10021972(68 MEETING OF OCTOBER 2,1972 REGULAR MEETING MORNING PRAYER MINUTES The Board of County Commissioners net for their October meeting on Monday, October 2, 1972, 9:30 a.m. in the Commissioners Room, with all members present except Commissioner McLamb, who was unable to attend due to the death of his brother, D. Martin McLamb. Also present was H. D. Carson, Jr., Clerk to the Board and Edward H. McCormick, County Attorney. Reverend Berry Barbour, pastor of the Kipling United Methodist Church offered the morning prayer. He was introduced by Commissioner Cotton. The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved without - change. ORDER OF BUSINESS FIRE DEPARTMENT CERTIFICATIONS GA 118 -A provides for Five Thousand Dollar Duty Death Benefit per fireman upon their respective units' certification. Charles Nordan and Thomas Lanier appeared before the Board to request certificat- ion for Black River, Buies Creek, Flatwoods and Summerville Fire Departments by the governing body, namely, the Board of County Commissioners. Cotton moved to approve the certification of the aforementioned fire districts, Ray seconded the move and it passed Attorney McCormick suggested that contracts from the various fire departments and districts between the fire district- officials and the county be reduced to writing and recorded accordingly. Thomas Lanier, Assistant Fire Marshal, indicated that he had been re- quested by the N.C. Fire Rating Bureau to secure these contracts. 'Contracts Vf HSR 1513- CLOSING Lonnie Small and Berles Johnson appeared before the Board to re- quest that .3 of a mile of county road that dead -ends on property belonging to Campbell College, SR 1513, be officially closed to the public. Donald Cooper, Resident Engineer for State Highway Comm- ission, present at the meeting, agreed to accompany Mr. Small and Mr. Johnson to the road and return to the Board and offer a recomm P endation regarding the request. (see recommendation ijfurther on in the record) N'TAX SUPERVISOR'S REPORT Thomas Allen, Tax Supervisor, requested the following refunds: 1. William Thomas Cooper, double listing of VW car, Neills Creek Township, amount $8.26. 2. Ella R. Wood, Averasboro Township, Special School Tax 1970-72, not in the district, amount $69.50. Commissioner Cotton moved to approve the refunds upon the recomm- endation of the Tax Supervisor, Commissioner Ray seconded the motion and it passed. 6 UAMERICAN RED CROSS REQUEST The Chairman read a request from the American Res Cross, Harnett County Chapter as follows: To: Jack Brock, Chairman of the County Commissioners,Harnett Co. From Exec. Committee of the Harnett County Chapter American Red Cr ss. WHEREAS, September 6, 1972, the Executive Committee, on behalf of the Red Cross Blood Program passed a resolution in support of the services to the citizens of Harnett County as follows: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Harnett County Chapter of the American Red Cross do hereby ask for a contribution in the amount of $1,000.00 from the Harnett County Commissioners to assure the continuation of the American Red Cross Blood Program in Harnett County for the coming year of 1972 and 1973. The executive Committee of the Harnett County Chapter of the American Red Cross greatly appreciates the County Commissioners considering this request. Signed - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, Earl H. Mahone, Finance Chairman: J. Clyde. Adams Chairman: H. D. Mabe, Jr., M. D. Vice Chairman: Jerry Bryant, County Blood Chair- man: J. Ray Israel, M. D., Medical Director the Blood Program. Commissioner Ray made a motion to approve the request from the Am- erican Red Cross, Commissioner Cotton seconded the motion and it carried. RESOLUTION FROM HARNETT COUNTY PLANNING BOARD Casey Fowler, Chairman of the HC Planning Board, presented the foll- owing resolution for the pleasure of the Board: Harnett County Planning Board - Resolution The Harnett County Planning Board recognized the need for wise, planned land use. We realize that land use decisions must be made and should be based on sound, accurate information. We understand that this information is contained in a detailed soil survey. Some of the reasons Harnett County needs this in- formation are enumerated below: 69 (1) SOIL DIVERSITY. Harnett County is situated geographically so that it has a wide variety of soils. There are Coastal Plain soils, Piedmont soils, and the excessively well drained soils of the Sandhills. There are many different soils with varied problems in agriculture, industry, and urban development. We feel that a detailed soil survey is the best method of obtaining the information needed to deal with these problems. (2) REGIONAL PLANNING. Harnett County is located in Planning Region "M" which is composed of three coun- ties, Harnett, Cumberland and Sampson. A soil survey of Harnett County would com- plete this region since the Cumberland County survey is in progress and the Samp- son County sirvey is being initiated. We feel this is important in the regional concept of planning and in keeping with the State's policy of regional development. (3) SUBDIVISIONS. Harnett County will soon be pressured from the north by Raleigh and the south by Fayetteville and the Fort Bragg Military Reservation for housing developments We have already seen evidence of this in numberous places. We do not want to become a dumping ground for haphazardly built subdivisions. Harnett County needs this soils information to help guide its growth and to protect its citizens from unsuitable building locations. (4) SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL. As we grow, more pressure will be put on our sanitary landfills. We need soils information to help locate suitable areas for solid waste disposal. (5) SEWAGE DISPOSAL. We realize how necessary soils information is in properly designing septic tank filter fields. We need this information to help correct existing situations where filter fields have failed and to protect our residents from the ills of installing septic tanks in areas not suited for this use. (6) AGRICULTURE. Harnett County is still predominately a rural county with our main income derived from farming. We need this soils information to help our farmers produce better crops and to adequately protect their land from erosion. (7) INDUSTRY. Industry is increasingly becoming aware of soils information and its usefulness. We need this information to properly inform prospective industries and to help locate suitable building sites. (8) COSTS. Average costs have been worked out after meetings with representatives of the Soil Conservation Service, USDA. The approximate cost is 400 per acre. This comes to a total of a little over $155,000.00. Spread over a six year period, the total cost comes to $26,000.00 per year. Harnett County's cost will amount to 50% or approximately $13,000.00 per year. These are approximate figures. The cost of publishing the soil survey will be incurred by the Soil Conservation Service, USDA. The people of Harnett County are being made aware of the need for and the useful- ness of a soil survey. This is being done through presentations to the various civic clubs throughout the County. In the event the accelerated soil survey is made, we feel confident that the information will be utilized to the fullest. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HARNETT COUNTY PLANNING BOARD that: (1) The Harnett County Beard of Commissioners are requested to appropriate money in the '73 -'74 budget for the purpose of cost sharing on a 50 -50 basis in an accelerated soil survey. (2) The Harnett County Board of Commissioners write a letter to Mr. Roger W. Montague, District Conservationist, stating Harnett County's need and desire for a soil survey and its intentions for cost sharing in the survey. Respectfully submitted, Casey S. Fowler, Chairman Mr. Montague, accompanying Mr. Fowler, elaborated on the uses and purposes of the survey. He stated that a letter of intent was necessary at an early date to place Harnett County on the priority list for this type of survey. The Board agreed to'write a letter of intent to Mr. Montague, listing the need and requirements of the County for this survey and bring the resolution to the November Board meeting for action. The Board expressed appreciation to Mr. Fowler and Mr. Montague for their appearance before the Board and for the cooperation they were experiencing. CAMPBELL COLLEGE ROAD CLOSING Mr. Lonnie Small, and Mr. Johnson along with Mr. Cooper came back to the meeting from a physical inspection of the road they wished to close. Mr. Cooper, State Engineer, reported to the Board that he had thdeed been to the road, certified that it would hinder no one in any way and would recommend to the Board that they approve the request for closing. Mr. Cotton made a motion to approve the request to close the road made by Lonnie Small and Berles Johnson, based of the recommendatiofn of the engineer, Mr. Cooper. Mr. Ray seconded the motion and it passed. The following road petitions were presented to the Board for black- topping: ROAD PETITIONS 70 MINUTES OF OCTOBER MEETING ROAD PETITIONS cnt. 1. 1.5 miles, 15 occupied homes, dead -end road leading behind Fellowship Church off Prison Camp Road, Lillington Township. 2. #1227, ULR Township, 1.1 miles, 10 homes. Commissioner Cotton moved to approve the foregoing road petitions Commissioner Ray seconded the move and it carried. [RESOLUTION FROM CITY OF DUNN '"BOARD OF EDUCATION fy Notice of Intent A resolution was received from the City of Dunn, for the pleasure and evaluation of the Board. It was in support of the levying of 14 sales and use tax in the spring of 1973 to aid in the revenue needs of the county. Cotton moved to accept the resolution, Ray seconded the move and it passed. The Board, in retrospect, noted that all the municipalities of the County had endorsed the levying of the ld sales tax with the ex- ception of the Town of Erwin. Mr. Alton Gray and Mr. Robert H. Jones of the Education Department appeared before the Board to present a resolution calling for scho 1 Bond election, same to be brought to the attention of the Board at the November meeting. Commissioner Cotton made a motion to accept the resolution, in lieu of any other resolution so related that may be recorded in the min - utes of the County. Commissioner Ray seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Commissioner Cotton made a motion to authorize the Chairman to publish notice of Intent to apply to the Local Government Commissi n for their permission to float a bond issue. Comm. Ray seconded th motion and it passed, allowing the authorization to publish the following notice of intent: NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION FOR APPROVAL OF BONDS NOTICE is hereby given of intention of the undersigned to file application with the Local Government Commission, Raleigh, North Carolina, for its approval of the issuance of the following proposed bonds of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, which bonds shall be subject to the approval of the voters of said County at an election: $7,000,000 SCHOOL BUILDING BONDS for the purpose of providing funds, with any other available funds, for erecting additional school build -' ings and other school plant facilities, remodeling enlarging and reconstructing existing school buildings and other school plant facilities, and acquiring necessary land and equipment therefor, in order to provide additional school facilities in the County of Harnett to maintain the nine months' school term in said County as required by Section 2 of Arti 1e IX of the Constituti This notice was first published on the 2 day of -446r, Any citizen or taxpayer objecting to the issuance of all or any of said bonds may file with the Local Government Commission a verified statement setting forth his objections as provided in Section 159 -7.1 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, in which event he shall also file a copy of such statement with the undersigned, a any time within ten days from and after such first publication. A copy of this notice must be attached to the statement so filed. Objections set forth in said statement shall be for consideration by said Commission in its determinatio of whether or not it may hold a public hearing as provided by law on the matter of issuance of said bonds. TAX & WELFARE LIEN 'AMY. REPORT Atty. Ed McCormick presented the report of the Tax & Welfare Lien Attoruney j1 as follows: Rosa Spearman #71CVD789, Ave. Twp. Amouht $145.46, Atty. fee $20.0 xxxxx7d %dwxiigxxi md %mum 9 €jGROVE FIRE DISTRICT The following resolution pertaining to Grove Fire District was presented for the pleasure of the Board: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, certain resident freeholders living in Grove Township, Harnett County, North Carolina, have presented to the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County a Petition requesting said Board of Commissioners to call an election, as provided in Article 3A of Chapter 69 of the General Statutes of North Car- olina, as amended, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters liv- ing within the area described and defined in said Petition the question of whether or not a special tax on all taxable property in said district, of not exceeding Fifteen Cents ($.15) on the One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) valuation of property, shall be levied for the purpose of providing fire protection in said district; and, WHEREAS, said Board of Commissioners of Harnett County has examined said Petition and finds the same to be in due form and according to law, and further finds as a fact that the same contains the signatures of more than fifteen per cent (15 %) of the resident freeholders living in the area described in said Petition; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County desire, as required by law, to call an election in said Grove Fire District for the purpose of sub- mitting to the qualified voters therein the question of whether or not a tax shall be levied upon the taxable property therein for the purpose of providing rural fire protection in said district as provided by law; NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordered and resolved by this Board of Commissioners for the County of Harnett: 1. That, pursuant to the provisions of Article 3A of Chapter 69 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended, an election is hereby called to be held in that area designated and above described as "Grove Fire District ", for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters therein the question of levying and collecting a special tax on all txable property in said district, not exceeding Fifteen Cents ($.15) on the One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) valuation of property, for the purpose of providing fire protection in said district. 2. That said election is hereby called to be held on Saturday, December 2, 1972, between 6:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., at which time there shall be submitted to the qualified voters in said district the following questions: "In favor of tax for fire protection in Grove Fire District." "Against tax for fire protection in Grove Fire District." 3. That for said election there shall be a new registration of the qual- ified voters living within said district, and for the registration of such voters, the registration book shall be opened from 9:00 a.m. until sunset on each day, beginning Saturday, Novermber 4, 1972, and closing on November 18, 1972. On each Saturday during such registration period such rewistratiosxpezied books shall be open at the polling place. Saturday, November 25, 1972, shall be chall- enge day. 4. That the polling place Route 1, Coats, North Carolina. Belle Williams, Route 1, Coats, T. Grimes Route 1, Coats, N. C. for said election shall be G. W. Hayes Abbatoir, The Registrar for said election shall be Mrs. and the judges for such election shall be Mr. D. and Mr. Dallas Jones, Route 1 Coats, North Carolina. 5. That the form of the ballot to be used at said election shall be sub- stantially as follows: OFFICIAL BALLOT Special Fire Protection Election GROVE FIRE DISTRICT County of Harnett North Carolina December 2, 1972 INSTRUCTIONS 1. To vote "FOR" make a cross mark in the square to the left of the words "IN FAVOR." 2. To vote "AGAINST" make a cross mark in the square to the left of the word "AGAINST." In favor of tax for fire protection in Grove Fire District. Against tax for fire protection in Grove FireDistrict. Facsimile of Signature of Clerk of Board of Commissioners Facsimile of Signature of Chairman of County Board of Commissioners Facsimile of Signature of Chairman of County Board of Elections 6. That said election shall be according to the provisions and laws covering general elections so farm the same may be applicable and that the present members of the Harnett County Board of Elections, are hereby designated to arrange for holding said election under the terms and conditions of this res- olution and in accordance with the General Statutes. 72 7. That the Board of Elections of Harnett County shall cause to be published in the Harnett County News, a newspaper published in Lillington, North Carolina, at least once each week for at least five successive weeks next preceding the date on which said election /is to be held a notice reading as follows: to begin not later than October 28, 1972, 8. The Petition and a map of the District are ordered attached to this resolution. PETITION North Carolina, Harnett County. We, the undersigned resident freeholders residing in Grove Township, Harnett Co North Carolina, in the following described area: BEGINNING at a point (1) on N.C. Highway 55, 0.3 mile northwest from its inter- section with Old Wire Road ( #1006); thence in an easterly direction to a point (2) on Old Wire Road ( #1006), 0.3 mile north of its intersection with N.C. Highway 55; thence in an easterly direction to a point (3) at the intersection of Henry Beasley Road ( #1547) and Road #1532; thence in a southeasterly direction to a point (4) on Road #'1549,0.8 mile northwest of its intersection with Richard Hayes Road ( #1552); thence in an easterly direction to a point (5) on Richard Hayes Road 01552), 0.8 mile north of its intersection with Road #1549; thence in an easterly direction to a point (6) at the intersection of Road #1553 and County Line Road 01551); thence in a southerly direction to a point (7) on Road #1554, 0.2 mile south of its intersection with Road #1553; thence in a southerly direction to a point (8) at the intersection of Roads #1554 and #1556 excluding all property on Road #1554 between this and the preceding point; thence in a southeasterly direction to a point (9) at the intersection of County Line Road ( #1551) and Road #1557, excluding all property on Road #1556; thence in a southeasterly direction to a point (10) on Bailey Crossroads Road ( #1558) at the Johnston- Harnett County Line; thence in a southwesterly direction to a point (11) on Road #1551, 0.4 mile south of its intersection with Bailey Cross- roads Road ( #1558); thence in a southerly direction to a point (12) on Road #159, 0.4 mile north of its intersection with N.C. Highway 27; thence in a southeaste Iy direction to a point (13) on N.C. Highway 27, 0.3 mile east of its intersection with Road #1562; thence in a southwesterly direction to a point (14) on Road #1561, 1.0 mile south of its intersection with N.C. Highway 27; thence in a southwesterly direction to a point (15) on Road #1703, 0.5 mile north of its intersection wit Old Dunn Road ( #1700); thence in a southwesterly direction to a point (16) on Road #1703 at its intersection with Road #1723; thence in a southwesterly direction to a point (17) on Road #1724, 0.6 mile south of its intersection wit Road #1723; thence in a northwesterly direction to a point (18) on Road #1723, 0.3 mile west of its intersection with Road #1724; thence in a northwesterly direction to a point (19) on Highway #55, 0.5 mile north of its intersection wi Road #1723; thence southwesterly to a point (20) on Road #2007,0.1 mile west of its intersection with Road #2011; thence in a southwesterly direction to a poin (21) on Prospect Church Road 02009), 0.9 mile east of its intersection with Henry Parrish Road 02006); thence in a westerly direction to a point (22) on Henry Parrish Road ( #2006), 0.1 mile south of its intersection with Prospect Church Road ( #2009); thence in a northeasterly direction to a point (23) at the inter - section of Roads #2008 and #2006 following a line 500' east of Road #2006; thence in a northerly direction to a point (24) on Cemetary Road ( #2005), 0.2 mile wes of its intersection with Road #2007; thence in a northerly direction to a point (25) on Fleming Road ( #2004) at the bridge over Thornton's Creek; thence to a point 6) on Highway #27, at the bridge over Thornton's Creek; thence in a northerly dire Lion to a point (27) on Road #1563, 0.7 mile southwest from its intersection with N. HIGHWAY #55; thence in a northerly direction to a point (28) on Old Wire Road 01006), 0.3 mile south of its intersection with N.C. Highway #55; thence in a northerly direction to the point of Beginning. This fire district does not include area within corporate limits of the Town of Coats. ty, do hereby request your Board, pursuant to Chapter 69 -251 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, to call an election in said district, said district to be known as the "GROVE. FIRE DISTRICT" for the purpose of submitting to the qualifiedroters therein the question of levying and collecting a special tax on all taxable property in said district, of not exceeding Fifteen Cents ($.15) on the One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) valuation of property for the purpose of providing fire protection in said district. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION AND NEW REGISTRATION INITHE GROVE FIRE DISTRICT, COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA: A special electionwill be held in the Grove Fire District between 6:30 am.and 6:30 p.m., on Saturday, December 2, 1972, at which time the qualified voters in said Grove Fire District shall be entitled to vote upon the question of levying and collecting a special tax on all taxable property in said district, of not exceeding Fifteen Cents ($.15) on the One Hundred = Dollars ($100.00) valuation of the property, for the purpose of providing fire protection in said district. If said election is carried, the Board of County Commissioners of Harnett County shall be authorized and directed to levy and collect in said district a tax in such an amount as it may deem necessary, not exceeding Fifteen Cents ($.15) on the one Hundred Dollars ($1 -0.00) for valuation of prop- erty in said district from year to year to be used only for furnishing fire protection within said district. (3 For said election a new registration of all qualified voters residing within said district shall be had, and the books for the registration of voters will be open from 9:00 a.m. until sunset on each day beginning Saturday, November 4, 1972, and closing on Saturday November 18, 1972. On each Saturday during such registration period said books will be open at the polling place. Saturday, November 25, 1972, shall be challenge day. The polling place for said election shall be G.W. Hayes Abbatoir, Route 1, Coats, North Carolina. The Registrar for said election is Mrs. Belle Williams, Route 1, Coats, North Carolina, and the Judges are Mr. Dallas Jones, Route 1, Coats, North Carolina and Mr. D. T. Grimes, Route 1, Coats, North Carolina All qualified voters residing in said district shall be entitled to register and vote in said election and said Grove Fire District is described and defined in the immediate preceding pages, with map of area attached below. is 5 \ 9 \ o s A 1006 �$ , N t 2 r!y 1532 ! a 1 566 cf ; %' — c N LP I534 � F 1550 Y J. o 1006 ° A :15'55:1 n:\.vyam s V/532 as a9 , / ; 7./ V 5.7 556` 1 55, :5'7 554 5 AirkE 7 63 5d7 -71552 • 0- '554- FMS a 1308 oP /��558 ti 15591 -1 9 , L �5 F77,47-5-77",,, t, A F4 0 f 5 '1 _— , 14� ' .,': 1701 <,, F45 � 2 .8 20p4 COATS a V' 2003 ;i, POP.1,049 _, ' ..,_ 9 o \• /J / uo 1700 \''u 1702 X005 .3%1.-7 o- / . ,\ \i /% 2010, 77 20 \ \ .5 1 853 rn i9 \" 7 12060 J 1 /' '23 i '2007Th 'a t • • 2009 � =z- t1 m '��� isN )14 AS �8 .y y ', _y / 2011 'i SIocom. Crossroads )9.,,2008 2013 1703 ✓u�' .72_'x.:.. .. [1 7I. 17 I7; to • 4, 4- 1 170_ -AS f ^? '7, _7,, 712 1707 ' CAPE FEAR'CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING REGION Mutual Aid Pact The Chairman presented the resolution from Cape Fear Criminal Just- ice Planning Region regarding tile Mutual Aid Pact for the consid- eration of the Board: Resolution authorizing the:Chairman of the Board of Commissioners to enter - into agreements with other political subdivisions of the state for law enforcem nt assistance in emergencies. Be it.resoliED BY THE - Board .of Col aissioners of the County of Harnett. Section 1. The Chairman of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized to execute contracts or agreements with such other political subdivisions .of' th State of North Carolina as to him may seem advisable,pursuant to Section 160 -20r2 of the,General_Statutes of North Carolina,- whereby the parties agree to render mutual aid: and assistance.by the loan of law enforcement officer and /or equipment in time of emergency to include prevention detention or control of civil disorders. (Section 2. Such contracts or agreements shall provide that they shall take effect upon ratification by the governing bodies of each party thereto and record- ation in the minutes thereof.) (Section 2. Such contracts or agreements shall specify when they shall take efflect and shall be presented to the governing board of each party for ratification at its next regular meeting, or at a special meeting called for that purpose but and such contract or agreement executed on behalf of this county whall be in all respects valid and binding on the county between the time of its final executio and the next regular or special meeting of the Board of Commissioners.) Section 3. This resolution adopted on this 2nd day of October, 1972, by the Board of Commissioners of HarnettCounty, North Carolina. /s/ M. H.Brock Signature Attest: /s/ H. D. Carson, Jr. Signature Commissioner Ray moved to adopt the foregoing resolution. Comm- issioner Cotton seconded the move and it carried unanimously. 5- Member Board for SS Dept. The Chairman read a letter to the Board from the Social Services Board, relative to the expanding of the Social Services Board from a three member board to a five member board. Commissioner Cotton made a motion that the Social Services Board be increased to a five member board as soon as practical. Commissioner Ray seconded the motion and it passed. Denim Days in Erwin Wade Lucas invited the Board to attend Denim Days in Erwin, to begin the week of October 2, 1972. RECESS FOR LUNCH The Board recessed at 11:45 a.m. for lunch at Agricultural Extensi n. RECONVENED The Board came back into session at 1:30 p.m. for the purpose of opening the bids for the six police cars for the Sheriff's Dept. The bids were received. The Chairman of the Board, M. H. Brock, ordered that the following facts be entered into the reading of the minutes; that he had no monetary interest in the firm of Brock Chef - rolet, Inc. of Lillington, N. C., but was indeed related to the owners. Therefore, he requested that the Vice - Chairman, D. P. Ray Jr., conduct the remainder of the business pertaining to opening the bids and arriving anjx at and the awarding of the bids. (BIDS W. & S. Motors, Dunn, N. C. 1 1973 Plymouth Fure 1, 4 door $3,366.55 Ss Coats: Motor Company, Coats:,' N. C. - - - 1973 Plymouth Fure III, 360 'cu. in.'4 -door $3,604.35 Alternate Plymouth Fury II 4 dr. 360 cu. in. 3,462.18 Johnson Dodge, Inc., Benson, N. C. 1973 Dodge Polara 360 cu. in Alternate 1973 Polara 400 cu. in. Brock Chevrolet Co., Lillington, N. C. 1973 BelAir Alternate 1973 Impala 3,265.58 3,237.92 3,527.86 3,588.44. ACTION: Vice Chairman Ray appointed a' committee of B. E. Sturgill Commissioners W. J. Cotton, Jr. and Gilbert Brown and County Atty. Edward H. McCormick to meet on Wednesday, October 4, 1972 to anal- yze the bids as presented and therefrom to make a determination. OCT. 5 meeting & Oct. 16. The Chairman informed the Board of the October 5th meeting in Ral. and of the October 16th meeting with the Planning Board, 7:30 p.m. District Court room. CHRISTMAS PARTY The Board discussed the Christmas Party. SERVICE OF RECOGNITION FOR MRS. HARRINGTON The Chairman appointed a committee to plan a service of recognition for Mrs. Inez Harrington, who is retiring from Register of Deeds at the beginning of December, 1972. The committee consists of Comm. Ray, Thomas Allen, Irene Lassiter, Helen R.Crews, Ed McCormick and Patsy Nobles. REQUEST FOR RELEASE OF the TAX Thomas Allen requested /following releases from taxes: Jack Walk, Averasboro Township, penalty for late list by reason of being in the Canal Zone in Armed Forces, Amount $3.18. Mrs. Jack Walk, Averasboro, Township, penalty for late list by Yeason of being with husband in the Canal Zone in Armed Forces, amount $17.10. Commissioner Brown moved to re]eise the above taxpayers from late list penalty in the stated amount, Commissioner Ray seconded the motion and it passed. The meeting adjourned at 2:2 .m. S cr/ ary Ch. ':. t e Board rL �,>G Clerk to the October 4, 1972 The Committee appointed by Vice Chairman Ray to analyze the bids submitted for six police cars, met on October 4, 1972. From a careful determination of the bids submitted, the committee awarded the bid to Brock Chevrolet Company, Lillington, N. C. Those attending: W. J. Cotton Jr., Gilbert Brown, B. E. Sturgill, County Attorney and D.P. Ray, Jr. SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER 16, 1972 Lillington, Harnett County, North Carolina, District Courtroom, October 16, 1972, 7:30 p.m. between Harnett Development Commission, Planning Board, Board of Commissioners, Spainhour -Moore Gardner & Associates, Richard Wallace, FHA and members of Lillington and Coats Town Boards. UTILITY LINE FOR BONDERS, INC. A request came from Tony Tucker that the county participate in a utility line for Bonders, Inc., in Averasboro Township, approximately 200 to 300 feet, at cost of $4. per running foot. Mr. Tucker be authorized to commit the county to this re- quest or project, moved by Commissioner Ray, second by Commissioner Cotton and a unanimous vote RESOLUTION RE: Buies Creek Sewage Treatment Facility. The following resolution was adopted by the Board as a result of a motion made by Commissioner Ray, second by Commissioner Cotton and a unanimous vote: CERTIFIED COPY OF RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AT A MEETING OF SAID BOARD HELD OCTOBER 16, 1972. '" WHHERAS, the County of Harnett heretofore received from the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Middle Atlantic Region, Department of Interior of the United States of America, a P. L. 660 Grant of funds to be used and used in the construct- ion of a sewage treatment facility, old Project No. WPC -NC -280, new Project No. C370280; and "WHEREAS, the County of Harnett has not been advised by the North Carolina Department of Natural and Economic Resources that addi- tional grant funds for said waste water treatment plant project are available to Harnett County by reason of final approval of the 4.5 million dollar appropriation for State matching grants in the Capital Improvement Appropriations Act of 1971 for approved P. L. 660 Federal Grant Projects; and "WHEREAS, the County of Harnett desires to secure such addi- tional funds and it is the opinion of this Board that the County should now request the twenty -five per cent (25 %) of the elitible portion of the project cost matching grant available for its Project No. C370s80 now under construction. "NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: "1. That the County of Harnett does hereby request that the twenty -five per cent (25) North Carolina State Matching Grant for Federal approved P. L. 660 Project no. C370280 for the waste water treatment plant facility being con- structed at Buies Creek, North Carolina, be approved. "2. That three certified copies of this resolution be forthwith forwarded to the Office of Water and Air Resources, Department of Natural and Economic Resources of the State of North Carolina. "3. That the Chairman of this Board be and..is hereby authorized and directed to take such action and execute such documents on behalf of this Board and the County of Harnett as may be necessary to secure the additional funds herein requested." I, Herbert D. Carson, Jr., do hereby certify that I am the duly elected qualified Clerk to. the Harnett County Board of Commissioners' and I do further certify that the foregoing is a true and exact copy of a resolution adopted by a meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett held on October 16, 1972, the original of which resolution is incorporated in and constitutes a part of the official minutes of said meeting. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of said County this October 16, 1972. /s/ H. D. Carson, Jr. Clerk to the Board GENERAL FUND CHECKS WRITTEN DURING OCTOBER, 1972. 8025 Mrs. Enid Pike 8026 Mrs. Leennie Arnold 8027 Mrs. Grady Adcock 8028 Mrs. W.W. Arrington 8029 Mrs. J. E. Bradford 8030 Bessie Lee 8031 Wayne Jernigan 8032 Boy's Home 8033 Cristal Evans 8034 Mrs. David Ferrell 8035 Mrs. E. C. Flowers 8036 Mrs. A. M. Ivey 8037 Margie Johnson 8038 Mrs. D. C. McKinney 8039 Etta McNeill 8040 Mrs. Edwin Morris 8041 Mrs. Herman Tew 8042 Mrs. Joseph W. Wall 8043 Amanda McFarland 8044 Mrs. John Walker 8045 W. W. Arrington 8046 Lafayette Drug Co. 8047 Betsy Johnson Mem. Hosp. Inc. 8048 Southeastern Credit Copr. 8049 M. Cade Covington 8050 Lillington Medical Clinic 8051 Adams and Kinton Nursing Home 8052 Sugg Funeral Home 8053 O'Quinn and O'Quinn 8054 Overby Funderal Homes 8055 Overby Funeral Homes 8056 Erwin Funeral Home 8057 Pope's Inc. 8058 Lee Co. Dept. of Am. Ser 8059 N.C. Fed. Surplus Prop. Agency 8060 Motorola Inc. 8061 IBM Corporation 8062 N.C. Sanatorium 8063 State Comm. for the Blind 8064 Woodall, McCormick & Arnold 8065 N.C.Dept. of Cons. $ Dev. 8066 American Red Cross 8067 Robert M. Hunt 8068 Harnett Co. Sheltered Workshop 8069 Lillington FCX 8070 R. L. Denton 8071 Lillington Esso station 8072 Sanford Business Machines, Inc. 8073 KWH Owen G. Dunn Company 8074 Alvin T. Hansen 8075 Twyford Printing Co. 8076 Void 8077 Humble Oil 8 Refining Co. 8078 Harnett Co. Farm Bureau 8079 Harnett Co. Council of Senior Cit. 8080 J. A. Carver 8081 Margaret Randall 8082 Duro -Test Corp. 8083 Shaw's Plumbing Service 8084 John E Ingraham $ Assoc. 8085 Board of Education 8086 N.C. State Library Processing Cen. 8087 ESE California 8088 Demco Educational Corp 8089 Bowen Office Equipment Co. 8090 Killo Exterminating Co. 8091 Frances Walker 8092 Edwards $ Broughton Co. 8093 Harnett County News 8094 The Daily Record 8095 Lillington Esso Station 8096 Mobile Communication Service 8097 Coats Motor Co., Inc. 8098 Eckerd Drug Stores 8099 Lillington Tire Sales $ Service 8100 Lillington FCX 8101 Layton Supply Company 8102 Burroughs Corp. 8103 Shaw's Plumbing Service 8104 Xerox Corp. 8105 Owen G. Dunn Co. 8106 Dr. L. R. Doffermyre 8107 Dr. J. R. Israel 8108 Dr. J. K. Williford 8109 N.C. State Board of Health 8110 Piggly Wiggly 8111 Johnson's 8112 Dutch Treat Markets Inc. 2.00 182.50 92.50 80.00 89.50 360.00 2.50 64.50 89.50 169.50 89.50 182.50 185.50 265.00 89.50 172.50 124.95 182.50 64.08 80.00 10.00 31.15 200.00 10.00 7.00 75.00 165.80 45.00 130.00 35.00 30.00 40.00 2.79 28.00 40.25 32.50 48.75 112.80 1,089.62 280.00 433.59 1,000.00 101.72 5.82 7.73 75.00 7.72 42.50 5.64 24.82 41.20 Void 38.73 225.00 500.00 50.00 47.68 Comp. bibliography on child abuse and inform C.A.L.M. B. Home Care Foster Home Care B. Home Care Foster home care Sp. money October Care for John Wayne Jernigan B. Home Care B. Hlme Care Foster Home Care 11 B. Home Care Foster Home Care B. Home Care Reimbursement for medical care Rx for Dept. of SS Re: Mrs. Louvenia Thompson Re: Vickie A Bass Re: Miker Roderick Professional services Dept. SS Re: Sudie Butler Amb.serv.Paul Griffin Am. Service Re: Mrs. Pat Ausley Re: Mrs. Omie Moore Re: Gertrude M. Bailey July Acct. Dept. of SS Re: Lola Bowden 3443 CD Agency 2890 7JD 8079 San. Care Co's part for Aid to the Blind July Aug. professional services Co's part for forest fire control. Contri. per min 10 -2 -72 Sept. Jan. Services Co's portion of electric ser. bill. 10 signs garbage program Per 9 -4 -72 statement garbage program 6959 Garbage Program 36175 Bd. of Elections Sept. inv. Bd. of Elections Seminar Greensboro 9418 Dev. Comm 3691301596 2Mo.Qt.Rent 2nd Qtr. Allocation Oct. Vet. Ser. Work Expenses to workshops. 38.44 718746 -Co. Library 30.27 3778 Co. Library 162.00 Serices ending 6 -30 -72 Co. Lib. 5.03 14396 Co. Library 239.31 7988 Co. Library 9.66 Per statement for Co. Library 178.60 603137 9.07 57893 Co. Library 15.00 July. Aug. Sept. Co. Library 26.75 Work in Library 27.83 Sept. Acct. Tax Supervisor 18.00 Ad -Tax Col. 16.20 Ad. Tax Col. 332.55 Sept. Acct. Sheriff's Dept. 100.00 Sept. Radio Service 1.39 Per statement of 9 -28 -72 Sheriff's Dept. 3.53 B287660 Sheriff's Dept. 61.80 1005 Sheriff's Dept. 99.85 Sept. Acct. Courthouse 35.01 Sept. Acct. Courthouse 22.38 2044 -677 7.00 3777 Mental H. Cents 474.47 013558285,013687483,F16594900. 301.16 Sept. Acct. Reg. of Deeds 25.00 Case No. 4950 25.00 Case No. 5400 50.00 Case Nos. 5236,5246. 150.00 Case No. 5246 278.26 Sept. Acct. Co. Jail 21.00 Sept. Acct. Co. Jail 65.58 Sept. Acct. Co. Jail 78 8113 Macks 8114 Storr Sales Co. 8115 Pitney Bowes 8116 American Public Welfare Association 8117 Gray G Creech, Inc. 8118 Child Welfare Leage of America, Inc. 8119 First Citizens Bank 8 Trus tCo. 8120 Bank of North Carolina 8121 First Citizens Bank $ Tr. Co. 118122 Southern National Bank ;8123 Waccamaw Bank $ Tr. Co. 8124 Bank of North Carolina 118125 First Citizens Bank $ Tr. Co. 18126 Central Carolina Bank $ Tr. Co. 18127 Bowen Office Equipment Co. 48128 Board of Education !18129 Students Supply Stores 18130 Mac's Typewriter Service, Inc. 08131 Billy W. Lanier 08132 Edward H. McCormick 8133 Dr. C. E. Roberts 18134 Roy H. Byrd 118135 M. H. Brock 08136 R. A. Gray 18137 Dr. J. Ray Israel 118138 Morris Wade Sales Co. 1,18139 Cavin's Business Products, Inc. '18140 N.C. State Bd. of Health 118141 Harold Lambeth 118142 Winchester Surgical Supply Co. 18143 N.C. Natural Gas Corp. 18144 Cape Fear 1Nsurance Agency 8145 Lillington Roller Mills, Inc. 18146 Twyford Printing Co. 0147 Lillington Medical Clinic 118148 Dr. A. W. Peede 8149 Lafayette Drug Co. 0150 Comma Danieley 18151 Western Auto Store '8152 Town of Lillington 8153 Modern Laundry & Cleaners ?18154 Carolina Power $ Light Co. 118155 Sanford Business Machines, Inc. 18156 Bank of North Carolina NA 118157 James Tyndall Layton's Supply Company ;18159 Elizabeth F. Matthews, C.S.C. 8160 Wlizabeth F. Matthews, C.S.C. $,8161 Jaems Tyndall 18162 William Thomas Cooper 8163 Gilbert Brown jy8164 C. H. Avery 8165 Monroe 018166 Morris Wade Sales Co. 08167 Woodall, McCormick $ Arnold 08168 Brock Chevrolet Co., Inc. 48169 Eckerd Drug Stores 118170 'Lewis C. Rosser, D.S. 118171 Neville, Taylor 8 Associates, Inca `=8172 B. E. Sturgill 118173 Arnold's Body Shop 118174 N.C. Natural Corp. €18175 Xerox Corporation h8176 Void 08177 Dr. C. W. Byrd '8178 Dr. L. R. Doffermyre 118179 Dr. J. R. Israel '18180 Dr. W. D. Moore "8181 Dr. J. K. Williford 18182 Earnest West 18183 Walter Crosland 8184 Cavin's Business Products, Inc. 8185 Pitney Bowes, 8186 Kinlaw Signs 8187 Gray & Creech, Inc. 18188 Morris Wade Sales Co. 8189 Bank of North Carolina 8190 Bank of North Carolina 8191 Central Carolina Bank 8 Trust Co. 8192 First Citizens Bank 8193 First Citizens Bank 8194 First Citizens Bank 18195 Southern National Bank 8196 Waccamaw Bank $ Trust Co. '10197 Bowen Office Equipment Co. 118198 Hogue Electric Company 18199 Winchester Surgical Sup. Co. 118200 Dr. A. W. Peede 7.79 26.59 2.16 275.00 39.11 3.85 9.45 22.05 28.70 31.15 53.90 56.80 34.65 34.65 15.25 2.01 12.26 14.50 22.80 20.00 28.20 21.40 22.80 20.00 20.00 20.55 31.08 17.50 28.44 48.65 17.85 55.00 8.20 419.74 153.00 26.00 64.31 441.52 6.71 93.85 16.07 184.24 829.53 200,000.00 120.00 367.03 38.00 87.00 96.00 8.26 66.00 50.00 109.00 62.54 80.00 1.83 3.53 2.00 10.00 2.96 1,385.10 104.70 87.24 Void 50.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 13.85 23.70 18.00 55.00 19.75 61.79 87.10 64.75 22.75 30.45 32.55 8.40 30.45 31.50 52.50 15.46 33.40 10.19 8.00 Sept. Acct. Co. Jail 5279,5819,Sept. of SS 403921 A G 4083 50637 47691 27 Food Stamp Transactions 63 " 82 " 89 154" 168" 99 " 99 " 58622,58761 Co. Agent 14392 -Ag. Ext. Service 33119 21800 Bd. of Health Meeting " 11 .1 a " It Sept. Acct. Health Dept. 9313 Oct. Statement for Health Dept. Cutting grass Aug & Sept. Sept. Acct. Health Dept. 8477 Health Dept. 1656,1657,1658,1659,1660,1661, Health Nurses 23948 Dog Pound 9536,9537,9538 Professional sertices Professional Services Sept. Acct. Sheriff, Jail, Co. Ext. Service Sept. Acct, Auditor Reg. of Deeds 44723, Ag. Ext. 44971 Courthouse Per Statement Sept. Acct. Jail 8 Dunn Health Dept. Per statements 36163, 36171, 36168,36167,36166,36170,36172. Investment in DC Painting Tax Super's Office as per contract Paints and materials for Jail Acct for Sept. 71- Cvd- 758,71CvD -863 68- CvS0223,68 -CvS- 289,68 -CvS -308. Painting Jail as per contract Refund for error in listing taxes 2 days expenses to Workshop for SS at Chapel Hil 5 days as Court Officer 412932 -010 G011759,Tax Coll. Professional Services B000125 Sheriff's Department B287660 Sheriff's Department Reimb. for Purchase 6048175 Hood Park Light Lense 2175 -2177 Sheriff's Department Per Statement Re. of Deeds 013966402 6137 -6138. Case No. 6083 5528 -6071 No. 5901 No. 5545 Co. Jail Acct. Oct. Sal. 10412 -SS Dept. 314012 -SS Dept. Metal Sign SS Dept. 52150 SS Department G016004.SS Dept. 185 Food Stamp Transactions - Sept. 65 " 87 " 93 " 24 " 87 " 90 " 150" - 59467 - 59729 -Co. Ext. Department Repairs to Oven Co. Health Acct. Re:Varnita Strickland OV ,Reg.Fee. 8201 8202 8203 8204 8205 8206 8207 8208 8209 8210 8211 8212 8213 8214 8215 8216 8217 8218 8219 8220 8221 8222 8223 8224 8225 8226 8227 8228 8229 8230 8231 8232 8233 8234 8235 8236 8237 8238 8239 8240 8241 8242 8243 8244 8245 8246 8247 8248 8249 8250 8251 8252 8253 8254 8255 8256 8257 8258 8259 8260 8261 8262 8263 8264 8265 8266 8267 8268 8269 8270 8271 Ken Black Murphy H. Canady M. Irene Lassiter Louise M. Lllyd Lida R. O'Quinn R.S. Landauer Jr. $ Co. A.H. Robins Company Storr Sales Company Layton Supply Company D.P. Ray; Jr. Carolina Power & Light Co. Bertha M. Taylor Carolina Power & Light Co. Jack L. Slagle Fire Eq. Co., Inc. N.C. Federal Surplus Agency The E. R. Thomas Drug Co. Lillington Medical Clinia N.C. Memorial Hospital Dr. A. W. Peede Dr. Mary M. McLeod Dr. H. D. Mabe, Jr. Dr. James 0. Fridley Adams and Kinton Nurs. Home Eastern North Carolina Sanatorium State Commission for the Blind Butler P, Carroll Drug Co. Chester Bell Machine and Welding Co. Norris Auto and Truck Clinic Perry Brothers Tire Servic e Mrs. C. E. Barefoot Warren Bros. Oil Compay Harnett County News Macks Store Gulf Oil Corporation Strickland Motor Company Bowen Office Equipment Co. Twyford Printing Co. Dr. C. L. Corbett Dr. A. W. Peede Carolina tel $ Tel. Co. Carolina Tel. $ Tel. Co. Lemuel Gregory, D. S. Carolina Tel. $ Tel. Co. Tractor and Auto Supply Co. James Tyndall C. L. Neal, D.S. Carolyn R. Goff Woodall, McCormick and Arnold Lemuel Gregory D.S. Dougald McRae Bank of North Carolina, NA N.C.Blue Cross 8 Blue Shield N.C. State Board of Health N.C. Natural Gas Corp. Carolina Power $ Light Company Carolina Tel. $ Tel. Company Carolina Power & Light Company Town of Lillington Carolina Tel. $ Tel. Company M. H. Brock Harnett Development Commission Bennie Wood Margaret Lois Stewart Carolyn Goff James Tyndall William L. Marks Bank of North Carolina Bank of North Carolina Bank of North Carolina Southern National Bank 11.52 Aug. Mileage 2.85 Exp. to meeting in Goldsboro 1.75 Exp. to meeting in Sanford, Lunch. 2.50 CF Clinic at Duke 6.95 Exp. to meetings Duke and Ral. 10.20 54132 -17 -1. 27.14 Co. Health Dept. 302.70 85347,85897,6609,6685,6843,SS Dept. $ Aud. 5.25 SS Dept. $ Ext. Dept. 15.00 Reg. fees NCACC meeting in Raleigh. 689.42 Per Statements 255.94 Jan & health aide for October, 1972. 9.14 Per statement 18.54 16530 -CD Agency 6.40 3816 -CD Agency 35.00 Oct. Rent. CD Agency. 55.00 Re: Goins, Frederick and Campbell 60.00 ReJoyce James. 15.00 Re: Linda F. Shaw 6.00 F -4164 Baby Ann. 25.00 Re: Lucy Stanley. 7.00 Re: Lucille Barefoot 165.80 Sept. S. Butler 37.20 For James Edward Murchison 923.27 Co's part for aid to the Blind 10.25 E002097 -Bulb. 15.00 Hauling trash from Maple Grove School 34.56 4792 -4879 Garbage Program 218.15 1013,1114,1131, Garbage Program 16.95 41642,52530,Garbage Program 10.00 Easement fee for 5 years, Coats Gar. Pit. 84.57 5752,18320 ,17746,17781,17872,20228,20213. 115.20 Bd. of Elections 1.24 Bd. of Elections 20.35 044813,42352,0973, Dev. Co- mission. 9.41 Service to Car. Co. Dev. Comm. 13.95 Dev. Comm. 58957, 59464. 56.65 9621, 9609, CD Agency 110.00 Sept. M $ I Clin. 160.00 Sept. AP $ PP Clin. 195.87 Per statements. 551.85 220.54 Adv. cost for school, leas adjustment 191.67 Per statements 24.93 400,783, Garbage Program 48.00 Painting as per contract Jail. 235.12 Advance Subsistence 274.86 20 days at 16. per day 210.00 Professional services 97.80 Travel expenses to school 345.00 Services rendered Bd. of Elections. 51,187.80 October payroll. 1,351.21 Group 043 0012 001. 300.00 Case nos. 5528,5545 -Haire and Stancil 34.45 Per statements 21.97 Per Statement 20.00 Per statement. 50.91 Per statement 5.60 Per statement 12.35 Per statement 229.36 11 days Acting Co. Manager, plus travel. 500.00 Petty Cash 90.00 B. Home Care 80.00 B. Home Care 68.14 10 -23/27 work in Bd. of Elections Office 120.00 Painting as per contract Ext. Dept. 81.49 8 days work with Garbage Program 1,685.78 Matching contri for SS P, Health 2,026.71 Matching contri for Gen Emp. and Policement 2,789.64 Emp. ret. contri. 6,827.50 Oct. W.H. Tax 56- 6000306 8O SALARY CHECKS ISSUED FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1972. 9738 +9739 9740 (9741 ;9742 !9743 :9744 ;9745 -9746 +'9747 '9748 9749 ;9750 9 751 r -752 9753 9754 9755 9756 9757 p9758 9759 9760 9761 9762 P763 9764 9765 9766 9767 j9768 9769 9770 9771 p9772 ,9773 9774 ;9775 9776 9777 0778 9779 ;9780 9781 9782 19783 9784 ;9785 `9786 49787 '9788 9789 ;9790 ;9791 9792 ;9793 ;9794 19795 ,9796 ;9797 9798 9 799 9 800 9801 9802 9803 ;9804 :9805 19806 9807 9808 9809 9810 S811 811 9812 9813 9 814 9815 9816 9817 9818 9 819 ;9820 19821 9822 9823 9824 M. H. Brock W. J. Cotton, Jr. D. P. Ray, Jr. C. E. McLamb Gilbert Brown Edward H. McCormick Thomas Allen Lottie Patterson Bessie S. Johnson Rachel S. Korpulinski W. Earl Jones Alice Schmincke Edna W. Butts Jackie J. Denning Wade H. Stewart Edna K. Newton Madie Lee Morgan VOID Madie Lee Morgan L. C. Gregory, Jr. James V. Griffin Burnice F. Temple Roger W. Lyon James E. Turnage C. L. Neal Stanley Byrd L. C. Rosser, Jr. Clyde F. Pate Fred D. Freeman, Jr. T. A. Coats, Jr. Henry D. Hood III Johnny Halcomb Thomas K. Clark, Jr. Billy G. Wallace Rufus H. Parrish Henry J. Jacobs H. D. Carson, Jr. Rachel W. Blanchard Patsy H. Nobles Thomas H. James Lee V. Harris Dories McKoy Chalmers W. Kelly Inez S. Harrington Flora G. Milton Inez W. Sessoms Clyde L. Ross Blanchie W. Raynor Paul B. Drew B. E. Sturgill Ruth Sturgill Gladys Walker Helen R. Crews Emma Lee West Naomi F. Hawley Bodi Glyness Meeks Madeline Hawley Patricia W. McDonald Mary P. Avery Annie Lee Sawyer Sandra B. Dickens Edna C. Langdon Bobbie S. Mize Bonnie B. Beasley Beverly W. Warren Harvey V. Godfrey Marjorie G. Wade Glenn C. O'Kelly Egeta Williams Joyce G Pulliam John D. Davis Jimmy F. Ragland Jane H. Smith Gayle M. Adams Joy L. Dawson Don A. Martin Roxanne R. Ayers Benita J. Beasley Paulette M. Gomedella Robert E. Harrison Emmett J. Allen Carra G. Avery Esther T. Butts Margie Harrington Kathleen Thomas Pauline Sanford James E. Goff 100.00 113.50 120.00 100.00 120.00 300.00 598.56 334.76 335.53 289.22 578.17 353.76 320.64 288.70 696.98 320.51 320.51 310.69 628.90 622.22 390.72 626.37 638.37 594.10 430.72 550.69 570.37 570.01 548.69 482.63 515.66 562.99 564.99 587.81 599.30 750.42 350.55 310.69 339.21 307.30 251.03 282.10 386.29 334.76 270.87 280.19 274.46 237.25 447.09 215.20 168.34 841.34 751.56 414.38 Void 399.49 379.49 465.70 411.91 311.09 320.63 377.04 283.42 407.24 79.14 771.11 577.07 627.18 583.62 648.92 577.34 553.88 506.77 574.05 562.54 746.11 278.24 317.57 458.01 471.31 501.37 188.10 427.59 424.16 443.46 439.37 355.30 9825 CharlecE. Hammond 9826 H. W. Lloyd 9827 William N. Conoley, Jr. 9828 Lincoln Blanding 9829 Juanita S. Hight 9830 Bettie E. Giles 9831 Virginia L. Simmons 9832 Ida P. Hinnant 9833 Ophelia McLean 9834 M. Irene Lassister 9835 Lida R. O'Quinn 9836 Hattie E. Barnes 9837 Rebecca 5. Coleman 9838 Louise M. Lloyd 9839 M. H. Canady 9840 Hoyt B. Fowler 9841 Brenda L. Johnson 9842 Margaret N. McDonald 9843 Alta Pearl Pope 9844 Merbert E. Hudson 9845 Jean M. Irvin 9846 Thomas T. Lanier 9847 Lillian B. Smith 9848 Roy S. Godwin 9849 Corbett A. Coats 9850 William L. Marks 9851 Alvis Lee McKoy 9852 Andrew M. Anderson 9853 William F. Hall 9854 John Jay West 9855 Robert L. Jackson 9856 Virginia S. Warren 9857 Tony M. Tucker 9858 Bessie W. Moss 9859 Muriel F. Cann 9860 Myrtle D. Register 9861 Margaret R. Randall 9862 Flora Margaret Shaw 9863 Janet H. Johnson 9864 Nina P. Bethune 9865 Melanie Beth Hamilton 301.05 401.00 257.20 1 234.85 254.54 277.20 199:10 280.05 215.32 837.54 630.01 582.89 587.98 562.38 669.25 648.17 366.20 345.59 234.79 473.75 430.04 633.27 327.59 71.10 393.49 176.17 144.10 116.60 113.10 104.28 109.02 315.70 755.68 378.10 550.56 577.03 513.18 262.41 161.80 174.97 73.94.