CC_Marshall.Chance_RZ SRREZONING STAFF REPORT Case: PLAN1905-0002  Jay Sikes, Mgr of Planning Services jsikes@harnett.org Phone: (910) 893-7525 Fax: (910) 814-8278 Planning Board: August 5, 2019 County Commissioners:  August 19, 2019  Requesting a Rezoning from Commercial to RA-20R  Applicant Information Owner of Record:  Applicant:  Name: Harriet Marshall, & Vivian Clark Chance, Et al  Name: Vivian Chance, Erwin McNeil, Harold Gilchrist, Thelene Smith, Sharon Clark, Rita Clark, Doris Clark, & heirs  Address: Hwy NC 24/ 87  Address: 6 Longleaf Cr  City/State/Zip: Cameron, NC  City/State/Zip: Cameron, NC 28326   Property Description PIN(s):  9594-25-5026  Acreage:  12.3 acres  Address/SR No.:   Hwy 24-87     Township:     (09) Johnsonville  (10) Lillington  (11) Neill’s Creek  (12) Stewart’s Creek  (13) Upper Little River   (01) Anderson Creek  (02) Averasboro  (03) Barbecue  (04) Black River  (05) Buckhorn  (06) Duke  (07) Grove  (08) Hectors Creek     Vicinity Map  Physical Characteristics  Site Description: This parcel is currently wooded. It was zoned to Commercial February 15, 2016. Surrounding Land Uses: Surrounding land uses include single family residential homes & residential subdivisions, undeveloped and Federally owned land. A variety of commercial development is within close proximity as well as.  Aerial Photograph    Services Available (Utilities may have to be upgraded and/or extended to complete services at this site) Water:  Public (Harnett County)  Private (Well)  Other: Unverified Sewer:  Public (Harnett County)  Private (Septic Tank)  Other: unverified Transportation: Hwy 24-87 Corridor Annual Daily Traffic Count: 34,000 trips per day     Site Distances: Good   Zoning District Compatibility The following is a summary list of general uses, for actual permitted uses refer to the Zoning Ordinance.   CURRENT REQUESTED    COMM  RA-20R  Parks & Rec X X  Natural Preserves X X  Bona Fide Farms X X  Single Family  X  Manufactured Homes, Design Regulated    Manufactured Homes  X  Multi-Family    Institutional X X  Commercial Services X   Retail X   Wholesale    Industrial    Manufacturing       ZZ     Yes  No The proposal does ENHANCE or maintain the public health, safety and general welfare. REASONING: Although the existing Commercial district is comparable with the Highway 87 Corridor Overlay and other land use tools, the proposed zoning would maintain the public health and general welfare as adjacent uses and zoning are alike.   Yes  No The request is for a SMALL SCALE REZONING and should be evaluated for reasonableness REASONING: This request does not need to be evaluated for a small scale rezoning due to the property’s size.  Suggested Statement-of-Consistency (Staff concludes that…) As stated in the evaluation, the requested rezoning to RA-20R would not have an unreasonable impact on the surrounding community due to the compatibility with Harnett County Land Use Plan. Therefore, it is recommended that this rezoning request be APPROVED. Attachments  Rezoning Application  Justification Statement