HCBOE-April 18, 2006-Absentee MeetingHARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS ABSENTEE MEETING MINUTES April 18, 2006 5:00 p.m. Present were William Randall, Chairman, Secretary Roy Tew and Walter Massey, Member. Also present was Sherre Toler, Director. Mr. Randall called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. Minutes: Mr. Tew moved to approve the minutes of April 11, 2006. Mr. Massey seconded. Approved without dissent. New Business: Ms. Toler presented one valid mail -in absentee ballot, CIV-7. The Board also reviewed the one stop poll book containing voters, OSLOB-1 — OSLOB26. Mr. Massey moved to approve. Mr. Tew seconded. Approved without dissent. The pollbook of absentee voters is approved and incorporated herein by this �~ reference. Ms. Toler advised the Board that 187 poll workers were sent letters but only 107 had either attended the training or agreed to work. Ms. Toler also advised the Board that the Automark machine quit working while a staff person was attempting to vote. She advised that ES&S was going to be picking up the unit and replacing it. The next meeting of the Board will be the absentee meeting on April 25, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. Mr. Massey moved to adjourn. Mr. Tew seconded. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 5:25 p.m. i ew, Necretary HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS Page 1 of 1 POLLBOOK OF ABSENTEE VOTERS BURGESS BROWN, KATHY CIV-7 GEORGE WILLIAMS, ERNESTINE OS-LOB-1 MCNEILL PEREZ, DIXIE HARRINGTON OS-LOB-2 BARFIELD, WILLIAM POPE SR OS-LOB-3 ETHERIDGE, BOBBY R OS-LOB-4 OLIVER, JOYCE JORDAN OS-LOB-5 MCNEILL, LADONNA CAMERON OS-LOB-6 MCNEILL, TIMOTHY BRIAN OS-LOB-7 FARINA, ROGER PATRICK OS-LOB-8 RABY, EARL LEE OS-LOB-9 JONES, CLAIRE BERNICE OS-LOB-10 TOLER, SHERRE GAYLE OS-LOB-11 BROWN, VONNIE ASHLEY OS-LOB-12 DARROCH, MILDRED G OS-LOB-13 DARROCH, FREDERICK T OS-LOB-14 CAMERON, NETTIE M OS-LOB-15 MCLEAN, ELMIRA OS-LOB-16 MCLEAN, MATTHEW M OS-LOB-17 BROWN, DANIEL WAYNE OS-LOB-18 ETHRIDGE, JAMES B OS-LOB-19 WISER, ELLEN KING OS-LOB-20 WISER, A CLARK OS-LOB-21 WEST, BETTY LOU CLARK OS-LOB-22 WEST, FRED JR OS-LOB-23 -)ATS, LOLA T OS-LOB-24 oROWN, WANDA COATS OS-LOB-25 MASSEY, WALTER ANTHONY OS-LOB-26 ELECTION DATE =: "05/02/2006" APPROVAL DATE =: "20060418" ?mbers and assistants. CIV-7 - OS-LOB-26 Date: Apr 18 2006 5:03PM GRAND TOTAL: 27 AV_Pollbk_voters.rpt