05241972HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW - MINUTES OF MEETINGS. (32 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners sat as a Board of- Equalization and Review for the first scheduled meeting on Thursday, April 27, 1972. Mrs. Elizabeth F. Matt hews, Clerk of Superior Court administered and officiated in the following sworn statement, as taken by each of the following: M. H. Brock, D. P. Ray, Jr., W. J. Cotton, Jr., C. E..McLamb and Gilbert Brown: NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COUNTY T, , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and main- tain the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina not inconsistent therewith, and that I will faith- fully discharge the duties of my office as a member of the Board of Equal- ization and Review of Harnett County, North Carolina, and that I will not "' allow my actions as a member of the Board of Equalization and Review to be 'i influenced by personal or political friendships or obligations, so help me, God. Signed (All Commissioners signed individually) Subscribed to and sworn to before me, this the 27th day of April, 1972. Signed /s/ Elizabeth F. Matthews Clerk of Superior Court. ii dMr. Brock called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. According to the regulations of the New Machinery Act, compensation for the members of the Board must be settled at the first meeting as the first order of business. - Commissioner Ray moved that the compensation for each meeting for each member be set at $20., Commissioner Cotton seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Those appearing before the Board on April 27, 1972 are as follows: 1. Louis Walter Smith, Route 3, Box 170 Cameron, N. C., Johnsonville Township, by letter regarding value placed on block building. The Board ruled no change. 2. Earl H. Wells, Averasboro Township 4opeared regarding house and lots #19 & 20. The Board ruled "no change ". 3. Accountant William Driver appeared before the Board for J. H. Ballance Heirs Prop- erty, Averasboro township as follows: a. Johnston Store & Barber Shop, N. Cotton Avenue, 48 -x140. Rmtadx5kxzxxllxxgxRx kxxxiionaxxRxxuxkxxxxEmpax ixxxRtisxorimakaximuc xx22xtRRx The Board agreed to reduce the pricing of the building from $8,960. to $7,616.. b. Home Furniture Company & Florence' Lunch 28x100 and Davis Grill 19x50. The Board reduced the building from $9,410. to $7.998. is c. Home Furniture Company on East Broad Street, 19x100. The Board reduced the build- I ing from $5,495 to $4,666. d. Farmers Cafe on East Broad Street 19x100. The Board reduced the building from $5,490 to $4,666. e. Norris Glass Co., S. Clinton & E. Cumberland, 25x87, 30x95 and 125x50. No change1. f. Cloverdale Sports Center on East Broad Street 21x84. No change. ji g. Dollar Store on East Broad Street 20x84. No change. 1 h. Boyd"s Auto Parts on East Broad Street, 30x84. No change. 1 i. Joe the Cleaner on East Broad Street, 25x80. No change. I j. Ann's Village Shop on East Broad and S. Clinton Ave. 24x80. No change. k. Charlie's" Bargains & Coats Distributing Company, S. Clinton & E. Broad Streets 95x110. No change. 1. Harold's Super Service on E. Broad Street 65x150 and 50x101. No change. I1 1' 4. Willie Tart for Robbie Ann Restaurant, regards to 2.69 acres and building, Averasr boro touwnship.. The Board reduced the land from $13,380 to $8,845. 11 5. Keith Finch, Duke Township, appeared regarding 35 acres of land. No change. 6. Graham Henry appeared for 24.5 acres land, Averasboro Township. The Board reduced the land from $18,713 to $15,313. 7. Lillie Hill appeared before the board for the E. L. Hill property, Anderson Creek Township, and tract of land with 3 2/3 acres in it, and a building. the Board chose; to correct amount of acreage to 3.3 acres, reduced the building from $10,368 to $9,1318. The 4 lots Mrs. Hill appeared in behalf of, the Board ordered no change. 8. Mrs. Floyd Middlebrook, Averasboro Township, 1 lot and house. The Board reduced ?! the building from $9,362 to $8,426. 9. Jesse P. Warren, Route 4, Dunn, N. C. Averasboro Township, appeared regarding 1.318 acres. There was some question as the correct acreage as listed. No further action 0 necessary. sj 10. Mr. W. R. Miles, Route 5, Dunn, Averasboro Township, Block 1, Lot 14 (Children's; Store) 3/4 East Broad 11x150 and 11x150. Mr. Miles said he owns no walls, just spacej;. The Board ruled no change. 11. Fred Byerly appeared before the Board as follows: 1 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW CONTINUED. To contest the value of his property located 1005 N. Orange. No change. For Leona Drake Johnson, 1009 N. Orange Avenue 50x150. No change In behalf of J. R. Johnson Enterprises: a. 1005 N. Gen.Lee, lot and house 85x180 - $5,818. No change b. 710 Clayton = lot and house 25x150, $1,896. No change. c. 708 Clayton - lot and house 25x150 - $1,765. No Change. 12. Jack Gilliam appeared in behalf of Weyerhauser Company, Plymouth, N. C., Johnson- ville Township, 8000 acres of land. The Board voted no change. 13. J. V. Stephenson, Averasboro Township, Block 83, Lot 3., 704 East Pearsall St., 100x150. No change. 14. Egeta Williams, Black River Township, Box 12, Angier, appeared before the Board regarding the pricing of 1.5 acres of land and building. No change. THE FIRST MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW RECESSED AT 4:00 p.m. RECONVENED ON MAY 4, 1972, 10:00 a.m. FOR THE SECOND MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZ- ATION AND REVIEW * * * * * * ** Chaliles Lee Guy appeared before the Board for Mrs. Mae Jones Guy regarding property at 501 West Harnett Street, 503 W. Harnett St and 209 N. McKay Avenue, Averasb®o Township. No change. 2. J. H. Williams came before the Board regarding rental property in Averasboro Township, 411 E. Broad Street. No. Change. Also, property at 909 S. Magnolia Avenue, 4 houses and land. No change. 3. Harvey O'Quinn appeared before the Board to request a correction of acreages, Upper Little River Township. Acres were corrected. 4. Rachel Crowe Bridgers, Jacksonville, N.C., Averasboro Twp., 1 lot at 111East Edgerton Street. The Board reduced the building valueft.om$7,430. to $5,000. 5. Mrs. Marvin Johnson appeared for Marvin Johnson property, Averasboro Township, 1 lot and building 800 East Morris Circle. Board ruled no change. 6. Joseph Lucian Lucas, Route 1, Erwin, Duke Township appeared for house and lot. No change. 7. Mrs. Lou Jean Phillips, appeared regarding her property located 406 East I Street, Erwin, Duke Township. The Board reduced the value from $3,300 to $2,550. 8. George C. Mitchell, 1 lot Fairfield Circle #19, Averasboro Township, 100x148 average. The Board voted no change. 9. K. W. Ballentine, Route 1, Erwin, Duke Twp. 1/2 acre McKay land. The Board ruled no change. MEETING RECESSED AT 4:00 p.m. May 11, 1972 MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 10:00 a.m. 1. Meredith S. Senter appeared before the Board regarding to property located 503 9th & Loftin Streets. The Board ruled no change. Meredith Senter contested value of 135 acres in Hectors Creek Twp. No change Meredith Senter contested value of 72 acres in Buckhorn Township. No change. 2. Mr. R. L. Bas$ owner of Robbie Ann Shell Station on I -95 South of Dunn, Averas- boro Township, appeared before the Board. The Board reduced the value of the land from $13,890 to $9,890. 3. Joe Johnson appeared before the Board for the property of Stanly Williams, Duke Township, located in front of Tom Byrd. The Board ruled a reduction on the value from $3,390 to $2,825. 4. Wallace Mitchell appeared before the Board in regards to property, 1513.5 acres, located in Anderson Creek Township. The Board ruled no change. THE MEETING RECESSED AT 4:00 P.M. May 24, 1972, MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 10:00 a.m. 1. H. S. McLeod, of Grove Township, appeared before the Board in behalf of 4.4 acres of land which should be only 4.1 acres. Acreage was corrected. 34 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW CONTINUED 2. John Wellons - request for review by letter- regarding property in Averasboro Township. The Board ruled an adjustment from $42,198 to $38,362 on property. In regards to appearance for property located in Stewarts, the Board ruled no change. 3. A. F. Fowler Heirs, letter written by W. M. Fowler, regarding 1 lot Main Street 66 -165. The Board reduced the value of the house from $2,636 to $2,260. 4. G. S. Smith, President of Dunn Investor Inc. appeared before the Board for Dunn Investors, Inc. and more specifically for Bein Jolie Company, Averasboro Township. The Board allowed a reduction on the building from $100,980. to $91,256. 5. Attorney W. A. Johnson appeared before the Board for Lillington Industrial Dev- elopment regarding pricing of lot and building. The Board agreed to reduce value of the land from $10,855 to $7,515. Duke Twp. BY REASON OF THE CHANGE MADE IN the property of Stanley Williams property, /the Board ordered that the following properties be priced according to the change: a. Harvey Minston & Eltah Bass - 2Rxlots 106 N 9th st. b. George R. & Elizabeth Joseph - 2 lots South 6th Streeth. c. " - 9 lots East G. Street d. William Edgar & Vernie Tadlock - 1 lot S 6th Street BY REASON OF THE CHANGE MADE IN the property of Graham Henry, Averasboro, the following property was adjusted accordingly: M. J. Weeks, Averasboro regarding 34.71 acres. No further requests for review , Commissioner McLamb moved to adjourn the Board of Equalization, Commissioner Ray seconded the moyze and the Board adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Thomas Allen, Cl and Review the Board of Equalization