Agenda 12-12-2017Dunn City Council Meeting Agenda Tuesday Evening, December 12, 2017 7:00 p.m., Dunn Municipal Building Call to Order Invocation Pledge of Allegiance SECTION 1) Adjustment and Approval of the December 12, 2017 meeting agenda PRESENTATIONS 2) Oath of Office — Chief Charles "Chuck" West II PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD 3) Each Speaker is asked to limit comments to 3 minutes, and the total comment period will be 30 minutes. Citizens must sign up and register on a sign-up sheet available on the podium within the City Council Chambers prior to the start of the meeting. PUBLIC HEARINGS 4) Rezoning Request RZ-04-17— City Initiated Large Scale Rezoning Phase 5 - Final Phase 5) Ordinance Amendment — OA-06-17 — Chapter 15 Parks and Recreation CONSENT ITEMS 6) Minutes — November 14, 2017 7) Budget Amendment — BA #6 — Repairs to WWTP From a Lightning Storm 8) Budget Amendment— BA#7 — FEMA Repairs Caused by Hurricane Matthew ITEMS FOR DECISION 9) Audit Report 2016-2017 10) Sampson County Water Purchase Contract Amendment 11) Consideration of Resolution Adopting the 2018 Regular Meeting Schedule for the City of Dunn City Council 12) Rezoning Request RZ-04-17— City Initiated Large Scale Rezoning Phase 5 - Final Phase 13) Ordinance Amendment — OA-06-17 — Chapter 15 Parks and Recreation 14) Consideration of Ordinance to Demolish House - 604/606 S. Fayetteville Avenue, PIN# 1516-45-7909.000 ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION AND/OR DECISION 15) Consideration of Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Tax -Exempt Bonds for Pinewood Apartments, LLC 16) Financial Report 17) Administrative Reports a. Tax Report b. Planning & Inspections Report c. Public Works Report d. Recreation Report e. Library Report f. Police Report 18) City Manager's Report 19) Announcements 20) Information 21) Closed Session — If one is called, the General Statute(s) allowing the Closed Session will be cited in the motion ADJOURNMENT "This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer" SECTION 1. 1 pprova Of ' December0 DUNN CouncilU-91UNN City fForm Date: December 12, 2017 wl Meeting SUBJECT TITLE: Oath of Office— Police Chief Presenter: Department: Attachment: X Yes No Description: Oath Public Hearina Advertisement Date: PURPOSE: Wake County Sheriff Donnie Harrison will administer the Oath of Office to Police Chief Charles "Chuck" West II BACKGROUND: BUDGETIMPACT: RECOMMENDATIONIACTION REQUESTED: Mayor north Carolina Oscar N. Harris Mayor Pro Tern Billy Barfield Council Members Buddy Maness city O f d Ll ll TI Dr. Gwen McNeill Frank McLean Billy Tart POST OFFICE BOX 1065 • DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA 25335 Chuck Turnage (910) 230-3500 ° FAX (910) 230-3590 City Manager www.dunn-ne.org Steven Neuschafer "I, Charles L. "Chuck" West II, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina, not inconsistent therewith, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of the office of Police Chief, of which I am about to enter, according to the best of my skill, ability, and judgment; so help me God." Charles U "Chuck" West II Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 12th day of December, 2017. Wake County Sheriff, Donnie Harrison Attest: Jennifer M. Fortin, CMC City Cleric DUNN AIIAmerlea Bity uses*xmo FOMARMI U111M] Adopted 8-4-0 CITY OF DUNN CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC COMMENT POLICY The City Council for the City of Dunn does hereby adopt a Public Comment Policy to provide at least one period for public comment per month at a regular meeting of the City Council. This policy shall remain in effect until such time that it is altered, modified, or rescinded by the City Council. All comments received by the City Council during the Public Comment Period shall be subject to the following procedures and rules: 1. Anyone desiring to address the City Council must sign up and register on a sign-up sheet available on the podium within the City Council chambers prior to the Mayor calling the meeting to order. The sign-up sheet shall be available thirty (30) minutes prior the beginning of the City Council meeting in the City Council Chambers. Once the Mayor has called the meeting to order, the City Clerk shall collect the sign-up sheet and deliver it to the Mayor. The speaker shall indicate on the sign-up sheet his or her name, address and matter of concern. 2. The Public Comment Period shall be for thirty (30) minutes. 3. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. A speaker can not give their allotted minutes to another speaker to increase that person's allotted time. 4. Each speaker must be recognized by the Mayor or presiding member of the City Council as having the exclusive right to be heard. Speakers will be acknowledged in the order in which their names appear on the sign up sheet. Speakers will address the City Council from the podium at the front of the room and begin their remarks by stating their name and address. 5. Individuals who sign up but can not speak because of time constraints, will be carried to the next regular meeting of the City Council and placed first on the Public Comment Period. 6. During the Public Comment Period, a citizen, in lieu of or in addition to speaking may pass out written literature to the City Council, City Staff and audience. 7. Groups supporting or opposing the same position shall designate a spokesperson to address the City Council in order to avoid redundancy. 8. After the citizen has made his or her remarks, he or she will be seated with no further debate, dialogue or comment. 9. The Public Comment Period is not intended to require the City Council to answer any impromptu questions. Speakers will address all comments to the City Council as a whole and not one individual Council member. Discussions between speakers and members of the audience will not be allowed. The City Council will not take action, or respond to questions about, issues raised during the Public Comment Period at the same meeting. 10. Speakers shall refrain from discussing any of the following: matters which concern the candidacy of any person seeking public office, including the candidacy of the person addressing the City Council; matters which involve pending litigation; matters which have been or will be the subject of a public hearing; and matters involving specific personnel issues related to disciplinary matters. If the speaker wishes to address specific personnel issues related to disciplinary matters, he or she should take their comments to the City Manager, who shall share the comments with the City Council. 11. Speakers shall be courteous in their language and presentation. 12. The Mayor and City Manager shall determine, on a month to month basis, where the Public Comment Period will appear on the monthly agenda when developing the agenda, prior to its publication. 13. The Public Comment Period shall only be held during the regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the City Council. There shall not be a Public Comment Period at any other meetings of the City Council, unless specifically approved by the City Council. �. bcow r* CouncilCity Agenda Form Meeting Date: December 12, 2017 SUBJECT TITLE: Rezoning Requestr City -initiated Large Scale Rezoning Phase 5- Final Phase Presentab Attachment: X Yes ❑ No Public Hearing Advertisement Date: November 21, 28 & December 5, 2017 PURPOSE: Description: Public Hearing Notice The public has been notified that oral and written comments will be heard and received concerning the City Initiated rezoning of properties in the southern portion of our jurisdiction, with boundaries as follows: W. Cumberland St. south to the end of the City of Dunn jurisdiction and west of Railroad Ave. The city is initiating the rezoning to amend the zoning map to reflect the current use of properties and the 2030 land use plan. Three ''/z page color ads were advertised in the Daily Record, BACKGROUND: BUDGET IMPACT: RECOMMENDATIONIACTION REQUESTED: 0 D boa.,boana UUNN µ,- 1 1City Council Agenda Form 11111.1 Meeting Date: December 12, 2017 1989 * 2013 1989 * 2013 SUBJECT TITLE: Ordinance Amendment OA-06-17 — Chapter 15 Parks and Recreation of the City of Dunn Code of Ordinances Presenter: Recreation Director McNeill Department: Parks and Recreation Attachment: X Yes No Description: Notice of Public Hearing Public Hearing Advertisement Date: November 29, 2017 PURPOSE: This is a request to hereby amend Chapter 15; Parks and Recreation of the City of Dunn Code of Ordinances. The public hearing is the opportunity for the Council to hear comments and opinions from the public to include any party for or against the request. fhe Public Hearing was duly advertised on Wednesday, November 29, 2017. BACKGROUND: BUDGETIMPACT: RECOMMEN DATIONIACTION REQUESTED: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUNN ON December 12, 2017 AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE COURTROOM OF THE DUNN MUNICIPAL BUILDING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: Ordinance Amendment Request OA-06-17 Chapter 15 Parks and Recreation This amendment will revise and add text to the City of Dunn Parks and Recreation Ordinance ALL PERSONS DESIRING TO BE HEARD EITHER FOR OR AGAINST THE PROPOSED ITEM SET FORTH ABOVE ARE REQUESTED TO BE PRESENT AT THE ABOVE MENTIONED TIME AND PLACE. COPIES OF THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE ARE AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, 401 E. BROAD ST., DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. WRITTEN COMMENTS MAY BE ADDRESSED TO: CITY CLERK CITY OF DUNN P.O. BOX 1065 DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA 28335 ADVERTISE: Wednesday, November 29, 2017 DUNN.UNN 11`` K City o Agenda FormMeeting fi Date-. SUBJECT TITLE: Minutes — November 14, 2017 Department: Attachment: X Yes No Description: N• .- •. .,. PURPOSE: Attached please find the minutes of the November 14, 2017 City Council meeting for your consideration. BACKGROUND: BUDGETIMPACT: RECOMMENDATION/ACTION REQUESTED: MINUTES CITY OF DUNN DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA The City Council of the City of Dunn held a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, November 14, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the Dunn Municipal Building. Present was Mayor Oscar N. Harris, Mayor Pro Tem Billy Barfield, Council Members Buddy Maness, Dr. Gwen McNeill, Frank McLean, Billy Tart, and Chuck Turnage. Also present was City Manager Steven Neuschafer, Finance Director Mark Stephens, Public Works Director Dean Gaster, Chief Building Inspector Steven King, Planning & Inspections Director Samantha Wullenwaber, Police Captain Jenkins, Recreation Director Brian McNeill, Human Resources Director Anne Thompson, Librarian Mike Williams, Attorney Tilghman Pope, City Clerk Jennifer Fortin, and Daily Record Reporter Melody Brown -Peyton. INVOCATION Mayor Harris opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and asked Pastor Roy Johnson, Police Chaplain and Director of Pastoral Care for the Harnett Health System, to give the invocation. Afterwards, the Pledge of Allegiance was repeated. A GENDA ADJUSTMENTAND APPRO VAL Motion by Council Member Maness and seconded by Council Member McNeill to adopt the November 14, 2017 meeting agenda with changes, if any, as listed below. Agenda Items Added: • none Agenda Items Removed: • none Motion unanimously approved. PRESENTATION Dunn Community Development Corporation presentation by President Clement Medley, Jr. Mr. Medley stated the Dunn Enrichment Center Harnett Training School Campus is fully operational. The Police Athletic League (PAL) is utilizing the renovated gym for recreational activities and hosting basketball townaments, which brings teams from throughout the region. Central Carolina Community College (CCCC) is offering a culinary school and hospitality arts program. They are also offering a barbering program and several various continued education programs. In the fall, they will be offering Harnett County Early College. They will begin with a full enrollment of 52 students from throughout the County. The Harnett Apartments are fully leased and there is a short waiting list for any units that might become available in the future. 'the facility is producing a positive cash flow. There is a high expectation that after the conclusion of the current year's operation there will be sufficient cash flow and perhaps a small distribution to the managing partners. The funds will be used to provide seed money or funding for additional projects in the future. The campus is live with activity. Mayor Harris thanked Mr. Medley for being the Chairman. Dunn Downtown Development Corporation presentation by Chairman William Elmore The North Carolina Department of Commerce made their second visit to Dunn. They are training the Dunn Downtown Development Corporation on the things that need to be done for promoting the downtown area and prepare for future growth. This project is a process and they are teaching us the process of how to better the community. We feel, if we follow their plan of action we will be successful. There are events happening in downtown Dunn and we are excited to host the Shrine Parade this Saturday. We also have the tree fighting on November 30°i and the Christmas parade on December 2°d. These activities will help promote the downtown area. Mayor Harris thanked Mr. Elmore for his involvement with the Dunn Downtown Development Corporation. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD Each speaker is asked to limit comments to 3 minutes, and the total comment period will be 30 minutes. Citizens must sign up and register on a sign -tip sheet available on the podium within the City Council Chambers prior to the start of the meeting. Mayor Harris read the City of Dunn City Council Public Comment Policy. Hearing no comments, Mayor Harris closed the Public Comment portion of the agenda. PUBLICHEARINGS Ordinance Amendment — OA-05-17 Chapter 4; Buildings and Building Regulations This is a request to hereby amend Chapter 4, Building and Building Regulations to add the Non -Residential Building Maintenance Code. The public hearing is the opportunity for the Council to hear comments and opinions from the public to include any party for or against the request. The public hearing was duly advertised on October 4"' & 10, 2017 and November 7, 2017, Hearing no comments, Mayor Harris closed the public hearing. Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Tax -Exempt Bonds for Pinewood Apartments, LLC The public has been notified that oral and written continents will be heard and received concerning the request to authorize the Issuance of Tax -Exempt Bonds for Pinewood Apartments, LLC The public hearing was duly advertised on October 31, 2017. David Garcia — Representative for the National Housing Preservation advisors out of Denver, Colorado. The potential non- profit buyer is the Ezekiel Foundation, The company will be using tax exempt bonds to purchase the property. The company is aware of the numerous police calls and how to use funds to mitigate some of those issues and remedy some of the numerous police calls at the property. The company will be setting aside $200,000+/- to deal with security infrastructure and physical issues with the property. There will be some rehabilitation of the properly up front. The long term goal is a low- income housing tax credit re -development of the property. We are here to talk about the approval of the tax exempt bonds, which are needed to facilitate bond approval at the national level through PFA. The property is currently tax exempt for property taxes and I have been recently given a copy of the request for approval of resolution. The resolution is requesting that the property pay the property taxes of what it would pay if it was a for profit ownership annually. With a 501(c) (3) financing, it is helpful if we are able to capture these costs upfront instead of paying annually. The loan tern of this project will be a 10 year loan and we would like to respectfully request the duration of the term be 10 years and pay upfront whatever the amount may end up being. Looking at the language it suggests we pay the full amount of the taxes if we were a for profit entity annually and we would like to request it be consolidated upfront and that we be allowed to discuss with Mayor and Council as to what that upfront cost would be. With the recent tax reform legislation from the House and Senate, in the House version of the tax reform bill it is proposing to get rid of private activity bonds, which the 501(c)(3) falls under. If that were the case that would become effective January 1, 2018, I would like slightly modify the language in there. It says condition upon a very specific formula and if we could modify it to be more broad as to an agreeable amount as determined by the Mayor or Council in lieu of that specific language so the project can continue to move forward in case this House bill goes through and we have to close quicker than expected. Mayor Harris asked if Mr. Garcia had the language he was proposing. Mr. Garcia stated he would by the end of the meeting. Hearing no further comments, Mayor Harris closed the public hearing. CONSENTITEMS Minutes — Council considered approval of the minutes of October 10, 2017 City Council Meeting Minutes — Council Considered approval of the minutes of the October 17, 2017 Special Call Meeting Proclamation — National Hospice Palliative Care Month. A copy of Proclamation (P2017-23) is incorporated into these minutes as Attachment 41. Consideration of Resolution Authorizing the Disposition of Personal Property. A copy of Resolution (R2017-22) is incorporated into these minutes as Attaclmrent#2. Temporary Blocking of Street —Annual Downtown Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony Temporary Blocking of Streets — Dunn Christmas Parade Temporary Blocking of Sheet — Another Barber Shop Budget Amendment #5 —A copy ofBA#5 is incorporated into these minutes as Attachment 93. Consideration of Resolution Retiring Paco a Canine Assigned to the Dunn Police Department Motion by Council Member Barfield and seconded by Cquncil Member McLean to approve all consent items. Motion unanimously approved. Mayor Harris recognized former Council Member and framer Mayor Pro Tem Camell Robinson in the audience. ITEMS FOR DECISION Ordinance Amendment OA-05-17 Chapter 4; Buildings and Building Regulations This is a request to hereby amend Chapter 4, Buildings and Building Regulations to add the Non -Residential Building Maintenance Code. The Non -Residential Building Maintenance Code is very similar to the minimum Housing code but for all non-residential buildings. It is also commonly referred to as a commercial maintenance code. The code will be used to ensure non- residential buildings are in compliance with current building code standards and the standards list in this ordinance. Attorney Tilghman Pope has reviewed the ordinance as presented. Motion by Council Member Maness and seconded by Council Member Barfield to adopt the Ordinance as presented. Motion unanimously approved. A copy of Ordinance (02017-33) is incorporated into these minutes as attachment #5. Consideration of Ordinance to Demolish Structure 510 Spring Branch Road PIN# 1516-71-5790.000 Chief Building Inspector Steven King has conducted and inspection at 510 Spring Branch Road and based upon his observations, the structure is in a condition that constitutes a fire and health hazard. The Building Inspector also found the structure dangerous to the public health or public safety and was condemned. The owner of the property has failed to comply with the Building Inspector's order and according to N.C.G.S § 160A443, the City Council has the power to proceed with the demolition of this property. This matter was tabled at the January 2017 Council Meeting to be brought before the City Council at the March 2017 Council Meeting to allow the property owner and prospective buyer to make additional repairs on the structure and to obtain a legal agreement to achieve certain milestones by specific dates. Since March 2017 Council Meeting, the property owner and prospective buyer have completed some of the required repairs. On March 14, 2017 a Condemnation Estoppell and Hotel Investment Agreement was made had signed by the City of Dunn Mayor, Oscar N. Harris and New Dunn Hotel, LLC, Amar N. Patel, Manager. On July 11, 2017, the City Council agreed to table this matter until October 2017 in order for Mr. Patel to obtain ownership of the property and obtain a building permit. As of October 2, 2017, neither has been accomplished. Attorney Pope stated about 4:00 p.m. he received a copy of the deed that transfers ownership of the property to the buyer as of this afternoon. This was a condition Council had placed upon the parties at the last meeting. This recorded deed does in fact show the buyer has acquired the property. Council Member Maness asked what the next step would be if all conditions have been met. Attorney Pope stated if Council is satisfied that all the conditions have been met then Council can table this matter indefinitely until the property has been fully developed as represented to the Council or Council can vote to deny the ordinance. Motion by Council Member Maness and seconded by Council Member Tart to table the Ordinance indefinitely until brought back before Council following the development of the property. Motion unanimously approved. Board Appointment Dunn Area Tourism Authority The Council may decide to re -appoint Council Member Billy Tait as Council representative to serve on the Averasboro Township Tourism Development Authority ie: Durm Area Tourism Authority. A bill was filed and approved in January 2013, to increase the board of the Dunn Area Tourism Authority from seven (7) members to nine (9) members; this includes an appointment from the Dunn City Council, Council Member Tait's current term will expire on December 31, 2017. Motion by Council Member Barfield and seconded by Council Member Maness to re -appoint Council Member Billy Tait as Council representative on the Dunn Area Tourism Authority with a term expiring on December 31, 2018, Ayes — Council Members Maness, McNeill, McLean, Tart, Tmnage, Barfield. Abstain - Council Member Tart. Consideration to Accept Vacant Lot Located on Martin Street PIN# 1517-03-6687.000 From CGW, Inc. Council is being asked to accept a vacant lot located on Martin Street — PIN# 1517-03-6687.000 from CGW, Inc. The property would allow the City to have the property perpendicular to the acreage we aheady own and would allow for improvements for the improvements of the rail trail crossing and access to our existing property. Attorney Pope stated the title to the property is good. There is not a current metes and bounds legal description that can be used in a deed for conveyance based on that I would recommend a survey and recorded plat prior to accepting the deed. The 2017 property taxes would need to be paid also. If the current property owner is taking a tax deduction then there would have to be an appraisal on the property. Motion by Council Member Maness and seconded by Council Member Barfield to approve the acceptance of the land donation from CGW, Inc. located on Martin Street, PIN# 1517-03-6687.000 subject to a survey being performed at the City's expense and that the owners cleat' the 2017 property taxes and appraisal if they desire to get one. City Manager Neuschafer stated the idea was to use the property in conjunction with the property we have received by donation on the other side of the road and this would be a better crossover to enter onto the rail trail. The elevation is higher and this is something NCDOT wanted to do was improve that crossover. This would allow for us to do a perpendicular crossing of the road for the rail trail. Motion unanimously approved. Settlement Agreement from Hurricane Matthew Damage— Jimmy Coats City Manager Neuschafer stated it has been discussed briefly, the sewer back up to this property during Hurricane Matthew. Based on receipts this is a small percentage of the damage that was incurred to this property for your consideration to approve a settlement agreement with Mr. Coats for damage to personal property firm the sewer back up from Hurricane Matthew. Motion by Council Member Barfield and seconded by Council Member Tart to approve a settlement agreement with Mr. Coats for $8,000. Council Member McNeill stated the City of Dunn is not libel for personal property. In that case a lot of people lost a lot of personal property during the storm. We are not a bank to be giving out money. I understand the situation with this gentleman, but we are not libel. Council Member Barfield stated there was about $55,000 worth of damage to this property. The sewer is not above the house and I feel the City has a small responsibility. Council Member Maness stated regardless of the vote, I would like to request the City Manager direct our Planning and Zoning Department to look at the appropriate building code requirements and fiom this point forward, any structure that is below grade will be required to have a sewer backflow preventer installed on all new construction going forward. This is a situation that is beyond the City's control. It was an act of God. Our insurance company denied any claim because if that. Our City Attorney has advised us we are not legally responsible in this situation. I do not want to set any precedence going forward now or in the future because of this occurrence. Mayor Harris stated it would be on a case by case basis and we cannot bind future Councils in reference to what we are doing here. Council member Turnage asked if Council Member Barfield to agree to amend his motion to include the back flow prevention valve. Attorney Pope stated Council cannot require any individual to anything in particular. What Mr. Maness is requesting is a requirement to ensure that in our code of ordinances that it require new future construction to have that. Council Member Maness stated a City wide survey should be done to of any existing below grade properties. We cannot control where a person has chosen to build their home. Council Member Tart suggested putting a notice in the water bills and have the customer check to see if they are below grade. Public Works Director Gaster stated the current policy would need to be reviewed and if there is nothing in there to that effect then we would need to update the policy to include what we are discussing. Mayor Harris requested the policy be reviewed and for Public Works Director Gaster to report back to Council at the December meeting. Motion passed with Council Members Barfield, Turnage, Tart and McLean voting "aye" and Council Members Maness and McNeill voting "nay". Awarding of Project for FEMA Areas 2, 5, & 6 Public Works Director Gaster stated that during the damage assessment by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) the following areas were identified to be damaged by Hurricane Matthew. • Area 2 — 900 Block of Carolina Drive — Sanitary Sewer Line Repairs — install one "H" pipe, realign pipe, repair banks and add rip -rap — project cost estimate $82,400 • Area 5 — 1101 N, Railroad Sheet — Storm Drainage Repairs — install 24 linear feet of 48" reinforced concrete pipe, concrete end wall, and rip -rap — project estimate - $86,000 • Area 6 — 1159 N. Wilson Avenue — Aerial Sewer Repairs — install 2 concrete piers, replace 90 linear feet of 12" pipe, and rip -rap bank —project estimate - $63,200 The letter of approval for the project application package has been received from FEMA for this project which combines Areas 2, 5, & 6 into one large project. Project worksheets equal to or greater than $123,000 are considered large projects by FEMA and will be reimbursed based on actual documented expenditures. Motion by Council Member Tart and seconded by Council Member Maness to award Lorman Grading and Utility Constriction the project for FEMA Areas 2, 5, & 6 to the contractor of recommendation from the November 91h bid opening. Motion unanimously approved. ITEM FOR DISCUSSION AND/OR DECISION Consideration of Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Tax -Exempt Bonds for Pinewood Apartments, LLC Attorney Pope stated the proposed language for the resolution is in red with the intent the borrower and buyer of the property would make annual payments to the City in lieu of paying property taxes. Mr. Garcia has proposed an alternative language which essentially rather than annual payments would require one up front lump sum payment and an agreement to be signed by the Mayor. The reason for being proposed this way is due to the timing and there may not be time for it to be brought back before the Council. If approved as proposed, you would delegate the authority to the Mayor to negotiate and'execute an agreement that would agree to a lump sum up front payment from the buyer of the property and borrower under the terns of the bond, For clarity the proposed language from the Buyer is as follows: "Section 4. Such approval of the Council is conditioned on the Borrower, prior to closing on the purchase of the Project and issuance of the Bonds, executing an agreement, satisfactory to the mayor, wherein the Borrower agrees to make an upfront payment to the City of Dunn, North Carolina in an amount to be agreed upon by the Mayor and Borrower of the Project, such can be made in lieu of property taxes in consideration of the services to be provided to the Project by the City of Dunn. The execution of such agreement by the Borrower and the Mayor of the city of Dunn shall be conclusive evidence that this Commission has been satisfied." Otherwise the Resolution would remain as presented Section 4 verbiage by the City Attorney is as follows: "Such approval of the Council is conditioned on the Borrower, prior to closing on the Purchase of the Project and the issuance of the Bonds, executing an agreement, satisfactory to the Council, wherein the Borrower agrees to make an annual payment to the City of Dunn, North Carolina equivalent to what would have been the amount owed for ad valorem taxes to the City of Dunn if the Borrower or Project were not tax-exempt, in lieu of property taxes, in consideration of the services to be provided to the Project by the City of Dunn." Motion made by Council Member Maness and seconded by Council Member Barfield to approve the Resolution submitted by the City Attorney in reference to the bond request for Pinewood Aparttments, LLC. Motion unanimously approved. A copy of Resolution (R2017-24) is incorporated into these minutes as Attachment #6. Bay Street Water/Stormwater Project Update Public Works Director Gaster stated preliminary field work has been conducted on E. Bay Street from S. Clinton Avenue to approximately 140 feet west of S. Wilson Avenue. It has been determined that a 4' X 4' box culvert runs parallel to the 42" corrugated metal pipe (CMP) on the north shoulder of E. Bay Sheet. This box culvert appears to be in good condition. The project will include replacement of approximately 435' of the 42" CMP with 48" CMP. It has also been determined that a new junction box will have to be built in the 100 block of E. Bay Street approximately 140' west of S. Wilson Avenue to connect the existing 4' X 4' culvert box, the new 48" CMP, and the existing 15 CMP that provides drainage from the north side of E. Bay Sheet to the storm drain lines that run under CSX railroad to the west side of town. Engineered drawings were previously prepared for Phase II of the E. Bay Street water line project by Davis, Martin, Powell & Associates (DMP). The Phase 11 project runs from the west side of S. Clinton Avenue to the east side of CSX railroad on E. Bay Street. DMP has provided a cost estimate to the City for the Phase I1 E. Bay Street waterline project, the E. Bay Street storrawater project, and the street repaving project. Once bid packets are prepared, formal bids will be obtained for this project. Mayor Harris stated Public Works Director Gaster and City Manager Neuschafer need to bring back a recommendation and proposal of the actual bid contracts and financial portion. Financial Report Finance Director Mark Stephens provided the following financial report for the period ending September 30, 2017: • The City as of September 30, 2017 had $2,030,314 in cash in the General Fund and $2,784,976 in the Water and Sewer Fund. In September 2016 the City had $1,870,608 in the General Fund and $2,185,665 in the Water and Sewer Fund. • Property Tax collections through September were $359,525 or less than 9.36% of budget. Last year property tax collections through September were $447,834 or 12.11% of budget. • Sales Tax Revenue is $351,817 or 18.28% of budget. Benchmark for the month 16.67% of budget. • Utilities Sales Tax is $166,376 or 22.39% of budget. Benchmark for this month is 25.00% of budget. • Building Permit Fees were $17,643 or 27.14% of budget. Benchmark for this month is 25.00% of budget. • Water and Sewer Revenues were $1,156,772 or 24.35% of budget. Benchmark for this month is 25.00% of budget • Expenditures were 21.69% of budget in the general fund and 19.74% of budget in the water and sewer fund. The benchmark for this period is 25.00% of budget. Motion by Council Member McLean and seconded by Council Member Turnage to accept the Financial Report. Motion carried unanimously. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Tax Report Planning & Inspections Report Public Works Report Recreation Report Library Report Police Report Collections Report Property Report Motion by Council Member Tait and seconded by Council Member McLean to accept the Administrative Reports. Motion unanimously approved. City Manager's Report City Manager Neuschafer noted the following: NCDOT meeting was held on October 2411 and the deadline for comments is November 27". The City will be meeting with the Chamber of Commerce and Travel and Tourism to ensure their membership understands the deadline for comments and they have an opportunity to make their voices heard. The City will have a link to the NCDOT website on the City's website. Human Resources Director Thompson gave a brief update from the HR Department. A copy of the report is incorporated into these minutes as Attachment V. ANNOUNCEMENTS The following announcements and/or comments were made. Mayor Harris: _ ➢ Campbell University had an open house today at 608 Tilghman Drive for their Osteopathic Medicine Health Care Center ➢ The Dunn Shrine Parade will be held on Saturday, November 18, 2017 at 11:30 a.m. in Downtown Dunn ➢ Dunn United Ministerial Association will hold a Community Worship Service on Sunday, November 19' at Hood Christian Church ➢ City of Dunn offices will be closed on Thursday, November 23`d and Friday November 2411 to observe Thanksgiving ➢ Christmas on Broad will be held on Sunday, November 26`s from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. ➢ The Annual Downtown Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony will be held on Thursday, November 3011 at 6:00 p.m. ➢ The Dunn Christmas Parade will be held on Saturday, December 2nd at 2:00 p.m. in Downtown Dunn ➢ The next regular City Council Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 12, 2017 @ 7:00 p.m. Motion by Council Member Barfield and seconded by Council Member McLean to adjourn the meeting at 8:32 p.m. Motion unanimously approved. Oscar N. Harris Mayor Attest: Jennifer M. Fortin, CMC City Clerk DUNN � I I � �. City Council Agenda Fo Meeting Date: December yl i BudgetSUBJECT TITLE: Amendment #6 Presenter: Mark Stephens _wment, Finance 5e Budget d #. PURPOSE: To record Budget Amendment 46 BACKGROUND: The Waste Water Treatment Plant experienced lightning damage during a storm. Budget Amendment #6 is to record the repairs and the insurance proceeds. BUDGETIMPACT: The City will receive approximately $27,800 from insurance to repair the damage. RECOMMEN DATIONIACTION REQUESTED: Approve Budget Amendment #6. ti 0 p 0 p 0 0 p o C ti U N m a Q Q Q Q bj y} ro b} FA N O O M N O O N W N r r N r r O pCj U U N U tea❑ ate❑ o G v d m o m m E y QQ� QQd U C U G b3 yj b) H O O O O � N aoa aoa Q °gym �-mE ¢ Q Q G Q Z O Z � a K U � U m W m w ❑ ❑ � W c m � h- W O W v J fy J O � ❑ U as z w i w ❑ w ❑ O U O U o F W 0 ❑ p o � m NM � m rn M o' M o M N m ❑ Z m � ❑ Z V ui ai N N itl N O7 m E m a G O 0) C V C L rn o U = `o � w U � m � m U T a � ¢ a 7 N � O O N U N m m G ❑ p N U � G � a d E m rn a d N d N L_T 4- N U W O O U K � O �- LL ❑ Uj LL SUBJECT TITLE: Budget Amendment #7 Presenter: Mark Stephens Department: Finance Attachment: x Yes No Budget Amendment #7 Puhlic Hearing Advertisement Date: PURPOSE: To record Budget Amendment #7 BACKGROUND: FEMA approved the City to repair 2 junction boxes due to damage caused by Hurricane Matthew. BUDGETIMPACT: The City will receive approximately $198,000 from FEMA which will cover the cost of the repairs. RECOMMENDATION/ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Budget Amendment V. 2 z z 0 i T m ui w m m N 6 N O � O ❑ C O � O U U � � a U � t a 3 N N 0z O v O N 2 O `O a N o m m C w v m c ❑ a � 3 m `o0 m < c UI E m m rn a a m w s t' N U W U Z Z � O O Q O M U U C7 LL LL Z ❑ U ? SUBJECT TITLE: Audit Report — Fiscal Year 2016.2017 Presenter: Description: Position Statement of major funds, Attachment: X Yes No balance comparison for prior two fiscal years Public Hearinq Advertisement Date: PURPOSE: Petway, Mills & Pearson, PA will present the FY 2016-2017 audit. Attached please find the summary position statements of major funds for your review. Please review this information, and should you have questions, please contact City Manager, Steven Neuschafer. BACKGROUND: BUDGET IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION/ACTION REQUESTED: Motion to accept the audit report as presented. December 12, 2017 The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Dunn, North Carolina Below is a position statement of major funds, detailing activities for the City of Dunn. Also attached is a Fund Balance Comparison for the last two fiscal years. Balance Sheet General Fund ` 2017 r 2016 Assets $ 4,362,069 $ 4,045,074 Liabilities 377,804 373,806 Fund Balance $ 3,984,265 $ 3,671,268 $ 4,362,069 $ 4,045,074 Water/Sewer Fund Current Assets $ 3,442,262 $ 2,913,371 Net Pension Asset - Note Receivable 2,074,549 2,181,272 Deferred outflows of resources 365,426 86,202 Capital Assets 24,499,902 25,183,483 $ 30,382,139 $ 30,364,328 Current Liabilities $ 961,253 $ 961,253 Noncurrent Liabilities 6,472,538 6,472,538 Net Assets 22,948,348 22,930,537 $ 30,382,139 $ 30,364,328 Income Statement General Fund Ad Valorem Taxes $ L284,741 $ 4,012,290 Other Revenues 5,740,041 5,393,605 Other Financing Sources (Uses) 366,669 (632,453) $ 10,391,451 $ 8,773,442 Expenditures 10,078,454 8,674,431 Net Change in Fund Balance $ 312,997 $ 99,011 Water/Sewer Fund Operating Reeenue $ 4,771,864 $ 4,777,666 Non Operating Re%enue (Expenses) (5,993) (7,007) $ 4,765,871 $ 4,770,659 Expenses $ 4,582,481 $ 4,666,416 Capital Contribution -Grants - 146,153 Net Income $ 183,390 $ 250,397 SUBJECT TITLE: Sampson County Water Purchase Contract Amendment Presenter: Dean Gaster Department: Public Works Attachment: X Yes No Description: Water Purchase Contract Amendment Public Hearina Advertisement Date: PURPOSE: To approve an amendment to the January 4, 1996 Water Purchase Contract between the City of Dunn and the Sampson County Water and Sewer District 2. BACKGROUND: On January 4, 1996 the Sampson County Water and Sewer District 2 entered into a forty (40) year contract with the City of Dunn to purchase water. There was no guaranteed minimum of gallons to be purchased in the original contract. On October 14, 2014 the original contract was amended to include a guaranteed minimum quarterly usage (based on a running three (3) billing cycle period) of not less than thirty (30) million gallons per quarter, or approximately 333,333 gallons per day. On April 28, 2015 the City received notice from Edwin Causey, Sampson County Manager, that the County had installed a well system to provide water to the Sampson County Water and Sewer District 2 and requested the existing interconnections be available for emergency use after July 1, 2015. Due to water quality issues in the northern portion of the Sampson County Water and Sewer District 2, Sampson County has requested an amendment to the original contract to include a guaranteed minimum quarterly usage (based on a running three (3) billing cycle period) of not less than 10.5 million gallons or approximately 116,667 gallons per day. With NC Public Water Supply approval, the provision of water to the Sampson County Water and Sewer District 2 would begin on January 2, 2018. BUDGETIMPACT: Approximately $84,000 in annual revenue from the sale of water to the Sampson County Water and Sewer District 2. RECOMMENDATION/ACTION REQUESTED: Recommend approval of the proposed amendment to the January 4, 1996 Water Purchase Contract between the City of Dunn and the Sampson County Water and Sewer District 2. OMMSON &UNn OFFICE oftheCOUNTY MANAGER November 7, 2017 Mr, Dean Gaster Director of Public Works City of Dunn Post Office Box 1065 Dunn, NC 28335 Dear Mr. Gaster: Enclosed please find two original copies of the amendment to the water purchase agreement between the City of Dunn and Sampson County. Once the Mayor and Clerk have executed these, we would appreciate the return of one original. We appreciate the willingness of the City of Dunn to offer us the availability of additional water resources and the continuation of our mutually beneficial partnership. Sincerely, �x etc e"-- , 4t14 - Susan J. Holder Assistant County Manager cc: Ed Causey, County Manger Lin Reynolds, Director of Public Works 406 County Complex Road, Building C Clinton, North Carolina 28328 (910) 592-6308 www.sampsonnc,com THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO THE SIGNED WATER PURCHASE CONTRACT MADE ON THE 4"' DAY OF JANUARY,1996 BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUNN AND THE SAMPSON COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT 2. The Sampson County Water and Sewer District 2 further agrees that their minimum quarterly usage shall not be less than 10.5 million gallons, or approximately 116,667 gallons per day. To determine quarterly usage, a quarterly running total shall be calculated using a running three (3) billing cycle period; based on this calculation, total usage during each period shall be equal to or greater than 10.5 million gallons. Usage calculations shall be tallied using Dunn's monthly water billing cycle, which occurs on or near the 15"' (fifteenth) day of each month. Should the quarterly running total fall below the established .minimum level, an additional billing equal_ to the established minimum level less the quarterly running total would be in order. The Sampson County Water and Sewer District 2 further agrees to provide access to the District SCADA system to the City of Dunn for the purpose of visibly monitoring water demand at interconnection sites. O� Executed by the City of Dunn, this the ATTEST: Jennifer Fortin Clerk day of BY: Oscar N. Harris Mayor / V/,,- County of Sampson, this the Co day of Susan J. Holder Cleric to the District Board a?c C1arkH. Wooten City of Dunn 1\1eVely,bei- Chairman, District Board 2017. PWIVA THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO THE SIGNED WATER PURCHASE CONTRACT MADE ON THE 4" DAY OF JANUARY,1996 BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUNN AND THE SAMPSON COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT 2. The Sampson County Water and Sewer District 2 further agrees that their minimum quarterly usage shall not be less than 10.5 million gallons, or approximately 116,667 gallons per day. To determine quarterly usage, a quarterly running total shall be calculated using a running three (3) billing cycle period; based on this calculation, total usage during each period shall be equal to or greater than 10.5 million gallons. Usage calculations shall be tallied using Dunn's monthly water billing cycle, which occurs on or near the 15th (fifteenth) day of each month. Should the quarterly running total.fall below the established minimum level, an additional billing equal to the established minimum level less the quarterly running total would be in order. The Sampson County Water and Sewer District 2 further agrees to provide access to the District SCADA system to the City of Dunn for the purpose of visibly monitoring water demand at interconnection sites. Executed by the City of Dunn, this the day of 2017. City of Dunn ATTEST: BY: Jennifer Fortin Oscar N. Harris Clerk Mayor Executed by the County of Sampson, this the 4 day of /Vil7 sac 2017. Susan J. Holder Clerk to the District Board Chairman, District Board SUBJECT TITLE: Consideration of Resolution Adopting the 2018 Regular Meeting Schedule for the City of Dunn City Council Presenter: Departm2nt Administration Description: Memorandum with proposed meeting dates & Attachment: X Yes No conferences, resolution establishing 2018 meetinq dates Public Hearing Advertisement Date: PURPOSE: Attached you will find a resolution establishing the City Council Meeting dates for 2018. Also for scheduling purposes, you will find a list of dates you may wish to place on your calendar for 2018 conferences, etc. BACKGROUND: BUDGET IMPACT: RECOMMENDATIONIACTION REQUESTED: Motion to approve the resolution adopting the 2018 regular meeting schedule for the Drum City Council. Mayo Oscar N. Harris Mayo- Pro Tera Billy Barfield Council Members Buddy Maness Dr, Gwen McNeill Frank McLean Billy Tart Chock Turnage City Manager Steven Neuschafer CITY OF DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 2018 REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE FOR THE CITY OF DUNN CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS, the North Carolina General Statute 160A-71 allows the City Council to fix a specific time and place for their regular meetings; and WHEREAS, the North Carolina General Statute 143-31812(a) requires that the City Council's schedule of regular meetings be kept on file with the City Cleric. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Dunn, North Carolina that the following meeting schedule be adopted: Tuesday January 9, 2018 7:00 p.m. Dunn Municipal Building Tuesday February 20, 2018 7:00 p.m. Dunn Municipal Building Tuesday March 13, 2018 7:00 p.m. Dunn Municipal Building Tuesday April 10, 2018 7:00 p.m. Dunn Municipal Building Tuesday May 8, 2018 7:00 p.m. Dunn Municipal Building Tuesday June 12, 2018 7:00 p.m. Dunn Municipal Building Tuesday July 10, 2018 7:00 p.m. Dunn Municipal Building Tuesday August 14, 2019 7:00 p.m. Dunn Municipal Building Tuesday September 11, 2018 7:00 p.m. Dunn Municipal Building Tuesday October 9, 2018 7:00 p.m. Dunn Municipal Building Tuesday November 13, 2018 7:00 p.m. Dunn Municipal Building Tuesday December 11, 2018 7:00 p.m. Dunn Municipal Building Duly adopted by the City of Dunn City Council, meeting in regular session this 12" day of December, 2017. Oscar N. Harris, Mayor (SEAL) Jennifer M. Fortin, City Clerk DUNN ,AII�RmeMcag cCil=dL 73d CITY OF DUNN Notice of Schedule of Regular Public Meetings of the City Council Please take notice that the regular meetings of the City Council of the City of Dunn, County of Harnett, State of NC, are held the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Courtroom of the Dunn Municipal Building located at 401 E. Broad Street. Meetings of the City Council are open and the public is encouraged to attend. January 9, 2018 February 20, 2018 March 13, 2018 April 10, 2018 May 8, 2018 June 12, 2018 July 10, 2018 August 14, 2018 September 11, 2018 October 9, 2018 November 13, 2018 December 11, 2018 Public Notice will be given regarding any changes in the above meeting dates. Minutes of all Council Meetings are available by contacting the City Cleric's Office, City Hall, 401 E. Broad Street. (92018) 230-3500 or by visiting our website at www.dunn-nc.org. Additional dates you may wish to place on your 2018 calendar include: Jan. 25 Mid -Carolina COG Annual Meeting 6:30 pm — Holiday Inn Fayetteville, NC Jan. 30 DACC Annual Banquet 6:00 pm — Dunn Shrine Center TAD Harnett Local Government Meeting TBD Proposed Budget Retreat Mar. 13-15 NC Main Street Conference Clayton, NC May Mayor's Prayer Breakfast 7:30 am — Gospel Tabernacle Leaders of Tomorrow Shadow Program All Day Mock Council Meeting 3:00 pm —Council Chambers May 23 Town Hall Day 9:00 am - Raleigh, NC Sept. 19-22 North Carolina League of Municipalities 2018 Annual Conference Hickory, NC p®d 1 1191'L�t Gll1'))�IIt2 INN Wtt-Amel b1:y ilv-uf .lul�l� '.- 1 1 Council erg � ',..' ® MeetingDate:December, 2017 1989'tC 20tl 1989'�' �013 SUBJECT TITLE: Rezoning Request RZ-04-17 7 City -Initiated Large Scale Rezoning Phase 5- Final Phase Presenter: Samantha Wullenwaber Department: Planning & Inspections Attachment: X Yes ❑ No Description: Public Hearing Advertisement Date: PURPOSE: The public has been notified that oral and .written comments will be heard and received concerning the City - Initiated rezoning of properties in the southern portion of our jurisdiction, with boundaries as follows: W. Cumberland St. south to the end of the City of Dunn jurisdiction and west of Railroad Ave. The city is initiating the rezoning to amend the zoning map to reflect the current use of properties and the 2030 land use plan. The planning board met on November 28th, 2017 to review the request and ask for comments from the public. There was no one present to speak for or against the request; the planning board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the request. Attached you will find a staff report from the City Planner, a map of the property, and other pertinent information for your review. *The zoning map is being amended to reflect the current use of properties as well as the 2030 land use plan. Some examples of properties that are affected include the following situations: 1) There are some properties zoned residential but are being used for commercial businesses or industrial use and they should be zoned to what they are being used for, a restaurant, business, manufacturing plant, etc. 2) A couple years ago, the planning board and city council approved the creation of the RA-40 district. This district was created for the ETJ to use for larger tracts of land that are residential but also agricultural. The RA-40 district has not been implemented in this area on the zoning map and should be in place where applicable. 3) The C-2; Shopping Center District is designed to be for one owner shopping centers not strip malls that are divided into much smaller parcels, therefore those were changed to C-3; Highway Commercial District 4) Some properties are not being affected by the zoning changes. None of the proposed zoning changes are detrimental to the area or inconsistent with the land use plan. * CITY PLANNER'S RECOMMENDATION OR COMMENTS: Motion to (approve) the request to rezone parcels in the southern portion of our jurisdiction. The zoning districts involved are: Division 1.5, RA-40 Single -Family Dwelling & Agricultural District; Division 2, R-20 Single Family Dwelling District; Division 3, R-10 Single Family Dwelling District; Division 4, R-7 Single Family Dwelling District; Division 5, RM Multifamily Dwelling District, Division 7, C-2 Shopping Center District; Division 8, C-3 Highway Commercial District; Division 10, Office & Institutional District; Division 11, 1-10 Restricted Industrial District; Division 12, 1-100 Industrial District If the rezoning is approved, please use the following justification or amend as needed: 1) The City of Dunn Land Use Plan is reflected in the proposed zoning changes. The areas affected are in area four of the land use plan. 2) The amendments are not inconsistent with the adjoining and surrounding land uses nor are they considered detrimental. The changes should not negatively impact property owners. 3) The permitted uses in the Districts are not considered detrimental to the area and would be beneficial to the entire community. RECOMMENDATION/ACTION REQUESTED: Entertain a motion for GRANTING the rezoning request based upon the above justification. STAFF REPORT To: Planning Board Date: December 1, 2017 Case: RZ-04-17 Prepared By: Samantha L. Wullenwaber, Planning & Inspections Director GENERAL INFORMATION Applicant: City of Dunn PO BOX 1065 Dunn, NC 28335 Property Owner: Various property owners Requested Action: Rezone the tracts to the appropriate zoning districts Tax PIN: Varies Location: Varies Existing Zoning: See attached maps; the districts included in this rezoning are R- 20, RA-40, R-10, R-7, RM, 1-10, 1-100, O& I, C-2, C-3. Existing Land Use: Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Office & Vacant Land Proposed Land Use: Same as previous Lot Size: Varies; see attached map Zoning History: The zoning map needs to be updated to reflect the current use of properties as well as the 2030 land use plan. Applicable Regulations: The Zoning Ordinance Section 22, Article III Division 1.5, RA-40 Single -Family Dwelling & Agricultural District; Division 2, R-20 Single Family Dwelling District; Division 3, R-10 Single Family Dwelling District; Division 4, R-7 Single Family Dwelling District; Division 5, R-M Multifamily Dwelling District; Division 7, C-2 Shopping Center District; Division 8, C-3 Highway Commercial District; Division 10, Office & Institutional District; Division 11, 1-10 Restricted Industrial District; Division 12, 1-100 Industrial District RZ-04-17 PAGE SPECIAL INFORMATION Land Use Plan: The properties are located in area four of the Land Use Plan. Public Utilities: Municipal water and sewer service may be available to some sites. Some of these properties are in the ETJ. Public Services: Some properties are located within the city limits and some are in our ETJ to the south. ANALYSIS The zoning map is being amended to reflect the current use of properties as well as the 2030 land use plan. Some examples of properties that are affected include the following situations: 1) There are some properties zoned residential but are being used for commercial businesses or industrial use and they should be zoned to what they are being used for, a restaurant, business, manufacturing plant, etc. 2) A couple years ago, the planning board and city council approved the creation of the RA-40 district. This district was created for the ETJ to use for larger tracts of land that are residential but also agricultural. The RA-40 district has not been implemented in this area on the zoning map and should be in place where applicable. 3) The C-2; Shopping Center District is designed to be for one owner shopping centers not strip malls that are divided into much smaller parcels, therefore those were changed to C-3; Highway Commercial District 4) Some properties are not being affected by the zoning changes. None of the proposed zoning changes are detrimental to the area or inconsistent with the land use plan. y gq l lg, 161 USL11 IIOI III¢ DUN Y/ V 1 V1Y � U1 N1 1 ®I ty All Ala®rice city — All -America City it "o .ncit pndaForm r 1111. a Meeting , ;ate;- Dece mber 14, 2017 1989 * 2013 1989 * 2013 SUBJECT TITLE: Ordinance Amendment OA•06.17 — Chapter 15 Parks and Recreation of the City of Dunn Code of Ordinances Presenter: Recreation Director McNeill Department: Parks and Recreation Attachment: X Yes No Description: Text Amendment Public Nearing Advertisement Date: November 29, 2017 This amendment will revise and add text to Chapter 15 of the City of Dunn Parks and Recreation Ordinance. As with all of the text amendments the ** 'lgh is the old text removed and the underlined is new text. BUDGET IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATIONIACTION REQUESTED: Approve Ordinance Amendment OA-06-17 — Chapter 15 Parks and Recreation Ordinance. City of Dunn Ordinance ARTICLE 11. — PARKS AND RECREATION GOMMhSS40N There is hereby created an cemmissien advisor to be known as the Parks and Recreation cemp4&&; ;n Advisory Board of the city. (Code 1974, § 2-26) fforn'11•..111 The Parks and Recreation co„ m ssjGn Advisory Board shall be appointed by the City Council and shall consist of seven (7) regular members and a Council member. The seven board members shall consist of five (5) regular members and two (2) alternate members. Alternate members shall assume all rights privileges and duties of the regular board members when serving in the absence of regular board members. A plan shall be established whereby staggered appointed terms are implemented with no more than three (3) term expirations in one (1) year. The terms of all appointed members shall be three (3) years with the option to serve an additional three (3) years if approved by Council. Vacancies in on the ce, „m;ssion Parks and Recreation Advisory Board shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment by the City Council. The members shall serve without compensation. The Park and Recreation Advisory Board may contain a maximum of two (2) members who reside outside Dunn city limits. (Ord. No. 1991-004, 8-1-91) The Parks and Recreation GoI Advisory Board shall appoint from its membership a chairman and other officers as it may deem necessary for the orderly procedure of its business. The .,GRin::csion Parks and Recreation Advisory Board may adopt bylaws, rules, and regulations covering its procedures not inconsistent with the provisions of state law. The Parks and Recreation e^orrinn ssien Advisory Board shall hold regular meetings at such times and places as it may designate with a minimum of one meeting per quarter. A quorum will consist of three (3) or more members In the event a regular member is not present the chairman will have the authority to appoint an alternate member with voting power. Faithful attendance at the meetings of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and conscientious performance of duties required of the members of the board shall be considered a prerequisite for continued membership on the board If a member is absent for two (2) consecutive meetings then that member shall relinquish their position. City of Dunn Ordinance (Code 1974. § 2-28; Ord. of 11-4-86) The powers and duties of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board eemmiss en shall be to (1) Plan and recommend by regular and special reports to the City Council actions as may be necessary to create and develop an adequate and complete system of parks, playgrounds, bathing facilities, and recreation centers and facilities; act as an advisor along with the city manager concerning the supervision, organization, and management of parks and playgrounds, and activities thereon, recreation and social centers, playfields, swimming pools, and similar facilities in order that the best and most satisfactory provision for supervision for community sports and activities of all kinds will be properly developed; cooperate with individuals, firms, or organizations interested in public recreation; and recommend such clean and wholesome recreation and amusement for the citizens of the city as it shall deem advisable. (2) Cooperate with any other public authority and aid and assist in coordinating recreation activities, pursuant to and in accord with G.S. 160A-350 et seq., and with the provisions of this chapter. (3) Carry out the directions of the City Council and the city manager and, subject to the directions of the City Council or the city manager, make recommendations to the parks and recreation director in organizing and directing the use of all playgrounds, facilities, and recreational centers owned, operated, or maintained by the city. (4) Advise in the acquisition of lands and structures through gift purchase lease or loan or bV condemnation through eminent domain as may be approved bV the City Council (5) Advise in the acceptance by the city of an grant gift bequest or donation of any personal or real property offered or made available for recreation purposes and which is fudged to be of present accordance with the terms under which such grant gift or devise is made and accepted and (6) Advise in (i) the construction equipping operation and maintenance of parks and playgrounds (ii) grants gifts or devises of real or personal property to the city to be held and used for recreational purposes and (iii) other matters related to recreation facilities which are owned or controlled by the city or leased or loaned to the city. Sec. 15-35. - Studies, research. (1) As background for its comprehensive plan and anv ordinances it may prepare the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board may gather maps and aerial photographs of man-made and natural physical features of thearea,statistics on past tends and present conditions with respect to population property values the economic base of the community land use and such other information as is important or likely to be important in determining the amount direction and kind of development to be expected in the area and its various parts. City of Dunn Ordinance (2) In addition with approval from the City Council the Parks and Recreation AdvisoN Board may make cause to be made or obtain special studies on the location condition and adequacy of specific facilities which may include but are not limited to studies of housing' commercial and industrial facilities parks playgrounds and recreational facilities public and private utilities and traffic transportation and parking facilities. (3) All city officials shall upon request furnish to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board such available records or information as it may require in its work The Board may in the performance of its official duties enter upon lands make examinations or surveys and maintain necessaN monuments thereon. Sec. 15-36. - Comprehensive plan and accompanyinq data. (1) The comprehensive plan with the accompanying maps plats charts and descriptive matter, shall be and show the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board's recommendations to the City Council for the development of such territory including among other things the general location character, and extent of streets bridges boulevards parkways playgrounds squares parks sanitation transportation communication power, and other purposes and the removal relocation widening narrowing vacating abandonment change of use or extension of any of the foregoing ways buildings grounds open spaces property utilities or terminals. (2)The plan and any ordinances or other measures to effectuate it shall be made with the general purpose of guiding and accomplishing a coordinated adjusted and harmonious development of the city and its environs which will in accordance with present and future needs best promote health safety, morals and the general welfare as well as efficiency and economy in the process of development including among other things adequate provision for traffic the promotion of arrangement wise and efficient expenditure of public funds and the adequate provision of public utilities services and other public requirements {9rd -G" 1-4-"§ Z-a6) City of Dunn Ordinance .. _ -Annualreport. The Parks and Recreation commission Advisory Board shall render annually to the City Council a full report of its work. (Ord. of 11-4-86, § 2-37) The Parks and Recreation Gem ;csion Advisory Board shall have no authority to enter into any contract or incur any obligation binding the city, o'er earrent^�-or contracts to be full,; td-within the eufro..+, e_ar a, she bu4get,�+a#ten&4Rade-by theGity ram^ . (Ord. of 11-4-86, § 2-38) The City Council may, at its discretion, appropriate such money as it may deem necessary for the purpose of carrying on the activities of the Parks and Recreation Department. The Parks and Recreation commission Advisory Board shall act in an advisory capacity to the Director of Parks and Recreation and the City Manager in developing the annual budgetary request to be presented for consideration by the City Council. Funds r ved-by44e e ,,,,,,,c ion or threcreation depems atl-b. &ed4ot suprie�depfient's bL.dget—T,",e-fun4s&14all-b. paid4G4he and shall be-clrsburse4 ^ "e—saffie­manRel- ^t",a,=department fRads (Ord. of 11-4-86, § 2-39) 111 ■■ M , . �iirr Council Agenda Form r Meeting A City Date: A '.. December fl N: 1 A S n' SUBJECT TITLE: Consideration of Ordinance to Demolish House— 6041606 S. Fayetteville Ave. PIN #: 1516-45-7909.000 Presenter: Chief Building Inspector Steven King Department: Planning & Inspections Description: Ordinance to Demolish Property Attachment: X Yes ❑ No Photographs of property Inspection Results Public Hearing Advertisement Date: PURPOSE: Chief Building Inspector Steven King has conducted an inspection at 6041606 S. Fayetteville Ave, and based upon his observations, the structure failed to comply with the minimum standards of fitness established by the Minimum Housing Code of the City of Dunn, The Building Inspector also found the dwelling dangerous or prejudicial to the public health or public safety and is a nuisance in violation of G.S. §160A-193. The owner of the property has failed to comply with the Building Inspector's order and according to N.C.G.S. §160A-443, the City Council has the power to proceed with the demolition of this property. This matter was tabled at the May 9, 2017, the July 11, 2017, the September 12, 2017, and the October 10, 2017 Council Meetings to be brought before the City Council at the December 12, 2017 Council Meeting to allow the property owner more time to make repairs on the dwelling. At this time, no additional inspections for repairs have been documented since the October 10, 2017 Council meeting. The repair/renovation of the dwelling remains at approximately 40% completed. Should Council decide to proceed with the demolition of the dwelling at 604/606 S. Fayetteville Ave., an ordinance (which is attached) would need approval directing the Building Inspector to remove or demolish said structure. BACKGROUND: BUDGET IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION/ACTION REQUESTED: Motion to allow more time for the renovation to be completed at the dwelling located at 604/606 S. Fayetteville Ave. (PIN # 1516-45-7909.000). " If orth ear oIiifa WjLjuNN city of dunn PLANNING AND INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT POST OFFICE BOX 1065 • DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA 26335 (910) 230-3505 ^ FAX (910) 230-9005 www.dunn-nc.org PROPERTY HISTORY: 604/606 S. Fayetteville Ave. (PIN#: 1516-45-7909.000) Owner: Zehn, LLC - Lee Brown Mayor Oscar N. Harris Mayor Pro Tern Billy Barfield Council Members Buddy Maness Dr. Gwen McNeill Frank McLean Billy Tart Chuck Tumage City Manager Steven Neuschafer Aneust 26, 2016 — The dwelling at 604/606 S. Fayetteville Ave. was condemned by City of Damn Inspection Department. Condemnation and Notice of Hearing letter was mailed to Zelm, LLC — Lee Brown advising of hearing date of Friday, September 2, 2016. September 2, 2016 — Hearing was held at 102 N. Powell Ave. Condemnation process was explained to Mr. Brown as well as the appeal process. September 7, 2016 — Order after hearing letter was mailed to Mr. Brown advising him to remedy the defective conditions within sixty (60) days. Also, a letter outlining the appeal process was mailed at this time. September 17, 2016 — Time period for appealing Building Inspector's decision expires. October 13, 2016 — Building permit applied for and issued for repairs to structure. November 6, 2010 — Original sixty (60) day time period expires for malting repairs or demolishing structure. November 30, 2016 — Site visit performed and work is still continuing on dwellings. Spoke with Mr. Brown on site and he stated that he was still working on the dwelling and would be at the December 13th, 2016 Council Meeting. Mr. Brown stated that approximately $15,000 has been spent on the repairs including a new roof covering, new windows and exterior doors, replacement of rotten wood siding, and a new floor system was currently being installed. December 13, 2016 — Scheduled for City Council to adopt ordinance directing the Inspection Department to remove or demolish unsafe building. December 13, 2016 — Property was brought before City Council and an additional sixty (60) days were granted for work to continue. An update of property was then scheduled for the March 14, 2017 Council Meeting. DUNN 1 f c rtt' na 19&9 jc 24U January 30, 2016 — Last building inspection performed on structure approving floor system installation. March 1, 2017 — Site visit was performed to take pictures and inspect progress that was being made. Floor system is completed with repairs continuing to exterior walls, replacement of windows, exterior wall sheathing being replaced. Mr. Brown informed me that an additional $5,000 has been put into the repairs on this structure bringing the total amount to approximately $20,000. March 14, 2017 - March City Council meeting to take place. Council voted to extend time until the May 2017 Council Meeting. May2, 2017 — Site visit was performed to take pictures and inspect progress that has been made. Exterior walls have been repaired and inside walls have been constructed. Plumbing contractor is scheduled to start on Thursday, May 4", and the electrical contractor is scheduled to start on Monday, May 81h, 2017. Mn 9, 2017 — May City Council meeting to take place. Council voted to grant additional time for repairs until the July 2017 Council Meeting. June 29, 2017 — Spoke with Mr. Brown by telephone to get an update on the property being there has been no progress since the May Council Meeting. He stated that he was having a hard time trying to find contractors since the ones he had originally backed out. He stated he would start installing vinyl siding on the dwelling after July 4`h, 2017. July 11, 2017 — July City Council meeting to take place. Council voted to grant additional time for repairs until the September 2017 Council Meeting. September 1, 2017 — Site visit was performed and photos of exterior were taken. September 5, 2017 — Spoke with Mr. Lee Brown by telephone to get an update on the property. Approximately 90% of the vinyl siding has been installed and the electrician is 80% completed on the rough -in. Mr. Brown's mother's passing has delayed progress on the dwelling. He stated he hoped to get back started on it in the coming weeks and was ready to get it completed. September 12, 2017 - September City Council meeting to take place. Council voted to grant additional time for repairs until the October 2017 Council meeting. October 3, 2017 — Met with Mr. Brown at dwelling unit to go over everything that has been done. The electrician is now complete with the rough -in portion and he is still waiting on the plumber to start the rough -in. Mr. Brown has purchased all the insulation for the house as well as the sheetroek. He is hoping the plumber will start any day. October 10, 2017 — October City Council meeting to take place. Council voted to grant additional time for repairs until the December 2017 Council meeting. November 30, 2017 — Spoke with Mr. Lee Brown about the property. He stated he was having some financial issues and has not made any more progress on the house. He is currently still looking for a plumber to install new plumbing in the house. December 12, 2017 — December City Council meeting to take place. cmvr�r vlafta Mayor ®N Ilk north carolin EI Oscar N. Harris NN Mayor Pro Te'Urn UJ. U Billy Bafield Council Members City of d n n n Buddy Maness Dr. Gwen McNeill POST OFFICE BOX 1065 • DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA 28335 Frank McLean Billy Tart (910) 230-3505 - FAX (910) 230-9005 Chock Tumage www.duiin-ne.org City Manager Steven Neoschafer AN ORDINANCE DIRECTING THE BUILDING INSPECTOR TO REMOVE OR DEMOLISH THE PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED AS AN UNSAFE BUILDING CONDEMNED PURSUANT TO N.C.G.S. §160A-426, ET SEQ. WHEREAS, that on August 26, 2016, the Building Inspector for the City of Dunn sent a notice to ZELM, LLC c/o Lee Brown, the owner(s) of record of property located at 604/606 S. Fayetteville Ave., noting that the property was in a condition that constitutes a fire and safety hazard, and is dangerous to life, health and property and was thereby condemned, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute §160A- 426, and noticed the property owner of a hearing on September 2, 2016 at the office of the Chief Building Inspector located at 102 North Powell Ave., Dunn, North Carolina pursuant to North Carolina General Statute §160A-429; and WHEREAS, on September 2, 2016 a hearing was conducted by the Chief Building Inspector Steven King, with Lee Brown, property owner, and Samantha Wullenwaber, Planning Director, in attendance. Following the completion of the hearing, the Chief Building Inspector entered an Order, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute §160-429, declaring that the property referenced above is in a condition that constitutes a fire or safety hazard and is dangerous to life, health or other property and ordering the property owner to repair or demolish the structure on the property within sixty (60) days of the date of such Order, being November 6, 2016; and WHEREAS, the owner of the above described property did not appeal the Order of the Building Inspector within the ten (10) day time period prescribed in North Carolina General Statute §160A- 430 and such Order is therefore a final Order; and WHEREAS, on November 29, 2016 and December 6, 2016, the City of Dunn published legal notices that a public hearing would be held before the Dunn City Council on December 13, 2016 to consider the adoption of this Ordinance, directing that the Building Inspector proceed with the demolition of the property described hereby, and that all costs incurred shall be a lien against such property, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute §160A-432; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Dunn, NC finds that the dwelling described herein is dangerous or prejudicial to the public health or public safety and is a nuisance in violation of North Carolina General Statute 160A-193; and WHEREAS, this dwelling should be removed or demolished, as directed the Chief Building Inspector, and is an unsafe building condemned as set forth in North Carolina General Statute § 160A-426 and constitutes a fire and safety hazard; and WHEREAS, the owner of this dwelling has been given a reasonable opportunity to repair or demolish the dwelling pursuant to an Order issued by the Building Inspector on September 7, 2016 and the owner has failed to comply with this order; NOW, THE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Dunn, North Carolina that: Section 1. The Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to place a placard on the exterior of the property described herein, containing the legend: "This building is unfit for human habitation and is a public nuisance; the use or occupation of this building for human habitation is prohibited and unlawful." On the building at the following address: 604/606 S. Fayetteville Ave., Dunn, NC 28334 PIN #: 1516-45-7909.000 PARCEL ID # 02IS1610390002 Section 2. The Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to proceed to remove or demolish the above described dwelling in accordance with his Order to the owner thereof dated the 7a' day of September, 2016 and in accordance with North Carolina General Statute §160A-432, based on the owner's failure to comply with such Order. Section 3. (a) The cost of removal or demolition shall constitute a lien against the real property upon which the cost was incurred. The lien shall be filed in the office of the City Tax Collector, and shall have the same priority and be collected in the same manner as the lien for special assessments in Article 10 of Chapter 160A of the North Carolina General Statutes, and such costs shall also be lien against any other real property owned by the owner of the property within the City of Dunn, North Carolina, or within one (1) mile of the City of Dunn city limits, except for the property owner's primary residence. (b) Upon completion of the required removal or demolition, the Building Inspector shall sell the useable materials of the dwelling and any personal property, fixtures, or appurtenances found in the building and credit the proceeds against the cost of removal or demolition. The Building Inspector shall certify the remaining balance to the Tax Collector. If a surplus remains after sale of the materials and satisfaction of the cost of removal or demolition, the Building Inspector shall deposit the surplus with the Harnett County Clerk of Superior Court where it shall be secured in the manner provided by North Carolina General Statute § 160A-432. Section 4. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove or cause to be removed the placard from any building to which it is affixed. It shall likewise be unlawful for any person to occupy or to permit the occupancy of any building therein declared to be unfit for human habitation. Section 5. This ordinance shall become effective upon its adoption Adopted this the 12" day of December, 2017 Oscar N. Harris, Mayor Attest: Jennifer Fortin City Clerk • 0 = October 3, 2017 9. egR .��4�.r�T, ., C xfi_ w� ,I -z I MA May 2, 2017 Comparisons November 30, 2016 March 1, 2017 DUNN DLINN �th � linii AO 1C1® V AlbAnericaCiti city. of Aunn All -America City 1City Council Agenda Form1 1989*2013 Meeting Date: December 12, 2017 1989*2013 SUBJECT TITLE: Consideration of Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Tax -Exempt Bonds for Pinewood Apartments, LLC Presenter: Mark Stephens Department: Finance Attachment: x Yes No Description: Resolution Public Hearinq Advertisement Date: PURPOSE: To consider resolution authorizing issuance of Tax -Exempt Bonds for Pinewood Apartments, LLC BACKGROUND: Per the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act a public hearing was required and approval must be granted by the governing body where the project lies for certain non -profits to issue tax-exempt bonds. this does not obligate the City in anyway financially. Other non-profit housing in the City of Duml are Dunn Housing Authority and Harnett Training School, LLC and both of them either pay taxes or payment in lieu of taxes. Since January 1, 2017 there has been 216 call for service to this complex. (Police only) BUDGETIMPACT: The property would be owned by a non-profit and would not pay City property taxes. The proposed resolution outlines a payment -in -lieu of taxes agreement. A one-time payment at closing which will be the payment for the first ten years. Thereafter at 11 years the owners agree to make a payment in lieu of taxes equal to that which would be owed the City in real property taxes for that year based upon the current value that year and each year after, as stipulated in the Resolution. RECOMMENDATION/ACTION REQUESTED: Rescind the previous Resolution (R2017-24) adopted at the November 14, 2017 Council meeting and dopt the Amended and Restated Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Tax -Exempt Bonds for Pinewood Apartments, LLC with the recommended changes regarding the payment in lieu of taxes. AMENDED AND RESTAIED SOLUTION WHEREAS, Pinewood Apartments, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company, or its successors or assigns (the "Borrower") has requested the Public Finance Authority (the "Issuer"), a Wisconsin bond issuing commission created under Sections 66.0301, 66,0303 and 66.0304 of the Wisconsin Statutes (the "Act") issue its Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds for the benefit of the Borrower (the "Bonds"); WHEREAS, in connection with the financing of the Project described below, the Issuer anticipates issuing the Bonds in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $14,500,000, a portion of which (in an amount not to exceed $11,200,000) will be used for the benefit of the Project and the balance of which will be used to finance three additional multifamily residential rental properties (i) two in North Carolina and (ii) one in Montana; WHEREAS, a portion of the proceeds of the Bonds will be used for the purpose of (a) financing the cost of acquisition and renovation of a multifamily residential rental property located at 400 Ponderosa Drive in Dunn, North Carolina and known as Pinewood Apartments (the "Project") and (b) paying certain costs of issuance of the Bonds; WHEREAS, in order to achieve interest savings, the Borrower desires that the Bonds be issued in compliance with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code") so that interest on the Bonds will be excludable from the gross income of the owners thereof; WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 66.0304(11)(a) of the Wisconsin Statutes, prior to their issuance, bonds issued by the Public Finance Authority must be approved by the governing body or highest ranking executive or administrator of the political jurisdiction within whose boundaries the project is to be located; WHEREAS, the Borrower has requested that the Dunn City Council (the "Council") approve the financing of the Project and the issuance of the Bonds in order to satisfy the requirements of Section 4 of the Amended and Restated Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement Relating to the Public Finance Authority, dated as of September 28, 2010 (the "Joint Exercise Agreement"), and Section 66.0304(11)(a) of the Wisconsin Statutes; WHEREAS, the TEFRA Notice was published in The Daily Record not less than 14 days prior to the date of the public hearing; WHEREAS, such public hearing was conducted in a manner that provided a reasonable opportunity to be heard for persons with differing views on both the issuance of the Bonds and the location and nature of the Project which is to be finances by the Bonds; WHEREAS, this Council is the elected legislative body of the City and is the applicable elected representative required to approve the issuance of the Bonds within the meaning of Section 147(f) of the Code; WHEREAS, the Council now desires toear�irnoved a Resolution dated Novemher 142017 immediately following a nubli�hearinz to r vide �al approval for the issuance of the Bonds waded a con ournose of satisfyyna the requirement of Section 147(f) of the Code; WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary and advisable that this Amend draw-L(W Resolution be adopted. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Project is located within the City of Dunn, North Carolina (the ".Jurisdiction"). The Project will be owned by the Borrower. The issuance of the Bonds by the Issuer in an aggregate amount not to exceed $14,500,000 (of which no more than $11,200,000 shall be allocated to the Project) is hereby approved for purposes of Section 147(f) of the Code. SECTION 2. A hearing open to the public was held on November 14, 2017, for which due and reasonable public notice was given to the Jurisdiction in accordance with the provisions of law and the procedures established therefor. SECTION 3. Such approval shall be solely for the purposes of Section 147(f) of the Code. The Jurisdiction shall have no liabilities for the payment of the Bonds nor shall any of its assets be pledged to the payment of the Bonds SEI'TION 4. 51Lch appimal ofthe Coun cil is ondi ioned on the Borrower ri rt lQsing on he u asc Qf the Proiert and the issuance of the Bonds executing an agreement. satisfactw3v to tbc mcil wherein the Burply r agrees to make an on -time zyment to the City of Dunn. North Carolina in the amount of $99.814 (the `PILOT Pay=nt"l. which is equip alent to )ha)Ybaj 3xould hayc bLga-thtamaunt owed for ad valorem taxes to the City of Dunn over a ten vear neriod if the Bonnwer or the Proiect were not tax-ex�mipt (discounted for the net Pat Yalu) The PJI OT Pavment is mad in consid ration of he services to be nroyided to the Perr ject by the City of Dunn and shall be delivered to the City within thirty days firm the date that a determination of tax xemntion is made with rupcct to the ProPwiect, Fathermore the agreement shall provide that following the initial ten year neriod until such date that the Brnrower sells or transfers the Proiert the payincut made in li a of taxes shall then he ;aid annually at an amount equivalent to what would have been the amount owed for ad valorem taxes to the City Dunn if the Borrower or the Project were not tax-exempt. SECTION-5- SETM This Resolution shall take effect and be in full force immediately after its adoption by the City Council. [Remainder of this page intentionally blank] 10364733 LD/ACR THIS RESOLUTION HAVING BEEN DULY CONSIDERED AND VOTED UPON WAS PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 4-4,th DAY OF evDE('F.MR R, 2017. ATTEST: By: Name: Title: THE CITY OF DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA By: Name: Title: S-1 All -America City �it, f du,. 11111.1i City Council Agenda Form 017 2013 Meeting Date: December _ _ SUBJECT TITLE: Financial Report Presenter: Finance Director Mark Ste Department: Finance Attachment: X Yes No Public Hearin Advertisement Date: PURPOSE: Description: Financial Update Attached please find the Financial Update as of October 31, 2017 for your review BACKGROUND: BUDGET IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION/ACTION REQUESTED: Y city of Bunn FINANCE DEPARTMENT POST OFFICE BOX 1065 9 DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA 28335 (910) 230-3500 ^ FAX (910) 230-3590 www.dunn-ne.org MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor, City Council Members From: Mark Stephens, Finance Director Subject: Financial Report Date: December 12, 2017 Mayor Oscar N. Ilarris Mayor Pro Tern Billy Barfield Council Members Buddy Maness Dr. Gwen McNeill Frank McLean Billy Tart Chuck Tumage City Manager Steven Neuschater • The City as of October 31, 2017 had $1,950,562 in cash in the General Fund and $2,703,792 in the Water -Sewer Fund. In October of 2016 the City had $1,502,786 in the General Fund and $2,241,137 in the Water and Sewer Fund. • Property tax collections through October were $670,231 or 17.46% of budget. Last year property tax collections through October were $734,378 or 19.87% of budget. • Sales Tax Revenue is $538,785 or 27.57% of budget. Benchmark for this month is 25.00% of budget. • Utilities Sales Tax is $166,376 or 22.39% of budget. Benchmark for this month is 25.00% of budget. • Building Permit Fees were $25,168 or 3 8.72% of budget. Benchmark for this month is 33.33% of budget. • Water and Sewer Revenues were $1,521,800 or 32.04% of budget. Benchmark for this month is 33.33% of budget. • Expenditures were 29.94% of budget in the general fund and 30.25% of budget in the water and sewer fund. The benchmark for this period is 33.33% of budget. DUNN AII�America City 1989 *2013 DI1NN NN ® _ DU Ail-Am eieaMi it, of a°"" 11 f113 it Council Agenda Form 1 1 �(IUi3 Meetingate® December 12, 2017 1989 SUBJECT TITLE: Tax Report, Planning & Inspections Report, Public Works Report, Recreation Report, Library Report &Police Report Presenter: City Manager Steven Neuschafer Department: Attachment: X Yes No Description: Monthly Reports Public Hearing Advertisement Date: N/A PURPOSE: Attached please find the following Monthly Reports for your review: A. Tax Report October, 2017 B. Planning & Inspections Report November, 2017 C. Public Works D. Recreation Report E. Library Report F. Police Report BACKGROUND: BUDGET IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION/ACTION REQUESTED: October, 2017 November, 2017 November, 2017 November, 2017 ➢layor north Carolina Oscar N. Harris Mayor Pro Tem U=U�-DUNN Billy Barfield Council Members city O f d U ri ri Buddy Maness Dr. Gwen McNeill FINANCE DEPARTMENT Frank McLean POST OFFICE BOX 1065 e DUNN NORTH CAROLINA 28335 Billy Tar Chuck Turnage (910) 230-3500 a FAX (910) 230-3590 City Manager vv w.dunn-nc.org Steven Neuschafer Current Year Tax Collection through October 31, 2017 2017 TAXES Downtown City Taxes Total Ad Valorem Levy $ 3,885,448 $ 35,668 $ 3,921,116 Collections thru October 2017 670,231 4,816 675,047 Taxes Receivable October 2017 3,215,217 30,852 3,246,069 Percentage Collected 17.25% 13.50% 17.22% LU-`Du N u�m�ommrzni r.,a[t>rr November 2017 J Monthly Development Report Planning & Inspections Department 1 102 N. Powell Ave., Dunn, NC 28334 1 phone 910-230-3503 1 fax 910-230-9005 I www.dunn-nc.org Permit Fees Collected Plans Reviewed 3 Demolitions 3 permits issued Certificate of Occupancy's 7 projects Issued Permits 5 Zoning Enforcement 0 Grant Information: • Continued working on the FY17-20 EPA Brownfields Grant. • Planning a bicycle rodeo with the police department at the local elementary school to deliver the grant awarded bicycle helmets. • Installed the Electric Vehicle Charging Station provided by a grant through Duke Energy. Liu, N N �m �on;nunih nNNrr C i Worked with the DDDC on the Downtown Associate Community Grant program. Presentations: Mrs. Wullenwaber was asked to speak at the 2017 Southeast Brownfields Conference and New Grantee EPA Brownfields workshop in Atlanta, GA for approximately 250 people. She discussed the accomplishments of the previous Brownfields grant and the new grant the city is starting. Code Enforcement Map November 2017 _ DuNN / .z ]aPe2 tommunt(r malinr Public Works Department I October 2017 1 Monthly Report 101 E. Cleveland St., Dunn, NC 28334 1 phone 910-892-2948 1 fax 910-892-8871 1 www.dunn-nc.org *Data from Mobile311 work order system (may not include all work performed) Leak Repair 12 Hydrant Maintenance/Repair 4 1 Flushine/Samoline 1 Sewer Stoppage 17 Sewer Construction 4 Water Construction 1 *Data from Mobile311 work order system (may not include all work performed) DUNN city of Jmm zr�era Comm vu4r moltrrz Public Works Department I October 2017 1 Monthly Report 101 E. Cleveland St., Dunn, NC 28334 1 phone 910-892-2948 1 fax 910-892-8871 1 www.dunn-nc.orx *Data from A.B. Uzzle Water Treatment Plant records and Finance Department billing. WWTP Building Maintenance 1 Total Million Gallons Treated 45.421 Rainfall in Inches 3.6 *Data from NC DEQ DMR documents, Black River Wastewater Treatment Plant records, and Mobile311 STAFF UPDATE Ian Stroud, Assistant Plant Superintendent at the A.B. Uzzle Water Treatment Plant, recently achieved level C-Distribution Certification. Dunn Parks & Recreation Department Monthly Review I Dunn Parks & Recreation 1205 Jackson Road, Dunn, NC 28334 1 (910) 892-2976 Phone (910) 892-7001 Fax I www.dunn-nc.grg November 2017 Dunn Parks & Recreation Facility Rentals, Programs & Etc. Numbers -- Rentals ----- Facility I ------____ Dunn Community Building Clarence Lee Tart Memorial Park 3 Nathan Harris Athletic Complex @ Tyler Park Baseball & Softball Field Rentals 4 Winter Registration Coed Instructional League 45 10U Boys 71 ------------- ----- 10U Girls --- � 27 -- 13U Boys 49 13U Girls 18 Total Registrations 210 P K Vyas Center _ New Memberships 0 jRenewed Memberships 33 Guest Membersbis 0 Adult Basketball 0 Batting Cage Rentals 0 Monthly Recreation Report 2,017 Dunn Parks & Recreation November Monthly Narrative Report Sports Programs: Termite football league (Instructional League) doesn't keep score at this age (6-8 years of age). Although score isn't keep parents keep up with their stats and this team was undefeated. Pee Wee football league (9-10 years of age) they were undefeated regular season and lost in the first round of the tournament. Midget football league (11-13 years of age) regular season were undefeated and lost in the first round of the county tournament. Our 13U boys soccer were the only team to win their tournament. Miracle League Our games started on Saturday, November 11th. There were a host of volunteers this season ranging from Campbell University Women's basketball league to travel baseball and softball leagues. Marathon Petroleum also provided a meal after a game. There were a total of four games this season. Miracle League leagues and games will return in the spring 2018. Winter Registrations: Registration for 2018 basketball ended on November 22nd Clarence Lee Tart Memorial Park We have three (3) unisex, one (1) being a family restroom. The restrooms will be open from dawn until 8:00 p.m. each night arrangements have been made to have the night attendant at the P. K. Vyas gym to lock them. November 2017 1 Monthly Library Report Dunn Public Library 1 110 E. Divine St., Dunn, NC 28334 1 phone 910-892-2899 1 fax 910-892-8385 www.dunn-nc.org/library DLINN m«,��m.*� November 2017 1 Monthly Development Report Dunn Police Department 1 401 East Broad St., Dunn, NC 28334 1 phone 910-230-3503 fax 910-230-9005 ( www.dunn-nc.org CID Narrative: On November 7`h 2017, 4 vehicles were stolen as reported by an outside agency. One of the stolen vehicles was involved in a hit and run incident @ approximately 09:20 in Dunn leading to its recovery. Throughout the day of 11/07/2017 Investigator A. Hinson was able to obtain a confession from one suspect which then led to the confessions of 2 other suspects due to the combined efforts of all available CID investigators. The result ended in the recovery of 4 vehicles having a total value of $49,540.00 and also solving crimes which occurred in multiple jurisdictions, and later with the positive identifications of all 4 suspects involved in an Armed Robbery that occurred at one of the Speedway locations in Dunn that occurred in October. DUNN v�i2 ��m�nily maflen Narcotics Narrative: The Narcotic's Division has conducted "Buy Operations" throughout the month of November using confidential informants. Two firearms were purchased by the informants and one of those firearms was reported stolen by a Dunn resident. e B o Speeding (Infraction) 78 Seat Belt 4 .Passenger Seat Belt Juvenile 1 No Operators License 14 Driving while License Revoked 31 Failure to Stop (Stop Sigh) 1 Running Red Light 4 Failure to reduce speed 1 Misdemeanor Arrests 50 Felony Arrests 13 Firearms Seized 0 Marijuana Seized .63 gm Cocaine Seized 3.65 gm Heroin Seized .10 gm Other Drugs Seized 40.25 du U.S. Currency Seized 0 Patrol Narrative: 1. ON NOVEMBER 6, 2017 OFFICER SIMMON'S RESPONDED TO400 PONDEROSA DR. APT 56 REFERENCE TO RAPE. JADE GOODMAN REPORTED THAT SHE WAS RAPED BYJOHN DOUGLAS HEHRY. CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS WAS CONTACTED AND INVESTIGATOR BRANNAN RESPONDED. 2. ON NOVEMBER 22, 2017 OFFICER MATOS RESPONDED TO 605 TILGHMAN DR. REFERENCE TO AN ATTEMPTED KIDNAPPING. UPON HIS ARRIVAL HE SPOKE WITH THE VICTIM LINDA ANNILUS. MS. ANNILUS REPORTED THAT SHE WAS SITTING IN FRONT OF THE KIDNEY CENTER WHEN TWO BLACK MALES DROVE UP. THE TWO MALES TOLD HER TO GET IN THE VEHICLE AND SHE DID NOT. SHE ADVISED WHEN THE HART'S VAN PULLED UP THE VEHICLE DROVE OFF. 3. ON NOVEMEBR 22, 2017 OFFICER BUTLER RESPONDED TO 105 SYAMORE IN REFERENCE TO CHILD ABUSE. UPON HIS ARRIVAL HE SPOKE WITH MELISSA PRESS. MS. PRESS REPORTED THAT SHE WITNESSED HER BOYFIREND INAPPROPIATLEY TOUCHING HIS THREE YEAR OLD DAUGHTER. INVESTIGATOR HINSON RESPONDED TO THE SCENE. JUVENILE MONTHLY REPORT Criminal Investigation Division Detective J. Brannan MONTH OF NOVEMBER 2017 TOTAL JUVENILE CASES CASES ASSIGNED: 14 14 CASES FILED INACTIVE: 00 00 CASES EXCEPTIONALLY CLEARED: 01 01 CASES CLEARED BY ARREST: 12 12 CASES UNFOUNDED: 00 01 TOTAL CASES CLOSED: 13 CURFEW WARNINGS 04 CURFEW VIOLATIONS 00 SPECIAL OPERATIONS WORDED: 0 COMMUNITY SERVICES/PRESENTATIONS: 0 VALUE OF RECOVERED PROPERTY: $0.00 VALUE OF NARCOTICS/MONIES SEIZED: $0.00 ARRESTS: (ADULT) FELONY: 06 (ADULT) MISDEMEANOR: 05 (JUV) FELONY: 01 (JUV) MISDEMEANOR: 13 TOTAL ARRESTS: FEL: 07 MISD: 18 C T' G r wco a 07 o = a E v0- O N LL. 4 3 ° t a rn m s � 0 2 L m 00 > O E � d R O O O C N W L .0 O C Z O n i. h a w z w U 0 J O o n. c� z Y z E) Q ❑ E T E " m Z w Q U O w co f m O O W 0 O CO O) N N E E .E E N T o 0 0 �t o utj m m = N N m ❑ N (j w L U N L U� N Lo U m C) m m U 0 O i U'. U = m LL ti O COD }" O N 00 N W M W Tf D s 0 o Q S O1 N C a W 0 U¢ O 0 w m U E E n � 0 m 3 m U m m m a` in ❑ �I e� Rd 0 a V Y L o LL U NW 3 ° s rL rn 0 N cc °c O > N 0 o N x Q i O _ 4O S W U E ` z u z O O m a C N d O N O o 0 > z m E o y N O m m m c c o 0 a � J N � O O v N J G � z � w p y O � o r y `o 4- a U o LL N V m� o a o O 02 m rn � a � O m m N N N m '>_ E E m � N N _aLLaa�,- ivuio L LL U) Q U -ill V w N ME Y c o U N N OU _c c L O 0 o .� 0 N N n w L a W F- O ] 71 N O d C A O c O C N U L � E 0 v E � Z N a w m U OI ry a` in o r s: r V; November 1, 2017 ANIMAL CONTROL ACTIVITIES #CALLS LOGGED: (complaints: 86 Citizen assist: 39) #DOGS PICKED UP: #DOGS LEFT IN POUND: September #DOGS RETURNED: #DOGS ADOPTED: #DOGS ESCAPED: #DOGS PUT TO SLEEP: #DOGS IN POUND: #DOG BITES REPORTED: #CAT BITES: #CATS QUARANTINED: #CATS PICKED UP: #CATS PUT TO SLEEP: #CATS ADOPTED: #CATS ESCAPED: #CATS RETURNED: #OTHER ANIMAL CALLS #WARNINGS ISSUED: October 2017 125 62 22 03 34 (29 by rescue) U 31 16 0 0 1 1 34 30 02 0 0 0 WRITTEN: 19 VERBAL: 25 MILEAGE: End of Month: 110539 Beginning of Month: 109923 Truck #55 616 Respectfully Submitted, Patti Lane Collins, Animal Control Officer CIVIL CITATIONS: 10 End of Month: 160220 Beginning of Month: 159339 Truck #56 881 City CouncH Agenda Formr r ® ee °n ate. December 12,2017, 1989 * 2013 1989 * 2013 SUBJECT TITLE: City Manager's Report Presenter: City Manager Neuschafer Department: Administration Attachment: Yes X No Description: City Update Public Hearing Advertisement Date: TOPIC: The City Manager will have an update on current City projects and issues. Librarian Mike Williams will be giving a brief update from the Library Department. Page I 1 Announcements December 12, 2017 City Council Meeting City of Dunn Offices Holiday Schedule Friday, Monday & Tuesday December 24th, 25th & 26th For Christmas Monday, January 1" For New Year's Day ➢ The next regular City Council Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 9, 2018 @ % : 00 pm Nov, a LUI I j:47Ylvl DUNN HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD MEETING 817 STEWART STREET IVO, IL IV Y, L MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2017 5:00 PM CHAIRMAN ERIC SINCLAIR CALLED THE MEETING TO ORDER AT 5:15 PM ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2017, UPON ROLL CALL THE FOLLOWING WERE PRESENT: CHAIRMAN SINCLAIR, VICE-CHAIRMAN LEE, COMMISSIONER DRAUGHON, COMMISSIONER HOLLOWAY AND SECRETARY DEBBIE WOODELL. COMMISSIONER LOIS DAIL WAS EXCUSED. THE MEETING WAS OPENED WITH A PRAYER BY CHAIRMAN SINCLAIR, MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING WERE READ AND APPROVED. FIRST MOTION WAS MADE BY VICE CHAIRMAN LEE AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DRAUGHON, AYES AND NAYS WERE AS FOLLOWS: AYES NAYS CHAIRMAN SINCLAIR VICE-CHAIRMAN LEE NONE COMMISSIONER DRAUGHON COMMISSIONER HOLLOWAY mrsHriliM.M.T.Twol OCCUPANCY REPORT: TOTAL RENT FOR OCTOBER WAS $31,419.00. AVERAGE RENT PER UNIT WAS $281.96. SINCE THE LAST MEETING THERE WERE THREE MOVE -INS, FOUR MOVE -OUTS AND NO TRANSFERS. THERE WERE THREE VACANT UNITS AND ONE (HUD APPROVED) UNIT OFF LINE. THERE WAS ONE RESIDENT ACCOUNT TO BE CHARGED OFF (SYLVIAAVERITTE IN THE AMOUNT OF $57.00) TO BE CHARGED OFF. VICE-CHAIRMAN LEE MADE FIRST MOTION TO CHARGE OFF THE ACCOUNT AND WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DRAUGHON. AYES AND NAYS WERE AS FOLLOWS: AYES NAYS CHAIRMAN SINCLAIR VICE-CHAIRMAN LEE NONE COMMISSIONER DRAUGHON COMMISSIONER HOLLOWAY MOTION CARRIED. IVov, Ltl. LUII j:4)rm IVo, I / I U Y, j CHARGE OFFS YEAR TO DATE ARE $ 6881,00, THERE WERE FEW COMMENTS CONCERNING THE LARGE AMOUNT OF CHARGE OFFS IN COMPARISON WITH PREVIOUS YEARS, SECRETARY WOODELL TOLD THE BOARD THE HIGH RENTAL RATES WERE THE MAIN REASON FOR THE LARGE CHARGE OFF AMOUNTS. THERE WERE NO RECOVERIES FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER. TOTAL RECOVERIES YEAR -TO DATE ARE $1184.75. THE BOARD REVIEWED COPIES OF THE WORK ORDER SUMMARIES FOR THE MONTH. THERE WERE FEW COMMENTS. THE FINANCIAL BALANCE SHEETS REVIEWED FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 2017. SECRETARY WOODELL MENTIONED THE REPORT WAS NO LONGER LATE DUE TO THE CPA, BRENT UMPHLETT BEING ABLE TO POST THEM TO THE ONLINE PORTAL INSTEAD OF MAILING THEM AND THESE REPORTS ARE NOW EASILY ACCESSED, AFTER REVIEWING THE FINANCIAL SHEETS FOR THE MONTH, VICE-CHAIRMAN LEE MADE MENTION OF THE BUDGET AMOUNTS BEING OVER IN MANY AREAS AND UNDER IN OTHER AREAS. SECRETARY WOODELL ADVISED THE BOARD THAT IT WAS TIME FOR THE ANNUAL BUDGET REVISION AND SHE WAS WAITING ON AN APPOINTMENT WITH THE CPA, VICE CHAIRMAN LEE ASKED THE SECRETARYTO TALK WITH THE CPA AND GET A BREAKDOWN OF LINE ITEMS. SECRETARY WOODELL TOLD THE BOARD SHE WOULD CONTACT BRENT UMPHLETT AND GET MORE DETAILED INFORMATION AND REPORT BACK TO THE BOARD. THERE WERE NO OTHER COMMENTS. COMMUNICATIONS: A LETTER FROM THE NC DEPARTMENT OF STATE TREASURER CONCERNING THE AUDIT FOR FYE 12/32/2016 WAS DISCUSSED. CHAIRMAN SINCLAIR STATED HE HAD NEVER SEEN THESE LETTERS BEFORE. SECRETARY WOODELL SAID SHE HAD NOT EITHER AND HAD SPOKEN WITH THE AUDITOR AND CPA CONCERNING THE LETTER, MR, UMPHLETT STATED IT WAS A NEW PROCEDURE IMPLEMENTED BY THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA TO CONFIRM THE AUDIT WAS COMPLETE AND THERE WERE NO FINDINGS, THERE WERE NO ADDITIONAL COMMENTS. THE BOARD ALSO REVIEWED A COPY OFTHE FINAL INSPECTION REPORT PRESENTED BY RICH LARSEN OF STOGNER ARCHITECTURE. THERE WERE FEW COMMENTS CONCERNING THE COMPLETION OF THE HVAC/ATTIC INSULATION PROJECTAND IT WAS NOTED THATTHE HOUSING AUTHORITY WAS AWAITING THE FINAL BILLING FOR THE WORK DONE MINUS SOME WORK THAT WAS UNACCEPTABLE BY THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR THAT WOULD BE FINISHED BYTHE DHA MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENTAND BILLED BACK TO MOSER MECHANICAL, SECRETARY WOODELL ADVISED THE BOARD THAT ONE OF THESE ITEMS WAS A CEILING AT 305 MCNEIL CIRCLE. SHE TOLD THE BOARD THAT AFTER DISCUSSING THE CEILING WITH MR, LARSEN IT WAS FEASIBLE TO ALLOW MAINTENANCE TO REPAIR CEILING AFTER MOSER MECHANICAL HAD NOT MADE THE PROPER REPAIRS FOLLOWING TWO (2) ATTEMPTS. SHE TOLD THE BOARD IT WAS NOTED ON EACH INSPECTION AND JONATHAN COULD MAKE REPAIRS. THERE WERE NO OTHER COMMENTS. OTHER BUSINESS THERE WAS SOME DISCUSSION CONCERNING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NO SMOKING POLICY. SECRETARY WOODELLTOLD THE BOARD THAT SHE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE THE POLICY IN PLACE NO LATER THAN JULY 15T, 2018 AND THE OFFICE STAFF WAS WORKING WITH THE HARNETT COUNTY HEALTH 2 Nov. 2d. YU I hA J ; 47FNf AND OTHER AGENCIES IN ORDER TO GET THE RESIDENTS EDUCAt' L JUT r' ,,.4NEW POLICY. SECRETARY WOODELL STATED SHE HAD TALKED WITH OTHER DIRECTORS AND SOME WERE DECIDING ON MAKING THEIR PROPERTIES COMPLETELY SMOKE FREE WHILE OTHERS WERE ALLOWING SMOKING AT LEAST TWENTY-FIVE FEET FROM BUILDINGS. VICE CHAIRMAN LEE SAID HE HAD SPOKEN WITH OTHER DIRECTORS AND COMMISSIONERS AND MOST HAD STATED THEY WERE GOING TO BE COMPLETELY SMOKE -FREE INSTEAD OF ALLOWING RESIDENTS TO SMOKE TWENTY-FIVE FEET FROM THE BUILDINGS, IT WAS MENTIONED THAT ANOTHER CHOICE WAS TO SET UP SMOKING AREAS TO ALLOW RESIDENTS TO SMOKE. SECRETARY WOODELL SAID SHE DID NOT LIKE THE IDEA OF SMOKING AREAS BECAUSE IT WOULD LIKELY BE AN EYE -SORE AND AN AREATHAT WAS HARD TO KEEP CLEANED UP. AFTER BEING POLLED, CHAIRMAN SINCLAIR, VICE-CHAIRMAN LEE, COMMISSIONER DRAUGHON STATED THEY WOULD LIKE TO SEE THE PROPERTY COMPLETELY SMOKE -FREE. COMMISSIONER HOLLOWAY MENTIONED THATTHE SMOKE FREE POLICY WAS NOT BEING FAIRTO PEOPLE WHO HAD BEEN SMOKING FOR A LONG PERIOD OF TIME AND IT WAS TELLING PEOPLE WHO .CLAIMED PUBLIC HOUSING AS THEIR HOME WHERE THEY PAY RENT WHAT THEY COULD AND COULD NOT DO. AFTER SOME DISCUSSION, IT WAS THE DECISION OF THE MAJORITY OF THE BOARD TO MAKE DUNN HOUSING AUTHORITY PROPERTY SMOKE FREE. AYES AND NAYS WERE AS FOLLOWS: AYES CHAIRMAN SINCLAIR VICE-CHAIRMAN LEE COMMISSIONER DRAUGHON MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION #: 2017-05 NAYS COMMISSIONER HOLLOWAY WITH NO FURTHER BUSINESS TO BE DISCUSSED, THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED. l� ERIC L. SINCLAIR, SR. CHAIRMAN DEBBIE•N, WOODELL SECRETARY tiov, a aII i147rivi i- IVO. ILIV r, 7 , aK r PHA Board Resolution U.S. Department of Housing y t� �i=� ,:,is OMB No. 2557-002e J Approving Operating Budget and Urban Development (exp. 10/31/2D08J Office of Public and Indian Housing - Pik V 4`: l l s ) Real Estate Assessment Cantor (PIH-READ) 0 mf �f� �U ORIGINAL BUDGET FYE 1213112D1a Public reporting burden far this collection of Information Is estimated to average in mimics per response, including ma time for reviewing inalluption, saprchinp eedsting dab sovrces, gethsting and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the oellcction or information. Thla agency may not coilecrihis infbrmaeoh, and you a re car raquirod to respond to complete this form, unless it 41apl9y8 a valid OMB control numhcr, This Information la required by section 6(c)(4) bf the U.S. Housing Ad of 107. The information la the opereting budget for the low•Irecomo housing program and provides a summary of prolmsed/budgated recepea and expenditures, approval of budgeted receipts and expenditures, and Juatinptlon or ccd in speoNed emovii HUD revlak9 the information to determine Ir the operating plan adopted by the pubiio housing agency (PHA) and the amounts are reasonable and that the PHA is in compliance with procedures prescribed by HUb. Responses are required to oblate b0n>{le, This information does not lend Ilaeif to coandendailty. PHA Name: DUNN HOUSING AUTHORITY PHA Code: N C 0 7 9 PHA Fiscal Year Beginning_ JANUARY 1, 2018 Board Resolution Number: 010 M r 0T Acting on behalf of the Board of Commissioners of the above -named PHA as its Chairperson, I make the following certifications and agreement to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regarding the Board's approval of (check one or more as applicable): DATE Qx Operating Budget approved by Board resolution on: JJ. ,? J , 'i p try Operating Budget submitted to HUD, if applicable, on: ® Operating Budget revision approved by Board resolution on: Operating Budget revision submitted to HUD, if applicable, on: I certifiy on behalf of the above -named PHA that: 1. All regulatory and statutory requirements have been met; 2. The PHA has sufficient operating reserves to meet the working capital needs of its developments; 3. Proposed budget expenditures are necessary in the efficient and economical operation of the housing for the purpose o serving low-income residents; 4. The budget indicates a source of funds adequate to cover all proposed expenditures; 5, The PHA will comply with the wage rate requirement under 24 CFR 968.110(c) and (f); and 6. The PHA will comply with the requirements for access to records and audits under 24 CFR 968.1100). I hereby certify that all the information stated within, as well as any information provided in the accompaniment herewith, if applicable, is true and accurate. Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements- Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012.31, U.S.0 3729 and 3802) Print Board Cheitperami'e Name: Signature: R r es 1 . i NG/,ii.e, 2. C/- g/�c��b,-^—. Previous editions are obsolete form HUb-52574 (0812005) Nov, /d. LU I / j:4bl'M ybb 0`4tio. I21U .9 rl; b PHA Board Resolution U,9. Department of Heusio0 �(y OMB No. 2557-0026 Approving Operating Budget and Urban Development 1„ t (V-V (exp. 1013112009) Office of Public and Indian Housing - Real Estate Assessment Center (PI H-REAG) ' AMENDED BUDGET FYE 12131/2017 Public reporting burden for this collection or Information It estimated to avcmge 10 minutes per response, Including the time (or rawarwing Insirumlona, searehurri m existing data sources, gaedng and nugotening the data noedod, end completing and reviewing the collemlon of Information. This agency may not coilcotthis Information, anti you are not required to respond to complete this form, unless I[ displays a valid Diva control number. This Information is required by section e(c)(q) of the U,s. Housing Act of 1937. The infamellon la the operating budget for the low-income housing program and provides a summary of pro{+gt<dlbVdgeted scsipts and expenditures, approval of budgeted receipts and axpenditurea, And Itlttinpaggn of certain specified amounts. HUD «views lira information to determine If the operating plan adopted by the public housing agvmy(PHA) and IN amounts are reasonable and that the PHA is in compliance with procedures prescribed by HUD. Reeponees are required to obiein boncfits. This information does not lend Itself to confidentially. PHA Name: DUNN HOUSING AUTHORITY PHA Code: N C 0 7 9 PHA Fiscal Year Beginning: JANUARY 1, 2017 Board Resolution Number: j A 1 i - d 7 Acting on behalf of the Board of Commissioners of the above -named PHA as Its Chairperson, I make the following certifications and agreement to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regarding the Board's approval of (check one or more as applicable): DATE Operating Budget approved by Board resolution on: Operating Budget submitted to HUD, If applicable, on: nxx Operating Budget revision approved by Board resolution on: // - ai /- e9D 1'� Operating Budget revision submitted to HUD, if applicable, on: I certifiy on behalf of the abovtrnamed PHA that: 1. All regulatory and statutory requirements have been met; 2. The PHA has sufficient operating reserves to meet the working capital needs of its developments; 3. Proposed budget expenditures are necessary in the efficient and economical operation of the housing for the purpose o serving low-income residents; 4. The budget indicates a source of funds adequate to cover all proposed expenditures; 5. The PHA will comply with the wage rate requirement under 24 CFR 968A 10(c) and (f); and 6. The PHA will comply with the requirements for access to records and audits under 24 CFR 968.110(i). I hereby certify that all the information stated within, as well as any information provided in the accompaniment herewith, if applicable, is true and accurate. Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties_ (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012.31, U.S.0 3729 and 3802) Print Board Chairperson's Name; Signature: Date; O�A(414 Or 0 � al 7- Previous editions are obsolete form HUD-52574 (08/2005) Nov, 2d. 201 / 3:461`M No, 1Z10 Y. / DUNN HOUSING AUTHORITY SPECIAL CALLED MEETING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 02, 2017 BOARD CHAIRMAN ERIC SINCLAIR, SR. CALLED THE MEETING TO ORDER AT 10:00 AM ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 01, 2017, THE MEETING WAS OPENED WITH A PRAYER BY CHAIRMAN SINCLAIR. UPON ROLL CALL, ALL MEMBERS AND SECRETARY WERE PRESENT. THE PURPOSE OF THE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING WAS TO PRESENTTHE BOARD WITH A COPY OF THE (PROPOSED) AMENDED BUDGET, AFTER DISCUSSION OF THE PROPOSED REVISION, THE BOARD APPROVED A 3%SALARY INCREASE. A FIRST MOTION WAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER EDDIE DRAUGHON AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LOIS DAIL. RESOLUTION 2017-06. WITH NO FURTHER BUSINESS TO BE BROUGHT BEFORE THE BOARD, WE WERE DISMISSED BY CHAIRMAN SINCLAIR. n Eric L. Sinclair Deb ie N, Woodell Board Chairman Executive Director Nov. Ztl. ZU I I i:46rM IVo. ILIU r o Dunn Housing Authority RESOLUTION 2017-05 APPROVAL OF NO -SMOKING POLICY WHEREAS, HUD regulations require the Dunn Housing Authority to comply with Federal Register CFR 24 965.653, Smoking Policy in Public Housing; WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners reviewed the guidelines and regulations of said policy; WHEREAS, The Dunn Housing Authority has discussed all options of Smoking Policy; WHEREAS, all tenants have been notified of No -Smoking Policy during meetings and by letter; WHEREAS, it was the decision of the Dunn Housing Authority Board that all properties of Dunn Housing Authority will become smoke free by HUD deadline of July 181h, 2018, Now, Therefore Be It Resolved by the Board of Commissioners meeting in regular session on Monday, October 19, 2017 at 5:00 PM 817 Stewart Street Dunn, NC Dunn Housing Authority's Smoke -Free Housing Policy will be in full effect no later than July 18, 2018. Eric L. Sinclair, Sr Board Chairman Debbie N. Woodell Secretary Nov, Zd, ZU I / j:gorm No, IZIU Y. y DUNN HOUSING AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 2017-004-A Board Approval of New Violence Against Women's Act. WHEREAS, Dunn Housing Authority Board of Commissioners have reviewed a copy of the Violence Against Women's Act (VAWA) in accordance with HUD Guidelines as noted in Federal Register See 24 CFR 5.2005(e)(12); WHEREAS, a;; residents of Dunn Housing Authority were notified of the policy updates and a thirty -day comment period was allowed for residents. WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners have agreed to accept and implement -the updated policy concerning new requirements of the VAWA; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Dunn Housing Authority meeting in regular session, Monday, May 15, 2017 at 5:30 PM that said VAWA Policy become effective immediately. CLZ a -,- Eric L. Sinclair, Sr. Debbie J. Ne Kris Board Chairman Secretary CLOSED SESSION CRITERIA (Specify one or more of the following permitted reasons for closed sessions) Move that we go into closed session in accordance with: [N.C.G.S. 143-318.11(a)(1)] Prevent the disclosure of privileged information Under the North Carolina General Statutes or regulations. Under the regulations or laws of the United States. [N.C.G.S. 143-318.11(a)(2)] Prevent the premature disclosure of an honorary award or scholarship [N.C.G.S. 143-318.11(a)(3)] Consult with the Attorney To protect the attorney -client privilege. To consider and give instructions concerning a potential or actual claim, administrative procedure, or judicial action. To consider and give instructions concerning a judicial action titled vs [N.C.G.S. 143-318.11(a)(4)] To discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of business in the area served by this body. [N.C:G.S. 143-318.11(a)(5)] To establish or instruct the staff or agent concerning the negotiation of the price and terms of a contract concerning the acquisition of real property located at (OR) To establish or instruct the staff or agent concerning the negotiations of the amount of compensation or other terms of an employment contract. [N.C.G.S. 143-318.11(a)(6)] To consider the qualifications, competence, performance, condition of appointment of a public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee. (OR) To hear or investigate a complaint, charge, or grievance by or against a public officer or employee. [N.C.G.S. 143-318.11(a)(7)] To plan, conduct, or hear reports concerning investigations of alleged criminal conduct. School violence 143-318.11(a)(8) and terrorist activity (9).