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012125 a packet revised 2
REGULAR MEETING – REVISED Date: Tuesday, January 21, 2025 Time: 6:00 p.m. Location: Commissioners Meeting Room Harnett County Resource Center & Library 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page | 1 1. Call to order – Chairman Matt Nicol 2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation – Vice Chairman Bill Morris 3. Consider additions and deletions to the published agenda. • Consider the addition of a Joint Resolution by the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Education requesting Local Statutory Act that would remove school buildings as voting places. 4. Consent Agenda A. Minutes i. Regular Meeting Minutes of January 6, 2025 ii. Work Session Minutes of January 14, 2025 B. The Sheriff’s Office requests approval to purchase Energy Weapon (Taser) from Axon Enterprise, Inc. We presently are using Energy Weapons (Taser) sold by Axon. We have had the present Energy Weapon for a number of years and are in need of being replaced. The purchase includes 75 Energy Weapon, holster and other accessories. The contract is a five-year agreement with a yearly cost of $ 33,297.11 per year. We request to purchase the Energy Weapon (Taser) through the sole source procedure. Funding for the first year is included in the Sheriff's Office FY 2025 budget. C. Sheriff Coats requests approval for the following deputies who are retiring to purchase their service weapons for $ 1.00. Lieutenant Scott Jeffries and Detective Josh Teasley are retiring from the Sheriff's office. Lieutenant Jeffries will purchase his Glock 43X serial number AKHH704. Detective Josh Teasley will purchase his Glock 17 serial number BG4D509. D. Sheriff Coats request approval to purchase a Tek84 Intercept Whole Body Security Scanning System. This system will provide the Detention Center with the ability to scan inmates who enter the Detention Center. We request to purchase Tek84 through the sole source procedure. Funding of the project is available through the OSBM grant from the State of North Carolina. E. General Services / Animal Services Director requests the Board of Commissioners review and consider approval of an amended project ordinance to budget funds for land acquisition required for the new Animal Shelter Project and adopt a Reimbursement Resolution. HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 1 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page | 2 F. Harnett Regional Water requests the Board award the utility construction contract for the St. Matthews Road Utility Extension Project to Temple Grading and Construction Company from Lillington, NC in the amount of $229,283. The bid opening was held on Thursday, December 19, 2024 and three bids were received at that time. G. Harnett Regional Water requests approval of a Resolution to accept Drinking Water State Revolving Fund - Emerging Contaminants loan with principal forgiveness of $500,000 for the Harnett Regional Water Treatment Plant per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) pilot study. H. Harnett County IT Department is requesting approval to enhance our security measures with Barracuda Premium Plus protection. This would be a 3-year contract to be billed for one third each year for 3 years. $156,960 per year totaling $470,880. I. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners would like to reappoint Douglas Godwin to the Board of Equalization and Review, approves the reappointment of Lee Marshall and Eric Julien to the Angier Planning Board and Board of Adjustment and approves the appointment of Becky Wise to the Good Hope Board to serve as the Harnett County DSS representative. J. Harnett Regional Water requests the Board of Commissioners approve the Utility Infrastructure and Service Interlocal Agreement with between Harnett County, Northwest Water and Sewer District of Harnett County, and the Town of Fuquay-Varina. 5. Public Comment Period Period of up to 1 hour for informal comments allowing 5 minutes for each presentation. Speakers are requested to sign up prior to the meeting. Speakers may sign up by contacting the clerk at mdcapps@harnett.org at least one hour prior to the start of the meeting or by utilizing the signup sheet at the back of the room. The signup form will be picked up by the clerk 5 minutes before the published meeting start time. 6. County Manager’s Report – Brent Trout, County Manager A. Harnett County Public Health Monthly Report B. Harnett County Veterans Services Monthly Report C. Interdepartmental Budget Amendments D. Budget Amendments – Motion to approve budget amendments as requested by the Finance Officer E. Tax Rebates, Refunds and Releases – Motion to approve the tax rebates, refunds and releases as requested by the Tax Administrator 7. New Business A. Discuss fee schedule for Public Utilities B. Consider a Joint Resolution by the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Education requesting Local Statutory Act that would remove school buildings as voting places. HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 2 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page | 3 8. Closed Session 9. Adjourn 10. Reconvene as the governing body of Northwest Water & Sewer District to consider the transfer of water infrastructure to the Town of Fuquay Varina. 11. Consider approval of the Utility Infrastructure and Service Interlocal Agreement with between Harnett County, Northwest Water and Sewer District of Harnett County, and the Town of Fuquay-Varina. 12. Adjourn CONDUCT OF THE JANUARY 21, 2025 MEETING Livestream of the meeting will be on the Harnett County Government’s YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU7mTF6HTD65x_98EhAMeMg/featured. HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 3 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes January 6, 2025 Page 1 of 5 HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Regular Meeting Minutes January 6, 2025 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, January 6, 2025 at 9:00 am, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, Harnett County Resource Center and Library, 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: Matthew B. Nicol, Chairman William Morris, Vice Chairman Barbara McKoy, Commissioner W. Brooks Matthews, Commissioner Duncan “Eddie” Jaggers, Commissioner Staff present: Brent Trout, County Manager Dwight Snow, County Attorney Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer Melissa Capps, Clerk Chairman Nicol called the meeting to order at 9:00 am. Vice Chairman Morris led the Pledge of Allegiance and provided the invocation. Chairman Nicol called for any additions or deletions to the published agenda. Commissioner Jaggers made a motion to approve the agenda as published. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Morris. The motion carried unanimously. Vice Chairman Morris made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Matthews seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The items on the consent agenda were as follows: A.Minutes i.Work Session Minutes of December 10, 2024 ii.Regular Meeting Minutes of December 16, 2024 Chairman Nicol opened the meeting for informal comments by the public, allowing up to 5 minutes for each presentation up to one (1) hour. The following people spoke: 1.Larry Mitchell of 478 Century Drive, Cameron, NC. 2.Tiffany Newman of 425 Vanstory Street, Fayetteville, NC. 3.Sarah Lee of 83 Gibbs Road, Lillington, NC. 4.Fabian Alejandre of 425 Vanstory Street, Fayetteville, NC. 5.Elizabeth Longman of 234 Hamilton Road, Bunnlevel, NC. 6.Alan Longman of 234 Hamilton Road, Bunnlevel, NC. Item 4Ai HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 4 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes January 6, 2025 Page 2 of 5 7. Rebekah Brock of 5220 Christian Light Road, Fuquay Varina, NC. 8. Richard Chapman of 5220 Christian Light Road, Fuquay Varina, NC. 9. Lenny Kaluzny of 5351 Marvin Drive, Spring Lake, NC. 10. Robert Elliott of 160 Brookstone Drive, Cameron, NC. No one else spoke and the public comment period was closed. Lisa McFadden, Budget Director, requested adoption of the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2026-2032. The CIP is the County's planning tool that assists in developing priorities for capital needs over the next seven years. Projects that are included in the CIP cost at least $100,000 and typically have a useful life of at least 10 years. The CIP has a total of 72 projects, which include 15 new recommended projects, 38 ongoing projects, and 19 future projects. Vice Chairman Morris made a motion to approve the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2026-2032. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jaggers, and it carried unanimously. Brent Trout, County Manager, thanked Lisa for her work on the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and thanked the Board for their consideration and approval of the CIP. It was mentioned a couple of meetings ago about the possibility of a transit study being done for the FAMPO area, happy to report through contacts that Development Services made, FAMPO has agreed to include that in their work plan for FY 2026. Assuming their work plan is approved in their final plan, we will be able to have a study done in 2026 on transit issues for the southern part of the County. Kimberly Van Beck has been hired as the new Library Director; she will start on January 16th. Vice Chairman Morris made a motion to approve the tax rebates, refunds and releases as requested by the Tax Administrator. Commissioner McKoy seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. (Attachment 1) Larry Smith, Emergency Services Director, reviewed a request for Board approval to receive a total of $35,000 in Emergency Management Planning Grant (EMPG) funding from North Carolina Emergency Management. This reoccurring funding is utilized to assist in funding the Emergency Management Program. These are annual in-kind match funds for EM Staff salaries and funding operational budget and project needs. Commissioner McKoy made a motion to approve the receipt of a total of $35,000 in Emergency Management Planning Grant (EMPG) funding from North Carolina Emergency Management. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Morris, and it carried unanimously. Mr. Trout reviewed a request for the Board of Commissioners to consider waiving the Special Use Permit Fees for the Animal Shelter and Adoption Center proposed site located on US 421 N, Lillington, NC PIN# 0630-67-7502.000 (9.92 acres). According to the Harnett County Planning Fee Schedule, Special Use Permits for nonresidential projects are $200 plus $50 per acre for projects between 5 acres and 15 acres for a total of approximately $700.00. HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 5 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes January 6, 2025 Page 3 of 5 Vice Chairman Morris made a motion to waive the Special Use Permit Fees and future permit fees for the Animal Shelter and Adoption Center. Commissioner Jaggers seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Trout reviewed a request for the Board to approve a budget amendment for additional funding to be used towards the replacement of the roof of a county-owned building located at 600 S. Magnolia Avenue in Dunn. Commissioner Jaggers made a motion to approve the budget amendment for additional funding to be used towards the replacement of the roof of a county-owned building located at 600 S. Magnolia Avenue in Dunn. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Morris, and the motion carried unanimously. (Attachment 2) Mr. Trout reviewed the updates to the Legislative Priorities and the Project Funding request for the 2025 Legislative Session. It was mentioned that not much has changed and I think a lot of that I want to say is related to what type of work the legislature took up last year. They had a very short session; very little actual laws were adopted during that session. A lot of the funding issues that we brought forward to them never saw the light of day because of the decisions that they made not to approve any amendments to their budget, limiting our ability to pursue some of these projects that we wanted to see. Not to mention many of the items that related to the language things that we mentioned were not addressed as well, so it was a very limited action that was conducted by the legislature during the last session so for that purpose I feel like they are right for you to put them back on the agenda for consideration. Additional discussion included Senate Bill 382 and voting locations. Commissioner McKoy made a motion to approve the Legislative Priorities and the Project Funding request for the 2025 Legislative Session. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jaggers. Commissioner Jaggers asked if this is a fluid document and Mr. Trout replied yes sir, this is where we are at today. Mr. Trout stated as new legislation comes up, I will come back to the board. Additional discussion included safety issues with voting in schools and potential voting locations. The motion carried unanimously. (Attachments 3 and 4). Chairman Nicol recessed the meeting at 10:07 am to reconvene at 11:45 a.m. in the Harnett County Resource Center & Library, Training Room 103 B/C to host the 2025 Legislative Luncheon. Chairman Nicol called the meeting back to order at 11:54 am. Commissioners hosted their 2025 Legislative Luncheon and the following Legislators attended: Senator Jim Burgin Representative Howard Penny Representative Joseph Pike (arrived at 12:16 p.m.) Brent Trout, County Manager, reviewed the Top Legislative Priorities with the legislators which included: HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 6 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes January 6, 2025 Page 4 of 5 • Economic Development o Assist with Efforts to Expand Natural Gas Capacity o Assist County in Creation of Economic Development Sites, Buildings, and Industrial Parks o Assist County in Expanding Broadband Access to Underserved Areas • Education o Provide Additional Solutions to Assist with Public Education Low Wealth Capital Funding • Harnett Regional Jetport o Assist County with Expanding and Enhancing Harnett Regional Jetport • Additional Legislative Priorities o Appropriate Full Funding for the Federal Impact Aid Program (Federal) o 100% Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exclusion o Ensure Accurate County Assignment of Sales Tax for Delivered Goods (State) o State Bill 382 Down Zoning Limits Repealed o Assist County with Economic Development Marketing Efforts (State/Federal) o Support Creation of Bypass around City of Dunn (State) o Provide Assistance to Modernize Rural Roads to Accommodate Farm Equipment (State/Federal) o Lower NCDOT Road Takeover Threshold to 60-65% percent Buildout (State) o Expand Fire Prevention Grant Opportunities to include Counties (State & Federal) o Voting Law Changes for Absentee and Provisional o Remove the Ability to use Schools as Voting Locations o Give School Systems Flexibility in Establishing their K-12 Calendars (State) o Increase Appropriation for ADFP Trust Fund (State) o Preserve Federal and State Block Grants for County-Administered DSS Programs (State) Additional discussion included: • State Bill 382 Down Zoning Limits – process to repeal • Affordability of 100% Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exclusion – impact on revenue • Senior property tax exclusion • Bill raising standards for fire suppression • Extra-territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of cities and towns Mr. Trout also reviewed the Project Funding Request for 2025 Legislative Session: 1. Runway Extension and Widening Project $25.3 million minus $15.6 million received leaving $9.7 million to have all necessary funds to complete all costs of the project. (We received $15.6 million from the legislature for the lengthening of the runway and does not cover the widening of the runway and additional lighting) 2. Northwest Corporate Hangar Development – Construct Taxiway with Pad Ready Sites for Corporate Hangar $5.6 million. 3. Construct three large corporate hangars - $10.5 million HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 7 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes January 6, 2025 Page 5 of 5 4. Boone Trail Park Development – memorial walkway, amphitheater, basketball court, picnic shelter, restroom facility and walking trail $5,900,000 5. Greenway Project Design – Design of Greenways from Lillington to Raven Rock and Lillington to Buies Creek $900,000 Senator Burgin requested the Board submit 3 water and sewer projects. Chairman Nicol recognized Brad Abate, Harnett Board of Education. Additional discussion included: • Extension of time to expend grants funds received for the runway expansion for the Jetport • Johnson Farm Grant Funding • Water and Sewer Projects • School Resource Officers (SRO’s) • State funding for teachers • Proposed Interstate Chairman Nicol thanked everyone for their time. Vice Chairman Morris made a motion to adjourn at 1:16 pm. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jaggers and carried unanimously. ____________________________________ ___________________________________ Matthew B. Nicol, Chairman Melissa D. Capps, Clerk HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 8 Attachment 1HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 9 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 10 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 11 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 12 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 13 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 14 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 15 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 16 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 17 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 18 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 19 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 20 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 21 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 22 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 23 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 24 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 25 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 26 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 27 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 28 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 29 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 30 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 31 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 32 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 33 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 34 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 35 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 36 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 37 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 38 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 39 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 40 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 41 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 42 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 43 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 44 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 45 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 46 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 47 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 48 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 49 Attachment 2 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 50 Attachment 3 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 51 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 52 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 53 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 54 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 55 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 56 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 57 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 58 Attachment 4 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 59 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Minutes January 14, 2025 Page 1 of 4 HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Work Session January 14, 2025 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in work session on Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 9:00 am, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, Harnett County Resource Center and Library, 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: Matthew B. Nicol, Chairman William Morris, Vice Chairman Barbara McKoy, Commissioner Duncan “Eddie” Jaggers, Commissioner Member absent: W. Brooks Matthews, Commissioner Staff present: Dwight Snow, County Attorney Kimberly Honeycutt, Finance Officer Brent Trout, County Manager Melissa Capps, Clerk Chairman Nicol called the Harnett County Board of Commissioners meeting to order at 9:00 am. Vice Chairman Morris led the Pledge of Allegiance and provided the invocation. The following agenda was before the Board of Commissioners: 1.Call to order – Chairman Matt Nicol 2.Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation – Vice Chairman Bill Morris 3.Discuss a request for approval to purchase Energy Weapon (Taser) from Axon Enterprise, Inc; Major McNeill, Sheriff’s Office 4.Discuss a request for the approval of deputies who are retiring to purchase their service weapons for $1.00; Major McNeill, Sheriff’s Office 5.Discuss a request for approval to purchase a Tek84 Intercept Whole Body Security Scanning System; Major McNeill, Sheriff’s Office 6.Discuss a request to approve the Animal Shelter and Adoption Center Project Ordinance and Reimbursement Resolution; Barry Blevins, General Services Director and Coley Price, Deputy County Manager 7.Discuss a request to award a bid for the St. Matthews Road Utility Extension project to Temple Grading and Construction Company; Seann Byrd, Interim Harnett Regional Water Director 8.Discuss a request for approval of a Resolution to accept a Drinking Water State Revolving Fund - Emerging Contaminants loan with principal forgiveness of $500,000 for Harnett Regional WTP PFAS Pilot Study; Seann Byrd, Interim Harnett Regional Water Director 9.Discuss a request to transfer water infrastructure to the Town of Fuquay-Varina; Seann Byrd, Interim Harnett Regional Water Director and Christopher Appel, Senior Item 4Aii HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 60 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Minutes January 14, 2025 Page 2 of 4 Staff Attorney 10. Discuss a request to approve the Barracuda Services 3-year renewal contract; Ira Hall, Chief Information Officer 11. Voting Locations Discussion; Vice Chairman Bill Morris 12. Review applications to serve on Boards and Committees. 13. County Manager’s Report – Brent Trout, County Manager • January 21, 2025 Regular Meeting Agenda Review • Upcoming meetings and invitations 14. Closed Session 15. Adjourn Major Gary McNeill reviewed a request for approval to purchase Energy Weapon (Taser) from Axon Enterprise, Inc. We presently are using Energy Weapons (Taser) sold by Axon. We have had the present Energy Weapon for a number of years and are in need of being replaced. The purchase includes 75 Energy Weapon, holster and other accessories. The contract is a five-year agreement with a yearly cost of $ 33,297.11 per year and states that if funding is not available, the agency will return the number of energy weapons that have not be paid. The advantage to this agreement is that we are purchasing the devices at today's price, and we receive the energy weapons up front. We request to purchase the Energy Weapon (Taser) through the sole source procedure. Funding for the first year is included in the Sheriff's Office FY 2025 budget. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. Major McNeill also reviewed a request for approval for the following deputies who are retiring to purchase their service weapons for $ 1.00. Lieutenant Scott Jeffries and Detective Josh Teasley are retiring from the Sheriff's office. Lieutenant Jeffries will purchase his Glock 43X serial number AKHH704. Detective Josh Teasley will purchase his Glock 17 serial number BG4D509. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. Major McNeill also reviewed a request for approval to purchase a Tek84 Intercept Whole Body Security Scanning System. This system will provide the Detention Center with the ability to scan inmates who enter the Detention Center. We request to purchase Tek84 through the sole source procedure. Funding of the project is available through the OSBM grant from the State of North Carolina. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. Coley Price, Deputy County Manager, reviewed a request for the Board of Commissioners to consider approval of an amended project ordinance to budget funds for land acquisition required for the new Animal Shelter Project. Amendment includes the budgeted amount of $300,300 for the land acquisition. Kimberly Honeycutt reviewed a request to adopt the Reimbursement Resolution to finance the animal shelter and reimburse itself for capital expenditures incurred in connection with the acquisition and construction of the animal shelter. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. Seann Byrd, Interim Harnett Regional Water Director, reviewed a request for the Board to award the utility construction contract for the St. Matthews Road Utility Extension Project to Temple HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 61 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Minutes January 14, 2025 Page 3 of 4 Grading and Construction Company from Lillington, NC in the amount of $229,283. The bid opening was held on Thursday, December 19, 2024 and three bids were received at that time. Also requested $11,464 for project contingency and $75,000 to Meyers Engineering PLLC for additional engineering services for Erwin sewer upgrades. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. Mr. Byrd also reviewed a request for approval of a Resolution to accept Drinking Water State Revolving Fund - Emerging Contaminants loan with principal forgiveness of $500,000 for the Harnett Regional Water Treatment Plant per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) pilot study. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. Mr. Bryd also reviewed a request for approval of the Utility Infrastructure and Service Interlocal Agreement with between Harnett County, Northwest Water and Sewer District of Harnett County, and the Town of Fuquay-Varina to transfer water infrastructure to the Town of Fuquay- Varina. Christopher Appel, Senior Staff Attorney shared if the Board’s pleasure was to approve, a special meeting notice would be prepared for the Board to adjourn and reconvene on January 21st as the Northwest Harnett Water & Sewer District and consider the approval of the agreement. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next agenda. Ira Hall, Chief Information Officer, reviewed a request for the Board to consider approval to enhance our security measures with Barracuda Premium Plus protection. This would be a 3-year contract to be billed for one third each year for 3 years; $156,960 per year totaling $470,880. Consensus of the Board was to place this item on the next consent agenda. Vice Chairman Morris stated he was glad to see the folks from the Board of Election. I requested this item be placed on the agenda, as there were a number of questions that have come up during the last election cycle. One was obviously the tremendous growth we have had in western Harnett and Anderson Creek polling places, and it has always been an issue about security with polling places within the schools when schools are open. Claire Jones, Board of Elections Director, shared information regarding what the Board of Elections is doing to look at precinct changes. Ms. Jones shared Bill McNutt, James Currin, and Allison Fenderson are present and are hearing the conversation. Mr. McNutt and Ms. Fenderson also shared information with the Board regarding what the Board of Elections is doing to address growth. Additional discussion included early voting sites, the use of fire departments and churches, safety precautions and access to bathrooms. The Board reviewed applications to serve on various Boards and Committees. Commissioner Jaggers requested the appointments for District 4 be deferred until the next work session to allow time to speak with those applicants. The Board agreed. Vice Chairman Morris supported the reappointment of Douglas Godwin to the Board of Equalization and Review. Consensus of the Board was to place the reappointment of Douglas Godwin to the Board of Equalization and Review, approve the reappointment of Lee Marshall and Eric Julien to the Angier Planning Board and Board of Adjustment and approve the appointment of Becky Wise to the Good Hope Board to serve as the Harnett County DSS representative on the next consent agenda. HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 62 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Work Session Minutes January 14, 2025 Page 4 of 4 Brent Trout, County Manager, shared Harnett County was selected to Participate in Carolina Cross 100, a program focused on affordable housing. This program will allow us to work with UNC School of Government and other agencies to help us develop a plan to address affordable housing in our county. I have promoted Lisa McFadden to Assistant County Manager. Lisa will retain her current budget preparation responsibility, but she will now also manage the Veteran’s Services Department and the Information Technology Department. She has been preparing for this role for a long time, and I am excited to promote her into this new role. The promotion will create a limited reorganization of the departments under the other managers in the office. Commissioner Jaggers made a motion to go into Closed Session for the following purposes: to consult with the county legal staff in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege concerning the handling of a certain potential claim and the following listed case: “Lawanda Snead vs. Eric Jason Morris, et al” US District Court for the Eastern District of NC Western Division case no. 5:24-CV-00721-B and consultation with and instructions to the county staff concerning the position to be taken by the County in negotiating a proposed contract for the acquisition of real property. This motion is made pursuant to NC General Statute Section 143-318.11 (a) (3) & (5). The motion was seconded by Chairman Nicol and carried unanimously. Following a motion to come out of Closed Session, Chairman Nicol called the meeting back into open session. Vice Chairman Morris made a motion to adjourn the Board of Commissioners at 10:58 am. Commissioner Jaggers seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. ____________________________________ ___________________________________ Matthew B. Nicol, Chairman Melissa Capps, Clerk HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 63 \\lecfile\department\Admin\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2025\012125 m\4B.1 Agenda Axon Taser.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: January 21, 2025 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Purchase of Energy Weapon (Taser) REQUESTED BY: Sheriff Coats REQUEST: Sheriff Coats request approval to purchase Energy Weapon (Taser) from Axon Enterprise, Inc. We presently are using Energy Weapons (Taser) sold by Axon. We have had the present Energy Weapon for a number of years and are in need of being replaced. The purchase includes 75 Energy Weapon, holster and other accessories. The contract is a five-year agreement with a yearly cost of $ 33,297.11 per year and states that if funding is not available, the agency will return the number of energy weapons that have not be paid. The advantage to this agreement is that we are purchasing the devices at today's price, and we receive the energy weapons up front. We request to purchase the Energy Weapon (Taser) through the sole source procedure. Attached is a sole source letter. Funding for the first year is included in the Sheriff's Office FY 2025 budget. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 4B HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 64 Page 1 Q-638117-45611.865JB Program Length 12.0323 Months TOTAL COST $32,954.44 ESTIMATED TOTAL W/ TAX $35,261.25 Average Savings Per Year $3,855.93 TOTAL SAVINGS $3,866.31 Axon Enterprise, Inc. 17800 N 85th St. Scottsdale, Arizona 85255 United States VAT: 86-0741227 Domestic: (800) 978-2737 International: +1.800.978.2737 Q-638117-45611.865JB Account Number: 109162 Payment Terms: N30 Delivery Method: Quote Summary Discount Summary Quote Expiration: 12/20/2024 Estimated Contract Start Date: 01/01/2025 Issued: 11/15/2024 SHIP TO BILL TO Harnett County Sheriff's Office - NC 175 Bain St Lillington, NC 27546-5143 USA Harnett County Sheriff's Office - NC 175 Bain St Lillington NC 27546-5143 USA Email: SALES REPRESENTATIVE PRIMARY CONTACT Julian Brown Brian Byrd Phone: +1 4047715005 Phone: (910) 893-9111 Email: jbrown@axon.com Email: bpbyrd@harnett.org Fax: (480) 999-6155 Fax: HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 65 Page 2 Q-638117-45611.865JB Payment Summary Date Subtotal Tax Total Dec 2025 $32,954.44 $2,306.81 $35,261.25 Total $32,954.44 $2,306.81 $35,261.25 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 66 Page 3 Q-638117-45611.865JB Item Description Qty Term Unbundled List Price Net Price Subtotal Tax Total A la Carte Hardware 20063 AXON TASER 7 - HOLSTER - SAFARILAND RH 15 $81.35 $72.81 $1,092.15 $76.45 $1,168.60 20018 AXON TASER - BATTERY PACK - TACTICAL 15 $110.00 $98.45 $1,476.75 $103.38 $1,580.13 22175 AXON TASER 7 - CARTRIDGE - LIVE STANDOFF (3.5- DEGREE) NS 62 $40.25 $36.02 $2,233.24 $156.33 $2,389.57 20022 AXON TASER 7 - HANDLE - HIGH VIS GRN LASER CLASS 3R GREEN 15 $2,097.00 $1,876.82 $28,152.30 $1,970.65 $30,122.95 Total $32,954.44 $2,306.81 $35,261.25 Delivery Schedule Hardware Bundle Item Description QTY Shipping Location Estimated Delivery Date A la Carte 20018 AXON TASER - BATTERY PACK - TACTICAL 15 1 01/01/2025 A la Carte 20022 AXON TASER 7 - HANDLE - HIGH VIS GRN LASER CLASS 3R GREEN 15 1 01/01/2025 A la Carte 20063 AXON TASER 7 - HOLSTER - SAFARILAND RH 15 1 01/01/2025 A la Carte 22175 AXON TASER 7 - CARTRIDGE - LIVE STANDOFF (3.5-DEGREE) NS 62 1 01/01/2025 Quote Unbundled Price: $36,820.75 Quote List Price: $36,820.75 Quote Subtotal: $32,954.44 Pricing All deliverables are detailed in Delivery Schedules section lower in proposal HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 67 Page 4 Q-638117-45611.865JB Shipping Locations Location Number Street City State Zip Country 1 175 Bain St Lillington NC 27546-5143 USA Payment Details Dec 2025 Invoice Plan Item Description Qty Subtotal Tax Total December 20018 AXON TASER - BATTERY PACK - TACTICAL 15 $1,476.75 $103.38 $1,580.13 December 20022 AXON TASER 7 - HANDLE - HIGH VIS GRN LASER CLASS 3R GREEN 15 $28,152.30 $1,970.65 $30,122.95 December 20063 AXON TASER 7 - HOLSTER - SAFARILAND RH 15 $1,092.15 $76.45 $1,168.60 December 22175 AXON TASER 7 - CARTRIDGE - LIVE STANDOFF (3.5-DEGREE) NS 62 $2,233.24 $156.33 $2,389.57 Total $32,954.44 $2,306.81 $35,261.25 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 68 Page 5 Q-638117-45611.865JB Tax is estimated based on rates applicable at date of quote and subject to change at time of invoicing. If a tax exemption certificate should be applied, please submit prior to invoicing. Standard Terms and Conditions Axon Enterprise Inc. Sales Terms and Conditions Axon Master Services and Purchasing Agreement: This Quote is limited to and conditional upon your acceptance of the provisions set forth herein and Axon’s Master Services and Purchasing Agreement (posted at https://www.axon.com/sales-terms-and-conditions), as well as the attached Statement of Work (SOW) for Axon Fleet and/or Axon Interview Room purchase, if applicable. In the event you and Axon have entered into a prior agreement to govern all future purchases, that agreement shall govern to the extent it includes the products and services being purchased and does not conflict with the Axon Customer Experience Improvement Program Appendix as described below. ACEIP: The Axon Customer Experience Improvement Program Appendix, which includes the sharing of de-identified segments of Agency Content with Axon to develop new products and improve your product experience (posted at www.axon.com/legal/sales-terms-and-conditions), is incorporated herein by reference. By signing below, you agree to the terms of the Axon Customer Experience Improvement Program. Acceptance of Terms: Any purchase order issued in response to this Quote is subject solely to the above referenced terms and conditions. By signing below, you represent that you are lawfully able to enter into contracts. If you are signing on behalf of an entity (including but not limited to the company, municipality, or government agency for whom you work), you represent to Axon that you have legal authority to bind that entity. If you do not have this authority, please do not sign this Quote. HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 69 Page 6 Q-638117-45611.865JB Signature Date Signed 11/15/2024 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 70 \\lecfile\department\Admin\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2025\012125 m\4C.1 Agenda Retirees.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: January 21, 2025 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Weapons provided to retires REQUESTED BY: Sheriff Coats REQUEST: Sheriff Coats request approval for the following deputies who are retiring to purchase their service weapons for $ 1.00. Lieutenant Scott Jeffries and Detective Josh Teasley are retiring from the Sheriff's office. Lieutenant Jeffries will purchase his Glock 43X serial number AKHH704. Detective Josh Teasley will purhcase his Glock 17 serial number BG4D509. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 4C HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 71 \\lecfile\department\Admin\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2025\012125 m\4D.1 Agenda Tek84.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: January 21, 2025 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Purchase of Tek 84 body scanner for the Detention Center REQUESTED BY: Sheriff Coats REQUEST: Sheriff Coats request approval to purhcase a Tek84 Intercept Whole Body Security Scanning System. This system will provide the Detention Center with the ability to scan inmates who enter the Detention Center. The scanner will assist in identifing contraband that has been consealed internally in the inmate's body. We request to purchase Tek84 through the sole source procedure. Attached is a sole source letter. Funding of the project is available through a grant from the State of North Carolina. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 4D HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 72 13495 Gregg Street 858-676-5382 info@tek84.com Poway, CA 92064 Tek84 Confidential www.tek84.com August 9, 2024 Major Gary McNeill Harnett County Sheriff's Office 175 Bain Street Lillington, NC 27546 Dear Major McNeill, We the undersigned, hereby affirm that the Intercept Whole Body Contraband Detection Scanner is a product of Tek84, Security Product Line. The Intercept Scanner is uniquely designed, and the following features are exclusive to the product . There are no other whole body contraband detection systems in marketplace production that can meet these combined specifications. 1. Vertical Scanning - The Intercept Scanner is the only whole-body scanner that uses an X-ray beam that images below the subjects’ feet to above their head with generator and detector array motioning vertically in tandem, scanning on a horizontal plane to assure accurate proportional imaging, no magnification or distortion, and not requiring the subject to move on a platform or conveyer belt during the imaging process . 2. Small footprint - The Intercept Scanner is the only whole-body scanner that has the ultra-compact 34” x 72” footprint design. 3. Exclusion Zone equal to the device footprint - The Intercept Scanner is the only whole-body scanner that has an exclusion zone equal to the 34” x 72” footprint. 4. Waterproof - The Intercept Scanner is the only whole-body scanner that is proven waterproof up to four inches of height from the ground. 5. Dual Vertical Wall Technology - The Intercept Scanner is the only whole-body scanner with Dual Virtual Wall Technology to assure that the subject is standing in the correct position while being scanned in order to minimize radiation dose as per ANSI/HPS N43.17-2009. Doses between 0.25 uSv and 8.0 uSv. 6. Complete Scan Report - The Intercept Scanner is the only whole-body scanner that provides a photo, 3 images, scan#, name, time date stamp, comment, unit name, institution name, JMS #, Operator embedded on jpg for evidentiary purposes. 7. Transportable - The Intercept Scanner is transportable. Because it is not permanently anchored to the floor and has built- in wheels, it can be moved to another location. 8. Quick - The Intercept Scanner has a 4 second scan time. 9. Integrated, FDA Thermal Scanner - The Intercept is the only whole-body scanner with an optional integrated thermal scanner with embedded record keeping. Tek84 is the only manufacturer of the Intercept and the only manufacturer of a device that combines these listed features. The Intercept has at least four current patents (First patent # 10481295). The Intercept Whole Body Contraband Detection System routinely utilizes a low imaging dose of 0.25 uSv per scan that adheres to the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) Concept outlined in the American National Standard (ANSI/HPS) Regulations N43.17 - 2009. Tek84 Engineering products are the only x-ray body scanner designed for secure facilities that are 100% developed and assembled in the USA. Sincerely, Margo McNeely Regional Sales Manager SE 954-520-2003 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 73 \\lecfile\department\Admin\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2025\012125 m\4E.1 25.01.07 New Animal Shelter Project Ordinance Agenda Request.docx Page 1 of 2 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: January 21, 2025 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Project Ordinance Amendment - ANS23 New Animal Shelter - Land Acquisition for New Animal Shelter Project REQUESTED BY: Barry A. Blevins REQUEST: General Services / Animal Services Director requests the Board of Commissioners review and consider approval of an amended project ordinance to budget funds for land acquisition required for the ASN23 New Animal Shelter Project. Amendment includes the budgeted amount of $300,300 for the land acquisition. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 4E HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 74 Section 2. The following expenditures are hereby appropriated for this project: Current Ordinance Adjustment Amended Ordinance Professional Services (03/24)32,341$ -$ 32,341$ Construction - - - - Capital Outlay - Land Acquisition - 300,300 300,300 Contingency - -- Total 32,341$ 300,300$ 332,641$ Section 3.The following revenues are hereby appropriated for this project: Current Ordinance Adjustment Amended Ordinance Capital Reserves 32,341$ 300,300$ 332,641$ - - - Total 32,341$ 300,300$ 332,641$ Section 4. Section 5. 21st day of January , 2025. Matt Nicol, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners ATTEST: Melissa Capps, Clerk to the Board Copies of this capital project ordinance shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board, the Budget Director and the Finance Officer for direction in carrying out this project. Duly adopted this ANIMAL SERVICES FACILITY PROJECT CAPITAL PROJECT ORDINANCE AMENDMENT BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County,North Carolina,sitting as the governing board for Harnett County. Section 1. This project consists of a comprehensive needs assessment study and conceptual design for the new Animal Shelter and Land Acquisition. To amend project ordinance to budget for land acquisition and updated project cost. HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 75 EXTRACTS FROM MINUTES OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS A regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners (the “Board”) of the County of Harnett, North Carolina was held on January 21, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. in the County Commissioners’ Meeting Room, Harnett County RCL Building, 455 McKinney Parkway, Lillington, North Carolina, Matthew Nicol, Chairman of the Board, presiding and the following Commissioners present: The following members were absent: Also present: * * * Commissioner moved that the following resolution (the “Resolution”), a copy of which was available with the Board, and which was read by title: RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA DECLARING THE INTENT OF THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA TO ISSUE APPROXIMATELY $10,000,000 LIMITED OBLIGATION BONDS TO FINANCE THE HARNETT COUNTY ANIMAL SERVICES BUILDING, AND TO REIMBURSE ITSELF FOR CAPITAL EXPENDITURES INCURRED IN CONNECTION WITH THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE HARNETT COUNTY ANIMAL SERVICES BUILDING FROM THE PROCEEDS OF SUCH LIMITED OBLIGATION BONDS EXPECTED TO BE ISSUED IN CALENDAR YEAR 2025. WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners (the “Board”) of the County of Harnett, North Carolina (the “County”) anticipate executing and delivering approximately $10,000,000 of tax-exempt limited obligation bonds (the “Bonds”) in order to finance the acquisition and construction of the Harnett County Animal Services Building (the “Project”); and WHEREAS, the County intends to proceed with the Project and expects to incur and pay certain expenditures in connection with the Project prior to the date of execution and delivery of the Bonds (the “Original Expenditures”), such Original Expenditures to be paid for originally from a source other than the proceeds of the Bonds, and the County intends, and reasonably expects, to be reimbursed for such Original Expenditures from a portion of the proceeds of the Bonds to be executed and delivered at a date occurring after the dates of such Original Expenditures; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, North Carolina as follows: Section 1. Official Declaration of Intent. The County presently intends, and reasonably expects, to reimburse itself for the Original Expenditures incurred and paid by the County on or after the date occurring 60 days prior to the date of adoption of this Resolution from a portion of the proceeds of the Bonds. The County reasonably expects to execute and deliver the Bonds in the calendar year ending December 31, 2025 to finance all or a portion of the costs of the Project and the maximum principal HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 76 amount of Bonds reasonably expected to be executed and delivered by the County to pay for all or a portion of the costs of the Project, which amount is subject to change, is expected to be approximately $10,000,000. Section 2. Compliance with Regulations. The County adopts this Resolution as a declaration of official intent under Section 1.150-2 of the Treasury Regulations promulgated under Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, to evidence the County's intent to reimburse itself for the Original Expenditures from proceeds of the Bonds. Section 3. Itemization of Capital Expenditures. The Finance Officer of the County, with advice from special counsel, is hereby authorized, directed and designated to act on behalf of the County in determining and itemizing all of the Original Expenditures incurred and paid by the County in connection with the Project during the period commencing on the date occurring 60 days prior to the date of adoption of this Resolution and ending on the date of execution and delivery of the Bonds. Section 4. Effective Date. This Resolution is effective immediately on the date of its adoption. On motion of Commissioner , seconded by Commissioner , the foregoing resolution entitled “RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA DECLARING THE INTENT OF THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA TO ISSUE APPROXIMATELY $10,000,000 LIMITED OBLIGATION BONDS TO FINANCE THE HARNETT COUNTY ANIMAL SERVICES BUILDING, AND TO REIMBURSE ITSELF FOR CAPITAL EXPENDITURES INCURRED IN CONNECTION WITH THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE HARNETT COUNTY ANIMAL SERVICES BUILDING FROM THE PROCEEDS OF SUCH LIMITED OBLIGATION BONDS EXPECTED TO BE ISSUED IN CALENDAR YEAR 2025.” was duly adopted by the following vote: AYES: NAYS: HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 77 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) ) ss: COUNTY OF HARNETT ) I, MELISSA D. CAPPS, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and exact copy of a resolution entitled “RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA DECLARING THE INTENT OF THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, NORTH CAROLINA TO ISSUE APPROXIMATELY $10,000,000 LIMITED OBLIGATION BONDS TO FINANCE THE HARNETT COUNTY ANIMAL SERVICES BUILDING, AND TO REIMBURSE ITSELF FOR CAPITAL EXPENDITURES INCURRED IN CONNECTION WITH THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE HARNETT COUNTY ANIMAL SERVICES BUILDING FROM THE PROCEEDS OF SUCH LIMITED OBLIGATION BONDS EXPECTED TO BE ISSUED IN CALENDAR YEAR 2025” adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, at a meeting held on the 21st day of January, 2025. WITNESS my hand and the corporate seal of the County of Harnett, North Carolina, this the __ day of January, 2025. ___________________________________ MELISSA D. CAPPS Clerk to the Board County of Harnett, North Carolina HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 78 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: January 21, 2025 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISIONERS SUBJECT: Award of St. Matthews Road Utility Extension Project Construction Contract REQUESTED BY: Seann Byrd, HRW Interim Director REQUEST: This is a formal request for the Board to award the utility construction contract for the above-referenced project to Temple Grading and Construction Company from Lillington, NC in the amount of $229,283. The bid opening was held on Thursday, December 19th, 2024 and three bids were received at that time. Also requested are $11,464 for project contingency and $75,000 to Meyers Engineering PLLC for additional engineering services for Erwin sewer upgrades. Attached are the bid tab summary and letter of recommendation from the engineering consultant on the project, Meyers Engineering PLLC. Also attached is the proposal for additional engineering services for design of sewer upgrades in Erwin. Please place this item on the agenda at the next available meeting. FINANCE OFFICERS RECOMMENDATION: Insert text here. Item 4F HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 79 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 80 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 81 November 21, 2024 Mr. Steve Ward, Director Harnett Regional Water 700 McKinney Parkway Lillington, NC 27606 Re: Proposal for Professional Services Town of Erwin Infrastructure Projects Proposal Amendment Dear Mr. Ward, Meyers Engineering, PLLC submitted a proposal for the Erwin Infrastructure Projects with a water line along St Matthews Road and a potential sewer project to interconnect 2 sewer interceptors to increase conveyance capacity in the north and western part of Erwin. Subsequently, Meyers Engineering was asked to look at potential force main project on the south east part of Erwin to mitigate overflows in the downtown portion of the Erwin sewage collection system. Meyers Engineering prepared hydraulic model for a new force main to manifold pump stations SLS-130, SLS-132, and SLS-135 to a new discharge point via an existing 8-inch force main that serves SLS-25, SLS-26, SLS-27 and SLS-28. The results of the hydraulic model are attached, and the result demonstrate that the new force main would work without adversely affecting the existing pump stations. The new force main would extend along Iris Bryant Road, Old Cutoff Road, and S 13th Street. It would also require a new force main form SLS-135 to Iris Bryant Road. The total length of new 6-inch diameter force main is approximately 7000- linear feet as shown on the attached project area. An opinion of project costs is also attached. The fee for the original scope was $150,000 for the St Matthews Road water line ($75,000) and the sewer interconnect ($75,000); however, with the change in scope, the scale and complexity of the project has increased. A new fee derivation is attached for your consideration. The fee for the sewer portion of the project would increase from $75,000 to $148,100, an increase of $73,100. Surveying of the route would be completed by the end of January. It is anticipated that HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 82 construction plans could be submitted to HRW for review within 30-days, and contract documents and construction plans ready to submit for permitting and NCDEQ-DWI review 30- days after HRW review. It is anticipated that the project would be ready to bid by June 2025, with the understanding that the project would need to be completed by December 2026 for ARPA funding reimbursement for a portion of the project costs. Meyers Engineering would be pleased to undertake this project for HRW, and would ask if HRW elects to proceed to let us know as soon as possible so we can schedule the surveyor and utility locator. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, Jay Meyers, PE Owner HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 83 Erwin Municipal Park 115 ft CapeFearRiverCapeFearRiverK ittys LnN C H i ghway 2 1 7 S 13th S t191 ft Mason St Moo re St 188 ft 183 ft Iris B r y a n t R d Chicora RdReuben MasonLnNorr is RdMulberryLnMcIntyreLn O ld C u to ff Rd Iri s B r y a n t R d S 13th St South Erwin Sewer Harnett County GIS, Esri Community Maps Contributors, Duke University, Johnston County, State of North Carolina DOT, © OpenStreetMap, Microsoft, October 30, 2024 0 0.1 0.20.05 mi 0 0.2 0.40.1 km 1:9,028 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 84 ERWIN SEWAGE PUMP STATION MODEL OCTOBER 2024 BY MEYERS ENGINEERING, PLLC Pump Station Design Point 1 SCADA Pump Rate2 Firm Capacity SCADA Peak Day Flow2 Model Pump Rate 4 Pump Rate with All Pumps Stations Operating 5 Firm Capacity when all pumping SLS-25 500 gpm @ 35 TDH 369 531,360 28,000 368 gpm @ 46 TDH 89 gpm @ 60 TDH 128,160 SLS-26 400 gpm @45 TDH 271 390,240 4000 318 gpm @ 48 TDH 71 gpm @ 61 TDH 102,240 SLS-27 70 gpm @ 80 TDH 68 97,920 15,000 70 gpm @ 78 TDH 54 gpm @ 102 TDH 77,760 SLS-28 70 gpm @ 80 TDH 45 64,800 21,000 61 gpm @ 94 TDH 47 gpm @ 111 TDH 67,680 SLS-130 70 gpm @ 80 TDH 43 61,920 60,000 111 gpm6 89 gpm @ 37 TDH 128,160 SLS-132 ??? 67 96,480 31,000 66 gpm @ 126 TDH 48 gpm @ 138 TDH 69,120 SLS-135 300gpm @ 50 TDH 219 315,360 323,000 351 gpm @ 53 255 gpm @ 60 TDH 367,200 1 – design points taken from pump curves. Curves are for HOMA pumps. 2 – HRW SCADA data obtained by Glenn McFadden 3 – Firm capacity is if pumps ran at SCADA pumping rate for 24-hours 4 – WaterCAD model with pumps running individually. SLS 130, SLS 132, and SLS-135 are all modeled into new forcemain. 5- WaterCAD model pumping rate with all pumps running concurrently. 6 – Not enough head for SLS-130 – runs off the curve. HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 85 Town of ErwinSouthwest ForcemainOpinion of Project CostsITEM DESCRIPTIONEstimated Unit Cost UnitITEMNO.1 Mobilization/Insurance/Bonds - 5%1LS1$49,3072 Clearing and Grubbing$25,000.00AC0.92$22,9573 manifolding old and new forcemains$10,000.00EA2.00$20,00046" C-900 forcemain in public right-of-way$95.00LF5,000$475,00056" C-900 forcemain in easement$75.00LF2,000$150,0006 Combination Air Release/Vaccum Breaker Assembly$15,000.00EA2$30,0007Road Crossing (12-inch steel encasement 0.5 wall thickness)$550.00LF320$176,0008 Forcemain Pressure testing$1.00LF7,000$7,0009 Lining discharge manhole$10,000.00LS1$10,00010 Erosion Control$7,500.00AC3.21$24,10511 Seeding and Mulching$5,000.00AC3.21$16,07012 Traffic Control$1,000.00DAY30$30,00013 Construction Staking1LS25,000$25,000Construction Subtotal$1,035,438Construction Contingencies (30%)$310,631TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS$1,346,069Surveying/Engineering/Permitting (8%)11%$148,068Easements (permanent and temp construction)$25,000Permit Application Fees$2,000Easement recordation$20,000TOTAL ESTIMATED SOFT COSTS$195,068Total Project Costs=$1,541,137New 6-inch forcemain, 7000 linear feetEstimated UnitsEstimated Project Costs11/21/2024HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 86 Task Provider Estimated Quantities Units Rate Total 1 ‐ Preliminary Engineering Field Investigation/Available Record Compliation/Erwin Basin Study 40 hours 150 $6,000 Meetings with Erwin and HRW 8 hours 150 $1,200 Hydraulic Gradeline Model 20 hours 150 $3,000 Pump Station Evaluations 16 hours 150 $2,400 Preliminary Engineering Report 16 hours 150 $2,400 $15,000 2 ‐ Topographic Surveying Topo Surveying BNK 34,000$ 1.1 $37,400 Subconsutant coordination 8 hours 150 $1,200 correspondence/meetings/property owner notification 36 hours 150 $5,400 $44,000 3 ‐ Design (65%) Sewer Forcemain Design 140 hours 150 $21,000 Calculations/system curves/24 hours 150 $3,600 Erosion Control Design 8 hours 150 $1,200 Standard Details 8 hours 150 $1,200 Contract Front End Documents, Specifications, Quantity takeoffs 24 hours 150 $3,600 Misc Meetings/ sub‐consultant coordination 16 hours 150 $2,400 $33,000 4 ‐ Permitting NCDEQ Sewer Permit Prep & Submittal 24 hours 150 $3,600 Erosion Control Permit Prep & Submittal 12 hours 150 $1,800 $5,400 5 and 6 ‐ 95% and Final Design Modifying plans and specs based on permitting comments 16 hours 150 $2,400 Resubmittal Responses 8 hours 150 $1,200 Addressing Final comments and prepare plans for bidding 16 hours 150 $2,400 Opinion of Project Costs 4 hours 150 $600 NCDEQ‐DWI checklist 12 hours 150 $1,800 Misc Meetings 12 hours 150 $1,800 $10,200 7 ‐ Bidding Bid advertisement, plan distribution 8 hours 150 $1,200 Pre‐bid meeting (including agenda, attendance and minutes)4 hours 150 $600 Addendums (assume 2)8 hours 150 $1,200 Bid Opening 4 hours 150 $600 Bid Evaluation/Certified Bid Tab 8 hours 150 $1,200 ARPA Submittal 16 hours 150 $2,400 $7,200 8 ‐ Construction Administration (assume 6‐month construction) Material/Equipment Submittal Reviews 12 hours 150 $1,800 Pre‐construction meeting 4 hours 150 $600 Construction Inspections/Testing 120 hours 150 $18,000 Requests for Information 16 hours 150 $2,400 $22,800 9 ‐ Project Closeout As‐Built Survey BNK $5,000 1.1 $5,500 As‐built Plans 8 hours 150 $1,200 Engineering Certifications 4 hours 150 $600 ARPA Reports 8 hours 150 $1,200 $8,500 Reimbursable Expenses $2,000 $148,100 Sub‐total = Erwin Sewer Proposal Amendment Total = 21-Nov-24 Fee Summary Sub‐total = Sub‐total = Sub‐total = Sub‐total = Sub‐total = Sub‐total = Sub‐total = HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 87 \\lecfile\department\Admin\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2025\012125 m\4G.1 agendaform_PFAS Pilot study DWSRF_EC loan (002).docx Page 1 of 2 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: January 21, 2025 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Resolution to accept DWSRF-EC loan with principle forgiveness for Harnett Regional WTP PFAS pilot study REQUESTED BY: Seann Byrd, Interim HRW Director REQUEST: This is a formal request for the Board to approve the attached resolution accepting a Drinking Water State Revolving Fund - Emerging Contaminants loan with principal forgiveness of $500,000 for the above-mentioned project. Please place this item on the agenda at the next available meeting. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 4G HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 88 RESOLUTION BY THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AUTHORIZING SRF-D-EC-0012 FUND WHEREAS, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) of 2021 and North Carolina General Stute (NCGS) 159G have authorized the making of principal; forgiveness loans to aid eligible, drinking-water system owners in financing pre-construction activities and planning efforts associated with the removal of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); and WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality has offered a Drinking Water State Revolving Fund – Emerging Contaminants (DWSRF-EC) loan with principal forgiveness in the amount of $500,000.00, to conduct PFAS and Emerging Contaminants Conceptual Treatment Alternatives, hereafter referred to as the “Project”; and WHEREAS, The Harnett Regional Water Department intends to conduct said Project in accordance with a scope of work that was approved by the North Carolina Division of Water Infrastructure. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Harnett County Board of Commissioners, of the HARNETT REGIONAL WATER: COUNTY OF HARNETT THAT Harnett Regional Water does hereby accept the DWSRF-EC principal forgiveness loan offer in the amount of $500,000.00; and THAT HARNETT REGIONAL WATER does give assurances to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality that they will adhere to all applicable items specified in the standard “Conditions” and “Assurances” of the Department’s funding offer, awarded in the form of a DWSRF-EC principal forgiveness loan; and THAT Seann Byrd, HRW Assistant Director, and successors so titles, is hereby authorized and directed to furnish such information, as the appropriate State agency may request in connection with such application of the Project; to make the Assurances as contained above; and to execute such other documents as may be required in connection with the application; and THAT Harnett Regional Water has complied substantially or will comply substantially with all Federal, State and local laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances applicable to the Project, and to Federal and State grants and loans pertaining thereto. Adopted this the ___________day of January 2025. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS _________________________________________ Matthew Nichol, Chairman ATTEST: ______________________________ Melissa D. Capps, Clerk to the Board HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 89 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 90 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 91 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 92 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 93 https://harnettcounty.sharepoint.com/sites/infotech/Shared Documents/Finance/01 Ira followup/contracts/2025/Barracuda/IT Dept Barracuda agendaform2025.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: January 21, 2025 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Barracuda Services 3-year renewal contract REQUESTED BY: Ira Hall, CIO, IT Department REQUEST: Harnett County IT Department is requesting approval to enhance our security measures with Barracuda Premium Plus protection. This would be a 3-year contract to be billed for one third each year for 3 years. $156,960 per year totaling $470,880. Barracuda is requesting the initial PO to be for the whole amount, but Harnett County will only pay $156,960 this budget year. Barracuda Cloud software covers many aspects of Harnett County Security and threat protection. It is currently our Security Training Provider, Email Protection and Email Archiving. This package will add Office 365 cloud backup, more specific email phishing protection, and account monitoring for potential account “takeovers”. More details of services provided can be found here: https://www.barracuda.com/products/email-protection/plans FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Docusign Envelope ID: 60E0EA5A-3DB9-4972-8D61-F5E7EAE6DEC0 Item 4H HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 94 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 95 ** NOTE: Orders may require an Assignment of Proceeds from the Purchaser. ** Terms; NET 30. All payments to Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc. must be in US Dollars Please Note: Due to Mfr Policies, we cannot accept returns on Hardware/Software. Invoices bear interest at 1.5% per month commencing upon date payment is due. HUBZONE CERTIFIED, SERVICE DISABLED VETERAN OWNED SMALL BUSINESS (SDVOSB) CERTIFIED. TEIN: 56-1639656, CAGE CODE: 1V1E1, DUNS: 62-503-1166/UEI: LG6LJC4VPD93 CONFIDENTIAL Intellectual property of Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this document(s) or file(s) or any referenced or associated document(s) or file(s) may be disclosed to any third party without the prior, written consent of Carolina Advanced Digital, Inc. Quote #29277-4 Page 2 / 2 Docusign Envelope ID: 60E0EA5A-3DB9-4972-8D61-F5E7EAE6DEC0 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 96 LEGAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR ALL BARRACUDA PRODUCTS General Terms Applicable to all Products SCHEDULES: Schedule 1: Software Use and Restrictions Schedule 2: Limited Warranty Schedule 3: Hosted Services Schedule 4: Additional Terms for SAT Schedule 5: Support Services Terms Schedule 6: Professional Services Terms Schedule 7: Data Privacy Schedule 8: Migration and Upgrade Credit Program Terms Schedule 9: Additional Terms for Managed XDR Services The General Terms and Conditions (“General Terms”), together with all applicable Schedules (collectively, the “Agreement”) are a legal agreement between you, a legal entity (“Customer”), and Barracuda Networks, Inc. (“Barracuda”). If you are not legally able to be bound by the Agreement or do not want to consent to the terms of the Agreement, your use of the Products is strictly prohibited. Your use of the Products is subject at all times to this Agreement, as amended from time to time. If you do not unconditionally agree to the foregoing, discontinue the installation or use of the Products. If you proceed with use, you are (i) representing and warranting that you are authorized to bind the Customer; and (ii) agreeing to the Terms. Order of Precedence . The General Terms are applicable to all Barracuda Products and set forth the terms under which the Customer may use Barracuda Products. Certain Products are subject to additional terms and conditions, which are set forth in the applicable “Schedule.” In the event of a conflict or inconsistency between any of the General Terms and a Schedule, the Schedule will govern. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS PLEASE READ THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE USING A BARRACUDA PRODUCT. BY USING A BARRACUDA PRODUCT, CUSTOMER AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF CUSTOMER LIVES IN THE UNITED STATES, THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS A BINDING ARBITRATION CLAUSE AND CLASS ACTION WAIVER. IT AFFECTS CUSTOMER’S RIGHTS REGARDING HOW TO RESOLVE ANY DISPUTE WITH BARRACUDA. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. Docusign Envelope ID: 60E0EA5A-3DB9-4972-8D61-F5E7EAE6DEC0 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 97 1. Definitions. 1.1. “Barracuda Materials” means all Barracuda proprietary materials, including, but not limited to, Deliverables, Products and intellectual property related to Products and Documentation. 1.2. “Deliverables” means any written reports and materials that are created specifically for Customer as a result of Professional Services provided hereunder, as set forth in Schedule 6 (“Professional Services Terms”). 1.3. “Delivery” with respect to Hardware means the date of shipment, and with respect to Software and Hosted Services means when the Software or Hosted Service is made available by Barracuda. 1.4. “Documentation” means manuals or other materials provided by Barracuda related to the Products in electronic or other form, as amended from time to time by Barracuda. 1.5. “ELective Date” shall mean the date of Delivery of the Products. 1.6. “Hardware” means a physical appliance provided by Barracuda. 1.7. “Hosted Service” means the right to use a cloud system or platform hosted by Barracuda, which provides the services and functionality set forth in the applicable Specification. 1.8. “Hosted Service Term” means the length of time for which a Hosted Service is purchased. 1.9. “Intellectual Property Rights” means copyrights (including, without limitation, the exclusive right to use, reproduce, modify, distribute, publicly display and publicly perform the copyrighted work), trademark rights (including, without limitation, trade names, trademarks, service marks and trade dress), patent rights (including, without limitation, the exclusive right to make, use and sell), trade secrets, moral rights, right of publicity, authors’ rights, contract and licensing rights, goodwill and all other intellectual property rights as may exist now and/or hereafter come into existence and all renewals and extensions thereof, regardless of whether such rights arise under the law of the United States or any other state, country or jurisdiction. 1.10. “Product” means, collectively, any Hardware, Software, Subscriptions, Hosted Service, Services and any combination thereof. 1.11. “Order” means a written purchase order or similar ordering document, signed or submitted to Barracuda under which the Products are provided for Customer’s use. Docusign Envelope ID: 60E0EA5A-3DB9-4972-8D61-F5E7EAE6DEC0 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 98 1.12. “Professional Services” means consulting services provided by Barracuda under a Statement of Work and/or set forth on an Order. 1.13. “Software” means software embedded in Hardware, used to provide a Hosted Service or any software licensed to Customer as a Subscription, including any Updates thereto. 1.14. “Service” or “Services” means Professional Services and Support Services. 1.15. “Specification” means the functionality for the Product as documented in the Product data sheet. 1.16. “Statement of Work” or “SOW” means a document between Barracuda and Customer, describing Professional Services, rates and timelines for those Professional Services. 1.17. “Subscription” means a license provided by Barracuda for a Subscription Term under which Barracuda provides access to certain features and functionality, as described in the Specification, which is provided subject to the applicable Schedule, if any, and these General Terms. 1.18. “Subscription Term” means the length of time for which a Subscription is purchased. 1.19. “Support Term” means the length of time for which the Support Service is purchased. 1.20. “Support Services” means the maintenance and technical support services provided by Barracuda with respect to each Product, as described in Schedule 5 (“Support Services Terms”). 1.21. “Update” means minor enhancements, error corrections and bug fixes to the Software. 2. Modification. Barracuda reserves the right to modify the Agreement at any time, in its sole discretion, without liability to Customer. The Agreement, as amended, will be eeective upon use of the Products for all existing users immediately after any amended terms are posted online. If Customer has signed up for email updates, Barracuda will provide email notice to Customer of the update. Customer’s continued use of the Products shall be deemed acceptance of the modified terms. 3. Orders and Statements of Work. 3.1. Orders. Products will only be provided to Customer after Barracuda has received and accepted an Order for such Product. Orders are not binding upon Barracuda until accepted Docusign Envelope ID: 60E0EA5A-3DB9-4972-8D61-F5E7EAE6DEC0 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 99 in writing by Barracuda. All Orders will be governed by this Agreement and are noncancelable and nonrefundable after Delivery, except as set forth in Section 5.2 (“Returns”). 3.2. Statements of Work. Each Statement of Work is governed by this Agreement. Barracuda will not be obligated to perform any Professional Services until a Statement of Work describing those Professional Services has been agreed upon by both parties or an Order listing those Professional Services has been accepted by Barracuda in writing. 4. Payment Terms. 4.1. Fees and Expenses. If Customer purchases directly from Barracuda, Customer will pay Barracuda the fees specified on the invoice associated with each Order or Statement of Work (“Fees”). If Customer purchases through a Barracuda authorized reseller, all fees and other procurement and delivery terms shall be agreed upon between Customer and the applicable reseller. Fees for usage in excess of amounts purchased will be billed by Barracuda in the next billing cycle and Customer acknowledges that such additional fees must be paid in accordance with the terms herein. 4.2. Payment. If Customer purchases directly from Barracuda, payment is due within thirty (30) days of the date of each invoice. Payment will be made by credit card, wire transfer or another prearranged payment method unless Barracuda has extended credit terms to Customer. All Fees described in an Order or Statement of Work will be fully invoiced in advance, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by Barracuda. If any payment is past due, Barracuda may, without limiting any remedies available to Barracuda, suspend performance until payment is made current. Customer will pay interest on all delinquent amounts at the lesser of one and one half percent (1.5%) per month or the maximum rate permitted by applicable law. 4.3. Increases. Barracuda reserves the right to increase prices for Products at any time, provided however that any price increase for Subscriptions, Hosted Services and Support Services will not go into eeect until the end of the then-current term, as applicable. 4.4. Taxes . All Fees are exclusive of all sales, use, excise, value added, goods and services, withholding and other taxes, and all customs, duties and taries now or hereafter claimed or imposed by any governmental authority upon the sale or use of the Products, which shall be invoiced to and paid by the Customer. If Customer is required by law to make any deduction or withholding on any payments due to Barracuda, Customer will notify Barracuda and will pay Barracuda any additional amounts necessary to ensure that the net amount Barracuda receives, after any deduction or withholding, equals the amount Barracuda would have received if no deduction or withholding had been required. Docusign Envelope ID: 60E0EA5A-3DB9-4972-8D61-F5E7EAE6DEC0 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 100 Additionally, Customer will provide Barracuda with evidence, to the reasonable satisfaction of Barracuda, showing that the withheld or deducted amounts have been paid to the relevant governmental authority. For purposes of calculating sales and similar taxes, Barracuda will use the address set forth on the Order or Statement of Work, as applicable, for the jurisdiction to which Products and shipments are delivered unless Customer has otherwise notified Barracuda. Customer will provide tax exemption certificates or direct- pay letters to Barracuda as applicable. 4.5. Payment Disputes. Customer must notify Barracuda of any billing problems or discrepancies within sixty (60) days of the applicable Barracuda invoice date. Customer must send such notification to Barracuda as indicated in Section 21 (“Notices”). If Customer does not bring such problems or discrepancies to Barracuda’s attention within such sixty (60) day period, Customer agrees that it waives the right to dispute such problems or discrepancies. 4.6. Oesets. Customer shall pay all amounts due and payable to Barracuda under this Agreement to Barracuda in full without any setoe, recoupment, counterclaim, deduction, debit or withholding for any reason (other than any deduction or withholding of tax as may be required by applicable law and in compliance with Section 4.4 (“Taxes”). 4.7. Import/Export Fees. Customer is responsible for any import or export fees or duties associated with its purchase or use of the Products. 5. Title and Returns. 5.1. Title; Ownership. 5.1.1. Hardware. All Hardware is shipped from Barracuda’s designated manufacturing facility or point of origin (Exworks origin) (Incoterms 2010). Title to such Hardware and the risk of loss of or damage to Hardware shall pass to Customer at the time of shipment from Barracuda’s facility. Barracuda is authorized to designate a carrier pursuant to Barracuda’s standard shipping practices unless otherwise specified in writing by Customer. Customer must provide written notice to Barracuda within ten (10) days of Delivery of the Products of any non-conformity with the Order (e.g., Delivery of the wrong Product or incorrect quantities). Partial shipment is expressly permitted hereunder, and separate charges for shipping and handling will be charged on Barracuda’s invoice. 5.1.2. Software. Barracuda retains right, title and ownership to all Software, and Customer’s license and usage rights to Software as set forth in Schedule 1 (“Software Use and Restrictions”). Docusign Envelope ID: 60E0EA5A-3DB9-4972-8D61-F5E7EAE6DEC0 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 101 5.1.3. Customer Data. “Customer Data” means all data, including text, sound, video, or image files and software, that Customer provides to Barracuda, or that is provided on Customer’s behalf. Customer retains ownership of Customer Data at all times. Barracuda will use Customer Data only in accordance with the Barracuda Privacy Policy. 5.2. Returns. Customer may cancel all Orders for new Products (excluding renewals, upgrades and migrations) within thirty (30) days of the Eeective Date of any Term (“Cancellation Period”).” After the Cancellation Period, all Orders are non-cancellable and the Fees paid to Barracuda are nonrefundable. Fees for installation or training provided by Barracuda are non-cancellable and nonrefundable once performance commences. 6. Third Party Products and Services. Third party products or services may contain features designed to interoperate with the Products. To use such features, Customer must obtain access to such third-party apps from their respective providers. If Customer chooses to utilize such third-party apps, the following terms shall apply: (i) All governing terms and conditions, including data processing terms, shall be entered into between Customer and the applicable third-party app provider; (ii) Customer may be required to grant Barracuda access to Customer’s account on such third-party apps; (iii) Customer instructs Barracuda to allow the third-party app provider to access Customer Data as required for interoperation with the Products; and (iv) In the event the operation of a third party app requires the processing of personal data to which the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) applies in a country that does not provide adequate data protection safeguards, then Customer and the third party app provider must put in place an adequate data transfer mechanism as set forth in Arts. 46 or 47 of the GDPR, including executing appropriate Standard Contractual Clauses, as needed. Barracuda shall not be responsible for any disclosure, modification or deletion of Customer Data resulting from access by such third-party app providers. Third party app providers do not operate as subprocessors to Barracuda. Barracuda is not liable for, and does not warrant or support, any such third-party apps. Barracuda cannot guarantee the continued availability of such third party apps, and may cease providing them without entitling Customer to any refund, credit or other compensation, if, for example, the provider of the third-party app ceases to make its product or service available in a manner acceptable to Barracuda. 7. Professional Services. If applicable, Professional Services will be provided in accordance with these General Terms and Schedule 6 (“Professional Services Terms”). Docusign Envelope ID: 60E0EA5A-3DB9-4972-8D61-F5E7EAE6DEC0 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 102 8. Support Services and Product Upgrades. 8.1. Support Services. 8.1.1. Support Services Purchase. Support Services may be purchased separately, or for Hosted Services, may be bundled into the price. Customer is not entitled to Support Services until Barracuda receives payment in full for such Support Services. 8.1.2. Support Services Entitlement. For Customers with active Support Services, the following shall apply: Support Services will only be available for the specific Product for which the Support Services is purchased. Applying Updates or receiving Support Services on systems where no valid entitlement has been purchased is strictly forbidden and in violation of this Agreement. For Hardware, Customer is entitled to receive replacement of defective hardware as set forth in Schedule 5 (“Support Services Terms”). For Software, Customer is entitled to Updates to Software. Barracuda shall provide Customer with all Updates, without additional charge, in accordance with Schedule 5 (“Support Services Terms”). Upon Delivery to Customer, each Update will constitute Software and will thereafter be subject to and governed by this Agreement, including without limitation the license and warranty terms. Support Services for Software are required at all times for continued access to the full functionality and proper operation of the Product. Customer acknowledges that failure to pay for ongoing Support Services will limit or degrade the functionality of the Products. 8.2. Upgrades. Upgrades are not included in Support Services, and may be purchased separately from Barracuda. 9. Intellectual Property. 9.1. Ownership of Barracuda Materials; Restrictions. All Intellectual Property Rights in Barracuda Materials belong exclusively to Barracuda and its licensors. Customer will not (and will not allow any third party to): (i) disassemble, decompile, reverse compile, reverse engineer or attempt to discover any source code or underlying ideas or algorithms in any Barracuda Materials (except to the limited extent that applicable law prohibits reverse engineering restrictions); (ii) sell, resell, distribute, sublicense or otherwise transfer the Barracuda Materials, or make the functionality of the Barracuda Materials available to any other party through any means (unless Barracuda has provided prior written consent); (iii) without the express prior written consent of Barracuda, conduct any benchmarking or Docusign Envelope ID: 60E0EA5A-3DB9-4972-8D61-F5E7EAE6DEC0 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 103 comparative study or analysis involving the Barracuda Materials (“Benchmarking”) for any reason or purpose except, to the limited extent absolutely necessary, to determine the suitability of Products to interoperate with Customer’s internal computer systems; (iv) disclose or publish to any third party any Benchmarking or any other information related thereto; (v) use the Barracuda Materials or any Benchmarking in connection with the development of products, services or subscriptions that compete with the Barracuda Materials; (vi) use any Barracuda trademarks for any purpose not expressly granted by Barracuda in advance and in writing; or (vii) reproduce, alter, modify or create derivatives of the Barracuda Materials. 9.2. Feedback. Customer hereby grants Barracuda a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide license to use any Feedback (as defined below) that Customer communicates to Barracuda, without compensation, without any obligation to report on such use, and without any other restriction. Barracuda’s rights granted in the previous sentence include, without limitation, the right to exploit Feedback in any and every way, as well as the right to grant sublicenses. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 12 (“Confidential Information”), Feedback will not be considered Customer’s Confidential Information. “Feedback” refers to any suggestion or idea for modifying any Products, including, without limitation, all Intellectual Property Rights in and to any such suggestion or idea. 10. Waiver of Consequential Damages and Limitation of Liability. 10.1. WAIVER OF CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL EITHER PARTY, OR ITS SUPPLIERS, RESELLERS, PARTNERS OR THEIR RESPECTIVE AFFILIATES, BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES ARISING FROM OR RELATED TO THE PRODUCTS, WHETHER SUCH CLAIM IS BASED ON WARRANTY, CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), OR OTHERWISE (EVEN IF THE PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES). 10.2. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. THE TOTAL AGGREGATE LIABILITY OF BARRACUDA AND ITS SUPPLIERS, RESELLERS, PARTNERS AND THEIR RESPECTIVE AFFILIATES ARISING FROM OR RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE TOTAL AMOUNTS OWED OR PAID BY CUSTOMER FOR THE RELEVANT PRODUCTS DURING THE TWELVE (12) MONTH PERIOD IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING THE FIRST OCCURRENCE OF THE EVENTS GIVING RISE TO SUCH LIABILITY. 10.3. APPLICABILITY. THE FOREGOING LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY SHALL APPLY (A) TO LIABILITY FOR NEGLIGENCE; (B) REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT, STRICT PRODUCT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE; (C) EVEN IF A PARTY IS Docusign Envelope ID: 60E0EA5A-3DB9-4972-8D61-F5E7EAE6DEC0 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 104 ADVISED IN ADVANCE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF THE DAMAGES IN QUESTION AND EVEN IF SUCH DAMAGES WERE FORESEEABLE; (D) WHETHER THE DAMAGES ARISE FROM USE OR MISUSE OF AND RELIANCE ON THE PRODUCTS, FROM INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCTS OR FROM THE INTERRUPTION, SUSPENSION, OR TERMINATION OF THE PRODUCTS (INCLUDING SUCH DAMAGES INCURRED BY THIRD PARTIES). SUCH LIMITATION SHALL APPLY NOTWITHSTANDING A FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY LIMITED REMEDY AND TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. THE LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS CONTAINED HEREIN WILL APPLY ONLY TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMISSIBLE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, AND NOTHING HEREIN PURPORTS TO LIMIT EITHER PARTY’S LIABILITY IN A MANNER THAT WOULD BE UNENFORCEABLE OR VOID AS AGAINST PUBLIC POLICY IN THE APPLICABLE JURISDICTION. 11. Export and Compliance with Laws. 11.1. Export. 11.1.1. The Products, including technical data, are subject to U.S. export control laws, including, but not limited to, the U.S. Export Administration Act and its associated regulations, and may be subject to export or import regulations in other countries. Customer agrees to strictly comply with all such regulations and acknowledges that it has the responsibility to obtain licenses to export, re-export or import Products. Barracuda provides multiple versions of Products targeted for specific geographic regions. 11.1.2. Customer shall not: (a) permit any third party to access or use the Products in violation of any U.S. law or regulation; (b) export the Products or otherwise relocate them unless such export and/or relocation is in full compliance with all applicable local and U.S. laws and regulations. Without limiting the foregoing, Customer shall not permit any third party to access or use the Products in, or export it to, a country subject to a United States embargo (currently, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, the Crimea Region in the Ukraine and Syria); or (c) authorize the relocation of the Products to a prohibited entity, territory or country, or take any action otherwise in violation of any applicable restrictions or regulations. 11.2. Compliance with Laws. Customer agrees to comply with all applicable laws related to its performance of the obligations set forth in this Agreement, including, but not limited to, any applicable privacy laws. 11.2.1 If Customer is a United States Government agency, the Products and Documentation qualify as “commercial items”, as that term is defined at Federal Acquisition Regulation (“FAR”) (48 C.F.R. 2.101), consisting of “commercial computer Docusign Envelope ID: 60E0EA5A-3DB9-4972-8D61-F5E7EAE6DEC0 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 105 software” and “commercial computer software documentation” as such terms are used in FAR 12.212. Consistent with FAR 12.212 and DoD FAR Supp. 227.7202-1 through 227.7202- 4, and notwithstanding any other FAR or other contractual clause to the contrary in any agreement into which this Agreement may be incorporated, Government end user will acquire the Products and Documentation with only those rights set forth in this Agreement. Use of either the Products or Documentation or both constitutes an agreement by the Government that the Products and Documentation are “commercial computer software” and “commercial computer software documentation”, and constitutes acceptance of the rights and restrictions herein. 11.2.2. The Products are provided with Restricted Rights. Use, duplication or disclosure for or by the government of the United States, including without limitation any of its agencies or instrumentalities, is subject to restrictions set forth, as applicable: (i) in subparagraphs (a) through (d) of the Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights clause at FAR 52.227-19; or (ii) in similar clauses in other federal regulations, including the NASA FAR supplement. The contractor or manufacturer is Barracuda. Customer shall not remove or deface any restricted rights notice or other legal notice appearing on the Products or on any packaging or other media associated with the Products. 12. Confidential Information. 12.1. Definition. “Confidential Information” refers to the following information disclosed by one party (“ Discloser”) to the other (“Recipient”): (a) any document Discloser marks as “Confidential” or “Proprietary”; (b) any information Discloser orally designates as being “Confidential” at the time of disclosure, or which given the circumstances of the disclosure and the nature of the information would reasonably be considered confidential; (c) the non-public features and functions of the Products, Barracuda’s price lists, technology, trade secrets, marketing strategies, customer lists, mail lists and information concerning the design or methods of manufacture of the Products, for which Barracuda is Discloser; (d) this Agreement; and (e) any other nonpublic, sensitive information disclosed by Discloser. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Confidential Information does not include information that: (i) is in Recipient’s possession at the time of disclosure and not in violation of any confidentiality obligations; (ii) becomes known publicly, before or after disclosure, other than as a result of Recipient’s improper action or inaction; or (iii) is approved for release in writing by Discloser. 12.2. Maintenance of Confidentiality. Each party agrees that it shall: (i) take reasonable measures to protect the Confidential Information by using the same degree of care, but no less than a reasonable degree of care, to prevent the unauthorized use, dissemination or publication of the Confidential Information as the Recipient uses to protect its own Docusign Envelope ID: 60E0EA5A-3DB9-4972-8D61-F5E7EAE6DEC0 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 106 confidential information of a similar nature; (ii) limit disclosure to those persons within Recipient’s organization who have a clear and well-defined “need to know” and who have previously agreed in writing to obligations at least as stringent as the provisions hereof, either prior to receipt of Confidential Information as a condition of their employment or in order to obtain the Confidential Information; (iii) not copy, reverse engineer, disassemble, create any works from, or decompile any prototypes, Products or other tangible objects which embody the other party’s Confidential Information and/or which are provided to the party hereunder; and (iv) comply with, and obtain all required authorizations arising from, all U.S. and other applicable export control laws or regulations. Confidential Information shall not be used or reproduced in any form except as required to accomplish the purposes and intent of an Order or Statement of Work. Any reproduction of Confidential Information shall be the property of Discloser and shall contain all notices of confidentiality contained on the original Confidential Information. 12.3. Exceptions. The parties agree that the foregoing shall not apply to any information that Recipient can prove, through written evidence: (i) is or becomes publicly known and made generally available through no improper action or inaction of Recipient; (ii) was already in its possession or known by it prior to disclosure by Discloser to Recipient; (iii) is independently developed by Recipient without use of, or reference to, any of Discloser’s Confidential Information; or (iv) was rightfully disclosed to it by, or obtained from, a third party without an obligation of confidentiality. Recipient may make disclosures required by law or court order provided that Recipient: (a) uses diligent eeorts to limit disclosure and to obtain, if possible, confidential treatment or a protective order; (b) has, to the extent legally permissible, given prompt advance notice to Discloser of such required disclosure. 12.4. Injunction. Recipient agrees that breach of this Section 12 would cause Discloser irreparable injury, for which monetary damages would not provide adequate compensation, and that in addition to any other remedy, Discloser will be entitled to seek injunctive relief against such breach or threatened breach, without proving actual damage or posting a bond or other security. 12.5. Return of Confidential Information. With respect to each item of Confidential Information, the obligations of Section 12.2 (“Maintenance of Confidentiality”) will terminate five (5) years after the date of disclosure. Upon termination of this Agreement, Recipient shall return all copies of Confidential Information to Discloser or certify, in writing, the destruction thereof. Where permissible by law, Recipient may retain one copy of all written materials returned to provide an archive record of the disclosure, which remains subject to the confidentiality terms of this Section 12. Docusign Envelope ID: 60E0EA5A-3DB9-4972-8D61-F5E7EAE6DEC0 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 107 12.6. Retention of Rights. This Agreement does not transfer ownership of Confidential Information or grant a license thereto. Discloser will retain all right, title and interest in and to all of its Confidential Information. 12.7. Collection of Customer Data. Customer agrees to allow Barracuda to collect Customer Data from its Products in order to enhance its security products and to optimize and monitor the performance of the Product. Customer Data will be collected electronically and automatically. Customer Data will be kept private and will only be reported by Barracuda in the aggregate. 13. Term, Termination, and Survival . 13.1. Term . This Agreement will become eeective on the Eeective Date and will continue in eeect for such time as Customer maintains use or possession of Products. 13.2. Termination for Cause. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice of a material breach by the other party subject to a thirty (30) day cure period (“Cure Period”). If the breaching party has failed to cure the breach within the Cure Period after receipt by the breaching party of written notice of such breach, the non-breaching party may terminate this Agreement. This Agreement may be automatically terminated by Barracuda in the event Customer has breached any license restriction and, in Barracuda’s determination, that breach cannot be adequately cured within the Cure Period. 13.3. Support Services. Support Services will begin on the date of Delivery of the Products, and will continue in eeect for the duration of the Support Term. Support Services will automatically renew at the end of any Support Term, at the then-current price, for an additional period equal to the length of the prior Support Term. Either party may provide notification of its intention to not renew at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the then-current Support Term. Customer may terminate Support at any time, for its convenience, on thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to Barracuda; provided, however, that no refund shall be owed and Customer is obligated to pay any remaining Fees owing for the remainder of the then-current Support Term within thirty (30) days of the eeective date of the termination. 13.4. Subscriptions. The term of each Subscription will begin on the date of Delivery of the Products, and will continue in eeect for the duration of the Subscription Term. Subscriptions will automatically renew at the end of any Subscription Term, at the then- current price, for an additional period equal to the length of the prior Subscription Term. Either party may provide notification of its intention to not renew at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the then-current Subscription Term. Customer may terminate a Subscription at any time, for its convenience, on thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to Docusign Envelope ID: 60E0EA5A-3DB9-4972-8D61-F5E7EAE6DEC0 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 108 Barracuda; provided, however, that no refund shall be owed and Customer is obligated to pay any remaining Fees owing for the remainder of the then-current Subscription Term within thirty (30) days of the eeective date of the termination. 13.5. Hosted Services. The term of each Hosted Service will begin on the date of Delivery, and will continue in eeect for the duration of the Hosted Service Term. Hosted Services will automatically renew at the end of any Hosted Service Term, at the then-current price, for an additional period equal to the length of the prior Hosted Service Term. Either party may provide notification of its intention to not renew at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the then-current Hosted Service Term. Customer may terminate a Hosted Service at any time, for its convenience, on thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to Barracuda; provided, however, that no refund shall be owed and Customer is obligated to pay any remaining Fees owing for the remainder of the then-current Hosted Service Term within thirty (30) days of the eeective date of the termination. 13.6. Professional Services; Statements of Work. The term of each SOW will be as set forth in the applicable SOW. If no term is expressed in a SOW, then the term of that SOW will begin upon commencement of the Professional Services and will continue until the Professional Services described in that SOW are complete or the SOW is earlier terminated as set forth herein. Unless otherwise stated in a SOW, Customer may terminate a SOW at any time for its convenience by providing at least thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to Barracuda; provided, however, that no refund will be owed and Customer is obligated to pay any amounts owing for Professional Services and Deliverables provided or performed under that SOW up to and including the date of termination. 13.7. Eeect of Termination. Except for termination of this Agreement by Barracuda for Customer’s breach, no termination of this Agreement shall impact any active Subscription, Hosted Service, Support Services or SOW that extends beyond such termination, and this Agreement shall continue to govern and be eeective until expiration or termination of such Subscription, Hosted Service, Support Services or SOW. The provisions of Section 4 (“Payment Terms”), Section 10 (“Waiver of Consequential Damages and Limitation of Liability”), Section 11 (“Export and Compliance with Laws”), Section 12 (“Confidential Information”), Section 14 (“Governing Law, Venue and Dispute Resolution”), and Schedule 2 (“Limited Warranty”) and any other terms which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination of this Agreement. 14. Governing Law, Venue and Dispute Resolution. 14.1. GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE. THESE TERMS AND THE USE AND PROVISION OF PRODUCTS WILL BE GOVERNED SOLELY BY THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Docusign Envelope ID: 60E0EA5A-3DB9-4972-8D61-F5E7EAE6DEC0 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 109 WITHOUT REFERENCE TO: (A) ANY CONFLICTS OF LAW PRINCIPLES THAT WOULD APPLY THE SUBSTANTIVE LAWS OF ANOTHER JURISDICTION TO THE PARTIES’ RIGHTS OR OBLIGATIONS; (B) THE 1980 UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION ON CONTRACTS FOR THE INTERNATIONAL SALE OF GOODS; OR (C) OTHER INTERNATIONAL LAWS. THE PARTIES CONSENT TO THE PERSONAL AND EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION OF THE FEDERAL AND STATE COURTS IN SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. 14.2. DISPUTE RESOLUTION . IF CUSTOMER LIVES IN THE UNITED STATES, THIS SECTION CONTAINS A BINDING ARBITRATION CLAUSE AND CLASS ACTION WAIVER. IT AFFECTS CUSTOMER’S RIGHTS REGARDING HOW TO RESOLVE ANY DISPUTE CUSTOMER MAY HAVE WITH BARRACUDA. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. The parties will attempt to resolve any claim, dispute or controversy (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) against Barracuda, its agents, employees, successors, assigns or aeiliates (collectively for purposes of this paragraph, “Barracuda”) arising out of or relating to this Agreement, the Barracuda Materials, Barracuda advertising, or any related purchase (a “Dispute”) through face to face negotiation with persons fully authorized to resolve the Dispute or through mediation utilizing a mutually agreeable mediator, rather than through litigation. If the parties are unable to resolve the Dispute through negotiation or mediation within a reasonable time after written notice from one party to the other that a Dispute exists, the Dispute will be settled by binding arbitration in accordance with the then current CPR Rules for Non-Administered Arbitration. The Arbitration will be conducted before one (1) independent and impartial arbitrator. The arbitration hearing shall take place in Cupertino, California and will be governed by the United States Federal Arbitration Act to the exclusion of any inconsistent state laws. The arbitrator shall base his or her award on the terms of this Agreement and will follow the law and judicial precedents that a United States District Court Judge sitting in the county of Santa Clara, California would apply to the Dispute. The arbitrator shall render his or her award in writing and will include the findings of fact and conclusion of law upon which his or her award is based. Judgment upon the arbitration award may be entered by any court of competent jurisdiction. The existence, content and results of any negotiation, mediation or arbitration will be treated as confidential. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party will have the right to obtain from a court of competent jurisdiction a temporary restraining order, preliminary injunction or other equitable relief to preserve the status quo or prevent irreparable harm, although the merits of the underlying Dispute will be resolved in accordance with this paragraph. THE PARTIES AGREE TO ARBITRATE SOLELY ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS, AND THAT THIS AGREEMENT DOES NOT PERMIT CLASS ARBITRATION OR ANY CLAIMS BROUGHT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANY CLASS OR REPRESENTATIVE ARBITRATION Docusign Envelope ID: 60E0EA5A-3DB9-4972-8D61-F5E7EAE6DEC0 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 110 PROCEEDING. THE ARBITRAL TRIBUNAL MAY NOT CONSOLIDATE MORE THAN ONE PERSON’S CLAIMS, AND MAY NOT OTHERWISE PRESIDE OVER ANY FORM OF A REPRESENTATIVE OR CLASS PROCEEDING. 15. Permission to Use Logo. Customer grants Barracuda permission to use Customer’s name and/or logo on the Barracuda website, or any other marketing material when referring to Customer. Customer will retain all title and rights in its name and logos. 16. Changes to Products. Barracuda reserves the right at any time to modify, suspend or discontinue providing the Products or any part thereof and to alter prices, features, Specifications, capabilities, functions, licensing terms, release dates, general availability or other characteristics of any future releases in its sole discretion, without prior notice. 17. Relationship of the Parties. The parties intend that the relationship created between them by virtue of this Agreement shall be that of an independent contractor, and nothing herein shall be construed to create an agency, joint venture, partnership or other form of business association between them. Barracuda and its agents, employees and servants shall not be deemed to be an employee, agent or servant of Customer or its aeiliated entities, if any. Barracuda is not to be considered an agent or employee of Customer for any purpose, and none of the benefits provided by Customer or its employees are available to Barracuda or Barracuda’s employees, agents or servants. Barracuda shall be solely and entirely responsible for Barracuda’s acts and for the acts of Barracuda’s agents, employees, servants and subcontractors during the performance of this Agreement. 18. Construction. The language used in this Agreement will be deemed to be the language chosen by the parties to express their mutual intent, and this Agreement will not be construed in favor of or against either party by reason of authorship. The headings herein are for convenience only, do not constitute a part of this Agreement and shall not be deemed to limit or aeect any of the provisions hereof. 19. Force Majeure. Except with respect to payment of Fees, neither party shall be liable for any failure to timely perform any of its obligations under this Agreement if such failure is caused by the occurrence of any event beyond the reasonable control of such party, including, without limitation, fire, flood, strikes, hurricanes, and other industrial disputes, failure of raw material, failure of transport, accidents, wars, riots, insurrections, acts of God or orders of any government department or agency. 20. Severability. In the event that a provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable, such provision will be interpreted to fulfill its intended purpose to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, and the remaining provisions of this Agreement will continue in full force and eeect. Docusign Envelope ID: 60E0EA5A-3DB9-4972-8D61-F5E7EAE6DEC0 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 111 21. Notices. Barracuda may send notices pursuant to this Agreement to Customer’s email contact points provided by Customer, and such notices will be deemed received 24 hours after they are sent. Customer may send notices pursuant to this Agreement to Barracuda at 3175 South Winchester Blvd., Campbell, CA 95008, Attn: Legal Department, and such notices will be deemed received 72 hours after they are sent. 22. Entire Agreement, Waiver and Assignment. 22.1. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes and replaces all prior or contemporaneous understandings or agreements, written or oral. If any term or condition in this Agreement conflicts with any term or condition in any Order, invoice or similar supplementary document submitted by Customer, the term or condition set out in this Agreement shall prevail. Unless otherwise expressly and mutually agreed in writing by the parties, under no circumstances shall any Order, invoice or similar supplementary document issued by Customer in connection with the Products supersede the terms of this Agreement. Any such documentation shall be solely for Customer’s internal business purposes, and in no event shall any terms and conditions, or other charges of any such document modify or become a part of this Agreement or become binding on Barracuda, even if signed by Barracuda. 22.2. Waiver. Neither party will be deemed to have waived any of its rights under this Agreement by lapse of time or by any statement or representation other than by an authorized representative in an explicit written waiver. No waiver of a breach of this Agreement will constitute a waiver of any other breach of this Agreement. 22.3. Assignment. Customer may not assign or transfer any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement without Barracuda’s prior written consent. Barracuda may freely assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement. Any attempted assignment or transfer in violation of the foregoing will be void. Except to the extent forbidden in this section, this Agreement will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties’ respective successors and assigns. Docusign Envelope ID: 60E0EA5A-3DB9-4972-8D61-F5E7EAE6DEC0 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 112 \\lecfile\department\Admin\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2025\012125 m\4I.1 Boards and Committees agenda form.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: January 21, 2025 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Boards and Committees REQUESTED BY: Administration REQUEST: As discussed at the January 14, 2025 work session, the Board of Commissioners would like to reappoint Douglas Godwin to the Board of Equalization and Review, approves the reappointment of Lee Marshall and Eric Julien to the Angier Planning Board and Board of Adjustment and approves the appointment of Becky Wise to the Good Hope Board to serve as the Harnett County DSS representative FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 4I HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 113 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 114 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 115 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 116 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 117 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 118 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 119 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 120 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 121 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 122 \\lecfile\department\Admin\Clerk to the Board docs\AGENDAS\2025\012125 m\4J.1 Agenda Memo_Utility Infrastructure and Service Interlocal Agmt.docx Page 1 of 1 Board Meeting Agenda Item MEETING DATE: January 21, 2025 TO: HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Utility Infrastructure and Service Interlocal Agreement REQUESTED BY: Seann Byrd REQUEST: Harnett Regional Water Department requests approval of the Utility Infrastructure and Service Interlocal Agreement with between Harnett County, Northwest Water and Sewer District of Harnett County, and the Town of Fuquay-Varina. FINANCE OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION: Item 4J HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 123 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 124 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 125 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 126 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 127 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 128 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 129 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 130 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 131 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 132 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 133 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 134 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 135 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 136 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 137 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 138 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 139 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 140 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 141 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 142 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 143 July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun TOTAL AVG. Front Desk - Check-in Appointments 1134 1273 1328 1340 1000 1006 7081 1180.2 Health Clinics Adult Women Wellness Clinic 3 3 1 5 5 1 18 3 Care Coordination for Children (CC4C)151 148 152 147 152 147 897 149.5 Child Health - Sick Clinic 100 174 195 219 161 186 1035 172.5 Child Health - Well Clinic 176 177 110 99 98 97 757 126.17 County Employee Health Clinic 122 118 114 115 131 123 723 120.5 Family Planning 146 149 127 147 114 119 802 133.67 Immunizations 251 408 1035 809 226 228 2957 492.83 COVID Vaccines 15 5 0 124 47 13 204 34 Maternity (Prenatal Clinic)219 171 199 181 145 139 1054 175.67 OB Care Management (OBCM)160 200 180 179 178 196 1093 182.17 Postpartum Home Visits 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0.1667 Refer/Repeat Pap 0 0 1 3 0 0 4 0.6667 STD Services 91 80 86 76 73 66 472 78.667 TB Services 64 58 54 25 35 50 286 47.667 Welcome Baby Home Visits 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0.1667 Total Services 1498 1691 2254 2129 1367 1365 0 0 0 0 0 10304 1717.3 Reportable Disease Cases Tuberculosis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HIV - (Quarterly report)0 1 1 1 1 0 4 0.6667 AIDS - (Quarterly report)0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SYPHILIS - (Quarterly report)5 7 1 7 1 3 24 4 OTHER STD's 18 26 25 19 22 27 137 22.833 Other (salmonella, campylobacter, etc)11 4 6 7 4 5 37 6.1667 Total Services 34 38 33 34 28 35 202 33.667 Health Education Outreach 161 309 364 440 110 278 1662 277 Laboratory Clients 1414 1269 1409 1436 1434 1136 8098 1349.7 Laboratory Tests 903 812 873 790 833 670 4881 813.5 HIV Tests 132 112 141 110 115 88 698 116.33 WIC Active Participation 3343 3498 3502 3496 3521 17360 3472 Vital Statistics Births In County 2 4 6 5 2 4 23 3.8333 Births Out of County 0 0 Deaths 50 56 58 47 47 59 317 52.833 Environmental Health Applications Received 111 140 100 109 104 89 653 108.83 Permits Issued 70 90 51 86 64 49 410 68.333 Completions Issued 76 115 68 120 93 82 554 92.333 Repair Permits Applied 3 12 8 13 8 3 47 7.8333 Permits Denied 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Site Visits 142 137 115 153 98 88 733 122.17 Food and Lodging Establishments Inspected/Reinspected 70 91 84 88 67 72 472 78.667 Visits /Construction/Critical 60 70 49 61 43 37 320 53.333 Complaints 4 7 3 9 3 6 32 5.3333 Private Water Supplies Well Applications Received 1 6 0 4 6 3 20 3.3333 updated 7/08/2022 updated 01-07-2025 Activities Summary Harnett County Department of Public Health Item 6A HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 144 Item 6BHCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 145 Item 6C HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 146 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 147 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 148 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 149 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 150 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 151 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 152 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 153 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 154 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 155 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 156 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 157 Item 6D HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 158 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 159 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 160 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 161 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 162 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 163 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 164 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 165 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 166 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 167 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 168 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 169 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 170 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 171 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:01 AM HARNETT COUNTY REFUND REPORT PARAMETERS SELECTED FOR ACTIVITY REFUND REPORT: TRANSACTION DATE RANGE: 12/01/2024 12:00:00 AM - 12/31/2024 12:00:00 AM BILL TYPE: Both SORT BY: Transaction Date PAYMENT DATE RANGE: USER/OPERATOR: TAX DISTRICT(S): BILL YEAR RANGE: BILL# RANGE: RELEASE NUMBER ONLY:No PAYMENT TYPE: ,Card - Card,Cash - Cash,Check - Check,MONEYORDER - MONEYORDER,SYSTEM - SYSTEM,UNKNOWN - Item 6E HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 172 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:01 AM HARNETT COUNTY REFUND REPORT NAME BILL NUMBER PAYMENT TYPE AMOUNT OPER DATE TIME 1400004653 2024-603219 RP: 099554 0003 Check 59.81 TSHERRING 12/2/2024 12:14:12 PM ROGERS MARY LOU 1550 HILLMON GROVE ROAD CAMERON, NC 28326 PAID BY JAMES E MCNEILL ATTORNEY AT LAW REFUND RECIPIENT: JAMES E MCNEILL ATTORNEY AT LAW 135 APPLECROSS ROAD 099554 0003 PINEHURST NC 28374 1400011801 2024-43383 RP: 06059710170014 Check 153.86 kbaker 12/2/2024 2:19:16 PM GRADY VICKY G 103 N 17TH ST ERWIN, NC 28339-1707 REFUND RECIPIENT: VICKY GRADY 06059710170014 103 N 17TH ST ERWIN NC 28339 1400020267 2024-19880 RP: 040673 0253 06 Check 2039.53 abain 12/2/2024 4:04:05 PM GOFF KAREN 905 OLD US 421 LILLINGTON, NC 27546-8206 REFUND RECIPIENT: 99118672 2024-10006420 PERSONAL PROPERTY Check 14.34 abain 12/2/2024 4:04:05 PM MICHAEL S BROADWELL & PATRICE BROADWELL 4179 BENSON RD ANGIER, NC 27501 REFUND RECIPIENT: Page 1 of 24 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 173 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:01 AM HARNETT COUNTY REFUND REPORT NAME BILL NUMBER PAYMENT TYPE AMOUNT OPER DATE TIME 1201086000 2024-22568 RP: 120577 0042 Check 10.00 kbaker 12/3/2024 8:32:08 AM JOHNSON SANDRA L JOHNSON W GLENN PO BOX 69 LILLINGTON, NC 27546 REFUND RECIPIENT: WILLIAM G JOHNSON 120577 0042 PO BOX 69 LILLINGTON NC 27546 1500058515 2024-69354 RP: 01053520 0100 34 Check 3353.80 kbaker 12/3/2024 2:07:14 PM MACKAY TYLER MACKAY MONICA A 1069 MICAHS WAY N SPRING LAKE, NC 28390-6008 PD BY NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC DBA MR. COOPER REFUND RECIPIENT: NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC DBA MR. COOPER 12054802 0016 29 01053520 0100 34 3001 HACKBERY DR IRVING TX 75063 0156 1500043956 2024-43953 RP: 021507 0323 SYSTEM 575.31 abain 12/4/2024 12:26:24 PM MCFAUL-LOPEZ CAROLJEAN 264 WILSON LUCAS RD DUNN, NC 28334-5975 REAPPLIED PYMT AFTER LATE APPLICATION EXCLUSION APPLIED REFUND RECIPIENT: LERETA LLC 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR POMONA CA 91768 202481174500 2024-811745 PERSONAL PROPERTY SYSTEM 41.63 abain 12/4/2024 12:57:24 PM GRIFFIN TERESA AVERY 1053 BRICK MILL RD COATS, NC 27521-9545 REAPPLIED REFUND FROM 2024-30032-REFUND DUE AFTER PYMT REFUND RECIPIENT: TERESA GRIFFIN 1053 BRICK MILL RD REFUND DUE AFTER APPLYING COATS NC 27521 9545 1500041050 2024-21346 RP: 130519 0023 Check 72.00 kbaker 12/4/2024 4:16:43 PM KNIGHT ORIS CRAIG KNIGHT JEFFREY RABON 4405 SPRING HILL CHURCH RD Page 2 of 24 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 174 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:01 AM HARNETT COUNTY REFUND REPORT NAME BILL NUMBER PAYMENT TYPE AMOUNT OPER DATE TIME LILLINGTON, NC 27546-8310 REFUND RECIPIENT: ORIS C. KNIGHT 130519 0023 4405 SPRING HILL CHURCH RD LILLINGTON NC 27546 1400010093 2024-11314 RP: 040672 0102 10 Check 192.22 kbaker 12/5/2024 2:11:44 PM CRONE ALLEN LEE CRONE DIXIE M 111 WED DENNING RD ANGIER, NC 27501 PD BY POPE & POPE ATTORNEYS AT LAW PA REFUND RECIPIENT: POPE & POPE ATTORNEYS AT LAW 040672 0102 10 4590 OLD BUIES CREEK RD ANGIER NC 27501 1500060102 2024-12291925 PERSONAL PROPERTY Check 1160.81 abain 12/5/2024 4:54:28 PM WEST AND DUNN FUNERAL HOMES INC 904 LUCAS ST ERWIN, NC 28339-2408 REFUND RECIPIENT: 1500010305 2024-32770 RP: 03958601 0372 06 Check 383.48 LFAIRCLOTH 12/6/2024 1:40:14 PM EQUITY TRUST COMPANY CUSTODIAN FBO BRIAN MCQUILKIN IRA 5951 JACKMAN RD TOLEDO, OH 43613 PAID BY EQUITY TRUST COMPANY REFUND RECIPIENT: EQUITY TRUST COMPANY 1 EQUITY WAY WESTLAKE OH 44145 1500003914 2024-6229 RP: 10055907020019 Check 24.36 kbaker 12/6/2024 2:01:49 PM CONNELLY CALVIN R SR PO BOX 691 SPRING LAKE, NC 28390 REFUND RECIPIENT: CALVIN R CONNELLY SR 10055907020019 PO BOX 691 SPRING LAKE NC 28390 0691 1003757000 2024-6228 RP: 10055907020018 Check 2.53 kbaker 12/6/2024 2:05:13 PM CONNELLY CALVIN RANDOLPH SR Page 3 of 24 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 175 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:01 AM HARNETT COUNTY REFUND REPORT NAME BILL NUMBER PAYMENT TYPE AMOUNT OPER DATE TIME P O BOX 691 SPRING LAKE, NC 28390 REFUND RECIPIENT: CALVIN R CONNELLY SR 10055907020018 PO BOX 691 SPRING LAKE NC 28390 0691 1500017361 2024-66051 RP: 02151720050002 Check 27.04 kbaker 12/6/2024 2:36:19 PM MCCREA PAMELA 2924 MIMOSA CT VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23453 REFUND RECIPIENT: PAMELA MCCREA 02151720050002 2924 MIMOSA CT VA BEACH VA 23453 1500029535 2024-70639 RP: 080652 0026 74 Check 1850.68 abain 12/6/2024 2:52:04 PM MATTAMY HOMES LLC 11000 REGENCY PKWY STE 110 CARY, NC 27518-8518 REFUND RECIPIENT: 1400041414 2024-41011 RP: 139680 0068 Check 21.10 kbaker 12/9/2024 1:39:51 PM COCKBURN MICHAEL D PO BOX 960 BROADWAY, NC 27505-0960 REFUND RECIPIENT: MICHAEL D COCKBURN 139680 0068 63 REBEL LN BROADWAY NC 27505 8953 1400032367 2024-33102 RP: 050632 0011 05 Check 19.22 kbaker 12/9/2024 1:44:08 PM LEE CHRISTOPHER H LEE AMBER M 6077 HARPER HOUSE ROAD NEWTON GROVE, NC 28366 REFUND RECIPIENT: CHRISTOPHER LEE 050632 0011 05 6077 HARPER HOUSE RD NEWTON GROVE NC 28366 8673 104389000 2024-62812 RP: 010525 1024 Check 181.60 abain 12/9/2024 4:57:26 PM FERRELL DAVID P JR Page 4 of 24 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 176 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:01 AM HARNETT COUNTY REFUND REPORT NAME BILL NUMBER PAYMENT TYPE AMOUNT OPER DATE TIME ANDERSON ESTATES 586 RAINEY DR SPRING LAKE, NC 28390-7955 REFUND RECIPIENT: 1500046072 2024-74128 RP: 130539 0041 03 Check 347.09 LFAIRCLOTH 12/10/2024 10:36:06 AM BS LAND LLC 466 STANCIL RD ANGIER, NC 27501-8342 PAID BY S. VANN SAULS P.A. REFUND RECIPIENT: S. VANN SAULS P.A ATTORNEY AT LAW 13314 NC HWY 210 BENSON NC 27504 803919000 2024-46220 RP: 080653 0105 21 Check 6.28 kbaker 12/10/2024 11:12:19 AM BRANTLEY WILLIAM T BRANTLEY DONNA C 196 TURTLE POINT DR FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526 PD BY SILK TITLE & ESCROW REFUND RECIPIENT: SILK TITLE & ESCROW 080653 0105 21 300 CENTERVILLE RD SUITE 304 WARWICK RI 02886 306357000 2024-41162 RP: 030507 0183 91 Check 72.71 kbaker 12/10/2024 1:03:12 PM URTIAGA JAMES R URTIAGA ANDREA C 591 STONEY CREEK DR SANFORD, NC 27330 REFUND RECIPIENT: JAMES RAUL URTIAGA 030507 0183 91 591 STONEY CREEK DR SANFORD NC 27332 1551 405491000 2024-10391 RP: 040664 0035 02 Check 1.83 kbaker 12/10/2024 1:17:58 PM ADAMS SANDRA M 1153 RAWLS CHURCH RD ANGIER, NC 27501-0776 REFUND RECIPIENT: SANDRA M DENTON 040664 0035 02 1153 RAWLS CHURCH RD ANGIER NC 27501 8541 708834000 2024-32755 RP: 071519 0016 01 Check 254.30 kbaker 12/10/2024 2:24:57 PM Page 5 of 24 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 177 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:01 AM HARNETT COUNTY REFUND REPORT NAME BILL NUMBER PAYMENT TYPE AMOUNT OPER DATE TIME MILLER WILLIAM MAX 622 BAILEY RD COATS, NC 27521 REFUND RECIPIENT: MILLER REAL ESTATE PROPERTIES LLC 071519 0016 01 626 BAILEY RD COATS NC 27521 9616 202380074400 2023-800744 PERSONAL PROPERTY Check 72.08 TSHERRING 12/12/2024 10:18:43 AM JOHNSON RASHAUN TERENCE 110 CROMWELL CIR CAMERON, NC 28326-5529 PAID BY CUMBERLAND COUNTY REFUND RECIPIENT: RASHAUN TERENCE JOHNSON 110 CROMWELL CIR CAMERON NC 28326 5529 1500028592 2024-34462 RP: 080655 0032 SYSTEM 7919.95 abain 12/12/2024 10:36:54 AM GREENFIELD SERENITY LLC 8601 SIX FORKS RD STE 270 RALEIGH, NC 27615-5276 refunded payment to corelogic REFUND RECIPIENT: CORELOGIC TAX SERVICE 3001 HACKBERRY RD corelogic made to wrong parcel IRVING TX 75063 0156 706111000 2024-59163 RP: 07069015010013 01 Check 8127.15 kbaker 12/16/2024 8:20:11 AM SKATS RESTAURANTS INC C/O RASH #56-33-18350 PO BOX 2629 ADDISON, TX 75001-2629 PD BY BODDIE-NOELL ENTERPRISES, INC REFUND RECIPIENT: DUFF & PHELPS, LLC BODDIE-NOELL ENTERPRISES, INC PO BOX 2629 ADDISON TX 75001 Page 6 of 24 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 178 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:01 AM HARNETT COUNTY REFUND REPORT NAME BILL NUMBER PAYMENT TYPE AMOUNT OPER DATE TIME 1500004729 2024-54238 RP: 02151718070081 Check 104.94 kbaker 12/16/2024 1:53:07 PM SOUTER GIFFORD M ** VOIDED ** 307 WESTFIELD DRIVE DUNN, NC 28334 PD BY WRIGHT WAY CLEANING INC. REFUND RECIPIENT: WRIGHT WAY CLEANING INC 02151718070081 20 AVERY SPENCE RD FUQUAY VARINA NC 27526 1500008980 2024-32533 RP: 099564 0015 Check 540.00 kbaker 12/16/2024 2:19:37 PM SMITH LINDA J 429 FLYNN MCPHERSON ROAD CAMERON, NC 28326 REFUND RECIPIENT: LINDA J SMITH 099564 0015 CAMERON NC 28326 7203 200982000 2024-67987 RP: 021507 0054 32 Check 338.54 TSHERRING 12/16/2024 3:06:40 PM WELLONS ROBERT P WELLONS SU LOU O P O BOX 730 DUNN, NC 28335 PAID BY ROBERT P WELLONS REFUND RECIPIENT: ROBERT P WELLONS PO BOX 730 DUNN NC 28335 214646000 2024-11366 RP: 02151720090015 Check 35.82 TSHERRING 12/16/2024 3:34:22 PM CLEGG QUINCY A SR CLEGG ORIA MAE V 801 E JOHNSON STREET DUNN, NC 28334 REFUND RECIPIENT: CLEGG QUINCY A SR CLEGG ORIA MAE V 801 E JOHNSON STREET DUNN NC 28334 Page 7 of 24 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 179 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:01 AM HARNETT COUNTY REFUND REPORT NAME BILL NUMBER PAYMENT TYPE AMOUNT OPER DATE TIME 1500045945 2024-49484 RP: 06059711060007 Check 22.06 kbaker 12/16/2024 3:48:11 PM NAVARRO JEHNNY JT W/ROS AREVALO CASAS JOSE H JT W/ROS 345 86TH ST APT 109 BROOKLYN, NY 11209-5063 REFUND RECIPIENT: JEHNNY NAVARRO 06059711060007 345 86TH ST APT 109 BROOKLYN NY 11209 5063 1500029535 2024-70606 RP: 080652 0026 41 Check 42.61 kbaker 12/16/2024 3:53:24 PM MATTAMY HOMES LLC 11000 REGENCY PKWY STE 110 CARY, NC 27518-8518 PD BY NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE/DBA MR. COOPER REFUND RECIPIENT: NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC dba MR. COOPER 080652 0026 41 3001 HACKBERY DR IRVING TX 75063 0156 1500004729 2024-54238 RP: 02151718070081 Check 105.24 kbaker 12/16/2024 4:55:28 PM SOUTER GIFFORD M 307 WESTFIELD DRIVE DUNN, NC 28334 PD BY WRIGHT WAY CLEANING INC. REFUND RECIPIENT: WRIGHT WAY CLEANING INC 02151718070081 20 AVERY SPENCE RD FUQUAY VARINA NC 27526 303533000 2024-25600 RP: 039569 0025 01 Check 7.84 LFAIRCLOTH 12/17/2024 8:11:57 AM PAPION FAY DONNIE 180 MCAULEY GREAUX LN SANFORD, NC 27332-2292 PAID BY FAYE GREAUX REFUND RECIPIENT: FAYE GREAUX 180 MCAULEY GREAUX LN SANFORD NC 27332 2292 99045759 2024-1567354 PERSONAL PROPERTY Check 20.17 LFAIRCLOTH 12/17/2024 12:09:08 PM DIVERSIFIED SERVICE CONTRACTING INC PO BOX 1250 DUNN, NC 28335-1250 Page 8 of 24 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 180 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:01 AM HARNETT COUNTY REFUND REPORT NAME BILL NUMBER PAYMENT TYPE AMOUNT OPER DATE TIME REFUND RECIPIENT: DIVERSIFIED SERVICE CONTRACTING INC PO BOX 1250 DUNN NC 28335 1400013757 2024-63280 RP: 099565 0031 Check 51.49 kbaker 12/17/2024 1:32:44 PM KELLY KATHLEEN D 1266 CAMERON HILL ROAD CAMERON, NC 28326 PD BY MICHAEL A NOBLE REFUND RECIPIENT: MICHAEL A NOBLE 099565 0031 1266 CAMERON HILL RD CAMERON NC 28326 1500035252 2024-14517 RP: 030507 0172 02 Check 68.00 kbaker 12/17/2024 1:37:54 PM LASATER THOMAS S JR LASATER KIMBERLY WHITE 114 FOUR CORNERS LN BROADWAY, NC 27505 ONLINE BILL PAY LASATER PROPERTIES LLC REFUND RECIPIENT: LASATER PROPERTIES LLC 030507 0172 02 114 FOUR CORNERS LN BROADWAY NC 27505 1500019995 2024-12908 RP: 061507 0444 062 Check 53.58 abain 12/17/2024 1:43:32 PM IVEY PEGGY B PO BOX 953 AVON, NC 27915-0953 REFUND RECIPIENT: 1500059515 2024-73230 RP: 080655 0068 55 Check 315.30 abain 12/17/2024 1:43:32 PM ALL HOME RENOVATIONS LLC 716 TAMPA DR FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526-7304 REFUND RECIPIENT: Page 9 of 24 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 181 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:01 AM HARNETT COUNTY REFUND REPORT NAME BILL NUMBER PAYMENT TYPE AMOUNT OPER DATE TIME 1500012605 2024-5292 RP: 050625 0009 Check 85.00 TSHERRING 12/17/2024 3:07:56 PM PARRISH JACKSON LEE JR 68 AMELIA LN HOLLY SPRINGS, NC 27540 REFUND RECIPIENT: JACKSON LEE PARRISH JR 68 AMELIA LN HOLLY SPRINGS NC 27540 1400015779 2024-41260 RP: 060596 0269 Check 1797.64 kbaker 12/17/2024 3:17:01 PM DAUGHTRY PARRISH HAYES DAUGHTRY WILLIAM LARIS 1563 CHICORA ROAD DUNN, NC 28334 PD BY WLP RENTALS REFUND RECIPIENT: WLPH RENTALS 060596 0269 1563 CHICORA RD DUNN NC 28334 1500012078 2024-43768 RP: 050623 0006 25 Check 296.44 kbaker 12/18/2024 11:31:41 AM TRIANGLE HOME PROS LLC 6312 LAURACA LN FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526 ONLINE BILL PAY DAVID D ANDERSEN REFUND RECIPIENT: DAVID D ANDERSEN 050623 0006 25 2121 MAIZEFIELD LN FUQUAY VARINA NC 27526 5351 1500037168 2024-73596 RP: 080643 0007 39 Check 509.96 abain 12/18/2024 12:13:27 PM J DOUGLAS CONTRACTING LLC 1709 STRUBLE CIR WILLOW SPRING, NC 27592 REFUND RECIPIENT: 1500037168 2024-73598 RP: 080643 0007 41 Check 501.17 abain 12/18/2024 12:13:27 PM J DOUGLAS CONTRACTING LLC 1709 STRUBLE CIR WILLOW SPRING, NC 27592 REFUND RECIPIENT: 99243959 2021-28583 RP: 070589 0032 Check 8.66 kbaker 12/18/2024 2:56:55 PM JORGENSEN DONALD LEE Page 10 of 24 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 182 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:01 AM HARNETT COUNTY REFUND REPORT NAME BILL NUMBER PAYMENT TYPE AMOUNT OPER DATE TIME JORGENSEN LISA BAUTE 7330 US 421 S ERWIN, NC 28339 PD BY MICHAEL B BURNETT, CHPT 13 TRUSTEE REFUND RECIPIENT: DONALD LEE JORGENSEN 070589 0032 7330 US 421 ERWIN NC 28339 99183599 2018-2259667 PERSONAL PROPERTY Check 15.20 kbaker 12/18/2024 3:02:59 PM WEEKS STEVE ALLEN 328 CENTURY DR CAMERON, NC 28326-4020 PD BY MICHAEL B BURNETT, CHPT 13 TRUSTEE REFUND RECIPIENT: STEVE ALLEN WEEKS 328 CENTURY DR CAMERON NC 28326 4020 1500039221 2024-73096 RP: 099558 0031 50 Check 339.01 tferrell 12/19/2024 11:33:22 AM SHERIFF WATSON LLC 2919 BREEZEWOOD AVE STE 400 FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28303-5501 REFUND RECIPIENT: SHERIFF WATSON LLC 2919 BREEZEWOOD AVE STE 100 FAYETTEVILLE NC 28303 1500039177 2024-17974 RP: 110660 0175 Check 195.90 tferrell 12/19/2024 12:29:30 PM D R HORTON INC 2000 AERIAL CENTER PARKWAY STE 110 MORRISVILLE, NC 27560 PD BY D R HORTON INC REFUND RECIPIENT: D R HORTON INC 1341 HORTON CIR ARLINGTON TX 76011 1400039555 2024-10823 RP: 02151719230168 Check 126.00 abain 12/19/2024 2:42:00 PM STEPHENSON MARGIE W STEPHENSON RICKY L 1112 MERRY STREET DUNN, NC 28334 REFUND RECIPIENT: 1500057525 2024-6763 RP: 09956523 0282 Check 4926.45 abain 12/20/2024 2:03:28 PM PRIME BUILDERS LLC Page 11 of 24 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 183 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:01 AM HARNETT COUNTY REFUND REPORT NAME BILL NUMBER PAYMENT TYPE AMOUNT OPER DATE TIME 341 KILMAYNE DR SUITE 201 CARY, NC 27511-4490 REFUND RECIPIENT: 1500020650 2024-3189 RP: 071602 0042 01 Check 1829.82 abain 12/20/2024 2:03:28 PM ENNIS TERESA L 507 OLDWYCK DR FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526 REFUND RECIPIENT: 801824000 2024-19007 RP: 080652 0106 Check 1113.79 abain 12/20/2024 2:03:28 PM STEPHENSON JOSEPH E STEPHENSON MICHAELA 122 PORCH SWING LN FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526-6028 REFUND RECIPIENT: 308924000 2024-21231 RP: 03957602 0090 12 Check 3.20 abain 12/20/2024 2:57:27 PM R E S PROPERTIES OF HARNETT COUNTY LLC C/O KEN RIPLEY 3404 DOGWOOD DRIVE GREENSBORO, NC 27403 PD BY MARK RANDOLPH LAW,PLLC REFUND RECIPIENT: MARK RANDOLPH LAW PLLC 1365 WESTGATE CENTER DR., STE D WINSTON SALEM NC 27103 214129000 2024-16956 RP: 02151611010019 Check 920.44 kbaker 12/20/2024 3:25:40 PM DUNN CITY OF P O BOX 1065 DUNN, NC 28335 PD BY THE CITY OF DUNN REFUND RECIPIENT: CITY OF DUNN 02151611010019 PO BOX 1065 DUNN NC 28335 202380108400 2023-801084 PERSONAL PROPERTY Check 47.06 TSHERRING 12/20/2024 4:07:42 PM HAYES PAUL CHADRICK 62 LINSEY CT Page 12 of 24 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 184 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:01 AM HARNETT COUNTY REFUND REPORT NAME BILL NUMBER PAYMENT TYPE AMOUNT OPER DATE TIME LILLINGTON, NC 27546-9700 PAID BY HARRIS TEETER REFUND RECIPIENT: HAYES PAUL CHADRICK 62 LINSEY CT LILLINGTON NC 27546 9700 99125362 2021-2285823 PERSONAL PROPERTY SYSTEM 31.46 kbaker 12/23/2024 10:25:25 AM MYLES ANGELIA MARIE AMERSON CHADRICK MAURICE 601 N KING AVE DUNN, NC 28334-3923 PD BY DEBTSET-OFF REFUND RECIPIENT: ANGELIA MYLES 705 E CANARY ST DUNN NC 28334 1500045649 2024-28698 RP: 110661 0039 Check 50.16 kbaker 12/23/2024 1:39:05 PM BLAYLOCK CINDY K 345 CAULTON BROWN RD LILLINGTON, NC 27546-7826 PD BY BLAYLOCK FARMS REFUND RECIPIENT: BLAYLOCK FARMS 110661 0039 345 CAULTON BROWN RD LILLINGTON NC 27546 213616000 2024-50880 RP: 021516 0084 Check 159.35 tferrell 12/23/2024 2:49:48 PM WALKER JESSIE ANNA LEE 19 SUNNYBROOK LN CLINTON, CT 06413-1620 REFUND RECIPIENT: J A WALKER 19 SUNNYBROOK LN CLINTON CT 06413 1500041135 2024-73363 RP: 039589 0060 11 Check 402.14 LFAIRCLOTH 12/23/2024 2:58:51 PM LOVE GROVE DEVELOPMENT LLC 350 WAGONER DR FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28303-4647 PAID BY WEAVER HOMES INC REFUND RECIPIENT: WEAVER HOMES INC 350 WAGONER DR FAYETTEVILLE NC 28303 99182029 2024-10056811 PERSONAL PROPERTY Check 4.80 LFAIRCLOTH 12/23/2024 3:38:23 PM WARREN INVESTMENT PO BOX 1927 DUNN, NC 28335 PAID BY WILLIAM IRVIN WARREN REVOCABLE TRUST Page 13 of 24 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 185 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:01 AM HARNETT COUNTY REFUND REPORT NAME BILL NUMBER PAYMENT TYPE AMOUNT OPER DATE TIME REFUND RECIPIENT: WILLIAM IRVIN WARREN REVOCABLE TRUST 1841 US HWY 301 N DUNN NC 28334 6770 407663000 2024-72805 RP: 050635 0042 09 Check 367.57 tferrell 12/23/2024 3:56:24 PM STANCIL BUILDERS INC 466 STANCIL ROAD ANGIER, NC 27501 PD BY TRUIST/CORELOGIC REFUND RECIPIENT: TRUIST CORELOGIC INC 3001 HACKBERRY RD IRVING TX 75063 1500043205 2024-31099 RP: 01051401 0006 26 Check 10.00 kdaniels 12/23/2024 3:58:51 PM GIOVANELLI JEFFREY R GIOVANELLI IRENE F 17 POLK ST SPRING LAKE, NC 28390-1687 CORELOGIC REFUND RECIPIENT: CORELOGIC TAX SERVICES LLC 3001 HACKBERRY ROAD IRVING TX 75063 0156 1500028019 2024-62068 RP: 02151609060020 11 Check 237.50 abain 12/23/2024 4:46:10 PM HOOD SHERI L TRUSTEE CANTERBURY 12 TRUST 102 KINGSWAY DR DUNN, NC 28334-5500 REFUND RECIPIENT: 99134903 2024-2245493 PERSONAL PROPERTY Check 40.29 abain 12/23/2024 4:46:10 PM PENNY TIMOTHY LANE 495 YOUNG RD ANGIER, NC 27501-7416 REFUND RECIPIENT: 99068858 2024-10021698 PERSONAL PROPERTY Check 17.53 abain 12/23/2024 4:46:10 PM HALE DANNIE LEE 881 STONE CROSS DR SPRING LAKE, NC 28390-8264 REFUND RECIPIENT: Page 14 of 24 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 186 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:01 AM HARNETT COUNTY REFUND REPORT NAME BILL NUMBER PAYMENT TYPE AMOUNT OPER DATE TIME 1500041616 2024-40338 RP: 021518 0173 Check 1071.39 kbaker 12/27/2024 9:11:47 AM SEBCO INVESTMENTS LLC 3201 MEADOW LARK RD DUNN, NC 28334-9728 CASHIER'S CHECK JOSEPH CASTALDO REFUND RECIPIENT: JOSEPH CASTALDO 021526 1051 3201 MEADOW LARK RD DUNN NC 28334 1201792000 2024-51218 RP: 120586 0030 Check 4136.65 kdaniels 12/27/2024 11:41:47 AM TART CASPER JR TART KARA 300 E JOHN CARPENTER FWY STE 1700 HEIDELBERG MATERIALS ATTN: TAX DEPT IRVING, TX 75062-2226 HEIDELBERG MATERIALS REFUND RECIPIENT: HEIDELBERG MATERIALS US INC 300 E JOHN CARPENTER FRWY SUITE 1700 IRVING TX 75063 200263000 2024-64967 RP: 02152718050002 Card 2107.06 abain 12/27/2024 11:44:36 AM BAREFOOT DONALD S 703 WESTBROOK AVE DUNN, NC 28334-2612 voided and refund payment- taxpayer paid bill by mistake REFUND RECIPIENT: 1500025531 2024-39647 RP: 130528 0044 04 Check 2.82 tferrell 12/27/2024 5:02:24 PM BELLAMY STEPHEN TYSON BELLAMY STEPHEN L 138 PITTFIELD RUN CAMERON, NC 28326-3303 REFUND RECIPIENT: STEPHEN BELLAMY 138 PITTFIELD RUN CAMERON NC 28326 1400008303 2024-4487 RP: 02151611370003 Check 342.47 abain 12/27/2024 5:19:12 PM E C EDGERTON JR LLC PO BOX 398 DUNN, NC 28335 REFUND RECIPIENT: 1500051098 2024-68686 RP: 110579 0178 17 Check 429.59 abain 12/27/2024 5:19:12 PM CAMPBELL UNIVERSITY Page 15 of 24 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 187 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:01 AM HARNETT COUNTY REFUND REPORT NAME BILL NUMBER PAYMENT TYPE AMOUNT OPER DATE TIME PO BOX 114 BUIES CREEK, NC 27506-0114 REFUND RECIPIENT: 1500047286 2024-24311 RP: 080655 0030 38 Check 10.88 tferrell 12/27/2024 5:24:29 PM FRASER JENNIFER U JT W/ROS FRASER JUSTIN MICHAEL JT W/ROS 118 BASS HOUND CIR FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526-6362 REFUND RECIPIENT: JENNIFER FRASER 118 BASS HOUND CIR FUQUAY VARINA NC 27526 1500058322 2024-32231 RP: 050634 0010 Check 50.00 kbaker 12/30/2024 8:06:06 AM SANDY ELMO FRANKLIN JR 2305 OAKRIDGE RIVER RD FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526-6591 REFUND RECIPIENT: FRANKLIN SANDY 050634 0010 2305 OAKRIDGE RIVER RD FUQUAY VARINA NC 27526 1500056264 2024-74922 RP: 04067420220016 24 Check 1902.57 kdaniels 12/30/2024 8:16:11 AM DEPENDABLE DEVELOPMENT INC 331 HORSESHOE PL ANGIER, NC 27501-6306 PSM TRIANGLE PROPERTIES LLC REFUND RECIPIENT: PSM TRIANGLE PROPERTIES LLC PO BOX 160 WALLACE NC 28466 1500051501 2024-45202 RP: 070690 0067 01 Check 5.00 kbaker 12/30/2024 8:18:48 AM DOGWOOD CREEK LAND HOLDINGS LLC C/O CYPRESS CREEK RENEWABLES LLC 3402 PICO BLVD SANTA MONICA, CA 90405-2025 CYPRESS CREEK RENEWABLES, LLC REFUND RECIPIENT: CYPRESS CREEK RENEWABLES, LLC 070690 0067 01 3402 PICO BLVD. SUIRE 180 SANTA MONICA CA 90405 1400022499 2024-42884 RP: 110651 0042 Check 40.00 kdaniels 12/30/2024 9:57:05 AM REDDING KIMBERLY JOHNSON Page 16 of 24 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 188 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:01 AM HARNETT COUNTY REFUND REPORT NAME BILL NUMBER PAYMENT TYPE AMOUNT OPER DATE TIME REDDING DONALD JOSEPH 1370 MATTHEWS ROAD LILLINGTON, NC 27546 REFUND RECIPIENT: KIM REDDING 1370 MATTHEWS RD LILLINGTON NC 27546 1500054818 2024-20228 RP: 021516 2371 34 Check 126.00 LFAIRCLOTH 12/30/2024 10:27:42 AM FORTUNE DALE ROBERT PO BOX 217 LILLINGTON, NC 27546-0217 REFUND RECIPIENT: DALE ROBERT FORTUNE PO BOX 2732 LILLINGTON NC 27546 104573000 2024-3426 RP: 130621 0072 Check 20.81 kdaniels 12/30/2024 11:53:59 AM CUMMINGS JERRY ** VOIDED ** PO BOX 591 MAMERS, NC 27552 REFUND RECIPIENT: JERRY CUMMINGS 1123 RAVEN ROCK RD LILLINGTON NC 27546 1306801000 2024-38330 RP: 130610 0358 05 Check 20.00 kdaniels 12/30/2024 12:01:21 PM CUMMINGS SYLVIA O ** VOIDED ** 1123 RAVEN ROCK ROAD LILLINGTON, NC 27546 JERRY CUMMINGS REFUND RECIPIENT: JERRY CUMMINGS 1123 RAVEN ROCK ROAD LILLINGTON NC 27546 1500022576 2024-66715 RP: 10054912010267 Card 715.83 VDS 12/30/2024 12:18:11 PM BROWN CASSIE M 2683 ALLEN RD MACON, GA 31216-6305 REFUND RECIPIENT: 903697000 2023-23442 RP: 099563 0150 SYSTEM 132.69 abain 12/30/2024 12:36:03 PM MCPHERSON RAYFORD LEE 3271 CAMERON HILL RD Page 17 of 24 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 189 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:01 AM HARNETT COUNTY REFUND REPORT NAME BILL NUMBER PAYMENT TYPE AMOUNT OPER DATE TIME CAMERON, NC 28326-9569 reapplied payment after swfee correction REFUND RECIPIENT: 3271 CAMERON HILL RD CAMERON NC 28326 903697000 2023-39865 RP: 099564 0057 SYSTEM 85.00 abain 12/30/2024 12:39:33 PM MCPHERSON RAYFORD LEE 3271 CAMERON HILL RD CAMERON, NC 28326-9569 reapplied payment after swfee correction REFUND RECIPIENT: RAYFORD MCPHERSON 3271 CAMERON HILL RD CAMERON NC 28326 710002000 2024-45876 RP: 07069016010003 02 Check 1.12 TSHERRING 12/30/2024 2:14:39 PM PATRICK BETTY JO P 1309 N MAIN STREET LILLINGTON, NC 27546 REFUND RECIPIENT: PATRICK BETTY JO P 1309 N MAIN STREET LILLINGTON LILLINGTON NC 27546 1300114000 2024-6004 RP: 139691 0078 01 Check 5.00 kdaniels 12/30/2024 2:29:55 PM COORE JAMES E PO BOX 600 BROADWAY, NC 27505 REFUND RECIPIENT: JAMES COORE 140 LONGVIEW DR BROADWAY NC 27505 99098959 2021-2287249 PERSONAL PROPERTY Check 26.78 TSHERRING 12/30/2024 3:17:50 PM LETT STARKILA DELILIAH 791 TARHEEL RD BENSON, NC 27504-9210 PAID BY PAYCHEX REFUND RECIPIENT: 791 TARHEEL RD BENSON NC 27504 9210 1500039138 2024-5264 RP: 080642 0038 Check 9283.99 tferrell 12/30/2024 3:26:51 PM KB HOME RALEIGH DURHAM INC 4506 S MIAMI BLVD STE 100 DURHAM, NC 27703 Page 18 of 24 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 190 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:01 AM HARNETT COUNTY REFUND REPORT NAME BILL NUMBER PAYMENT TYPE AMOUNT OPER DATE TIME REFUND RECIPIENT: KB HOMES RALEIGH-DURHAM INC 1800 PERIMETER PARK DR STE 140 MORRISVILLE NC 27560 201300000 2024-58543 RP: 021529 0022 01 Check 83.95 kdaniels 12/30/2024 5:02:07 PM JOHNSON RICKY A JOHNSON KATHY 1370 HODGES CHAPEL RD BENSON, NC 27504 REFUND RECIPIENT: KATHY JOHNSON 1370 HODGES CHAPEL RD BENSON NC 27504 1500042811 2024-28703 RP: 120567 0014 Check 27.00 kdaniels 12/30/2024 6:04:21 PM BAREFOOT DAVID MARSHALL JR 9910 NC 50 HWY N ANGIER, NC 27501-8753 REFUND RECIPIENT: D MARSHALL BAREFOOT 9910NC HWY 50 N ANGIER NC 27501 1300417000 2024-46261 RP: 130601 0073 Check 20.00 kdaniels 12/30/2024 6:42:27 PM CUMMINGS JERRY CUMMINGS SYLVIA O P O BOX 591 MAMERS, NC 27552 REFUND RECIPIENT: JERRY CUMMINGS 1123 RAVEN ROCK RD LILLINGTON NC 27546 202380108400 2023-801084 PERSONAL PROPERTY Check 52.35 TSHERRING 12/31/2024 8:55:17 AM HAYES PAUL CHADRICK ** VOIDED ** 62 LINSEY CT LILLINGTON, NC 27546-9700 PAID BY HARRIS TEETER REFUND RECIPIENT: HAYES PAUL CHADRICK 62 LINSEY CT LILLINGTON NC 27546 9700 Page 19 of 24 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 191 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:01 AM HARNETT COUNTY REFUND REPORT NAME BILL NUMBER PAYMENT TYPE AMOUNT OPER DATE TIME 1500045902 2024-19975 RP: 06059710150003 Check 55.61 tferrell 12/31/2024 9:12:11 AM STROM RUSSELL PATRICK 101 W K ST ERWIN, NC 28339-1433 REFUND RECIPIENT: RUSSELL P STROM 101 W K ST ERWIN NC 28339 1500038397 2024-54342 RP: 010513 0032 Check 71.35 kdaniels 12/31/2024 9:15:50 AM JAYS CIMARRON PROPERTIES LLC 2709 BELMONT VIEW LOOP CARY, NC 27519 REFUND RECIPIENT: JAYS CIMARRON PROPERTIES 2709 BELMONT VIEW LOOP CARY NC 27519 1400014315 2024-9605 RP: 139680 0201 Check 5.53 kdaniels 12/31/2024 9:40:22 AM BYRD WANDA A 51 BYRD GRIFFIN LN BROADWAY, NC 27505-8638 REFUND RECIPIENT: WANDA BYRD 51 BYRD GRIFFIN LN BROADWAY NC 27505 503115000 2024-59887 RP: 050624 0075 Check 156.29 tferrell 12/31/2024 10:16:35 AM GREEN WILLIAM H JR GREEN KAREN OWEN 300 DEWAR ST FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526 REFUND RECIPIENT: KAREN GREEN 300 DEWAR ST FUQUAY VARINA NC 27526 1500029545 2024-603308 PERSONAL PROPERTY Check 178.70 tferrell 12/31/2024 10:20:35 AM KIDD WILLIAM THOMAS 572 JUNO DR BROADWAY, NC 27505-8196 PD BY LEE CO FOR WILLIAM KIDD REFUND RECIPIENT: WILLIAM THOMAS KIDD 572 JUNO DR BROADWAY NC 27505 1500039700 2024-35433 RP: 040682 0028 04 Check 25.00 kdaniels 12/31/2024 11:22:11 AM WALLACE SYLVIA SAWYER Page 20 of 24 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 192 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:01 AM HARNETT COUNTY REFUND REPORT NAME BILL NUMBER PAYMENT TYPE AMOUNT OPER DATE TIME 1808 OAK GROVE CHURCH RD ANGIER, NC 27501-7874 REFUND RECIPIENT: SYLVIA WALLACE 1808 OAK RIDGE GROVE CHURCH RD ANGIER NC 27501 1300829000 2024-46786 RP: 130519 0089 Check 41.43 kdaniels 12/31/2024 11:28:07 AM JUDD ILA C C/O EUGENE SMITH 125 KING GEORGE ROAD WARREN, NJ 07059 EUGENE SMITH REFUND RECIPIENT: EUGENE SMITH 125 KING GEORGE RD WARREN NJ 07059 1500047126 2024-5921 RP: 050635 0030 Check 86.42 tferrell 12/31/2024 1:18:06 PM JEWELL SENTER REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST PO BOX 653 FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526-0653 PD BY JEWEL H SENTER REFUND RECIPIENT: JEWEL H SENTER 6509 WHITTED RD FUQUAY VARINA NC 27526 1500057211 2024-74643 RP: 10055906200004 03 Check 243.76 LFAIRCLOTH 12/31/2024 3:57:41 PM TAYLOR STAMEY 95 ATKINS FERRY CT LILLINGTON, NC 27546-7443 PAID BY TAYLOR JONES PROPERTIES LLC REFUND RECIPIENT: TAYLOR JONES PROPERTIES LLC 95 ATKINS TERRY CT LILLINGTON NC 27546 99160851 2024-2251501 PERSONAL PROPERTY Check 15.64 abain 12/31/2024 4:40:18 PM SOLLERS JAMES EDWARD II 8845 NC 27 W LILLINGTON, NC 27546-8560 REFUND RECIPIENT: 1500048551 2024-46539 RP: 110670 0154 Check 658.03 abain 12/31/2024 4:40:18 PM KEARNS LEANNE Page 21 of 24 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 193 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:01 AM HARNETT COUNTY REFUND REPORT NAME BILL NUMBER PAYMENT TYPE AMOUNT OPER DATE TIME 5213 RIVINGTON RD FUQUAY VARINA, NC 27526-9004 REFUND RECIPIENT: 1400009632 2024-5795 RP: 061507 0427 01 Check 544.18 abain 12/31/2024 4:40:18 PM LUCAS AGNES LUCAS RALPH D 5116 PINETREE LN TRENT WOODS, NC 28562 REFUND RECIPIENT: 408890000 2024-44489 RP: 04067420030003 17 Check 2035.02 abain 12/31/2024 4:40:18 PM FOOTE MONICA 487 CIRCLE DRIVE ANGIER, NC 27501 REFUND RECIPIENT: 1400042850 2024-61695 RP: 070589 0156 04 Check 14.54 abain 12/31/2024 4:40:18 PM ROYALS MICHAEL EDWARD ROYALS BRENT ANTHONY 1458 BENSON HARDEE RD BENSON, NC 27504-9657 REFUND RECIPIENT: 1400042850 2024-53111 RP: 070598 0066 01 Check 118.81 abain 12/31/2024 4:40:18 PM ROYALS MICHAEL EDWARD ROYALS BRENT ANTHONY 1458 BENSON HARDEE RD BENSON, NC 27504-9657 REFUND RECIPIENT: 1500022824 2024-52109 RP: 099564 0033 Check 1135.78 abain 12/31/2024 4:40:18 PM RANDOLPH ROBBIE R 2716 HILLMON GROVE RD CAMERON, NC 28326 REFUND RECIPIENT: 901160000 2024-55773 RP: 099564 0051 01 Check 741.39 abain 12/31/2024 4:40:18 PM Page 22 of 24 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 194 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:01 AM HARNETT COUNTY REFUND REPORT NAME BILL NUMBER PAYMENT TYPE AMOUNT OPER DATE TIME TYSINGER PAUL LEE TYSINGER ELIZABETH 1552 HILLMON GROVE ROAD CAMERON, NC 28326 REFUND RECIPIENT: 1400009632 2024-12766 RP: 021506 0102 Check 234.80 abain 12/31/2024 4:40:18 PM LUCAS AGNES LUCAS RALPH D 5116 PINETREE LN TRENT WOODS, NC 28562 REFUND RECIPIENT: 1500057752 2024-6224 RP: 070691 0036 Check 1049.56 abain 12/31/2024 4:40:18 PM DUPREE CAROLYN B DUPREE RICHARD L 9179 KENNEBEC RD WILLOW SPRING, NC 27592-9409 REFUND RECIPIENT: 1500045394 2024-67312 RP: 110661 0038 Check 3600.01 tferrell 12/31/2024 4:54:22 PM KDP DEVELOPMENT LLC 1187 N RALEIGH ST ANGIER, NC 27501-9129 PD BY TOWN OF LILLINGTON REFUND RECIPIENT: TOWN OF LILLINGTON PO BOX 296 LILLINGTON NC 27546 1500056852 2024-36364 RP: 02151607470008 Check 27471.74 abain 12/31/2024 5:06:05 PM TERRANOVA GROUP LLC 11111 BECKSTONE WAY APT 2G RALEIGH, NC 27614-7397 PD BY CORELOGIC TAX SERVICE REFUND RECIPIENT: CORELOGIC TAX SERVICE 3001 HACKBERRY RD IRVING TX 75063 0156 TOTAL REFUNDS PRINTED: 101,909.38 (Count: 108) TOTAL VOID REFUNDS: -198.10 (Count: 4) TOTAL: 101,711.28 Page 23 of 24 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 195 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:01 AM HARNETT COUNTY REFUND REPORT VOIDED REFUND AMOUNTS OF REFUNDS NOT IN 12/1/2024 - 12/31/2024 NAME BILL NUMBER AMOUNT OPER PAYMENT TYPE DATE TIME REFUND DATE 705004000 - BISSETTE TERESA 2024-30032 RP: 070599 0117 16.37 abain SYSTEM 12/3/2024 3:19:54 PM 11/20/2024 02:37 PM 1500008026 - LUCAS BRENDA B 2024-38439 RP: 021525 0002 01 316.85 abain SYSTEM 12/3/2024 3:47:22 PM 11/7/2024 11:23 AM 1500039177 - D R HORTON INC 2024-71892 RP: 080652 0104 05 195.90 abain SYSTEM 12/4/2024 12:46:06 PM 11/19/2024 08:44 AM 99136765 - PILO LINDA GRAU 2024-2288426 PERSONAL PROPERTY 22.16 abain SYSTEM 12/4/2024 1:29:42 PM 11/21/2024 11:45 AM 99124111 - MP LEE FARMS 2024-603206 PERSONAL PROPERTY 3713.02 abain SYSTEM 12/5/2024 11:55:48 AM 11/21/2024 03:55 PM 306379000 - ELLIS GROVER D 2024-21219 RP: 030507 0136 391.78 abain SYSTEM 12/5/2024 12:06:45 PM 11/26/2024 11:16 AM 1305554000 - SPRING HILL METHODIST CHURCH 2024-36883 RP: 130518 9000 187.05 abain SYSTEM 12/5/2024 12:29:27 PM 11/27/2024 01:50 PM 1500009371 - SIMPSON ANDREW HOWARD 2024-1381 RP: 070680 0132 16 1438.27 abain SYSTEM 12/5/2024 3:49:25 PM 11/21/2024 09:01 AM 1500028592 - GREENFIELD SERENITY LLC 2024-34462 RP: 080655 0032 7919.95 abain Card 12/12/2024 10:34:28 AM 11/21/2024 09:37 AM TOTAL VOID REFUNDS: 14,201.35 Page 24 of 24 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 196 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:04 AM RELEASES REPORT Harnett County BILL TYPE: Both PARAMETERS SELECTED FOR RELEASES REPORT: PRINT TOTALS ONLY: No BILL YEAR/NUMBER RANGE: TRANSACTION DATE/TIME RANGE: 12/01/2024 - 12/31/2024 USER/OPERATOR: EXCLUDE USERS/OPERATORS: SORT ORDER: Transaction Date REPORT TITLE: PAYMENT DATE RANGE: DISTRICT/TYPE/FEE: BATCH MONTH RANGE: BATCH YEAR RANGE: BATCH REAL TIME: INCLUDE ONLY THOSE WITH RELEASE NUMBERS: No HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 197 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:04 AM RELEASES REPORT Harnett County HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 198 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:04 AM RELEASES REPORT Harnett County NAME BILL NUMBER OPER DATE/TIME DISTRICT VALUE AMOUNT 202481150100 2024-811501 DY:24 PERSONAL PROPERTY ADIAZ 12/3/2024 2:32:19 PM COOPER TYLER JOHN MILITARY C ADVLTAX 11,720.00 346.33 MILITARY FR16ADVLTAX 11,720.00 70.32 LES ON FILE FOR TYLER-NY;ETS-300321 TOTAL RELEASES:416.65 212693000 2024-56383 DY:0RP:021505 0142 02 NICK HIMMEL 12/3/2024 3:58:59 PM DUNN CITY OF REMOVAL OF SW FEE SW FFEEFEE 0.00 85.00 REMOVE SWF TOTAL RELEASES:85.00 1400013173 2024-33641 DY:0RP:021516 9032 01 NICK HIMMEL 12/3/2024 4:03:06 PM DUNN CITY OF REMOVAL OF SW FEE SW FFEEFEE 0.00 85.00 REMOVE SWF TOTAL RELEASES:85.00 1400013173 2024-25824 DY:0RP:02151611050010 NICK HIMMEL 12/3/2024 4:06:13 PM DUNN CITY OF REMOVAL OF SW FEE SW FFEEFEE 0.00 85.00 REMOVE SWF TOTAL RELEASES:85.00 1400013173 2024-3896 DY:0RP:02151607140010 NICK HIMMEL 12/3/2024 4:46:40 PM DUNN CITY OF REMOVAL OF SW FEE SW FFEEFEE 0.00 85.00 REMOVE SWF TOTAL RELEASES:85.00 214129000 2024-49054 DY:0RP:021516 9027 NICK HIMMEL 12/3/2024 4:54:27 PM DUNN CITY OF REMOVAL OF SW FEE SW FFEEFEE 0.00 85.00 REMOVE SWF TOTAL RELEASES:85.00 214129000 2024-8861 DY:0RP:021516 9030 NICK HIMMEL 12/3/2024 4:58:10 PM DUNN CITY OF REMOVAL OF SW FEE SW FFEEFEE 0.00 85.00 REMOVE SWF TOTAL RELEASES:85.00 214129000 2024-16956 DY:0RP:02151611010019 NICK HIMMEL 12/4/2024 8:26:51 AM DUNN CITY OF REMOVAL OF SW FEE SW FFEEFEE 0.00 85.00 REMOVAL OF SW FEE ST05STRMFEE 0.00 168.00 REMOVE SWF AND DUNN STORMWATER TOTAL RELEASES:253.00 214131000 2024-60390 DY:0RP:021516 9032 NICK HIMMEL 12/4/2024 8:36:06 AM DUNN CITY OF REMOVAL OF SW FEE SW FFEEFEE 0.00 85.00 REMOVE SWF TOTAL RELEASES:85.00 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 199 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:04 AM RELEASES REPORT Harnett County NAME BILL NUMBER OPER DATE/TIME DISTRICT VALUE AMOUNT 214129000 2024-34119 DY:0RP:021517 9005 NICK HIMMEL 12/4/2024 8:38:18 AM DUNN CITY OF REMOVAL OF SW FEE SW FFEEFEE 0.00 85.00 REMOVE SWF TOTAL RELEASES:85.00 212693000 2024-26147 DY:0RP:02151608050007 NICK HIMMEL 12/4/2024 8:43:46 AM DUNN CITY OF REMOVAL OF SW FEE SW FFEEFEE 0.00 85.00 REMOVAL OF SW FEE ST05STRMFEE 0.00 200.76 REMOVE SWF AND DUNN STORMWATER TOTAL RELEASES:285.76 214129000 2024-66856 DY:0RP:021516 9022 NICK HIMMEL 12/4/2024 8:46:16 AM DUNN CITY OF REMOVAL OF SW FEE ST05STRMFEE 0.00 169.68 REMOVAL OF SW FEE SW FFEEFEE 0.00 85.00 REMOVE SWF AND DUNN STORMWATER TOTAL RELEASES:254.68 212693000 2024-26155 DY:0RP:02151608050001 01 NICK HIMMEL 12/4/2024 8:50:30 AM DUNN CITY OF REMOVAL OF SW FEE SW FFEEFEE 0.00 85.00 REMOVE SWF TOTAL RELEASES:85.00 1400013173 2024-56925 DY:0RP:02151608150005 NICK HIMMEL 12/4/2024 8:53:36 AM DUNN CITY OF REMOVAL OF SW FEE SW FFEEFEE 0.00 85.00 REMOVAL OF SW FEE ST05STRMFEE 0.00 42.00 R TOTAL RELEASES:127.00 214129000 2024-18431 DY:0RP:021516 9028 NICK HIMMEL 12/4/2024 8:58:24 AM DUNN CITY OF REMOVAL OF SW FEE SW FFEEFEE 0.00 85.00 REMOVE SWF TOTAL RELEASES:85.00 212693000 2024-52830 DY:0RP:02151612210061 01 NICK HIMMEL 12/4/2024 9:01:57 AM DUNN CITY OF REMOVAL OF SW FEE SW FFEEFEE 0.00 85.00 REMOVE SWF TOTAL RELEASES:85.00 214129000 2024-56379 DY:0RP:021506 9001 NICK HIMMEL 12/4/2024 9:03:44 AM DUNN CITY OF REMOVAL OF SW FEE SW FFEEFEE 0.00 85.00 REMOVE SWF TOTAL RELEASES:85.00 214129000 2024-26165 DY:0RP:021516 9023 NICK HIMMEL 12/4/2024 9:25:41 AM DUNN CITY OF REMOVAL OF SW FEE SW FFEEFEE 0.00 85.00 REMOVE SWF TOTAL RELEASES:85.00 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 200 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:04 AM RELEASES REPORT Harnett County NAME BILL NUMBER OPER DATE/TIME DISTRICT VALUE AMOUNT 1500049763 2024-8123 DY:0RP:021537 0110 05 SHOHING 12/4/2024 11:12:28 AM WALLACE LYNDA B ELDERLY EXCLUSION C ADVLTAX 57,681.00 340.89 ELDERLY EXCLUSION FR80ADVLTAX 57,681.00 54.80 BOER APPROVED LATE HOMESTEAD EXCLUSION APPLICATION FOR 2024. TOTAL RELEASES:395.69 700272000 2024-65242 DY:0RP:071610 0114 SHOHING 12/4/2024 11:16:58 AM WILLIAMS JEAN C ELDERLY EXCLUSION FR14ADVLTAX 73,910.00 81.30 ELDERLY EXCLUSION C ADVLTAX 73,910.00 436.81 BOER APPROVED LATE HOMESTEAD EXCLUSION APPLICATION FOR 2024. TOTAL RELEASES:518.11 1500025625 2024-26131 DY:0RP:050642 0009 01 SHOHING 12/4/2024 11:26:25 AM JONES JESSIE LYNN ELDERLY EXCLUSION C ADVLTAX 66,901.00 395.38 ELDERLY EXCLUSION FR30ADVLTAX 66,901.00 53.52 BOER APPROVED LATE HOMESTEAD EXCLUSION APPLICATION FOR 2024. TOTAL RELEASES:448.90 1500053039 2024-26816 DY:0RP:10054912010314 SHOHING 12/4/2024 11:30:40 AM ROYSTER MARY IREDELL ELDERLY EXCLUSION FR93ADVLTAX 59,095.00 59.10 ELDERLY EXCLUSION C ADVLTAX 59,095.00 349.25 BOER APPROVED LATE HOMESTEAD EXCLUSION APPLICATION FOR 2024. TOTAL RELEASES:408.35 99098588 2024-1980098 DY: PERSONAL PROPERTY ADIAZ 12/4/2024 11:33:57 AM LEMLEY ROBERT KEITH LISTED IN ERROR C ADVLTAX 500.00 2.96 LISTED IN ERROR FR21ADVLTAX 500.00 0.50 PER TP HE NO LONGER OWNS THE TL PROOF IN STARS TOTAL RELEASES:3.46 1400017458 2024-37806 DY:0RP:040672 0030 SHOHING 12/4/2024 11:35:41 AM STEWART DONNA BURCH ELDERLY EXCLUSION FR40ADVLTAX 66,856.00 56.83 ELDERLY EXCLUSION C ADVLTAX 66,856.00 395.12 BOER APPROVED LATE HOMESTEAD EXCLUSION APPLICATION FOR 2024. TOTAL RELEASES:451.95 903455000 2024-3131 DY:0RP:099574 0049 08 SHOHING 12/4/2024 11:49:50 AM FLEMING SHARON ELDERLY EXCLUSION C ADVLTAX 36,749.00 217.19 ELDERLY EXCLUSION FR16ADVLTAX 36,749.00 44.10 BOER APPROVED LATE HOMESTEAD EXCLUSION APPLICATION FOR 2024. TOTAL RELEASES:261.29 1500020912 2024-35460 DY:0RP:010526 0019 25 SHOHING 12/4/2024 11:50:51 AM KINSELLA STEPHEN A ELDERLY EXCLUSION FR10ADVLTAX 43,810.00 56.95 ELDERLY EXCLUSION C ADVLTAX 43,810.00 258.92 BOER APPROVED LATE HOMESTEAD EXCLUSION APPLICATION FOR 2024. TOTAL RELEASES:315.87 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 201 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:04 AM RELEASES REPORT Harnett County NAME BILL NUMBER OPER DATE/TIME DISTRICT VALUE AMOUNT 1500043956 2024-43953 DY:0RP:021507 0323 SHOHING 12/4/2024 11:51:44 AM MCFAUL-LOPEZ CAROLJEAN ELDERLY EXCLUSION C ADVLTAX 83,865.00 495.64 ELDERLY EXCLUSION FR80ADVLTAX 83,865.00 79.67 BOER APPROVED LATE HOMESTEAD EXCLUSION APPLICATION FOR 2024. TOTAL RELEASES:575.31 500684000 2024-45899 DY:0RP:050645 0003 SHOHING 12/4/2024 11:52:33 AM WILLIFORD CORA (HAIR) ELDERLY EXCLUSION FR30ADVLTAX 81,382.00 65.11 ELDERLY EXCLUSION C ADVLTAX 81,382.00 480.97 BOER APPROVED LATE HOMESTEAD EXCLUSION APPLICATION FOR 2024. TOTAL RELEASES:546.08 99130716 2024-2178146 DY: PERSONAL PROPERTY MWRIGHT 12/4/2024 1:30:51 PM OWINGS RON ELDRIDGE ASSESSED IN ERROR C ADVLTAX 1,052.00 6.22 ASSESSED IN ERROR FR40ADVLTAX 1,052.00 0.89 VALUE OF THIS TRLR WAS 500 AND VALUE WENT BACK UP TOTAL RELEASES:7.11 701719000 2024-54036 DY:0RP:070598 0104 NICK HIMMEL 12/5/2024 11:17:40 AM ROYALS DELORES REMOVAL OF SW FEE FR80ADVLTAX 3,740.00 3.55 REMOVAL OF SW FEE C ADVLTAX 3,740.00 22.10 REMOVAL OF SW FEE SW FFEEFEE 3,740.00 85.00 SWMH REMOVED IN 2023. REMOVED SWF TOTAL RELEASES:110.65 99062600 2024-2249466 DY: PERSONAL PROPERTY ADIAZ 12/6/2024 7:30:49 AM GLOVER WILLIAM ALONZO JR SITUS ERROR C ADVLTAX 10,054.00 59.42 SITUS ERROR CI02ADVLTAX 10,054.00 48.26 SITUS ERROR FR81ADVLTAX 10,054.00 9.55 SITUS ERROR RELEASING BILL AND CREATING BILL 603241 WITH CORRECT SITUS TOTAL RELEASES:117.23 1500029862 2024-44458 DY:0RP:04067416170025 02 NICK HIMMEL 12/6/2024 12:08:36 PM SHRI HARI REAL ESTATE LLC OTHER FR40ADVLTAX 87,699.00 74.54 OTHER CI04ADVLTAX 87,699.00 429.73 OTHER C ADVLTAX 87,699.00 518.30 OTHER SW FFEEFEE 87,699.00 85.00 HOME BURNED IN 2023 TOTAL RELEASES:1,107.57 99161010 2023-2288799 DY: PERSONAL PROPERTY ADIAZ 12/9/2024 1:40:28 PM SORIANO PAULINO HERMINIA SOLD/TRADED C ADVLTAX 2,000.00 11.82 SOLD/TRADED FR21ADVLTAX 2,000.00 2.00 SOLD/TRADED C PEN FEE 2,000.00 1.18 SOLD/TRADED FR21PEN FEE 2,000.00 0.20 TP SOLD 2016 CAON PERM TAG TRAILER IN 2022 NEW OWNER REGISTERED THE 2016 TL FEB 26 2022 PROOF IN STARS TOTAL RELEASES:15.20 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 202 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:04 AM RELEASES REPORT Harnett County NAME BILL NUMBER OPER DATE/TIME DISTRICT VALUE AMOUNT 99161010 2024-2288799 DY: PERSONAL PROPERTY ADIAZ 12/9/2024 1:40:48 PM SORIANO PAULINO HERMINIA SOLD/TRADED C PEN FEE 1,900.00 1.12 SOLD/TRADED FR21PEN FEE 1,900.00 0.19 SOLD/TRADED FR21ADVLTAX 1,900.00 1.90 SOLD/TRADED C ADVLTAX 1,900.00 11.23 TP SOLD 2016 CAON PERM TAG TRAILER IN 2022 NEW OWNER REGISTERED THE 2016 TL FEB 26 2022 PROOF IN STARS TOTAL RELEASES:14.44 1400009460 2024-10835 DY:0RP:021516 0063 04 NICK HIMMEL 12/10/2024 1:45:50 PM BEST BECKY ANN REMOVAL OF SW FEE SW FFEEFEE 0.00 85.00 REMOVED SWF TOTAL RELEASES:85.00 99175212 2024-2279621 DY: PERSONAL PROPERTY ADIAZ 12/11/2024 9:57:07 AM TRIBOLETTI GREGORY STEELE SOLD/TRADED FR20ADVLTAX 2,190.00 2.41 SOLD/TRADED C ADVLTAX 2,190.00 12.94 SOLD/TRADED FR20PEN FEE 2,190.00 0.24 SOLD/TRADED C PEN FEE 2,190.00 1.29 NEW OWNER IN WILDLIFE COUNTY OF REGISTRATION IS VANCE COUNTY TOTAL RELEASES:16.88 99008160 2022-1995643 DY: PERSONAL PROPERTY ADIAZ 12/11/2024 1:02:22 PM BAKER PAMELA SUZANNA SOLD/TRADED FR30PEN FEE 1,479.00 0.12 SOLD/TRADED C PEN FEE 1,479.00 0.87 SOLD/TRADED FR30ADVLTAX 1,479.00 1.18 SOLD/TRADED C ADVLTAX 1,479.00 8.74 NEW OWNERSHIP IN STARS SINCE SEPT 2021 REMOVED THE 2001 GOOS TL KEEPING THW 1999 HUDS TL DO NOT HAVE PROOF OF SALE SOLD/TRADED TOTAL RELEASES:10.91 99259613 2021-25319 DY: PERSONAL PROPERTY MWRIGHT 12/11/2024 1:10:24 PM MICHAELS LARRY M LISTED IN ERROR C ADVLTAX 0.00 124.70 LISTED IN ERROR FR21ADVLTAX 0.00 11.64 LISTED IN ERROR FR21PEN FEE 0.00 1.16 LISTED IN ERROR C PEN FEE 0.00 12.47 LARRY WAS DECEASED IN 2017 AND SHANNON DID NOT HAVE ANY INTEREST IN ANY OF THIS PP 78 ROYAL PINES LN WAS SOLD IN 2020 42 & 60 ROYAL PINES LN WAS SOLD IN 2020 ALSO AND 4801 OLD US 421 HAS BEEN GONE FOR A WHILE BECAUSE IT WAS SOLD IN THE 2008 YEAR AND BOAT WAS SOLD TO SOME ONE IN HORRY COUNTY IN THE 2018 YEAR ACCORDING TO COURT DOCUMENTS TOTAL RELEASES:149.97 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 203 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:04 AM RELEASES REPORT Harnett County NAME BILL NUMBER OPER DATE/TIME DISTRICT VALUE AMOUNT 99259613 2022-25319 DY: PERSONAL PROPERTY MWRIGHT 12/11/2024 1:10:46 PM MICHAELS LARRY M LISTED IN ERROR FR21PEN FEE 0.00 1.26 LISTED IN ERROR C PEN FEE 0.00 9.29 LISTED IN ERROR FR21ADVLTAX 0.00 12.57 LISTED IN ERROR C ADVLTAX 0.00 92.88 LARRY WAS DECEASED IN 2017 AND SHANNON DID NOT HAVE ANY INTEREST IN ANY OF THIS PP 78 ROYAL PINES LN WAS SOLD IN 2020 42 & 60 ROYAL PINES LN WAS SOLD IN 2020 ALSO AND 4801 OLD US 421 HAS BEEN GONE FOR A WHILE BECAUSE IT WAS SOLD IN THE 2008 YEAR AND BOAT WAS SOLD TO SOME ONE IN HORRY COUNTY IN THE 2018 YEAR ACCORDING TO COURT DOCUMENTS TOTAL RELEASES:116.00 99118687 2023-10025319 DY: PERSONAL PROPERTY MWRIGHT 12/11/2024 1:11:20 PM MICHAELS LARRY M LISTED IN ERROR C ADVLTAX 16,347.00 96.61 LISTED IN ERROR FR21ADVLTAX 16,347.00 16.35 LISTED IN ERROR C PEN FEE 16,347.00 9.66 LISTED IN ERROR FR21PEN FEE 16,347.00 1.64 LARRY WAS DECEASED IN 2017 AND SHANNON DID NOT HAVE ANY INTEREST IN ANY OF THIS PP 78 ROYAL PINES LN WAS SOLD IN 2020 42 & 60 ROYAL PINES LN WAS SOLD IN 2020 ALSO AND 4801 OLD US 421 HAS BEEN GONE FOR A WHILE BECAUSE IT WAS SOLD IN THE 2008 YEAR AND BOAT WAS SOLD TO SOME ONE IN HORRY COUNTY IN THE 2018 YEAR ACCORDING TO COURT DOCUMENTS TOTAL RELEASES:124.26 99118687 2024-10025319 DY: PERSONAL PROPERTY MWRIGHT 12/11/2024 1:11:45 PM MICHAELS LARRY M LISTED IN ERROR FR21PEN FEE 13,066.00 1.31 LISTED IN ERROR C PEN FEE 13,066.00 7.72 LISTED IN ERROR FR21ADVLTAX 13,066.00 13.07 LISTED IN ERROR C ADVLTAX 13,066.00 77.22 LARRY WAS DECEASED IN 2017 AND SHANNON DID NOT HAVE ANY INTEREST IN ANY OF THIS PP 78 ROYAL PINES LN WAS SOLD IN 2020 42 & 60 ROYAL PINES LN WAS SOLD IN 2020 ALSO AND 4801 OLD US 421 HAS BEEN GONE FOR A WHILE BECAUSE IT WAS SOLD IN THE 2008 YEAR AND BOAT WAS SOLD TO SOME ONE IN HORRY COUNTY IN THE 2018 YEAR ACCORDING TO COURT DOCUMENTS TOTAL RELEASES:99.32 903697000 2024-23442 DY:0RP:099563 0150 NICK HIMMEL 12/11/2024 4:05:52 PM MCPHERSON RAYFORD LEE REMOVAL OF SW FEE SW FFEEFEE 0.00 170.00 NO HOMES ON PARCEL REMOVED 2 SWFs TOTAL RELEASES:170.00HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 204 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:04 AM RELEASES REPORT Harnett County NAME BILL NUMBER OPER DATE/TIME DISTRICT VALUE AMOUNT 903697000 2024-39865 DY:0RP:099564 0057 NICK HIMMEL 12/11/2024 4:07:38 PM MCPHERSON RAYFORD LEE REMOVAL OF SW FEE SW FFEEFEE 0.00 85.00 NO HOME ON PARCEL REMOVED SWF TOTAL RELEASES:85.00 1500007379 2024-10266 DY:0RP:130602 0025 02 NICK HIMMEL 12/16/2024 11:35:28 AM KELLY BERNIE B CEMETERY C ADVLTAX 480.00 2.84 CEMETERY FR21ADVLTAX 480.00 0.48 FAMILY CEMETERY ON PARCEL TOTAL RELEASES:3.32 202535000 2024-62929 DY:0RP:021518 0214 SHOHING 12/16/2024 1:24:53 PM JOHNSON BOBBY E ELDERLY EXCLUSION SC20ADVLTAX 56,368.00 11.27 ELDERLY EXCLUSION C ADVLTAX 56,368.00 333.13 ELDERLY EXCLUSION FR22ADVLTAX 56,368.00 50.73 EXCLUSION WAS NOT APPLIED FOR 2024.TOTAL RELEASES:395.13 99163380 2024-603287 DY:22 PERSONAL PROPERTY SAUTRY 12/16/2024 3:48:44 PM STEEL WORKS & SUPPLY INC BILLING CORRECTION C ADVLTAX 301,048.00 1,779.19 BILLING CORRECTION FR40ADVLTAX 301,048.00 225.79 BILLING CORRECTION FR40PEN FEE 301,048.00 67.74 BILLING CORRECTION C PEN FEE 301,048.00 533.76 NEED TO ADD NOTE TO BILL TOTAL RELEASES:2,606.48 1301907000 2024-14469 DY:0RP:130519 0116 NICK HIMMEL 12/17/2024 1:58:19 PM UPCHURCH ELLON D REMOVAL OF SW FEE SW FFEEFEE 0.00 85.00 1x PPSWMH ON PARCEL IS UNSOUND TOTAL RELEASES:85.00 1500012605 2024-5292 DY:0RP:050625 0009 NICK HIMMEL 12/17/2024 3:07:16 PM PARRISH JACKSON LEE JR REMOVAL OF SW FEE SW FFEEFEE 0.00 85.00 NO HOME ON PARCEL. REMOVED SWF. TOTAL RELEASES:85.00 905705000 2024-601 DY:0RP:099565 0122 NICK HIMMEL 12/18/2024 10:53:41 AM PEEPLES ESTHER B LISTED IN ERROR C ADVLTAX 40,944.00 241.98 LISTED IN ERROR FR16ADVLTAX 40,944.00 49.13 DWMH WAS DOUBLE LISTED AS RP AND PP TOTAL RELEASES:291.11 99118635 2024-2254598 DY: PERSONAL PROPERTY SAUTRY 12/18/2024 2:57:56 PM MHC TRUCK LEASING INC SOLD/TRADED CI01ADVLTAX 2,420,936.00 12,588.87 SOLD/TRADED C ADVLTAX 2,420,936.00 14,307.73 TP HAS SENT IN BILL OF SALE FOR SOLD VEHILCES TOTAL RELEASES:26,896.60 99118635 2024-2263837 DY: PERSONAL PROPERTY SAUTRY 12/18/2024 2:58:22 PM MHC TRUCK LEASING INC SOLD/TRADED C ADVLTAX 168,394.00 995.21 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 205 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:04 AM RELEASES REPORT Harnett County NAME BILL NUMBER OPER DATE/TIME DISTRICT VALUE AMOUNT SOLD/TRADED FR22ADVLTAX 168,394.00 151.55 SOLD/TRADED SC20ADVLTAX 168,394.00 33.68 SOLD/TRADED CI05ADVLTAX 168,394.00 909.33 TP HAS SENT IN BILL OF SALE FOR SOLD VEHILCES TOTAL RELEASES:2,089.77 99118635 2024-2263837 DY: PERSONAL PROPERTY SAUTRY 12/18/2024 3:08:39 PM MHC TRUCK LEASING INC CI05ADVLTAX 168,394.00 -909.33 FR22ADVLTAX 168,394.00 -151.55 SC20ADVLTAX 168,394.00 -33.68 C ADVLTAX 168,394.00 -995.21 TOTAL RELEASES:-2,089.77 202481066200 2024-810662 DY:24 PERSONAL PROPERTY ADIAZ 12/19/2024 8:39:35 AM PADILLA DAMARIS SOLD/TRADED C ADVLTAX 18,990.00 411.51 SOLD/TRADED FR16ADVLTAX 18,990.00 83.56 TP PROVIDED PROOF OF BROTHER HAVINF OWNERSHIP OF THE 2019 VOLV . FLORIDA TITLE PROVIDED . AS WELL AS FLORIDA REGISTRATIONS FROM 2019 - 2024 TOTAL RELEASES:495.07 99022911 2024-2262120 DY: PERSONAL PROPERTY ADIAZ 12/19/2024 9:19:11 AM BULLARD BERETTA MARIA SOLD/TRADED C ADVLTAX 3,408.00 20.14 SOLD/TRADED FR93ADVLTAX 3,408.00 3.41 SOLD/TRADED C PEN FEE 3,408.00 2.01 SOLD/TRADED FR93PEN FEE 3,408.00 0.34 PER WILD LIFE THE 2007 LOWE BOAT WAS SOLD JULY 2020 TOTAL RELEASES:25.90 99022911 2023-2262120 DY: PERSONAL PROPERTY ADIAZ 12/19/2024 9:19:32 AM BULLARD BERETTA MARIA SOLD/TRADED FR93PEN FEE 3,787.00 0.38 SOLD/TRADED C PEN FEE 3,787.00 2.24 SOLD/TRADED FR93ADVLTAX 3,787.00 3.79 SOLD/TRADED C ADVLTAX 3,787.00 22.38 PER WILD LIFE THE 2007 LOWE BOAT WAS SOLD JULY 2020 TOTAL RELEASES:28.79 99022911 2022-2262120 DY: PERSONAL PROPERTY ADIAZ 12/19/2024 9:20:10 AM BULLARD BERETTA MARIA SOLD/TRADED C ADVLTAX 0.00 24.87 SOLD/TRADED FR93ADVLTAX 0.00 4.21 SOLD/TRADED C PEN FEE 0.00 2.49 SOLD/TRADED FR93PEN FEE 0.00 0.42 PER WILD LIFE THE 2007 LOWE BOAT WAS SOLD JULY 2020 TOTAL RELEASES:31.99 99022911 2021-2262120 DY: PERSONAL PROPERTY ADIAZ 12/19/2024 9:20:32 AM BULLARD BERETTA MARIA SOLD/TRADED FR93PEN FEE 0.00 0.47 SOLD/TRADED C PEN FEE 0.00 3.51 SOLD/TRADED FR93ADVLTAX 0.00 4.68HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 206 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:04 AM RELEASES REPORT Harnett County NAME BILL NUMBER OPER DATE/TIME DISTRICT VALUE AMOUNT SOLD/TRADED C ADVLTAX 0.00 35.06 PER WILD LIFE THE 2007 LOWE BOAT WAS SOLD JULY 2020 TOTAL RELEASES:43.72 702433000 2024-13143 DY:0RP:070588 0022 NICK HIMMEL 12/20/2024 9:30:19 AM MCLAMB ROBERT L OTHER SW FFEEFEE 30,004.00 85.00 OTHER C ADVLTAX 30,004.00 177.32 OTHER FR80ADVLTAX 30,004.00 28.50 HOME REMOVED IN 2023 TOTAL RELEASES:290.82 1500059470 2024-12291442 DY: PERSONAL PROPERTY ADIAZ 12/20/2024 12:35:23 PM SMITH STEVEN DAVID SITUS ERROR FR20PEN FEE 0.00 0.64 SITUS ERROR FR20ADVLTAX 0.00 6.42 SITUS TOTAL RELEASES:7.06 602312000 2024-59729 DY:0RP:060596 0381 NICK HIMMEL 12/27/2024 3:13:48 PM STEWART RONALD E OTHER C ADVLTAX 5,070.00 29.96 OTHER FR80ADVLTAX 5,070.00 4.82 ADDED PRIVATE ACCESS TO PARCEL TOTAL RELEASES:34.78 202480702000 2024-807020 DY:24 PERSONAL PROPERTY ADIAZ 12/27/2024 3:30:41 PM KRUEGER ROBERT H MILITARY C ADVLTAX 33,560.00 842.94 MILITARY FR16ADVLTAX 33,560.00 171.16 LES ON FILE FOR ROBERT-IL;ETS-888888 TP WAS STATONED IN GERMANY TOTAL RELEASES:1,014.10 1500050687 2024-27299 DY:0RP:039599 0012 NICK HIMMEL 12/27/2024 4:02:47 PM HARRINGTON DORIS GRIFFIN OTHER FR24ADVLTAX 37,876.00 45.45 OTHER C ADVLTAX 37,876.00 223.85 HOME IS UNSOUND. HAS NOT HAD POWER/WATER SINCE 2015. TOTAL RELEASES:269.30 1500029545 2024-603307 DY:24 PERSONAL PROPERTY ADIAZ 12/27/2024 5:05:22 PM KIDD WILLIAM THOMAS OTHER C ADVLTAX 31,370.00 185.40 OTHER FR24ADVLTAX 31,370.00 37.64 WHEN PASSING BILL TO COLLECTIONS INSTEAD OF ENTERING 01/06/2025 I ENTERED 01/06/2000 RELEASED THIS ACC AND CREATED ABS 603308 TOTAL RELEASES:223.04 903697000 2023-23442 DY:0RP:099563 0150 NICK HIMMEL 12/30/2024 11:47:26 AM MCPHERSON RAYFORD LEE REMOVAL OF SW FEE SW FFEEFEE 0.00 170.00 NO HOMES ON PARCEL. REMOVED 2 SWFs. TOTAL RELEASES:170.00 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 207 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:04 AM RELEASES REPORT Harnett County NAME BILL NUMBER OPER DATE/TIME DISTRICT VALUE AMOUNT 903697000 2023-39865 DY:0RP:099564 0057 NICK HIMMEL 12/30/2024 11:48:41 AM MCPHERSON RAYFORD LEE REMOVAL OF SW FEE SW FFEEFEE 0.00 85.00 PPSWMH ON PARCEL IS UNSOUND TOTAL RELEASES:85.00 NET RELEASES PRINTED:41,678.85 TOTAL TAXES RELEASED 41,678.85 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 208 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:04 AM RELEASES REPORT Harnett County C ADVLTAX - HARNETT COUNTY TAX TAX YEAR RATE YEAR REAL VALUE RELEASED PERS VALUE RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED REAL TAX RELEASED PERS TAX RELEASED MV VALUE RELEASED MV TAXES RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED TOTAL TAXES RELEASED 2021 2021 0 0 0 0.00 159.76 0 0.00 0 159.76 2022 2022 0 1,479 1,479 0.00 126.49 0 0.00 1,479 126.49 2023 2023 0 22,134 22,134 0.00 130.81 0 0.00 22,134 130.81 2024 2022 0 301,048 301,048 0.00 1,779.19 0 0.00 301,048 1,779.19 2024 2024 832,430 2,548,746 3,381,176 4,919.65 16,284.04 0 0.00 3,381,176 21,203.69 DIST TOTAL 832,430 2,873,407 3,705,837 4,919.65 18,480.29 0 0.00 3,705,837 23,399.94 C PEN FEE - HARNETT COUNTY LATE LIST PENALTY TAX YEAR RATE YEAR REAL VALUE RELEASED PERS VALUE RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED REAL TAX RELEASED PERS TAX RELEASED MV VALUE RELEASED MV TAXES RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED TOTAL TAXES RELEASED 2021 2021 0 0 0 0.00 15.98 0 0.00 0 15.98 2022 2022 0 1,479 1,479 0.00 12.65 0 0.00 1,479 12.65 2023 2023 0 22,134 22,134 0.00 13.08 0 0.00 22,134 13.08 2024 2022 0 301,048 301,048 0.00 533.76 0 0.00 301,048 533.76 2024 2024 0 20,564 20,564 0.00 12.14 0 0.00 20,564 12.14 DIST TOTAL 0 345,225 345,225 0.00 587.61 0 0.00 345,225 587.61 CI01ADVLTAX - LILLINGTON CITY TAX TAX YEAR RATE YEAR REAL VALUE RELEASED PERS VALUE RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED REAL TAX RELEASED PERS TAX RELEASED MV VALUE RELEASED MV TAXES RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED TOTAL TAXES RELEASED 2024 2024 0 2,420,936 2,420,936 0.00 12,588.87 0 0.00 2,420,936 12,588.87 DIST TOTAL 0 2,420,936 2,420,936 0.00 12,588.87 0 0.00 2,420,936 12,588.87 CI02ADVLTAX - ERWIN CITY TAX TAX YEAR RATE YEAR REAL VALUE RELEASED PERS VALUE RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED REAL TAX RELEASED PERS TAX RELEASED MV VALUE RELEASED MV TAXES RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED TOTAL TAXES RELEASED 2024 2024 0 10,054 10,054 0.00 48.26 0 0.00 10,054 48.26 DIST TOTAL 0 10,054 10,054 0.00 48.26 0 0.00 10,054 48.26 CI04ADVLTAX - ANGIER CITY TAX TAX YEAR RATE YEAR REAL VALUE RELEASED PERS VALUE RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED REAL TAX RELEASED PERS TAX RELEASED MV VALUE RELEASED MV TAXES RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED TOTAL TAXES RELEASED 2024 2024 87,699 0 87,699 429.73 0.00 0 0.00 87,699 429.73 DIST TOTAL 87,699 0 87,699 429.73 0.00 0 0.00 87,699 429.73 CI05ADVLTAX - DUNN CITY TAX TAX YEAR RATE YEAR REAL VALUE RELEASED PERS VALUE RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED REAL TAX RELEASED PERS TAX RELEASED MV VALUE RELEASED MV TAXES RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED TOTAL TAXES RELEASED 2024 2024 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 DIST TOTAL 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 FR10ADVLTAX - FLATBRANCH FIRE TAX TAX YEAR RATE YEAR REAL VALUE RELEASED PERS VALUE RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED REAL TAX RELEASED PERS TAX RELEASED MV VALUE RELEASED MV TAXES RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED TOTAL TAXES RELEASED 2024 2024 43,810 0 43,810 56.95 0.00 0 0.00 43,810 56.95 DIST TOTAL 43,810 0 43,810 56.95 0.00 0 0.00 43,810 56.95 FR14ADVLTAX - COATS/GROVE FIRE TAX TAX YEAR RATE YEAR REAL VALUE RELEASED PERS VALUE RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED REAL TAX RELEASED PERS TAX RELEASED MV VALUE RELEASED MV TAXES RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED TOTAL TAXES RELEASED 2024 2024 73,910 0 73,910 81.30 0.00 0 0.00 73,910 81.30 DIST TOTAL 73,910 0 73,910 81.30 0.00 0 0.00 73,910 81.30 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 209 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:04 AM RELEASES REPORT Harnett County FR16ADVLTAX - SPOUT SPRINGS TAX TAX YEAR RATE YEAR REAL VALUE RELEASED PERS VALUE RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED REAL TAX RELEASED PERS TAX RELEASED MV VALUE RELEASED MV TAXES RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED TOTAL TAXES RELEASED 2024 2024 77,693 64,270 141,963 93.23 325.04 0 0.00 141,963 418.27 DIST TOTAL 77,693 64,270 141,963 93.23 325.04 0 0.00 141,963 418.27 FR20ADVLTAX - ANDERSON CREEK FIRE TAX TAX YEAR RATE YEAR REAL VALUE RELEASED PERS VALUE RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED REAL TAX RELEASED PERS TAX RELEASED MV VALUE RELEASED MV TAXES RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED TOTAL TAXES RELEASED 2024 2024 0 2,190 2,190 0.00 8.83 0 0.00 2,190 8.83 DIST TOTAL 0 2,190 2,190 0.00 8.83 0 0.00 2,190 8.83 FR20PEN FEE - ANDERSON CREEK FIRE LATE LIST PENALTY TAX YEAR RATE YEAR REAL VALUE RELEASED PERS VALUE RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED REAL TAX RELEASED PERS TAX RELEASED MV VALUE RELEASED MV TAXES RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED TOTAL TAXES RELEASED 2024 2024 0 2,190 2,190 0.00 0.88 0 0.00 2,190 0.88 DIST TOTAL 0 2,190 2,190 0.00 0.88 0 0.00 2,190 0.88 FR21ADVLTAX - BOONE TRAIL EMERGENCY TAX TAX YEAR RATE YEAR REAL VALUE RELEASED PERS VALUE RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED REAL TAX RELEASED PERS TAX RELEASED MV VALUE RELEASED MV TAXES RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED TOTAL TAXES RELEASED 2021 2021 0 0 0 0.00 11.64 0 0.00 0 11.64 2022 2022 0 0 0 0.00 12.57 0 0.00 0 12.57 2023 2023 0 18,347 18,347 0.00 18.35 0 0.00 18,347 18.35 2024 2024 480 15,466 15,946 0.48 15.47 0 0.00 15,946 15.95 DIST TOTAL 480 33,813 34,293 0.48 58.03 0 0.00 34,293 58.51 FR21PEN FEE - BOONE TRAIL EMERGENCY LATE LIST PENALTY TAX YEAR RATE YEAR REAL VALUE RELEASED PERS VALUE RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED REAL TAX RELEASED PERS TAX RELEASED MV VALUE RELEASED MV TAXES RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED TOTAL TAXES RELEASED 2021 2021 0 0 0 0.00 1.16 0 0.00 0 1.16 2022 2022 0 0 0 0.00 1.26 0 0.00 0 1.26 2023 2023 0 18,347 18,347 0.00 1.84 0 0.00 18,347 1.84 2024 2024 0 14,966 14,966 0.00 1.50 0 0.00 14,966 1.50 DIST TOTAL 0 33,313 33,313 0.00 5.76 0 0.00 33,313 5.76 FR22ADVLTAX - DUNN/AVERASBORO FIRE TAX TAX YEAR RATE YEAR REAL VALUE RELEASED PERS VALUE RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED REAL TAX RELEASED PERS TAX RELEASED MV VALUE RELEASED MV TAXES RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED TOTAL TAXES RELEASED 2024 2024 56,368 0 56,368 50.73 0.00 0 0.00 56,368 50.73 DIST TOTAL 56,368 0 56,368 50.73 0.00 0 0.00 56,368 50.73 FR24ADVLTAX - BENHAVEN FIRE TAX TAX YEAR RATE YEAR REAL VALUE RELEASED PERS VALUE RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED REAL TAX RELEASED PERS TAX RELEASED MV VALUE RELEASED MV TAXES RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED TOTAL TAXES RELEASED 2024 2024 37,876 31,370 69,246 45.45 37.64 0 0.00 69,246 83.09 DIST TOTAL 37,876 31,370 69,246 45.45 37.64 0 0.00 69,246 83.09 FR30ADVLTAX - NORTHWEST HARNETT TAX TAX YEAR RATE YEAR REAL VALUE RELEASED PERS VALUE RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED REAL TAX RELEASED PERS TAX RELEASED MV VALUE RELEASED MV TAXES RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED TOTAL TAXES RELEASED 2022 2022 0 1,479 1,479 0.00 1.18 0 0.00 1,479 1.18 2024 2024 148,283 0 148,283 118.63 0.00 0 0.00 148,283 118.63 DIST TOTAL 148,283 1,479 149,762 118.63 1.18 0 0.00 149,762 119.81 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 210 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:04 AM RELEASES REPORT Harnett County FR30PEN FEE - NORTHWEST HARNETT FIRE LATE LIST PENALTY TAX YEAR RATE YEAR REAL VALUE RELEASED PERS VALUE RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED REAL TAX RELEASED PERS TAX RELEASED MV VALUE RELEASED MV TAXES RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED TOTAL TAXES RELEASED 2022 2022 0 1,479 1,479 0.00 0.12 0 0.00 1,479 0.12 DIST TOTAL 0 1,479 1,479 0.00 0.12 0 0.00 1,479 0.12 FR40ADVLTAX - ANGIER/BLACK RIVER FIRE TAX TAX YEAR RATE YEAR REAL VALUE RELEASED PERS VALUE RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED REAL TAX RELEASED PERS TAX RELEASED MV VALUE RELEASED MV TAXES RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED TOTAL TAXES RELEASED 2024 2022 0 301,048 301,048 0.00 225.79 0 0.00 301,048 225.79 2024 2024 154,555 1,052 155,607 131.37 0.89 0 0.00 155,607 132.26 DIST TOTAL 154,555 302,100 456,655 131.37 226.68 0 0.00 456,655 358.05 FR40PEN FEE - ANGIER/BLACK RIVER FIRE LATE LIST PENALTY TAX YEAR RATE YEAR REAL VALUE RELEASED PERS VALUE RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED REAL TAX RELEASED PERS TAX RELEASED MV VALUE RELEASED MV TAXES RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED TOTAL TAXES RELEASED 2024 2022 0 301,048 301,048 0.00 67.74 0 0.00 301,048 67.74 DIST TOTAL 0 301,048 301,048 0.00 67.74 0 0.00 301,048 67.74 FR80ADVLTAX - DUKE FIRE TAX TAX YEAR RATE YEAR REAL VALUE RELEASED PERS VALUE RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED REAL TAX RELEASED PERS TAX RELEASED MV VALUE RELEASED MV TAXES RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED TOTAL TAXES RELEASED 2024 2024 180,360 0 180,360 171.34 0.00 0 0.00 180,360 171.34 DIST TOTAL 180,360 0 180,360 171.34 0.00 0 0.00 180,360 171.34 FR81ADVLTAX - ERWIN TOWN FIRE TAX TAX YEAR RATE YEAR REAL VALUE RELEASED PERS VALUE RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED REAL TAX RELEASED PERS TAX RELEASED MV VALUE RELEASED MV TAXES RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED TOTAL TAXES RELEASED 2024 2024 0 10,054 10,054 0.00 9.55 0 0.00 10,054 9.55 DIST TOTAL 0 10,054 10,054 0.00 9.55 0 0.00 10,054 9.55 FR93ADVLTAX - SUMMERVILLE-BUNNLEVEL FIRE TAX TAX YEAR RATE YEAR REAL VALUE RELEASED PERS VALUE RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED REAL TAX RELEASED PERS TAX RELEASED MV VALUE RELEASED MV TAXES RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED TOTAL TAXES RELEASED 2021 2021 0 0 0 0.00 4.68 0 0.00 0 4.68 2022 2022 0 0 0 0.00 4.21 0 0.00 0 4.21 2023 2023 0 3,787 3,787 0.00 3.79 0 0.00 3,787 3.79 2024 2024 59,095 3,408 62,503 59.10 3.41 0 0.00 62,503 62.51 DIST TOTAL 59,095 7,195 66,290 59.10 16.09 0 0.00 66,290 75.19 FR93PEN FEE - SUMMERVILLE-BUNNLEVEL FIRE LATE LIST PENALTY TAX YEAR RATE YEAR REAL VALUE RELEASED PERS VALUE RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED REAL TAX RELEASED PERS TAX RELEASED MV VALUE RELEASED MV TAXES RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED TOTAL TAXES RELEASED 2021 2021 0 0 0 0.00 0.47 0 0.00 0 0.47 2022 2022 0 0 0 0.00 0.42 0 0.00 0 0.42 2023 2023 0 3,787 3,787 0.00 0.38 0 0.00 3,787 0.38 2024 2024 0 3,408 3,408 0.00 0.34 0 0.00 3,408 0.34 DIST TOTAL 0 7,195 7,195 0.00 1.61 0 0.00 7,195 1.61 SC20ADVLTAX - AVERASBORO SCHOOL TAX TAX YEAR RATE YEAR REAL VALUE RELEASED PERS VALUE RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED REAL TAX RELEASED PERS TAX RELEASED MV VALUE RELEASED MV TAXES RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED TOTAL TAXES RELEASED 2024 2024 56,368 0 56,368 11.27 0.00 0 0.00 56,368 11.27 DIST TOTAL 56,368 0 56,368 11.27 0.00 0 0.00 56,368 11.27 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 211 RUN DATE: 1/13/2025 10:04 AM RELEASES REPORT Harnett County ST05STRMFEE - DUNN STORMWATER FEE TAX YEAR RATE YEAR REAL VALUE RELEASED PERS VALUE RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED REAL TAX RELEASED PERS TAX RELEASED MV VALUE RELEASED MV TAXES RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED TOTAL TAXES RELEASED 2024 2024 0 0 0 580.44 0.00 0 0.00 0 580.44 DIST TOTAL 0 0 0 580.44 0.00 0 0.00 0 580.44 SW FFEEFEE - SOLID WASTE FEE TAX YEAR RATE YEAR REAL VALUE RELEASED PERS VALUE RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED REAL TAX RELEASED PERS TAX RELEASED MV VALUE RELEASED MV TAXES RELEASED TOTAL VALUE RELEASED TOTAL TAXES RELEASED 2023 2023 0 0 0 255.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 255.00 2024 2024 121,443 0 121,443 2,210.00 0.00 0 0.00 121,443 2,210.00 DIST TOTAL 121,443 0 121,443 2,465.00 0.00 0 0.00 121,443 2,465.00 GRAND TOTALS:1,930,370 6,447,318 8,377,688 9,214.67 32,464.18 0 0.00 8,377,688 41,678.85 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 212 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 213 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 214 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 215 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 216 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 217 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 218 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 219 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 220 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 221 JOINT RESOLUTION BY THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AND HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION REQUESTING A LOCAL STATUTORY ACT THAT WOULD REMOVE SCHOOL BUILDINGS AS VOTING PLACES WHEREAS, pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 163-128, the Harnett County Board of Elections (hereinafter referred to as the “Board of Elections”) retains the sole authority to establish, alter, discontinue, or create new election precincts or voting places as it may deem expedient; and WHEREAS, pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 163-129(a), the Board of Elections retains the sole authority to demand and use any school or other State, county, or municipal building, or a part thereof, or any other building, or a part thereof, which is supported or maintained, in whole or in part by or through tax revenues provided; and WHEREAS, the Board of Elections uses multiple Harnett County schools as voting places for early and election day voting.; and WHEREAS, the use of Harnett County schools as voting places for early and election day voting is disruptive to normal school operations and presents inherent health and safety risks for the students during school hours due to the access and presence of the general public on school grounds; and WHEREAS, pursuant to North Carolina State Board of Elections Numbered Memo 2022-12, the use of law enforcement officers at a voting place is potentially a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 594, thereby limiting the schools’ ability to provide adequate protection for its students; and WHEREAS, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners (hereinafter referred to as the Board of Commissioners”) and the Harnett County Board of Education (hereinafter referred to as the “Board of Education”) desire to remove Harnett County schools as voting places unless expressly consented to by the Board of Education; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners and Board of Education recommend that the Board of Elections use public or publicly funded buildings other than schools or to provide or procure by lease other suitable structures, or parts thereof, in which voting may be conducted in Harnett County. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Harnett County Board of Commissioners and the Harnett County Board of Education jointly request that a local act be adopted for the benefit of Harnett County whereby North Carolina General Statute § 163-129(a) be modified so that the Board of Elections shall not have the authority to demand and use a school, or any part thereof, as a voting place without the express consent of the school involved for the purpose of conducting registration and voting for any primary or election; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Joint Resolution be forwarded to those General Assembly Representatives who serve Harnett County. HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 222 Adopted this the 21st day of January 2025 by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS _________________________________________ Matthew Nicol, Chairman ATTEST: _______________________________ Melissa D. Capps, Clerk to the Board Adopted this the ___ day of January 2025 by the Harnett County Board of Education. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION _________________________________________ Joseph W. Powell, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: _______________________________ Tammy Johnson, Clerk to the Board HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 223 Item 11HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 224 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 225 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 226 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 227 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 228 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 229 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 230 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 231 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 232 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 233 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 234 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 235 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 236 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 237 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 238 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 239 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 240 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 241 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 242 HCBOC 012125 revised Pg. 243