09021952160 SEPTEMBER 2nd. 1952 The Board of County Commissioners of on Tuesday,September 2nd. 1952, with L. Holloway and Worth Lee Byrd-present. B the Clerk to- Board, -the Auditor and the The report of Elizabeth F. Matthews, approved and ordered filed. Harnett'County met in a. regular session A. Tart, Chairman, R. L. Pate, H. IS, . P. Ingram was absent. Also present were County Attorney. Acting Clerk of Superior Court was The report of Inez Harrington, Register of Deeds, was :approved and ordered filed. The report. of D. P. Ray, Jr.,. Tax Collector, was approved and ordered filed. The report,of L. B. McLean, Veteran Service Officer, was approved and ordered filed. The report of Ida Hinnant, Negro Home Agent, as approved and ordered filed, The report of J. L. Bishop and B. H. Sellars, County Electrical Inspectors,, were approved and ordered filed. Mr. Matthews of the finance of Thurman C. Ennis & Co.,.C.P.A. appeared before the board with the 1951 -52 audit, after going,, over said audit upon motion of Con. Byrd seconded by Com.'Holloway, said audit was accepted subject to the appro- val of the Local Government Commission. The following road petitions were placed on file: (1) For gravel surface that certain road in Averasboro Township which runs from U. S. x#'301 westward to A. C. L. RR, then northward to paved road extending from 301 at Alphin Store on to Gaines Bridge a distance of 3/4 mile (Petition filed) (2) Paving or surface treat that certain road in Neill's Creek Township which runs from Highway # 421 at Edgerton Station via Wade Stewart's to Lloyd property and Blackman property at end of road distance of 1.22 miles (Petition filed) (3) Widen and straighten that certain road in Grove £ ownship, which runs from Highway # 421 starting at Jakeman's Service Station to Bondroad 25, and known as Erwin Chapel Church road, a distance of 1.2 miles (Petition filed) (4) To grade that certain road in Averakboro Township which runs from Dunn - Coats road to home of Robert Tripp to the state Maintenance road leading to Dunn, N. C. known as `Pig -Pen" road, a distance of 550 yards. -H. S., Holloway move, seconded by R. L. Pate, that Wilma Williams, Welf Supt. be authorized 'to notify Claude Bryant, an inmate of County Home, to vacate by Monday, September, 8th. (Motion carried .Worth Lee Byria2v2 conded by R. L. Pate, m Yxd that Robert Lee Byrd of Grove Township, be admitted to the County Home and J. R. Byrd,. Erwin; RFD 1, w pay the amount of $25:00, per month, to the county. Motion carried ,Worth Lee Byrd, moved, seconded by H. S. Holloway, that the Tax Supervisor deliver the Tax ReceiptTBooks for 1952 to the Tax Collector. (Motion carried) are i11 NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COUNTY TO: HONORABLE D. P. Ray, Jr., Harnett County Tax Collector: You are hereby authorized, empowered and commanded to collect the taxes set forth in the tax books filed in the office of the iarnett County Tax Supervisor and in the receipts herwith delivered to you;•: and in the amount and from the taxpayers therein set forth, ( and also, all other taxpayers and taxes represented by official tax receipts for years other than the current year) and such taxes are hereby declared to be a first lien on all real property of the respective tax- payers in Harnett County and this order shall be a full and sufficient aubhority to direct, require and enable you to levy on and sell any, real or personal prop- erty of said taxpayers, for and on account thereof in accordance with law. L. A. Tart, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners Attest; Inez Harrington Clerk to Board 161 Commissioner Holloway indroduced the following Resolution which was read: WHEREAS) heretofore a d prior to the receiving of bids for the construction of a Branch Health Center at Dunn, North Carolina, the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County allocated the sum of 47623.81 for the purpose of furnishing the county's share of the estimated cost of such health center, which sum was to be appropriated out of the existing Health Department surplus in the amount of 412,318.67; And, WHEREAS, the bids for the construction of said health center have been received since the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1952, and ending June 30, 1953, was adopted and the total amount of the low bids for the construction of said branch health center, together with the cost of the equipment therefor, is such that it will be necessary for harnett County to furnish the sum of 410,962.47 as its part of the cost of constructing and equipping said building in order that said project may be proceeded with and not abandoned; And, WHEREAS, although no funds were appropriated in the 1951 -1952 budget to de- fray the county's share of the cost of said building, there are sufficient funds available in the form of the hereinabove referred to surplus to more than cover the county's share of said cost and the Attorney General of North Carolina has advised the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County by letter dated August b, 1952 that the appropriation resolution may be amended and the sum of 410,962.47 appropriated from said surplus funds to defray the county's share of the cost of said project; And, WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County are of the opinion that said sum of 410,962.47 should be appropriated in order that the county may proceed with the construction of said health facilities; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the board of Commissioners of Harnett County that the appropriation resolutinn heretofore adopted for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1952 and ending June 30, 1953 be and the same is hereby amended to provide for an appropriation of 410,962.47 to be used for the purpose of defraying the county's share of t::e total cost of erecting and equipping a branch Health Center in the Town of Dunn; AND BE IT FLIRT {ER RESOLVED that the sum of $10,982.47 be and the same is hereby appropriated out of the health Department surplus of #12,318.87 to be used for the purpose of defraying the county's share of the cost of said project. Upon motion of Commissioner Holloway, seconded by Commissioner Byrd, the fore- going resolution was unanimously adopted. NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COUNTY RESOLUTION WHEREAS D. P. hay, Jr., was appointed and duly qualified as Harnett County Tax Collector for the 1951 levy of county taxes and was charged with the duty of collecting all current and delinquent taxes and revenues due the County of Harnett for the period beginning July 1, 1951, and ending June 30, 1952; And, 1951 WHEREAS the said D. P. Ray, Jr., Harnett County Tax Collector for thee'� levy has submitted his list of insolvents who were charged with the payment of taxes to Harnett County under said 1951 levy, and has made settlement as provided by law all items with which he was charged in connection with said 1951 levy; And, WHEREAS, the records of the said D. P. Ray,Jr., Harnett County lax Collector, covering the collection of all taxes and revenues he was charged with the duty of collecting during said term have been audited by Thurman C. Ennis, and Company, Certified Public Accountants and found to be correct; NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT ESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Harnett County that the final settlement of D. P. Ray, Jr., Tax Collector for the 1951 county levy be, and the same is hereby accepted and approved and the said D. P. Ray, Jr., Tax Collector, together with the surety on his official bond covering the 1951 levy and the collection of delinquent taxes for the period between July 1, 1951, and June 30, 1952 be, and they are, subject to the provisions of law, hereby relieved of liability during said period. Upon motion of Commissioner Holloway, seconded by Commissioner Byrd, the foregoing Resolution was unanimously adopted. the Board of Commissioners recessed to reconvene on September 9th. at 11:00 A M. e/ ri Clerk to Board Chairman "162 STATEMENT OF RESULT OF SPECIAL BOND ELECTION HELD IN THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA ON September 6, 1952 At a special bond election held on September 6, 1952, throughout Harnett County, North Carolina, 19,995 voters were registered and qualified to vote. At said election 297 voters cast for the order authorizing not exceeding $490,000 Courthouse Bonds of the County of Harnett for the purpose of erecting a County Courthouse to replace the existing Courthouse and two existing county buildings, and the ac- quisition of the necessary equipment therefore, and a tax for said bonds, and 1944 votes were cast against said order, and said order was thereby disapproved and is not in force and effect. This statement is given by,.alder of the Board of Commissiones for the County of Harnett, this 9th. day of September, 1952. L. A. Tart Chariman H. S. Holloway VTorth L. Byrd R. L. Pate Commissioners The County Board of Elections of Harnett County, North Carolina, met in special session at the Courthouse in Lillington, North Carolina, at 11.00` O'clock A.M., on September 9th, 1952, with the following members present: Dougald:.McRae, Ohariman, and B. F. McLeod Absent: Thomas west 16: The following resolutin was introduced by Dougald McHae and was read: RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE CANVASSING OF THE RiTURNS OF THE SPECIAL BOND ELECTION HELD SEPTEMBER 6, 1952, and DETERMINING AND DECLAR- ING THE RESULT THEREOF. BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Elections of Harnett County: Section 1. That the returns of the special bond election held September 6, 1952 in the County of Harnett having been received from the registrars and judjges of election in the various precincts of the County, and this Board hav- ing canvassed the same, the following facts are hereby found and determined: (a) That each registrar and judge for the special bond election held in the County of narnett on September 6, 1952, was duly qualified by law and had taken the necessary oath. (b) That the election officers had incorporated in their returns not only the number of votes cast for and against the question submitted, but also the number of voters registered and qualified to vote in each preceinct in the election. (c) That at said election there was submitted to the qualified voters of said County the following question: Shall an order finally passed on July 7, 1952, authorizing not exceeding $490,000 Courthouse Bonds of the County of narnett for the purpose of erecting a County Courthouse to replace the existing Courthouse and two existing county buildings, and the acquisition of the necessary equipment therefor, and a tax for said bonds, be approved? Section 2. That the following schedule correctly shows the designation of the several precincts and polling places at which said electionwas held, the number of voters registered and qualified to vote in each precinct, the number of votes cast in each precinct in favor of the question submitted, the number cast against such question, the number of spoiled ballots, and the totals of such numbers: Voters regis- tered and Question Submitted quali- fied Votes Votes Spoiled Precinct Polling Place to vote For Against Ballots Anderson Creek Hill's Garage 731 1 99 Averasboro No. 1 Harnett Motor Sales 992 8 37 verasboro o. 2 Dunn Municipal Bldg. 1708 9 110 verasboro No. 3 Ford Place 1162 15 115 verasboro No. 4 Dunn high School bldg. 1848 15 141 arbecue Mack Cameron's Store 837 19 79 Black River Angier Municipal Bldg. 1574 19 103 uckhorn Spence's Store 814 13 47 uke No. 1 Erwin Theatre 768 12 86 Duke No. 2 Erwin Mills Cafe 1110 3 106 c e No. 3 Erwin School bldg. 928 9 75 Grove No. 1 Stewart's Garage 951 1 190 Grove No. 2 Coats Municipal bldg. 1058 9 153 lector's Creek D. R. smith's Store 669 9 73 Johnsonville Community bldg. 254 12 19 illington County Courthouse 1240 73 90 eill's Creek 1o. 1 Butts' Service btation 366 24 53 Neill's Creek No. 2 Rear of btewart's btore 465 11 144 Stewart's Creek School bldg. 618 12 40 pper Little iver No. 1 O'Quinn's Store 1332 17 122 r n 1 164 Voters question Submitted regis- tered and qualified Votes Votes 'Spoiled Precinct Polling Place to.vote for Against Ballots Upper Little Hagland's.Store' _570 _ 6 62 • • River No. 2 TOTALS 19,995 297 1944 Section 3. That no complaints have been made to this Board against the reg- ularity of said election, and that this Board believes that said election was con- ducted in full compliance with law and•the orders ofthis Board. Section 4. That from the canvass so made by this Board it is determined and declared: (a) That 19,995 voters were registered and qualified to vote. (b) That -at said election 297 votes were cast for the orMer authorizing not exceeding 0 90,000 Courthouse bonds of the County of Harnett for the purpose of erecting a County Courthouse to eeplace the existing Courthouse and two existing county buildings, and the acquisition of the necessary equipment therefor, and a. tax for said bonds, and 1944 votes were cast against said order, and that a maj- ority of the qualified voters of said County who voted thereon at said election voted in favor of said order. Dougald McRae moved-the-passage of the foregoing resolution and B. F. McLeod seconded the motion. After full discussinn said resolution was voted on and de- clared passesi, those voting for said resolution being Dougald McRae and B. F. McLeod and those, voting against said resolution being None I,''Dougald McRae, Secretary'of the County Board of Elections of Harnett County, North Carolina, do.hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of so much of the minutes of said County; Board of Elections at a meeting held Septem- ber 8, 1952, at 11 o'clock, °A. M. in the Courthouse at Lillington, as relate in any way to the passage of the resolution hereinabove set forth, and that said min - utes are recorded in Minute Book 9, beginning at page 16a, and. ending at page 164. Dougald McRae Chariman Secretary of the County board of ;Elections of Harnett County, 165 An adjourned regualr meeting of the of Harnett County of Harnett convened at Carolina, the usual place of meeting, at 1952. Board of Commissioners for the County the Courthouse in Lillington, North llo'clock, A. M., on September 9th, Present: Chariman L. A. Tart, and Comissioners H. S. Holloway. Absent: B. P. Ingram. R. L. Pate,Worth Byrd and At the hour of llo'clock, A. M., the members of the Board of Commissioners for the County of Harnett sat at the table at which the County Board of Elections was holding its meeting and thereupon said County Board of Elections and said Board of Commissioners, as two separate bodies, separately received from the registrars and judges of election in the various precincts of the County of Harnett the returns of the special bond election held September 6th, 1952. After said returns had been canvanssed by said Board of Commissioners, being simultaneously with the canvassing thereof by the County board of Elections in the same place, Commissioner Holloway introduced the following resolution which was read: RESOLUTION CANVASSING THE RETURNS OF THE SPECIAL BOND ELECTION HELD SEPTEMBER 6, 1952, AND DETERMIN- ING AND DECLARING THE RESULT THEREOF BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners for the Bounty of Harnett: Section 1. That the returns of the special bond election held September 6, 1952, having been received from the proper election officers and this Board having canvassed the same, the following facts are hereby found and determined: (a) That each registrar and judge for the special bond election held in the County of °arnett on September 6, 1952, was duly qualified by law and had taken the necessary oath. (b) That the election officers had incorporated in their returns not only the number of votes cast for and against the question submitted, but also the number of voters registered and qualified to vote in each precinct in the election. (c) That at said election there was submitted to the qualified voters of said County the following question: Shall an order finally passed on July 7, 1952, authorizing not exceeding W190,000 Courthouse Bonds of the County of Harnett for the purpose of erecting a County Courthouse to replace the exist- ing Courthouse and two existing county buildings, and the acquisition of the necessary equipment therefor, and a tax for said bonds, be approved? Section 2. That the following schedule correctly shows the designations of the several precincts and polling places at which said election was held, the number of voters registered and qualified to vote in each precinct, the number of votes cast in each precinct in favor of the question submitted, the humber cast against such question, the number of spoiled ballots, and the totals of such numbers: Precinct Barbecue Anderson Cr, Black River Averasboro No.1 Buckhorn Averasboro No.2 Polling Place Mack Cameron's Store Hill's Garage Angier Municipal nldg. Harnett Motor Sales Spence's Store Dunn Municipal Bldg. Voters regis- tered and Question Submitted quali- fied Votes Votes Spoiled to vote For Against Ballots 837 731 1574 992 814 1708 19 1 19 6 13 9 79 99 103 37 47 110 166 PRECINCT Averasboro Duke No. 1 Averasboro Duke No. 2 Duke No '3 POLLING PLACE No.3 Ford Place Erwin Theatre No 4 Dunn High School Bldg. Erwin Mills Cafe Grove No. 1 Grove No. 2 Hector's Creek Johnsonville Lillington Neill's.Creek No, c1 Neill's Creek No. 2 Voters regis- tered and Question Submitted quali ' fied Votes Votes Spoiled to vote for against Ballots 1162 15 115 1848 86 8 15 14 1110 3 106 ...... Erwin School Bldg. -928 , 9 75 Stewart's Garage 951 1 150 Coats Municipal Bldg. 1058 9 153 D. R. 'smith's - .Store 669 9 73 Community Bldg. 254 12 19 ...... County Courthouse 1240 73 90 Butts' Service Station 366 244 53 .... .. Rear of Stewart's, Store 465 11 144 Stewart's Creek School Building Upper Little River No. 1 Upper Little River No. 2 618 12 40 ...., O'Quinn's Store 1332 17 122 Ragland' s Store TOTALS 570 6 62 19,995 297 1944 Section 3. That no complaints have been made to this Board against the reg- ularity of said election, that notice of said election was duly published, and that this Board believes that said election was conducted in full compliance with law and with the orders of this Board. Section 4. That from the convass so and declared: made by this Board it is determined (a) That 19,995 voters wereregistered and qualified to vote. - (b) That at said elction 297 votes were cast for the order authoizing not exceeding $490,000 Courthouse onds for the purpose of erecting a County Court- hcuse to replace the existing Courthouse and two existing county buildings, and the acquisition of.the necessary equipment therefor, and a tax for said bonds, and 1944 votes were cast against said order, that a majority of the qualified voters of said County who voted thereon at said election voted against said order, and that said order was thereby - disapproved and is not in force and effect. Upon motion of Commissioner Pate, seconded by Commissioner Holloway, the foregoing resolution entitled: "RESOLUTION CANVASSING THE RETURNS OF THE SPECIAL BOND ELECTION HELD SEPTEMBER 6, 1952, AND DETERMINING AND DECLARING THE RESULT THEREOF" was passed by the following vote: Ayes: Commissioners Pate, Byrd and Holloway Noes: -None Thereupon Commissioner Holloway introduced the following resolution, which was read; 1� � RESOLUTION ADCPTING A STATEMENT OF THE RESULT OF TiiE SPECIAL BOND ELECTION HELD SEPTEMBER 6, 1952, AND FROVIDING FOR THE RECORDING, FILING AND PUBLICATION THEREOF BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners for the County of Harnett: SECTION 1. That the Board of Commissioners has prepared and does adopt the following statement of the result of the special bond election held in the County of Harnett on September 6, 1952: STATEMENT OF RESULT OF SPECIAL BOND ELECTION HELD IN THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA ON SEPTEMBER 6, 1952. At a special Lond election held on September 6, 1952, throughout Harnett County, North Carolina, 19,995 voters were registered and qualified to vote. At said election 297 votes were cast for the order authorizing not exceed- ing 4490,000 Courthouse Bonds of the County of Harnett for the purpose of erecting a County Courthouse to replace the existing Courthouse and two exist- ing county buildin,_s, and the acquisition of the necessary equipment therefor, and a tax for said bonds, and 1944 votes were cast against said order, and said order was thereby disapproved and is not in force and effect. This statement is given by order of the Board of Commissioners for the County of Harnett, this 9th day of September, 1952. (s) L. A. Tart Chariman (s) H. S. Holloway (s) Worth L. Byrd (s) R. L. Pate Commissioners Section 2. That when the foregoing statement shall have been signed by a majority of the members of this Board anddelivered to the Clerk, the latter shall record it in the minutes of theioard, and such statement shall be filed in the office of said Clerk and published by said Clerk once in the Harnett County News, a newspaper published in Harnett County. A notice substantially in the following form, with the printed signature of the Clerk appended there- to, shall be published with the foregoing statement: TO THE CITIZENS AND TAXPAYERS OF HARNETT COUNTY: No right of action or defense founded upon the invalidity of the elec- tion mentioned in the foregoing statement shall be asserted, nor shall the validity of such election be open to question in any court upon any ground whatever, except in an action or proceeding commenced within thirty days after the publication of the foregoing statement. (s) Inez Harrington Clerk, Board of Commissioners for the County of Harnett, North Carolina. Upon motion of Commissioner Holloway, seconded by Commissioner Pate, the foregoing resolution entitled: "RESOLUTION ADOPTING A STATEMENT OF THE RESULT OF THE SPECIAL BOND ELECTION HELD SEPTEMBER 6, 1952, AND PROVIDING FOR THE RECORDING, FILING AND PUBLICATION THEREOF", was passed by the following vote: Ayes: Commissioner Pate, Holloway and Byrd. Noes: None. I, Inez Harrington, Register of Deeds and ex officio Clerk of the Board at Commissioners for the County of Harnett, NorthCarolina, Do HEREBY CERTIFY 168 that the foregoing is a true copy of so much of the minutes of the Board of Commiss -, ioners for said County. at a meeting held September 9, 1952, as relate in any way to the special bond election held September, 6; 1952, and that said minutes are recorded in Minute Book 9, beginning at page 162 and ending at page 168 I FURTHER CERTIFY that the statement of the result of the election adopted by the resolution set forth in the foregoing transcript has been recorded by me and the original has been filed in my office. Witness my hand and the corporate seal of said Board, r� 9th September, 1952. Inez Harrington rf Register •f Deeds and ex officio Ole of .:oard C•p issioners The meeting adjourned to reconvene Monday O toter :` 1'52, 10 o'clock A.M. 169 THE FOLLOWING CHECKS WERE ISSUED DURING THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 1952. 3405 Thomas Lloyd Taylor 3406 Wachovia Bank & Trust Co 3407 C B Allred 3408 Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co 3409 Lassiter's Bindery 3410 Mrs. Sudie S. Parrish 3411 R C Monday 3412 Preston Porter, Constable 3413 Eli Manning, Constable 3414 W E Salmon, sheriff 3415 0 R Pearce, Constable 3416 Void 3417 Inez Harrington, Register, 3418 G C Henderson, Coroner 3419 KC Matthews, Jailor 3420 Annice McKoy 3421 Lucy Easom 3422 John Mullins 3423 Mantie Walborn 3424 Peggie Wilborn 3425 H K Spivey 3426 Bertha Thompson 3427 Thomas & Howard Company 3425 Lillington Roller Mills, Inc 3429 Colonial krozen Foods Lockers 3430 Brodgen Porduce Co 3431 Progressive Store 3432 City Market 3433 John H. Blackmon 3434 Pope §$5.00 Store 3435 The C B Dolge Co 3436 Dr. J. K. Williford 3437 Sexton's Dept. Store 3438 Ray's 3439, 0' Quinn & 0' Quinn 3440 Womble Company 3441 Phelps Wood and Win Shop 3442 Formers Cotton Oil Co 3443 Champion Milling Co Inc 3444 W A Davis Milling Co 3445 Storr Sales Company 3446 Gray & Creech Inc - 3447 C R Ammons County Agent 3445 Southeastern Radio Supply Co 3449 -Dr. A W Peede 3450 Dr. C B Codrington 3451 Wayne County Health Dept. 3452 Fannie McAllister 3453 Charles C. Thomas 3454 Westinghouse Electric Corp. 3455 Dr. Charles W. Byrd 3456 R C Monday, Uonstable September allowance Rent Negro Agents office Rent Veterans office County's tel. Bill Binding tax teceipts Work for Sheriff Fess Fees Fees Aug. Postage ° ees Void Register of Deeds Fees Tess work at County Home Work at County Home work at County Home "ork at County Home work at County Home Work at County Home "ork at County Home Invoices Invoice Dunn Statement Invoice County Home Acct. County Home Acct. Canning for Co. Home Supplies for Co. Home Invoice Professional services Supplies for Co. Home Statement ''upplies for Co. Home "tatement tatement Invoice Invoice Invoice Statement Invoice Repair Work Invoice Attending V D Clinic V D Clinic statement Cleaning at Dunn Health Center Invoice Invoice Clinic Fees 3457 Commercial Printing Co Transfer Binders 3458 Elizabeth F. Matthews Acting CSC - Aug. Postage 3459 Elizabeth F. Matthews, Acting CSC Fees in court cases 3460 Conservation and Development County's part for fire control 3461 Harnett County News Printing 3462 Bowen Office Equipment Co Invoice 3463 Raleigh Office Supply Co Invoices 3464 Layton Supply Co Supplies 3465 Town of Lillington County's water bill 3466 Purdie Brothers Inc Supplies 3467 Kelly's Drug Store Medicine Co. Home and Jail 3468 Modern Laundry and Cleaners Statement 3469 Holloway Plumbing Shop Repairs 3470 Colonial Stores Inc Relief orders 3471 Progressive Store Relief orders 3472 J A Holmes Relief orders 3473 Dean's Grocery & Market Relief order 3474 Pure Food Store Relief order 3475 Hay Noore Relief order 347b L R white Relief order 3477 Clem H. Goowin Relief order 3475 .Harold T. Butts Relief order 3479 Cerlise M. Johnson Relief order 34b0 Herbert Williams Relief order 3481 Broadway Drug Store Statement 3482 Hood's Drug Store Statement gp 10.00 15.00 17.50 195.80 93.50 100.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 8.00 9.20 40.00 90.00 66.80 80.00 4.00 65.00 9.00 8.00 7.75 70.00 66.91 19.50 31.60 8.00 34.42 22.08 77.16 19.92 68.50 17.00 10.70 9.14 11.05 6.95 31.00 72.13 221.00 197.65 51.70 7.89 1.63 7.77 5.00 40.00 13.75 13.50 3.50 1.79 60.00 4.00 30.07 13.40 40.06 349.74 4.00 23.2 4.5 49.59 34.35 80.61 36.30 77.60 29.19 20.00 40.00 15.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 15.00 15.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 16.67 20.15 ri7o 3483 Kelly's Drug Store 3484 Lee County Hospital 3485 The Naile Clinic 3486 ,Highsmith Hospital Duke Hospital Good Hope Hospital Ray's Lewis Baer Dr. Curtis Crump .Rove Cottage Sanatorium N.C. Sanatorium 3487 3488 3489 3490 3491 3492 3493 Medicine Hospitalization Statement Hospitalization Hospitalization Hospitalization Relief orders Relief order Hospitalization Hospitalization Hd.spaalization 3494 The Eastern NC Sanatorium Hospitalization 3495 Wake County Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Hospitalization 3495 The Western NC Sanitorium Hospitalization 3497 The Guilford County Sanitorium Hospitalization 3498 Johnson & Bryan County Jail 3499 Lillington Furniture Co Supplies Co. Home Home 3500 Fowler Radio Company Thermostat for Refrigerator Co. 3501 Builders Supply Co Invoice 3502 Kelly's Drug Store Supplies 3503 State Commission fpr Blind Invoice 3504, M D Lanier, Postmaster Postage 3505 H D Carson Jr. Part payment on Sept. salary 275.00 3500, First Citizens Bank & Trust Co Withholding tax withheld For Aug. 1,061.00 3507 Mrs. Franz Endres Supplies Welfare Dept. 11.75 3508 Wake County Tuberculosis Sanatorium Services - Welfare Dept. 105.00 35091 Miriam Cox Court Reporting 95.30 3510 E M Blanchard 3 days as officer of Grand Jury 15.00 3511., D P Ray Jr. Tax collector Jurty tickets 847.50 3512 W H Matthews Salary 45.00 3513" David Campbell Salary 32.50 3514 Hallie C. Strickland Slary 16.00 3515 A P T D Fund County's part Sept. 127.25 3516 Typewriter Repair Service County'Agent's office 12.00 3517 Mrs. Carey Howard Registrar 90.00 3518 Marjorie S. Taylor Registrar 85.00 3519 Thomas J. Byrd Registrar 80.00 Paul Bradley Registrar 80.00 3521 Kathryn Phillips Registrar 90.00 3522 Aliene T. Honeycutt Registrar 80.00 3523 J E Williams Registrar 80.00 3524 Inez. Lee Registrar 70.00 3525 W P Butts Sr. Registrar 80.00 3526 MarvinW @st Registrar 90.00 3527 -Cecil Thomas Registrar 90.00 3528 Robert A. Draughon Registrar 100.00 3529 Mrs.- Pauline Ennis Registrar 80.00 3530 Elva Stephens Registrar .80.00 3531 E C Blanchard Registrar 80.00 3532 .B F McLeod Registrar 25.00 3533 A N Hudson Registrar 80.00 3534, E E Perkins Registrar 80.00 3535 H M ''Quinn Registrar 90.00 3536 Mrs. J 0 Andrews Registrar 80.00 3537: John Green Registrar 80.00 3538 Dorothy McPhail Clerk Bond Election 50.00 3539, M D Lanier Postmaster Postage Health Dept. 25.00 3540 L I Ogburn Registrar 80.00 3441_ Dougald McRae Chairman Board od Elections 250.00 3542 Mrs. L. L. Wilborn Boarding Home care 27.00 3543 Mrs. James Earl Wester Boarding Home care 42.00 3544 Mrs. James Earl Wester BpardIng Home care 42.00 3545 Mrs. G B Noell Boarding Home care . 42.00 3546 Mrs. G B Noell Boarding Home Care 42.00 3547 Mrs. G B Noell Boarding Home care 21.00 3548 Mrs. Rebecca Haymore Boarding Home care 42.00 3549 Mrs. P L Teasley Boarding Home care 70.00 3550 Mrs. Morris Holder Boarding Home care 42.00 3551 Thurman C. Ennis & Co Audit for year ending June 30 1,000.00 1952 3552 G'L Bryant Expense upon leaving Co. Home 10.00 3553 Jean Maness Part Payment on Salary 36.00 3554 M D Lanier Postmaster Postage Veterans Office 7.00 3555 W H Matthews Salary 45.00 3556 David Campbell Salary 32.50 3557 Hailte C. Strickland Slary 16.00 3558 Carolina Tel. and Tel Co 3559 Harnett Co. Health Center 3560 Harnett County Library Board 3561, L B Mcj'ean 3562 D P Ray Jr. Faa collector $ 8.75 52.40 3.00 232.00 296.05 20.45 46.77 10.00 90.50 551.00 325.44 16.70 22.40 17.66 291.10 136.97 1.05 15.00 2.45 3.40 214.53 3.00 Telephone Bill Dunn Health Center 11.75 Harnett Co.Pro rate share 10,982.47 Appropriation 1952 -53 Part payment on Sept. Salary Jury Tickets 3,000.00 25.00 324.00 171 3563 Carrie Speight Alston 3564 Rachel +weaver 3565 Carolina Power & Light Co. 3566 W H Matthews 3567 David Campbell 3568 Hallie C. Strickland 3569 M D Lanier Postmaster 3570 H D Carson Jr. 3571 James H. Anderson Co. 3572 L A Tart 3573 H S Holloway 3574 B P Ingram 3575 R L Pate 3576 Worth L. Byrd 3577 W A Johnson 3578 Berles C. Johnson 3579 Lottie Patterson 35b0 D P Ray Jr. 3581 Alice Patterson 3552 Lola O'Auinn 3563 W E Salmon 3584 Rachel Weaver 3555 Inez Harrington 3556 Mrs. Velma S. Eawards 3507 Flora Green Milton 3563 Hilda Shaw 3509 Imogene Alford 3590 K C Matthews 3591 Mrs. K C Matthews 3592 John Mason 3593 Mrs. John Mason 3594 Wilma williams 3595 Leona Breeden 3596 Naomi Hawley 3597 Marjorie M. Barnes 3598 Marjorie G. Richey 3599 Emma Lee West 3600 Margaret J. Carringer 3601 Melvarene J. Howard 3602 Frances E. Worrell 3603 C R Ammons 360(} T D 0' Quinn 3605 Nina P. Bethune 3606 Lela F. Huntley 3607 Julia Ellen Stewart 3608 Elizabeth F. Matthews 3609 Frances A. Thomas 3610 Elizabeth Pate 3611 M 0 Lee 3612 Neill McKay Ross 3613 L B McLean 3614 Jean Maness 3615 L K Boston 3616 Ida P. Hinnant 3617 Ophelia McLean 3615 Dr. W B Hunter 3619 M. Irene Lassiter 3620 Mabel L. Alston 3621 Ruby J. Hood 3622 Hattie E. Barnes 3623 Void 3624 M H Canady 3625 Gertrude Parker 3626 Virginia Pittard 3627 Lilly P. Taylor 3628 D P Ray Jr. Tax Collector 3629 Hospital Saving Asso.of NC 3630 M D Lanier Postmaster 3631 Worth L. Byrd 3632 Mrs. E H Bost 3633 Glynn T. Johnson 3634 Christian Community Mutual Burial Society 3635 Lucile Bell 3636 W H Matthews 3637 David Campbell 3638 Hallie C. Strickland 3639 J B Moss Jr. 361}0 Void Court Reporting Part payment on Sept. salary County's light vill Salary Salary Salary Box rent Auditors office Balance Sept. salary Invoice Less 1% Sept. salary Sept. Salary Sept. Salary Sept. Salary Sept. Salary Sept. Salary Sept. salary and expense Sept. Salary Sept. Salary and travel Sept. salary Sept. salary Sept. salary & travel Bal. Sept. Salary Sept. Salary Sept. salary Sept. salary Begi.ning Sept. 15, Sept. Salary Sept. salary Sept. salary Sept. salary Sept. salary and travel Sept- Salary Sept. Salary and bravel Supt. salary Sept. salary Sept. salary Sept. salary and travel Sept. 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Home Void $ 74.64 35.00 103.49 45.00 32.50 16.00 .75 94.00 143.01 50.00 25.00 25.00 6G.00 25.00 200.00 392.70 161.20 354.20 153.00 153.20 435.40 96.20 278.40 172.20 67.20 132.20 123.20 122.40 71.20 215.00 75.00 290.85 137.00 160.40 12.7.20 260.84 266.44 260.64 211.99 290.84 213.00 172.60 61.60 158.70 55.00 359.60 151.20 137.20 251.20 233.33 267.20 96.20 157.00 65.00 10.00 620.92 315.56 288.68 241.12 254.20 334.64 156.20 139.59 278.64 54.75 65.45 10.75 5.00 6.44 170.0 9.40 24.00 45.00 32.50 16.00 1,185.52 void