HomeMy WebLinkAboutHCBOE Board Meeting Minutes - February 1, 2012 - Regular MeetingHARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS MEETING MINUTES February 1, 2012 11:30 A.M. Present were Chairman Walter Massey, Secretary James Currin and Member Louise Taylor. Also present were Claire Jones, Interim Director, Claudette Williams, Elections Specialist/Deputy, Trinity Faucett, HR Director, as well as The Lillington Town Council (Linda Stephens, Marshall Page, Judy Breeden, Dianne Johnson, Lillington Town Mayor Glenn McFadden and Lillington Town Manager Billy Summers. Chairman Massey called the meeting to order at 11:35 a.m. Minutes: The Board reviewed the minutes from 1-18-12. Mrs. Taylor moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Currin seconded. Approved without dissent. Business: The Board began by allowing the Lillington Town Council to address the Board. Mayor Glean McFadden introduced the members and town manager. He stated their concerns with the current polling place for the Central Harnett'precinct. Mr. McFadden stated that since they pay for their town elections during odd years that they should have a say in where the polling place should be. Mr. McFadden, as well as other member, brought up concerns about the construction that was going on around the Commons Area and felt that there may be safety issues with voters driving around that area. Walter Massey stated that changing a polling place location is a process, and that The Board will go out and look at the Community Building. The Board stated that is unlikely to change for the May 81h Primary and that it would be undesirable to change polling places between a primary and the general elections. Therefore; no change would be made in 2012. The Board does plan to implement improvements such as moving the entrance to the back and adding additional signage to direct the voters. The board did state that they would go to the Lillington Community building and look into the matter after the primary election to see if a change is needed in the future. The Board will invite the Lillington Town Council to attend that board meeting after that visit. As a follow up to the last meeting Mrs. Jones informed The Board of the issues around the other prospected polling locations in Coats and why they were not chosen. The Coats Community Building was too small and that was the only polling place that The Board had to pay rent. The Coats Fire Station was not handicapped accessible without the bay doors being open. The Coats Senior Center had a driveway that pulled out on a busy road with a curve that was hard to see around it. It was also very dark out there at night. The Coats Elementary School was the largest handicapped accessible building in the Town of Coats. Mr. Currin stated that he would be willing to go talk to the principal at the school and discuss the parking/bus issues that the Coats Town Council brought up at the last meeting. The Board agreed to let Mr. Currin go to speak to the principal. Mrs. Jones stated that she had the registration information for the Election Conference in Durham. It will be $125 per person on April 4 and 5. The Board stated that they all were '-` interested in attending. The Board then reviewed letters to the poll workers and polling places that Mrs. Jones drafted to make them aware of the important dates for the 2012 Election year. Mrs. Jones updated the board on the progress of the redistricting. The office is on schedule with the changes and preparing for filing next month. Mrs. Jones stated that she attended the County Commissioners Meeting on January 23, 2012. The Commissioners voted and the budget amendment requesting $6,000 to be added to the budget for the Primary Election was passed without dissent. The Board will be able to have satellite voting locations on the Saturdays for the primary election. The Board agreed to have the hours the same as in past elections. April 21 and 27 will be 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. and the last Saturday May 5 will be 8:00a.m to 1:00p.m. The Board discussed additional way to advertise. Mrs. Jones informed The Board that the 2012-2013 Budget was due February 23. Mrs. Jones has begun working on it. The Board discussed the need for them to review it beforehand so they decided to have a special meeting on February 21 at 11:3Oa. m. Mrs. Jones informed The Board that The Board of Commissioners discussed at their work session of possibly asking The Board of Elections to hold a special ABC Election for Hectors Creek and Buckhorn Townships. The Board will have 60 -120 after they receive such notice to hold the election. Mrs. Jones informed The Board that it seems to be timed just right to hold it during the May primary. The Board directed Mrs. Jones to verify that it can be combines with the primary with the State Board of Elections. The Board discussed the need to possibly move their regular meeting date due to conflicts. Mr.Currin suggested that Tuesdays were probably better since the absentee meetings are on Tuesdays. After some discussion Mr. Currin moved to change the regular monthly meetings to the first Tuesday of the month at 11:30 a.m. Mrs. Taylor seconded. Approved without dissent. The Board then went through some dates for the 2012 election calendar. Mrs. Taylor moved to combine the regular and absentee meeting on May 1. Mr.Currin Seconded. Approved without dissent. In the event that there is a second primary Mrs. Taylor moved to combine the regular and absentee meeting on June 5. Mr.Currin Seconded. Approved without dissent. Mrs. Taylor made a motion to invite Mrs. Faucett to the closed session. Mr. Currin seconded. Approved without dissent. Mr. Currin moved to go into closed session to discuss personnel issues. Mrs. Taylor seconded. Approved without dissent. Mr. Massey, Mr. Currin, Mrs. Taylor and Ms. Faucett went into closed session at 1:00 p.m. until 1:35 p.m. Mr. Currin moved to exit the closed Mrs. Taylor seconded. Approved without dissent. The next meeting of the Board will be a special meeting, February 21, 2012, at 11:30 a.m. Mr. Currin moved to adjourn. Mrs. Taylor seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 1:35 p.m.