12031973r MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ON DECEMBER 3, 1973. CALL TO ORDER The Board of County Commissioners met on December 3, 1973 for the reg -, ular monthly meeting. The following Board members were present: M.H. Brock, Gilbert Brown, C. E. McLamb, W. J. Cotton, Jr. and Bobby R. Etheridge. Also, present the CountyAttorney and Clerk to the Board. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. and led the morning prayer. MINUTES OF" LAST MEETING The minutes of the November meetings were read and approved with one exception to the minutes of the special meeting of November 27, 1973, and pertaining to the authority given Mrs. Crews to implement a change in classification and salary of personnel within her department. That section is hereby amended to read to include the fact that Mrs. Crews did not need the authority of the Board to institute any changes because the changes were incorporated in the 1973 -74 budget which was approved in the beginning of the current Fiscal Year, and therefore authority of the Board at this point was not necessary. FRANK LEWIS RE HB 529 Frank Lewis, Field Representative of North Carolina Association for C0- unty Commissioners came to the meeting in reference to H.B. 529, re- lative to the providing for the levy and collection of a State excise tax on passenger cars due and payable upon renewal of registration under the staggered system and in lieu of ad valorem taxes. The proceeds of the excise tax will be returned to the county on the basis of the number of cars registered from the county. The excise tax will be 1% of the sticker price when new and thereafter computed on a decreasing of value schedule. TAX REFUNDS & RELEASES 1973 PROPERTY SUMMARY: TAX COLLECTOR Commissioner Cotton made a motion to instruct the County Attorney to draw a resolution to endorse the enactment of this legislation and that the representatives and senators be informed of the feelings of Harnett County. Commissioner Etheridge seconded the motion and the issue passed. Thomas Allen, Tax Supervisor, made a request for the following refund and tax release: Otis Parker - Johnsonville Township, request refund in the amount of $22.74. Reason - property charged to Otis Parker rather than to rightful owners for the years of 1971 and 1972. Tax release Otis Parker, Johnsonville Township, 30 -acre tract of land charged to Otis Parker rather than rightful owner for the year 1973. Mr. Allen stated that the full amounts refunded and released would in turn be charged to the rightful owner of the property, therefore there would not be a loss in the aggregate amount of taxes levied. Commissioner Cotton made a motion to grant the refund and the re- lease as presented, Commissioner McLamb seconded the motion and the issue passed. Mr. Allen then presented a 1973 Property Summary: Number of Acres of land 373,724 Value of Manufacturing Property Number of lots 15,480 Total value of Real Property Value $ 108,971,355 Value 72,268,199 $ 181,239,554 Value of Stocks of Merchandise & Fixtures 35,652,297 Net value above exemptbn of pers. prop. 8,659,280 Number of female dogs 1902 Male dogs 4882 Number of Motor Vehicles 26514 Value 33,512,418 Value of personal prop. covered by Items 672,939 Total value of Personal Property 78,496,934 Total value of real and personal property Total value of Corporate Excess Total value of discovered property Total value of all property Total Assessed value of Total assessed value of Total assessed value of Total of Assessed value real & personal prop. corporate excess Discovered property on all property 259,736,488 29,949,609 4,075,410 293,761,507 168,829,408 19,467,244 2,655,169 190,951,821 W. Earl Jones, Tax Collector presented the report for his department as far as he was able to collect percentages and information, due to the closeness of the Board meeting to the end of the month. Resolution from VA Department The resolution in support of state supplement to each county per year in the amount of $1,000. towards the operations of the Veterans Service Office was read for the pleasure of the Board: State of North Carolina County of Harentt WHEREAS, one recommendation of the Governor's Efficiency Study Committee has re- commended.that the supplement to the county in the amount of $1,000. be abolished and, WHEREAS, the Veterans Service load is at an all time.highwith more than 4800 living veterans now residing in our county and approximately 360 dependent cases in Harnett County, and WHEREAS, our Veterans Service Officer renders .a significant support to the Veterans Service program in our county and in the state, and WHEREAS, the withdrawal of this supplement to Harnett County would result in a reduction of the services and would tend to place a hardship on our veterans and their dependents, and would not be in the best interest of the Veterans Service Program, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Harnett, by the adoption of this resolution by the Commissioners of Harnett County, opposes the withdrawal of state support to the County Veterans Service Program and be it also RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County, State of North Carol ina, that the supplement to the Veterans Service Program in Harnett County be increased. Signed, M.H. Brock, Chairman Bar.oard of Comm. Commissioner Cotton moved to adopt the resolution as presented and direct a copy to the State Department of the American Legion, Mr. Bruce W. Honeycutt, Department Commander. Commissioner McLamb sec - onded the motion and the issue passed. TAX & WELFARE LIEN ATTORNEY The Tax & Welfare Lien Attorney had no report to make on collections for the current month. Instead he presented the following resolution for action of the Board: NORTH CAROLINA RESOLUTION AND AGREEMENT TO HARNETT COUNTY RELEASE LAND FROM WELFARE LIEN That Harnett County Board of County Commissioners and the Harnett County Board of Social Services, acting jointly and after investigation, make the following findings of fact and resolve as follows: THAT WHEREAS, Clarnece G. Prince is the recipient of old age assistance authorized under North Carolina General Statute 108 -30, etc.,and that a lien was filed by the Director of Social Services for the County of Harnett against any interest in real estate owned by the said Clarence G. Prince as will appear in the records of the office of the Clerk of Superior Court for Harnett County; and WHEREAS, it has been made to appear that the said Clarnece G. Prince owns a one nineteenth undivided interest in and to a certain tract or parcel of land in Upper Little River Township, Harnett County, North Carolina, more fully hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Transportation desires to obtain a right of way across the property above mentioned and has requested the owners thereof to execute a right of way agreement to the State and they have agreed to so do and further the Department of Transportation has requested The County of Harnett to release its lien against said property upon receipt of the money to be paid by the State unto said Clarence G. Prince for his interest in said lands; and WHEREAS, it has been made to appear to the respective Boards that the sum agreed upon by the parties dealing at arms length with the State will be fair and equitable to the County of Harnett and it appears to be in the best interest of the County of Harnett to so release its lien upon the payment of said funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the respective Boards that the hereinafter described tract or parcel of land be released upon the consideration and payment to the County of Harnett of the sum of money to be determined by negotiation between the owners and the State Department of Transportation; and further the County of Harnett does hereby remise and release that certain tract or parcel of land as described below from under the operation of the lien heretofore filed against the real properties of the said recipient, Clarence G. Prince, upon payment to the County of Harnett by the State Highway Commission of the sum of money as aforesaid; said tract or;,parcel of land is more fully described as follows: °r Being all that land and real estate jntei es- being acquired by the North Carolina Department of Tsportation under and pursuant to that certain right of way agreement entered into by the owners of that tract or tracts of land formerly owned by S. R. Prince, deceases; and being specifically the right of way clain designated as Parcel No. 102, Project 6.801741 in Harnett and Lee Counties. The Board agreed by motion and second to adopt the resolution on the recommendation of the Board of Social Services, who had in fact already adopted the resolution, and upon the recommendation of the Tax & Wel- fare Lien Attorney. Commissioner McLamb seconded the motion of Comm. '. cotton and the issue passed. ANGIER CHRISTMAS PARADE The Chairman informed the members of the Angier Christmas Parade and they agreed to participate. COURTHOUSE CHRISTMAS �r PARTY The Christmas Party fcr the Courthouse was set for December 14, 1973, from three to five p.m. APPOINTMENT TO SS BOARD W. J. Cotton, Jr., made a motion to nominate J. Clyde Adams of Angier to the Social Services Board, this would make the 5th member on the Board and would fill the Board. Commissioner McLamb seconded the motion to nominate, and the issue carried. The Board issued intent to notify Mr. Adams of the action and also the Social Services Board. Cooper, Patrick, Stephenson & Atkins DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION AND SAFETY ROAD PETITION BUIES CREEK. The following officers with the North Carolina Department of Trans- portation and Safety attended the Board Meeting: Donald Cooper, Dist- rict Engineer, D. WT Patrick, Division Engineer for Division Six, Sammy Stephenson, Secondary Road Councilman and Wayne Atkins, Mainten- ance Supervisor for Division Six. Mr. Patrick presented a proposed secondary road plan for the consider- ation and information of the Board. He stated that there was an all- ocation to Harnett County in the amount of $267,503.67 plus some re- maining funds brought forward. He indicated that 10% of the allocat- ion or $26,750.37 be kept in reserve to take care of any additions the Board would request through petitions. He stressed the importance, of being discretionary in the approving of petitions presented. He informed the Board that the construction most necessary in the county was 3.4 miles leading from Highway 210toward Overhills, SR 1121, and that this job would be begun first and would cost approximately $92,000.. He named the priorities determined for Harnett County: 1. SR 2039 1.9 miles in length 2. SR 1143 .9 miles 3. SR 1108 1.3 miles He informed the Board that SR 1103 gun earlier and would consist of 1 ture, for an amount of $67,000. , paving, paving, paving would be .2 miles - $ 38,000. 18,000. 26,000. completed, a project be- paving and drain struc- District Engineer Donald Cooper requested that proper documentation be made of the presentation made by Mr. Patrick and to the effect that he, Mr. Patrick, Mr. Stephenson and Mr. Atkins, had indeed, appeared before the Board and had presented the proposal of allocation. The Board informed Mr. Cooper that documentation would be made of the proposed Secondary Road Plan in the minutes of the County Commissioners and that his office would be furnished with a copy of the minutes. J. W. Wallace of Buies Creek, petitioned the Board for paving in front of the fire station in Buies Creek -34x80 area. Mr. Sammy Stephenson spoke in agreement of the petition as to the necessity of this pro- ject, stating that it could be financed brom the contingency fund and leave a possible $18,000. fund balance. Commissioner Cotton moved to approve the petition, his action based on the verbal agreement of Mr. Stephenson, and requested that the approval be sent to the Raleigh . office in resolution form, Commissioner McLamb seconded the motion and the issue passed. 210 RECESSED FOR LUNCH EXECUTIVE SESSION After reconvening tom lunch, the Board went into Executive Session. SCHEDULING OF SECOND MEETING DURING MONTH A motion was made by C. E. McLamb and seconded by Commissioner Ether- idge that the Board schedule a regular meeting on the thrid Monday of each month, at 7:30 p.m. in the Commissioners Room, Courthouse, and that proper notification and publication be made of this event, and that the record indicate that the purpose of this meeting "si ?h addition to the existing regular meeting on 1st Monday of each month be that it is set up for the benefit of the working people who might be unable to attend the day -time meeting. Another main reason was tha of consolidating the special meetings, therefore doing away with many the special called meetings. The vote was unanimous. REORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Chairman Vice Chairman Purchasing Agent Welfare Board Bldg & Grounds Personnel M. E. Brock C. E. McLamb W. J. Cotton, Jr. Gilbert Brown Bobby Etheridge and Gilbert Brown Bobby Etheridge This done by motion of Commissioner Cotton, second by Commissioner McLamb and unanimous: vote. APPOINTMENTS SERVING AT THE PLEASURE OF THE BOARD Region "M" Council of Government Lee - Harnett Mental Health Authority Cape Fear Criminal Planning Justice Comprehensive Health Planning County Attorney Edward H. McCormick M. H. Brock M. H.Brock C. E. McLamb Gilbert Brown By motion to continue these appointments by Commissioner McLamb, a second by Commissioner Cotton and a unanimous vote. AGENCY APPOINTMENTS SERVING Dog Warden Tax & Welfare Lien Atty Veterans Service Officer AT THE PLEASURE OF THE BOARD Herbert Hudson E. Marshall Woodall Jean Irvin By motion to continue these appointments by Commissioner Etheridge second by Commissioner Brown and unanimous vote. AGENCY 1YEAR APPOINTMENT County Auditor H. D. Carson, Jr. By motion to reappoint for one year by Commissioner Brown, second by Commissioner McLamb and unanimous vote. PERSONAL PROPERTY SCHEDULE Thomas Allen presented the following personal property schedule for consideration of the Board. Commissioner Cotton moved to approve the schedule as presented, Commissioner Brown seconded the motion and it passed. Ponies 1st class $75.00 2nd class 50.00 3rd class 25.00 Saddle Horses $350.00 200.00 100.00 Cattle Registered Bulls 400.00 Unregistered bulls 175.00 Milk Cattle #1 Registered 250.00 MilkkCattle #2 Registered 200.00 Milk Cattle #1 Not Registered Milk Cattle #2 Not Registered Milk Cattle #3 not registered Other Cattle Beef cattle Hogs Brood Sows 50.00 Shoats 30. to 50.00 Pigs 10.00 to 25.00 Mules $25.00 125.00 3 gals. or more 100.00 or 125.00 2 gals or more 100.00 100.00 to 150.00 150.00 to 200.00 Poultry List all poultry at 50* each. Dogs List all dogs up to six months of age as males, after six months of age, list as males and females. Meat and Lard List at 40¢ per pound. Lumber $100.00 per thousand Dressed Lumber 115.00 to 130.00 per thousand Cotton Prior to last years crop at $190.00 per bale. Farm Tractors, Electric Refrigerators, Etc. 100% less 10% depreciation per year down to a minimum. Radio Sets $5.00 and up Guns and Pistols 5.00 and up Pianos 25.00 and up Other Items by Agreement LISTTAKERS AND COUNTY WIDE APPRAISERS: Thomas Allen, Tax Supervisor, presented the following list of list takers and county -wide appraisers for the pleasure and information of the Board: Anderson Creek Averasboro Barbecue Black River Buckhorn Duke Grove Hector's Creek Johnsonville Lillington Neill's Creek Stewart's Creek Upper Little River Clara McDonald Mrs. James Yates Mrs. George Williams Mrs. Juanita West Dixie Perez Reecie Surles Patsy Y. McLean Withie Dewar Peggy Smith Della Stewart Mrs. Thomas Williams Mrs. Mack Reid Hudson D. C. Hamilton Mrs. Fred Cameron Jennie R. Moody Mrs. Cecil Wilkins Lawrie Byrd Margaret S. Roberts Route 1, Bunnlevel, N.C. Box 511, Dunn, N.C. 705 S. Magnolia St. Dunn 905 W. Pearsall Dunn. Route 1, Broadway, N.C. Route 2, Angier Route 2, Angier Route 1, Fuquay Varina 401 E I St. Erwin 106 E C St. Erwin Coats, N.C. Route 1, Benson Kipling, N.C. Route 2, Cameron, N.C. Box 781, Lillington Route 1, Lillington, N.C. Route 1, Bunnlevel, N.C. Route 1, Broadway, N.C. COUNTY WIDE APPRAISERS D. B. Dean Lillington Kyle Harrington Route 1, Broadway, N.C. Tyree P. Senter Route 2, Fuquay - Varina, N.C. Neil C. Cameron Route ], Box 158, Cameron, N.C. B. B. Hudson Erwin, N. C. Commissioner McLamb made a motion that the list of listtakers and county -wide appraisers be accepted by the Board, Commissioner Cotton seconded the motion and it passed. DATES FOR LISTING TAXES The dates for listing taxes were set by a motion of Commissioner Cotton, a second by Commissioner Etheridge and a unanimous vote and are as follows: Begin listing ary 15, 1974, Supervisor's ough March 1, January 2, 1974 and list in the townships through Febru- at which time the books will be brought into the Tax office and listing of taxes will be continued there thr- 1974 with out penalty. RESOLUTION RE DOGS The county attorney was directed to prepare a resolution regarding the licensing tax on the privilege of keeping animals in the county, and bring it to the Board on December 17, 1973, for their pleasure. TAX RELEASE Thomas Allen, Tax Supervisor, requested a release of taxes for N.R. and Inez Sessoms for 6 months tax on 1 lot in Lillington Township, amount of $2.50, by motion of Commissioner McLamb and a second by Commissioner Etheridge. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m. ecre €ary Chairman Clerk to th'e Soard