windy hill street length variance justificationJay, The configuration of the property does not allow us to design a loop. We only have 100 feet of road frontage. The adjoining properties to the south and west do not have access due to creeks, wetland areas. We are trying to provide connectivity as required by the ordinance. Eventually, we could provide a secondary access to oakridge-river road once the road is extended to the property to the west. Let me know if this is adequate or we need to come up with something else. Ben Dewar, PLS On Mon, May 20, 2019 at 8:47 AM Jay Sikes <jsikes@harnett.org <mailto:jsikes@harnett.org> > wrote: Ben…..we’ll be sending out info for this request to the Planning Board members later this week. do you happen to have a specific reasoning, or any other info you can send me? ie….design issue due to environmental features, Emergency access via a secondary easement, etc, etc. Thanks, Jay Sikes Manager of Planning Services Harnett County Development Services 108 E. Front St PO Box 65 Lillington, NC 27546 910-893-7525, x4 910-814-6418 910-814-6459 (fax) www.harnett.org/planning <http://www.harnett.org/planning>