07051973 (2)160 PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE 1973 -74 BUDGET RESOLUTION JULY 5, 1973 PUBLIC HEARING The Chairman of the Board of Commissioners called the Public Hearing set for July 5, 1973 at 10:00 a.m., to order on that date with all mem bers of the Board in attendance. He informed those gathered tht due notice had been given of the hearing. The County Attorney, Edward H. McCormick, was delegated the authority to conduct the hearing in the proper manner. Those appearing to .speak briefly their opinions and .ask questions of the Board regarding the budget were Beamon Kelly, W. N. Porter, Jonah Caudle. After a lengthy discussion, the hearing closed at 12:20 P.m. ooff the Board * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * 14 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CALLED ON JULY 5, 1973 at 12:20 P. M. The Chairman of the Board of Commissioners called a special session of the Board on July 5, 1973 at 12:20 p.m. with all members present. Secre Clerk to th- Eoard OPTION ON SCHOOL SITE Mr. Alton Gray, Superintendent of Schools, appeared relative to the option running out on school site, Area #1. Action was tabled. PURCHASE OF LAND PRISON CAMP ROAD Commissioner McLamb moved that the county purchase a parcel of land located on the Prison Camp Road, for a total amount of of $4,150.00 provided the transaction could be completed after the adoption of the 1973 -74 budget resolution on July 12, 1973. Commissioner Cotton sec- onded the motion and it carried. RE: RURAL PANEL COUNCIL REQUEST The matter of the Rural Panel Council request for a brochure was brought again to the attention of the Board. Commissioner Etheridge made a motion that the $2500. be appropriated for the purpose of acquiring a brochure, Commissioner Cotton seconded the motion and it carried. RE: MARY STEWART COMMUNITY WATER MAIN In regards to the preliminary application for funds in connection to the Mary Stewart Community Water Main, Commissioner McLamb made a motion that would allow the chairman to sign the application form, Commissioner Etheridge seconded the motion and it carried. RE: CAR FOR SHERIFF DEPARTMENT Commissioner Brown moved to allow the purchase of the auto as requested by B. E. Sturgill, and Commissioner McLamb seconded the motion. After discussion, Commissioner Brown withdrew his motion and Commissioner McLamb withdrew his second to the motion. TRUCK FOR THE GARBAGE PROGRAM Commissioner McLamb presented a need to the Board for an additional truck to be purchased for the garbage program. He described a 1969 second hand truck that would fill the needs, for a price of $900.00. Permission was given to Commissioner McLamb to secure the purchase of the truck. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 1:00 P. M. acz- Secret y Ch irman of the Bard cum Clerk o the'B�oard