CC_Butts approval statement Proposed Zoning Change: Case # PLAN1908-0001 Landowner: Harold T. Butts, Jr Applicant: Harold T. Butts, Jr Request: 10.3 acres from RA-30 to RA-20M Location: Harnett Central Rd; Neill’s Creek Township Pin #: 0662-90-5908 Meeting Date: September 16, 2019 Statement-of-Consistency As stated in the evaluation, the requested rezoning to RA-20M would not have an unreasonable impact on the surrounding community based on the similar, existing residential uses in the area as well as the same districts being part of this tract and immediately adjacent. Therefore, the Harnett County Commissioners APPROVE this rezoning request. _______________________________ Gordon Springle, Chairman ATTEST: ____________________________________ Margaret Regina Wheler, Clerk to the Board