06061955434 JUNE 6th, 1955 The Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday June 6th., 1955, with L. A. Tart, Chairman, B. P. Ingram, J. E. Womble, Glenn Johnson and R. L. Pate present. Also present were the County Attorney the Clerk to the Board and the Auditor. The report of Elizabeth F. Matthews, Clerk Superior Court, was approved and placed on file. The report of Inez Harrington, Register of Deeds, was approved and placed on file. The report of D. P. Ray, lax Collector, was approved and placed on file. Electrical The report of B. H. Sellers, and Roy Godwin, County /Inspectors, were approved and ordered filed. The report of L. B. McLean, Veteran's. Service Officer, was approved and ordered filed. The report of Grand Jury was read. Commissioner R. L. Pate,moved, seconded by Commissioner J. E. Womble that Allred Roofing Company of Dunn be authorized to repair the roof of County Home at approximate cost of 475.00. Motion carried. Commissioner Glenn Johnson moved, seconded by Commissioner Ingram that D. P. Ray, Tax Collector; be authorized to issue privilege license to Swanae Miller to continue in her profession of practicing the art of Palmistry. Motion carried,,. The following road petitions were approved: 1, to hard surface that road in Duke Township, which m i from Highway 421 in East Erwin known as Wilson Lucas St. to the woods east of Highway 421 a distance of 1/4 miles known as the Wilson Lucas road. (mailed to State Highway Com. Fayette- -ville) 2. To pave that road in Upper Little River Township, Beginning at intersection with McDougald Road at residence of June Byrd and runs north approximately 1i miles to intersection of said -road No. 421 at Old Peach Farm. (Petition given to Dom. Johnson to be presented to Mr. Whitfield). 3. To widen and place on Highway System that road in Stewart's Creek Township which runs from Felton Walker's residence to the Atkins road at- Edward Thomas residence a distance of 6/10 miles (petition mailed to State Highway Com. Fayetteville) Lela Huntley, Harnett County Home Demonstration Agent appeared before the Board and presented her regisnation to take effect June 30, 1955. The regisnation was accepted with regret. Miss Verna, Stanton, Assistants: State Home - Agent_ ;,.,Raleighy. -=North,:Carolina, appeared before the Board and recommended the appointment of Miss Thelma._ Hinson, Supply, N.C. as Harnett County Demonstration Agent. Commissioner Johnson moved, seconded by Commissioner Womble, that Miss Thelma Hinson be and she is hereby appointed Home Demonstration Agent for Harnett County for a term of one year, beginning July 1, 1955, for a term of six 'months: Herbert Carson, County auditor, was appointed pre - payment Tax Collector for the year 1955. T. D. 0+auinn was appointed Assistant County Agent for a term of nix months ending Dec. 31, 1955. MargaretFIMy was appointed Assistant Home Demonstration Agent for a term of six months ending December 31, 1955. L. K. Boston, Negro Farm. Agent, was appointed for a term of six months ending December 31st. 1955. Ida Hinnant, Negro Home Demonstration Agent, was appointed for a term of six months ending Dec. 31. 1955. D. P. Ray was appointed Tax Collector for a term of one year 435 L. B. McLean was appointed Veteran's Service Officer for a term of one year. Berles Johnson was named Tax Supervisor for a term of two years MARYLAND CASUALTY COMPANY BALTIMORE CCNTINUATION CERTIFICATE Bond No. 90- 156897 P. 0. In Consideration of the sum of Fifty - - -- Dollars, this bond, subject to all its covenants and conditions is hereby continued in force until on the 1st day of July, 1956. IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSICCD AND AGREED that the attached bond and all renewal or continuation certificates attached thereto (including this one) are nob cumul- ative, and that the total liability of the Maryland Casualty Company under the attached bond and all s :Tch renewal or continuation certificates shall not exceed the penalty named in the attached bond, to wit: 5,000.00 ATTACHED to and forming part of the bond, in the amount of Five 'Thousand Dollars, heretofore issued from the 1st day of July, 1953 on behalf of Alice Patterson, Lillington, N. C. Deputy and in favor of Duncan P. Ray, r Collector, Harnett County, N. C. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Maryland Casualty Company has caused this instrument to be signed by its President and Secretary at Baltimore, Maryland, this 2nd day of May 1955, but the same shall not be binding upon the Company unless counter- signed by an authorized representative of the Company. Glenn C. Bramble W. T. Harper, President Secretary (Seal) Countersigned James F. Davis Authorized Representative Thomson -Davis Agency MARYLAND CASUALTY COMPANY BALTIMORE CONTINUATION CERTIFICATE BOND No. 90- 156898 P.O. In Uonsideration of the sumof Twenty Five Dollars this bond, subject to all its covenants aid conditions is hereby continued in force until on the 1st day of July 1956, It Is Expressly Understood and Agreed that the attached bond and all renewal or continuation certificates attached thereto (including this one) are not cumula- tive, and that the total liability of the Maryland Casualty Company under the attached bond and all such renewal or continuation certificates shall nett exceed the penalty named in the attached bond, to wit 5,000.00 ATTACHED to and forming part of the bond, in the amount of Five Thousand Dollars, heretofore issued from the 1st day of July, 1953, on be- half of Lola OtQuinn, Mamers, North Carolina, Clerk and in favor of Duncan P. Ray, Jr. Tax Collector, Harnett County, North Carolina. IN WITNiSS WHERECF THE MARYLAND CASUALTY COMPANY has caused this instrument to be signed by its President and Secretary at Baltimore, Maryland, this 2nd day of May 1955, but the same shall not be binding upon the Company unless coun- tersigned by an authorized representative of the Company. Glenn C. Bramble Secretary (Seal) W. T. Harper, President, Countersigned James F. Davis Authorized Representative Thomas -Davis Agency The Board recessed to reconvene on Wednesday June 15th. at 7 :00 P.M. !i i. ��il yr✓ 'i 1 101 k to Board Cct‘r` mark