HCBOE Board Meeting Minutes- September 4, 2014- Regular MeetingHARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS REGULAR MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 2, 2014 4:00 P.M. Present were Board Members; James Currin, Tony Spears, Joseph Powell and Director Claire Jones. Also present were Deputy Claudette Williams, Monica Deangelis, Burnell Rogers, Margaret Williams, Annie Ray, Carolyn McDougal (East Averasboro Precinct chair) and Teresa Oudeh (Democratic Party Chair) Mr. Currin called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm. Minutes: The Board reviewed the minutes from August 5, 2014. Mr. Powell moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Spears seconded. Approved without dissent. Business: Mrs. Jones asked for a motion to go into close session to discuss a personnel issue. Mr. Powell made a motion to go into close session. Mr. Spears seconded. Approved without dissent. The Board went into closed session at 4:05 pm. At 4:33pm the Board returned from closed session. Mr. Spears made a motion to return from close session. Mr. Powell seconded. Approved without dissent. Mrs. Jones ask if anyone would like to introduce themselves and make a comment. Public comments: Ms. Deangelis stated she was fired last week from being a poll worker for upholding her constitutional right to "free speech". Mrs. Jones stated that the decision to remove the poll workers came at the last board meeting on August 5, 2014. She stated that each poll worker was called before the meeting and that the board recommended they each get a letter stating the dismissal as a poll worker. Ms. Williams stated she was a 20 + years poll worker and that she had received a donation not a payment for working for a candidate. She wanted to know when this come into effect. Ms. Oudeh wanted to know which statues concerned the poll workers in question. Mrs. Jones mentioned GS 163.39, 41, and 42. Ms. Ray asked if the dismissal was only for this upcoming election or indefinite? Mrs. Jones suggested the board stand with the dismissal of the 4 poll workers for this election and allow them sign up as a poll worker Jan 1, 2016 if they're still interested in working. Mr. Powell made a motion to uphold the dismissal. Mr. Spears seconded. Approved without dissent. t Ms. McDougal asked if they could appeal the board decision. Mrs. Jones stated that they could. Mrs. Jones stated that she and Deputy Claudette Williams recommended that Deborah Hall (Democrat) and Betsy Parker (Republican) be appointed as primary MATS and Beverly Hall (Democrat) and Sandra Cooper (Republican) would be the replacements if needed. They would be pay $10 for a 1 hour training and $50 for going out to a facility. Mr. Spears made a motion to accept the appointments for the MATs. Mr. Powell seconded. Approved without dissent. Mrs. Jones stated that SBOE has not sent any updates about voter registration drives usually held in September of each year. Mrs. Jones stated that absentee ballots were mailed Thursday, September 5, 2014. The next board meeting will be a combined regular and absentee meeting on October 14, 2014 at 5:00 pm. Mr. Powell moved to Adjourn. Mr. Spears seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 5:05pm. Approved by: A es Currin, Chairman Tony Spears; Secretary r---,, Powell, Member