 Treatment Facilities 71.46%223,366,052$ 61 Transmission Facilities 28.54%89,201,481 62 Subtotal 100.00%312,567,533$ Total Recoverable Wastewater Facilities: 63 Treatment Facilities 48.56%117,282,287$ 64 Transmission Facilities 51.44%124,240,409 65 Subtotal 100.00%241,522,696$ Combined Recoverable Facilities: 66 Treatment Facilities 61.48%340,648,339$ 67 Transmission Facilities 38.52%213,441,890 68 Total 100.00%554,090,229$ Willdan Financial Services Page 20 of 28 5/18/2023 Harnett Regional Water - SDF Study - V3.xlsx HCBOC 060523 Pg. 205 Exhibit 1 System Development Fee Analysis Existing Capital Costs Recoverable From SDFs Water & Wastewater Systems Line Description Original Cost Replacement Cost New RCNLDAccumulated Depreciation COMPARISON TO TOTAL 69 Total Utility Assets 650,444,457$ 70 Combined Recoverable Assets 554,090,229$ Difference (Assets Excluded From Recovery): 71 Excluded From Recovery ($)96,354,228$ 72 Excluded From Recovery (%)14.81% DEBT SERVICE CREDIT 73 Outstanding Debt Principal 36,357,000$ Allocation Percentage: 74 Water 31.17% 75 Wastewater 68.83% Allocated Debt Service Credit: 76 Water 11,331,386$ 77 Wastewater 25,025,614 78 Total 36,357,000$ Component Allocation - Water: 79 Treatment Facilities 71.46%8,097,408$ 80 Transmission Facilities 28.54%3,233,978 -$ 81 Total 100.00%11,331,386$ Component Allocation - Wastewater: 82 Treatment Facilities 48.56%12,152,438$ 83 Transmission Facilities 51.44%12,873,176 -$ 84 Total 100.00%25,025,614$ Willdan Financial Services Page 21 of 28 5/18/2023 Harnett Regional Water - SDF Study - V3.xlsx HCBOC 060523 Pg. 206 Exhibit 2 System Development Fee Analysis Calculation of System Development Fee Per ERU Water System Line Description Total Existing Facilities: 1 Treatment Facilities 223,366,052$ 2 Transmission Facilities 89,201,481 3 Subtotal 312,567,533$ (1) Less Debt Service Principal: 4 Treatment Facilities (8,097,408)$ 5 Transmission Facilities (3,233,978) 6 Subtotal (11,331,386)$ (2) Net Recoverable Existing Facilities: 7 Treatment Facilities 215,268,644$ 8 Transmission Facilities 85,967,503 9 Total 301,236,147$ Treatment Capacity: 10 Harnett Regional WTP 42.000 11 Total Treatment Capacity 42.000 Average Day Capacity Adjustment: 12 Treatment Capacity Based on Max/Avg Day Factor 1.50 28.000 13 Unaccounted-For Water Capacity Adjustment 14.0%(3) 14 Estimated Treatment Capacity 24.080 Estimated Transmission System Capacity: 15 Estimated Treatment Capacity 28.000 16 Transmission-to-Treatment Capacity Factor 2.00 17 Assumed Existing Transmission Capacity 56.000 (4) 18 Unaccounted-For Water Capacity Adjustment 14.0%(4) 19 Estimated Transmission Capacity 48.160 Available System Capacity (MGD) Recoverable Capital Facilities Willdan Financial Services Page 22 of 28 5/18/2023 Harnett Regional Water - SDF Study - V3.xlsxHCBOC 060523 Pg. 207 Exhibit 2 System Development Fee Analysis Calculation of System Development Fee Per ERU Water System Line Description Total Estimated Cost Per Gallon of Capacity: 20 Treatment ($/Gallon)8.94$ 21 Transmission ($/Gallon)1.79 22 Total Cost Per Gallon of Capacity 10.73$ 23 Assumed Standard Level of Service Per ERU (GPD of Capacity)360 (5) Calculation of SDF Per ERU: 24 Treatment Facilities 3,218$ 25 Transmission Facilities 644 26 Combined Cost 3,862$ Adjusted Fee - Treatment: 27 Calculated Fee Per ERU 3,218$ 28 Less Rounding Adjustment (8) 29 Adjusted Fee 3,210$ Credit Adjusted Fee - Transmission: 30 Calculated Fee Per ERU 644$ 31 Less Rounding Adjustment (4) 32 Adjusted Fee 640$ Proposed SDF Per ERU (Rounded): 33 Treatment Facilities 3,210$ 34 Transmission Facilities 640 35 Combined Cost 3,850$ Calculation of Fee Per ERU Estimated Cost Per Gallon of Capacity Willdan Financial Services Page 23 of 28 5/18/2023 Harnett Regional Water - SDF Study - V3.xlsxHCBOC 060523 Pg. 208 Exhibit 2 System Development Fee Analysis Calculation of System Development Fee Per ERU Water System Line Description Total Notes: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)The system development fees are to be applied on an equivalent residential unit (ERU) basis such that 1 ERU is equal to the estimated capacity requirements for a typical single family residential connection with a 5/8-inch X 3/4-inch water meter.In accordance with daily water flow capacity design standards adopted by the State of North Carolina and defined the North Carolina Administrative Codes (15A NCAC 18C .0409), the level of service requirement for a residential connection is 400 gallons per day (gpd). Based on the utility's existing planning methodology,it is assumed that 1 ERU requires a standard level of service of 360 gpd of water system capacity. Based upon discussions with staff, most of the facilities included for cost recovery in this analysis were funded with debt.In an effort to account for the facility costs that may be recovered from user rates as part of the normal budgetary process, a debt service credit is applied to the applicable fee calculation. The credit is equal to outstanding principal amount on existing utility-related debt. The principal balance is allocated between water and wastewater as provided in Exhibit 1. See Exhibit 1 for the development of existing asset costs identified for capital recovery. It is assumed that the existing transmission facilities are capable of providing average water flow at least 2.00-times the estimated average treatment capacity.In addition, similar to the methodology utilized for water treatment,an adjustment is made for unaccounted-for water. Based on information provided by staff, this analysis assumes losses of 14.0%. The estimated average daily flow capacity assumes an MDF-to-ADF ratio of 1.50 times.An additional adjustment is made for assumed unaccounted-for water flows (e.g. line losses)in the system. Based on information provided by staff, this analysis assumes losses of 14.0%. Willdan Financial Services Page 24 of 28 5/18/2023 Harnett Regional Water - SDF Study - V3.xlsxHCBOC 060523 Pg. 209 Exhibit 3 System Development Fee Analysis Calculation of System Development Fee Per ERU Wastewater System Line Description Total Existing Facilities: 1 Treatment Facilities 117,282,287$ 2 Transmission Facilities 124,240,409 3 Subtotal 241,522,696$ (1) Less Debt Service Principal: 4 Treatment Facilities (12,152,438)$ 5 Transmission Facilities (12,873,176) 6 Subtotal (25,025,614)$ (2) Net Recoverable Existing Facilities: 7 Treatment Facilities 105,129,849$ 8 Transmission Facilities 111,367,233 9 Total 216,497,082$ Existing Treatment Capacity: 10 North Harnett WWTP 7.500 11 South Harnett WWTP 15.000 12 Total Existing Treatment Capacity 22.500 Treatment Capacity: 13 Average Day Treatment Capacity (MGD)22.500 14 I&I Capacity Adjustment 20.0%(3) 15 Adjusted Average Day Treatment Capacity 18.000 Estimated Transmission System Capacity: 16 Transmission-to-Treatment Capacity Factor 1.00 17 Assumed Gross Transmission Capacity 22.500 (4) 18 I&I Capacity Adjustment 20.0% 19 Estimated Transmission Capacity 18.000 (3) Recoverable Capital Facilities Available System Capacity (MGD) Willdan Financial Services Page 25 of 28 5/18/2023 Harnett Regional Water - SDF Study - V3.xlsxHCBOC 060523 Pg. 210 Exhibit 3 System Development Fee Analysis Calculation of System Development Fee Per ERU Wastewater System Line Description Total Estimated Cost Per Gallon of Capacity: 20 Treatment ($/Gallon)5.84$ 21 Transmission ($/Gallon)6.19 22 Total Cost Per Gallon of Capacity 12.03$ 23 Assumed Standard Level of Service Per ERU (GPD of Capacity)360 (5) Calculation of SDF Per ERU: 24 Treatment Facilities 2,102$ 25 Transmission Facilities 2,228 26 Combined Cost 4,330$ Adjusted Fee - Treatment: 27 Calculated Fee Per ERU 2,102$ 28 Less Rounding Adjustment (2) 29 Adjusted Fee 2,100$ Credit Adjusted Fee - Transmission: 30 Calculated Fee Per ERU 2,228$ 31 Less Rounding Adjustment (8) 32 Adjusted Fee 2,220$ Proposed SDF Per ERU (Rounded): 33 Treatment Facilities 2,100$ 34 Transmission Facilities 2,220 35 Combined Cost 4,320$ Estimated Cost Per Gallon of Capacity Calculation of Fee Per ERU Willdan Financial Services Page 26 of 28 5/18/2023 Harnett Regional Water - SDF Study - V3.xlsxHCBOC 060523 Pg. 211 Exhibit 3 System Development Fee Analysis Calculation of System Development Fee Per ERU Wastewater System Line Description Total Notes: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) It is assumed that the wastewater trunk lines and pumping facilities are designed to provide capacity at least 1.50-times the permitted capacity of the treatment plant. Similar to the water system, the system development fees for wastewater are to be applied on an equivalent residential unit (ERU) basis such that 1 ERU is equal to the estimated capacity requirements for a typical single family residential connection with a 5/8-inch X 3/4-inch water meter.In accordance with wastewater flow design standards adopted by the State of North Carolina and defined the North Carolina Administrative Codes (15A NCAC 02T .0114), the level of service requirement is based on 120 gallons of capacity per day per bedroom for a residential home, resulting in 360 gallons of capacity per day for a three bedroom residential home. Similar to the line loss adjustment for water, the wastewater system capacity is reduced by the impacts of system inflow and infiltration (I&I). The assumed I&I adjustment is based on discussions with staff. Based upon discussions with staff, most of the facilities included for cost recovery in this analysis were funded with debt.In an effort to account for the facility costs that may be recovered from user rates as part of the normal budgetary process, a debt service credit is applied to the applicable fee calculation. The credit is equal to outstanding principal amount on existing utility-related debt. The principal balance is allocated between water and wastewater as provided in Exhibit 1. See Exhibit 1 for the development of existing asset costs identified for capital recovery. Willdan Financial Services Page 27 of 28 5/18/2023 Harnett Regional Water - SDF Study - V3.xlsxHCBOC 060523 Pg. 212 Exhibit 4 System Development Fee Analysis Summary of Proposed System Development Fees Water & Wastewater Systems Water Wastewater FEE COMPARISON Meter Size: 1 Existing 1.00 2,000$ 2,500$ 4,500$ 2 Proposed/Calculated 1.00 3,850$ 4,320$ 8,170$ 3 Difference 1.00 1,850$ 1,820$ 3,670$ METER-BASED OPTION (1) Meter Size: 4 5/8 x 3/4 Inch 1.00 3,850$ 4,320$ 8,170$ 5 1.0 Inch 2.50 9,625$ 10,800$ 20,425$ 6 1.5 Inch 5.00 19,250$ 21,600$ 40,850$ 7 2.0 Inch 8.00 30,800$ 34,560$ 65,360$ 8 3.0 Inch 16.00 61,600$ 69,120$ 130,720$ 9 4.0 Inch 25.00 96,250$ 108,000$ 204,250$ 10 6.0 Inch 50.00 192,500$ 216,000$ 408,500$ 11 8.0 Inch 80.00 308,000$ 345,600$ 653,600$ OPTIONAL ACTUAL FLOW BASIS (2) Charge Per Gallon of Capacity (GPD): 12 Treatment Facilities 8.94$ 5.84$ 14.78$ 13 Transmission Facilities 1.79 6.19 7.98 14 Cost Per GPD 10.73$ 12.03$ 22.76$ Notes: (1) (2)In situations where the meter-based fees will result in the collection of fees significantly different than the potential demand requirement, a special fee calculation methodology may be applied based on the unit cost of capacity and the estimated daily capacity needs of the new connection. The estimated capacity needs will be based on the amount determined by the utility's engineering staff to be appropriate. Line Description The proposed capacity fees are based on the calculated fee per ERU as applied to the respective ERU factor. The proposed ERU factors for the capacity fees are based on meter equivalency factors established by the AWWA. ERU Factor Combined Fee Fees by System Willdan Financial Services Page 28 of 28 5/18/2023 Harnett Regional Water - SDF Study - V3.xlsxHCBOC 060523 Pg. 213 RESOLUTION TO ADOPT HARNETT REGIONAL WATER WATER & SEWER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEES WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statute 162A, Article 8 requires that each unit of local government that provides public water and/or sewer services or plans to provide such services shall, either individually or together with other such units of local government, prepare and submit a Water and Sewer System Development Fee Analysis; and WHEREAS, as required by the statute and in the interests of sound local planning, a Water and Sewer System Development Fee Analysis for the Harnett Regional Water, has been developed and a corresponding system development fee schedule submitted to the Harnett County Board of Commissioners for approval; and WHEREAS, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners finds that the Water and Sewer System Development Fee Analysis is in accordance with the provisions of North Carolina General Statute 162A-209 and that it will provide appropriate guidance for the future management of water and sewer development fees for Harnett County and its Water and Sewer Districts as required by statute. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County, acting on behalf of the County and its Water and Sewer Districts, that the Water and Sewer System Development Fee Analysis dated ____________, is hereby adopted; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Harnett County Board of Commissioners intends that this plan shall be revised to reflect changes in relevant data and projections at least once every five years in accordance with the statute and sound planning practice. Duly Adopted this the 5th day of June, 2023, upon motion made by Commissioner _________ and adopted by the following vote: Ayes___________ Noes ________ Absent ________ Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett By: _____________________________ Matthew Nicol, Chairman of the Board And of the governing body of all Water and Sewer Districts of Harnett County ATTEST: ___________________________ Melissa Capp, Clerk to the Board And to the Water and Sewer Districts of Harnett County HCBOC 060523 Pg. 214 HARNETT COUNTY Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Ordinance Item 7 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 215 BUDGET ORDINANCE Fiscal Year 2023-2024 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County, North Carolina, in accordance with G.S. 159-13 of the North Carolina General Statutes, that: Section 1: Expenditures The following expenditure amounts are hereby appropriated for the operation of the county government and its activities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2024, in accordance with the chart of accounts heretofore established for the County: Capital Reserve Funds Board Of Education Capital Reserve Fund 2,421,528 Emergency Services Capital Reserve Fund 742,516 General Government Capital Reserve Fund 219,000 Parks & Recreation Capital Reserve Fund 500,000 Sheriff's Capital Reserve Fund 874,700 Solid Waste Capital Reserve Fund 1,233,188 Solid Waste Post-Closure Capital Reserve Fund 251,591 Debt Service Funds General Government Debt Service Fund 21,782,107 Harnett Regional Water Debt Service Fund 4,441,495 Solid Waste Debt Service Fund 151,450 FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 1 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 216 Enterprise Funds Harnett Regional Water (HRW) HRW Administration 8,792,950 Water Treatment Plant 9,305,659 Wastewater Treatment Plant 4,170,400 South Harnett Wastewater Plant 4,056,610 Water Distribution 6,710,257 Sewer Collections 5,784,805 Total Harnett Regional Water 43,338,000 Solid Waste 8,789,000 General Fund Culture & Recreation Culture & Recreation Appropriation 260,553 Library Department--Main Branch 2,228,282 Library Department--Angier Branch 275,187 Library Department--Benhaven Branch 195,820 Library Department--Coats Branch 172,052 Library Department--Dunn Branch 338,769 Library Department--Erwin Branch 178,317 Parks & Recreation Department 1,942,128 Economic & Physical Development Community Development 10,709 Cooperative Extension 419,572 Cooperative Extension--Special Programs 122,818 Development Services 1,245,575 Development Services--Building Inspections 1,451,754 Economic Development 1,038,781 Education Central Carolina Community College 1,818,075 Harnett County Board Of Education 28,121,809 Environmental Protection Environmental Protection Allocation 12,000 NC Forestry Program 164,599 Soil & Water Conservation District 331,263 FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 2 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 217 General Government Administration 1,363,290 Board Of Elections 748,566 Clerk Of Court 51,810 Facilities Maintenance 3,685,614 Finance 1,888,769 Fleet Maintenance 946,989 General Services 272,931 Governing Body 618,940 Human Resources 965,685 Information Technology 2,849,914 Information Technology--GIS 998,871 Legal Services 556,068 Register Of Deeds 883,490 Retiree Insurance 930,000 Tax 2,030,869 Human Services General Services --Restitution 122,958 Health Department--Administration 6,053,478 Health Department--Vital Records 359 Health Department--Laboratory Services 102,408 Health Department--Child Health 194,303 Health Department--Immunization Action Plan 3,389 Health Department--School Health Nurse 150,000 Health Department--Adult Health Service 134,019 Health Department--Sexually Transmitted Disease 31,832 Health Department--Maternal Health 88,742 Health Department--Family Planning 117,126 Health Department--Tuburculosis Program 23,118 Health Department--Communicable Diseases 2,025 Health Department--TANF 16,203 Health Department--Health Education 14,529 Health Department--Child Fatality Prevention Team 3,873 Health Department--HIV-STD County 3,870 Health Department--Health Promotion 4,106 Health Department--Healthy Communities 20,084 FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 3 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 218 Health Department--ITTS 9,091 Hea lth Department--WIC - Administration 358 Health Department--WIC - Client Services 101,319 Health Department--WIC - Nutrition Education 6,355 Health Department--WIC - Breastfeeding 2,807 Health Department--WIC - Peer Breastfeeding 11,065 Health Department--CMARC 94,830 Health Department--CMHRP 129,869 Health Department--Bioterrorism 27,864 Health Department--Environmental Health 112,349 Health Department--Senior Services 1,625,677 Mental Health 605,679 Social Services--Administration 2,623,972 Social Services--Adoptions 577,788 Social Services--Adult Medicaid 2,611,722 Social Services--Adult Services 1,257,485 Social Services--Child Care Subsidy 486,115 Social Services--Child Protective Services 2,543,831 Social Services--Child Support 1,682,241 Social Services--Energy Programs 1,600,799 Social Services--Family & Children's Medicaid 1,993,851 Social Services--Food Stamps 2,027,849 Social Services--Foster Care 3,889,437 Social Services--Fraud Prevention 423,873 Social Services--Medicaid Transportation 275,606 Social Services--Workfirst 394,668 Veterans Services 420,921 Non-Departmental Contingency 1,460,000 Transfers To Capital And Debt: Capital Reserve Fund - Board of Education 1,021,528 Capital Reserve Fund - Sheriff 150,000 Debt Service Fund - General Government 11,000,000 Internal Service Fund - Information Technology 350,000 Subtotal--Transfers to Capital and Debt 12,596,228 FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 4 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 219 Public Safety Animal Services--Animal Control 463,021 Animal Services--Animal Shelter 504,444 Emergency Services 1,272,426 Emergency Services--Emergency Management Grants 263,554 Emergency Services--Emergency Medical Services 11,481,144 Emergency Services--Medical Examiner 100,000 Emergency Services--Rescue Districts 4,592,173 Sheriff's Office 15,952,162 Sheriff's Office--Campbell Deputies 723,436 Sheriff's Office--Child Support Enforcement 100,507 Sheriff's Office--Emergency Communications 2,548,281 Sheriff's Office--Jail 7,806,024 Sheriff's Office--School Resource Officers 2,480,674 Transportation Harnett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS)—Transportation 1,566,514 Harnett Area Rural Transit System (HARTS)--Administration 1,095,529 Harnett Regional Jetport 1,319,808 General Fund Total 158,069,637 FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 5 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 220 Internal Service Funds Dental Insurance Internal Service Fund 650,000 Employee Clinic Internal Service Fund 228,762 Fleet Replacement Internal Service Fund 524,529 Flexible Spending Account Internal Service Fund 400,000 Health Insurance Internal Service Fund 12,486,500 Information Technology Internal Service Fund 2,123,660 Retiree Health Insurance Internal Service Fund 1,500,000 Unemployment Insurance Internal Service Fund 250,000 Workers Compensation Internal Service Fund 850,000 FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 6 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 221 Special Districts The actual net proceeds from the property taxes levied within each district below and the sales tax collected on behalf of each district below shall constitute the appropriation. All net taxes including sales tax shall be distributed to the appropriate district, as estimated below: District Total Revenue FY 24 Rate Produces Averasboro School 398,627 Fire Districts Anderson Creek 1,907,349 Angier 1,456,979 Benhaven 1,506,031 Benson 128,602 Boone Trail 745,285 Buies Creek 821,813 Coats/Grove 883,073 Crains Creek 77,430 Cypress Pointe 68,728 Dunn 1,841,739 Erwin 411,906 Flatbranch 640,540 Flatwoods 153,799 Godwin 7,043 Northwest Harnett 1,212,868 Spout Springs 2,803,391 Summerville 1,049,070 West Area 72,443 West Johnston 24,885 Total Fire Districts 15,812,974 FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 7 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 222 Special Revenue Funds Special Revenue Funds American Rescue Plan Funds 71,608 Asset Forfeitures Special Revenue Fund 224,100 Automation Enhancement & Preservation Special Revenue Fund 150,000 Concealed Weapons Permit Special Revenue Fund 250,000 Emergency Response Planning Special Revenue Fund 75,000 Emergency Telephone Special Revenue Fund 994,452 Fines And Forfeitures Special Revenue Fund 350,000 Radio System Special Revenue Fund 977,000 Revaluation Special Revenue Fund 500,000 Sheriff's Execution Special Revenue Fund 200,000 Special Districts Special Revenue Fund 16,211,611 Veterans Treatment Court Special Revenue Fund 275,725 FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 8 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 223 Section 2: Revenues The following revenues are estimated to be available to fund the operations of the county government and are hereby approved for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2024, in accordance with the chart of accounts heretofore established for the county. Capital Reserve Funds Board of Education Capital Reserve Non-Revenue Receipts 2,421,528 Total Board of Education 2,421,528 Emergency Services Capital Reserve Non-Revenue Receipts 742,516 Total Emergency Services 742,516 General Government Capital Reserve Non-Revenue Receipts 219,000 Total General Government 219,000 Facilities Maintenance Capital Reserve Non-Revenue Receipts 500,000 Total Facilities Maintenance Capital Reserve 500,000 Parks & Recreation Capital Reserve Non-Revenue Receipts 500,000 Total Parks & Recreation 500,000 Sheriff's Capital Reserve Non-Revenue Receipts 874,700 Total Sheriff's 874,700 Solid Waste Post Closure Fund Capital Reserve Non-Revenue Receipts 251,591 Total Solid Waste Post Closure Fund 251,591 Solid Waste Capital Reserve Non-Revenue Receipts 1,233,188 Total Solid Waste 1,233,188 FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 9 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 224 Debt Service Funds General Government Debt Service Fund Taxes - Sales 10,782,107 Non-Revenue Receipts 11,000,000 Total General Government 21,782,107 Harnett Regional Water Debt Service Fund Non-Revenue Receipts 4,441,495 Total Harnett Regional Water 4,441,495 Solid Waste Debt Service Fund Non-Revenue Receipts 151,450 Total Solid Waste 151,450 FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 10 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 225 Enterprise Funds Harnett Regional Water (HRW) Enterprise Fund Service Charges - Invest Earnings 250,000 Service Charges - Other Services 750,000 Service Charges - Returned Check 13,000 Service Charges - Penalties 1,350,000 Service Charges - Water 26,500,000 Service Charges - Sewer 13,310,000 Service Charges - Energy 825,000 Sale Of Fixed Assets 15,000 Rents 175,000 Other Revenue 150,000 Total HRW Enterprise Fund 43,338,000 Solid Waste Enterprise Fund Solid Waste Availability Fee 300,000 State 3,500,000 Service Charges - Invest Earnings 12,000 Service Charges - Returned Check 4,800,000 Service Charges - Penalties 22,000 Service Charges - Solid Waste 155,000 Total Solid Waste Enterprise Fund 8,789,000 FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 11 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 226 General Fund General Fund Ad Valorem Taxes - Real 72,625,000 Ad Valorem Taxes - Motor Vehicles 8,310,000 Ad Valorem Taxes - Real Delinquent 325,000 Ad Valorem Taxes - Penalties 300,000 Article 39 Sales Tax 10,100,000 Article 40 Sales Tax 7,950,000 Article 42 Sales Tax 2,061,800 Article 44 Sales Tax 6,450,000 Excise Tax 1,164,000 Federal 16,747,847 State 2,429,486 Local 3,350 Medicaid Hold Harmless 6,100,000 Service Charges - Departmental 15,409,951 Service Charges - Indirect Cost 1,564,646 Service Charges - Concessions 107,100 Service Charges - Invest Earnings 750,000 Contributions And Donations 277,515 Rents 59,500 Other Revenue 276,870 Transfers From - Special Revenue 71,608 Fund Balance Appropriated 4,985,964 Total General Fund Revenue 158,069,637 FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 12 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 227 Internal Service Funds Dental Insurance Internal Service Fund Service Charges 650,000 Total Dental Insurance 650,000 Employee Clinic Internal Service Fund Service Charges 228,762 Total Employee Clinic 228,762 Fleet Replacement Internal Service Fund Service Charges 148,008 Miscellaneous Income 12,000 Non-Revenue Receipts 364,521 Total Fleet Replacement 524,529 Flexible Spending Account Internal Service Fund Service Charges 400,000 Total Flexible Spending 400,000 Health Insurance Internal Service Fund Service Charges 12,000,000 Non-Revenue Receipts 486,500 Total Health Insurance 12,486,500 Information Technology Internal Service Fund Service Charges 1,773,310 Non-Revenue Receipts 350,350 Total Information Technology 2,123,660 Retiree Health Insurance Internal Service Fund Service Charges 1,500,000 Total Retiree Health 1,500,000 Unemployment Insurance Internal Service Fund Service Charges 250,000 Total Unemployment 250,000 Workers Compensation Fund Internal Service Fund Service Charges 850,000 Total Workers Compensation 850,000 FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 13 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 228 Special Revenue Funds: Asset Forfeitures Special Revenue Fund Non-Revenue Receipts 224,100 Total Asset Forfeitures 224,100 Automation Enhancement & Preservation Special Revenue Fund Service Charges 65,000 Non-Revenue Receipts 85,000 Total Automation 150,000 Concealed Weapons Permit Special Revenue Fund Service Charges 250,000 Total Concealed Weapon Permits 250,000 American Rescue Plan Fund Non-Revenue Receipts 71,608 Total American Rescue Plan Fund 71,608 Emergency Response Planning Special Revenue Fund Miscellaneous Income 75,000 Total Emergency Response Planning 75,000 Emergency Telephone Special Revenue Fund Taxes-Other 457,539 Non-Revenue Receipts 536,913 Total Emergency Telephone 994,452 Fines And Forfeitures Special Revenue Fund Miscellaneous Income 350,000 Total Fines & Forfeitures 350,000 Radio System Special Revenue Fund Service Charges 388,800 Non-Revenue Receipts 588,200 Total Radio System 977,000 FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 14 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 229 Revaluation Special Revenue Fund Non-Revenue Receipts 500,000 Total Revaluation 500,000 Sheriff's Execution Special Revenue Fund Service Charges 200,000 Total Sheriff's Execution 200,000 Special Districts Special Revenue Fund Taxes-Ad Valorem 13,224,833 Miscellaneous Income 2,986,778 Total Special Districts 16,211,611 Veterans Treatment Court Special Revenue Fund Restricted Revenue 208,637 Miscellaneous Income 18,250 Non-Revenue Receipts 48,838 Total Veterans Treatment Court 275,725 Workforce Development (WIA) Special Revenue Fund Restricted Revenue 737,335 Total Workforce Development 737,335 FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 15 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 230 Section 3: Board of Commissioners Compensation The following is the salary schedule for the Harnett County Board of Commissioners for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2024, as in accordance with G.S. 153A-28 and G.S. 153A-92: Chairman $ 12,969 per year +$ 610 per month (Travel) Vice Chairman $ 12,158 per year +$ 610 per month (Travel) Commissioner $ 11,354 per year +$ 610 per month (Travel) Section 4: Tax Levies General Fund There is hereby levied a tax at the rate of fifty-nine point one cent (.591) per one hundred dollars ($100) valuation of property listed as of January 1, 2023, for the purpose of raising revenue listed as Tax - Ad Valorem Tax in the Harnett County General fund in Section 2 of this ordinance. The rate of tax, for the purpose of taxation, is based upon an estimated total valuation of real and personal property of $12,346,815,640 and motor vehicles of $1,415,334,902 together with anticipated delinquent collections of $325,000 and penalties of $300,000, should generate a total Tax - Ad Valorem of at least $81,560,000. FY 2023-2024 estimates for real and personal property and for motor vehicle values are based on a property tax collection percentage of 99.46%, which is the collection percentage for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022. Special Averasboro School District Tax Levy There is hereby levied a tax at the rate of two cents (.02) per one hundred dollars ($100) valuation of property listed for taxes as of January 1, 2023, located within the Special Averasboro School District for the raising of revenue for said Special School District. This rate of tax, for the purpose of taxation, is based upon an estimated total valuation of property of $1,650,579,092 and an estimated collection rate of 99.46% and, together with anticipated delinquent collections, should generate a total Tax - Ad Valorem of at least $398,627. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 16 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 231 Special Fire District Tax Levies There is hereby levied the following tax rates per hundred dollars ($100) valuation of property listed for taxes as of January 1, 2023, located within the Special Districts indicated below for the purpose of providing revenue for said Districts. District FY 24 Rate Anderson Creek 0.110 Angier 0.075 Benhaven 0.120 Benson 0.120 Boone Trail 0.100 Buies Creek 0.100 Coats/Grove 0.110 Crains Creek 0.100 Cypress Pointe 0.095 Dunn 0.090 Erwin 0.095 Flatbranch 0.130 Flatwoods 0.120 Godwin 0.150 Northwest Harnett 0.080 Spout Springs 0.120 Summerville 0.100 West Area 0.110 West Johnston 0.070 The Tax Administrator of Harnett County is hereby authorized, empowered, and commanded to collect the taxes set forth in the tax records filed in the office of the Harnett County Tax Department in the amounts and from the taxpayers likewise therein set forth. Such taxes are hereby declared to be a first lien upon all real property of the respective taxpayers in the County of Harnett, and this order shall be a full and sufficient FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 17 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 232 authority to direct, require, and enable the Tax Administrator to levy on and sell any real or personal property of such taxpayers, for and on account thereof, in accordance with the law. Section 5: Board of Education The following categories of funding are provided for the 2023-2024 budget year to meet the needs of the Harnett County Board of Education as detailed in the Harnett County Schools 2023-2024 Budget Request dated April 4, 2023. A. Current Expense: On July 1, 2016, Harnett County adopted a funding formula to serve as a basis for providing current expense dollars to the Harnett County Schools. This formula is based upon information provided by the NC Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) for student count (2nd month ADM) and the Three-Year Average of Appropriations provided by the County to the Schools. A more detailed discussion of this policy can be found in the Harnett County Fiscal Policy. Funding Formula Allocation NCDPI 2nd Month student count (March 22, 2023)19,751 Three-year Average Appropriations $1,075.00 (latest data available) Base Funding, per fiscal policy $21,232,325.00 Plus, student count for charter schools 1529.00 1,643,675.00 Total funding, per fiscal policy $22,876,000.00 For the Fiscal Year Budget, the County will provide funding as follows: Fiscal Year 2023 Allocation $26,121,589.00 Fiscal Year 2024 Current Expansion Request funding $2,000,220.00 Total Budgeted Appropriation $28,121,809.00 The total appropriation budgeted for Fiscal Year 2024 will provide a per pupil funding of 1,321.51$ FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 18 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 233 Supplemental taxes for the Special Averasboro School District, as outlined in Section 3 of this document, are not included in this current expense funding formula. B. Capital Outlay: On July 1, 2016, Harnett County adopted a funding formula for capital and capital maintenance to provide an appropriation based on an amount equal to 65% of the prior fiscal year ADM Lottery proceeds with the remaining 35% set aside for future land purchase or debt payments. On March 31, 2021, Harnett County Schools was awarded a Needs-Based Capital Grant which results in the forfeiture of lottery proceeds for five years. In order to not penalize the Board of Education for the forfeiture of lottery proceeds, the Board of Commissioners has agreed to fund the capital and capital maintenance needs in the amount of $1,021,528. C. Capital Improvements: In accordance with the approved FY 2024-2030 Capital Improvements Program (CIP), $1,400,000 is hereby appropriated for school maintenance needs described in the CIP. D. School Debt: Funds to continue to retire the debt for our public schools have been included. The amounts are as follows: FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 19 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 234 2020 Limited Obligation Refunding Bonds Interest 899,550 Principal 5,545,000 2012B Qualified School Construction Bonds Interest 1,365,196 Principal 814,630 2016 Qualified School Construction Bonds Interest - Principal 220,000 2017 GO Bonds - Schools (Benhaven Elementary) Interest 778,063 Principal 1,475,000 2020 GO Bonds for Erwin Elementary School Interest 833,595 Principal 1,375,000 2021 GO Bonds for NW Harnett Elementary School Interest 1,408,250 Principal 2,150,000 Total School Debt Payments 16,864,284$ E. Board of Education member compensation: In accordance with G.S. 115C-38 and G.S. 153A-92, the following maximum compensation levels for the Harnett County Board of Education are established for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2024: Chairman $ 12,969 per year +$ 610 per month (Travel) Vice Chairman $ 12,158 per year +$ 610 per month (Travel) Member $ 11,354 per year +$ 610 per month (Travel) FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 20 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 235 Section 6: Economic Development Section 1 of this document includes funding for the following economic development purposes: Personnel 511,434 Professional Consultants 37,290 Marketing/Advertising/Incentives 369,939 Impositions 28,112 Operations 33,836.00 Professional Dues 58,170 Total Economic Development 1,038,781 All of these funds will be used to promote development and infrastructure improvements in Harnett County. Section 7: Periodic Financial Reports The Finance Officer shall make available to each Department Director, or their designee, access to that director's accounting data maintained on the County's computerized financial management system. The level of access and the ability to manipulate said data shall be determined at the sole discretion of the Finance Officer but shall be no less restrictive than the ability to view such data and generate reports of same. The Finance Officer shall provide monthly expense and revenue reports to the Board of Commissioners in a manner and format agreed to by both parties. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 21 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 236 Section 8: Rates & Fees The Board of Commissioners hereby declares that all rates and fees set forth in Attachment A: Rate & Fee Schedule are in effect during Fiscal Year 2023-2024 and that the County has the authority to charge said rates and fees as set forth in Attachment A until rescinded or modified. The following fees have been added, rescinded, or modified from FY 2022-2023 and are already reflected in Attachment A: Department New, Increase or Decrease Fee Name Current Fee Amount Proposed Fee Amount Units General Fund Animal Services New Rabies Non-Compliance 0.00 100.00 Each Animal Services New Large Livestock Transport Fee 0.00 100.00 Each Animal Services New Small-Medium Livestock Transport Fee 0.00 50.00 Each Animal Services New Multiple Offender Animal Reclaim Fee 0.00 50.00 Each Animal Services New Large Livestock Daily Boarding Fee 0.00 50.00 Each Animal Services New Small-Medium Livestock Daily Boarding Fee 0.00 30.00 Each Animal Services New Fowl Daily Boarding Fee 0.00 5.00 Each Animal Services New Dangerous/Potentially Dangerous Dog Reclaim Fee 0.00 200.00 Each Animal Services New Altered Cat Adoption 0.00 55.00 Each Animal Services New Altered Animal Rescue Pull 0.00 20.00 Each Animal Services New Altered Dog Adoption 0.00 95.00 Each Animal Services Increase Quarantine Animal Picked Up 130.00 230.00 Each Animal Services Increase Quarantine Animal Brought In 100.00 200.00 Each FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 22 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 237 Department New, Increase or Decrease Fee Name Current Fee Amount Proposed Fee Amount Units Emergency Services New Alcohol Beverage Control 0.00 100.00 Per Visit Emergency Services Name Change Second Non-Compliance Inspection (Prior name was “Second and Subsequent non-compliance inspections”) Emergency Services Increase Third and Subsequent Non-Compliance Inspections 100.00 200.00 Per Visit Emergency Services Name Change Explosive Materials (blasting) – Single visit /72 hours (Prior name was “Explosive Materials (blasting) /72 hours”) Emergency Services Name Change Explosive Materials (blasting) - Multiple visit/ 90 day (Prior name was “Explosive Materials (blasting) /90 day”) Emergency Services Name Change Automatic Fire Extinguishing System - Fixed Fire Suppression Systems/Sprinkler (Prior name was “Automatic Fire Extinguishing System – Sprinkler”) Emergency Services Increase Plan Review - Over 25,000sqft 250.00 .01/sqft Per Plan Emergency Services New Emergency Access Gate Inspection 0.00 100.00 Per Visit FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 23 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 238 Department New, Increase or Decrease Fee Name Current Fee Amount Proposed Fee Amount Units Emergency Services New Battery Energy Storage System Inspection 0.00 100.00 Per Visit Health Increase Food Establishment Plan Review 200.00 250.00 Each Health Increase Swimming Pool Permit 200.00 250.00 Each Health Increase Swimming Pool Reinspection 25.00 75.00 Each Health Increase Pool Plan Review 300.00 400.00 Each Health Increase Flaud QIV 65+ 100.61 Health Increase Fluzone QIV 50.61 Health Increase Flucelvax QIV 59.61 Health Increase HPV Vaccine (3 dose) 825.00 Health New Prevnar 20 302.00 Health Increase Proquad (MMR & Varicella) 270.00 Health Correction/Name Change Women’s Wellness Physical (Prior name was “Adult Health Physicals”) Sliding Fee, Insurance, Medicaid 60.00 Per Visit Health Remove Blood Sugars Sliding Fee, Insurance, Medicaid N/A Health Remove Chronic Disease/Diabetes Sliding Fee, Insurance, Medicaid N/A Health Name Change Care Management for At Risk Children (CMARC) FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 24 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 239 Department New, Increase or Decrease Fee Name Current Fee Amount Proposed Fee Amount Units (Prior name was “Care Coordination for Children” Health Name Change Care Management for Hight-Risk Pregnancies (CMHRP) (Prior name was “OBCM-OB Care Management”) Parks & Recreation Increase Multipurpose Field Preparation 30.00 40.00 Per Field Parks & Recreation Increase Open Gym Daily Pass 1.00 2.00 Per Participant Parks & Recreation Remove Open Gym 6 Month Pass 30.00 N/A Parks & Recreation Remove Open Gym Yearly Pass 50.00 N/A Parks & Recreation Correction Afterschool Care Monthly Fee 100.00 120.00 Per Participant Parks & Recreation Increase Movies in the Park Sponsorship: Gold Level 900.00 1,200.00 Per 3 Movies Parks & Recreation Increase Movies in the Park Sponsorship: Silver Level 375.00 1,000.00 Per 3 Movies Parks & Recreation Increase Movies in the Park Sponsorship: Bronze Level 150.00 300.00 Per Movie Enterprise Funds Harnett Regional Water Increase Flat Rate Water, Residential 1st 2,000 gallons 20.00 22.00 Harnett Regional Water Increase Per Thousand Water, Residential 5.50 5.75 Harnett Regional Water Increase Flat Rate Water, Commercial 1st 2,000 gallons 27.00 30.00 FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 25 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 240 Department New, Increase or Decrease Fee Name Current Fee Amount Proposed Fee Amount Units Harnett Regional Water Increase Per Thousand Water, Commercial 5.50 5.75 Harnett Regional Water Increase Water Bulk Rate (per 1,000) 2.60 3.00 Harnett Regional Water Increase Water Bulk Rate-Capacity Holders 2.05 2.35 Harnett Regional Water Increase Water Bulk Rate-Woodlake 2.90 3.20 Harnett Regional Water Increase Hydrant Rate (per 1,000) 6.00 7.00 Harnett Regional Water Increase Energy Charge per 1,000 Water (Out of County Municipal Customers Only) 0.25 0.35 Harnett Regional Water Increase Energy Charge per 1,000 Water (Moore County) 0.30 0.40 Harnett Regional Water Increase Flat Rate Sewer, Residential, no gallons 15.00 16.00 Harnett Regional Water Increase Per Thousand Sewer, Residential 6.00 6.50 Harnett Regional Water Increase Flat Sewer, One Person Household 40.00 42.00 Harnett Regional Water Increase Flat Sewer, Two+ Person Household 45.00 48.00 Harnett Regional Water Increase Flat Rate Sewer, Commercial, no gallons 40.00 42.00 Harnett Regional Water Increase Per Thousand Sewer, Commercial 6.00 6.50 Harnett Regional Water Increase Sewer Institutional Rate, Minimum 250.00 300.00 Harnett Regional Water Increase Per Thousand Sewer, Institutional 6.00 6.50 FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 26 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 241 Department New, Increase or Decrease Fee Name Current Fee Amount Proposed Fee Amount Units Harnett Regional Water Increase Sewer Bulk Rate-Capacity Holders 2.30 2.75 Harnett Regional Water Increase Sewer Bulk Rate-Linden Oaks 2.60 3.00 Solid Waste Management Remove Furniture/Toys/ Electronics (indoor or outdoor) 45.00 N/A Solid Waste Management Remove Landfill tipping fee: All other non- household/recycling items 45.00 N/A FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 27 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 242 Section 9: Authorized Positions The Board of Commissioners has authorized the following number of full-time positions budgeted by function/department. FY 2024 General Government 107.00 Publi c Safety: Sheriff 237.00 Emergency Service 8.50 Emergency Medical Services 86.00 Emergency Communications 27.00 Animal Services 10.00 Transportation 21.00 Environment Safety 4.00 Economic & Physical Development 29.00 Human Services: Health 60.30 Social Services 204.00 Human Services (all others)15.70 Cultural & Recreational 41.00 Workforce Development 6.00 Emergency Response Planning Grant 0.50 Harnett Regional Water 110.00 Solid Waste 17.00 Employee Clinic 1.00 Total Positions Budgeted 985.00 FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 28 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 243 Section 10: Personnel and Compensation The Board of Commissioners has authorized the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget to include: A. Funding is included in the previously listed sections for the Employee Performance Pay Plan in the amount of 1.5%, market adjustment in the amount of 5%, and a Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) in the amount of 3.0% and is to be administered in accordance with the Harnett County Personnel Ordinance. B. A County contribution of 5% of sworn law enforcement officers’ salary into the State supplemental 401K plan, regardless of employee contribution, as required by G.S. 143-166.50(e). C. A County contribution of 2% of general employees' (non-sworn law enforcement officers’) salary into the State supplemental 401K plan, regardless of employee contribution. D. The County shall pay the individual cost of medical and dental insurance of all regular full-time active employees. The monthly rates for full-time active employees are posted in the Rate & Fee Schedule. E. Vision insurance is available for eligible full-time employees to purchase as an elected deduction. The County does not participate in the cost of this insurance for the employee. The monthly rate for full-time active employees is posted in the Rate & Fee Schedule. F. The County will transfer $15.00 per full-time employee per month to the Employee Clinic Internal Service Fund to fund the employee health clinic. The County will provide the service for all full and part-time employees and their dependents. Those retirees who are covered by the County health insurance plan may also utilize the clinic. The employees will not be required to use leave while receiving treatment at the clinic nor pay a co-pay for services received. G. The County will transfer $10.00 per full-time employee per month to the OPEB Trust Fund to fund the OPEB Trust. Additionally, the County will transfer $10.00 per sworn law enforcement employee per month to the OPEB Trust Fund to fund the LEOSSA Trust. These funds will be placed into a special fund to be invested with the State Treasurer to accumulate for use in paying future benefits owed to qualifying employees who separate from the County's employment. H. Requests for new positions, salary adjustments, position reclassifications, transfers and/or department reorganizations will only be considered by management as part of the annual budget process. Should the need arise to address one or more of these items during the course of the fiscal year, the department will present their request to the County Manager who may address the matter based on his/her level of discretion granted in the Personnel Ordinance. All requests for new positions will be required to be presented to the full Board of County Commissioners at a regularly scheduled work session to obtain their approval at the following regular meeting. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 29 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 244 Section 11: Salary Grade Table The Board of Commissioners hereby adopts the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Classification and Grade Table as set forth in Attachment B to be effective from July 16, 2023, through June 30, 2024. Staff is hereby authorized to make modifications and adjust any and all pay ranges, accordingly, to maintain the integrity of the table going forward. Section 12: Reduction in State and Federal Funding It will be the general policy of this Board that it will not absorb any reduction in State and Federal funds; however, the Board, in its discretion, may amend the budget ordinance to appropriate additional funds to compensate for the reduction in State and Federal funds so long as the ordinance, as amended, satisfies the requirements of G.S. 159-8 and 159-13. If the Board does not appropriate additional funds, the agency shall reduce personnel or program expenditures to stay within the authorized County appropriation. The policy is extended to any agency that is funded by the County and receives State or Federal funds. This shall remain in effect until otherwise changed or amended by the Board of Commissioners. The County Manager is hereby directed to distribute this policy to each of the agencies that may be involved. Section 13: Fiscal Control Act A. The County Manager and the Finance Officer are hereby directed to make any changes in the budget or fiscal practices that are required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. This shall extend to permitted consolidation of funds and “Single Tax Levies” permitted in the Fiscal Control Act. Any changes made by this authorization shall be reported to the Board of Commissioners for their approval. The known changes that follow shall in no way be a limitation to the County Manager and Finance Officer in complying with said Act. B. As provided by G.S. 159-25(b), the Board has authorized dual signatures for each check or draft that is made on County funds. The signatures of the County Manager or the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners and the Finance Officer following proof or warrant, shall be the authorized signatures of the County. C. Department directors may request the transfer of line-item appropriations between cost centers under their jurisdiction. Transfers made from salary and wage accounts shall not result in the increase of salary obligations. Transfers into capital outlay lines shall not result in the purchase of additional capital items not previously approved by the Board of Commissioners. The County Manager, as the budget officer, is hereby authorized to approve such transfers. All budget transfers as referenced herein will be reported at the next regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners as in accordance with G.S. 159-15. D. The Harnett County Board of Commissioner's establish a capitalization threshold of $20,000 for equipment and vehicles, $100,000 for renovations/improvements and $250,000 for new construction. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 30 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 245 E. The County Manager, who serves as the Budget Officer, is hereby directed to administer the budget within the following legal parameters and the guidelines contained within the Fiscal Policy, adopted by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners on May 15, 2023, and incorporated by reference. A copy is attached as Attachment C. 1. Except where in conflict with C above, transfer funds within a department without limitation. 2. Transfer amounts of up to $5,000 between departments of the same fund with a memorandum report of such transfers at the next regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners. 3. Employ temporary help from time to time to meet the needs of county departments. 4. Transfer amounts of up to $50,000 from contingency to any department with a memorandum report of such transfers at the next regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners. Amounts of $50,000 or above must be approved by the Board of Commissioners. 5. Execute contracts provided that funds for the contract have been approved as part of the annual budget and the contract does not exceed the funds appropriated, the contract’s term does not exceed three years, does not automatically renew beyond three years, and all applicable state laws and county policies regarding purchasing are followed, and the contract does not exceed $100,000. 6. Execute on behalf of the Board of Commissioners any other contract, change order, purchase order or other instrument incurring any obligation which is specifically approved by the Board of Commissioners. 7. Authorize payment in an amount not to exceed $5,000 in settlement of any liability claims against the County or against any of its officers or employees. F. Other changes in this budget will be made by amendment only. Transfers between funds require the specific approval of the Board of Commissioners. Appropriation from contingency in a capital project fund can be made following previously adopted Best Management Practices as listed in Attachment D. Section 14: Capital Improvement Plans General Government and Solid Waste Capital Improvements Plan The General Government and Solid Waste Capital Improvements Plan was adopted on December 19, 2022, and is available in the Office of the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners and is included in the FY 2023-2024 Approved Budget Document. The plan is acknowledged as being a working tool developed by the County staff to give guidance toward the County's general government infrastructure development and capital needs. The amounts listed in the 2023-2024 fiscal year are approved as part of this budget ordinance. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 31 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 246 Harnett Regional Water Capital Improvements Plan The Harnett Regional Water Department Capital Improvement Plan was adopted on June 5, 2023, and is available in the Office of the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners and is included in the FY 2023-2024 Approved Budget Document. The plan is acknowledged as being a working tool developed by the County staff to give guidance toward the County’s water and sewer infrastructure development and capital needs. The amounts listed in the FY 2023-2024 fiscal year are approved as part of this budget ordinance. Section 15: Harnett Regional Water – Water and Sewer Ordinance The Harnett Regional Water Department Ordinance is included for reference in Attachment F, and hereby remains in effect for the budget year 2023-2024. Section 16: Document Availability Copies of this Budget Ordinance shall be furnished to the Tax Administrator, Budget Officer, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners and to the Finance Officer to be kept on file by them for their direction in the disbursement of funds and collection of taxes and fees. Adopted this, the 5th day of June, 2023. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Matthew B. Nicol, Chairman Brent Trout, County Manager ATTEST: Melissa Capps, Clerk to the Board FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 32 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 247 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDDangerous Dog Appeal20.00 20.00 20.00 Livestock at Large Notice of Sale (State Mandate) G.S §68-20 Notice of Sale (State Mandate) G.S §68-20 Notice of Sale (State Mandate) G.S §68-20 Large Livestock Adoption Fee100.00 100.00 100.00 Small Livestock Adoption Fee25.00 25.00 25.00 Poultry/Fowl Adoption Fee5.00 5.00 5.00 Altered Cat Adoption Fee55.00 Altered Animal Rescue Pull Fee20.00 Altered Dog Adoption Fee95.00 Rabies Lab Testing / Container Fee 50.00 50.00 50.00 Animal pick-up (if animal is reclaimed)30.00 30.00 30.00 Animal boarding, per day (if animal is reclaimed)20.00 20.00 20.00 Adoption Fees:Canine Adoption Fee (includes Rabies, Vacinations and microchip) 55.00 55.00 55.00 Feline Adoption Fee (includes Rabies and microchip) 45.00 45.00 45.00 Veteran's Adoption Fee 20.00 20.00 20.00 Small Animal Adoption Fee 10.00 10.00 10.00 Rescue Fees:Canine Rescue Fee (first three canines, each)45.00 - - Canine Rescue Fee (after three canines, each) 25.00 - - Feline Rescue / Rescue only fee 16.00 - - ANIMAL SERVICESFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 33HCBOC 060523 Pg. 248 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDCivil Summons:First Offense100.00 100.00 100.00 Second Offense200.00 200.00 200.00 Third Offense400.00 400.00 400.00 Current Quarantine:If the animal is picked up 130.00 130.00 230.00 If animal is brought in 100.00 100.00 200.00 Reclaim:Multiple Offender50.00 Dangerous/Potentially Dangerous Dog 200.00 Boarding:Large Livestock (daily)50.00 Small-Medium Livestock (daily)30.00 Fowl (daily)5.00 Transport:Large Livestock100.00 Small-Medium Livestock50.00 Rabies Vaccination8.00 8.00 8.00 Rabies Vaccination (special clinic)5.00 5.00 5.00 Rabies Non-Compliance100.00 Wormer all dogs 5.00 5.00 5.00 Feline / Canine Testing 15.00 15.00 15.00 ANIMAL SERVICESFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 34HCBOC 060523 Pg. 249 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDPaper List, per page0.10 0.10 0.10 Labels, per sheet (30 per sheet)0.30 0.30 0.30 Fax, per sheet 0.20 0.20 0.20 CD ROM 3.00 3.00 3.00 Copies, per page 0.10 0.10 0.10 Postage actual cost actual cost actual cost provided at no cost:The State chair of each political party (1 list)The County chair of each political party:One in every odd number yearnumbered yearLaminating:9 x 11 1/2" pouch0.25 0.25 0.25 9 x 14 1/2" pouch0.35 0.35 0.35 12 x 18" pouch0.50 0.50 0.50 25" wide roll$0.80 / ft $0.80 / ft $0.80 / ftReplacement training certificates (each)1.00 1.00 1.00 BOARD OF ELECTIONSCOOPERATIVE EXTENSIONFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 35HCBOC 060523 Pg. 250 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDBoard of Adjustments:Conditional use permits, residential 175.00 175.00 175.00 Conditional use permits, minor non-residential 200.00 200.00 200.00 Conditional use permits, neighborhood non-residential 200 plus $50 per acre $500 max 200 plus $50 per acre $500 max 200 plus $50 per acre $500 max Conditional use permits, community non-residential 200 plus $50 per acre $1,000 max 200 plus $50 per acre $1,000 max 200 plus $50 per acre $1,000 max Conditional use permits, regional non-residential 200 plus $75 per acre $1,500 max 200 plus $75 per acre $1,500 max 200 plus $75 per acre $1,500 max Conditional use permits, planned unit development $175 plus $10 per acre for commercial and $3 res/ unit (includes SFR & MF, Max $1,500) $175 plus $10 per acre for commercial and $3 res/ unit (includes SFR & MF, Max $1,500) $175 plus $10 per acre for commercial and $3 res/ unit (includes SFR & MF, Max $1,500) Conditional use permit, cell tower200.00 200.00 200.00 Appeal or interpretation $260 with refund option $260 with refund option $260 with refund option Variance400.00 400.00 400.00 Variance, administrative400.00 400.00 400.00 Re-inspect for Conditional Use permit50.00 50.00 50.00 Planning Board:Alternate plan review200.00 200.00 200.00 Rezoning, first 10 acres250.00 250.00 250.00 Rezoning, each additional acre50.00 50.00 50.00 with maximum of 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 Ordinance text amendment250.00 250.00 250.00 Land Use Plan / Map Amendment250.00 250.00 250.00 DEVELOPMENT SERVICESFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 36HCBOC 060523 Pg. 251 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDMobile Home Park Plan175.00 175.00 175.00 plus per lot charge20.00 20.00 20.00 Major subdivision plat500.00 500.00 500.00 plus per lot charge20.00 20.00 20.00 Major subdivision plat - Revision to preliminary100.00 100.00 100.00 plus per lot charge for new lots20.00 20.00 20.00 Major subdivision plat - final plat100.00 100.00 100.00 Re-inspection fee for final plats50.00 50.00 50.00 Major subdivision plat final recreation fee, per lot500.00 500.00 500.00 Minor subdivision plat w/o improvements100.00 100.00 100.00 plus per lot charge20.00 20.00 20.00 Minor subdivision plat with improvements160.00 160.00 160.00 plus per lot charge20.00 20.00 20.00 Highway Corridor Overlay Review60.00 60.00 60.00 Exempt Plats30.00 30.00 30.00 Permits & Licenses:Land Use permit25.00 25.00 25.00 Land Use permit renewal75.00 75.00 75.00 Sign permit, ground50.00 50.00 50.00 Sign permit, wall $1/square foot $1/square foot $1/square foot Sign permit renewal100.00 100.00 100.00 Outdoor advertising signs (billboards) refer to Commercial building permit refer to Commercial building permit refer to Commercial building permit Site plan, minor100.00 100.00 100.00 Site plan, neighborhood250.00 250.00 250.00 Site plan, community400.00 400.00 400.00 DEVELOPMENT SERVICESFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 37HCBOC 060523 Pg. 252 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDSite plan, regional1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 Site plan, renewal100.00 100.00 100.00 Site plan, revision- 40.00 40.00 Historic property application25.00 25.00 25.00 Improvement guarantee review400.00 400.00 400.00 Improvement guarantees, modification200.00 200.00 200.00 Improvement guarantees, renewal100.00 100.00 100.00 Mobile home park zoning inspection150.00 150.00 150.00 plus per lot charge7.00 7.00 7.00 Mobile home re-inspection, per trip50.00 50.00 50.00 Vested rights certificate400.00 400.00 400.00 Flood Permit100.00 100.00 100.00 Letter of map amendment (LOMA) review50.00 50.00 50.00 Conditional letter of map amendment (CLOMA) review50.00 50.00 50.00 Letter of map revision (LOMR) review50.00 50.00 50.00 Conditional letter of map revision (CLOMR) review50.00 50.00 50.00 Watershed100.00 100.00 100.00 Special nonresidential intensity allocation permit (SNIA)$1,000/acre $1,000/acre $1,000/acreWatershed variance400.00 400.00 400.00 Ordinances:Unified Development Ordinance30.00 30.00 30.00 Zoning Compliance (letter)75.00 75.00 75.00 Zoning Verification (letter)25.00 25.00 25.00 Copies:Previously Issued Permit (per page)3.00 3.00 3.00 DEVELOPMENT SERVICESFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 38HCBOC 060523 Pg. 253 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDMaps5.00 5.00 5.00 Board Meeting Recordings on CD5.00 5.00 5.00 Cell Towers:church steeple)5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 Collocated or combined wireless communications facility (i.e. basic co-location) $1,000 (per change in General Statutes) $1,000 (per change in General Statutes) $1,000 (per change in General Statutes) clock tower)6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 lattice, guided tower, monopole)7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 Electrical:Electrical permit (minimum) $60/$120 after the fact $60/$120 after the fact $60/$120 after the fact 200 amps $80/$160 after the fact $80/$160 after the fact $80/$160 after the fact Over 200 amps $90/$180 after the fact $90/$180 after the fact $90/$180 after the fact Residential Solar Panels (new law requires 2 trips) $120 / $240 $120 / $240 $120 / $240Residential Generator $120 / $240 $120 / $240 $120 / $240Commercial Solar Panels Based on Contractor's Labor Cost Based on Contractor's Labor Cost Based on Contractor's Labor Cost Residential Mechanical:Minimum residential mechanical (ductwork & gas line only, etc.) $60/$120 after the fact $60/$120 after the fact $60/$120 after the fact Up to 2 residential unit replacement (includes electrical) $90/$180 after the fact $90/$180 after the fact $90/$180 after the fact DEVELOPMENT SERVICESFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 39HCBOC 060523 Pg. 254 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDMore than 2 residential units (includes electrical) $110/$220 after the fact $110/$220 after the fact $110/$220 after the fact Commercial MechanicalUp to 2 commercial unit replacement (includes electrical)90.00 90.00 90.00 More than 2 commercial units (includes electrical) 110.00 110.00 110.00 Manufactured Home:Travel Trailer $125/$250 after the fact $125/$250 after the fact $125/$250 after the fact Singlewide Mobile Home $150/$300 after the fact $150/$300 after the fact $150/$300 after the fact Doublewide Mobile Home $200/$400 after the fact $200/$400 after the fact $200/$400 after the fact Triplewide Mobile Home $225/$450 after the fact $225/$450 after the fact $225/$450 after the fact Plumbing:Minimum Plumbing, 2 or less fixtures $50/$100 after the fact $50/$100 after the fact $50/$100 after the fact Water service line $40/$80 after the fact $40/$80 after the fact $40/$80 after the fact Sewer service line $50/$100 after the fact $50/$100 after the fact $50/$100 after the fact Residential Plumbing, more than 2 fixtures $100/$200 after the fact $100/$200 after the fact $100/$200 after the fact DEVELOPMENT SERVICESFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 40HCBOC 060523 Pg. 255 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDDEVELOPMENT SERVICESInsulation $55/$110 after the fact $55/$110 after the fact $55/$110 after the fact Miscellaneous:Homeowner's Recovery Fund 10.00 10.00 10.00 Day Care or Group Home 100.00 100.00 100.00 Reinspection (1 - 9 violations) per tripFirst trip50.00 50.00 50.00 Second trip (existing violations not corrected)100.00 100.00 100.00 Plan Review Fee (Residential)25.00 25.00 25.00 Plan Review (Commercial)50.00 50.00 50.00 Site Plan Revision- 40.00 40.00 Expired permits (6 months to 2 years)150.00 150.00 150.00 Expired permits over 2 yearsfull cost full cost full costChange of use (n/a when building permits issued)100.00 100.00 100.00 Second home removal permit & inspection $350 with partial refund option for compliance $350 with partial refund option for compliance $350 with partial refund option for compliance Swimming pools (does not include electrical) Moved from Mechanical $100/$200 after the fact $100/$200 after the fact $100/$200 after the fact New Single Family Dwelling:Description by dimension per square fee (heated and garage). Includes building, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, insulation and t.s.p. permitUp to 1,200 square feet $600/$1,200 after the fact $600/$1,200 after the fact $600/$1,200 after the fact 1,201 to 2,000 square feet $700/$1,400 after the fact $700/$1,400 after the fact $700/$1,400 after the fact FY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 41HCBOC 060523 Pg. 256 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTED2,001 to 2,500 square feet $805/$1,610 after the fact $805/$1,610 after the fact $805/$1,610 after the fact 2,501 to 3,000 square feet $940/$1,880 after the fact $940/$1,880 after the fact $940/$1,880 after the fact 3,001 to 3,500 square feet $1,045/$2,090 after the fact $1,045/$2,090 after the fact $1,045/$2,090 after the fact 3,501 to 4,000 square feet $1,200/$2,400 after the fact $1,200/$2,400 after the fact $1,200/$2,400 after the fact 4,001 to 4,500 square feet $1,290/$2,580 after the fact $1,290/$2,580 after the fact $1,290/$2,580 after the fact 4,501 to 5,000 square feet $1,390/$2,780 after the fact $1,390/$2,780 after the fact $1,390/$2,780 after the fact 5,001 or more square feet $1,390 plus $0.20 x sq. ft $1,390 plus $0.20 x sq. ft $1,390 plus $0.20 x sq. ft Residential additions:Attached and detached garage, storage buildings, renovations, and fire damage renovation (building permit only)0 to 500 square feet $100/$200 after the fact $100/$200 after the fact $100/$200 after the fact 501 to 1,200 square feet $175/$350 after the fact $175/$350 after the fact $175/$350 after the fact 1,201 to 2,000 square feet $250/$500 after the fact $250/$500 after the fact $250/$500 after the fact 2,001 or more square feet $325/$650 after the fact $325/$650 after the fact $325/$650 after the fact Modular Home (fee includes electrical, plumbing and mechanical) $375/$750 after the fact $375/$750 after the fact $375/$750 after the fact Modular Construction Trailer - Temporary $125/$250 after the fact $125/$250 after the fact $125/$250 after the fact DEVELOPMENT SERVICESFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 42HCBOC 060523 Pg. 257 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDMoved house or building (fee includes electrical, plumbing and mechanical) $375/$750 after the fact $375/$750 after the fact $375/$750 after the fact Commercial, Industrial and Multi-Family :Fee is for each trade and is separate from the total cost of the project$0 - $1,200 $80/$160 after the fact $80/$160 after the fact $80/$160 after the fact $1,201 - $2,500 $160/$320 after the fact $160/$320 after the fact $160/$320 after the fact $2,501 - $25,000 $300/$600 after the fact $300/$600 after the fact $300/$600 after the fact $25,001 - $50,000 $500/$1000 after the fact $500/$1000 after the fact $500/$1000 after the fact $50,001 - $100,000 $905/$1,810 after the fact $905/$1,810 after the fact $905/$1,810 after the fact $100,001 - $200,000 $1,710/$3,420 after the fact $1,710/$3,420 after the fact $1,710/$3,420 after the fact $200,001 - $350,000 $2,915/$5,830 after the fact $2,915/$5,830 after the fact $2,915/$5,830 after the fact $350,001 - $500,000 $3,820/$7,640 after the fact $3,820/$7,640 after the fact $3,820/$7,640 after the fact $500,001 - $750,000 $5,075/$10,150 after the fact $5,075/$10,150 after the fact $5,075/$10,150 after the fact $750,001 - $1,000,000 $6,330/$12,660 after the fact $6,330/$12,660 after the fact $6,330/$12,660 after the fact Each T-pole60.00 60.00 60.00 DEVELOPMENT SERVICESFees in excess of $6,330 will require an additional .002 of each *Please note that there are additional fee requirements for additions or renovations to Modular Home or Move House setups.FY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 43HCBOC 060523 Pg. 258 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDCommercial Modular Unit (any size) plus each trade cost $375/$750 after the fact $375/$750 after the fact $375/$750 after the fact Harnett County Board of Education Classroom Huts:Single Room 100.00 100.00 100.00 Two Rooms 200.00 200.00 200.00 Three or more 300.00 300.00 300.00 Annual Fees:Foster home inspection 25.00 25.00 25.00 Alcohol Beverage Control 100.00 Battery Energy Storage System Inspection 100.00 Emergency Access Gate Inspection100.00 Non-Compliance of Violations:First reinspection for non-compliance, if code requirements are met50.00 50.00 50.00 Second non-compliance inspection100.00 100.00 100.00 Third and subsequent inspections for non-compliance200.00 Special User Permits for Specific Times:Fireworks - Pyrotechnic Special Effects (Includes Site Plan Review)150.00 150.00 150.00 Tents & Temporary Membrane Structure (Includes Site Plan Review)100.00 100.00 100.00 Temporary kiosks or displays for merchandising- - - Insecticide fogging or fumigation (Includes Site Plan Review)75.00 75.00 75.00 DEVELOPMENT SERVICESEMERGENCY SERVICESFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 44HCBOC 060523 Pg. 259 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDExplosive Materials (blasting permits):Multiple visits - 90 days (Includes Site Plan Review)250.00 250.00 250.00 Single visit - 72 hours (Includes Site Plan Review)100.00 100.00 100.00 Amusement Buildings (Includes Site Plan Review)75.00 75.00 75.00 Carnivals and fairs (Includes Site Plan Review)75.00 75.00 75.00 Covered Mall Buildings (Includes construction plan review. Does not include individual tenant spaces.)75.00 75.00 75.00 Exhibits, Trade Shows and Festivals (Includes Site Plan Review)75.00 75.00 75.00 Liquids Use, Dispensing, Storage, Transportation75.00 75.00 75.00 Change in Liquid in Tanks75.00 75.00 75.00 Manufacture or Process Liquids75.00 75.00 75.00 Liquid Dispensing - AGST/UGST to Vehicles75.00 75.00 75.00 Liquid Dispensing - Tanker to Vehicles75.00 75.00 75.00 Liquid or gas-fueled vehicles or equipment in assembly buildings75.00 75.00 75.00 Private Fire Hydrants75.00 75.00 75.00 Combustible Dust Producing Operations75.00 75.00 75.00 Spraying or Dipping75.00 75.00 75.00 Required Construction Permits:Automatic Fire Extinguishing System - Fixed Fire Suppression Systems/Sprinkler $50.00+ $2.00 per Nozzle Head $50.00+ $2.00 per Nozzle Head $50.00+ $2.00 per Nozzle Head Fire Alarm Detection System and Related Equipment $50.000+ $2.00 per initiating device $50.000+ $2.00 per initiating device $50.000+ $2.00 per initiating device Standpipes150.00 150.00 150.00 Certificate of occupancy certification (Final Inspection)50.00 50.00 50.00 Certificate of occupancy (Final Inspection) re-check per violation50.00 50.00 50.00 Any required permits not obtained prior to work being conducted shall EMERGENCY SERVICESFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 45HCBOC 060523 Pg. 260 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDAGST/UGST (Above Ground/Underground Storage Tanks):Removal (per tank) (Includes Site Plan Review)100.00 100.00 100.00 New installations (per tank) (Includes Site Plan Review)100.00 100.00 100.00 Reinspection (per tank) 100.00 100.00 100.00 AGST/UGST Pipe Inspection (Includes Site Plan Review)100.00 100.00 100.00 Plans Review:Up to 5,000 sq. ft. 50.00 50.00 50.00 5,001 to 10,000 sq. ft. 100.00 100.00 100.00 10,001 to 25,000 sq. ft. 150.00 150.00 150.00 Over 25,000 sq. ft. 250.00 250.00 .01 / square footMajor Subdivision Site Plant (DRB Review and Inspection Fee)100.00 100.00 100.00 Commercial Site Plan Review50.00 50.00 50.00 Revisions / Resubmittals50.00 50.00 50.00 Imminent Hazard Violations:Locked or Blocked exit doors 250.00 Each Exit Door / Each Occurance 250.00 Each Exit Door / Each Occurance 250.00 Each Exit Door / Each Occurance Exceeding Posted Occupancy Capacity w/failure to comply 250.00 Each Occurance 250.00 Each Occurance 250.00 Each Occurance BLS:Non-Emergency393.80 393.80 393.80 Emergency630.07 630.07 630.07 BLS Routine Disposable Supplies75.00 75.00 75.00 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICESEMERGENCY SERVICESFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 46HCBOC 060523 Pg. 261 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDALS 1:Non-Emergency472.55 472.55 472.55 Emergency748.21 748.21 748.21 ALS 2:Emergency1,082.94 1,082.94 1,082.94 ALS Routine Disposable Supplies90.00 90.00 90.00 Loaded Patient Mileage13.33 13.33 13.33 Wheel Chair Van Transport :Within Harnett County - mileage included50.00 50.00 50.00 Outside Harnett County3.00 3.00 3.00 Note: Fees are based upon the current NC Medicare/Medicaid Fee Schedule.Specialty Care1,279.82 1,279.82 1,279.82 Round Trip829.50 829.50 829.50 Defibrillation85.00 85.00 85.00 Intubation125.00 125.00 125.00 IV Supplies25.00 25.00 25.00 Oxygen20.00 20.00 20.00 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICESFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 47HCBOC 060523 Pg. 262 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDBLS Training (Organizations & Individuals):Harnett County Resident50.00 50.00 50.00 Non-Harnett County Resident75.00 75.00 75.00 BLS Certification Card3.25 5.00 5.00 Health Saver Certification Card18.00 25.00 25.00 Health Saver Required Workbook3.25 5.00 5.00 Additional Training:10.00 10.00 ACLS Certification Card10.00 10.00 PALS Certification Card10.00 10.00 Heart Saver CPR/AED25.00 25.00 Heart Saver First-Aid/CPR/AED25.00 25.00 Advanced Medical Life Support20.00 20.00 Community Paramedic Course20.00 20.00 Emergency Pediatric Care20.00 20.00 Emergency Vehicle Operations Safety15.00 15.00 First on Scene15.00 15.00 Geriatric Education for EMS15.00 15.00 Principals of Ethics and Personal Leadership20.00 20.00 Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support20.00 20.00 EMS Safety15.00 15.00 Tatical Emergency Casualty Care20.00 20.00 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICESLocal Government & Non-Profit Agencies within Harnett County - cost of certification card and workbook if applicable, no cost for training.FY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 48HCBOC 060523 Pg. 263 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDMaps, Print Outs, Deed Plots or Copies printed on Copier (cost per page)1.00 1.00 1.00 Maps printed on Plotter:Without Ortho's 6.00 6.00 6.00 With Ortho's10.00 10.00 10.00 Without Ortho's on Poster Paper16.00 16.00 16.00 With Ortho's on Poster Paper20.00 20.00 20.00 Specialty Maps, Requests and Projects (hourly cost)35.00 65.00 65.00 Specialty Maps on Poster Paper - - - Digital Data 35.00 35.00 35.00 Map Book 20.00 25.00 25.00 800 MHZ radio, per radio, per month.(This fee is charged to Fire, Rescue,Police Departments, Towns and anyone who utilizes an 800 MHZ radio).25.00 25.00 25.00 Road Signs 250.00 400.00 400.00 Road Name Petition 500.00 500.00 500.00 Subdivision Name Change 500.00 500.00 500.00 Reflective Address Number Sign:Complete 20.00 40.00 40.00 Sign Only 15.00 35.00 35.00 Post Only 10.00 10.00 10.00 GIS / E911FY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 49HCBOC 060523 Pg. 264 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDAll Water Districts:Flat Rate Water, Residential 1st 2,000 gallons 20.00 20.00 22.00 Per Thousand Water, Residential 5.50 5.50 5.75 Flat Rate Water, Commercial, 1st 2,000 gallons (flat)27.00 27.00 30.00 Per Thousand Water, Commercial (per 1,000 over 2,000)$5.50/1,000 $5.50/1,000 $5.75/1,000Water Bulk Rate (per 1,000) $2.60/1,000 $2.60/1,000 $3.00/1,000Water Bulk Rate - Capacity Owners$2.05/1,000 $2.05/1,000 $2.35/1,000Water Bulk Rate- Woodlake$2.90/1,000 $2.90/1,000 $3.20/1,000Hydrant 3/4" Meter Rental-Daily/Monthly/Yrly $5 / $140 / $1,200 $5 / $140 / $1,200 $5 / $140 / $1,200 Hydrant 3" Meter Rental-Daily/Monthly/Yrly$2,500 $2,500 $2,500 Institutional Rate Same as residential Same as residential Same as residential Commercial, per month (50,000 gallon minimum/month)- - - Energy Charges per 1,000 Water (Out of County Municipal Customers only)$0.25/1,000 $0.25/1,000 $0.35/1,000All Sewer Districts:Flat Rate Sewer, Residential, no gallons 15.00 15.00 16.00 Per Thousand Sewer, Residential$6.00/1,000 $6.00/1,000 $6.50/1,000Flat Sewer, One person household40.00 40.00 42.00 Flat Sewer, Two + person household 45.00 45.00 48.00 Flat Rate Sewer, Commercial, no gallons 40.00 40.00 42.00 Per Thousand Sewer, Commercial $6.00/1,000 $6.00/1,000 $6.50/1,000Institutional Rate, Minimum 250.00 250.00 300.00 Per Thousand Sewer, Institutional $6.00/1,000 $6.00/1,000 $6.50/1,000Sewer Bulk Rate Capacity Holders (per 1,000)$2.30/1,000 $2.30/1,000 $2.75/1,000HARNETT REGIONAL WATERFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 50HCBOC 060523 Pg. 265 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDSewer Bulk Rate Linden Oaks$2.60/1,000 $2.60/1,000 $3.00/1,000All Water Districts:Water Tap On Fee, 3/4" Service (includes Capacity Use Fee) $800.00 (total $2,800) $1,200.00 (total $3,200) $1,200.00 (total $3,200) Water Tap On Fee, 1 1/2" Service (includes Capacity Use Fee)- - - Water Tap On Fee, 2" Service (includes Capacity Use Fee) $2,500.00 (total $4,500) $3,500.00 (total $5,500) $3,500.00 (total $5,500) Meter Fees 3/4" Mechanical70.00 70.00 70.00 Meter Fees 3/4" Electronic/Radio Read/Automatic Read325.00 325.00 325.00 Sprinkler Tap300.00 500.00 500.00 Water Tap, New District - Construction200.00 200.00 200.00 Water System Development Fee, per lot2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 Water System Development Fees - Commercial Based on SDF/Res Eq Based on SDF/Res Eq Based on SDF/Res Eq Late or delinquent fee10.00 10.00 10.00 All Sewer Districts:Sewer Tap on Fee, Residential, All Districts (does not include Sewer Capacity Use Fee) $1,000 (total $3,500) $1,500 (total $4,000) $1,500 (total $4,000) Sewer Tap, Gravity Tank, Bunnlevel Sewer Tap, Step Tank, Bunnlevel / Riverside $2,000 (total $4,500) $2,800 (total $5,300) $2,800 (total $5,300) Septage Hauler Fees:Basic Facilities Charge $20 per truckload $20 per truckload $20 per truckload Usage Charge $85.00/1,000 $85.00/1,000 $85.00/1,000 HARNETT REGIONAL WATERFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 51HCBOC 060523 Pg. 266 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDAll Water & Sewer Districts:Deposits, Owner, Water25.00 25.00 25.00 Deposits, Owner, Water (if credit is denied due to unpaid utilities)50.00 50.00 50.00 Deposits, Owner, Sewer25.00 25.00 25.00 Deposits, Owner, Sewer (if credit is denied due to unpaid utilities)50.00 50.00 50.00 Deposits, Rental, Water50.00 50.00 50.00 Deposits, Rental, Water (if credit is denied due to unpaid utilities)100.00 100.00 100.00 Deposits, Rental, Sewer50.00 50.00 50.00 Deposits, Rental, Sewer (if credit is denied due to unpaid utilities)100.00 100.00 100.00 Deposits, 3/4" Hydrant Meter-Refundable250.00 250.00 250.00 Deposits, 3" Hydrant Meter-Refundable500.00 500.00 500.00 Setup Fees15.00 15.00 15.00 After Hours Call Out50.00 50.00 50.00 Transfer Fee15.00 15.00 15.00 Water Samples$30 & up $30 & up $30 & upAll Water & Sewer Districts (con't):Reconnect Fees40.00 40.00 40.00 Damaged Fees - as allowed by the State$100 & up $100 & up $100 & upPreliminary Plan Review - all projects250.00 250.00 250.00 Construction Phase Review - per residential equivalent unit40.00 40.00 40.00 Meters:3/4" Mechanical70.00 70.00 70.00 3/4" Electronic/Radio Read/Automatic Read325.00 325.00 325.00 1"450.00 450.00 450.00 1 1/2"525.00 525.00 525.00 2" 2,050.00 2,050.00 2,050.00 HARNETT REGIONAL WATERFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 52HCBOC 060523 Pg. 267 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDMiscellaneous Fees:Camp/sport/college physicalsMoved to CH Services Moved to CH Services Moved to CH Services17P (Prenatal Patients Only)125.00 125.00 125.00 DTaP 50.00 50.00 50.00 Fluad QIV 65+100.61 Flu Vaccine, Prsrv free / Fluzone 48.00 45.41 45.41 Flu Vaccine Quad 55.00 54.41 54.41 Flu Vaccine (Super) / Fluzone High Dose age 65>78.00 91.41 91.41 Flu Vaccine Trivalent MDV 40.00 40.00 40.00 Flucelvax QIV59.61 Fluzone QIV50.61 Hep B 60.00 69.00 69.00 Hepatitis B Vaccine (Hi-Risk)- - - MMR - Adult 75.00 87.00 87.00 Pneumonia shot 105.00 119.00 119.00 PPD/TB Skin Test 25.00 25.00 25.00 Menactra 135.00 152.00 152.00 HPV Vaccine (3 dose)720.00 720.00 825.00 IPV 30.00 35.00 35.00 Kinrix (IPV, Dtap)60.00 60.00 60.00 Pentacel (Dtap, IPV, HIB)88.00 101.00 101.00 Prevnar (PCV13)210.00 235.00 235.00 Prevnar 20302.00 Proquad (MMR & Varicella)232.00 232.00 270.00 Rabies 300.00 393.00 393.00 Rotateq 79.00 95.00 95.00 Shingriz (only patients 50-64) 182.00 182.00 182.00 HEALTHFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 53HCBOC 060523 Pg. 268 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDTwinrix (Hep A & Hep B Combination)95.00 122.00 122.00 Varicella (Meninigitis) 145.00 180.00 180.00 Tele health originating site facility fee 25.00 25.00 25.00 Women's Wllness Physical Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid 60.00 Child Health Services Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Care Management for At Risk Children (CMARC) Medicaid Medicaid Medicaid Cholesterol Test- - - Family Planning Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Care Management for At Risk Pregnancies (CMHRP) Medicaid Medicaid Medicaid Pregnancy Test Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Prenatal Program Services Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid STD Control/Treatment Insurance, Medicaid Insurance, Medicaid Insurance, Medicaid Environmental Health Fees:Inorganic/Organic Water Samples 100.00 100.00 100.00 Water samples / Microbiology 50.00 50.00 50.00 Improvement / Septic Tank Permit 750.00 750.00 750.00 Return Trip Fee ( if not properly marked)25.00 25.00 25.00 Existing tanks 100.00 100.00 100.00 Swimming pool permits 200.00 200.00 250.00 Swimming pool reinspection fee 25.00 25.00 75.00 Tattoo Artist Permits 500.00 500.00 500.00 Temporary Tattoo Artist Permits 125.00 125.00 125.00 HEALTHFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 54HCBOC 060523 Pg. 269 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDPlan Review for Food & Lodging200.00 200.00 250.00 Pool Plan Review300.00 300.00 400.00 Well Fees250.00 250.00 250.00 Engineered Option Permit Fee225.00 225.00 225.00 Simple Revision Fee25.00 25.00 25.00 Revison Fee100.00 100.00 100.00 Expansion / Relocation Fee375.00 375.00 375.00 Drain Field Redesign100.00 100.00 100.00 NC Division of Public Health - Women & Children's Health Section Sliding Fee Scale Sliding Fee Scale Sliding Fee Scale Medicaid Reimbursement Schedule Based on Current Medicaid Rates Based on Current Medicaid Rates Based on Current Medicaid Rates Current Customers (all amounts are per hour of service):Technical Support Services - No Block of Time 95.00 95.00 95.00 Block of 50 hours of Technical Support Services 80.00 80.00 80.00 Block of 100 hours of Technical Support Services 75.00 75.00 75.00 Block of 200 hours of Technical Support Services 70.00 70.00 70.00 Block of 300 hours of Technical Support Services 65.00 65.00 65.00 Block of 400 hours of Technical Support Services 60.00 60.00 60.00 Overages if block of hours chosen 85.00 85.00 85.00 New Customers (all amounts are per hour of service):Technical Support Services - No Block of Time 110.00 110.00 110.00 Block of 15 hours of Technical Support Services 105.00 105.00 105.00 Block of 25 hours of Technical Support Services 95.00 95.00 95.00 Block of 50 hours of Technical Support Services 80.00 80.00 80.00 Block of 100 hours of Technical Support Services 75.00 75.00 75.00 ITHEALTHFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 55HCBOC 060523 Pg. 270 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDBlock of 200 hours of Technical Support Services70.00 70.00 70.00 Block of 300 hours of Technical Support Services65.00 65.00 65.00 Block of 400 hours of Technical Support Services60.00 60.00 60.00 Overages if block of hours chosen85.00 85.00 85.00 Email Hosting (all amounts are per month per user):Microsoft Exchange Mailbox under 100 users 7.00 7.00 7.00 Microsoft Exchange Mailbox 100 users or more 6.00 6.00 6.00 Virtual Server Space and 1TB of Storage (per month) 400.00 400.00 400.00 Netmotion VPN (per month per user) 6.00 6.00 6.00 Additional Hosted Virtual Server (per month) 100.00 100.00 100.00 VoIP / FoIP Line and Maintenance (per month) 12.50 12.50 12.50 10MB Internet (per month) 75.00 75.00 75.00 Copy & Printer Fees:Black & White, per page (8 1/2 x 11) 0.10 0.10 0.10 Black & White, per page (11 x 17) 0.20 0.20 0.20 Color, per page (8 1/2 x 11) 1.00 1.00 1.00 Overdue Fines:to a maximum of $10)0.10 - - Launchpads, per day (up to maximum of $25)1.00 1.00 1.00 Fax fees (no international faxes sent or received):Local, per page 0.25 0.25 0.25 Long distance, per page 0.25 0.25 0.25 LIBRARYITFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 56HCBOC 060523 Pg. 271 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDAll incoming faxes, per page0.25 0.25 0.25 Cold Lamination, per ft.0.75 0.75 0.75 All Library MaterialsLost Items Purchase Cost of Item Purchase Cost of Item Purchase Cost of Item BooksMarkings on pages non-obstructing of text 5.00 5.00 5.00 Torn pages 5.00 5.00 5.00 Torn cover 5.00 5.00 5.00 Minor liquid damage 5.00 5.00 5.00 AudioBooks, DVDs, and Kits Audiobook bag missing 2.00 2.00 2.00 Audiobook missing disc 10.00 10.00 10.00 Audiobook-case damage 8.00 8.00 8.00 AudioVox Charger 5.00 5.00 5.00 Missing Audio CD case 1.00 1.00 1.00 Missing DVD case 2.00 2.00 2.00 Missing DVD Bonus Material 5.00 5.00 5.00 Missing Kit Items Purchase Cost of Item Purchase Cost of Item Purchase Cost of Item Damaged or missing cover art (Audiobooks, Music CDs, DVDs) 1.00 1.00 1.00 Damaged or missing Literacy Kit Container 14.00 14.00 14.00 LaunchPadsDamaged beyond repair or missing electronic device 70.00 70.00 70.00 Missing or damaged Launch USB cord 7.00 7.00 7.00 Missing or damaged LaunchPad case 13.00 13.00 13.00 LIBRARYFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 57HCBOC 060523 Pg. 272 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDMissing or damaged LaunchPad power adapter8.00 8.00 8.00 Missing or damaged LaunchPad bumper9.00 9.00 9.00 MagazinesEmployee Mileage ReimbursementEmployee Subsistence Per Diem (subject to County travel policy):Breakfast7.00 GSA Rate GSA RateLunch13.00 GSA Rate GSA RateDinner26.00 GSA Rate GSA RateMedical Insurance (monthy):Employee Only (County pays)863.05 906.00 1,000.00 Employee + Spouse (Employee pays)339.96 339.96 339.96 Employee + Child(ren) (Employee pays)314.03 314.03 314.03 Employee + Family (Employee pays)709.54 709.54 709.54 Dental Insurance (monthly):Employee Only (County pays)32.00 32.00 32.00 Employee + Spouse (Employee pays)30.46 30.46 30.46 Employee + Child(ren) (Employee pays)34.04 34.04 34.04 Employee + Family (Employee pays)85.44 85.44 85.44 Vision Insurance:Employee Only (Employee Pays)6.46 6.46 6.46 Employee + Spouse (Employee Pays)12.28 12.28 12.28 Employee + Child(ren) (Employee Pays)12.93 12.93 12.93 Employee + Family (Employee Pays)19.00 19.00 19.00 Medicare Supplement amount for qualified retireesnot to exceed $200 not to exceed $200 not to exceed $200MISCELLANEOUSCurrent IRS Mileage Reimbursement RateLIBRARYFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 58HCBOC 060523 Pg. 273 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDBall fields / Multipurpose fields:1st hour 15.00 15.00 15.00 each additional hour15.00 15.00 15.00 per hour with lights 25.00 25.00 25.00 half day (up to 5 hours)60.00 60.00 60.00 half day with lights (up to 5 hours)100.00 100.00 100.00 full day125.00 125.00 125.00 full day with lights150.00 150.00 150.00 Ball field preparation (lining & dragging)20.00 20.00 20.00 Each additional field preparation 10.00 10.00 10.00 Rapid dry (per bag)15.00 15.00 15.00 Multipurpose field preparation 30.00 30.00 40.00 Picnic Shelter:per hour 15.00 15.00 15.00 Tennis Courts:per hour 5.00 5.00 5.00 per hour with lights 10.00 10.00 10.00 Gyms:per hour 50.00 50.00 50.00 per full day 350.00 350.00 350.00 Deposit required for any rentals over 2 hours 100.00 100.00 100.00 Party package (includes 1 hour meeting room rental at BTCC)70.00 70.00 70.00 PARKS & RECREATIONFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 59HCBOC 060523 Pg. 274 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDMulti-purpose Rooms:Barbecue Creek Park Roomper hour 20.00 20.00 20.00 per 4 hour block 75.00 75.00 75.00 refundable deposit 50.00 50.00 50.00 Anderson Creek Senior Centerper hour 35.00 35.00 35.00 per 4 hour block 130.00 130.00 130.00 refundable deposit 100.00 100.00 100.00 Boone Trail Community Center Meeting Roomper hour 25.00 25.00 25.00 per 4 hour block 90.00 90.00 90.00 refundable deposit 50.00 50.00 50.00 Shawtown Community Development Center Classroomper hour - 25.00 25.00 per 4 hour block - 90.00 90.00 refundable deposit - 50.00 50.00 Late fee for rental 10.00 10.00 10.00 Recreation Fees:Anderson Creek Senior Center ProgramsClass A - per participant 20.00 30.00 30.00 Class B - per participant 10.00 20.00 20.00 Class C - per participant 5.00 10.00 10.00 Adult Kickball (per team)275.00 275.00 275.00 Adult Softball -- Mens (per team) requires 2 umpires550.00 550.00 550.00 PARKS & RECREATIONFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 60HCBOC 060523 Pg. 275 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDAdult Softball -- Women's (per team) requires 1 umpire500.00 500.00 500.00 Co-ed Softball Team Fee 450.00 450.00 450.00 Co-ed Softball Participant Fee 40.00 40.00 40.00 Senior Golf Tournament Participant Fee (could vary depending on course)30.00 30.00 30.00 Open GymDaily Pass 1.00 1.00 2.00 Summer CampWeekly (County Resident) 110.00 110.00 110.00 Weekly (Out of County Resident) 120.00 120.00 120.00 Late pickup fee 1.00 / minute 1.00 / minute 1.00 / minuteAfterschool CareMonthly (December & April - $100)120.00 100.00 120.00 Weekly40.00 40.00 40.00 10% discount on children after 1st child (same household)10 % discount 10 % discount 10 % discountTeacher workday 20.00 20.00 20.00 Later pickup fee 1.00 / minute 1.00 / minute 1.00 / minuteLeisure / Fitness Programs and Activities Varies Varies VariesLate fee per program10.00 10.00 10.00 Platinum level (8 movies)- - - Gold level (3 movies, naming rights)900.00 900.00 1,200.00 Silver level (3 movies)375.00 375.00 1,000.00 Bronze level (1 movie)150.00 150.00 300.00 Nickel level (co-sponsor 1 movie)PARKS & RECREATIONFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 61HCBOC 060523 Pg. 276 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDFBO - Full Service900.00 900.00 900.00 FBO/SASO - Aircraft Maintenance900.00 900.00 900.00 FBO/SASO - Flight Training900.00 900.00 900.00 FBO/SASO - Aircraft Charter or Taxi900.00 900.00 900.00 FBO/SASO - Aircraft Rental900.00 900.00 900.00 FBO/SASO - Ground Services (cleaning, servicing)900.00 900.00 900.00 Facility FeeNot to exceed $25 Not to exceed $25 Not to exceed $25Fee assessed based upon service provided for commercial aviationParking Fee:Per day10.00 10.00 10.00 Per month50.00 50.00 50.00 Open Hangar / Shade, per month100.00 100.00 100.00 After hours call out service fee, per tripNot to exceed $100 Not to exceed $100 Not to exceed $100Fee assessed based upon service provided and qualified purchasesFuel Flowage Fee for Delivered Fuel (negotiated sliding scale)per gallon per gallon per gallon **All FBO/SASO fees are annual unless otherwise noted Fee can be waived based upon other qualified purchases such as fuel, aviation fuel/oil products, navigation aids and other KHRJ provided productsREGIONAL JETPORTFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 62HCBOC 060523 Pg. 277 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDGeneral Recordings:First 15 pages ($6.20 is paid to the State Treasurer)26.00 26.00 26.00 Each additional pages4.00 4.00 4.00 Deed Recordings:First 15 pages ($6.20 is paid to the State Treasurer)26.00 26.00 26.00 Each additional pages4.00 4.00 4.00 DT Recordings:First 15 35 pages ($6.20 is paid to the State Treasurer)64.00 64.00 64.00 Each additional page 4.00 4.00 4.00 Additional assignment instrument index reference, each10.00 10.00 10.00 Multiple Instrument fee 10.00 10.00 10.00 Non Standard Document Fee 25.00 25.00 25.00 Additional party to index in excess of 20, each 2.00 2.00 2.00 of Revenue; less 2% Administrative cost)2.00 2.00 2.00 Certified copies:First Page 5.00 5.00 5.00 Each additional page 2.00 2.00 2.00 UCC copies 1.00 1.00 1.00 Xerox copies 0.10 0.10 0.10 Outgoing faxes - local, per pageLocal, per page 0.10 0.10 0.10 Long distance, per page 0.50 0.50 0.50 REGISTER OF DEEDSFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 63HCBOC 060523 Pg. 278 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDDeaths 10.00 10.00 10.00 Marriage license copies 10.00 10.00 10.00 Birth amendments 20.00 20.00 20.00 Legitimations 20.00 20.00 20.00 Delayed births 20.00 20.00 20.00 Notary oaths 10.00 10.00 10.00 out of County births issued by Register of Deeds.)24.00 24.00 24.00 Births 10.00 10.00 10.00 UCC's 38.00 38.00 38.00 Instruction. County keeps $25)60.00 60.00 60.00 Lamination of births & marriages 2.00 2.00 2.00 Maps 21.00 21.00 21.00 Right-of-Way plans 21.00 21.00 21.00 Certified copies of maps 5.00 5.00 5.00 Notary acts 5.00 5.00 5.00 REGISTER OF DEEDSFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 64HCBOC 060523 Pg. 279 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDTorren fees original plots:First page 26.00 26.00 26.00 Each additional page 4.00 4.00 4.00 Torren fees recording new certificate:First page 31.00 31.00 31.00 Torren fees new certificates & noting entries - - - Corporations:First page 26.00 26.00 26.00 Each additional page4.00 4.00 4.00 Uncertified map copies 0.50 0.50 0.50 Copies of plats/plans larger than 18 X 24 1.00 1.00 1.00 Lamination of paper, per foot 0.50 0.50 0.50 Juvenile Restitution Service Fees:1 Juvenile per hour 7.25 7.25 7.25 2 Juveniles per hour 14.50 14.50 14.50 3 Juveniles per hour 21.75 21.75 21.75 4 Juveniles per hour 29.00 29.00 29.00 5 Juveniles per hour 36.25 36.25 36.25 RESTITUTIONREGISTER OF DEEDSFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 65HCBOC 060523 Pg. 280 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDService fee:Per person - in state (State mandated)30.00 30.00 30.00 Per person - out of state 30.00 30.00 30.00 Pistol permits 5.00 5.00 - Fingerprints:In County Residents $10 first set/ $5 additional $10 first set/ $5 additional $10 first set/ $5 additional Out of County Residents$10 additional $10 additional $10 additional Copy of reports3.00 3.00 3.00 Local Jail Fee:Per day5.00 5.00 5.00 State reimbursement, per day18.00 18.00 18.00 Inmate medical, per visit10.00 10.00 10.00 Concealed handgun application:New90.00 90.00 90.00 Renewal75.00 75.00 75.00 Concealed sign1.00 1.00 1.00 Nartest Drug Testing Fee- - - Storage Fee, per day- - - SHERIFFFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 66HCBOC 060523 Pg. 281 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDNC Health Choice Annual Fees:One Child 50.00 50.00 50.00 Multiple Children 100.00 100.00 100.00 Adoption - preplacement assessments 1,300.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 Adoption - report to court 200.00 200.00 200.00 HCWD - Health Coverage for Workers with Disabilities 50.00 50.00 50.00 Home Study 400.00 400.00 400.00 Adoption Initial Search Intermediary Fee (fees charged to locate parties involved in an adoption or the retrieval of background information in accordance with NCGS 48-9-101, 104, and 109). 250.00 250.00 250.00 Adoption Additional Services Intermediary Fee, per hour(extended provision of services to facilitate the exchange of information or personal contactbetween parties involved in an adoption if the initial search is not successful). 75.00 75.00 75.00 Case record copy fee:First page 2.00 2.00 2.00 Multiple pages 0.25 0.25 0.25 CSE NPA application fees - a non-public application fee collected in the amount of $10 or $25 , based upon income and the number in a household.10/25 10/25 10/25Governmental Complex meeting room fee (per day)N/AN/AN/ASOCIAL SERVICESFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 67HCBOC 060523 Pg. 282 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDCollection/hauler permits (annual)125.00 125.00 125.00 Availability Fee (Household solid waste fee) 80.00 80.00 80.00 Recycling fee 5.00 5.00 5.00 Landfill tipping fee:Construction & demolition, per ton48.00 48.00 48.00 Land clearing/ inert debris and yard waste, per ton30.00 30.00 30.00 Uncertified tires, per ton 76.00 76.00 76.00 Illegal waste, per ton 106.00 106.00 106.00 Mattress / Box Spring (all sizes) 5.00 5.00 5.00 Minimum Charge per Load 5.00 5.00 5.00 Screened Mulch Cost + 10% Cost + 10% Cost + 10%Surcharge for digging out loads 100.00 100.00 100.00 Fine for including trash bags or debris in LCID 100.00 100.00 100.00 Solid waste citation 100.00 100.00 100.00 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENTFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 68HCBOC 060523 Pg. 283 ATTACHMENT A: RATE AND FEE SCHEDULEFISCAL YEAR 2023‐2024(Changes from the previous year are highlighted) 6/5/23DEPARTMENTTYPE OF FEE2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 ADOPTEDGarnishment Fee:Employee 30.00 30.00 30.00 Employer 30.00 30.00 30.00 Bank Attachment Fee 60.00 60.00 60.00 Advertising Fee 5.00 5.00 5.00 Returned Check Fee 10% of face amount or $25.00, whichever is greater 10% of face amount or $25.00, whichever is greater 10% of face amount or $25.00, whichever is greater Dial-A-Ride - within City limits, one way3.00 3.00 3.00 Outside city limits, one way3.00 3.00 3.00 Out of County, medical trips only5.00 5.00 5.00 Senior discount (one way)2.00 2.00 2.00 Medicaid Approved Transportation per mile3.75 3.75 3.75 Deviated Fixed Rate, per ride2.00 2.00 2.00 Van use fee (per mile, Harnett County agencies only)2.00 2.00 2.00 TRANSPORTATIONTAXFY 2023-2024 Budget OrdinancePage 69HCBOC 060523 Pg. 284 Attachment B (BOC approved 6/5/2023 and effective 7/16/2023) Grade Job Title Frequency Minimum Job Rate Mid Point Maximum 1 Not Used Annual 17,445$ 20,934$ 23,115$ 28,785$ 2 Not used Annual 18,318$ 21,982$ 24,272$ 30,225$ Monthly 1,526.50$ 1,831.83$ 2,022.67$ 2,518.75$ Hourly 8.8069$ 10.5683$ 11.6695$ 14.5315$ 3 Not used Annual 19,235$ 23,082$ 25,485$ 31,736$ Monthly 1,602.92$ 1,923.50$ 2,123.75$ 2,644.67$ Hourly 9.2478$ 11.0971$ 12.2526$ 15.2580$ 4 Grounds Maintenance Assistant Annual 20,196$ 24,235$ 26,759$ 33,323$ Park Maintenance Assistant Monthly 1,683.00$ 2,019.58$ 2,229.92$ 2,776.92$ Hourly 9.7098$ 11.6514$ 12.8652$ 16.0210$ 5 Camp Counselor Annual 21,206$ 25,447$ 28,097$ 34,990$ Gym Supervisor Monthly 1,767.17$ 2,120.58$ 2,341.42$ 2,915.83$ Park Attendant Hourly 10.1954$ 12.2341$ 13.5085$ 16.8224$ 6 Not used Annual 22,265$ 26,718$ 29,502$ 36,738$ Monthly 1,855.42$ 2,226.50$ 2,458.50$ 3,061.50$ Hourly 10.7046$ 12.8452$ 14.1839$ 17.6628$ 7 Not used Annual 23,380$ 28,056$ 30,977$ 38,575$ Monthly 1,948.33$ 2,338.00$ 2,581.42$ 3,214.58$ Hourly 11.2406$ 13.4885$ 14.8931$ 18.5460$ 8 Computer Support Assistant Annual 24,548$ 29,458$ 32,526$ 40,504$ Youth Program Assistant Monthly 2,045.67$ 2,454.83$ 2,710.50$ 3,375.33$ Hourly 11.8022$ 14.1625$ 15.6378$ 19.4734$ 9 Not used Annual 25,775$ 30,930$ 34,153$ 42,529$ SALARY GRADE TABLE Fiscal Year 2023-2024 FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 70 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 285 Grade Job Title Frequency Minimum Job Rate Mid Point Maximum Monthly 2,147.92$ 2,577.50$ 2,846.08$ 3,544.08$ Hourly 12.3921$ 14.8702$ 16.4200$ 20.4470$ 10 4-H Program Assistant Annual 27,065$ 32,478$ 35,860$ 44,656$ Community Social Services Assistant Monthly 2,255.42$ 2,706.50$ 2,988.33$ 3,721.33$ Custodian Hourly 13.0123$ 15.6144$ 17.2407$ 21.4696$ 11 Data Entry Assistant Annual 28,417$ 34,100$ 37,652$ 46,889$ Line Technician Monthly 2,368.08$ 2,841.67$ 3,137.67$ 3,907.42$ Hourly 13.6623$ 16.3942$ 18.1023$ 22.5432$ 12 Community Health Technician Annual 29,838$ 35,806$ 39,536$ 49,233$ Transit Driver (HARTS) PT/FT Monthly 2,486.50$ 2,983.83$ 3,294.67$ 4,102.75$ (HARTS "NEW" starting pay $15.0003)Hourly 14.3455$ 17.2144$ 19.0081$ 23.6702$ 13 Administrative Support Specialist I Annual 31,330$ 37,596$ 41,513$ 51,694$ Animal Care Technician Monthly 2,610.83$ 3,133.00$ 3,459.42$ 4,307.83$ Breastfeeding Coordinator Hourly 15.0628$ 18.0750$ 19.9586$ 24.8533$ Data Entry Operator II Data Entry Specialist Landfill Maintenance Worker Library Assistant Maintenance Worker Medical Office Assistant Park Supervisor Processing Assistant III Recreation Center Assistant 14 Administrative Support Specialist II Annual 32,897$ 39,476$ 43,589$ 54,280$ AMI Technician I Monthly 2,741.42$ 3,289.67$ 3,632.42$ 4,523.33$ Transit Services Assistant Hourly 15.8162$ 18.9788$ 20.9567$ 26.0966$ 15 Accounting Clerk IV (OSHR title- DSS)Annual 34,542$ 41,450$ 45,767$ 56,994$ AMI Technician II Monthly 2,878.50$ 3,454.17$ 3,813.92$ 4,749.50$ Bailiff Hourly 16.6071$ 19.9279$ 22.0038$ 27.4015$ Grounds Maintenance Technician I Income Maintenance Technician FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 71 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 286 Grade Job Title Frequency Minimum Job Rate Mid Point Maximum Office Assistant IV (OSHR title - DSS) Parks Maintenance Technician I Processing Assistant IV Recreation Center Coordinator Security Screening Technician Senior Maintenance Worker Transit Dispatcher 16 Administrative Support Specialist III Annual 36,269$ 43,523$ 48,056$ 59,843$ Elections Specialist Monthly 3,022.42$ 3,626.92$ 4,004.67$ 4,986.92$ Evidence Technician Hourly 17.4374$ 20.9245$ 23.1043$ 28.7712$ Library Program Specialist Office Assistant IV (OSHR title - Health) Operations Supervisor (HARTS) Register of Deeds Deputy I Tax Program Assistant Workforce Development Eligibility Specialist Youth Counselor 17 Accounting Clerk V (DSS)Annual 38,082$ 45,698$ 50,459$ 62,835$ Accounting Technician II (OSHR title -Health)Monthly 3,173.50$ 3,808.17$ 4,204.92$ 5,236.25$ Classification Assistant Hourly 18.3090$ 21.9702$ 24.2596$ 30.2097$ Collection System Technician Trainee/I Distribution System Technician Trainee Field Service Officer Grounds Maintenance Technician II Income Maintenance Caseworker I Library Circulation Manager Natural Resources Manager NC Agriculture Cost Share Technician Parks Maintenance Technician II Processing Assistant V Processing Unit Supervisor V FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 72 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 287 Grade Job Title Frequency Minimum Job Rate Mid Point Maximum Program Assistant V Register of Deeds Deputy II Tax Collections Technician Utility Customer Service Representative I Utility Locate Technician Utility System Technician Water Quality Technician Weighmaster 18 Asst ES Administrator Annual 39,986$ 47,983$ 52,982$ 65,977$ Collection System Technician II Monthly 3,332.17$ 3,998.58$ 4,415.17$ 5,498.08$ Distribution System Technician C Hourly 19.2244$ 23.0688$ 25.4726$ 31.7203$ Election Technician EMS Billing & Insurance Specialist Facility Maintenance Technician I Fleet Maintenance Mechanic Heavy Equipment Operator Park Maintenance Technician Practical Nurse II Senior Line Technician Tax Business Property Assistant Tax Personal Property Assistant Tax PUV Assistant Utility Customer Services Representative II 19 Accounts Supervisor Annual 41,985$ 50,382$ 55,631$ 69,276$ Administrative Assistant Monthly 3,498.75$ 4,198.50$ 4,635.92$ 5,773.00$ Central Permitting Technician Hourly 20.1855$ 24.2221$ 26.7462$ 33.3064$ Collections System technician III Distribution System Technician B Evidence Supervisor Facility Maintenance Technician II Foreign Language Interpreter II FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 73 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 288 Grade Job Title Frequency Minimum Job Rate Mid Point Maximum Human Resources Placement Specialist (DSS) Human Services Coordinator I (DSS) Income Maintenance Caseworker II Meter Services Coordinator Plant Maintenance Technician I Records Supervisor Register of Deeds Deputy III Tax Collections Legal Assistant Tax Computer Analyst Tax Delinquent Collector Utility Inventory Technician Utility System Pump Technician I Veterans Services Specialist Workforce Development Specialist I 20 Assistant Elections Director Annual 44,085$ 52,902$ 58,412$ 72,740$ Career Center Manager Monthly 3,673.75$ 4,408.50$ 4,867.67$ 6,061.67$ Collection System Technician IV Hourly 21.1951$ 25.4337$ 28.0833$ 34.9718$ Distribution System Technician A Facility Maintenance Technician III Family Resource Program Specialist Fleet Maintenance Mechanic Juvenile Restitution Coordinator Medical Laboratory Technician II Plant Maintenance Technician II Solid Waste Operations Crew Leader Treatment Plant Operator Utility System Pump Technician II Utility System Electrical Technician Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Trainee/I Water Treatment Plant Operator Trainee/Apprentice 21 Accounting Technician IV (OSHR title- Health)Annual 46,289$ 55,547$ 61,333$ 76,377$ FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 74 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 289 Grade Job Title Frequency Minimum Job Rate Mid Point Maximum Administrative Assistant I (OSHR title- Health)Monthly 3,857.42$ 4,628.92$ 5,111.08$ 6,364.75$ Central Permitting Tech/Project Coordinator Hourly 22.2548$ 26.7053$ 29.4876$ 36.7204$ Development Compliance Officer EMS Transportation Coordinator Family Resource Program Manager Fleet Maintenance Supervisor GIS Technician GIS/E-911 Technician Grounds Maintenance Supervisor Income Maintenance Caseworker III Income Maintenance Investigator II Income Maintenance III - Lead Worker* IT Technician I Laboratory Analyst Nutrition Project Coordinator Parks Capital Projects Manager Parks Maintenance Supervisor Planning Technician Plant Maintenance Technician III Public Health Education Specialist I Recreation Program Supervisor Senior Central Permitting Technician Social Worker I Utility Collections Officer Utility System Pump Technician III Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator II Water Treatment Plant Operator C 22 Accountant I Annual 48,603$ 58,324$ 64,399$ 80,195$ Assistant Solid Waste Manager Monthly 4,050.25$ 4,860.33$ 5,366.58$ 6,682.92$ Audio Visual/Trainer Technician Hourly 23.3673$ 28.0404$ 30.9616$ 38.5560$ Child Support Agent II FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 75 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 290 Grade Job Title Frequency Minimum Job Rate Mid Point Maximum Collection System Crew Leader Distribution System Crew Leader EDC Office Coordinator Human Resources Recruiting Specialist Librarian Natural Resource Manager Nutritionist II Office Manager Paralegal Parks & Grounds Supervisor Plant Maintenance Technician IV Pre-Trial Release Administrator Senior Treatment Plant Operator Senior Treatment Plant/Pretreat Operator Tax Real Property Appraiser Tax Database Software Technician Tax Personal Property Appraiser Transportation Manager Utility System Pump Technician IV Veteran Services Officer Volunteer Services Director I Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator III Water Treatment Plan Operator B Workforce Dev JobLink Coordinator Zoning Inspector 23 Accounting Specialist I (OSHR title - Health)Annual 51,033$ 61,240$ 67,620$ 84,205$ Administrative Assistant II Monthly 4,252.75$ 5,103.33$ 5,635.00$ 7,017.08$ Child Support Lead Agent Hourly 24.5356$ 29.4423$ 32.5102$ 40.4839$ Communications Specialist Facility Maintenance Supervisor Income Maintenance Supervisor II FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 76 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 291 Grade Job Title Frequency Minimum Job Rate Mid Point Maximum Latent Print Examiner Legal Assistant/Deputy Clerk of BOC Meter Services Supervisor Natural Resources Conservationist Paralegal I (DSS) Public Health Educator II Right of Way Agent SCADA Technician Senior Collection System Crew Leader Senior Distribution System Crew Leader Social Worker II Tax Real Property Supervisor Utility Construction Coordinator Utility Construction Inspector Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator IV Water Treatment Plant Operator A 24 Accountant II Annual 53,585$ 64,302$ 71,000$ 88,415$ Animal Services Manager Monthly 4,465.42$ 5,358.50$ 5,916.67$ 7,367.92$ Assistant Utility Customer Service Supervisor Hourly 25.7625$ 30.9144$ 34.1353$ 42.5080$ Code Enforcement Officer I Executive Assistant Fleet Manager Human Resources Benefits & Wellness Specialist IT Technician II Jetport Operations Manager Medical Laboratory Technologist I Payroll Specialist Procurement Specialist Senior Wastewater Treatment/Pre-Trmt Plant Oper Senior Water Treatment Plant Operator Solid Waste Operations Manager FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 77 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 292 Grade Job Title Frequency Minimum Job Rate Mid Point Maximum Telecommunications Administrative Officer Telecommunications Training Officer 25 Assistant Register of Deeds Annual 56,264$ 67,517$ 74,551$ 92,837$ Capital Project Construction Manager Monthly 4,688.67$ 5,626.42$ 6,212.58$ 7,736.42$ Child Support Supervisor II Hourly 27.0505$ 32.4601$ 35.8425$ 44.6341$ Code Enforcement Officer II Distribution & Collection System Supervisor EMS Asst Chief of Logistics Environmental Health Specialist Facility Maintenance Manager Information Technology Project Coordinator Natural Resources Director Planner I Senior Support Specialist/Board Clerk Senior Engineering Technician Social Worker III Telecommunications Manager Utility Data Specialist 26 Accountant III Annual 59,077$ 70,892$ 78,277$ 97,479$ Assistant Emergency Management Coordinator Monthly 4,923.08$ 5,907.67$ 6,523.08$ 8,123.25$ IT Technician III Hourly 28.4029$ 34.0827$ 37.6339$ 46.8658$ Nutrition Program Director I Planner II; Long Range Planner Social Work Supervisor II Social Worker IV (I/A&T) Tax Listing/Billing Supervisor Utility Customer Service Supervisor Veterans Services Director 27 Accounting Manager Annual 62,032$ 74,438$ 82,192$ 102,352$ Applications Analyst Monthly 5,169.33$ 6,203.17$ 6,849.33$ 8,529.33$ Chief Deputy Fire Marshal Hourly 29.8236$ 35.7875$ 39.5161$ 49.2086$ FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 78 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 293 Grade Job Title Frequency Minimum Job Rate Mid Point Maximum Clerk to the Board of Commissioners Database Administrator Emergency Services Administrator EMS Captain of Training Environmental Health Program Specialist Finance Systems Manager GIS Specialist Internal Auditor Net Security Analyst Tax Deputy Collector Utility Maintenance Supervisor Workforce Development Director/Joblink Coordinator 28 Child Support Supervisor III (Program Manager)Annual 65,134$ 78,161$ 86,301$ 107,470$ Code Enforcement Officer III Monthly 5,427.83$ 6,513.42$ 7,191.75$ 8,955.83$ Director of Marketing Hourly 31.3150$ 37.5774$ 41.4917$ 51.6692$ Elections Director Environmental Health Supervisor I GIS Analyst Human Resources Manager Income Maintenance Administrator I Information Systems User Group Supervisor Public Health Nurse II Senior IT Systems Specialist Senior Planner Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor 29 Administrative and Budget Officer Annual 68,389$ 82,067$ 90,616$ 112,843$ Assistant Library Director Monthly 5,699.08$ 6,838.92$ 7,551.33$ 9,403.58$ Assistant Manager of Planning Services Hourly 32.8799$ 39.4553$ 43.5662$ 54.2525$ Assistant Manager of Building Services Capital Projects Construction Manager Community Relations Director FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 79 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 294 Grade Job Title Frequency Minimum Job Rate Mid Point Maximum EMS Asst Chief of Training EMS Compliance Officer GIS Systems Administrator Local Public Health Administrator I Public Health Nurse III Social Work Supervisor III Utility Capital Project Manager 30 Assistant Tax Administrator Annual 71,809$ 86,171$ 95,147$ 118,485$ Public Health Nurse Supervisor I Monthly 5,984.08$ 7,180.92$ 7,928.92$ 9,873.75$ Social Work Program Manager Hourly 34.5242$ 41.4284$ 45.7446$ 56.9650$ Water Treatment Plant Supervisor 31 Emergency Management Coordinator Annual 75,399$ 90,479$ 99,904$ 124,410$ GIS/E911 Operations Administrator Monthly 6,283.25$ 7,539.92$ 8,325.33$ 10,367.50$ Wastewater Treatment Superintendent Hourly 36.2502$ 43.4995$ 48.0317$ 59.8137$ 32 Asst Director, Dev Serv/Mgr of Planning Annual 79,169$ 95,003$ 104,899$ 130,630$ Assistant IT Director Monthly 6,597.42$ 7,916.92$ 8,741.58$ 10,885.83$ Jetport Director Hourly 38.0628$ 45.6745$ 50.4332$ 62.8041$ Manager of Building Services Register of Deeds 33 Fire Marshal Annual 83,129$ 99,755$ 110,144$ 137,161$ Library Director Monthly 6,927.42$ 8,312.92$ 9,178.67$ 11,430.08$ Utility Civil Engineer Hourly 39.9667$ 47.9591$ 52.9549$ 65.9440$ 34 Asst. Staff Attorney Annual 87,285$ 104,742$ 115,652$ 144,019$ Budget Director Monthly 7,273.75$ 8,728.50$ 9,637.67$ 12,001.58$ EMS Chief Hourly 41.9647$ 50.3567$ 55.6030$ 69.2412$ General Services Director Parks & Recreation Director Solid Waste Director Tax Administrator 35 Attorney II DSS Annual 91,649$ 109,979$ 121,435$ 151,221$ County Engineer Monthly 7,637.42$ 9,164.92$ 10,119.58$ 12,601.75$ FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 80 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 295 Grade Job Title Frequency Minimum Job Rate Mid Point Maximum Deputy Finance Officer Hourly 44.0629$ 52.8745$ 58.3833$ 72.7038$ Economic Developer Emergency Services Deputy Director Human Resources Director Physician Extender II Public Health Nursing Director II Social Services Deputy Director 36 Chief Information Officer Annual 96,231$ 115,477$ 127,507$ 158,782$ Development Services Director Monthly 8,019.25$ 9,623.08$ 10,625.58$ 13,231.83$ Sheriff Hourly 46.2658$ 55.5178$ 61.3026$ 76.3389$ 37 Assistant HRW Director Annual 101,043$ 121,252$ 133,882$ 166,721$ Economic Development Director Monthly 8,420.25$ 10,104.33$ 11,156.83$ 13,893.42$ Finance Officer Hourly 48.5793$ 58.2942$ 64.3676$ 80.1559$ Physician Extender III Senior Staff Attorney 38 Assistant County Manager Annual 106,095$ 127,314$ 140,576$ 175,056$ Social Services Director Monthly 8,841.25$ 10,609.50$ 11,714.67$ 14,588.00$ Hourly 51.0082$ 61.2087$ 67.5859$ 84.1632$ 39 Emergency Services Director Annual 111,400$ 133,680$ 147,605$ 183,810$ Local Public Health Director Monthly 9,283.33$ 11,140.00$ 12,300.42$ 15,317.50$ Hourly 53.5587$ 64.2692$ 70.9653$ 88.3719$ 40 HRW Director Annual 116,970$ 140,364$ 154,985$ 193,000$ Monthly 9,747.50$ 11,697.00$ 12,915.42$ 16,083.33$ Hourly 56.2367$ 67.4827$ 74.5135$ 92.7902$ 41 Deputy County Manager Annual 122,818$ 147,382$ 162,734$ 202,650$ Monthly 10,234.83$ 12,281.83$ 13,561.17$ 16,887.50$ Hourly 59.0482$ 70.8567$ 78.2390$ 97.4298$ 42 Not Used Annual 128,860$ 154,632$ 170,871$ 212,782$ FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 81 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 296 Grade Job Title Frequency Minimum Job Rate Mid Point Maximum 43 Not Used Annual 135,407$ 162,488$ 179,415$ 223,469$ 44 Not Used Annual 142,177$ 170,612$ 188,385$ 234,593$ 101 Not Used Annual 37,231$ 44,677$ 49,329.00$ 61,430.00$ Monthly 3,102.58$ 3,723.08$ 4,110.75$ 5,119.17$ 102 Booking Intake Technician Annual 39,092$ 46,910$ 51,797$ 64,501$ Monthly 3,257.67$ 3,909.17$ 4,316.42$ 5,375.08$ 103 Emergency Medical Technician Annual 41,046$ 49,255$ 54,387$ 67,727$ Detention Master Contol Monthly 3,420.50$ 4,104.58$ 4,532.25$ 5,643.92$ 104 Detention Officer Annual 43,100$ 51,720$ 57,106$ 71,113$ Monthly 3,591.67$ 4,310.00$ 4,758.83$ 5,926.08$ 105 Telecommunicator EMD (uses 2288 hrs/yr)Annual 45,253$ 54,304$ 59,961$ 74,669$ Monthly 3,771.08$ 4,525.33$ 4,996.75$ 6,222.42$ 106 Detention Corporal Annual 47,517$ 57,020$ 62,961$ 78,403$ Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Monthly 3,959.75$ 4,751.67$ 5,246.75$ 6,533.58$ 107 911 Database Manager Annual 49,893$ 59,872$ 66,108$ 82,323$ Deputy Sheriff Monthly 4,157.75$ 4,989.33$ 5,509.00$ 6,860.25$ Detention Sergeant Reserve Deputy Sheriff Telecommunications Shift Supervisor 108 Not Used Annual 52,386$ 62,863$ 69,413$ 86,439$ Monthly 4,365.50$ 5,238.58$ 5,784.42$ 7,203.25$ 109 Paramedic (uses 3,340 for FT ees)Annual 55,007$ 66,008$ 72,884$ 90,761$ Monthly 4,583.92$ 5,500.67$ 6,073.67$ 7,563.42$ 110 Deputy Fire Marshal Annual 57,757$ 69,308$ 76,528$ 95,298$ Deputy Sheriff Corporal Monthly 4,813.08$ 5,775.67$ 6,377.33$ 7,941.50$ Deputy Sherriff Detective Emergency Medical Services Lieutenant Fire Marshal/Plan Reviewer 111 Community Paramedic Annual 60,645$ 72,774$ 80,354$ 100,063$ FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 82 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 297 Grade Job Title Frequency Minimum Job Rate Mid Point Maximum Detective Corporal Monthly 5,053.75$ 6,064.50$ 6,696.17$ 8,338.58$ Detention Lieutenant EMS District Chief 112 Deputy Sheriff Sergeant Annual 63,677$ 76,412$ 84,372$ 105,067$ Detective Sergeant Monthly 5,306.42$ 6,367.67$ 7,031.00$ 8,755.58$ EMS Asst Chief of Operations 113 Not Used Annual 66,861$ 80,233$ 88,590$ 110,320$ 114 Deputy Sheriff Lieutenant Annual 70,203$ 84,244$ 93,020$ 115,836$ Monthly 5,850.25$ 7,020.33 7,751.67 9,653.00 115 Not used Annual 73,713$ 88,456$ 97,672$ 121,627$ Monthly 6,142.75$ 7,371.33$ 8,139.33$ 10,135.58$ 116 Not Used Annual 77,399$ 92,879$ 102,555$ 127,709$ 117 Deputy Sheriff Captain Annual 81,269$ 97,523$ 107,681$ 134,096$ Detective Captain Monthly 6,772.42$ 8,126.92$ 8,973.42$ 11,174.67$ Detention Captain Sheriff CALEA 118 Not Used Annual 85,333$ 102,400$ 113,065$ 140,800$ 119 Deputy Sheriff Major Annual 89,600$ 107,520$ 118,720$ 147,839$ Monthly 7,466.67$ 8,960.00$ 9,893.33$ 12,319.92$ 120 Not Used Annual 94,080$ 112,896$ 124,657$ 155,232$ * These positions receive a 5% pay differential for additional duties. Rev. 06/05/2023 FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 83 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 298 HARNETT COUNTY Fiscal Policy Originally Adopted: May 7, 2021 Approved Amendments as of November 7, 2016 Approved Amendments as of February 17, 2020 Approved Amendments as of February 15, 2021 Approved Amendments as of July 1, 2023 Attachment C FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 84 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 299 FINANCE POLICY SUBJECT: FISCAL POLICY NUMBER 1 REVISIONS 3 BOARD APPROVAL DATE MAY 15, 2023 SUPERSEDES FEB 15, 2021 EFFECTIVE DATE JULY 1, 2023 PAGE 2 OF 11 FISCAL POLICY – PURPOSE Harnett County government exists to meet the needs of residents through the services the County is mandated to provide or has elected to provide. To meet these needs, the County must maintain its financial integrity. In addition, the County must continually prepare to provide services for a growing population. The County’s Fiscal Policy is intended to maintain and improve the County’s financial condition and preserve its ability to meet future needs. This policy will be reviewed at least annually, and changes will be presented to the Board of Commissioners for approval. An effective policy:  Contributes to the County's ability to insulate itself from fiscal crisis,  Enhances short-term and long-term credit worthiness and helps the County achieve the highest credit and bond ratings possible,  Promotes long-term financial stability by establishing a clear and consistent framework for budget and financial decisions,  Directs attention to the total financial picture of the County, rather than single-issue areas,  Links long-term financial planning with day-to-day operations, and  Provides the County Staff, the County Board of Commissioners, and the County citizens a framework for measuring the fiscal impact of government services against established fiscal parameters. To these ends, the following fiscal policy is adopted: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) POLICIES 1. It is the responsibility of the County Board of Commissioners to provide for the capital equipment and facilities necessary to deliver county services to the residents of the County, as well as provide necessary capital equipment and facilities for the Harnett County Public Schools and the Central Carolina Community College system. 2. North Carolina statutes charge the County Manager with preparation of the recommended capital budget. It shall be his/her responsibility or that of his/her designee to coordinate the CIP process; receive requests from County departments, Harnett County Public Schools, and Central Carolina Community College; and propose a recommended CIP to the Board of Commissioners. 3. The Board of Commissioners is responsible for adopting a CIP annually and may amend it as needed. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 85 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 300 FINANCE POLICY SUBJECT: FISCAL POLICY NUMBER 1 REVISIONS 3 BOARD APPROVAL DATE MAY 15, 2023 SUPERSEDES FEB 15, 2021 EFFECTIVE DATE JULY 1, 2023 PAGE 3 OF 11 4. All capital projects must be proposed through the County’s CIP process. 5. The CIP includes all approved capital projects, including new construction, renovations, vehicles and heavy equipment, new software and other technology, and all other purchases and improvements that meet the threshold for definition as a capital project, currently $100,000 and above. 6. The County will develop a CIP of at least seven years and review and update the plan annually. The Harnett County Public Schools and the Community College System are strongly encouraged to submit their needs through this process, along with prioritization of their requests. 7. After projects are approved in the CIP and before the project can begin, the project must be authorized through one of two means: A. Capital project ordinances: A separate capital budget ordinance shall be submitted to the Board of Commissioners for approval for all capital projects that are projected to span more than one fiscal year. B. All other capital projects will be budgeted in the operating budget. 8. All capital projects will be assigned a project code by the Finance Officer for tracking and reporting purposes. 9. The CIP will prioritize the maintenance of existing facilities and equipment, and otherwise protect the county’s past capital investments. A maintenance and replacement schedule will be developed and followed as funding allows. 10. County departments will provide a written justification and identify the estimated project costs, potential funding sources, and impacts on the operating budget for each proposed capital project and include this information in their requests. The County Manager or his/her designee will review, modify as appropriate, and include this information in the recommended CIP. 11. The County will pursue the most cost-effective strategies for financing the CIP, consistent with prudent fiscal management. DEBT POLICIES 1. The County will confine long-term borrowing to critical capital projects that cannot be financed from current revenues unless financing results in a net financial benefit to the county. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 86 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 301 FINANCE POLICY SUBJECT: FISCAL POLICY NUMBER 1 REVISIONS 3 BOARD APPROVAL DATE MAY 15, 2023 SUPERSEDES FEB 15, 2021 EFFECTIVE DATE JULY 1, 2023 PAGE 4 OF 11 2. The County will take a balanced approach to capital funding by utilizing capital reserves and pay-as-you-go funding where possible. Pay-as-you-go funding will come from budgeted appropriations and funds set aside in capital reserves. 3. The county’s capital funding strategy should result in the least fiscal impact on current and future taxpayers. 4. When the County finances capital projects by issuing bonds or entering capital leases, it will repay the debt within a period not to exceed the expected useful life of the project. Target debt ratios will be annually calculated and included in the review of financial trends. 5. Net debt as a percentage of estimated market value of taxable property shall not exceed 2.5%. Net debt is defined as all debt that is tax-supported. 6. Debt Service expenditures as a percent of total governmental fund expenditures should not exceed 15%. Should this ratio exceed 15%, staff must request an exception from the Board of Commissioners stating the justification and expected duration of the policy exception. Exceptions shall be reviewed and approved annually by the Board of Commissioners until compliance is achieved. 7. The County will retire tax anticipation debt, if any, annually and will retire bond anticipation debt within six months after completion of the project. 8. Outstanding tax-supported debt principal shall be no less than 50.0% repaid in 10 years. 9. Enterprise Debt Policies: A. The Enterprise Fund is responsible for setting rates and charges at such a level which maintains the "self- supporting" nature of the fund. B. The County will target a minimum amount of equity funding of 10% of the Enterprise Fund capital improvement plan on a five-year rolling average. C. The Enterprise Fund will comply with all applicable bond covenants. D. The Enterprise Fund will maintain a debt service coverage ratio as defined by the General Indenture of the Enterprise System Revenue Bonds. These minimum requirements are summarized to be: 1) 1.20x debt service coverage on Parity Indebtedness (Revenues for this measure may include 20% of the balance in the Surplus Account at the end of the preceding Fiscal Year) FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 87 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 302 FINANCE POLICY SUBJECT: FISCAL POLICY NUMBER 1 REVISIONS 3 BOARD APPROVAL DATE MAY 15, 2023 SUPERSEDES FEB 15, 2021 EFFECTIVE DATE JULY 1, 2023 PAGE 5 OF 11 2) 1.00x debt service coverage of Parity Indebtedness, General Obligation Indebtedness, Subordinate Indebtedness, Other Indebtedness, and any amount due to the Qualified Reserve Fund or Qualified Reserve Fund Substitute. RESERVE POLICIES 1. The County will maintain a minimum Unassigned Fund Balance, as defined by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, at the close of each fiscal year equal to 15% of General Fund Expenditures with a targeted Unassigned Fund Balance equal to 20% of General Fund Expenditures. 2. In the event that funds are available over and beyond the 20% targeted amount, those funds may be transferred to a capital reserve fund, a capital projects fund, to pay down debt or to fund other one-time uses. Such transfers or uses shall be approved by the Board of County Commissioners in conjunction with a staff recommendation based upon a fund balance analysis to be completed within six months of the close of each fiscal year taking into consideration the prior year's financial statements, current year-to-date budget performance, current property tax valuations and the County's most recently adopted capital improvement plan. 3. The County Board may, from time-to-time, utilize fund balances that will reduce Unassigned Fund Balance below the 15% minimum for the purposes of a declared fiscal emergency or other such purpose as to protect or enhance the long-term fiscal security of the County. In such circumstances, the Board will adopt a plan to restore the Unassigned Fund Balance to the target level within 36 months. If restoration cannot be accomplished within such time period without severe hardship to the County, then the Board will establish a different but appropriate time period. 4. Enterprise Reserve Policies: The County has adopted a comprehensive strategy for the long-term stability and financial health of each Enterprise Fund that provides for annual increases in fund reserves to an established goal of 50% of operating and maintenance expenses. BUDGET DEVELOPMENT POLICIES 1. The County will manage its annual budget to meet its legal and debt obligations, ensure adequate funding of current service levels, meet the priorities of the Board of Commissioners, maintain the County’s financial condition, and keep property tax increases to a minimum. The County shall operate under an annual balanced budget ordinance whereby the sum of net revenues and appropriated fund balances equals the expenditure appropriations. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 88 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 303 FINANCE POLICY SUBJECT: FISCAL POLICY NUMBER 1 REVISIONS 3 BOARD APPROVAL DATE MAY 15, 2023 SUPERSEDES FEB 15, 2021 EFFECTIVE DATE JULY 1, 2023 PAGE 6 OF 11 2. The Budget Process will comply with the North Carolina Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. 3. North Carolina statutes charge the County Manager with preparation of the recommended operating budget. It shall be his/her responsibility or that of his/her designee to coordinate the budget process; receive requests from County departments, Harnett County Public Schools, and Central Carolina Community College; and propose a recommended budget to the Board of Commissioners. 4. The Board of Commissioners is responsible for adopting an annual operating budget and may amend it as needed. 5. Use of one-time revenues: One-time revenues should not support ongoing personnel and operating costs. Use of one-time revenues is appropriate for capital outlay, CIP projects, debt retirement, contribution to capital reserve, and other non- recurring expenses. Proceeds from the sale of surplus capital items will go into the County’s general capital reserve unless proceeds are otherwise restricted. 6. The County will pursue an aggressive policy to collect current and delinquent property taxes, utility fees, licenses, permits and other revenues due to the County. The County will not waive any revenues due to the County unless those revenues were collected unlawfully. 7. The Finance Officer will generate reports that show actual revenues and expenditures compared to the budget and will present this to the County Board monthly. 8. Budget amendments will be brought to the County Board for consideration as needed. 9. New or increased services: The County should ensure adequate funding of current services before funding new or enhanced services. 10. Mid-year appropriations: All agencies supported by the county must function within the resources made available to them through the annual budget. The county will consider requests for new or expanded programs during the regular budget process. Only in extreme circumstances will such requests be considered outside of the budget process. 11. Funding-of Outside Agencies: From time to time, the County may elect to provide services through nonprofit agencies if those services meet the standard for public purpose as defined by the NC Constitution and the services can be achieved more cost effectively through the nonprofit. To receive county funding, nonprofits must abide by the county’s budget process and deadlines and provide the information requested during the budget process. 12. Grants: The County will pursue federal, state, and private grants to enhance services to County residents. However, the FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 89 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 304 FINANCE POLICY SUBJECT: FISCAL POLICY NUMBER 1 REVISIONS 3 BOARD APPROVAL DATE MAY 15, 2023 SUPERSEDES FEB 15, 2021 EFFECTIVE DATE JULY 1, 2023 PAGE 7 OF 11 County will limit its financial support of grant- funded programs to avoid commitments that continue beyond funding availability. The County will not continue programs after grants have expired, except as expressly approved by the Board of Commissioners as part of the annual budget process. The grant approval process will proceed as follows: a. If a grant does not require any county match, either cash or in-kind, and the funder does not expect the county to continue to fund a position or a program after the i. grant, then the proposal can be reviewed and approved by staff. However, the County Manager may choose to present a grant proposal to the Board for approval, if he/she feels that it is appropriate. b. If the grant requires a county match, either cash or in-kind, or the funder expects the county to continue to fund a position or program after the grant is complete, then the grant application must be submitted to the Board of Commissioners for approval. c. For grants that require Board of Commissioner approval, but approval cannot be obtained before the grant deadline, the Manager’s Office can authorize the application with prior notice to the Chair and Vice Chair and report to the Board of Commissioners at their next meeting. If the Board of Commissioners does not approve the grant proposal, the funder will be notified that the county chooses to withdraw the application. d. Departments shall be responsible for timely completion and filing of reports required by the grantor. Missing report deadlines shall be grounds for denying approval of future grant applications. e. It will be the general policy of this Board that it will not absorb any reduction in State and Federal funds; however, the Board, in its discretion, may amend the budget ordinance to appropriate additional funds to compensate for the reduction in State and Federal funds so longs as the ordinance, as amended, satisfies the requirements of G.S. 159-8 and 159-13. If the Board does not appropriate additional funds, the agency shall reduce personnel or program expenditures to stay within the authorized County appropriation. f. The policy is extended to any agency that is funded by the County and receives State or Federal funds. This shall remain in effect until otherwise changed or amended by the Board of Commissioners. The County Manager is hereby directed to distribute this policy to each of the agencies that may be involved. 13. New positions: new positions for existing programs and services should be added when there is no other viable option. Alternatives, such as contracting, technology, and reassignment of duties should be fully explored and documented before new positions are funded. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 90 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 305 FINANCE POLICY SUBJECT: FISCAL POLICY NUMBER 1 REVISIONS 3 BOARD APPROVAL DATE MAY 15, 2023 SUPERSEDES FEB 15, 2021 EFFECTIVE DATE JULY 1, 2023 PAGE 8 OF 11 14. Level of budgeting: To tie costs to specific services, departments shall submit budgets for each of their divisions or program areas. Department heads are authorized to request transfers of operating funds between their budgeted divisions. The Budget Officer must approve transfers. Transfers made from salary and wage accounts shall not result in an increase of salary obligations. Transfers into capital outlay lines shall not result in the purchase of additional capital items not previously approved by the Board of Commissioners. The County shall adopt budgets at the department level. Commissioners reserve the right to review and/or adopt budgets at a greater level of detail. 15. Justification for funding: Departments and agencies requesting funding from the county a. Should justify their requests in terms of maintaining or increasing service levels. Departments should measure their performance in key service areas and periodically compare their performance to other jurisdictions to discover efficiencies and develop best management practices. 16. Contingency funds: Departments shall not include contingency funds in their respective budgets. The county shall include a general contingency fund in its annual budget. The amount of the contingency fund shall not exceed one percent of the annual budget. 17. Budget Officer: The County Manager serves as the budget officer. He/she is authorized to perform the following functions or delegate them: a. Transfer funds within a department without limitation. b. Transfer amounts of up to $5,000 between departments of the same fund with a memorandum report on such transfers at the next regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners. c. Transfer amounts of up to $50,000 from contingency to any department with a memorandum report of such transfers at the next regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners. Greater amounts can be made available upon the agreement of the Board of Commissioners. d. Employ temporary help from time to time to meet circumstances. e. Execute contracts if funds for the contract have been approved as part of the annual budget and the contract does not exceed the funds appropriated, the contract’s term does not exceed three years, all applicable state laws and county policies regarding purchasing are followed, and the contract does not exceed $100,000. f. Execute on behalf of the Board of Commissioners any other contract, change order, purchase order or other FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 91 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 306 FINANCE POLICY SUBJECT: FISCAL POLICY NUMBER 1 REVISIONS 3 BOARD APPROVAL DATE MAY 15, 2023 SUPERSEDES FEB 15, 2021 EFFECTIVE DATE JULY 1, 2023 PAGE 9 OF 11 instrument incurring any obligation which is specifically approved by the Board of Commissioners. g. Authorize payment in an amount not to exceed $5,000 in settlement of any liability claims against the County or against any of its officers or employees. 18. Enterprise Funds: a. The County maintains Enterprise Funds (primarily water and wastewater and solid waste) that are self-sustaining for both operational and capital purposes. The Enterprise Funds will adhere to the County Fiscal Policy with any exceptions noted in the policy. b. Any improvements required to meet new regulatory requirements or to meet changes in the service demands will be included in either the capital improvement plan or the annual budget request, depending on the cost of the improvement. c. Service rates: i. Service rates will be reviewed annually as part of the budget process. ii. Service rates will be adjusted as needed to provide adequate funding for the proper operation, maintenance, and expansion of the system. iii. Service rates will be adjusted as necessary to meet bond covenants, debt service obligations, and the Adopted Fiscal Policy. EDUCATION FUNDING POLICIES 1. It is the intent of the County to appropriate funding to the Board of Education to assure that the necessary resources are provided for current expenses and to meet the low- wealth funding requirements. 2. The County will provide current expense funding based upon the most recent known 2nd month average daily membership (ADM) times the most recent known Three-Year Average of Appropriations as determined by the NC Department of Public Instruction. 3. The County will provide funds for Capital and Capital Maintenance. An amount equivalent to 65% of the prior year’s lottery proceeds will be disbursed based upon the adopted budget ordinance. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 92 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 307 FINANCE POLICY SUBJECT: FISCAL POLICY NUMBER 1 REVISIONS 3 BOARD APPROVAL DATE MAY 15, 2023 SUPERSEDES FEB 15, 2021 EFFECTIVE DATE JULY 1, 2023 PAGE 10 OF 11 4. The County will detail the amounts to be budgeted under this policy as part of the annual budget ordinance. CASH MANAGEMENT/ INVESTMENT POLICIES 1. It is the intent of the County that public funds will be invested in interest bearing accounts to the extent possible to reduce the dependence upon property tax revenues. Funds will be invested with the chief objectives of safety of principal, liquidity, and yield, in that order. All deposits and investments of County funds will be in accordance with N.C.G.S. 159. 2. Up to one-half (50%) of the appropriations to Non-County Agencies and to non debt supported capital outlays for County Departments can be encumbered prior to December 31. Any additional authorization shall require the County Manager's written approval upon justification. The balance of these appropriations may be encumbered after January 1, upon a finding by the County Manager that there is a reasonable expectation that the County' s Budgeted Revenues will be realized. 3. The County will use a Central Depository to maximize the availability and mobility of cash for all funds that can be legally combined. 4. Cash Flows will be forecasted, and investments will be made to mature when funds are projected to be needed to meet cash flow requirements. 5. Liquidity: No less than 20% of funds available for investment will be maintained in liquid investments at any point in time. 6. Maturity: All investments will mature in no more than sixty (60) months from their purchase date. 7. Custody: All investments will be purchased "payment-verses-delivery" and if certificated will be held by the Finance Officer in the name of the County. All non-certificated investments will be held in book-entry form in the name of the County with the County's third-party Custodian (Safekeeping Agent). 8. Authorized Investments: The County may deposit County Funds into: Any Board approved Official Depository if such funds are secured in accordance with NCGS-159 (31). The County may invest idle funds in the North Carolina Capital Management Trust, US Treasury Securities, US Agency Securities specifically authorized in GS-159 and rated no lower than "AAA", and Commercial Paper meeting the requirements of NCGS-159 plus having a national bond rating. 9. Diversification: No more than 25% of the County's investment funds may be invested in commercial paper. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 93 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 308 FINANCE POLICY SUBJECT: FISCAL POLICY NUMBER 1 REVISIONS 3 BOARD APPROVAL DATE MAY 15, 2023 SUPERSEDES FEB 15, 2021 EFFECTIVE DATE JULY 1, 2023 PAGE 11 OF 11 10. Allocation: Investment income will be allocated to each participating fund or account based on a fair and equitable formula determined by the Finance Officer. SUMMARY OF KEY POLICY RATIOS Ratio Target Tax Supported Debt to Assessed Value: <2.5% Tax Supported Debt Service vs. Expenditures: <15.0% Tax Supported 10- Year Payout Ratio: >50.0% General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance as a Percent of Operating Budget: >15.0% Enterprise Fund Pay-go Capital (5-year Rolling Average): >10.0% Enterprise Fund Parity Debt Service Coverage (with 20% of Surplus Account) >1.20x Enterprise Fund Debt Service Coverage on all Indebtedness: >1.00x Enterprise Fund Reserves as a Percent of Operating and Maintenance: >50% FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 94 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 309 Attachment D: Framework for Best Management Practices for Capital Projects & Change Orders 1. Standardization of contract documents. 2. Change Orders and Claims shall be handled in accordance with the Contract Documents. 3. Where contractor delays will not result, the cost for a contract change order shall be negotiated prior to authorization to do the work. The itemized cost proposal will be reviewed by the originating department, legal, finance and administration prior to final approval. 4. Work change directives will be used where work must be done on an emergency basis or when contractor delays through no fault of the contractor will result. 5. There should be consideration for exemptions in cases of special emergency involving the health and safety of the citizens and their property. 6. The County Manager shall have the authority to execute and approve change orders and the associated budget amendment up to five percent (5%) of the contract amount. This specifically includes the transfer of contingency funds. Notification of such actions will be provided to the Board of Commissioners via the County Manager’s Report. 7. The estimated quantities of items of unit price work are not guaranteed and are solely for the purpose of comparison of bids and determine an initial contract price. Determinations of the actual quantities and classification of unit price work performed by contractor will be made by Engineer and reconciled in the final adjusting change order. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 95 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 310 HARNETT REGIONAL WATER 2023-2024 Capital Improvement Program Attachment E FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 96 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 311 HARNETT REGIONAL WATER Capital Improvement Plan 2023-24 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The capital improvement plan attached herewith is a working tool developed by the HRW staff to give guidance toward the County’s water and sewer infrastructure development and capital needs program. It consists of an assessment of the current water and wastewater systems and projects these capital needs over a ten-year period. This plan is offered to the Board to seek their guidance and input as they look toward Harnett County’s future. This plan should be a helpful fiscal planning tool that allows us to forecast capital demands on revenues and borrowing power to help avoid overextending ourselves financially during the next ten years and beyond. HRW recommends that the review and approval of this capital improvement plan be accomplished annually as part of the budget process. General approval of this document by resolution does not commit the Board to specific approval of any one project or expenditure, nor does it appropriate money for any project. This would still be accomplished through separate capital project ordinances. The approval by resolution from the Board simply approves the capital improvement plan as a plan for the forecast period. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 97 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 312 DESCRIPTION OF COUNTY Demographics. The County, formed in 1855, has a projected population of 136,709. The per capita income for the County is $26,962 (83rd in NC) and the median household income is $59,676 (30th in NC). The poverty rate is 13% and the unemployment rate currently stands at 3.6%. Land Area Configurations. Harnett County is located in the south central portion of North Carolina. It lies partially in the Coastal Plain and partially in the Piedmont section. The eastern two-thirds of the County exhibit topographic features common to the Coastal Plain region of North Carolina. It is an area of level to gently rolling terrain with elevations ranging from 100 to 300 feet above sea level. The major underlying geological formation includes sedimentary rocks consisting mostly of unconsolidated sands and clays. Topographical features of the western part of the County resemble the Piedmont region of North Carolina. It is an area of steeper hills with elevations as high as 450 feet above sea level. The major underlying geological formation includes crystalline rocks, such as granite and slate. Mission Statement. “Harnett Regional Water provides high quality water and wastewater services to residents and businesses in Harnett County and the surrounding region. The organization is focused on customer service and is committed to environmental stewardship. Its position on the Cape Fear River, combined with significant investments in infrastructure and foresight from past and current leaders, will allow Harnett Regional Water to continue to serve the rapidly growing central region of North Carolina.” HRW continues to grow from a single county water and sewer department to a regional water and wastewater provider. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 98 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 313 Description of Existing Facilities. Harnett Regional Water provides water and/or wastewater services to approximately 110,000 Harnett County residents. HRW also provides public water to customers in Counties contiguous to ours. These Counties include Cumberland, Johnston, Moore, Lee, and Wake. The Harnett County Regional Water Treatment Plant supplies water to the Harnett County municipalities of Lillington, Angier, Erwin, and Coats. It supplies water to the Towns of Fuquay-Varina and Holly Springs in Wake County and also the Towns of Spring Lake and Linden in Cumberland County. It also jointly supplies water to Fort Bragg through a partnership with the Public Works Commission of Fayetteville. The Harnett County Regional Water Treatment Plant utilizes the Cape Fear River as the source for the system’s drinking water and currently has a treatment capacity of forty-two million gallons a day (42 MGD). HRW’s water system consists of nine County water and sewer districts. Each of these districts exists as a separate legal entity pursuant to Chapter 162A of the North Carolina General Statutes. The County maintains and operates the districts for a fee equal to the districts’ debt service amount. This amount is paid from general revenues received from water and/or wastewater sales from the various districts. The County established a “Harnett County Public Utilities Fund” in 1998 that consolidated accounting for the operation of these districts. This allowed the department to budget revenues and expenditures in a consolidated manner rather than nine individual district budgets. HRW provides wastewater treatment to the Towns of Angier, Coats and Lillington in Harnett County. HRW also provides wastewater treatment to the Town of Fuquay-Varina in Wake County and Fort Bragg Army Base in Cumberland County. HRW was established in 1982 with approximately 600 water customers and 8 employees. We have grown in the forty-one years since to approximately 44,000 water customers, 14,000 sewer customers and 110 employees. HRW infrastructure consists of approximately 1,490 miles of water mains, 420 miles of sewer collection mains and totals over $365 million dollars in assets. In addition to the 42 million gallon per day regional water plant mentioned above, other assets include 2 wastewater treatment plants with a combined treatment capacity of 22.5 million gallons per day, 20 elevated water storage tanks with 8.9 million gallons of capacity, 18.2 million gallons of ground storage capacity, a 60 million gallon reservoir, 24 water booster stations with pumping capacity of 133 million gallons per day and 102 sewer lift stations. Approximately 95% of Harnett County FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 99 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 314 residents now have access to public water. As is apparent from the above history, HRW has experienced tremendous growth and accomplishment through the valiant efforts and foresight of past and present Harnett County Commissioners and staff. Their dedication to a countywide water and strategically located sanitary sewer system is the reason for the utility’s success. WATER SYSTEM Treatment Facility. HRW’s existing 42 mgd (million gallons per day) regional water treatment facility was recently upgraded to that capacity in FY 2016-17 at a cost of approximately $12 million dollars. The project added four new filters, an upgraded alum sludge disposal system, new backwash/chemical storage and modified the raw water intake and raw water/reservoir low-lift pump stations. In conjunction with the project, the County entered into a formal water supply capacity agreement with Moore County in which Moore purchased 3 million gallons of daily water capacity in the Harnett Regional Water Treatment Plant. Moore joins Johnston County, the Towns of Holly Springs and Fuquay-Varina in Wake County, as well as Fort Bragg in Cumberland County as capacity holders in the Harnett County Regional Water Treatment Facility. Harnett Regional Water is also committed to building a new 8-10 mgd water treatment facility in the Erwin area of the County. Our planning estimates project the new plant will be needed to supplement the existing Harnett Regional Water Treatment Plant by the end of this decade. Cost estimates are approximately $70 million dollars for the project as it will be funded by revenue bonds and HRW reserves. Water Supply Plan. The State of North Carolina requires that all water systems submit an approved water supply plan annually. This plan is currently being updated by the HRW staff. The purpose of this plan is to provide evidence to the State that the water system is providing adequate planning for the supply of water through a designated planning period. Water supply planning is also continuing in the area of hydraulic modeling as the engineering firm of Hazen & Sawyer is FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 100 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 315 engaged in providing an updated water hydraulic model of our entire distribution system. This will be critical importance in planning and directing future water resources to accommodate new growth. Water Conservation Measures. Harnett County amended its Water Shortage & Conservation Ordinance in the spring of 2008. The ordinance was amended in response to the drought conditions in our area over the last several years. The ordinance now more clearly defines the stages of water conservation and what triggers their enactment. It also established a normal irrigation schedule and increased the department’s enforcement authority during emergencies. Our water supply is a critical resource that must be protected at all costs. Water Distribution System. HRW is in design discussions with the Town of Holly Springs in Wake County to upgrade our distribution system by constructing a 12 MGD intermediate pump station and 1 million gallon elevated storage tank to complete HRW’s ability to supply the Town with their entire 10 MGD water capacity allocation. This project is estimated to cost $14 million dollars and would be jointly funded from the Town of Holly Springs and HRW. It is estimated to begin in FY 25 but could happen earlier depending upon the Town’s schedule. The Harnett Jetport Utility Extension Project is planned for FY 27 and consists of the extension of approximately 5,000 linear feet of 8 inch waterline and 4 inch sewer force main with the construction of a wastewater pump station to serve the expansion of the facilities at and adjacent to the Harnett Regional Jetport. This project is estimated to cost approximately $2.5 million dollars. Regional Interconnects. As you are aware, Harnett County’s water system is interconnected to several area public water systems that we do not provide water to including: the City of Dunn, the Town of Benson, the City of Raleigh, the Town of Apex, the City of Fayetteville (PWC), the City of Durham, and finally the Town of Cary. These connections are of a vital importance in the event of emergency water shortage conditions. The ability to provide and receive additional water from these various sources makes all of these systems more dependent upon each other and truly interconnected FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 101 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 316 in a regional manner. HRW is a member of the Triangle Water Supply Partnership and our water system participates with the triangle water utilities in regional water supply planning, with the goal of collaboratively planning for, maintaining, and implementing, long-term sustainable and secure water supplies for our region in the future. WASTEWATER SYSTEM Wastewater Treatment and Collection. The County currently owns two active wastewater treatment plants, the North Harnett Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant and the South Harnett Regional Wastewater Plant. The South Harnett plant began operation in June 2009 and has a capacity of 15 mgd. It serves all of the southern area of the County and Fort Bragg. The North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant has a capacity of 7.5 MGD and recently underwent major modifications to its filters and bio-solids storage facilities as part of the North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project. This project was completed in FY 2020-21 at a cost of approximately $11 million dollars. The North Harnett Wastewater Treatment Plant is also under design for a major capacity upgrade in FY 2023-24 to serve the explosion of residential growth the northern area of the County is currently experiencing. This project is estimated to cost approximately $64 million dollars and will include participation from our regional wastewater partner towns of Angier, Fuquay-Varina and Lillington. The Southwest Wastewater Pump Station & Force Main Project consists of the renovation of our regional sewer lift station and the construction of approximately 5 miles of 20 inch sewer force main along Hwy 87 in the Southwest portion of Harnett County. This project is currently under design and is estimated to cost approximately $9 million dollars and construction should be underway in FY 25. Regional Wastewater Facilities. Harnett County has commissioned four different engineers since 1968 to look at comprehensive approaches to the long-range planning of Harnett County’s water and wastewater needs. The most recent of these is the Northern Harnett Wastewater Master Plan for the Districts in the northern section of the County. This study was authored by Hazen and Sawyer and was completed in FY 2017-18. All of these wastewater plans have FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 102 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 317 concluded that a regional approach utilizing a consolidation of systems is the best plan practical for protection of public health and economic development. There will continue to be County development of services which will extend from existing facilities; and, due to the escalating cost of expansion and operating expenses, it is likely that other regions within the County will be attempting to regionalize systems within the next ten years. In addition to this, regulatory restraints will force regionalization to happen in order to eliminate as many discharges into our water basin as possible. Areas outside the County, which are tributary to our drainage basins and wastewater treatment facilities, (i.e. southern Wake County and northern Cumberland County as recent examples) also provide realistic opportunities for regionalization. These relationships should be nurtured to provide the greatest scale of economy in building additional wastewater collection lines to serve Harnett County citizens. FINANCIAL PLANNING Revenue Projections. Revenue projections for the next 10 years are difficult if not impossible to correctly predict. They are tied to a myriad of factors including residential and commercial growth in the County, local and regional economic conditions, and the ability of our utility to meet all future water and sewer needs throughout the County and region. Before we can attempt to predict future revenues, we need to look at current revenue trends for the last several fiscal years. HRW Operating Revenues Financial Operating Period Revenues FY 12-13 $30,732,953 FY 13-14 $34,624,099 FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 103 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 318 FY 14-15 $32,162,037 FY 15-16 $34,446,531 FY 16-17 $35,872,649 FY 17-18 $39,203,558 FY 18-19 $39,987,902 FY 19-20 $41,091,355 FY 20-21 $42,140,995 FY 21-22 $49,139,362 You can see from these figures that annual revenues increased by $18,406,409 in the last nine fiscal years. This represents a 60% increase in annual operating revenues in that time span. The majority of this increase is due to the growth of water and wastewater infrastructure throughout the County and increasing growth of water supply to the surrounding region. Rates must be adjusted to cover the ever increasing cost of service to include debt repayment and meet capital reserve targets to cover emergencies and capital project funding. The overall financial strategy of the Department is to continue to maximize revenues consistent with an even pace of residential and commercial/industrial growth within the County. Expenditures will be kept in line consistent with adequately maintaining treatment and distribution systems while emphasizing regulatory compliance in all areas. Harnett Regional Water is at a historical crossroads in the sense that 95% of all County residents have access to water. Additional access to water has been the primary source of a growing revenue base in the past. However, since most areas within the County now have access to water, future revenue growth will be directly correlated to the Department’s goal to provide access to sewer to densely populated unincorporated areas of the County and the Department’s ever increasingly important role as a regional water and wastewater treatment provider to surrounding municipalities, counties and Fort Bragg. CUSTOMER SERVICE IMPROVEMENTS HRW recently had a “Public Utilities Efficiency Study” completed by the Management Consulting firm of Martin-McGill out of Asheville, NC. Although the overwhelming result of the study was positive, one of the main recommendations for improvement within the department was in the area of customer service. Specifically, the need to upgrade existing FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 104 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 319 outdated technologies such as water/sewer customer billing software that was over a decade old, asset management work order software, automated customer telephone systems, etc. HRW has aggressively started that process and has recently completed the installation of a new and enhanced customer information system (CIS) software system that includes a mobile work order and enhanced internet pay platform. We have also engaged with new providers to enhance our existing Interactive Voice Response (IVR) telephone system to give customers access to enhanced technological features. HRW has also installed updated smart meters. These new meters send usage data to HRW through a wireless network and provide much more information to our customers and staff. All of these efforts have greatly improved our customers access to information and allowed us to serve their needs much more efficiently. Capital Project Budget Summary Attachment 1 is a capital project budget summary that combines all the proposed capital projects discussed earlier in this report. It provides a snapshot of anticipated capital needs over the next ten years. The expenditures section shows each projects total budget. The revenue section shows the expected funding sources for each year. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 105 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 320 EXPENDITURES Total Cost Total Cost Total Cost Total Cost Total Cost Total Cost Total Cost Total Cost Total Cost Total Cost Totals Project Name FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2027-28 FY 2028-29 FY 2029-30 FY 2030-31 FY 2031-32 FY 2032-33 NHWWTP Capacity Upgrade $63,241,200 $63,241,200 SW WW PS & FM $8,526,978 $8,526,978 Wake County Distribution Upgrade $13,500,000 $13,500,000 BCC/Capeton Collection System Upgrade $7,593,000 $7,593,000 Northeast Harnett Regional WTP Project $70,000,000 $70,000,000 Harnett Jetport Utility Extension Project $2,500,000 $2,500,000 NW Water Transmission $8,200,000 $8,200,000 WTP Property Acquistion-Watkins 50 acres $1,000,000 $1,000,000 SC Tank 5 Construction (Doc's/Nursery)$2,090,000 $2,090,000 BCC Collection System Upgrade Ph II $3,750,000 $3,750,000 Southwest Regional GST $3,004,180 $3,004,180 MW Tank 6/SW Transmission Connect $390,000 $390,000 Totals $63,241,200 $22,026,978 $77,593,000 $2,500,000 $8,200,000 $1,000,000 $2,090,000 $3,750,000 $3,004,180 $390,000 $183,795,358 REVENUES FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2027-28 FY 2028-29 FY 2029-30 FY 2030-31 FY 2031-32 FY 2032-33 Totals Grants from all sources $8,800,000 $7,593,000 $16,393,000 Revenue Bonds $50,000,000 $50,000,000 State Revolving Loans $15,000,000 $15,000,000 Developer Participation $0 Holly Springs $11,300,000 $11,300,000 Fuquay Varina $23,891,120 $23,891,120 Angier $8,783,500 $8,783,500 Lillington $3,513,400 $3,513,400 Harnett Regional Water Reserves $3,253,180 $10,726,978 $20,000,000 $2,500,000 $8,200,000 $1,000,000 $2,090,000 $3,750,000 $3,004,180 $390,000 $54,914,338 Totals $63,241,200 $22,026,978 $77,593,000 $2,500,000 $8,200,000 $1,000,000 $2,090,000 $3,750,000 $3,004,180 $390,000 $183,795,358 Debt Summary FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2027-28 FY 2028-29 FY 2029-30 FY 2030-31 FY 2031-32 FY 2032-33 Totals Actual New Debt $15,000,000 $0 $50,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $65,000,000 Planned Rate Increases Current Rates/Water FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2027-28 FY 2028-29 FY 2029-30 FY 2030-31 FY 2031-32 FY 2032-33 Totals $20/2,000 min $22.00 no change no change no change $24.00 no change no change no change $26.00 no change $5.50/1,000 gal above min $5.75 no change no change no change $6.00 no change no change no change $6.25 no change $2.60 Bulk Rate $3.00 no change no change no change $3.45 no change no change no change no change no change $2.05 Bulk Rate Capacity Holders $2.35 no change no change no change $2.70 no change no change no change no change no change % increase 7.5%/15%no change no change no change 7%/15%no change no change no change 7%no change Monthly $ Increase in Avg Bill $2.75 n/a n/a n/a $2.75 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Revenue from increase $2,600,000 $0 $0 $0 $3,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $1,610,000 $0 $7,210,000 Current Rates/Sewer FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2027-28 FY 2028-29 FY 2029-30 FY 2030-31 FY 2031-32 FY 2032-33 Totals $15 Flat $16.00 no change no change no change $17.00 no change no change no change $18.00 no change $6/1,000 gals $6.50 no change no change no change $7.00 no change no change no change $7.50 no change $2.30 Bulk Rate Capacity Holders $2.75 no change no change no change no change $2.85 no change no change no change no change % increase 7.5%/20%no change no change no change 7.5% 12%no change no change 7%no change Monthly $ Increase in Avg Bill $3.50 n/a n/a n/a $3.50 n/a n/a n/a $3.50 n/a Revenue from increase $1,200,000 $0 $0 $0 $585,000 $450,000 $0 $0 $690,000 $0 $2,925,000 FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 106 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 321 Duly adopted this the day of _______ 2023, upon motion made by Commissioner , seconded by Commissioner , and adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent: Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett By: Matthew Nicol, Chairman of the Board and of the governing body of all Water and Sewer Districts of Harnett County ATTEST: Melissa Capps, Clerk to the Board FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 107 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 322 WATER AND SEWER ORDINANCE July 1, 2023 Attachment F FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 108 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 323 HARNETT REGIONAL WATER WATER AND SEWER ORDINANCE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Matthew Nicol – Chairman William Morris – Vice-Chairman Lewis Weatherspoon Barbara McKoy W. Brooks Matthews COUNTY OFFICIALS Brent Trout, County Manager Steve Ward, Director FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 109 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 324 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1. Authority 4 Section 2. Definitions 4 Section 3. Water Laterals and Tap-On 8 Section 4. Connection To Be Made By HRW Only Upon Application 8 Section 5. Application for Connection 8 Section 6. Disapproval of Application 9 Section 7. Separate Water and Sewer connections and Meters Required 9 Section 8. Connections and Meters to Remain Property of HRW 10 Section 9. Maintenance of Meters and Connections 10 Section 10. Connection To Other Supply and Cross-Connection Control 10 Section 11. When Water Meters Read 13 Section 12. Adjustment of Overcharges 13 Section 13. Meter Tests 14 Section 14. Bulk Water Usage 14 Section 15. Tampering with Meters and Stopcocks 14 Section 16. No Guarantee of Quality, Quantity of Pressure of Water Supply 15 Section 17. Protection of Water Supply 15 Section 18. Repealing Clause 15 Section 19. Procedures 15 Section 20. Initial of Minimum Charge 16 Section 21. HRW’s Responsibility and Liability 17 Section 22. Consumer’s Responsibility 17 Section 23. Access To Premises 18 Section 24. Change of Occupancy 19 Section 25. Suspension of Service 19 Section 26. Complaints – Adjustments 20 Section 27. Classifications, Rates, Fees, and Charges 21 Section 28. Connection to Existing Systems 24 Section 29.1 Water and Sewer Extension in New Developments 24 FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 110 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 325 Section 29.2 Acquisition of Easements for Developers in County Participation Projects 28 Section 29.3 Extension of Water and Sewer Lines Within County 30 Section 29.4 Extensions Outside of County 31 Section 29.5 Extension Made by Other than HRW Personnel 32 Section 29.6 Observation by HRW of Work Done by Others 32 Section 29.7 Dedication of Water and Sewer Line Extensions 33 Section 30 Delinquent Service Fees 33 Section 31. Sprinkler Connections 33 Section 32. Provision for Cut-Off Valve 34 FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 111 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 326 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE USE OF WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES OPERATED BY HARNETT REGIONAL WATER FIXING RENTS, RATES, FEES AND OTHER CHARGES AND PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION OF SAME. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF HARNETT COUNTY. Section 1. Authority. This ordinance is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes 153A-275, 162A-85.5 and 162A Article 6 for the purpose of providing adequate and reasonable rules and regulations to protect and regulate water supply and distribution systems and sewer collection systems owned or operated by HRW. The ordinance is also adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes 153A-277, 162A-85.13, 162A-88, 162A-92 and 162A Article 8 for the purpose of establishing a schedule of rents, rates, fees, charges and penalties for the use of and services furnished by water supply and distribution systems and sewer collection systems owned or operated by HRW. Section 2. Definitions. Air-Gap Separation is an unobstructed vertical distance through the atmosphere between the lowest opening from any pipe or faucet supplying water to a tank, plumbing fixture, or other device and the flood level rim of the receptacle. Allocation is the assignment or apportionment of water and/or sewer to serve a certain defined area. Auxiliary Intake is any piping connection or other device whereby water may be secured from a source other than the public water supply. Backflow is any flow of water into the public water supply form any other source due to a cross-connection, auxiliary intake, interconnection, backpressure, backsiphonage, any combination thereof, or other cause. Backpressure is any pressure on any source of water other than the public water supply which may be greater than the pressure on the public water supply and may result in a backflow. Backflow Prevention Device is an approved effective device method used to prevent backflow from occurring in the potable water supply. The type of device shall be based on degree of hazard, existing or potential. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 112 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 327 Backsiphonage is any circumstance in which the pressure on the public water supply may be reduced to the point that the elevation and atmospheric pressure on a source of water other than the public water supply may result in a pressure to be greater than the pressure on the public water supply and may result in a back flow. Building is a structure as defined in Volume VII, One and Two Families, and Volume I, General Construction, of the NC State Building Code. Capacity represents the ability to treat or move water and/or sewer. Typically, capacity is expressed in gallons per day (GPD) or million gallons per day (MGD). Confinement Device is a backflow prevention device that is installed within a private plumbing or distribution system to isolate a localized hazard from the remainder of said system. Connection is that part of the water service line which runs from the main to the property line, including all appurtenances to make the service complete and ready for use. Contractor A person or entity, licensed by the State of North Carolina Licensing Board, under contract to the Developer to perform the construction of water and sewer infrastructure of the Development. Consumer is the person legally or equitably responsible for the payment of charges for water or sewer on any premises. Containment Device is a backflow prevention device installed at the point of separation between the public water supply and a private service or private distribution system at the point of metering. Controlled By is owned, operated or leased by. Cross-Connection is any physical connection whereby the public water supply is connected with any other water supply system, whether public or private, either inside or outside of any building or buildings, in such a manner that a flow of water into the public water supply is possible either through the manipulation of valves or because of ineffective check or back- pressure of any other arrangement. Cut-Off Valve is a valve used to regulate the water supply to the consumer’s premises. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 113 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 328 Department shall mean Harnett Regional Water. Developer Any person, firm, corporation, or other legal entity improving property for commercial, industrial or residential purposes. Development Property improved for commercial, industrial or residential purposes. District shall mean any HRW water and sewer district established pursuant to Article 6, Chapter 162A of the North Carolina General Statutes. Double Check Valve is an assembly composed of two single, spring-loaded independently operating check valves, including tightly closing shut-off valves located at each end of the assembly, and having suitable connections for testing the water tightness of each check valve. Dual Check Valve is a device containing two independently acting check valves in series. Easement shall mean an acquired legal right for the specific use of land owned by others. Engineer of Record A person licensed as a Professional Engineer in good standing with the North Carolina State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors acting as an agent for the Developer with regard to water and sewer line extensions. Fire Line is a system of pipes and equipment used to supply water in an emergency for extinguishing fire. Flow is the actual amount of water and/or sewer being treated or moved. Flow is frequently expressed in gallons per day (GPD) or million gallons per day (MGD). Full Service Sprinkler Connection is a separate metered connection originating at a main and running to the property line, and includes all appurtenances to make the connection complete and ready for use. This connection is independent of any other water connection on the premises and shall not be connected to any plumbing or other pipeline where residual water therefrom is required to be discharged into the sewer system. HRW shall mean Harnett Regional Water. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 114 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 329 Improved Street is any street having a wearing surface of concrete, brick, stone block, asphalt, or any bituminous compound. Interconnection is any system of piping or other arrangement whereby the public water supply is connected directly with a sewer, drain, conduit, pool, heat exchanger, storage reservoir, or other device which does or may contain sewage or other waste or substance which would be capable of imparting contamination to the public water supply. Lateral is that portion of the water connection which does not include meter, box or meter setter or connection. Main is the pipe usually laid in a street running parallel to the property line which distributes water or collects sewer. May is permissive (see “shall). NCDEQ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality NCDWQ North Carolina Division of Water Quality Occupant is the consumer who is actually in possession or control of any premises. Owner is the person having legal or equitable title to any premises. Payment Plan is an agreed upon schedule for satisfying a consumer’s delinquent account status. Person is an individual, firm, association, partnership or corporation. Premises are land, building, or other structure and appurtenances thereto. Pressure Vacuum Breaker is an assembly containing an independently operating spring loaded check valve and an independently operating loaded air inlet valve located on the discharge side of the check valve. The assembly must be equipped with suitable connections for testing the proper operation of the device and tightly closing shut-off valves located at each end of the assembly. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 115 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 330 Public Water Supply is the water and waterworks system of HRW, and its consumers outside the County boundary, for the provision of piped water for human consumption, and which supply is recognized as a public and community water system by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Environmental Health, Public Water Supply Section. Record Drawings -Drawings prepared by the Engineer that indicate the details of the system following the construction phase and that at least meet the minimum standards set forth by the State of North Carolina and the North Carolina Licensing Board for Engineers and Land Surveyors and the HRW Sanitary Sewer and Water Specification Reduced Pressure Zone Principle Backflow Prevention Device (RPZ) is a device containing within its structure, two spring loaded independently operating check valves, together with an automatically operating check valves, together with an automatically operating pressure differential relief valve located between the two check valves. The first check valve reduces the supply pressure a predetermined amount so that during normal flow and at cessation of formal flow the pressure between the checks shall be less that the supply pressure. In case of leakage of either check valve, the differential relief valve, by discharging into the atmosphere, shall operate to maintain the pressure between the check valves less than the supply pressure. The device shall have suitable connections for testing, including tightly closing shut-off valves located at each end. Retrofitted Sprinkler Connection is a second metered connection originating at a point along that segment of the existing service line between the main and the first or existing meter and running to the property line, and includes all appurtenances to make the connections complete and ready for use. The Retrofitted Sprinkler Connection shall not be connected to any plumbing or other pipeline where residual water therefrom is required to be discharged into the sewer system. Service Line is a water line which may service a house, business, apartments, etc. which runs from the street to the establishment being served. Shall is mandatory (see “may”). Standard Size Main refers to a six-inch diameter water main and an eight-inch diameter sewer main. Subdivision The division of a tract, parcel, or lot into two or more lots or building sites or other divisions for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale, legacy, or building development and includes all division of land involving a new street or change in existing streets to include re-subdivision. Subdivision shall also refer to uses of land not ordinarily considered a subdivision, but requiring utility installations. Examples of these uses are mobile home parks, multi-family projects townhouses, and planned unit developments. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 116 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 331 System Development Fee A charge or assessment for service imposed with respect to new development to fund costs of capital improvements necessitated by and attributable to such new development, to recoup costs of existing facilities which serve such new development, or a combination of those costs. The term includes amortized charges, lump-sum charges, and any other fee that functions as described by this definition regardless of terminology. Unit refers to a residential housing unit such as an apartment, condominium or duplex. Unusual Conditions to mean delays in acquiring materials, parts and (or) supplies, rock encountered in construction and other items which might cause delays not under the control of HRW. Water and Sewer Plans An engineered drawing, signed and seal by the Engineer of Record, in conformance with the HRW Sanitary Sewer and Water Specifications that delineates the water and sewer infrastructure as well as other on-site improvements proposed for the development of the subject property. Section 3. Water Laterals and Tap-On. Water laterals will be installed only at the request of the Owner or his agent. When the lateral terminates at the property line, the meter shall not be set and the lateral shall not be used until the owner of the property or his agent applies for service. Section 4. Connection To Be Made By HRW Only Upon Application. The construction of water laterals within the street right-of-way and the setting of meters shall be the responsibility of HRW. The construction of such lateral or the setting of such meter shall be done only after the written application therefor has been approved. The only exception to this provision will be when laterals and meter yokes are installed by Developer’s contractors in new subdivisions in compliance with Rules, Regulations and Specifications as shall be established by HRW from time to time. Section 5. Application for Connection. Every application for water service shall list, on forms provided by HRW, the property owner, the applicant’s name, social security number, driver’s license number, phone number, and all other relative forms of identification required by HRW, the street on which the lot is located, the number of the house or a description of the lot location, the number of all types of fixtures planned in the building now and proposed for the future, the distance from the property line where service comes from the street to the furthermost FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 117 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 332 point of the building as planned, and the name of the plumber who will do the work. This application shall be filed not less than ten days before the proposed connection is desired. Unusual conditions may be just cause for additional time in providing the services required. When the size of the service and the cost of the connection have been determined, the applicant shall deposit the previously determined cost and shall be issued a permit for the desired connection. Section 6. Disapproval of Application. If, in the opinion of HRW through its duly constituted authority, the water connection applied for will be of such size or character as to put too great a demand on any part of the system and disrupt the HRW’s ordinary water service (500 GPM at 20 PSI residual plus normal service requirements), it shall disapprove the application until such time as adequate means are provided by the applicant to eliminate the unsatisfactory condition. If, at any time, changes are made by a consumer in his service requirements so as to create an unsatisfactory condition in the HRW’s water service, HRW shall require the consumer to adopt remedial measures to eliminate the unsatisfactory condition. HRW shall not in any way be responsible for any cost or inconvenience caused by a change in service requirements after an application has been approved, or by an installation before the application has been approved. Section 7. Separate Water and Sewer Connections and Meters Required. Each building shall have a separate meter, and where practicable shall have a separate water lateral. In the event that one lateral is used for two dwellings, commercial or industrial buildings, or used to serve two or more meters for the same dwelling, commercial or industrial buildings, a separate cut-off shall be provided for each meter. However, there shall be an exception to the requirement for separate water meters in the case of groups of mobile homes or apartment developments under single ownership. In the case of said groups of mobile homes or apartment developments of more than ten (10) units, one meter shall be used for the entire project unless additional meters are deemed necessary by the proper HRW authority, and the following conditions shall be met: (a) Bills will be rendered to the Owner of the property. (b) The bill will be calculated by a minimum charge for the master meter and for each of the total number of units included thereafter, and calculating the remaining bill based on the total consumption passing through the master meter above the minimum; provided, however, owners of ten or fewer multiple units may elect to have water metered directly to each unit and the charge therefore billed directly to the user in each unit. (c) Should any portion of the development be sold, the owners shall be responsible for paying whatever additional costs would be involved in bringing the divided development into compliance with this article. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 118 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 333 Section 8. Connections And Meters To Remain Property of HRW. All meters, boxes, pipes and other equipment furnished and installed by HRW in a water or sewer connection shall remain the property of the HRW. If, after an installation is completed, the property owner requests that a meter or lateral be changed in size and this request is approved by HRW, the property owner shall pay for the change of lateral as though it were a new connection and shall pay or be credited the difference of the cost of meters in the original and new installations according to the then current price of the two meters. Section 9. Maintenance Of Meters And Connections. All meter and water laterals shall be maintained by HRW at the HRW’s expense. Section 10. Connection To Other Supply and Cross-Connection Control. No part of the HRW’s water system shall be connected to any source of water supply other than those authorized by official action of the County Board of Commissioners. If, on any premises, both HRW water and water from any other source is used, the piping shall be completely separate. Pipes carrying water from a source other than HRW’s supply shall be painted yellow. It shall be unlawful for any person to cause a cross-connection, auxiliary intake, or interconnection to be made with the public water supply; or allow one to exist for any purpose whatsoever. HRW has the responsibility to inspect properties served by the public water supply where cross-connections with the public water supply are deemed possible. The frequency of these inspections shall be set by the department. HRW shall have the right to enter, at reasonable time, any nonresidential property served by a connection to the public water supply for the purpose of conducting these inspections. In those cases in which the property owner chooses not to provide such access, HRW may designate the location as a high hazard in accordance with the paragraphs below. The following uses shall be classified as hazardous uses: (a) Hazardous uses include, but are not limited to: pumps or tanks handling sewage, radioactive, lethal, or toxic substances, boiler and steam connections, sewer waste lines, low inlets to receptacles containing toxic substances, coils or jackets used as heat exchangers, flush valve toilets without vacuum breaks, bacterial and viral materials, private wells or other private water FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 119 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 334 supply, irrigation systems, water systems or hose connections, booster pumps, carbonation equipment, or similar hazard potential as determined by the Department. (b) Any location at which the nature or mode of operation within a premise are such that frequent alterations are made to the plumbing or at which there is a likelihood in the determination of the Department that protective measures may be subverted, altered, or disconnected. (c) Any facility which contains, but is not limited to, a bottling plant, cannery, a building having five or more stories, battery manufacturer, exterminator, greenhouse, chemical processing plant, dairy, dye works, film laboratory, car wash, hospital, commercial laboratory, laundry, metal fabrication operation, mortuary, swimming pool, morgue, x-ray equipment, medical office with laboratory, aspirator, medical washing equipment, packing house, plating plant, poultry house, power plant, nuclear reactor, pumped fire sprinkler or riser system or those equipped with facilities for the introduction of freeze preventive chemicals or other substances other than water. All installations described in the above paragraphs (a)-(c) shall be deemed hazardous uses, and must have a containment device in the form of a reduced pressure zone backflow prevention device provided that, if the consumer demonstrates to the satisfaction of HRW that sufficient internal confinement devices have been installed and tested. The Department may require that the consumer provide engineering drawings sealed by a professional engineer of installations within the premises, which provide complete internal protection against cross-connection as approved by the Department. Any such connection shall be considered another connection for the purpose of determining the type of containment device required. Each internal confinement device shall be one of the following, as approved by HRW or their authorized representative: reduced pressure zone principle backflow prevention device, double check valve backflow prevention device, air gap, vacuum break-pressure type, or dual check valve. Each reduced pressure zone principle backflow prevention device serving as an internal confinement device shall have a mesh strainer immediately upstream of the inlet gate valve. Services to single-family residential units, not otherwise required by this ordinance to have other containment devices, may have a containment device in the form of a dual check valve. HRW supplies this dual check valve when residential connections are installed. On all other services which other containment devices are required the owner’s representative shall be required to install these devices prior to the installation of a meter by HRW. On all such services for which meters have been applied prior to the adoption of this ordinance, said dual check valve shall be installed by HRW, provided that the Department reserves the right to charge the owner or occupant of any residence for the cost of said device and its installation. Maintenance of dual check valve containment devices installed in accordance with this section shall be conducted by the Department. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 120 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 335 All other connections to the public water supply of HRW shall have containment devices in the form of double check valve backflow prevention devices as set forth in the following paragraph. This shall include water mains installed by HRW, including but not limited to mobile home parks, apartments, group housing projects, and other private distribution systems, or similar hazard potential as determined by HRW or their authorized representative. All containment devices shall be installed according to the following procedure: (a) The containment devices shall be located off street right-of-way on the water main side of any plumbing connection. When installed in a building, the device shall be located on the service line immediately after its entrance into the building. Each containment and confinement device shall be installed in a location which is physically accessible for inspection and testing as determined by HRW. Containment devices which have been buried in the ground do not satisfy the provisions of this ordinance. Each reduced pressure principle zone device shall be installed such that flooding of the device is unlikely as determined by the Department. (b) HRW shall maintain a list of approved manufacturers and models of hazard containment devices and drawings of standard installations, copies to be made available through the administration office of the Department. All installations and materials shall conform to HRW standards. (c) In those cases in which containment and/or confinement devices have been previously installed by any party, the responsibility for maintenance, testing, and replacement as applicable shall be with the consumer. (d) The cost of said means of containment, and any other plumbing modifications necessary and convenient thereto, and the testing and maintenance thereof is to be paid for by the consumer. Upon identification of a hazard, or hazard potential, as defined in this section of the ordinance, HRW shall notify the consumer, of record, of the property on which the hazard exists of the following: (a) Location of the Hazard (b) Nature of the Hazard Observed (c) Date of the Hazard Observed (d) Applicable Section of the Ordinance (e) Requirements of the Ordinance Such notification to be made by certified mail, with return receipt requested. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 121 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 336 HRW shall be notified by the consumer when the nature of use of the property changes so as to change the hazard classification of that property, as set forth in this ordinance. The consumer at each property at which containment and/or confinement device(s) have been installed shall have each containment or confinement device(s) tested on an annual basis, and perform any routine maintenance to such device as recommended by the manufacturer, and provide the Department with a report of that inspection and work. The consumer shall cause such maintenance, or repairs to be made, rendering the device fully operational. Failure of the consumer to perform that testing and maintenance shall cause for the premises to be deemed an immediate public health hazard. HRW may immediately thereafter discontinue public water supply service to that premises and service shall not be restored until such devices have been rendered fully operational. Where the use of water is critical to the continuance of normal operations or protection of life, property, and equipment, duplicate containment or confinement devices shall be provided by the property owner to avoid the necessity of discontinuing water service to test or repair the device(s). Consumer responsibilities under this section include: (a) The consumer shall, as required in this ordinance and upon notification, install the hazard containment device(s) as required within ninety (90) days of the date of notification. (b) If, after expiration of ninety (90) days, the containment device(s) has not been installed in conformance with the standards set forth in this ordinance and by the Department, in proper working condition, the Department may discontinue the public water supply at that premises, and service shall not be restored until such devices have been installed. The Department may permit an extension of up to ninety (90) additional days if compliance efforts are underway and the existence of hardship can be determined. (c) HRW shall bear no liability for direct or consequential damages caused by the discontinuance of service pursuant to this ordinance. Section 11. When Water Meters Read. All water meters on water systems controlled by HRW shall be read monthly unless unforeseen circumstances dictate otherwise. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 122 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 337 Section 12. Adjustment Of Overcharges. HRW shall have the authority to adjust one water and/or sewer monthly bill per twelve months after determining that the bill is excessive, upon the following conditions: (a) If the cause is a defect in a water meter, the water bill shall be reduced to the average amount of such bill for the preceding three (3) months. (b) When proof of repair is furnished to substantiate a leak, the water bill shall be reduced by fifty percent (50%) of the amount by which it exceeds the average amount of the consumer’s bill for the preceding three (3) months. The average is then added back in to determine the final amount. Leak adjustments for sewer accounts are determined by reducing the sewer bill to the preceding three month average. (c) If the cause is of an undetermined origin, and it does not appear upon investigation that the occupant or occupants of the premises served were in any way at fault for the excessive water bill, the adjusted bill shall be calculated the same as in (b) of this rule. (d) All metered water lost due to negligence on the part of the user will be charged at the normal rate, and no adjustment of the bill shall be made. Section 13. Meter Tests. Any consumer may have a test of his water meter made upon payment in advance of a fee of actual cost of the test for any size meter. A deposit for the estimated cost of the test is required before such test is conducted. If the consumption shown on the meter in question is greater than twice the average consumption for the preceding six months, the fee for testing the meter shall be waived. Since the most accurate water meters suitable for general use require a margin of approximately two and one-half percent for error, any meter which shows upon test an error not greater than two and one-half percent shall not be considered defective. If the meter is found to be over-registering in excess of two and one-half percent, refund shall be made in accordance with Section 12 (a) above, and the deposit paid for the test shall be refunded. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 123 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 338 Section 14. Bulk Water Usage. HRW allows consumers or commercial establishments to use bulk water from public fire hydrants through the use of portable hydrant meters after an application has been made and deposit has been paid. The actual deposit shall be determined by HRW according to the size of the hydrant meter and is refundable upon the satisfactory return of the meter. Failure to return the meter in a timely fashion will result in the customer being charged for the full prevailing cost of the hydrant meter. A chain of custody form will be used to annotate the serial number of the hydrant meter, the customer name and relevant billing information, and the signature of the customer requesting the meter. A daily, monthly or yearly rental rate will be billed to the customer according to the desired usage. Any customer requesting to keep the meter for a year will be provided to pay that rental rate at the time of meter issuance or the beginning of each new yearly billing period. The water user also agrees to pay for water obtained at the rate of $7.00 per 1,000 gallons. A chain of custody form will be used to annotate the serial number of the hydrant meter, the customer name and relevant billing information, and the signature of the customer requesting the meter. The applicant shall be responsible for any damage to the hydrant, meter, backflow, connections, etc., used in the installation and the cost of any such damage shall be taken from the deposit. After deducting the water bill, appropriate rental rate and any cost of damage to the installation, HRW shall refund the balance of the deposit to the applicant as soon as the meter is removed and returned to the HRW’s stock. While in use, no wrench shall be used on the hydrant except a hydrant wrench furnished by HRW. If scarred by unauthorized methods, the cost of nut and labor to repair shall be charged to person responsible. Should the water bill, rental rate and cost of damage exceed the deposit, the user shall pay the amount of such excess to HRW. Section 15. Tampering With Meters and Stopcocks. No person, except an employee of HRW, shall turn the stopcock installed in each meter box nor shall any person construct or have constructed any bypass around any meter except as may be installed and sealed by HRW. The fact that water is cut on to any premises by a person without the prior knowledge of either HRW or the consumer shall not relieve the consumer of liability for such unauthorized use of water. A minimum fee of $100.00 shall be imposed upon the consumer where such tampering or unauthorized use of water has occurred. Section 16. No Guarantee Of Quality, Quantity Of Pressure Of Water Supply . FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 124 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 339 Neither the District nor HRW guarantees the quality, quantity or pressure of its water supply. It is hereby made a portion of the terms on which HRW and the District furnish water to consumers that HRW and the District shall in no case be liable to any consumer for any defect on quality or any deficiency in quantity or pressure; that HRW and the District shall not be liable to any consumer for damages resulting from turning on or the complete or partial cutting off of water; and no deduction shall be made from any water bill by reason of any such defect or deficiency. No HRW employee shall take responsibility for telling a property owner or occupant how best to care for his boiler, heater or other equipment which is affected by the discontinuance, either temporary or permanent, of his water supply. The owner or occupant shall be entirely responsible for his equipment and shall hold HRW and the District in no way responsible for damage thereof. Section 17. Protection Of Water Supply. No person shall contaminate any portion of HRW or of the Districts’ water supply whether the same is in a reservoir, or tank, or pipe. Section 18. Repealing Clause. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause or provision of this ordinance shall be adjudged invalid, such adjudication shall apply only to such section, paragraph, subdivision, clause or provision so adjudged, and the remainder of this ordinance shall be deemed valid and effective. Section 19. Procedures. (a) Service will be supplied only to those who apply. (b) Users will make application for service, in person or online, at HRW and at the same time make the deposit guarantee required below. A $15.00 account set-up fee and/or transfer fee of the same amount is due upon initial account set up or subsequent transfer of a consumer’s water service to another address. (c) The amount of deposit shall be determined by entering all responsible consumer information into an On-line Utility Database. If the consumer or consumers have a history of outstanding debt to other utilities, a copy of the amount of debt and the utility to which it is owed shall be provided to the consumer at the time of application. A credit score is determined by this procedure. (d) Property owners, if approved by the procedure described in Section 19 (c) shall not be required to make a deposit. If the property owner is not approved by the above described procedure, they will be charged a minimum deposit of $50.00. This deposit will be refunded after one year of no penalties such as delinquent or reconnection fees. All other consumers, if approved FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 125 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 340 by the procedure described above, shall make a minimum cash deposit of $50.00 per service requested. All other consumers with a delinquent credit history will be charged a minimum deposit of $100.00 per service requested. Deposits shall not accrue interest. All consumers who qualify as commercial users under the current rate structure shall be exempt from this deposit requirement. (e) All property owners with no established accounts, must provide HRW with a deed or purchase agreement for the property where water and/or sewer service will be provided. All other users must provide HRW with a copy of a rental or lease agreement for the property where water and/or sewer service will be provided. All consumers identified as financially responsible parties on the rental or lease agreement shall be listed as responsible parties on the account at setup by HRW. (f) HRW may reject any application for service not available under a standard rate or which involves excessive service cost, or which may affect the supply of service to other customers or for other good and sufficient reasons. (g) HRW may reject any application for service when the applicant is delinquent in payment of any bills incurred for service or connection fees previously supplied at any location, provided that when the Owner of the premises has been served water and has not paid for the same, HRW shall not be required to render service to anyone at said location where the water was used until said water bill has been paid. (h) The person or persons in whose name the account is under shall be responsible for payment of all bills incurred in connection with the service furnished. (i) A separate deposit is required for each meter and/or service connection requested. (j) The deposit receipt is not negotiable and can be redeemed only at HRW. (k) The deposit required by this ordinance or part remaining thereof will be refunded upon payment of final bill and final accounting except in instances described in section (d) above in which it may be refunded earlier. (l) Final bills are prorated based upon the number of days service is provided. Section 20. Initial Or Minimum Charge. (a) The initial or minimum charge, as provided in the rate schedule, shall be made for each service installed, regardless of location. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 126 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 341 (b) In resort or seasonal areas where service is furnished to a consumer during certain months only, the minimum charge per service for the period of non-use shall be the regular minimum as set out in the published rates of HRW. (c) Water furnished for a given lot shall be used on that lot only. Each consumer’s service must be separately metered at a single delivery and metering point. Each commercial unit and each storeroom or stall used for business purposes shall have a separate meter. All commercial use including storerooms and stalls for business purposes shall be metered separately from any residential use and vice versa, whether now in service or to be installed in the future. (d) Consumers shall be responsible for paying the minimum monthly water and/or sewer bill whether or not water and/or sewer is actually used as long as the service is not turned off by request of the consumer. Section 21. HRW’s Responsibility And Liability. (a) HRW shall run a service line from its distribution line to the property line where the distribution line runs immediately adjacent and parallel to the property to be served, and for which a tap-on fee, and system development fee(s) then in effect, will be charged. The tap-on-fee is subject to deviate from the set rate due to cost of the service installation. (b) HRW may install a meter at the property line or, at HRW’s option, on the consumer’s property or in a location mutually agreed upon. (c) When two or more meters are to be installed on the same premises for different consumers, they shall be closely grouped and each clearly designated to which consumer it applies. (d) HRW does not assume the responsibility of inspecting the consumer’s piping or apparatus and will not be responsible therefor. (e) HRW reserves the right to refuse service unless the consumer’s lines or piping are installed in such manner as to prevent cross- connections or backflow. (f) HRW shall not be liable for damage of any kind whatsoever resulting from water or the use of water on the consumer’s premises, unless such damage results directly from negligence on the part of HRW. HRW shall not be responsible for any damage done by or resulting from any defect in the piping, fixtures, or appliances on the consumer’s premises. HRW shall not be responsible for negligence of third persons or forces beyond the control of HRW resulting in any interruption of service. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 127 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 342 (g) Under normal conditions, the consumer will be notified of any anticipated interruption of service. Section 22. Consumer’s Responsibility. (a) Piping on the consumer’s premises must be so arranged that the connections are conveniently located with respect to HRW’s lines or mains. (b) If the consumer’s piping on the consumer’s premises is so arranged that HRW is called upon to provide additional meters, each place of metering will be considered as a separate and individual account. (c) Where meter is placed on premises of a consumer, a suitable place shall be provided by consumer for placing such meter, unobstructed and accessible at all times to the meter reader. (d) The consumer shall furnish and maintain the service line on the consumer’s side of the meter; HRW to provide a like service on HRW’s side of such meter. (e) The consumer’s piping and apparatus shall be installed and maintained by the consumer at the consumer’s expense in a safe and efficient manner and in accordance with HRW’s rules, regulations, specifications, and ordinances and in full compliance with the sanitary regulations of the North Carolina State Board of Health. (f) The consumer shall guarantee proper protection for all property controlled by HRW and placed on the consumer’s premises by HRW or any predecessor in interest to HRW and shall permit access to it only by authorized representatives of HRW. (g) In the event that any loss or damage to such property or any accident or injury to persons or property is caused by or results from the negligence or wrongful act of the consumer, his agents, or employees, the cost of the necessary repairs or replacements shall be paid by the consumer to HRW and any liability otherwise resulting shall be assumed by the consumer. (h) The amount of such loss or damage or the cost of repairs shall be added to the consumer’s bill; and if not paid, service may be discontinued by HRW. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 128 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 343 Section 23. Access To Premises. HRW personnel shall have access at all reasonable hours to the premises of the consumer for the purpose of installing or removing property controlled by HRW, inspecting piping, reading or testing meters, or for any other purpose in connection with HRW’s service and facilities. Section 24. Change of Occupancy. (a) Not less than three days notice must be given in person or in writing to discontinue service for a change in occupancy. Such notice shall be given at the HRW office which has responsibility for management of water and sewer systems. (b) The outgoing party shall be responsible for all water consumed up to the time of departure or the time specified for departure, whichever period is longest. Section 25. Suspension Of Service. (a) Services may be discontinued at the request of the consumer, provided the consumer pay all current balances. When services are discontinued and all bills paid, the deposit will be refunded in accordance with this Ordinance. (b) Services may also be discontinued by HRW to any customer whose account remains delinquent for more than ten (10) days. The deposit will be applied by HRW toward settlement of the account. Any balance will be refunded to the consumer; but if the deposit is not sufficient to cover the bill, HRW may proceed to collect the balance in the usual way provided by law for the collection of debts. (c) Service discontinued for non-payment of bills will be restored, at the request of the consumer only after bills are paid in full, and a service charge of $40.00 paid for each meter reconnected except as set forth hereafter. The consumer being reconnected must also make the required deposit. The consumer may elect to pay an additional service fee of $50.00 to FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 129 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 344 expedite the reconnection process. The payment of this fee will guarantee the reestablishment of water service to the consumer on the same day the account is paid in full. (d) After a connection has been discontinued for a period of twelve consecutive months HRW may remove the meter base, meter, curb stop valve, meter box and service line for use elsewhere or for storage. (e) At any time after a connection has been removed an additional service charge equal to the then current tap-on-fee shall be paid as a reconnection fee. Also the consumer must make the required deposit. (g) HRW reserves the right to discontinue its service without notice for the following additional reasons: 1. To prevent fraud or abuse. 2. Consumers willful disregard for HRW’s rules and ordinances. 3. Consumers nonpayment or adherence to agreed-upon payment plan terms. 4. Emergency repairs. 5. Insufficiency of supply due to circumstances beyond HRW’s control. 6. Legal processes. 7. Direction of public authorities. 8. Strike, riot, fire, flood, accident, or any unavoidable cause. (h) HRW may, in addition to prosecution by law, permanently refuse service to any consumer who tampers with a meter or other measuring device. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 130 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 345 Section 26. Complaints - Adjustments. (a) If the consumer believes his bill to be in error, he shall present his claim, in person, at HRW before the bill becomes delinquent. Such claim, if made after the bill has become delinquent, shall not be effective in preventing discontinuance of service as heretofore provided. The consumer may pay such bill under protest, and said payment shall not prejudice his claim. (b) HRW will make special meter readings at the request of the consumer for a fee of $25.00 provided, however, that if such special reading discloses that the meter was over read, or in error in any way, the fee will be refunded. (c) Meters will be tested at the request of the consumer upon payment to HRW of the actual cost to HRW of making the test provided, however, if the meter is found to over register or under register beyond two and one-half per centum (2 1/2) of the correct volume, no charge will be made. (d) If the seal of the meter is broken by other than HRW’s representative, or if the meter fails to register correctly, or is stopped for any cause, the consumer shall pay an amount estimated from the record of his previous bills and/or from other proper data. No modification of rates or any of the stipulations in this ordinance shall be made by any employee of HRW. Section 27. Classifications, Rates, Fees and Charges. The following classifications, rates, fees, and charges are adopted: (a) Classification of Service. All services are classified under three categories to include residential, commercial, or bulk municipal users. A residential service is a service requiring a meter size up to and including one inch. A commercial service is a service requiring a meter size greater than one inch up to and including two inches. A bulk municipal service is a service requiring a meter size greater than two inches, where the user is a municipality and/or other public body. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 131 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 346 (b) Rate Schedule: (1) Residential: Water Schedule Monthly Flat rate, first 2,000 gallons (minimum) $ 22.00 All water used over 2,000 gallons $ 5.75 per 1,000 gallons Sewer Schedule Monthly Flat Rate, no gallons $ 16.00 Commodity charge $ 6.50 per 1,000 gallons Flat sewer rate, one person household $ 42.00 Flat sewer rate, two or more in household $ 48.00 (2) Commercial: Water Schedule Monthly Flat rate, first 2,000 gallons (minimum) $ 30.00 All water used over 2,000 gallons $ 5.75 per 1,000 gallons Sewer Schedule Monthly Flat rate, no gallons $ 45.00 Commodity charge $ 6.50 per 1,000 gallons Flat rate, institutional, no gallons $ 300 minimum Commodity charge $ 6.50 per 1,000 gallons FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 132 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 347 (3) Bulk Municipal: Water-$ 3.00 for each 1,000 gallons used. Where bulk municipal connections exist, HRW may require that the water purchaser guarantee a minimum usage allocation and payment for the same, whether used or not. Water-Capacity Owners- $2.35 for each 1,000 gallons used. Bulk municipal rates may differ depending upon the purchase of capacity in County owned production facilities and/or other extenuating circumstances deemed by HRW. Water-Woodlake- $3.20 for each 1,000 gallons used. Sewer-$ 2.75 for each 1,000 gallons treated. Sewer-Linden Oaks- $3.00 for each 1,000 gallons treated. Energy Charges-$.35 for each 1,000 gallons of water used. Note: Energy charges may differ depending upon the number of pumps required for delivery. (c) Tap-On-Fees. Water Services 2 inch connection $ 3,500 1 inch connection $ 2,200 3/4 inch connection $ 1,200 Sewer Services 4 inch gravity connection $ 1,500 6 inch gravity connection $ 2,500 FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 133 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 348 8 inch gravity connection $ 4,000 Step Tank $ 2,800 Larger connections and/or road bores, including those for bulk municipal connections, shall be negotiated as may be appropriate. (d) Hydrant Meter Charges. Services Charges 3/4 inch hydrant meter $250.00 Refundable Deposit $5.00/day or $140.00/month rental rate $1,200.00/yearly rate (must be paid up front) $7.00/1,000 gallons 3 inch hydrant meter $500.00 Refundable Deposit $10.00/day or $280.00/month rental rate $2,500.00/yearly rental rate (must be paid up front) $7.00/1,000 gallons (e) Septage Hauler Waste Fee Basic Facilities Charge $20.00 per Truckload Usage Charge $65.00 per 1,000 gallons This service is available only to those applicants having obtained prior written approval from the HRW Wastewater Division. Waste from septic tanks and portable toilets shall be accepted if it fully conforms with the Harnett County Sewer Use Ordinance. (f) Rates for persons living outside the District. Rates for persons living outside of Harnett County and served by HRW water lines owned or operated by HRW or a District shall be equal to rates for persons living inside Harnett County so long as no tax is levied within Harnett County for support of FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 134 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 349 the system; if a tax is levied on users inside Harnett County for the purpose of supporting the water system, then the users outside Harnett County shall pay an increased rate. (g) Water and Sewer System Development Fees. System development fees (SDFs) are a one-time charge implemented to recover the costs associated with capital investments made by a utility system to make service available to future users of the system. Such capital costs include the construction of facilities as well as engineering, surveys, land, financing, legal and administrative costs. These charges are reasonable and necessary and result in a more equitable and economically efficient method of recovery of such costs to handle new growth and to serve new customers without placing an additional financial burden on existing customers solely through inordinate enhancement of water and sewer rates. Water System and Sewer System Development Fees will be charged for all new water and/or sewer services connecting to any water supply or distribution system and/or sewer collection system owned and/or operated by HRW. Determination of water and sewer SDFs were accomplished per a system development fee analysis that met the requirements of N.C.G.S 162A-205 and is posted on HRW’s website for review. The SDF rates vary by meter size although larger commercial and industrial connection SDFs may be determined by an equivalent residential unit methodology by HRW staff when potential demands exceed standard meter sizes. All system development fees shall be paid to HRW per N.C.G.S 162A-213 in the manner set forth below: The system development fees for new land subdivision development shall be payable at the time of application for a building permit. In instances of any other new development to include commercial/industrial developments, the full balance of these fees shall be due at the time of application for connection of the individual unit of development or when HRW commits to provide water and/or sewer service to the development, whichever occurs sooner. In instances where separate agreements are established for land subdivisions that exceed 200 lots, as described in section 29.1 (b) below, these fees will be paid at the time of execution of the agreement and held in escrow until such time as the balance of said fees are drawn down when individual building permits are issued within the development. The fees held in escrow will always be drawn down prior to any individual payments for lots at the time of application for a building permit. If the rate of said fees established by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners increase or decrease while still in escrow then any material difference must be paid or likewise credited to the escrow when the building permit is issued. If for any reason HRW rescinds the capacity allocation, as described in section 29.1 (b) below then all remaining fees for lots without building permits issued still held in escrow will be refunded to the payee. (h) Plan Review Fees FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 135 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 350 Plan review fees for extensions of HRW’s water and sewer systems shall consist of a $250.00 Preliminary Plan Review for all projects and a $40.00 per lot and/or residential equivalent unit for all types of development. These fees cover plan review, on- site inspections, and one-year warranty inspections. Section 28. Connection to Existing Systems. In the event that HRW desires to connect its water distribution system to previously existing systems, all such systems must have the approval of the Division of Health Services, of the North Carolina Department of Human Resources before such connection may take place and all previously existing sources of water must be completely abandoned and rendered incapable of future water production. Section 29.1 Water and Sewer Extension in New Developments. Article V, Section 5.3 of the Harnett County Subdivision Regulations describes the basic conditions under which water and sewer extensions are required in HRW’s jurisdiction. HRW reserves the right to provide or not provide water and sewer extensions depending upon the availability of water and sewer capacity. The responsibility for extending water and sewer mains to and within new subdivisions or within other new developments lies with the subdivider or Developer, although HRW may in its discretion contract with the subdivider or Developer to install such water or sewer lines with HRW personnel. (a) Water and Sewer Plan Requirements. If a water distribution or sewer collection system is to be installed in a subdivision in HRW’s jurisdiction, and the system is to be assumed and maintained by HRW immediately upon completion of installation, a complete set of construction plans must be provided for the proposed system. The plans shall be prepared by a N.C licensed professional engineer serving as the Engineer of Record for the development and shall have their seal and signature with the date on each plan. Water and sewer plans shall include a determination of the estimated water and sewer capacity needed to serve the development based on NCDEQ design standards and shall consist of an overall composite plan, large scale individual plans with profiles as needed, detail sheets, grading plans, erosion control plans, specifications and calculations. Plans must also be submitted in electronic formats to include Computer Aided Design (CAD) and/or Portable Document Format (PDF). Plans will provide for the construction of water infrastructure from the point of connection with existing HRW water mains to the meter boxes of the properties to be served and for sewer infrastructure from the sewer clean out to the connection with existing HRW sewer mains. The plans must conform to HRW specifications, N.C. Administrative Code 15A Subchapter 2T Waste Not Discharged to Surface Waters and to Title 15A Subchapter 18C- Rules Governing Public Water Systems.. The engineer shall provide sealed as-built plans and location maps for all valves and hydrant locations upon construction completion. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 136 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 351 (b) Capacity Allocation Determination HRW reserves the right to impose minimum and/or maximum lot counts for each proposed phase within a new land subdivision development to help adequately determine future water and/or sewer capacity allocations and to prohibit excessive review and administrative overhead. Minimum lot counts will be determined on a case by case basis depending upon the development. Land subdivision developments are limited to a maximum of two hundred (200) lots or residential equivalent units. Land subdivision developments that consist of lots greater than two hundred (200) can request an additional water and/or sewer capacity allocation of up to two hundred (200 lots) for a maximum of four hundred (400 lots) per development. This request requires a separate agreement with different requirements for payment of water and sewer system development fees, as outlined in Section 27(g) Water and Sewer System Development Fees. All water and/or sewer improvements within approved phases must be constructed and lots within approved phases must be recorded within two (2) years of receipt of the Authorization to Construct Permit from HRW/NCDEQ. If a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of its planned building permits are not issued within four (4) years from the receipt of the Authorization to Construct Permit from HRW/NCDEQ, HRW reserves the right to rescind the unused amount of capacity for future use and begin the review process again in earnest to include updated plans and construction drawings from the Engineer of Record for the development. Supplementary phase construction requests of a maximum of two hundred (200) lots of the same land subdivision development will be reviewed but not permitted for construction until the above described conditions are met. (c) Shop Drawing Review. The developer’s Engineer of Record will review all shop drawings for conformance with HRW specifications prior to submittal to HRW. The shop drawing submittal to HRW shall include a cover letter by the developer’s Engineer of Record certifying conformance with HRW specifications and summarizing any exceptions or concerns relative to approved drawings and/or HRW standards. (d) Conformance and Inspection/Oversight. Improvements shall be installed in accordance with the established specifications, and other applicable policies of HRW. Contractor shall conform to all applicable local, state and federal regulations. No field changes to the plans are allowed without prior written approval from HRW. The Developer shall, at his expense, retain the services of the Engineer of Record for the purposes of providing necessary inspections and supervision of the construction work, record drawings and Engineer certifications. The engineer is responsible to insure that construction is, at all times, in compliance with accepted sanitary engineering practices and the approved plans and specifications. A copy of each Engineer’s field report is to be submitted to HRW as each such inspection is made. Water and sewer infrastructure must FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 137 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 352 pass all tests as required by HRW specifications and those of all applicable regulatory agencies. These tests include, but are not limited to, air test, vacuum test, mandrel test, visual test, pressure test, bacteriological test, etc. A HRW inspector must be present during testing. All test results must be submitted to HRW. All tests must be satisfied prior to Final Inspection. Following completion of construction of all water and sewer infrastructure delineated in the approved water and sewer plans a Final Inspection must be requested in writing by the Developer or Developer’s engineer. The Developer’s engineer and HRW inspector shall prepare a written punch list of any defects or deficiencies noted during this inspection, should any exist. Upon completion of the punch list, the Developer’s engineer will schedule another inspection. In the event the number of inspections performed by HRW exceeds two, additional fees may be assessed to the Developer. (e) Off-site and Over-sizing of Infrastructure. For developments that are not adjacent to water and sewer infrastructure of sufficient size and capacity to meet the needs of the proposed development, the Developer shall be responsible at their sole expense for the design and construction of any and all improvements to the HRW system deemed necessary to meet the service requirements of the development. The Developer shall incorporate the off-site improvements in the water and sewer plans submitted for the proposed development. These improvements shall be consistent with the HRW Utility Master Plans and conform to the requirements of this policy. The Developer may be required as a condition of approval of this development to install either on-site or off-site improvements of a greater capacity than required to serve their development in order for HRW to serve future developments or to meet other service needs of HRW. If this is the case, HRW shall reimburse the Developer for any additional costs incurred as a result of installing such oversized lines. Under no circumstances will HRW reimburse the Developer for any additional costs associated with the installation of mains equal to or less than 8 inches in diameter for water and 12 inches in diameter for sewer as these sizes would be below or equal to the standard size mains utilized by the HRW. (f) Easements for Future Water and Sewer Lines. The Developer shall secure the services of a professional engineer to design the system in accordance with HRW specifications. HRW desires to develop its water and sewer infrastructure in an orderly manner that minimizes energy consumption and makes the most efficient use of existing and proposed infrastructure. To accomplish this, the Developer may be required as a condition of approval of their development to dedicate easements with the boundaries of the development to HRW for placement of future water and sewer infrastructure. The Developer shall incorporate the requested easements in the water and sewer plans submitted for the proposed development. Water and/or wastewater infrastructure proposed for acceptance and ownership by HRW must be in a dedicated utility right-of- way/easements or public right-of-way/easements. The cost associated with the acquisition of any easement or right-of- FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 138 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 353 way contract for extensions of water and/or sewer mains over privately owned lands will be solely borne by the Developer. HRW also prefers that the Developer acquire these rights-of-way privately if at all possible. Further explanation of HRW’s participation in easement acquisition for private development is explained in Section 30.2 below. (g) Transfer of Title. The Developer shall transfer to HRW, title to all water distribution and sewage collection systems installed by Developer’s contractor. Such conveyance is to take effect without further action upon the acceptance of HRW of said installation. As further evidence of said transfer of title, upon completion of the said installation and prior to the rendering of service by HRW, the Developer shall, without cost to HRW: (1) Convey at no cost to HRW, its successors or assigns by good and sufficient easement deed or dedication in right- of-way in a form satisfactory to HRW a perpetual right, easement and privilege to operate, maintain and repair or replace all water and wastewater mains, pipes, connections, pumps and meters within granted easements upon Developer’s property in connection with supplying water and wastewater service to the inhabitants, occupants and customers in Developer’s property and secure from each mortgagee and lien or a release of mortgagess’ and lienors’ interest in the easement and fixtures thereon for so long as the easement is used for the operation, maintenance, repair replacement of water and wastewater mains, pipes, connections, pumps and meters within the easements. (2) Transfer at no cost to HRW all Developer’s right, title and interest in and to all of the water and wastewater supply lines, mains, connections pipes, valves, meters and equipment installed up to and within granted easements and right-of-way for the purpose of supplying water service and wastewater collection for the inhabitants, occupants and customers in Developer’s property. (3) Furnish HRW with an AFFIDAVIT that all persons, firms or corporations who furnished labor or materials used directly or indirectly in the prosecution of the work required to be performed by the Agreement have been paid. Said AFFIDAVIT shall be written in such a form as approved and accepted by HRW. (4) Furnish HRW with a RELEASE OF LIEN from all contractors and suppliers of materials and/or labor who might have acquired interest into the installations by the supply of materials and/or labor otherwise. (5) Furnish HRW with all Manufacturers’ warranties which Developer might have received or is due to receive on any part of the installations. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 139 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 354 (6) Pay to HRW any and all applicable charges which shall be due and payable prior to connection to HRW water and/or wastewater system. (7) Furnish HRW with a satisfactory warranty on guaranteeing all equipment and infrastructure installed pursuant to this Agreement against defect in materials, equipment of construction for a period of not less than one (1) year from date of acceptance of same by HRW. Said warranty shall be in such a form as approved and accepted by HRW. (h) Metering Requirements. Each individual apartment, residence, unit or business, must have an individual meters with the exception of existing apartment complexes, condominiums, shopping centers, mobile home parks and residential developments where lines do not meet HRW standards. These qualifications for the use of master meters, rather than individual meters, are clearly defined in section 7 of the Harnett County Ordinance Regulating The Use Of Water Facilities. (1) Meters meeting HRW specification and of appropriate size for desired application shall be furnished to the HRW at the expense of the Developer and shall become the property of HRW. (2) Each occupancy or property owner must post a security deposit and setup fee, as listed in Section 20 (d) of the above-mentioned ordinance, prior to activation of the service. (3) All water lines and meter services must be in a right-of-way with a. minimum width of twenty (20) feet and dedicated to HRW for the operation and maintenance of said water lines and meter services. Section 29.2 Acquisition of Easements For Developers In County Participation Projects Should a Developer encounter problems acquiring utility right-of-way across private property for a project, he may request a meeting with the HRW Director, or his designee, to discuss gaining assistance from HRW. For eligibility of participation by HRW, the subject water or sewer line must serve a public purpose or benefit as defined in HRW’s case as providing a minimum value, for residential developments, of $350,000 tax base per lot and a minimum number of 50 lots. Commercial or industrial developments will be reviewed on a case by case basis to determine their value. The Director will review and make a determination as to possible eligibility for participation. If the Director determines there is a valid basis for participation, the process will be explained to the Developer. Agreement to participate by the Developer will result in a letter of recommendation to the Legal Services Department and the County Manager. If the Legal Services Department agrees that participation is warranted then they shall notify the Developer in writing and FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 140 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 355 then in conjunction with HRW meet with the Developer to review their obligations. All property maps and descriptions will need to be approved by HRW and need to comply with these standards and procedures. (a) One (1) copy of blueprint of each map with a copy of the descriptions of the taking shall be submitted by the Developer’s engineering firm/surveyor for review. The map and descriptions need to be sealed by a professional surveyor. (b) Legal will contact the Developer’s engineering firm/surveyor after review is completed so that review comments can be addressed. (c) The Developer’s engineering firm/surveyor will have to re-submit a copy of blueprint of the corrected plans and a copy of the corrected descriptions, together with all the copies marked with corrections requests. (d) When Legal is satisfied that all changes have been made, the Developer’s engineering firm/surveyor will be contacted and asked of submission of the following items: 1) The original mylar of the plans, signed, sealed and dated by a professional surveyor. 2) A copy of the legal description, signed, sealed, and dated by a professional surveyor. 3) A dxf of dwg drawing file submitted on a flash drive or through email, for all computer-generated with the drawings. This file should be on project coordinated (I.e. NAD83 coordinates). Also an ASCII points file, with the point number, coordinates, and descriptor of each point. (e) The Developer’s attorney will need to prepare the required deeds and contact the County’s Legal Department for the approval of the deeds. (f) The Developer or his attorney will furnish the Legal Department with a copy of the deeds after they have been recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Harnett County, NC. (g) In lieu or preparing property maps, legal descriptions, deeds and deeds of assignment, the Developer may choose to have his surveyor prepare a plat of recordation. The Legal Department will still review the plats. Once the maps have been finalized they will need to be submitted to the Planning Department for their review. The Developer may then have the owners sign dedications statements on the plat. (h) In the event that the property owner denies the Developer’s surveyor access to the property, the surveyor shall compile the maps needed for the easements from publicly available sources and use these documents to estimate the easement square footages required. The estimated value of the easements, per square footage, based on the independent appraisal FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 141 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 356 shall be multiplied by the estimated required square footage of the easement as a basis of offer. This offer may be considered as sufficient proof that a good-faith effort was made. Final settlement value will be contingent upon a survey meeting HCDPU’s requirements as stated above. (i) The Developer shall send letters to the property owners requesting permission of site access and HRW will initiate contact with the affected property owners to alert them to the activity. Based on the approved drawings and descriptions, the Developer commissions an independent appraisal of the properties. An offer shall be in writing to the property owner and sent via certified mail, return receipt requested. Upon refusal of the offer, as detailed above: (j) HRW will schedule a meeting with the Developer and the affected property owner(s) to; discuss the situation, explain the necessity for the project (e.g. public good, public necessity, coordination with the long-term infrastructure development of the County), and ascertain that an offer has been made and effused. Furnish Legal Department copies of correspondence as written documentation. (k) If condemnation proceedings are the only option left to obtain the necessary easements, a Board of Commissioner Agenda item from the Harnett Regional Water Director to the County Manager must be prepared and sent and copied to the Legal Department. (l) Legal Department will notify the Developer and the affected property owners as to the date, which the Board of Commissioners will consider the request. (m) Board of Commissioners will decide as to whether or not to direct Legal to initiate the condemnation process of the property in question. Condemnation under this Policy shall be subject to the Board of Commissioners findings of public purpose, public necessity, and approval of exercise of eminent domain. (n) Upon the Board of Commissioners approval and prior to HRW staff starting action, the Developer to deposit with HRW twice the amount of the estimated cost of the right-of-way. The Developer will have the right to have his attorney participate in the process in conjunction with HRW attorneys. If the Developer elects not to, he shall furnish a waiver to HRW to that effect. Upon obtaining the right-of-way, HRW shall refund to the Developer all funds (item m) over and above those required to obtain the right-of-way. In the event that condemnation becomes and is approved by County Commissioners, the Developer shall write a letter to HRW stating that he will be fully responsible for any and all cost and FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 142 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 357 expenses awarded by the court in the condemnation case. For County projects, that letter will be written to the County Development Services Department. At the option of HRW, the Developer may be required to deposit additional funds up to five times the amount of the estimated right-of-way value. HRW will retain these funds until completion of the judgment, at which time any remaining monies will be returned to the Developer. The money on deposit with HRW will bear no interest. Section 29.3 Extension of Water and Sewer Lines Within County. (a) HRW currently extends service by 3 methods: 1. Capital Projects using Loan & Grants to fund. 2. Private Development within public rights-of-way or dedicated rights-of-way funded by private funds. 3. Co-operative Projects - between HRW and private sector for commercial and industrial development. The amount of HRW funds contributed to a co-operative project is guaranteed to be repaid to HRW by the Developer in net tax proceeds from the improved Property within the first five years. If the net tax proceeds received within the five year period fail to equal HRW’s fiscal contribution to the project, the Developer shall pay the difference to HRW. (b) HRW proposes to designate, from the Harnett Regional Water Fund, certain restricted annual appropriations for the development of water and sewer line extensions within Harnett County. All requests for extensions shall be rated on the following point system. 1. Public Health Severity 40 points 2. Cost Feasibility Based Upon Return of Investment 40 points 3. Contributed Capital by Individual or Business 20 points Points Maximum 100 Points FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 143 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 358 The responsibility for rating each request will be with the Director of Harnett Regional Water or the designee of the Director. A minimum score of 50 points is required in order for the Harnett County Board of Commissioners to consider the request. Section 29.4 Extensions Outside of County. (a) HRW has no responsibility to provide water or sewer service to property located outside the County. However, upon request, HRW may extend its water or sewer lines to serve properties outside the County when it determines that it is in the County’s best interest to do so. (b) Any owner of property outside the County who seeks an extension of HRW’s water or sewer system to serve the property shall submit an application for extension to HRW. The owner shall provide all information HRW deems necessary to determine whether the requested extension is feasible and in the County’s best interest. (c) The responsibility for, and the entire cost of, extending a water or sewer line to serve property outside the County shall be borne by the property owner requesting the extension. Section 29.5 Extensions Made by Other than HRW Personnel. (a) Extensions of HRW’s water or sewer system installed by other than HRW personnel, whether inside or outside the county, shall be installed by a licensed utility contractor in accordance with the provisions of this policy as well as other HRW specifications and requirements. Among other matters, such specifications shall govern the size of all lines, their locations, grades, materials used, manner of installation and provision for future extensions. (b) No construction or any addition to HRW’s water or sewer system shall commence until detailed plans have been reviewed and approved by the Director of Harnett Regional Water or the designee of the Director. Such plans shall include whatever information the administrator deems necessary to determine whether the proposed extension complies with all applicable HRW specifications and requirements. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 144 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 359 (c) Water lines intended for addition to HRW owned water system will be allowed to connect to the system if installed within the rights-of-way of a dedicated street or if adequate permanent easements are provided. Sewer lines shall also be installed within public street rights-of-way wherever practical, but HRW may accept sewer lines constructed on private property (where the topography makes this necessary) if adequate permanent easements are provided. (d) To protect street surfaces, HRW shall require that whenever extensions of water or sewer lines are made to properties or within new subdivisions, laterals be extended to all properties expected to tap onto such water or sewer lines. Section 29.6 Observation by HRW of Work Done by Others. (a) All work on the extension of water or sewer lines not performed by HRW forces (whether inside or outside the county), shall be subject to observation by HRW. If, in the judgment of the Director of Harnett Regional Water, or the Director’s designee, there is a demonstrated lack of competent supervision by a contractor, the administrator may at his option: 1. Stop work until approved supervision is obtained and the work is done in accordance with HRW specifications and requirements; or 2. Provide observation by HRW personnel. (b) Observation of a project by HRW does not consist of or imply supervision. The person requesting the extension is solely responsible for ensuring that the project is completed according to State approved plans and HRW specifications. Section 29.7 Dedication of Water and Sewer Line Extensions. (a) All water and sewer mains constructed and connected with the water and/or sewer facilities of HRW pursuant to this section shall be conveyed to and become the property of HRW upon completion and acceptance by HRW. Connection to the system and acceptance by HRW shall constitute dedication of a water or sewer main extension by the person responsible for the extension. (b) Following dedication as provided in Subsection (a), HRW shall have exclusive control of all water or sewer lines and shall be responsible for their maintenance, repair and operation. However, the conveyor of additions to the system FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 145 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 360 shall guarantee the entire project against defective material and workmanship for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of acceptance of the project, including such incidental damages as may arise from such claims. Section 30. Delinquent Service Fees. (a) Except as provided in subsection (e) of this section, when a consumer shall have failed to pay their account (as specified in subsection c of this section) by the due date set forth on their bill, a delinquent service fee shall be imposed upon the consumer and the amount of such fee shall be added to the balance due. (b) The amount of the delinquent service fee provided for in this section shall be the sum of ten ($10.00) dollars. (c) A consumer shall have failed to pay their account when the full amount charged to the consumer for service supplied as stated on their bill has not been paid over to and received by HRW by 5:00p.m. on the due date set forth on the bill. (d) The bill which shall be mailed to a consumer setting forth the charges due for services supplied, shall state the due date, the amount of the bill if paid by the due date, the amount of the bill if paid after the due date and shall further state that if payment is not made by the due date that the delinquent service fee will be charged. (e) When a consumer has paid all bills rendered to him by the due date set forth on each bill for twelve consecutive billing periods, should that consumer then make a payment after a due date, the delinquent service fee shall be waived for that period. Section 31. Sprinkler Connections. (a) Application for Full Service and Retrofitted Sprinkler Connections shall be made in person at HRW. Forms to be used in application processing shall be administratively prepared and matters otherwise associated with service application shall be processed pursuant to and in accordance with the rules, regulations, policies and/or procedures applicable to the service district within which the premises to be served is located. (b) The same schedule of connection or tap-on-fees applicable in the service district within which the premises to be served is located shall apply with respect to Full Service Sprinkler Connections. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 146 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 361 (c) The following schedule of connection or tap-on-fees shall apply in all service districts to the Retrofitted Sprinkler Connection: 2 inch connection $2,000.00 1 1/2 inch connection 900.00 1 inch connection 650.00 3/4 inch connection 500.00 The above connection fees do not include associated meter or other necessary equipment charges. (d) The same schedule of rates, including the monthly minimum charge, applicable in the service district within which the premises to be served is located shall apply with respect to Full Service Sprinkler Connections. No sewer charges shall be made to the Consumer based upon the water consumption of the Full Service Sprinkler Connection. (e) The same schedule of rates applicable in the service district within which the premises to be served is located shall apply with respect to Retrofitted Sprinkler Connections. No monthly minimum charge will be made except during those months when the connection has been used. No sewer charges shall be made to the Consumer based upon the water consumption of the Retrofitted Sprinkler Connection. (e) Except as specifically provided in this Section, all of the other rules, regulations, policies and/or procedures applicable to the service district within which the premises to be served is located shall be applicable with respect to Full Service and Retrofitted Sprinkler Connections. Section 32. Provision for Cut-Off Valve Any person desiring to connect to a water supply and distribution system owned and/or operated by HRW shall be required to install a cut-off valve of a minimum size of 3/4” onto the service line running from the meter box to the consumer’s premises. This cut-off valve shall be located within twelve (12) inches of the connection of the customer’s service line to the meter box. A diagram showing a typical installation of such cut-off valve is attached hereto and made part of this section. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 147 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 362 This section shall be enforceable in addition to the minimum requirements of the North Carolina State Building Code regarding plumbing and placement of cut-off valves. Duly Adopted this _______________________ of June 2023, upon motion made by Commissioner _________________ and adopted by the following vote: Ayes _________ Noes ______________ Absent ______________. Board of Commissioners of the County Harnett County By: __________________________________ Matthew Nicol, Chairman of the Board and of the Governing body of the Water and Sewer Districts of Harnett County. FY 2023-2024 Budget Ordinance Page 148 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 363 S:\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2023\060523\9 Christine Wallace Tax Administrator Appointment 2023.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: June 5, 2023 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Appointment of Christine Wallace as Tax Administrator REQUESTED BY: Brent Trout, County Manager REQUEST: The Board of Commissioners is recommending the appointment of Christine Wallace to the position of Tax Administrator for Harnett County. Christine Wallace has been serving for the last ten months as the Acting Tax Administrator. She has completed her certification for the position and is fully qualified for the position. The board will need to make a motion to approve her appointment and her employment agreement. Her appointment will be for a four year term beginning July 20, 2023 until July 19, 2027. The rest of the terms of her agreement will be similar to her agreement as Acting Tax Administrator. She will take the oath of office for her appointment as Tax Administrator on July 17, 2023. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 9 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 364 July August September October November December Jauary 2023 February March April May June Totals Children's Services CPS Reports Received 91 105 142 119 153 131 140 137 141 111 1270 Reports Accepted 51 61 71 62 81 64 78 77 65 50 660 Total children in Plc/Custody 211 219 223 232 238 230 242 242 248 243 FC Money expended $146,576.15 158,153.28$ 156,117.30$ 148,752.00$ 152,926.79$ 151,286.98$ 177,232.36$ 201,537.49$ 213,838.65$ 212,561.08$ $1,718,982.08 Adult Services APS Reports Received 16 16 19 15 11 19 13 18 17 13 157 # of trips scheduled 864 965 962 939 980 1004 944 804 969 807 9238 Total Cases 177 179 186 164 159 162 161 166 170 158 Work First Energy Expenditures $100,636.22 $54,669.82 $118,738.43 $90,639.46 $88,616.10 $54,432.89 $109,266.82 $73,403.19 $89,125.55 $6,648.00 $786,176.48 Total cases 152 155 154 149 149 153 157 168 147 148 Food & Nutrition Services Apps Approved 618 610 457 476 427 390 391 387 423 448 4627 Total Cases (households)9,503 9654 9832 10,010 9,951 10,305 10,765 10,503 10,503 10,298 Benefits Issued $4,936,812.00 $4,952,850.00 $5,009,339.00 $5,273,229.00 $5,856,120.00 $6,394,665.00 $5,449,518.00 $6,011,804.00 $4,003,114.00 $3,493,005.00 $51,380,456.00 Timeliness 97%97.71%96.64%96.32%96.71%98.64%97.79%98.57%98.55% Adult Medicaid Apps Approved 73 84 75 71 105 106 119 99 90 74 896 Total Cases 10,583 10,406 10,104 10,515 10,411 10,266 11,012 11213 11380 11307 107197 Family & Children's Medicaid Apps Approved 146 186 170 168 210 245 187 148 183 161 1804 Total Cases 23,861 23,785 23,029 24,246 24,227 24,057 24,954 25,120 25,636 24,348 243263 Medicaid Timeliness 99%98%98.2 98%97.3%99%98%97%97.50% 17 Fraud Total Collections $599.00 $815.56 $725.00 $540.00 $946.53 $1,008.17 $275.00 $308.00 $253.00 $161.00 $5,631.26 ChildCare Children Served 698 723 722 727 744 741 719 734 754 754 Total Expenditures $371,681.00 $366,555.00 $377,898.00 $341,774.00 $359,371.00 $376,007.00 $371,118.00 $379,076.00 $402,980.00 $399,470.00 $3,745,930.00 HC providers 62 62 62 62 62 Child Support Total Collections $766,992 $763,230 $752,978 $753,588 $748,003.00 $763,509.00 $710,430.00 $709,420.00 $948,407.00 $734,111.00 $7,650,668.00 Total Cases 4143 4341 4342 4337 4396 4396 4401 Harnett County DSS Monthly Report Totals 2022-23 Item 10A HCBOC 060523 Pg. 365 Item 10B HCBOC 060523 Pg. 366 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 367 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 368 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 369 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 370 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 371 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 372 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 373 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 374 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 375 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 376 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 377 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 378 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 379 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 380 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 381 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 382 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 383 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 384 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 385 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 386 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 387 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 388 Item 10C HCBOC 060523 Pg. 389 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 390 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 391 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 392 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 393 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 394 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 395 Bill #Taxpayer Name Bill Date Operator ID (Name) Release Date Orig Bill Amount($) Release Amount($) Bill Amount after Release($) RELEASE REASON: Adjustment 0002253280-2022-2022-0000-00-REG CRISSMAN, LAUREN THERESA 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 4/14/2023 132.55 132.55 0.00 0002255549-2020-2020-0000-00-REG WALTON, CATHARINE MARIE 11/18/2020 APRIL DIAZ 4/13/2023 31.20 31.20 0.00 0002255549-2021-2021-0000-00-REG WALTON, CATHARINE MARIE 7/28/2021 APRIL DIAZ 4/13/2023 31.57 31.57 0.00 0002255549-2022-2022-0000-00-REG WALTON, CATHARINE MARIE 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 4/13/2023 23.15 23.15 0.00 0002256151-2022-2022-0000-00-REG CEG TRUCKING 8/17/2022 MARGARET WRIGHT 4/5/2023 1,667.13 844.04 823.09 0002258140-2022-2022-0000-00-REG STRAIN, TAMMY LEA 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 4/27/2023 125.95 125.95 0.00 0002260778-2022-2022-0000-00-REG PENDERGRAFT, CLARENCE KEVIN 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 4/4/2023 328.27 2.22 326.05 0002261003-2022-2022-0000-00-REG WOOD, DONNIE EARL 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 4/14/2023 131.61 29.40 102.21 0002261284-2021-2021-0000-00-REG SAWYER, DAVID EARL 7/28/2021 APRIL DIAZ 4/14/2023 28.64 28.64 0.00 0002261284-2022-2022-0000-00-REG SAWYER, DAVID EARL 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 4/14/2023 21.35 21.35 0.00 0002269482-2021-2021-0000-00-REG COPART 7/28/2021 APRIL DIAZ 4/5/2023 217.51 217.51 0.00 0002269482-2022-2022-0000-00-REG COPART 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 4/5/2023 159.56 159.56 0.00 0002269607-2022-2022-0000-00-REG MARTINEZ, JASON 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 4/4/2023 132.29 132.29 0.00 0002278683-2022-2022-0000-00-REG HARRELSON, JAMES ELBERT 8/17/2022 MARGARET WRIGHT 4/10/2023 497.94 17.72 480.22 0002279585-2022-2022-0000-00-REG DANTZLER, RACHAEL RENEE 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 4/20/2023 128.39 128.39 0.00 Release Reason ALL 4/1/2023 Default Sort-By: Report Parameters: Tax District: Grouping: Bill #,Taxpayer Name,Release Date,Billing Date,Operator ID, Release Amount Data as of: 5/25/2023 6:43:04 PM TR-304 Bill Release Report NCPTS V4Date run: 5/26/2023 2:12:41 PM Release Date Start:Release Date End: 4/30/2023 PAGE 1 of 4 Item 10D HCBOC 060523 Pg. 396 Bill #Taxpayer Name Bill Date Operator ID (Name) Release Date Orig Bill Amount($) Release Amount($) Bill Amount after Release($) 0002279778-2022-2022-0000-00-REG T BLACS TRCUKING LLC 8/24/2022 APRIL DIAZ 4/17/2023 395.75 214.73 181.02 0002288633-2022-2022-0000-00-REG PURCELL, HALEY MICHELLE 8/17/2022 APRIL DIAZ 4/21/2023 120.11 120.11 0.00 0002291460-2022-2022-0000-00-REG MARTZOLFF, ANGELINA FERNANDEZ 8/12/2022 APRIL DIAZ 4/11/2023 958.32 396.55 561.77 0002291916-2022-2022-0000-00-REG JUSTICE, WILLARD 8/26/2022 APRIL DIAZ 4/17/2023 129.34 129.34 0.00 0002295628-2022-2022-0000-00-REG GAVIN-LATHAN, BIANKA JASMIN 8/26/2022 APRIL DIAZ 4/18/2023 126.64 126.64 0.00 0002296066-2022-2022-0000-00-REG DENTON, ELIZABETH MARIE MARY INGRID 8/26/2022 APRIL DIAZ 4/27/2023 42.33 42.33 0.00 0002296289-2022-2022-0000-00-REG SOTO, CRESENCIO 8/26/2022 APRIL DIAZ 4/4/2023 457.10 457.10 0.00 Subtotal 3,412.34 RELEASE REASON: Assessed In Err 0002256151-2022-2022-0000-00-REG CEG TRUCKING 8/17/2022 SHANNON AUTRY 4/19/2023 823.09 394.86 428.23 Subtotal 394.86 RELEASE REASON: Exempt Property 0000058602-2022-2022-0000-00-REG NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, 8/17/2022 SHEENA HOHING 4/27/2023 977.82 977.82 0.00 0002177197-2022-2022-0000-00-REG REX HOSPITAL INC 8/23/2022 SHANNON AUTRY 4/27/2023 408.04 408.04 0.00 Subtotal 1,385.86 RELEASE REASON: Full rebate 0002077053-2022-2022-0000-00-REG CONNER, RICHARD MICHAEL JR 8/17/2022 MARGARET WRIGHT 4/5/2023 138.49 138.49 0.00 0002281445-2022-2022-0000-00-REG BROOKS, DELBERT RAY 8/17/2022 MARGARET WRIGHT 4/5/2023 142.75 142.75 0.00 Subtotal 281.24 RELEASE REASON: Military 0002294689-2022-2022-0000-00-REG KORISTA, DAVID KIRK 8/26/2022 APRIL DIAZ 4/21/2023 328.25 328.25 0.00 0002296761-2022-2022-0000-00-REG BRENKE, LUDWIG BERNARD 8/26/2022 APRIL DIAZ 4/14/2023 132.73 132.73 0.00 Subtotal 460.98 PAGE 2 of 4 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 397 Bill #Taxpayer Name Bill Date Operator ID (Name) Release Date Orig Bill Amount($) Release Amount($) Bill Amount after Release($) RELEASE REASON: Ownership change 0000013144-2022-2022-0000-00-REG ROHDE, MARK J 8/17/2022 AMY BAIN 4/19/2023 1,488.89 1,488.89 0.00 0000019567-2022-2022-0000-00-REG GILFILLAN, THOMAS H 8/17/2022 AMY BAIN 4/19/2023 1,001.21 1,001.21 0.00 Subtotal 2,490.10 RELEASE REASON: SMALL UNDERPAYMENT 0000008061-2022-2022-0000-00-REG BYRD, SANDRA COATS 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 4/14/2023 1,885.25 0.10 1,885.15 0000021882-2022-2022-0000-00-REG HALL, MOLLIE C 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 4/17/2023 1,520.18 0.11 1,520.07 0000034866-2022-2022-0000-00-REG BOSCO CREDIT II LLC 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 4/28/2023 780.83 0.20 780.63 0000039619-2022-2022-0000-00-REG LENTZ, MAXINE G 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 4/6/2023 913.61 0.04 913.57 0000053317-2022-2022-0000-00-REG TEMPLE, JERRY A 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 4/11/2023 651.64 0.82 650.82 0001301890-2022-2022-0000-00-REG BONDS BODY SHOP 8/18/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 4/17/2023 12.70 0.19 12.51 0001407165-2022-2022-0000-00-REG STUMBO, SCOTT 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 4/21/2023 1,663.68 0.09 1,663.59 0001908724-2022-2022-0000-00-REG SHOCKLEY, JANE S 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 4/6/2023 1,053.70 0.93 1,052.77 0002254491-2022-2022-0000-00-REG DOYLE, BRIAN OLEN 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 4/11/2023 115.39 0.87 114.52 0002257918-2022-2022-0000-00-REG HALL, MOLLIE C 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 4/17/2023 896.44 0.04 896.40 0002262245-2022-2022-0000-00-REG TREMBLY, ANNA BAKER 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 4/5/2023 62.56 0.01 62.55 0002267857-2019-2019-0000-00-REG BAILEY, MARNELLE LOY 7/19/2019 KIMBERLY BAKER 4/5/2023 15.23 0.34 14.89 0002269274-2022-2022-0000-00-REG RAY, HUGH M 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 4/6/2023 3.78 0.06 3.72 0002269549-2022-2022-0000-00-REG WELCH, DONOVAN MYATT 8/17/2022 IVR DPC 4/1/2023 33.87 0.25 33.62 0002281220-2022-2022-0000-00-REG PEREZ, ROBERT 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 4/27/2023 18.33 0.11 18.22 0002281676-2021-2021-0000-00-REG EL PASO TAQUERIA LLC 7/28/2021 KIMBERLY BAKER 4/17/2023 8.68 0.12 8.56 PAGE 3 of 4 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 398 Bill #Taxpayer Name Bill Date Operator ID (Name) Release Date Orig Bill Amount($) Release Amount($) Bill Amount after Release($) 0002281851-2022-2022-0000-00-REG SHAFFER, PATRICIA JO 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 4/5/2023 24.55 0.55 24.00 0002284754-2021-2021-0000-00-REG ALFORD, HELEN DELORIS 7/30/2021 KIMBERLY BAKER 4/4/2023 34.69 0.67 34.02 0002288460-2022-2022-0000-00-REG MCNEILL, DERRICK SHENDALE 8/17/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 4/24/2023 9.37 0.15 9.22 0002292486-2022-2022-0000-00-REG DOYLE, BRIAN OLEN 8/26/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 4/11/2023 4.50 0.04 4.46 0002293559-2022-2022-0000-00-REG BEARD, JESSICA NICOLE 8/26/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 4/5/2023 37.13 0.84 36.29 0002294684-2022-2022-0000-00-REG HARDEE, APRIL MARIE 8/26/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 4/5/2023 15.10 0.47 14.63 0002296698-2022-2022-0000-00-REG LEDBETTER, FELICIA DIANA 8/26/2022 KIMBERLY BAKER 4/5/2023 41.57 0.94 40.63 Subtotal 7.94 Total 8,433.32 PAGE 4 of 4 HCBOC 060523 Pg. 399 Board Report 6/5/2023 Approved___________________________ To: Harnett County Board of Commissioners Re: Consideration of Refund for Taxes, Interest and Penalities for all Muncipalities Adjustment Reason Bill Number Type Received Amount Refund Amount Name Adjustment 0002258552-2020-2020-0000-00 IND 7.81$ 7.81$ RYAN, TIMOTHY RICHARD Christine Wallace Acting Tax Administrator HCBOC 060523 Pg. 400