11011971519 SALARY CHECKS FOR OCTOBER, 1971 8398 Lespie M. O'Quinn 8399 Kyle Harrington 8400 W. G. Lasater 8401 Neil C. Cameron 8402 Thomas J. Byrd 8403 Hoyt B. Fowler 8404 Tyre C. Kendall 8405 Lawrie M. Byrd 8406 Lawton 0. Dorman 258.02 404.43 447.72 275.66 232.46 444.56 148.86 40.32 103.70 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 1, 1971 ********* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** REGULAR MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Board of County Commissioners convened on November 1, 1971 with the following present: Chairman M. H. Brock, Vice Chairman D. P. Ray, Jr., members C. E. McLamb, W. J. Cotton, Jr. and Gilbert Brown. Also present: County Attorney Edward McCormick and H. D. Carson, Jr., Clerk to the Board. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Brock called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. and Commission$r Brown offered the morning prayer. MINUTES The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. R. A. GRAY SUPT. SCHOOLS ORDER OF BUSINESS Mr. R. A. Gray, Superintendent of Schools, appeared before the Board. Commissioner Ray excused himself from the meeting, and Mr. Gray read the following letter to the Board: Harnett County Schools Office of Superintendent Lillington, N. C. October 29, 1971 Mr. M. H. Brock, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners Lillington, Ncth Carolina 27546 Dear Mr. Brock: The State Board of Education has allotted funds to the Harnett County Board of Education to employ a school lunchr -om supervisor. This person will have the responsibility of coordinating and improving the lunch program in each of the nineteen Harnett County Schools. She will also have the responsibility for contract buying of food stuff for these lunchrooms. In order to completely utilize this service, there must be a central storage area for some of these items. The burned out grocery store, the former Piggly Wiggly Store, is available for purchase now. It has been determined that the Board of Education maintenance staff can install a new roof and brick up the front of the store and make an excellent warehouse space to meet the needs of the lunchroom program and other storage needs of the Board of Education. An option has been obtained to purchase this building and land as described on the option for a sum of $18,000.00. This property has been appraised to be valued at $18,425.00 by Mr. D. B. Dean and Mr. Casey Fowler of Lillington who appraised it for the Board of Education. Appraisers for the owners appraised this property to be valued at just over $18,000.00, also. The Board of Education proposes to pay for this property from the following sources: Sale of Bunnlevel School Sale of Harnett School Teacherage Sale of Shawtown Teacherage T O T A L $7,950.00 300.00 1,000.00 $9,250.00 Last year approximately $10,000.00 of income was received by the Board of Education above the amount estimated in the budget. This surplus was derived primarily from the collection of a greater percentage of taxes than was estimated and budgeted. The sum of the sale of surplus property and surplus funds in the Capital Outlay Budget amounts to more than the $18,000.00 needed to purchase the property in question. 550 TE 0 REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 1 1971. ROAD PETITIONS The Harnett County Board of Education requestes your approval to purchase the property herein described to be used as a warehouse by the Harnett County Schools. Sincerely, /s/ R. A. Gray R. A. Gray Superintendent RAG -h ACTION: Commissioner Cotton made a motion to approve the request con- tained in the above letter, Comm. McLamb seconded the motion and it carried with the affirmative vote of the members, with the exception of Commissioner Ray as he had excused himself from the meeting. Mr. Gray expressed his appreciation to the Board for their cooperation in this and in other matters pertinent to education in Harnett County. Arthur Douglas, Jr., presented the following road petition: Upper Litt River Township, SR 1267, 1.5 miles, 10 occupied homes, request for pavi The following petitions were presented also: SR 1234, North of Leaflet Church, .9 mile, 6 occupied homes, request fo black topping. Churchland Estates, Grove Twnp., .5 mile, 10 occupied homes, request fo addition. NC 1139 $ 1141, request to be brought up to standard and prepared for paving. Capitol Hills, (Sub- Division) .17 mile, 10 homes, request for addition. Spring Lane (Womack Estates Sub - Division) 150 feet, 3 homes, request fo addition. ACTION: Comm. Cotton moved to approve the foregoing road petitions and Comm. Brown seconded the motion; it carried unanimously. LUNCHEON AT CAMPBELL COLLEGE By letter received, the Commissioners and the County Attorney were invited to luncheon at Campbell College on December 6, 1971 APPOINTMENT RE: GRAVE REMOVAL By a directive from the Attorney General's Office, the Acting Health Director of Harnett County was appointed to supervise the removal or reinterment of graves, in compliance with G.S. 65 -13 (g). Comm. Cotton moved to Appoint Irene Lassiter, Acting Health Director of Harnett County to serve in this capacity, Commissioner Ray seconded the move and it carried. TAX $ WELFARE LIEN ATTORNEY E. Marshall Woodall, Tax F, Welfare Lien Attorney, presented the follow- ing report: TAX SUPERVISOR November 1, 1971 Collection on Taxes Name James W. McLeod Gertrude Jacobs Bobby Tom Lucas H. Bryant Byrd Theodore W. Campbell, Sr. Lillie Arthur Van Ray Groce Ernestine B. Thornton R.E. Stephenson Case No. 71CVD674 71CVD732 71CVD790 71CVD804 71CVD805 71CVD813 71CVD862 71CVD865 71CVD1103 e g. Township Amt. Collected Attorney F;e Averasboro $ 209.16 Grove Averasboro U.L.R. U.L.R. Averasboro Barbecue Grove Averasboro Collection on Welfare Lien: Maude Baker $110.00 180.55 108.86 112.88 163.77 133.61 189.76 485.40 $ 385.37 $ 1,969.36 Attorney Fee $16.50 $ 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 $ 180.00 Thomas Allen gave a report of the Office of Tax Supervisor. He told th Commissioners that he had attended the school held in Chapel Hill re- garding the New Machinery Act. Chairman Brock informed the Tax Super- visor that he plans to call a meeting of the Commissioners to discuss the new Machinery Act. Mr. Allen reported on the progress of the revaluation program. r MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 1. 1971. TAX COLLECTOR W. Earl Jones, Tax Collector, presented the report of his office. SOCIAL SERVICES Mr. F.C. Hubbard, Director Social Services, presented the following resolution for action by the Board: RESOLUTION It is hereby RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County North Carolina, in a meeting held at 10:00 a.m. November 1, 1971: that 1. The - person serving presently or in the future in the Capacity of Director of Social Services for Harnett County is hereby empowered with and assigned all the authority and duties, pertaining to Aid to the Needy Blind, as are conferrable upon the said Director under North Carolina G.S. 111 -35 which is as follows: 111 -35. "Authority of Director of social services. - -The respective 'Boards of county commissioners of each county are hereby authorized to empower and confer upon the county director of social services for their, respective counties the authority to perform any or all acts or function: which the previous sections of this Article direct or authorize the county boards of comm. to perform. Any act or function performed by a county director of social services under the authority of this section shall be reported by him to the respective county bard of commissioners for its review, and for alternative action or disposition where deemed appropriate by such board. Provided that the respective boards of co. commissioners shall make no alternative or different disposition of a matter which the county director of social services is empowered to act upon which would prejucicially affect the status of any aid to the blind . recipient without first affording such recipient reasonable notice and opportunity to be heard. (1971,c. 348 s.1.)" 2 The authority and duties herein conferred and assigned are con- ferred upon and assigned to any person who is lawfully acting as the Director when the functions of the Director are not being performed by a person officially designated and holding the position of Director of Social Services. Upon motion of D. P. Ray, Jr., seconded by C. E. McLamb, the foregoing resolution was adopted and entered in the minutes of the Board this the 1st day of November, 1971. Chairman Brock commended Mr. Hubbard on behalf of the Board for the fine Dedication Service held in October and asked that he convey this appreciation to his staff. EXTENSION DEPT. James Goff, Chairman of the Extension Department gave a report of the activities of his department. N.C. GEODETIC MIKE DONOVAN DEV. COMMISSION TONY TUCKER Mike Donovan of N.C. Geodetic, came before the Board with a request for funds for some concrete and hole- digging to plant markers on Hwy. 421 from Erwin to Mamers. This will be approximately 65 to 85 markers and will serve in the setting up of a county -wide system of survey. Commissioner Cotton moved to appropriate an amount up to $400.00 for the above project. Commissioner Brown seconded the move and it carried. The County Attorney stated that Mr. Donovan should be commended for his work on this project. Mr. D. W. Denning, G.S. Smith, Bob Leak and Keith Finch came to the Board to introduce Tony Tucker, new Director of the Harnett Develop- ment Commission. AMERICAN RED CROSS REQUEST The following request was placed before the Board: To: Mr. Jack Brock - Chairman County Commissioners - Harnett County From: Executive Committee of Harnett County Chapter American Red Crss. WHEREAS, on April 22, 1971, the Executive Committee, on behalf of the Red Cross Blood Program passed a resolution in support of the services to the citizens of Harnett County as follows: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Harnett County Chapter of the American Red Cross do hereby ask for a contribution in the amount of $1,500. from the Harnett County Commissioners to assure the cont- inuation of the American Red Cross Blood Program in Harnett County of the year of 1971. The Executive Committee of the Harnett County Chapter of the Am- erican Red Cross greatly appreciates the County Commissioners considering request. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE /s/ H.D. Mabe, Jr. M. D. Chairman /s/ Earl H. Manone,Fin. Chairman /s/ J. Clyde Adams Vice Chairman /s/ Rev. Carlton E. Best:Blood Ch. /s ,J.Ray Israel, M.D. Lillington Area Blood Chrm. r-r7 .3..)' MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 1, 1971 RED CROSS REQUEST CONT. ACTION: Commissioner Brown moved to contribute $1,000.00 towards the foregoing request, Commissioner McLamb seconded the move and it carrie BILL N.C. STATE PRISON Sheriff Stewart received a statement from N.C. Prison Department re: Glenn Davis for an amount of $1,027. and a bill in the amount of $88. for Robert W. Webb. The matter in question: is the County or State liable for this debt. The Board agreed to turn these bills over to th County Attorney for his investigation and advice. EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT ACT Chairman Brock advised the Board that three persons had been hired by the County under the Emergency Employment Act and that as soon as prop employment papers were filed, funding would be forthcoming. REGION M MEETING The Chairman informed the Board members that a Region M. meeting would be held on November 10, 1971, at the City Hall in Dunn. All were urge to attend. AIRPORT COMMITTEE ADD. APPROPRIATION Commissioner McLamb made a motion that the Board appropriate an amount of $2,800.00 additional funds to the Airport Committee. This would be additional $1,000.00 for the survey expense and an amount of $1,800.00 for the cost of the option for land. Commissioner Cotton seconded the move and those voting affirmatively were Commissioners W. J. Cotton, J C. E. McLamb and D. P. Ray, Jr. Those voting negatively were Commissioner Gilbert Brown. The following "Airport Master Planning Grant Application Dated 8 Septe 1971 by Harnett County, North Carolina for the Harnett County Airport, by Talbert, Cox & Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers, Charlotte, North Carolina" was entered into and became a part of this official record: n ber COUNTY COMMISSIONERS M. N. BROCK, CHAIRMAN D. P. RAY. JR., VICE-CHAIRMAN W. J. COTTON, JR. C. E. McLAMB GILBERT BROWN 56O2. / oo° 1 OF HA RtiF G LILLINGTON,N.C. �r Mr. David C. Kelley Chief, Airports Branch Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Post Office Box 20636 Atlanta, Georgia 30320 Dear Mr. Kelley: Attached are the original and four (4) copies of our Airport Master Planning Grant Application covering an Airport Master Plan Study for the Harnett County Airport. During the past several years, it has become increasingly apparent that a new airport to serve Harnett County is needed in the county. We believe that the initial step in development of a new airport should be the preparation of a comprehensive Airport Master Planning Study from which a detailed Airport Layout Plan will be derived. We feel that, in order to do this intelligently, and to develop a realistic guide to be used by the county for planning the construction of future facilities which will be required, the proposed planning study is necessary. The outline of the study, included as Attachment MP -6, which was developed by our Consultant has been previously forwarded to you for review. This outline has been prepared to conform to the format contained in the doc- uments you furnished us at the pre- application conference held in your office on 27 August 1971. Item MP -9 is not included as we do not propose to do any of the work by force account. The entire study will be accomplished by Talbert, Cox & Associates, Inc. The county's representative who will coordinate the work will be Mr. Keith Finch, Chairman, Harnett County Airport Committee, Post Office Box 585, Dunn, North Carolina 28334, telephone number (919) 892 -6164. The county's share of funds is currently available and the Consultant is ready to begin work immediately. Accordingly, we hope that the appli- cation can be processed expeditiously and that the work can begin in the immediate future. Please advise if any further data is needed to'expedite the application. Very truly yours, ock Chair man Board of Commissioners Harnett County 1 Amoinesma 5502 , 3 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPO RTATIGN FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION AIRPORT MASTER PLANNING GRANT APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS— Submit five CO copies along with required supporting documentation to appropriate Federal Aviation Admiuiatration (FAA) field office. This form together with the required documentation C on +t it utes a complete application. Form Approved. OMB No. 04- 1(0190 TO BE FILLED IN BY FAA PROJECT NO. I DATE RE EIV EU 1 THE GRANT OF FEDERAL FUNDS APPLIED FOR WILL BE USED FOR AIRPORT MASTER PLANNING AT: (Speci /y) A AIRPORT LOCATION Harnett County, North Carolina B (Cluck npplicabie box and complete requested information) AIRPORT (Specify name) J EXISTING I. NEW AIRPORT -SITE NOT SELECTED N EW AIRPORT - SITE SELECTED AND APPROVED BY FAA (!f the applicant has tentatively aebected • •lte, he should obtain FAA •Jta appr ova I before applying la an Airport Muter Planning Grant). 2 SUBMISSION (Check applicable box(es) and complete requested information) 19 FOR PURPOSES INITIAL m REVISION OF PREVIOUS APPLICATION DATED APPLICATION OF CHANGE IN E PROJECT COSTS Li WORK WORK ELEMENTS LJ (Explain) N 3 PROJECT SUMMARY (Must be consistent with required docamentation) AIRPORT MASTER PLAN PHASES (Check applicable bone and complete rsgwsted Information) (1) ESTIMATED MAN -HOURS TO COMPLETE 1315 ESTIMATED COST OF SERVICES (Dollen) (31 A 60RPORT REQUIREMENT STUDIES Phase I. 184 $ 4,466.00 R SITE SELECTION Phase II 28 631.00 c AIRPORT PLANS Phase III 110 5,356.00 0 {J FINANCIAL PLANS Phase IV 114 2,360.00 E OTHER ( SpecifY) Phase V 687.00 F (Sum of Lutes 3A three 3E) TOTAL 1,356 $13,500.00 or G MONYHS (exclusive TOTAL TIME TO COMPLETE PROJECT an calendar months) 4 review time) 4 PROJECT FUNDING (Must be consistent with required documental on) PROJECT (1) TOTAL AMOUNT (Dollars) (2) COMPLETE ONLY IF REVISION CHANGE IN PREVIOUS AMOUNT It ON s.) (31 A FEDERAL GRANT APPLIED FOR (Not go exceed two-thirds of eligible prefect cast) S 9, 000.00 ( ) S B APPLICANT FUNDS TO BE PROVIDED 4,500.00 ( ) C OTHER FUNDS TO SE PROVIDED ( ) p I TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF PROJECT $ 13,500.00 ( l$ FAA Form 5910— 1 111 -701 REPRESENTATIONS AND ASSURANCES The Applicant /Coapplicants (herein called the "Sponsor ") hereby applies to the Federal Aviation Administration (herein- after called the "FAA ") for the grant indicated in Item 4 above, under the provisions of the Airport and Airway Develop- ment Act of 1970, as amended, and the Federal Aviation Regulations issued thereunder (hereinafter referred to as the "Act" and the "Regulations"), to aid in defraying the cost of she Airport Master Planning project described in the documen- tation submitted in support of this application. The Sponsor represents that it has the legal power and author- ity (a) to do all things necessary ie order to undertake and carry out airport master planning in conformity with the Act and the Regulations, and (b) to accept, receive, and disburse funds in aid of the airport master planning, on the terms and condi- tions stated in the Act and the Regulations. The Sponsor further represents that it has or will have avail- able when needed sufficient funds to defray, with the requested .grant, the cost of the project; that it intends, insofar as it is :within its power and reasonably possible, to undertake the re- commendations given in the Airport Master Planning developed 'under this project and to assure compatible use of land adja- ceat to or in the vicinity of the airport identified in Item I above; that the proposed project has been approved by 41 non• Federal agencies whose approval is required. The Sponsor further represents that it is not in default on any i obligazioo to the United States or any agency of the United 55.4 Stares Government relative to the development. operation, or maintenance of any airport, except aaerated in supporting docu- mentation; that there are no possible disabilities which in reasonable probability might make it impossible for the Sponsor to carry out and completefhe project either by limiting its legal or financial ability or otherwise,except as stated in supporting documentation; that the data and information in support of gad constituting part of this application for • grant are tee, cor- rect, and complete; that the ,filing of this application has bean duly authorized; and than the undersigned officer (officers) has (have) been duly empowered (a) to file this application for andin behalf of the Spoosor,(b) to provide such additional information and documents as may be required, and (c) otherwise t0 act as the authorized represencative of the Sponsor in connection with all matters pertaining to this application and any gran:contract that may be executed pursuant to this application. The Sponsor assures that the project will be condttcted in cdtn- pliaace with all the requirements imposed by or pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and by Pan 21 of the Regulations of the Office of the Secretary of Transpottation.a• amended. If this application or any ponion thereof is approved by the FAA and an offer of Federal aid for such approved application is accepted by the Sponsor, it is understood and agreed that all work included in such application will be accomplished in itc- cordaace with the Act and the Regulations, and the 4irporc Master Planning Grant Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Sponsor has caused this application to be duly execute° in its name by its undersigned officat 8 (or officers) on this of state of North Carolina September day of 19 71 in , County Harnett el. LEGAL SHAME OF APPLICAA T /COAPPLICANT (L•., the agency authorised to contract with the Federal Government) Harnett County BY (Signature of Authorised Officer) / IT E a/ MAILING ADDRESS (No. and Street, City, State, ZIP Code) Harnett County North Carolina Chairman, Board of County CoMmissionel LEGAL NAME OF COAPPLICANT (i.e., the agency authorized to contract with the Federal Government) BY (Signature of Authorised Officer) MAILING ADDRESS (No. and Strut, City, State, ZIP Code) TITLE LEGAL NAME OF COAPPLICANT (Le., the agency authorised to contract with the Federal Government) BY (Signature of Authorised Officer) MAILING ADDRESS (No. and Street, City, Stab, ZIP Code) TITLE • s 0 E. 2 1 • .,• OFFICE OF COUNTY ATTORNEY FHA Gpo� RAF LILLINGTON, N.C. �)• CERTIFICATE OF LEGAL AUTHORITY OF COUNTY BY COUNTY ATTORNEY I certify that Harnett County is a legal entity and qualifies as a public agency, it being created by virtue of Chapter 8 of the 1851+ -55 Public Laws of North Carolina, ratified February 7, 1855. I further certify that the County of Harnett is empowered to contract with the United States for the purpose of receiving and expending federal funds that relate to airports and landing strips. N. C. G. S. 153 -2(3); N. C. G. S. 63 -3. This 4th day of October, 1971. Edward H. McCormick County Attorney AGRICULTURE — INDUSTRY 6312, 4 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS M. H. BROCK. CHAIRMAN D. P. RAY, JR., VICE - CHAIRMAN W. J. COTTON. JR. C. E. MCLAMB GILBCRT BROWN CERTIFICATION BY CLERK RE: AUTHORITY OF COUNTY TO MAKE APPLICATION FOR FAA GRANT XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX It was moved by Commissioner McLamb and seconded by Commissioner Cotton that M. H. Brock, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners be authorized to execute "FAA Form 5910 -1- Airport Master Planning Grant Application" and submit the same to the appropriate Office of the Federal Aviation Administration Field Office; and that a copy of the application and allied 4 papers be made a part of these minutes; that the Auditor is directed to expend the funds from non -tax sources; vote was as follows: For Against Not voting 1 3 1 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I certify that the foregoing is a true extract from the minutes of a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Harnett County of on the 1st day of This 1st day a motion that passed by the vote indicated November, 1971. of November, 1971. H. D. Carso the Board AGRICULTURE — INDUSTRY J l NOTIFICATION TO CLEARINGHOUSE OF INTENT TO APPLY FOR ASSISTANCE 8 September Date I. IDENTITY OF THE APPLICANT AGENCY, GOVERNMENTAL UNIT, ORGANIZATION, OR INDIVIDUAL: Name Harnett County Address North Carolina 19 71 cry. 7 Name of Chief Executive Officer Title of Chief Executive Officer Chairman, Board of County Commissioners Individual who will be responsible for preparation of application or proposal: Name Mr. Keith Finch Title Chairman, Airport Commission Address Merit Construction Company, West Cumberland Street Dunn, North Carolina Telephone No. 892 -6164 II. A. AREA TO BE AFFECTED BY PROPOSED PROJECT (Municipality(s), Township(s), County(s), etc.) : Harnett County, Lillington, Dunn Mr. M. H. Brock B. BENEFICIARIES (Clientele Group) OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT: Same As Above III. ANTICIPATED DATE FORMAL APPLICATION WILL BE SUBMITTED: 8 September ,1971 (Must be at least 60 days after submission of this form to the State Clearinghouse.) 1V. SOURCE OF GRANT -IN -AID ASSISTANCE deBal Aviation Administration A. Name of Federal Agency(s) Planning Grants Program B. Number(s) and Name(s) of Federal Grant -in -Aid Program(s) C. Name of Private Foundation or Other Source V. ESTIMATED COSTS AND SOURCES OF FUNDING: In -Kind A. State Agency Contribution: Cash $ Name of Agency In -Kind $ B. Local Governmental Unit Contribution: 4,500.00 Municipality or County Harnett County Cash $ In -Kind $ C. Other Non - Federal Contribution: Cash $ Source $ D. Federal Grant -in -Aid Funds to be Requested $ 9,000.00 Federal Loan Funds to be Requested $13,500.00 E. TOTAL ESTIMATED COSTS F. Budget Period(s) for State Agency or Local Government Contribution: FY 1972 % FY % FY- --r- -- (Canpl€Le reverse side) VI. A. If any Stale agency(s), Regional Planning Agency(s), or Local Government unit(s) hay.' been contacted or have furnished information relative to the proposed project, list individual staff members contacted and agencies they represent. Col Robert N. Flournoy N. C. Dept. of Conservation & Development B. List any other State or Local agencies which might have an interest in of be affected by the proposed project. None Known VII. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT A. Title Master Planning Study, Harnett County Airport B. Narrative Description of the Proposed Project; Including Quantitative Information as to Size, Number of Units, etc.: r To determine the extent, type, and nature of the development needed at the proposed Harnett County Airport for the next 20 -year period and to develop an approved Airport Layout Plan. The completed Study will guide Harnett County in planning capital improvements required for the airport and the timing of those improvements. The County does not haw the financial capability to undertake the Study without Grant -in -Aid assistance. - 552. is l • VIII.- Does the Federal Agency Administering the Program Under Which FU nding will be Requested 1 Require an Environmental Impact Statement? No . (If Yes, attach "a statement of the nature and extent of environmental impact anticipated.) Attach additional sheets if necessary to present complete information, and mail car pleted form to: cic3 # 1 . Clearinghouse and Information Center State Planning Division 116 West Jones Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 .+ y: ijl?f 552. I/ OUTLINE OF A MASTER PLAN STUDY OF HARNETT COUNTY AIRPORT (Revised August 27, 1971) SCOPE OF WORK PURPOSE OF STUDY The purpose of the study is to determine and present the general aviation air transportation facilities required to serve Harnett County and the surrounding area for the next twenty year period. Tina- study shall result in a narrative report and an Airport Master Plan which will depict the method by which the required development can be most feasibly accomplished. It is assumed that it will be determined during the course of the study that a new airport which will adequately serve de community during the forecast period can be developed more economically on a new site, rather than any existing airport site; the Report and Airport Master Plan shall be prepared accordingly. The Airport Master Plan wilt be prepared in accordance with the guidance contained in FAA Advisory Circular AC 150/5070 -6, Airport Master Plans and the Planning Grant Handbook. In order to accomplish this, the assignment will be broken into four parts and the following steps are proposed. PHASE I AIRPORT REQUIREMENTS Elernert 1 - Inventory. In order to have a basis upon which to forecast the *future levels of ger.eral aviation activity, the following parameters will be investigated: A. Review and analyze all information previously assembled. • 552 /2 1. Previous studies and rcpur's. 2. Economic studies of the area and projected development. 3. Existing and planned highway and railroad systems. 4. Zoning, if arw, 5. Review the role of the existing private airport in the overall system of airports in the area aid tie importance of aviation to Harnett County and the surrounding area. S512, /3 B. Analyze past, present, aid fitu e general economic considerations in order to determine the area's ability to generate aviation activity. . General economic characteristics of the area including business and commercial activity. 2. Historical data on the population of the area and future population projections. 3. Existing and potential seasonal trade. Analysis of general aviation activity in the past, present, and its potential. • 1. Used for business purposes including executive, charter. agricultural and trainim. 2. Used for recreation or pleasure. 3. Commercial facilities available. 4. Aircraft ownership by type and use. Element 2 - Forecasts of Aviation 'Demand. Based upon the data compiled in the above investigations, national trends, consultations with base operator, and other factors bearing on aviation activity, forecasts will be made of the potential aviation activity during the next twenty year period (in 5 yr. increments), including the following:. A. Arruat enplaned cargo and air mail, if any. B. Annual, daily, and peak hour aircraft movements for general aviation activity. C. Military activity, if any. D. Critical types of aircraft to be using airport. E. Annual itinerant and focal general aviation operations and usage. F. Nu-nber of based general aviation aircraft, types and facilities required. -2- 55;,x# J r *et 17; -"; • r\t'Ci tiAC, Apr a /ACV C;i:- eLlq.11:1 j, ..77tAci LS. S.:3ern Lo pc,[ Rea :,1‘its.s,, ar..aa tsc: l'''‘?,,C,;mmelded d use 00 Ctr:atr.we,.'41nati. Ads raquired0 Fr7 etired: .? he, ,,-.c4rd Jty impncyciniec)i-s cn; if7e ..r.ve...si<c7paterf ad narx.rnrner,datlens b mack: u :--;Thanatri-nze ;Jr "Vials '..r`iNt.7.Si,"; EDEAUCA'7, ■,01,;(13 ar and tevaThr ei-Le.„.;ts n oce?:c,y„ impacts on parks and Lie aci citha-r As a part of the z public hearing if required. S) Fic;ornecit 6 — Si S.:vC:c ti1fl1C1ZC S1U trvesiii.Iaticn t-c; date 'eadirg ..... _ JT;-:.-<1.1F.I.Sary data tut sie Parti- cular a'Yr. win b giNien pc ..e.,.:;i1-..cf?ity flicrodir.--;-,g 1`-ln stien - rlf 3...7'‘j17.74,1.4.Yer -11.4 or- PHASE NI AIRPCR'i PLANS Elements 7, 8, 9, and 10 - Airport Layout Plan, Land rase Man, Terminal Area Plans and Airport Access Plan. In order to provide a basis or programming the short and tong term development o<' aviation facilities to meet the reeds of Harnett: County and the surrounding area, as determined by the foregoing studies, an Airport Layout Plan and related plans will be developed. The plans fasted above will be prepared to show future airport facilities required by the forecasted demand. Included in this phase will be the necessary topographic surveys, property line research of record dr awi:vgs, approach and transition surveys, aerial photo- graphs, and the necessary sub—surface investigation raqutred to develop an Airport Layout Plan and other related plans listed above. These plans will be developed using FAA criteria and fully coordinated with local and state officiate, FAA, and otter ',tanning agencies so that the end result shall be FAA approval of the plan. These plans shall show, in detail, the following as a minimum: A. Landing Area Facilities (runways, taxiways, aprons). B. Terminal and /or General Aviation Area Facilities. C. Building area. Facilities. D. Access Roads. E. Auto Parking Facilities. F. Navigational Aid Facilities. io. Approaches and other imaginary surfaces. H, Runway profiles. I. Land use of airport and adjacent lands. J. Related highway system. K. Staging of various requirements. L. Land required. oq® r 552 a PHASE 'iy FINANCIAL PLAN i rn• . ":'s .K a arxi 1i 2 - Schedules f Proposed 'Development and Estimate of D_ i/ `r,cu CC .'s„ All tit: the data she'd be summarized in a [Hat repti:tt:. The repo is shall include. a summary th ttr;dh.rgs and recommendations for the future dev. ioprnart of the. airport to serve the Hartnett County area,. T ^,:? re,iport will provide explanations to Justify planning deker•minaticins made to supplement the irl.formaii.c:n sFxwn en he plaroo It will set forth the recommended program of action at staging of thee. various required improvements as they become r cessary t o satisfy the aviation demand° Cost estimates will be provided for ea <.z, recommended -1 a?!,Jof development. The time when various improvements will be needed will be forecasted and the estimated cost of each improvement will be given, The Master Plan and Report will be adequate in all respects, wher: periodically updated, to serve as a program for the development of adequate aviation facilities to serve the Harnett County area for the ibrecast period° Elements 13 and 14 - Economic Feasibility road Financing° The economic feasibility of" the development, recommended or she methods by which the develop- ment eery be financed will net be investigated as a part of this study, PHASE' V PRINTING OF MASTER PLAN REPORTS Fifty copies of the final Master Plan Report incorporating the prec°ectrg elements will be furnished to the Owner. TALBERTs COX & ASSOCIATES, INC° -5- >7 55.2.2o 3 3 PHASE 1 E;ienment 1 2 3 4 5 BASIS FOR PRC'L.,E CT COST ESTIMATES ivica;ha :,ors; SS o7, 02 / Average Rate Element Cost 36 $28.53 32 22.88 0 0 33 23.94 00 25.31 7L »1 Pi lase I 184 i'HASE 11 Element 6 28 N $22.54 Phase III Element 7 44 $:9.93 8 22 22041 9 22 22.41 10 22, 22.41 Sub-Total 110 In addition to the :eve, a topographic survey Approach Survey and soils investigation will be requicred. The project costs is as fellows: Topographic, Approach and Transition Surveys 3-man Party 10 days ® $205 2050 Soils Investigation 950 Sub- Total Total Phase III PHASE IV Element 11 12 Total Phase IV 48 66 114 $21.98 19.77 PHRASE V Printing & Miscellaneous Travel, per diem, and Expenses $ 847 732 0 862 2,025 877 493 493 493 $ 2,356 arvd ".Transition basis of these $ 3,000 $ 1,055 1,305 'CC a:i•ii) TOTAL Sponsor's Share $4,500 FAA Share $9,000 $ 4,466 $ 631 $ 5,356 • $ 2,360 687 $ 13,500 53-2. Q -- J 3 • COUNTY COMMISSIONERS M. H. BROCK, CHAIRMAN 0. P. RAY, JR., VICE•CMAIRMAN W. J. COTTON, JR. C. E. MCLAMB GILBERT BROWN CERTIFICATION BY COUNTY AUDITOR ON SOURCE OF FUNDS I Certify that the sum of $4,500.00 necessary for the County's share of funds as set forth in the "FAA Form 5910 -1- Airport Master Planning Grant Application" is on hand from non -tax sources and that, by order of the County Commissioners, the sum of $4,500.00 has been appropriated for expenditure when needed. This 1st day of November, 1971. mo/ H: 'D. Cars on on, J ., � Clerk to the Boar/ o Commissioners AGRICULTURE — INDUSTRY J