HCBOE Board Meeting Minutes- November 2, 2020- Absentee MeetingHARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS ABSENTEE BOARD MEETING NOVEMBER 2, 2020 5:00 P.M. Present were; Board Chairman Tony Spears, Secretary Lin Coker, Members: Steve Blackburn, Betsy McCormick and Jim Currin. Also Present were; Director Claire Jones, Deputy Director Claudette Williams and Part Time Office Aides, Jessica Higginbotham, Jackie Nolen and Amanda Hall; also, see sign in sheet attached hereto. Mr. Spears called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes: The Board reviewed the minutes from October 27, 2020. Mr. Currin moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Coker seconded. Approved without dissent. Business: Mrs. Jones informed the Board that nothing has changed with the Budget, but the Cares Funds were received by Harnett County Finance. Mrs. Jones gave some early voting updates: • Lillington o Harnett County Trunk or treat blocked driveways to the site ■ EMS/Sherriff officers closed down event and reopened driveways • Western o Byron Taylor, is sore but ok. He has been working everyday o Voter history is off by 12 due to machine jams ■ Suggest Discretionary recount after Tuesday After some discussion about Western Harnett, Mrs. McCormick moved to hold a discretionary recount. Mr. Blackburn seconded. Approved without dissent. Mrs. Jones will see when the Commons can be used and update the Board. The Board reviewed the cured affidavits and absentee envelopes. 20 cure affidavits have been returned. The Board reviewed the absentee list, attached hereto. There were a total of 1,589 returned absentee ballots; 1388 civilian, 176 military and 25 overseas. Mr. Coker moved to approve. Mr. Blackburn seconded. Approved without dissent. The Board reviewed the Military and Overseas ballots that were duplicated per the duplication policy. The Board opened the absentee machines and verified the numbers matched from last week, 6,860.1,609 ballots were run through the M100 with an ending total of 8,469. With no further business to discuss, Mr. Currin moved to adjourn. Mr. Coker seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 7:3 8 pm. The next meeting of the Board will be an Absentee meeting on November 3, 2020 at 5:00 pm at the Harnett County Administration Building. Approved by: /Q Tony pears, hairman �I Lin Coker, Secretary Steve Blackburn, Member Betsy McCormick, Member Currin, Member