01081968January 8, 1968 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 10 :00 A.M., January 8, 1968, at the Harnett County Courthouse in Lillington, N. C. Present for this meeting were M. H. Brock, Chairman Gilbert Brown, W. J. Cotton, Jr., C. E. McLamb and J. E. Womble, Wmnissioners, County Attorney, Wiley F. Bowen, Clerk of the Board and County Auditor, Herbert Carson, and Recording Secretary, Mildred Dobbins. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, M. H. Brock and Reverend Walker lead in prayer, after which the following business was transacted: Item 1. Senator Robert Morgan appeared before the Board along with Margaret Randall, Librarian, and requested the sum of $597 from the County to complete the addition to the library. This would include $197 for study tables, $100 for drape for large window, and an estimated $300 for cabinets and magazine racks. He stated that Mr. John Burgess, maintenance man for Education Department, and his crew would build these cabinets and racks on Saturdays. With these additional funds the new addition to the library could be fully utilized the Senator stated. He stated that this request was made to the Board of Commisioners because no distribution of the ABC funds has been made. Commissioner Cotton asked if this would be considered a loan until the ABC funds were received by the library, and Mr. Carson, County Auditor, stated that in his opinion, once the Commissioners made an appropriation to the library it could not be reduced. Senator Morgan stated in regards to the ABC funds that he did not know what progress s going to be made, and further that this would be considered capital improvements and m t operating budget, and therefore would not put the Board in the positionto raise the appropriation. Chairman Brock stated that the budget was not increased last year because of the ABC Program, and that he did not believe this would affect the budget next year. He recommended that the Board make this allowance for the library. Mr. C. E. McLamb made a motion that the Commissioners grant $600 to the library to have this work completed. The motion was seconded by Mr. Cotton, and it carried. Item 2. The minutes of the regular meeting held in December, 1967, were read and approved. Item 3. Mr. Frank Lewis from the Civil Defense Office appeared before the Board and stated that Mr. Fowler, Chairman of Harnett County Planning Board has recommended the the Board of Commissioners re- appoint Mr. Gattis B. Thomas and Mr. E. W. Smith, Jr. to serve on The Planning Board, with terms to expire Jan. 1, 1970, and he also recommends and requests that the words "Air Pollution" be added to the last sentence in Paragraph 2, Section 4, Capital Basic Studies of Rules and Regulations of the Planning Board. Mr. J. E. Womble made a motion that Mr. Thomas and Mr.. Smith be re- appointed to serve on The Planning Board, and also that the words "Air Pollution" be added to the Rules and Regulations as requested. The motion was seconded by Mr. Gilbert Brown and it carried. Item 4. Mr. Lewis requested help from the Commissioners in locating some additional spots for garbage pits. Mr. Brock stated that at least two more pits are needed, and if any property could be located which could be leased for this purpose, negotiate with the property owner and bring it back to the Board. Item 5. Mr. Marshall Woodall, Tax Lien and Welfare Case Attorney, appeared before the Board and filed his report as follows: COLLECTIONS ON TAXES: NAME J. Leon Godwin Robert W. Dickey aron Mason James Adams Johnie B. Smith William A. Jernigan, Jr. Elige Pearson Nathan McLamb Bennie Rogers * Suits Commenced by Mr. Ross Tax Suits Commenced: Name Benjamin Johnson Matthew McLean Hubert E. Lee W. J. Hackett Willie Spearman C. H. Dean Jesse Tart Henry B. Smith Henry McKoy William H. Truesdell, Jr. J. H. Tart, Jr.. Pauline Tart REPORT TAX AND WELFARE LIEN ATTORNEY JANUARY 8, 1968 Total Am't Collected S D # 3131 3226 3294 3299 3377 3462 3470 3471 3476 Township Averasboro m II Averasboro Buckhorn Averasboro Stewart's Cr. Lillington Averasboro II Grove 442.42 653.95 193.80 158.95 156.51 202. 91 147.99 352.51 228.00 $537.94 SD No 347d 3479 3480 3481. 3482 3483 3484 3485 3586 3487 3488 3489 Attorney Fee $ 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 $160.00 Amount of Taxes $ 17.d7 219.70 163.87 214.32 15.43 46.60 8496.13 14.75 42.38 295.09 781.98 90.56 $ 10398.68 112 Collections on Welfare Liens: Name Sarah B. Norris Amount of Collection $ 120.00 Atty Fee $ 6.00 Further Report: 1. Jamey Franklin Altman case- Property will be sold on Thursday, January 11, 1968. 2. C. E. Denning case- Property will be sold on Thursday, January 11, 1968. 3. Bertha B. Lanier case- An offer of $1,500.00 has been made to the County in full settlement of this lien as it applies to certain tracts of property situate in Lee County. Mr. Woodall stated that under the first schedule, the taxes included the corporate taxes in the suit against J. Leon Godwin, and that the County agreed to release the property held by the corporation. After writing a judgment order% sale, Mr. Godwin, came in and paid the taxes. Mr. Woodall stated that he would submit a bill for this case when it was finalized. Mr. Woodall stated further that he had several small tax accounts of neople who owned property and are now deceased, and that it was very difficult to know who the heirs are especially where there is no record of administration of estate. It will take sometime to find the present owners and file suit in these cases, le added. Mr. Woodall stated that he would like the recommendation of the Board to a ccept $1500.00 in full settlement of the Bertha Lanier Welfare Lien which was discussed at length in the December meeting. Commissioner Mclamb made the motion that the County accept $1500.00 in settlement of said lien, the motion was seconded by Commissioner Cotton and it carried. Item 6. Mr. Myers Tilghman, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Betsy Johnson Hospital, appeared before the Board and requested the Board to execute a quitclaim deed to the Betsy Johnson Hospital located in Lunn. This request had been made at the December meeting. Mr. Tilghman stated that the loan commitment he had from First Citizens Bank is on condition that they redeye a deed of trust on all property owned by Betsy Johnson Hospital. He further stated that the latest progress report from Little Construction Co. shows the anticipated completion date of the new hospital April 26th if the heat is turned on on January 22. Chairman Brock stated that the Board wanted to do everything possible to assist the hospital, and that they had considered the facts several times, but this is a legal matter which should be resolved by their respective attorneys. He stated further that the matter would be left as it is until the attorneys come up with a solution, and that upon notification by either attorney that a possibly solution had been found he would call the Board into session to act on their recommendation. Item 7. Mr. Earl Jones, Tax Collector, appeared belbre the Board and filed his report. Item 8. Mr. Tom Allen, Tax Supervisor, appeared before the Board and filed his report. He stated that the list takers are on the job listing taxes. Mr. Allen submitted to the Board for its approval the two following requests for refunds: Payee: Nicholas A. Joseph, 510 Erwin Rd, Dunn, N. C. Refund on amassed value $512.00 for the year 1965 and 1966. Lot listed 150 x 150 should be listed 100 x 150. Amount of refund for 1965 Co. wide $6.09 School .61 Total 1965 $6.70. For 1966 amount of refund Co. Wide $6.09 School .61 Total 1966 $5.70 Grand Total 1965 and 1966 $13.40 Payee: Sexton Vann, #1, Erwin N. C. Refund for the years 1965 and 1966. Assess Value $585. for each year. Lot charged to him twice for each year. Refund 1965 Co. Wide $6.96 Refund 1966 Co. Wide $6.96 Erwin Fire Dist. .47 Total 1966 $7.43 Grand Total $14.39 Commissioner McLamb made a motion that these refunds be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Womble, and it carried. Item 9. Mr. Allen requested the Board to extend the time for listing taxes. Mr. Cotton made a motion that the time for listing taxes be extended to February 15th. Mr. Brown seconded the motion and i carried. Item 10. Mr. Allen advised the Board that he needed some part time helpers and discussed the rate of pay with the Commissioners. Mr. Brock stated that the Board is aware of the situation and advised Mr. Allen to work out the rate of pay. Item 11. Chairman Brock stated that it appears a public hearing will have to be held regardhg the petition made by Mr. Whittenton relative to ambulance service before any action can be taken. The Board was in agreement to call a public hearing and the time for the hearing was set for March 4, 1968 at 1 :30 o'clock P.M. Attorneys Bobby Bryant and W. A. Johnson were in agreement. Mr. Brock stated that this public hearing would be advertised in the Harnett County News and Lunn Papers, and that the Resolution and Notice would be placed in the minutes. 113 NORTH CAROLINA ) HARNETT COUNTY ) R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS, Cromartie Funeral Home, Payton's Funeral Home, Hatcher, Skinner & Drew Funeral Home, and Dofford Funeral Home, all of the Town of Dunn, Averasboro Township, and who represent all of the ambulance services within the Town of Dunn, gave notice of their discontinuance of ambulance service several months ago; and WHEREAS, the Dunn -Erwin Ambulance Service was subsequently organized with some temporary assistance from the said funeral homes; and WHEREAS, the management of the Dunn -Erwin Ambulance Service has changed for the third time; and WHEREAS, two of the managers of the said ambulance service have appeared before this Board for financial assistance inthe operation of the said ambulance service; and WHEREAS, a special informal meeting was held at Porter's Restaurant in Dunn with the said directors of the funeral homes and manager of the Dunn -Erwin Ambulance Service, and WHEREAS, W. D. Whittenton, present manager of the said Dunn -Erwin Ambulance Service, filed a formal petition for an exclusive franchise and requested a subsidy to operate said service, and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners is of the opinion that a public hearing should be scheduled to determine whether the exercise of the powers enumerated in GS 153 -9, Sub- paragraph 58 is necessary to assure adequate and continuing ambulance service, and to determine whether the exercise of the said powers are necessary to preserve, protect and promote the public health, safety and general welfare of the people of Harnett County; therefore: BE IT RESOLVED: That a public hearing be, and is hereby scheduled, at the time, place and for the purposes set forth in the notice, and that due notice be given to the public of said hearing as set forth in the "Notice Public Hearing;" which notice is incorporated and made a part of this resolution. NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COUNTY NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING Under and by virtue of the provisions of North Carolina General Statute 153 -9 sub- paragraph 58, a public hearing is hereby scheduled to be held in the Commissioners Room in the Courthouse in Lillington, North Carolina on the 4th day of March, 1968 at 1:30 p.m., to determine whether the exercise of the powers enumerated in the above referred statute is necessary to assure adequate and continuing ambulance service, some of Which powers are: (1) "Enact an ordinance making it unlawful to provide ambulance services or to operate ambulances without having been granted a franchise to do so "; (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) "Grant franchises to ambulance operators, based within or without the County "; "Limit the number of ambulances to be operated within the County, and by an operator "; "Determine and prescribe areas of franchised service within the County "; "Fix and change from time to time reasonable charges for franchised ambulance services "; "Set minimum limits of liability insurance coverage for ambulances "; (7) "Contract with franchised ambulance operators for transportation to be rendered upon call of a County or municipal agency or department and for transportation of bona fide indigents of persons certified by the County welfare authorities tote public assistance recipients "; (8) "Establish other necessary regulations not inconsistent with statutes or regulations of the State Board of Health relating to ambulance service." (9) Provide, or cause to be provided, ambulance service and shall have power to own, operate and maintain ambulances, to provide and to make reasonable charges for ambulance services, or to contract with any public or private agency, person, firm, corporation or association, including public and private hospitals, for the rendering of ambulance services. (10) Expend nontax funds, to levy annually a special tax at such rate as may be necessary on each one hundred dollard ($100.00) of assessed valuation of taxable property within the County or any portion affected by lact of ambulance services; That at said hearing, the Board of Commissioners will hear all interested persons and determine whether the exercise of the said powers are necessary to preserve, protect and promote the public health, safety and general welfare of the people of Harnett County. This 8th day of January, 1968. /s/ M. H. Brock M. H. Brock, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners Wiley F. Bowen Harnett County Attorney Box 305 Dunn, North Carolina 114 Item 12. Mr. Herbert Carson, County Auditor, appeared before the Board and stated that his report for December was not ready, but that it would be in a few days. Mr. Brock asked Mr. Carson to show his investments on this report and mail a copy to the commissioners when it was completed. Mr. Carson filed the following reports with the Board: Clerk of Superior Court - Elizabeth F. Matthews Clerk of Recorder's Court - Kyle Harrington Register of Deeds - Inez Harrington Veterans' Service Officer - Jean M. Irvin Sheriff - W. H. Stewart Electricians - B. H. Sellars and L. Perry Cameron Dog Warden - Ken Black Item 13. Mr. Carson stated that he had received a Newsletter from the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners with a ballot enclosed for recording the position of the county on the question of the proposed central state bank account for payment of all public assistance recipients and medical service vendors. Commissioner McLamb moved the adoption of the following resolution: Harnett County Board of Commissioners is not in favor of a central bank in North Carolina for the payment of public welfare assistance checks. This was seconded by Mr. Cotton and it carried. Mr. Carson was instructed by the Board to mark the ballot "not in favor" and return it. Item 14. School sites was listed on the agenda for the January meeting, but Commissioner McLamb made a motion that this be tabled for this month, seconded by Commissioner Brown and the motion carried. Item 15. Mr. Brown speaking for the Building Committee reported to the Board that the annex to the courthouse would be ready for use within the week. Item 16. Commissioner Brown made a motion that the Board re- appoint Mr. L. Perry Cameron as electrical inspector. Mr. McLamb seconded the motion and it carried. Item 17. Mr. Hubbard, Director of Ublfare Department, appeared before the Board and requested permission to use part of Administration money up to $200.00 for a workshop in Dunn - Erwin Area for young mothers. Commissioner Cotton made motion that Board approve this request, seconded by Mr. McLamb and the motion carried. Item 18. Commissioner Cotton who is also a member of the Welfare Board stated that Mr. Hubbard had presented to the Welfare Board a request to increase his salary to standard, which request was approved by the Welfare Board. He further stated that the Welfare Board strongly urged that the Board of Commissioners approve this. This increase would cost the county an additional $251 from 1 Jan to 1 July. Mr. Carson, County Auditor, stated that Mr. Hubbard's pay scale was two steps below others with the same positions in other counties. Mr. Brock stated that he was opposed to changing salary during the year, but that this was a recommendation from the Welfare Board and that he would be the first to admit that this salary was not up to other counties, and he would go on record as favoring this increase. Mr. C. E. McLamb made the motion that this request be approved, seconded by Mr. Womble and the motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 2:50. Respectfully Submitted, „I;Ver4 G - JM 1 eirAJ Mildred Dobbins, Recording Secretary