Autumn Pointe- Final pg. 2Town of Angier 0 f I Right-of-way Curve Table DE'PARTME'NT UP' T'RANS'PORT'AT'ION DIVISION - ~1 rJao Curve Radius Length Delta Chord Chord Bear. PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ROAD 1440 Cl 25.00' 39.32' 76'2224" 30.91' S 45034'12" W CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS Cb'RTF'ICATION Hern Site y C2 800.00' 38.23' 2'44'18" 38.22' N 89'25'07" E MIAIm Harnett County r C3 800.00' 126.79' 9'0451` 126.68 N 83'30'33" E f4ya GV rs0.9 C4 25.00' 37.60' 86'1032" 34.16' S 57'56'36" E APPROVED pp Setback Minimum Building Setback Requirements o • f^ STONE w ~DP RA-20R, RA-2 o C5 255.00' 84.12' 18.54'02" 83.74 S 24'18'22" E r a - -20R, RA-20M, RA-30 & RA-40 r~ r CB 255.00' 100.00' 22028'06" 89.36 S 44'5927" 8 DISTRICT ENGINEER I FRONT. 35' from R/w 1511 by 466 C7 255.00 100.00' 2e28'OB 89.38 S 67'2735" E f 2 / f $ F o ( REAR. C8 255.00' 45.31' 1010$1" 45.25 S 83.47'05" E DATE: - r REAR: 25' SIDE: 10' C9 25.00' 21.03' 48.11'29" 20.41 S 64.46'49" E SIDE: r ONLY NCUOT APPROVED STRUCTURES ARE TO CORNER CORNER LOT SIDE: 2O' v 169 CID 5400' 55.27 89'2025 52.50 S 7221'20" E BE CONSTRUCTED ON PUBLIC RIGIIT-OF-WAY r ry C17- 50.00 40.00 45'50 12 98.94 N 53'03 22 E 1403 C12 50.00' 40.00' 45'50 12 98.94 N 07'19'10 E ALL LOTS SHALL BE SERVED BY TILE INTERNAL tiw C13 50.00' 40.00 45-50'120 98.94 N 38'37'02 W STREET SYST'E'M ONLY. \q `wry ygry m C14 50.00 40.00' 45050'12 98.94 N 69027'14" W THE 10' X 70' SIGHT TRIANGLES TAKES PRECEDENCE C15 50.00' 25.91' 29'41'34 25.62' 1 S 57'46'53" W OVER ANY SIGN EASEMENTS. CIB 25.00' 2f.03' 48'11'23" 20.91' S 67001'98" N VICINITY AIAP A! C17 205.00' 52.47' 14'39'54 52.33 N 81'3231' W NOTE: Not to Scale C18 205.00' 211.67' 59'0936` 202.39 N 44-.7749- W ALL DRAINAGE EASEMENTS SHALL BE DE'DICATE'D C19 25.00 37.96 96P 4'10" 34.44 N 28.29'05 E AS PUBLIC AND IT SMALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY LEGEND: C20 800.00' 80.&V 6.30'18" 90.78 N 68'4601" E OF THE PROPERTY OWNERS TO MAINTAIN THE C21 800.00' 149.86' 1018 11" 143.66 N 6021'48" E DRAINAGE EASEMENTS AND ANY DRAINAGE STRUCTURES Linea Surveyed TP Telephone Pedestal THEREIN, SO AS TO MAINTAIN THE INTEGRITY OF THE - - Lines Not Surveyed 1111 Manhole C22 750.00' 70.42' 5'2247" 70.39' N 57'54'05' E DR41NAGE SYSTEM AND INSURE POSITIVE DRAINAGE. Right of Way Lines WM Water Meter C23 750.00' 144.09' 11'0028 143.87' N 66005'42" E EIP/EIS Existing Iron Pipe or Slake Esmt. Easement C24 25.00' 21.67' 4903932" 21.00' S 83'34'18" E A 15' CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT SHALL BE RESERVED ECM Existing Concrete Monument A/W Right-of-Nay C25 50.00' 65.51' 7500429' 60.93 N 83.43'14" E ON BOTH SIDES OF ALL PROPOSED STREETS. ' EPK Existing P.K. Nail C/L Centerline C26 50.00 40.00' 95.50'12" 98.94' N 23'15'53" E PKS P.K. Nail set P.C. Piet Cabinet C27 50.00' 90.00' 95'50'12" 36.69' N 22.34'!9" W THE OWNER, DEVELOPER, OR CONT94CTOR SHALL SET THE ISS Iron Stake Set D. B. Deed Book - -95-; -T CENT'ERLINE'' OF TIIE' EXISTING* ROADWAY DITCH BACK TO CS'S' cation Spindle Set P.D. Plat Book C2B 50.00' 40.00' .50 Ix 58.94 N 68.2430' W A MINIMUM OF 12 F'E'ET FROM I'l1E EXISTING /PROPOS'E'D RRS Railroad Spike B.U. Book of Maps C29 50.00' 55.65' 69.45'53" 52.82 S 56'4727" W EDGE OF PAVE'MEN'T ALONG ALL ROAD FRONT LOTS. ELS Existing Lightwood Stake PIN Parcel Identifier C30 25.00 20.45' 46'52'12" 19.89 S 48'2037" W PP Power Pole Number C31 800.00' 33.74' 2'24'58" 33.73' S 70.34'14' W OHE Overhead Electric Lines Ao. Acres C32 800.00' 100.00' T08'49" 9B. B3' S 6504659' W 00 F11 Fire Hydrant Sq. Ft. square feet 1 ] Street Address CP Computed Point C33 800.00' 97.59' 6'59'21" 97.53 S 58'4222" W 15, 2 N.C.C.S. North Carolina Geodetic Survey C34 750.00' 76.07' 5'48'41" 78.04 S 58'07'02" W C 65'1579" W NAD 27 North American Datum of 1827 C95 750.00' 110.77 8'27'49' 110.66 S o NAD 83 North American Datum of 1983 C3B 750.00' f11.50 B'9!04 111.,99 S 73'4437 W 'tl / C37 750.00 118.22' 9'06'29 11910 S 82'3323 W " NOTES: ran Tn nn in-r -1-15,717- in i:, earns fi ~r • n..,, r,.l .r .u lr C39 x5.0(1 42.7.1' 97'55'16" 39.71'- N 4040'1507" W unless ruled otherwise. r • Areas determined by coordinate method. L 0 All diatancaa/dimensions are Roriaoulal ground distances unless otherwise indicated. Road %"tJ1111lt181 ,ROVED 00%#.% ~ ~ CAROl gTypical Typical Sign Easement Note: Note: No Scale A 10' r 70' Sight Triaagle takom - , S& a NOTES: A !D' r Lots to served by individual septic systems. I pr'ecede, precedence over Sign easement. L {orGti Lots to be served by Harnett County Dii; 20 "i413 So '•.,SuMunicipal Water. ° ~ s . ' So o° No Lot shall have direct access to SR 1440. HARNET'T COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES' o t o eg Leste oo Individual lot owner (Lot 1) shall be responsible P. 0. BOX 1119 aanllllt74sa for the maintenance of the streetscape buffer LILLINGTON, N.C. 27546 FFUA Fl FENA FLOOD HAZARD STATEMENT as shown hereon. Iota ad i Lots shown on this plat are not State of North Carolina The fire hydrants and street lamps shall be installed Flood Me located within the FEMA 100 year Flood Hazard Area as shown on County of Harnett at the appropriate locations. FEMA me FEMA map No. 3708500050 D Effective Effective Date: April 10, 1990 I hereby certify that this record plat complies with the subdivision regulations of Harnett County, NC, and that this plat bas been a roved for recording in the SITE DATA Register of Deeds to rn County. TOTAL AREA IN TRACT = 19.464 Acres J l Certificate of Ownership and Dedication T02AL NUMBER LOTS = 29 Dto I planning D! a toF J (we)here6y that I am(we are)the owner(s) or agent of the LARGEST LOT SIZE = 0.674 Ac. certify property shown a nd described hereon, which is IocateJ in the subdivision SMALLEST LOT SIZE = 0.576 Ac. Junsdietion of Harnett County, North L'arolige and that 1 (wed hereby adopt 'h' 's plan of subdivision with my (our/ tree consen! and establish minrmum building setback lines ns noted. 1 further certify tha! 1 (we) have not been involved as an owner, leaser, o lion holder or had any Slate of North Carolina legal or eqnet, ble interest iu cry property aJ~ce t or located directly C011n1 of Harnett across a street, easement, road or right- -wa the properly y alluW11 sad described hw' J, (I H. NA Y Review Officer of Harnett County, M certify t6ar plat to which !pig gartili99Non 14 AO 9ths"d 1110eis all alstalory requirements for recording. ~r Date er or Age ',3J I -U- a7 Review Officer Date Sheet Two of Two IIARNETT COUNTY, N.C. See Sheet One of Two for additional notes, seals, approvals, signatures Autumn Pointe Subdivision FILED DATE r r~ TIM$~ details and references nT :5 Revisions: SURVEY FOR MAP STANCIL & P NUMBER r;aal Plan 00-20-0e IOM Developers, In Professional Lane WAD NAL4fB HAVE MEN uu az ua REERLY S. OF DEEDS NAKfTVE' WE WAD VIEWED AND APPROVED r KIMBERLY S' County Comments to-oa-os ¢66 Slaneil Road, Angler, NC 27501 (919) 639-2073 96 East Depot Street, P:'0: J c BYE-011 Entrance 11-29-od Phone: 919-639-2133 By: 1. t ~G~ LfJN Approved By: TOWNSHIP. BLACK RIVER COUNTY: IIARNETT DATE: 09-07-06 SURVEYED Register Of Deeds I. I now 1Z, 20' .006 f 50 0 loo STATE: NORTH CAROLINA Tax ID 040673 0134 SCALE: 1" = 100' DRAWN B ' - 7 Horizontal Scale ZONE: RA-30 NC PIN: 0663-82-1932.000 CHECKED dr CLOSURE BY: i RECORDED IN IIARNETT COUNTY MAP NUMBER 2008- 5-~ ~ ~W Aoo9 ,ale b ~'P C26 7~ 4