2009/12/07 RESOLUTION TO RATIFY & APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF 3 REAL PROPERTY TRACTS WHICH CONSTITUTE THE NEW BOONE TRAIL ELE SCHOOL SITEWwl05 A RESOLUTION TO RATIFY AND APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF THREE REAL PROPERTY TRACTS WHICH CONSTITUTE THE NEW BOONE TRAIL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE WHEREAS, the Harriett County Board of Education (the "BOE ") purchased three tracts in connection with the construction of the new Boone Trail Elementary School; and WHEREAS, the BOE purchased 5.12 acres of land for $46,080.00 from the Clara Swann Brown heirs on December 18, 2007; 24.16 acres of land for $217,440.00 from Clyde Patterson on January 9, 2008; and 6.10 acres of land for $91,000.00 from Eunice A. Bland on December 11, 2008; and WHEREAS, N. C. General Statutes, Section 115C -426 requires that County Commissioners approve the amount spent on any school site purchased with county funds; the Harnett County Commissioners approved the purchase of the Brown and Patterson tracts on September 17, 2007; and the County Commissioners have not approved the purchase of the Bland tract; and WHEREAS, the BOE and the County Commissioners jointly sought the approval of the Local Government Commission with respect to the financing of the new Boone Trail Elementary project; passed resolutions and entered into agreements to facilitate the financing of the project; and worked closely on this project before, during, and after the purchase of the tracts; and WHEREAS, the BOE obtained the approval of the County Planning Board to recombine the three tracts; caused a Boundary and Recombination Map to be filed in the Office of the Register of Deeds; transferred the recombined tract to the County of Harnett by deed; and, pursuant to the Lease and Agency Agreements entered into by the two Boards, began construction of the new Boone Trail Elementary School and said construction is currently ongoing; and WHEREAS, the BOE on December 1, 2009, unanimously adopted a resolution entitled "Resolution Asking the Harnett County Board of Commissioners to Ratify the Purchase of the New Boone Trail Elementary Tracts" which was forwarded to the Hamett County Board of Commissioners for its consideration; that on said resolution request, the BOE found that it purchased all three tracts for a fair price, following proper and arms - length negotiations with the respective sellers and that the BOE purchased all three tracts with funds budgeted for capital expenses in the year of purchase; that the BOE further stated that it had inadvertently failed to bring the purchase of the Bland tract to the County Commissioners for its approval, and the BOE further noted that when the other two school site tract purchases were approved by the County Commissioners on September 17, 2007, that the minutes of the Commissioners' meeting did not include the purchase price of said tracts. That the BOE has requested that the Harnett County Board of Commissioners ratify and approve the purchase of all three real property tracts that constitute the new Boone Trail Elementary School site. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that based upon the resolution request of the Harnett County Board of Education and pursuant to N. C. General Statutes, Section I I5C -426, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners do hereby ratify and approve the purchases by the Harnett County Board of Education of those real property tracts which constitute the new Boone Trail Elementary School site which are listed as follows: a) The purchase of the Clara Swann Brown heirs tract composed of 5.12 acres for $46, 080.00 on December 18, 2007; b) The purchase of the Clyde Patterson tract composed of 24.16 acres for $217,440.00 on January 9, 2008; and c) The purchase of the Eunice A. Bland tract composed of 6.10 acres for $91,000.00 on December 11, 2008. Duly adopted by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners at its regular meeting on December 7, 2009, by a vote of 3 For and Z Against. \ \ \� \•O of C O 44 . .�. .,i.' p? HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS • • /3 !f • U7 \ w By. Timothy cNeill, Chairman ATTEST: Mar ret Regin aniel Cle to the Bo d Gina Wheeler From: �na Daniel.; sin Sent: uesd7� ay October 20, 2009 4:39 PM To: 'Kay Blanchard' Cc: Gina Daniel Subject: any luck - DOT resolution Attachments: DOC171.PDF O 9n . n Hey Chick! How is everybody doing ? / Any luck with the attached DOT resolution? I need to try to get Teddy's signature (and yours) as soon as if we really did need to recreate because Mr. George. Burns-with-DOT-cal led me about it today. Thanks! Oh, please tell me about ordinance book when you get a chance. We had a text amendment to zoning ordinance last night and I pulled out the big book — scerd, seriously, I am scerdl �S� � 0�3