12021974;REGULAR MEETING The December meeting of the Board of Commissioners convened on Dec -,! ember 2, 1974. The Chairman M. H. Brock called the meeting to order] at 9:40 A. M. with the following members present: Chairman M. H. Brock, Vice - Chairman C. E. McLamb, W. J. Cotton, Jr., Bobby R. Ether - idge and Gilbert Brown. Also present, H. D. Carson, Jr., Clerk to the Board and E. Marshall Woodall serving as County Attorney. PRAYER MINUTES CHRISTMAS PARTY Commissioner Etheridge led the morning prayer. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. ORDER OF BUSINESS The Chairman reported to the Board that the annual Christmas Party would be held on Friday, December 13, 1974, in the Courthouse, from. 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. DONALD COOPER, DISTRICT ENGINEER DOT Donald Cooper, District Engineer for the Department of Transportation, was present at the meeting. During the course of discussion, he indicated that Harnett County has completed approximately 75% of its allocation for road repair and construction for this fiscal year. The Commissioners were at liberty to discuss road matters for the County. ,SR 1440 RES. TO NAME THE ROAD Upon a request from the children of James E. Norris, more specific- ally from Mrs. Mary Norris Owens from Colonial Beach, Virginia, the, Commissioners introduced the following resolution. Commissioner Cotton moved for its adoption, Commissioner Etheridge seconded the motion and it passed. A copy was given to Mr. Donald Cooper from the N. C. Department of Transportation for the proper procedure and a copy was prepared for the children of James E. Norris. The res- olution is hereby made a part of these minutes: RESOLUTION PERTAINING TO SR 1440, LOCATED WEST OF HIGHWAY 210. WHEREAS, James E. Norris put forth his time and effort some 35 years ago toward the building and construction of this road, and did seek to have the road widened and later paved for the benefit of the school buses that traveled the road as well as for those other county citizens that traveled the road, and WHEREAS, James E. Norris and wife lived by this road during this time and raised their family of thirteen children, and at this present time, many of these same children make their homes along the same road all in the same general area, and WHEREAS, James E. Norris is now 70 years old, and has long since had to cease from active participation in community affairs because of his long life span, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, IN the company of those who are present at this gathering, that this road known as SR 1440, located West of Highway 210, in Harnett County, State of North Carolina, be and is hereby named the James Norris Road in honor of his concern for the welfare of his fellowman. Done in respect, this the 2nd day of December, 1974. /s/ M. H. Brock, Chairman /s/ C. E. McLamb, Vice - Chairman Attest: /s/ W. J. Cotton, Jr. /s/ Gilbert Brown /s/ H. D. Carson, Jr. /s/ Bobby R. Etheridge Clerk to the Board CONTRIBUTION FROM FARM BUREAU AND SOIL CONSERVATION John A. Senter came before the Board in reference to a former appear- ance in which he had, in representing the Farm Bureau and the Soil !. Conservation Service, and had told the Board of Commissioners that the Farm Bureau would contribute $1,000 and the Soil Conservation Directors would contribute $250 towards the construction of a new office building that would adequately house the agriculture farm related offices of the County. He made the presentation of the two checks to the Commissioners. ACTION Commissioner Cotton moved that the two checks for $1,000 and $250 respectively, be returned to Mr. Senter with a great expression of appreciation and a plea for their continued support and best wishes and that the agencies he represented be made aware that the Commis- sioners took this action due to the nature of the building just completed that does indeed house this agriculture farm related agen- cies, and due to the origin of the funds utilized in the construc- tion of the building, and further that the funds used in the con- struction of the building were Revenue Sharing Funds, and as such, 1350 would apply to all the citizens of the county alike anth equal manneY. Commissioner Etheridge seconded the motion and the issue carried, and the checks were returned to Mr. Senter. Each Commissioner then expressed appreciation to Mr. Senter and to the agencies he was representing. THOMAS ALLEN, TAX SUPERVISOR Thomas Alien, Tax Supervisor presented a report of his department, in doing so, presented several requests: 1. Refund for Bradley Co. in the amount of $310.16, repre- senting taxes paid on a tract of land that was condemned by the State in 1973. Commissioner Cotton moved the request be granted, Commissioner Etheridge seconded the motion and it carried. 2. Refund for Ann T. Collins & Katie G. Thomas U.L.R. Township late listing was justified, and request was for refund of penalty in the amount of $6.36. Commissioner Brown moved the request be granted, Commissioner McLamb seconded and it carried. 3. Refund for double listed parcel of land for John & Calvin Wellons, 1.63 acres in the amount of $43.51. Commissioner Brown moved the request be granted, Commissioner. Cotton seconded and it carried unanimously. 4. Refund for Jack Stewart Grove Twp. charged fire tax, but lives in Town of Coats in the amount of $1.35. Refund for Jack & Mary Belle Stewart, Grove Twp. charged fire tax, but lives in the Town of Coats in the amount of $14.51. Commissioner Cotton moved that the refunds be granted, Commissioner Etheridge seconded the motion and the issue carried. W. Earl Jones, Tax Collector W. Earl Jones, Tax Collector, presented a report of the activities of his department and the plans for the coming month. He requested permission of the Commissioners to place a small ad in the news- papers, notifying taxpayers of the duedate for payment of taxes. The Board agreed. He indicated that the summary of tax collections would be prepared and mailed during this week. IE. MARSHALL WOODALL, TAX & WELFARE LIEN ATTORNEY E. Marshall Woodall, Tax & Welfare Lien Attorney, presented the rep rt for November, 1974, as to suits commenced and taxes collected: Morris, Beatrice 74CVD1776 AVE. 275.91 10.00 Corbin, Mary Inez 74CVD1777 Ave. :86.87 10.00 Robinson, Saul & Gladys74CVD1779 Ave. 88.44 10.00 Sandlin, George 74CVD1780 Ave. 244.43 10.00 Smith, Shirley 74CVD1782 Ave. 417.88 10.00 Tart, James E. 74CVD1783 Ave. 126.32 10.00 Tart, Richard T. 74CVD1784 Ave. 55.72 10.00 Tart, Marvin D. 74CVD1785 Ave. 187.68 10.00 Thompson, Weldon 74CVD1786 Ave. 79.57 10.00 Weeks, W..K. & Myrtle 74CVD1787 Ave. 579.27 10.00 Whittington, Leonard 74CVD1788 Ave. 432.47 10.00 Tyndall, Grace C. 74CVD1789 Ave. 237.41 10.00 Arnold, Stewart O. 74CVD1790 Buck Horn 93.64 10.00 Avent, Thomas & Car. 74CVD1791 B. R. & B. H. 174.30 10.00 Scott, John M. and Ze174CVD1792 Buck Horn 92.52 10.00' Steed, Robt. F. 74CVD1793 Buck Horn 214.07 10.00 Baker, Vander 74CVD1794 Black River 23.11 10.00 Baldwin, Felton 74CVD1795 Black River 61.72 10.00 Matthews, G. Ed. 74CVD1796 Black River 1,055.59 10.00 Sharpe, Franklin 74CVD1797 Barbecue 89.98 10.00 McNeill, Bragg & Jane 74CVD1798 Barbecue 206.11 10.00 McCormick, Ronald 74CVD1799 Barbecue 32.68 10.00 Mason, James E. 74CVD1800 Barbecue 137.29 10.00 Godfrey, Dave & Gladys74CVD1801 Barbecue 255.17 10.00 Butler, Bertie Lee 74CVD180] Barbecue 234.92 10.00 Brafford, Boyd 74CVD1803 Barbecue 200.26 10.00 Moore, James etux 74CVD1804 B. River 149.58 10.00 Ragland, Joseph,Wi11ie74CVD1805 B. River 213,64 10.00 House, Wm. L. &Ella 74CVD1806 Duke 155.12 10.00 Hicks, John & Joseph. 74CVD1807 Duke 268.16 10.00 Godwin, Morris G. 74CVD1808 Duke 126.12 10.00 McRae, Melinda 74CVD1809 Duke 30.58 10.00 McNeill, Simuel 74CVD1810 Duke 153.24 10.00 FINAL PAYMENT OF UNION ELECTRIC & TRIANGLE MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR RECESS RESOLUTION TO C. E. MCLAMB ADJOURNMENT RECONVENED CHAIRMAN VICE- CHAIRMAN Cameron, Willie Hugh Dowd, J. W. Godwin, John O. McGaskill, Vera Moore Gilbert, Wm. T. & Shirley S. 74 CVD 1815 Duke 74 CVD 1811 Duke 74-CVD-1812 Duke 74 CVD 1813 Duke 74 CVD 1814 Duke Jesse E. Crane Linwood Ray Norris Ruth B. McLamb Vanker Baker Eunice McAllister J. W. Johnson Heirs Wm. Earl & Rugh Smith TOTAL COLLECTION ON TAXES 74 CVD 1621 Ave. 74 CVD 1607 Ave. 74 CVD 1643 Ave. 74 CVD 1794 B. River 74 CVD 1642 Ave. 74 CVD 1642 Ave. B. Horn 232.44 10.0 193.44 10.0 179.86 10.0 174.48 10.0 250.03 10.0 $7,810.02 380.00 160.45 20.00 274.22 20.00 122.82 20.00 74.08 20.00 83.90 20.00 601.33 15.00 132.77 10.00 $1,450.57 125.00 Chairman Brock informed the Board that the Architect for the office building had signed the documents prior to the final payment of two of the subcontractors fees - Union Electric and Triangle Mechanical Contractor. Commissioner Cotton moved that payment be made upon the recommendation of L.B.C. &W. Architects and Commissioner Etheridge seconded the motion. The issue passed After a brief recess the Board reconvened. The following resolution was presented upon reconvening, to the re- tiring Commissioner C. E. McLamb, as he completed his eigth year tenure of service to the County as an active Commissioner. Mr. Cotton expressed his appreciation to Mr. McLamb, Commissioner Ether- idge expressed his appreciative thoughts to him for his assistance, Mr. Brown offered his appreciation for the privilege of being friends as well as working Commissioners for the good of the County. Com- missioner Cotton moved the resolution be adopted and be made a part of the record of the County. Commissioner Etheridge seconded the motion, it carried, and the resolution follows: Page 352.1 Commissioner McLamb accepted the resolution as he spoke a few words as to his feelings in leaving the position as Commissioner. Commissioner Cotton moved the meeting be adjourned to the Courtroom for the swearing in of the newly elected officials. The Board reconvened at 1:30 p.m. for executive session and at 1:40 p.m. the meeting was made public. Reorganization is as follows: Motion by Commissioner Cotton that Bobby R. Etheridge be named Chair- man of the Board, second by Commissioner Alphin. Those voting yes were Commissioners Cotton and Alphin Co issioner Brown opposed the motion on the grounds that Commissioner theridge sates too young and that he would be difficult to work with. nd Etheridge) Commissioner Cotton moved that Jesse Alphin be named Vice - Chairman, Commissioner Brown seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. COUNTY MANAGER (NOT A PART OF THE REORGANIZATION) Commissioner Cotton moved that M. H. Srock be named full -time County „* Manager, and that he avail himself of the School of the Institute of Government so that he might update his methods of operation and that his salary be updated in keeping with the position. Commissioner Alphin seconded the motion. Commissioner Brown opposed the move on the grounds that it was not the wishes of the people of the county to have a full -time manager, that the two that had been hired pre- viously had flopped, and that due to inflation and high costs, it would not be a good move. Motion passed. PURCHASING AGENT Commissioner Brown moved that the duties of the purchasing agent be ascribed to the County Manager, and that to separate the duties would be a waste of the taxpayers money. Motion died for lack of a second. 352 WELFARE BOARD SOCIAL SERVICES Co mmissioner Brown moved that Jesse Alphin be named to serve on t Social Services Board, Commissioner Brock seconded, Commissioner Cotton called for the question and the issue passed. BUILDING & GROUNDS & PERSONNEL By mutual consent of the Board, these duties were assigned to the County Manager. DOG WARDEN TAX & WELFARE LIEN ATTORNEY VETERANS SERVICE OFFICER ACTION EXTENSION DEPT. 2 -YEAR APPTMTS. COUNTY AUDITOR COUNTY ATTORNEY Herbert Hudson E. Marshall Woodall Jean M. Irvin Commissioner Cotton moved that these appointments continue in the same manner,that is, serving at the pleasure of the Board. Com- missioner Brown seconded and it carried. Commissioner Cotton moved these appointments be continual and unin terrupted, Commissioner Brown seconded and the issue carried. The are as follows: Extension Department: Chairman Agriculture Agent Associate Agent Assistant Agent Assistant Agent Home Economics Ext. Agent Home Economics Ext. Agent Ext. Dept. Secretary Ext. Dept. Secretary Ext. Dept. Secretary Assoc. Home Ec. Ext. Agent Area Engineer Agent James Goff Charles Hammond H. W. Lloyd Robert Rowland Lincoln Blanding Ida P. Hinnant Bettie E. Giles Juanita S. Hight Ophelia McLean Virginia Simmons Mary Helen Jones William Meyer Commissioner Cotton moved that H. D. Carson, Jr., be extended a 1- year appointment as County Auditor, Commissioner Brown seconded an it passed. Commissioner Brown moved that the County Attorney, Edward H. McCor mick, serve at the pleasure of the Board, Commissioner Cotton seco and it carried. OTHER APPOINTMENTS Other appointments will be made final at the next meeting. THOMAS ALLEN, TAX SUPERVISOR ACTION Thomas Allen, Tax Supervisor, came before the Board in regards to tax listing dates for the year of 1975. Commissioner Cotton moved that the tax listing begin in the townships on January 2, 1975, and continue until February 14, 1975, whereupon at that time the books shall be brought into the office of the Tax Supervisor and listing will be allowed there through March 3, 1975, without penalty. Commissioner Alphin seconded the motion and it carried. ded Mr. Allen presented a list of listtakers and county -wide appraiser for the year of 1975 and recommended there acceptance by the Board. Commis sioner Cotton moved for their acceptance on the recommendation of the Tax Supervisor, Commissioner Alphin seconded the, motion and th issue carried. The following personal property schedule was presented for the act of the Board: Commissioner Cotton moved the schedule be adopted by the Board, Commissioner Alphin seconded the motion and the issue carried. Ponies Saddle Horses 1st. Class $50.00 $350.00 2nd. Class 25.00 200.00 3rd. Class 15.00 100.00 Cattle Registered Bulls Unregistered Bulls Reg. Milk Cattle Unreg. Milk Cattle Beef Cattle Beef Calf Other Cattle Hogs Brood Sows $400.00 175.00 225.00 125.00 100.00 to 175.00 65.00 to 100.00 50.00 to 100.00 $ 50.00 Mules $25.00 n NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COw TY THAT WHEREAS, OUR FRIEND AND FELLOW COMMISSIONER, CLARENCE E. ?CLAUB. HAS SERVED AS COUNTY COMMISSIONER FROM DECEMBER 4, t966 UNTIL DECEMBER 2. 1974, AND WHE° EAS. CLARENCE E. mCLAMB MADE MANY OUTSTANDING CONTRIB- UTIONS TO COUNTY GCVEPN.''ENT AS -A COMMISSIONER, SERVING IN THE CAPACITY OF MICE- CHAIRMAN CF THE BOARD CF COMMISSIONERS AND LEADING IN COUNTY PROJECTS. NAMELY, RAVEN ROCK STATE PARK, SANITARY LANDFILL PROGRAM SHELTERED WORKSHOP, REGION- ..'14' _:U'.CIL OF GOVERNMENTS. CAPE FEAR CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING REGION, WHILE AT THE SAME TIME GIVING OF HIS TIME AND EFFORT TO GOVERNMENT AT THE STATE LEVEL AND AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL. AND }INEREAS, 1-tE• GAVE: FREELY., OF NIS TIME. .Y:.LENTS AND RESOURCES. FCR:THE.PROMOTtGN. AND SETTEPMENT ::CF . THE COUNTY- FOR:THE BENEFIT... CF ITS CITi2ENS. AND WHEREAS, HE WAS ACTIVE/IN THE POLITICAL LIFE OF HARNETT • COUNTY, HAVING SERVED HIS POLITICAL PARTY,. THE DEMOCR ATIC PARTY, DIGNITY, INTEGRITY. -A ".D. FAITHFULNESS IN MANY CAPACITIES,. NO* THEREFORE,: 8E IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF CW-iMISSICNERS, REGULAR SESSION - ASSEMBLED -ON- DECEMBER 2, 1974, THAT EACH MEMBERCF THE BOARD CF COMMISSIONERS WISHES TO rEXPPESS AND`CDES HEREBY EMPRESS APPRECIATION AND THANKS ,FOR THE FULL,.I. ACTIVE. AND MEANINGFUL INVOLVEMENT - OF CLARENCE E- .. '14CLAB, ANC 2. THAT A COPY CF THIS RESOLUTION BE SPREAD UPON THE FACE OF THE PERMANENT RECORD OF THE COUNTY OF HARNETT OF THE ACTIVITIES CF DECEMBER 2, 1974, 5C THAT IT MAY BECOME A CCC'.VENTED PART OF THE HISTORY OF HARNETT COUNTY. _::NE IN REVE'ENCE AND RESPECT, THIS THE 2NC SAY CF DECEMBER, 1974. L . { 1 f Z !. rr. -fc ; JR. '-!4c Meca f Hogs Shoats Pigs $ 30.00 to 50.00 10.00 to 25.00 Poultry List all poultry at 500 each Dogs List all dogs up to six months of age as males Males $1.00 After six months of age, list as males & females Females $2.00 Meat & Lard List at 40fi per pound Lumber $100.00 per thousand Dressed lumber $130.00 to $150.00 per thousand Cotton Prior to last years crop at $190.00 per bale Farm Tractors, Electric Refrigeratism, etc. 100% less 10% depreciation down to a minimum Radio Sets $5.00 & Up Guns & Pistols $5.00 & Up Pianos Other Items $25.00 & Up By Agreement Mr. Allen then presented the following brief and land classification for the action of the Board: ACTION Commissioner Cotton moved to adopt the brief and Land Classification Commissioner Alphin seconded the motion and it carried. The 1973 General Assembly enacted legislation giving selected classes of real property, namely agricultural, horticultural & timberland preferential treatment for tax purposes provided the ownership & property meet all requirements. In accordance with the provisions G.S. 105 -277.6 (c) &105 -317 (c) (1 &2) Har- nett County is required to prepare a use value schedule of values which must be adopted by the County Commissioners. This schedule is to be reflective of Market Value as of January 1, 1975, based on the value of the property as it is being used assuming that it is being operated under a sound management program. This schedule was prepared using proper appraisal principles & teories. Both the market & income approach where used in compiling this schedule. Numerlus sales were analyzed to determine what each part of the property contributed to the total sales, Tobacco allotment, timberland & buildings were analyzed & a value placed on each that reflected the current market value of each at the time of sale. This appraisal was substracted from the sale price & the number of cultivated acres divided into the remainder to indi- cate the per acre price of open land. See schedule # II for a further explanation of this appraisal & several sales that were analyzed. Further analyzing local conditions indicates that the average production of corn would be approximately 50 bu. per acre & that $2.85 per bu. based on the 1972 & 1973 prices would yield $142.00 per acre gross income. Net income is estimated to be $27.50. A 6% capitalization rate which was provided in a state wide study compiled by the North Carolina Dept. of Revenue in. 1973. LAND CLASSIFICATION Class # 1 Land $430.00 Tobacco $1.00 per Ib. Class # 2 Land 390.00 Class # 3 Land 350.00 Cut -over woodland 250.00 Wasteland 50.00 Building site and ponds are to be appraised using the 1972 schedule. Sale #1 187.2 Acres Sold in 1974 for $81,000 1 acre home site $500.00 Tobacco Poundage 15,812 lbs. @ $1.00 /lb 15,812.00 Improvements 7,769.00 117 Acres @ 250.00 / acre 29,250.00 $53,331.00 73 4 $81,000. less $53,331. leaves $27,669 for the 70 acres open land or $395. per acre. $27,500 divided by $395. indicates a Capital- ization rate of .0696 Sale #2 25.2 Acres Sold in 1974 for $10,000.00 1 acre home site $ 300.00 2 acres pond 600.00 Improvements 2,710.00 2 acres woodland 500.00 $4,110.00 $10,000. less $,110. leaves $5,890. for 20 acres open land or $295. per acre. $27,500 divided by $295. indicates a Capital- ization rate of .0932 Sale #3 163.3 Acres Sold in 1974 for $60,000. 1 acre home site $ 700.00 Tobacco Poundage 36. lbs. @ $1.00 per lb. 36.00. Improvements 6,595.00 113 acres, woodland @ $250., per acre 28,250.00 $35,581.00 $60,000. less $35,581 leaves $24,419. for the 49 acres open land or $498. per acre. $27.50 divided by $498.- indicates a Capital- ization rate .0552. Sale #4 58 Acres Sold in 1974 for $30,000 1 acre home site $ 600.00 Tobacco Poundage 7,434 lbs. at $1.00 / lb. 7,434.00 Improvements 2,174.00 15 acres of woodland @ $250. per acre 3,750.00 $13,958.00 $30,000 less $13,958 leaves $16,042 for the 42 acres open land or $381 per acre. $27.50 divided by $381 indicates a Capitalization rate of .0721. To Get The Average Open Land PriceFor Farm Use Value Sale #1 Sale #2 Sale #3 Sale #4 $395.00 295.00 498.00 381.00 $1,569.00 Divided by 4 = $392.25 for average farm land. CAPITALIZATION $27.50 divided by $392. = .0701 Capitalization Rate. PROOF QF PUBLICATION BLACK IkIVER- ANGIER RESCUE SQUAD H. D. Carson, Jr., presented affidavits of proof of publication of the legal notice entitled "Results of Black River - Angier Rescue Squad District" as requested in a resolution enacted on November 1 1974, by the Board of Commissioners. ADJOURNMENT The Board was adjourned at 2 ;45 p.m. upon motion of Commissioner Cotton. P r Sec ary C airmen . x:0C -fi Clerk to the/Ho rd ,