03041968132 March 4, 1968: The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session at L0 :00 A.M. on March 4, 1968, at the County Courthouse in Lillington, N. C., attended as follows: M. H. Brock, Chairman of the Board; Commissioners W. J. Cotton, Jr., Gilbert Brown, C. E. McLamb and J. E. Warble; Wiley F. Bowen, County Attorney; Herbert Carson, County Auditor and Clerk of the Board; and Mildred Dobbins, Recording Secretary The Meeting was called to order by Mr. Brock, who presided, and Mt. Womble lead in prayer. Item 1. Dr. Bruce Blackmon appeared before the Board and had with him representatives from the Lafayette, Angier, Buies Creek and North Harnett Schools. He presented a diagram of the locations of these schools and discussed t he possibility of consolidating these schbols, and suggested the North Harnett School might be the most feasible since it was centrally located for these areas. He stated that committees had been appointed at these schools -4p_�study the situation and a vote had been taken from P.T.A. members which show a large ea jorit�/oPhdtT3"oolridation. This, he said, would involve total integration. If the Board of Education could get fifty acres of land they would be ready to go, he stated, and if the Commissioners would allow them they could adjust funds in their budget and come up with enough to purchase this land they felt. He further stated that if the Board could see fit to go along someway':for purchase of this land the Board of Education felt they wou ld be able to take it up and go from that and would absorb the burden. Mr. Brock stated that he had met with the Board of Education last month and had discussed the proprty site. He stated that he did not think there was any decision the Board could entertain at this time; that he told the Board of Education they could present to commissioners any site with cost involved, and the Board of Commissioners weld be glad to consider any request they present. Item 2. Dr. Bruce Blackmon stated that he had obtained an option on the property at Buies Creek to be used by Mental Health Authority as directed by Commissioners at February Regular Meeting. He stated that he had endeavored to obtain an option on some property which adjoins that underoption, but the owner would give an option only on the following conditions: $10,000.00 for land and County would move Packing House, a car port and dig him a well across the road. Dr. Blackmon stated that he tried to get him to agree on a purchase price of $11,000.00 and for the owner to do his own moving, but he did not want to do that. The option obtained is on 1.7 acres of land and will expire July 1, 1968. He further stated that the Executive Committee felt that the Mental Health Clinic would need the additional property in time to come. Mt. Brock stated that since the option was until July 1, there was two or three months left, and asked that the Commissioners be allowed time to go back and see it and discuss it, he felt the Board would act on it. Item 3. Upon motion of Commissioners McLamb and second by Commissioner Womble) Mr. Howard Hodges, Jr. was appointed by the Board of Commissioners to serve on Mental Health Committee of Harnett (bunty. Item 4. Mr. Marshall Woodall, Tax and Welfare Lien Attorney, appeared before the Board and filed his report as follows: REPORT TAX AND WELFARE LIEN ATTORNEY MARCH 4, 1968 COLLECTION ON TAMS: NAME, *Estelle Buis *Elizabeth Caaeron *Fred McLean *Joseph H Brewington Benjamin Johnson Hubert E. Lee John Curtis Byrd J. Carlton Curtin Total * Suit Commenced by Mr. Ross. Total Ain't Attorney Township SD # Collected Fee 3320 $ 115.28 $ 10.00 Johnsonville 3364 164.01 10.00 3366 164.69 10.00 Averasboro 3413 340.22 10.00 " 3478 75.92 30.00 3480 136.20 30.00 Grove 3504 617.61 30.00 Upper Little R. 3506 245.96 30.00 $1859.89 $1Zoo0 " TAX SUITS COMMENCED: Name Township Theron Ledbetter Anderson Creek Jack Ferrell Neill's Creek Wesley D. Irwin Anderson Creek Roger Thomas Stawart!s Creek Alex Covington Brady Johnson Anderson Creek Beatrice Speed Lillington Willie Corbett, Jr. Averasboro Charles M. Mitchell Neill's Creek Homer L. Terry Anderson Creek Clayton Hailey Johnsonville Willie W. Wrench Averasboro Wilbon J. Byrd Anderson Creek Mrs. J.W. Core Averasboro Mabel Smith Evans Total SD # 3508 3509 3510 3511 3512 3513 3514 3515 3516 3517 3518 3519 3520 3521 Amont of Taxes $ 22.80 137.16 100.54 76.80 117.98 128.54 9.16 101.36 27.82 18.45 43.23 59.80 83.16 233.77 144.34 $1304.91 Number of tax cases ready for suit under the County "s policy tobegin suit when the tax bill goes into the 4th year of delinquency: 133 Year in which Number taxes were due of cases 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 Total 124 34 18 12 7 13 7 29 244 Mr. Woodall stated that he has now moved into his new building and formed a partnership, and he felt that his office could commence fifty tax suits per month, and this would take about five months to file suits on all tax liens from 1964 back. He requested that he be paid $10.00 per suit at the time of filing and the balance of the fee at the time the suit was terminated. He stated that if they did not file fifty suits each month they would present no bill. Upon motion of Mr. Brown and second by Mr. Cotton the following Resolution was adopted by the Board: Be it resolved that Auditor shall pay $10.00 per suit, as an advance on the attorney fees, upon approval of Tax Collector's Office for every tax suit each month; provided not less than fifty suits are instituted or prepared for filing each month. Mr. Brock asked Mr. Woodall how up -to -date were the welfare liensi He stated that he thought there were not more than ten or fifteen, and hoped within the five month period that they could be brought to a head. Item 5. Mt. Earl Jones, Tax Collector, appeared before the Board and filed his report. Item 6. Mr. Tom Allen, Tax Supervisor, appeared before the Board and presented the following "Requests for, Refunds :" Payee: Mrs. R. F. Blackwelder, Box 391, Coats, N.C. Grove Twp. Rthnd on 56/100 acre dedicated to the lbwn of Coats Amount of refund for 1964 $ 1.74 1965 1.95 1966 1.95 1967 2.02 Total amt Refund $ 7.66 Payee: R. 0. & A. S. Byrd, Coats, N. C. Refund for Erwin Fire Tax. Duke Twp For the year 1967 $ 9.64 " " 1966 9.64 Total Amt Refund $ 19.2d Payee: James Dean, Route 2, Lillington, N. C. Lillington Township Refund on Summerville Fire Tax for year 1967 $6.00 Payee: C. T. Latimer, 907 Amount of refund on lot on For the 'year 1964 1965 1966 less 1% 1967 Total Refund The lot was priced at full W. Divine St., Dunn, N.C. W. Pope St. $ 18.29 20.43 20.23 20.91 $ 79.56 sized lot and only was a portion of a lot. Payee: L. B. Matthews, Route 2, FUquay -tins, N.C. Refund on an assessed value of $3250. for error made in addition on the 1967 abstract Hectors Creek Township Amount of refund $39.98 less 406 disc. $39.58 Payee: Mrs. Joseph Ira Williams, Box 134, Coats, N. C. Grove Twp. Refund on 56/100 acre Dedicated to the Town of Coats Amt of Refund for the year 1964 $1.15 1965 1.19 1966 1.19 1967 1.23 Total Amount of Refund $6.12 Commissioner Cotton, on the recommendation of Mr. Allen, made a motion that these refunds be approved. Commissioner McLamb seconded the motion and it carried. 134 Item 7. Mr. Brock stated that he had received a letter from Dr. Gale Johnson with reference to the valuation for tax purposes placed on the property on which his office is located. Dr. Johnson stated in the letter that he had only paid $25,000 for the property and it was valued by the tax office at $49,000.00. He requested that Board to take some action on this or let him know what he could do. Mr. Allen, Tax Supervisor, stated that this land formerly was owned by Johnson Cotton Co. and they had accepted the value placed on this property in 1964. Mr. Brock directed Mr. Allen to write LYE. Johnson a letter stating that the Board was not able to take any action and to site the statutory authority. Item 8. Mr. Cliff Ammons, County Extension Agent, appeared before the Board and gave each of the Commissioners a report of agriculture income in the County for the past ten years. wash Item 9. Mr. Vernon Porter appeared before the Board and requested permission to purchase a /basin, wheel barrel and some paidt for use at Maple Grove. He estimated the cost of this would be about Two Hundred Fifty Dollars. Mr. Brock stated that if he had the money in his budget to go ahead. The meeting was recessed at 12:00 noon for lunch. The meeting was called back to order at 1:30 by Mr. Brock and the Regular Meeting was adjourned for the purpose of holding a public hearing. Item 10. The Regular Meeting was called back to order at 3 :15 by Mr. Brock, who presided. adopkten 11. Upon motion of C. E. McLamb and Second by J. E. Womble the following Resolution was d by the Board: Be it resolved that the November 6, 1967, minutes of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners be amended to read as follows at page 86 following the signature of the petition submitted by Campbell College: "The Board of County Commissioners are of the opinion that the best interest of the people of Harnett County will be served by approval of the foregoing petition." Item 12. The custodian of the courthouse appeared before the Board and stated th at he had obtained some addition help in his janitorial duties there while the building of the sheriff's office was in process, and that the sheriff had authorized him to do this. He was directed by the Board to give the bill for the helper's services to Mr. Carson, County Auditor, and it would be paid. Item 13. Mr. Womble presented a road petition to have the Lake Road taken over and maintained by the State. He stated that fifteen families live on this road, and that the road had been built according to specifications. Mr. McLamb presented a petition to blacktop .324 mile of John Henry Pope Road, County #1866, and he stated there are fourteen houses on this part of the road. Mr. McLamb made motion that these request %e approved, seconded by Mr. Womble and the motion carried Item 14. At the recommendation of the Health Department, Mr. Mb Lamb made the motion that Miss Lassiter of the Health Department be .dedignated as Acting Director and Mrs. Flowers as Acting Sujvffor of Nursing with salary according to schedule as adjusted by Mr. Carson and Mr. Brock. The motion was seconded by Mr. Cotton and it carried. Item 15. Mr. Brock presented to the Board a ldter from Mr. Uzzle from the Town of Dunn requesting the County Commissioners to participate in providing a water and sewer line for Ro -Mar Bemco Mattress Co. and other likely projects. He requested that the lines be laid three block beyond the site of Ro -Mar Bemco Mattress Co. which could be used by other industries coming into that area. The cost was estimated at $15,000.00 and he stated in his letter that the counties participation would be greatly appreciated. Mr. Brock stated that he had asked Mr. Uzzle to consider going just to the plant, and if other industry did come in it would be considered another project. He recommended that the Board have one Commissioner go to the Town of Dunn and work with Mr. Uzzle and rework it. Mr. Mclamb was chosen by the Board to do this. Item 16. Mr. Brock stated that the Planning Board would meet on March 20th at Johnson's Restaurant at 6:30 P.M, and on the 21st the Commissioners, he stated, would be going to Pope Field and would meet in Lillington at 12:45. Item 17. Mr. Brown stated the plumbing fixtures in the bathrooms in the A.S.C. office needed to be exchanged or switched, and that there w ould have to be a plumber to transfer these fixtures. Mr. Carson stated that he thought there was enoughin their budget for this. Item 18. Mr. Herbert Carson, County Auditor and Clerk of the Board, appeared before the Board of Commissioners and filed the monthly reports of the different County offices as follows, which were adopted by the Board: Sheriff's Office W. H. Stewart Register of Deeds Inez Harrington Clerk of Recorder's Court Kyle Harrington Clerk of Superior Court Elizabeth F. Matthews Veterans' Service Office Jean M. Irvin County Dog Warden Ken Black Electrical Inspectors B. H. Sellars and L. Perry Cameron Auditor H. D. Carson Item 19. Mr. Brock stated that he had received a request for assurance of compliance with the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Regulation under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Mr. Cotton made a motion that the Board of Commissioners comply, seconded by Mr. Wonble and the motion carried. Following is a compy of assurance of compliance: 12S ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE DEBRRhENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE REGULATION UNDER TITLE VI OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 The Harnett County Commissioners (hereinafter called tin "Appli®nt ") HEREBY AGREES THAT it will comply with title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P. L. 88 -352) and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the Regulation of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (45 CFR Part 80) issued pursuant to that title, to the end that, in accordance with Title VI of the Act and the regulation, no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin,be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the Applicant receives Federal financial assistance from the Department; and HEREBY GIVES ASSURANCE THAT it willimmediately take any measures necessary to effectuate this agreement. If any real property or structure thereon is provided or improved with the aid of Federal financial assistance extended to the Applicant by the Department, this assurance shall obligate the Applicant, or in the case of any transferof such property, and transferee, for the period during which the real property or structure is used for a purpose for which the Federal financial assistanceis extended or for another purpose involving the provision of similar services or bene- fits. If any personal property is so provided, this assurance shall obligate the Applicant for the period during which it retains ownership or possession of the property. In all other casesthis assurance shall obligate the Applicant for the period during which the Federal financial assistance is extended Mb it by the Department. THIS ASSURANCE is given in consideration of and for the purpose of obtaining any and all Federal grants, loans, contracts, property, discounts or other Federal financial assistance extended after the date hereof to the Applicant by the Department, including installment payments after such date on account of applications for Federal financial assistance which were approved before such date. The Applicant recognized and agrees that such Federal financial assistance will be extended in reliance on the representations and agreements made in this assurance, and that the United States shallhave the right to seek judicial enforcement of this assurance. This assurance is binding on the Applicant, its successors, transferees, and assigness,ani the person or persons whose signatures appear below are authorized to sign this assurance on behalf of the Applicant. DATED March 4, 1968 Route # 1 Erwin, N.C. (Applicant's Mailing address) Meeting adjourned at 4:45 P.M. Harnett County Commissioners (Applicant) By /s/ M. H. Brock (President, Chairman of Board, or comparable authorized official) Respectfully Submitted, /l/,�� Mildred C. Dobbins, Recording Secretary 125