07091973SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR JULY 9, 1973 is .. SPECIAL MEETING The Chairman called a special session of the Board for July 9, 1973, at 10:00 a.m. in the Commissioners Room, Courthouse, Lillington, N.C. The Board was present in its entirety. .PURCHASE OF AREA #1 - SCHOOL The matter of the land better known as the Area #1 Site, was brought to the attention of the Board. After a lengthy discussion pertaining to this transaction, the Board voted to deny appropriation of funds. Gilbert Brown voted "aye" in favor of the purchase, the other Comm- issioners voted "nay" in favor of the purchase. LBC & W REPRESENTATIVE Bill Gwinn LBC & W representative, Bill Gwinn, presented the Board with pre - liminary drawings for the proposed new building. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Cotton made a motion and ask that it be advertised for McLamb seconded the motion and it Mr. Gwinn then set August 6, 1973 open the bids. to approve the architect's plan bids immediately; Commissioner passed favorably. as a possible date to receive and The meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m. Secretary 7/ 77 C ai of the Board Clerk to t