01061975MINUTES OF THE METING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR MONDAY, JANUARY 6, 1975. JANUARY MEETING The January meeting of the Board of Commissioners was convened on Monday, January 6, 1975, in the County Office Building, in the Multi -' Purpose Room because of the number of people attending the meeting. There was approximately 150 people in attendance. CALL TO ORDER The Chairman, Bob Etheridge, called the meeting to order at 9:35 A. M., with Commissioners Brown, Brock, Cotton and Alphin present. Also present was H. D. Carson, Jr., Clerk to the Board and County Attor- ney Edward H. McCormick. PRAYER Rev. John Steele, Pastor of Leaflet Church, led the morning prayer. MINUTES The minutes from the last meeting were read and approved. DONALD COOPER DOT Donald Cooper, District Engineer, Department of Transportation, came to the meeting. He gave the Board a request from the Coats Fire Department that the front of their station be paved. Mr. Cooper recommended that the Commissioners enact a resolution, making the request official,to his department. The cost of the project would be approximately $2,500.00 Commissioner Cotton moved that a resolution be drawn asking the Department of Transportation to begin proceedings to pave in front of the Coats Fire Department, Commissioner Brown seconded and it carried. The Board then discussed other road matters with Mr. Cooper. REPORT ON LANDFILL SITES County Manager Brock reported to the Board on the status of secur- ing landfill sites, and mentioned the Honeycutt, Wellons, Black and Burgess sites, and commented on each separately. REQUEST FROM BOARD OF EDUCATION JOE HOLMES TIM MCNEILL DAVID HARDISON The matter of the request from the Board of Education was brought to the floor. The Chairman informed those present that no official action would be taken on this date regarding the school issue and he called upon Commissioner Alphin to report to the Board on the status of the issue at hand. Commissioner Alphin reported that meetings had been held but that no definite course of action had been determined and requested time on the agenda for the mid - January meeting to be held on January 20, 1975. The Chairman gave opportunity to any present to speak their feelings regarding the request the Board of Education had made to the Board of Commissioners. Western Harnett, suggested the Board should adopt a proposal that would indicate plans to purchase sites #2 and #1, begin construct- ion on school for Site #1, and then on Site #2. He asked that the Commissioners look at the facts in determining that Site #1 should be given priority. President of Student Council, Benhaven School, gave the Commission- ers a petition signed by the students and faculty from his school, asking that the Board adopt the proposal of the Board of Education. answered in support of the words spoken and suggested that the County buy three sites at once and get construction begun, that the people of Area #1 were neither migrant nor irresponsible, but were only transitory in part with evident needs. CECIL HARKEY Pastor Gourd Springs, concurred with what had been said. JOHN FOY TOM HAYES, L. P. THOMAS Pastor Cameron Hill Pres. Church, concurred with what had been said, and said we should love our neighbors and should, if they were not, help them to be productive. Pastor Hillman Grove, said the Board should take a stand, be men of conviction and quit playing politics with the school system. agrees with the things that had been said, said Harnett County citizens had already been hurt by not improving the facilities of education. JAMES LASSEY Pastor Bethel Church, said Site #1 should have first priority because of the continual growth in that area. CHARLOTTE LEQUIRE said the County should make it possible to bring the grade level up and provide quality education. (Mrs. Lequire is a school teacher). DORIS BROWN spoke in favor of obtaining special education for the children. ALMA HOLMES was in favor of the general feeling, as spoken, of the gathering. 364 COMMISSIONER GILBERT BROWN • spoke, saying he was in agreement with:the things that had been spoken and said he was willing to wait to seethe action taken at the mid -month meeting of the Board. CHAIRMAN ETHERIDGE expressed the appreciation of the Board to those present who had come in support of the request of the Board of Education, and said that 1975 was to be the year to begin. REV. FOY spoke again, quoting from the Preamble td the Constitution. MR. HARDISON asked why the decision to buy the sites could not be made sooner than two weeks, that his work kept him from coming to all the meetings. JANE LINN asked about the delay in the decision. CHARLOTTE LEQUIRE requested a copy of the report of the Commission's Report made avail able some 9 months ago. BILL SHAW MRS. H.M. CAGLE GENEVIEVE COX said Area #1 had no representation on the Standing Committee, and felt that this was not in their best interest. also thought that representation from Site #1, should be on the Committee. wanted to know the feelings of the Commissioners. ELIZABETH GRAHAM complimented Commissioner Brown and Alex Cameron of the School Board for their.support of the issue. MR. HARDISON said that any they had asked for help from even the Sheriff's Office on certain matters that directly related, they did not re- ceive satisfactory service. He said he felt the people of Area #1 were completely without representation and that they felt fear- ful of their situation. CHARLES MOYERS CECIL HARKEY JAMES LASSEY LARRY HOWARD RICKY TAYLOR JOAN GREEN requested something be done for the area in respect to service and education. related an incident that involved the law enforcement area, and went on to say the area, in his opinion, was being neglected. said if the committee decided to build on Site #2 or Site #3, what would keep their children (the children from Site or Area #1) from being bused all over the county. He felt this would definite- ly be a bad idea. said the Board of Education should decide the location of the schools and it was merely the responsibility of the Commissioners to approve the sites chosen already. Senior from Benhaven, told how their shcool had suffered from vandals and thought that better facilities would remedy the sit- uation to a great degree, basing his opinion oil those areas of the State having newer facilities. said she had four children, three of whom were in class in huts and the other one in a class set up on the stage of the auditor- ium and that the physical surroundings discouraged overall learning abilities. BO13 DOBERSTEIN asked if the possibility of a county -wide water system would be a major factor in deciding to build on Site #2. BILL SHAW said he felt the group had gotten their idea across sufficiently and that many of them would be returning to the mid- January meet- ing to see the outcome of the request of the Board of Education to the Board of Commissioners. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COUNTY -WIDE WATER SYSTEM Mr. Richard Moore, speaking for Moore - Gardner and Associates came to the Board meeting. He spoke to the Board, giving a report on the progress of the entire project from its inception. He said that in order for the county to create a vehicle that would give access to all areas of the county, it would be necessary to modify the paper work that his firm would need more time to prepare this work and have time to meetiagain with the County Pinning Board. Mr. Casey Fowler, Chairman of the Planning Board, then requested permission to appear before the Board at the meeting held Feb. 3, 1975 in regards to the Water System, so that the Planning Board and Moore- Gardner could bring the matter again to the Board. AGENDA AND DOCKET "YSTEM The Agenda and Docket System was introduced to the Board by the Chairman and he asked for the response of the Board. Commissioner Alphin moved the policy be adopted, Commissioner Cotton seconded the motion. Commissioner Brown indicated that he favored it in part, and said he feared it might turn out to be like our present court system. Upon put to vote, it carried unanimously. POL ICY ON PROCEDURE FOR CONSIDERATION OF BUSINESS BEFORE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: AGENDA AND THE DOCKET THAT, WHEREAS, public interest has been expressed in advance notice of matters pending before the Board of Commissioners; and WHEREAS, The Commissioners recognize thatmajor matters involving a substantial expenditure of public funds or a change in policy should be publicized so that interested citizens may appear and be heard; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board od Commissioners of Harnett County that: 1. DOCKET SYSTEM ESTABLISHED. A docket for matters herein designated shall be established and maintained for the use and benefit of the Board of Commissioners. 2. MANDATORY DOCKET ITEMS. The following items shall be docketed at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which action is taken: (a) Items of business that involve an expenditure of public funds. (b) Items of business that involve a policy change by the Board. Provided however, an exception to this rule may be made by the Board where it is in the interest of Harnett County to expedite a matter and a delay would be harmful. 3. PERMISSABLE DOCKET ITEMS. Any matter in which any Commissioner has an interest and desires a periodic report may be placed on the docket. 4. AGENDA. The agenda for a meeting shall contain, in addition to usual matters, a section under old business for docket items to be acted on at that meeting and shall list each such item by docket number and subject. 5. PROCEDURE FOR DOCKETING. (a) Request to Docket.- Items shall he placed on the docket at the request of the Chairman, any Commissioner or the Manager. (b) Item Identification. Each item shall he assigned a number that reflects the month and year it was placed on the docket and its chronological order. The Clerk to the Board is responsible for developing such a system. (c) Docketing Log and Sheets. The Clerk to the Board shall enter items on the docket upon proper request and shall maintain in an appropriate book a chronological log listing all docketed items. In addition, a separate page or sheet for each docketed item shall be maintained in the docket book for summary entries of nonconfidential information received, nonconfidential reports made and Board action taken. Entries shall be made on the summary sheet from at least the following sources: (1) Board- per-minutes. (2) Chairman of the Board. (3) Any Commissioner. (4) Manager. (d) Removal from the Docket. A matter shall be removed from the docket by the Clerk to the Board after a final disposition of the matter has been made and a final report has been made to the Board. (e) Reports. The manager shall, on a monthly basis, within a reasonable time after the end of the month, prepare or cause to be prepared from the docket sheets a summary of all information received or action taken since his previous monthly report to the Board. In addition, the report may contain such recomm- endations regarding matters for Board action as the manager deems appropriate. 6. PUBLIC DISSEMINATION. The docket is to be open to the public and the News Media at all times during regular business hours and it along with the docket sheets are available for inspection. 7. EFFECTIVE. This policy is effective upon adoption by the board. Adopted this the 6th day of January, 1975. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS /s/ Bobby R. Etheridge Bobby Etheridge, Chairman Voting For 6 Voting Against 0 JAMES KIER DEPT. OF NATURAL AND ECON. RESOURCES James Kier from the Department of Natural and Economic Resources came before the Board to present an overlay type map of the County, showing all township divisions, locations of special districts, fire districts, landfill sites and municipality boundaries. The Board expressed great appreciation for the map. Set meeting dates Mr. Kier said he needed to establish meeting times and dates for the Commissioners for public outreach purposes and that he needed to set, up a meeting with elected officials county -wide. TAX COLLECTOR W. Earl Jones, Tax Collector, made a report of his activities for the month of December, 1974. X366 TAX SUPERVISOR Thomas Allen, Tax Supervisor, reported on the progress of listing taxes in the county. Time Extensions (XEROX PURCHASE PUBLIC SALE He presented two requests for extension of time until March 31, 1975 for listing taxes for the following'companies: Johnson Stores, Inc. Exxon Company Commissioner Cotton moved the extensions be granted, Commissioner Cotton seconded the move and it passed. The County Manager requested permission from the Board to purchase or secure a Xerox Machine #660 on a 30 -day trial basis, to deter- mine if the purchase was feasible. He made the request due to the copy work necessary to his operation. Commissioner Brown moved the request be granted, Commissioner Cotton seconded and the issue passed. The Board was informed that a public sale was scheduled for January 25, 1975, 12 noon, with B. E. Sturgill in charge. Items being offered for sale are 1 car, 1 truck, some gas tanks and one air compressor. INDEXING SYSTEM The County Manager reported to the Board on the indexing system. He informed the Board that the major cost would be the labor and the cost of the books and cards would be approximately $300. Comm- issioner Alphin moved that the indexing system be adopted, to begin as of January 1, 1950, and that the manager implement the project. Commissioner Cotton seconded the motion and it carried. REPAIRS TO COURTHOUSE The Manager reported on the work and repairs being done to the Courthouse so that the Magistrate Office will be moved to better quarters. PURCHASING SYSTEM The Manager told the Board that the Local Government Commission, was going to assist in setting up a purchasing system for the County, and that a report would be available when the materials were received. GAS PUMPS Regarding the gas pumps for the County Garage, prices are being secured by the Manager on the gas pump system for the Garage. TAX & WELFARE LIEN REPORT The Tax & Welfare Lien Report was made by Ed McCormick, and is hereby made a part of the minutes of the County: COLLECTION ON TAX SUITS Ward, Ellis & Ruby Tart, Marvin D. Thompson, Weldon West, Mack & Vallie Bagley, Agnes House, Wm.Leon Jr. Ella Mae J. Atkins, Brinie COLLECTION ON WELFARE LIENS: Henry Minter Gertrude Ockletree SUITS FOR TAXES COMMENCED 74CvD1633 AC Twp. 74CvD1785 Ave. 74CvD1786 Ave. 74CvD1612 AC 74CvD1634 Ave. 74CvD1806 Duke 69,CvD1056 Lill $100.00 100.00 $200.00 $245.61 263.59 151.67 379.82 155.27 218.17 158.01 $1572.14 $ 15.00 Fee 15.00 $ 30.00 Overby, Joseph R. 74CvD1960 Grove Joseph R. 74Cvd1960 B.R. McAden, Odell & Mary W. 74CvD1986 Jno. United Finance Co. 74CvD1969 Ave Strickland,Wm.E. & Myrtle 74DvD1968 Grove Wilkerson,R.B. -Olive 74CvD1967 Duke Smith,James E. & Rosie L. 74CvD1966 Duke McNeill,Douglas R. & Minnie 74CvD1965 Duke Jackson,Roy H. & Mary 74CvD1964 57'8i29 1,279.78 26.90 15.78 420.36 371.23 $ 20.00 fee 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 $130.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 147.63 10.00 84.08 10.00 Duke 18x&2 42.93 10.00 McNeill,Archie,Jr. &Mattie Ruth 74CvD1963 Duke 113.76 10.00 Brown,Geo. &Lillian 74CvD1987 N.Crk. 82.79 10.00 McAllister,David & Synlvia Meritt74CvD1984 Lill. 320.63 10.00 McDougald,John E. & Mamie McKay 74CvD1983 Lill. 327.03 10.00 Betts,Curtis Allen & Laura G. 74CvD1962 Grmve 83.36 10.00 Elec. Sales & Ser. 74CvD1961 B1.River 2,599.64 10.00 McAden,Warren & Emily74CvD1959 Jno. 100.23 10.00 McKay, Maggie 74CvD1994 Lill. 71.53 10.00 McKay,Howard & Doris 74CvD1995 N.Crk. 251.43 10.00 Matthews, Leonard & Everlee 74CvD1996 N.Crk. 122.08 10.00 Dean, Allen F. & Margie Barbour 74CvD1997 N.Crk. 164.90 10.00 Johnson,Okery 74CvD1998 N.Crk. 74.53 10.00 McLean,Bernes & Mary Williams 74CvD1993 Lill. 183.41 10.00 Patterson,Lester & Loma 74CvD1992 Lill. 135.61 10.00 McDougald,Mary Eliza Cannady,Addie Stone Lewis Algie & Beulah Wicker,James E. & Hazel Stewart,Billy A. & Grace P. 74CvD1991 Lill. 9.83 10.00 74CvD1990 Lill. 37.27 10.00 74CvD1989 Lill. 162.68 10.00 74CvD1988 Lill. 526.97 10.00 74CvD1985 N.Crk. 293.00 10.00 8,627.75 270.00 CALLING A STAFF MEETING The Chairman informed the members that a staff meeting of the Department Heads has been called for January 24, 1975, and that they were welcome to attend. NEW ITEMS: COMPLIANCE WITH FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT The frilowing resolution was presented for the consideration of the Board, and Commissioner Cotton moved its adoption. Commission- er Alphin seconded and the issue carried unanimously. A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF HARNETT COUNTY, N. C., TO CLAIM EXEMPTION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 7 (k) OF THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT RELATIVE TO OVERTIME WAGES FOR PUBLIC SAFETY PERSONNEL WHEREAS, Section 7(k) of the Fair Labor Standards Act'of 1938, as amended, requires an affirmative declaration of the governing body to claim the exemption of said Section in order to make overtime wages applicable to public safety personnel only for time worked in excess of the maximum hours permitted per designated work period in Section 7 (k) as implemented in 29 CFR 553.12; and WHEREAS, Section 7 (k) requires that such a work period for public safety employees shall be at least seven days but not more than 28 days in length for the exemption to be valid; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has, after due consideration, deter- mined that it is in the best hterest of the county to claim said exemption; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners hereby claims the exemption of Section 7 (k) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended, so as to make law enforcement personnel eligible for overtime wages only for time worked in excess of the maximum total permitted per designated work period. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the law enforcement employees of the County of Harnett shall work on a work period of 28 days in length. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall affect only those fire protection and law enforcement personnel who are eligible for the Section 7 (k) exemption, and that the manager is directed to notify all affected employees of this action. Adopted this the 6th day of January, 1975. MANPOWER ADVISORY COMMITTEE NOMINATIONS Relative to persons nominated from Harnett County to serve on the Manpower Advisory Committee, this in response to action by the North Carolina Manpower Council request, and creating in part, a Manpower Advisory Committee, to serve with members from Sampson County, in an effort to meet the manpower needs of the counties. The following persons were nominated to serve Harnett County on the Committee and were officially named by a motion by Comm- issioner Alph and a second by Commissioner Cotton. Upon being put to vote, the motion carried unanimously. Nominations REPRESENTATIVES OF GOVERNMENT -Bob Etheridge, Edgar Myers REPRESENTATIVES WHO ARE PARTICIPANTS IN MANPOWER PROGRAMS- Mildred Taylor, James L. Archie, Nettie Chance PUBLIC REPRESENTATIVES -Tony Tucker, H. M. Cagle, Lloyd Byrd. 368 ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Cotton moved for adjournment and the time was 12:25 P. M. Secre f Std % Chairmav /of'th- Board Clerk to theord MINUTES OF THE. MID -MONTH MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 20, 1975. Mid -Month Meeting The mid -month meeting of the Harnett County Board of Commission- ers convened on Monday, January 20, 1975. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M., with the following members present: Jesse Alphin, W. J. Cotton, Jr., M. H. Brock, Gilbert Brown. Also present was Edward H. McCormick, County Attorney and H. D. Carson, Jr., Clerk to the Board. PRAYER Rev. Bill Ellis, pastor of Long Branch Pentecostal Church, led the evening prayer. WELCOME The Chairman extended a welcome to those in attendance, which was approximately 200 persons, after which the following resol- ution was presented to Mrs. Elizabeth F. Matthews by the Board of Commissioners: e; THAT, WHEREAS, Elizabeth F. Matthews retired as Clerk of Superior Court of- Harnett County on December 2, 1974; and WHEREAS, the lawyers wha - practiced in her Court expressed their deep appreciation for her efficient service by Resolution of the Harnett County Bar Association on Nei:ember 26, 1974; and WHEREAS, the members of the Democratic Party of which she was a devoted member and outstanding leader expressed their "... deep and everlasting appreciation for the more than 25 years of excellent service she has rendered to the people of Harnett County and the State of North Carolina...: "; and WHEREAS, the young, the poor and the oppressed whose causes come to her for decision, found a compassionate lady, a wise counsellor and a fair judge; and WHEREAS, she always strived to base her decisions on the facts and without regard for her own personal feelings; and WHEREAS, she often had to live the lonely life that is known only to those who must decide between contending forces; and WHEREAS, her kind spirit and just manner will continue to be remembered in the hearts of all who know her. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commiss- ioners of Harnett County: 1. That Elizabeth F. Matthews be and she is hereby thanked on behalf of all the citizens of Harnett County for her service to them and for her example in showing all of us that right decisions are born of a good heart, a free spirit and an open mind. 2. That the citizens of Harnett County and all its officials be and they are hereby asked to honor her by emulating her dedication to justice, truth and humility. 3. That a copy of this resolution be given to Mrs. Matthews, a copy to the media and a copy spread upon the minutes of this Board. This 20th day of January, 1975. COUNTY OF HARNETT By: /s/ Bobby R. Etheridge Bobby R. Etheridge, Chairman ATTEST: /s/ H. D. Carson, Jr. Clerk to the Board