Edinburg- Preliminary pg.1CURVE TABLE CURVE LENGTH RADIUS CHORD CHORD BEARING CI 39.27 25.00 35.36 N 0'43'18°E ' Ig C2 39.27 75.00 35.36 N30'43'42"W Ip ' / C3 38.60 25.00 34.88 545'18'21"W .00, I ^ ~1 i C4 40.08 25.00 35.93 N44'31'27"W Heritage Havln Subdivision / C5 36.99 25.00 33.71 550'58'08"W p~00. I C6 36.99 25.00 33.71 N3348'54"W ~ / I ZogedRA-40 ' II! t C7 42.05 25.00 37.27 S24'40'25"E 170 / 00 1 C8 39.27 25.00 35.36 N68'30'58"E 14 00 Parcel ID: C9 39.27 25.00 35.36 S68'30'58'W '2,500 sq.ft/ / \ / / PHASE 2 PHAS 1 20' DRAINAGE 080665 0003 16 I CIO 39.27 25.00 35.36 N21'29'02"W 0.51 acre % 13 1 EASEMENT Il 11 C11 39.27 25.00 35.36 S68'30'58"W /22,500 sqft c1z 39.27 zs.DO 35.36 N21zs'DZ'w ' I)arcelID: Parcel ID: Parcel ID: Parcel ID. I arcelI103J I l 0.52 acre C13 21.03 25.00 20.41 589'25'1 7"W 080665 0003 09 if 080665 0003 07 080665 0003 05 1 080665 0003 03 I I 0800650 l / ! ! B 1 C14 21.03 25.00 20.41 S42'23'21 "E 22,500 crest! / I a C15 39.27 25.00 35.36 SOD'29'04"W 0.52 acre ! / I a It rsg PHASE LINE I l I I 1 C16 39.27 25.00 35.36 589'30'56"E C17 21.03 179.26' 162.71' 25.00 20.41 520'25'15"E 34,070 crest. W 0 x 79.99' 105. 105.00' 105.00' 105 00' 200.00' 138.88 3(J. 9 1 _ ~i: - r r------~ --------1, 11 C18 21.03 25.00 20.41 N6836'37"W 078 acres / 1 r- C19 40.59 25.00 36.27 N823720"E'dfC 70 l ! lyy l l / / I IO vh C20 39.50 25,00 35.52 S09'13'58"E r °pp~ l0 Is,'1 I 1 1 1 1 l b I it 1 1 1 I I 1 a j C21 39.04 25.00 35.19 N60'46'02'E `'7 50, l v 1 10 C22 39.50 25.00 35.52 509'13'58"E 730 l a^ I 32,957 s f1 'I 8 I' 7 1' 1 6 I' 1 5 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 i2 C 00, \ v 0.76 ayes, ~19 30,106 sq.ft. 3 1 19,811 sq.1t.1 I 28,632 s .ft. I C23 41.06 25.00 36.60 N71'41'26"E ' \ x 1 1 I 1 118,900 sq.ft.l• 118,900 sq.ft.1, 118,900 sq.k.Ik 118,90 sq.k.I 1 0.69 acres 30,893acrsq.es lt. 0.45 acres q I°q ' 81728 1 0.43 a es 0.43 acres 0.43 acres 0.4 1 acres 0. 7 C24 41.06 25.00 36.60 S22'24'20"E 49 < l ? 0.4.3 sqacres.lt. 1 I I 0.66 acres l 0 , - l i' 0.43 1 1 1 m 3 I C25 39.27 25.00 35.36 N60'50'44°E 19,763 sr.rt./ L 09 \ 1 /I I I I I I I 1 I I - - ~i v C26 39.27 25.00 35.36 N29'09'16"W 0.45 acres ! 0 ~ / 0 730 ~ - I C27 37.71 25.00 34.23 55752'00"W ! 0' 1 100 C36 ~I 1 A 0 I \ 128.10' 105.0 105.00' 105.04 105.00' 134.51' 204.37' 44.85 C40 C47 C28 37.71 25.00 34.23 N28'33'00°W - - - - - - - - (4¢ ~I C29 83.79 50.00 74.32 566'39'54"E A 57 G l +0 f C31 r - - - - - -rC - - I I C30 41.15 50.00 40.00 504'55'18"W V) ,46 sq.fr. _ - E 0 v 0 0.42 acres C38 e C31 41.15 50.00 40.00 $52.04'41"W 150.20' 185.44 I C32 41.15 50.00 40.00 N80'45'56"W C33 33.94 50-00 33.29 . ft. a / ,q 0' / l 5 I 18,550 sq.71 iv I I'~o C34 80.63 325.00 8042 N367433"E ac sq /s h0 0 ! 00 ^ 1 58 ^ r _ 894 77"' "j 177.63' Cy 170 2I' i01.5H ' Q38 0.43 ocr s 4 6 I . 1 69 1 "a /I I C35 93.03 375.00 92.79 N16'24'33"E J a9"' 4 / I 0' A 116,792 s ftl w 1 17,4 sq.ft.l y I 93 APPROX. LOCATION Amy w C36 145.87 475.00 145.29 S81 *39'38"E v v / 56 I / 1 q' o, h h 23,460 s. k. 1! OF HEAD 17, s .1f. l h • v v 0-39 acresl N! 0.4 acresl o I v 1 1 ltlly;o C37 69.09 525.00 88.99 r84 571'20.44"E q 0.54 o~s 95 96 97 EC IC 111 23,224 s C38 18.43 475.00 18.43 N89'20'48"W 33, 092 rt 38,629 sq.ft. q it. 25294 sq 0.76 acres 0cres ^ ^ 1a' 1 ~(j"' - _ ] 0.58 acres r r I C39 703.89 475.00 103.48 N81'58'54"W J 1 0.89 acres 0 ^ / h / 59 / ^ / .Ja a1 C40 55.20 525.00 55.18 N87'26'44"W 18,y00sq. ' l x It. 00'7 M I i I 0 1 1 ll 70 s a X I T fI 1 1 C41 79.76 525.00 79.69 NBO'04'51"W 5 ) 0 ^641 acres/ 9 / 67 1,^ 6,384 C42 42.05 50.00 40.82 568'36'37"E 16,374 sgJt. 17452 cress. a ( sq.ltl I a L-- --_-J-----------~ L ---L -----r 11 / / ^ ^ H / / / ^ 0.38 acre$ / 9 W 145,52' 21308" 112.2 11474' \ C43 41.15 50.00 40.00 520'56'15"E 0.38 acres 0 0 f / 9q 0'/ ` ` 0.40 acres/ / v I 71,67 crest. C44 41.15 50.00 40A0 52613'08"W acres / • I C45 41.15 50.00 40.00 S7322'31"W NO / ~J A / 60 9' ^ / 0 ! h .r C46 75.68 50.00 68.66 N39'41'10"W 17,939 s ft H ` 20' DRAINAGE 4 q 0/ 1 ry I C47 15.08 475.00 .0 15.08 8 75 0 N44'34'29"E 5 h ! < 15,500 Sq.ft / 0.41 acres' b 71 / 66 q EASEMENT tunnp C48 20.66 475.00 20.66 N24'45'44"E 0 \ / 0 15,875 s ./t/ a l l + r. •0.36 acres / 0 6 / 0 0 / 0.36 ocreA Oo y / 9 N r C49 15.08 506.01 15.08 545'29'04"W ` 17,707 sgft ^ d 4 o y' / < 0 . SN CARS 16,6 s It. e C50 85.58 561.05 65.50 N39'O7'30"E \ 0 41 acres/ \ v y /\1 Ob 0. y J Q. 3 / ^o, I I ,~~~:"•FESS/O''•.~ C51 84.88 525.00 84.79 acres N29'52'07"E 61\ lr C52 15.77 525.00 15.77 N24'22'36"E X53 ) ^ 17,149 6>a.f 7 98 sq.H. / 0.39 acres n / a / 72 SEAL 26.91 525.00 26.91 N23'10'27"E 30.00' 1 o1ues ft./ h ! ` C C C54 43.33 550.00 43.32 S85'58'20"W 65 16,575 sg. 6 / RIPARIAN ! 7 C53 FF N L-2553 i I a 77,707 sq. rt. l `.0.38 aces! / 0 90 C55 93-45 550.00 93.33 N86'541 T'W y 21,263 sq.k. / , y l I ry @ / 0 r o BUFFER ~ e C56 C57 639.47 .93 SS,2 2 39.927 S63'4740E ' J \ \ / .0.41 acresl 0.10•/ `•~~7 ^ ( 0.49 acres vt, 0: 600.00 6.4 $8401'27W / 6 / 9 / 0 OaO~3\ / 0y r --`l I ~iee OSUft~E•'ag~C C58 28.94 500.00 28.93 563'17'22"E \ 10,129 s. t./ Q \0 / 0 ~`J I F .1 "jjjjPAI`~ C59 36.87 525.00 36.87 N34'01'06"E ^ 0.46 a 00 Q- / ` .0 73 I Or a / 1 ~4 '~GQpV'~ lei Jp y 64 17,494 sq.fr., 30.00' 1 rrlr}1nu 040 acres/ RIPARIAN EXiJ 7NG PONIs 0.41 acres r~~7 2 i oy~ " BUFFER %Approx. 0.62 ofres~ v: } LINE TABLE ao°° c_ ,mmo C ` tip' l ) F mm n Area 1> a LINE LENGTH BEARING Co f 331,852 sq. ft. I i L1 25.22 N3D'oo'25'E 63 / 74 Z// G (ND D sr p \ / X / .618 acres L2 70.12 N51'40'03'E 21,614 s .k. / I 1 es / / \ 22,204 sq.ft. q v Approx. 0.57 acres G,q p a L3 46.13 557'3307"E 2.51 acres / 0.50 acresl q 4 ° e ry~ 1 L4 65.39 N70'0935"E / ^ / / •.00 /y~l h,.,,,„., u, ,n,° d>~°' L' N ~:1 k L5 90.35 N47'4453"E / 36 ~ rOO°'`90•x. L6 69.59 NI 3'43'26"E ( 1 591 sq.ft.// L7 63.84 N84'3120"E 0. acres/ l \ l l i 19.45' ryl~ -i v`V LB 56.54 N25'27'25"E 75 79_00' 87.71' 127.07 130.00' L9 33.96 N4T39'46"E 23,477 sq. k. a l r___, r__~ 0• I I \ f / .r g~ / b 0l I I 1 1 1 I I L10 18.60 N50'45'49"W s• 0.48 0.54 acres 0~ , I ^ 1 I I 34 L11 55.28 N32'10'03"E J / 20~sq.l ! I I 7 I I 1 ) r/ (p ~ ~ l n ! I ~.~3• 'I 89 1 1 ~i LI2 112.93 N82-12'22"E cres-'.: 19 . / I 1 ox s° 258crest. I 86 1 1 gs 9 ioe_ L13 86.25 Noo•14'19^w 0.5 v i / ~ 'r ~ 1 1 88 87 I l 1 ! ! > 0.58 acres 1 acres . 471 sq.(t 84 L14 63.33 589'36'53"E \ /,"r/ / ^ \ C2 l 118,812 sq.14 120,9 sq.fLl 0.551 acres I 0,54 es1 1 25,112 40 / / ( I sq.fL L15 89.18 S14'04'1 5"W \ . 10.43 acres 0 acres I 3f 1 / l n X/ 25,8 sq.k./ I 0 0.58 acres ryl L16 100.01 51414'42'W l / / / I 1 1 ! 0.59 oc s/ y L _ _ _ _ _ 0.55 a acres L17 100.04 S1416'18"W 451> 1 24,087 sq. ft. ( 1 L18 100.02 S1 4'23'00"W @ / 41 / c L19 oa.o3 s14'1z'so°w SE LINES - ' aoe.4r c5 L~s.1o• r / / 24, 7 s9.lt. / . (07 L=110.17 X5.10' -`J I S? L20 16.61 514'30'05"W °A . O56 res / / 07 - ' ( ! l 25,608 s (~ry . l 01 L21 83.43 514'14'29'W 9°" ?24 ~ / 0' . ~ / / 0.59 acrel h ~ 1 L22 100.01 S1 4'31'38"W U / 42 ! l 0. L=1-- C54 /2' I L24 10001 574'40'35"W Or~S Ng~3~ -a s/ O.SIOacres!! ! 43 I a l Ir _ `L X6.50 L30 M (0735 C Csg J (1/1 L25 60.56 514'44'26"W 1 rerPHASE 1 22,4 sq.7t. r r~s ~O/ C46 4 L26 39.45 S1 4-31'00-W Z / ! 0. f acres 1 20,77 1 m 1 1 w CEMETERYw a---_J f 20,747s.1f. h l w ? \ L27 100.03 S15'14'17"W 0.48 acres 1 ! pss \ 1 L28 100.05 Si 5'41'00"W A 98.19' 16 / < ^ w r--__ I L32 I l / y9p~6 ~1 L29 269.57 575'50'44"W \ 92.40 N8716'27"E 1 __---1 L-CJSI fC-3 4-0,5C I I r_ - 78 1 I 79 ! I 1 f gin C.. L31 102.78 501'33'22"E 8 L30 I 1. 0.92 acres 0.67 acres l l 7 1 ry l E L32 94.67 N8T14'0.A"W \ N I 4 1 1 40,244 sq./t. I I I 79,239 crest. l! 1 1 °i 4V9'16L L33 93.80 N00'19'12"W 28,117 sq.lf. 76 1 0 11 1 1 49 11 1 1 acres 1 1 ~y I/ 24,549 crest. I 1 I L34 13.01 501'46'14"E 1 p h 22,557 sq.1t. I 0.56 acres 1 1 81 1 ! 0.5 Dares - 1 I 1 L35 47.34 58714'44"E 23,564 sq.ft. ~ 1 a` I I 0.54 acres L36 41.34 58714'44"E I ! I y' J~.69' 131. ES' ~ L36 7 3.60 T-7 .3 N07'S7'50"E - - - EXISTING 6" L38 8 144.95 N05'03'32°E 4730' 9817, ---1 I ^ 1 J' L3 94.9 N23'30'S8"E V 12713' "l I 1 WATER MAIN .44 1 L40 30.70 N091 8'07"E Planning Board Certificate ParcellD: I Parcel ID: I x3234 5 ! I (HARNETT CO) .L41 Bzss sz3.3o's6'w The Harnett County Planning Boardhereby Parcel ID' 080664 0112 27 LL_ L42 18.03 S09'18'07"W approves this 'ins t. 0806»112 24 f 080664 0112 28 / - _ _ ~J L41 25.40 N75'43'42"W JAM 7 (LARCHIE IV TRUST) GREGORI~ L44 25.40 S75'43'42"E Jr'!o'o I I (L1V TRUST) 1 L45 25.00 N74.09'16"W pats a" \ ! L46 25.00 574'09 16 E - D IN. 0664-58-9742.000 I~ !I GRAPHS SCALE L47 15.58 N23'30'58°E I I L48 20.46 N23'3D'5B°E / Q rcellD: 080664 0014 120 so 20 240 480 L49 9.79 N36'of4s"E 0 B 1401, Pg. 402 1 AA PRELIMINARY _ Zoned RA-00 \ (IN FEET ) N} j ~ L'r NOT FOR SALES, CO VEYANCES, OR RECORDATION 1 inch = 120 ft. \ A ~ Y