031519656775 Nathan H. Yelton, Director, 6776 Nathan H. Yelton, Director, Employees contribution and S.S. Tax withheld from employees of Harm tt Co. for the quarter ending March 31, 1965 $ 5,583.05 Employees contribution and S S tax withheld from employees of Harnett Co. for the quarter ending Mar. 31, 1965 949.17 ?i:HH ,:::5: i('.::: iHH; :HHSHcie #i'c :i•.ic :::. .. .. . .... .: aiis::..... ,. ,. ,, ,. ,, ,: i: i. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,, .. ifr:'riHH :. ,... ,HHHH is HI. cat. .cm •.c.. -. : t,****** s' F# i4i: S:# i' d:i .............: i' :i.•5r-a.n•$t:•$::9:•'ra:ic:t** ic9.:...n..,.,.,c•!.•5*** --:c X:.,:•i:i.:: ** .. ,.nki:vbi'e:: March 15th. 1965 WHEREAS, after notice to the various Municipalities in the County a joint . meeting was held for the purpose of discussing the assessed Ratio and WHEREAS, representatives of the town of Dunn and the town of Lillington were present, Angier and Coats were not represented. WHEREAS, after matters were discussed with relation to the total value of property and the Tax Supervisor having presented his estimate of property values for year 1965, the Board is of the opinion, considering the financial structure of the County and the various municipalities, that personal and real property should be assessed at a 65% ratio of its true value. NOW, THEREN'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF HARNETT COUNTY That sixty five (65 %) per cent ratio be adopted and that both real and personal property be assessed for taxation in Harnett County at Sixty Five (65%) per cent of its true value for the year 1965. Commissioner Womble moved the adoption of the foregoing resolution which was seconded by Commissioner O'Quinn the resolution was unanimously adopted The meeting adjourned and the Commissioners reconvened as a Board of Equalization and Review. Cie rk Chairman