10201975/496 MINUTES OF THE MID MONTH MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR OCTOBER, 1975 MID -MONTH MEETING The mid -month meeting of the Board of Commissioners was held on October 20, 1975. Chairman Etheridge called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. with the following present: Commiss- ioners M. H. Brock, Lloyd G. Stewart, W. J. Cotton, Jr., and Jesse Alphin. The County Attorney was present. PRAYER Commissioner Stewart led in prayer. BUDGET AMENDMENTS PURCHASE OF SCHOOL SITE #3 CONSTRUCTION ON SITE #2 PRESENTATION OF OLDE FARM COMMUNITY The first item of business was the matter of budget amend- ments for the Board of Education. Mr. R. A. Gray, Super- intendent, referred to material given to the Board on October 8, 1975. The material is referred to, herein, as Budget Amendment, under date of October 6, 1975, and consists of 4 legal pages, and deals with budget revisions and amendments pertaining to the 1975 -76 Harnett County Budget. Comm- issioner Brock moved that the amendments and revisions as presented by Dr. N. E. Jones, and Mr. R. A. Gray, be adopted, Commissioner Cotton seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Regarding purchase of School Site #3, Dr. Jones and Supt. Gray presented a map of the acreages designated School Site #3, which stated that the total acreage was 77.914 and that the total cost of the property was $116,911.50. Commissioner Alphin moved to approve the purchase price of Site #3, Com- missioner Brock seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. Supt. Gray reported that the letting of the contracts for construction on Site #2 were at present being executed, that equipment had been moved to the site and that groundbreaking ceremonies were in preparation. Mr. William Wellons, Mr. Tom Anderson, Mr. Jack Capps, and Mr. William Wellons, Jr., appeared before the Board to dis- cuss the building up of the area in Southwestern Harnett better known as Olde Farm Community and surrounding area, which consists of 1375 acres. Mr. Wellons presented the following letter: x Gentlemen: The Olde Farm Community has been developing in Southern Harnett county over the past few years under my direction. This community of 1,375 acres has tried to take into consideration many life styles, the welfare of the residents and above all good sound planning principles coupled with the needs and requirements of the neighboring counties. My associates and I are developers of new communities. Each com- munity has a- responsibility not only to the resident that will be moving into the area but to the county, the state, and the federal pro- grams. Olde Farm has recognized these responsibilities by providing safe and adequate housing with community facilities to support a decent way of life. The time has come when we at Olde Farm must merge our efforts with those of the county in trying to provide a long -range program that will guarantee the health, safety, and wel- fare of all citizens. It is with these thoughts in mind that we have come to realize that we as builders and developers of homes and land should entrust community services to people and their elected officials. We then at this time offer to the county our -water and sewage system to be used in conjunction with the county -wide program for all citizens to enjoy. We respectfully request that a committee be appointed by the com- missioners to study the feasibility of accepting our water and sew- age system in Olde Farm and that a committee arrive at a time to take over these services and that an equitable means of transferral be worked out agreeable to all parties. To live, work and worship in an area as we have done for many years can not help but foster a growing awareness of our obligation in the future to the community. We would like to continue to build and develop, but wish to have the community services place in comm- unity trust where they belong. We are willing to have our staff and all people concerned to meet with the county officials to assist them in arriving at a workable program in this proposed undertaking. It is our wish then to offer our community the water and sewage system to the county, and we make ourselves available for consultation, direction, and assistance during the next six -month period. Respectfully submitted, Olde Farm Community Commissioner Alphin moved that the Chairman refer the matter to the Harnett County Planning Board to make a feasibility study to determine what action could be accepted as a result of the offer from owners of Olde Farm. Commissioner Cotton seconded and the issue carried. TAX SUPERVISOR REQUEST FOR REFUND A written request was presented from the Tax Supervisor, Thomas Allen, requesting a refund for Alphin Bros., Inc., for $26.82, representing a chrge for Erwin Fire Tax. This firm is not located in the Erwin Fire District. Commissioner Brock moved the refund be granted, Commissioner Cotton second- ed and the issue carried. DESTROY ABSTRACTS The following written request was also made by the Tax Supervisor: "I, Thomas Allen, Harnett County Tax Supervisor, am making a request to destroy the Harnett County Tax Listing Abstracts for the years 1957 through 1963. By doing so this will give us a lot more space. /s/ Thomas Allen Tax Supervisor Commissioner Cotton moved the request be honored, Commissioner Brock seconded and the issue passed unanimously. ORDINANCE OF HARNETT COUNTY CIVIL PREPAREDNESS Commissioner Alphin introduced the following proposed ordin- ance entitled" HARNETT COUNTY CIVIL PREPAREDNESS ORDINANCE" The County of Harnett ordains: Article 1. Harnett County Civil Preparedness Agency Section I. Short Title This ordinance shall be cited and referred to as "Civil Prepared- ness Ordinance for the County of Harnett ". Section II. Intent and Purpose 1. It is the intent and purpose of this Ordinance to establish an office that will insure the complete and efficient utilization of all of the resources of Harnett County and its municipalities to combat disaster resulting from enemy actions or other disasters as defined herein. 2. The Harnett County Office of Civil Preparedness will be the coordinating agency for all activities in connection with Civil Pre- paredness; it will be the instrument through which the Harnett County Board of Commissioners may exercise the authority and discharge the responsibilities vested in them during disaster emergencies. 3. This Ordinance will not relieve any County Department of the moral responsibilities or authority given to it in the County Charter or by local ordinances, nor will it adversely affect the work of any volunteer agency organized for relief in disaster emergencies. Section III. Definitions 1. The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation of this Article: a. "Civil Preparedness" in its broad meaning is to carry out the basic government functions of maintaining the public peace, health, and safety during an emergency. This shall include plans and preparations protection,relief, recovery and rehabilitation from effects of an attack by the forces of an enemy nation or the agents thereof and it shall also include such activity in connection with disaster as defin- ed herein. It shall not, however, include any activity that is the primary responsibility of the military forces of the United States. b. "Attack" shall mean direct or indirect assault against the County of Harnett, its government, its environs, or of the nation by the forces of a hostile nation or the agents thereof, including assault by conventional or nuclear bombing, chemical or biological warfare or sabotage. c. "Disaster" includes but is not limited to actual or threat- ened enemy attack, sabotage, extraordinary fire, flood, storm, epidemic, or other impending or actual calamity endangering or threatening to en- danger health, life, property or constituted government. d. "Civil Preparedness Forces' shall mean the employees, equip- ment and facilities of all County departments, boards, councils, ins- titutions and commissions. It shall also include all volunteer personnel, equipment and facilities contributed by or obtained from volunteer persons or agencies. 498 e7--- Volunter"- -shall mean contributing a service, equipment;- ox fac31- ities to the Civil Preparedness Agency without remuneration. f. "Civil Preparedness Volunteer" shall mean any person duly registered, identified and appdnted by the Coordinator of the Harnett County Civil Preparedness Agency and assigned to participate in the civil preparedness activity. g. "Coordinator" shall mean the Coordinator of the Harnett County Civil Preparedness Agency, appointed as prescribed in this Ordinance. h. "Regulations" shall include plans, programs and other emergency procedures deemed essential to civil preparedness. Section IV. Authority and References 1. Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950, as amended. 2. N. C. Civil Defense Act of 1951, as amended. (Gen. Stat. Ch. 166) (Gen. Stat. 147 -11.1 ch. 3 and 3A) Section V. Organization and Appointments 1. The organization shall consist of the following: a. An agency of Civil Preparedness within the executive depart- ment of the Harnett County government under the direction of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners. The agency head of the Harnett County Civil Preparedness Agency shall be known as the Coordinator, and such assistants and other employees as are deemed necessary for the prop- er functioning of the agency will be appointed. b. The employees, and resources of all Harnett County departments boards, institutions, and councils will participate in the civil pre- paredness activities. Duties assigned to each County department shall be the same or similar to the normal duties of the department, where possible. c. Volunteer personnel and agencies offering service to and accepted by the county. 2. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners shall appoint a Coor- dinator of the Harnett County Civil Preparedness Agency who shall be a person well versed and trained in planning operations involving the activities of many different agencies which will operate to pro- tect the public health, safety and welfare in the event of danger from enemy action or disaster as defined in this Ordinance. 3. The Coordinator shall designate and appoint Deputy Coordinators to assume the emergency duties of the Coordinator in the event of his absence or inability to act. Section VI. Emergency Powers and Duties 1. Coordinator of Harnett County Civil Preparedness Agency a. During any period of Disaster or when Harnett County has been struck by disaster, within the definition of this Ordinance, the Civil Preparedness Coordinator may promulgate such regulations as he deems necessary to protect life and property and preserve critical resources. This promulgation of regulations solely by the Coordinator will be only when immediacy of necessary action precludes contact and disc- ussion with the Harnett County Board of Commissioners. Such regulat- ions may include, but shall not be limited to the following: 1. Regulations prohibiting or restricting the movement of vehicles in order to facilitate the work of civil prepared- ness forces, or to facilitate the mass movement of persons from critical areas within the county. 2. Regulations pertaining to the movement of persons from areas deemed to be hazardous or vulnerable to disaster. 3. Such other regulations necessary to preserve public peace, health and safety. 4. Regulations promulgated in accordance with the authority above will be given widespread circulation through all avenues of the news media. Section 6. Day to Day Duties and Responsibilities of the Coordinator 1. The Coordinator shall be responsible to the Harnett County Board of Commissioners in regard to all phases of the civil preparedness act- ivity. The Coordinator shall be responsible for the planning, coor- dination and operation of the civil preparedness activities in Harnett County. The Coordinator shall maintain liasion with the State and Fed- eral authorities and the authorities of nearby political subdivisions so as to insure the most effective operation of the civil preparedness plans. The Coordinator's duties shall include, but not be limited to the following: a. Coordinating the recruitment of volunteer personnel and agencies to augment the personnel and facilities of the County of Har- nett for civil preparedness purposes. b. Development and coordination of plans for the immediate use of all facilities, equipment, manpower and other resources of the county for the purpose of minimizing or preventing damage to persons and prop- erty; and protecting and restoring to usefulness governmental services and public utilities necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare. c. Negotiating and concluding agreements with owners or persons in control of building or other property for the use of such building or other property for the civil preparedness purposes and designating suitable buildings as public shelters. d. Through public informational programs, educating the populace as to actions necessary and required for the protection of their persons and property in case of enemy attack or disaster as defined herein, either impending or present. e. Conducting public practice alerts to insure the efficient operation of the civil preparedness forces and to familiarize residents with civil preparedness regulations, procedures and operations. f. Coordinating the activity of all other public and private agencies engaged in any civil preparedness activities. Section 7. Civil Preparedness Plans 1. Comprehensive civil preparedness plans shall be adopted and maintained by resolution of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners: In the preparations of these plans as it pertains to county organization, it is intended that the services equipment and facilities and personnel of all existing departments and agencies shall be utilized to the fullest extent. When approved, it shall be the duty of all municipal depart- ments and agencies to perform the functions assigned by these plans and to maintain their portions of the plans in a current state of readines- at all times. The Basic Emergency Operations Plan and Disaster Oper- ations Plan shall have the effect of law whenever a disaster, as de- fined in this Ordinance, has been proclaimed. 2. The Coordinator shall prescribe in the emergency plans those pos- itions within the disaster organization, in addition to his own, for which lines of succession are necessary. In each instance, the respon- sible person will designate and keep on file with the Coordinator a current list of three (3) persons as successors to his position. The list will be in order of succession and will nearly as possible desig- nate persons best capable of carrying out all assigned duties and functions. 3. Each service chief and department head assigned responsibility in the Basic Plan shall be responsible for carrying out all duties and functions assigned therein. Duties will include the organization and training of assigned employees and where needed volunteers. Each chief shall formulate the operational plan for his service which, when approved, shall be an annex to and a part of the Basic Plan. 4. Amendments to the Basic Plan shall be submitted to the Coordinator. If approved, the Coordinator will then submit the amendments to the Harnett County- Board of Commissioners with his recommendation for their approval. Such amendments shall take effect 30 days from the date of approval. S. When a required competency or skill for a disaster function is not available within local government, the Coordinator is authorized to seek assistance from persons outside of government. The assignment of duties, when of a supervisory nature, shall also grant authority for the persons so assigned to carry out such duties prior, during, and after the occurrence of a disaster. Such services from persons outside of gov- ernment may be accepted by local government on a volunteer basis. Such citizens shall be enrolled as civil preparedness volunteers in cooperation with the heads of local government departments affected. Section VII. No Municipal or Private Liability 1. This Ordinance is an exercise by the County of Harnett of its gov- ernmental functions for the protection of the public peace, health and safety, and the County of Harnett, its agents and representatives, or any individual, receiver, firm, partnership, corporation, association, or trustee, or any of the agents thereof in good faith carrying out, ACTION TO THE ORDINANCE complying with or attempting to comply with any order, rule or regulation promulgated pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance, shall not be liable for any damage sustained to persons or property as the result of said activity. 2. Any person owning or controlling real estate or other premises who voluntarily and without compensation grants the County of Harnett the right to inspect, designate and use the whole or any part or parts of such real estate or premises for the purpose of sheltering persons during an actual, impending or practice disaster situation shall not be civilly liable for the death of, or injury to, any persons on or about such real estate or premises under such license, privilege or other permission; or for loss of, or damage to the property of such person. Section VIII. Violation of Regulations It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any of the provis- ions of this Ordinance or of the regulations or plans issued pursuant to the authority contained herein, or to willfully obstruct, hinder or delay any member of the Civil Preparedness organization as herein defined in the enforcement of the provisions of this Ordinance or any regulations or plan issued thereunder. Section IX. Severability Should any provisions of this Ordinance be declared invalid for any reason, such declaration shall not affect the validity of other provisions, or of this Ordinance, as a whole, it being the legislation intent that the provisions of this Ordinance shall be severable and remain valid notwithstanding such declaration. Section X. Conflicting Ordinances, Orders, Rules and Regulations Suspended At all times when the orders, rules and regulations made and promulgated pursuant to this Article shall be in effect, they shall superside all existing ordinances, orders, rules and regulations insofar as the latter may be inconsistent therewith. Section XI. Effective Date This Ordinance shall take effect on the 20th day of October, 1975. /s/ Bobby R. Etheridge Bobby R. Etheridge, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners It was moved by Commissioner W. J. Cotton, Jr., and seconded by Commissioner M. H. Brock that the foregoing ordinance en- titled "HARNETT COUNTY CIVIL PREPAREDNESS ORDINANCE" be adopt- ed. The Following Commissioners voted for adoption: Jesse Alphin W. J. Cotton, Jr. Bobby R. Etheridge M. H. Brock, Lloyd G.Stewart There being a unanimous vote, the Chairman announced that the Ordinance was duly adopted pursuant to N. C. G. S. 153A -45 and directed the Clerk to place a copy of the Ordinance in the the county ordinance book and index it as required by law. INTRODUCTION OF ROBERT ALLEN BAREFOOT Harnett County Planning Board Chairman, C. S. Fowler and Tony REC. DIRECTOR Tucker, Director of the Development Commission, appeared before the Board to introduce Robert Allen Barefoot, who had been employed to fill the vacancy of Recreation Director. Mr. Tucker presented the Board with a copy of his resume. Commissioner Cotton moved to approve the employment of Mr. Barefoot, Commissioner Alphin seconded and the issue passed. APPOINT TO LIBRARY BOARD Commissioner Cotton moved to appoint Mrs. Fred Byerly to the Library Board as a result of the retirement of one of its members, Mrs. J. O. Warren. Commissioner Alphin seconded the motion and the issue carried. REQUEST FROM ERWIN SCHOOL FIREWORKS Regarding a request from Erwin High School for permission to use fireworks for their homecoming game on October 24, 1975, Commissioner Alphin moved to grant the permission on the basis that the determination of the Co -nty Attorney RESOLUTION TO HOLD PUBLIC AUCTION ACTION GF EXPENDITURES ANGIER HEALTH AUTHORITY TITLE 4D Soc. Sec. Act ADJOURNMENT would allow the legal use of fireworks. Commissioner Cotton seconded the motion and the issue carried. The following resolution was presented to the Board in order to dispose of surplus property of the County: NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE General Statute, 153A -176 and General Statute 160A- 266(1) permits private sale and negotiation of county - owned property officially declared as surplus, upon the expiration of ten days after publication of the notice authorizing the sale. The following property has been officially declared as surplus by the Board of County Commissioners: 1973 Chevrolet 1972 Chevrolet 1973 Chevrolet 1973 Chevrolet S #1L69H3D140263 S #1M69R2D164201 S #1L69H3D140251 S #1L69H3D140276 NOW, THEREFORE, M. H. Brock, County Manager, be and he is hereby given authority to negotiate a sale of the aforementioned surplus property. The public is invited to contact M. H. Brock, County Manager, at his office in the County Office Building, Lillington, N. C., on or before the final sale date of November 7, 1975. Bidding will be officially closed at 4:00 P. M. He shall then have the authority to consummate a sale of the foregoing described property for cash to the person making the highest offer. This, the 24th day of October, 1975. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BY /s/ Bobby R. Etheridge Chairman ATTEST: /s/ H. D. Carson, Jr. Clerk to the Board A motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was made by Commissioner Alphin, and seconded by Commissioner Stewart. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the resolution. County Manager presented a copy of the General Fund Expend- itures as of September 30, 1975. The Chairman read the Board a letter from Mr. Lynwood Matt- hews pertaining to the Angier Health Authority. Regarding Title 4D of the Social Security Act, Commissioner Cotton moved that the Chairman be authorized to sign a memo pertaining to the program and to an agreement between the agencies. Commissioner seconded the move and the issue passed. c °c /c The meeting adjourned at 9:40 P. M. Clerk PAYROLL CHECKS WRITTEN FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1975 5372 '5373 5374 '15375 15376 5377 5378 5379 5380 5381 5382 5383 5384 5385 5386 5387 5388 5389 5390 5 391 5392 5393 5394 5395 5396 5397 5398 5399 5400 5401 5402 5403 5404 5405 5406 5407 5408 5409 5410 5411 5412 5413 5414 5415 5416 5417 5418 5419 5420 5421 5422 5423 5424 5425 5426 5427 5428 5429 5430 5431 5432 5433 5434 5435 5436 5437 5438 5439 5440 5441 5442 5443 5444 5445 5446 5447 5448 5449 5450 5451 5452 5453 5454 5455 5456 Lowdermilk Quinten Billy R. Brown Dallas B. Graves Odis L. McNeill Don W. Pleasant Aaron L. Pope Danny F. Pope James Quick, Jr. Priscilla Surles Randy L. Thomas Pamela H. West Sheila A. Smith Sherry D. Hall Deborah M. Taylor Marc Elaine Dykes Betsy A. Groves Rhonda G. Howard Laura Lucas Karen M. Pope Vickie Pope Lois G. Stewart Eloyce McNeill Burnice Kelly Marsha S. Bethune James R. Allen Grace McLean Burnice Kelly Marsha S. Bethume Shirley M. Campbell Flora M. Shaw Louise Altman James R. Allen Priscilla Surles Pamela H. West Sheila A. Smith James Quick, Jr. Danny E. Pope Aaron L. Pope Don W. Pleasant Odis L. McNeill Dallas B. Groves Billy R. Brown Randy L. Thomas Lowdermilk Quinten Mary Elliott Betty J. Walker Elbert Scrivens Phil Matthews Patricia M Jackson Joseph McCaden Tracy Hardison Wanda Newkirk Bruce Lee Dallas Hardy, Jr. Alvin McLean Deborah Hayes Benjamin Johnson Lillie McMillian David Tyndall Vincent Spears Callie Williams Janet Johnson Ralph McNeill Ronnie McNeill Peggy Norris Jerry McKoy Roy Lee McDougal Anthony Cannady Marsha Coleman Veron H. Davis Larry R. Morgan Jennifer Campbell Ricky Lee Kathy Williams Tracy Allen Void Rhonda G. Howard Deborah M. Taylor Marc E. Dykes Betsy A. Groves Laura Lucas Karne M. Pope Vickie F. Pope Eloyce McNeill Robert Walker 5457 Donald Schwencer 182.96 205.96 169.31 207.13 189.96 211.96 216.96 175.77 191.96 189.96 167.13 189.96 114.00 144.34 146.59 148.05 145.76 139.29 164.24 145.76 96.86 157.76 41.43 164.30 99.68 175.13 196.13 164.30 56.49 151.70 168.30 197.96 191.96 167.13 189.96 212.96 216.96 211.96 189.96 176.06 161.66 205.96 189.96 182.96 19.77 15.82 19.77 20.26 23.73 25.71 15.82 22.74 15.82 25.71 15.82 23.73 27.68 27.68 27.68 23.73 19.77 31.63 31.50 31.63 31.63 27.68 27.68 31.63 15.82 31.63 31.63 31.63 15.82 15.82 31.63 Void 152.76 152.76 147.76 152.76 139.29 152.76 145.76 146.46 49.43 64.90 5458 Kenneth E. Holland 5459 Jimmie G. Avery 5460 Lynda S. Ogburn 5461 Ronnie L. Hargis 5462 W. D. Farmer 5463 Carter T. Phillips 5464 Richard Bullock 5465 Mahlon R. Parker, Jr. 5466 Theron L. Stewart 5467 Charles Walden, Jr. 5468 Tommy 0. Bennett 5469 Dennis W. Pope 5470 William D. Hall 5471 Thomas J. Turlington, Jr. 5472 Genevieve Matthews 5473 Chalmas C. Stewart 5474 William A. Strickland 5475 Dorothy A. Dollar 5476 Romell W. Fuller 5477 James T. Bunn 5478 David E. Jones 5479 Norman L. McLean 5480 Kathy Jane Godwin 5481 Charles Ellis 5482 Ernest McKoy 5483 Otis West 5484 Albert Lavoie 5485 Ruth Tart 5486 William E. Guy 5487 Ronald E. Whitman 5488 Wanda E. Jones 5489 Walter L. Skinandore 5490 Danny R. Hall 5491 Edna L. Ray 5492 Henry C. Jackson 5493 Janet M. Jones 5494 William Jakeman 5495 Anita M. Williams 5496 Deborah C. Phillips 5497 Grover C. McCormick 5498 Leron M. Ockletree 5499 Eddie D. Wall 5500 Monroe Atkins 5501 Kenneth E. Holland 5502 Jimmie G. Avery 5503 lynda S. Oburn 5504 W. D. Farmer 5505 Carter T. Phillips 5506 Richard Bullock 5507 Mahlon R. Parker, Jr. 5508 Theron L. Stewart 5509 Charles Walden, Jr. 5510 Tommy 0. Bennett 5511 Dennis W. Pope 5512 William D. Hall 5513 Vicki S. Johnson 5514 Wade Evans 5515 Thomas J. Turlington, Jr. 5516 Genevieve Matthews 5517 Chalmas C. Stewart 5518 William A. Strickland 5519 Dorothy A. Dollar 5520 Romell W. Fuller 5521 Jimmy W. Monroe 5522 Patsy Thomas 5523 James T. Bunn 5524 David E. Jones 5525 Norman L. McLean 5526 Kathy J. Godwin 5527 Ernest McKoy 5528 Otis West 5529 Albert Lavoie 5530 Ruth Tart 5513 Alton F. Guins, Jr. 5532 William E. Guy 5533 Ronald E. Whitman 5534 Wanda E. Jones 5535 Walter L. Skinandore 5536 Danny R. Hall 5537 Edna L. Ray 5538 Henry Caroll Jackson 5539 Janet M. Jones 5540 William Jakeman 5541 Anita M. Williams 5542 Franklin Williams 5543 200.43 266.28 161.30 00 254.28 273.28 175.30 266.28 162.30 159.30 161.30 92.15 133.14 241.62 173.36 227.62 187.30 157.77 164.24 216.96 160.03 211.96 171.86 125.79 112.32 153.74 143.44 166.07 215.62 165.83 166.82 136.26 132.02 166.82 162.30 156.23 143.23 152.24 202.79 175.30 169.30 162.77 204.96 200.43 266.28 161.30 254.28 238.20 183.18 266.28 162.30 159.30 161.30 170.30 217.56 162.30 162.30 241.62 179.84 227.62 224.96 56.01 165.77 94.15 175.36 216.96 160.03 211.96 171.86 153.74 153.74 218.49 165.07 191.13 212.03 151.54 166.82 143.54 38.56 166.82 159.54 166.82 165.82 166.82 90.41 Minnie P. Bradshaw 94.41 504 5544 Deborah C. Phillips 5545 Grover C. McCormick 5546 Leron M. Ockletree 5547 Monroe Atkins 5548 Robert K. Ragan 5549 Grace McLean 5550 Burnice Kelly 5551 Marsha S. Bethume 5552 Flora M. Shaw 5553 Louise Altman 5554 James R. Allen 5555 Priscilla Surles 5556 Pamela H. West 5557 Sheila A. Smith 5558 James Quick, Jr. 5559 Danny E. Pope 5560 Aaron L. Pope 5561 Don W. Pleasant 5562 Odis L. McNeill 5563 Dallas B. Graves 5564 Billy R. Brown 5565 Randy L. Thomas 5566 Quinten Lowdermilk 5567 Cynthia McMillian 5568 Rhonda G. Howard 5569 Deborah M. Taylor 5570 Marc Elaine Dykes 5571 Betsy A. Groves 5572 Laura Lucas 5573 Karen M. Pope 5574 Vickie F. Pope 5575 Eloyce McNeill 5576 Robert Walker 5577 Donald Schwencer 5578 Beverly B. Ennis 5579 Rita J. Williford 5580 Teresa Wilkerson 5581 Peggy A. McLean 5582 Miles Barnes_ 5583 May Elliott 5584 Betty J. Walker 5585 Elbert Scrivens 5586 Phil Matthews 5587 Patricia Jackson 5588 Joseph McCaden 5589 Tracy Hardison 5590 Alvin McLean 5591 Deborah Hayes 5592 Benjamin Johnson 5593 Lillie McMillian 5504 David Tyndall 5595 Vincient Spears 5596 Jerry McKoy 5597 Roy L. McDougal 5598 Anthony Cannady 5599 Marsha Coleman 5600 Vernon H. Davis 5601 Larry R. Morgan 5602 Jennifer Campbell 5603 Ricky Lee 56045 Kathy Williams 5605 Tracy Allen 5606 Jerry Byrd 5607 Connie Small 5608 Tyrome McKeithan 5609 Margaret Walker 5610 Donna Hughes 5611 Richard McGoogan 5332 5333 5334 5335 5336 5337 5338 5339 5340 5341 8342 5343 5344 5 345 5346 5347 5348 5349 5350 Kenneth E. Holland Jimmie G. Avery Lynda S. Ogvurn Ronnie L. Hargis W. D. Farmer Mahlon R. Parker, Jr. Theron L. Stewart Charles Walden, Jr. Tommy O. Bennett Thomas J. Turlington, Genevieve Matthews Chalmas C. Stewart William A. Strickland Dorothy A. Dollar Romell W. Fuller James T. Bunn David E. Jones Norman L. McLean Kathy J. Godwin 202.79 5351 175.30 5352 169.30 5353 204.96 5354 57.20 5355 175.13 5356 196.13 5357 169.30 5358 177.13 5359 162.30 5360 188.96 5361 189.96 5362 175.13 5363 180.96 5364 212.96 5365 211.96 5366 211.96 5367 204.96 5368 205.13 5369 166.50 5370 205.96 5371 189.96 186.96 5612 42.33 5613 152.76 5614 139.29 5615 147.76 5616 152.76 5617 152.76 5618 152.76 5619 145.76 5620 155.24 5621 144.76 5622 144.76 5623 132.29 5624 119.81 5625 125.81 5626 136.69 5627 118.81 5628 21.75 5629 17.79 5630 31.63 5631 22.24 5632 29.66 5633 31.63 5634 31.63 5635 31.63 5636 29.66 5637 19.77 5638 31.63 5639 31.63 5640 27.68 5641 31.63 5642 31.63 5643 31.63 5644 31.63 5645 31.63 5646 31.63 5647 31.63 5648 31.63 5649 31.63 5650 39.54 5651 9.89 5652 40.53 5653 26.69 5654 15.82 5655 31.63 5656 21.75 5657 5658 200.43 5659 266.28 5660 161.30 5661 69.61 5662 254.28 5663 248.92 5664 155.00 5665 152.00 5666 153.00 5667 Jr. 241.62 5668 179.84 5669 227.62 5670 223.96 5671 157.77 5672 69.79 5673 216.96 5674 160.03 211.96 171.86 Charles Ellis Ernest McKoy Otis West Albert Lavoie Ruth Tart William E. Guy Ronald E. Whitman Wanda E. Jones Walter L. Skinandore Danny R. Hall Edna L. Ray Henry C. Jackson Janet M. Jones William Jakeman Anita M. Williams Deborah C. Phillips Grover C. McCormick Leron M. Ockletree Eddie D. Wall Monroe Atkins James R. Allen Bobby R. Etheridge M. H. Brock W. J. Cotton, Jr. Lloyd Stewart Jesse Alphin H. D. Carson, Jr. Rachel W. Blanchard Vanessa W. Young W. Thomas Allen Lottie Patterson Rachel S. Korpulinski Alice R. Shomper W. Eal Jones Alice Schmincke Edna W. Butts Jackie J. Pate Wade H. Stewart Edna K. Newton Madie Lee Morgan Joyce J. Oliver Lemuel C. Gregory, Jr. Burnice F. Temple Lewis C. Rosser, Jr. Johnny Halcomb Clyde F. Pate Sammy R. McLean Rufus H. Parrish Billy G. Wallace James S. West Ronald P. Green Jams E. Turnage T. A. Coats,Jr. John H. Atkins, III George E. Cameron Henry. J. Jacobs Stanley Bryd Roger W. Lyon Henry D. Hood, III Connie C. Spence Flora Green Milton Clyde L. Ross June S. Britt Annie L. Griffis Shirley McLean Paul B. Drews B. E. Sturgill Ruth Sturgill Gladys Walker Helen R. Crews Naomi F. Hawley Glyness Meeks Patricia W. McDonald Madeline W. Hawley Mary P. Avery annie Lee Gainey Bobbie S. Mize Sandra B. Dickens Emma Lee West Harney V. Godfrey Marjorie G. Wade Joyce G. Pulliam Egeta Williams John D. Davis 125.79 112.32 153.74 197.49 137.65 215.62 165.82 166.82 157.82 130.61 166.82 162.30 97.94 130.91 152.24 188.96 175.30 169.30 186.30 204.96 104.98 225.00 2000100 114.00 200.00 200.00 814.67 441.45 356.62 691.99 408.86 348.50 371.75 659.78 440.86 371.98 367.37 725.50 381.98 375.11 356.62 560.29 486.65 501.53 491.65 499.40 485.40 467.40 490.53 235.45 467.65 540.65 485.53 501.53 486.40 505.89 508.77 517.64 496.77 428.63 541.95 394.86 348.17 345.88 347.13 311.44 570.88 410.97 266.19 851.32 483.90 507.10 450.15 481.50 435.45 374.88 432.91 406.63 757.36 704.70 665.36 652.86 616.25 627.96 5675 Jane H. Smith 15676 Bonnie B. Beasley 15677 Daniel C. Welch '5678 John C. Harvey 5679 Edward D. Rice 651.03 433.65 503.79 596.58 594.83 5680 Cynthia T. Schumann 623.68 5681 Benita J. Beasley 405.14 5682 Emme -t J. Allen 464.07 5683Carra G. Avery 434.18 5684 Mazelle M. Stephenson 435.24 5685 Ruby C. Jenkins 445.37 5686 Mary A. Parker 447.76 5687 Joyce G. Brown 460.33 5688 Richard C. Giles 483.53 5689 Connor W. Williams, Jr. 588.55 5690 Roxanne R. Ayers 357.00 5691 Bonnie B. Temple 379.51 5692 Nancy E. Johnson 333.88 5693 Vickie N. Turlington 587.90 5694 Edna J. Black 498.82 5695 Janice M. Williford 586.83 5696 Margie Harrington 492.40 5697 Kathleen Thomas 561.97 5698 Pauline Sanford 571.07 5699 Maydell A. Hatley 478.23 5 700 5701 5702 5703 5704 5705 5706 5707 5708 5709 5710 5711 5712 5713 5714 5715 5716 5717 5718 5719 5720 5721 5722 5723 5724 5725 5726 5727 5728 5729 5730 5731 5732 5733 5734 5735 5736 5737 5738 5739 5740 5741 5742 5743 5744 5745 5 746 Donna S. Taylor Anne Dean Linda C. Sprinkle James E. Goff H. W. Lloyd Earl L. Childers, Jr. Lincoln Blanding Juanita S. Hight Bettie E. Giles Mary W. Jones Ida P. Hinnant Virginia L. Simmons Ophelia McLean Lorena H. Jackson Stephen B. Warrick Henry S. Thompson Lida R. O'Quinn Rebecca S. Coleman Louise M. Lloyd Patricia A. McKee Hoyt B. Fowler Donald R. Womble William F. Roach Margaret N. McDonald Alta Pearl Pope Evelyn B. Howard Bertha M. Taylor Kathy B. Wicker Muriel F. Cann Alma Jean Bass Frances H. McKay Neta T. Worth Kathy S. McAllister Lula B. Morrison Herbert E. Hudson Corbett A. Coats Robert J. Burnette John H. Strickland John Jay West George G. Pope Margaret R. Randall Janet H. Johnson Nina P. Bethune Melanie H. Collins Virginia S. Warren Thomas T. Lanier Lillian B. Smith 510.33 737.54 465.31 427.50 471.00 300.00 271.95 314.23 339.60 290.85 342.40 286.78 255.78 336.13 145.93 1,054.90 833.63 635.93 649.55 651.18 733.08 795.41 769.65 439.23 391.51 386.23 365.88 596.40 640.05 348.17 737.67 462.08 570.97 447.28 637.33 553.18 426.86 395.51 273.12 273.24 575.51 196.59 345.88 329.13 414.23 670.28 385.88 5747 5748 5749 5750 5751 5752 5753 5754 5755 5756 5757 5758 5759 5760 5 761 5762 5763 5764 5765 5766 Jean M. Irvin Void Edward H. McCormick Roy S. Godwin Thomas H. James Lee Vernon Harris Dories McKoy Henry McDougald Alvis Lee Ockletree Tony M. Tucker Bessie W. Moss Fred D. Freeman, Jr. Owen H. Willis, Jr. R. A. Gray, Jr. Joseph D. Lucas Harriette H. Britt Grace L. Stoen Wayne Faircloth M. H. Brock Patsy H. Nobles 499.06 300.00 70.61 382.37 356.01 323.81 309.81 144.94 931.80 460.36 765.51 704.84 775.42 733.72 237.66 590.18 589.34 574.20 247.63 GENERAL FUND CHECKS WRITTEN DURING THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1975. 6567 Lee - Harnett Mental Health Center 6568 Vold 6569 Mrs. Ernest West 6570 Mrs. J. A. Walker 6571 Mrs. Herman Tew 6572 Mrs. Edwin Morris 6573 Mrs. D. C. McKinney 6574 Mrs. Amanda McFarland 6575 Lettie Johnson 6576 Mrs. A. M. Ivey 6577 Mrs. David Ferrell 6578 Cristal Evans 6579 Mrs. Lennie Arnold 6580 Kennedy Home 6581 Church of God Childrens Home 6582 Payroll A/C 6583 Payroll A/C 6584 Harnett County AFDC Fund 6585 Void 6586 Harnett County AD Fund 6587 Veron David 6588 Harnett County School Fund 6589 Dorothy A. Dollar 6590 Thad H. Pope 6591 Lillington FCS 6592 L. E. Bottiglier, P. M. 6593 American Red Cross 6594 Supt. of Documents 6595 Harnett County AFCDC Fund 6596 Harnett County A. D. Fund 6597 Clyde Ross 6598 Falcon Children's Home 6599 Bessie Lee 6600 Mrs. D. C. McKinney 6601 Mrs. Steve Gentry 6602 Galcon Children's Home 6603 Mrs. Glenn C. Smith 6604 Mrs. David Ferrell 6605 W. J. Cotton, Jr. 6606 The Daily Record 6607 Woodall & McCormick 6608 Randy Sturgill 6609 Leon's Esso Service 6610 Erwin Gulf Service 6611 Blade Warren Citgo 6612 T. J. Motors 6613 O'Neal Motors, Inc. 6614 Bobby's American Sales, Ltd. 6615 Gulf Oil Corp. 6616 Lillington Tire Sales and Services 6617 Perry Brothers Tire Ser., Inc. 6618 Lee's Gulf Supreme 6619 N.C. Police Information Network 6620 National Police Supply 6621 Lillington Auto Parts 6622 Piedmont Communications Co., Inc. 6623 United Laboratories, Inc. 6624 Dr. A. W. Peede 6625 Data Processing Co. 6626 Case Blue Print $ Supply Co., Inc. 6627 Eastman Kodak Co. 6628 Flora J. Milton Reg. of Deeds 6629 Faye M. Upchurch 6630 The Dunn Clinic 6631 Dr. F. X. Fallon 6632 N. C. Natural Gas Corp. 6633 Baysden's Red $ White 6634 Piggly Wiggly 6635 Modern Laundry $ Cleaners, Inc. 6636 N. C. Natural Gas Corp. 6637 Wilbourne Furn. Co. 6638 Wendy Pulliam 6639 Wade Marks 6640 Miltigraphics Division 6641 First Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 6642 Central Carolina Bank 6643 First Citizens Bank $ Tr. Co. 6644 Bank of North Carolina 6645 Waccamaw Bank $ Tr. Co. 6646 First Citizens Bank & Tr. co. 6647 Southern National Bahk 6648 Mrs. Edwin Boyette 6649 J. Clyde Adams 6650 C. S. Fowler 6651 Jesse Alphin, Jr. 6652 N. R. Sessoms 22,500.00 Balance on 1975 appropriation void 107.10 B. 345.10 86.25 111.35 345.10 233.75 115.00 324.75 223.95 106.60 238.50 215.00 128.60 4,007.08 Title 1 Payroll 9-15 through 9 -26 -75 6,825.92 EJP Payroll 9 -15 - 9 -26 -75 17,854.52 Conti. from Gen. Fund Void 6,062.50 Contri from Gen. Fund 47.45 Title I 200,000.00 Contri from General Fund 65.40 Sept. travel 270.00 Services rendered Bd. of Elections 66.10 April, May, June a/c for Courthouse 8.00 Box rent for box 906 1,000.00 1975 -76 contri. 6.10 Children Today 1,080.91 Contri. from Gen. Fund 349.50 Contri. from General Fund 27.70 Reimburse for expenses 100.00 B. Home Care 596.75 " 9.90 59.40 600.00 364.15 8.00 15.00 5.50 1.70 128.51 2.00 4.90 30.00 13.00 6.52 6.45 10.43 423.89 40.70 200.10 460.50 406.93 6.49 76.10 64.23 12.00 539.50 9.93 202.01 153.13 173.00 25.00 100.00 10.83 38.06 741.63 33.65 44.42 1.56 28.24 20.00 69.54 93.00 88.50 104.00 150.50 121.00 85.00 115.00 25.10 22.70 20.00 25.10 Home Care 11 Reimbursement Dental Bills Travel Law and Order Meeting Legal Notice Health Facility Reg. Mail 74CVD1809 65 hours dispatcher Tire Repair for Sheriff's Dept. 1 Alternator Belt Sheriff's Dept. Wrecker ser. for Sheriff's Dept. Inv. No. 13729 Sheriff's Dept. Inv. 251 Sheriff's Dept. Inv. 1281 Sheriff's Dept. 2240111928 Sept. Acct. Sheriff's Dept. Inv. 2863 Sept. Acct. Sheriff's Dept. Inv. 2 -75 -0071 Inv. Nos. 27502, 27588 Inv. 16889 Sheriff's Dept. Relocated base radio Inv. 71005 Re: James A. Avery 830 instruments Sept. Acct. Reg. of Deeds Office Inv. No. 122 -B 55253 Convention Expenses Re: Walton Inquest Case 7506548 Case Nos. 7500433,7506098,7506643 Per statement Sept. Acct. Co. Jail Sept. Acct. Co. Jail Sept. Acct. Co. Jail Inv. Jail 12980 Co. Jail 2660 Co. Jail Cleaning Dunn Office Sept. Rent Inv. 0497930 186 Food Stamp Transactions Aug. 177 " 208 301 242 170 230 " Soc. Ser. Board Meeting " 100.00 10 days as Courth Officer Bowen Office Equipment Co. „ 6653 6654 Lafayette Drug Co. 6655 IBM Corp. 6656 Juanita S. Hight 6657 Students Supply Stores 6658 Consumers' Research, Inc. 6659 Henry S. Thompson 6660 Harold Lambeth 6661 Patricia McKee 6662yt Fowler 6663 Margaret McDonald 6664 Frazier Roach 6665 Lida O'Quinn 6666 Evelyn B. Howard 6667 Louise Lloyd 6668 Frances McKay 6669 Dr. A. W. Peede 6670 Dr. Jo Anne Burkhalter 6671 Dr. C. L. Corbett 6672 Dr. A. W. Peede 6673 Dept. of Human Resources 6674 Roane - Barker, Inc. 6675 Club Cleaners 6676 Landauer $ Co. 6677 Lillington Roller Mills 6678 Burroughs Corp. 6679 Dale E. Shaffer 6680 Killo Exterminating Co. 6681 N. C. State Library 6682 Bound to Stay Bound Books, Inc. 6683 Shaw's Plumbing Service 6684 Sarah Odom 6685 E. R. Thomas Drug Acct. 6686 Belvin L. Strickland 6687 Machine and Welding Co. 6688 Motorola, Inc. 6689 Brock Chevrolet Company, Inc. 6690 The Dunn Dispatch 6691 Lillington Exxon Station 6692 Carolina Power $ Light Co. 6693 Carolina Power €, Light Co. 6694 Twyford Printing Co. 6695 Sanford Business Machines, Inc. 6696 Morris Wade Sales Co. 6697 Gray $ Creech, Inc. 6698 Storr Sales Co. 6699 Lillington Hardware $ Furn Co. 6700 Lillington Hardware $ Furniture Co. 6701 N. C. Natural Gas Corp. 6702 Amway Products 6703 J. A. Carver 6704 John E. Ingraham and Associates 6705 Johnson and Johnson 6706 Lafayette Drug Co. 6707 Dr. Francis X. Fallon 6708 Cape Fear Valley Hpsoital 6709 Lanier Drug Co., Inc. 6710 N.C. Dept. of Natural $ Ec. Res. 6711 Burt's Boiler $ Furnace Service 6712 Holloman Exterminators 6713 Cummings Brothers Electric Co. 6714 The Sherwin- Williams Co. 6715 Carl 0. Jones 6716 Institute of Government 6717 N.C. Dept. of Natural $ Ec. Res. 6718 Town of Lillington 6719 Sears, Roebuck and Co. 6720 Honeywell, Inc. 6721 Byerly Enterprises, Inc 6722 Strickland Motor Co. 6723 Morris Wade Sales Co. 6724 Carolina Power & Light Co. 6725 Lillington Auto Parts 6726 Storr Sales Co. 6727 Western Auto Associate Store 6728 B. E. Sturgill 6729 Rodney M. Tart 6730 Wayne Curring 6731 Coleman Sporting Goods, Inc. 6732 Louis E. Bottiglier, Postmaster 6733 Payroll Acct. 6734 Payroll Acct. 6735 Harnett County AFDC Fund 6736 Harnett County AD Fund 24.42 7.68 58.23 36.00 13.91 7.50 114.86 33.89 69.12 99.47 3.27 12.10 12.03 69.98 69.62 7.45 304.00 854.55 280.00 37.00 26.40 80.42 18.41 15.50 13.73 34.32 4.40 18.00 713.43 14.20 8.50 154.50 125.00 80.00 52.10 32.50 597.75 39.28 671.22 355.69 3.49 271.44 148.37 28.20 186.75 319.72 14.91 12.56 141.45 32.33 120.41 1,650.00 106.75 10.51 10.00 80.00 1.75 925.32 12.00 8.00 78.82 90.82 33.89 24.20 3,200.00 144.95 156.25 892.00 258.00 150.00 24.77 27.62 12.18 69.18 2.60 29.28 189.80 16.38 4,082.02 10.00 5,470.74 7,431.90 623.90 445.50 Sept. Acct. County Agent 67819 Co. Agent 7AC2970 Travel Expense Inv. 54651 1 yr renewal sub. Reimbursement for Sept. Expenses cutting grass at Dunn Health Center Sept. Expenses Sept. Travel Sept. Expenses Sept. Clinics and treatments for 3 GC pat. Sept. Clinics $ Travel Sept. Clinics Treatment for 3 GC and i S Patient Statement of 10 -1 -75 Inv. Nos. 58094, 58126 Sept. Acct. Health Dept. Inv. 410219 Inv. 26365 Dog Warden 1284185 Sept. order to Co. Library July, Aug, Sept. Services Inv. 10345 828302 822 Co. Lib. Registrar Town of Erwin Oct. Rent D00770 C.D. Agency Inv. 30429 Sept. Acct. Aug. 21 Ad, Bids, Sub, CD Office Sept. Acct. Co. Mgr. and Sheriff Per statements 17506, 17508, 17507 1829, 1891 17794, 17957, 538 26190, 28143. Reg. of Deeds, Co. Auditor Aug Acct. 749, 1059, 1058, 727, 693. Per statements 984220, 984217 Expenses U. S. Senate Committee Audit 7 -1 -74 ending 6 -30 -75 Re: Dan B. Andrews property 70791 ,497787,498508,498359,496848. Re Mrs. Annie Lois Leak Re Brenda Jackson Re Jason McKoy Co's part for Forest Fire Control Service call to Sheltered Workshop Aug. Service for Wire Air cond for July Acct. for Sept. Jan Services 009107 Final payment on F1400 Per Statements Ticket 8194254 Bal on Inv. No 496CM430 Policy 22E5322373 Car Rental for Dev. Comm. Sept. Acct. Police Liaison Officers Per statement 20025 Co. Garage Inv. 119543 Co. Garage 136846 Co. Garage Refund for locks for Co. Garage Labor and materials Co. garage plumbing Refund for error in listing taxes Sept. Acct. for Recreation Program Postage for Manpower Program Title 1 payroll 9 -9 through 10 -10 -75 EJP Payroll 9 -29- - 10 -10 -75 Contribution to the AFDC Fund Contribution to the AD Fund IT 7-508 6737 William Arthur Strickland 6738 Harnett Development Commission 6739 CIBA Pharmaceutical Company 6740 Woodall $ McCormick 6741 Angier Rescue Unit 6742 Coats Rescue Unit 6743 Dunn Rescue Unit 6744 Erwin Rescue Unit 6745 Lillington Rescue Unit 6746 Central Electric Membership Corp. 6747 Warren Bros. Oil Co. 6748 Carolina Telephone $ Telegraph 6749 Carolina Tel. f, Tel. Co. 6750 Saul F. Smith 6751 Lewis Bottiglier, Postmaster 6752 Storr Sales Company 6753 North Carolina Natural Gas 6754 Town of Lillington 6755 Carolina Tel. $ Tel. Co. 6756 Carolina Tel. f, Tel. Co. 6757 Carolina Power F, Light Co. 6758 Carolina Power F, Light Co. 6759 Harnett County AFDC Fund 6760 Harnett County Medicaid Fund 6761 Woodall G McCormick Trust Acct. 6762 Harnett County School Fund 6763 Carolina Tel. $ Tel. Co. 6764 Payroll], Acct. 6765 Payroll Acct. 6766 Harnett County Debt Service Fd. 6767 William Fred Hall 6768 Andrew M. Anderson 6769 Superintendent of Documents 6770 Carolina Power $ Light Co. 6771 Payroll Acct. 6772 N.C. Blue Cross 6773 N. C. Blue Cross 6774 Bank of North Carolina, NA 6775 Carolina Power f, Light Co. 6776 Void 6777 Void 6778 Law Enforcement Benefit and Retire 6779 Bank of North Carolina, NA 6780 Bank of North Carolina, NA 6781 Bank of North Carolina, NA 6782 Law Enforcement Officers' B $ Ret. 37.66 1,500.00 23.00 1,821.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 17.50 2,543.30 1,032.74 167.29 115.00 1,000.00 170.55 8.88 21.75 471.87 88.51 385.34 1,635.84 185.59 10,539.85 815.00 200,000.00 29.43 8,306.30 6,404.55 5,451.09 198.48 201.48 28.10 5.00 73,089.28 1,491.24 1,229.80 13,281.00 40.56 Void Void 544.44 3,905.56 2,376.95 1,581.95 544.44 EJP balance on Oct pay check for increase Industrial Appreciation Vol 2 of Reproductive System Professional services for Sept. 1975 -76 allocation Electrical membership fees. Sept. Acct. Co. Garage Per Statements Labor and Material Basement of Courthouse Postage for Social Services Dept. 1429, 1257, 1533, 1579 Per statement T1 Contri. to AFDC Fund Contri to Medicaid Fund Bid funds for proposed purchase of prop. Contribution from General Fund per statements EJP Payroll Title 1 Payroll Contri. from Gen. Fund Oct. Salary Books for Manpower Per statement October payroll 043 0012 001 Oct. WH Tax Per statement Employees' LEO Contri. Employees' Ret. Contri. Matching contri for SS Health Lib. CD Manpowe Matching contri for LE0