HomeMy WebLinkAbout120914ssa Agenda Package9:00am 9:15am 9:30am 9:45am 10:15 am 10:45 am 11:00 am Harnett County Board of Commissioners Special Session Tuesday, December 9, 2014 9:00am Fiber optic line relocation, Ira Hall and Nick Dula Discussion regarding support ofCCCC's Duke Energy Grant, Nick Dula Update to Runway 5 Clearance Application-Harnett Regional Jetport, Barry Blevins Firearms Discharge Ordinance and Explosive Detonation Discharge Ordinance, Mark Locklear and Randy Baker December 15 1h Regular Meeting Agenda Review Discussion: 1) 2015 Boards and Committees on which Commissioners Serve 2) 2015 Schedule of Meetings County Manager's Report HC BOC 120914ssa Page 1 .. .. ___ _ r. -.;r · Green lines are planned , relocation of fiber HC BOC 120914ssa Page 2 - f ,'\I Existing fib I er as it is today ( ! I ' ' :!",.. HC BOC 120914ssa Page 3 December 16, 2014 Duke Energy Community College Grant Program c/o Foundation for the Carolinas 220 North Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28202 Dear Members of the Selection Committee: On behalf of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners, I am pleased to express my strong support for Central Carolina Community College's efforts to become a regional leader in education and training related to advanced manufacturing. The College's grant project will build upon the solid foundations that it has established in recent years for training workforce-ready students in a variety of advanced manufacturing programs. By integrating state-of-the-art equipment and leadership training into these programs, and by expanding the numbers of students it serves, ecce will address a pressing need in the advanced manufacturing workforce, while greatly enhancing the long-term employability and earnings potential of its students. In recognition of this project's merit and value, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners will be pleased to support Central Carolina Community College's grant project in the following ways: • Attendance at periodic meetings of the project Leadership Team and recommendation of additional Team members from the local business sector • Development oflocal industries' awareness ofCCCC advanced manufacturing programs and of the quality oftheir graduates • Consultation with CCCC project managers regarding potential industry partners for the purposes of curriculum refinement, work-based learning, and job placement • Outreach to firms considering relocation to the area, to emphasize the quality of ecce training in relation to advanced manufacturing fields As one of the chief entities promoting the economic development of Harnett County, we are highly enthusiastic about the concept for this proposed project, and equally confident, based on long experience, in Central Carolina Community College's capacity to implement it for the good of individual students and of the area economy. Thank you for your close consideration of the College's proposal. Sincerely, Jim Burgin, Chairman HC BOC 120914ssa Page 4 Gina Wheeler Subject: Attachments: FW: Letter of Support Request Duke Energy Grant for CCCC CCCC Duke Energy Grant Support Letter Harnett.docx From: Meghan Brown [mailto:mbrow222@cccc.edu] Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2014 11:46 AM To: Nicholas Dula Cc: CCCC Grants Subject: CCCC Duke Grant -Letter of Support Good Afternoon, As promised, please find a draft of a letter of support for the College's Duke Grant Proposal attached. As I mentioned in our conversation, Central Carolina is pursuing this grant in order to update several of our advanced manufacturing programs to reflect industry needs within our tri-county service area. This funding, if received, would purchase equipment for Laser and Photonics, Computer Integrated Machining, and Welding/Industrial Systems Technologies. In addition, it would allow CCCC to establish Manufacturing Academy, made of several leadership/quality certifications, at our Innovation Center -which would benefit the employees of local industries. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns you may have. Warm Regards , Meghan Meghan Reece Brown, J.D. Associate Director Grants and Strategic Initiatives Central Carolina Community College 1105 Kelly Drive Sanford, NC 27330 phone: 919.718.7422 fax: 919.718.7407 Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to North Carolina law and may be disclosed to third parties. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify me. Thank you. 1 HC BOC 120914ssa Page 5 Harnett Regional Jetport-Runway 5 Clearance Project NCDOT/DOA & FAA Funded Update to October 14, 2014 work session whereas board members requested Airport Administrator bring grant application to full board when funds became available. The NCDOT November 2014 Transportation board approved the necessary grant funding to clear approximately 9 acres at the RWY 5 end of Harnett Regional Jetport's runway. This is necessary to maintain proper & safe aircraft approaches for RWY 5. Without addressing identified obstructions, the FAA may curtail night takeoff and landing operations on RWY 5 (the predominant runway end) until the sponsor (county) removes obstructions. Airport Administrator requests to present grant application on the December 15th BOC meeting. The grant amount is $245,000 with a 10% local match. The local match will be divided between Capital Reserve ($2,170) and Fund Balance Appropriation ($22,330). This a NCDOT pre- approved application therefore, administrator will request approval to apply, and acceptance of grants funds upon NCDOT/DOA approval. HC BOC 120914ssa Page 6 PAT MCCRORY GoVERNOR STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1560 MAn...SERVlCECENI'ER, RAI.E.GH, N.C. 27699-1560 November 21,2014 Mr. Tommy Bums, Manager County of Harnett P. 0 . Box 759 Lillington, NC 27546 Dear Mr. Bums: ANTHONY J . TATA SECRETARY On behalf of Governor Pat McCrory, Transportation Secretary Anthony J. Tata. and the NC Board of Transportation, please be advised that state funds have been allocated for the Harnett Regional Jetport for State Fiscal Year (FY) 2015. Please note, this award must be fully expended no later than July 1, 2018. The specific work elements and funding approved is as shown below. Project# Description State Funds Local Funds 36244.35.6.1 Runway 5 Approach Clearing $220,500 $24,500 The NCDOT-Division of Aviation appreciates your commitment and contribution to our state aviation system and we are excited to partner along with you on this project. Sincerely, ~~1.1~~. ~JJ=__ Director of Aviation BLW/ncs cc:Govemor Pat McCrory Anthony J. Tata, Secretary, NCDOT Jeff Mann, Deputy Secretary for Transit Kay Hagan, United States Senate Richard Burr, United States Senate Renee Ellmers, United States Congress Edward W . Grannis, Jr., BOT Representative John D. Lennon, BOT At-Large Member MAILING ADDRESS: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF AVIATION 1560 MAIL SERVICE CeNTER RALEIGH NC 2 7699-1560 TELEPHONE : 919-814-0550 Fax: 919-840-9267 WEBSITE: ININWNCDOT.ORG LOCATION: RDUAIRPORT 1050 MERIDIAN DRIVE RDU NC 27623 HC BOC 120914ssa Page 7 Draft #4 10/28/2014 FIREARMS DISCHARGE ORDINANCE OF HARNETT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Harnett COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Harnett County Board Of Commissioners Jim Burgin, Chairman Gordon Springle, Vice Chairman Abe Elmore Barbara McKoy Joe Mille r 1 HC BOC 120914ssa Page 8 Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10 Section 11 Section 12 Section 13 Table of Contents lritle ...................................................... . Purpose .................................................. . Authority and Enactment ........................... . Jurisdiction ............................................. . Administration ......................................... . Severability ............................................. . Conflict with Other Laws ...••........................ Amendment ............................................. . Definition ................................................. . Firearm Restrictions ................................. . Exceptions .............................................. . Violations and Penalties ..................•........... Effective Date .......................................... . Draft#4 10/28/2014 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 2 HC BOC 120914ssa Page 9 Section 1 Title Draft #4 10/28/2014 This Ordinance shall be known and cited as the "Harnett County Firearms Discharge Ordinance" (hereinafter referred to as "Ordinance"). Section 2 Purpose The purpose of this Ordinance is to implement standards for the discharge of firearms that may cause injury, death or damage to personal property, whereas p reserving the personal freedom to engage in such activities, while promoting public health , safety , welfare, comfort and prosperity of the citizens of Harnett County. Section 3 Authority and Enactment The Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, pursuant to the authority conferred by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina in General Statues Chapter 153A-129 hereby ordains and enacts into law this Ordinance. Section 4 Jurisdiction Under the authority granted by North Carolina General Statue 153A-122, the county is hereby authorized to enact this Ordinance within the rural areas of the county and outside and beyond the corporate limits of any municipality of Harnett County. Section 5 Administration The Sheriff of Harnett County, or his/her designee, shall be responsible for the administration and enforcement of this Ordinance. Section 6 Severability If any section of specific provision or standard of this Ordinance is found by a court to be invalid, the decision of the court shall not affect the validity of any other section , provision, or standard of this Ordinance. Section 7 Conflict with Other Laws It is not intended that this Ordinance repeal, abrogate, annul, impair, or interfere with any existing provisions of any other ordinances or laws . However, if the requirements of any other lawfully adopted rules, regulations, or ordinances of the County of Harnett conflict with this Ordinance, the more restrictive or that imposing the higher standards will govern . Section 8 Amendment This Ordinance may be amended from time to time by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett on its own motion or on petition and after public notice and hearing . 3 HC BOC 120914ssa Page 10 Section 9 Definition Firearm Draft #4 10/28/2014 A handgun, shotgun, rifle, cannon or any device which is capable of expelling a projectile using an explosive charge as a propellant. Section 10 Firearm Restrictions It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge a firearm: A. Within five hundred (500) feet as measured in a straight line from the point of discharge to the property line of any school, church, daycare, or nursing home; or B. On a parcel of property that contains 10,000 sq. feet or less in overall dimension; or C. Carelessly and heedlessly, so as to endanger any person or property; or D. Without due caution or circumspection and in a manner so as to endanger any person or property and resulting in the unlawful property damage or bodily injury of another; or E. In a manner resulting in the projectile crossing the property line of another person without written permission of the owner; or F. While under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance (under the influence: determination by the investigating officer that the person is intoxicated by alcohol or a narcotic to the point where physical and mental faculties are appreciably diminished); or G. When discharged on, from, or across the traveled portion of any public street or highway; or H. When discharged from a motor vehicle; or I. From the hours of sundown to sunrise; or J. Without a backstop or other method of containment that will adequately contain the projectile to the property upon which it was discharged. Section 11 Exceptions This Ordinance shall not be construed to rescind any of the state wildlife laws of North Carolina nor shall it be construed to prohibit the following: A. Any citizen from discharging a firearm when lawfully defending his person or property. 4 HC BOC 120914ssa Page 11 Draft #4 10/28/2014 B . Officers and enlisted personnel of the armed forces of the United States while in the performance of their official duties and acting under orders requiring them to carry arms, weapons or explosives. C. Civil officers of the United States while in the performance of their official duties. D. Officers of the state or of any county, city, or town charged with the execution of the laws of the state when acting in the performance of their official duties. E. The discharge of a firearm at a properly permitted and approved firing range or facility operating as such prior to the adoption of the Ordinance. F. Any citizen from discharging a firearm when protecting against the attack of any dangerous or destructive animal or reptile. G. The discharges of a firearm while participating in a special event such as turkey shoots that hold a valid local county permit. H. The performance of an historical ceremony or commemorative functions that are conducted involving the discharge of firearms that do not involve the release of projectiles. I. The discharge of a firearm while in the process of lawfully hunting wild birds and/or animals in accordance with Chapter 113, Subchapter IV of the North Carolina General Statutes. J. Discharging a firearm into a device that is designed to receive and contain projectiles without risk of escape, which is located within the confines of an enclosed structure. Section 12 Violations and Penalty Each violation of this Ordinance shall constitute a Class 3 misdemeanor and any person convicted of the same shall be fined not more than five hundred ($500.00) dollars and/or imprisonment not exceeding thirty (30) days. A violation of this Ordinance may be enforced by an appropriate, equitable remedy, including injunction and order of abatement issued from a court of competent jurisdiction in accordance with North Carolina General Statue 153A-123. Furthermore, a violation may cause a civil penalty to be recovered by Harnett County in a civil action in the nature of a debt. Each day's continuing violation of this Ordinance shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. Section 13 Effective Date This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon adoption . 5 HC BOC 120914ssa Page 12 Draft #4 10/28/2014 EXPLOSIVES DETONATION ORDINANCE OF HARNETT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ,Harnett COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Harnett County Board Of Commissioners Jim Burgin, Chairman Gordon Springle, Vice Chairman Abe Elmore Barbara McKoy Joe Miller 1 HC BOC 120914ssa Page 13 Table of Contents Section 1 1Litle ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Section 2 Purpose ..................................................• Section 3 Authority and Enactment ..........•................. Section 4 Jurisdiction ....................•......................... Section 5 Ad ministration ...............................•.........• Section 6 Severability ............................................. . Section 7 Conflict with Other Laws ............................• Section 8 Amendment .................•...........................• Section 9 Definitions ......................•........................ Section 10 Explosives Restrictions ........•...................... Section 11 Exceptions ....................•.......................... Section 12 Violations and Penalties ..............•............... Section 13 Effective Date ........................•.................. Draft #4 10/28/2014 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 2 HC BOC 120914ssa Page 14 Section 1 Title Draft #4 10/28/2014 This Ordinance shall be known and cited as the "Harnett County Explosives Detonation Ordinance" (hereinafter referred to as "Ordinance"). Section 2 Purpose The purpose of this Ordinance is to implement standards for the detonation of explosives that may cause injury, death or damage to personal property, whereas preserving the personal freedom to engage in such activities, while promoting public health, safety, welfare, comfort and prosperity of the citizens of Harnett County. Section 3 Authority and Enactment The Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, pursuant to the au t hority conferred by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina in General Statues Chapter 153A-128 hereby ordains and enacts into law this Ordinance. Section 4 Jurisdiction Under the authority granted by North Carolina General Statue 153A-122 , the county is hereby authorized to enact this Ordinance within the rural areas of the county and outside and beyond the corporate limits of any municipality of Harnett County. Section 5 Administration The Sheriff of Harnett County, or his/her designee, shall be responsible fo r the administration and enforcement of this Ordinance. Section 6 Severability If any section of specific provision or standard of this Ordinance is found by a court to be invalid, the decision of the court shall not affect the validity of any ot her section , provision, or standard of this Ordinance. Section 7 Conflict with Other Laws It is not intended that this Ordinance repeal, abrogate, annul, impair, or interfere with any existing provisions of any other ordinances or laws. However, if the requirements of any other lawfully adopted rules, regulations, or ordinances of the County of Harnett conflict with this Ordinance, the more restrictive or that imposing the higher standards will govern . Section 8 Amendment This Ordinance may be amended from time to time by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett on its own mot ion or on petition and after public notice and hearing . 3 HC BOC 120914ssa Page 15 Dra ft #4 10/28/2014 Section 9 Definitions Detonate Any action that will cause an explosive material or device to explode. Discharge To eject or release a projectile or object by a sudden release of tension or pressure. Exploding Target A device that is utilized for the purpose of shot confirmation. This type of target is typically comprised of chemicals or materials that react in an explosive manner once impacted by a projectile or a detonating device. Explosion The sudden, loud , and violent release of energy that happens when something breaks apart in a way that sends parts flying outward . Explosive A material or combination of materials that have a likelihood of erupting in a violent manner creating an explosion. Permanent Building A building which is built, constructed, used or intended to support and/or shelter any use or occupancy that is attached to real property by means of permanent foundation , plumbing or electrical connection and is required to obtain a permit and undergo an inspection process in accordance with the North Carolina State Building Code . Section 10 Explosives Restrictions It shall be unlawful for any person to cause an explosion: A Within fifteen hundred (1 ,500) feet as measured in a straight line from the point of detonation to the property line of any school, daycare, playground or park ; or B . Within fifteen hundred (1 ,500) feet as measured in a straight line from the point of detonation to any residential dwelling or permanent building not under the ownership or controlled by the person responsible for the detonation of an explosive; or C. Within (1 ,500) feet as measured in a straight line from the point of detonation to any public or private road or highway; or D. Carelessly or heedlessly in wanton disregard for the safety of others ; or 4 HC BOC 120914ssa Page 16 Draft #4 10/28/2014 E. Without due caution or circumspection and in a manner so as to endanger any person or property and resulting in the unlawful property damage or bodily injury of another; or F. In a manner resulting in projectiles or shrapnel leaving the property in which the detonation or explosion occurred ; or G. While under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance (under the influence: determination by the investigating officer that the person is intoxicated by alcohol or a narcotic to the point where physical and mental faculties are appreciably diminished); or H. In the form of an exploding target when encapsulated therefore creating a projectile or shrapnel; or I. When detonated from a motor vehicle; or J . From the hours of sunset to sunrise. Section 11 Exceptions This Ordinance shall not be construed to rescind any of the state wildlife laws of North Carolina nor shall it be construed to prohibit the following: A. Officers and enlisted personnel of the armed forces of the United States while in the performance of their official duties and acting under orders requiring them to carry arms, weapons or explosives. B. Civil officers of the United States while in the performance of their official duties. C. Officers of the state or of any county, city, or town charged with the execution of the laws of the state when acting in the performance of their official duties. D. The detonation of an explosive at a properly permitted and approved firing range or facility operating as such prior to the adoption of the Ordinance. E . The performance of an historical ceremony or commemorative functions that are conducted involving the discharge of firearms or detonation of explosives that do not involve the release of projectiles. F. Any individual, group or company that possess a valid permit and is operating under all Federal , State and Local guidelines prescribed for such use. G. The use of pyrotechnics or fireworks meeting exempt specifications as referenced in North Carolina General Statutes. 5 HC BOC 120914ssa Page 17 Section 12 Violations and Penalty Draft #4 10/28/2014 Each violation of this Ordinance shall constitute a Class 3 misdemeanor and any person convicted of the same shall be fined not more than five hundred ($500.00) dollars and/or imprisonment not exceeding thirty (30) days. A violation of this Ordinance may be enforced by an appropriate, equitable remedy, including injunction and order of abatement issued from a court of competent jurisdiction in accordance with North Carolina General Statue 153A-123. Furthermore, a violation may cause a civil penalty to be recovered by Harnett County in a civil action in the nature of a debt. Each day's continuing violation of this Ordinance shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. Section 13 Effective Date This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon adoption. 6 HC BOC 120914ssa Page 18 THE DECEMBER 15TH AGENDA WILL BE FINALIZED AND DISTRIBUTED TUESDAY MORNING DURING THE SPECIAL SESSION AND WILL BE REVIEWED IN DETAIL. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS County Administration Building 102 East Front Street Lillington, North Carolina Regular Meeting December 15,2014 7:00pm 1. Call to order -Chairman Jim Burgin 2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation-Commissioner Joe Miller 3. Consider additions and deletions to the published agenda 4. Consent Agenda A. Minutes B. Budget Amendments C. Tax refunds, rebates and releases 5. Period of up to 30 minutes for informal comments allowing 3 minutes for each presentation 6. County Manager's report -Tommy Bums, County Manager -Veterans Affairs Activities Report-November 2014 -Interdepartmental Budget Amendments -Planning Services report -November 2014 7. New Business 8. Closed Session 9. Adjourn Page 1 HC BOC 120914ssa Page 19 2015 Boards and Committees on which Commissioners Serve Commissioner Joe Miller Architectural Committee (Schools) CCCC Harnett County Campus Advisory Comm. Extension Advisory Leadership Council DISTRICT 2 -Commissioner Gary House previously served on these Boards and Committees Airport Committee Cape Fear River Assembly Board Good Hope Hospital Board Library Board (only one Board member needed) Sandhills Center for Mental Health DDSHS Averasboro Township Tourism Development Authority Commissioner Jim Burgin CCCC Board of Trustees Home & Community Care Block Grant Committee Mid-Carolina Council of Governments Board of Directors Mid-Carolina Aging Advisory Committee Industrial Facilities/Pollution Control Financing Authority Juvenile Crime Prevention Council DISTRICT 1 -Commissioner Beatrice Hill previously served on these Boards and Committees Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Library Board (only one Board member needed) Social Services Board Transportation Advisory Board Commissioner C. Gordon Springle Board of Health BRAC Regional Task Force Employee Benefits Committee Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) Johnston-Lee-Harnett Community Action Board of Directors Rural Planning Organization for Transportation (T AC) Southeastern Economic Development Commission Transportation Advisory Committee (F AMPO) HC BOC 120914ssa Page 20 ~ REQUIRED MEETINGS (call special/work sessions as needed) 2015 Schedule of Meetings Harnett County Board of Commissioners Thursday January 1 Holiday Monday January 5 9:00am Board Meeting Monday January 19 Holiday Tuesday January 20 7:00pm Board Meeting Monday February 2 9:00am Board Meeting Monday February 16 7:00pm Board Meeting Monday March 2 9:00am Board Meeting Monday March 16 7:00pm Board Meeting Friday April3 Holiday Monday April6 9:00am Board Meeting Monday April20 7:00pm Board Meeting Monday May4 9:00am Board Meeting Monday May 18 7:00pm Board Meeting Monday May25 Holiday Monday June 1 9:00am Board Meeting Monday June 15 7:00pm Board Meeting Friday July 3 Holiday Monday July 6 9:00am Board Meeting Monday July 20 7:00pm Board Meeting Monday August 3 9:00am Board Meeting Monday August 17 7:00pm Board Meeting Monday Septe mber 7 Holiday Tuesday September 8 9:00am Board Meeting HC BOC 120914ssa Page 21 Monday September 21 7:00pm Board Meeting Monday October 5 9:00am Board Meeting Monday October 19 7:00pm Board Meeting Monday November 2 9:00am Board Meeting Wednesday November 11 Holiday Monday November 16 7:00pm Board Meeting Thurs/Fri November 26 & 27 Holiday Monday December 7 9:00am Board Meeting Monday December 21 7:00pm Board Meeting Wed/Thurs/Fri December 23, 24 & 25 Holiday ***Meeting dates/designations may change with 48 hours notice*** RULES OF PROCEDURE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS IV. REGULAR AND SPECIAL MEETINGS Rule 6. Regular and Special Meetings 1) Regular Meetings: The Board shall hold regular meetings as follows: First Monday of each Month at 9:00 a.m. Third Monday of each Month at 7:00p.m. If the regular m eeting day is a holiday on which county offices are closed, the meeting shall be held on the next business day or such succeeding day as may be specified in the motion adjourning the immediately preceding regular meeting. Regular meetings are held in the County Administration Building. The Board may change or cancel the place or time of a particular regular meeting or of all regular meetings within a specified period by resolution adopted, posted, and noticed at least seven days be fore the change takes effect. Such a resolution shall be filed with the Clerk to the Board and posted at or near the regular meeting place, and copies shall be sent to all persons who have requested notice of special meetings of the Board. 2) Special Meetings. The Chairman or a majority ofboard members may at any time call a special meeting of the Board by signing a notice stating the time and place of the meeting and the subjects to be considered . The Clerk shall cause the notice to be posted on the bulletin board in the courthouse, on the door of the m eeting room, and d elivered to th e Chairman and all other Board members or left at the dwelling place of each Board member at least 48 hours before the meeting. In addition, the notice shall be delivered to individual persons and n ews organizations that have requested such notice. HC BOC 120914ssa Page 22 3) Emergency Meetings. The Chairman or a majority of members may ca11 an emergency meeting to deal with an unexpected circumstance requiring immediate consideration. The person or persons calling the emergency meeting shall cause notice of the meeting to be given to the other Board members and the public. 4) Special Sessions, Retreats and Committee Meetings. The Board may schedule Special Sessions, retreats , forums, conventions , association, and committee meetings, or other information meetings of the Board or of a majority of its members at such times and concerning such subjects as may be established by resolution or order of the Board. A schedule of such meetings held regularly shall be filed in the same place and manner as the schedule of regular meetings. Special Sessions and other informal official meetings not held regularly are subject to the same notice requirements as special Board meetings. HC BOC 120914ssa Page 23 ~ OPTION 1 REQUIRED MEETINGS and two monthly special/work sessions scheduled through 2015 Schedule of Meetings March -revisit schedule Harnett County Board of Commissioners Thursday January 1 Holiday Monday January 5 9:00am Board Meeting Tuesday January 13 9:00am Special Session Monday January 19 Holiday Tuesday January 20 7:00pm Board Meeting Tuesday January 27 9:00am Special Session Monday February 2 9:00am Board Meeting Tuesday February 10 9:00am Special Session Monday February 16 7:00pm Board Meeting Tuesday February 24 9:00am Special Session Monday March2 9:00am Board Meeting Tuesday March 10 9:00am Special Session Monday March 16 7:00pm Board Meeting Commissioners revisit their 2015 Schedule of Meetings regarding scheduled special se ssions Friday April3 Holiday Monday April6 9:00am Board Meeting Monday April20 7:00pm Board Meeting Monday May4 9:00am Board Meeting Monday May 18 7:00pm Board Meeting Monday May25 Holiday Monday June 1 9:00am Board Meeting Monday June 15 7:00pm Board Meeting Friday July 3 Holiday HC BOC 120914ssa Page 24 Monday July 6 9:00am Board Meeting Monday July 20 7:00pm Board Meeting Monday August3 9:00am Board Meeting Monday August 17 7:00pm Board Meeting Monday September 7 Holiday Tuesday SeptemberS 9:00am Board Meeting Monday September 21 7:00pm Board Meeting Monday October 5 9:00am Board Meeting Monday October 19 7:00pm Board Meeting Monday November2 9:00am Board Meeting Wednesday November 11 Holiday Monday November 16 7:00pm Board Meeting Thurs/Fri November 26 & 27 Holiday Monday December 7 9:00am Board Meeting Monday December 21 7:00pm Board Meeting Wedffhurs/Fri December 23, 24 & 25 Holiday ***Meeting dates/designations may change with 48 hours notice*** RULES OF PROCEDURE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS IV. REGULAR AND SPECIAL MEETINGS Rule 6. Regular and Special Meetings 1) Regular Meetings: The Board shall hold regular meetings as follows: First Monday of each Month at 9:00 a.m. Third Monday of each Month at 7:00p.m. If the regular meeting day is a holiday on which county offices are closed, the meeting shall be held on the next business day or such succeeding day as may be specified in the motion adjourning the immediately preceding regular meeting. Regular meetings are held in the County HC BOC 120914ssa Page 25 ~ OPTION 2 REQUIRED MEETINGS and one monthly special/work session 2015 Schedule of Meetings scheduled Harnett County Board of Commissioners Thursday January 1 Holiday Monday January 5 9:00am Board Meeting Tuesday January 13 9:00am Special Session Monday January 19 Holiday Tuesday January 20 7:00pm Board Meeting Monday February 2 9:00am Board Meeting Tuesday February 10 9:00am Special Session (Clerk @ school) Monday February 16 7:00pm Board Meeting Monday March 2 9:00am Board Meeting Tuesday March 10 9:00am Special Session Monday March 16 7:00pm Board Meeting Friday April3 Holiday Monday April6 9:00am Board Meeting Tuesday April14 9:00am Special Session Monday April20 7:00pm Board Meeting Monday May4 9:00am Board Meeting Tuesday May 12 9:00am Special Session Monday May 18 7:00pm Board Meeting Monday May25 Holiday Monday June 1 9:00am Board Meeting Tuesday June9 9:00am S pecial Session Monday June 15 7:00pm Board Meeting Friday July 3 Holiday HC BOC 120914ssa Page 26 Monday July 6 9:00am Board Meeting Tuesday July 14 9:00am Special Session Monday July 20 7:00pm Board Meeting Monday August 3 9:00am Board Meeting Tuesday August 11 9:00am Special Session Monday August 17 7:00pm Board Meeting Monday September 7 Holiday Tuesday September 8 9:00am Board Meeting Tuesday September 15 9:00am Special Session Monday September 21 7:00pm Board Meeting Monday October 5 9:00am Board Meeting Tuesday October 13 9:00am Special Session Monday October 19 7:00pm Board Meeting Monday November 2 9:00am Board Meeting Tuesday November 10 · 9:00am Special Session Wednesday November 11 Holiday Monday November 16 7:00pm Board Meeting Thurs/Fri November 26 & 27 Holiday Monday December 7 9:00am Board Meeting Tuesday December 15 9:00am Special Session Monday December 21 7:00pm Board Meeting Wed/Thurs/Fri December 23, 24 & 25 Holiday ***Meeting dates/designations may change with 48 hours notice*** HC BOC 120914ssa Page 27 ~ OPTION 3 REQUIRED MEETINGS and two monthly special/work sessions 2015 Schedule of Meetings scheduled Harnett County Board of Commissioners Thursday January 1 Holiday Monday January 5 9:00am Board Meeting Tuesday January 13 9:00am Special Session Monday January 19 Holiday Tuesday January 20 7:00pm Board Meeting Tuesday January 27 9:00am Special Session Monday February 2 9:00am Board Meeting Tuesday February 10 9:00am Special Session (Clerk @ school) Monday February 16 7:00pm Board Meeting Tuesday February 24 9:00am Special Session Monday March 2 9:00am Board Meeting Tuesday March 10 9:00am Special Session Monday March 16 7:00pm Board Meeting Tuesday March 31 9:00am Special Session Friday April3 Holiday Monday Apri16 9:00am Board Meeting Tuesday April14 9:00am Special Session Monday April20 7:00pm Board Meeting Tuesday April28 9:00am Special Session Monday May4 9:00am Board Meeting Tuesday May 12 9:00am Special Session Monday May 18 7:00pm Board Meeting Tuesday May26 9:00am Special Session HC BOC 120914ssa Page 28 Monday May25 Holiday Monday June 1 9:00am Board Meeting Tuesday June 9 9:00am Special Session Monday June 15 7:00pm Board Meeting Tuesday June 30 9:00am Special Session Friday July 3 Holiday Monday July 6 9:00am Board Meeting Tuesday July 14 9:00am Special Session Monday July 20 7:00pm Board Meeting Tuesday July 28 9:00am Special Session Monday August 3 9:00am Board Meeting Tuesday August 11 9:00am Special Session Monday August 17 7:00pm Board Meeting Tuesday September 1 9:00am Special Session Monday September 7 Holiday Tuesday September 8 9:00am Board Meeting Tuesday September 15 9:00am Special Session Monday September 21 7:00pm Board Meeting Tuesday September 29 9:00am Special Session Monday October 5 9:00am Board Meeting Tuesday October 13 9:00am Special Session Monday October 19 7:00pm Board Meeting Tuesday October 27 9:00am Special Session (Clerk @ school) Monday November 2 9:00am Board Meeting HC BOC 120914ssa Page 29 Tuesday November 10 9:00am Special Session Wednesday November 11 Holiday Monday November 16 7:00pm Board Meeting Thurs/Fri November 26 & 27 Holiday Tuesday December 1 9:00am Special Session Monday December 7 9:00am Board Meeting Tuesday December 15 9:00am Special Session Monday December 21 7:00pm Board Meeting Wed/Thurs/Fri December 23, 24 & 25 Holiday ***Meeting dates/designations may change with 48 hours notice*** RULES OF PROCEDURE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS IV. REGULAR AND SPECIAL MEETINGS Rule 6. Regular and Special Meetings 1) Regular Meetings: The Board shall hold regular meetings as follows: First Monday of each Month at 9:00 a.m. Third Monday of each Month at 7:00p.m. If the regular meeting day is a holiday on which county offices are closed, the meeting shall be held on the next business day or such succeeding day as may be specified in the motion adjourning the immediately preceding regular meeting. Regular meetings are held in the County Administration Building. The Board may change or cancel the place or time of a particular regular meeting or of all regular meetings within a specified period by resolution adopted, posted, and noticed at least seven days before the change takes effect. Such a resolution shall be filed with the C lerk to the Board and posted at or near the regular meeting place, and copies shall be sent to all persons who have requested notice of special meetings of the Board. 2) Special Meetings. The Chairman or a majority of board members may at any time call a special meeting of the Board by signing a notice stating the time and place of the meeting and the subjects to be considered. The Clerk shall cause the notice to be posted on the bulletin board in the courthouse, on the door of the meeting room, and delivered to the Chairman and all other Board members or left at the dwelling place of each Board member at least 48 hours before the meeting. In addition, the notice shall be delivered to individual persons and news organizations that have requested such notice. HC BOC 120914ssa Page 30 y Responses from fellow county clerks when asked how often their Boards meeting. County Regular Meetings Scotland one regular meeting on the frrst Monday, unless scheduled otherwise Randolph one regular meeting on the frrst Monday, unless scheduled otherwise Granville meet on the first and third Mondays at 7:00p.m. except: Wake routinely have 2 regular meetings and 1 special meeting (work session) Franklin frrst and third Mondays at 7:00pm Iredell twice monthly, first and third Tuesday Person Typically two regular meetings per month, 1 day and 1 night meeting Davidson 4 times each month Sanfo rd first and third Monday o f each month at 6 pm Additional Comments Same as Randolph. We, too, have occasional joint meetings and special meetings. Early in the new year, there will be a mid-year retreat, which usually lasts half a day, as well as budget retreats (half day each, up to three or four, in the spring). Our board votes on a meeting scheduled for the following year at its October meeting. No work sessions. Only one regular meeting on the ftrst Monday, unless scheduled otherwise. We do have occasional special joint meetings or public hearings that have to be scheduled at other than regular meeting times. in March-the 3rd Monday because of the NACo conference which is normally the 1st week of March July, August, September & December -meet the 1st Monday due to summer & hol iday schedules. This sometimes makes for a long meeting in the months we have one meeting, but it has worked well. We do not have separate work sessions and we call special meetings if necessary. In Wake, we routinely have 2 regular meetings and 1 special meeting (work session). The work sessions are held to discuss big items that will eventually be on the regular meeting agenda but need some background and more details than have time for in a regular meeting. Work sessions have included topics such as LMEs, Market studies on salaries, changes in health care, etc. and how the county is impacted. We meet the first and third Mondays only unless a need for an additional meeting comes up. We'd love to move to one evening meeting and one morning meeting, but for now we meet at 7pm . Iredell County traditionally me et twice monthly, first and third Tuesday. However, they nonnally cancel the first meeting in July each year and the first meeting in November in Election years. They have an all-day fall planning session usually in November and a winter planning session (1 1/2 days) usually in February. They also h ave 3-5 extra budget meetings in April and May. Typically two regular meetings per month, 1 day and 1 night meeting; We typically h ave about three work sessions during budget process and specia l meetings at least once p er year each with the Board of Educati on, Rox boro City Council, Economic De velopment Commission, etc. They have a Zoning Public Hearing the first Monday of the month, an Informational Meeting the first Thursday of the month (traditionally on items that require discussion and no vote, used to introduce items that may be set for a subsequent meeting) and regular meetings on the 2nd a nd 4th Tu esdays. We a lways meet the first and third Monday of each month (6 pm now but that time may be changed for next year). Work sessions and specia l meeting s are addressed as needed HC BOC 120914ssa Page 31 .. County Regular Meetings Additional Comments Bertie twice monthly, the first During certain months (not many) our Board meets for work and third Mondays of sessions/retreats, as well as for Public Hearings scheduled each month outside of a regular Board meeting. For example, during this month, our Board will have met for two regularly scheduled meetings, as well as for a public hearing, and a work session Warren 1st Monday for regular As needed for special meetings (usually 3 or 4 per year) meetings, 3ro Wednesday every other month for work sessions Johnston first Monday of each Our Board meets on the first Monday of each month. We month, two regular hold two regular meetings that same day. One at 10:00 am meetings that same day, for regular business (Public Utilities, Economic 10:00 am and 6:00 pm Development, Misc. public hearings, Misc. groups wishing to address the Board, Finance, Appointments, etc.) and then we meet again at 6:00 p.m. that evening for rezoning/special use cases, any land development ordinance public hearings, and other items as needed (typically the evening meeting is geared towards land use items, but we allow for other things if specifically requ ested due to some reason they can't come at 10:00 am meeting). We also hold Public Comment sections at the beginning of both meetings . We hold an annual work session (it's really an annual retreat, but our Board refers to it as a "work session") sometime during February or March. Most of the time it's a one day work session, but we have carried over into 2 days. We hold special meetings as needed, but usually only when something just absolutely can't wait until the next regular meeting. Durham Worksession the 1st Monday of each month at 9:00 am; Regular Session on the 2"d and 4th Mondays at 7:00 m. Tyrrell meets the 1st Tuesday of each month and the 3rd Tuesday in April, May, June, August, September and October. All meetings are at 1 :00 p.m. Martin County meet on the 2"d Wednesday of each month at 7:00p.m HC BOC 120914ssa Page 32