06171974280 MINUTES OF JUNE 17, 1974, MID -MONTH MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Commissioners met for their mid -month meeting on June 17, 1974. All members of the Board were present, also the County Attorney and the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners.. The Chairman reconvened the meeting at 7:30 p.m., (as provided for in the minutes of June 3, 1974), after which he led the prayer. The minutes from the preceding meetings of June were read and approved. The Clerk to the Board presented an afficavit stating the certainty of posting the public notice of the mid - month meeting on the bulletin board, and a affidavit of publication of the legal notice in the newspaper. ORDER OF BUSINESS RESOLUTION FROM BD. OF EDUC. Hoke Smith, Chairman of the Board of Education, Robert Jones, atty. for the Board of Education and Alton Gray, Superintendent of Schools, came to the Board meeting. Chairman Smith spoke to the Board of Commiss- ioners and informed that the Board of Education, at a meeting held on June 13, 1974, had properly and legally rescinded the former resolution presented to the Board on June 3, 1974, at the regular meeting and instead were presenting the following resolution for consideration of the Commissioners: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION RESOLUTION CALLING FOR SCHOOL BOND ELECTION WHEREAS, IT APPEARS TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION THAT FOR THE PROPER CONDUCT AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM OF THE COUNTY, AS REQUIRED BY LAW, IT IS NECESSARY TO EXPEND CERTAIN SUMS, IN ADDITION TO THOSE SUMS PRESENTLY AVAILABLE, AND THOSE SUMS PRESENTLY INCLUDED IN THE PROPOSED SCHOOL BUDGET, FOR THE PURCHASE OF SITES AND FOR THE ERECTION OF NEEDED SCHOOL BUILDINGS, TO PROVIDE NEEDED EQUIPMENT FOR SAID BUILDINGS AND, TO THE EXTENT THERE ARE REMAINING FUNDS AVAILABLE, TO MAKE ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS TO EXIST- ING SCHOOL BUILDINGS; AND, WHEREAS, IT IS THE OPINION OF THE SAID BOARD OF EDUCATION THAT FOR THE PROPER: IMPROVEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCHOOL SYSTEM, THAT SEVERAL OF THE HIGH SCHOOLS OF THE COUNTY SHOULD BE CONSOLIDATED TO THE END THAT A MORE BALANCED CURRICULUM MAY BE PROVIDED, AS WELL AS OPPORTUNITIES IN OCCUPATIONAL EDUCATION; AND, WHEREAS, IT HAS BEEN DETERMINED, WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF THE DIVISION OF SCHOOL PLANNING, STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, THAT A SUM OF $15,000,000 IS NEEDED FOR THIS PURPOSE, AND THAT THE SUM OF $3,750,000 IS PRESENTLY AVAILABLE IN STATE BUILDING FUNDS WHICH NECES- SITATES THE NEED FOR $11,250,000 FROM LOCAL SOURCES. AND, WHEREAS, IT IS THE OPINION OF THE SAID BOARD OF EDUCATION THAT THE MAJORITY OF SAID FUNDS MIGHT BE ADVANTAGEOUSLY OBTAINED BY A COUNTY -WIDE BOND ISSUE FOR SAID PURPOSES IN LIEU OF ATTEMPTING TO RAISE SUCH A LARGE. SUM BY DIRECT AND IMMEDIATE TAXATION DURING THE ENSUING FIS- CAL YEAR, OR YEARS: AND, WHEREAS, THE SAID BOARD OF EDUCATION HAS CONDUCTED AN EXTENSIVE INVESTIGATION TO DETERMINE THE NEEDS AND THE COSTS TO PROVIDE SUCH NEEDS. AND, WHEREAS, IT APPEARS THAT A SPECIAL ELECTION SHOULD BE CALLED FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE VOTERS OF HARNETT COUNTY THE QUESTION OF ISSUING BONDS IN AN AMOUNT DEEMED NECESSARY. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. THAT THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BE, AND THEY ARE HEREBY, PETITIONED TO FORTHWITH CALL AN ELECTION OF THE VOTERS OF HARNETT COUNTY TO THE END THAT THE QUESTION OF ISSUING BONDS OF THE COUNTY IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $11,250,000 BE SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR REJECTION AT A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD FOR THAT PURPOSE ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1974. SECTION 2. THAT IT IS HEREBY DECLARED NECESSARY FOR THE PROPER MAINTENANCE, CONDUCT AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM OF HARNETT COUNTY, AS REQUIRED BY LAW, THAT A SUM, NOT TO EXCEED $11,250,000 PLUS THOSE SUMS PRESENTLY INCLUDED IN THE PROPOSED SCHOOL BUDGET FOR LAND ACQUISITION, BE RAISED AND EXPENDED TO PROVIDE THE NECESSARY LAND, ERECTION OF NECESSARY SCHOOL BUILDINGS, TO EQUIP SUCH NEWLY ERECTED SCHOOL BUILDINGS AND, TO THE EXTENT THERE ARE ANY REMAINING FUNDS AVAILABLE, TO MAKE ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO THE EXISTING SCHOOL BUILDINGS IN HARNETT COUNTY. ENACTED AT THE MEETING OF THE BOARD ON JUNE 13, 1974, BEING RECONVENED SESSION OF THE JUNE 3, 1974, MEETING. /S/ HOKE SMITH CHAIRMAN,BD. OF ED. /5/ R. A. GRAY SECRETARY NOTICE OF INTENT Commissioner McLamb moved that the following notice of intent to apply to the local government commission for approval of bonds be given, Commissioner Brown seconded the motion and the issue passed: 'NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF THE INTENTION OF THE UNDERSIGNED TO FILE AN, APPLICATION WITH THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, FOR ITS APPROVAL OF THE ISSUANCE OF THE FOLLOWING PROPOSED BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA, WHICH BONDS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE VOTERS OF SAID COUNTY AT A REFERENDUM: $11,250,000 SCHOOL BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FUNDS, WITH ANY OTHER AVAILABLE FUNDS, ® FOR ERECTING ADDITIONAL SCHOOL BUILDINGS AND OTHER SCHOOL PLANT FACILTITES, RE- MODELING, ENLARGING AND RECONSTRUCTING EXISTING SCHOOL BUILDINGS AND OTHER SCHOOL PLANT FACILITIES, AND ACQUIRING NECESSARY LAND AND EQUIPMENT THEREFOR, IN ORDER TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL SCHOOL FACILITIES IN THE COUNTY OF HARNETT TO MAINTAIN THE NINE MONTHS' SCHOOL TERM IN SAID COUNTY AS RE- QUIRED BY SECTION 2 OF ARTICLE IX OF THE CONSTITUTION. ANY CITIZEN OR TAXPAYER WHO OBJECTS TO SAID BONDS IN WHOLE OR IN PART MAY FILE WITH THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION A STATEMENT SETTING FORTH HIS OBJECTIONS AND CONTAINING HIS NAME AND ADDRESS AS PROVIDED IN SECTION 159 -50 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES OF NORTH CARO- LINA, IN WHICH EVENT HE SHALL ALSO FILE A COPY OF SUCH STATEMENT WITH THE UNDERSIGNED, AT ANY TIME WITHIN SEVEN DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. OBJECTIONS SET FORTH IN SAID STATE- MENT WILL BE CONSIDERED BY SAID COMMISSION, ALONG WITH SAID APPLICA- TION, IN DETERMINING WHETHER TO APPROVE OR DISAPPROVE SAID APPLICATION. Se.o pt. a8c?- Mrs V irginia Currin SOC. STUDIES CLASS BENHAVEN SCHOOL Mrs. Virginia Currin, Social Studies teacher at Lafayette High School, Mr. Marshall Tutor and a student, came to the Board meeting. Their interest as they spoke, centered around environmental control, more specifically in the waste disposal areas, and what could be done. Many suggestions were offered, many statements concerning the matter were made. It,as decided by the Board that plans would be made to meet with the Planning Board as early as possible, and inform them of the poblem and ask their assistance and cooperation in creating an environmental committee for this county. The Chairman presented the contract from Honeywell for maintenance for additions of the Boiler, Health Building, Jail and the New County Office Building for a total annual contract amount of $12,552. per year. Commissioner Cotton moved the contract be executed, Commissioner McLamb seconded the motion and it passed. VOTING DELEGATE TO NACO Commissioner Etheridge moved that Commissioner McLamb be named the voting delegate to the NACoConvention, Commissioner Cotton seconded and the issue carried. The meeting adjourned at /00 p.m. Secretary Clerk to the bard 7282 NOTICE OF INTENT .TOptli DCA `GOVERNIHKI1? COMMISSION':: FOR APPROVAL: OF BONDS.;x�?=r NO cuts-cis hereby given then ^: intention, at the. undersigned to-r:: file an application with the l+++a1;,; Government :.Commissiaa�..Ra^ Leigh,,. North Carolina, fn -1 tsi.: approval. of the issuances 614th sr. foilowiag proposed bonds 01 thsk ;; .County of- Harnett,: North. Caro -•. lina,. which. bonds shall bt.sub ::, ^_ ject: to:the "approval o£the.vo -.. tern -of said County at far ec' -''. endum ....,s $U,250,000 SCHOOL'S B !) a purpose ot'1re lR < -- ,_� with ny4. . wtttF a Y available fiords-, a fretting a�ttionat sc$ooit buildings and school plant des•„`, emcdeling,; enlaaging %. and reconstructingexist- x, big school buildings-anti,. other school plant "tacit— es, and acquiringiuregf `. .= `essary land and lequiptS moment- therefor,;.in.'order 'ta provider addiHonat;� school teetlitfesp,, thew County of Harnet to-. `maintain the nine school term is �'sald Y County as :requlaffi Seetioa 2 of ArMCI. of the Constitutic , j"" .Anyc tizen or taxpayer,'! jects.to said bonds in, % e' or- ,.fn- f�art`may file :with: -Loea ;" "Government , Commission - a% statement, setting:: forth Its jeetions and containing his name- "aad'addtess as provided',ifeSt tion .150 -50 of the General ""',. tutes•at North Carolina, inwhiele; event ;he - shall also Hie- a.eopg'•, of such statement with the na4" dersigned, at• any time':wtt.. seven days from the date of pub- lication - of this Notice Ohjee- lions set forth id said state went will be considered by:said: Commission, along with saidap prieaton, in determining wheth- er to aoprove or disapprove said application, BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS for the COUNTY. OF HARNETT By: - M. H. BROCK CH- -AIRMAN (June 20) g HARNETT COUNTY NEWS LILLINGTON, N. C. 27546 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HARNETT Amount of Bill $ 9•'75- 1, John Burns , Editor of the HARNETT COUNTY NEWS a newspaper published in Harnett County, N. C. certify that the annexed advertisement of Notice of Intent to Apply to the Local Government Commission for Approval of Bonds; M. H. Brock, Chairman' Harnett Co. Board of Commissions was duly published in the aforesaid news- one paper once a week for fr successive weeks, beginning with the issue dated (Signed) June 20 19 74 RNETT COUNTY NEWS ,Sworn to and subscribed before me, a Notary Public,. this cPl2 d y of 19 `y expires 1