01061969244 REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER READING OF MINUTES JANUARY 6, 1969: The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in Regulo Session on Monday, January 6, 1969, at 9:00 A.M. in the Commissionerpi at �he Courthous in Lillington, attended as follows: M: M. H. Brock, Chairman; Mr. Gilbert Brown, Mr. W. J. Cotton, Jr., Mr. C. E. McLamb and Mr. D. P. Ray, Commissioners; Mr. H. D. 'arson,Jr., County Auditor and Clerk to the Board, and Mr. uerald Arnold, County Attorney. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Brock, who presided, and the morning prayer was offered by Mr. Gilbert Brown. The minutes of the Regular Meeting held in December, 1968, were read and approved. Item 1. Mr. Brock presented the following' road petition to the Roard for its approval: Request for addition to State Maintained Road System- - .3 miles located in Anderson Creek Township (Chestnut Street) Action: Mr. Brown made the motion that the petition be approved, seconded by Mr. Ray and the motion carried. Item 2. RECREATIONAL Mr. Hodges and Mr. James Goff appeared before the Board and discussed PROGRAM proposals for the organization of the recreational programs in the county. Mr. Brock suggested that these gentlemen work with the Planning Board to set up the organization and make their requests through the Planning Board which is responsible to theCounty and the Commissioners could then budget for this recreational program. Action: Mr. Cotton made the motion that the recreational program be placed under the Planning Board; the motion was sdconded by Mr. Brown and it carried. Item 3. RELEASE OF Mr. James F. Penny, Jr., Attorney, appeared before the Poard and PROPERTY requested the Bob d to release the 1/3 interest Of the property of Matthew (Welfare D. Wimpy, Jr.i /which the county holds a welfare lien. Mr. Penny stated Lien) that the children of Mr. w M„iy, who is deceased, desire to settle all their father's debts so far al is possible and they are offering to pay 000.00 to satisfy this lien. It was pointed out also that all delinquent taxes will be paid. Mr. Marshall l ^oodall, Tax Attorney and "elfare Lien Attorney, stated that under the circumstances he would recommends•e- to the Board that the accept this offer of $300.00 and release the property from the lien. Action: Mr. McLamb made a motion that the County accept the 11'300.00 and release the property from the welfare lien; seconded by Mr. Brown and the motion carried. RELEASE OF Item 4. Mr. Marshall Woodall, Tax Attorney, appeared before the Board COURT COSTS and stated that Mr. John D. Byrd had requested to have the court costs re- (Tax suit) leased from the tax suit which has been entered against Mr. W. F. Turner for a building which is now owned by Mr. Byrd. Mr. Woodall stated that there is now owing, including court costs, $83.97. This, he stated, has been discussed with the Board before and previously he advised against granting a release, but now would recommend that these court costs be released as he understood Mr. Byrd's position. Action: Mr. McLamb made the motion that Mr. Byrd be relieved of court costs; seconded by Mr. Ray, and the motion carried. Mr. W. J. Cotton, Jr.. voted in opposition to this motion. TAX AND Item 5. Mr. Marshall Woodall, Tax and tielfare Lien Attorney, filed his WELFARE report with the Board for the month of December as follows: LIEN REPORT REPORT TAX AND WELFARE LIEN ATTORNEY January 6, 1960 COLLECTIONS ON TAXES: Name John Perry Flora McGregor McNeill Leonard McLeod Mack D. McKay J. ". Campbell Mrs. Clyde Hixson Johnson Restaurant Tilley Lumber Company James Lee Ida Guy Glover James B. Allen J. A. Weeks Township Averasboro Johnsonville Johnsonville Drove Averasboro Averasboro Averasboro Hector's Creek Averasboro Duke Johnsonville Averasboro Totals S.D. No. 3082 2184 3316 3382 3554 3566 3590 3615 3706 3730 680VD864 680vn878 Total Am't Collected (140.58 205.90 216.74 214.75 190.40 76.37 171.71 708.65 1,024.39 213.02 131.80 211.44 F3,598.84 A+ty. Fee 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 X200.00 245 Welfare Report: Jamey Franklin Altman case- The property being foreclosed in this welfare lien suit has been sold at public auction and the bid stands at $2,045.00; however, that bid is a raised bid and the property must be re -sold again. TAX REFUND Item 8. Mr. Tom Allen, lax Supervisor, appeared Mr. L. E. Page and stated that Mr. Page had paid year 1968, and that the barn had burned in 1967. that the following tax refund be approved for Mr Payee: Page, L. E. R -3 Li1lineton,N. C. Upper Little River Township Refund on Tobacco Barn for year 1 968 Assessed Value X199. Amount refund 2.45 Less Discount .02 Total amount of refund before the Board with taxes on a barn for the Mr. Allen recommended . Page: '2.43 Action: Mr. Cottom made a motion that the refund be approved, seconded by Mr. Brown and the motion carried. TAX Item 9. Mr. Tom Allen, lax Supervisor, stated that he had received a ASSESSMENT request from the Holiday Inn in Dunn, N. C. for relief on tax assessment. (Relief) They stated in their reouest that in filing the inventory with the Tax office, they had included the installation of.eouipment, interest on carrying harges for five years, certain cleaning supplies, etc, which should /H to been included in the inventory. The total inventory was $201.166, and they state that the correct inventory is (104,069.00. The Board directed Mr. Allen to check with rayetteville and compare with what he had and if it looked in order to accept the new figure for the inventory. TAX LISTING Item 10. Upon motion of Mr. Cotton the date for listing taxes without EXTEIKDED penalty was extended to February 15, 1969. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ray and it carried. Mr. Allen stated May 15 had been the last day for filing inventories without penalty for tax purposes .in the past, and the Roard stated that this would still be the policy regarding inventories. WELFARE Item 11. Mr. Hubbard, Welfare 'irector, appeared before the Board and DEPT. requested that the Board rescind its action taken regarding the budget of (Budget) the Welfare Department shown as Item 11 in the minutes of the meeting held July 17, 1968. Action: Mr. Ray made the motion that the Board rescind Item 11 in minutes of July 17, 1968. The motion was seconded by Mr. Cotton and it carried. q ria k ,4 /exra N�Of� Nnaeme -H Pie; - L .si<ve -ss .pa, CIenim AGRI- Item 12. Mr. ..' 4mmsne•, of the Oe rty E e4on =cg - it, appeared BUSINESS before the Board and filed the Harnett Agri - Business Development (Report) Commission report for Second Quarter of 69. Followin is a copy of said report: HAR11ETT AflJiI- BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION FY 69 SECOND fUART7R REPORT October 1, 1968 to December 31, 1968 TO: THE CHAIRMAN,COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 1. GENERAL The economic outlook for the immediate future is, by a majority of expert opinion, on an upward swing. The affects of the surtax in cooling the economy has had little noticeable results. The big worries for the future are; (1) spiraling inflation,and, 2) high interest rates. The consensus of financial experts is that the economy will drift during the first five months of the year and strengthen rapidly during latter 1969, II. TRAINING Courses in carpentry, plumbing, electrical, farm machine repairman and stenography are currently being taught under the auspices of the Man- power Development braining Act. Instruction is being provided by the Central Carolina Technical Institute in Danford. Bricklaying has been dropped because of complications in the U. S. Department of Labor. We hope to reinstitute this course in the near future. 246 APPOINTMENTS ADVISORY C OMMI TPEIi (Extension Service) APPOINTMENTS PLANNING BOARD III. PROSPECTS During the past two months, some six prospects or prospect representatives have visited Harnett County. A great amount of interest is being displayed by several of these prospects in the situation in Lillington. Dunn is also being considered by two prospects. One pros- pect is actively considering western Harnett. It should bezmted that non, of these prospects have in any way committed themselves, however, interes has been displayed. It is hoped that some positive results will be realized during the ensuing winter and spring with these and other prospe ts. IV. OUTLOOK Not inconsistent with the high interest rates and other pertinent factors, it is believed that industrial development activity will be good. We are, at this time, attempting to attract a harder category of manufacturing -- including, electronics, electrical machinery light metal working, etc. "arolina Power and Light Company and the State Department of Conservation and Development are cognizant of these efforts and are actively assisting us. /s/ Dave DAVID W. ALEXANDER Director HABDC Report - December 31, 1968 Item 13. Mr. Cliff Ammons stated that the Extension Service had each year a group of people, both white and negro, to act in an advisory capacity to the -0% xtension Service to let them know what the people want in the way of programs in the county. Mr. Ammons recommended that the following five people be appointed to serve on the Advisory Committee for a period of three years, this without pay: Jim Laurence Rudy Collins Mrs. Ernest Harrington J. A. Senter Mrs. T.D. 0'Cu Action: Mr. Cotton made a motion that these five people be approved by the Board to serve on the Advisory Committee of the Extension Service. The motion was seconded by Mr. McLamb and it carried. Item 14. Mr. Brock presented the following letter to the Board for its consideration: HARNETT COUNTY PLANNING BOARD Lillington, N. C. 27546 December 30, 1968 Mr. M. = Brock, Chairman Harnett LA Board of Commissioners Erwin, North Carolina 28339 Re: Appointment of Planning Board Members Dear Mr. Brock: It is recommended that Mr. C. S. Fowler, Dr. B. P. Mars and Mr. Theron Miller be re- appointed to the Harnett County Board for a period ofttwo years, which is covered in Sectiob and Regulations for Harnett U'ounty Planning Board - date of January 1, 1971. You and the Board are aware that these gnetlemen have s the organizational period of this Board and have made remark in the county planning over thepast two years. The feasibil on water and sewer will be presented sometime the middle or January to your Board. It is requested that the necessary action be taken on the above recommendation at your regular meeting Monday, January 6, 1969. hbanks, Jr., Planning 1, Rules expiration erved through able progress ity study last of FL;lbs Sincerely, /s/ Frank Lewis Frank Lewis nn LETTER OF SYMPATHY (R,M.Fount AMBULANCE. SERVICE BILL BOARD OF ELECTION OUTGOING MAIL PETITION BOARD OF EDUCATION Action: Mr. Cotton made a motion that these three gentlemen be re- appointed to the Harnett County Planning Board for a period of two years, seconded by Mr. McLamb and the motion carried. Upon motion of Mr. McLamb and secotd by Mr. Brown, Mr. Willard Mixon and Col. Hooper were appointed to serve as Ex-officio Members of the Harnett County Planning Board. Item 15. The Board directed Mr. Carson to prepare a letter for the Board expressing its sympathy to Congressman L. H. Fountain in the ainXoss of his brother, Mr. R. M. Fountain. Item 16. Mr. Carson presented a bill to the Board from ' ='hittenton Ambulance aervice on which was stated that the recipient of the service received welfare assistance. Mr. 'arson stated that he was advised by the Welfare Department that this person was not receiving assistance. Mr. Carson was directed by the Board to return this bill to Whittenton Ambulance Service. Item 17. Mr. Carson, County Auditor,. requested that the »oard authorize him to continue paying tit bills of the Board of Election since that budget was overdraw, until such time as a proper figure could be arrived at and the budget amended. Action: Mr. Ray made the motion that Mr. Carson be authorized to continue paying the bills of the Board of Election until they have finished their job. The motion was seconded by Mr. McLamb and it carried. Item 18. Mr. Carson discussed the handling of the outgoing mail from the different county offices which comes through the Auditorts office for postage and mailing. He statedt hat in the past he had been handing some of the mail directly to those /whom it was addressed, and he had been requested recently to place the postage on all outgoing mail from one of the offices. Mr. Carson'asked for the Board's opinion in this matter. Mr. Carson was instructed to use his discretion in the handling of the mail and see that it was properly delivered or placed in the mail. Item 1Q. Mr. Bob Jones, Attorney, appeared before the Board and presented the following Petition to the Commissioners: North Carolina Harnett County PETITION To the Harnett County Board of Commissioners: Whereas the Harnett County Board of Education pursuant to a Resolution thereof did on December 12, 1968 at a Joint Meeting of the Harnett County Board of Education with the Harnett County Board of Commissioners petition the said Harnett County Board of Commissioners by way of Resolution filed therewith, which Resolution is herein incorporated by reference as it fully set forth herein, to callan election of the voters of Harnett County to the end that the ouestion of issuing bonds of the County in an amount not to exceed $5,000,000 for the purpose of providing necessary land,erection of necessary school buildings and additions and alterations to school buildings and providing equipment for same in Harnett County,be submitted to the said voters for their approve or rejection at a special election to be held for that purpose in accord- ance with the applicable provisions of the General Statutes of North Carolina; and hereas to the knowledge of the Harnett County Board of Education no action has been taken upon siad Petition as by law provided, the Board of Education of Harnett County, pursuant to a Resolution duly passed does hereby renew its said Petition made previously as aforesaid and requests the Harnett County Board of Commissioners to call such election in all due haste. Respectfully submitted this the 6th day of January, 1969. Harnett County Board of Vducation By: /s J. R. Baggett, Jr. ATTEST: J. . Baggett, Jr., Chairman /s/ R. A. Gray R. A. Gray, Secretary L 248 DEPARTMENTAL Item 20. Mr. Carson filed the following departmental reports with REPORTS the Board: ADJOURNMENT Register of Deeds Sheriff's Office Veteran Service Officer . Electrical Inspectors - B. H. Sellers, L. Perry Cameron & Ray Gardner There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 12:30 P.M. ATTEST: 6. tsr; rock hairman of the Board Respectfully submitted, Mildred C. Dobbins Recording Secretary