100619524 OCTOBER 6th, 1952 \The Board of Commissioners October'6th, 1952, at 10 :30 0' Byrd, H. S. Holloway and R. L. illness.. . Also present were W. Harrington, Clerk to Board. of Harnett County net in regular session, onMonday clock A, M. with L. A. Tart, Chairman, Worth flee Pate present, absent B. P. Ingram on account of A. Johnson,. Atty. H. D. Carson, Auditor, and Inez The report of Elizabeth F. Matthews, Acting Clerk "uperior Court, and placed on file. The report of Inez Harrington, Register of Deeds, was approved and ordered filed. as approved The report of D. P. Ray, Tax Collector, was approved and ordered filed. The report of L. B. McLean, Veteran Service Orricer, was approved and placed on file. It is ordered that W. M. Perry of Averasboro Township, be released of penalty in amount of 4p23:s.19 for late listing for the year 1951, on account of physical disability during the listing period. It is ordered that J. T. Clark, Duke Township, be released of Poll tax for years 1950 and 1951 on account of physical disability, he being a patient in T. B. Sanitorium. Commissioner Holloway moved, seconded by Commissioner Byrd, that County convey to W.- P. Sutton the county's interest in lots 58, and 59,Elock B Shawtown. The same -being the same land acquired by Harnett County under Judg. A. 965 by deed recorded in Book 247, page 62. Motion carried. The Chairman is hereby authorized to execute deed and the clerk to Board will attest same. The following road petitions were placed on file: (1) To black top hard surface that certain road in LillingtonTownship which runs from Shawtown School south along the Murchison Road via Theodore Murchison's home to N. C. Highway ff 210 a distance of 7/10 miles. (2) To work up and gravel that road in Averasboro Township which runs from M. E. Thornton's home to the black to at W. M. Blackman&s, known as the old Sherwood Church Road a distance'of 9/10 miles. (3) To pull up and gravel that road in Grove Township which runs from #421 to Church of God, colored church, a distance of 600 yards. Mrs. Annie Mae Pemberton, Supervisor of Services to the aged, with the State Board- of Public Welfare, appeared before the Board ofi Lommissioners and ex- plained the advantages of converting the Harnett County Home into a licensed Boarding Home under the Supt. of Public Welfare. Commissioner Holloway moved, seconded by Commissioner Worth Lee Byrd, that the county purchase a wheel chair for the county home. Motion carried. moved Commissioner R. L. Pate/ seconded by H. S. Holloway, that R. Eugene Brown, of the State Welfare Board, be invited to meet with Board of Commissioners to dis- cuss the Harnett Welfare Budget. Motion carried. moved Commissioner Worth Lee Byrd/ seconded by Commissioner R. L. Pate, that the Electrical Insepectors be allowed $4.00, per house, to begin as of October 6th. Motion carried. THE FOLLOWING JURORS WERE DRAWN FOR THE TERM OF SUPERIOR COURT BEGINNING ' NOVEMBER 10th.,1952. 1. M. J. Jadkson Jr. 2. Willard Cummings 3. Charlie Cotton 4. Billy Hay Matthews 5.. 'John M. Swann 6. E. H. Colville 7. Mabel Alston 8. Charles Hodges 9. Margaret Shaw 10. David Avery 11. tD W Parker Erwin it 1 Lillington 0 3 Lillington ;## 2 Lillington Jonesboro Hgt. #6 Lillington Lillington Dunn Lillington Erwin # 1 Dunn Grove U R Lillington Lillington Johnsonville Lillington Lillington Averasboro Lillington S. Creek Averasboro 173 12. Ralph S. Harrington 13. C. T. Matthews 14. Carl Womble 15. Odell Broadwell 16. James E. Lee 17. Graham Hodges 10. Leon Taylor 19. James M. Manning 20. Alton R. Adams 21. Ed Cofield 22. Neil Alex Stewart 23. T. H. Patterson 24. Lee 'Womack 25. T C Hyman, Jr. 26. B E Lucas 27. Ruffin Byrd 26. J 0 Matthews 29. J V Harrington 30, Hugh McNeill 31. Howard Ennis 32. R. Dennis Strickland 33. J E Lanier 34. Helen Hoffman 35. Warren Barefoot 36. Lewis J. Johnson 37. Alfred Gillis - 35. Walter Wood 39. Mrs. Hoover Adams 40. Ozell Horton 41. Fred Atkins 42. Jessie Lee holder 43. L. B. Matthews 44. Malcolm Kickens 45. L. B. West Fuquay y 1 Dunn Lillington Dunn f 2 Dunn Fuquay w 2 Broadway of 1 Dunn # 3 Bunnlevel ht 1 Dunn Lillington if 3 Lillington if j Lillington Dunn Spring Lake t 1 Dunn 1 3 Angier Broadway 3 1 Broadway if 1 Benson g 1 Dunn Lillington ` 3 Lillington Benson 1 Cmaeron r1 2 Erwin Bunnlevel ;f 1 Dunn Lillington I 1 Cameron ;p 2 Lillington # 3 Chaly "ceate Lillington if 3 Bun level it 1 THE FOLLOW -“G JURORS WERE DHAWN FOR THE TERM OF SUPERIOR COURT BEGIN'vING NOVEMBER 17th. 1952. 1. Joseph C. Collins 2. Mrs. C H Pope j. Paul Altman 4. William M. Wallace 5. G H Thomas 6. Jim McFarland 7. Bertha E. Moore 0. Edward Cameron 9. John Ryan 10. J. Elbert Cameron 11. Jesse S. Cameron 12. J V Fowler 13. B H Brown 14. Ben Baker 15. John W. Spears 16. N M Brown 17. Sam H. Ausley 10. Willie Brown 19. Laurie Kelly 20. J C Ammons 21. J J Lanier 22. W 0 Smith 23. A. Gifford Cameron 24. Harry Butler 25. Hayden Adams 26. Gattis McNeill 27. R W Pope 20. Lucy Jernigan 29. M W Buchanan 30. Mrs. J R Butler 31. Roger Mabry 32. Leon C. Rosser 33. John Robert Britt 34. George H. Jackson 35. P4 J Jernigan 36. Archie Holder Angier Dunn Angier if 2 Lillington # 3 Jonesboro Heights if 6 Broadway » 1 Dunn # j Ldlivia Angier # 2 Broadway it 1 Broadway # 1 Olivia Lillington i 2 Du nn Lillington Lillington if 3 Dunn Dunn Broadway 3 1 Dunn 1 4 Lillington $ 2 Fuquay ,{ 2 Broadway 1 1 Dunn Angier if 2 Broadway it 1 Dunn Dunn Broadway rF 1 Coats A:;gier if 2 Olivia Dunn ,g Dunn Dunn Erwin -$ 1 Buckhorn Averasboro Lillington Averasboro Averasboro Black River U L R Duke Stewart's Creek Averasboro U L R U L R Lillington Averasboro Anderson Creek Grove Black River Barbecue U L R Grove Averasboro U L R Lillington Grove Johnsonville Duke Stewart's Creek Averasboro Neill's Creek Johnsonville U L R Hector's Creek U L R Stewart's Creek Black River ,averasboro Black River U L R Barbecue Barbecue Averasboro - Johnsonville Grove Barbecue Barbecue barbecue U L R Averasboro Lillington Barbecue Averasboro nverasboro U L R Averasboro Stewart's Creek Hector's Creek Barbecue <tverasboro Black River U L H Averasboro nverasboro U L R Averasboro black River barbecue Averasboro Averasboro Averasboro Stewart's Creek 174 RESOLUTION. WHEREAS, The State Highway and Public Works Commission purposes to build new offices for the Sixth Highway Division; AND WHEREAS- we feel that such offices should be located centrally within the District in order to render a better service to the people of the District; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County that said Board of Commissioners is opposed to locating the Sixth Division Highway Commission Offices in Randolph County because it is located on one end of the District far removed from most of the other Counties in the District; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County recommends and favors the location of said District Offices in Moore County, o.r at some other centrally located point within,, the District. Upon motion of Commissioner Pate, seconded by Commissioner Holloway the fore- going resolution was unanimously adopted. I, Inez Harrington, Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and exact copy of a resolution ad- opted by the Board of Commissioners of farnett County at its regular meeting on October 6, 1952, and that the original thereof is duly recorded upon the minutes of said meeting in my office. This, the 7th day of October, 1952. Clerk Harnett County Board of Commissioners The Board recessed to reconvene on Wednesdayt7. tober 8th. at 2 :30 P.M. Chariman Clerk to Board