HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12-17-2019We MINUTES CITY OF DUNN DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA The City Council of the City of Dunn held a Special Called Meeting for Mayor and Council Orientation on Tuesday, December 17, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. in the Dunn Municipal Building. Present: Mayor William Elmore, Mayor Pro Tem Chuck Turnage, Council Members J. Wesley Sills, April Gaulden, Frank McLean, Billy Tart, and Dr. David L. Bradham. Also present: City Manager Steven Neuschafer, Assistant City Manager Mathew Boone, Finance Director Jim Roberts, Public Utilities Director Heather Adams, Public Works Director Vince Washington, Planning Director George Adler, Chief Building Inspector Steven King, Chief of Police Chuck West, Parks and Recreation Director Brian McNeill, Human Resources Director Anne Thompson, Librarian Mike Williams, Attorney Tilghman Pope, and City Clerk Tammy Williams- CALL illiams CALL TO ORDER AND INVOCATION Mayor Elmore opened the meeting at 9:00 a.m. and Council Member Gaulden gave the invocation. Afterwards, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. AGENDA ADJUSTMENT AND APPROVAL Motion by Council Member Bradham and second by Mayor Pro Tem Tumage to adopt the December 17, 2019 meeting agenda as presented. Motion unanimously approved. Mayor Elmore turned the meeting over to City Manager Neuschafer to facilitate the orientation. City Attorney Pope spoke about the City's form of Government and specific roles of Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, Council Members, City Manager and City Attorney. He also shared about special rules and requirements for Council members and the City of Dunn and discussed General Statutes and City Ordinances. He referred to "Suggested Rules of Procedure for a City Councir' produced by the UNC — School of Government in their Orientation Notebook. He shared that this is helpful information but these procedures have not been adopted by the Council but the Council currently conducts its meetings according to "Roberts Rules of Order." Presentations were made by each department head on the responsibilities and duties of their position and/or department as follows: Assistant City Manager Mathew Boone City Clerk — Tammy Williams Finance — Director Jim Roberts Mayor Elmore recessed the meeting at 10:22 a.m. and the meeting was reconvened at 10:32 a.m. Presentations continued as follows: Human Resources — Anne Thompson Inspections — Chief Building Inspector Steven King Library — Librarian Mike Williams Parks and Recreation — Director Brian McNeill Planning and Zoning — Planning Director George Adler Police — Chief Chuck West Public Utilities — Water and Sewer — Director Heather Adams Public Works — Director Vincent Washington Mayor Elmore shared that he has scheduled Ward Visits with each Council Member to include a drive-through tour of their ward with the Mayor, City Manager and certain Department Heads. The tours will tentatively begin at 9:00 a.m. and take 3-4 hours. The schedule was distributed with alternate dates for each tour in case of inclement weather. With no further business to discuss, motion by Council Member McLean and second by Council Member Tart to adjourn the meeting at 12:35 p.m. Motion unanimously approved. `AAAAA Al1AAA �:GORPORj / /a -- _ iam P. Elmore �.y., SEAL Mayor Attest: �APAAIs ttiaAA City