HomeMy WebLinkAbout030314a Agenda PackageHARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS County Administration Building 102 East Front Street Lillington, North Carolina Regular Meeting March 3, 2014 9:00am 1. Call to order -Chairman Joe Miller 2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation-Commissioner Jim Burgin 3. Consider additions and deletions to the published agenda 4. Consent Agenda A. Minutes B. Budget Amendments C. Tax refunds, rebates and release D. Resolutions to add roads to state system E. Senior County Staff Attorney, on behalf of the Harnett County Sheriff's Office, requests approval of the Harnett County Detention Center Medical Plan. Harnett County Contracts with Southern Health Partners to provide medical care to the Harnett County Detention Center. 5. Period of up to 30 minutes for informal comments allowing 3 minutes for each presentation 6. Presentation of the Sandhills Center FY 13-16 Local Business Plan and the Substantial Equivalency Resolution for Harnett County, Victoria Whitt, Executive Director 7. Broker and Insurance Services RFP 8. NCACC Legislative Update Video 9. County Manager's report-Tommy Bums, County Manager -Tax Department's Top 200 Owing Report 10. New Business 11. Closed Session 12.Adjoum Page 1 HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Regular Meeting February 17, 2014 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, February 17, 2014, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, County Administration Building, 102 East Front Street, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: Staff present: Joe Miller, Chairman Gary House, Vice Chairman Jim Burgin, Commissioner Beatrice B. Hill, Commissioner Gordon Springle, Commissioner Tommy Burns, County Manager Joseph Jeffries, Deputy County Manager Dwight Snow, County Attorney Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board Chairman Miller called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Commissioner Springle led the pledge of allegiance and invocation. Chairman Miller called for additions and deletions to the published agenda. Vice Chairman House moved to approve the agenda as presented. Commissioner Springle seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Commissioner Springle moved to approve the items listed on the consent agenda. Commissioner Burgin seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 1. Minutes: February 3, 2014 Regular Meeting 2. Budget Amendments: 193 Cooperative Extension Code 110-7306-465.60-33 United Way Materials & Supplies 110-0000-353-73-06 CCR&R Contributions 198 Public Utilities PU0604 Erwin Wastewater Improvements Code 564-9100-431.90-30 Public Utilities 564-0000-334.90-08 CWMTF 564-0000-370.76-00 State Revolving Loan 200 Engineering and Facilities Maintenance-Public Buildings Code 110-4700-410.41-33 Shawtown Utilities 110-4700-410.74-74 Capital Outlay 1 ,600 increase 1 ,600 increase 873,333 decrease 61 ,252 decrease 812,081 decrease 30,000 decrease 30,000 increase February 17, 2014, Regular Meeting Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 1 of5 207 Re-Entry Healthy Choice Family Enrichment Code 110-5899-420.35-51 Re-Entry Healthy Choice-Family Enrich. 13,845 increase 110-0000-334.58-04 Re-Entry Healthy Choice-Family Enrich. 13,845 increase 208 Highland Middle School Code 331-8300-480.47-39 Land Surveying 331-8300-480.47-40 GEO 331-8300-480.47-41 Wetland Delineation 331-8300-480.47-44 Environmental 331-8300-480.47-46 Material Testing 331-8300-480.45-20 Legal 331-8300-480.47-62 Contingency 331-8300-480.45-22 Issuance Cost 331-8300-480.47-49 Land Acquisition 209 Sheriffs Office Code 110-5103-420.35-82 2013 Edward Byrne Grant 110-0000-331.51-31 2013 Edward Byrne Grant 210 Harnett Regional Jetport Code 302-8300-406.45-01 Construction 302-0000-389.71-00 Interfund Transfer Capital Reserve 218 Cooperative Extension Code 110-7327-465.11-00 Salaries & Wages 110-7327-465.21-00 Group Insurance 110-7327-465.22-00 FICA 110-7327-465.23-00 Regular Retirement 110-7327-465.25-00 Unemployment Benefits 110-7327-465.26-00 Worker's Comp 110-7327-465.21-05 Insurance Expense I Employee Clinic 110-0000-353.73-27 Revenue-Adolescent 222 Sheriff's Office-Governor Highway Safety Grant Code 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 11 0-0000-3 31.51-12 Governor Highway Safety Grant 226 Public Safety & Human Services Code 110-5899-420.35-71 Harnett United Police Athletic League 110-7690-441.31-25 Special Olympics 110-7999-441.35-77 Veteran's Court 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 3. Resolutions to add roads to state system (Attachments 1 -8) 46,409 increase 51 ,350 decrease 2,350 decrease 600 decrease 14,698 increase 987 decrease 201,969 increase 218,482 decrease 10,693 increase 540 increase 540 increase 9,395 increase 9,395 increase 16,893 decrease 1 , 779 decrease 1 ,212 decrease 1 , 13 0 decrease 140 decrease 80 decrease 25 increase 21 ,209 decrease 12,250 decrease 12,250 increase 4,766 increase 10,000 increase 3,145 increase 17,911 increase February 17,2014, Regular Meeting Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 2 of5 4. Public Utilities requested approval of the write-offs for 4th quarter of2013 in the amount of $27,873.33. All of these accounts have been delinquent for more than three years. The facilitation of these write-offs is an important step in a continuing effort to effectively manage collections and bad debt. HCDPU is currently using the Local Government Debt Setoff Program and On-line Collections, Inc. to help collect delinquent accounts. 5. Cooperative Extension requested permission to receive $2,400 from United Way of Harnett County during the FY 2013-2014 for the 4-H & Youth Program contingent upon available funding for delivery of services. Cooperative Extension also requested permission to receive $3,200 from United Way of Harnett County during the FY 2013- 2014 for the Adolescent Parenting Teens As Parents Program contingent upon available funding for delivery of services. 6. Parks and Recreation requested the approval of contract with McGill Associates for the planning and design of the Fairground/Agricultural Park and Athletic Facilities. The proposed parks are located off of McKinney Parkway and adjacent to the Sandhills Farm Park. McGill Associates was selected from eight (8) submitted Statement of Qualifications. The fee for the Planning Document is $25,500 and will include a site analysis, recreational needs survey, site plans, and projected project costs. Chairman Miller opened the floor for informal comments by the public, allowing up to 3 minutes for each presentation up to 30 minutes. -Randy Rogers of 904 Hillside Drive in Lillington asked how citizens can be expected to follow laws and county statutes when there are county employees and/or officials currently in violation of laws and statutes. Mr. Rogers said a false report of violence in the workplace had been filed against his mother. Mr. Rogers said, regarding public records requests·, he doesn't understand how county employees are openly violating NC law. He said he and Commissioner House showed up and told the truth and asked who and why the decision was made for Mr. Burgin to receive financing either from rate payers or tax payers of Harnett County not to attend a deposition. Commissioners reviewed the list of Boards and Committees they serve on. Mark Locklear, Director of Planning Services, petitioned the Board for a public hearing regarding proposed UDO text amendments requested by Harnett County Planning Services, Unified Development Ordinance: 1. Article II Section 5.0 "Nonconforming Sign" 2. Article IV Section 13.0 "Military Corridor Overlay District" 3. Article V Section 11.0 "Other Uses" 11.2.5 "Permit (Level II) Co-Location, Combination, attachment, Antenna Element Replacement, Replacement Towers, & Concealed Towers" 11.3 "Firearm Certification Facilities" February 17, 2014, Regular Meeting Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 3 of5 4. Article VII Development Design Guidelines Section 2.0 "Street & Transportation Standards" Section 10.0 "Sign Requirements" 5. Article XI Section 5.0 "Board of Adjustment" 6. Article XII Section 5.0 "Variances" 7. Article XIV "Definitions & Certifications" Mr. Locklear highlighted the proposed text amendments which he said were both corrections requested by staff and changes as a result of recent legislation. Mr. Locklear reported a unanimous vote was taken at the January 6, 2014, Planning Board meeting to recommend approval of all text amendments as presented. Mr. Locklear also noted a version of the proposed text amendments were previously discussed during the January 14, 2014, special session of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners. Chairman Miller called to order a public hearing on the matter and opened the meeting for comments from the public. Seeing no one move, Chairman Miller closed the public hearing. Commissioner Springle moved to approve the proposed text amendments as presented. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion which passed unanimously. (Attachment 9) Mr. Bums presented the following reports: -Veteran Affairs Activities Report-January 2013 -Community Development Monthly Performance Report-January 2013 -Planning Services Report-January 2013 -CCPT Annual Report -Interdepartmental Budget Amendments Mr. Bums reminded commissioners of the upcoming NCACC District meetings. Commissioner Springle and Mr. Bums will attend the district meeting in Moore County. Mr. Burns also noted he would be meeting with Superintendent Frye the following week to discuss the budget calendar. Last, Mr. Bums responded that the RFQ for insurance, which was drafted by Human Resources, is currently being review by the staff attorney. Chairman Miller called for any new business. Commissioner Hill reported a current employee and a recently retired employee had contacted her regarding an issue with their salaries; saying they had been unable to get the issue corrected through normal channels. Commissioner Hill thank Mrs. Honeycutt for her assistance in getting this issue corrected. Mrs. Honeycutt reported the retiree's retirement would also be recalculated by the State. Commissioner Hill said she thinks every department needs a thorough investigation. Chairman Miller asked Mr. Bums to touch base with department heads at their upcoming meeting to make sure things are being done correctly. Mr. Bums said he would but believes this issue was an isolated incident where these employees were promised a 5% increase at the end of their probation period, which is normally done during the employee's evaluation, which did not happen. February 17, 2014, Regular Meeting Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 4 of5 Commissioner Hill asked for a report of people who have not paid their taxes. Commission Hill also said she is glad the County was able to donate land to Habitat for Humanity and noted the lots appraisal values were $5,000 and $10,000 and not $20,000 each as previously stated. Commissioner Burgin responded that she was comparing market value and tax value and noted the $20,000 per lot was the market value provided to him by Mr. Tony Wilder. Vice Chairman House moved that the Board go into closed session for the following purposes: (1) To consult with the County's legal staff in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege concerning the handling of certain claims and legal actions including that case entitled, "Jeffrey Kimmons vs Harnett County", Harnett County Superior Court File No. 13 CVS 1786; (2) To discuss certain personnel matters; and (3) To discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of industries or other businesses in Harnett County; This motion is made pursuant to N.C. General Statute Section 143-318.11(a)(3),(6)&(4). Commissioner Springle seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Commissioner Burgin moved that the Board come out of closed session. Commissioner Springle seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Commissioner Burgin moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:33pm. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Joe Miller, Chairman Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk February 17,2014, Regular Meeting Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 5 of5 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend General Fund, Cooperative Extension, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-7310-465.11-00 Salaries & Wages, Full Time 108.00 110-7310-465.21-04 Group Insurance, HSA 500.00 110-7310-465.21-05 . Employee Clinic 1.00 110-7310-465.22-00 I FICA 6.00 110-7310-465.23-00 ! Regular Retirement 149.00 110-7310-465.25-10 Unemployment 171.00 110-7310-465.41-11 Telecommunications & Postage 65.00 110-7310-465.58-14 Travel 360.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE Adopted this ___ _ dayof ___________ _ Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013: Section 1. To amend the Public Buildings appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE 110-4700-410-41-25 Operating Utilities-Economic Dev 110-4700-410-41-42 Operating Utilities-Boone Trail Elem 110-4700-410-43-15 Operation repair & maint-building 110-4700-410-43-17 Operating repair & maint-maint/repair grounds 110-4700-410-43-24 Operating repair & maint-Boone Trail 110-4700-410-74-74 Capital Outlay-Equipment REVENUE CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE EXPlANATION: Department, the AMOUNT AMOUNT INCREASE DECREASE $3,392 $12,000 $20,000 $13,000 $3,000 $51,392 AMOUNT AMOUNT INCREASE DECREASE To purchase Caterpillar Skid-Steer for snow removal, scrap driveways, move crush & run APPROVALS: c::2-d~ :>-'1-/i'l-~ Depa ~(date) Finance 0 ·c r (date) Cou Manager (dateb../0' '/ /; Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the 1 Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board day of Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners 225 BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013; Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Health Department/Aging, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-7552-441.33-45 Contracts $ 5,940.00 REVENUE AMOUNT AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE 110-0000-331.75-52 HCCBG Nutrition $ 5,940.00 EXPLANATION: Budget Amendment to budget additional funds received. APPROVALS: \ \~\\J-CN' q]_fhvvl'JZ~ Department Head (date) Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk of the Board, and to the Budget Officer and the Fin a nee Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board day of ,2012 Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners MM E AN D AD D R E S S Ho m e an d Co n u n u n i t y Ca r e Bl o c k Gr a n t fo r Ol d e r Ad u l t s :O M M U N I T Y SE R V I C E PR O V I D E R DO A - 7 3 2 (R e v . 2/ 1 3 ) !a r n e t t Co u n t y De p t . o f Pu b l i c He a l t h - D i v i s i o n on Ag i n g Co u n t y Fu n d i n g Pl a n Co u n t y _ _ Ha r n e t t 09 W. Co m e l i u s Ha r n e t t Bl v d . Ju l y 1, 20 1 3 th r o u g h Ju n e 30 , 2 0 1 4 .i l l i n g t o n , NC 27 5 4 6 Pr o v i d e r Se r v i c e s Su m m a r y !R E V I S I O N # 1 41593 A B c D E F G H I Se r . De l i v e r y Pr o j e c t e d Pr o j e c t e d Pr o j e c t e d Projected (C h e c k On e ) Bl o c k Gr a n t Fu n d i n g Re q u i r e d Ne t * NS I P To t a l HC C B G Re i m b u r s e HC C B G Total le r v i c e s Di r e c t Pu r c h . Ac c e s s In - H o m e 01 h e r To t a l Lo c a l M a t d Se r v Co s t Su b s i d y Fu n d i n g Un i t s Ra t e Cl i e n t s Units n- H o m e Ai d e I 19 6 1 8 3 \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 21 7 9 8 21 7 9 8 1 21 7 9 8 1 11 0 6 0 19 . 7 60 11075 lo m e Im p r o v e m e n t 13 3 9 7 \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 14 8 9 14 8 8 6 14 8 8 6 9 9 :o n g r e g a t e Me a l s 96 9 4 3 \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 10 7 7 1 10 7 7 1 4 17 0 7 1 12 4 7 8 5 20 0 9 5 5. 3 6 207 21134 lo m e De l . Me a l s 20 3 9 7 0 \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 22 6 6 3 22 6 6 3 3 51 7 4 3 27 8 3 7 6 51 7 4 3 4. 3 8 283 53089 \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 0 0 \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 0 0 \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 0 0 \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 0 0 \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 0 0 \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 0 0 \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 0 0 \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 0 0 \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 0 0 \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 0 '~"r\ 0 To t a l \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 13 3 9 7 40 0 1 5 3 96 9 4 3 51 0 4 9 3 56 7 2 1 56 7 2 1 4 ~) ; ; ~ 63 6 0 2 8 82 8 9 8 \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 559 85307 'A d u l t Da y Ca r e & Ad u l t Da y He a l t h Ca r e Ne t Se r v i c e Co s t (( ) I I ~ AD C AD H C )a i l y Ca r e Co r t i f , . , . t i o o of r e q W r e d mi i D m w n 10 < > 0 1 m• t ~ ~ra n s p o r t a t i o n Re q u i r e d lo c a l ma t c h wi l l be ex p e n d e d si m u l t ne o u s Au t h o r i z e d Si V a t u r e , Ti t l e Date \. d m i n i s 1 r a t i v e Ji: f J : } _ J ~ 2/~o/r " Co m m u n i t y Se r v i c e Pr o v i d e r ~ et Se r . Co s t To t a l Si g n a t u r ' e , co u n t y Fr Of f i c e r ( ) Da t e Si g n a t u r e , Ch a i n n a n , Bo a r d of Co m m i s s i o n e r s Date /-Sig1 ~ Her1 ' - ' " NA M E AN D AD D R E S S Ho r n e tm d Co m m u n i t y Ca r e Bl o c k Gr n . n t fo r Ol d e r Ad u l t ! l CO M M U N I T Y SE R V I C E PR O V I D E R DO A - 7 3 2 (R e v . 21 1 3 ) Ha r n e t t Co u n t y De p t of Pu b l i c He a l t h - D i v i s i o n on Ag i n g Co u n t y fu n d i n g Pl a n Co a m t y _ _ Ha . r n e t t 30 9 W. Cc m e l i u s HI U I I e t t Bl v d . Ju l y 1, 20 1 3 th r o u g h Jt m e :r o , 20 1 4 Li l l i n g t o n , NC 27 5 4 6 Pr o v i d e r St ! t ' v l c e . s Su m ~ m ~ r y RE V I S I O N # ,D A T E ; A B c D E F G H l Se r . Dc l i v o . y Pr o j e c l f : d Pr o j e c t e d Pr o ~ l e d Projected (C h e c k On e ) Bl o c k Gr a n t Fu n d i n g Re q u i r e d N ~ NS I P To t a l HC C B O IR e i m b u n ! e HC C B G Total Se r v i c e s Di n . c t P= h . Ac c e s s In - H o m o 01 h e r To t a l Lo c a l M a l c b Se r v Co s t Su b s i d y Fu n d i n g Un i 1 3 Ra t e Cl i o o l : ! Units In - H o m e Ai d e I 19 6 1 8 3 \\ 1 \ \ \ 1 1 \ 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 1 21 7 9 8 21 7 9 8 1 21 7 9 8 1 11 0 6 0 19 . 7 60 11075 Ho m e Im p r o v e m e n t 13 3 9 7 1\1 1 \ \ 1 1 1 1 \ \ 1 1 \ 1 1 14 8 9 14 8 8 6 14 8 8 6 9 9 Co n g r e g a t e Me a l s 93 9 7 3 \\ I I I \1 \ \ \ 1 \ I\ 1\ \ \ 10 4 4 1 10 4 4 1 4 15 4 3 5 11 9 8 4 9 19 4 6 2 5. 3 6 20 5 20580 Ho r n e De l . Me a b 20 1 0 0 0 \\ 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 22 3 3 3 22 3 3 3 3 39 3 0 8 26 2 6 4 1 50 9 2 9 4. 3 8 28 0 52411 I\ I I I II \I l l \ \ I 1\ 1 \ 0 0 0 \\ \ \ 1 \ 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 0 0 \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 0 0 \1 1 \ \ 1 \ 1 \ i l \ \ \\ 1 \ \ 0 0 0 \\ 1 \ \ 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 0 0 \\ \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 \ 1 0 0 0 1\ \ \ \ 1 \ 1 \ 1 \ \ 1 I\ \ \ \ 0 0 0 \\ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ 1\ 1 \ 1 \ \ \ 0 0 0 \\ \ 1 \ \ 1 \I l l \\ 1 \ \ \ \ 0 0 0 1\ \ II \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 0 0 To t a l 1\ \ 1 \ \ \ \1 \ \ 1 \ \ 13 3 9 7 39 7 1 8 3 93 9 7 3 50 4 5 5 3 56 0 6 1 56 0 6 1 4 54 7 4 3 61 5 3 5 7 81 4 5 1 \\ \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ l \ \ \ \ 55 4 8<W75 "' A d u l t Da y Ca r e & Ad u l t Dl l y He a l \ b Ca r e Ne t Se r v i c e Co s t 9t ~ . '1/1~ t> AD C AD H C Da i l y Ca r e C« t i f i c a l i o n of re q u i r e d m.i n . i m u m lo c . a l ma t c h av a i l a b i l i t y . TI 1 U I S p o r t a t i o o Re q u i r e d lo c a l ma t c h wi l l be ex p e n d e d si m u l b ! n e o u s l y Au t h o r i z e d Si g n a t u r e , Ti t l e . Dato Ad m i n i s t r a t i v e i2- ~ " W ~ - . J g[3ll> - • ~ "- ( l - : 2 Ne t Se r . Co s t To t a l " /O -/£- ""' ~ si~ r e . C o u n t in a n c e om l . Da t e s ~ Cha i r m ~ ~fC o m m i s s i o n e r s Date , BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the General Fund, Sheriff's Department, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: --·· EXPENDITURE i AMOUNT AMOUNT r CODE NUMBER i DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE DECREASE r· ~ 110-5100-420-43-21 I Auto repairs 931 I I I ! ~ I i ; i I I I i : i REVENUE i AMOUNT AMOUNT f-i DESCRIPTION OF CODE : CODE NUMBER INCREASE DECREASE r---------· i 110-0000-356-30-00 ! Insurance claims 931 -i ' -I i r EXPLANATION: To transfer$ 832.70 (Clutter) and$ 98.20 (Hayes) received for an accident that occurred on 01/17/14 into the Sheriff's Auto repair expenditure line. APPROVALS: i l \\\cS;:1cL :y, '/1· 1 2:-l=>-<t 1~~ ~~~z.___ Department Head (date) anager (date) Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to¥WY Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this Margaret Regina Daniel, Clerk to the Board day of 12014. Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners CAPITAL PROJECT ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Board ofthe County of Harnett, North Carolina, that the following amendment be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: Section 1. To amend the PU0901 SWEST NTA/Cameron Hill Capital Project Ordinance, the appropriations are to be changed as follows: EXPENDITURE AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE 572-9100-431-45-80 Contingency 572-9100-431-45-01 Construction/Sanford Contractors $26,741.00 REVENUE AMOUNT CODE NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF CODE INCREASE EXPLANATION: To increase construction line for Sanford Contractors Change Order 1. APPROVALS: AMOUNT DECREASE $26,741.00 AMOUNT DECREASE anager (dat4J.¥;/ Section 2. Copies of this budget amendment shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, and to the ~ De Budget Officer and the Finance Officer for their direction. Adopted this_ day of _____ 2014 Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board Joe Miller, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners CHANGE ORDER ORDER NUMBER: 1 NAME OF PROJECT: COUNTY OF HARNETT 20" CAMERON HILLS WATERLINE OWNER: County of Harnett CONTRACTOR: Sanford Contractors, Inc. DATE: February 4, 2014 AGREEMENT DATE: September 24, 2012 The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The alignment of the waterline in the vicinity of Brandywood Court wi/1 be shifted approximately 25' from 5' inside the Right-of-Way (ROW) line toward the edge of pavement of Hwy. 87. The new alignment requires an open cut of Brandywood Court and associated acceleration lane. Justification: The shift in alignment is necessary to avoid a conflict with existing underground utilities in the vicinity of the original alignment 5' inside the ROW (required by NCDOT}. The re- alignment requires an encroachment modification which has been submitted and approved by NCDOT (see attachments). Change to CONTRACT PRICE: $26,740.52 (see attachments for cost breakdown) Original CONTRACT PRICE: $4,294,946.34 Current CONTRACT PRICE adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDER: N.A. The CONTRACT PRICE due to this CHANGE ORDER will be increased by $26,740.52 The new CONTRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER will be $4,321,686.86 Requested by: 02.-05-J4- Date Recommended by: Accepted by: I Marziano Q"' P.A. Date County otHarnett Date C.O.-1 COUNTY OF HARNETT 20" CAMERON HILlS WATERLINE Change Order #1 Cost Summary Waterline Re-alignment at Brandywood Court. 1. *Labor & Equipment for Asphalt Open Cut and Repair $46,890.92 2. Reduction for Normal Labor Cost 160 If@ $ 8.94 /If ($1,430.40) 3. Eliminate Bore and Jack under Brandywood Court (incl. carrier pipe) 60 If@ $ 414.56 I If ($24,873.60) 4. Replace 20" Carrier Pipe with 20" RJ DIP by Direct Bury 60 If@ $ 102.56 I If $6,153.60 TOTAl COST INCREASE: $26,740.52 ORIGINAl CONTRACT PRICE: $4,294,946.34 ADJUSTED CONTRACT PRICE: $4,321,686.86 *See unit cost breakdown attached from Sanford Contractors, Inc. Page 1 of 1 14 THORNE, KELLY ELIZABETH 810 NELLIS AVE DUNN, NC, 28334-3206 WM. A. TONY WILDER Revenue Administrator CC: WM. A. TONY WILDER 0001413020-2011-2011- 000000 City(CIO 5) County 3.52 5.98 City Total County Total Total to be Refunded 9.50 Refund 108.31 1,005.35 1,113.66 Value Decrease Date: 03/03/2014 Approved By:, ________ _ TO : HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RE: CONSIDERATION OF REFUND FOR TAXES, INTEREST AND PENAL TIES FOR ALL MUNICIPALITIES No. Nam$ ELDERLEE INC City 0.00 Value Decrease 729 CROSS ROAD 0000016320-2007-2007-000000 720.96 Refund OAKS CORNER NY, 14518-DODO County 720.96 2 ELDERLEE INC City 0.00 Value Decrease 729 CROSS ROAD 0000016320-2008-2008-000000 794.82 Refund OAKS CORNER NY, 14518-DODO County 794.82 3 ELDERLEE INC City 0.00 Value Decrease 729 CROSS ROAD 0000016320-2009-2009-000000 821.50 Refund OAKS CORNER NY, 14518-DODO County 821.50 4 ELDERLEE INC City 0.00 Value Decrease 729 CROSS ROAD 0000016320-2010-2010-000000 739.63 Refund OAKS CORNER NY, 14518-DODD County 739.63 5 F&L DEVELOPERS INC City 0.00 Value Decrease 7000 HARPS HILL ROAD STE 201 0001306470-2010-2010-000000 830.82 Refund RALEIGH NC, 27615-DODD County 830.82 WM. A. TONY WILDER City Total 0.00 Revenue Administrator County Total 3,907.73 Total to be 3,907.73 Refunded CC: WM. A. TONY WILDER Harnett COUNTY RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the Harnett County Board of Commissioners does hereby, by proper execution of this document, requests that the North Carolina Department of Transportation add to the State's Secondary Road System the below listed street. Olde Farm Subdivision River Oak Street Duly adopted this 3rct day ofMarch, 2014. ATTEST: Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board strong roots • new growth HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Joe Miller, Chairman www.harnett.org STATE OF NORTH CAROLI~A DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PAT MCCRORY GoVERNOR Division Six-District Two Harnett County Mr. Jim Burgin, Chairman February 11, 2014 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Post Office Box 759 Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Subject: Secondary Road Addition Dear Mr. Burgin: ANTHONY J. TATA SECRETARY This is reference to a petition submitted to this office requesting street(s) in Harnett County be placed on the State's Secondary Road System. Please be advised that these street( s) have been investigated and our findings are that the below listed street(s) are eligible for addition to the State System. Olde Farm Subdivision • River Oak Street It is our recommendation that the above named street(s) be placed on the State's Secondary Road System. If you and your Board concur in our recommendation, please submit a resolution to this office. Sincerely, Ue--JP~- David Plummer Engineering Technician P.O. Box 1150, Fayetteville, N.C. 28302 Voice: 910.486.1496 Fax: 910.437.2529 lr \ ~ ~ ) j.:(S 13 5 1 .. . ,'- - ~ ' - 1 . 22 4 0 - ~ ll . 1 ! ' l ~ <J ' - - 1 .1 " - - ~ ' ~C{ f ! ! J c t l . 11 1 6 . ~2 2 4 2 ' J / 2045 _;. 2030 ~t~ 22 3 9 - - - - .1 \ - - 1 _ ·a I!> ? ~? ? A . : : \ 21 3 8 l 11 6 4 1 PI ~ -__ - '\ 21 3 9 11 7 6 \ .1 \ \ 11 1 7 " " ' ~0 ) A ~ ' -~ ) 6 ) ) 1/ · ~ ~~ ( \ \ . 1. 1 l 1 ' 11 ... . x ,":l>o~ \ 11 ? { I , \ ...__ l J l I ( 11 1 7 \ I I />)'A' ........... " " " ' I ;L m - 2; ; ; - -·· , · · ~ ../1"\" ) ' 0 / I • ~ \ l I ) I I '- ~ \ _ A I 0 Du b . I \ Ci\ ---- - - - - ~~~ f £* ( ~~ - L I "" B ,, I ~- ' _ / I \..} \'4\ \ ' ' > - 1 ' ~-,.- - ' - .{ , " ' - c I I _ . :: : V :B - .. . . ) , L _ - -v 1 J 7 Z J ; ) , - . - - . / ~ / -- . . . . . _ _ _ ~ ) - - :; ; . 0 / ' - - , . •" - J . . . . , _ _ - «; - - r ,. _ o ( -- / - - - g -- - ~ RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the Harnett County Board of Commissioners does hereby, by proper execution of this document, requests that the North Carolina Department of Transportation add to the State's Secondary Road System the below listed street. Crestview Subdivision Pinevalley Lane (SR 2435 Ext.) Rolling Stone Court (SR 2445 Ext.) Duly adopted this 3rd day of March, 2014. ATTEST: Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board strong roots • new growth HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Joe Miller, Chairman www.harnett.org STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PAT MCCRORY GoVER.';OR Division Six-District Two Harnett County Mr. Jim Burgin, Chairman February 13, 2014 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Post Office Box 759 Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Subject: Secondary Road Addition Dear Mr. Burgin: ANTHONY J. TATA SECRETARY This is reference to a petition submitted to this office requesting street(s) in Harnett County be placed on the State's Secondary Road System. Please be advised that these street(s) have been investigated and our findings are that the below listed street(s) are eligible for addition to the State System. Crestview Subdivision • Pinevalley Lane (SR 2435 Ext.) • Rolling Stone Court (SR 2445 Ext.) It is our recommendation that the above named street(s) be placed on the State's Secondary Road System. If you and your Board concur in our recommendation, please submit a resolution to this office. Sincerely, ~e--.:/P~ David Plummer Engineering Technician P.O. Box 1150, Fayetteville, N.C. 28302 Voice: 910.486.1496 Fax: 910.437.2529 ; . _ _ .5 0 .2 8 ._ _ 14 0 9 ! i l l Du n c a n _ _ / / / -- - ~ ) / -~ fw ~, ~~39 1 I ._ _ ln r - o + ': l ._ _ ~, 2 1 7 8 .0 6 .0 5 !. ! . ! ! . \; ' , lg ~ -0 0 (J ..)... ""' ~ ( / /~ .} 1342 \b-.. RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the Harnett County Board of Commissioners does hereby, by proper execution of this document, requests that the North Carolina Department of Transportation add to the State's Secondary Road System the below listed street. Overbills Creek Subdivision Yancey Court Duly adopted this 3rd day of March, 2014. ATTEST: Margaret Regina Wheeler Clerk to the Board strong roots • new growth HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Joe Miller, Chairman www.harnett.org STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PAT MCCRORY GoVER.'iOR Division Six-District Two Harnett County Mrs. Gina Wheeler February 17,2014 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Post Office Box 759 Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Subject: Secondary Road Addition Dear Mrs. Wheeler: ANTH01'-.Y J. TATA SECRETARY This is reference to a petition submitted to this office requesting street( s) in Harnett County be placed on the State's Secondary Road System. Please be advised that these street(s) have been investigated and our findings are that the below listed street(s) are eligible for addition to the State System. Overhills Creek Subdivision • Yancey Court It is our recommendation that the above named street(s) be placed on the State's Secondary Road System. If you and your Board concur in our recommendation, please submit a resolution to this office. Sincerely, ~_yf)~ David Plummer Engineering Technician P.O. Box 1150, Fayetteville, N.C. 28302 Voice: 910.486.1496 Fax: 910.437.2529 25 1 0 ... . ~ 11 2 2 ~5 0 9 ll § Q 11 6 7 ~ 11 4 7 J~\ .3 3 .8 6 J 11 4 7 "- - - 21 6 4 ) ~ I \ - - \ Board Meeting Agenda Item Agenda Item MEETING DATE: March 3, 2014 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Detention Center Health Plan REQUESTED BY: Jennifer J. Slusser, Senior County Staff Attorney on behalf of the Harnett County Sheriffs Office REQUEST: The Sheriffs Office requests approval of the Harnett County Detention Center Medical Plan. Harnett County contracts with Southern Health Partners to provide medical care to the Harnett County Detention Center. The Medical Plan is developed by Southern Health Partners. The Plan has been reviewed and approved by the Harnett County Sheriffs Office and the Local Health Director of the Harnett County Department of Public Health. It has also been reviewed by the Harnett County Legal Services staff. The plan must be reviewed and approved annually. COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: C:\U sers\islusser\AppData\Local\ Temp\agendaform20 14.doc 1 of2 Page ,, Office of the Sheriff of Harnett County Sheriff Larry Roth www.ll~tm«~~h.-iff.com Poeoxm 175 Bain Street, Lllington. Nc 27546 Phone: 910-893-9111; Fax: 91{).8S3-6450 This Detention Center Health Plan is hereby approved as of ~ZOI c.J by the Harnett County Sheriff's Office and by the health director oft ett County Department ofPublic Health. ~nry~ Date y2-p¢ _c(l_-h"'--c -~---------"'--"------Date z.j-z c[ 1 / J <-/ Harnett County Health Director This Detention Center Health Plan is hereby adopted by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners this the __ day of _______ _ Chairman Attest: -------------------Clerk to the Board • • • Harnett County Detention Center Detention Center Health Plan The compliance with this Detention Center Health Plan is the joint responsibility of the Harnett County Sheriff, and Southern Health Partners, Inc. (sometimes hereinafter referred to as "SHP"), the contracted provider of care to the inmates of the Harnett County Detention Center. Receiving Screening Upon the arrival of each inmate at the Harnett County Detention Center, a preliminary health assessment (Receiving Screening) will be performed by correctional officers. At a minimum, the assessment will include the following: Documentation of current illnesses and health problems including medications taken and spe.cial health requirements . Documentation of mental health problems, dental problems and allergies. Behavior observation, including state of consciousness, mental status, appearance, conduct, tremors, and sweating. Inquiry into use of alcohol and other drugs, including types, methods, date/time last taken and problems arising out of use. Notation of body deformities and ease of movement. Observation of persistent cough or lethargy as well as an inquiry to unintentional weight loss, night sweats and known exposure to TB. Inquiry as in known communicable diseases including sexually transmitted disease. • • • Condition of skin including, trauma markings, bruises, lesions, jaundice, rashes and infestations, and needle marks or other indications of drug abuse. Status classification to succinctly identify the inmate's health status_ Referral of the inmate for emergency health services or additional health services, as may be necessary_ If as a result of the receiving screening it is apparent that an inmate requires medical attention, then the inmate will immediately be referred for treatment The appropriate level of treatment (i.e. treatment in-house by a member of the professional health services staff or referral to a hospital or other community-based health service) should be made after a thorough evaluation of the inmate's condition_ Health care standards require that information regarding access to health care services be communicated orally and in writing to inmates upon their arrival at the correctional facility_ To meet these standards, SHP will use notices, printed in both English and Spanish_ These will be posted in the Intake area advising them of how to access the health care delivery system, in addition to the verbal and written/documented notification which is provided at booking_ Daily Triaging of Complaints In order to ensure that inmate health problems and requests are addressed promptly, appropriately and efficiently, we use a structured triage procedure, proven effective in other correctional settings_ Our Medical Director (Physician) always oversees the triage system that is followed by all health care personneL This ensures that the inmates receive the appropriate level of care and that their complaints are properly processed and resolved_ 2 • • • Inmates have the ability to access the triage system by submitting a health care request form. These requests are received and processed daily by the health care staff, and as a first step in the triage system the inmate is then seen by a member of the professional nursing staff and appropriate treatment is administered within the scope of the Nurse Practice Act. Those inmates requiring a higher level of service will be referred to the physician, physician assistant, or other appropriate professional practitioner in a timely manner. If the Physician or other practitioner determines that the inmate's medical needs are more extensive or specialized than can be addressed within the facility's health care program, an appropriate referral to outside medical services will be provided. Sick call must be conducted on-site by a physician, nurse practitioner or a physician assistant under the direction of a physician. The majority of inmates to be seen by the physician will have been screened as part of the formal triage system. However, this will not preclude an inmate who had not been triaged or who has a sudden or acute problem, from seeing the physician during the time the physician is on-site at the facility . Appropriate documentation will be recorded and maintained for all inmates seen at sick call. This information will be incorporated into the inmate's medical record as appropriate. An inmate's medical record will contain appropriate entries completely documenting each sick call encounter (i.e., an inmate's specific health request, the assessment of the health care professional who saw the inmate, the prescribed treatment plan, and any follow-up encounters). This will ensure that all inmates' health requests are promptly and properly handled, documented, and followed through to a satisfactory resolution . 3 • • • Special Medical Program We will provide all special health care services required including, but not limited to, care for inmates who are chronically or terminally ill, physically handicapped, developmentally disabled or inmates with special mental health needs or convalescing inmates. Individual treatment plans will be developed for all chronically ill, terminally ill and convalescing inmates. Examples of chronic illness include diabetes, hypertension, asthma and epilepsy. Convalescing inmates include those recovering from fractures, inpatient surgical procedures, and hepatitis and other communicable diseases. The type of treatment will be determined by the needs of the individual inmate, but may include such things as medications, special diets, physical therapy, laboratory tests or dressing changes. Each treatment plan will be initiated by the physician and will be detailed in the individual's medical record. We will keep a list of inmates with special needs and maintain schedules for medical treatment in accordance with our established protocols for each illness. For example, daily blood sugars are obtained on all diabetics receiving insulin, Dilantin levels are monitored monthly on epileptic inmates, and blood pressure evaluations are performed as clinically indicated on inmates receiving anti-hypertensive drugs. Medical determination of a tendency towards suicide or a history of seizures will result in the inmate being assigned to quarters that have close supervision. We realize that communicable diseases, such as tuberculosis (TB), HIV and hepatitis require special attention in inmate populations. We have developed an Infection Control Program that incorporates education, diagnosis and treatment of inmates. Screening for TB and/or HIV occurs at time of intake, if conditions indicate that such testing is necessary. Neither North Carolina nor Federal laws specifically require HIV testing upon request; however we feel that the most prudent course to take would be to make testing available but limit it by leaving the decision to the medical staff . 4 • • • Data supports that our inmate population has a higher than usual incidence of sexually transmitted disease. This is addressed in the medical intake screening and then in more dependent upon the H&P. If at the time of intake, the H&P or any time complaints of that nature is offered. We will then initiate testing and or treatment. This is usually determined by the site's MD if inmate is to be evaluated at the local Health Department Our Infection Control Program includes, but is not limited to: Surveillance procedures to detect inmates with infectious and communicable diseases, appropriate immunizations to prevent these diseases and proper treatment and care for inmates with these diseases. The decontamination of medical equipment and proper disposal of sharps and medical bio-hazardous wastes. Used by the medical staff, or determined by the medical staff to be considered bio-hazardous waste . Strict adherence to universal precautions by health care workers to prevent exposure to blood-borne pathogens. Notifying the local county health department of confirmed cases of all STD. TB, HIV, Hepatitis, Listeria E-coli, MRSA, as well as other disease reportable according to the DHHS 2124 criteria. We will also dispose of all medically-related infectious and hazardous waste in accordance with all state and federal regulations. We follow and assure compliance with Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) guidelines for infection control procedures . 5 • • • Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies An agreement has been set in place to order all prescribed medications from a contracted pharmacy vendor. Any STAT medications may be ordered from a local pharmacy provider. STAT medications are classified as medications which need to be started immediately and a supply of such medications is not currently on-site within the medical unit. The pharmacy vendor will supply the SHP Formulary and ordering sheets to the facility for the placement of orders. All orders received before 3:00 p.m. EST, will be shipped out for next day delivery. SHP shall comply with all applicable state and federal regulations regarding the prescribing, dispensing, administering, and procuring of pharmaceuticals. All employees must review the ordering procedures for pharmaceuticals. No medications will be ordered without a physician's order. All re-orders must be approved through the physician also. Medications are prescribed only when clinically indicated, not for disciplinary purposes. All pharmaceuticals must be stored appropriately, in accordance with their storage instructions (i.e. refrigeration, etc.). Security storage (under lock and key) must be maintained for all prescribed medications. Only the nurse and health services staff will have access to the medications. If applicable, a key may be given to security in case of emergencies. All narcotics are to be kept under separate lock and key from other medications. Application I for the registration to comply with the North Carolina Controlled Substance Act will be submitted at which time the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services then schedules an onsite inspection and upon the evaluation. The N.C.D.H.H.S will notify the Detention Center of the requirements that they must implement to be granted permission. The nurse and Medical Director as needed should perform a periodic review of all pharmacy orders. A narcotic count must be performed on a regular basis and the nurse and/or physician should review all reports. Copies of all count sheets are to be kept on file for review and/or audit. 6 • • • All expired pharmaceuticals must be destroyed accordingly. The pharmacy vendor will perform this service on a quarterly basis, or sooner if needed. The nurse must call the pharmacy directly to the schedule this services when needed. Also, a Sharps Count must be kept by all nursing staff with all count sheets to be kept on file for review and/or audit. Diabetic inmates may be allowed to draw and administer their own insulin under the supervision of a health care staff member, and/or under security's approval. All pharmaceuticals will be maintained in the medication room and only personnel authorized to give medications will have access to this area. The medication room area will be locked at all times and only authorized personnel will have keys. The pharmacist will be responsible to select all generic equivalent drug products used in the correctional facility. All drug products utilized will be those of a certified Food and Drug Administration approved manufacturers. In addition, the pharmacy vendor will conform to all federal laws, State statutes, and the state Board of Pharmacy regulations concerning drug products . All drug recalls will be the responsibility of the pharmacist. Collection and return of recalled drugs will be the pharmacists' responsibility at the dispensing level and the nurse's responsibility, upon notification, at the drug administrator level. All outdated, unused, deteriorated drugs will be the responsibility of the pharmacist to return and destroy during their quarterly inspections. Control substances returned or otherwise destroyed will be in compliance with federal and state regulations. The pharmacy vendor according to the State Pharmacy Law shall label all prescription. Each prescription will contain the following information: Name/address of the dispensing pharmacy; Name of the prescriber; Name of patient; Directions for use; Date the prescription was originally filled; Name of drug and strength. All floor stock shall be reviewed and authorized by the Medical Director. Floor stock will be issued as non-prescription floor stock, prescription floor stock, and emergency floor stock drugs. Only persons authorized to prescribe within the state with the facility is located may order floor stock to be kept within the medical unit. 7 • • • Emergency Medical, Dental, and Mental Health Certain members of the professional health care staff, including the physician, will have twenty-four (24) hour on-call responsibility for any emergency that may arise. In the event of an emergency or in response to any medical need, the nursing on-call staff must be called and will immediately respond by telephone to work with security staff to evaluate the inmate. Other appropriate medical personnel will be notified if necessary. The inmate will be transferred to a hospital emergency room for further treatment, if clinically indicated and agreed to by the SHP on- call medical authority. When emergency transportation is required, medical personnel will decide whether an ambulance or security van is required and coordinate appropriate transportation with the corrections administration and security. However in the event where the correctional officer feels that the services of EMS is required, and the medical staff is not present to address the situation, then the correctional officer should make provisions for emergency transport without the hesitation of notifying the medical staff . Dental Care Dental treatment shall be provided according to an established treatment plan/order, and based on established priorities. Consultation to the dentist and/or dental specialist will be available. Dental treatment will be scheduled on an as needed basis, for the earliest appointment time available. Medical staff should notify the dentist of requested treatment in advance of services being performed. The Medical Director will review all prescriptions for approval. Any substitutions for prescribed narcotics/medications should be confirmed with the Dentist, but may just be changed by the Medical Director to confirm with the Detention Center policy (limits on narcotics, etc.) . 8 • • • Mental health and chemical dependency withdrawal Inmates reporting the use of alcohol, opiates, stimulants, sedatives, hypnotic drugs, or other substances will be evaluated for their degree of reliance upon and potential for withdrawal from these substances and possible intoxication or overdose. Upon completion of the screening process, patients indicating such uses must be immediately referred to the medical staff for further evaluation and treatment. Detoxification will be carried out only under medical superv1s1on and initiated by the medical staff with physician overview on an individual care basis. All detainees found to be demonstrating the signs and symptoms of drug/alcohol withdrawal will be seen by the Medical Director and his treatment plan will be followed. Inmates experiencing severe, life threatening intoxication or withdrawal must be seen by the Medical Director and upon his orders may be transferred to a licensed acute care facility, or the local emergency room for treatment. The Detention Center Administrator must receive authorization of this transfer. Detox inmates must be monitored on a consistent basis and all finding charged in his/her medical record. Documentation of the patient's status during detoxification is very important and must be reviewed by all medical staff members when needed in order to maintain patient care while incarcerated. Detox inmates may be referred to the designated mental health provider or a local program for assessment regarding dependency issues. Pregnant females who have drug/alcohol dependency will promptly be referred to the Medical Director for appropriate treatment methods. The Medical Director may have established treatment protocols. Inmates who are on Methadone will be referred to the Medical Director for appropriate withdrawal treatment plans to be used. Medical staff will verify a patient's history and medication prior to inception of services. Physician will review the information and make referrals as appropriate . 9 • • • Treatment services may include on-site and/or off-site crisis intervention . Not all treatments include the prescribing of psychotropic medications. Crisis intervention is to be initiated if patient is a threat to themselves and others. Pregnant Inmates All verified and confirmed pregnant inmates will be referred to the designated prenatal clinician who can provide obstetric services including regular prenatal care, medical exams, activity level advice, safety precautions, nutrition guidance and counseling. The inmate will be prescribed prenatal vitamins while incarcerated and applicable laboratory and diagnostic testing will be performed. The Detention Center Administrator must be notified of the inmate's pregnancy and on-going treatment. Corrections Officers should be alerted to the inmate's due date as it approaches and she should be under close observation around that time. Medical staff will document inmate's previous health history and other births. An outside specialty clinic visits will also be documented and noted in the patient's chart, along with services rendered noted in the file. Medical staff must utilize the Pregnancy Flow Sheet to monitor the pregnancy. The Medical Director should review the flow sheet on a consistent basis, maybe at the established chronic clinics reviews. Pregnant inmates needing obstetric services will be referred to the local County Health Department. The designated mental health provider may be asked to participate in the treatment plan regarding the patient. Issues which may be discussed are any psychotropic medications needs and/or depressions issues the patient may experience due to separation from the baby after the birth. Medical Records All medical records will be kept in the medical unit or, if inactive, in a secure place accessible to medical personnel. For period of seven years. The Detention Center Administrator should be consulted as to the space needed for the storage of inactive files . 10 • • • All medical encounters will be entered into the medical record using a narrative, pathways or S.O.A.P. format. The medical record will contain the following elements and all laboratory reports, consult reports, discharge summaries, and diagnostic studies will be reviewed and initialed by the physician before placement in the medical record. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13 . 14. 15. Master Problem List (if a chronic condition patient); Receiving Screening form; Admission Data/History and Physical Assessment form; Physicians' Orders form; Progress Notes; Laboratory studies; Diagnostic studies; Dental records; Psychiatric and psychological reports; Consultant's reports; x-ray reports; Medication Administration Records; Consent forms; Discharges summaries; Release of Responsibility and Authorization for Release of Information Forms; Sick Call Request forms; Specialized treatments plans; All other relevant and medically related materials; Transfer forms When an inmate is reincarcerated, the prior record, if one exists, will be reactivated and reviewed by the medical staff. The inmate will have one (1) medical record that contains a record of all medical services that are rendered. All forms must be signed and dated appropriately. Confidentiality of Health Records HIPAA regulations apply to any protected health information such as information that ·concern's a person' social security number, date of birth, physical or mental health, healthcare, or payment information that could be used to identify an individual. That information must be blocked from a disclosure of such information. While individuals are in a correctional institution, SHP can use or disclosure an inmate's protected health information to the medical unit of another correctional institution for the following reasons: II • • • Provision of health care services; 1. Health and safety of the inmate or other inmates; 2. Health and safety of correctional institution personnel; 3. Health and safety of those personnel responsible for transporting or transferring of inmates; 4. Law enforcement on the institution's premises; 5. The administration and maintenance of the safety, security, and good order of the institution. N.C.G.S 130A 143 has strict confidentiality to information about reportable communicable diseases. The public health regulations authorize a local health department director to notify the sheriff if a detention inmate has certain communicable diseases. This regulation excludes HIV infection and AIDS. The disease must represent a significant threat to the public health. Further, if an inmate has escaped from custody, HIPAA does not restrict the use or disclosure of an inmate's medication information. In such situations, the correctional institution may use or disclose the inmate's personal medical information as long as that use or disclosure is consistent with applicable law and standards of ethics . The inmate's medical record is considered confidential and may not be shared with unauthorized individuals or agencies without the inmate's written consent. Training will be extended to all staff upon orientation as to the importance of maintaining medical confidentiality. Confidentiality Specific to HIV infection and AIDS 1. Any information and records, especially medical records that might identify an inmate as HIV infected, will be kept strictly confidential. a. The above reflects North Carolina's Law. Federal courts have recognized that inmates retain the right to privacy that protects against the disclosure of sensitive medical information. 2. Detention center medical staff only under the following circumstances may release the inmates HIV status: a. Release is made to health care personnel who are providing care to this inmate . 12 • • • b. Release is made with the inmate's written consent or the written consent of the inmate's guardian. c. Release is made pursuant to a subpoena or court order. Note: If an exposed officer learns from the detention center physician or private physician that an inmate is HIV infected, he or she must keep that information strictly confidential. The reason for telling the officer is to permit effective treatment and counseling. It is a misdemeanor if the officer discloses this information to another officer. The only exception to the confidentiality law is N.C.G.S. 53A 222 allows inspectors with the Detention Center and detention branch to see an inmate's medical record unless the inmate objects in writing. Before inspectors may review the inmate must be informed in writing of his right to object Privacy All medical evaluations and services are to be performed in as much privacy, with respect to security issues, as possible. The discretion is with the Medical Director, physician, or nurse providing the service . Security personnel may be present if the patient poses a probably risk to the safety of the medical staff or others. Instruction on maintaining confidentiality is given to security staff that observes or hears health encounters. When cell side triage is required, medical staff must take extra precautions as to promote private communication with the inmate. Handling of Intoxicated Inmates Upon completion of the screening process, patients indicating such uses must be immediately referred to the medical staff for further evaluation and treatment. 13 • • • Detoxification will be carried out only under medical supervision and initiated by the medical staff with physician overview on an individual care basis. All detainees found to be demonstrating the signs and symptoms of drug/alcohol withdrawal will be seen by the Medical Director and his treatment plan will be followed. Inmates experiencing severe, life threatening intoxification or withdrawal must be seen by the Medical Director and upon his orders may be transferred to a licensed acute care facility, or the local emergency room for treatment. The Detention Center Administrator must receive authorization of this transfer. Pregnant females who have drug/alcohol dependency will promptly be referred to the Medical Director for appropriate treatment methods. The Medical Director may have established treatment protocols. Inmates who are on Methadone will be referred to the Medical Director for appropriate withdrawal treatment plans to be used. Training for Officers Training programs should be providing by a Detention Center training coordinator or through programs funded by the county or state (depending upon the facility resources). All training programs provided by SHP must be documented and the Detention Center training coordinator will keep attendance rosters. Upon request by the Detention Center Administrator, SHP in a joint effort along with other available entities will provide the following training: First Aid; Suicide Prevention; CPR; Screening Techniques; Health Referrals; Medication Administration; Recognizing conditions/illnesses; Signs and Symptoms of Mental Illness; Confidentiality (HIPAA); Infectious Diseases-AIDS, MRSA, TB chronic The nurse should participate in the on-going training program currently set- up through the Facility, whenever available to do so . 14 • • • Transporting inmates to outside sources for medical care The transportation officer will be notified by medical personnel when an inmate is scheduled for an appointment outside the Detention Center. Security staff will plan the transportation. Medical staff will not inform the inmate of the date or time of the appointment. When emergency transportation is required, medical personnel will decide whether an ambulance or security van is required and coordinate appropriate transportation with the corrections administration and security. Medical Co-Pay The medical staff is not to benefit in any way from the co-pay system. The nurse who is triaging or treating the inmate is only to complete any forms to provide information so that an inmate's account can be charged. Continuity of Care Upon an inmate's admission into the Detention Center, every effort must be made in obtaining information concerning previous and/or current treatment plans. Record request forms may be sent to the inmate's treating physician for inclusion into inmate's current medical file at the Detention Center. The Medical Director must be made aware of the medical records upon arrival, for his/her review as well. All medications must be verified before their continuance. All verifications (or inability to verify) must be noted within the patient's chart. Once medications have been verified, the Medical Director may give a verbal order (if not on-site) to continue the medications until the next scheduled physician sick call, based upon the inmate's compliance prior to incarceration and present condition. Identified long-term and/or serious chronic conditions must be referred to the Physician for referrals or follow- up clinic visits as needed. All pregnant inmates will be placed on pre-natal clinic for review by a local 08/GYN clinic or the local county health department. Those pregnant inmates exhibiting serious conditions may be referred to the hospital for assessment. 15 • • • All ordered tests and/or consults are completed in a timely manner. The Medical Director must sign all outpatient service discharge summaries as evidence of review. If changes in treatment are necessary, the changes must be noted and clinical justification for an alternative treatment plan is noted. Health Assessment All history and physical data will be obtained by medical staff and recorded on an Admission Data History and Physical Exam form. The medical staff will review the Receiving Screening form and confirm all information, as well as ask for any additional medical history information that may not have been noted upon admission. The medical staff must make verification of previous history, and document such verification and/or non-verification. Within 14 calendar days of arrival into the Detention Center, inmate will receive a full health assessment by SHP medical staff. A recording of inmate's current weight, height, blood pressure reading, and temperature and pulse rate will be noted on the Assessment form. Female inmates will be given a pregnancy test if their situation deems possible pregnancy and/or upon request. The medical staff in conjunction with the Assessment form will perform a physical exam. Inmates with a chronic condition will be screened and questioned specifically about their condition. Chronic care inmates will be referred to the physician's chronic care clinic for an initial assessment and treatment plan as well. Other lab and/or diagnostic testing may be required based on information received from the Receiving Screening or Assessment form. Physician's orders must be obtained for the testing. An inmate, who has been re-admitted into the Detention Center and had a documented health assessment within the previous 12 months, need not be re-examined unless changes in inmate's health have been noted upon admission . 16 • • • An inmate has the right to refuse a health assessment. Please refer to the policy Right to Refuse Treatment. If an inmate refuses a TB test, the inmate must be placed in isolation for precautionary measures, as TB is an infectious disease. Medical staff should monitor inmate until the TB testing is completed. Depending upon the reasons for the inmate's refusal, the Medical Director and/or mental health staff may be advised to speak with the inmate about his/her concerns. All history and physicals must be referred to the Medical Director for review and sign-off. Grievance Procedure Upon receipt of an inmate's grievance, the nurse will review the information presented and speak with the inmate about the problem and possible resolution. All information about the conversation should be documented on the grievance form and filed within the inmate's medical record. All responses to inmate grievances must be timely and based on principles of adequate and prudent medical care. Correctional officers will provide grievance forms to inmates upon their request. The inmate will give the completed form to a correctional officer who then gives the form to the medical staff for resolution. An incident report may accompany a copy of the grievance if submitted to the SHP corporate office. If the corporate office needs to be involved in the resolution of the problem, communication with the nurse, as well as a review of the applicable records and/or other information will begin. The nurse should notify the corporate office of the need for involvement. After the grievance has been resolved, the Detention Center Administrator should be notified as to the resolution. If the inmate does not agree with the resolution, an appeal may be filed citing additional information. The nurse and Detention Center Administrator will once again review this appeal grievance, with a copy forwarded to the corporate office for resolution. All appeals must be sent to the corporate office for review . 17 • • • Collection of DNA In keeping in compliance with the Session law 2003-376 House Bill 79, the nurse or member of the Detention Center health team will provide the phlebotomy service for the collection of the DNA samples that are specific to meeting the requirements mandated by the state of North Carolina. This does not address the issue of obtaining DNA for the use of forensic investigation, for which no member of the Detention Center medical team is to participate in any actions of this nature. The Detention Center medical team is only to provide the services of phlebotomy and under no circumstances should be involve with the records keeping, finger printing and transport of the specimen. The location and time of this service will be established in agreement with both the duty officers and the medical team member. This procedure is never to interfere with the health care provider's responsibility to deliver health care services to the inmates of this facility. This Detention Center Health Plan is hereby approved__gs~6f &r·,j 1~, ADi/ by the Harnett County Sheriff's Office and by the health director o the Harnett County Department of Public Health . ~ ~ Date: tf..--1-b-/( ~ c~ty.seriff ffi/ Yvv-J\__ Date: 9--""2 4 ~c ( Harnett County Health Director 18 • • • Agenda I tern lf-K MEETING DATE: March!t..-2012 TO: HAfu'JETI COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ SUBJECT: Jnmate Medical Care Co-pay fee REQUESTED BY: Sheriff Larry l~ollins REQUEST: The Harnett County Sheriffs' Office request the authority to charge inmates a nonemergency medical service fee of$ 20.00 per incident. (N.C. G. S. !53A-225(a) [NOTE: Pursant to Session Law 201 1-145, House Bill 200, Section 31.26.(1), effective July I, 20 II. The maximum fee for noncmergency medical services increased to twenty dollars per incident.] The Sheriff's Office will establish a procedure for waiving fees for indigent inmates. The Harnett County Sheriffs Office and Harnett County Finance will develop procedures tor the collections of these fees . COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: C:\Dm:umcnts and Scttings\gmcnci/1\Desk:tupV\gt'ndas 2012\lnmarc Mcdi<.:a/ Services Copay.doc I of I Page ./'' -.~ . • • • a crime. He has had only a judicial determination of probable cause as a prerequisite to the extended restraint of his liberty following arrest. See Bell v. Wolfish, 441 U.S. 520, 53!, 99 S.Ct. 1861, 1874 {I 979). Further, "[ c ]ounties ... ex..ist solely as political subdivisions ofthe State and are creatures of statute. They are authorized to exercise only those powers expressly conferred upon them by statute and those which are necessa:'ily implied by law .from those expressly given." Davidson County v. City of High Point, 32! N.C. 252, 257, 362 S.E.2d 553, 557 (1987). "Statutorily granted powers are to be strictly construed." Ill (citing Jackson v. Board of Adjustment 275 N.C. 155, 166 S.E.2d 78 (1969}). In North Carolina, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services shall develop and publish minimum standards for the operation oflocal confinement facilities and the standards shall be developed with a view to providing secure custody of prisoners and to protecting their health and welfare and providing for their hwnane treatment. See N.C.G.S. § 153A-22l(a). The standards shall provide for (1) secure and safe physical facilities ... (6) personal hygiene and comfort ofprisoners ... (7) medical care for prisoners ... [and] (8) sanitation . .!lL "The operations and enforcement standards established in Section .0100 through .II 00 and Section .1300 [of Title 1 OA, Subchapter 14J of the North Carolina Administrative Code] shall apply to all jails." lOA NCAC l4J .0102 (emphasis added). DISCUSSION: /--· · Medical Care With respect to medical services, a written medical plan shall be developed in compliance with N.C.G.S. § 153A-225. lOA NCAC 141 .1001(a). As a part of the plan, each county may establish fees of not more than ten dollars ($10.00) per incident for the provision of nonemergency medical care to prisoners and each county must establish a procedure ror waiving f~s for indigent prisoners. N.C.G.S. § l53A-225(a) (emphaJ~is added). [NOTE: Pursuantto Session Law 2011-14S, Bouse Bill200, Section 31.26.(f), effective July 1, 20Jl, the maximum fee for nonemergency medical services increased to twenty dollars ($20.00) per incident.] Any person who violates any provision of this section is guilty of a Class I misdemeanor. N.C.G.S. § 153A-225(c). Mecklenburg's medical plan does not include a procedure by which the fees for nonemergency medical services can be waived for indigent inmates. Instead, pursuant to Mecklenburg's Inmate Medical Services Policy, Mecklenburg charges the acrount of indigent inmates for medical services who do not have sufficient funds to cover the costs at the time the services are rendered and subsequently debits the inmates' accounts to cover these charges as monies are added to the inmates' accounts. This practice is in direct violation of the statute. The county operating the facility shall pay the cost of emergency medical services unless the inmate has third-party insurance. The county shall only be liable for costs not reimbursed by the third-party insurer, in which event the county may recover fmm the inmate the cost of the non-reimbursed medical services. N.C.G.S. § J53A-224{a). Any person who violates any provision of this section is also guilty of a Class I misdemeanor. See N.C.G.S. § 153A-224(c). This statutory provision allows the counties to recover from the irur.atc the cost of any non- reimbursed emergency medical services only if the inmate has insurance. Therefore, if the 2 • • • Harnett County Detention Center Detention Center Health Plan Policy: Medical Co-Pay ADDENDUM 1: The Harnett County Detention Center maintains an inmate co-payment for health care services. Inmates are required to pay for some health care services that they initiate. At no time will any inmate be denied health services of any kind because of his/her inability to pay for those services. The Harnett County Detention Center has procedures for waiving fees for indigent inmates. Inmates charged for health services will be permitted to challenge a charge for health services. The inmate will follow Harnett County Detention Center facility grievance procedures . Lo c a l B u s i n e s s P l a n 20 1 3 - 2 0 1 6 Bo a r d s o f C o u n t y C o m m i s s i o n e r s Fe b r u a r y – M a r c h , 2 0 1 4 Lo c a l B u s i n e s s P l a n • 1 2 2 C - 1 1 5 . 2 r e q u i r e s t h a t e a c h L M E d e v e l o p a bu s i n e s s p l a n f o r t h e m a n a g e m e n t a n d d e l i v e r y of m e n t a l h e a l t h , d e v e l o p m e n t a l d i s a b i l i t i e s , a n d su b s t a n c e a b u s e s e r v i c e s . • T h e b u s i n e s s p l a n s h a l l b e i n e f f e c t f o r a t l e a s t th r e e S t a t e f i s c a l y e a r s . • T h e p r o p o s e d p l a n m u s t b e a p p r o v e d b y t h e bo a r d s o f c o u n t y c o m m i s s i o n e r s , r e v i e w e d b y th e C F A C , a n d s u b m i t t e d t o t h e D H H S S e c r e t a r y fo r c e r t i f i c a t i o n . Lo c a l B u s i n e s s P l a n • S t a t e w i d e I n i t i a t i v e s 1. T r a n s i t i o n t o C o m m u n i t y L i v i n g 2. A C T T / S u p p o r t e d E m p l o y m e n t 3. C r i s i s S e r v i c e E n h a n c e m e n t 4. C l o s e r t o H o m e – P s y c h i a t r i c R e s i d e n t i a l T r e a t m e n t F a c i l i t i e s ( P R T F ) 5. I n t e l l e c t u a l / D e v e l o p m e n t a l D i s a b i l i t i e s W a i t L i s t • L o c a l I n i t i a t i v e s 1. I n t e g r a t i o n o f B e h a v i o r a l a n d P h y s i c a l H e a l t h 2. I n t e g r a t e d T r a n s i t i o n a l C a r e T e a m P i l o t 3. A s s u r i n g a n E f f e c t i v e , Q u a l i t y P r o v i d e r N e t w o r k 4. I n c r e a s i n g P r o v i d e r C o m m u n i t y E f f i c i e n c y i n M a n a g e d C a r e 5. M a n a g i n g C l i n i c a l a n d F i n a n c i a l R i s k i n t h e M a n a g e d C a r e E n v i r o n m e n t St a t e w i d e I n i t i a t i v e : Tr a n s i t i o n t o C o m m u n i t y L i v i n g • R e a s o n f o r A c t i o n : – T o i n c r e a s e a c c e s s o f p e r s o n s w i t h m e n t a l il l n e s s t o r e s i d e i n t h e i r c o m m u n i t y i n t h e le a s t r e s t r i c t i v e r e s i d e n t i a l s e t t i n g o f t h e i r ch o i c e • M e a s u r e a b l e G o a l s : Ju n e 2 0 1 4 J u n e 2 0 1 5 J u n e 2 0 1 6 Ho u s i n g S l o t s t o b e R e q u e s t e d 4 0 1 2 0 2 3 0 In d i v i d u a l s t o b e T r a n s i t i o n e d 3 6 1 0 6 2 2 2 St a t e w i d e I n i t i a t i v e : As s e r t i v e C o m m u n i t y T r e a t m e n t / S u p p o r t e d E m p l o y m e n t • R e a s o n f o r A c t i o n : – T o e n s u r e i n d i v i d u a l s h a v e a c c e s s t o a n a r r a y o f s e r v i c e s an d s u p p o r t s t o a s s i s t i n su c c e s s f u l c o m m u n i t y l i v i n g • M e a s u r e a b l e G o a l s : – I n c r e a s e p e r c e n t a g e o f A C T T e a m s d e m o n s t r a t i n g fi d e l i t y t o m o d e l – I n c r e a s e n u m b e r o f M e n t a l H e a l t h m e m b e r s r e c e i v i n g Su p p o r t e d E m p l o y m e n t s e r v i c e s – E n s u r e 1 0 0 % o f m e m b e r s a p p r o v e d f o r h o u s i n g s l o t s a r e pr o v i d e d i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t S u p p o r t e d E m p l o y m e n t St a t e w i d e I n i t i a t i v e : Cr i s i s A d m i s s i o n s a n d E D W a i t T i m e s • R e a s o n f o r A c t i o n : – T o s t r e n g t h e n , i m p r o v e a n d e x p a n d c r i s i s se r v i c e s a n d d e c r e a s e E m e r g e n c y D e p a r t m e n t wa i t t i m e s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h p s y c h i a t r i c h o s p i t a l ad m i s s i o n s • M e a s u r e a b l e G o a l s : – D e c r e a s e a v e r a g e l e n g t h o f s t a y i n E D s b y 1 0 % – R e d u c e n u m b e r o f S t a t e h o s p i t a l a d m i s s i o n s b y 7% a n d c o m m u n i t y h o s p i t a l a d m i s s i o n s b y 1 0 % St a t e w i d e I n i t i a t i v e : Cl o s e r t o H o m e – P R T F P l a c e m e n t s • R e a s o n f o r A c t i o n : – T o r e d u c e o u t o f s t a t e p l a c e m e n t s w h e n y o u t h re q u i r e P s y c h i a t r i c R e s i d e n t i a l T r e a t m e n t Fa c i l i t y l e v e l o f c a r e • M e a s u r e a b l e G o a l s : Ju n e 2 0 1 4 J u n e 2 0 1 5 J u n e 2 0 1 6 Re d u c e t o n o m o r e t h a n : 2 2 1 5 7 Re d u c e p e r c e n t a g e o f t o t a l PR T F p l a c e m e n t s t o l e s s t h a n : 33 % 2 9 % 2 5 % Re d u c e a v e r a g e l e n g t h o f s t a y to n o m o r e t h a n : 5 months St a t e w i d e I n i t i a t i v e : In t e l l e c t u a l / D e v e l o p m e n t a l D i s a b i l i t y W a i t l i s t • R e a s o n f o r A c t i o n : – T o r e d u c e t h e n u m b e r o f I / D D m e m b e r s w a i t i n g fo r s e r v i c e s a n d m a k e a v a i l a b l e a l t e r n a t i v e se r v i c e s w h i l e m e m b e r s a r e w a i t i n g • M e a s u r e a b l e G o a l s : – I n c r e a s e t h e n u m b e r o f p r o v i d e r s o f f e r i n g Me d i c a i d B - 3 s e r v i c e s – R e d u c e t h e n u m b e r o f i n d i v i d u a l s w a i t i n g b y a t le a s t 1 0 % b y J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 6 Lo c a l I n i t i a t i v e : In t e g r a t i o n o f B e h a v i o r a l a n d P h y s i c a l H e a l t h • R e a s o n f o r A c t i o n : – T o s e r v e o u r m e m b e r s i n a n i n t e g r a t e d c a r e mo d e l o f b e h a v i o r a l h e a l t h a n d m e d i c a l he a l t h • M e a s u r e a b l e G o a l s : Ju n e 2 0 1 4 J u n e 2 0 1 5 J u n e 2 0 1 6 Cr o s s c o o r d i n a t i o n m e e t i n g s wi t h C C N C s 30 6 0 9 0 Me m b e r s h a v i n g b e h a v i o r a l an d p h y s i c a l h e a l t h d a t a u s e d in C a r e C o o r d i n a t i o n , a t l e a s t : 1, 5 0 0 2 , 0 0 0 3 , 0 0 0 Lo c a l I n i t i a t i v e : In t e g r a t e d T r a n s i t i o n a l C a r e T e a m P i l o t •R e a s o n f o r A c t i o n : – T o a d d r e s s m e m b e r s n e e d s t h r o u g h m o r e c o o r d i n a t e d ma n a g e m e n t o f p h y s i c a l a n d b e h a v i o r a l h e a l t h n e e d s , re d u c i n g t h e n e e d f o r r e p e a t e d E D v i s i t s w i t h i n a s h o r t pe r i o d o f t i m e • M e a s u r e a b l e G o a l s : – C o m m u n i t y p r o v i d e r c o n t a c t w i t h m e m b e r w i t h i n 3 d a y s of d i s c h a r g e – R e d u c t i o n o f m e m b e r s u s i n g E D f o r b e h a v i o r a l h e a l t h ep i s o d e s b y 2 5 % b y J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 4 – R e d u c e i n p a t i e n t r e - a d m i s s i o n s b y 2 5 % b y J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 4 Lo c a l I n i t i a t i v e : As s u r i n g a n E f f e c t i v e , Q u a l i t y P r o v i d e r N e t w o r k •R e a s o n f o r A c t i o n : – T o e n s u r e a s u f f i c i e n t p r o v i d e r n e t w o r k e x i s t s t h a t i s ac c e s s i b l e t o m e m b e r s a n d e n s u r e q u a l i t y s t a n d a r d s o f c a r e a r e me t . • M e a s u r e a b l e G o a l s : – A t l e a s t 9 5 % a c c e s s i b i l i t y f o r a l l s e r v i c e s b y J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 5 – 1 0 0 % o f a l l e n r o l l e d p r o v i d e r s r e c e i v e m o n t h l y c r e d e n t i a l mo n i t o r i n g – 1 0 0 % o f a l l e n r o l l e d p r o v i d e r s u s i n g G o l d S t a r M o n i t o r i n g pr o c e s s b y D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 1 6 – R e - c r e d e n t i a l 1 0 0 % o f a l l e n r o l l e d p r o v i d e r s w i t h i n 3 y e a r s Lo c a l I n i t i a t i v e : In c r e a s i n g P r o v i d e r C o m m u n i t y E f f i c i e n c y i n M a n a g e d C a r e •R e a s o n f o r A c t i o n : – T o a s s i s t t h e p r o v i d e r c o m m u n i t y i n m a k i n g t h e t r a n s i t i o n fr o m t h e t r a d i t i o n a l F e e F o r S e r v i c e r e i m b u r s e m e n t p r o c e s s t o th e 1 9 1 5 ( b ) / ( c ) M e d i c a i d w a i v e r e n v i r o n m e n t • M e a s u r e a b l e G o a l s : – H o l d a t l e a s t 6 P r o v i d e r F o r u m s a n n u a l l y – R e d u c e U M A d m i n i s t r a t i v e D e n i a l s t o n o m o r e t h a n 1 7 . 5 % b y De c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 1 4 – R e d u c e C l a i m s D e n i a l s t o n o m o r e t h a n 2 0 % b y D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 20 1 4 Lo c a l I n i t i a t i v e : Ma n a g i n g C l i n i c a l a n d F i n a n c i a l R i s k i n M a n a g e d C a r e •R e a s o n f o r A c t i o n : – T o b a l a n c e b o t h c l i n i c a l a n d f i n a n c i a l r i s k i n o u r op e r a t i o n a s a M a n a g e d C a r e O r g a n i z a t i o n t h a t re c o g n i z e s t h e e n t i t l e m e n t w e a r e m a n a g i n g a n d re c o g n i z e s t h e f u n d i n g a v a i l a b l e f o r m e m b e r s • M e a s u r e a b l e G o a l s : – H o l d a t l e a s t 3 6 c r o s s f u n c t i o n a l C l i n i c a l a n d F i n a n c i a l Ri s k M a n a g e m e n t C o m m i t t e e m e e t i n g s a n n u a l l y Su b s t a n t i a l E q u i v a l e n t S t a t u s - S t a t e H u m a n R e s o u r c e s S y s t e m NC G . S . 1 2 6 - 1 1 A l l o w s l o c a l a r e a m e n t a l h e al t h a u t h o r i t i e s t o p e t i t i o n t h e S t a t e Hu m a n R e s o u r c e s C o m m i s s i o n t o a l l o w t h e au t h o r i t y t o e s t a b l i s h a n i n t e r n a l sy s t e m t h a t i s “ s u b s t a n t i a l l y e q u i v a l e n t ” to t h e s y s t e m u s e d b y t h e N o r t h C a r o l i n a Of f i c e o f H u m a n R e s o u r c e s . Sa n d h i l l s C e n t e r L M E / M C O i s r e q u e s t i ng B o a r d o f C o u n t y C o m m i s s i o n e r s su p p o r t i n p e t i t i o n i n g t h e N o r t h C a r o l i n a S t a t e H u m a n R e s o u r c e s C o m m i s s i o n f o r su b s t a n t i a l l y e q u i v a l e n t s t a t u s f o r S a n d h il l s C e n t e r h u m a n r e s o u r c e s s y s t e m i n t h e ar e a s o f : 1. S Y S T E M P O R T I O N I : R E C R U I T M E N T , S EL E C T I O N , A N D A D V A N C E M E N T ( 2 5 N C A C 0 1 I . 2 4 0 1 ) 2. S Y S T E M P O R T I O N I I : C L A S S I F I C AT I O N / C O M P E N S A T I O N ( 2 5 N C A C 0 1 I . 2 4 0 2 ) Cu r r e n t l y , t h e H u m a n R e s o u r c e s D e p a r t m e n t D i r e c t o r h a s d e l e g a t e d au t h o r i t y t o d e t e r m i n e t h e q u a l i f i c a t i o n s o f a p p l i c a n t s . Op p o r t u n i t y Ob t a i n i n g S u b s t a n t i a l E q u i v a l e n t S t a t us - w i l l a l l o w s e v e r a l o p p o r t u n i t i e s wh i c h i n c l u d e : 1. A b i l i t y t o d e t e r m i n e a p p r o p r i a t e c l a s s i f i c a t i o n s b a s e d o n r e g i o n a l n e e d s an d o r g a n i z a t i o n a l s t r u c t u r e 2. R e d u c e p a p e r w o r k 3. R e d u c e t i m e b e t w e e n d e v e l o p m e n t o f t h e j o b d e s c r i p t i o n a n d d e t e r m i n i n g po s i t i o n c l a s s i f i c a t i o n 4. E x p a n d t h e l i s t o f p o s i t i o n c l a s s i f i c a t i o n s a v a i l a b l e 5. O p p o r t u n i t y t o c o n s i s t e n t l y i n c o r p o r a t e M e d i c a i d W a i v e r C o n t r a c t a n d UR A C N a t i o n a l A c c r e d i t a t i o n r e q u i r e d q u a l i f i c a t i o n s , e d u c a t i o n a n d ex p e r i e n c e i n t o p o s i t i o n r e q u i r e m e n t s 6. M o r e o v e r a l l f l e x i b i l i t y i n a d m i n i s t r a t i o n o f t h e H u m a n R e s o u r c e s S y s t e m Pr o c e s s Sa n d h i l l s C e n t e r w i l l b e r e q u i r e d t o s u b m i t t o t h e N o r t h C a r o l i n a O f f i c e o f Hu m a n R e s o u r c e s : • A r e s o l u t i o n f r o m e a c h o f t h e B o a r d s o f C o u n t y C o m m i s s i o n e r s s u p p o r t i n g th e p e t i t i o n • P o l i c i e s a n d p r o c e d u r e s i n d i c a t i n g ho w t h e a g e n c y w i l l m e e t r e q u i r e m e n t s • C o v e r l e t t e r f r o m t h e B o a r d i n d i c a t i n g t h e i r r e q u e s t t o p e t i t i o n t h e S t a t e Hu m a n R e s o u r c e s C o m m i s s i o n t o d e t e r m i n e i f t h e i r h u m a n r e s o u r c e s sy s t e m m e e t s t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s f o r S u b s t a n t i a l l y E q u i v a l e n t s t a t u s COUNTY OF HARNETT  HUMAN RESOURCES  REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS  INSURANCE BROKER SERVICES    DUE DATE:  NO LATER THAN 3:00 P.M., MARCH 21, 2014      QUESTIONS: MELINDA BETHUNE, RISK MANAGER  MBETHUNE@HARNETT.ORG    FAXES OR E‐MAILS ARE NOT ACCEPTED FOR THIS PROPOSAL    COUNTY OF HARNETT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY OR ALL PROPOSALS RECEIVED, OR  TO SELECT THE PROPOSAL WHICH, IN OUR OPINION, IS IN THE BEST OVERALL INTEREST OF THE  COUNTY.  MAIL OR DELIVER PROPOSALS IN A SEALED ENVELOPE IDENTIFIED “PROPOSAL ENCLOSED  HCHR‐03212014”, YOUR FIRM NAME, AND THE DELIVER BY DATE ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE  ENVELOPE    TO:  Renea Warren‐Ford  Purchasing Specialist    102 E. Front Street (Physical)    P.O. Box 760 (Mailing)    Lillington, N.C.  27546  REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS  INSURANCE BROKER  PROPERTY/CASUALTY/WORKERS COMPENSATION  NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the County of Harnett (hereinafter referred to as “COUNTY”) is requesting  proposals for an Insurance Broker. COUNTY will receive such proposals in the office of and addressed to:   County of Harnett  C/O Harnett County Finance Department  102 E. Front Street (Physical)  PO Box 760 (Mailing)  Lillington, NC 27546  ATTENTION: Renea Warren‐Ford, Purchasing Specialist    SEVEN (7) COPIES OF THE PROPOSAL WILL BE REQUIRED AND RECEIVED    UP TO THE HOUR OF 3:00 P.M., Friday, March 21, 2014      All questionnaires and declaration forms must be properly executed and submitted as part of the  proposal. The COUNTY reserves the right to reject any or all proposals.   At this time you are not authorized to contact any insurance markets on the COUNTY’s behalf. Failure  to comply with this request will disqualify your firm.       Renea Warren‐Ford  Purchasing Specialist                                           REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS  INSURANCE BROKER  SCOPE OF SERVICES & PROPOSAL    1. Purpose     County of Harnett (“Harnett County”) is requesting proposals from qualified insurance brokers and firms  that are familiar with Public Entities to assist in managing its Property and Casualty and Workers  Compensation Insurance Programs.         2. Overview     The County provides its citizens with a wide range of services through many departments including, but  not limited to, Sheriff’s Office, Jail, EMS, Fire Marshal, Planning and Inspections, Public Utilities (water  and sewer), Public Health, Social Services, Transportation, Parks and Recreation, Airport, and Solid  Waste.    Harnett County employs approximately 950 full time employees, owns a fleet of approximately 400  vehicles, and insures approximately $280 million in property.    The County is currently self insured for workers compensation coverage up to $750,000.00. The County  is currently fully insured for all other programs.        3. Qualifications    COUNTY requires a North Carolina licensed Broker that is independent and is not affiliated with any  insurance company, third party administrative agency, or provider network. Notwithstanding the  foregoing, this solicitation is also open to The North Carolina Association of County Commissioners’ Risk  Management Pools “NCACCRMP”.  The potential contractor must have at least 5 years of experience in  providing brokerage service in the public sector arena.         4. Scope of Service     The COUNTY reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. The potential contractor (sometimes  hereinafter referred to as “Broker”) shall at a minimum provide the following services:     Property & Casualty Program:      This request will exclude liability and auto coverage for Emergency Services. This request also  excludes bonds.     The COUNTY is interested in both fully insured and self insured programs.     Broker shall market Auto Liability & Physical Damage (excluding Emergency Services),  Employment Practices Liability, General Liability (excluding Emergency Services), Inland Marine,  Law Enforcement Liability, Legal Liability, Professional Liability, Public Officials Liability, Excess  Liability, Cyber Liability, Property, Crime, Volunteer Accident, and Workers’ Compensation,  including Excess coverage if applicable.      Broker shall provide pre‐marketing, marketing and claims related services. Please include in  proposal a detailed list of services covered under each and any other service included in the fee  for services.      Broker shall provide loss control services, separate and apart from any services provided by an  insurance company. Please include in proposal a detailed list of these services and associated  fees.     Insurance proposals should be submitted by May 1st of each year for the COUNTY’s review, with  the exception of 2014 that has a due date of June 1st.      Proposals should only be submitted from insurance providers with at least a 5‐year history of  providing municipal/public entity insurance coverage. The insurance company’s A.M. Best rating  should be a factor. The COUNTY has no desire to serve as a test market for new companies.      Make recommendations as to which carrier(s) and insurance programs are in the best interest of  the COUNTY.     Negotiate with insurance providers.      Perform claims control functions upon request.      Notify COUNTY promptly of any changes in the status of the insuring company, changes in the  financial condition, changes in policy working and premiums.      Be available to meet with COUNTY management as needed.       5. Broker Compensation     It is preferred that the broker’s only compensation will be derived from the COUNTY and that the Broker  shall not take commissions or other methods of payments from insurance companies. Please provide a  flat fee with the services it covers and how it is derived. Please also include any additional services that  would be an additional cost over the flat fee. If the Broker does not provide fee based services, please  provide a detailed description of the companies the Broker is associated with and the method and  amount of payment received from these companies.  The following chart of policies may be useful in calculating your proposed fee:   2013‐2014 Policy Year  Coverage Limits  Deductible  Notes  Auto Liability $1,000,000 combined single limit  $                      ‐       Auto Comp/Collision ACV  $          1,000.00   applies only to  vehicles 5 years  old and newer  Property $248,624,235 blanket  $          2,500.00     Inland Marine as scheduled  $          1,000.00   includes  communication  towers and police  dogs  Crime $250,000  $          1,000.00     General Liability $1,000,000/$2,000,000  $                      ‐       Employment Practices $1,000,000/$2,000,000  $          5,000.00     Public Officials Liability $1,000,000/$2,000,000  $          5,000.00     Law Enforcement Liability $1,000,000/$2,000,000  $          5,000.00     Umbrella $1,000,000  $                      ‐       Cyber Liability $1,000,000  $        25,000.00     Workers Compensation self insured  $      750,000.00       6. Projected Timetable     March 3, 2014  RFP Issued and advertised   March 12, 2014  Deadline for questions. All questions must be  submitted in writing by 5:00 pm on Friday  March 12, 2014   March 17, 2014  Questions will be answered in writing in the  form of an addendum to this Request for  Proposals and posted on the county’s  website by 5:00 pm on Monday March 17,  2014    March 21, 2014  Due Date for Proposal. Proposal must be  received by 3:00 pm on Monday March 21,  2014   March 24‐28 , 2014 Selection committee selects proposal for  recommendation and possible interviews;  Recommend to County Manager.  Recommendations will then be presented to  the Board of Commissioners.    7. Proposal Submittal Requirements  The following should be included in your Proposal.    1 original and 6 copies for a total of 7 proposals shall be submitted.    Complete Attachment A – Broker Questionnaire with signed declaration.    Compensation Fee  Note:  Elaborate proposals in the form of brochures or other presentations beyond that necessary to  present a complete and effective proposal are not desired.  In an effort to support the sustainability  efforts of the County we solicit your cooperation in this effort.    8. Evaluation Criteria  The evaluation of the proposals will be based on:  a. Completeness and quality of proposal  b. Past performance with similar projects for public entity  c. Specialized municipal experience  d. Ability of the broker and its staff and its accessibility, experience and     flexibility  e. Proposer’s stated method of providing the necessary services and     understanding of the range of services being requested.  f. Total Cost  g. Client references, financial viability and demonstrated success  A selection committee will make the selection and recommendation to the County Manager.  The selection committee, at its option, may require a presentation from up to three brokers. This  presentation would encompass an overview of the broker services proposed and a question and answer  period to clarify any questions by the committee. At least three (3) days notice will be provided to each  potential contractor if requested. Brokers are cautioned that the COUNTY is not required to request  clarifications; therefore, all proposals should be complete and reflect the most favorable terms available  from the broker.    9. Form of Submission  The COUNTY will receive proposals in the office of and addressed to:  County of Harnett  C/O Harnett County Finance Department  102 E. Front Street (Physical)  PO Box 760 (Mailing)  Lillington, NC 27546  ATTENTION: Renea Warren‐Ford, Purchasing Specialist  SEVEN (7) COPIES OF THE PROPOSAL WILL BE RECEIVED  UP TO THE HOUR OF 3:00 P.M., FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014    The proposal can be delivered via U.S. Postal Service, Commercial Carrier or by Hand.    Late proposals will not be accepted. Electronic proposals (fax, email, etc.) will not be considered.  Postmarks and/or shipping receipts will not be considered as proof of timely submissions.  Potential  Contractors must provide responses for all items contained herein that request or call for a response or  information, and responses and signatures are required for any attachments to this RFP that are due  with the Proposal.  Proposals shall be complete and must convey all of the information requested by the  County.    Proposals shall be valid for 60 days.  Questions will be answered in the form of an addendum to the Request for Proposals and posted on the  county’s website by March 17, 2014. All questions shall be in writing to the attention of Melinda  Bethune at mbethune@harnett.org.    10. Terms and Conditions  a. No Potential Contractor or Broker may approach any market without the COUNTY’s expressed  authority.  b. Submission of a proposal indicates acceptance by the potential contractor of the conditions  contained in this request for proposal unless clearly and specifically noted in the proposal  submitted and confirmed in the contract between the COUNTY and the potential contractor  selected.  c. Brokers are cautioned that this is a request for offers, not a request to contract and the County  reserves the unqualified right to reject any and all offers when such rejection is deemed to be in  the best interest of the County.  The County retains the right, in its sole discretion, at any time to  reject any or all proposals, in whole or in part, and to cancel or cancel and reissue this RFP,  before or after receipt and opening of proposals in response thereto, or take any other actions,  if it considers it to be in the best interests of the County.  d. All Proposals, data, materials and documentation originated, prepared and submitted to the  County pursuant to this RFP shall belong exclusively to the County and may become available to  the public in accordance with the North Carolina Public Records Act as provided in N.C.G.S. §132‐ 1 et. seq.  County will make reasonable attempts to maintain, in accordance with the Public  Records Laws and the Act, the confidentiality of any trade secrets or confidential information that  meets the requirements of N.C.G.S. §132‐1.2 of the Public Records Laws if such Potential  Contractors properly and conspicuously identify the particular data or other materials which are  Confidential Information in accordance with the Public Records Laws.  e. Any and all costs associated with the preparation of a response to this request are the  responsibility of the proposer, and are not to be passed on to the COUNTY.   County will not  reimburse any broker for any costs incurred prior to award.  f. Any information, data, instruments, documents, studies or reports given to or prepared or  assembled for the broker under this agreement shall be kept confidential and not divulged,  made available, sold, or used for advertisement by the broker to any individual, organization, or  company without prior written approval of the COUNTY.  g. By submitting an executed proposal the signer certifies that this proposal is submitted  competitively and without collusion, that none of the officers, directors, or owners of an  unincorporated business entity has been convicted of any violations of the General Statues, the  Securities Act of 1933, or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.  h. This RFP can only be changed by written addendums. Any oral comments by anyone shall have  no effect on these instructions and specifications. If a bidder knows of our should have known of  an error in the RFP, but fails to notify the COUNTY of the error, the bidder shall bid at its own  risk and if awarded the contract, shall not be entitled to additional compensation or time by  reason of the error or its later correction.  i. A Successful Potential Contractor under this RFP shall negotiate and execute a Contract  containing such terms and conditions as shall be satisfactory to the County.  The occurrence of  negotiations with any Potential Contractor conveys no right or status on such Potential  Contractor.  By submitting a Proposal, each Potential Contractor acknowledges and agrees that  the County may negotiate with one or more Potential Contractors, under such circumstances, at  such times and in such a manner as it determines to be in the best interest of the County.  j. This Procurement and any Contract resulting from this RFP shall be governed by and constructed  in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina.  Any and all claims or disputes arising  under or in connection with this RFP or the Contract shall be exclusively governed by the laws of  the State of North Carolina, and venue shall be exclusively within Harnett County, North  Carolina.  k. Contractors will indemnify and hold harmless the County, its officers, agents, and employees  from and against all loss, cost, damages, expense and liability caused by accident or other  occurrence resulting in bodily injury, including death and disease to any person, or damage or  destruction to property, real or personal, arising directly or indirectly from operations, products,  or services rendered or purchased under the contract.  l. The covenants and agreements contained within the awarded proposal are specifically binding  and the County will not allow the awarded proposal to be transferred, assigned or  subcontracted to any other party or parties without the express written consent from the  County.  m. By submission of this Proposal, the Potential Contractor certifies and, in the case of a joint  Proposal, each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, that in connection with this  Procurement:   The price in this Proposal has been arrived at independently, without consultation,  communication, or agreement for the purpose of restricting competition as to any matter  relating to such prices with any other Potential Contractor or with any competitor;   Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this Proposal have  not and will not be knowingly disclosed by the Potential Contractor prior to the Proposal  opening, directly or indirectly, to any other Potential Contractor or to any competition; and   No attempt has been made or will be made by the Potential Contractor to induce any other  person or firm to submit or not to submit a Proposal for the purpose of restricting  competition.  n. By submission of this Proposal, the Potential Contractor certifies that it and any subcontractors  complies with the requirements of Article 2 of Chapter 64 of the North Carolina General Statutes.  o. County is an equal employment opportunity employer.  The County is a federal contractor, and  therefore the provisions and affirmative action obligations of 41 CFR §601.4(a), 41 CFR 60‐ 741.5(a), and 41 CFR 60‐250.4 are incorporated herein by reference, where applicable.       Note:  The right is reserved to accept the response that the Unit determines to be in the best interest of  the Unit and its employees.  The Unit reserves the right to reject any and or all proposals.     Questionnaire & Required Documents – Attachment A  THE FOLLOWING FORMS SHOULD BE COMPLETED AND RETURNED WITH PROPOSAL. ATTACH  ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS REQUESTED.  A. Business Information  1. Name of Firm (exactly as it is to appear on the agreement):  _______________________________________  2. Servicing Office Address:  __________________________________________________________________  __________________________________________________________________  3. Telephone Number: _________________________________________________  4. Email Address ______________________________________________________  5. Contact Person/Title: _________________________________________________  6. Insurance Broker License Date: _________________________________________  7. Tax ID #: ___________________________________________________________  8. Form of Business Entity (check one):   a. Corporation   b. Partnership   c. Joint Venture   d. Individual   9. Total Staff ___________  10. Professionals ______________  11. Total Annual Premiums Written ($000’s) _______ Year _________  12. Total Annual Premiums Written ($000’s) for Public Entity ______ Year _______  13. Is your organization, functionally or practically, tied to any insurer or in any manner precluded  from using a particular insurer? (briefly describe)  __________________________________________________________________  14. Describe your contractual relationships, if any, with organizations necessary to your proposal’s  implementation (i.e. actuarial services, data information services).  __________________________________________________________________  15. What is your median client size? __________    B. Experience  1. Provide the number of years engaged in the insurance brokerage business: ______  2. Provide the number of years engaged in the public sector insurance brokerage business: ______  3. Number of years individual assigned to this proposed contract engaged in the public sector  insurance Brokerage business: ______  4. How many public sector clients do you have? ______  5. What is the population of your largest county government client? ______  6. How many overall clients do you have? _________  7. Describe your firm’s experience with public entities on a nation‐wide basis.  _______________________________________________________________________  C. Specific Experience  1. List current local government clients and services provided/types of coverage’s specifically  Public Entity Bonds, Automobile, Employment Practices Liability, General Liability, Inland  Marine, Law Enforcement Legal Liability, Public Officials Liability, Umbrella Liability, Property,  Flood, Crime, Volunteer Accident, Cyber Liability and Excess Workers’ Compensation, placed by  the servicing office that will service the COUNTY’s account, if successful (do not list clients that  are not direct clients of the proposed servicing office):  ________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________      2. Who will manage/service this account? Please list all local governments and public entities this  person (s) has directly serviced:  _______________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________    3. References – Please provide these on a separate attachment    Please provide a list of four verifiable client references of similar scope and industry for the  property and casualty program, all of whom are able to comment on your organization's  relevant experience. This list should include at least three active client references that are  similar in nature and size to COUNTY, and one reference from a former client. Please include  company name, contact name, telephone number and size of company's workforce as well as  services provided. It is the vendor's responsibility to provide valid reference information and  COUNTY reserves the right to use reference check in its evaluations of proposals.    D. Qualifications  1. Confirm that you are a licensed broker in North Carolina and provide documentation. Confirm  that you serve as a broker, independently, and are not affiliated with any insurance company,  third party administrative agency or provider network. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this  solicitation is also open to The North Carolina Association of County Commissioners’ Risk  Management Pools “NCACCRMP”.     ________________________________________________________________________  2. Please provide the most recent year’s annual reports, or comparable document, including  detailed current profit and loss, assets and liabilities, and other relevant financial data.  ________________________________________________________________________  3. Describe the account set up you would use to service the COUNTY’s account. Provide a brief  resume of qualifications and experience for the personnel and their backup who will be servicing  the COUNTY’s account. Include professional qualifications, educational background (also  indicating current and historical account responsibilities), and specific county government  experience. If your servicing plans include the use of personnel other than the identified  servicing location, describe the method or internal set‐up that assures your servicing office  clients are well serviced.  ________________________________________________________________________  4. Describe your firm’s servicing and technical capabilities. Provide a general background of your  company as it relates to the line of coverage for which the COUNTY is seeking a proposal.  Describe any special expertise your firm has in providing insurance to county government.  ________________________________________________________________________  5. Describe any impending changes in your organization that could impact the delivery of services.  ________________________________________________________________________  6. What is your average response time to questions posed from your clients? How do you handle  follow up to outstanding items?  ________________________________________________________________________  7. How does your firm develop your insurance/risk management professionals (i.e., do you have  any in‐house training program, on‐the‐job training, etc.)?  ________________________________________________________________________  8. Provide your suggestions for developing a reliable, viable, working relationship with the  COUNTY. What do you view as the role of each of the following parties: your organization,  Harnett County Risk Management, the COUNTY and the carrier? Please be brief and concise.  ________________________________________________________________________  9. What techniques will you use to assist us in developing current risk exposure information? Can  your staff conduct or arrange facility inspections? What services do you expect to be provided  by the insurance carriers and how do you plan to monitor these services?  ________________________________________________________________________  10. Describe any and all loss control services offered, not including those offered by any insurance  company.  ________________________________________________________________________  11. In what way do you insure that each policy is being properly serviced, and how would follow up  and control the service standard on the COUNTY’s account?  ________________________________________________________________________  12. Describe in schematic form your “ideal” method of handling yearly renewals/selection of new  vendors. Please start at the data collection phase and continue through the entire process, key  on the role of each party, timing of events, and the necessary coordination of the parties.  ________________________________________________________________________  13. How will you assist with the management of insurance, including preparation of claims activity  reports from carriers; executive summary reports; underwriting analysis for annual renewals;  annual financial projections for budgeting purposes analysis?  ________________________________________________________________________  14. Describe your organization’s method of keeping abreast of insurance market changes including  coverage, rates, business philosophy, availability, legal constraints, and solvency (security of  company). Describe your organization’s method of apprising clients of these same changes.  ________________________________________________________________________  15. Specifically address what you have done to reduce insurance costs for clients.  ________________________________________________________________________  16. Provide details of seminars, presentations or webinars you have provide to your public entity  clients in the last three years. Please also include your role in the presentations (instructor,  organizer, etc.).  _______________________________________________________________________  17. State any other facts and information you feel are pertinent to the selection process as they  relate to your firm.  _______________________________________________________________________  18. List any additional service options your company can provide, not already requested, and along  with the fee required for these services.  ________________________________________________________________________    E. Carrier Information  1. Provide the following carrier information:  a) List the three P&C carriers with whom you have placed the greatest percent of your public entity P&C  business during the previous 24 months.  ________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________      b) List three P&C carriers that you have accepted proposals from, but have not placed any public entity  P&C business with during the previous 24 months.  ________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________  c) List three P&C carriers admitted in North Carolina that you most desire to solicit large DED / SIR  insurance proposals for those insurance coverages previously outlined. The COUNTY appreciates the fact  one carrier may not offer all lines of coverage being desired. Please include your plan as to how you  would recommend the coverages be marketed.  ________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________  d) List three TPAs you would recommend to administer claims services if the COUNTY were to move to a  large SIR program.  ________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________  ________________________________________________________________________  e) Describe your access to excess and surplus line markets.  ________________________________________________________________________      F. Broker Insurance  1. Do you carry professional liability insurance to protect against errors and omissions?   Yes    No      Limits: __________  2. Will you provide a certificate of insurance for the COUNTY if successful in obtaining this account?   Yes    No    EXECUTION OF PROPOSAL  DATE:___________    The Potential Contractor certifies the following by placing an "X" in all blank spaces:    ___ That this proposal was signed by an authorized representative of the firm.    ___   That the potential Contractor has determined the cost and availability of all  materials and supplies associated with performing the services outlined herein.    ___ That all labor costs associated with this project have been determined, including  all direct and indirect costs.    ___ That the potential Contractor agrees to the conditions as set forth in this Request  for Proposal with no exceptions.      Therefore, in compliance with the foregoing Request for Proposal, and subject to all terms and conditions  thereof, the undersigned offers and agrees, if this proposal is accepted within sixty (60) days from the  date of the opening, to furnish the services for the prices quoted within the timeframe required.    CONTRACTOR______________________ADDRESS_________________________________    CITY, ST. & ZIP__________________________PHONE____________FAX_______________    BY_____________________________TITLE_________________________________________   (Signature)  __________________________________   ___________________________________________   Type or Printed Name     Federal Identification Number                    THIS PAGE MUST BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED AS A PART OF YOUR PROPOSAL.  COUNTY OF HARNETT  HUMAN RESOURCES  REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS  BENEFITS BROKER SERVICES    DUE DATE:  NO LATER THAN NOON, APRIL 4, 2014      QUESTIONS: JOHN RANKINS, DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES  JRANKINS@HARNETT.ORG  FAX:  910‐814‐0350  FAXES OR E‐MAILS ARE NOT ACCEPTED FOR THIS PROPOSAL    COUNTY OF HARNETT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY OR ALL PROPOSALS  RECEIVED, OR TO SELECT THE PROPOSAL WHICH, IN OUR OPINION, IS IN THE BEST  OVERALL INTEREST OF THE COUNTY.  MAIL OR DELIVER PROPOSALS IN A SEALED ENVELOPE IDENTIFIED “PROPOSAL  ENCLOSED HCHR‐04042014”, YOUR FIRM NAME, AND THE DELIVER BY DATE ON THE  OUTSIDE OF THE ENVELOPE    TO:  Renea Warren‐Ford  Purchasing Specialist    102 E. Front Street    P.O. Box 760    Lillington, N.C.  27546     2 County of Harnett  Request for Proposals      TITLE:    Benefits Broker Services    DEPARTMENT:   Human Resources    ISSUE DATE:   March 3, 2014      DUE DATE:     April 4, 2014 12:00 noon    ISSUING AGENCY:   County of Harnett  c/o Harnett County Human Resources  102 E. Front Street       PO Box 778       Lillington, NC 27546         Sealed Proposals subject to the conditions made a part hereof will be accepted until  noon April 4, 2014 for furnishing services described herein.    IMPORTANT NOTE: Indicate firm name and deliver by date on the front of each sealed  proposal envelope or package identified as Proposal Enclosed HCHR ‐ 04042014.   Electronically submitted (email/fax) proposals will not be accepted.    Direct all inquiries concerning this RFP to: John P. Rankins        Director Human Resources        PO Box 778        Lillington, NC 27546        Fax: 910‐814‐0350        jrankins@harnett.org     NOTE:  Questions concerning the RFP requirements must be submitted in writing.   They may be mailed, faxed, or e‐mailed (no phone calls) to John P. Rankins          Director Human Resources          PO Box 778          Lillington, NC 27546          Fax:  910‐814‐0350          jrankins@harnett.org  3 Questions must be submitted no later than March 28, 2014 12 noon.  All questions  submitted in writing will be answered in the form of an addendum to this Request for  Proposals. No contact with Harnett County Departments will be allowed during the  proposal process.  Any vendors contacting the using department(s) directly may subject  their proposal to rejection.    1. Purpose:    The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit offers from qualified brokers  to assist the County with strategically planning, designing and negotiating the best  coverage and cost for selective employee benefit programs, which may include but are  not necessarily limited to health, dental, vision, short term disability, life and AD&D.   The County has approximately 950 full‐time employees.  The County is constantly  competing to recruit and retain the best employees possible.  Our leadership is looking  to ensure we have financially competitive and affordable benefit programs to offer our  employees.      2. Contract Period:    Any contract resulting from this proposal shall be effective upon issuance of a notice to  proceed and is for the benefits plan year beginning July 1, 2014 and ending June 30,  2015 with the option of the County to continue services under the same terms and  conditions set forth herein in subsequent years.      3. Scope of Work:    The County requires a North Carolina licensed Broker that is independent and is not  affiliated with any insurance company, third party administrative agency, or provider  network.  The brokerage firm must have experience (no less than 5 years) in providing  brokerage services in the public sector arena and the local government unit  environment for employers with at least 500 employees.  The County requires the  following services:      Audit resulting contracts for accuracy of coverage, terms, and conditions.   Assist with annual benefits renewals, including negotiation of changes in  contracts.   When employee benefits are marketed, prepare bid specifications, identify  appropriate markets, analyze proposals submitted, make recommendations, and  assist in negotiation of (preferably multi‐year) contracts.   Annual reviews of selected employee benefit package for quality of benefits  provided, cost effectiveness, competitiveness and plan administration.   Monitor ongoing contracts, including provider plan administration, provider  compliance with contract, and incurred claims.  4  Provide information on employee benefit issues, trends and proposed or new  legislation.   Be available to meet with the Benefits staff and County Management as needed.   Assist in the design of employee benefits communications.  Participate in Benefit  Fairs and annual enrollment process.   Provide a key contact person to be available to answer questions and resolve  issues that arise during the year regarding employee benefits, contract  administration, and service provisions.   Evaluate various insurance products submitted by carriers, agents and brokers.   Perform other related consultation services as needed or requested.      4. Vendor Proposal Requirements:    The proposal response must clearly demonstrate the required qualifications, expertise,  competence and capability of the vendor.  Please provide a concise description of your  firm’s ability to provide the services required in the Scope of this document.  Costs  incurred by firms responding to this RFP are solely their responsibility.  Additionally,  please include the answers to the following questions (address by number):      1. Describe your organizational structure (i.e. publicly held corporation,  partnership, etc.).    2. Confirm that you are a licensed broker in North Carolina and provide  documentation.  Confirm that you serve as a broker, independently, and are not  affiliated with any insurance company, third party administrative agency, or  provider network.    3. Briefly describe your company’s organization, philosophy, and management.   Also, please provide a brief company history.  Describe your contractual  relationships, if any, with organizations necessary to your proposal’s  implementation (i.e. actuarial services, data information services).    4. How long has your organization been providing brokerage services?    5. How many clients does your organization presently have?  Typically, how many  clients does each broker manage?    6. What is the name of your largest client and your smallest client?    7. How many public sector clients do you manage?    5 8. What is your average response time to questions posed from your clients?  How  do you handle follow up to outstanding items?  What is your preferred method  of communicating with your clients (i.e. voicemail, e‐mail, fax)?    9. Please provide a list of four verifiable client references of similar scope and  industry, all of whom are able to comment on your organization’s relevant  experience.  This list should include at least three active client references that  are similar in nature and size to Harnett County, and one reference from a  former client.  Please include company name, contact name, telephone number  and size of company’s workforce.  It is the vendor’s responsibility to provide valid  reference information and the County reserves the right to use reference checks  in its evaluation of proposals.    a. Furnish a list of your three largest accounts including services you  provided and for which benefit plans, the time period you have serviced  the account, the number of covered employees, and contact name and  phone number.    10. Please provide a detailed description of your expertise in providing benefits  communication and enrollment programs. Do you provide the same services for  core benefit program as you would for the voluntary benefits you offer? This  description should include your recommendations for the benefits  communication and/or enrollment process.     11. Proposers shall submit as a part of their Proposal a preliminary implementation  plan. The plan should consist of a sequential listing of all steps necessary to  provide the requested services and which party is responsible.     12. Please advise as to the location, telephone number and manager of the  company’s regional office which would oversee our account.     13. Describe how the enrollment will be organized and managed. Describe the  resources necessary to accomplish the purpose of the benefits enrollment,  including but not limited to local insurer support staff.     14. The individuals performing the enrollment must conduct themselves in an  informational manner effectively communicating all aspects of the benefits to  properly inform and educate employees. Please describe the enrollers who  would be meeting with the employees. Do they have experience with public  sector enrollments?     15. The County prefers a provider who can help show employees what we provide  for them in the area of benefits, so they can better appreciate those benefits  6 offered to them. What communication and/or enrollment services make your  company's proposal uniquely attractive in this regard?     16. Describe the communication pieces your company provides to assist in the  enrollment process. Specifically, we are interested in providing each employee: a  benefits statement, an election form indicating employee deduction, benefits  booklet, customized benefits website, educational videos.     17. Include a sample communication plan and samples of the communication  material you will provide for employees.     18. Proposers are required to provide in their proposals a description of the  proposer’s Internet ‐based uses and any recommendations for electronic  enrollment services including recommendations concerning appropriate uses of  Internet based enrollment or enrollment support activities.     19. For purposes of collecting enrollment data, the contractor should make available  a computer application that is fully developed, tested, and successfully installed.  Please describe your enrollment system, including any costs associated with  supporting your system.     20. The proposer should provide detail regarding their experience in designing,  implementing, administering, managing and maintaining electronic enrollment  services. How do you maintain data security? What fee(s) are charged for these  services?     21. Please describe your multi‐location enrollment capabilities.    22. Briefly describe the level of service and support provided by your staff on a day‐ to‐day basis.    23. What steps does your organization take to ensure that each broker is educated  on current market trends and legislative developments?  How is this information  communicated to your clients?    24. Describe how you propose to build an understanding of the direction and  priorities of the County and how you would utilize this information in order to  anticipate our needs in relation to benefits.    25. Detail how your organization participates in developing a strategic benefit plan  with your clients.    7 26. Describe your organization’s involvement in the annual renewal process.  Include  information regarding process timeframes, negotiation of rates and vendor  selection.    27. Describe the process of how your organization would assist the Unit in selecting  a new insurance vendor.  Include how your company’s experience and expertise  would benefit the County.    28. Please provide a list of the vendors you have relationships with in regard to  health, disability, life, supplemental health, and dental insurance plans.    29. What is your process for providing plan recommendations to your clients?    30. Describe how your organization strives to streamline benefit administration for  your clients.  Include any services you provide for automation of the benefit  process (i.e. electronic capabilities, outsourcing options).  Attach any associated  costs for these services on a separate fee schedule.    31. Detail how you develop a benefit communication strategy with your clients.   Include what tools or resources you have available to assist your clients in  effectively communicating not only the specific plan details but also the value of  the benefits offered?    32. What makes your organization unique from other organizations that may submit  proposals for the County’s consideration?    33. Present your plan proposal to include plan cost per employee for, health, dental,  vision, short term disability, life and AD&D.    5. Criteria for Evaluation:    All proposals will be evaluated according to, but not necessarily limited to, the  following:     The proposal’s Plan of Services as required in item 3. Scope of Work and 4. Vendor  Proposal Requirements.     Extent and success of previous work provided to organizations similar in nature and  size to those required herein.  References provided verifying the required  experience and level of service needed by the County.     The proposal itself as an example of the potential vendor’s work.     Qualifications/experience of key personnel to be assigned to the project.  8    All required forms completed and returned as part of the proposal package.      6. Compensation:    Please clearly outline your compensation associated with the required services on a  separate compensation addendum.      7. Oral Presentations:    During the evaluation process, the County may, at its discretion, request any one or all  brokerage firms to make oral presentations for the purpose of clarification or to amplify  the materials presented in any part of the proposal.  However, brokers are cautioned  that the County is not required to request clarification; therefore, all proposals should  be complete and reflect the most favorable terms available from the broker.  Not all  brokers may be asked to make such oral presentations.      8. Final Selection:    A recommendation will be made to the County Manager by April 18, 2014.  It is  anticipated that this recommendation will be voted on by the Board of County  Commissioners at their next regularly scheduled meeting.    9.  Proposals Subject to Public Records Laws:    All Proposals, data, materials and documentation originated, prepared and submitted to  the County pursuant to this RFP shall belong exclusively to the County and may become  available to the public in accordance with the North Carolina Public Records Act as  provided in N.C.G.S. §132‐1 et. seq.  County will make reasonable attempts to maintain,  in accordance with the Public Records Laws and the Act, the confidentiality of any trade  secrets or confidential information that meets the requirements of N.C.G.S. §132‐1.2 of  the Public Records Laws if such Potential Contractors properly and conspicuously identify  the particular data or other materials which are Confidential Information in accordance  with the Public Records Laws.    10.  Negotiation and Execution of Contract    A Successful Potential Contractor under this RFP shall negotiate and execute a Contract  containing such terms and conditions as shall be satisfactory to the County.  The  occurrence of negotiations with any Potential Contractor conveys no right or status on  such Potential Contractor.  By submitting a Proposal, each Potential Contractor  9 acknowledges and agrees that the County may negotiate with one or more Potential  Contractors, under such circumstances, at such times and in such a manner as it  determines to be in the best interest of the County.    11.  Governing Law    This Procurement and any Contract resulting from this RFP shall be governed by and  constructed in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina.  Any and all claims  or disputes arising under or in connection with this RFP or the Contract shall be exclusively  governed by the laws of the State of North Carolina, and venue shall be exclusively within  Harnett County, North Carolina.    12.  Indemnity and Insurance    Contractors will indemnify and hold harmless the County, its officers, agents, and  employees from and against all loss, cost, damages, expense and liability caused by  accident or other occurrence resulting in bodily injury, including death and disease to any  person, or damage or destruction to property, real or personal, arising directly or  indirectly from operations, products, or services rendered or purchased under the  contract.    13.  Transfer, Assignment, or Subcontract    The covenants and agreements contained within the awarded proposal are specifically  binding and the County will not allow the awarded proposal to be transferred, assigned  or subcontracted to any other party or parties without the express written consent from  the County.      14.  Certification of Independent Price Determination    By submission of this Proposal, the Potential Contractor certifies and, in the case of a joint  Proposal, each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, that in connection with  this Procurement:  A. The price in this Proposal has been arrived at independently, without  consultation, communication, or agreement for the purpose of restricting  competition as to any matter relating to such prices with any other Potential  Contractor or with any competitor;  B. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this  Proposal have not and will not be knowingly disclosed by the Potential  Contractor prior to the Proposal opening, directly or indirectly, to any other  Potential Contractor or to any competition; and  10 C. No attempt has been made or will be made by the Potential Contractor to  induce any other person or firm to submit or not to submit a Proposal for the  purpose of restricting competition.    15.  E‐Verify Compliance  By submission of this Proposal, the Potential Contractor certifies that it and any  subcontractors complies with the requirements of Article 2 of Chapter 64 of the North  Carolina General Statutes.    16.  Equal Opportunity Employer    County is an equal employment opportunity employer.  The County is a federal  contractor, and therefore the provisions and affirmative action obligations of 41 CFR  §601.4(a), 41 CFR 60‐741.5(a), and 41 CFR 60‐250.4 are incorporated herein by reference,  where applicable.         Note:  The right is reserved to accept the response that the Unit determines to be in the  best interest of the Unit and its employees.  The Unit reserves the right to reject any and  or all proposals.  11       COMPANY NAME_____________________    REFERENCES    PROPOSALS MUST LIST FOUR (4) REFERENCES FOR WHOM SIMILAR WORK HAS BEEN  PERFORMED DURING THE PAST THREE (3) YEARS.     (1) CLIENT NAME     ________________________________________      ADDRESS (Street)  ________________________________________     ADDRESS (City, St, Zip) ________________________________________     CONTACT NAME  ________________________________________     TELEPHONE/E‐MAIL  ________________________________________      (2) CLIENT NAME     ________________________________________      ADDRESS (Street)  ________________________________________     ADDRESS (City, St, Zip) ________________________________________     CONTACT NAME  ________________________________________     TELEPHONE/E‐MAIL  ________________________________________        (3) CLIENT NAME     ________________________________________      ADDRESS (Street)  ________________________________________     ADDRESS (City, St, Zip) ________________________________________     CONTACT NAME  ________________________________________     TELEPHONE/E‐MAIL  ________________________________________          THIS PAGE MUST BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED AS A PART OF YOUR PROPOSAL.  12 (4) CLIENT NAME     ________________________________________      ADDRESS (Street)  ________________________________________     ADDRESS (City, St, Zip) ________________________________________     CONTACT NAME  ________________________________________     TELEPHONE/E‐MAIL  ________________________________________                                                                      THIS PAGE MUST BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED AS A PART OF YOUR PROPOSAL.    13                  EXECUTION OF PROPOSAL  DATE:___________    The Potential Contractor certifies the following by placing an "X" in all blank spaces:    ___ That this proposal was signed by an authorized representative of the firm.    ___   That the potential Contractor has determined the cost and availability of all  materials and supplies associated with performing the services outlined herein.    ___ That all labor costs associated with this project have been determined, including  all direct and indirect costs.    ___ That the potential Contractor agrees to the conditions as set forth in this Request  for Proposal with no exceptions.      Therefore, in compliance with the foregoing Request for Proposal, and subject to all terms and  conditions thereof, the undersigned offers and agrees, if this proposal is accepted within thirty  (30) days from the date of the opening, to furnish the services for the prices quoted within the  timeframe required.    CONTRACTOR______________________ADDRESS_________________________________    CITY, ST. & ZIP__________________________PHONE____________FAX_______________    BY_____________________________TITLE_________________________________________   (Signature)  __________________________________   ___________________________________________   Type or Printed Name     Federal Identification Number                    THIS PAGE MUST BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED AS A PART OF YOUR PROPOSAL.  14 General Procurement Instructions    1. All proposals must be received by the purchasing agent not later the date and  time listed on the cover sheet of this proposal in sealed envelopes or containers.  Clearly mark the proposal number and deliver by date on the outside of the  envelope.  Six (6) copies of the proposal must be received from each offeror (1  original, 5 copies).  Each proposal must be signed and dated by an official  authorized to bind the firm.  Late proposals will not be considered for award.   Electronic proposals (fax, email, etc.) will not be considered. Late Proposals will  not be accepted.  Postmarks and/or shipping receipts will not be considered as  proof of timely submissions.  Potential Contractors must provide responses for  all items contained herein that request or call for a response or information, and  responses and signatures are required for any attachments to this RFP that are  due with the Proposal.  Proposals shall be complete and must convey all of the  information requested by the County.      2. Proposals will be evaluated according to completeness, content, experience with  similar projects, ability of the broker and its staff.  The award of a contract to one  broker does not mean that the other proposals lacked merit, but that, all factors  considered, the selected proposal was deemed to provide the best value to the  County.    3. Brokers are cautioned that this is a request for offers, not a request to contract  and the County reserves the unqualified right to reject any and all offers when  such rejection is deemed to be in the best interest of the County.  The County  retains the right, in its sole discretion, at any time to reject any or all proposals,  in whole or in part, and to cancel or cancel and reissue this RFP, before or after  receipt and opening of proposals in response thereto, or take any other actions,  if it considers it to be in the best interests of the County.    4. Elaborate proposals in the form of brochures or other presentations beyond that  necessary to present a complete and effective proposal are not desired.  In an  effort to support the sustainability efforts of the County we solicit your  cooperation in this effort.    5. Any costs incurred by broker in preparing or submitting offers are the broker’s  sole responsibility; the County will not reimburse any broker for any costs  incurred prior to award.    6. Proposals must be submitted in accordance with the requirements of the RFP.   Failure to include any required information may cause rejection of the proposal.        Top 200 Owing Report Name Bills Amount Total Delinquent Bills In Legal Action 1 62,952.74 HARNETT FORWARD TOGETHER 1 0 1 43,773.30 CAMDEN PLACE APARTMENTS LLC 1 0 1 39,847.14 SCHWARZ AUMAN PROPERTIES LLC 2 1 38 31,706.05 SPRINTCOM INC 38 0 50 28,697.97 STAFFORD LAND COMPANY INC 54 4 74 26,053.78 UNKNOWN, OWNER 81 7 17 20,623.50 TRIPLE R ENTERPRISE LLC 17 0 10 15,450.57 R L PROPERTIES LLC 12 2 8 14,838.51 WOOD, MICHAEL JEFFERSON 8 0 6 14,178.10 SPRINTCOM INC (PCS) 6 0 26 13,911.62 JRB PROPERTIES INC 26 0 13 13,821.33 AMERICAN TOWERS INC 13 0 52 13,631.77 UNKNOWN, OWNER 52 0 1 13,500.50 PREMIER HOSPITALITY LLC 1 0 2 13,064.93 SCR1 LLC 2 0 1 12,888.27 ADINATH INC IV 1 0 1 12,633.76 ARC FMAGRNC001 LLC 1 0 18 12,595.67 SPRINTCOM INC 18 0 24 11,564.37 MASTIN BAKER INVESTMENTS LLC 24 0 24 11,473.45 KIMBER GROUP 24 0 23 10,632.70 BAYLES CONSTRUCTION CO 23 0 1 10,626.93 ASPHALT EMULSIONS INC 1 0 4 10,248.53 BERETICH, GUY R 4 0 1 10,184.19 DUNN HOLDINGS LLC 1 0 12 9,929.32 RP ONE LLC 12 0 1 9,879.55 BLUE RIDGE HEALTH INVESTORS & 1 0 3 9,731.60 POLLARD INVESTMENTS INC 3 0 54 9,153.51 PATTEN CORPORATION AKA 87 33 2 9,111.36 CORE FAMILY CARE INC 2 0 29 8,903.85 ABBJ LLC 29 0 9 8,677.40 CURRIN, DEREK THOMAS 9 0 1 8,677.32 MARDUN INC 1 0 3 8,577.51 JOHNSON, JOHN W 3 0 19 8,170.99 FAIRCLOTH, JOHNNY R 19 0 1 8,125.50 WALKER, JESSIE ANNA 1 0 2 8,039.04 ERWIN CAR WASH 2 0 1 7,630.46 RA-T-DA LLC 1 0 6 7,629.18 K-TED GROUP II LLC 6 0 1 7,587.56 RCG3 LLC 1 0 1 7,546.13 PRIMROSE VILLA INC 1 0 14 7,505.88 KELLY, REBECCA STEPHENS 14 0 1 7,447.35 ENVIROSAFE SERVICES INC 1 0 1 7,201.09 STROTHER HOLDINGS LLC 1 0 6 7,105.96 SPRINTCOM INC 6 0 22 7,092.49 FARRAR, JAMES MARSHALL 22 0 9 7,077.35 BREWER, EDWIN RAY SR 9 0 4 6,925.89 DAY, RICKIE 4 0 1 6,496.26 MYERS, EDGAR N JR 1 0 2 6,465.54 BRINSON, DANNY RALPH 2 0 17 6,435.66 PARKER, JOHN EDWARD 17 0 1 6,371.51 QUINN SPECIALTY PRODUCTS INC 1 0 6 6,321.38 THOMAS, DOUGALD R 6 0 3 6,229.42 WEEKS, JOHN A 4 0 1 6,158.88 HARTMAN REAL ESTATE LLC 1 0 10 6,144.37 PINE GROVE DEVELOPMENT CORP 10 0 4 5,977.65 F & K FARMS LLC 4 0 4 5,950.65 HENDERSON, BILL 8 4 7 5,945.59 BETHUNE, JONATHAN 7 0 5 5,866.89 MCLAMB, DANIEL L 5 0 12 5,833.54 MALLOY, HUEY GENE 12 0 1 5,735.69 NATIONAL RESTAURANT ENTERPRISE 1 0 3 5,656.77 WALKER, ANNIE C 11 8 15 5,603.80 SIMPSON, J W 21 0 11 5,579.37 SMITH, CHARLES EDWARD 11 0 3 5,434.72 STRIPLING, LARRY 3 0 4 5,387.83 CURRIN, COMA LEE 4 0 3 5,319.58 OQUINN, JIMMY F 3 0 2 5,211.19 ROBERSON, CATHERINE A 2 0 2 5,201.37 BRINKLEY, WILLIE C 2 0 7 5,157.36 N R JONES & SONS INC 7 0 6 5,114.30 SPRINTCOM, INC (PCS) 6 0 1 5,109.30 MARTIN EDWARDS & ASSOCIAT ES INC 1 0 1 5,107.00 PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK 1 0 3 5,048.89 CURRIN, NELSON T 3 0 2 4,935.90 MASTIN BAKER INVESTMENTS LLC 2 0 5 4,934.44 WOOLARD, ROBERTA C 5 0 7 4,881.61 MATOES, GUILLERMO 7 0 2 4,870.16 POPE, MACK D 2 0 5 4,867.63 BETHUNE, PAULINE S 5 0 5 4,820.99 HOLLIDAY, VIRGINIA M 5 0 2 4,748.45 COUNTRY STORE & GRILL 2 0 8 4,747.66 WILKES, ALFONZO JR 8 0 15 4,738.56 DUNCAN DEVELOPMENT LLC 15 0 1 4,674.90 MYERS, EDGAR JR 1 0 6 4,603.89 PRICE, JASON R 6 0 5 4,557.41 ENNIS, LARRY AUSTIN 5 0 5 4,543.95 KEN DAWSON HOMES INC 5 0 16 4,481.44 OLDE FARM VILLAGE LLC 16 0 4 4,476.93 GRIFFIN, JOHNNY V 4 0 11 4,461.99 SMITH, RAYMOND A 11 0 3 4,457.61 HINES, CHARLES M 3 0 4 4,403.80 SUGGS, JAMES M JR 4 0 3 4,368.74 BONAGE LLC 3 0 17 4,362.36 BYRD, JIMMY LYNN 17 0 1 4,351.58 TRUMP LILLINGTON LLC 1 0 46 4,345.54 HAYES, L BOYD 46 0 5 4,287.66 TART, LAMAR H 5 0 1 4,277.82 LILLINGTON SELF STORAGE LLC 1 0 1 4,259.78 RED WOLF PROPERTIES LLC 1 0 13 4,227.54 THOMAS, CLIFFORD S JR 13 0 8 4,222.02 BARNES, HANK AUSTIN 8 0 9 4,206.92 BUCKHORN FARMS 9 0 5 4,168.81 SIMONS, EDWARD C JR 5 0 1 4,168.40 DAY, CHARLOTTE MYERS 1 0 5 4,131.55 POLLARD INVESTMENTS INC 5 0 1 4,127.77 EDWARDS BROTHERS INC 1 0 2 4,127.12 BAREFOOT, AUDREY S 2 0 1 4,057.29 RT RENTALS LLC 1 0 1 4,051.85 WANG RENTALS LLC 1 0 8 4,046.52 MCKOY, MALISSIE 83 21 2 4,020.91 RP, ONE 2 0 1 3,999.18 BAREFOOT, FRANKLIN SHELTON 1 0 8 3,989.53 H&H CONSTRUCTORS INC & 8 0 1 3,956.45 SENNE, WALTER WILLIAM 1 0 1 3,923.78 JOHNSON EDITH P LE 1/2 INT 1 0 1 3,903.04 POWELL, WILLIAM MARVIN JR 1 0 5 3,890.79 HALL, RONALD L 5 0 4 3,889.23 MILLER, BOBBY R 6 0 1 3,872.83 THOMAS RANDY K FARM 1 0 1 3,807.78 HOWARD, BRUCE J JR 1 0 5 3,793.00 WILLIAMS, THEODORE 7 2 3 3,785.30 COVINGTON FAMILY LIMITED PRTNR 3 0 1 3,762.19 LUCAS, BRENDA B 1 0 5 3,741.79 CUMMINGS, BRAD DONNELL 5 0 1 3,733.01 TART, ROBERT E JR 1 0 5 3,729.31 SMITH ELI EVERETTE (TRUST FOR 5 0 22 3,630.63 UNKNOWN, OWNER 22 0 2 3,601.98 540 INVESTMENTS LLC 2 0 2 3,600.19 BENTON & SONS DUNN PROPERTIES 2 0 5 3,532.60 AMERICAN TOWERS INC 5 0 3 3,531.02 DAVIS, DONALD W 3 0 1 3,516.07 DEALERSHIP, 1 1 0 3 3,497.84 ARNOLD, BARKLEY S 3 0 4 3,479.95 WILLIAMS, THEODORE L JR 4 0 3 3,466.69 THOMAS, RANDY KRUSE 3 0 5 3,464.07 KIMBER GROUP LLC 5 0 1 3,463.86 JOHNSON, SARA T 1 0 8 3,463.02 MARTIN, ROBERT KEITH 8 0 10 3,431.82 MCLEAN CHAPEL PARTNERS LLC & 10 0 6 3,400.12 RAY, HUGH MICHAEL 6 0 4 3,394.79 THOMAS, RUSSELL A 4 0 6 3,391.72 SPRINTCOM INC 6 0 1 3,382.62 AOM OF ANGIER LLC 1 0 3 3,382.12 BREWER, WHITNEY PARKS 3 0 1 3,380.41 JKJ UNDERGROUND CONST INC 1 0 1 3,361.57 PARRISH, JEAN C 1 0 3 3,356.41 CARROLL, FREDERICK RUSSELL 3 0 1 3,355.59 CAMPBELL, TOMMIE A 1 0 12 3,349.93 BARCO DEVELOPMENT INC 12 0 8 3,339.34 ARNETTE, HARRY 16 6 1 3,284.88 CARTERS ECONOMY CLEANERS INC 1 0 1 3,266.22 ROBERTS, CHARLES W 1 0 1 3,262.87 FERRELL, EDNA EARL 1 0 8 3,262.50 JOHNSON, HERBERT HOOVER 14 0 6 3,259.18 STALLINGS, FRANCES L 11 5 1 3,219.76 KARP, MICHAEL RAY 1 0 1 3,215.00 DIAZ, ALVAREZ ALEXIS 1 0 1 3,195.18 HAWTHORNE, ROBERT 1 0 1 3,180.61 STEPHENSON, KAREN W 1 0 2 3,174.44 LEWIS INVESTMENTS OF LUMBERTON 2 0 1 3,150.85 THOMAS, MICHAEL L 2 1 5 3,133.79 COATS MOTOR CO 5 0 2 3,119.56 DAVIS, RONALD D 2 0 13 3,114.58 MALLOY, HUEY G 13 0 7 3,108.80 FOWLER, DELMA ANDERSON 10 3 15 3,103.65 MCALLISTER, DAVID 36 21 3 3,089.75 WEAVER, MARTY W 3 0 1 3,074.34 KINTON, JEFF M 1 0 1 3,066.09 KEY, JAMES D 1 0 1 3,053.78 LOCKAMY, MARION G JR 1 0 1 3,049.64 KELLER, CLYDE E 1 0 1 3,037.14 STOGSDILL, JERRY B 1 0 3 3,028.45 SOUTHEASTERN PROPERTIES & 3 0 3 3,000.79 ADOMINES, DENISE 3 0 1 2,999.06 SAVE MART OF HARNETT LLC 1 0 11 2,993.48 CLARK, LANNY 11 0 1 2,992.83 BARBOUR, WAYNE F 1 0 15 2,971.83 BUTLER, WILLIAM O 15 0 12 2,964.10 IRDC LLC 20 0 1 2,963.39 GODWIN, MARK A 1 0 3 2,947.09 LYON, MATTHEW J 3 0 2 2,947.02 HAMM, DORIS T 2 0 1 2,896.21 NC CONFERENCE OF PENTECOSTAL 1 0 4 2,891.45 BOBBY MILLER ENTERPRISES INC 4 0 3 2,882.92 LEE, SUSAN NOLEN 4 1 3 2,866.47 ELMORE, HENRY 3 0 1 2,848.52 ROBESON, RAVEN 1 0 11 2,839.80 CAROLINA SEASONS INC 11 0 5 2,836.19 HOWARD, GRAHAM F SR 5 0 1 2,834.94 BREWINGTON, SHELIA VERONICA 1 0 4 2,828.49 PRICE, DONNIE W 4 0 2 2,823.28 LEE DYNASTY LLC 2 0 1 2,819.09 MEDLIN, HUBERT P 1 0 1 2,818.81 BETHEA, ERIC 1 0 16 2,818.17 OLDE FERRY CROSSING LLC 16 0 4 2,813.47 TURNER, DORA L 4 0 2 2,804.30 MCIVER, GIRARDELLA D 6 4 2 2,803.91 JOHNSON, CANDIS 8 6 1 2,786.55 THOMAS, BROTHIE TILLMAN JR 1 0