02041952FEBRUARY 4TH, 1952 The Board of Commissioners of Harnett County met in regular session on Monday Feb. 4th, 1952, with L. A. Tart, Chairman, R. L. Pate, B. P. Ingram, H.S. Holloway and Worth Lee Byrd present also present were W. A. Johnson Atty. and Herbert D. Carson, and Inez narrington. The report of Elizabeth F. Matthews acting C. S. C. was presented, approved and ordered filed. The report of Inez "arrington, Register of Deeds was approved and ordered. filed. The report of D. P. Ray, Jr.,. Tax Collector was approved and ordered filed. The monthly report of L. B. McLean, Veteran Service Officer was approved and ordered filed. Worth Lee Byrd moved seconded by B. P. Ingram that Cyrus McNeill be and he is hereby appointed Constable of Upper Little River township, to December 1st, 1952, upon present bond in the amount of $1000.00, approved by'the Board, he will begin his duties. (Motion carried) H. S. Holloway moved seconded by B. P. Ingram that L. A. Tart be and he is hereby appointed to serve as spokesman for Harnett County and authorized to sign all official instruments relating to the establishment of the Dunn Health Center in the 'Town of Dunn. (Motion Carried) Worth Lee Byrd moved, seconded by B. P. Ingram that the following resolutions be adopted. Be it resolved by the Board od Commissioners of "arnett County that the sum of $7,623.81 of funds heretofore allotted to use of the proposed Harnett County Ke 3th Center be and the same is hereby allotted and designated to be. held and used to de- fray Harnett Countyts portion of the estimated cost of the proposed Dunn Health Center in the Town of Dunn. (Motion Carried) B. P. Ingram moved, seconded by H. S. Holloway that the following resolution be adopted. Be it resoloved by the Board od Commissioners of harnett County that H. D. Carson, Jr. County Auditor, be and he is hereby appointed as Treasure to receive and disburse all funds in connection with the proposed Dunn Health Center. (Motion Carried) Upon motion of Worth Lee Byrd, seconded by B. P. Ingram, D. B. Dean was appointed as County -wide Tax Appraiser to succeed H. S. Holloway. (Motion Carried) The following road petitions were approved and ordered forwarded to State Highway Commission. c1) To hard surface that certain road in Upper Little River Townsip, North of S. G. Thomas and crossing the Pee Dee Road on the North by B. A. Byrd residence o Highway known as Patterson road to intersection with road leading South -East to Cool Springs near Chapel Hill 8hurch, and running thence southeast over road leading southeast to Cool Springs Road at intersection with Pee Deed Road a distance of 5 -2/10 miles. (Petition given to J. D. Patterson to present to State Highway Commission) (2)' To hard surface that certain road in Anderson Creek Township which runs from Highway # L13 to "i way f 87 and known as the Nursery Road a distance of approximately 5 miles. Petition mailed to State Highway Commission) (3) To make an all weather road in Black River `Township, which runs from a point of curvature of paved road 500 feet easterly from Highway # 55 and the Store of E. M. Currin's, at the home of the late E. R. Mabry three miles south of Angier to Angier- Benson Highway 2 miles East of Angier and known as the Old Sid Pardner Road, a distance of 1 -8 /10 miles (Petition mailed to State Highway Commission) The following road petitions were placed in file. (1) to pull up/and place on State System/that road in Stewart's Creek Township which runs from R. A. Adams place to intersection with McLamb road and known as Atkinst road a distance of 1 -2/10 miles. (Petition filed) 1104 (2) To wort up, and. place. on State': system that certain road beginning at the dead end rot,' a d tht stops at the residence of A. L. Wood :in Neill's Creek Township and run- ning thence- with an old Neighborhood road in a western direction 1 -110 miles to State Highway g L!21 at the resmdence of Walter Murchison. (Petition filed). The i'ollowin.gJurors were drawn for the term of Superior Court beginning March 171 1952. Charlie Tyndall_ J. Alvin Tart Lewis G. Allen James, H. Bowden William S. Tart Ed Jernigan D. C. Catlett Ralph H. -Cox'. Jr.r Robert Lee B ass W. B. Tart W. 1. Garner T. Byrd'. B. J. Burnett Frank K. Ralph, A. W. Jones Johnnie Holder Leslie Strickland Johnnie Williaias J. 0. Sutton Floyd Chance W Mack Barefoot Thomas Earl Ennis Bennie B. Harper L. D. Cobb F. E.*Thomas Bessie V. Adams William E. Jackson Mrs. Nancy Stancil Mrs. Ellie Messer L. L. Lee` R. C. Neighbors.. Mrs. R. :E.. $arbour Watson Ray: Walter Mason: Dallas Sherman - 2Irs. "Martha Winston Dunn Dunn # 1 Dunn 2 • Dunn # 4 Dunn Dunn Dunn Olivia Dunn. Coats Jonesboro Heights`: Lillington Erwin # 1 Erwin Dunn Spring Lake :# 1 Lillington ,l3 Du.nn. Lillington Lunn 4 . . 'Dunn . Coats if1 Erwin # 1 Angier 4- 1 Broadway # 1 Bunnlevel -#-1 Dunn Dunn if 3 Dunn Lillington Dunn 3 Coats ..t 1 - Bunnlevel #:1 tpring Lake Lillington # 3 Lillington Aversboro Townsht -1 Sr " rr 1r t! u tt Johnsonville Twp. Aversboro Twp Grove Twp Barbecue " Lillington " "tewart's Creek `t Luke « Avorsboro,:fiwp. Anderson. Creek"Tw� Upper Little .Rive= Twp E'=versboro. ? Twp Lillington -. Twp Aversboro ' °Twp Hversboro Twp Grove - Twp Grove Twp Grove Twp Upper Little River Stewart's Creek —versboro Aversboro Tarp Aversboro Lillington Aversboro Twp Grove Twp Anderson Creek Two Upper Little Rive- Lillington Townships -The Board ordered. that Tax Li ting.continur t'n the various through February - 15,;1952. _ The Board Adjourned; Clerk To Board r The following Jurors were drawn on February 5th, 1952, in the Court Room by order of Judge J. Leo Carr in the case of Ruth Kalph vs W. B. Adams et als. George Russell Ferguson N. M. Johnson B. C. Johnson James Felton Stencil Ed Dorman W. W. Stewart Hubert Byrd C. G. Stewart Henry Ferguson H. T. Dean James Griffin Burnice Fulton Thomas Mrs.. W. P. Holt Willie F. Messer J. C. Melvin William B. Byrd James Temple C. I. Parker A. W. Wicker J. Clyde Adams F. T. Blalock H. A. Rogers Edward Upchurch R. M. Oakley Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Coats Coats Lillington 12 Lillington Spring Lake Buie's Creek Erwin Erwin Erwin Bunnleve1 Erwin # 1 twin # 1 Erwin # 1 Angier Angier flamers Broadway .# 1 Broadway 1 1 A.•K. Harrington Olivia Aversboro Township n n It It n It Grove Grove " tt -n n Lillington Twp Lillington " Anderson Creek Twp Neill's Creek Twp Duke Twp }juke Duke n Stewart's Creek Twp Stewart's Creek " Stewart's Creek " n n Black River Twp Black River Upper Little River Twp n n " n Barbecue Twp. • r'o6 THE FOLLOWING MEMO WERE ISSUED, DURING THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1952: 1631 Conservation and-Defelopment County's. part for fire000utr61 ' 1632 Mrs. W M Tart Feb. Allowance 1633 Thomas Lloyd Taylor: - Feb. allowance 1634 Wachovia Bank Trust Ce_-- :Rent for Negro Agent's office 1635 0 B Allred Feb. rent for ge terans office 1636 R B O'Quinn Welfare Board meeting. 1637 Earl McD. Westbr®ek Welfare Beard meeting -' 1638. Worth L. Byrd Welfare Beard meeting 1639. W: Matthews Salary 161.0 David Campbell Salary 1641 Hatllie�Strickland Salry , 1642 M B Lanier Podtmaster Postage 1643 H 8 Holloway Tax assessor for Dec. 1644 Natienal `Ysed Car Market Repert Inc. Invoice 1645 Monroe Calculating Machine Ce:1rio, Statement Tax collector 1646 Mrs. audio S. Parrish Work in Sheriff's office 1647.. K. C. Matthews, Deputy Sheriff Fees 1648. W B Castleberry, Constable ". ° Fess 1649 Wade H. Stewart, Constable - - Feel!: 1659. Thomas R Brown, Constable Fess :. 1651 Preston Porter, Constable Pees .- . 1652 Eli Manning, Constable Fese, 1653. Holloway Plumbing Shop Statement courthouse. 1654 :Inez Harrington, Register'.ef -Deeds Jan. Postage 1655 Royal Typewriter Cempanr 11041 Invoice .- 1656 GC Henderson Coroner Fees 1657: K C Matthews, Jailor. Fees and Laundry 1658 Johnson &Bryan Account County Jail 1659 Modern Laundry.& Cleaners Statement County Jail 1660. :.R M Turlington._ -. nepairs to AAA Building 1661: :Helen Buie Work at County Home 1662 Willie Hall - 1663 John Mullins 1664' aret Buie W®rk- at'..County Home 4 g { 1665 Bertha Thompson Work atCounty Home 1666 John. Mason k . ; Paid out during month of _ d'airi. 1667 F A Bradsher , , _ , . Invoice County Hen e 1668 .Lillington Roller ,Mils."Inc Invoice 1669. Thomas.& Howard Company Invoice County Home - 1670- City Market:. ' : . - Acoount.-County. Home ' 1671 Colonial Frozen Foed Lockers of Gunn Jan. Statement Jan. Account .County Home ' 167 ..WOmble's Food Store Jan. Account County Home 1674 Orkin Account: County Home "1675 Lill ngtQn hx 4 &bure'Cempany= Invoice"County Home:. 1676 ".LiFayette Drug.C. Medicine for .County Home 1677 Pepe's 5@ to 45:;00 Store Jan. Aeeount; for County Home 1678..I0,exton's Department Store Account for. bounty Home 1679" 1,1H Lee F' County" Home 1680 OTQuinn & O+Quiima ., Se Ceunty'Home 1681 Womble Company .„ Supplies for County Home 1682 Ray's Supplies for .County Home :1683 J B Long nvoice for County Heme 1684 Dante' Veld" ximanten Void; 1685 Modern Laundr & Gleaners Statemen:t:for, ounty.H ®me 1686 Champion Milling C0 Invoice "ounty'Home 1687 W A Davis MillingConpamy . Invoice for County'Home :1688 Farmers Cotton 0i1:C4. Invoice 1689 American Public Weifirs ,see.- Renewal of Membership 1690 R M Trulington, Invoice Welfare office" 1691 Maxwell Insecticide Ce Invoice County Agent 1692 C R Ammons Hog' Gather for live stock 1693 Gray & Creech, Inc. Invoice for County Ager4t" 16.94 Health .Publications Iristitutib Inc Invoice Health Dept. 1685, Tart Coal & Oil Ce Invoice Dunn Health Center 1696 Winchester Surgical CO-. Invoice 1697 V ®id Void 1698 Fannie McAllister Cleaning Dunn Health: Center 1699 Wayne County Healti Dept Milk Samples - 1700, Lr. Charles W. Byrd:, Fluoroscepio..:G inic 17.01. Elizabeth Matthews Acting.CSC- -. Fees in Court Cases. - 1702 State Hospital at Raleigh - .. .Statement 1703 Alfred Willia & Company Statement. C S C m- 1704. Columbia Ribbofi.,& Carbon Mfg.;.- Iisvoice Clerk's office 1705 Elizabeth F. Matthews Acting_0SC Fees in :Court -Cases 1706, .Harnett ,C(4unty ,News Printing 9 n n 1! R 9 1672 Progressive Stores 115.32 15.00 10.00 15.00 17.50 5.00. 6.92 5.00 45.00 32.50 16.00 2=.00 14.90 26.75 14.00 160.00 38.20 35.00 40.00 5.00 55.00 40.00 6.00 50.00 310.00 30.00 82.80 108.74 10.55 417.41 40.00 75.00 65.00 75.00 70.00 116•.75 15.12 57.31 82.95 9.02 66.02 39.94' 23.07 5..00 12.80 28.85 5.75 3.50 6.7a 1.1.95 10.50 94.90 126.40 163.70 9.81 21.22 V1.00 450.00 6.18 32.12 2.00 30.21 7.07.. 15,00: 15.00 15 ..00 331.19 60.00 19.00 9.83 128.65: 168.00 1707 Duai Dispatch 1708 The Daily Record 1709 Bowen Office Equipment Co 1710 W L Selmer Sheriff 1711 Raleigh Office Supply 1712 Storr Saps Company 1713 .Lillington Ice & Fuel Co 171!} Layton Supply Ce 1715 Kelly's Drug Store 1716 James -H, Andean Ce 1717 Town of Lillingten 1716 State of N. C. Dept 1719 'Commercial Printing 1720 Purdie Brothers. Inc 1721 LaFeyette Grocery 1722 City Market 1723 Joel. Ennis 1724 M G Hodges & Sea 1725 Wesley Lei 1726 Johnsen & Bryaa 1727 J & W Grocery 1726 Page's Grocery 1729 D R Smith' 1730 I D` McKinney 1731 A & P Tea Ce 1732 J M,Neighbers 173' M H Brock' 1734 ottfs S. :oakum 1735 W H Pasket 1736 Progressive Stove 1737 Carl's Grocery 1738 R M:Manguw 1739 D & S Market 1740 1e1 !s Drug Store - 1741 Hood's Drug Store 1742 LRFayotto Drug Co 17 Broadway Drug Store 1744 Lee 4C*nty Hospital 17 Fitohstt prug Ce 1746 Ea11'e.lh'ug Store 174. Duke-Respite' 1746 ' Die. J H Patterson 1749 Lem County Hospital 1750 Geed Hope Hospital 1751 Void ` Drs. L. R. Defferpire & Vai4 Paps's 50 & $5.00 Store Sorter's pt. Store Mask's =5 =0- 25% Store 0' Q5iita. & 0' dins Wsbls deepen Lillingtop Furniture Ce Bay's • i Printing Printing Invoice Fess Co Invoice Supplies 25.1 aupp lies Supplies Invoice County's water bill of Labor Bureau of Biller inspectiea Co Reg. of Deeds & Resists of Deeds Supplies for Jail le Co. Home Relief Relief . Relief Relief' Healer Relief Relief Relief Relief Relief Relief Relief Relief Relief Relief Relief Order Relief order Relief Order Relief order Relief order Welfare Dept Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept. Dt ept. Dept. Dept. Dept. 1752. 175' 175+3 1756 1750 1759 1760 1761 1762 176 17 1766 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 177 177 1776 7 1778 1780 1781 1782 1785 orders orders orders orders Orders Orders Order order Order order order Order Order Order Orders Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare 414 14! Welfare Welfare Welfare Welfare Void W Byrd Void Relief ,order Relief .order ReltOf,order Rel$bfordor Relief order Relief .order Relief order Void Chas Welfare Dept. N.C,State- Commission for Blind Welfare Dept. Mel C Sanatorium McCain N C Welfare Dept. The :Eastern N C Sanatorium Wilson -iS C Welfare Dept. J E Wsmbl. & Sons Count Hem, D.P`Ray Jr. Tax Collector Jury -Titillate 'Mrs: 8 B .Woell :Mrs: G B aoell Hrs t B sell Brett L. Therm Mrs,L L'Wilbers lira 'Rebecca Harare Mrs Rebsoca Raynor* Mrs Rebecca Hayaoro Mxs''ames` Earl Wester Mrs James'liarl Wester Bearding,Home care Bearding Home care Bearding Neme ears Bearding Home care Bearding Hems cars Bearding .heats care Bearding home care Boarding home care Bearding hose care Bearding home care Carrie Spoight Alston Court Reporting M.D;Lanier, Postsmster- Postage N.C. State ,Commission for blind Inveioe County's Part Salary: Salary. A.PT D Fund W.H Matthews Devfd Campbell Ha11ie Strickland Salary, D.P Ray Jr. Tax Collector Jurty tickets D.P Ray Jr. 4ax Collector Deg tickets 1786 First Citizens Bank & Trust Cs Withholding tax Jar 1952 1787 Irene LeQueux Court Reporting # 48.00. 36.00 12.65 52.40 107.18 22.81 712,67 41.39 29.18 110,115 8.20 3.00 98.26 136.05 1,0. oo 10.00 10.00 15.00 25.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 3.75 7.08 2.00 13. 0 5.09 3.00 189.25 9.00 270.80 53.40 147.00 18.37 23.25 0.56 10.85 10.00 2.95. 4.70 6.00 lea 29.12 240eas ' 400 . 00 21.00 42.00 27,`00 42.00 42.00 14.96 • 42.00 91463 34045.05 45.00 32.50 • 16.00 305.40 3,xos 1,113.90 99.00 108 1788 D'P Ray, 'at-Collector 1789 Irma S. Gessett 1790 'if-Hartwell Butts 1791 Mrs Ruth A Gavin 1792 Mrs 0 B Aycock 1793 D•B.Helder 1794 Lester Woodall 1795 E •M 0lanchard' 1796 Mrs Gordon Rarity 1797 .Veid. 1798 E'E Perkins 1799 R• B O' Quiian 1800 Leon E. Davis: 1801 Tboinas Byrd 1802 , H• M' 0' Quin. 1803 1Krs J- T Nerden 1804 fit• i+ P ittman Hospital 1805 Mrs Sarah B Helder 1806 Mrs W 0 Melvin 1807 .:Mrs Rudolph Bladchaird 1808 R• B 0' Ruinn. 1809 Mrs Fred Cameron` 1810 'Mrs Iris L Cotten 1811 Dr. William P Holt, 1812 A' Y Tudor - 1813 Mrs Eliza Jan® Surles 1814 Mrs 0 E MoCormiek: 1815 Mrs, R. Durham Taylor. 1816 ..firs Ernest Darroe.- h 1817 3++i• •E Winston 1818 'R'B O'Quinn 1819 Mrs. R 0 Stewart 1820 .1allie Strickland 1821 'W ii Matthews 1822 David Campbell 1823 T 0 Kendall 1824 Harnett County Library 1825 Void 1826 MTS Broughton Spence 1827 Raehel Weaver . - 1828 D l .Tar,#. 1829 H.0 Hallway 18Q H P Ingram, 1831 R L Pate 1832 Werth L. Byrd 1833 W A Johnson 1834 Ber.3es C.'Johnsen 1835 Bettie Patterse* 1836 D.P Ray Jr 1837 Alice Patterson 1838 Dela 0 *0,uinn 1839 W E Salmon 1840 H D Carson Jr. 1841 Inez Harrington 1842 'Mrs. Velma S Edward's 1843 Ada W Stone 1844 Void 1845 Hilda Shaw 1846 Void 1847 A C Matthews 1848 V ®id 1849' John Mason_ 1850 Mrs, John Malan 1851' Villa Williams 1852 Naomi Hawley 1853 Mildred...Bradsher 1854 Leiner Breeden: 1855 Marjorie G. Richey 1856. Mary M. McKnight 4857 Enna Lee West 1$58 Frances E. Worrell - .1859 Margaret ;J. Carringer 1860 © R Ammons 1861 T H O'Quina 1862 Nina F. Bethune. 1863 Loraine Vail 1864 Lela F Huntley 1865 Julianllen Stewart 1866 'Elizabeth F. Matthews- Jury Tickets Work in CSC office List taker A: C :Twp List Taker. Avers Twp List Taker 'Avers Twp List Taker Bar Twp List Takez B R Twp List Taker Buck Twp. List Taker Duke Twp Veid List Taker Jehnsontci,lle Twp List Taker Lill Twp ListTaket Neill's Cr Twp List Taker Stewart's Cr. Twp List Taker iT L R Twp List Taker Grove Twp Welfare Dept. Registrar Registrar Registrar Registrar Registrar Registrar Registrar Registrar Registrar Registrar Registrar' Registrar Registrar Registrar Registrar Salary Salary Salary List Taker Apprepriation for 1951 -52 V ®Id Corn for County Home Feb. Salary. Feb. Salary Feb. Salry Feb. Salary.'_ Feb. Salary Feb. Salary. Feb. Salary Feb. salary and travel Tab. Salary '` b. Salary and travel Feb. Salary Feb. Salary 'lob. Salary Feb. Salary & travel Feb. Salary Feb. Salary Feb. Salary Void Feb. Salary.; Veid Feb. Salary Void ?Ob. Salary & travel. Feb. Salary Feb. San & travel Feb. Salary Feb.Salary Feb. Salary Feb. Salary & travel Feb. Salary & travel Feb. salary and travel Feb. Salary and travel Feb. Salary and travel -..., keb. Salary and travel Feb. Salary and travel Feb. Salary Feb. Salary and travel Feb. Salary and travel Feb.. Salary Feb. Salary $ ao5.6o 33.75 108.00 27000 210.00 120.00 1681,00 90..0.0 198.,00 90.00 162.00 120.00 120.00 228:00 228.00 150.00 14.50 15.50 6.50 9.00 3.00 5.50 157.00 14.00 11.50 5.50 9.50 8.50 199.00' 3.00 .5o 16.00 45.0.0 32.50 108.00 3,000.00. 124.68 131.20 50:00 25.00 25.00 60.00 25.00- 200.00 366.8o 16;x,.20 356.20 155.20 155.20 435.40 - 358.00 278.40 174.40 123.20 134.40. 122.40 - 215,00 75.00 326.34 166,40 155.2© '3.x"}2.40 271.22 244.18 242.64 278.02 252460 219.00 177.0.0 67.20• 161.20 112.00 55.00 364.00 109 1 1867 Frances M Thomas 1868 Elizabeth Pate 1869- F H Taylor 1870 Neill McKay Ross 1871 L B McLean 1872 Jean Maness 1873 L K Boston 187 Ida P Hinnant 1875 Ophelia McLean 1876 Chrystelle N. Morgan 1877 Mrs K C Matthews 1878 Dr. W B Hunter 1879 M Irene Lassiter 1880 Mabel L Alston 1881 Ruby J Hoed 1882 Hattie E Barnes 1883 Glynn T Johnson 1884 M H Canady 1885 Gertrude Parker 1886 Virginia B. Pittard 1887 Lilly P Taylor 1888 W H Matthews 1889 David Campbell Feb. Salary Feb Salary Feb. Salry Feb. Salary reb. Salary Feb. Salary eb. salary Feb. Salary Feb. Salary Feb. Salary Feb. salary Feb. Salary Feb. salary Feb. salary reb. salary »eb. salary rob. salary r'eb. Salary Feb. Salary Feb. salary Feb. Salary Salary Salary & travel and travel and t ravel 2- 18- 29/52) and travel and travel and travel and travel and travel and travel and travel ad travel 1890 Hallie Strickland Salary 1891 First Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Issue 3 -1 -27 School 4 3/4 % Principal, interest, comm. payable at Chase National Bank N Y C 1892 Imogene Alford 1893 Miss Effie Davis 1894- Rachel Denning 1695 Carolina Power & Light 1896 Carolina Telephone and 1897 Worth L. Byrd 1898 R B C' `%uinn Feb.-Salary Work in 'lax Supervisor office ft It N e Ce County's Light Bill Telegraph Co Dunn Helth Center Welfare Board Meeting Welfare Board Meeting $ 151.20 139.20 296.00 233.33 292.20 134.40 157.00 65.00 10.00 65.00 71.20 626.64 298.96 274.40 251.40 250.84 241.2 142.40 131.20 257.08 45.0o 32.50 16.00 2,240.60 123.20 36.90 36.90 122.10 13.95 5.00 5.00