010305m `HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Regular Meeting January 3, 2005 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, January 3, 2005, in Courtroom 6, Harnett County Courthouse, 301 West Cornelius Harnett Boulevard, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: Teddy J. Byrd, Chairman Beatrice B. Hill, Vice Chairman Dan B. Andrews Walt Titchener Tim McNeill Staff present: Neil Emory, County Manager Wm. A. (Tony) Wilder, Assistant County Manager Dwight W. Snow, County Attorney Vanessa W. Young, Finance Officer Kay S. Blanchard, Clerk to the Board Chairman Byrd called the meeting to order and Commissioner McNeill led the pledge of allegiance and prayer. Commissioner Titchener moved to approve the agenda as published. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Upon motion by Commissioner McNeill and seconded by Commissioner Andrews, the Board unanimously approved the following items on the consent agenda: 1. Minutes: Regular Meeting, December 6, 2005 Reconvened Meeting, December 17, 2005 2. Budget Amendments: 218 Sheriff (Fund 110-General) Code 110-0000-356.30-00 Insurance Reimbursement 165. increase 110-5100-420.43-21 Maintenance & Repair Auto 65. increase 110-5100-420.60-33 Materials & Supplies 100. increase 219 Workforce Development/Job Link (Fund 110-General) Code 110-7404-465.12-00 Salaries & Wages, p.t. 28,087. increase 110-7404-465.22-00 FICA Tax Expense 2,152. increase 110-7404-465.32-72 Support Services 24,963. increase 110-7404-465.32-73 Training Vouchers 11,189. increase 110-7404-465.33-45 Contracted Services 58,782. increase 110-7404-465.41-11 Telecommunications & Postage 2,500. increase 110-7404-465.41-13 Utilities 1,000. increase 110-7404-465.43-16 Maint. & Repair-Equip. 1,000. increase 110-7404-465.54-26 Advertising 1,100. increase 110-7404-465.55-12 Printing & Binding 1,000. increase 110-7404-465.58-01 Training & Meetings 1,400. increase 110-7404-465.60-31 Gas, Oil & Auto Supplies 650. increase 110-7404-465.60-33 Materials & Supplies 4,771. increase 110-7404-465.60-53 Dues & Subscriptions 250. increase 110-7404-465.74-74 Capital Outlay-Equip. 2,000. increase 110-7404-465.26-08 Worker’s Compensation 421. increase 110-0000-331.74-04 Workforce Investment Act 141,265. increase 220 Public Utilities (Fund 531-HCDPU) Code 531-9000-431.90-65 Interfund Transfer-Hwy 87 Sewer Improvement Project 100,000. increase 531-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 100,000. increase 221 Hwy 87 Sewer Improvements Project (Fund 555-“PU022B”) Code 555-9100-431.45-80 Contingency 100,000. increase 555-0000-389.50-00 Interfund Transfer-HCDPU 100,000. increase 222 Hwy 87 Sewer Improvements Project (Fund 555-“PU022B”) Code 555-9100-431.45-80 Contingency 2,202. increase 555-0000-314.50-00 Sales Tax 2,202. increase 223 Public Utilities (Fund 531-HCDPU) Code 531-9000-431.25-10 Unemployment Benefits 8,177. increase 531-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 8,177. increase 224 RSVP (Fund 110-General) Code 110-0000-535.15-00 Contributions & Donations-RSVP 160. increase 110-7510-441.32-13 RSVP Special Projects 160. increase 226 Health (Fund 110-General) Code 110-7600-441.60-33 Materials & Supplies 500. increase 110-0000-353.76-05 Donations-Health Dept. 500. increase 227 Health (Fund 110-General) Code 110-7600-441.33-45 Contracted Services 4,284. decrease 110-7600-441.55-12 Printing & Binding 200. increase 110-7600-441.58-01 Training 150. increase 110-7600-441.58-14 Travel 600. increase 110-7600-441.60-33 Materials & Supplies 250. increase 110-0000-353.76-01 Teens As Parents 3,084. decrease 230 General Services (Fund 110-General) Code 110-0000-356.30-00 Insurance Claim 382. increase 110-4600-410.43-21 Maintenance & Repair-Auto 382. increase 232 Board of Elections (Fund 110-General) Code 110-4300-410.60-33 Materials & Supplies 360. increase 110-4300-410.74-74 Capital Outlay 5,199. increase 110-0000-331.43-01 Help America Vote 5,559. increase 233 Teens as Parents (Fund Code 110-7313-465.11-00 Salaries & Wages 18,900. increase 110-7313-465.22-00 FICA Tax Expense 1,446. increase 110-7313-465.26-08 Workman’s Compensation 284. increase 110-7313-465.23-00 Retirement 924. increase 110-7313-465.23-01 Supplemental Retirement 1,115. increase 110-7313-465.21-00 Group Insurance 2,514. increase 110-7313-465.58-14 Travel 1,816. increase 110-0000-334.73-13 Teens As Parents 26,999. increase 234 Planning (Fund 110-General) Code 110-0000-356.72-01 Community Development 4,135. increase 110-7200-465.74-74 Capital Outlay 4,135. increase 236 Public Assistance (Fund 110-General) Code 110-7710-441.88-35 Links Special 10,000. increase 110-0000-330.77-06 Links Special 10,000. increase 110-7710-441.80-50 Day Care Subsidy 462,683. increase 110-0000-330.77-04 Day Care Subsidy 462,683. increase 237 Governing Body (Fund 110-General) Code 110-4100-410.30-04 Professional Services 50,000. increase 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 50,000. increase 238 Interfund Transfer (Fund 110-General) Code 110-8701-490.90-46 Interfund Trans. Indust. Parks 20,370. increase 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 20,370. increase 239 Industrial Parks Capital Project (Fund 314-“CP0402”) Code 314-8305-465.45-06 Construction-E. Edgerton 20,370. increase 314-0000-389.10-00 Interfd. Trans.-General Fund 20.370. increase 240 Interfund Transfer (Fund 110-General) Code 110-8701-490.90-46 Interfund Trans.-Indust. Parks 50,130. increase 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 50,130. increase 241 Industrial Parks Capital Project (Fund 314-“CP0402”) Code 314-8300-465.45-01 Construction-W.Harnett 19,434. increase 314-8300-465.45-06 Construction-E. Edgerton 30,696. increase 314-0000-389.10-00 Interfund Trans.-General Fund 50,130. increase 242 Interfund Transfer (Fund 110-General) Code 110-8701-490.90-66 Interfund Transfer-Agricultural Center/Animal Control Facility 160,694. increase 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 160,694. increase 243 Agri Center/Animal Control Capital Project (Fund 370-“CP0501”) Code 370-8301-465.90-10 Interfd Trans.-Gen. Fund 160,694. increase 370-0000-389.10-00 Interfd Trans.-Gen. Fund 160,694. increase 244 General (Fund 110-General) Code 110-8701-490.90-07 Interfund Transfer-Airport Old Stage Rd. Relocation Project 200,000. increase 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 200,000. increase 245 Airport Old Stage Rd. Relocation Capital Project (Fund 367-“CP0305”) Code 367-8360-465.90-10 Interfund Transfer-Gen. Fd. 200,000. increase 367-0000-389.10-00 Interfund Transfer-Gen. Fd. 200,000. increase 3. Tax refunds and releases (Attachment 1) 4. Resolution recognizing Eagle Scout Matthew Pope (Attachment 2) 5. Agreement with Marziano & Minier, PA, for engineering services for spray field modifications regarding the Carolina Lakes Sprayfield Extension Project. The fee for the scope of this agreement is $30,000. 6. Project ordinance for Carolina Lakes Sprayfield Extension Project (Attachment 3) 7. Write-offs for delinquent Public Utilities accounts for the forth quarter of 2004. All of these accounts have been in a delinquent status for more than three years and total $11,601.71. Note: over $41,000.00 of bad debt previously written off has been received through the Debt-Setoff Program 8. Authorization to terminate a contract with Sandhills Grading and Pipe due to default regarding the Titan Extension Wastewater Project on Hwy 401 South. Termination of the referenced contract is for cause pursuant Article 15.02 of the contract. Counsel for Sandhills was notified that the Board of Commissioners rd would consider this matter at its regular meeting on January 3. Before the Board considered the consent agenda items, Chairman Byrd asked if anyone was present at the meeting representing Sandhills. No one was and Chairman Byrd proceeded with the meeting. 9. Authorization for Coats Grove Fire and Rescue to use the County’s Fleet Identification Number in the purchase of a new ambulance. 10. Authorization for Emergency Medical Service to surplus two LIFEPAK 11 monitor/defibrillators that were acquired from the Angier-Black River transition. The County uses the Zoll-M brand of monitor and has no use for the LIFEPAK 11. The two surplus monitor/defibrillators will be disposed of with a private sale in accordance with General Statute 160A-267. 11. Resolutions to award service weapons to Tommy Williford and Johnny Hawley, deputy sheriff retirees. (Attachment 4) 12. Public hearing scheduled regarding the County’s performance of the FY 2002 Scattered Site Housing Grant-02-C0955. Twelve (12) houses were rehabilitated and all grant money has been expended. A public hearing is required prior to closeout of the grant. The public hearing is scheduled for January 18, 2005 at the regular Board of Commissioners meeting. Two public hearings scheduled prior to submission of an application for a CDBG FY 2005 Scattered Site Housing Grant. SSH funds can be used for rehabilitation of low and moderate income owner-occupied housing located anywhere in the County. The towns of Angier, Coats, Dunn, Erwin, and Lillington are expected to participate in this program as they did in the FY 02 program. The public hearings are scheduled for January 18, 2005 and February 21, 2005 at the regular Board of Commissioners meetings. 13. Contract awarded to Ellis-Walker Builders, Inc. of Fayetteville for construction of Agriculture Building and Animal Control Shelter addition in the amount of $2,907,178.00. The contract will be executed after review and approval by the architect and the county attorney. 14. Resolution approving financing terms for the Agriculture Center/Animal Control Facility addition construction project (Attachment 5) 15. Authorization for Emergency Medical Services to submit an application for a non- matching bioterrorism and State Medical Assistance Team III grant from the North Carolina Office of Emergency Medical Services. 16. Authorization for Cooperative Extension to submit an application for a grant of $10,000 from Points of Light Foundation (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service grant) The grant will be used to strengthen the capacity of minority organizations to reduce the incidence of diabetes and increase the awareness of diabetes education among high risk populations. Authorization for Cooperative Extension to submit an application for a grant of $7,500 from the National 4-H Council, Healthy Lifestyles Program to strengthen families and children to reduce the incidence of diabetes and increase the awareness of diabetes education in their family life. In the informal comments portion of the meeting, Floyd Hein, 411 Rainey Drive, Spring Lake, discussed concerns with proposed placement of a sewer line in Twin Lakes subdivision. Commissioner Hill moved for the appointments listed below. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Harnett County Public Library Board of Trustees Margaret House for a 3-year term to expire 1-1-08 Edward Menichella, Jr. for a 3-year term to expire 1-1-08 both nominated by Chairman Byrd Mid-Carolina Workforce Development Board Truitt Underhill for a 2-year term to expire 1-31-07 nominated by Commissioner McNeill Lee-Harnett Mental Health Board Tim McNeill for a 4-year term to expire 1-31-09 Commissioner Titchener appointed Tim McNeill in concurrence with Lee County Commissioner Amy Stevens. Neil Emory, County Manager, and Charles Hill, Human Resources Director, presented for the Board’s consideration a proposed updated and amended Personnel Ordinance and Manual. After discussion, Commissioner Hill moved to adopt the new Personnel Ordinance and Manual with one change as suggested by Commissioner McNeill. The change is to Section 4. Job Advertisements: delete the last sentence and replace it with “All regular full-time vacancies will be posted in a manner that will provide county-wide coverage.” Commissioner McNeill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Jennifer Walker, Cooperative Extension Director, introduced new employees, Lynn Lambert, 4-H Agent and Dan Campeau, Area Poultry Agent. A departmental report was filed with the Board from Emergency Medical Services. Mr. Emory reported to the Board on the following items: - The Angier/Black River and Duncan area of the County was identified as suitable to join and was invited to be a part of the NC Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). The Town of Angier chose to accept the invitation, therefore all of that portion of the County that was identified will join. The rest of the County will remain in the Rural Planning Organization (RPO) administered by Mid-Carolina Council of Government. - On-going discussion with Northern Harnett Rescue Board of Directors regarding proposed move of rescue operation (manned by Harnett County EMS) to the new Northwest Fire Department facility - Attorney Al Bain will chair Harnett County’s Sesquicentennial Celebration Planning Committee. There being no further business, Vice Chairman Hill moved to adjourn. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners’ regular meeting, January 3, 2005, adjourned at 9:25 a.m. _________________________________ Teddy J. Byrd, Chairman _________________________________ Kay S. Blanchard, Clerk to the Board Attachment 1. Attachment 2. Attachment 3. Attachment 4. Attachment 5.