02011971i''" MINUTES OF REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF FEBRUARY 1, 1971. REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the County Commissioners convened on Monday, February 1, 1971 in the Commissioners Room, Courthouse, Lill - ington, N. C. with the following present: Chairman M. H. Brock, Vice - Chairman D. P. Ray, Jr., Board members W. J. Cotton, C. E. McLamb and Gilbert Brown. Also present H. D. Carson, Jr., Clerk to the Boar and Attorney Edward H. McCormick. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Brock called the meeting to order at 9:20 A.M. and offered the morning prayer. ORDER OF BUSINESS Item 1. AIRPORT COMMISSION REPORT Keith Finch and Harnett Development Commission Director, Mitch Wooten presented a feasibility report from the committee appointed relative to county airport needs. The report concluded that available land ha been located, estimates cost for construction had been received, and pertinent facts had been obtained from the FAA. LIBRARY HEAT Commissioner McLamb suggested that the Board meet with representative from other municipal areas of the county, giving them the benefit of the information received.' Chairman Brock informed Mr. Finch and Mr. Wooten that the Board would take the recommendations, facts and figures under consideration and get back in touch with themas soon as possible. Item 2. Mrs. Margaret Randall, Librarian, came before the Board in regards to the heating system at the library. As the present heat plant was broken, Chairman Brock informed Mrs. Randall that the Board would tak care of this matter, either with repairs to the old plant or with a new heat pump altogether. MR. ED WALKER, MR. BOB LEAK & MR. W. R. DANIELS Item 3. Mr. Ed Walker and Mr. Bob Leak from Dunn Chamber of Commerce and Mr. W. R. Daniels of Carolina Power & Light Company, Dunn , were recogniz-d by the Board as appearing in behalf of the Airport Commission, Mr. Finch and Mr. Wooten. MINUTES READ AND APPROVED The minutes from the last meeting of January 4, 1971, were read and approved. MR. J. P. BRADLEY Item 3. Mr. J. P. Bradley came before the Board regarding present ad valorem tax applied to buildings on leased land, belonging to him. He told the Board that the buildings were listed at $3,482. on the tax books, but that he could sell them for only $800.00. Chairman Brock requested that Mr. Bradley appear before the Board of Equalization and Review when it convened in April and May of 1971 and plead his case at that time. JOHN LEWIS BROWN RE: DOGS Item 4. John Lewis Brown appeared before the Board and reported that many dogs in the Shawtown area had killed some of his livestock. Mr. Brock informed Brown that he would see the dog warden and request him to concentrate his efforts in this area to eliminate some of the dogs that were destroying livestock. DIRECTOR SOC. SERVICES Item 5. Mr. F. C. Hubbard, Social Services Director, came before the Board, reporting that his department had now moved into the new building and that he was of the opinion that his department could operate more smoothly and efficient with the extra amount of space. ADJUTANT GENERAL DAVIS - N. C. NATIONAL GUARD Adjutant General Davis, N. C. National Buard representative, and Major Fred McPhaul appeared before the Board in relation to the building of a new Armory in Dunn. He reported that Dunn had agreed to the cost of land and the facilities, the State would furnish 872 percent of construction and that the could assume the remaining 122 percent necessary for construction . He indicated that this amount could be from two budget periods. Gen. Davis only asked at this time for moral support and encouragement, so that he could be the requests for the funds to begin the Armory. No action was taken at this time. in Mr. ALLEN TAX SUPERVISOR TAX & WELFARE LIEN ATTORNEY MR. JONES, TAX COLLECTOR Mr. Tom Allen, Tax Supervisor requested from the Board, refunds for the following accounts: Mrs. Vallie Senter, Hectors Crkk Township, $288.87 Lease Plan, Inc., Purchase, N. Y., Lillington Township, refund for dou ble listing $48.54. Commissioner Cotton made a motion to refund the aforementioned amounts upon the recommendation of Mr. Tom Allen, Commissioner McLamb seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Mr. Allen then gave a progress report relative to the revaluation. Item 8. Mr. Marshall Woodall, Tax and Welfare Lien Attorney made the following report to the Board: Mary Seaberry Heirs Stewart's Creek Township Case No. 3658, $175.00 Attorney fee $20.00. Mr. Woodall informed the Board that Elmore Bros. from Dunn desired to purchase a lot on Cook St. that belongs jointly to the City of Dunn and County of Harnett. His recommendation was to sell the property, former ly known as Smith property to Elmore Bros. for $500.00. Commissioner Cotton made a motion to abide by Mr. Woodall's recommend- ation to sell the lot for $500.00, Commissioner McLamb seconded the motion. Attorney McCormick concurred with the transation and the vote was unanimous. Furthermore, proper authority was extended to the Tax and Welfare Lien Attorney to negotiate the transaction. Item 9. Mr. Earl Jones, Tax Collector, presented the report for his office. He also presented the following for reproduction and distribution if acceptable by the Board: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HARNETT OFFICE OF THE TAX COLLECTOR LILLINGTON, N. C. The Office of Tax Collector, in point of history, is one of the oldest positions of governmental responsibility that remains in existence in modern times. We are mindful of this as we read the Biblical accounts of tax collectors and their activities. The Tax Collector is charged with the responsibility to employ all lawful means for the collection of taxes; he is required to keep adequate records and to render an accounting of all monies received by his office. The North Carolina Machinery Act of 1939 supports this official in the performance of the duties of his office. This Act empowers the Tax Coll- ector with authority to garnishee, enabling him to attach a portion of the salary or the bank account of a delinquent taxpayer for payment of taxes. He may attach personal property, including motor vehicles, tele- visions, boats or any item of value to offer for public sale to apply to the delinquent account of a taxpayer. In the real estate category, the Tax Collector must report all activities of his office to the local govern- ing body. This report is given on a regular basis and sets forth the action taken to administer the duties of the office. The necessity for the collection of the tax dollar is best realized when we note how it is spent. The revenue from taxes provides personnel and maintains facilities for: Law Enforcement, Register of Deeds, Tax Departments, Auditor's Office, Coroner, Agricultural Extension Service, Health Department, Dog Warden, Veterans Service Office, Civil Defense, Industrial Development, Social Services, Board of Elections and Public Schools. In addition, the tax dollar provides for the maintenance of buildings and grounds of these departments. The Harnett County Tax Collector also acts as the receiver of funds for the county from sources other than taxes. From 22 to 3 million dollars is processed through the office in Harnett County, annually. There- fore, the intricate details of the function of the Office of Tax Collector is a great responsibility. Although, by the very nature of his work the Tax Collector is not the most beloved of government officials, he nonetheless serves in a most vital office of local government. It is through and by his efforts that local government is able to execute the will of the people in rendering the services which the taxpayers require and deserve. 471. Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 1, 1971 continued The Office of Tax Collector in Harnett County is one of the major appointive offices. The Tax Collector is appointed by the Board of Com- missioners for a one -year term and serves at the will and pleasure of the Board. Should the Tax Collector be derelict in his duties, the governing body may remove him from office. W. Earl Jones Tax Collector ACTION: Commissioner McLamb moved that the foregoing be accepted for reproduction and distribution, Commissioner Brown seconded the move and it carried unanimously. MENTAL HEALTH DIRECTOR RALPH MC COIG Item 10. Ralph McCoig, Director Mental Health Department, came before the Board in behalf of the Mental Heal Authority. He reported that because of over estimation of anticipated fees and unmatchable funds determined as matchable erroneously, that his department could not continue to function present rate without incurring a deficit for the fiscal year of 1970 -71, in the estimated amount of $39,000.00 RECESS RECONVENED FIRE CODES Commissioner McLamb recommended that this information be taken under consideration. The Board requested a report from the Mental Health Department to be sub- mitted periodically. The meeting recessed for lunch at 12:00 noon. The meeting was celled to order again after lunchat 1:30 P. M. Item 11. County attorney, Edward H. McCormick informed the Board that he had no recommendations relative to the adoption of fire codes for the County. He further reported that the committee was still working in an effort to acquire an adequate set of codes that could be common and acceptable for the entire county. MEDICAL EXAMINER SYSTEM Item 12. The Chairman brought to the attention of the Board the subject of Medical Examiner Sustem for Harnett County. Attorney McCormick read G.S. 130 -107 of 1967 Legislature. It appears therefore, that the aforementioned system is mandatory and that all counties will come under it eventually. The discussion was tabled. AMENDMENT TO E. C. REG. HSG. AUTHORITY Chairman Brock presented an amendment to the laws governing the Eastern Carolina Regional Housing Authority to the Board. The Board chose to take no action regarding the matter. 1¢ SALES TAX The Board discussed the 1¢ sales tax matter with Attorney Gerald Arnold. EAGLE STORES, INC. ROAD PETITIONS Item 13. Atty Bryan, Dunn, appeared before the Board in behalf of Eagles, Inc. asking for some measure of relief in paying the back taxes as recorded in the minutes of the foregoing regular meeting. The Board agreed to take the matter under consideration, discuss it with Mr. Allen, Tax Supervisor and notify Attorney Bryan of the ultimate results of the discussion. The Board agreed to return to Overhills, Inc., their road petition with a letter of explanation. The Following road petitions were approved by motion of Commissioner Ray, a second by Commissioner Brown and a unanimous vote: #1779 Stewart Creek, 4.4 miles, 18 occupied homes - FOR BLACK TOPPING #2050, Anderson Creek, 3.4 miles, 22 occupied homes, add to system. Kimberly Lane Road, Barbecue Township, 1.25 miles, 4 homes add to system. Upper Little River Township, .4 mile, from Daniel Mimms, 7 occupied homes add to system. P I N RESOLUTION Item 15. The following resolution was offered by Chairman Brock and a motion was made by Commissioner Cotton that it be adopted, this motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown and upon being put to a vote, was unanimously carried: at the ( ' P r. Mintues of Regular Meeting of February 1, 1971 continued P I N RESOLUTION DJOURNMENT WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Justice Police Information Network plans to make available to law enforcement agen- cies and other appropriate agencies of the State through the use of a centralized computer system various information now available or to be developed essential to the efficient operation of said agencies such as, but not limited to, information contained in the Department of Motor Vehicles' files, information contained in the National Crime Information Center, information contained inthe State Bureau of Investigation's files, Department of Corrections' files, and infor- mation from local law enforcement agencies by the installation of a Police Information Network terminal in the Sheriff's Department of Harnett County for a period of one year provided the Sheriff's Department of Harnett County agrees to furnish a proper site for installing such terminal, and the necessary personnel to operate said terminal, and further agrees to assume the rental cost of such terminal at the end of one year from the date of installation; that said installation of a Police Information Network terminal is considered to be most necessary to the preservation of law and order and the promotion of public safety within Harnett County; and WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Justice Police Information Network and this County have agreed as follows: (A) The North Carolina Department of Justice Police Information Network will install and maintain for a period of one year a terminal connected to the Police Information Network System and also train operators selected and paid by the County to operate such termina (B) The County shall furnish a proper site for installa- tion of a Police Information Network terminal and also furnish personnel to operate said terminal. (C) The County sahll assume the rental cost (which cost shall include maintenance) of the Police Information Network terminal in the amount of $1,836.00 per year begin- ning one year from the date of installation thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the installation of a Police Information Network terminal be and it is hereby formally approved by the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County, North Carolina, and that the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of this County be and they are hereby empowered to sign and execute the required Agreement between this County and the North Carolina Department of Justice Police Information Network. This Resolution was passed and adopted the 1st day of February, 1971. Attested to by H. D. Carson, Jr., Clerk to the Board. No further reports being offered, no further business introduced, the meeting adjourned at 3:00 P. M. 7 Patsy $. y•bles, Secretary , Clerk to the Board 4'76 Checks issued during the month of February, 1971. 3814 N. C. Governor's Office 3815 Lee - Harnett Mental Health Authority 3816 Dr. A. W. Peede 3817 Lillington Esso Station 3818 Beasley's Garage 3819 Everson -Ross Co. 3820 Layton Supply Co. 3821 Lillington FGX 3822 Pitney =Bowes 3823 Glasco Business Equip. Co. 3824 Void 3825 Xerox Corp 3826 Faye M. Upchurch 3827 Lee Co. Dept. of Amb. Service 3828 Johnson's 3829 Earnest West 3830 Piggly Wiggly 3831 Lafayette Drug Co. 3832 Carolina Tel & Tel Co. 3833 Cavin's Business Products, Inc. 3834 A. B. Sherman Oil Co. 3835 Glasco Business Equipment 3836 Williams Office Equipment Co. 3837 W. H. King Drug Co. 3838 Tryon Moving & Storage Inc. 3839 Bernice Lucas 3840 Consumer Research, Inc. 38±11 Harvell Radio Supply Co. 3842 Winchester Statical Supply Co. 3843 Louis E. Bottiglier, Postmaster 3844 N.C. State Board of Health 3845 Lida R. O'Quinn 3846 Lillington Roller Mills, Inc. 3847 National Band and Tag Co. 3848 Litton Business Systems, Inc. 3849 Storr Sales Co. 3850 IBM Corporation 3851 Gray & Creech Inc. 3852 James H. Anderson, Inc. 3853 N.C. Natural Gas Corp 3854 Town of Lillington 3855 Morris Wade Sales Co. 3856 Modern Laundry & Cleaners 3857 Carolina Power & Light Co. 3858 Harnett County Schools 3859 J. A. Carver 3860 N.C. Communications, Inc. 3861 Kinlaw Signs 3862 Motorola Inc. 3863 Fed. Surplus Property Agency 3864 The E.R. Thomas Drug Co. 3865 Twyford Printing Co. 3866 Phelps Welding Service 3867 Grace Swain 3868 Lafayette Drug Co. 3869 Betsy Johnson Mem. Hospital, Inc. 3870 Duke Hospital Pharmacy 3871 J.E. Womble & Sons, Inc. 3872 Mrs. Grady Adcock 3873 Mr. & Mrs. Herman Tew 3874 Mrs. J. E. Bradford 3875 Mrs. Edwin Morris 3876 Mrs. J. A. Walker 3877 Etta McNeill 3878 Mrs. Wade Johnson 3879 Rachel Johnson 3880 Mrs. E. C. Flowers 3881 Margie Johnson 3882 Mrs. David Ferrell 3883 Cristal Evans 3884 Mrs. Ray Cameron 3885 Mrs. L. F. Byrd 3886 Mrs. L. R. Arnold 3887 Bessie Lee 3888 William A. Clark 3889 Mrs. Johnson Buie 3890 Mrs. W. G. Butler 3891 Mrs. A. M. Ivey 3892 Mrs. D. C. McKinney 3893 Mrs. J. M. Herring 3894 Mrs. Herman Tew 3895 Erwin Funeral Home 3896 O'Quinn & O'Quinn 3897 Lanier's Hardware 3898 Dutch Treat Market 10.00 Notary fee 2,000.00 Partial appropriation 70 -71 7.00 Re: Bozie Harrison 367.92 Jan. Acct. Sheriff 22.32 320 Sheriff's Dept. 3.22 10097W 64.80 Jan Acct. Courthouse 4.38 6837 138.78 406906,944143 11.50 74296 -Reg. of Deeds 113.50 25.00 19.00 22.35 14.54 664.64 5.77 147.49 561.33 41.40 993.66 169.36 112.99 100.00 35.00 8.00 19.68 61.87 30.00 43.20 70.39 15.45 191.53 8.32 793.04 122.85 159.62 1,519.27 613.45 74.55 11.13 25.72 59.02 12.13 100.00 56.05 10.75 32.50 273.00 30.00 27.30 4.00 15.50 10.00 20.00 62.20 40.49 74.50 14.00 78.00 165.04 204.25 76.00 82.00 76.00 82.00 162.00 148.75 82.00 82.00 73.50 204.75 245.00 50.00 7.50 3.00 2.50 2.50 6.00 1.75 50.00 234.40 20.00 2.65 007099337 Re transcript James Hartley Raymond McNeill 8 -24 -70 Jan acct. Co. jail Tickets for Jail Dec. & Jan. Jan acct. Co. jail Jan Acct Co. jail per statements 1700 Cantata #19197 Soc. Services 9112 Welfare Dept. Bal. on furniture #5672, Soc. Sery 176180 7457 Moving Dept. of Soc. Services Feb. Rent 1 yr. sub. Jan acct. Co. Ext. Service Jan. inv. Health Dept. Postage Jan. Acct. Health Dept. Attending meeting at Chapel Hill 13253,13766, Dog Pound 9 37473 S1 82344, 5182345 56082,63168,53826,72712,63374 9J45328,4J35986,353- 1163130 60149 661A, 661B, 473,662,660,911 per statements per statements 19563,19663,19220 Jan Acct. jail & Dunn Hlth. Center per statements 7097,7908 Co. Ext. Service Jan & Feb. Vet Service work 3192,3195,3286, C. D. Agency Sign for C.D. Agency MA 10328 1047,1048 -C.D. Agency Jan rent 4796- Fire Marshal Dec Acct. C.D. Agency Gen Assistance (Refund) RX Lovey Allen Re Maxine Floyd Blackman Re Patricia Atkins Clothing for Michael Roderick B. Home Care Med Services for Tony Partin B. Home Care It V1 Spending money for B. Home Child. IT 11 n n II IT Re Josephine Faircloth Ambulance Service P. Oil Heater foie garbage pro. supplies for garbage program 477 Checks written for the month of February 1971. 3899 Lillington Tractor & Imp. Co. 3900 Lillington Roller Mills, Inc. 3901 Lillington FCX 3902 Harnett County Farm Bureau 3903 Dr. A. W. Peede 3904 Dr. A. W. Peede 3905 Dr. Robert H. Threlkel 3906 Dr. C. L. Corbett 3907 N.C. Sanatorium 3908 Helms Motor Express, Inc. 3909 Allen Appraisal Company 3910 C. E. McLamb 3911 Lease Plan, Inc. 3912 Vallie Senter 3913 Dunn Heating & Air Cond. Co. & Bank of North Carolina 3914 Thomson -Davis Agency 3915 Duna K. Butler 3916 Void 3917 Mary Greene Yates 3918 Jennie Campbell Williams 3919 Frances Norris 3920 Dixie H. Perez 3921 Betty S. Denning 3922 Withie B. Dewar 3923 Rebecca A. Wade 3924 Della Stewart 3925 Mary S. Hough 3926 Maebelle Parish Williams David Carlie Hamilton 3928 Annie Mason Cameron 3929 Delores Johnson McDonald 3930 Nora McD. Blanchard 3931 Elizabeth B. Allen 3932 Mary P. Stewart 3933 Mrs. Ella Wood Lee 3934 McLeod Electric, Inc. 3935 WCKB 3936 National Market Reports, Inc. 3937 Carolina Marking Devices, Inc. 3938 Lillington Auto Parts 3939 Grover C. Pate, Jr. 3940 Lillington Medical Clinic 3941 Mobile Communication Serv. 3942 N.C. Communications, Inc. 3943 American Geographic 3944 Storr Sales Company 3945 Hutchinson, Inc. 3946 James H. Anderson Co., Inc. 3947 First Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 3948 Waccamaw Bank & Trust Co 3949 Southern National Bank 3951 Bank of North Carolina 3950 Bank of North Carolina 3952 1First Citizens Bank 3953 Central Carolina Bank & Trust Co. 3954 Harnett County Schools 3955 A.H. Robins Co. 3956 Club Cleaners 3957 American Journal of nursing 3958 Carolina Power & Light Co. 3959 Shaw's Plumbing Service 3960 Lillington Roller Mills, Inc. 3961 N. C. Communications, Inc. 3962 Communication Specialists Co. 3963 E. R. Thomas Drug Co. 3964 Carolina Power & Light Co. 3965 Lillington Medical Clinic 3966 Lee Co. Sheltered Workshop 3967 State Commission for the Blind 3968 Dept. of Conservation & Dev. 3969 South River Electric Membership 3970 Warren Bros. Oil Co. 3971 John Jones 3972 George J. Jernigan 3973 J.A. Johnson Construction 3974 Humble Credit Card Center 3975 American Express 3976 Bowen Office Equipment Co. 3977 J.D. Pike Motor Co: :, Inc. 3978 Lafayette Drug Co. 3979 Gray & Creech, Inc. 25.00 Jan Acct. Garbage Program 19.50 13274 Garbage Program 21.12 6836 Garbage Program 150.00 Jan & Feb. rent 24.00 OV for Annie McN. Marshall. 160.00 Jan Clinics. 80.00 Jan. PS Clinics 130.00 Jan. Clinics 156.70 4270 Drugs 4.50 Waybill 366714 500.00 Payment #6 18.50 Jan Travel Expenses 48.54 Refund for error in tax listing 288.87 Refund for error in listing taxes 1,199.50 149.00 241.27 457.13 394.56 394.56 265.25 325.73 223.54 362.23 362.23 248.57 248.57 229.80 222.50 325.73 287.15 258.99 440.44 25.00 1,035.70 24.00 60.25 12.44 34.62 11.00 129.00 95.00 32.22 100.43 112.72 275.01 18.65 22.75 44.8o 22.05 23.80 62.30 31.50 29.75 1.69 26.10 8.60 10.00 1.35 2.95 7.73 71.05 13.38 30.00 11.36 33.30 25.00 1,303.30 656.67 2.65 172.15 49.11 135.00 904.00 64.96 140.67 31.14 55.93 5.35 37.38 heating unit for Co. Library Pol. 187 14194 Bldgs of County List taker A. Creek List taker for Ave. List taker for Ave. List taker for Ave. List Taker bar. List taker for B.R. List taker for B. H. List taker for Duke List taker for Duke List taker for Grove List taker for Grove List taker for H.C. List taker for Jno. List taker for Lill. List taker for N.Creek. List taker for S.C. List taker for ULR Gen. Assistance Payment on contract for heating and air cond. New county Bld.g Ads for Tax Sup. Office 1057 Tax Sup. #PS 98246 Tax Collector Invoices - Sheriff's Dept. Re Billy Ray Price Services re Sheriff's Dept. Service for Jan. Sheriff's Dept. #5090 Sheriff's Dept. #LAD 782 *64009 Soc. Services #45699 Soc. Services Dept. Inv. 1096 65 Food Stamps 128 Food Stamps 63 Food Stamps 68 Food Stamps 178 Food Stamps 90 Food Stamps 85 Food Stamps 6591 Ext. Dept. R02184 Health Health Dept. 2 yr. sub. Service dog pound #3079 14537 Dog Warden 3195,3192,3286,5085 No. 8101 Civil D. Feb. rent per statement Re Michael Roderick Re Elbert Sessoms Co's part aid to Blind Co's part for Fire Control per statement 7766,7294 Maple Grove School Work at Maple Grove School For building garbage office Bulldozing at garbage sites. Cr. Card No 3691301596 No 0471388637 31559,32228,32565 Inv 4849 Films & Bulbs Inv. 61382. 478 3980 Linda C. Miller and Carolina P & L. 3981 Carolina Telephone & Telegraph Co. 3982 Carolina Telephone & Telegraph Co. 3983 Carolina Telephone & Telegraph Co. 3984 Asheboro Electric Company 3985 McLeod Electric, Inc. 3986 Cape Fear Construction Company 3987 Woodall, McCormick & Arnold 3988 C. H. Avery 3989 Worth Byrd 3990 Mrs. James Yates 3991 Gilbert Brown 3992 Bertha M. Taylor 3993 Bertha M. Taylor 3994 Alma Jean Bass 3995 Bank of North Carolina 3996 N.C. Blue Cross & Blue Shield 3997 Void 3998 Lola O'Quinn 3999 Erwin Tin Shop 4000 Dougald McRae 4001 M. H. Brock 4002 Elizabeth F. Matthews, CSC 4003 Woodall, McCormick & Arnold 4004 Bernice McJunkin, Sec. - Treas. 4005 Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co. 4006 N.C. Natural Gas Corp. 4007 Carolina Power & Light Co. 4008 Void 4009 N.C. Local Govern. Emp. 4010 N.C. Local Governmental Emp. 4011 N.C. Local Governmental Empl. 4012 Southern National Bank 72.00 206.68 746.83 70.51 1,349.10 405.05 13,172.28 185.00 50.00 22.72 22.72 23.52 142.31 79.08 208.68 46,776.63 1,059.63 General Assistance per statement per statement per statement Pmt. #3, Co. office building Pmt. No. 5, Co. Office Bldg. payment no. 5, Co. Office Bldg Professional Services 5 days as Court Officer Welfare Board Meeting Welfare Board Meeting Welfare Board Meeting Feb. Salary Cleaning H.Centers Feb Sal. TB Project Feb. Sal. & Travel Imm Ed Aide Feb. Payroll Feb Statement 043 0012 001 71.67 7 days work in tax Sup. Office 1,080.00 Repairs to roof on Dunn Hlth C 300. -0 Services Rendered Bd. of Elect 97.80 5 days Acting Mgr. 230 miles 20.00 Court costs in tax suits 70.00 Tax foreclosure suits 15.00 '71 dues 27.08 per statements 77.92 per statements 899.23 per statements SALARY CHECKS FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 1971 7307 M. H. Brock 7308 W.J.Cotton, Jr. 7309 D.P. Ray, Jr. 7310 C. E.McLamb 7311 Gilbert Brown 7312 Edward H.McCormick 7313 Thomas Allen 7314 Lottie Patterson 7315 Bessie S. Johnson 7316 Rachel S. Kirpulinski 7317 W. Earl Jones 7318 Alice Schmincke 7319 Edna W. Butts 7320 Jackie J. Denning 7321 Wade H. Stewart 7322 Edna K. Newton 7323 Madie Lee Morgan 7324 Lemuel C. Gregory,Jr. 7325 James V. Griffin 7326 B.F. Temple 7327 Roger W Lyon 7328 Charles Lincoln Neal 7329 Stanley Byrd 7330 James E. Turnage 7331 Hilton Lee Pope 7332 Clyde F. Pate 7333 Paul Douglas Lucas 7334 Lewis C. Rosser, Jr. 7335 Joseph C. Gilbert 7336 Fred D. Freeman, Jr. 7337 George E. Cameron 7338 Herbert D. Carson,Jr. 7339 Rachel W. Blanchard 7340 Patsy H. Nobles 7341 Harold Upchurch 7342 287.28 Thomas H. James 7343 Lee V. Harris 7344 Inez Harrington 7345 Velma S. Edwards 7346 Flora Green Milton 7347 Inez W. Sessoms 7348 Clyde L. Ross 7349 Paul B. Drew 7350 B.E. Sturgill 7351 Ruth Sturgill 7352 Louvenia Mcl. Lee 1,516.11 1,788.72 2,233.89 5,439.70 116.00 7353 118.50 7354 120.00 7355 120.00 7356 120.00 7357 300.00 7358 576.68 7359 310.90 7360 296.80 7361 286.99 7362 567.71 7363 326.40 7364 298.63 7365 251.28 7366 676.08 7367 297.94 7368 289.27 7369 577.95 7370 569.37 7371 347.51 7372 558.92 7373 542.84 7374 389.76 7375 569.92 7376 539.34 7377 495.15 7378 537.59 7379 514.65 7380 537.84 7381 514.19 7382 507.15 7383 695.57 7384 339.51 7385 289.27 7386 321.59 7387 287.28 7388 328.57 7389 354.08 7390 330.51 7391 310.90 7392 255.54 7393 262.71 7394 237.25 7395 418.86 7396 203.51 7397 164.36 7398 Matching contri Matching contri Emp. ret contri. Feb. W.H. Tax Fletcher C. Hubbard Naomi F. Hawley Glyness Meeks Madeline W. Hawley Patricia W. McDonald Mary P. Avery Jean Adcock Annie Lee Sawyer Sandra Byrd Edna C. Langdon Bonnie B. Beasley Beverly W. Warren Emma Lee West Harvey V. Godfrey Marjorie G. Wade Helen R. Crews Glenn C. O'Kelley Egeta Williams Joyce G. Pulliam John D. Davis Jimmy F. Ragland Jane H. Smith William F. Rogers Gayle M. Adams Joy L. Dawson Judith G. Crawford Esther T. Butts Margie Harrington Kathleen Thomas Pauline Sanford James E. Goff Charles E. Hammond H.W. Lloyd Juanita S. Hight Bettie E. Giles Paulette J. Britt Virginia L. Simmons Ida P. Hinnant Ophelia McLean M. Irene Lassiter Hattie E. Barnes Lida R. O'Quinn Rebecca S. Coleman Louise M. Lloyd M. H. Canady Ken Black 742.66 340.56 364.41 331.40 345.07 322.40 269.50 283.84 265.04 235.90 261.90 500.42 655.16 572.27 505.46 403.95 315.47 494.75 565.34 533.18 514.41 475.54 496.07 540.82 503.30 470.22 306.06 378.73 342.10 400.96 322.75 311.00 300.00 221.95 217.40 227.1- 280.93 202.85 124.60 683.94 548.45 558.45 557.83 542.03 616.24 545.53 479 SALARY CHECKS FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 1971 7399 Brenda G. Lee 7400 Alta Pearl Pope Herbert E. Hudson 7401 7402 Jean M. Irvin 7403 Thomas T. Lanier 7404 Lillian B. Smith 7405 Roy S. Godwin 7406 Alvis Lee McKay 7407 Andrew M. Anderson 7408 William F. Hall 298.34 290.17 452.04 407.30 614.45 298.34 71.10 130.82 105.23 104.73 7409 Sammie D. Spears 99.54 7410 Willard M. Wooten, Jr.739.08 7411 Bessie W. Moss 371.01 7412 Muriel F. Cann 543.06 7413 Margaret N. McDonald 312.09 7414 Myrtle D. Register 524.97 7417 Wanda Sue Bethune 7418 Kyle Harrington 7415 Alice R. Shmmper 7416 Lespie M. O'Quinn 7419 Lawton 0. Dorman 7420 William G. Lasater 7421 Neil C. Cameron 7422 J. C. Hobbs 7423 Thomas J. Byrd 7424 Tyree C. Kendall 7425 Benton A. Bracey 7426 Lawrie M. Byrd 7427 Tyree P. Senter 7428 Dwight L. Cotton 7429 Hoyt B. Fowler 246.80 489.62 246.80 246.80 441.46 576.04 443.66 382.56 422.28 396.86 68.08 478.67 426.00 252.36 133.56 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS- March 1, 1971 REGULAR MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Board of County Commissioners convened on Monday, March 1, 1971, with the following present: Chairman M. H. Brock, Vice Chairman D. P. Ray, Jr., members C. E. McLamb, W. J. Cotton, Jr., and Gilbert Brown. Also present were H. D. Carson, Jr., Clerk to the Board and Edward H. McCormick, County Attorney. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Brock called the meeting to order at 9:20 A. M. and called upon Gilbert Brown to offer the morning prayer. MINUTES The minutes of the February meeting were read and approved. EAGLES STORES The Board decided to send a message to Attorney Bryan, Dunn, regard- ing Eagles Stores, Inc., informing him that no decisions had been reached concerning the request made and recorded in the minutes of the February 1, 1971 Commissioners Meeting, the matter being still under consideration. Furthermore, The Commissioners agreed to make a final decision upon receipt of letters from other Tax Supervisors indicating their action taken regarding the computation of back taxes. GERALD ARNOLD REPRESENTATIVE Attorney Gerald Arnold, State Representative, visited in the meeting for a brief time. The Board discussed in general some topics, namely the reinstatement of Constables in the County and the poss- ibility of a state -wide referendum on the sales tax issue. TAX AND WELFARE LIEN ATTORNEY AUCTION SALE Chairman Brock commended Representative Arnold on the job that he is doing in the Legislature and extended an invitation for him to visit again at wil -. Marshall Woodall, Tax and Welfare Lien Attorney presented his report as follows: COLLECTION ON TAXES Anderson Engineering Co. Averasboro Twp. #3555 $1,548.97 $20.00 fe Ethel R. Stewart Duke 3700 103.17 30.00 Richard Tripp Averasboro 3752 216.81 20.00 $1,868.95 $70.00 COLLECTION OF WELFARE LIEN Neill W. Parker $200.00 $30.00 attorney fee. Attorney Woodall presented a report of the auction sale of lot that had been offered at public auction. The lot was bid off at $750. The Commissioners decided, due to the fact that the County owed the City of Dunn between 5 & 6 hundred dollars in assessments, the sale would put but very little money into the treasury, that the Board would reject this offer, this done by a move by Commissioner Brown and a second of Commissioner Ray. The vote carried unanimously. RESOLUTION ELMORE BROS. Attorney Woodall recommended that the following resolution be adopted and entered into the minutes: That, whereas, William Elmore and Steve Elmore have offered the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty dollars ($250.) for the interest owned by the County in the hereinafter described tract of land and