CC_PJs denial statement Proposed Zoning Change: Case # PLAN 1908-0002 Landowner: JPF Properties, LLC Applicant: PJ’s Truck Bodies & Equipment Request: 2.15 acres from RA-20M to Commercial Location: 1560 George Lee Perry Rd; Averasboro Township Pin: #1537-17-7973 Meeting Date: September 16, 2019 Statement-of-Consistency The requested rezoning to Commercial is not compatible with all of the Harnett County regulatory documents and would not enhance the general, overall welfare of the surrounding community due increased traffic and the residential atmosphere adjoining this 2.15 acre area. Therefore the Harnett County Commissioners DENY this rezoning request. _______________________________ Gordon Springle, Chairman ATTEST: ____________________________________ Margaret Regina Wheler, Clerk to the Board