0818196746 AUGUST 18th. 1967 The Board at 7:30 p.m. Commissioner Carson, Audi of Commissioners met in a called session on Friday, Augst 18th. , with M. H. Brock, Chairman, Commissioner Womble, Commissioner Cotton, Brown and Commissioner McLamb present. Also present were Herbert tor and Inez Harrington, Clerk to the Board. Chairman Brock called the meeting to order and Rresided. Commissioner Cotton made a motion seconded by Commissioner Brown, and unanimously carried that the following order be made a part of the Minutes of this meeting. NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COUNTY 1967 Taxes TO: W. Earl Jones, Harnett County Tax Collector You are hereby authorized, empowered and commanded to collect the taxes set forth in the tax books filed in the office of the Harnett County Tax Supervisor and in the receipts herewith delivered to you, and in the amount and from the taxpayers therein set forth, (and also, all other taxpayers and taxes represented by official tax receipts for years other than the current year) and such taxes are hereby declared to be a first lien on all real property of the respective taxpayers in Harnett County and this order shall be a full and sufficient authority to direct, require and enable you to levy on and sell any real or personal property of said taxpayers, for and on account thereof in accordance with law. This the 18th. day pf August, 1967. M. H. Brock, Chairman Harm tt County Board Of Commissioners. Attest: Inez Harrington Clerk to the Board The Following Jurors Were Drawn For Civil Term Of Superior Court, Beginning September llth. 1967. 1. Harold Youngblood 2. Ozell Horton 3. Brady Hollingsworth 4. Hubert Bryant 5. Sylvester Gill 6. Taft McKay 7. William H. Frazier 8. Frank L. Walls 9. Edd Dixon 10. Allen D. Strickland 11. Leonard C. Parker 12. James A. Tyndall 13. Jonah P. Weaver 14. Lundie Byrd 15. B L Griffin 16. Henry Norris 17. Harvey Stephenson Kinlaw 18. Telford Miller 19. Walter S. Smith 20. Artha R. Bryant 21. Rubin Earl Matthews 22. Robert Elliott 23. Floyd Wheeler 24. J L Lewis 25. Harrison D. Jones 26. Hubert Bowden 27. Cyrus W. Dupree 28. Melvin Thurman Wood 29. Ronald C. House 30. Reddin E. Wheeler 31. Ernest Clark 32. A 0 Bledsoe 33. Raymond R. Johnson Dunn Lillington # 1 Dunn Dunn # 2 Angier Lillington # 1 Coats Lillington # 3 Coats Erwin Coats Dunn Angier # 2 Coats Guquay # 2 Benson # 1 Dunn Lillington Angier Dunn Angier # 2 Linden # 1 Holly Springs # 1 Angier # 2 Fuquay Springs Lilington # 3 Angier # 1 Erwin Erwin Angier # 2 Lillington # 3 Dunn Spring Lake # 1 Averasboro Neills Creek Averasboro Averasboro Black River Lillington Grove Upper Little River Grove Duke Grove Averasboro Black River Grove Hectors Creek Grove Averasboro Lillington Black River Averasboro Grove Stewarts Creek Buckhorn Black River Hecotrs Creek Anderson Creek Black River Duke Duke Bl ack River Upper Little River Averasboro Anderson Creek 47 34. Henry Elmon Lucas 35. Hurshell Guy 36. Harvey Thomas 37. Charles A. Regan 38. Edward Holmes 39. Louise Hamilton 40. Shelton G. Hayes 41. Harry D. Earnshaw 42. Oscar L. Byrd 43. Robert R. Truelove 44. John 0. Grey 45. M. Edward Johnson Spring Lake # 1 Fuquay # 2 Lillington # 3 Coats Erwin 405 S. 13th st. Dunn # 4 Dunn 606 Godwin St. Erwin 208 E. "G" St. Coats Holly Springs # 1 Dunn 507 W. Bay St. Fuquay # Anderson Creek Hectors ^reek Upper Little Vier Grove Duke Duke Averasboro Duke Grove Buckhorn Averasboro Buckhorn The Following Jurors Were Drawn For Civil Term Of Superior Court Beginning September 18th. 1967. 1. O W Dean 2. Nathan Ray Johnson 3. Ray Wayne Gardner 4. Arthur Yarborough 5. L A Stone 6. Junius McNeill 7. L V Pegram 8. Bill R. Canady 9. Max G. Mashburn 10. r, R Gregory 11. Ralph Wilkins 12. Hugh M. Hollins 13. Corrine M. Fish 14. Chester Avery 15. L B Horton, Jr. 16. William C. Langdon 17. Melvin McLeod, Jr. 18. Odell Johnson 19. Johnny Add Johnson 20. Preston E. Parker 21. James L. Lee, Jr. 22. Fletcher Flowers 23. Charlie A. Jackson 24. Newton Byrd 25. Waylon 0. West 26. J R Baggett, Jr. 27. W 0 Dixon 28. Thomas Harrell Marler 29. D B Murray 30. William A. Glover 31. Bobby L. Byrd 32. Herbert E. Matthews 33. David Wheeler 34. James Ivey 35. H G Wilkins 36. I C Butts 37. Howard W. Core 38. W. Hubert Creech 39. Denning 1. Johnson 40. Ottis L. Byrd 41. Joseph Norris 42. David Byrd 43. Alpha House Ottis Carroll Miller 44. 45. Lillington # 1 Lillington # 1 Angier # 2 Lillington Bx. 482 Lillington # 2 Lillington # 3 Holly Springs # 1 Bunnlevel # 1 Fuquay # 2 Angier # 2 Angier # 1 Cameron # 2 Angier # 2 Erwin # 1 Bunnlevel Coats # 1 Dunn # 4 Fuquay # 2 Lillington # 1 Coats # 1 Dunn # 3 Angier # 2 Erwin # 1 Coats # 1 Angier # 1 Lillington Buses Creek Dunn Fuquay # 1 Dunn Lillington # 3 Dunn # 3 Dunn # 3 Dunn # 2 Dunn # 2 Coats # 1 Erwin 307 E. St. Benson # 1 Dunn 506 E. Divine St. Dunn # 3 Dunn Box 171 Coats Erwin # 1 Dunn 900 S. Layton Neills Creek Neills Creek Black River Lillington Lillington Upper Little River Buckhorn Anderson Creek Hectors Creek Neills Creek Black River Anderson Creek Grove Grove Anderson Creek Grove Duke Hectors Creek Neills Creek Grove Averasboro Grove Duke Grove Black River Lillington Neills Creek Averasboro Buckhorn Averasboro Upper Little River Grove Averasboro Averasboro Averasboro Grove Duke grove Ave ras bnro Averasboro Averasboro Grove Duke Averasboro Chairman Brock announced that the Board of Commissioners would meet jointly with the Harnett Agri - Business Commission on Monday, September, llth. at 7:00 p.m., at the Village Inn in Dunn. The Chairman also announced that the Board will hold its regular monthly meeting on September 5th. and that the County Offices will be closed on Labor Day, September 4th. The Board recessed 07/evtzArt-, Clerk to Board Chairman 48 THE FOLLOWING CHECKS WERE ISSUED DURING THE MONTH OF AUGUST 1967 5204 Louis E. Bottiglier, Postmaster 5205 Monroe International, Inc. 5206 Sexton Motor Sales 5207 Twyford Printing Company 5208 Western Auto Store 5209 James H.,Anderson Co., Inc. 5210 Town of Lillington 5211 Storr Sales Co. 5212 Xerox Corp. 5213 Mako Medical Lab 5214 Paul B. Drew 5215 Clinical Chemistry Lab 5216 N. C. Natural Gas Corp. 5217 Progressive Store 5218 IBM Corporation 5219 Central Carolina Bank & Trust Co. 5220 First Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 5221 Bank of Lillington 5222 Southern National Bank of N.C. 5223 First National Bank of Eastern NC 5224 Waccamaw Bank & Trust Co. 5225 First Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 5226 Financial Aide Officer 5227 Cavin's Business Products, Inc. 5228 Roane - Barker Inc. 5229 Morris Wade Sales Co. 5230 Carolina Power & Light Co. 5231 Institute of Government 5232 Dorothea Dix Hospital 5233 Kyle Harrington, C. R. C. 5234 Layton Supply Company 5235 Phelps Welding Shop 5236 Dafford Funeral Home 5237 Good Hope Hospital, Inc. 5238 N. C. Memorial Hospital 5239 Lee County Hospital 5240 Gravely Sanatorium 5241 Cooper D. Cass Co. 5242 Campbell College Bookstore 5243 Harnett County Health Dept. 5244 C. E. McLamb 5245 National Association of Counties 5246 Twyford Printing Co. 5247 Lillington Auto Parts 5248 Mobile Communication Service 5249 O'Quinn & O'Quinn 5250 Purchase and Contract Division 5251 Central Service Station 5252 Lillington Esso Station 5253 General Electric Company 5254 Void 5255 Raleigh Saw Company 5256 Cavin's Business Products, Inc. 5257 Machine & Welding Supply Co. 5258 Storr Sales Company 5259 King Roofing & Mfg. Co. 5260 Dr. W. W. Stanfield 5261 Paul B. Drew 5262 Clinical Chemistry Lab. 5263 Cecil Moore 5264 Faye M. Upchurch 5265 West Sea Food 5266 Purdie Brothers, Inc. 5267 C & W Red and White 5268 Johnson's 5269 Modern Laundry & Cleaners 5270 Bowen Office Equipment Co. 5271 N.C. State Board of Health 5272 Club Cleaners 5273 Modern Laundry & Cleaners 5274 Roane - Barker Inc. 5275 Lillington Roller Mills, Inc. Postage for Ext. Service Invoice # 438600 -007 Per Statement Sheriff Dept. Invoice # 18349,18335 & 18377 Keys for Courthouse Inv. # 5742 Per Statement Inv. # 63780 Inv. # 411628400, GL6939589 Autopsy & Examination Transportation of Blood to Duke Blood Analysis Per Statement June -July A/C for Co. Jail ok0o394 OJ 65426 37 Food Stamp Transactions 26 Food Stamp Transactions 53 Food Stamp Transactions 20 Food Stamp Transactions 4 Food Stamp Transactions 52 Food Stamp Transactions 4 Food Stamp Transactions Pace Form 2 906- Health Dept. 18890, Less 1% Cl 3109- Heith Dept. Per Statement 9200 Service Rendered Fees in Court Cases Per July Sta. for Courthouse & Co. Ext. Service Sta. for C. D. Agency Sta. Auth. by Welfare Dept. Re: Mary Edith Parker, Eva Mae Wright Re: Barbara Ann Clegg, Randy Shaw Lab - Felicia Worrell S. Care for Alonza Clegg 298 25 -June Office Supplies - Mental H. Petty Cash Attending Special Meeting in Robinsville,N.C. Plus Mileage County Member Service Fee 1 8507 16306 - Sheriff's Dept. July Radio Service Per Statement Dept. 2 1 66 Ford's July Gas A/C July Gas A/C 19 -63047 14254 1168- Auditor 38131 63768, 63770, 63771,Less 2% Inv. dated July 5. 1967 - Courthouse Re: Body of Jesse James Stewart Juror Fees Blood Alcohol Fees (4 Cases) Transcripts Fish Co. Jail 24379 -Co. Jail July A /C -Co. Jail July A /C -CO. Jail July A /C -Co. Jail 75370 -Co. Agent Aug. Statement July A /C- Health Dept. July A/C -Dunn Health Center 19654, Less 2% 3773, 3318 for Sheriff *s - Sheriff's Dept. - Co. Cars - Co. Cars 10.00 54.00 3.25 236.34 1.19 4.26 121.90 2.06 142.18 155.00 .90 15.00 14.07 258.30 38.61 12.95 9.10 18.55 7.00 1.40 18.20 1.40 150.00 14.26 94.8o 1.75 24.05 1.03 76.00 1.62 11.72 15.00 15.00 83.16 260.00 5.00 26.40 90.00 18.01 25.00 106.20 121.00 327.03 16.02 85.25 312.58 2,600.00 161.34 46.03 1,136.86 5.53 6.00 13.39 246.93 115.57 100.00 24.00 15.00 40.00 65.0o 3.70 7.05 179.51 3.29 8.76 2.37 28.24 7.81 5.67 39.71 15.24 49 5276 Brown's Auto Supply Co. 4388, 3489 for Sheriff's Dept. $ 9.96 5277 Kelly & Randall Drug Co. July A/C for Courthouse, Jail, and County Agent 5.92 5278 Motorola Inc. 11526- August 32.50 5279 Rosa Walborn Rent on Dog P. From 12 -1 -65 thru 6 -3068 245.00 5280 Lillington FCX July A /C- Courthouse & Dog Pound 71.94 5281 Abraham Lee Janitorial Work 33.00 5282 Doris L. Wilson Gen. Assistance 20.00 5283 Sheriff of Forsyth County Co. Of Harnett vs. Morris G. Godwin, Jr., et al, S. D. #3433 4.00 5284 Financial Aid Officer Pace Form 2 for Terrell Vermillion 95.00 5285 Faye M. Upchurch 4 Days Court Reporting -Aug 7th Term 68.18 5286 IBM Corp 352 - 1927010 21.41 5287 Harnett County News 14588- Welfare Dept. 57.50 5288 Storr Sales Co. 63759- Welfare, Less 2% 80.55 5289 Carolina Power & Light Co. Per Statement 1.30 5290 John's Pharmacy 136987 - Welfare 1.29 5291 Lafayette Drug Co. Per Statement - Welfare 7.50 5292 Outpatient Department,N.C. Memorial Hospital Re: Daniel E. Johnson - Harnett Co. 10.00 5293 Duke U. Medical Center Medicine- General for Robt. Wayne Allen 6.00 5294 Hospital Pharmacy, Inc Per Statement 34.49 5295 Highsmith - Rainey Mem. Hosp.. Inc. Re: Bess McDougald 80.00 5296 Sanford Medical Group Per Statement 6.00 5297 Lillington Medical Clinic Per July Statement 11.00 5298 Broadway Drug Store Re: Felicia Worrell 7.25 5299 Dr. Roswald B. Daly Re: Felicia Worrell 10.00 5300 Wake Co. Domestic Relations & Juvenile Court Care for Maggie Jane Chance -4 Days 40.00 5301 Mrs Earl Wester B. Home Care 50.00 5302 Mrs. Ina Ryals B. Home Care 50.00 5303 Mrs. Etta McNeill B. Home Care 50.00 5304 Mrs. Wade Johnson B. Home Care 200.00 5305 Mrs. Erwin Jots on B. Home Care 100.00 5306 Mrs. Margie Johnson B. Home Care 150.00 5307 Mrs. E. G. Fullbright B. Home Care 105.00 5308 Mrs. Cristal Evans B. Home Care 110.00 5309 Mrs. Claude Cook B. Home Care 100.00 5310 Mrs. w. G. Butler B. Home Care 105.00 5311 Mrs. L. F. Byrd B. Home Care 50.50 5312 Mrs. Jack McKoy B. Home Care 50.00 5313 Grady Adcock B. Home Care 102.50 5314 Mrs. Nettie Jacobs B. Home Care 25.00 5315 Mrs. Bessie Lee B. Home Care 205.00 5316 Mrs. David Ferrell B. Home Care 50.00 5317 + Kelly & Randall Drug Co Per Sta. for James Sawyer 11.60 5318 Eastern N. C. Sanatorium S.Care for James Felton McLamb 6.60 5319 M. 11. Brock Mileage to NACO Meeting 173.00 5320 W. J. Cotton, Jr. Mileage to NACO Meeting 173.00 5321 W. Earl Jones, Tax Col.. Jury Tickets - C. R. C. 644.00 5322 E. Marshall Woodall Tax Suits 50.00 5323 Alice R. Shomper Work in Tax Supervisor's Office 141.39 5324 Mary F. Purdie Work in Tax Supervisor's Office 141.39 5325 Betty Jean McRae Work in Tax Supervisor's Office 156.13 5326 Sharon J. Harris Work in Tax Supervisor's Office 158.49 5327 Jo Ann Temple Work in 'ax Supervisor's Office 99.81 5328 Rosa Wilburn Bal. Due on Rent for Dog Pound Thru 6 -30 -68 13.31 5329 Bruce E. Hobbs Claim for Damage to Car 17.80 5330 Freddie Womble Drawing Jury 2.00 5331 M. H. Brock N.C.A.C.O. Meeting 56.65 5332 C. E. McLamb N.C.A.C.O. Meeting 136.20 5333 W. Earl Jones, Tax Col. Jury Tickets, - C. S. C. 632.20 5334 Twyford Printing Co. 1 8533 8. 24 5335 Twyford Printing Co. 1 8555, 1 8570, 1 8571 255.6o 5336 Carolina Power & Light Co. Per Statement 2.55 5337 James H. Anderson Co., Inc. 6600, Less 1% 187.02 5338 N. C. Natural Gas Corp. Service From 7 -1 -67 to 8 -1 -67 86.56 5339 Storr Sales Co. 64907, Less 2% 16.11 5340 Betsy Johnson Mem. Hosp.,Inc. Re: Cecil Mack Hoffman -Jail Bapient 15.00 5341 Bernte Lucas June, July, Aug. Rent for Welfare Of. 105.00 5342 First - Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 2 Food Stamp Transactions 5.00 5343 Waccamaw Bank & Trust Co. 50 Food Stamp Transaction 17.50 5344 First National Bank of Eastern N.C. 5 Food Stamp Transactions 5.00 5345 Southern National Bank of N.C. 19 Food Stamp Transactions 6.65 5346 Bank of Lillington 57 Bood Stamp Transactions 19.95 5347 First - Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 23 Food Stamp Transactions 8.05 5348 Central Carolina Bank & Trust Co 32 Food Stamp Transactions 11.20 5349 N. C. Natural Gas Corp. Per Statements 31.78 5350 Roane - Barker Inc. 1 9695 4.23 5351 Ortho Pharmaceutical Corp 32880 50.00 5352 Elizabeth F. Matthews, C.S.C. July Postage 4.00 50 5353 Edwards & Broughton Co. 5354 Graham Covalt's Safe & Vault Serv. 5355 B. R. Stone 5356 The Dunn Dispatch 5357 The E. R. Thomas Drug Co. 5358 Carolina Power & Light Co. 5359 Harnett Co. Mental Health Center 5360 Mrs. W. G. Butler 5361 E. Marshall Woodall 5362 Conservation and Development 5363 S. River Electric Membership Corp 5364 Glasco Busines Equipment Co. 5365 Cambell College 5366 N. C. Sanatorium 5367 Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co. 5368 Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co. 5369 Carolina Tel & Tel. Co. 5370 Mrs. N. G. Raynor 5371 Bank of Lillington 5372 Hospital Saving Association 5373 Void 5374 Bertha M. Taylor+ 5375 5376 E. Marshall Woodall Terrell Vermillion 5377 Worth Reporting Co. 5378 W. Earl Jones, Tax Col. 5379 Claster Williams 5380 Carolina Power & Light Co. 5381 Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co. 5382 N. C. Natural G as Corp. 5383 Etta McNeill 5384 Mrs. Earl Wester 5385 Mrs. Mary Johnson 5386 Mrs. Edwin Morris 5387 Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co. 5388 Harnett Co. Library Board 5389 Dorothy Snipee 5390 Worth L. Byrd 5391 B. R. Stone 5392 W. Earl Jones, Tax Co. 5393 W. Earl Jones, Tax Co. 5394 Annie Lou Hodges 5395 N.C. Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System 5396 N.C. Local Governmental Employees' Ret. System 5397 N.C. Local Governmental Employees' Rat. System 5398 Southern National Bank 2756 M. H. Brock 2757 W. J. Cotton, Jr. 2758 J. E. Womble 2759 C. E. McLamb 2760 Gilbert Brown 2761 Wiley F. Bowen 2762 Thomas Allen 2763 Lottie Patterson 2764 Bessie S. Johnson 2765 W. Earl Jones 2766 Alice Schmincke 2767 Edna W. Butts 2768 Jackie J. Denning 2769 Wade H. Stewart 2770 Edna K. Newton 2771 Lemuel C. Gregory, Jr. 2772 James V. Griffin S 4051 - C.S.C. $ 42.15 Work on Vauld Door in C.S.C. Office 30.75 4 Days as Court Officer 28.00 Sub, From 8 -17 -67 to 8 -17 -68 4.12 Aug. Rent 30.00 Per Statement 7.40 Drugs 6.13 B. Home Care 56.48 Atty Fee: Co. of Harnett vs. John McLean SD # 3432 30.00 Co's Part for Forest Fire Control 982.65 Per Statement 36.10 D76 325- Mental Health Center 32.50 July Rent 110.00 Ticket #857 for Harnett Co. Health D. 38.84 Per Statements 133.14 Per Statements 215.90 Per Statements 44.68 Refund for Error In Listing Taxes 7.24 Aug. '67 Payroll 35,629.20 Group Ins. for Harnett Co. Empbyees 595.11 Cleaning Lillington & Dunn Health Centers 142.94 Aug. travel 51.87 Atty fee- Co. of Harnett vs. Addie Perry Sinclair,S.C. # 3435 30.00 Court Reporting Aug 21st Term 200.00 Jury Tickets - C.S.C. 734.00 Cleaning Welfare Office 40.63 Per Statements 663.94 Per Statements 129.11 Fan Relay Switch Health Canter 7.16 Spending Money for Dick Creighton -Aug. 2.50 B. Home Care 165.33 B. Home Care 17.71 B. Home Care 17.71 Per Statements 59.37 Partial Appropriation - 1967 -68 2,000.00 Welfare Board Meeting 22.38+ Welfare Board Meeting 20.00 4 Days as Court Officer 28.00 Jury Tickets, C.S.C. 242.05 Jury Tickets, C. R. C. 49.00 Gen. Assistance 50.00 Matching Contri. for Welfare & Health Employees 1,254.08 Matching Contri. for Gen. Employees & Law Enf. Emp. 1,744.36 Employees' Ret. Contri. - Aug. '67 1,902.38 W.H. Tax for Aug. for Co. Employees. 4,573.90 SALARY CHECKS 68.00 98.50 60.00 60.00 60.00 325.00 484.96 270.06 228.36 474.72 278.91 241.93 207.34 652.41 259.33 481 =94 467.58 51 2773 B. F. Temple 2774 Carson A. Hall 2775 John C. Wilson 2776 James S. West 2777 Roger W. Lyon 2778 George E. Cameron 2779 James E. Turnage 2780 H. D. Carson, Jr. 2781 Rachel W. Blanchard 2782 Harold Upchurch 2783 Thomas H. James 2784 Thomas H. Glasby 2785 Inez Harrington 2786 Velma S. Edwards 2787 Flora Green Milton 2788 Inez W. Sessoms 2789 Clyde L. Ross 2790 Paul B. Drew 2791 B. E. Sturgill 2792 Ruth Sturgill 2793 Louvenia McL. Lee 2794 Fletcher C. Hubbard 2795 James F. Penny, Jr. 2796 Naomi F. Hawley 2797 Glyness Meeks 2798 Madeline W. Hawley 2799 Patricia W. McDonald 2800 Mary P. Avery 2801 Margaret N. McDonald 2802 Jean Adcock 2803 Annie Lee Sawyer 2804 Emma Lee West 2805 Margorie G. Wade 2806 Harvey V. Godfrey 2807 Helen R. Crews 2808 Glenn C. O'Kelley 2809 Koa Egeta Williams 2810 Frederick B. Fleming 2811 Harry B. Roberts 2812 Joyce G. Pulliam 2813 Janet Mod. Stone 2814 Lemuel R. Gilchrist 2815 James R. Huggins 2816 John D. Davis 2817 Catherine R. Hawks 2818 Virginia L. Thomas 2819 Robert B. Blalock 2820 Esther T. Butts 2821 Margie Harrington 2822 Kathleen Thomas 2823 Pauline Sanford 2824 C. R. Ammons 2825 Charles E. Hammond 2826 James E. Goff 2827 Vance E. Hamilton 2828 Juanita S. Hight 2829 Ruby I. Parker 2830 Bettie E. Giles 2831 Virginia L. Simmons 2832 James P. West 2833 Ida P. Hinnant 2834 Ophelia McLean 2835 Melvin F. Eyerman 2836 M. Irene Lassiter 2837 Lida R. O'Quinn 2838 Hattie E. Barnes 2839 Rebecca S. Coleman 2840 Sarah E. Flowers 2841 M. H. Canady 2842 Shelby F. Johnon 2843 Alta Pearl Pope 2844 Ken Black 2845 Elizabeth F. Matthews 2846 Ruby T. Curran 2847 Blanchie W. Raynor 2848 Madie Lee Morgan 2849 Kyle Harrington 2850 Ada W. Stone 2851 Addie C. Faucett 2852 Jake Lamm 2853 Robert B. Morgan 2854 Jack Lamm $ 311.47 462.69 472.49 458.42 472.67 451.07 459.08 657.46 294.78 309.49 220.57 210.71 306.81 278.72 257.61 223.59 222.84 238.25 379.32 168.96 145.11 656.11 97.76 308.48 288.64 261.92 243.97 243.97 268.23 247.34 238.59 495.04 327.45 510.09 257.61 467.42 423.35 463.58 408.68 495.43 403.53 439.94 450.34 434.62 429.95 408.48 405.02 300.72 316.49 311.89 319.32 325.86 225.23 253.98 190.85 168.82 164.44 161.96 246.46 239.83 175.14 96.33 501.67 539.73 433.02 438.17 479.45 451.12 520.87 310.93 250.57 415.21 501.81 302.85 203.53 248.88 341.19 243.97 213.66 289.00 950.41 240.61 52 2855 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861 2 862 2863 2864 2865 Jean M. Irvin Norman F. Lewis, Jr. Lillian B. Smith Roy S. Godwin Peggy W. Hope Glenda Massengill Alma Jean Bass Muriel F. Cann Edith T. Barrett Cecelia C. Godwin Phyllis L. McNeill Salary 11 11 8t It tt u 6 tt $ 334.01 254.51 71.70 294.14 275.51 177.36 424.30 26.53 115.93 423.67