0404197210 MINUTES OF MEETING OF APRIL 4, 1972.. 1 CALL TO ORDER MORNING PRAYER 3 MINUTES K. AUTRY, STATE HIGHWAY COMM. ALTON GRAY, OF SCHOOLS Chairman Brock called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. with the foll- owing in attendance: M. H. Brock, D. P. Ray, Jr., C. E. McLamb, Cotton, Jr., Gilbert Brown, Edward H, McCormick- County Attorney•and11 H. D. Carson, Jr., Clerk to the Board. ,! Rev. John Foy offered the morning prayer. Minutes from the March 1972 meeting were read and approved. Mr. Kenneth Autry from the Highway Commission, appeared tiefore the Board in place of Mr. Cooper and the Commissioners were free to discuss any topic: SUPT. Mr. Alton Gray, Superintendent of Schools, appeared before the Board in reference to a request for consideration of the Board in an amount of $5,000. for an initial cost in the preparation of materials and ] items needed to prepare a course on Harnett County;: to be taught in fj the schools of the county. LEE - HARNETT REORGANIZATION RESOLUTION FROM FIRST BAP. CHURCH DUNN. 41 RESOLUTION The Board agreed to look favorably upon this request and to review i Chairman Brock informed the Board of the Lee- Harnett Mental Health Authority's reorganization, and according to statutory authority, lt]j people are required as Board Members. Commissioner Brown moved to appoint aimmxxImnmx Dr. Ben Brooks, Dr. H. D. Mabe, Revi Neil McGil -J1 berry axdxRxxxRmWmfkxNmwkmm to the existing board. Commissioner McLamb seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. These three 1 men appointed were From Harnett County and it was the understanding of the Board that Lee County would have the priviledge of appointing],! two members at this time also. 'j again during budget time. Chairman Brock read to the Board a resolution received from the First Baptist Church in Dunn: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, the presentation, in increasing numbers, of indecent ands,, immoral shows at carnivals, fairs and other places of amusement in Harnett County has come to the attention of the First Baptist Church] of Dunn, N. C.; and WHEREAS, -the members of the First Baptist Church of Dunn, N.C., are of the opinion that such immoral shows are not in the best interest of the people of this county; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that the members of the First Baptist Church of Dunn, N. C. are opposed to these immoral shows, exhibitions or performances where indecent, immoral or lewd dances or plays are conducted at any carnival, fair or other places of amusement in Harnett County; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the members of the First Baptist Church of Dunn, N. C. do hereby respectfully petition the Harnett County Board of Commissioners for the adoption of appropriate laws restricting this immoral conduct and that the She'r'iff and other law enforcement officers of Harnett County take the appropriate action to enforce the present laws as well as additional laws and /or ordinances enacted by the governing body of this county, and, fl BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the copies of this resolution be delivered;; to the Harnett County Board of Commissioners and the local news media. ADOPTED by unanimous vote this 19th day of March 1972, at a Special Church Conference of the First Baptis tChurch, Dunn, N. C. Tom M. Freeman - Moderator George W. Williams, Sr. Clerk RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE Mrs. R. Dennis Strickland R. Graham Henry George W. Williams, Sr. - Chairman Attorney Ed McCormick presented the following resolution for the pleasure of the Board: [j .l I] .THAT, WHEREAS, the County Commissioners are concerned with gambling and indecent exposure at shows and carnivals in Harnett County; and '] WHEREAS, citizens of the county have also expressed their concern abut these matters; and '; WHEREAS, the General Assembly of prohibiting indecent exposure and in N.C.G.S. 14- 19019, and WHEREAS the General Assembly of North Carolina has also enacted a statute prohibiting gambling and declaring such to be a misdemeanor in N.C.G.S. 14 -292; and WHEREAS the Supreme Court of North Carolina prohibits a county enacting ordinances regulating crimes that are being regulated State in the manner desired by a county; North Carolina has enacted a statut.:e declared the same to be a misdemeanor from by the MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF APRIL, 4, 1972. RESOLUTION CONTINUED TAX COLLECTOR HONEYWELL MAINT. NOW, THEREFORE, THE Board of County Commissioners of Harnett County do resolve: 1. That moral support is hereby given to all law enforcement authorities operating in Harnett County in their efforts in enforcing the State indecent exposure and gambling laws. 2. That the Tax Collector is directed to refer to the County Commissioners all persons applying for a county privilege license to operate a show or carnival so that the county board can explain to the applicant that it intends to seek enforcement of any and all violations of all indecent exposure law and gambling law. 3. That a copy of this resolution be sent to all law enforcement authorities in the County and to the news media. This the 4th day of April, 1972. s/s M. H. Brock, Chairman Board of Commissioners ACTION: Commissioner Ray moved to adopt the foregoing resolution, provide sufficient copies to the Tax Collector's Office and to the Sheriff's Department, Commissioner Cotton seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Earl Jones, Tax Collector presented the report for his department for the month of March and anticipated actions for the month of April. J.A. Hendrickson and Robert Xander from Honeywell, Inc. appeared before the Board regarding maintenance of the heating and cooling fac- ilities stored within the courthouse building. After discussion, the Chairman expressed appreciation for their coming to the meeting and informed them that word would be sent to them after the Board could come to a decision regarding the proposal. TAX & WELFARE LIEN ATTY. REPORT The report of the Tax & Welfare Lien Attorney was presented to the Board: Colonel A. Johnson SD3600 Ave. Twp. $3,680.04 $20.00 Atty. fee Oscar Barefoot 710673 A.Creek 236.82 20.00 " " INSPECTION REPORT SS DEPARTMENT A letter along with the annual Inspection and Evaluation report on the Social Services Department was brought to the Board. The following is an excerpt taken from the letter from Clifton M. Craig, "Again, I am pleased to advise you that the Harnett County Department of Social Ser- vices is in compliance with the minimum standards for office space, equipment and facilities required by our State Plan and federal regulations." LETTER OF INTENT CLEAN WATER RESOLUTION The following is a letter of intent from the Board of Commissioners to the Committee on Law and order: March 27, 1972 The Board of County Commissioners of Harnett County has reviewed the attached plan entitled Detection and Identification Bureau prepared by the Planning Agency of Cape Fear Criminal Justice Planning Region for submission to the North Carolina Committee on Law and Order requesting funding in the amount of $20,801. for which a local matching contribution of $6,935. will be required from the above named governing body. The County of Harnett has granted permission to the Cape Fear Crim- inal Justice Planning Region in include this plan in the local planning units comprehensive plan for the improvement of Criminal Justice in the area being planned for. It is the intent of the County of Harnett to provide its matching share of the funds necessary to implement this plan to the finance officer of the local planning unit as prescribed by applicable regulations prom- ulgated by the Committee on Law and Order. Signed this 4th day of April, 1972. Signed: S/s M. H. Brock Chairman of Board of Co. Commissioners Commissioner Brown moved to adopt the foregoing letter, along with its responsibilities, Commissioner Ray seconded the move and it carried unanimously. WHEREAS, many North Carolina cities and towns face critic& situation regarding water supplies and waste treatment facilities, and WHEREAS, because of spiraling costs involved in providing or upgrading such systems many cities and towns cannot now afford to ct what they know must be done, and 12 MINUTES OF APRIL 4, 1972. MEETING. CLEAN WATER RES. CONTINUED WHEREAS, the 1971 General Assembly of North Carolina authorized the issuance of $150 million in bonds for clean water purposed, contingent upon the approval of the voters of North Carolina, and WHEREAS, a referendum will be held on May 6, 1972, seeking the approval of the voters cif_ North Carolina for issuance of these bonds, now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Commiss- ioners of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, goes on record as fully endorsing the Clean Water Act of 1971 and urges the voters of this state to approve the issuance of bonds thereunder. WITNESS my official hand this 4th day of April, 1972. s/s M. H. Brock M.H.BRock,•_Chairman Board of Commissioners TAX SUPERVISOR i BESSIE MOSS Thomas Allen, Tax Supervisor, appeared before the Board to request the penalty of late listing be lifted from Mrs. Mitchell Monds due to th sudden death in her family at the time of listing taxes. Amt. $16.690 Commissioner Cotton made a motion to relieve the taxpayer of the penalty caused by late listing, Commissioner Brown seconded the motion and it carried. Bessie Moss appeared before the Board and informed the Board that a certain building had been a part of her real estate until 1965 whe4i the building had been removed from her property. She requested that she be red leased from taxes in the amount of $51.58 for the years" 68,69,70,and 71. Commissioner Ray moved that Mrs. Moss be released of the amount afore mentioned and that the Tax Supervisor after list for the years released to the rightful owners of the property. Commissioner Cotton seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. 11 ROAD PETITIONS The following road petition was presented to the Board: i Duke Township, .02 mile, 5 occupied homes, request for addition to the system. 11 Commissioner Ray moved that the petition be approved, Commissioner McLamb seconded and it carried. COUNTY MERCHANDISE DETAIL SALE Sale of 3 -18 -72 Total 25 Butane Tank $ 212.00 3 water pumps 91.00 Ford truck 101.00 '70 Plymouth 510.00 '70 Plymouth 710.00. 5 drums 9.25 350 lbs. copper 77.00 $1,710.25 Paid 3- 22 -72, Receipt #4294, signed B.E. Sturgill' Chairman BICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE John G. ThomasA S.H.Harrington, MEMBERS Commissioner Ray made g motion to appoints Ed Welborn, Malcolm Fowler, Wade Lucas-and Dr. . *Y0JStumpf to serve on the bicentennial committe of the State of North Carolina American Revolution Bicentennial Comm- ission for Harnett County. Commissioner McLamb seconded the motion and it carried. ADJOURNMENT Grp H. D. Carson, The Board adjourned at 12 :30 p.m. for lunch at the Harnett County Library. Clerk to the Board 1. Secre m rock, Chairman 9