HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 11, 2025 Regular Meeting AGENDA Lillington Board of Commissioners Regular Monthly Meeting Lillington Town Hall 102 East Front Street Lillington, North Carolina 27546 February 11, 2025 6:00pm CALL TO ORDER MAYOR GLENN MCFADDEN WELCOME MAYOR GLENN MCFADDEN PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MAYOR GLENN MCFADDEN INVOCATION COMMISSIONER MARSHALL PAGE CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT Public comment is an opportunity for citizens wishing to present unscheduled items of concern or interest to the Commissioners. It is requested that citizens limit their presentations to three (3) minutes. CONSENT AGENDA All items on the Consent Agenda are considered routine, to be enacted by one motion without discussion. If a Governing Body member or citizen requests discussion of an item, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. Item #1 Approval of Work Session Meeting Minutes from January 13, 2025 Item #2 Approval of Closed Session Meeting Minutes from January 13, 2025 Item #3 Approval of Regular Session Meeting Minutes from January 14, 2025 Item #4 Approval of Budget Amendment FY24-25 Budget Amendment #7 Item #5 Approval of Contract To Audit Accounts – Thompson, Price, Scott, Adams & Co., P.A. PUBLIC HEARING Item #6 Public Hearing on the Question of Annexation of the non-contiguous Satellite Area PIN #: 0662-90-5908.000. Case Number ANX-24-03 – G&J Development, LLC. Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk Town of Lillington | 2 Item #6A Consideration of Approval of An Ordinance to Extend the Corporate Limits of the Town of Lillington – G&J Development, LLC Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk Item #7 Public Hearing on the Question of Zoning Assignment for Newly Incorporated City Limits – G&J Development Landon Chandler, Planning Director Item #7A Consideration of Approval of An Ordinance to Apply the Lillington Zoning Ordinance to the Newly Incorporated City Limits – G&J Development, LLC Landon Chandler, Planning Director Item #8 Public Hearing on Text Amendment to Title VII Traffic Code Chapter 70 Section 70.99: Traffic Code Penalty and Chapter 71: Parking Regulations of the Lillington Code of Ordinances Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk Item #8A Consideration of Approval of Text Amendment to Title VII Traffic Code Chapter 70 Section 70.99: Traffic Code Penalty and Chapter 71: Parking Regulations of the Lillington Code of Ordinances Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk NEW BUSINESS Item #9 Closed Session to Meet per §143-318.11(a)(5) NON-AGENDA ITEMS Non-Agenda items is an opportunity for the Commissioners, Attorney or Staff to present unscheduled items that need consideration by the Board. ADJOURNMENT AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Date of Meeting: January 14, 2025 Staff Work By: Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk Lisa B. Young, Assistant Town Manager Joseph Jeffries, Town Manager Alicia Adams, Administrative Services Director AGENDA ITEM Consent Agenda Items ITEM SUMMARY All items on the Consent Agenda are considered routine, to be enacted by one motion without discussion. If a Governing Body member or citizen requests discussion of an item, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately: Item #1 Approval of Work Session Meeting Minutes from January 13, 2025 Item #2 Approval of Closed Session Meeting Minutes from January 13, 2025 Item #3 Approval of Regular Session Meeting Minutes from January 14, 2025 Item #4 Approval of Budget Amendment FY24-25 Budget Amendment #7 Item #5 Approval of Contract To Audit Accounts – Thompson, Price, Scott, Adams & Co., P.A. RECOMMENDED ACTION Approve consent agenda items as recommended by staff. AGENDA ITEMS #1-5 Lillington Board of Commissioners January 13, 2025 Work Session Meeting Minutes Work Session Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Lillington, Monday, January 13, 2025 at 8:30 a.m. at the Lillington Town Hall (102 E. Front Street), Lillington, North Carolina. Board Members Present: Mayor Glenn McFadden Mayor Pro Tempore Neil McPhail Commissioner Rupert Langdon Commissioner Marshall Page Commissioner Danny Babb Commissioner Patricia Moss Staff Present: Joseph Jeffries, Town Manager Lisa Young, Assistant Town Manager Alicia Adams, Administrative Services Director Lindsey Lucas, Town Clerk Landon Chandler, Planning Director Shane Cummings, Engineer Brian Hyde, Senior Infrastructure Inspector Ashley Wimberly, Public Works Director Skylar Russell, Assistant Public Works Director William Baker, Parks and Recreation Director Brandon Harris, Assistant Parks and Recreation Director John Bethune, Fire Chief Call to Order & Welcome: Mayor Glenn McPhail called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. NEW BUSINESS Item #1 Discussion Regarding Food Trucks Mayor McFadden recognized Joseph Jeffries, Town Manager. Mr. Jeffries passed around a chart showing what surrounding towns and cities charge for their Food Truck Permits and the number of days allowed in the week to operate. Many of the commissioners did not like the idea of changing our current ordinance which allows a food truck to operate twice a week, they felt it could hurt already existing restaurant owners in the town. Discussions on the topic were continued. A motion was made by Commissioner Page to not change the current food truck ordinance at this time. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Babb and passed 3-2 with Commissioner Langdon and Commissioner Moss opposing. Item #2 Consideration and Approval of Resolution of the Town of Lillington Board of Commissioners Authorizing Condemnation to Acquire Certain Real Property of Steven and Diana Giunta Mayor McFadden recognized Shane Cummings, Town Engineer. Mr. Cummings informed the Board that the Town had tried to negotiate with Mr. Guinta to acquire an easement for the South Regional Wastewater project to no avail. Mr. Cummings explained that the Town then retained the help of Bain and McRae, LLP to get the process going to acquire the easement through condemnation. This Resolution is required for a complaint to be filed with the Harnett County Clerk of Courts. Commissioner McPhail made a motion to approve the Resolution of the Town of Lillington Board of Commissioners Authorizing Condemnation to Acquire Certain Real Lillington Board of Commissioners January 13, 2025 Work Session Meeting Minutes Property of Steven and Diana Guinta. Commissioner Langdon seconded the motion that passed unanimously. Item #3 Notice of Award and Contract for South Reginal Sanitary Sewer Project Mayor McFadden recognized Alicia Adams, Administrative Services Director. Ms. Adams stated the Approval was needed for the South Regional Sanitary Sewer Project. It was a Item #4 Administrative Reports Capital Projects Update- Mayor McFadden recognized Alicia Adams, Administrative Services Director. Ms. Adams went over the following updates; SCIF Grants Downtown Facilities Stewart, Inc. is continuing to work on the construction drawings for Downtown. Staff has received cost estimates from Duke Energy for relocation of utilities. The Town has entered into a contract with Duke Energy including a non-refundable deposit of $90K. The Town is awaiting actual cost for construction for underground utilities. Staff is continuing to work closely with Ducke Energy and Pike. McAdams has incorporated Stewart’s drawings, the Golden Leaf Project will be the first completed in Downtown. There are a few final comments/adjustments but they are minor and will not take long to complete. Duke Energy has completed the drawings and were reviewed by Staff and Stewart. Pike is currently working through the comments to make adjustments. Pike Engineering is continuing to work on pedestrian and roadway lighting. Pike Engineering is doing both the roadway lighting and the parking lot lighting. Staff has reached out to a Lighting consultant for specialized lighting plans for areas not covered by Duke Energy. Stormwater Resiliency Funds Staff was notified that the State allocated $3.5 million for Stormwater infrastructure improvements and stream restoration, to provide more efficient stormwater management and flood resiliency. Project components will include stormwater management, replacing undersized culverts, and stabilizing streambanks to improve flood resiliency. Projects: 1. Downtown Stormwater Improvements • Design construction documents have been submitted to the Town and are currently under review. Lillington Board of Commissioners January 13, 2025 Work Session Meeting Minutes • Consultants are coordinating with the railroad RJ Corman to put in an additional crossing. • Environmental consultants are currently studying the proposed location for the pond. • McAdams has submitted a proposed location for the Stormwater pond and staff agrees it is a viable location and have begun conversations with the property owner. 2. Railroad Crossing • Staff is looking to improve stormwater infrastructure around the railroad without impacting the railroad due to their lack of interest in partnering with the Town. 3. 13th Street Reservoir • McAdams is recommending upsizing the northernmost culvert crossing on S 13th Street to dual RCBC box culverts to eliminate roadway overtopping for the 10 and 25-Year design storms. Although this recommendation is a slight deviation from the 15’W x 6’H RCBC, which is listed as the preferred design alternative (#2) in the previous Town of Lillington Stormwater Assessment, it will better maintain existing stream geometry and lend to more feasible construction and procurement of materials. • Easement exhibits are underway and must be obtained before soliciting for bid Golden Leaf Application Stormwater Harnett Street Project Description: The proposed storm drainage improvements would include removal and replacement of existing storm drainage pipe, ranging from 15” RCP to 30” RCP, and removal and replacement of storm drainage structures, including catch basins, drop-inlets, storm drainage manholes, and storm drainage headwalls. The proposed storm drainage infrastructure will effectively capture storm runoff, convey stormwater efficiently inside public right-of-way, and increase the level of service of the storm drainage system. In addition, private storm drainage infrastructure would be relocated to the Town Right-of-Way to allow for easier access for future maintenance and inspections. The probable cost of this project is $1.3 million, the Town has agreed to contribute $250,000 to the project. The Golden Leaf Grant Agreement was approved in June. A project ordinance confirming the Town’s financial contribution was approved at the August Regular Meeting. Staff is working closely with McAdams to get the project moving forward. Construction Drawings are mostly completed for this project and have already undergone one review by staff. Staff, McAdams, and Stewart met to finalize construction drawings for 8th Street and we are currently waiting on final construction drawings. Following approval of the construction drawings the project will be solicited for bid. Lillington Board of Commissioners January 13, 2025 Work Session Meeting Minutes Fire Station #3 Town staff has finalized the design of Fire Station #3. Construction of Fire Station #3 will be solicited for bid and a GMP will be presented to the Town for approval. The GMP was received by staff on December 3rd and the cost was more than anticipated. Bobbitt was directed to go back and speak with subcontractors to reduce the cost of the project before the Town would commit to the GMP numbers. Unfortunately in the allotted timeframe Bobbitt was not able to reduce the cost of the project to a number comfortable for staff to present. Staff is working closely with Bobbitt to reduce the cost of the project. ARPA S.L. 2022-74 Appropriated Projects All documentation was submitted to the State to fund the Hwy 210 sewer line expansion and Southern Regional Sanitary Sewer/Poorhouse Creek installation of new sanitary sewer interceptor and regional pump station. The total allocation was $9,250,000. Staff has received the offer and acceptance letter from the Department of Water Infrastructure. a. Hwy 210 Sewer line Project Staff has a progress meeting with Temple Grading Wednesday to review timelines for completion. b. Poorhouse Creek Approval of Notice of Award and Construction Contract is slated for approval January 13, 2025. LASII Grant Staff submitted the LASII grant application October 2, 2023 requesting $500,000 to develop and implement a new stormwater utility to provide a predictable, equitable and ongoing funding source for its stormwater program. The activities that the Town seeks to accomplish with the funding that the utility will provide include: • Increasing the flood resiliency of the transportation system in and through the Town; • Funding stormwater Capital Improvement Projects (CIPs) to address stormwater quantity and quality issues; • Handling critical maintenance needs and operations; and • Meeting planning and implementation needs. The scoping document was approved by DWI, the grant agreement and the acceptance of funding resolution was approved at the August meeting. The McAdams engineering services contract was approved at the August meeting. The project schedule is two years, with a completion date of August 2026. Staff had the kick off meeting September 20th with McAdams and staff is working to gather the information needed to start the evaluation process. Lillington Board of Commissioners January 13, 2025 Work Session Meeting Minutes McAdams will spend the next several weeks in Town collecting data on current Stormwater infrastructure. Staff is working to compile the data request submitted by McAdams. S.L. 2023 Appropriated Funds The Town was appropriated $11,062,500 through Session Law in 2023. Administrative cost for the funds is $331,875.00. Available funds remaining are $10,730,625. Additional Proposed projects with remaining funds: 1. Water Tank $4.5 million • Request for Qualifications were accepted at Town Hall July 16th at 2:00pm • Four firms submitted and are currently under review • Request for funding have been approved by DWI and all required documents are on the consent agenda for approval. • Project Ordinance has been approved • Contract with firm was approved and staff will begin working with them in the coming weeks and should have a project schedule timeline. 2. WWTP project $3.1 million • Request for funding have been approved by DWI and all required documents are on the consent agenda for approval. • Project Ordinance has been approved Staff completed request for funding forms to the Division of Water. Following completion of the required documents staff can begin the projects. North Harnett WWTP Capacity Upgrade Harnett County has begun the process of submitting reimbursement requests to the Town for the Town’s portion of the WWTP. Currently, there are two outstanding invoices that Town staff is waiting for DWI to approve. HWY 210 Fire Station Sewer line Extension All contract documents and bonds have been received and a notice to proceed has been issued to Autry Grading. Current completion date of May 2025. Senter Park The Town received a matching grant for playground equipment at Senter Park. That playground equipment has been delivered and will be installed in the coming weeks. Following the completion of the equipment fencing and seating areas will be installed. Lillington Board of Commissioners January 13, 2025 Work Session Meeting Minutes Monthly Financial Report – Mayor McFadden recognized Lisa Young, Assistant Town Manager. Ms. Young reviewed the monthly summaries for the Town’s revenues, expenditures, and year-to-date fund balances in the General Fund, Water/Sewer Fund, and the Powell Bill Fund for the month of December. Town Manager’s Report – Mayor McFadden recognized Joseph Jeffries, Town Manager. Mr. Jeffries gave the following updates; Mr. Jeffries updated the Board on current projects for the town. Item #5 Discussion of Regular Meeting Agenda for January 14, 2025 Mayor McFadden reviewed the Agenda for the January 14, 2025, Regular Meeting. Item #7 Closed Session to Meet per §143-318.11(a)(5) Commissioner Babb made a motion to enter Closed Session. Commissioner Page seconded the motion that passed unanimously. Commissioner McPhail made a motion to come out of Closed Session. Commissioner Page seconded the motion that passed unanimously. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned following the unanimous approval of a motion by Commissioner Page and a second by Commissioner Langdon. Attest: ____________________________ _______________________________ Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk Glenn McFadden, Mayor Lillington Board of Commissioners January 14, 2025 Regular Board Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Lillington, Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. at the Lillington Town Hall (102 E. Front Street), Lillington, North Carolina. Board Members Present: Mayor Glenn McFadden Mayor Pro Tempore Neil McPhail Commissioner Marshall Page Commissioner Rupert Langdon Commissioner Danny Babb Commissioner Patricia Moss Staff Present: Joseph Jeffries, Town Manager Lisa Young, Assistant Town Manager Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk Landon Chandler, Planning Director John Bethune, Fire Chief Frank Powers, Police Chief William Baker, Parks & Recreation Director Tony Buzzard, Town Attorney Call to Order & Welcome: Mayor Glenn McFadden called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance at 6:00 p.m. Invocation: Commissioner Page held the invocation. Agenda Consideration: Mayor Glenn McFadden presented the agenda for the consideration by the Town Board. Commissioner Page moved to approve the agenda as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Moss and approved unanimously. (Minute Book Notation: Agenda is on file at Lillington Town Hall). Public Comment: Mayor Glenn McFadden inquired as to whether anyone wished to address the Town Board. No one signed up. Consent Agenda: Commissioner Langdon moved that the consent agenda items be approved as amended to the Board. The motion was seconded by Commissioner McPhail and the following consent agenda items were approved unanimously. Lillington Board of Commissioners January 14, 2025 Item #1 Work Session Meeting Minutes from December 9, 2024 Approved Item #2 Closed Session Meeting Minutes from December 9, 2024 Approved Item #3 Regular Session Meeting Minutes from December 10, 2024 Approved Item #4 Resolution Declaring Surplus Property Approved Item #5 Right of Way Encroachment Agreement Town Easements – 695 NC 210 S Lillington, NC Approved Item #6 Budget Amendment FY24-25 Budget Amendment #6 Approved Item #7 Professional Services Agreement with KCI for Town of Lillington Land Use Plan Update Approved Item #8 Stewart Contract for an Additional Services Work Authorization Form for Downtown Approved Item #9 Offer to Purchase Contract with KDP Development, LLC for Property Located at 2873 NC 210, Lillington NC Approved PUBLIC HEARING Item #10 Public Hearing on the Question of Setting Aside Decision from July 9, 2024 for Annexation of the Noncontiguous Satellite Area PIN #: 0662-90-5908.000. Case Number ANX-24-03 (G&J Development, LLC) Mayor McFadden opened the Public Hearing at 6:02 p.m. Mayor McFadden recognized Landon Chandler, Planning Director. Mr. Chandler explained In April 2024 applications were received from the developers for Annexation and Zoning Assignment for the property located on Harnett Central Rd., formally described as PIN# 0662-90-5908.000 and owned by G&J Development, LLC. Exploration for Annexation was sent to the Board of Commissioners for consideration in May. The motion passed and a public hearing date Lillington Board of Commissioners January 14, 2025 was set for June 2024. At the June Board of Commissioners meeting, staff asked that the hearings be tabled. The applicant was told by staff that it was not necessary for them to be in attendance because of the request from staff to be table the hearing. One individual showed up to ask questions related to the possibility of adding sewer in the area and did so in an opened public hearing. The public hearing was then closed and the decision tabled on to the July Board of Commissioners meeting. At the July Board of Commissioners meeting, the items for both the Annexation and Zoning Assignment were set to be heard. There were several individuals in attendance at this hearing who were not present when the application was tabled during the first hearing. This included the applicants. Individuals wished to speak on the matter, but the public hearing had already been opened and closed when the item was tabled at the meeting in June. Because Planning staff did not request to re-advertise, there was not a proper way to re-open the public hearing at that time. This left both the community and applicants feeling as though they were not allowed due process. The Board of Commissioners voted to deny the Annexation based off matters not related to the process, but rather those that were specific to the site at that time. Staff feels as though setting the previous decision aside may be a good option so that all interested parties feel as though they had a say in the outcome of the request. Don Curry – Civil Engineer- 205 S Fuquay Avenue – Fuquay-Varina NC 27526 – Mr. Curry thanked the Board for considering setting aside the decision from July 9, 2024. As there were no other speakers, the Public Hearing was closed at 6:06 p.m. Item #10A Consideration of Approval of Setting Aside the Decision from July 9, 2024 on An Ordinance to Extend the Corporate Limits of the Town of Lillington (G&J Development) Commissioner Langdon made a motion to approve Setting Aside the Decision from July 9, 2024 on an Ordinance to Extend Corporate Limits of the Town of Lillington (G&J Development) Item #11 Public Hearing on Establishing a No Parking Ordinance on Multiple Town Streets. Mayor McFadden opened the Public Hearing at 6:07 p.m. Mayor McFadden recognized Lindsey Lucas, Town Clerk. Ms. Lucas stated Emergency Personnel have requested No parking on the following streets due to fire trucks not being able to pass through and it being a safety hazard. Hanging Elm Lane, Rogue River Way, River Bank Road, Woodwater Circle, Parkside Drive, March Creek Drive, Tributary Way, Moore Creek Drive, Day Farm Drive, Ventasso Drive, Gianna Drive, Watermoss Drive, Better Day Way, Lestanna Way, Day Song Court, Cutty Way, Arlie Way, Chestnut Oak Lane, Norman Avenue, Paula Lane, Orchard Street, Balsam Lane, Frasier Fir Way, Gregory Village Drive, Falls of The Cape Drive and Capeside Court. If approved the town will be erecting “No Parking” signs om these streets. As there were no other speakers, the Public Hearing was closed at 6:11 p.m. Lillington Board of Commissioners January 14, 2025 Item #11A Consideration of Approval of Establishing a No Parking Ordinance on Multiple Town Streets Commissioner Page made a motion to approve establishing a No Parking Ordinance on Multiple Town Streets. Commissioner Moss seconded the motion that passed unanimously. Non-Agenda Items: Mayor Glenn McFadden inquired as to whether there were any non-agenda items that should be addressed by Town Board members or staff. -Commissioner McPhail and Commissioner Moss thanked Parks and Recreation staff forall of their hard work over the last few months. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned following the unanimous approval of a motion by Commissioner Page and a second by Commissioner Moss. Attest: ____________________________ ____________________________ Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk Glenn McFadden, Mayor AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Date of Meeting: February 11, 2025 Staff Work By: Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk TYPE OF PUBLIC HEARING Legislative AGENDA ITEM Consideration of Ordinance Extending the Corporate Limits of the Town of Lillington. ITEM SUMMARY The Town of Lillington received a petition under §160A-58.1 for satellite annexation. In accordance with §160A-58.2 the Town Board called a Public Hearing on February 11, 2025 for the question of annexation for 31.907-acres being PIN #: 0662-90-5908.000 Case Number ANX-24-04. § 160A-58.2. Public hearing. Upon receipt of a petition for annexation under this Part, the city council shall cause the city clerk to investigate the petition, and to certify the results of his investigation. If the clerk certifies that upon investigation the petition appears to be valid, the council shall fix a date for a public hearing on the annexation. Notice of the hearing shall be published once at least 10 days before the date of hearing. At the hearing, any person residing in or owning property in the area proposed for annexation and any resident of the annexing city may appear and be heard on the questions of the sufficiency of the petition and the desirability of the annexation. If the council then finds and determines that (i) the area described in the petition meets all of the standards set out in G.S. 160A-58.1(b), (ii) the petition bears the signatures of all of the owners of real property within the area proposed for annexation (except those not required to sign by G.S. 160A-58.1(a)), (iii) the petition is otherwise valid, and (iv) the public health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the city and of the area proposed for annexation will be best served by the annexation, the council may adopt an ordinance annexing the area described in the petition. The ordinance may be made effective immediately or on any specified date within six months from the date of passage. RECOMMENDED ACTION APPROVE the Ordinance to Extend the Corporate Limits of the Town of Lillington, North Carolina. AGENDA ITEM #6-6A BE TONDEWAR&ASSOCIATES PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR 5920 HONEYCUTT ROAD HOLLY SPRINGS, NC 27540 OFFICE# 919-552-9813 CELL # - 919-868-1449 LEGAL DESCRIPTIO Commencing at the centerline intersection of NCSR # 2215 and NCSR # 1512 having C Grid Coordinates of: N - 621,806.76 and E- 2,069,377.11 (NAD 83 2012B) 2018: Thence South 46 degrees 35 minutes 51 seconds West-43.75 feet to an iron stake set on the southern right of way of CSR# 2215, a 60 foot public right of way, the point of BEGINNING: Thence leaving said right of way, South 07 degrees 31 minutes 09 seconds West- 368.33 feet to an iron stake; Thence North 89 degrees 41 minutes 02 seconds East - 331.24 feet to an iron stake; Thence North 84 degrees 30 minutes 14 seconds East- 163.54 feet to an existing iron stake; Thence South 07 degrees 26 minutes 59 seconds West- 338.09 feet to an iron stake; Thence South 39 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds East - 300.86 feet to an existing iron stake; Thence South 67 degrees 45 minutes 54 seconds East - 661.13 feet to a bent flatbar; Thence South 45 degrees 58 minutes 20 seconds West - 865.52 feet to an existing iron stake; Thence North 43 degrees 56 minutes 16 seconds West - 1126.08 feet to an iron stake; Thence North 89 degrees 11 minjutes 14 seconds West - 361.94 feet to an existing iron pipe, having NC Grid Coordinates ofN - 620,825.93 and E-2,068,785.07; Thence North 02 degrees 30 minutes 18 seconds East- 997.06 feet to an iron stake on the southern right of way of CSR# 2215; Thence the following calls along said southern right of way: South 83 degrees 24 minutes 21 seconds East - 73.26 feet to an iron stake; South 83 degrees 31 minutes 41 seconds East - 75.96 feet to an iron stake; South 83 degrees 51 minutes 14 seconds East-77.28 feet to an iron stake; South 84 degrees 17 minutes 44 seconds East- 77.57 feet to an iron stake; South 85 degrees 00 minutes 54 seconds East - 76.85 feet to an iron stake; South 86 degrees 20 minutes 56 seconds East - 60.65 feet to an iron stake; South 88 degrees 37 minutes 53 seconds East- 77.35 feet to an iron stake, the point of BEGINNING, containing 31.549 acres+/-, and the property as described in Deed Book 1320 Page 863, as recorded in the Harnett County Register of Deeds. TOWN OF LILLINGTON 102 East Front Street ● P.O. Box 296 ● Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Phone: (910) 893-2654 ● Fax (910) 893-3693 ● www.lillingtonnc.com ORDINANCE FY2025-15 AN ORDINANCE TO EXTEND THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF LILLINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA WHEREAS, the Town of Lillington Governing Board has received a petition under G.S. 160A-58.1 for non-contiguous satellite annexation of the area described below; and WHEREAS, the Governing Board directed the Town Clerk to investigate the sufficiency of said petition; and WHEREAS, by authority granted by G.S. 160A-58.2, a public hearing on the question of this annexation was held at the Lillington Town Hall at 6:00 o’clock, P.M. on the 11th day of February, 2025, after due notice by publication on the 31st of January, 2025; and WHEREAS, the Governing Board does hereby find as a fact that the petition meets the requirements of G.S. 160A-58.1, as amended BE IT ORDAINED, by the Governing Board of the Town of Lillington, North Carolina, that: Section 1. By virtue of the authority granted by G.S. 160A-58.2, the following described non-contiguous territory is hereby annexed and made part of the Town of Lillington, as of February 11, 2025. The area proposed for annexation are described as follows: Commencing at the centerline intersection of NCSR # 2215 and NCSR # 1512 having C Grid Coordinates of: N - 621,806.76 and E- 2,069,377.11 (NAD 83 2012B) 2018: Thence South 46 degrees 35 minutes 51 seconds West-43.75 feet to an iron stake set on the southern right of way of CSR# 2215, a 60 foot public right of way, the point of BEGINNING: Thence leaving said right of way, South 07 degrees 31 minutes 09 seconds West- 368.33 feet to an iron stake; Thence North 89 degrees 41 minutes 02 seconds East - 331.24 feet to an iron stake; Thence North 84 degrees 30 minutes 14 seconds East- 163.54 feet to an existing iron stake; Thence South 07 degrees 26 minutes 59 seconds West- 338.09 feet to an iron stake; Thence South 39 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds East - 300.86 feet to an existing iron stake; Thence South 67 degrees 45 minutes 54 seconds East - 661.13 feet to a bent flatbar; Thence South 45 degrees 58 minutes 20 seconds West - 865.52 feet to an existing iron stake; Thence North 43 degrees 56 minutes 16 seconds West - 1126.08 feet to an iron stake; Thence North 89 degrees 11 minjutes 14 seconds West - 361.94 feet to an existing iron pipe, having NC Grid Coordinates ofN - 620,825.93 and E-2,068,785.07; Town of Lillington | 2 102 East Front Street ● P.O. Box 296 ● Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Phone: (910) 893-2864 ● Fax (910) 893-3607 ● www.lillingtonnc.com Thence North 02 degrees 30 minutes 18 seconds East- 997.06 feet to an iron stake on the southern right of way of CSR# 2215; Thence the following calls along said southern right of way: South 83 degrees 24 minutes 21 seconds East - 73.26 feet to an iron stake; South 83 degrees 31 minutes 41 seconds East - 75.96 feet to an iron stake; South 83 degrees 51 minutes 14 seconds East-77.28 feet to an iron stake; South 84 degrees 17 minutes 44 seconds East- 77.57 feet to an iron stake; South 85 degrees 00 minutes 54 seconds East - 76.85 feet to an iron stake; South 86 degrees 20 minutes 56 seconds East - 60.65 feet to an iron stake; South 88 degrees 37 minutes 53 seconds East- 77.35 feet to an iron stake, the point of BEGINNING, containing 31.549 acres+/-, and the property as described in Deed Book 1320 Page 863, as recorded in the Harnett County Register of Deeds. Annexation Map Recorded in Map Book _______ - _______ Section 2. Upon and after February 11, 2025, the above-described territory and its citizens and property shall be subject to all debts, laws, ordinances, and regulations in force in the Town of Lillington and shall be entitled to the same privileges and benefits as other parts of the Town of Lillington. Said territory shall be subject to municipal taxes according to G.S. 160A-58.10. Section 3. The Mayor of the Town of Lillington shall cause to be recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Harnett County, and in the office of the Secretary of State at Raleigh, North Carolina, an accurate map of the annexed territory, described in Section 1 above, together with a duly certified copy of this ordinance. Such a map shall also be delivered to the Harnett County Board of Elections, as required by G.S. 163-288.1. Adopted this 11th day of February, 2025 __________________________ Glenn McFadden, Mayor Attest: __________________________ Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tony Buzzard, Town Attorney AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Date of Meeting: February 11, 2025 Staff Work By: Landon Chandler, Planning Director AGENDA ITEM Public Hearing on the Question of Zoning Assignment for Newly Incorporated City Limits ITEM SUMMARY Consideration of Approval of An Ordinance to Apply the Lillington Zoning Ordinance to the Newly Incorporated City Limits - G&J Development, LLC RECOMMENDED ACTION Approve Ordinance to Apply the Lillington Zoning Ordinance to the Newly Incorporated City Limits. Suggested Statement of Consistency As stated in the evaluation, the requested zoning assignment to Conditional District Residential Single-Family Cluster, CD-RS10 Cluster District is compatible with Town of Lillington regulatory documents and would not have an unreasonable impact on the surrounding community based on the uses in this area as well as the Town’s Land Use Plan designation for this area. Therefore, the ordinance for the zoning assignment request be Approved. The requested zoning assignment to Conditional District Residential Single-Family Cluster, CD-RS10 Cluster District is not compatible with Town of Lillington regulatory documentsand would not only have an unreasonable impact on the surrounding community, but wouldalso fail to enhance the public health, safety, and general welfare as stated in the evaluation. Therefore, the ordinance for the zoning assignment request be Denied. AGENDA ITEM #7-7A ZONING ASSIGNMENT STAFF REPORT CASE NUMBER: ZA-25-01 Landon Chandler, Planning Director Ltchandler@lillingtonnc.org Phone: (910) 893-0316 Fax: (910) 893-3693 www.lillingtonnc.org Planning Board: January 21, 2025 Town Commissioners: February 11, 2025 To apply Zoning to a parcel totaling approximately 31.54 acres located as pictured below. Applicant is proposing a Conditional District Residential Single Family, CD-RS10 Cluster District with voluntary conditions and site plan. Current Zoning on site is County RA-20M. Applicant Information Owner of Record: Applicant: Name: G & J Development, LLC Name: Same as Owner Address: 2265 Benson Rd. Address: City/State/Zip: Angier, NC 27501 City/State/Zip: Property Description PIN(s): 0662-90-5908.000 Acreage: 31.54 Address/SR No.: Harnett Central Rd. around 3500 series of addresses. Vicinity Map Physical Characteristics and Existing Land Uses: Site Description: Site is currently an agriculturally used tract on Harnett Central Rd. between Neills Creek Rd. & Matthews Mill Pond Rd. The surrounding land uses are Single Family Residential, Institutional to the West, and a Manufactured Home Park immediately adjacent. County Zoning: RA-20M Future County Land Use Classification: Agricultural & Rural Residential: Agricultural and Rural Residential: Primarily agricultural and forestry uses with some rural residential areas. These areas are located outside of existing and future sewer service areas and rely on septic systems for wastewater treatment. They have a limited road network and in some cases lie within High Quality Watershed or Water Supply Watershed areas. The lack of utility and transportation infrastructure, the established low density development pattern and ongoing agricultural activities in these areas contribute to their rural character. This character can be enhanced by encouraging only low intensity uses, single family residential up to one unit per acre and context sensitive rural design. Environmental & Terrain: Services Available Water: Sewer: Other: ☐Public (Town Of Lillington)☐Public (Town of Lillington) ☒Public (Harnett County)☐Private (Septic)☐Private (Well)☒Other (Unverified)☐Other: (Unverified) Other: A potential connection may be made; however, no guarantees are expressed as it relates to capacity if this zoning proposal is approved. No technical review has been performed on this project, and all other non-specified items will have to meet the Town of Lillington Unified Development Ordinance. The developer of the project has stated that there have been discussions with HRW in regard to connecting to an existing force-main. Fire flow has not been assessed but will have to meet the Town’s requirement of 1000gpm for residential development. Conditional Districts: •Conditional Districts are districts with conditions voluntarily added only in response to a petition by the owner of all the property to be included in such district. In accordance with NCGS 160A-382, specific conditions applicable to these districts may be proposed by the applicant or Town but only thoseconditions mutually approved by the Town and the applicant may be incorporated into the ConditionalDistrict zoning. •Conditional Districts provide for orderly and flexible development under the general policies of thisordinance without the constraints of some of the prescribed standards guiding by-right development.Because Conditional District developments are constructed in a comprehensive manner, they mayestablish their own building, street, block, and lot pattern which may be unique from other surrounding blocks or neighborhoods. Conditional Districts may be used in any district but is not intended to relieve hardships that would otherwise be handled using a variance procedure. •In addition to modification of specific district provisions (except use), the various provisions detailed in this Article may be varied if specifically requested by the petitioner as part of a Conditional Districtapplication with exception to the following: Article Title Exception to Modification 2 Zoning and District Provisions Uses permitted may not be added unless the use proposed is not currently defined or contemplated by the Code. Permitted uses may be removed from the petition. 6 Subdivisions & Infrastructure May substitute dedication of public open space for payment-in-lieu per Board of Commissioners approval. Except in areas identified on the Land Use Plan map as public greenways and linear parks. Amount required may not be reduced. •Upon the approval of the petition for a Conditional District, the subject property shall be identified onthe Official Zoning Map by the appropriate district designation. A parallel conditional zoningdesignation shall be identified with the underlying general district letters "CD” (example CD-RS20). Proposed Zoning: The applicant is proposing a Conditional RS10 Cluster Zoning District with plans of a mixed-use single-family development with the following voluntary conditions: Conditions: The following conditions shall be applied to this rezoning request: 1.Minimum 10’, Type ‘C’ perimeter landscaped buffer 2.Minimum 20’ street yard landscaped buffer 3.Maximum 800’ cul-de-sac length 4.Minimum 20% open space 5.Single-family detached: Minimum setbacks as follows: Front 20’, Side 6’, Corner Side 15’. Rear 15’ 6.Single-family attached: Minimum setbacks as follows: Front 10’, Side 6’, Corner Side 15’. Rear/Alley 20’ Conditions as Requested by Town Staff: •Conditions will need to be agreed on by the developers of the project if approved. 1. There will be no parking within the Town maintained right-of-way. 2.Offsite sewer/utility easements must be secured before preliminary plans/construction drawings aresubmitted. Approval of the conceptual zoning plan does not guarantee capacity related to utilities. 3. The project will comply with the recommendations of the Town adopted Harnett County Comprehensive Transportation Plan and any other findings from NCDOT or the required Traffic ImpactAnalysis. 4.There shall be a 29’ back-to-back curb & gutter street cross-section with 13’ wide asphalt lanes. What is currently proposed has 12’ lanes. 5. All other regulations within the Unified Development Ordinance, other adopted plans, or studies must be followed unless specified within the agreed upon conditions. 6. Staff recommends to the Board and developer that there be a minimum Architectural Standard for thesingle-family attached (Townhome) products as follows: •MATERIALS: VINYL SIDING SHALL BE PROHIBITED AS A PRIMARY FAÇADE MATERIAL ONTOWNHOME UNITS. VINYL WINDOWS, DECORATIVE ELEMENTS AND TRIM IS PERMITTED. •ANTI-MONOTONY PROVISIONS: IN ORDER TO PROMOTE VARIATION IN HOME APPEARANCE, NO FRONT ELEVATION & COLOR PALETTE COMBINATION (INCLUDING DOOR COLOR) SHALL BEDUPLICATED FOR TWO (2) LOTS IN A ROW OR DIRECTLY ACROSS THE STREET. •ROOFLINE: TOWNHOME ROOFLINES SHALL BE BROKEN UP VERTICALLY OR HORIZONTALLYALONG THE FRONT FAÇADE, SUCH THAT NO ROOFLINE IS IN A SINGLE MASS. •CHARACTER: THE APPLICANT'S VISION FOR OVERALL QUALITY SHALL BE GOVERNED BY THEFOLLOWING ARCHITECTURAL THEMES: CONTEMPORARY, MODERN FARM, TRANSITIONAL,CRAFTSMAN, OR TIMELESS DESIGNS. •ARCHITECTURAL REQUIREMENTS: AT LEAST TWO (2) OF THE FOLLOWING MATERIALS SHALL BEUTILIZED ON EACH FAÇADE: WOOD OR CEMENT BOARD AND BATTEN, FIBER CEMENT SIDING,WOOD OR CEMENT SHINGLE, MASONRY BRICK, BRICK VENEER, MASONRY STONE, STONEVENEER OR SYNTHETIC STONE. ALL UNITS SHALL CONTAIN A FRONT MASONRY FAÇADEEXTENDING A MINIMUM OF 18" UP FROM THE FOUNDATION. •RESIDENTIAL DESIGN ELEMENTS: EACH RESIDENTIAL UNIT SHALL CONTAIN AT LEAST TWO (2)OF THE FOLLOWING DESIGN FEATURES: WALKUP PORCH, DORMER OR GABLE, 2ND STORYPORCH OR BALCONY, BAY WINDOW, ARCHITECTURAL SHINGLES, METAL ROOF ACCENT,CORNICE OR CORBEL. •GLAZING: ALL UNITS SHALL PROVIDE A MINIMUM 25% GLAZING ON THE FRONT DOOR ORPROVIDE A TRANSOM. •FAÇADE MODULATION: ATTACHED TOWNHOME BUILDINGS SHALL HAVE FRONT FAÇADEMODULATIONS A MINIMUM 12 INCHES IN DEPTH BETWEEN EACH UNIT. •PORCHES: ALL UNITS SHALL CONTAIN A COVERED FRONT PORCH OR ENTRYWAY. Staff Evaluation: Recommended Approval The impact to the adjacent property owners and the surrounding community is reasonable, and the benefits of the Zoning Assignment outweigh any potential inconvenience or harm to the community: REASONING: The requested zoning assignment to Conditional District Residential Single Family, CD-RS10 Cluster Will Not have a negative impact on the community as it is similar in nature to existing uses within proximity to the project area. The requested zoning assignment is compatible with the existing Land Use Classification: REASONING: The requested zoning district and plan conflict with the area’s current County Growth Plan. However; if approved and annexed into the Town, this area will likely be a part of a future Urban Service Area & Town Land Use classification that more closely aligns with the proposal. It is staff’s opinion that this project Is or Will be Compatible with the Land Use Plan moving forward. The proposal does enhance or maintain the public health, safety and general welfare: REASONING: The requested Zoning Assignment to Conditional District Residential Single Family, CD-RS10 Would Maintain or Enhance the public health, safety, and general welfare due to area’s existing Single Family Residential and Agricultural land uses. Improvements to current transportation & utility infrastructures to accommodate the development will improve overall networks. TOWN OF LILLINGTON 102 East Front Street ● P.O. Box 296 ● Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Phone: (910) 893-2654 ● Fax (910) 893-3693 ● www.lillingtonnc.com ORDINANCE FY2025-16 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE TOWN OF LILLINGTON ZONING ORDINANCE PROPERTY OWNED BY G&J DEVELOPMENT, LLC 31.55 ACRES PIN#: 0662-90-5908.000 HARNETT COUNTY RA-20M & CONDITIONAL DISTRICT RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, CD-RS10 CLUSTER WHEREAS, a petition has been received from G&D Development, LLC to rezone 31.55-acres from Harnett County RA-20M to Conditional District Residential Single-Family Cluster, CDRS10 Cluster; and WHEREAS, the required newspaper notices have been given, adjacent property owners notified, the recommendation from the Lillington Planning Board received, and a public hearing held at a Regular meeting on February 11, 2025 with members of the public soliciting input on the matter. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL of the Town of Lillington that: Section 1. The Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Lillington is amended to change the following area from Harnett County RA-20M to Conditional District Residential Single-Family Cluster, CD-RS10 Cluster and to amend the Lillington Zoning Map to show the area change: Commencing at the centerline intersection of NCSR # 2215 and NCSR # 1512 having C Grid Coordinates of: N - 621,806.76 and E- 2,069,377.11 (NAD 83 2012B) 2018: Thence South 46 degrees 35 minutes 51 seconds West-43.75 feet to an iron stake set on the southern right of way of CSR# 2215, a 60 foot public right of way, the point of BEGINNING: Thence leaving said right of way, South 07 degrees 31 minutes 09 seconds West- 368.33 feet to an iron stake; Thence North 89 degrees 41 minutes 02 seconds East - 331.24 feet to an iron stake; Thence North 84 degrees 30 minutes 14 seconds East- 163.54 feet to an existing iron stake; Thence South 07 degrees 26 minutes 59 seconds West- 338.09 feet to an iron stake; Thence South 39 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds East - 300.86 feet to an existing iron stake; Thence South 67 degrees 45 minutes 54 seconds East - 661.13 feet to a bent flatbar; Town of Lillington | 2 102 East Front Street ● P.O. Box 296 ● Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Phone: (910) 893-2864 ● Fax (910) 893-3607 ● www.lillingtonnc.com Thence South 45 degrees 58 minutes 20 seconds West - 865.52 feet to an existing iron stake; Thence North 43 degrees 56 minutes 16 seconds West - 1126.08 feet to an iron stake; Thence North 89 degrees 11 minjutes 14 seconds West - 361.94 feet to an existing iron pipe, having NC Grid Coordinates ofN - 620,825.93 and E-2,068,785.07; Thence North 02 degrees 30 minutes 18 seconds East- 997.06 feet to an iron stake on the southern right of way of CSR# 2215; Thence the following calls along said southern right of way: South 83 degrees 24 minutes 21 seconds East - 73.26 feet to an iron stake; South 83 degrees 31 minutes 41 seconds East - 75.96 feet to an iron stake; South 83 degrees 51 minutes 14 seconds East-77.28 feet to an iron stake; South 84 degrees 17 minutes 44 seconds East- 77.57 feet to an iron stake; South 85 degrees 00 minutes 54 seconds East - 76.85 feet to an iron stake; South 86 degrees 20 minutes 56 seconds East - 60.65 feet to an iron stake; South 88 degrees 37 minutes 53 seconds East- 77.35 feet to an iron stake, the point of BEGINNING, containing 31.549 acres+/-, and the property as described in Deed Book 1320 Page 863, as recorded in the Harnett County Register of Deeds. Section 2. All laws and clauses in conflict with this Ordinance Amendment are hereby repealed. Section 3. This Ordinance Amendment shall be effective immediately upon adoption with the following conditions: 1. Minimum 10’, Type ‘C’ perimeter landscaped buffer 2. Minimum 20’ street yard landscaped buffer 3.Maximum 800’ cul-de-sac length 4. Minimum 20% open space 5. Single-family detached: Minimum setbacks as follows: Front 20’, Side 6’, Corner Side 15’. Rear 15’6. Single-family attached: Minimum setbacks as follows: Front 10’, Side 6’, Corner Side 15’. Rear/Alley 20’ Adopted this 11th day of February, 2025 __________________________ Glenn McFadden, Mayor Attest: __________________________ Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Date of Meeting: February 11, 2025 Staff Work By: Lindsey B. Lucas AGENDA ITEM Public Hearing on Text Amendment to Title VII Traffic Code Chapter 70 Section 70.99: Traffic Code Penalty and Chapter 71: Parking Regulations of the Lillington Code of Ordinances ITEM SUMMARY At the last meeting on January 14, 2025 a No Parking ordinance was approved for multiple town streets. These amendments brought before you today are to update the enforcement side of the No Parking ordinance. Chapter 70 Section 70.99 Traffic Code Penalty will be completely removed from the ordinance as the new fees will be listed in the Town of Lillington Annual Operating Budget. A $50 citation will be issued for parking in a “No Parking” area and if deemed necessary, the vehicle will be towed. RECOMMENDED ACTION Approve Text Amendment to Title VII Traffic Code Chapter 70 Section 70.99: Traffic Code Penalty and Chapter 71: Parking Regulations of the Lillington Code of Ordinances AGENDA ITEM #8-8A § 70.99 TRAFFIC CODE PENALTY.(A)(1) Civil penalties as set forth in division (D) below shall be assessed for theviolation of the provisions of Chapters 70, 71, 72, 73 and 74. (2)Any person who fails to deliver or mail the penalty charge to the Town Hall officeand accumulates five or more delinquent parking tickets shall have his or her vehicle impounded. The owner shall be allowed to pick up his or her automobile upon payment of the assessed penalty charge plus a $25 impound fee, and any additional private or wrecker transportation fees. (B)(1) Any person violating any provision of Title VII for which no specific penalty isotherwise provided shall be responsible for an infraction and shall be required to pay a penalty of not more than $50. (2)A citation for said civil penalty shall be issued by the Town Manager.(C)Title VII may also be enforced by an appropriate equitable remedy issuing from acourt of competent jurisdiction. (D)Schedule of civil penalties.(1)The violation of those provisions of the Traffic Code referenced hereinafter aresubject to civil penalties as set forth hereinafter. Each violation and any delinquent penalty are not subject to the penalty provisions of G.S. § 14-4, but instead constitute civil penalties to be recovered by the town in a civil action in the nature of debt when the violator does not pay the penalty within the prescribed period of time, pursuant to G.S. § 160A-175(c). (2)The following civil penalties are hereby established: Violation Penalty Illegally parking in a fire lane $35 Overtime parking First violation $10 Second or subsequent violation within a 24-hour period Additional civil penalty of $15 Unauthorized parking in a handicapped parking space $100 All other violations enumerated in Title VII $10 (3)Parking violations included in this section shall be delinquent after the tenth dayfrom the issuance of the citation; thereafter the following civil penalties shall apply to the foregoing parking violations, in addition to the stated penalty: Delinquent Period Additional Penalty 10 to 20 days delinquent on $10 or $15 penalty $25 10 to 20 days delinquent on $35 penalty $25 10 to 20 days delinquent on $100 penalty $25 For each additional 10-day period of delinquency thereafter for the penalties set forth in above, the town may assess an additional $25 penalty, with a maximum of three delinquency penalties per violation, pursuant to this table. (E)Traffic schedule penalties.(1)Whoever violates any provision of Ch. 73, Sch. I shall be responsible for aninfraction and shall be required to pay a penalty of not more than $50, unless otherwise provided by law. (G.S. § 14-4(b)) (2)Whoever violates any provision of Ch. 73, Sch. II shall be responsible for aninfraction and shall be required to pay a penalty of not more than $50, unless otherwise provided by law. (G.S. § 14-4(b)) (3)Whoever violates any provision of Ch. 73, Sch. III shall be responsible for aninfraction and shall be required to pay a penalty of not more than $50, unless otherwise provided by law. (G.S. § 14-4(b)) (F)Parking schedule penalties.(1)Any violation for the penalty shall be issued by the Town Manager.(a)A citation for the civil penalty shall be issued by the Town Manager.(b)Each citation for a civil penalty must be paid within 72 hours of issuance. (2)Each and every day that the violator continues in violation of any provision of Ch.74, Sch. I shall be a separate and distinct offense. (3)Ch. 74, Sch. I may also be enforced by an appropriate equitable remedy issuing froma court of competent jurisdiction. (Ord. passed 11-14-2006) CHAPTER 71: PARKING REGULATIONS Section 71.01 Compliance with chapter required 71.02 Compliance with parking signs required 71.03 Parking in marked spaces 71.04 Two-hour zones; payment of tickets 71.05 Yellow lines denote no parking area 71.04 Notice of Traffic Violation 71.05 Civil Penalty for Violation 71.06 Penalties Are Payable to the Town of Lillington Finance Department 71.07 Failure to Answer Charges; Penalties 71.08 Towing §71.01 COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER REQUIRED. It shall be unlawful for any person to do any act forbidden or fail to perform any actrequired by Chapter 71. (1991 Code, § 71.01) Penalty, see § 70.99 §71.02 COMPLIANCE WITH PARKING SIGNS REQUIRED.When authorized signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall park a vehicle atany time upon any of the streets or parts thereof, in contradiction or violation of such signs. (1991 Code, § 71.02) (Ord. passed 7-7-1953) Penalty, see § 70.99 §71.03 PARKING IN MARKED SPACES. Where parking spaces are marked by white lines, it shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle within any such parking space except completely within such space and with no part of the vehicle extending over any such white line. (1991 Code, § 71.03) (Ord. passed 7-7-1953; Ord. passed 12-4-1962) Penalty, see § 70.99 § 71.04 TWO-HOUR ZONES; PAYMENT OF TICKETS. It shall be unlawful for any person to park a motor vehicle on the street of the town and leave it parked for more than two hours when signs advising that there is a two-hour limit have been posted by the town. In the event a motorist shall violate this section, he or she shall first be given a parking ticket which can be paid at the Town Hall by the payment of $5. In the event such parking ticket is not paid within 30 days, a violation of this section of overparking and failing to pay the $5 fine shall constitute a misdemeanor and a warrant shall be issued returnable to the proper state court. (1991 Code, § 71.04) (Ord. passed 10-7-1969) Penalty, see § 70.99 § 71.05 YELLOW LINES DENOTE NO PARKING AREA. It shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle within any area which is designated by yellow lines as a no parking area. (1991 Code, § 71.05) (Ord. passed 12-4-1962) Penalty, see § 70.99 § 71.04 NOTICE OF TRAFFIC VIOLATION Whenever a member of the town police department, or other person charged by ordinance or charter with the enforcement of the provisions of this code regulating the parking of vehicles, shall find that any of such provisions are being or have been violated by the owner or operator of any vehicle, such officer shall notify the owner or operator of such vehicle of the alleged violation by conspicuously attaching to such vehicle or delivering to the owner or operator a notice or ticket clearly stating the violation charged and requiring such owner or operator to respond to the charge(s) within five days after such violation. § 71.05 CIVIL PENALTY FOR VIOLATION The penalties for violations of the traffic regulations listed in this Chapter shall, except as otherwise provided by law, be established by the Town Council through adoption of the annual operating budget ordinance. § 71.06 PENALTIES ARE PAYABLE TO THE TOWN OF LILLINGTON FINANCE DEPARTMENT The penalties permitted to be paid to and received under this article shall be paid to the Town of Lillington Finance Department. § 71.07 FAILURE TO ANSWER CHARGES; PENALTIES (a) Any person who has failed to respond to the parking violation bureau within five days as specified in section §71.07 shall receive a written notice. Said notice shall state that if the civil penalty is not paid within 30 days a late penalty (in addition to the civil penalty) of $20.00 will be assessed. Formatted: Font: Not Bold Formatted: Font: Not Bold Formatted: Font: Not Bold Formatted: Font: Not Bold (b)Failure to pay all penalties accessed within 60 days shall subject the offender to acivil action in the nature of debt for the assessed penalties plus an additional penalty of $50.00 together with the cost of the action to be taxed by the court. §71.08 TOWING Nothing contained herein shall be construed to limit the authority of the town to move or tow vehicles that are parked in violation of any statute or ordinance. All provisions of any Town Ordinance or Resolution in conflict with this Ordinance are repealed. Formatted: Font: Not Bold 102 East Front Street ● P.O. Box 296 ● Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Phone: (910) 893-2654 ● Fax (910) 893-3693 ● www.lillingtonnc.com TOWN OF LILLINGTON ORDINANCE FY2025-14 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE LILLINGTON CODE OF ORDINANCES WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Lillington may enact ordinances to protect the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens under the North Carolina General Statutes §160A-174; and BE IT ORDAINED, by the Governing Board of the Town of Lillington, North Carolina, that Lillington Code of Ordinance is amended as follows: CHAPTER 71: PARKING REGULATIONS § 71.01 COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER REQUIRED It shall be unlawful for any person to do any act forbidden or fail to perform any act required by Chapter 71. (1991 Code, § 71.01) Penalty, see Town of Lillington Annual Operating Budget Ordinance § 71.02 COMPLIANCE WITH PARKING SIGNS REQUIRED When authorized signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall park a vehicle at any time upon any of the streets or parts thereof, in contradiction or violation of such signs. (1991 Code, § 71.02) (Ord. passed 7-7-1953) Penalty, see Town of Lillington Annual Operating Budget Ordinance § 71.03 PARKING IN MARKED SPACES Where parking spaces are marked by white lines, it shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle within any such parking space except completely within such space and with no part of the vehicle extending over any such white line. (1991 Code, § 71.03) (Ord. passed 7-7-1953; Ord. passed 12-4-1962) Penalty, see Town of Lillington Annual Operating Budget Ordinance 102 East Front Street ● P.O. Box 296 ● Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Phone: (910) 893-2864 ● Fax (910) 893-3607 ● www.lillingtonnc.com § 71.04 NOTICE OF TRAFFIC VIOLATION Whenever a member of the town police department, or other person charged by ordinance or charter with the enforcement of the provisions of this code regulating the parking of vehicles, shall find that any of such provisions are being or have been violated by the owner or operator of any vehicle, such officer shall notify the owner or operator of such vehicle of the alleged violation by conspicuously attaching to such vehicle or delivering to the owner or operator a notice or ticket clearly stating the violation charged and requiring such owner or operator to respond to the charge(s) within five days after such violation. Penalty, see Town of Lillington Annual Operating Budget Ordinance § 71.05 CIVIL PENALTY FOR VIOLATION The penalties for violations of the traffic regulations listed in this Chapter shall, except as otherwise provided by law, be established by the Town Council through adoption of the annual operating budget ordinance. Penalty, see Town of Lillington Annual Operating Budget Ordinance § 71.06 PENALTIES ARE PAYABLE TO THE TOWN OF LILLINGTON FINANCE DEPARTMENT The penalties permitted to be paid to and received under this article shall be paid to the Town of Lillington Finance Department. Penalty, see Town of Lillington Annual Operating Budget Ordinance § 71.07 FAILURE TO ANSWER CHARGES; PENALTIES (a) Any person who has failed to respond to the parking violation bureau within five days as specified in section §71.07 shall receive a written notice. Said notice shall state that if the civil penalty is not paid within 30 days a late penalty (in addition to the civil penalty) of $20.00 will be assessed. (b) Failure to pay all penalties accessed within 60 days shall subject the offender to a civil action in the nature of debt for the assessed penalties plus an additional penalty of $50.00 together with the cost of the action to be taxed by the court. Penalty, see Town of Lillington Annual Operating Budget Ordinance § 71.08 TOWING Nothing contained herein shall be construed to limit the authority of the town to move or tow vehicles that are parked in violation of any statute or ordinance. Penalty, see Town of Lillington Annual Operating Budget Ordinance 102 East Front Street ● P.O. Box 296 ● Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Phone: (910) 893-2864 ● Fax (910) 893-3607 ● www.lillingtonnc.com All provisions of any Town Ordinance or Resolution in conflict with this Ordinance are repealed. Adopted this 11th day of February, 2025 __________________________ Glenn McFadden, Mayor Attest: __________________________ Lindsey B. Lucas, Town Clerk AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Date of Meeting: February 11, 2025 Staff Work By: Joseph Jeffries, Town Manager AGENDA ITEM CLOSED SESSION ITEM SUMMARY The purpose of the closed session per NCGS §143-318.11(a)(5) § 143-318.11. Closed sessions. (a)Permitted Purposes. - It is the policy of this State that closed sessions shall be held onlywhen required to permit a public body to act in the public interest as permitted in this section. A public body may hold a closed session and exclude the public only when aclosed session is required: (5)To establish, or to instruct the public body's staff or negotiating agents concerning the position to be taken by or on behalf of the public body in negotiating (i) the price and other material terms of a contract or proposed contract for the acquisition of real property by purchase, option, exchange, or lease; or (ii) the amount of compensation and other material terms of an employment contract or proposed employment contract. RECOMMENDED ACTION Approve motion to move into closed session discussion. AGENDA ITEM #9