HCBOE Board Meeting Minutes - August 7, 2012 - Regular MeetingHARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS MEETING MINUTES August 7, 2012 11:30 a.m. Present were Chairman Walter Massey, Secretary James Currin and Member Louise Taylor. Also present was Ted Halstead, Elections Director. Chairman Massey called the meeting to order at 11:30 a.m. Business: Mr. Halstead confirmed that all Board members had been registered for the Annual Training for County Election Officials on August 14-15, conducted by the State Board of Elections. Mr. Halstead also reported that the Lektriever electric filing system had been sold for $250. Chairman Massey expressed concern over the prospect of delaying reporting November General Election results until after all precincts had reported, since public interest in precinct by precinct results will be high, and the public is entitled to the information. Mr. Currin and Mrs. Taylor agreed that the public has the right to know election results as soon as possible, but noted that it is even more important that the information provided be accurate. Mr. Halstead agreed with their view. All agreed that it would be useful have IT Specialist Walter Temple attend the next Board meeting, to explain the technical issues relating to reporting results precinct by precinct. Mr. Halstead promised to ask IT Director Paula Stewart to have him attend the Board's next meeting. Chairman Massey also expressed concern over the failure of results to arrive via modem in some cases, and suggested that it would be useful to test the voting equipment and phone lines in advance of Election Night. Mr. Currin and Mrs. Taylor agreed with this concern. Mr. Halstead noted that the voting equipment is routinely tested at our office before each election, but that he had also been concerned by its failure at two different locations during the previous two elections. As a result, he had already arranged to have BOE staff member Claire Jones accompany Walter Temple to test the equipment as recommended at each precinct's voting location. These tests will be carried out in early September, before we begin poll worker training. Mr. Halstead presented the proposed text to be placed on billboards advertising One -Stop voting in four locations around the county. All Board members made suggestions for condensing and improving the text, which was then adopted unanimously by the Board. The next meeting of the Board will be on September 4, 2012, at 11:30 a.m. Mr. Currin moved to adjourn. Mrs. Taylor seconded. The motion was approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 a.m. App oved by: Walter Massey, Chai