Attachments 08-16-2021 SpecialAttachment #1) OFFER'rf1 PURCHASE, AND CONTRACT VACANT LOT/I,r3,N� 08-16-2021 lConsnit "Guidelines" (Form 12C) for guidance In completing this,toral[ NOTE; This contract is intended foi unimproved teal property that Buyer will ptuehasc only for personal use and does, not immediate plans to subdivide: It should not be uscd,to sell property that is being subdivided unless the property I ; been Ill pni Pefly approved Rnd i ecordedwith the register of dads ns of fhe'dnto of iltc coli6ort• If Seller is Buyer's builder and till involves the cunstrubtioit of R raw single faiitily divylling prior to dlosiug, use the standard Offer to Purcliaso attd Caiiraci� Construction (Form ,800-7').or, if the construction ,is completed, use tale Offer to Purchase and Contract (Fdrni 2-T) with the For valuably consideration; the'receipt and legal sufficiency of whieh are hereby' acknowledged,, Buyer offers to purohaso and 'SelIor upon.acceptance agrees to sell and conveytile propertyOnthe terms and conditions of this Offer To Purchase and Contract And any addendum or modification made in aocordanao with its ternis (together tiie "Contract"). I. TERAIS AND DEFINITIONS: The teens listed below shall have the rupective, meaning given them asset forth arijacinut to, each torn. (a) "Seller": _Warren Realty, LLC (h)«Buycr";®t`jtynfDumiNG _ Tile Property shall includeall that reai estate described below together will) all appurtenances thereto hicluding.tlre located thereon. NOTE; If the property, will include a manufactured (mobile) hotue(s)i Buyer and Seiler should consider including the Manufactured (Mobile) Horne provision in the, Additional Provisions Addendum (Standard Fopu 2A11 •T) with this offer. Street Address: _ N. M6Kay Ave._,__ _ City; — _ v-- Dutin .. _. •Zip:_28334 ... Com ty: Limnett V Ncicth Carolina ' NOTE Oovcrn iiantal mnliority over to es, zrnting,aylidol dtstricts, utilitlos and mail delivery may differ frtnn address shown; Legal D'esoilptiow (ComplotokL applicable), Flat Reference: Lot/Unit_, Block/5ection=_i Subdivision/Condominium as shown on Plat BookfSt do __ F atPage(s) J322 B' T iNlPlDorother tdyntificatlon number ofihe Property is: _I511-7t-6247 Other description:, _Approximately 8.32 acres Sotne or all of the proporty stay be Jescribed in 17e d Buok-378'7 nt#?aga _864� (ti) "Pui•chasc Price": S 325,000;00. __ paid in U,S; Dulial:s upon die following tennis: S 13V DUE DILIGENCEFEE made payable bird delivered toSellerby the Effective Dole BY INITIAL EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT made payable rind delivered ,to Esomw Agent named in paragraph 1(0 by cash 0 personal check Q official bank check Q wire transfer, 0 electronic transfer, EI'TI IER ❑ with this offer OR El within five -- BY (ADDITIONAt,) EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT made payable and delivered'to L;serow.Agent named ill Paragraph I(f) by cash; official bank check, wife If61isfor or electronic Transfer no later than ,.1p.iils ou TAME BEING OF TF//' &S ,UA'CE. BY ASSUiMPTiON of the unpaid principal balance and all obligations of5e11eiron the existing Idan(s) se6fod by a dead of trust on the Property in accordance wiii the attached L'oau Assumption Addendum (Standard Form 2A6:T), S a B1 SELLER FtNANC]NO in accordance with the attached Seller Fi illuc ng Addendum (Standard form 2A5-T). 5324,000,00 BALANCC of file purehaso pilee ill cash at Sottlemont (some oral[ of which maybe Pago.l'of,12 This form Jointly appi•aved byt S 'ANDF ARD (?AM 12-'f. Not41t Carolliia Bar Association w Revised 7l2020 Nbith Corohun Assoc trail of RVALTORS®, inn-01 .7/2020 REALrdRe' oii'cn'.yGii'v B.t}yerinitials; Sellerinitials i