HCBOE Board Meeting Minutes- May 18, 2018- Provisional and Absentee MeetingHARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS PROVISIONAL/ABSENTEE MEETING MAY 18, 2018 10:00 A.M. Present were; Board Chairman Tony Spears, Vice -Chair Joseph Powell, Secretary Steve Blackburn, Member Don Schroeder, Director Claire Jones and Deputy Director Claudette Williams Mr. Spears called the meeting to order at 10:10am. Minutes: The Board reviewed the minutes from May 8, 2018. Mr. Powell moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Blackburn seconded. Approved without dissent. Business: The Board reviewed the absentee list, attached hereto. Mr. Powell moved to approve the absentee list. Mr. Blackburn seconded. Approved without dissent. The absentee ballot was run through the m100 and will be added to the absentee by mail totals. The Board reviewed the provisional list. There were a total of 72 provisional ballots. After reviewing all records, 27 are set as not approved, 20 are fully approved and 25 are partially approved and will require ballot duplication due to the voter voting the wrong ballot style. Mr. Blackburn moved to approve the provisional list. Mr. Schroeder seconded. Approved without dissent. The partial ballots were duplicated per the duplication plan and all approved ballots were run through the m100 and results will be released at Canvass. With no further business to discuss, Mr. Schroeder moved to adjourn. Mr. Powell seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 am. Mrs. Jones will prepare the Canvass report and the next meeting of the Board will be Canvass at 11:00 am May 18, 2018. Approved by: Tony Spears, C airman Vi Steve Blackburn, Secretary Don Schroeder, Member HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS POLLBOOK OF ABSENTEE VOTERS - NAME SEQ. ELECTION DATE = "05/08/2018" BOARD MEETING DT (yyyylmmldd) = "2018-05-18 10:OOAM" REGISTRANT NAME BALLOT NO. REGISTRANT NAME BALLOT NO. BETHUNE, WANDA T CIV-27 BETHUNE, WANDA T - BETHUNE, WANDA T These absentee ballots were counted by the following board members and assistants. GRAND TOTAL: 1 May 17, 2018 12:02PN ABS_Pol Ibk_voters_by_name. rpt Page 1 of 1