HomeMy WebLinkAbout020325 agenda packet REGULAR MEETING Date: Monday, February 3, 2025 Time: 9:00 a.m. Location: Commissioners Meeting Room Harnett County Resource Center & Library 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page | 1 1. Call to order – Chairman Matt Nicol 2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation – Commissioner Brooks Matthews 3. Consider additions and deletions to the published agenda. 4. Consent Agenda A. Minutes i. Regular Meeting Minutes of January 21, 2025 ii. Northwest Water and Sewer District Special Session Minutes of January 21, 2025 iii. Work Session Minutes of January 28, 2025 B. Harnett County Health Department requests the Board of Commissioners establish a fee of $80 for the QuantiFeron Tuberculosis Blood Test. At the January 16, 2025 meeting, the Board of Health approved QuantiFeron tuberculosis blood test fee. C. Harnett County Solid Waste requests the Board of Commissioners award the Dunn-Erwin C&D Landfill Expansion construction contract to Lockamy's Grading, Inc. from Angier, NC in the amount of $317,000. D. During the January 28, 2025 Work Session, consensus of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners was to direct staff to come back with a plan to lower system development fees and water tap fees if possible. 5. Public Comment Period Period of up to 1 hour for informal comments allowing 5 minutes for each presentation. Speakers are requested to sign up prior to the meeting. Speakers may sign up by contacting the clerk at mdcapps@harnett.org at least one hour prior to the start of the meeting or by utilizing the signup sheet at the back of the room. The signup form will be picked up by the clerk 5 minutes before the published meeting start time. 6. Consider a Joint Resolution by the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Education requesting Local Statutory Act that would remove school buildings as voting places. 7. Review and consider applications received for various Boards and Committees. 8. County Manager’s Report – Brent Trout, County Manager HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 1 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page | 2 A. Department of Social Services Monthly Report B. Interdepartmental Budget Amendments C. Budget Amendments – Motion to approve the budget amendments as requested by the Finance Officer. 9. New Business 10. Closed Session 11. Adjourn CONDUCT OF THE FEBRUARY 3, 2025 MEETING Livestream of the meeting will be on the Harnett County Government’s YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU7mTF6HTD65x_98EhAMeMg/featured. HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 2 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes January 21, 2025 Page 1 of 3 HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Regular Meeting Minutes January 21, 2025 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 6:00 pm, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, Harnett County Resource Center and Library, 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: Matthew B. Nicol, Chairman William Morris, Vice Chairman Barbara McKoy, Commissioner W. Brooks Matthews, Commissioner Duncan “Eddie” Jaggers, Commissioner Staff present: Brent Trout, County Manager Dwight Snow, County Attorney Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer Melissa Capps, Clerk Chairman Nicol called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Vice Chairman Morris led the Pledge of Allegiance and provided the invocation. Chairman Nicol called for any additions or deletions to the published agenda. Brent Trout, County Manager, requested the Board add an item to discuss a Joint Resolution by the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Education requesting Local Statutory Act that would remove school buildings as voting places under new business. Vice Chairman Morris made a motion to approve the agenda as amended. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Matthews and carried unanimously. Vice Chairman Morris made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner McKoy seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The items on the consent agenda were as follows: A.Minutes i.Regular Meeting Minutes of January 6, 2025 ii.Work Session Minutes of January 14, 2025 B.The Sheriff’s Office requests approval to purchase Energy Weapon (Taser) from Axon Enterprise, Inc. We presently are using Energy Weapons (Taser) sold by Axon. We have had the present Energy Weapon for a number of years and are in need of being replaced. The purchase includes 75 Energy Weapon, holster and other accessories. The contract is a five-year agreement with a yearly cost of $ 33,297.11 per year. We request to purchase the Energy Weapon (Taser) through the sole source procedure. Funding for the first year is included in the Sheriff's Office FY 2025 budget. Item 4Ai HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 3 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes January 21, 2025 Page 2 of 3 C. Sheriff Coats requests approval for the following deputies who are retiring to purchase their service weapons for $ 1.00. Lieutenant Scott Jeffries and Detective Josh Teasley are retiring from the Sheriff's office. Lieutenant Jeffries will purchase his Glock 43X serial number AKHH704. Detective Josh Teasley will purchase his Glock 17 serial number BG4D509. D. Sheriff Coats request approval to purchase a Tek84 Intercept Whole Body Security Scanning System. This system will provide the Detention Center with the ability to scan inmates who enter the Detention Center. We request to purchase Tek84 through the sole source procedure. Funding of the project is available through the OSBM grant from the State of North Carolina. E. General Services / Animal Services Director requests the Board of Commissioners review and consider approval of an amended project ordinance to budget funds for land acquisition required for the new Animal Shelter Project and adopt a Reimbursement Resolution. (Attachments 1 & 2) F. Harnett Regional Water requests the Board award the utility construction contract for the St. Matthews Road Utility Extension Project to Temple Grading and Construction Company from Lillington, NC in the amount of $229,283. The bid opening was held on Thursday, December 19, 2024 and three bids were received at that time. G. Harnett Regional Water requests approval of a Resolution to accept Drinking Water State Revolving Fund - Emerging Contaminants loan with principal forgiveness of $500,000 for the Harnett Regional Water Treatment Plant per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) pilot study. (Attachment 3) H. Harnett County IT Department is requesting approval to enhance our security measures with Barracuda Premium Plus protection. This would be a 3-year contract to be billed for one third each year for 3 years. $156,960 per year totaling $470,880. I. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners would like to reappoint Douglas Godwin to the Board of Equalization and Review, approves the reappointment of Lee Marshall and Eric Julien to the Angier Planning Board and Board of Adjustment and approves the appointment of Becky Wise to the Good Hope Board to serve as the Harnett County DSS representative. J. Harnett Regional Water requests the Board of Commissioners approve the Utility Infrastructure and Service Interlocal Agreement with between Harnett County, Northwest Water and Sewer District of Harnett County, and the Town of Fuquay-Varina. Chairman Nicol opened the meeting for informal comments by the public, allowing up to 3 minutes for each presentation up to 30 minutes. The following people provided comments: 1. Elizabeth Longman of 234 Hamilton Road, Bunnlevel, NC. 2. Alan Longman of 234 Hamilton Road, Bunnlevel, NC. 3. Sarah Lee of 83 Gibbs Road, Lillington, NC. 4. Rebekah Brock of 5220 Christian Light Road, Fuquay Varnia, NC. 5. Michael Collins of 5821 NC 210 N, Angier, NC. HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 4 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes January 21, 2025 Page 3 of 3 No one else spoke. The public comment period was closed. Brent Trout, County Manager, stated offices will be closed until 10:00 am tomorrow due to inclement weather we’re expecting tonight. Vice Chairman Morris made a motion to approve the budget amendments as requested by the Finance Officer. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jaggers and carried unanimously. (Attachment 4) Vice Chairman Morris made a motion to approve the tax rebates, refunds and releases as requested by the Tax Administrator. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jaggers and carried unanimously. (Attachment 5) Commissioner Jaggers requested information regarding the fee schedule for public utilities, specifically regarding tap fees, commercial fees and system development fees. Seann Bryd, Interim Harnett Regional Water Director, stated the system development fee is derived from a study that is conducted every five (5) years. Christopher Appel, Senior Staff Attorney, stated the study is a statutory requirement following the impact fee lawsuit. Discussion included fees for surrounding municipalities, system development fees, water rates, distribution grids, and replacement of infrastructure. Mr. Trout stated we will provide a copy of the study and gather comparison information. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next work session agenda. Vice Chairman Morris stated I requested the Joint Resolution requesting Local Statutory Act that would remove school buildings as voting places be drafted and added to the agenda after discussion held last week and asked that a copy be provided to them. Commissioner Matthews was asked to read the draft Resolution. Discussion included the use of the schools during early voting, use of schools when students are not there and security. Vice Chairman Morris made amotion to adopt the Joint Resolution by the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Education requesting Local Statutory Act that would remove school buildings as voting places. Commissioner Matthews seconded the motion. Chairman Nicol, Vice Chairman Morris and Commissioners Matthews and Jaggers voted in favor of the motion. Commissioner McKoy voted against the motion. Dwight Snow, County Attorney, stated pursuant to Rule 25 of the Rules of Procedures “To be adopted at the meeting where it is first introduced, an ordinance or an action with the effect of an ordinance, it must be approved by all members of the Board of Commissioners. If the proposed measure is approved by a majority, but not by all the members of the Board, or if the measure is not voted on at that meeting, it shall be considered at the next regular meeting of the board.” The Resolution will be placed as an individual action item for the February 3, 2025 Board Meeting. Vice Chairman Morris made a motion to adjourn at 6:54 pm. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jaggers and carried unanimously. ____________________________________ ___________________________________ Matthew B. Nicol, Chairman Melissa Capps, Clerk HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 5 Attachment 1 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 6 Attachment 2 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 7 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 8 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 9 Attachment 3 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 10 Attachment 4 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 11 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 12 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 13 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 14 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 15 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 16 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 17 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 18 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 19 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 20 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 21 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 22 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 23 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 24 Attachment 5HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 25 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 26 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 27 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 28 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 29 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 30 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 31 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 32 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 33 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 34 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 35 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 36 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 37 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 38 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 39 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 40 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 41 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 42 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 43 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 44 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 45 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 46 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 47 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 48 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 49 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 50 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 51 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 52 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 53 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 54 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 55 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 56 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 57 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 58 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 59 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 60 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 61 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 62 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 63 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 64 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 65 Harnett County Board of Commissioners sitting as Northwest Water and Sewer District January 21, 2025 Special Session Minutes Page 1 of 1 HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Special Session Minutes January 21, 2025 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners sitting as the governing body of the Northwest Water and Sewer District met in special session on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 6:00 pm, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, Harnett County Resource Center and Library, 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: Matthew B. Nicol, Chairman William Morris, Vice Chairman Barbara McKoy, Commissioner W. Brooks Matthews, Commissioner Duncan “Eddie” Jaggers, Commissioner Staff present: Brent Trout, County Manager Dwight Snow, County Attorney Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer Melissa Capps, Clerk Chairman Nicol called the meeting to order at 6:54 pm. Christopher Appel, Senior Staff Attorney, reviewed a request to consider approval of the Utility Infrastructure and Service Interlocal Agreement with between Harnett County, Northwest Water and Sewer District of Harnett County, and the Town of Fuquay-Varina. Commissioner Jaggers made a motion to approve the Utility Infrastructure and Service Interlocal Agreement with between Harnett County, Northwest Water and Sewer District of Harnett County, and the Town of Fuquay-Varina. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Matthews. The motion carried unanimously. (Attachment 1) Vice Chairman Morris made a motion to adjourn at 6:55 pm. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jaggers and carried unanimously. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Matthew B. Nicol, Chairman Melissa D. Capps, Clerk Item 4Aii HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 66 Attachment 1 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 67 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 68 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 69 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 70 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 71 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 72 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 73 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 74 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 75 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 76 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 77 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 78 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 79 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 80 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 81 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 82 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 83 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 84 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 85 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 86 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Minutes January 28, 2025 Page 1 of 3 HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Work Session January 28, 2025 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in work session on Tuesday, January 28, 2025 at 9:00 am, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, Harnett County Resource Center and Library, 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: Matthew B. Nicol, Chairman William Morris, Vice Chairman Barbara McKoy, Commissioner W.Brooks Matthews, Commissioner Duncan “Eddie” Jaggers, Commissioner Staff present: Dwight Snow, County Attorney Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer Brent Trout, County Manager Melissa Capps, Clerk Chairman Nicol called the Harnett County Board of Commissioners meeting to order at 9:00 am. Vice Chairman Morris led the Pledge of Allegiance and provided the invocation. The following agenda was before the Board of Commissioners: 1.Call to order – Chairman Matt Nicol 2.Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation – Vice Chairman Bill Morris 3.Discuss a request to establish a fee for QuantiFeron Tuberculosis Blood Test; Ainsley Johnson, Health Director 4.Discuss a request to award the Dunn-Erwin Landfill Expansion Project Construction Contract; Chad Beane, Solid Waste Director 5.Discuss fee schedule for Public Utilities; Seann Byrd, Interim Harnett Regional Water Director 6.Economic Development Quarterly Update; Stephen Barrington, Economic Development Director 7.Financial Mid-Year Update; Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer 8.Review applications to serve on Boards and Committees. 9.County Manager’s Report – Brent Trout, County Manager •February 3, 2025 Regular Meeting Agenda Review •Upcoming meetings and invitations 10.Closed Session 11.Adjourn Ainsley Johnson, Health Department Director, reviewed a request for the Board of Commissioners to establish a fee of $80 for the QuantiFeron Tuberculosis Blood Test. At the Item 4Aiii HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 87 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Minutes January 28, 2025 Page 2 of 3 January 16, 2025 meeting, the Board of Health approved QuantiFeron tuberculosis blood test fee. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. Chad Beane, Solid Waste Director, reviewed a request to award the Dunn-Erwin C&D Landfill Expansion construction contract to Lockamy's Grading, Inc. from Angier, NC in the amount of $317,000. Proper procurement measures were taken and the bid was held on Thursday, December 12, 2024. Four bids were received at that time. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. Seann Byrd, Interim Harnett Regional Water Director, reviewed information regarding system development fees. The North Carolina General Assembly passed General Statute §162A Article 8 in 2017 to establish guidelines for calculating and charging System Development Fees (SDF). Harnett Regional Water’s first System Development Fee Report was delivered in 2018. The latest update to the Fee Report was performed in 2023 and we are required to update the report at least every 5 years. SDFs are a one-time charge for new customers to recover the cost of constructing large-scale water and sewer systems. SDFs are designed to prevent inequity to existing customers. SDFs are different than tap fees, which seek to recover the labor and materials of connecting a user to the utility system. The SDF Report in 2023 was prepared by Willdan Financial Services. Report outlines history and methodologies of SDFs. Mr. Byrd reviewed the cost per gallon of capacity, water SDF calculation, wastewater SDF calculation and regional comparisons. Following some discussion, the consensus was to place on the next consent agenda, the Board directed staff to come back with a plan to lower system development fees and water tap fees if possible. Stephen Barrington, Economic Development Director provided a quarterly update to the Board. Information included active projects, business development, product development and engagement and learning. Mr. Barrington also shared the following hot topics: • Harnett 95 – property closed (October 2024) • MidPort 95 – property closed (December 2024) • KriGen – bought out by Dynamic Biologics • ILC Dover – Ingersoll Rand • Marketing Best Practice Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer, provided a quarterly financial review for quarter ended, December 31, 2024. Information included: • General Fund o The collection of Ad Valorem Tax was 10.32% above the same time last year. Prior year comparisons were 6% below due to a software issue that prevented the posting of tax collections until the next reporting period. As of the end of December 2024, the County had collected 76.86% of the ad valorem tax budgeted. [Update: As of 1/24/2025 posting, the County had collected 91.1% of the Ad Valorem Tax budget.] HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 88 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Minutes January 28, 2025 Page 3 of 3 o On average, 75% of the General Fund revenues are derived from ad valorem and sales tax. o The collection of ad valorem taxes as the County continues to experience growth in addition to the strong collection rate that Harnett County has always experienced. Harnett County's levy collection rate for FYE 2024 was 99.38% and is calculated annually as part of the fiscal year end audit. o The collection of sales tax continues to remain positive. Sales tax revenue for the County for the second quarter is above the same period last year. Please refer to the "Sales Tax Analysis By Article" found on page 32 for more detailed information. (posted on o A comparison of the quarter ended December 31, 2023 with the same period last year reveals that the General Fund Revenue is up 9.7% and General Fund expenditures are up 12.4%. • Harnett Regional Water o Overall - The financial position of Harnett Regional Water continues to remain positive in response to the continued growth of the county and demand for water and sewer services. • Solid Waste o Overall - The financial position of the Solid Waste Fund continues to remain positive in response to the continued growth of the county and demand for services. Review of applications to serve on Boards and Committees – Consensus of the Board was to place this item as an individual action item for review and consideration at the February 3, 2025 Board Meeting to allow additional time for review of the applications. Coley Price, Deputy County Manager, introduced Charlie Palocy, we are excited to have him as the Opioid Task Force Coordinator and Management Analyst. Brent Trout, County Manager, shared at a previous meeting, it was mentioned that the Veterans Farm was having some issues with putting homes on their property, staff has met with the gentleman and they have worked through the issues and they are progressing again. I have some good news, it was mentioned during our Legislative Policy luncheon that we needed to seek an extension for our funding for the runway project that we received, that we had an October 1, 2025 deadline. There was a law passed in the last session, that actually extended that deadline until funds had been expended. Vice Chairman Morris made a motion to adjourn the Board of Commissioners at 9:32 am. Commissioner Jaggers seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. ____________________________________ ___________________________________ Matthew B. Nicol, Chairman Melissa Capps, Clerk HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 89 \\lecfile\department\Admin\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2025\020324 m\4B.1 BOC 020325 86480 QUANTIFERON TB TEST.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: February 3, 2025 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Establish Fee for QuantiFeron Tuberculosis Blood Test REQUESTED BY: Ainsley Johnson, Health Director REQUEST: At the January 16, 2025 meeting, the Board of Health approved QuantiFeron tuberculosis blood test fee as follows: CPT CODE DESCRIPTION RATE 86480 QuantiFeron TB Blood Test $80 The Health Department has seen an increase in QuantiFeron TB Gold blood testing for patients and would like to set a flat fee for this service. We have collaborated with our NC Tuberculosis nurse consultant and LabCorp to establish the rate of $80. This rate includes the cost of the blood test and the venipuncture. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 4B HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 90 \\lecfile\department\Admin\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2025\020324 m\4C.1 Agenda item landfill expansion project.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: February 3, 2025 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Award of Dunn-Erwin Landfill Expansion Project Construction Contract REQUESTED BY: Chad Beane, Solid Waste Director REQUEST: This is a formal request for the Board to award the Dunn-Erwin C&D Landfill Expansion construction contract to Lockamy's Grading, Inc. from Angier, NC in the amount of $317,000. Proper procurement measures were taken and the bid was held on Thursday, December 12, 2024. Four bids were received at that time. Attached is the ceritified bid tab showing the results of the bid for your review. Please place this item on the agenda for the next available meeting. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 4C HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 91 DUNN-ERWIN C & D LANDFILL EXPANSION BID TAB DUE DECEMBER 12, 2024 AT 2:00 CONTRACTOR PROPOSED PRICE Shamrock Construction & Remediation, LLC $321,000.00 Lorman, Inc. $405,272.00 Triangle Grading & Paving, Inc. $354,833.50 Lockamy’s Grading $317,000.00 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 92 JOINT RESOLUTION BY THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AND HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION REQUESTING A LOCAL STATUTORY ACT THAT WOULD REMOVE SCHOOL BUILDINGS AS VOTING PLACES WHEREAS, pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 163-128, the Harnett County Board of Elections (hereinafter referred to as the “Board of Elections”) retains the sole authority to establish, alter, discontinue, or create new election precincts or voting places as it may deem expedient; and WHEREAS, pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 163-129(a), the Board of Elections retains the sole authority to demand and use any school or other State, county, or municipal building, or a part thereof, or any other building, or a part thereof, which is supported or maintained, in whole or in part by or through tax revenues provided; and WHEREAS, the Board of Elections uses multiple Harnett County schools as voting places for early and election day voting.; and WHEREAS, the use of Harnett County schools as voting places for early and election day voting is disruptive to normal school operations and presents inherent health and safety risks for the students during school hours due to the access and presence of the general public on school grounds; and WHEREAS, pursuant to North Carolina State Board of Elections Numbered Memo 2022-12, the use of law enforcement officers at a voting place is potentially a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 594, thereby limiting the schools’ ability to provide adequate protection for its students; and WHEREAS, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners (hereinafter referred to as the Board of Commissioners”) and the Harnett County Board of Education (hereinafter referred to as the “Board of Education”) desire to remove Harnett County schools as voting places unless expressly consented to by the Board of Education; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners and Board of Education recommend that the Board of Elections use public or publicly funded buildings other than schools or to provide or procure by lease other suitable structures, or parts thereof, in which voting may be conducted in Harnett County. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Harnett County Board of Commissioners and the Harnett County Board of Education jointly request that a local act be adopted for the benefit of Harnett County whereby North Carolina General Statute § 163-129(a) be modified so that the Board of Elections shall not have the authority to demand and use a school, or any part thereof, as a voting place without the express consent of the school involved for the purpose of conducting registration and voting for any primary or election; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Joint Resolution be forwarded to those General Assembly Representatives who serve Harnett County. Item 6 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 93 Adopted this the 21st day of January 2025 by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS _________________________________________ Matthew Nicol, Chairman ATTEST: _______________________________ Melissa D. Capps, Clerk to the Board Adopted this the ___ day of January 2025 by the Harnett County Board of Education. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION _________________________________________ Joseph W. Powell, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: _______________________________ Tammy Johnson, Clerk to the Board HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 94 FEBRUARY 3, 2025 APPOINTMENTS NEEDED HARNETT COUNTY COMMISSION FOR WOMEN AND YOUTH We currently have five (5) member vacancies on this Board. There is one vacancy in District 1, two vacancies in District 3, one vacancy in District 4, and one vacancy in District 5. Pursuant to the bylaws, “The HCCWY will consist of no more than 10 citizens appointed by Harnett County Board of Commissioners. Two members shall be appointed from each of the five Commissioners’ districts. Individuals that work in Harnett County, but are not residents of Harnett County shall be eligible for nomination of membership to the HCCWY as a representative of the district in which they work.” Melanie Stewart would like to be considered for reappointment. She is currently serves as a District 3 member. (Application attached) We have received an application from Laura Barney. She would like to be considered for appointment. She resides in District 3. (Application attached) We have received an application from Rebecca Achilli. She would like to be considered for appointment. She resides in District 4. (Application attached) We have received an application from Nicole Turner. She would like to be considered for appointment. She resides in District 4. (Application attached) HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT We currently have four (4) alternate member vacancies on this Board. Pursuant to the bylaws, “The Harnett County Board of Adjustment shall consist of five members and six alternates. All Board of Adjustment members and alternates shall be residents of Harnett County. Each County Commissioner District shall have at least one representative (Member or Alternate) whenever possible and except to the extent otherwise required by law, on the Board of Adjustment.” Mr. Jamey Sharlow would like to resign from this Board. He is relocating making him ineligible to continue to serve. We have received an application from Carolyn Williams. She would like to be considered for appointment. She resides in District 4. If appointed, the appointment would be for an alternate member. (Application attached) We have received an application from Robert Cole. He would like to be considered for appointment. He resides in District 4. If appointed, the appointment would be for an alternate member. (Application attached) We have received an application from Chantel Paoni. She would like to be considered for appointment. She resides in District 4. If appointed, the appointment would be for an alternate member. (Application attached) We have received an application from R.H. Byrd, Jr. He would like to be considered for appointment. He resides in District 1. If appointed, the appointment would be for an alternate member. (Application attached) Item 7 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 95 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 96 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 97 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 98 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 99 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 100 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 101 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 102 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 103 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 104 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 105 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 106 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 107 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 108 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 109 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 110 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 111 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 112 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 113 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 114 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 115 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 116 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 117 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 118 July August September October November December Jauary 2023 February March April May June Totals Children's Services CPS Reports Received 114 149 166 165 147 131 872 Reports Accepted 53 76 92 83 70 76 450 Total children in CPS cases 280 294 346 330 372 321 323.83 Total children in Plc/Custody 228 237 246 238 230 230 234.8333333 FC Money expended $259,372.07 223,498.66$ 246,161.38$ 237,190.93$ 252,205.24$ 247,635.51$ $1,466,063.79 Adult Services APS Reports Received 16 23 24 26 18 21 128 # of trips scheduled 655 614 476 592 564 539 3,440 Total Cases 172 166 194 201 200 198 188.5 Work First Energy Expenditures $66,552.00 $138,359.12 $27,209.61 $35,458.56 $34,820.00 $282,580.00 $584,979.29 Total cases 102 106 104 105 98 98 102.1666667 Food & Nutrition Services Apps In/Approved 542 829/450 782/467 962/558 567/295 521/294 542 Total Cases (households)8,968 8312 8537 8,775 8,630 9,031 8,709 Benefits Issued $2,647,875.00 $3,447,822.00 $3,042,955.00 $3,162,052.00 $3,240,449.00 $3,271,768.00 $18,812,921.00 Timeliness 96.73%97.48%95.10%93.65%98.66%98.41%96.67% Adult Medicaid Apps In/Approved 95 180/68 146/79 222/109 233/85 176/53 95 Total Cases 12,058 10,872 10,948 10,774 10,662 10,548 10,977 Family & Children's Medicaid Apps In/Approved 343 539/307 483/285 633/270 126/377 819/383 343 Total Cases 43,731 39,183 38,025 30,980 30,968 30,968 213,855 Medicaid Timeliness 98.0%96%97%95.50%97.70%96.00%97% Fraud Total Collections $69,644.76 $42,739.46 $24,371.89 $16,759.09 $16,318.82 $14,824.59 $184,658.61 ChildCare Children Served 833 823 799 773 757 755 790 Total Expenditures $565,335.00 $456,618.00 $554,892.00 $523,108.00 $497,390.00 $487,722.00 $3,085,065.00 HC providers 61 61 61 61 61 61 Child Support Total Collections $801,974 $794,951 $804,180 $813,871 $768,070.00 $820,135.00 $4,803,181.00 Total Cases 4083 4046 4025 4030 4020 4018 4,037 Harnett County DSS Monthly Report Totals 2024-25 Item 8A HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 119 Item 8B HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 120 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 121 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 122 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 123 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 124 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 125 Item 8C HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 126 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 127 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 128 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 129 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 130 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 131 HCBOC 020325 a Pg. 132