05311962May 31st. 1962 The Board of Commissioners met in a call session on Thursday May 31st. at 1:00 P. M. with the Welfare Board, all members of both Boards were present. Also present were the County Attorney, the Auditor, and the Director of Public Welfare. The meeting was held in Board of Education Building. Motion by Commissioner Byrd seconded by Commissioner Cameron that contractor Moore be instructed to proceed with paving of lot, Motion carried, Lela Moore Hall, Director of Welfare, presented the Welfare Budget for the year 1962 -63. Commissioner Barefoot moved seconded by Commissioner Byrd that the budget as submitted by Miss Hall for welfare be tabled pending the submission and acceptance of other budgets. Motion carried. After adjournment of the of Commissioners met in the budgets as presented by the The Board adjourned joint meeting of the Boards the Board Commissioners Room and studied the tentative various county offices. Chairman Clerk to Board The Following Checks Were Issued Durtng The Month of May, 1962. 5065 Federal Reserve Bank, Richomnd- Withholding tax withheld from salaries of Harnett County,'employeee for month of April $962 $ 3,111.60 5066 Edith Blue Cleaning Welfare Dept. in Dunn 5067 H?nnett•County Welfare Petty cash Dept 5068 Harnett County Welfare Dept. Funds for keeping aged of oommunity Et own'ihothe y 5069 R L Pate, Cornoner Refund for inquest 5070 D P Ray Jr. Tax Collector Jury ticket 5071 Mrs. Pauline Barefoot .General Assistance 5072 D P Ray Jr. Tax Collector Jury tickets 5073 W B Williams Expense allowance and commission for delinquent tax collector 5074 John Mason May rent for dog pound 5075 N CLocal Government Employees Employer's matching retirement Retirement System contributions for month of April 1962 5076 N C Local Government Employees' Employees, - retirement contributions Retirement System for the month of March 1962 5077 Claster Williams 5078 Dick Matthews 5079 Inez Harrington, Register of 5080 Carrie S. Alston 5081 D P Ray, Jr. Tax Collector 5082 Thomas H. Glasby 5083 Thomas James 5084 Shelton Core 5085 Louvenia McLean 5086 The Dunn Dispatch 5087 Mobile Communication Service 5088 O +Quinn & 01Quinn 5089 General Electric Co. 5090 Layton Supply Co. 5091 Puritan Chemical Co. 5092 Town of Lillington 5093 Cavints copying products 5094 Commercial Printing Co. 5095 Mitchell Printing Co. 5096 Inez Harrington, Reg of Deeds 5097 Purdie Bros. Inc 5098 Lillington Esso Station 5099 LaFayette Drug Co. 5100 Dr. J K Williford 5101 Modern Laundry and Cleaners 5102 N C Dept. of Labor 5103 McLeod Electric Inc 5104 Storr Sales Co. 5105 Carolina Tel and Tel Co 5106 Carolina Power and Light Co. 5107 R M Turlington 5108 International Business Machine Corp. 5109 Lee County Hospital 5110 N C State Highway Comm 5111 Western Auto Associate Store 5112 Earl R. Parker 5113 National Agri. Supply Co. 5114 Harnett Co Board of Education Cleaning Welfare Office Painting ballot bases Deeds Reimbursement for recording Births and Deaths 2 weeks court reporting May term Jury tickets Salary Salary Salary Salary Apr. 9 Ad for Tax Sup office Radio service for April Statement Sheriffs Dept, Invoice April supplies for Courthouse Invoice County's water bill Invoice Statement Register of Deeds Binding Birth and Deaths for Register of Deeds office April Postage Invoice Courthouse Statement Professional services April acct. for Co jail Boiler inspection Agri Bldg. Repairs to heating plant Invoice Tel bill for welfare Dept. Light bill for welfare Dept. repair work at Welfare Dept. s Invoice 5115 Morris Wade Sales Co. 5116 University of Illinois- 5117 Dr. J KWiiliford 5118 Leonidas Jackson 5119 J A Senter 5120 Leonidas Jackson 5121 L A Tart 5122 Dr. Clarence Roberts 5123 W B Bruce 5124 J A Senter Hospitalization 50 Harnett Co maps Statement Invoice Invoice Construotion paper for Extension office Invoice 1 copy HDBK Home Economics Agents office V D Clinic Conference for Local Boards of Health Conference for Local Board of Health Board of Health Meeting Board of Health Meeting Board of Health Meeting Board of Health Meeting Board of Health Meeting 8.86 20.00 40.00 15.00 596.30 17.00 285.80 339.78 50.00 1,535.23 751.04 7.20 20.00 80.56 274.4,..5 56.511,65 42.39 39.54 22.99 5.60 67.57 196.51 341.02 5.82 122.59 39.50 89.10 113.45 109.05 60.00 56. 35 2.70 1.75 7.00 12.94 1.00 63.97 2.59 109.65 18.43 20.00 440.84 170.00 2.58 1.17 7.23 6.70 1.79 10.85. 2.39 50.00 8.00 8.00 9.96 10.66 10.66 11.08 8.00 591 5125 Winchester Surgical Supply Co. 5126 Picker X Ray Corp. 5127 Carolina Power and Light Co. 5126 Brook Office Supply Co 5199 Lederle Laboratories 5130 Storr Sales Co. 5131 Raleigh Office Supply Co. 5132. Carolina Paper & Chemical Co. Inc. 5133 Modern Laundry and Cleaners Invoice Harnett Co Health Dept. Invoice Light ti 11 Dunn Health center Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice Apr Acct. Lillington & Dunn Health Center $ 4.89 7.65 10.35 4.60 9.27 3.93 5.46 23.18 7.36 5134 Bertha Norris Cleaning Health Dept. 50.86 5135 N C State Board of Health Statement Harnett Co. Health Dept. 20.52 5136 Smith & Underwood Invoice 4.20 5137 Everett Barnes 32 days tax appraisale work 402.24 5138 Eastern N C Sanatorium Sanatorium Dare authorized by Welfare Dept. 37.20 5139 N C Sanatorium Sanatorium care authorized by Welfare Dept. 204.60 5140 Void Void 5141 N C State Commission for Blind- County's part for aid to blind 758.61 5142 Dorothea Dix Hospital Hospitalization 135.00 5143 Elizabeth F. Matthews, CSC April postage 19.00 5144 Kyle Harrington CRC Fees in court cases 13.06 60.00 569.00 444.10 5145 Dr. J K Williford 5146 The Daily Record 5147 Harnett County News 5148 Void 5149 Cavin's Copying Products 5150 N C Natural Gas Corp 5151 Mac's Typewriter Service 5152 Void 5153 .Kelly and Randall Drug Co. 5154 Bowen Office Equipment Co. 5155 C J Hanna & Associates Inc M & I Clinics Statement Statement Void Invoice Service Courthore and jail Invoice Void Statements Invoice Premium on policy No. F 317 6112 5156 James V. Griffin, Rural Police Fees 5157 J. Stanley Byrd Fees 5158 L. B. Jackson, constable fees 5159 L C Gregory Rural Police fees 5160 B F Temple Rural Police fees 5161 B E Sturgill, Jailor fees 5162 Lillington Roller Mills, Inc Invoice 5163 Olen C. Jernigan refund for error in listing 1960 taxes 5164 J F Moore Refund for error in listing 1961 taxes 5165 Eldridge E. Matthews Rr*fund for error in listing 1961 taxes Hospitalization Service Civil Defense office Tel bill for civil defense office Invoice V D Clinics Cleaning Dunn Health center M & I Clinic M & I Clinic CleaningWelfare office General Assistanoe Boarding Home care n n n n n 11 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n 11 n n n n n n n 11 It n n 7, n n n n It aqq Additional expense as 4# Warden granted by Boardof Comm 5166 Graverly Santorim 5167 N C Natural Gas Corp 5168 Carolina Tel and Tel Co. 5169 Morris Wade Sales Co. 5170 Dr. C B Codrington 5171 Bertha Norris 5172 Dr. C B Codrington 5173 Dr. C L Corbett 5174 Cluster Williams 5175 Paultne Barefoot 5176 Mrs. Edwin Morris 5177 Mrs. A B Turlington 5178 Etta McNeill 5179 Duplin County Welfare Dept. 5180 Mrs. D C McKinney 5181 Calvin MoLean 5182 Mrs. Lettie Johnson 5183 Mrs. Wade Johnson 5184 Mrs. L A Jabkson 5185 Mrs. Erwin Johnson 5186 Margie J hnson 5187 Thelma Hartley 5188 Mrs. H C Canady 5189 Mrs. 0 G Horne 5190 Mrs. James Archie Gregory 5191 Mrs. Clifton Clark 5192 Mrs. Earl Wester 5193 Mrs. Earl Stanley 5194 Mrs. Earl Wells 5195 Mrs. J F McLeod 5196 Mrs. Ernest Flowers 5197 Ken Black 161.02 404.57 55.0o 21.09 43.16 69.96 11.00 21.40 22.80 8.20 26.20 93.00 7.32 9.74 30.50 2.00 37.20 3.58 19.60 40.00 43.59 30.00 90.00 7.20 35.00 135.60 45.80 91.60 50.30 41.30 79.80 45.8o 228.40 227.00 69.00 192.00 180.60 45.80 45.8o 135.20 45.80 69.00 50.00 45.8o 45.8o 91.00 50.00 592 5198 Erwin Mills Inc 5199 Ruby Jackson West 5200 Emma B. Peaty 5201 Mary G. Yates 5202 Laurel H. Cameron 5203 Rebecca T. McLeod 5204 $ M Hobby 5205 Gladys B. McCaskill 5206 Mary S. Hough 5207 Ethel Jane - Stewart 5208 Edith Holloway 5209 Annie H. Cameron 5210 Bertha S. Bradley 5211 Bessie.S, Johnson 5212 Thomas J. Byrd % 5213 Lloyd G. Stewart 5214 M DLanier, Postmaster 5215 Thomas H. Glasby 5216 Thomas James 5217 Shelton Core 5218 Louvenia McLean 5219 Margaret J. Carringer 5220 Carolina.Power and Light 5221 Gilliam Amerson 5222 Void 5223 Dr. Bruce Blackmon 5224 W A Warren 5225 Caddie Thomas 5226 Harnett0ounty Centernnial May r ent for Civil Defense office List taker A 0 twp Litt Taker List Taker List Taker Litt Taker List Taker List Taker List taker List Taker List Taker lost List List List Ave, twp Ave. twp Barb. Twp. B R Twp. Buck twp Duke twp. Grove twp Grove twp H C Twp, Taker John Twp, Taker, Lill twp. Taker, NC Twp. Taker, S 0 twp. List taker ULR Twp Postage for Sheriffs .off i'ce Salary Salary Salary Salary Re- imbursement for general Co. LightBill Dunn welfare General Assistance Void Welfare Board meeting Welfare Board meeting Welfare Board meeting Committee - Amount allocate Harnett Co. -Con Minutes of the Commissioners d 5227 C2aster Williams Cleaning 5228 Carolina Power andLight•Go. 5229 5230 5231 5232 5233 5234 5235 5236 5237 5238 5239 5240 5241 5242 5243 5244 5245 5246 5247 5248 5249 5250 5251 5252 5253 5254 5255 5256 5257 5258 5259 5260 5261 5262 5263 5264 5265 5266 5267 5268 5269 5270 Carolina Power and LightCo. Thomas H. Glasby Thomas James Louvenia McLean Adlene M/ Sanders M. DLanier, Postmaster McLeod Electric Inc Thomas J. Byrd M DLanier, Postmaster Le Department of Motor Vehicles Cavin's Copying Products Western Auto Associate Store - Paint for Board of Elections 'office Void Void. Twyford Printing Co. Invoice- Newton's Food Center Inc April Acct. W H King Drug Co. , Invoice Alfred Williams & Co. Invoice Morris Wade Sales Co. Invoice Salary Salary Salary General Assistance Postage for Board of Elections Repairs to Tower, motor and steam line' two days as officer of the Jury Postage for Bealth Dept. 1962 Tax Lister's Registration for HarnettCo. Tax Sup. Invoice assistance office d for federate Memorials Board of ated Feb. '5 $ 11.50 61.22 51.83 51.83 83.70 64.13 43.01 19.37 52.89 52.89 65.67 33.32 48.82 55.99 135.62 20.00 56.56 42.39 39.54 22.99 10.00 1.00 10.00 10.70 - 11.82 12.10 1962 Welfare office Light =bill for welfare Dept. County's light bill Grand cards for Co Jail International Business Machines Corp. Invoice N.0 Natural Gas Corp. Service Dunn Welfare Pitney -Bowen Inc. Invoice Munden's -Air Conditioner For•Welfare Office Electrical .Service Dr. J Williford Professional service Hood's Drug Store Inc Authorized by welfare Dr. 0 E Roberts Professional service Kelly and Randall Dryg Co. Statement authorized by welfare Office Thomas Walgreen Doug Store Betsy Johnson Memorial Hospital N,C Memorial Hospital Good Hope Hospital Inc Outpatient Dept. Duke Hospital 0 S Payton's Funderal Void Pope Printing Co. NASCO Inc Void Students Supply Stores Bowen Office Equipment N O Sanatorium N C State Commission for blind Conservation and Development Homes Co. u Inc Hospitalization r� M n Ambulance service Void Swine show books Agri. Agent Invoice Agri °, Agents office Void Invoice Invoice Sanatorium care County's part for aid to blind County's part for forest fire control 500.00 7.20 1.00 332,40 56.56- 42.39 22.99 12.00 4.00 137.35 14.00 25.00 102.45 4424 .73 20.60 441.57 41.20 38.11 13.51 6.86 9.28 84.24 5.00 6.00 1.75 2.60 4.00 10.36 80.00 70.00 40.00 66.00 140.00 15.00 30.90 14.67 45.20. 9.66 18.60 704.07 597.66 593 5271 Storr Sales Co. 5272 D P Ray Jr. Tax Collector 5273 L A Tart 5274 Worth Lee Byrd 5275 A C Barefoot Sr. 5276 Alex M. Cameron 5277 .W A Warren 5278 J R Ypnng 5279 .Thomas Allen 5280 Lottie Patterson 5281 D P Ray Jr. 5282 Alice Schmincke 5283 Lola O'Quinn 5284 Helen F. Tingen 5285 :Wade H. Stewart 5286 Edna K. Newton 5287 A. Walker O'Quinn 5288 J. Stanley Byrd 5289 B F Temple 5290 James V. Griffin 5291 L L Upchurch 5292 Lemuel C. Gregory Jr. 5293 Carson A. Hall 5294 H D Carson, Jr. 5295 Rachel W. Blanchard 5296 Inez Harrington 5297 Velma S. Edwards 5298 Flora Greene Milton 5299 Inez W Sessoms 5300 Hilda W. Shaw 5301 Louise B. Blakmon 5302 R L Pate 5303 B E Sturgill 5304 Lala Ruth Sturgill 5305 C R Ammons 5306 T D O +Quinn 5307 1/W Franklin 5308 Edsel H. Thompson 5309 Juanita S. Hight 5310 L K Boston 5311 Ophelia McLean 5312 Ruby I Parker 5313 Thelma C. Upchurch 5314 Fannie G. Byrd 5315 Ida P. Hinnant 5316 Elizabeth F. Matthews 5317 Ruby T. Curran 5318 Madie Lee Morgan 5319 Georgia Lee Brown 5320 Kyle Harrington 5321 Ada W. Stone 5322 Robert B. Morgan 5323 Jake Lamm 5324 Roy S. Godwin 5325 Thomas H. Sansom, Jr. 5326 Lillian B. Smith 532 L B McLean 5328 Jean Maness 5329 Ken Black 5330 R. Winfred Tyndall 5331 Leonora Lucas 5332 Addle Bell Monroe 5333 D P Ray Jr. Tax Collector 5334 Carrie Speight Alston 5335 Lela Moore Hall 5336 Robert B. Morgan 5337 Naomi F. Hawley 5338 Glyness Meeks 5339 Madeline W. Hawley 5340 Judith S. Arnold 5341 Patricia W. McDonald 5342 Carmella Avery 5343 Lois B. Wicker 5344 Celia C. Snipes 5345 Mary P. Avery 5346 Marjorie G. Wade 5347 Margaret J/ Carringer 5348 Glenn C. O'Kelley 5349 Sue Jo Glasby 5350 Emma Lee West 5351 Fletcher C. Hubbard 5352 Agnes M. Austin Invoice Jury tickets May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary Professional service for month of May 1962 May salary and travel May salary May salary and travel May salary May salary May salary May salary and travel May salary May salary and travel May Salary and travel May salary and travel May salary and travel May salary and travel May salaryand travel May salary and travel May salary and travel May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary and travel May salary 22 May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary and travel May salary and travel May salary May salary and travel Registration fee General Assistance for n n Jury tickets Court reporting May term May salary and travel May salary Nay salary travel May salary May salary May salry May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary and travel May salary and travel May salary and travel May salary May salary and travel May salary May salary and travel $ 44.27 270.80 65.0o 78.50 40.0o 40.00 40.00 240.00 400.93 191.35 373.35 192.35 191.35 158.40 655.46 166.24 378.46 390.48 379.21 390.16 367.61 389.26 358.63 401.64 166.2 293.5 191.35 171.31 148.67 162.15 156.14 165.31 139.65 90.75 246.62 191.42 162. 0 94.60 116.35 180.92 66.65 194.52 140.60 73.77 111.85 393.87 221.09 146.16 156.26 271.69 156.14 11112.40 441.83 71.04 199.61. 319.02 163.10 369.07 10.00 9.00 9.00 459.10 123.18 557.80 83.27 258.09 216.60 192.54 185.26 170.36 161.47 153.12 138.32 147.16 361.36 366.28 330.07 86.73 410.59 161.08 290.80 5353 Charlotte Ferrell 5354 Robert G. Stewart, Jr 5355 Harvey V. Godfrey 5356 Robert L Winston, -Jr. 5357 William S. Bowling 5358 Helen R. Crews Joyce G. Pulliam. Lawrence Faircloth Melvarene J. Howard Esther T.Butts Margie Harrington Ruth Ballard .Pauline Sanford M. Irene Lassiter ,Lida R. O'Quinn Hattie E. Barnes _Rebecca S. Coleman _Bessie S. Pruett M H Canady Gertrude P. Johnson Alta Pearl. Pope Nina P. Bethune Effie Davis Bessie S. Johnson Ann S. Hamilton Ruth Seaton 5359 5360 5361 5362 5363 5364 5365 5366 5367 5368 5369 5370 5371 5372 5373 5374 5375 5376 5377 5378 5379 5380 May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May salary May s glary May salary May salary May salary May, salary May salary May salary May salary Work in T and travel and travel and'travel and travel and travel and - travel and travel and travel and travel And travel and travel and travel and- gavel and travel and travel and travel and travel and travel Tax Sup. office u It tt n n f a Fletcher C. Hubbard May travel Colonial Life and Accident Ins. Co. Group Ins. Harnett Co employees 5381 Hospital Saving Association 5382 D P Ray Jr. Tax Collector Jury tickets 5383 Carolina Tel and Tel Co. County's tel bill 5384 Virginia Lee General Assistance 5385 Carolina Power and LightCo. Light bill for welfare Dept. 5386 Thomas H. Glasby Salary 5387 Thomas James Salary 5388 Louvenia MvLean Salary 5389 D B Dean Registrar May 1962 Eleotioz{- 5390. Inez C. Howard Registra7 May 1962 Election 5391 Blanche Johnson 5392 Ethel A. Stewart 5393 Thomas J. Byrd 5394 Ralph Wade 5395 Paul Bradley 5396 Floyd Jackson 5397 Jackie Denning 5398 E L Hill 5399 Jeanette Morrison 5400 Kathryne S. Phillips 5401 Ruth Pauline Williams 5402 E 0 Blanchard 5403 Mrs, Lula Cameron 5404• Reid Johnson 5405 Aliens Bethune 5406 W P 'Butts , Sr. A B Collins L L 0gburn Carol W. Riddle Town of Dunn 5407 5408 5409 5410 5411 5412 5413 5414 5415 5416 5417 5418 5419 ft It N C Natural Gas Corp. Carolina Power and LightCo B F McLeod W Earl Jones Claster Williams Mrs. Edwin Morris Dpugald McRae Gladys McCaskill DPRay Jr Tax Collector County's share for paving project See minutes May 28 1962 Service Courthouse and Jail Light -bill for Dunn Health center Services rendered -Board of Elections in May 1962 (26th) Primary Services rendered to Harnett Co Board of Elections May 26 1962 Primary Cleaning welfare- office Boarding Home Dare Services as Chairman to the Board of Elction Services as Clerk to the Board of Elections May 26 1962 Election Jury tickets $ 417.08 63.10 406.66 327.23 304.83 278.94 323.65 297.69 392.82 304.25 337.47 296.92 332.36 392.67 275.66 315.96 341.04 310.7 416.15 195.39 158.90 155.92 163.41 176.21 97.64 112.25 27.98 18.25 342.88 192.50 473.25 32.00 28.59 56.56 42.39 22.99 127.19 127.19 127.19 127.19 108.44 132.19 112.19 122,19 117.19 122.19 117.19 127.19 122.19 118.19 117.19 117.19 137.19 117.19 132.19 107.19 132.19 222.60 67.64 7.35 75.00 125.00 13.59 15.95 615.00 386.49 302.30