HomeMy WebLinkAbout06022003 (2) -- -- 910f HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Regular Meeting June 2, 2003 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, June 2, 2003, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, County Administration Building, 102 East Front Street, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: Beatrice B. Hill, Vice Chairman . Dan B. Andrews Walt Titchener Tim McNeill Chairman Teddy J. Byrd was absent due to military obligations. Staff present: Neil Emory, County Manager Wm. A. (Tony) Wilder, Assistant County Manager Dwight W. Snow, County Attorney Vanessa W. Young, Finance Officer Kay S. Blanchard, Clerk to the Board Vice Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and Commissioner McNeill led the pledge of allegiance and prayer. Commissioner Andrews moved to approve the agenda as published with the changes listed below. Commissioner McNeill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. - Move item regarding resolution authorizing Town of Lillington to extend its ETJ from the consent agenda to the regular agenda. - Add the following items to the consent agenda: Additional budget amendments Resolution to award side ann to Jerry Edwards, retiring deputy sheriff . Resolution to enter into interlocal agreement regarding Health Insurance Resolution to enter into interlocal agreement regarding Liability & Property Insurance Resolution concerning Harnett/Fuquay-Varina Wastewater Project 201 Facilities Plan . Upon motion by Commissioner McNeill and seconded by Commissioner Andrews, the Board unanimously approved the following items on the consent agenda: 1. Minutes: Special Meeting, May 19, 2003 (budget work session) Regular Meeting, May 19, 2003 Special Meeting, May 30, 2003 (budget work session) 2. Budget amendments: 505 Solid Waste (Fund 580-Solid Waste) Code 580-6600-461.11-00 Salaries & Wages 35,000. increase 580-6600-461.22-00 FICA Tax Expense 2,678. increase 580-6600-461.23-00 Retirement 1,712. increase 580-6600-461.21-00 Group Insurance 1,500. increase 580-6600-461.33-45 Contracted Services 40,890. decrease 507 Al!inl! (Fund 11 O-General) . Code 110-0000-353.15-00 RSVP Contributions & Donations 1,210. increase 110-7500-441.32-13 RSVP Special Projects 1,210. increase 517 Concealed Weanon Fund (Fund 243-Concealed W eanon) Code 243-0000-322.43-00 Permits & Fees-concealed handgun 3,000. increase 243-5100-420.32-53 Handgun Assessed Fees 3,000. increase 519 Hi!!hwav 87 Sewer Imnrovements Proiects (Fund 542-"PU0202") Code 542-0000-361.10-00 Interest on Investments 400. increase 542-9101-431.45-80 Contingency 400. increase ------ --- ----- - 9fo9 520 Airport Road Relocation Proiect (Fund 366-"CP0304") Code 366-8360-465.45-80 Contingency 300. increase 336-0000-361.10-00 Interest on Investments 300. increase 521 Water Plant 18 MGD Exnansion Proiect (Fund 5424-"PU0101") Code 542-0000-361.10-00 Interest on mvestments 300. increase 542-9101-431.45-80 Contingency 300. increase . 522 Coats Wastewater Extension Proiect (Fund 548-"PU0301") Code 548-0000-314.50-00 Sales Tax 1 00. increase 548-9108-431.45-80 Contingency 100. increase 523 Western Harnett & 10hnsonville School Proiect (Fund 547-"WH SCH") Code 547 -9106-431.45-80 Contingency 1,213. increase 547-0000-314.50-00 Sales Tax Refund 503. increase 547-0000-334.30-61 CDBG 10. increase 547-0000-361.10-00 Interest 700. increase 524 Southwest Relrional Transmission Proiect (Fund 542-"REGIII") Code 542-0000-361.10-00 Interest on mvestments 2,000. increase 542-0000-314.50-00 Sales Tax 3,507. increase 542-9101-431.45-01 Construction-Park Construction 50. decrease 542-9101-431.45-07 Construction-Phoenix Fabricators 50. increase 542-9101-431.45-80 Contingency 5,507. increase 526 Titan Wastewater Extension Proiect (Fund 542-"PU0201") Code 542-9101-431.45-40 Land & Right-of-Way 1,000. increase 542-9101-431.45-20 Legal & Administrative 1,000. decrease 542-0000-314.50-00 Sales Tax Earned 33. increase 542-0000-361.10-00 Interest on Investments 600. increase . 542-9101-431.45-80 Contingency 633. increase 528 Coats Wastewater Extension Proiect (Fund 548-"PU0301") Code 548-9108-431.45-01 Construction- W e116ns 4,088. increase 548-9108-431.45-80 Contingency 4,088. decrease 529 Solid Waste (Fund 580-Solid Waste) Code 580-0000-318.59-00 White Goods Disposal Tax 7,643. increase 580-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 7,643. decrease 531 Snecial Districts (Fund 242-Snecial Districts) Code 242-8001-420.82-10 Current-Special School District 6,320. increase 242-8801-420.82-20 Delinquent 3,395. increase 242-8014-420.82-10 Current-Flatbranch 5,870. increase 242-8015-420.82-10 Current-Flatwoods 3,290. increase 242-8015-420.82-20 Delinquent 1,320. increase 242-8016-420.82-10 Current-Grove Fire 12,200. increase 242-8019-420.82-10 Current-Spout Springs 16,535. increase 242-8019-420.82-20 Delinquent 5,750. increase 242-8020-420.82-10 Current-Summerville 2,500. increase . 242-8002-420.82-10 Current-Anderson Creek 1,500. decrease 242-8002-420.82-20 Delinquent 1,500. decrease 242-8008-420.82-10 Current-Boone Trail 9,600. increase 242-8008-420.82-20 Delinquent 3,335. increase 242-8004-420.82-10 Current-A verasboro 3,800. increase 242-8005-420.82-10 Current-Benhaven 25,100. increase 242-8005-420.82-20 Delinquent 2,300. decrease 242-8011-420.82-10 Current-Cypress Creek 1,380. increase 242-8011-420.82-20 Delinquent 700. decrease 242-8017-420.82-10 Current-Northwest Harnett 18,045. increase 242-8017-420.82-20 Delinquent 3,000. decrease 242-8007-420.82-10 Current-Black River 20,820. increase - -- 242-~907-420.82-20 Delinquent 4,000. decrease - - ?70 242-8022-420.82-10 Current-Crains Creek 1,550. increase 242-8009-420.82-10 Current-Buies Creek 13,226. increase 242-8009-420.82-20 Delinquent 2,300. decrease 242-8023-420.82-10 Current-Bunnlevel 863. increase 242-8013-420.82-10 Current-Erwin 1,857. increase 242-0000-311.10-00 Ad Valorem Tax-current 141,456. increase 532 Emergencv Teleohone Svstem (Fund 240-E911) Code 240-0000-318.13-00 E911 Wireless Surcharge 50,307. increase 240-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 50,307. decrease . 533 Governing Bodv (Fund 11 O-General) Code 110-0000-318.70-00 Occupancy Tax 92,000. increase 110-4100-410.31-78 Occupancy Tax 92,000. increase 535 Tax (Fund 110-General) Code 110-4500-410.30-04 Professional Services 6,204. increase 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 6,204. increase 536 Airoort (Fund llO-General) Code 110-6500-406.43-16 Maintenance & Repair-Equipment 2,900. increase 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 2,900. increase 538 Rural Tourism (Fund 11 O-GeneraD Code 110-7307-465.22-00 FICA Tax Expense 200. decrease 110-7307-465.60-33 Materials & Supplies 809. decrease 110-7307-465.33-45 Contracted Services 2,514. decrease 110-7307-465.58-14 Department Travel 731. decrease 110-7307-465.26-08 Worker's Compensation 48. decrease 110-7307 -465.41-11 Telephone & Postage 326. decrease 110-7307-465.55-12 Printing & Binding 500. decrease 110-7307-465.12-00 Salaries & Wages, p.t. 3,201. decrease . 110-7307-465.58-01 Training & Meetings 1,048. decrease 110-0000-334.73-07 Rural Tourism Grant 9,377. decrease 539 Debt Service Reserve School (Fund 210-Debt Service Reserve School) Code 210-8702-490.31-352002 COPS Reserve 1,335,977. increase 210-0000-389.10-00 Interfd. Trans. from Gen. Fund 1,335,997. increase 541 Public Assistance (Fund 110-GeneraD Code 110-7710-441.80-60 Day Care Smart Start 57,827. increase 110-0000-330.77-05 Day Care Smart Start 57,827. increase 542 Public Utilities (Fund 531-HCDPU'l Code 531-0000-389.54-21 Interfund Transfer from REGIII 342,791. increase 531-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 342,791. decrease 543 Western Harnett & Johnsonville School Proiect (Fund 547-"WH SCH") Code 547-9106-431.45-74 Capital Outlay 5,100. increase 547-9106-431.45-80 Contingency 5,100. decrease 545 Revenues (Fund 11 O-General) Code 110-0000-334.71-02 Edgerton I Industrial Park 13,988. increase 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 13,988. decrease . 546 Soecial Districts (Fund 242-Soecial Districts) Code 242-8001-420.82-30 Sales Tax-Special School District 14,000. increase 242-8002-420.82-30 Sales Tax-Anderson Creek Fire 20,200. increase 242-8004-420.82-30 Sales Tax-Averasboro Fire 10,500. increase 242-8005-420.82-30 Sales Tax-Benhaven Fire 30,000. increase 242-8007-420.82-30 Sales Tax-Black River Fire 22,200. increase 242-8008-420.82-30 Sales Tax-Boone Trail Fire 10,000. increase 242-8009-420.82-30 Sales Tax-Buies Creek Fire 8,500. increase 242-8023-420,82-~0 Sales Tax-Bunnlevel Fire 5,500. increase -----.-.-<-.. -- ~--- ---- ------ -- 97/ 242-8016-420.82-30 Sales Tax-Coats/Grove 12,600. increase 242-8022-420.82-30 Sales Tax-Crains Creek 2,500. increase 242-8011-420.82-30 Sales Tax-Cypress Creek Fire 3,000. increase 242-8013-420.82-30 Sales Tax-Erwin Fire 7,000. increase 242-8014-420.82-30 Sales Tax-Flat Branch Fire 7,300. increase 242-8015-420.82-30 Sales Tax-Flatwoods Fire 5,100. increase 242-8017-420.82-30 Sales Tax-Northwest Fire 14,100. increase 242-8019-420.82-30 Sales Tax-Spout Springs Fire 20,400. increase . 242-8020-420.82-30 Sales Tax-Summerville Fire 7,000. increase 242-0000-313.30-00 NC Sales Tax 199,900. increase 548 Public Buildine:s (Fund 11 O-General) Code 110-4700-410.41-13 Utilities-HOD 515. increase 110-4700-410.41-18 Utilities-EMS 1,000. increase 110-4700-410.41-19 Utilities-Garage 2,000. increase 110-4700-410.41-20 Utilities-Court Services 300. increase 110-4700-410.41-24 Utilities -Soil & Water 750. increase 110-4700-410.41-29 Utilities-New Courthouse 32,000. increase 110-4700-410.41-21 Utilities-Jail 2,000. decrease 110-4700-410.41-23 Utilities-Cold) Register of Deeds 1,000. decrease 110-4700-410.41-28 Utilities-Other 1,500. decrease 110-4700-410.41-30 Utilities-Tax/ROD(new) 4,000. decrease 110-4700-410.41-31 Utilities-Fire Marshal(new) 1,000. decrease 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 27,065. increase 559 Economic Develooment (Fund IIO-General) Code 110-7100-465.32-17 HFTC 211,594. increase 110-0000-389.50-00 Interfund Transfer-HCDPU 211,594. increase 560 Public Utilities (Fund 531-HCDPU) . Code 531-9000-431.90-10 Interfund Trans.-General Fund 211,594. increase 531-0000- 3 99.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 211,594. increase 3. Tax refunds and releases (Attachment 1) 4. Two change orders for courthouse landscaping project (Attachment 2) 5. Change order for Coats wastewater extension capital project (Attachment 3) 6. County participation in maintenance of the Dunn-Erwin Rail Trail which requires an allocation of$1,268 to compensate the City of Dunn for mowing the portion of the trail located outside a municipality. The necessary funds will be allocated in the Parks and Recreation budget. 8. County holiday schedule for calendar year 2004 (Attachment 4) 9. Authorization for Cooperative Extension to apply for a grant in the amount of$35,000 to increase the availability of 4-H After School Programs in Harnett County. Authorization to initiate a 4-H After School Enrichment Program at Harnett Primary School in Dunn beginning June 4, 2003, to serve Harnett County students K-5 and . will include students from Harnett Primary and Wayne Avenue Elementary. 10. Resolution authorizing negotiation of an amendment to the Installment Financing Contract for various County projects (Attachment 5) 11. Resolution to enter into interlocal agreement regarding health insurance (Attachment 6) 12. Resolution to enter into interlocal agreement regarding liability and property insurance (Attachment 7) 13. Resolution concerning Harnett/Fuquay-Varina Wastewater Project 201 Facilities Plan (Attachment 8) --- 97L 14. Resolution to award side arm to Jerry Edwards, retiring deputy sheriff (Attachment 9) Commissioner Titchener moved for the appointments listed below. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Susan Whitley and Rev. Gil Wise ~e-appointed for 2-year terms to expire 6/30/05 nominated by Commissioner Andrews Jurv Commission . Nettie Cameron re-appointed for a 2-year term to expire 6/30/05 nominated by Commissioner Andrews Research Trianl!le Rel!ional Partnershio, Johnson Tilghman re-appointed for a 2-year term to expire 6/30/05 Vice Chairman Hill called to order a public hearing on the proposed North Carolina Department of Transportation's FY 2003-2004 Secondary Road Construction Program. Ray Stone, District Engineer presented the proposed road construction program. Vice Chairman Hill opened the meeting for comments from the public. Comments were received regarding the roads listed below. - Commissioner Andrews - SR 1532 (Langdon Road), bad cracks; SR 1427 (Baptist Grove Road), needs repairs. - Commissioner McNeill- McDougald Road needs repaving; Hwy. 401 needs widening; Sharp Road - Parks Brewer, Buies Creek, suggested that stop lights be placed at intersections on Hwy. 421 between Lillington and Erwin - Joe Langley, 298 Kirk Adams Road, Angier, thanked D.O.T. for light at intersection of Old Stage Road and Benson Road. . - Charles Adams, Buies Creek, suggested that the speed limit be reduced to 45 mph on Hwy. 421 from intersection of Harnett Central School Road to Buies Creek. - Wanda Gregory, Mayor of Angier, thanked D.O.T. for assistance on roads in the Angier area. There being no further comments, Vice Chairman closed the public hearing. Commissioner Andrews moved to adopt a resolution approving the FY 2003-2004 Secondary Road Construction Program for Harnett County as presented. Commissioner McNeill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Attachment 10) Vice Chairman Hill called to order a public hearing on the proposed FY 2003- 2004 Harnett County Budget and called on Neil Emory, Budget Officer. Mr. Emory stated that the proposed budget was presented on May 5 and has been available for public review since that time. Mr. Emory noted the goals ofthis budget. Vice Chairman Hill opened the meeting for comments from the public. Comments were received from the following citizens: - Ronnie Faulkner, Coats - Dan Maynard, Bunnlevel - Donald Andrews, Superintendent of Harnett County Schools - James McCormick, Barbecue Precinct . - Bill Currin, 3531 Chalybeate Springs Road, Fuquay-Varina - Charles Adams, Buies Creek - Gene McLeod, Hwy. 421 South, Erwin - Benny McLeod, Prospect Church Road - Rev. Russell Spencer, Coats - Al Bain, 101 Hillside Drive, Lillington - Johnson Tilghman, Chairman, Harnett Forward Together Committee - Johnnie T. Shull, Coats - Mary B. Jonnson, 864 Johnson Farm Road, Lillington (presented petition) - Dave Chatellier, Anderson Creek 973 There being no further comments, Vice Chairman Hill closed the public hearing. The proposed budget will be considered by the Board at its regular meeting, June 16,2003. Departmental reports were filed with the Board from the Health Department, Emergency Medical Service, and Sheriff s Department. Neil Emory, County Manager, presented for the Board's consideration a proposed resolution with map authorizing the Town of Lillington to extend its . extraterritorial jurisdiction. Commissioner McNeill moved to adopt the resolution with attached map. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Attachment 11) There being no further business Commissioner Andrews moved for adjournment. Commissioner McNeill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners' regular meeting, June 2, 2003, adjourned at 11 :00 a.m. L- -dLA" -A/Lf01;-e Beatrice B. Hill, Vice Chairman ;(~ ~ ~d Kay S. lanchard, Clerk to the Board . . 97lJ- Attachment 1. .~ MONTHLY REFUND REPORT t:!r.r:::':~$c~=slon~ Licensed Motor Vehicles Qat\) K~ - :. . ~~j,;;' 27-May-03 "tA.lJ; -frl ,ff,.c.. dD/LY4 BILL NAME AND ADDRESS REASON AMOUNT MOHIn.) YEAR MONTH TOWN NUMBER VEIDCLE OWNED . 2002543816 HARGETT, RICHARD STEVENS II CAMPERSOLDITAG COUNTY -15.01 10 2002 06/03 199 CYPRESS CREEK FARM RD TURNED IN FR16 - 1.98 SANFORD, NC 27332 TOTAl... -16.99 2002561795 HATTON, MICHAEl... DALE VEHICLE SOLDITAG COUNTY - 20.67 06 2002 06/03 2251 BAILEYS CROSSROADS TURNED IN FR14 - 2.18 COATS, NC 27521-8918 TOTAL - 22.85 2002542620 LA WRENCE, GWENDOLYN VEHICLE SOLDITAG COUNTY - 8.31 08 2002 06/03 THOMAS TURNED IN FR20 - 1.20 120 WOODBRIDGE DR TOTAL - 9.51 SPRING LAKE, NC 28390-8942 2002557400 LAWRENCE, ROBERT J SR VEHICLE SOLDITAG COUNTY - 8.89 06 2002 06/03 120 WOODBRIDGE DR TURNED IN FR20 - ],28 SPRING LAKE, NC 28390-8942 TOTAL - 10.17 BILL NAME AND ADDRESS REASON AMOUNT MONTHS YEAR MONTH TOWN NUMBER VEIDCLE OWNED 2002565457 LAWRENCE,ROBER.TJJ:'.fJ'.wY VEHlCLESOLD/TAG COUNTY-9.80 08 2002 06/03 . 12Q WOODBRIDGE DR TURNED IN FR20 -1.42 SPRING LAKE, NC 28390-8942 TOTAL - 11.22 2002565897 SHULL, DANIEL JOSEPH MILITARY COUNTY - 92.34 12 2002 06/03 209 WlNDSORDR EXEMPTION FR24 - 8.51 CHURUBUSCO, IN 46723-0000 TOTAL-loo.85 2002605583 STRAIGlITLlNE FORMS VALUE APPEALED COUNTY - 30.02 2002 06/03 630 MCARTEN RD FRIO - 4.74 LINDEN, NC 28356 TOTAL. 34.76 2002581133 WARREN,ROBERTDAVISJR VEHlCLETOTALED COUNTY-13.11 06 2002 06/03 305 COLERIDGE DR CI05 - 7.94 DUNN, NC 28334-4408 SC20 - .35 TOTAL - 21.40 ----. Approved by the Hamett Counly Board 01 CommlsslonetG, 1- _ .:2. .. Il ~ ...iA Det" W -. MONTHLY REFUND REPORT ~,..t. AllJho.fJ.4II!'d 1 . 27-May-03 l!AAt. h 'f1.L $~ BILL NUMBER NAME REASON AMOUNT YEAR MONTH TOWN 199834717 HEALTH MGMT OVER-LISTED BUS PERS COUNTY. 117,138 X .68 = 796.54 1998 06/03 RESOURCESAKA PROPPER TMAAUDIT AVERAS. RESC -117,138 X .05= 58.57 PARRlSHMEMORIAL AVERAS. SCHOOL -117,138 X .02 = NURSING CENTER 23.43 101 GRACE DR TOTAL. 878.54 EASLEY, SC 29640 ,199936182 HEALTHMGMT OVER-LISTED BUS PERS COUNTY - 100,029 X .73 = 730.21 1999 06/03 RESOURCES AKA PROP PER TMA AUDIT A VERAS. SCHOOL - 100,029 X .02 = PARRISH MEMORIAL 20.01 NURSING CENTER TOTAL. 750,22 101 GRACE DR _ EASLEY, SC 29640 --'-' --' - ------ ---- 975 199730846 MOORE, WILUAM R OVER-LISTED BUS PERS COUNTY - 3741 X ,68 = 25.44 1997 06/03 309 WEEKS RO PROP PER TMA AUDIT A VERAS FIRE - 3741 X .04 = 1.50 DUNN, NC 28334 AVERAS SCHOOL. 3741 X .05 = 1.68 A VERAS SCHOOL. 3141 X .02 = .75 TOTAL - 29.37 199832257 MOORE, WILLIAM R OVER-LISTED BUS PERS COUNTY - 1451 X .68 = 9.87 1998 06/03 309 WEEKS RD PROP PER TMA AUDIT AVERASFIRE-1451 X .04= .58 DUNN, NC 28334 AVERASRESC-1451 X.05=.73 AVERAS SCHOOL - 1451 X .02 = ,29 . TOTAL - 11.46 BILL NUMBER NAME REASON AMOUNT YEAR MONTH TOWN 199933631 MOORE, WILLIAM R OVER-LISTED BUS PERS COUNTY - 943 X .73 = 6,88 1999 06/03 309 WEEKS RD PROP PER TMA AUDIT A VERAS. FIRE - 943 X .04 = .38 DUNN, NC 28334 AVERAS, SCHOOL- 943 X .02 = .19 TOTAL - 7.45 200038884 PHELPS WELDING & OVER-LISTED BUS PERS COUNTY. 8,657 X .73 = 63.20 2000 06/03 MFG CO" INC PROP PER TheA AUDIT FLATWOODS FIRE - 8,657 X .15 = 12.99 3160 US 401 S tOTAL - 76.18 LILLINGTON, NC 27546 200138257 PHELPS WELDING & OVER-LISTED BUS PERS COUNTY - 13,066 X .76 = 99.30 2001 06/03 MFG CO., INC PROP PER TMA AUDIT FLATWOODS FIRE - 13,066 X .15 = 19.60 3160US401 S TOTAL - 118.90 LILLINGTON, NC 27546 ---- Attachment 2. . Jones' Landscaping & Maintenance,lnc. 3205 Air Park Road Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 (919) 552-7722 April 21, 2003 County ofHamett Mr. Tony Wilder P.O. Box 759 Lillington, NC 27546 Dear Tony The folJowing are the .t""k'~"als that were requested for two ~ainage systelD5: The first drainage system is to remove the water from the weep boles In the upper landmg area. This is going to control the water that would otherwise dump into the Iand~........ beds. 12" drainage collection boxes Solid corrugated pipe Trenched to storm drainage area Labor Equipment Total Cost: $1,700.00 . ACCEPTANCE OF CONTRACT: The above price, conditions, and specifications are hereby accepted and .... k'-. ,red. You are authorized to begin work on date. Payment is due upon receipt of invoice. Authomed Signature: Date of Acceptance: 9710 The second system will remove standing water from the plant beds in front on each side of the building. This drainage system will also divert the water into the existing sewer. If any questions, please call me at 919-552-7722. Drainage per drawing by Architect Pipe Stone Labor Equipment Boring into existing sewer Total Cost: $2,500.00 . ACCEPTANCE OF CONTRACT: The above price, conditions, and specifications are hereby accepted and ~.t..'u led. You are authorized to begin work on date. Payment is due upon receipt of invoice. Auth...:......J Signature: Date of Acceptance: Attachment 3. I OROER NO CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER '2 I DATE 4130 I 03 I STATE NC CONTRACT FOR Delma Grimes Road - Coats WW Addition I COUNTY Harnett OWNER county of Harnett, P. o. Box 1119. Li11ington, NC 27546 . _. - ... ---.. '- rL~~,1..1.,~~~....:,~~.~~,:,~.~~,~,'?,~",:,~.', P.O. Box 730, Dunn, NC 28335 - You are hereby requested to comply with the:';~I;:~'i'n'~ ~i;;~~~~i~;~";~~"~~'~';;:;:';~~~'~:~-=;::;~~::~:~'~';-----..-.'......----. Description 01 Changes ' -- D-ECREASE" - INCR (Supplemental Plans and Specifications Attached) in Contract Price 'C EAS~ In ontract Pnce ~ Extra work ~ssociatedwI36" $ $ Pipe 4,087.75 .-..-- --.--------- .., -.._--------- TOTALS S ._____________ .______ 4,087.75 NET CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE I s"""___,,_'''___,,,,____l__'''__~,~ 0 8 ?:.7.?---'O, JUSTIFICATION:, ; See attached breakdown " __ n " . The amount of the Contract will be (l!l~ftl:Q (Increased} By The Sum Of: Four Thousand, Eighty- Seven Dollars and 75/100----------- nollars ($ 4,087.75 ) . The Contract Tolallncluding this and previous Change Orders Will Be: Four Hundred-Four Thousand, -Two Hundred-Four Dollars and 751100 !'lollars ($ 404,204.75 '. The Conlracl Period Provided lor Completion Will Be (Increased) (Decreased) (Unchanged): 0 Days. . ,." d~_' ';11 "-/;1'" .. ~"',,' ~d",' ,"",d~, ';11 ..., ....:.. , Requested, J--lf-tJ.7 e '" ' . '0.", 'r " Recommende- . -. 1_ 4 30 I 03 /~ ~--.:::::s'o lucht/.ct/En,/n..,) (D.,o) Accepted _' . ~--/~-6 ~ I (Colltr.Clor) (D.t,,) ~oL l-.o,\;;& ~ ' . . -Appfcved ~ heC"a~' 1 - Th Informollon will bo ..041 .. . roco,' of .ny chlO.e, ,: Ih._orllln.' ..n"...lIon .ontrlc' " COUnty..... of omm L - . ~. (D - 2. - I' '3 ' ..,. ", ,:, . \)a\9 K~.t6. ~aIkI ',' j~-!" '\ : , O.M/:- - P l ' '.. . -- - - -- - 977 Attachment 4. HARNETT COUNTY 2004 HOLIDAY SCHEDULE NEW YEAR'S DAY JANUARY 1 THURSDAY . MARTIN LDuIJ!.R KING, JR. DAY JANUARY 19 MONDAY GOOD FRIDAY APRIL 9 FRIDAY MEMORIAL DAY MAY 31 MONDAY INDEPENDENCE DAY JULY 5 MONDAY LABOR DAY SEPTEMBER 6 MONDAY VETERANS' DAY NOVEMBER 11 THURSDAY THANKSGIVING NOV. 25 AND 26 THURS. AND FRI. CHRISTMAS DEC. 24 AND 27 FRIDAY AND MONDAY Attachment 5. . REsOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF lIARNE'IT, NORTH CAROLINA, AUTHORIZING THE NEGOTIATION OF AN AMENDMENT TO INSTALLMENT FINANCING CONTRACT, DIRECTING THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE WITH RESPECT THERETO AND PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN OTHER RELATED MA'ITERS THERETO WHEREAS, the County of Harnett, North Carolina (the "County ") is a validly existing political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, existing as such under and by virtue of the Constitution, statutes and laws of the State of North Carolina (the "State"); WHEREAS, the County has the power, pursuant to the General Statutes of North Cuolina to (I) purchase real and personal property, (2) enter into installment purchase contracts in order to finance the purchase of real and personal property used, or to be used, for public purposes, and (3) grant a security interest in some or all of the property purchased to secure repayment of the purchase price; WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, North Carolina (the "Board of Commissioners '), has previously detennined that it was in the best interest of the County to enter into an installment financing contract (the "1994 Contract') with the Harnett County Public Facilities Corporation (the "Corporation ') in order to finance (I) the acquisition, construction, renovation and equipping of certain primary and middle schools (the "School Projects"), (2) the acquisition, construction and equipping of a County Department of Health and Social Services facility (the "DSSIHealth Facility") and (3) the acquisition, construction and equipping of a new water reservoir, pumping station and water storage tank associated with the County's water trea1ment facility (the "Water Project" and collectively with the School Projects and the DSS/Health Facility, the "Project "). WHEREAS, the County has previously detennined and hereby redetermines that the construction of the Project was essential to the County's proper, efficient and economic operation and to the general health and welfare of its inhabitants; that the Project is providing an essential use and is permitting the . County to carry out public functions that it is authorized by law to perform; and that entering into the 1994 Contract was necessary and expedient for the COImty by virtue of the findings previously presented; WHEREAS, the County has previously determined that the 1994 Contract allows the County to purchase the Project and take title thereto at a favorable interest rate currently available in the financial marketplace and upon terms advantageous to the County; WHEREAS, the COImty has been advised that it can achieve savings by refinancing the principal portion of Installment Payments due under the 1994 Contract and proposes to enter into Amendment Number One to the 1994 Contract dated as of July I, 2003 (the "First Contract Amendment" and collectively with the 1994 Contract, the "Contract'); WHEREAS, Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein L.L.P" as special counsel ("Special Counse/'), will render an opinion to the effect that entering into the First Contract Amendment and the transactions contemplated thereby are authorized by law and constitute a purpose for which public funds may be expended pursuant to the Constitution and laws of the State; WHEREAS, no deficiency judgment may be rendered against the County in any action for its breach of the Contract, and the taxing power of the County is not and may not be pledged in any way directly or indirectly or contingently to secure any moneys due under the Contract; CL T 651128v4 - ---- 91'd WHEREAS, the County is not in default under any of its debt service obligations; WHEREAS, the County's budget process and Annual Budget Ordinance are in compliance with the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act, and external auditors have determined that the County has conformed with generally accepted accounting principles as applied to gOh......"utal units in preparing its Annual Budget ordinance; WHEREAS, past audit reports of the County indicate that its debt management and contract obligation payment policies have been carried out in strict compliance with the law, and the County has not been censured by the North Carolina Local Government Commission (the "LGC"), external auditors or any other regulatory agencies in connection with such debt management and contract obligation 1"-1 u."',' policies; WHEREAS, the .."",,,/al of the LGC with respect to entering the First Contract Amendment must . be received; and WHEREAS, the County hereby determines that all findings, conclusions and detenninations of the County in this Resolution are subject to modification or affirmation after all interested parties have been afforded the u",.u' ,.mity to present their comments at a public hearing regarding the execution and delivery of the First Contract Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA, AS FOLLOWS: Section I. Authorization to Negotiate the First Contract Amendment. That the County Manager and the Finance Officer, with advice from the County Attorney and Special Counsel, are hereby authorized and directed to proceed and negotiate on behalf of the County for the refinancing of the cost of the Project for a principal amount not to exceed $24,000,000 under the First Contract Amendment to be entered into in accordance with the provisions of Section l60A-20 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. Section 2. Application to LGC. That the Finance Officer or her designee is hereby directed to file with the LGC an application for its approval of the First Contract Amendment and all relevant transactions contemplated thereby on a form prescribed by the LGC and to state in such application such facts and to attach thereto such exhibits re.......::..g the County and its financial condition as may be required by the LGC. Section 3, Direction to Retain Special Counsel. That the County Manager and the Finance Officer, with advice from the County Attorney, are hereby authorized and directed to retain the assistance of Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein L.L.P., Charlotte, North Carolina, as Special Counsel. Section 4, Public Hearing. That a public hearing (the "Public Hearing'') shall be conducted by the Board of Commissioners on June 16, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. in the County Board of Commissioners Assembly Room, 102 East Front Street, Lillington, North Carolina, concerning the Contract, the proposed refinancing of the acquisition of the Project and any other transactions contemplated therein and associated therewith. Section S. Notice of Public Hell1'ing. That the County Clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice . of the Public Hearing, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, to be published once in a qualified newspaper of general circulation within the County no fewer than 10 days prior to the Public Hearing. Section 6, Repealer. That all motions, orders, resolutions and parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 7. Effective Date. That this Resolution is effective on the date of its adoption, Attachment 6. RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT AND TO JOIN THE NORTH CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HEALTH INSURANCE TRUST WHEREAS, Harnett County , desires to provide to (county or local agency) its employees insurance)~lnd other health benefits as authorized by G.S. 153A-- -. " ., ..-- - ~ . . 92(d); WHEREAS. the North Carolina Association' of County Commissioners Health Insurance Trust,d.b.a. NCACC Group Benefits Pool; hereafter called the Pool, has been established pursuant to G.S.9153A-445 (a)(1) and G.S. ~160-A-460 . through .9160A-464; and WHEREAS, it isdesirable for aa rriet t Couri ty to join (county or local agency) the Pool to provide Ii method of risk sharing and/or group purchase of coverage; NOW, THEREFORe, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of , . Harnett County (Board of ) hereby adopts the " interlocal agreement entitled "InterlocalAgreement for a Group Self~lnsurance Fund for Health, Dental, Life and Disability Risk Sharing ,or Group Purchase of Coverage" and . , . thereby joins and agrees .to participate in the NCACCGroup Benefits Pool which. has been formed to create a group fund to pay and service the health-related claims of the employees of the counties and other local agencies joining the Pool '179 BE IT FURTHER RESOL VEO that Vane$saW. Young is (county official} authorized to execute the application tOjein NCACCGroup Benefits Pool. This the 2nd ' day of . June ;2003. , ." ", ~ . K::1~' ., ..'~ Attest" Ka .' Blanchard. .~, ~.;,. Clerk ~;' . . . .' Chair" ,.- Harnett County , , Board of Commissioners , " Attachment 7. RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT AND TO JOIN THE NORTH CAROLINA COUNITES LIABILITY AND PROPERTY JOINT RISK MANAGEMENTAGENCW WHEREAS, Harnett County desires to protect (county or local agency) . against liability claims an9 property losses and to provide for payment of claims . ~ -- . ...~~ . . , or losses for which the county may be 'liable; , WHEREAS, the North Carolina Counties liability and Property Joint Risk " . . Management Agency d.b.a. NCACC Liability and Property Pool; hereafter called " the Pool, has been established pursuant to G.S. ~153A-445 (a)(1) and G.S. ~16o-A-460 ' through ~160A-464; and " . . WHEREAS, it is desirable for Harnett County to join '. . , , (county or local agency) , the Pool to provide a method of risk sharing andlor group purchase of coverage; , . - . ," NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of HarriettCoUIitYhereby adopts the interloeal' agreiemententitled "Intel1ocEi' , Agreement fora Group SelNnsurance, Fund for Uabi/ity and Property Risk Sharir1g or" , ' . Group Purchase of Coverage" and,thereby jpins and agrees to participate ill the NCACC ..' Uability' & Property' Poo,l which has bel:ln formed,to'create a group fUnd to pay and , . service the liability claims and property losses of the counties and other rocalagericies . , " JOining the Pool BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Vanessa W. YounR is .( county offiCial) , authorized to execute the application to join the NeACC Liability & Property Pool. This the ,2nd day of June 200~ . '~~ '~~' Attest: Kay, 'lanchard ,::::' Y atrice B. ,Hill " ~.... Clerk '~". Chair Rarriett County . ..'-. ' ,Board of Commissioners ".; " " ';.,.. -',.- - ------~-". ~80 Attac.hment 8. RESOLUTION RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF HARNE'IT, NORTH CAROLINA CONCERNING THE BARNETI' COUNTYIFUQUA V-V ARlNA WASTEWATER PROJECT 201 FACILITIES PLAN " WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, sitting as the governing board for Harnett County, heard and discussed the above-mentioned 201 facilities plan during a public hearing held on February 5,2001. WHEREAS, the Board agreed with the engineer and staff's finding concerning the . selected alternative addressed in the facilities plan and at the hearing. nd NOW; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED that the Board, meeting in open session on ~e 2 ,day of June, 2003, does hereby approve the selected alternative and agree to implement it Immediately. The Board also directs the staff to commence with any plan and permitting submittals necessary for the expeditious completion of this alternative, READ, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of June, 2003. ~"" ~""''> p1'~~j Kay S. anchard /..;~"\\}' EQi! ;'\, Biatrice HilI ~, },~~~.".i' ... ~ .... t:-il '/)- ~ Clerk to the Board 4>'"",,,,,,, ". a'l Vice-Chairman of the Board ;~ ..,,'f.' ,,', - . .- .,. . """f', {lg ~>~>;'~ J ){. :~:~. Attachment 9. NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COUNTY . RESOLUTION THAT, WHEREAS, Jerry R. Edwards, began his Harnett County Law Enforcement career on 11-15-1991; and WHEREAS, after eleven years of distinguished service to Harnett County, Jerry R. Edwards did retire; and WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statute 20-187.2(a) provides that the governing body of law enforcement agency may in its discretion, award to a retiring member upon his/her request for their service side arm; and WHEREAS, according to North Carolina General Statute 14-402 and 1'4-409.1, proper permits have been obtained (as attached) in order to receive the side arm. NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners that Jerry R. Edwards be awarded the following service side arm for one dollar ($1.00). Glock Model 22 Serial Number BFP282. Duly adopted this 2nd day of June , 2003. : lJ: ::1 HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~~~ . . . ". .,,',',: ',. . :. " :. . . : . Vice "Chairman Beatrice B. Hill ATTEST: ' .) Ka~I'!n~h1!~ Clerk to the Board 99( Attachment 10. RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the Harnett County Board of Commissioners does hereby . approve the FY 2003-2004 Secondary Road Construction Program for Harnett County as presented by the North Carolina Department of Transportation. The Construction Program is attached to this resolution as "Attachment A". Duly adopted this 2nd day of June, 2002. ''-- ......_-....---...~-....:. .. :f'-:?~;.'<j<,f HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~7t~~~~, . ,.. ~ , '....,.. / Beatrice B. Hill, Vice Chairman -AttE~ifi;:"," J<~j.--~ Kay S. lanchard, Clerk to the Board II ATTACHMENT A." 2003 . 04 Secondary Road Construction Program Harnett County Secondary Road Constnlctlon Allocation $ 804,095 . Hlghwlly Tnlst Fund Allocation $ 525,439 Total Secondary Road Constnlctlon Funda Available $ 1,329,534 UalnhnllltCe Onel'ldlons: $ 193,270 Funds required to supplement secondary road maintenance operations to be used for: Stabilization of unpaved roads with stone or local materials; Widening of paved secondary roads; Drainage Improvements; Safety projects Secondary Construction $ 96,379 Highway Trust Fund $ 96,891 R..."'.!' foil' ConUn~encl..: $ 196,284 Funds to be used for road additions; su~eys & right-of-way; overdrafts; propel1y owner par1icipalion paving; paving of rural tire departments and rescue squads; continuation of paving down the priority list. Secondary Construction $ 127,716 Highway Trust Fund $ 68.548 Pavlnaprogmm;, $ 940,000 Paving of unpaved roads in priority order from the Rural and Residential J Subdivision priority lists, The Department Will secure right-of-way, if right-of-way is unobtainable on any road, then the program will be extended down the priority lists until available funds are e}(pended, Secondary Construction $ 580,000 <<i9hway Trust Fund $ 360,000 003 . 04 Harnett Rural Priority Prlortty Length estimated Previous 03-04 No. Route Name From To (Mile) D..crlptlon Cost Funding Funding Additional Funding to Complete Previous Year Program, SR 1444 & SR 1127 $ 250,000 - SR 2024M Inc . SR 2023 Covington Road SR 1779 SR 2023 1.60 Grade, drain, base & pave $ 220,000 $ 220,000 0 . SR 15468 Young Road SR 1500 SR 1505 0,90 Grade, drain, base & pave $ 150,000 $ 150,000 0 + SR 1263 CummIngs Road SR 1264 Dead End 1.30 Grade, drain, base & pave $ 195,000 0 $ 195,000 15 SR 1216 Perry Road SR 1215 SR 1217 0,60 Grade, drain, base & pave $ 100,000 0 $ 100,000 16 SR 2046 Lasater Road SR 2064 NC 210 0,20 Grade, drain, base & pave $ 35,000 0 $ 35,000 17 SR 1405 Weathers Road SR 1407 SR1452 0,73 Grade, drain, base & pave $ 115,000 0 $ 115,000 18 SR 1556 Cobb Road SR 1581 SR 1554 1.40 Grade, drain, base & pave $ 245,000 0 $ 245,000 ~-~---'" q~;L. Total Mileage 8.73 Total Funding $ 940,0110 Notes: Program is subject to availability of funding, right-of-way and environmental review, Priorit~ numbers 1-10 on the Rural and Residential! Subdivision List are frozen as required by General Statue 136-44,7, These roads . are berng surveyed, in right-of-way negotiation, under construction or paved, If funding is available or right-of-way problems are encountered, then we will continue working down the priority list. Currently all Subdivision roads have been paved, those added 8ince 2001 will be placed 011 next paving priority list which should be in 2005 . Right-of-way unavlailable list Attachment 1l. ...__.---,,-_._~ "Harnett Board of Commissioners COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA www,harnett,org Teddy J, Byrd, Chairman 8eatrice 8. Hill, Vice Chairman Dan 8, Andrews Tim McNeill Walt Titchener Kay 5, 81anchard, Clerk to the Board RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING un; TOWN OF L1LLlNGTON TO PO Box 759 . EXTEND ITS EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION 102 East ~ront Street lillington, NC 27546 WHEREAS, the Town of Lillington, after making a thorough study of the ph: 910.893-7555 fax: 910.814-2662 territory under consideration, has officially requested the Harnett County Board of Commissioners to authorize the extension of the Town's extraterritorial jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, the Town has provided a map showing the extension of the extraterritorial jurisdiction, which encompasses the parcel identified by PIN 0660-43- 8782.000 and a portion ofthe parcel identified by PIN 0660-32-0284.000 both of which are noted on the attached map. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners, under the authority ofN.C.G.S. 160A-360, that: The expansion of the extraterritorial jurisdiction ofthe Town of LiIlington as shown on the map entitled Attachment A is authorized and from the date of adoption of this resolution the Town ofLillington will exercise within this expansion of the extraterritorial jurisdiction, the planning and regulation of development powers as granted by Article 19 oithe North Carolina General Statutes. This resolution shall become effective upon its adoption. AdoR!ed~~~R4 day of June, 2003. /;/ 0\., :>";":/:!!~::;~9~>'\ j ~> ~":.; ",'. :<:1:,,\ HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS i ":;i;/." ~ /~. /; {=~ ~\1~}' ',\ t:f'f:,;""':;' ~'~!' "<~'<::, ,.,'; i -' / Beatri; ,. Hili, Ice ~an . ~ '~.., ATTEST:"/" ~J.~ Kay S. lanchard Clerk to the Board strong roots' new growth