11031969347 Regular Meeting, November 3, 1969 Regular Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Board of County Commissioners convened Monday, November 3, 1969 at 9 :15 a.m. in the Commissioners' Room, Courthouse, Lillington, North Cardina. Those present were: Chairman M. H. Brock, Vice Chairman D. P. Ray, Jr., W. J. Cotton, Jr. member; C. E. McLamb, member and Gilbert Brown, member. Also present H. D. Carson, Jr., Clerk to the Board and Gerald Arnold, County Attorney. CALL TO ORDER REPORT: TAX COLLECTOR REPORT: TAX UPERVISOR ROAD PETITIONS SHC DISTRICT NGINEER r. Sam Wilson ARNETT COUNTY OME EXTENSION AGENT: rs.Ruby I. Parker Chairman Brock called the meeting to order at 9:15 am and Mr. Gilbert Brown offered the morning prayer. Item 1. Mr. Earl Jones, Tax Collector, rendered the report of his department. Item 2. Mr. Thomas Allen, Tax Supervisor, rendered the report of his department. The following request for refund of taxes was presented: Refund to: Cullen Watson, Erwin, N. C. Route 1 For: Incorrect listing of dogs Amount: $3.00 ACTION: Upon motion by Mr. McLamb, seconded by Mr. Brown, above refund was granted. Motion carried unanimously. Item 3. SR #1224 requested for blacktop - 2.7 miles with 17 occupied homes. * ACTION: Upon a motion by Mr. McLamb, seconded by Mr. Ray, above road petition was approved. Motion carried unanimously. Item 4. Mr. Sam Wilson, District Highway Engineer, appeared before the board and discussed the current road projects within Harnett County. Item 5. Mr. Cliff Ammons advised the Board of Mrs. Parker's retiremen Mrs. Ruby I. Parker, County Home Agent, appeared before the board and expressed her appreciation for the support of the present board of commissioners and paid tribute to those before them. She tendered her service in this capacity by the following letter: Lillington, N. C. November 3, 1969 Harnett County Commissioners, I wish to resign as Harnett County Home Economics Extension Agent due to retirement. The retirement being effective November 1, 1969. The eleven year's work has been very rewarding to me. I have appreicated your cooperation in the many phases of our pro- gram. Now, as a retired agent in your county you will have my loyal support. Sincerely, s/t Mrs. Ruby I. Parker INSURANCE FOR Item 6. OUNTY EMPLOYEES Mr. A. J. Stephenson discussed a program of insurance for r. A. J. Stephensmi county employees. The Board gave tentative approval to a 50 -50 participation proposal and instructed Mr. Stephenson and Mr. Carson to present the proposal to county employees and determine the number of employees favoring the plan. REGISTER OF DEEDS Item 7. REQUEST RE: Mrs. Inez Harrington, Register of Deeds, submitted a request Mrs. Velma Edwards in writing for permission for Mrs. Velma Edwards to remain in service to the county under the Participating Unit of North Carolina Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System. REPORT: COUNTY ATTORNEY Mr. Gerald Arnold ACTION: Mr. Brown moved that request be granted, motion was seconded by Mr. McLamb and carried unanimously. Item 8. Mr. Gerald Arnold, County Attorney, reported to the Board on the following matters: a. The Whittenton case. He advised the Board that initial action had been taken. b. Assessment - Town of Dunn. This situation is being investigated. c. Livestock arena. Mr. Arnold will inform Mr. Johnson that no action on this matter will be taken for 60 days. 348 REPORT: COMPREHENSIVE Item 9. HEALTH PLAN FOR Dr. Bruce Blackmon appeared before the Board to explain the HARNETT COUNTY: federally supported Comprehensive Health Plan. Appearing with Dr. Dr. Bruce Blackmon Blackmon and endorsing the plan for this area were: William "Bill" W. H. Randall, Jr. H. Randall, Jr., mayor and druggist and Miss M. Irene Lassiter, M. Irene Lassiter Director of Public Health for Harnett County. Dr. Blackmon asked approval of the plan by the commissioners in order that the county may proceed with adoption of the plan and be in a position to choose the counties with which it wishes to affiliate. ACTION: Mr. Cotton moved that the Comprehensive Health Plan for this area be approved. Motion was seconded by Mr. Ray and unanimously carried. REPORT: TAX & WELFARE LIEN ATTORNEY Item 10. Mr. Marshall Woodall The following report was submitted by the Tax and Welfare Lien Attorney, Mr. Marshall Woodall: REPORT OF THE CHAIRMAN Mr. Brock REPORT: TAX & WELFARE LIEN ATTORNEY November 3, 1969 COLLECTION ON TAXES: TOTAL AMT. NAME TOWNSHIP CASE NO. COLLECTED ATTY.FEE Johnnie Lee McLean Stewart's Creek 3743 $116.24 $20.00 C. & F. Motors, Inc.Averasboro 3584 206.40 30.00 Felton Price Stewart's Creek 3335 191.45 10.00 $514.09 $60.00 s/t E. MARSHALL WOODALL Item 11. Chairman Brock reported on the following matters: a. Cars - Sheriff's Department. The following bids for cars (2 for the sheriff's department were received and opene&by Chairman Brock and B. E. Sturgill: Ford Motor Company General Motors Chrysler Corporation $2847.00 3591.34 2822.73 The Chrysler Corporation was awarded the contract through the Coats Motor Company of Coats, N. C. b. Mental Health Building - progressing well. c. Buies Creek Sewerage Facility project is moving rapidly. d. A meeting to discuss the revaluation was held on October 30. WRITTEN REPORTS Item 12. The written reports of the departments were submitted. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. H. D. CARSON J Clerk to the B..rd Bessie W. Moss Acting Secretary *Access road to serve Champion Mobile Homes: 0.7 mile with no occupied homes. From US421 to SR1257 Becker County Road: 0.7 miles with 4 occupied homes. Addition from SR1257 on Becker County property to serve company and residence