07221961501 July 22, 1961 Meeting of Board of County Commissioners held at Lillington 7 -22 -61 Motion by Commissioner Barefoot, seconded by Commissioner Cameron, to rescind the action taken by a joint meeting of the County Welfare Board and the Board of County Commissioners on April 3, 1961, with respect to the salaries of the employees of the Welfare Department and that it be referrrd to the County Welfare Board for such action or recommendations that they care to make with respect to said salaries Later At this same meeting the Welfare Board recommended that the salaries of all employees of the welfare department remain as they were made when surplus food commodity was voted in by the Board of Commissioners, but that the salary of the Superintendent of Public Welfare remain as it was as of July 1st. 1960, which was voted unanimously at its joint meeting of the two Boards as of this date. Chairman